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CAPT FOC ’14 Program Proposal Ver 5.1 Updated on 7/7/2014 Prepared by: Chelsea Tan and Vaishnavi Ganesh General Information

Beach Day Program Proposal Ver 5.1

Nov 19, 2015



Annabel Seah

beach day
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CAPT FOC 14 Program ProposalVer 5.1 Updated on 7/7/2014 Prepared by: Chelsea Tan and Vaishnavi GaneshGeneral Information

Program TitleDay 3 (Beach Day)

Department/ Sub-DeptCAPT FOC 2014 Programmes

ObjectiveStrengthen inter-OG/house/college bonds via physically intensive games, to pave way for a close-knit community during the school term.

Date/TimeActual Event: Thursday, 24 July 2014

VenueRiver Valley Primary School River Valley Primary SchoolCollege of Alice and Peter TanSentosa Palawan Beach

ManpowerOGLS, Freshmen, Counselors, Ocomm (15 people in total for station games, everyone for mass games)

PlanOGs will head to Palawan Beach after breakfast, with Ocomm reaching earlier to set up.

Beach Day will kick off with briefing and house cheers to earn power-ups. Safety guidelines briefing will be conducted eg out of bounds area, not to go beyond a certain depth of sea (maximum chest level of shortest person in OG).

Station Games will then proceed, with the OGs completing as many stations as they can in the 4 hours allocated. Cheers are recommended for more power-ups.

Lunch before Mass Games + doubles as set-up buffer time for Ocomm.

Mass Games will then begin should involve as many freshies as possible.

After Tug-of-War (finale), OGs are free to have house time/wash up/dinner/travel back to CAPT on their own free time. OGLs to report strength of freshies when they return to CAPT for tracking purposes.

Resources/LogisticsStation Games:Water bombs x A LOT!!!!Rubbish bag strips (for blindfolds) x 2 rubbish bags worth Raffia String x 10 rollsLong Pole x 4Playdoh x 3 boxesMarbles x 6Eraser x 8Paper ball x 8Beach sand set x 2Inflatable water bed x 2Tarp x 1Hula Hoop x 4Plastic balls x 1 netBeach ball x 1Bucket x 4Whistle x 1

Mass Games:Raffia String x 8 rollsWater Bombs x A LOT!!!Plastic Balls x 1 bagPlastic Cups x 1 packTug of War Rope x 15 pairs of gloves x 5 houses = 25Whistle x 1Hula Hoop x 5Bucket x 5Pole x 5Rubbish bag strips x 5 garbage bagsCardboard x 28 A6 cardsNon-Games Logistics:Folders x 8Ziplog bag x 15CardboardMaroon bandana x 21 (?)White bandana x 3 (?)Loudhailer x 1Black tape x 1

Program Outline


8am-10amTravelling to PalawanAlso doubles as buffer time for breakfast/dispatchingNo bus provided

10am-11pmTravelling + BriefingProvide time for house cheers to give power-ups to

11pm-2pmStation GamesOcomm to set up mass games

2pm-3pmLunchBuffer for Ocomm to set up mass games

3pm-6pmMass Games

6pm-7pmBuffer + Wash-up + DinnerOTOT for OGs after mass gamesOcomm to clean up

7pm-8pmDinner + Travelling


Travelling + OG TimeOGLs to report strength when they return to CAPT, for Ocomm to ensure that everyone is back

9pm-10pmOG Time

10pm-12mnHouse Time

Annex A

Main storyline of the day:The time has come, to battle it out with the other tribes in a game of Survivor. With little food, water, fire and shelter, and so many obstacles and challenges, can you make it as the winner? Winning means a cover page feature in the next issue of the very high-profile Vogue. Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. Lets go.

Station Games

1. One way or another Im gonna getcha

Teams:2Station Masters:1/2 (Wu Ai)Resources: Water bombsRubbish bag strips (for blindfolds)Raffia string (only to demarcate playing field)

StorylineOne way or another I'm gonna find ya, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getcha.When youre famous popstars, it is important to be able to fool the paparazzi and throw them off. This is so you can live a somewhat normal life without those pesky paparazzi following you around everywhere. Try to last as long as you can in the ring without getting hit by a paparazzi.

