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Page 1: Baseball Recruiting Guide 2013
Page 2: Baseball Recruiting Guide 2013


CREDITS: The 2013 Radford University Baseball Re-cruiting Guide was designed, written and edited by Brian Stanley, Assistant Director for Athletic Communications. Content / layout contributions provided by Patrick Reed. Photography courtesy of Dyann Busse, Tim Cowie, Willis Glasgow, Todd Drexler, and Lora Gordon, Colorado Rock-ies, Milwaukee Brewers, Kansas City Royals, Texas Rang-ers, New York Mets, Baltimore Orioles, Seattle Mariners.

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Table of ContentsTable of Contents / Credits .............................. 1Head Coach Joe Raccuia ............................. 2-4Assistant Coach Brian Anderson ..................... 5Assistant Coach Ryan Connolly ...................... 6Volunteer Assistant Coach Matt Mack ............. 6Student Assistant Coach Ryan Speier............. 7RU Baseball Stadium ................................... 8-9Player Development ................................. 10-11Director of Athletics Robert Lineburg ............. 12Strength and Conditioning ............................. 13Student-Athlete Support Services ................. 14Athletic Training ............................................. 15Highlander Legends ................................. 16-17Highlanders in the Pros ............................ 18-21 Eddie Butler/Ryan Speier ........................ 18 Phil Leftwich/Reggie Keen....................... 19 Pros Under Raccuia ................................ 20 All-Time Draftees ..................................... 21Record Book ............................................. 22-28 Accolades (2008-12) ............................... 22 Individual/Team Records ......................... 23 Single-Season Top 10 ........................ 24-25 Career Top 10 ..................................... 26-27 Season Leaders (2008-12) ...................... 28Big South Conference ................................... 29Radford University .................................... 30-33New River Valley ........................................... 34

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An alumnus on a mission... ForRadfordheadbaseballcoachJoeRaccuia,theHighlanderuniformisacomfortable,familiarfit. Raccuia, a 1995 Radford graduate, returned to his roots on July 10, 2007 when he was named thefifthheadcoachinRadfordbaseballhistory.ARadforduniformisalsoawinningfitforRaccuia:he’s been a part of 215 total wins as a player (1994-95), assistant coach (1996) and head coach (2008-present),betterthan35percentoftheprogram’sall-timevictoriesdatingbackto1985. IncludedinthoseseasonsarebothofRadford’s30-wincampaigns:hewasateamcaptainin1995when the Highlanders won 30 games and was the head coach leading RU to a school-record 31 wins in 2011. Raccuia’ssuccesshascomebothonandoffthefieldofplay,includingfacilities,playerdevelopment,recruitingandacademics. Onhiswatch,twomajorbaseballfacilitieshaveopened:theon-campushittingfacilityandRUBaseballStadium.Thestadium,whichopenedonApril8,2011,becamethecornerstoneofRadford’sprogramthanksinparttoRaccuia’sextensivefund-raisingandplanningefforts.Theprojectwentfrom

conceptionintheFallof2010,tocompletionduringthe2011seasonasaresultofhiswork.Raccuiaalsospearheadedtheworkdonetotheplayingsurfaceanddugoutsintimeforthe2010season.AlloftheimprovementstothefacilitiesmarkedthefirstmajorcapitalupgradessinceRaccuia’splayingdaysatRU. Raccuia’s recruits have been major contributors to Radford’s improvement and have made their marks in the school record books andintheconferenceannals.Afterinheritingaprogramthatwonjust10gamesin2007,eightofRaccuia’srecruitshavematchedorestablishednewschoolrecords,withthe2012seniorclassearning115wins-themostforafour-yearclassinprogramhistory. The2012season,Raccuia’sfifth,wasmarkedbyrecordMajorLeagueBaseballFirstYearPlayerDraftsuccessfortheprogram-itwasthefirsttimesince1997thatRadfordhadthreeplayersselectedinthesameyear.Right-handedpitcherEddieButlerwasthe46th overall selection of the Colorado Rockies in the draft - the highest draft selection in Radford University program history and the firstBigSouthconferenceplayertobeselectedinthedraft’sfirstround.Four-yearstarterMattHillsinger,athree-timeFirstTeamAll-BigSouthselection,wasa22ndroundpickoftheOaklandA’s.JeffKemp,ateamcaptainin2011and2012whobecamethefirstRadfordplayertoearnBigSouthFreshmanoftheYearhonorsin2009,wasa31stroundpickoftheLosAngelesAngels. Manyofhiswinscanbeattributedtohisworkinplayerdevelopment:anucleusofplayersthatheinheritedintheearlystagesoftheircareershelpedtheprogramturnthecorner.Fourofthoseplayerscappedtheircareersinthe29-winseason:ReggieKeen,TyrenRivers,RaphaelTurnerandAerikTaylor.KeenwentontoaprofessionalcareerafterasolidthreeyearsunderRaccuiawitha.354career batting average, fourth all-time at Radford; Rivers became the school’s single-season and career stolen bases leader in Rac-cuia’soffensivesystem;Turnerovercameinjuriestopostateamtriple-crownseason asafifth-yearsenior;TaylortransferredinandassumedtheroleofacestartingpitcherinRaccuia’ssecondseason.AlexGregory andEricEvanswerepartoftheturnaroundandflourishedatthebeginningofRaccuia’sstintatRadford:Gregory finishedhiscareerwithback-to-back.400seasons(2008-09)attheplateunderRaccuia,whileEvansanchoredthepitchingstaffin2008with14startsanda3.34ERA.GregoryandEvanswerebothMLBDraftpicks. Intheclassroom,Raccuia’sathleteshaveperformed:through2010,theHighland-ershave34BigSouthPresidentialHonorRollselectionssince2007-08.Radford’sathletic program has had the most student-athletes earn this honor in the confer-enceoverthelasttwoyears.Inaddition,AlexGregoryearnedconferencescholarathleteoftheyearhonorsin2008,andJasonPattenwasnamedaVaSIDAcademicAll-Statehonoreeandathree-timeAcademicAll-BigSouthpick.BothPatten(2012)andGregory(2008)werealsoCoSIDAAcademicAll-Districthonorees. InRaccuia’sfirstseasonwiththeHighlanders,theteamproduced24wins,themostsinceRadfordwon26in2000.Alongwithqualitywins,Radfordwasabletoget off to its best start in school history after seven games (6-1), and concluded theseasonwithfourgamesintheBigSouthTournament,thesecondmostinschoolhistory.Thefinaltotalwasa14-gameturnaroundfromthe2007season. The2009season,hissecond,markedaturnaroundfortheprogramwhenRadfordwent26-24overalland16-9inconferenceplay.Radford’sseasonrecordwasthefifthwinningcampaigninschoolhistoryandits16conferencewinsweretheprogram’ssecond-mostall-time.Raccuia’ssecondseasonwiththeHighlanderswasmarkedbyafourth-placefinishandNo.4seedintheBigSouth conference tournament (second time in program history) and a come-from-behindtournamentwinagainstNo.22CoastalCarolina,11-7,whentheHighlanderstrailed7-6andweredowntotheirfinalstrikebeforescoring five

Joe RACCUIAHead Coach ♦ Sixth Season ♦ Radford ‘95

“I love Radford. It has provided me with endless opportunities as a player, student and coach.”

