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The Strategic Role of Content, Social & SEO in Integrated Marke:ng Image: Shu>erstock Be the Best Answer @LeeOdden TopRank Marke0ng

Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

Jan 09, 2017



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Page 1: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

The  Strategic  Role  of  Content,  Social  &  SEO  in  Integrated  Marke:ng  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Be the Best Answer

         @LeeOdden      TopRank  Marke0ng  

Page 2: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Customers  Can  Find  Informa:on  Anywhere  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

50 BILLION 2020 Internet  Connected  Devices  

Source:  Ericsson  

Page 3: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Content:  The  More  the  Be>er!  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 4: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Maybe  Not:  Can  You  Say  “Overload”?  

Image:  Shu>erstock  


Data  Uploaded  Every  Second  Source:  Internet  in  Real  Time  

Page 5: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

“Content Marketing is the planning, creation, promotion and measurement of content for a specific audience to influence a business outcome.”

Content  Marke:ng  Defined:  


Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 6: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Content  Marke:ng  Maturity  

Stasis Focus:  status  quo  Sta:c  Few  resources  Ini:al  experiments  Brand  centric  

Production Focus:  quan:ty  Strategy  Process  Crea:on  “More  is  Be>er”  SEO  centric  

Utility Focus:  quality  Func:onal,  useful  Customer  focused  Refined  process  Social  centric  

Storytelling Focus:  experience  Seek  to  dominate  USP  Brand  leadership  Op:mized  buy  cycle  Integra:on  Mul:  &  Omni  Channel  

Monetization Focus:  ecosystem    Marke:ng  ROI  Content  Publishing  ROI  Syndica:on  ROI  Services  ROI  Scale  

Source:  TopRank  Online  Marke:ng  

Page 7: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Content  Marke:ng  Tac:cs  •  Ar0cle  Marke0ng    •  Advertorial    •  Blogging    •  Case  Studies  •  Crowdsource    •  Curate    •  Digital  Newsle@ers  •  eBooks    •  Email    •  Interac0ve  Games  •  Images  &  Infographics  •  Interac0ve  Tools  •  Microsites  •  Mobile  Applica0ons    •  Mobile  Content    

•  News  Release  •  Online  Magazines  &  Apps  •  Podcasts  •  Print  Magazines    •  Print  Newsle@ers    •  Real-­‐World  Events    •  Research  &  Surveys    •  Social  Content    •  Teleclass  &  Telecasts    •  Tradi0onal  Media    •  Videos    •  Virtual  Conferences    •  Webinars    •  Wikis    •  White  Papers    

Image  Source:  Shu>erstock  


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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

BUT…  Are  They  Integrated?  

Image  Source:  Shu>erstock  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Are  They  Op:mized?  

Image  Source:  Shu>erstock  

Page 10: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Customer  Goals    +  Business  Value  =  Content  Marke0ng  Strategy

Meet  Customer  Needs    =  Achieve  Business  Outcomes  

Image  Source:  Shu>erstock  

Alignment  is  Powerful  

Page 11: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

CMOs  predict  that  digital  will  account  for  

more  than  75%  of  their  marke:ng  budget  over  the  next  five  years.    

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Source:  Accenture  Interac:ve  –  CMO’s  Time  for  Digital  Transforma:on  

79%  do  not  believe  their  company  will  be  ready.   Image:  Shu>erstock  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Digital  Marke:ng  Tac:cs  Overload  

Image:  SP  Ecommerce  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Chasing  Tac:cs  Is  Not  A  Strategy  

Page 14: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Do  We  Need  to  Op:mize  for  This?  

Photo  source:  glass-­‐  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Feeling  Lucky?  

Photo  source:  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Definitely  Don’t  Op:mize  Like  This  


Page 17: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

There  Must  Be  A  Be>er  Way  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Customer  &  Data  Centric  FTW!  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Companies  using  mul:-­‐channel  customer  insights  average  increase  in  cross-­‐sell  and  upsell  revenue  YoY  and                                                more  referral  revenue.  


430%  Source:  Aberdeen  CMOEssen:als  

Page 19: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

A  mul:channel  customer  is  worth    2X  as  much  as  a  customer  that  shops  

in  one  channel.  Econsultancy  Digital  Transforma:on  Roundtable  5/2014  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

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@leeodden  #ContentAnswer  

Self-­‐Directed  Customers  Seek  


Image:  think  with  Google  

Page 21: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Modern  Customer  Journey  

PR Radio TV Print

Word of Mouth



Store FAQ

Knowledge Base Promotions


Social Networks

Blog Website

Community Forum

Online Ads


PPC Social Ads




awareness consideration purchase retention advocacy interest

Create  Top  of  Mind  


Engagement  with  the  Brand    

Inclusion  in  more  

prospect  dialogues  

Increase  in  inquiries  /  

sales  mee:ngs  

Page 22: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Understand:  How  Buyers  Discover,  Consume  and  Act  on  Informa:on  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 23: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Think:  What  Ques:ons  Do  Your  Customers  Need  Answered  In  