Before Play1. Set up a circular grid by drawing it on the sand. 2. All players from one team are made to stand on the outline of the circle whilst the other team is within this circle.3. People of the team in the circle are blindfolded and given water bombs - 5 per person.

Gameplay1. The goal of the game is to hit as many people in the circle with the water bombs. 2. If youre the team who is in the circle, then the goal is to dodge as many as possible. Once you are hit with a water bomb, you are out and must proceed to move out the circle. 3. Freshies inside the circle are to continue singing a pop song (to alert those outside the circle). Failure to do so (or singing too softly) will result in a punishment eg blindfolded freshies get to remove their blindfolds for 10 seconds.4. There are different levels for the OG inside the circle to accomplish eg hop on one leg, do 15 jumping jacks (up to station masters discretion).5. Freshies blindfolded are a given a chance in each level eg whole OG to do 5 pushups; completion of tasks result in outer-circle-freshies to freeze for 10sec.6. The team that survives with the most number of people once all the water bombs are finished emerges victorious. 7. The station masters will help determine when someone is hit by the waterbomb.

Point System30 points overall winner 20 points tie, to both teams10 points To losing team

NOTE: bigger playing field more water bombs to be provided (wu ai estimates at least 1200 for whole day) need to provide raffia string for this game

2. Protect my Thingamajigs

Teams: 2 Station Masters: 1/2 (Jasmine)Logistics:Raffia StringWater Bombs Tarp (for dividing + preventing opposing OG from knowing location of water bombs hidden by OG)

Storyline Inside information alerted you to plans of your rivals planning to steal your basic necessities, those sneaky people. You need to protect your things (especially food), pronto, but it seems like your rivals have already acted and wont make your rescue mission an easy one. Fortunately for you, you have a spy amidst you. Use the help of your spy and your own wits to unearth all your stolen Thingamajigs and show them whose boss.

Before Play1. Demarcate a rectangular boundary using raffia string2. Divide the rectangular boundary into two using raffia string + tarp3. Each freshie to be numbered within the OG freshies chosen to participate in each round will be decided a la dog-and-bone style. (Note: diagonal numbering.)4. All non-playing freshies will be outside the playing field ie rectangle boundary

Gameplay1. The OGs will be allocated one half-rectangle each2. OGs will be given 1.5 minutes each to bury 1 x (number of freshie in OG) water bombs in their territory. Tarp prevents them from observing the opposing OG.3. Each OG is allowed a spy to look at the opposing OG planting their water bombs.4. After 1.5 minutes, OGs will have to switch territory and unearth water bombs buried by the opposing OG, dog and bone style.5. Spy allowed to drop hints (eg warmer/colder) to aid OG. 6. Objective of the game is to throw the water bombs at the opposing OG. Player stays in the playing field once he/she is called out, but is considered out if hit by water bomb. 7. There will be as 2 rounds each round half an OG from both teams get to play.8. Each round lasts for 2min. Station masters welcome to call more numbers (ie freshies) into playing field if there is a stalemate.9. Freshies not playing can disturb the opposing team, by cheering/shouting/etc.

Point System (for each round)30 points winning OG 20 points tie (to both OGs)10 points losing OG

NOTE: smaller playing area (compared to precamp 2) tarp to be provided make sure playing area does not have trees nearby division to be vertical rather than horizontal (sand difference plays a huge role, apparently)

3. B**ch Quidditch

Teams:2Station Masters:2 (Brandon, Evelyn)Resources:Raffia StringHula hoops x 2Beach ball x 1Whistle x 1

StorylineYour rivals are at it again. Sigh (those little shits). Theyve taken away your beach ball of fame and are plan to take advantage of it to boost up the popularity scale. Are you going to let it slide by just like that? Of course you arent! Fight back for it! You better work.