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Joe Raccuia - VitalsPersonal Hometown Buffalo, N.Y.High School CanisiusAlma Mater Radford University (1995)Wife JodiChildren A.J., Joey, Emma

Playing Career Edison Community College (Fla.) 1992-93• Team captain in 1993

Radford University 1994-95• Team captain in 1995• Helped the Highlanders to a school-record 30 wins in ‘95

Coaching Career Assistant coach, Radford University 1996

Assistant head coach, The George Washington University 1997-00• Hitting coach, recruiting coordinator• The Colonials set school records in hits, homers, RBIs in his final two seasons• Coached 12 players that advanced to professional careers

Associate Head Coach, George Mason University 2001-03• Promoted from assistant to associate head coach during his stint• Hitting and defense coach• The 2003 Mason team was 21st nationally in defense• Recruited three Freshman All-Americans

Head coach, Marist College 2004-05• Led the Red Foxes to the 2005 Metro Atlantic Championship, NCAA Baton Rouge Regional• MAAC Co-Coach of the Year in 2005• Coached seven All-MAAC selections, and nine MAAC All-Academic players• Marist posted a .722 MAAC winning percentage in Raccuia’s two seasons

Assistant coach, University of Alabama 2006-07• Hitting coach and recruiting coordinator• Six position players selected in 2006 MLB Draft • 10-point batting average improvement in his first season• Helped the Crimson Tide to a Super Regional appearance in 2006

Head Coach, Radford University 2008-present


Season Team Overall Conference2004 Marist College 25-30 17-102005 Marist College 33-21 22-52008 Radford University 24-32 6-122009 Radford University 26-24 16-82010 Radford University 29-26 15-102011 Radford University 31-25 14-132012 Radford University 29-28-1 12-12TOTALS 197-186-1 102-70

“I have and am associated with won-derful people while all the time experi-encing this wonderful community.”

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steals.Radfordperformedthroughatoughschedule – the Highlanders played 11 of their 27 non-confer-

encegamesagainst2010NCAARegionalteams.Theschedulesetthestageforalate-seasonsurge,wheretheHighlanderswent16-10fromApril13onwardand11-6intheirlast17BigSouthconferencegames. TheupwardtrendcontinuedforRaccuia’sHighlandersin2011,earningaprogram-best31victories.Thosevicto-riesincludedwinsovermajor-conferenceopponents:theHighlandersbeatAuburn(apreseasonTop25team)intheseriesopenerinFeburary,WakeForestinMarchandlocalrivalVirginiaTechlaterthatmonth.Inthefirstseasonwith a new national standard for collegiate aluminum bats, the Highlanders never missed a beat offensively – they ranked in the nation’s top 40 in doubles and stolen bases,andfinishedthirdintheconferenceinsluggingpercentageandsecondintriples.Thebiggestimprove-ment may have been on the mound, where Radford’s startersbecamethefirststaffinthehistoryoftheprogramtopostsub-4.25ERAs,start15gameseach,work better than 85 innings each and strike out more than55batterseach.Inaddition,AbramWilliamsset the school and Big South regular season saves records. Theprogramcontinuedtodevelopin2012,asmembersofRaccuia’sfirstrecruitingclasswrappeduptheircareers.JeffKemp,MattHillsingerandEddieButlerearnedfirstteamAll-BigSouthhonors,whileMattMackwasasecond-teamperformer.Manyofhisrecruitswrotethefinalsuccessfulchaptersoftheircareerswithrecords-BrettMollenhauerbecametheschool’sall-timeleaderingamesplayedandat-bats;WilliamsandPattenbecametheonlyteammatesinthehistoryoftheBigSouthconferencetofinishwith20ormorecareersavesandendupintheleague’sall-timetop10.The2012teamdistinguisheditselfasthetopdefensiveunitintheBigSouthwithaschool-record.978fieldingpercentage-theHighlandersfinishedinthenation’stop-20indefenseandevenledthecountryinfieldingpercentageduringthemonthofApril. Raccuia’scoachingcareerbeganathisalmamater.HeservedasanassistantatRadfordin1996.Heassistedinev-eryaspectoftheprogramunderhisformercoachLewKent.RaccuiaplayedtwoseasonsforKentatRadford,servingasthe team captain during the 1995 campaign and helping that squadtoathen-schoolrecordforwins.PriortoplayingatRadford,RaccuiaplayedtwoseasonsatEdisonCommunityCollegeinFt.Myers,Fla.Heservedastheteamcaptainhis second year, leading that 1993 team to a school-record single-seasonwintotal. Raccuia, who graduated in 1995 with a degree in social science, is married to the former Jodi Carroll, also a 1995 Radfordgraduate.Theyhavetwosons,A.J.andJoey,Jr.,andonedaughter,Emma.

“In my opinion, Radford University is a hidden

gem that provides a unique experience for the stu-

dent and student-athlete,” Raccuia.

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AfterworkingalongsideRadfordheadcoachJoeRaccuiaattwodifferentstops,BrianAndersonjoinedhis coaching staff in July of 2007 and has played a key role in engineering the revitalization of the High-landerprogram. Anderson’sdutiesatRadfordincludeservingastheHighlanders’pitchingcoachandrecruitingcoor-dinator, along with assisting in the day-to-day operations of the program, including practice, game-day preparationandscouting. Inhisrecruitingduties,AndersonhasbeentheleadrecruiterinhelpingtheHighlanderslandmajorcontributorstothesuccessoftheprogram.SincehisarrivalwithRaccuiain2008,12recruitshaveearnedall-conference honors, 10 recruits have ranked in school career top-10 statistical categories, and the 2012 senior class posted the most wins in a four-year stretch in program history with 115 - they engineered fourstraightwinningseasons,afirstinRadfordprogramhistory. OneofthebestrecruitinganddevelopmentsuccessstoriesforAndersonwasEddieButler,whocametoRadfordasa35throundMLBDraftselectionin2009andleftthreeseasonslaterasthefirstplayerinBigSouthconferencehistorytobedraftedinthefirstround(46thoverall).Butler’svelocityimproved

