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Batxillerat Connectors

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 Batxillerat Connectors


    1.- Introduction and addition

    Used when you want to introduce an idea or add somethingto a previous argument.

    Besides, in addition to a ms

    I don't think I'll come on Friday. I have a lot to do. Besides I don'treally like parties

    In addition to all those arguments, I would like to say that I don'treally trust in people who only think of money.

    At least al menys, com a mnim

    At least ten people died in roadaccidents last weekend

    Above all sobre tot After all desprs de tot Anyway, in any case de tota manera, en qualsevol cas Apart from that a part d'aix At first sight a primera vista, a primer cop d'ull Basically bsicamen t Especially especialment Essentially, in particular essencialment, en particular Finally, lastly finalment, en darrer lloc Generally, in general,on the whole en general In conclusion en conclusi In the first place, firstly, first of all en primer lloc, primer de tot In this case en aquest cas Last but not least per ltim, per no per aix menys important More or less, aproximately ms o menys, aproximadament

    Obviously evidentment Secondly, in the second place en segon lloc To begin with, to start with per comenar To sum up per resumir

    2.- Concession

    Used when you want to admit (concede) something that goesagainst another point.

    Of course, certainly


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    Although/though encara que, tot i que, malgrat

    Although the sun was shining it wasn'tvery warm.

    We lost the game, though everyone playedwell

    In spite of/despite + noun, pronoun, gerund malgrat

    despite without "of"

    She didn't get the job in spite of her qualificationsI can't agree with you despite all your


    : While mentre

    While Peter is good at Science, his brother isabsolutely hopeless

    On the one hand.... on the other hand Per una banda.... per una altra

    On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other they don't wantto lose their freedom


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    In contrast to en contrast, a diferencia de

    In contrast to all these arguments, most of scientists don't agreewith State regulations.


    We thought the problems were correct. However , we have now discoveredsomer errors


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    7.- Example or illustration Used when the information that follows is a detail or examplethat supports the previous idea.

    For instance/for example

    What would you do, for instance , if you were the PrimeMinister of your country?

    In fact de fet, actually, really, As a matter of fact, The fact is

    de fet, realment

    The truth is that la veritat s que...

    The truth is that you can find very few people who are againstthe family as institution

    Theoretically en teoria

    Theoretically light would infinitely bounce in a room made of perfect mirrors.

    In practice a la prctica

    Prisoners have legal rights but in practice theserights are not always respected

    Obviously, of course evidentment, per descomptat

    Obviously cloning could be of greatbenefit to seriously ill people

    Not only.., but also... no solament.... sin tamb


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    The countryside varies greatly, not only from placeto place but from season to season.

    As far, in relation to. As far as......... is concerned en relacia , pel que fa a

    As far as my opinion is concerned , I wouldlike to say...

    I mean vull dir, em refereixo qu e

    I mean technology is definitely a good part of our lives

    In other words, that is (to say) s a dir

    In other words jogging is becoming a extremely popular way toexercise for all kind of people


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    8.- PurposeTo + infinitivewhen the subject of the two verbs is the same


    She arrived early to get agood seat

    They went into the forest topick mushrooms

    So that , in order that + will/would or can/could or may/might+ verb

    per que, per tal que

    She took my shoes so that Icouldn't leave the house

    These men risk their lives inorder that we may live safely


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    9.- ResultUsed to point out a cause and effect relationship with theprevious thought.

    So, therefore per tant

    I wasn't feeling well so I went to see the doctorThere is still much to discuss. Therefore we will come

    back to this topic next week

    As result

    Some of my relatives died asa result of the war

    So + noun/adjective/adverb + that + clause

    Humans will have so many artificial parts that we won't beable to distinguish them from cyborgs

    The song was so beautiful that we had to buy the record

    Thus aix, per aquesta ra

    Americans always want to fight for oil, and thus they sentsoldiers to the Persian Gulf to fight Iraq

    Consequently conseqentment, enconseqncia

    Anyway, in any casede tota manera, en qualsevol cas

    For this reason per aquesta ra That's why s per aix que Thus aix

    10.- Summary

    Used to conclude or condense a thought.

    In conclusion/to conclude


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    In conclusion, I would like to say that I am in favour of death penalty in some cases, such as...