Before Play1. Demarcate boundaries just a square/rectangular piece of sea will do2. Divide each house into pairs one person from each pair will be carrying the other on their shoulder3. Usher players into sea + start carrying their partners4. Allocate one captain to hold up the hula hoop

Gameplay1. Game to be conduct captains ball style, where the goal is to throw the beach ball into your teams hula hoop2. 2 rounds of 5 minutes each, max 4 pairs + 1 captain per round3. OG to shoot more goals win

Point System (for each round)30 points winning OG 20 points tie (to both OGs)10 points losing OG

NOTE:- provide raffia string as boundary (which the OGs councilors x 4 will help hold up)

4. Glitz and Glamour

Teams: 2Station Masters: 2 (Eugene + Kevin)Logistics:PlaydohMarblesEraserTiny paper balls LOGS: possible to make smaller paper balls? Plastic balls (originally for mass game 1)Short pole x 2

StorylineSometimes things get dirty and when they do, you need to be prepared to get down and dirty too. Fight fire with fire. Dig up as much dirt on your rivals as you can to show them whose boss. The faster you dig up the dirt and give it to the press, the lesser amount of scandal will be published about you too. Its a fight against both your rivals and the clock. Times a-ticking!

Before Gameplay1. Station Masters need to bury various items into the sand2. Station Masters to put some distance between themselves and the plot of buried things (so that freshies are forced to run, spin 10 times holding a pole, and roll into the sea)

Gameplay1. 1 freshie from each OG will have to dig for an item any item2. Upon unearthing an item, freshies have to place the item outside the playing field and spin 10 times on the spot holding a pole3. Freshie then has to roll down the sand into the sea4. Only when the preceding freshie has reached the sea can the next freshie proceed to go dig for their item 5. Fastest OG to have all playing freshies in the sea wins

Point System (only to be allocated if freshie completes spinning + rolling into sea)5 points plastic balls7 points paper balls10 points playdoh15 points eraserextra 10 points winning OG

NOTE:- how to make sure there isnt an unfair discrepancy in points due to the differing numbers of each OG? :/

5. Do you want to build a Sandman?

Teams: 2 / 3Station Masters: 1 (Zuhaili)Logistics: Beach sand set x 2Bucket x 2Raffia String

StorylineSometimes you just need to bury your issues. In this case, literally. But it would seem that the opposition has the same idea! Will you stand for this? Absolutely not! And what are you going to do? Fight back of course!

Before gameplay1. Station master to draw designated line from which freshies will run into the sea

Gameplay1. OGs will be given 2 minutes to collect water from the sea in methods up to OGs creativity (eg use clothes/hair/mouth)2. OGs will then choose a number, of which they get the tool corresponding to the number to aid them. (Station master can shuffle the numbers, at his own discretion)1: watering can2: shovel3: rake3. OGs will be given 3 min to bury a freshie of the choice from the OPPOSING team with the tool they received. Each team will be provided with raffia string and the water they have collected to make it harder for the person being buried to escape4. A further 2 min will be given to each team to decorate their buried members the most creative team will win extra points5. After 2min, all members not buried (ie buriers) must cease action and step back6. Cue will be given by the station master for the buried people to break free. Once free, freshies must remove the strings from their hands and /or legs.7. 2 freshies from each OG will then rush forward to the playing area and stand at a designated line. These 2 freshies will fireman lift the buried freshie, of which all 3 freshies will run into the sea8. The fastest OG to reach the sea wins

Point System30 points Winning OG10 points Losing OG20 points Most creative decoration

NOTE: - regarding tying of hands and legs: no dead knots, only ribbon knots, cannot tie hands behind the back

6. Beach Bomb

Teams: 2Station Masters: 2 (Cabrini + Mackie)Logistics:Water bombs Hula hoop x 2

StorylineYour rivals are about to drop a (literal) bomb on you by outshining you in a friendly game of beach volleyball, they stand higher chances of staying in the show in the eyes of the audience. Obviously you cant let them win. You take up their challenge.