intothemid-upper90s,alongwithhisoverallpitchingabilities.ButlerearnedBigSouthPitcheroftheYearhonorsin2012,afirstforaRadfordpitcher. AlongwithButler,EricEvansandMarkPetersoncontinuedtheirpost-Radfordcareerstoprofessionalbaseball-Evanswentfromthemostsingle-seasonlossesinprogramhistorytoa23rdroundselectionoftheRangersin2008,andPetersonwasafreeagentsigneeoftheRoyalsin2012. Inadditiontoprosuccess,Andersonpitchershavealsoestablishedrecords.Butlermatchedaschoolwinsrecordin2011,andsettheprogram’sERArecordin2012.Atthebackendofgames,AbramWilliamsbecametheschool’sall-timecareerandseasonsavesleader-bothWilliamsandJasonPatten(membersofthefirstRaccuia/Andersonrecruitingclass)becamethefirstteammatesinBigSouthhistorytopileupbetterthan40careersavesandrankintheleague’sall-timetop10. Andersonhasdevelopedtheprogram’spitchingstafftofeatureaconsistentrotationandreliablearmsoutofthebullpen,whilehav-inghispitchersworkquicklyandallowthedefensetomakeplaysbehindthem. WhileRadford’spitchingwashighlightedbytheworkofButlerin2012,Anderson’sstaffhadotherstandouts.First-yearpitcherTylerCostellogothiscollegiatecareerofftoatorridstart,winningsevenofhisfirsteightstarts,includingsevenconsecutive-hewasoneofthreepitchers,nationally,towinsevenormoreinarowin2012.Costelloalsohadthenation’sthird-longestshutoutstreakin2012,at261/3innings.PetersonwasoneoftheBigSouth’sbeststartersinconferencegames,postinga3-2recordand3.48ERA.AndersonhelpeddevelopJakePaleseasRadford’smostreliablemidweekstartingpitcherinyears,andoversawPatten’sbestcareeryearoutofthebullpen.RU’steamERAwasthesecond-lowestinprogramhistory(4.37)-inconferencegames,itwastheleague’ssecond-bestat3.28. In2011onthewaytoaprogram-record31victories,thethreeweekendstartingpitchers,Butler,PetersonandBobbyBolling,be-camethefirsttrioofstartersinprogramhistorytopostsub-4.25ERAs,start15gameseach,workbetterthan85inningseachandstrikeoutmorethan55batterseach.The2011seasonalsosawabreakoutseasonfromAbramWilliams,aFirstTeamAll-BigSouthselectionwhocompletedtheconversionfromastartingpitcherin2009,tooneofthenation’seliteclosersin2011.WilliamssavedaprogramandBigSouth-record17games,morethanhalfoftheHighlanders’victories.Overallin2011,theHighlandersshatteredtheprogramrecordwith364strikeoutsandrankedfourthintheBigSouthinERA. AsaresultofAnderson’sworkin2010,Radford’sFriday-Saturdaystartingpitchers,AerikTaylorandButler,becamejustthesecondtandemofHighlanderpitcherstowork85ormoreinningsinaseasonwhilemaking14ormorestarts.BothTaylorandButlerwonsixgames.The2010staffexhibitedcontrolthatrankedamongthebestnationally–Radford’spitchingstaffwas38thinthenationinfew-estwalkspernineinnings(3.15).Individually,Bollingtoppedthestaffwith1.48walkspernineinnings,23rdfewestintheland.Bol-ling,WilliamsandBradWimmer,threeofRadford’ssixmost-usedarms,eachwalkedfewerthan14battersin2010. Followingupa2008wherehepushedtheRadfordpitchingstafftooneofitstopperformancesthisdecade,Andersonfolloweditupwithmoreprogressin2009.TheHighlanderstaffwashighlightedbyTaylor’sSecondTeamAll-BigSouthhonorinhisfirstseasonasafull-timestarterattheDivisionIlevel.TaylorledtheRadfordarmswithsevenqualitystarts;asawhole,theHighlandersproduced17qualitystartsandtheprogram’sfourth-bestERAsince2000.Andersonhelpedproduceapairofimpactfreshmenaswell:left-handedstarterPaulDeVitoposteda6-3recordandright-handedcloserJasonPattensetanewsingle-seasonschoolrecordwithninesaves. Anderson’sfirstyearatRadfordwasmarkedbytheemergenceofleft-handerEricEvansastheaceoftheHighlanderstaff,earningSecondTeamAll-BigSouthhonorsin2008.Inhisseniorseason,Evanswent5-4witha3.34ERAin14starts,and3-1recordand1.88ERAinBigSouthstarts.Post-Radford,EvanscontinuedhissuccessintheRangersorganization,going3-2with36strikeoutsin332/3inningsbetweenRookieLeagueandClassAin2008.

Brian ANDERSONPitching Coach/Recruiting Coordinator ♦ Sixth Season ♦ George Mason ‘02

Personal Hometown Chesapeake, Va.High School Great BridgeAlma Mater George Mason (2002)Wife Colleen

Playing Career George Mason University 1999-2002• Four-year starter behind the plate for the PatriotsVermont Expos (Short Season, Expos) 2002

Coaching Career Volunteer Assistant, George Mason University 2003Assistant Coach, Marist College 2004-05• Helped the Red Foxes to a 2005 MAAC title and NCAA Regional appear-anceVolunteer Assistant, University of Virginia 2006-07• Coached catchers, assisted with hitters• The Cavaliers set school records for hits, RBIs and total bases during his timeAssistant Coach, Radford University 2008-present

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Radford’sbaseballprogramaddedRyanConnollyasanassistantcoachinJulyof2012. Connolly comes to Radford after spending two seasons (2011-12) as the volunteer coach at VirginiaTech.Hisdutiesincludeassistingwithallday-to-dayaspectsoftheprogram,aswellascoachinghittersandhandlingrecruiting. “Throughthesearchprocess,ittooktimetobethoroughandputtogetherthebeststaffwecouldassemble,”headcoachJoeRaccuiasaid.“Ryanhasthe‘it’factor–hehasenergy,personality,communicationskillsthatwillrelatetoourplayers.Healsohasthepassionandworkethictobeagreatrecruiterforourprogram.” In his time with the Hokies, Connolly’s work included coaching catchers and hitters and coachingatfirstbase.HealsowasinchargeofdirectingthePeteHughesHokieballCamps. AnativeofBinghamton,N.Y.,ConnollywasastandoutcollegiateplayeratNotreDame(2006-10).Asasenior,heledtheFightingIrishwitha.335battingaverageincludingteam

highsof11homerunsand38RBIs.Healsoledtheteaminhits(66),doubles(15),triples(2),totalbases(118),slug-gingpercentage(.438)andhitbypitch(20).Hewasafour-yearmonogramwinnerandatwo-timecaptain,earninghisBachelor’sdegreein2009inpsychologyandpre-professionalstudies. Connollyandhismother,Penny,areco-chairsoftheMichaelE.ConnollyEndowmentforLungCancerResearch,namedinhonorofhislatefather.

MattMack,anAll-BigSouthperformerfromJoeRaccuia’sfirstrecruitingclassatRadford,wasnamedvolunteerassistantcoachinJulyof2012. “It takes perseverance to get through from a volunteer job to a full-time assistant job – MattMackhasthepassionandcharactertoseeitthrough,”Raccuiasaid.“Mattwasagreatplayerandagreatleaderforthisprogram,andI’mgladtohavesomeonewithhis‘bluecollar’mentalityonourstaff.” Mack’sday-to-daydutiesincludeassistingwithallaspectsoftheprogram,aswellascoachinghittersandinfielders.MackwillalsoheaduptheoperationsofJoeRaccuiaBaseballCamps. AproductofDavidsonville,Md.,MackwasanimportantpartoftheturnaroundoftheRadfordprogramunderRaccuia.Atwo-timeall-conferenceselection,hepostedsolidcareer

numbers(2009-12)witha.331average,14homerunsand105RBIs.MackwastheleadinghitterfortheHighlandersin2012witha.332average,alongwithfivehomersand40RBIs.Inaddition,hewasnamedRadfordUniversity’smaleIronworksAwardwinnerin2011,recognizinghiscommitmenttostrengthandconditioning. MackearnedaBachelor’sdegreeinmanagementfromRUinMayof2012.