What  Channels  In  Order  to  Buy?    

awareness interest consideration purchase advocacy

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 24: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Op:mize  for  Customer  Experience  

Photos:  Shu>erstock  


Consume $$$


Page 25: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Become  “The  Best  Answer”  in  Every  Channel  Your  Customers  Are  Present  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 26: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Content  Marke:ng  Delivers  Answers  

Case  Studies:  C2C  B2B  Killer  Content  Awards  via  

Optum  –  Integrated  program  of  advertorials,  display  ads,  email,  direct  mail  and  a  campaign  website.      

Results:  •  23.5%  lead  to  conversion  rate  •  475%  increase  in  website  traffic  •  2,500+  resource  downloads  •  $52  million  in  contract  value  of  new  business    

Xerox  partnered,  with  Forbes  to  create  a  digital  magazine  offering  business  :ps.      Results:  70%  of  target  companies  interacted  Added  20,000  new  contacts  1,000+  scheduled  appointments  $1.3  Billion  in  pipeline  revenue  

Page 27: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

@TopRank  Digital  Marke0ng  Poll  

Page 28: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Data  Informed  Storytelling  

“Crea:ng  an  integrated  customer  experience  where  we  leverage  data  and  metrics  to  inform  compelling  storytelling  that  resonates  with  the  individual.”  

Michelle  Killebrew  @shellkillebrew  Program  Director,  Digital  Marke:ng  Transforma:on  IBM  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 29: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Integrated  Digital  Experience  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

“Our  top  digital  marke:ng  

priority  is  to  create  a  unified,  integrated  digital  experience  across  all  facets  of  including  a  fric:onless  digital  commerce  experience  that  is  highly  personalized.”  

Todd  Forsythe  @toddforsythe  SVP,  Brand  &  Experience  Marke:ng  EMC  

Page 30: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Useful,  Agile  Content  

“Create  and  enhance  personalized  experience  and  relevance  for  customers.    

Make  cross-­‐pladorm  content  that  is  useful,  sustainable,  and  agile  across  mul:ple  devices  and  tools.”  

Leslie  Poston  @leslie  Social  Media  Editor  McKinsey  &  Company  

Poll  conducted  by  Lee  Odden  

Page 31: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Data  +  Storytelling    Integrated/  Experiences  Useful  &  Agile  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 32: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Image:  Shu>erstock  

If  you  want  your  digital  marke:ng  to  be  great,  op:mize,  socialize  and  

integrate!  @leeodden  

Page 33: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

What  is  Your  Story?  Your  USP?  

Your Brand Story / USP






Social Networks

Content Marketing Industry Media & News

Advertising Create Signals of Credibility Wherever Your Customers Are


Image:  Shu>erstock  

Page 34: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  


Content  Marke:ng  Case  Study  

Page 35: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  


Blog  Social  Networks  Direct  social  messages  Email    Search    

PDF  eBooks  Slideshare  Infographics  Long  form  interviews  Microcontent    

Share,  Like  Download  –  Contact  info  CMWorld  Info  &  Register  Curata  Fulfillment  TopRank  Info  

A@ract   Engage   Convert  

Page 36: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Brand  Influencer  Involvement  

Page 37: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

@leeodden  #ContentAnswer  

Integrated  Content  Assets  

TopRank Online Marketing

Page 38: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

@leeodden  #ContentAnswer  

Interview  Blog  Posts  &  Social  Graphics  

TopRank Online Marketing

Page 39: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Tap  Into  Social  Media  Demand  

Content  Marke:ng    Rocks  

Content  Marke:ng    eBook  

Content  Marke:ng    Tips  

Content  Marke:ng    World  

Content  Marke:ng    Experts  

Content  Marke:ng    Influencers  

Content  Marke:ng    Conference  

Content  Marketers  

Content  Marke:ng  Influencers  

“Content  Marke0ng”  

Page 40: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

SEO  Benefits    

Content  Marke:ng  Rocks  

Content  Marke:ng  eBook  

Content  Marke:ng  Tips  

Content  Marke:ng  World  

Content  Marke:ng  Experts  

Content  Marke:ng  Influencers  

Content  Marke:ng  Conference  

Content  Marketers  

Content  Marke:ng  Influencers  

“Content    Marke0ng”  

Page 41: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

KPIs  and  Outcomes  200,000+  Views  eBooks  

4,000+  Downloads  eBooks  

15,000+  Social  Shares  

1,000+  Leads  ”More  Info”    

Page 42: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Integrated  Digital  Marke:ng  