Before Gameplay1. Boundary to be drawn into the sand a square with a horizontal line drawn across dividing it into two rectangles2. Select 1 freshie per OG to be the tower tower will be holding a hula hoop at torso level as a goal3. Form 2 pairs of freshies per OG for catchers every pair to share one t-shirt4. The remaining freshies will be attackers who will also be paired

Gameplay1. The main aim of the game is to throw the water bombs through the hula hoop the tower is holding, at torso level tower is not allowed to raise the hula hoop above his shoulders, nor in front of his body to prevent unfairness and ensure safety2. 2 pairs of catchers will be located in front of the tower to prevent the attackers from scoring through the hula hoop. Each pair will share a t-shirt and use that to try and catch the water bombs3. The attacker pairs must link arms and throw the water bombs in order to score. Each attacker is only allowed to carry up to 2 water bombs at any point of time4. Round 1 follows the format below. In rounds 2 and 3, freshies (except towers) are allowed to roam free.

Point System (for each round)30 points winning OG 20 points tie (to both OGs)10 points losing OG

7. Rip. Rave. Repeat.

Teams: 2Station Masters: 2 (Johanan, Bing Yang)Logistics: Water Bombs Raffia stringBucket x 2 (to be filled with water)

StorylineSABOTAGE! Right under your very noses! Theres no time to dwell on how it slipped your attention. You must now focus on catching them and stopping them from doing any more harm to your public image. Every time you are hit with a bomb your public image slips even lower. Trust me, you dont want to become like Amanda Bynes.

Before gameplay:1. Each OG to be divided into 2 roles attacker and defender2. Each attacker to be given 2 empty water bombs to tuck into their pants3. Divide playing field into two with raffia string4. Place one bucket each at opposing ends of the playing field

Gameplay1. The main aim of the attackers is to run to the opposing side of the playing field, fill the water bomb(s) tucked into their pants and throw it at the defenders2. Defenders hit will be out of the game3. If both of the attackers water bombs are snatched, they have to return to their respective starting points, tuck 2 more water bombs into their pants and try again4. The main aim of the defenders is to stop the attackers from reaching the other side by grabbing the attackers water bombs + avoid getting hit by water bombs to prevent elimination5. Defenders are not allowed to cross the dividing line of the playing field into the opposing OGs half.6. 5 defenders + 7 attackers to be allowed in playing field at any time. Defenders eliminated to be replaced by freshies not playing. An OG wins when the opposing OG has ran out of playing defenders.

Point System (for each round)30 points winning OG 20 points tie (to both OGs)10 points losing OG

NOTE:- station masters to take note to prevent attackers from camping in the safe/filling zone

8. Water Float Fencing

Teams: 2Station Masters: 2 (Michelle + Yi Xiang)Logistics: Inflatable water bed x 2

StorylineLaugh in the face of adversity. Because when youre popstars, theres no saying what kind of situations you will be stuck in. The only way out of a sticky situation is to plaster a smile on your face and stay headstrong. And try not to make a too much of a fool of yourself, yeah?

Before Gameplay1. Demarcate a small area of sea as playing field preferable shallow, as not all freshies can swim2. Station master to take note of safety at all times

Gameplay1. Members within OG to number themselves starting from 12. Round 1: Random Number called out (eg 4) to climb onto inflatable one water bed each, and attempt to push each other into the sea3. Round ends when one freshie from one OG is successfully pushed into the sea4. Round 1 1 freshie on each water bedRound 2 2 freshies on each water bedRound 3 interesting poses eg paint me like a French girl pose, sitting cross-legged etc (up to station masters discretion)5. OGs are only allowed to stabilize and launch the floats. Upon launch non-playing members are not allowed to hold the floats anymore.

Point System (for each round)30 points winning OG 20 points tie (to both OGs)10 points losing OG

NOTE: SAFETY: more manpower to ensure water beds do not float into too deep/shallow water (safety officer will be stationed in the sea) SAFETY: freshies are not allowed to grab each others legs to drag each other off the water bed station masters to take note


1One way or another Im gonna getcha

2Protect my thingamajigs

3Youre such a pushover

4Glitz and Glamour

5Do you want to build a Sandman?