Ryan CONNOLLYAssistant Coach ♦ First Season ♦ Notre Dame ‘09

Matt MackVolunteer Assistant Coach ♦ First Season ♦ Radford ‘12

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Aftermorethanadecadeawayandafour-yearstintwiththeColoradoRockies,RyanSpeier returned to Radford University and joined the baseball staff for the upcoming 2013 seasonasthestudentassistantcoachforHighlanders. Speier, the second Highlander to reach the major leagues, spent 2005 through 2009 in Colo-radoandpitchedinthe2007WorldSeries.HealsoplayedaseasoninJapanwiththePacificLeague’sRakutenGoldenEaglesin2011.SpeierpitchedatRadfordfrom1998-2001,leavingtheHighlandersfollowingthe2001campaigntosignasafreeagentwiththeRockies. “Thisisahugeopportunityforme,”Speiersaid.“AslongasIcanremember,I’vere-ally wanted to get involved in college coaching and this is a great spot for me since I have an attachmenttotheteamandagoodrelationshipwithcoachRaccuia.IknowI’llbeingoodhandswithhimasamentorandIthinkI’mgoingtolearnalothere.”

“He wants to give back to players and help them understand what it takes to be a better player and better person,” headcoachJoeRaccuiasaid.“We’redefinitelyexcitedtohavehimback.Ryan’sanalumnusthathadsuccessandeventhoughhe’salreadylivedhisdream,thechancetograduateandgethiseducationisstillimportant.Buthealsowantstomakeacareeroutofcollegebaseballandwe’regladtohelphimgethisfeetwet.” AtRadford,Speierwillworkwiththepitchingstaff–he’llalsobalancebaseballwithcompletinghiscourseworkinpsy-chology. “GettingadegreeisdefinitelysomethingIhavetodoandI’mgladtofinallybeknockingthatout,”Speiersaid.“Iwasabletosqueeze12yearsoutofacareerinbaseballandalongtheway,IdecidedthatIwantedtobealifer.I’vebeenaroundthegameatahighlevelandknowwhatittakestobesuccessful–Radfordisdefinitelyagoodfitformetopur-suethat.” Speier,whoseroadtothemajorsincluded22appearancesfortheSalemAvalanchein2002,wasnamedtheMinorLeagueBaseballRolaidsReliefManawardwinnerin2004after37savesatDouble-ATulsa–hewasthefirstRockiesfarmhandtoearnthisdistinction. Afterearningarosterspotoutofspringtrainingin2005,SpeierwonhismajorleaguedebutonOpeningDayinreliefagainstthePadres,becomingjustthefourthrookiesince1960towinhisdebutonOpeningDay.Hewasonthepost-seasonrosterfortheRockiesin2007-theironlyWorldSeriesappearance–andearnedaDivisionSeriessaveagainstthePhillies. Speierfinishedhisfourseasonsinthemajorleagueswitha7-3recordand3.99ERAin90reliefoutings.

Ryan SPEIERStudent Assistant Coach ♦ First Season

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The Facility Now... Radford University transformed its baseball program in April of 2011 by opening a brand-new stadium and mak-ing the first significant adjustment to its home park since opening in 1986. RU Baseball Stadium opened on April 8, 2011 when the Highlanders hosted VMI in the first game of a Big South series and changed the baseball experience in the New River Valley. A project unlike any before in the history of RU athlet-ics, the stadium was completely privately funded through the Radford University Athletics Foundation, through the efforts of the RAC. It gives the program a stadium that is capable of hosting high-level competition, including the Big South Tournament. Using structural elements of the existing facility, a 700-seat grandstand was constructed on top. Spectators closer to the action than ever before, with the first row of red, chair-backed seats beginning three feet from the backstop. Sight lines in the grandstand are directed at the

center of the field of play. A spacious main concourse level is positioned at the top of the grandstand. In addition, a new pressbox and state-of-the-art sound system provided the finishing touches. For the first time ever, the Highlanders will have the capability to host night games. The stadium features lighting standards that meet the requirements of NCAA Regional Tournament host sites. In addition to the stadium, the actual grounds and dugouts saw a complete overhaul in the fall of 2009, setting the stage for the stadium improvements. One of the finest natural playing surfaces in the region, Carolina Green Corp. Athletic Field Construction was in charge of a project that included a new sod, a laser-graded surface of sand-based Tuckahoe bluegrass, and a new irrigation and drainage system underneath the field. New dugouts were also built to fit the changing needs of the program. Both dugouts are 74 feet long, include a deeper bench area with steps up to the field, restrooms, and expanded storage space on either side.

Radford University

“Recruiting is the lifeline of a program and a

recruit’s first impression of a facility lasts a long

time,” Joe Raccuia.

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Baseball Stadium

“The future plans of a clubhouse, offices and hitting facility

will take the program to the next level,” Raccuia.

Not to be too sentimental, but I feel very proud to know these improvements that have been needed for such a long time occurred while I was the head coach. I very much feel like this is one of the rea-sons why I came back to Radford,” Raccuia.

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Player Development While so much of the focus for collegiate baseball players is geared on field, Radford’s baseball program takes the time to develop well-rounded athletes and individuals. For the Highlanders, the fall season sets the stage for both the up-coming regular season, as well as a player’s commitment to the off-field training and life skills necessary to becoming a well-rounded student-athlete.

The Highlander Challenge, which was completed for the fifth time un-der head coach Joe Raccuia, is a physical component of the offseason that involves strength, endurance and strategy, and is completely unique to the week-long period of the challenge. It’s brother-versus-brother, as the Highlanders are divided into two competing teams led by senior captains. Think you can push yourself to your physical limit? You’ll have to during the challenge.

Along with the challenge, the Highlanders take on a yearly community service project. This year, they teamed up with a selected group of seventh graders at Dalton Middle School in Radford to impart leadership values. The ultimate goal was for the seventh graders working with the Highlanders to serve as mentors to elementary school-aged children and prepare them for their next steps in school and life.

Leadership On & Off The Field

Highlander Challenge

Community Service

“Player development is what we stress and now with the

hitting facility, the outdoor cages, the weight room, the

academic center and now with the field renovations, we

are starting to get all the pieces in place to continue to

show our commitment level to our players and recruits,”

Joe Raccuia.

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A place the Highlanders call home anytime and in any weather, the RU Baseball Indoor Facility includes three 90 foot batting cages, with the necessary equipment and amenities for live pitching, machine pitching, pitcher’s bullpens, and defensive drills. Located adjacent to campus, the indoor facility can serve the Radford baseball team and Joe Raccuia Base-ball Camps year-round, anytime the weather restricts outdoor practice or events. At 7200 square feet, indoor facility rivals the facilities of several top schools and conferences throughout the southeast region and across college baseball.

Player Development

Indoor Facility

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Radford AthleticsSince being introduced as Radford University’s Director of Athletics

in the fall of 2007, Radford native Robert Lineburg has helped usher in a new era of Highlander athletics, marked by unprecedented on-and off-field improvements and successes.

In his short time with the department, Lineburg has been the cata-lyst for a number of changes, particularly in areas such as facilities, personnel and strategic planning.

His most visible influences to date have been on the Dedmon Cen-ter and Radford University’s new 700-seat baseball stadium.

Beginning in the spring of 2008, the Dedmon Center, the center-piece of Highlander athletics, underwent transformations to the arena, including a new steel-supported roof, a new basketball floor, renovated athletic offices, a new-look natatorium, and improved athletic locker, training, and medical facilities.

Along with the initial upgrades to the Dedmon Center, an improved state-of-the-art strength and conditioning room, new ticket office and Learning Enhancement Center (LEC), which houses student-athlete academic support, were completed/added in 2009.

In 2010, facility upgrades included a new high-tech videoboard / sound system to the Dedmon Center as well as a new playing surface / irrigation system and dugouts to the Radford University Baseball Field.