Content   Social  Networks  

SEO   PPC  &  Social  Ads  

Email   Influencer  Marke:ng  

Online  PR   Analy:cs  CRO  


Implementa0on  Performance  Op0miza0on  

Program  Management  

Integrated  @TopRank

Page 43: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Content Plan Audits Content & SEO Implementation Social Media Performance

Customer Segments / Personas

Map Topics & Keywords to Buy Cycle

Influencer Research & Mapping

Optimized Content Plan (New): Site, Blog, Social Profiles & Networks

Off Site Content: Guest Blog Posts, Byline Articles, Content Objects (eBooks, Infographics, Video, Reports, Guides)

Content Amplification

Social Profile Alignment: Messaging, Keywords

Influencer Engagement

Optimize Social Connections: Google+, Authorship, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr

Blog Optimization: Search, Social Shares

Social Network Engagement

Social Amplification

SEO KPI Measurement: Ranking, Referred Organic Traffic Keywords, Links, Share of Search Results

Social KPI Measurement: Brand + Keyword Mentions, Social Referred Traffic, Engagement, Social Citations, Sentiment, Share of Conversation

Content KPI Measurement: Page Views of Target Content, Actions from Target Content, Shares, Engagement, Links

Keyword Audit, Difficulty & Glossary

Content & Digital Assets Audit

Tech SEO Audit

External Link Audit

Social Media Audit

Competitive Audit

Internal/External Influencer Advocates

Keyword Mapping to Content

Content Creation, Co-Creation, Curation, Repurposing

Content Optimization

WMT Crawl, Page Speed, Structured Data, HTML/Code, URLs, Internal Links

External Link building: Acquisition, Reclamation, Disavowal

Digital Asset Optimization: Image, Video, Audio, MS Office Docs, PDFs

@TopRank Online Marketing

Optimized, Socialized Content Workflow

Page 44: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

@leeodden  #ContentAnswer  

Measure  &  Op0mize  

Inbound  /  Outbound  

Social  Networking  

Content  Op0miza0on  

Crea0on  &  Cura0on  

Content  Plan  

Keyword  &  Topic  Research  

Audience  &  Personas  

Integrated  Marke:ng  Framework  Op:mized  &  Integrated  Approach    

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  


Social  SEO  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Topical  Focus  

Author  Rel  


Social  Topics  

Customer  Needs  Brand    


Targeted  Topics  Category  

Keywords  Keywords  Keywords  

Category  Keywords  Keywords  Keywords  Keywords  



Tech  SEO  Audit  

Analy:cs   Monitoring   Conversions  

Integrate:  Content,  SEO  &  Social    

Page 47: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Download  XLS  at:  

Search  Keywords  –  Social  Topics  

Download  XLS  at:    h>p://  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Download  XLS  at:    h>p://  

Editorial  Plan:  Op:mized  

Page 49: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Digital  Marke:ng  Accountability  

Attract Engage


Convert Reach  Search  Visibility  Social  Network  Visibility  Views  &  Impressions  Traffic  by  Source  Traffic  by  Segment  Content  Distribu:on  Media  &  Blog  Placements  Brand  +  Affinity  Brand  Sen:ment  

Content  Consump0on  Page  Views  Click  Through  Rate  Social  Network  Size  Social  Interac:ons  Content  Interac:ons  Comments,  Shares  Time  on  Site,  Content  Paths  Through  Site    

Form  Data  Captured  Newsle>er  Subscrip:ons  Demo  &  Trial  Requests  Contact  Us  Orders  -­‐  Order  Volume  -­‐  Order  Frequency  -­‐  Length  of  Sales  Cycle  -­‐  Revenue  Per  Order  

awareness consideration purchase retention advocacy

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Feed  Me  

Image  source:  

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Page 52: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

@leeodden  #ContentAnswer  

Your  Digital  Marke:ng  Challenge  

1.  People:    Customer  Insights  Internal  Capabili:es  Outside  Resources  

2.  Process:  Supports  Integra:on,  Collabora:on,  Measurement  

3.  Technology:  MarTech  that  Scales  and  Integrates  Channels/Tac:cs    

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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

We  Can  Do  This!  


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#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  


Customer  Centric:  From  customer  journey  to  op:mizing  for  experiences,  customers  FTW.    




Integrate  &  Op0mize:  Be  the  best  answer  across  channels,  devices  and  media.  

A@ract  Engage  Convert:  Keep  mul:-­‐channel  marke:ng  content  accountable  at  all  stages.  

Page 55: Be the Best Answer - Crescendo Webinar by Lee Odden

#ContentAnswer   @leeodden  

Thank  You!  Lee  Odden    CEO,  TopRank  Marke:ng   Check  Out  the  All  New  

Content  Marke+ng  Horror  Stories!  h@p://