6Beach bomb

7Rip. Rave. Repeat

8Water float fencing

Rotation MatrixRound #12345




































1One way or another Im gonna getcha

2Protect my thingamajigs

3Youre such a pushover

4Glitz and Glamour

5Bury those Hatchets (Not)

6Beach bomb

7Rip. Rave. Repeat

8Water float fencing

Mass Games

1: Pirates of the Palawan

StorylineUpdate from Captain Ching Siang: Your rival popstars are at it again. They seem to have collected dirt on you and are hell bent on selling it to the paparazzi. So what do you do? You fight fire with fire.

Teams: 5Logistics:Beach balls (medium sized)Balloons filled with waterHula hoop x 5 (for dropoff point)

Before Gameplay: Green House HQRed House HQBlack House HQBlue House HQYellow House HQYellow House dropoffBlack House dropoffBlue House dropoffGreen House dropoffRed House dropoff

Houses given balloons to blow and fill with water Freshies to be paired


The motive of the game is to take the beach balls/balloons filled with water from their respective house HQs to the house drop-offs. People have to form a pair - within the pair they are to support the beach ball, using only their backs, no hands allowed. They have to then transport the ball from the HQ to the dropoff. The interceptors job is to intercept the group of people who are transporting the beach balls. What they have to do is try to detach the ball from the circle of people using only their hands. If the ball droops then the interceptor is allowed procession of the ball. Interceptors CANNOT steal from dropoff points. Interceptors can intercept interceptors touch rugby style

Rules: No running or bursting a balloon on purpose - Yellow card Manhandling and roughhousing Red card If balloon/ball flies out of boundary, then must send back to HQ and restart. Max 2 pirates attacking a ship. When stealing from a pirate, touching the ball/balloon is enough. So the pirate must drop the balloon he his holding and any other pirate else can steal it. But no revenge. If more than 2 pirates surround an free ball/balloon, must settle by scissor-paper-stone. Winner gets it. Best of one. Pirates cannot steal from drop off point and cannot deposit at dropoff either. Ships cannot separate at all times. Round 1: Same as precamp. Round 2: Pirates have one of their hands tied to another pirate. (Like three-legged race but with hands). so safer than using legs. Use garbage bag strips as binds.

Time Limit: 15 minutes x 2 rounds

Point SystemEach beach ball in dropoff at end of game 10 pointsEach water balloon in dropoff at end of game 15 pointsWinning house extra 20 points

2: Tug-Of-War

Teams: 5Resources:Really Strong Rope5 pairs of gloves x 5 houses = 25Whistle (for judge, to signal when a house wins)

Before Playing1. All players to be given gloves before their round2. Rope to be tied 5-way (ie pentagon) and really tight and strong (must not give way)3. Middle of the rope to be a giant knot4. Draw a circle in the sand

ObjectiveTo win, the respective houses must pull the rope so that the knot moves out of the circle in their direction.

Round 1All guys only freshies

Round 2All girls only freshies

Round 3Mixed girls/guys/counsellors/ogls allowed too BUT ocomm not allowed to play

Point SystemEvery round won 50 points

Rules:1. One from each OG for round 1 and 22. Round 3: atleast one househead, at least one girl3. Cannot repeat players for MAX involvement. 4. Safety briefing before tug of wara. Ask spectators to stand clear of the ropesb. Make sure all players have glovesc. Ask players to beware of rope burns do not bring in contact with skin. d. No footwear

Annex BMedical /Safety PlansRisk Assessment MatrixStation GamesNoEventRisk LevelRemarks

1One day Im gonna getchaMild Blindfold must be cautiousAttacking with water bombs Must not hit with too much force.

2Protect my thingamajigsLow

3Youre such a pushoverMildGameplay in shallow area in case freshie cannot swim + station master to watch out for safety at all times

4Glitz and GlamourLow

5Do you want to build a Sandman?Low

6Beach bombLow

7Rise. Rave. RepeatLow

8Water float fencingMildGameplay in shallow area in case freshie cannot swim + station master to watch out for safety at all times

Mass GamesNoEventRisk LevelRemarks

1Pirates of the PalawanMildMight get violent Ocomm to be on watch out at all times. Whistle to be blown+ violent freshie to be pulled out if safety guidelines are breached. Yellow and red cards to be provided to OComm to give to anyone breaching rules.