This past spring, Radford transformed its baseball program in April of 2011 by opening a brand-new stadium and making the first signifi-cant adjustment to its home park since opening in 1986. For the first time ever, the Highlanders have the capability to host night games. The stadium features lighting standards that meet the requirements of NCAA Regional Tournament host sites.

In June, Robert Lineburg introduced Mike Jones as Radford Univer-sity’s 7th head men’s basketball coach.

Lineburg has also overseen the hires of six new head coaches as well as seven new athletic administrators. His other hires include women’s basketball head coach Taj Njongba, head volleyball coach Marci Jenkins, women’s head golf coach Jeff Beeler, head men’s soc-cer coach Marc Reeves and the promotion of track and field interim director Brent Chumbley to head coaches’ status. Among the adminis-trators added in Lineburg’s tenure are executive associate A.D. Randy Butt, head athletic trainer Chad Hyatt, assistant A.D. for communica-tions Tom Galbraith, director of student-athlete support services/senior women’s administrator Stephanie Ballein and Director of Facilities Marcus Attles.

As a result of the changes, Radford achieved a banner year in 2008-09: women’s soccer, men’s basketball, men’s tennis and softball claimed Big South conference crowns and advanced to NCAA Tourna-ment play. Women’s soccer advanced to its fourth tournament, men’s basketball won the Big South regular-season and tournament title to advance to the NCAAs for the first time since 1998, men’s tennis made its third-straight appearance, and softball appeared for the first time and won Radford’s first-ever NCAA tournament game in any sport.

Lineburg and the Highlanders backed their success in 2008-09 with a men’s tennis and softball Big South regular season title in 2009-10. Mickey Dean’s softball team went on to win their second straight con-ference tournament crown before advancing to the Athens, Georgia Regional final with two more NCAA Tournament victories.

The successes on the field continued in 2010-11 as Radford captured three more Big South titles. Women’s soccer and softball claimed regular season crowns, while men’s tennis advanced to the NCAA Tournament with their fourth league tournament championship in five years.

Along with their competitive success, the Highlanders have defined the true meaning of “student-athlete” during Lineburg’s tenure. For the second consecutive year, Radford led all Big South institutions by placing 58.3 percent of its student-athletes on the conference’s

Director of Athletics Robert Lineburg

Presidential Honor Roll. In 2008-09, the Highlanders had 57.9 percent of their students on the list.

Along with their competitive success, the Highlanders have defined the true meaning of “student-athlete” during Lineburg’s tenure. For the second consecutive year, Radford led all Big South institutions by placing 58.3 percent of its student-athletes on the conference’s Presidential Honor Roll. In 2008-09, the Highlanders had 57.9 percent of their students on the list.

He and his staff have also been responsible for creating a six-year strategic plan for the Radford athletic department and building an athletics facilities master plan. Additional achievements include ushering in a new athletics Internet site (, and helping implement a new ticket system (Ticket Return). Lineburg and his staff have also hosted top-level competition, with five Big South championships taking place on the Radford campus from 2008-11 (men’s basketball, track & field, softball, men’s tennis and volleyball).

In addition to making an impact on Radford athletics, Lineburg is also involved in a number of different organizations and committees. He is the chairman of the Big South Conference Subcommittee on Basketball Improvement, a member of the Big South ad-hoc Committee on Basketball Issues, a member of the selection committee to select Radford Univer-sity’s Vice President for Advancement, and most recently, was selected to serve on the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Issues Committee. Prior to becoming Radford’s third Director of Athletics, Lineburg’s corporate knowl-edge was groomed as a marketing associate with Peloton Real Estate Part-ners in Dallas, Texas.

Along with his business experience, Lineburg spent 15 seasons as a college basketball coach, including time as Southern Methodist’s (Dallas, Texas) interim head coach. Prior to serving as the Mustangs interim head coach, Lineburg spent eight years as an assistant coach at SMU. Following his interim tenure, he served two more seasons as an assistant coach at Southern Methodist.

Lineburg’s coaching resume also includes assistant coaching posi-tions with the men’s basketball programs at James Madison University and Emory & Henry College, as well as with the Dallas Mavericks summer league team. His coaching experience also took him through the Big South, as he spent time on the sideline at UNC Greensboro.

A 1991 graduate of Roanoke College, Lineburg started his collegiate basketball career as a Radford Highlander, where he was a two-year let-terman before transferring to nearby Roanoke College to play his final two years.

He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in political science with a minor in history. In 1995, he received a Master’s Degree in education from Virginia Tech, where he was also a graduate assistant on the men’s basketball staff.

Lineburg is the son of retired Radford High School football coach and athletic director Norman Lineburg and the brother of Dr. Mark Lineburg, the Superintendent of Bristol City Schools, Paul Lineburg, the Assistant Prin-cipal at Cave Spring H.S. and Wayne Lineburg, who is the associate head football coach at the University of Richmond.

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A component that is vital to Radford student-athletes is the strength and conditioning program directed by Strength and Conditioning Coach Scott Ben-nett. Highlander Athletics has long been recognized as one of the leaders among Mid-Atlantic schools in its conditioning and strength training. It has been an instrumental part in the success of Radford University sports through the years. Under the direction of Bennett and Assistant Strength and Conditioning coaches Tim Ridley and Michele Huffman, the program is designed to help each student-athlete reach his or her full potential in their respective sport. Each Radford University student-athlete has strength and conditioning pro-grams unique to their goals as a player. This program, developed by Bennett, helps prepare Radford student-athletes for the long and rigorous in-season schedule. The Strength and Conditioning staff at Radford University is committed to excellence in competition and in life.

Scott BennettDirector

Bringing 23 years of experience in the strength and conditioning field, Scott Bennett will oversee the day-to-day operations of the strength and conditioning program. In his career, Bennett has coached a multitude of collegiate athletes who have gone forward to find careers in the professional ranks (over 30 in the NFL), as well as conference champions, national champions, world record holders, and Olympians. As a professional, he has risen to the top of the strength and conditioning field. Bennett was recently awarded the honor of being part of the NSCA’s (Na-tional Strength and Conditioning Association) Coaches Registry at the Emeritus level—the highest level awarded in the field. Perhaps the honor standing out the most in his impressive list of accolades is his accreditation as a Master Strength and Conditioning Coach with the Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCCa) since 2006. At the time, there were only 62 certified at this level in the world. Today, there are roughly 100 practicing at the Master’s level.

Strength & ConditioningPride In Preparation

The players in our program embrace the importance of their preparation. As a staff, we in turn embrace the latest and most cut-ting edge programming available. It is my goal to make sure that every student-ath-lete on our team has a positive training experience throughout the span of their off and in season.,” Bennett.

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Student-Athlete Support Services The mission of the Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS) office for Radford University Athletics is to promote, assist, and provide counsel to all student-athletes. Its primary, constant goal is to develop graduates and outstanding citizens who have contributed in the areas of athletic competition during their tenures of education. Located in the Dedmon Center, the newly established Learning Enhance-ment Center is equipped with computers, tutorial rooms, and a study lounge. The Learning Enhancement Center provides direction for student-athletes via academic counseling in conjunction with advisors from the respective col-leges at Radford University. Academic support services such as tutoring and supervised study hall are provided, as well as career planning, monitoring of eligibility status, and a host of other guidance and advisory services. *Support efforts of every student-athlete toward intellectual development and graduation *Assist student-athletes in using athletics as preparation for success in life *Promote ownership by the student-athletes of their academic, athletic, personal and social responsibilities; *Meet the changing needs of student-athletes; *Promote respect for diversity among student-athletes; *Enhance interpersonal relationships in the lives of student-athletes; *Assist student-athletes in building positive self-esteem; *Enable student-athletes to make meaningful contributions to their communities; *Encourage the development of leadership skills.