    All in all en resum, en conclusi Finally finalment, en darrer lloc

    In brief, in short, in simplerterms,simply put

    en poques paraules/en resum, en paraulesms senzilles

    In conclusion en conclusi in particular en particular in summary, to summarize en resum. per resumir on the whole en conjunt In other words, to put it differently en unes altres paraules, per dir-ho diferent


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  • 7/31/2019 Batxillerat Connectors


    English Catalan Catalan English


    actual real actual present, current

    actually en realitat actualment at present, nowadays,currently

    advice consell avs warning, notice

    advise (to) aconsellar avisar to warn

    advertise anunciar advertir to warn

    agenda ordre del dia agenda diary

    alternatively d'altra banda alternativament alternately

    announcement avs parlat anunci advertisement/ad/ advert

    anxious nervis ansis, desitjs eager, willing

    arena estadi arena sand

    argument discussi argument plot, storyline

    assist ajudar assistir a attend

    attempt intent atemptat terrorist attack

    to attend assistir atendre to pay attention/take careof

    avocado alvocat advocat lawyer


    brave valent brau fierce, rough


    card tarja, carta de baralla carta letter

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    English Catalan Catalan English

    career carrera professional carreradegree (academic), race(sports)

    carpet catifa carpeta file

    casual informal casual accidental, chance

    collar coll (camisa) collaret necklace

    college universitat/facultat collegi primary school

    commodity mercaderia, article comoditat comfort

    compass brixula comps a pair of compasses

    conductor cobrador de bus,director d'orquestra conductor driver

    conference congrs conferncia lecture

    conservatory hivernacle conservatory music school

    constipated restret constipar to have a cold

    content satisfet contento happy

    crime delicte crim murder

    current actual corrent ordinary

    curse maledicci curs course


    deception engany decepci disappointment

    deputy suplent diputat member of parlament(MP)

    discussion debat discussi argument

    disgust fstic disgust upset

    dispose of desfer-se de disposar have available

    diversion desviament diversi entertainment

    English Catalan Catalan English


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    library biblioteca llibreria bookshop

    luxury luxe luxria lust


    mayor batlle mayor main, bigger, older

    miserable molt trist miserable poor

    misery tristesa, sofriment misria poverty

    molest assetjar, abusar (sexualment) molestar to disturb

    notes apunts notes marks


    notice avs notcia news


    ordinary normal, corrent ordinari vulgar, rude


    parcel paquet parcella plot of land

    parent pare/mare parent relative

    particular determinat particular private

    pavement vorera paviment road surface

    petrol gasolina petroli oil

    English Catalan Catalan English

    preferred past participle verbto prefer preferit favourite

    preservative conservant condom condom

    presume suposar presumir to show off

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    to pretend fingir/fer veure pretendre to expect, seek

    to prove demostrar provar to try


    quiet callat, silencis quiet still, calm


    realise adonar-se realitzar to carry out

    receipt rebut recepta recipe (food), prescription(medicine)

    to record gravar recordar to remember, to remind(fer recordar)

    remove treure, eliminar remoure(remenar)

    to stir

    to rest descansar restar to take away, substract

    to resume reprendre resumir summarize

    to retire jubilar-se retirar to withdraw, remove

    rope corda roba clothes


    sane mentalment normal sa healthy

    English Catalan Catalan English

    sensible assenyat sensible sensitive

    signature signatura assignatura subject

    spade pala espasa sword

    spectacles ulleres espectacle show

    suburb barri residencial suburbi slum quarter

    to succeed sortir-se'n de fer alguna cosa succeir to happen

    success xit exit sortida

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    sympathetic comprensiu,solidari simptic friendly, nice

    sympathy comprensi,solidaritat simpatia friendliness, nicenes


    taller comparative of tall taller workshop

    topic tema tpic clich, common place

    translate traduir trasladar to mover


    ultimate definitiu ltim last

    ultimately en ltima instncia ltimament recently


    vague imprecs, poc clar vaga strike

    vicious dolent vicis dissolute

    violate transgredir violar rape

    we shouldn't make...

  • 7/31/2019 Batxillerat Connectors


    1.- Adjectives, pronouns, adverbs andother particles

    1. Actually vs. nowadays

    Actually: really. realment, de fetNowadays: present time, these days, currently,

    at the moment

    2. Another/other another is always a singular adjective

    other as an adjective never ends by "s"

    I'ts another wonderful day in your lifeYou'll live other wonderful days in your

    lifeSome designs are bettter than others

    3. As/like

    As I've already said...he works as a waiter he was respected both as a professional and as a person

    She acts like a foolit costs something like fifty centsI drink like a fish

    4. Frequency adverb position: before, a lexical verb and usually after, amodal verb

    I usually watch tv serialsYou can't always enjoy yourself

    5. Never write two negative words in the same sentence.

    He didn't say anything No va dir resHe said nothing No va dir res

    6. Once, twice, three times, four times

    I practise aerobic once a week, but I go to the gym five times a week.Don't think twice, its all right..


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