2Tug of WarMildOcomm to be on watch out at ll times + cloth gloves to be provided to all players.

Wet Weather PlansWet weather plans LogsStation 1: I forgot the lyricsCards with the taboo words. (need to make them)

Station 2: Edward No-handsPlastic balls

Station 3: My name is (Tom) RiddleHave to make the clues. Bell? (to press to see who will answer first.)

Station 4: The Cup songCups. Tables?

Station 5: TransporterStraws, marbles, Corn cornels, Hula hoop

Station 6: Pin the duckface on the popstarPicture of popstar and duckface with a pin/sticky side

Station 7: Im a celebrity... get me out of hereRaffia string, staircase, bells (optional)

Station 8: Musical CharadesiPod with songs, earphones.

Station 3: I live for the applause, applause

Whizz Challenge 1.5 hourGo around the area and take 15 pictures with things that begin with letters from their house and OG names each

Items taken cannot be repeated.However, every photo must feature at least 1 person i. doing a handstand ii. being carried bridal style iii. being piggybacked iv. not in the OG (ie ocomm/members of other houses) v. standing on one leg vi. being kissed on the cheek vii. midaireach (ie every photo must have all of the above)Bonus points: - they complete more than 15 pictures - everyone in the photo has only 1 or no body part touching the ground, yet still fulfilling the requirements stated above[Or ask them to tell a story through pictures?]

Clue hunt 2 - 3 hours (can be changed)Takes the participants around Sentosa on a clue hunt. They have to figure out the clues, which could be in the form of riddles, puzzles, etc. If it rains, they can travel under the shade and the Sentosa shuttle service is available too. Station 1: I forgot the lyricsGameplay: Sing while playing tabooLocation: wooden floorboards area outside Food Republic, near infinity poolHint: to (fake) infinity (pool) and beyondTime limit: 3minOGs: 2Station masters: 1/2Play 2 roundsWord suggestions: Bimbo, Fishcake, Romper, Gucci, Blue Jasmine, Autobots, Elvis PresleyStation master: Wu Ai + Counselors

Station 2: Edward No-handsGameplay: Transport the ball between two freshies without using your hands, only arms. To link hands and form a bridge of sorts.Location: Wooden floorboards outside Food RepublicHint: I can see the sky, smell the wet wood but I miss the sunOGs: 2Station masters: 1/2Round 1: Back to backRound 2: Chest to faceRound 3: Forehead to legFastest OG winsStation master: Jasmin + Counselors

Station 3: My name is (Tom) RiddleGameplay: Gameshow style fastest OG to shout wingardium leviosa and wave a fake wand gets to answer the roundLocation: CarparkHint: the wheels on my Ferrari go round and round10 categories, 1 question eachStation master: Brandon + Evelyn1. Harry Potteri. Professor Dumbledores full name: - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - Albus Wulfric Dumbledore Brian Percival- Wulfric Brian Percival Albus Dumbledore

ii. What creature did Hagrid makes friend with in his childhood and now resides in the Forbidden Forest: - Aragog - Buckbeak- Fluffy

2. SG historyi. Singapore was incorporated with Malacca and Penang to form which territory:- The Straits Settlements - Singapura- Temasekii. In 1851, Singapore was under the control of the Governer-General of which country: - Britain- China- India

3. FIFA World cupi. What is the name of the Brazil 2014 FIFA match ball?- Activa- Brazuca- Numerii. What group is Germany in?- A- C- G

4. Sciencei. What is the brightest star in Earths night sky?- Sirius- Betelgeuse- Orionii. State the formula for 1,2 dichloropentane. - C5H10Cl2- C5H12Cl2- C4H9Cl

5. About CAPTi. Who is the Residential Fellow for Roc?- Dr. Tan Lai Yong- Prof Siok Kuan Tambyah - Prof Aaron Chiaii. What is CAPTs first musical called?- Beauty World - Grease- Cats

6. About NUSi. What is the name of NUS Science Canteen?- Technoedge- The Deck- The Frontier ii. How old is NUSSU?- 50 years old- 65 years old - 73 years old