Stephanie Ballein is in her fifth year as the Director of Student-Athlete Support Services for Radford University athletics. Ballein’s department has the purpose of supporting student development initiatives and to enhancing the quality of the student-athlete experience within the university setting. In her day-to-day functions, Ballein oversees all of the athletic department’s academic services, including study hall, tutoring and coordinating other aca-demic needs specfic to student-athletes. Ballein works closely with the RU baseball team, as well as each of the other programs. Ballein is also the department’s Senior Women’s Administrator (SWA).

Stephanie Ballein Director


Learning Enhancement Center

“Stephanie is second to none when it come to her dedication to her job of providing assistance to stu-dent-athletes so that they can achieve their academic goals. This has been proven over the last five years.”

“Her work ethic and dedication to stu-dent-athletes shows with the BIg South Honor Roll and that we have 50 percent of our kids with 3.0 GPAs,” Joe Raccuia.

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The Sports Medicine Department within Radford University Athletics is comprised of certified athletic trainers, licensed physicians and several other health care professionals who collaborate to optimize performance and pro-vide health care for the student athletes competing on Radford’s 19 intercol-legiate teams. This health care delivery team works together in the prevention, diagnosis, and intervention of emergency, acute, and chronic medical conditions involv-ing impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities. The athletic training staff, certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association Board of Certifica-tion, and licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, work out of athletic train-ing facilities at Cupp Stadium and in the Dedmon Center. Radford’s Sports Medicine Department provides preventative and reha-bilitative services for the student-athletes throughout the day, as well as first responder professional rescue services at the teams’ practices and competi-tions. Other responsibilities include: travel with teams; drug testing coordina-tion, appropriate health care referral, supervision, education, and evaluation of students enrolled in the Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP); and education of student-athletes and coaches in numerous health-related areas.

*Committed to diversity in our Sports Medicine Staff. *In which conducts its programs and business with integrity and the highest ethical standards. *Devoted to providing our student-athletes with the highest quality medical care. *Devoted to providing our student-athletes with the highest quality programs in preventative medicine and health care education. *Committed to acquiring and developing the best qualified Medical Team. *Committed to developing the leadership potential of our certified staff. *Committed to preserving tradition while managing an ever-changing environment.

The Sports Medicine department could not operate without the assistance of medical personnel outside of the university. The addition of two physicians’ weekly visits to the athletic training room has significantly enhanced the program.

Dr. Delmas Bolin, a physician specializing in Sports Medicine, serves as the head team physician. Bolin visits the athletic training room on a weekly basis to examine and treat student-athletes, and provides medical assistance at various intercollegiate contests. Bolin works with Radford athletes alongside associate team physician Dr. Scott Kincaid. Dr. Marc Siegel, team orthopedic surgeon, provides expertise in his field. Dr. Siegel also serves as the Team Orthopedic surgeon for the Virginia Tech Hokies’ Athletic Department. Dr. Patrick Curran, currently practicing with Drs. Newman, Blackstock and Associ-ates, serves as team optometrist, while Dr. Stephen McCuin DDS lends his time as athletic team dentist.

Athletic TrainingSports Medicine

Team Physicians

Athletic Team PhysiciansDr. Delmas Bolin - Head Team PhysicianDr. Marc Siegel - Team Orthopedic SurgeonDr. Scott Kincaid - Associate Team Physician

Athletic Team OptometristDr. Patrick Curran

Athletic Team DentistDr. Stephen McCuin, D.D.S./P.C.

Team Chiropractic PhysiciansDr. N. Ray Tuck, Jr.Dr. Benjamin Bowman

John Shifflett begins his season with the Radford and the Baseball program in 2013. Shifflett served as the athletic trainer for Virginia Tech’s baseball program for three seasons prior to his arrival in Radford. In his time at Tech, Shifflett worked with the Hokies’ football team and men’s soccer team, as well as the cheerleading and

HighTech dance squads. Shifflett arrived at Tech by way of Averett University in Danville, Va., where he earned a bachelor’s degree in athletic training in 2007. In addition to his collegiate work, Shifflett has complet-ed a pair of internships with NFL teams; the Indianapo-lis Colts in the summer of 2006 and the Philadelphia Eagles in the summer of 2008. He earned a master’s in education from Tech in May of 2009.

John ShifflettAssistant Athletic


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Jim Abbott (1992-95)• RU’s career wins and strikeouts leader• Tossed 19 career complete games with

five shutouts• Won nine games in 1995, a school

record that stood until 2011

Kelly Dampeer (1994-97)

• A Roanoke native, and the first player in school history to earn Freshman All- America honors

• Tied for the school’s career home run lead

• Played in a school-record 208 career games for the Highlanders

Duane Filchner(1994-97)• Nicknamed the “Highlander Hit-

man”, earned Big South Player of the Year honors in 1994

• Four-time First Team All-Big South selection

• Ranks seventh on the Big South ca-reer batting average list entering 2012

Travis Morgan (1988-91)

• The most prolific hitting catcher in program history with a career .338 average

• Hit .431 wit 40 RBIs in 1989 and a school record .748 slugging percent-age

• RU Athletic Hall of Fame inductee in 2004

Highlanders Legacy

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Alex Gregory (2006-09)• The first player in school and Big South

history to hit .400 three times• Tied for the school’s career home run

lead and is school’s career hits leader• Earned Big South Scholar Athlete of the

Year honors in 2008

Phil Leftwich (1988-90)• RU’s first MLB player following his callup in 1993 to the Angels• Member of the inaugural RU Athletic Hall of Fame class in 1995• Radford’s career ERA leader• Turned in the school’s best single-season pitching performance with a 7-2 record and 2.88 ERA in 1989

Ricky Saunders (1985-88)• RU Athletic Hall of Fame class of

1999• First scholarship player in RU pro-

gram history• Is the school’s single-season bat-

ting average record holder at .456 in 1985, the program’s first season

• Holds the school and Big South re-cord with 6 hits against Shenandoah on April 14, 1985

Denny Van Pelt (1988-90)• Two-timeFirstTeamAll-Big

South selection• Ranks in the school’s career

top 10 in 14 offensive catego-ries, ranging from home runs to stolen bases

• BigSouthAll-Tournamentselec-tion in 1993, when RU played in the championship game

Highlanders Legacy

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Ryan Speier, the second Radford player to play in the major leagues, spent the 2011 season the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles of the Pacific League, part of Japan’s major leagues (NPB). Speier played his first season in Japan after four major league sea-sons with with Colorado Rockies (2005-09). He picked up eight saves, but his 2011 season was drastically impacted by the post-earthquake tsunami that struck the Japanese coast and made world headlines. Speier, a native of Springfield, Va., was a standout pitcher for the Highlanders from 1998-2001. He signed with the Colorado Rockies as a free agent in 2001, and made the 25-man Opening Day roster in 2005.

Ryan Speier (1998-2001)Rakuten Golden Eagles (NPB)

Highlanders ProsA supplemental First Round pick (46th overall), Butler’s success at Rad-ford carried over to his first professional season. The first player in Big South history to be selected int eh MLB Draft’s first round, Butler was named to the Pioneer League’s postseason All-Star team, a group that in-cluded just five pitchers. He was 7-1 in 13 appearances, 12 starts and led the league with a 2.13 ERA, nearly a run-and-a-half better than the next closest starting pitcher. Butler’s WHIP (walks and hits/innings pitched) was also tops in the circuit. In his first four professional starts, he picked up four wins and allowed just three runs in 25 innings of work. In 2012, he became the program’s first BIg South Pitcher of the Year when he shared the honors after a stellar junior campaign. Butler set a school record with a 2.20 ERA, going 7-4 in 14 starts, while holding op-ponents to a .217 batting average.

Eddie Butler (2010-12)Colorado Rockies organization

“Radford changed me. I grew up a lot over the three years. School and living away from home taught me to be responsible for everything,” Butler.

“I had a great time in my three years year. It was like having another family,” Butler on the team.

“I grew up as a person both mentally and physically. It really

helped me be better prepared for professional ball than if I had

gone there straight out of high school,” Butler on the staff and


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Highlanders Pros Phil Leftwich became the first Radford athlete in the major leagues when he joined the California Angels in 1993. The Angels’ top selec-tion in the 1990 Major League draft, he was taken in the second round at pick No. 64. Only a handful of Big South players have ever been selected with a higher pick than Leftwich. A Lynchburg, Va., native, Leftwich was RU’s first all-conference and all-state pitcher. He helped Radford’s young baseball program turn the corner, leading the Highlanders to their first winning season in 1989. Leftwich was 7-2 with a 2.88 ERA for the 27-19 Highlanders that year, in only their fifth season of varsity play. Overall, he was 19-14, pitch-ing 25 complete games and 265 innings from 1988-1990. He was named All-Big South in 1988 and 1989.

Leftwich left RU with 13 school pitching records and remain’s the school’s career leader in ERA (3.24) and complete games (25). He made his major league debut on July 29, 1993 against the Oakland A’s and posted a career-low 3.79 ERA in 12 starts as a rookie. His first career win was August 15 of that year at Seattle. Leftwich started 34 career games for the Angels, earned nine wins and posted a 4.99 ERA. Leftwich was inducted into the Radford University Athletic Hall of Fame as part of its inaugural class in 1995.

Phil Leftwich (1988-90)California Angels (1993-96)

Former All-BIg South pick Reggie Keen is set to begin his fourth season in the Milwaukee Brewers organization in 2012. Keen, a native of Danville, walked on at Radford and finished as one of the school’s leaders in career batting average and stolen bases. He signed as an undrafted free agent in the summer of 2010 with the Brewers. Keen played his first full season in 2011 with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers (A). Prior to the season, Keen played in five Cac-tus League games for parent club Milwaukee, going 1-for-5 for the spring with a double against the Angels on March 24. In 2012, Keen put together another standout professional season, playing in a career-high 125 games. His 45 stolen bases were second in the Florida State League and among the top-10 in all of Class A-Advanced baseball. Keen, the everyday center fielder and No. 2 hitter in the order, led the Manatees in at-bats and was second on the club with 119 hits.

Reggie Keen (2007-10)Milwaukee Brewers organization

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Highlanders Pros

Mark Fleisher (2002-05)

Cory Koliscak(2002-05)

Eric Evans(2007-08)

Alex Gregory(2006-09)

Recent Professional Players

Eddie Butler(2010-12)

Matt Hillsinger(2009-12)

Class of 2012

Mark Peterson(2011-12)

Hillsinger missed two-thirds of the profes-sional short season after rehabbing a knee injury suffered in late April while at Radford. The 22nd-round pick played sparingly to close out the season, with just 22 at-bats in nine games. However, Hillsinger had a pair

of multi-hit games, and walked more times than he struck out. Hills-inger continued his season with A’s in the Arizona Instructional League.

Peterson, a native of Raleigh, N.C., pitched close to home in his first professional season and didn’t disappoint, nearly helping his team to the Appalachian League champion-ship. A free agent signee following the draft, Peterson was a shutdown reliever for the

Royals, posting a 1.16 ERA and allowing opponents to hit a micro-scopic .187 off of him. Over a 10-game stretch to close out the regular seasn, Peterson allowed only one earned run in 16 2/3 innings. Peter-son finished second in the Appalachian League with 6 wins.

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Highlanders ProsAll-time Radford University Major League Baseball

First-Year Player Draft Selections/SigningsUnder Joe Raccuia in Red

PLAYER ORG. SIGNED ACQUIREDPhil Leftwich Angels 1990 Draft, 2nd roundChris Connolly Royals 1991 Draft, 15th roundDenny Van Pelt Angels 1994 Draft, 25th roundDuane Filchner A’s 1995 Draft, 23rd roundDub Salyers Expos 1996 Draft, 11th roundJason Anderson A’s 1997 Draft, 4th roundKelly Dampeer Indians 1997 Draft, 22nd roundTim Manwiller A’s 1997 Draft, 30th roundDavid Gotauco Braves 2000 Free agentRyan Speier Rockies 2001 Free agentFred Wray Braves 2001 Free agentBill McCarthy Braves 2001 Free agentSean Walsh Phillies 2001 Free agentMark Fleisher Orioles 2005 Draft, 14th roundCory Koliscak Mariners 2005 Free agentEric Evans Rangers 2008 Draft, 23rd roundCasey Hodges Braves 2008 Draft, 23rd roundAlex Gregory Mets 2009 Draft, 17th roundReggie Keen Brewers 2010 Free agentEddie Butler Rockies 2012 Draft, 1st RoundMatt Hillsinger Athletics 2012 Draft, 22nd RoundMark Peterson Royals 2012 Free Agent

Development Away From the New River Valley

Highlander players continue to improve as they make their way through the Radford baseball program. However, when they are not under the guidance of the coaching staff, the Highlanders use summer baseball leagues to improve their skill set and develop while playing against high-level competition.

“All they have to worry about is waking up and playing baseball,” said Raccuia. “It has definitely helped the program and given us national exposure.”


AlaskaCal Ripken, Sr. (Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Region) Cape CodCoastal Plain (North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia)New York CollegiateNorthwoods (Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota)Valley (Shenandoah Vallley - West Virginia, Virginia)

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Record BookBig SOuTh PiTChER Of ThE YEAR2012...................................... Eddie Butler**Co-Pitcher

Big SOuTh ROOkiE Of ThE YEAR2009........................................... Jeff Kemp

BSC SChOlAR-AThlETE Of ThE YEAR2008 ..................................... Alex Gregory

Big SOuTh All-COnfEREnCE2008First Team ............................. Alex GregorySecond Team ............................Eric Evans...............................................Tyren Rivers

2009Second Team ........................ Alex Gregory................................................ Aerik Taylor2010First Team ........................... Matt HillsingerSecond Team ........................ Reggie Keen

2011First Team ........................... Matt Hillsinger...................................................Matt Mack.......................................... Abram WilliamsSecond Team .......................Ryan Burgess................................................Eddie Butler2012First Team ........................... Matt Hillsinger................................................Eddie ButlerSecond Team .............................Matt Mack

Big SOuTh All-TOuRnAmEnT2008...................................... Alex Gregory.............................................. Reggie Keen2009...................................... Alex Gregory2011 ........................................Eddie Butler