7. Capitals of the worldi. Czech republic- Sofia- Bern- Pragueii. Syria - Damascus - Baghdad- Juba

8. Pop culturei. How many Grammy awards does Katy Perry have?- 11- 2- 0ii. Which of these is not a Marvel character?- Flash- Human Torch- Maria Hill

9. Im a 90s kidi. What was not the name of a Spice Girl?- Baby Spice- Ginger Spice- Cutieii. Which Disney Movie did not debut in the 1990s?- Tarzan- The Little Mermaid - Beauty and the Beast

10. Absolutely randomi. What is 52 + 29 - 83 + 47 - 76 / 2- 74 - 83 - 96ii. On what date and year did construction start for the Tokyo Skytree?- 14 July 2008 - 12 September 1994- 7 May 2002

OG that answers the most correctly wins. If OG fails to answer correctly for each round, answering chance goes to the other OG.NOTE: NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW THEY ARE GOING TO OBTAIN THE HINTS.

Station 4: The Cup songGameplay: The OGs will be given 10 minutes to learn the cup song. If one person from the OG already knows then she/he can teach the rest, if not learn from youtube. They then have to present it to the station master. Extra points for more creative renditions of the song (eg: switching cups midway, changing tempo, making it more soulful etc.). During the song, if even one person slips up, they have to start all over. Location: Seah In food centreHint: See ah, In the food court got good food or not?Winner: 30 pointsLoser: 10 (The OG that is not able to perform the song.)Bonus: 20 pointsStation master: Eugene + Kevin

Station 5: Transporter Gameplay: Use straws to transfer marbles (anything smaller like popcorn seed things?) from one cup to the other. Once 5 marbles have been transferred, they need to hula hoop 5 times successfully while singing a song of their house popstar (at least one verse). Once this is done the second freshie does the same all over again until all members of the OG have played. First OG to finish ones. Winner: 30 pointsLoser: 10 pointsLocation: area outside main Vivo entrance, near fountains but hidden in the alcove.Hint: Just out of reach of prying eyes I stay. Just a little out of the way. Look for me near the fountain bay. Under a roof I lay.Station master: Zuhaili + Counselor

Station 6: Pin the duck-face on the popstarGameplay: OG picks one person to be blindfolded and he/she has to pin the duckface on the popstar. Except the twist is that each remaining member of the OG is allowed to give only one specific instruction to the blindfolded person and that instruction has to be sung. Extra points if lyrics from an actual song is used. First OG to pin the duckface on the popstar wins. Winner: 30 pointsLoser: 10 pointsExtra 5 points for every time actual lyrics are used as instructions. (eg: Location 7: near station 6 but near the cab stand. Under Habour Front mrt sign.Hint: I'm pinned up under an mrt stand. Catch me of you can.Station master: Cabrini + Mackie

Station 7: Im a celebrity... get me out of here!Gameplay: Find staircase and attach raffia string in a random manner. The freshies have to clear the obstacle without touching any of the strings. Can attach bells to the string so we know when it has been hit/touched. (same as a station game during last years FOC).Winner: 30 pointsLoser: 10 pointsLocation 8: staircase that is rarely used?Hint: stairway to hell/heavenStation master: Joey + Bing Yang

Station 8: Musical CharadesGameplay: Pretty self explanatory. But to incorporate two OGs, we will have people from one OG come up one at a time and act out to opposing team. Every time the OG guesses, they both get points. So a team effort of both the OGs. Points: 10 points to both OGs for ever song guessed. Location. 9: near the big tangs sign. Near begawan solo. After the bend.Hint: I stand between Vivo and Harbour front mall. Around the bend you'll find me, sing away to glory.Station master: Michelle + Yi Xiang

Station ?: I live for the applause, applauseGameplay: Film a scene of OGs own rendition of sleeping beauty the more interesting the more popz pointsLocation: Anywhere, OTOT need to hunt Vaish/Chelsea down during the duration of beach day and show one of us the videoVideo limit of 30secHint: To be told outright at the start of the gameStation masters: (None)

Nearest Hospital / Clinic: Singapore General Hospital (SGH) (10 Min of travelling time by car)