VASiD PiTChER Of ThE YEAR2012...................................... Eddie Butler**Co-Pitcher

VASiD All-STATE2009First Team ............................. Alex Gregory2010First Team ........................... Matt Hillsinger2011First Team ............................Ryan BurgessSecond Team ...................... Matt Hillsinger...................................................Matt Mack2012First Team ...............................Eddie Butler...................................................Jeff Kemp............................................ Matt Hillsinger

Big SOuTh All-ACADEmiC TEAm2008...................................... Alex Gregory2009...................................... Alex Gregory2010...................................... Jason Patten2011 ...................................... Jason Patten2012...................................... Jason Patten

VASiD All-STATE ACADEmiC2010...................................... Jason Patten

COSiDA ACADEmiC DiSTRiCT2008...................................... Alex Gregory2012...................................... Jason Patten

COllEgiATE BASEBAll nEwSPAPERfREShmAn All-AmERiCA 2009Honorable Mention .................... Jeff Kemp

Big SOuTh PlAYERS Of ThE wEEkMar. 24, 2008.......................... Tyren RiversApril 16, 2010 .........................Reggie KeenMar. 26, 2012........................Matt HillsingerApril 23, 2012 ............................. Jeff Kemp

Big SOuTh PiTChERS Of ThE wEEkApril 28, 2008 ...........................Eric EvansMay 12, 2008 ............................John LloydMay 10, 2010 ..........................Eddie ButlerApril 25, 2011 ..........................Eddie ButlerMay 26, 2011 .................... Abram WilliamsApril 30, 2012 .........................Eddie Butler


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Record BookRecordsRaccuia’s recruits have been major contributors to Radford’s improvement and have made their marks in the school recordbooksandintheconferenceannals.Afterinheritingaprogramthatwonjust10gamesin2007,eightofRaccuia’s recruits have matched or established new school records, with the 2012 senior class earning 115 wins - the

mostforafour-yearclassinprogramhistory.Under Joe Raccuia in Red

BATTinggAmES PlAYEDSeason: ...................... 57, Josh Gardiner, 2012............................................Zach Costello, 2012................................... Brett Mollenahauer, 2012Career: ........... 217, Brett Mollenhauer, 2009-12

AT-BATSGame: ................................... 7, several playersSeason: ...................... 243, Tyren Rivers, 2010Career: ........... 843, Brett Mollenhauer, 2009-12

RunS SCOREDGame: .......... 5, Todd Ford vs. Clarkson, 4/4/90.....................Kelly Dampeer vs. UMBC, 4/23/95.....................Chaz McGuirk, vs. UMBC, 3/22/98Season: .................... 60, Duane Filchner, 1995Career: ............... 198, Duane Filchner, 1992-95

hiTSGame: .... 6, Ricky Saunders vs. Shenandoah, 4/14/85Season: ........................84, Reggie Keen, 2008Career: ...................272, Alex Gregory, 2006-09

SinglESGame: .. 6, Ricky Saunders vs. Shenandoah, 4/14/85Season: ....................56, Mike Lombardi, 1998Career: ................199, Mike Lombardi, 1996-99

DOuBlESGame: ............... 4, Chris Carr vs. JMU, 4/22/97Season: ..................... 22, Kelly Dampeer, 1995Career: ..................64, Kelly Dampeer, 1994-97

TRiPlESGame: ..... 2, John Gilbert vs. Clarkson, 3/28/87Season: .........................7, Stuart Ritchie, 2004Career: ................ 14, Kellen Wohlford, 2002-05

hOmE RunSGame: .....3 , Travis Morgan vs. UNCA, 3/25/88 .............. Kelly Dampeer vs. C.W. Post, 3/19/95.............. Duane Filchner vs. Richmond, 4/20/95 ............................Alex Gregory vs. VMI, 4/15/06Season: ..................... 16, Kelly Dampeer, 1995............................................Mark Fleisher, 2004Career: ..................38, Kelly Dampeer, 1994-97........................................Alex Gregory, 2006-09

TOTAl BASESGame: 14, Zach Costello vs. Presbyterian, 4/1/11Season: ................... 148, Kelly Dampeer, 1995Career: ................456, Kelly Dampeer, 1994-97

RunS BATTED inGame: ....10, Travis Morgan vs. UNCA, 3/25/88Season: ..................... 58, Kelly Dampeer, 1995Career: ............... 181, Duane Filchner, 1992-95

BATTing AVERAgESeason: ................ .456, Ricky Saunders, 1985Career: .............. .389, Duane Filchner, 1992-95

Slugging PERCEnTAgESeason: ....................748, Travis Morgan, 1989Career: ................... .688, Donnie Just, 1989-92

BASES On BAllSGame: ..................... 4, Denny Van Pelt, 4/30/94................................... Brett Mollenhauer, 5/1/10Season: ....................51, Denny Van Pelt, 1994Career: ...............105, Denny Van Pelt, 1991-94

STOlEn BASESGame: 4, Jeff Cooper vs. Bluefield St. 4/28/864,....................Reggie Keen vs. N.C. A&T, 3/17/10………. ...... Tyren Rivers vs. Longwood, 4/14/10Season: ........................ 33, Tyren Rivers, 2010Career: ..................... 69, Tyren Rivers, 2007-10

COnSECuTiVE hiTS (in COnSEC. ABS)12 .......................................Bill McCarthy, 1999

PiTChing APPEARAnCESSeason: .......................33, Brad Wimmer, 2010Career: ..................... 59, Jamie Booth, 1996-99

gAmES STARTEDSeason: .......................... 16, Justin Tubb, 2005Career: ..................... 51, Jamie Booth, 1996-99

DECiSiOnSSeason: .......................... 13, Justin Tubb, 2004............................................Mark Fleisher, 2005Career: .........................38, Jim Abbott, 1992-95

winSSeason: ..............................9, Jim Abbott, 1995.............................................. Eddie Butler, 2011Career: .........................24, Jim Abbott, 1992-95

inningS PiTChEDGame: 10.1, Phil Leftwich vs. Va. Tech, 3/29/89Season: ..............106.1, Jason Anderson, 1997Career: ..................313.1, Justin Tubb, 2002-05

STRikEOuTSGame: ..........15, Jim Abbott vs. UNCG, 3/26/95Season: .......................... 113, Jim Abbott, 1995Career: .......................286, Jim Abbott, 1992-95

SAVESSeason: .17, Abram Williams, 2011 (BSC Rec.)Career: .................18, Bret Lieberman, 2002-06

ShuTOuTSSeason: .............................3, Jim Abbott, 1995Career: ...........................5, Jim Abbott, 1992-95

nO-hiT gAmES.......Jason Anderson vs. UNCA, 4/15/95 (7 inn.)........Todd Tortorici vs. G. Mason, 5/8/90 (7 inn.)..........Ray Rusk vs. Ferrum, 4/8/86 (5 inn., rain)

EARnED Run AVERAgE (min. 40 inn.)Season: .........................3.14, Jim Abbott, 1995 ............................................... (34 ER in 97.1 IP)Career: .................. 3.62, Phil Leftwich, 1988-90 ........................................... (107 ER in 265.6 IP)

mOST hiTSGame: ........................... 26, vs. UMBC, 4/23/95Season: .............................................583, 2008

mOST RunS SCOREDGame: ........................... 28, vs. UMBC, 4/23/95Season: .............................................403, 1992

mOST hOmE RunSGame: ........................7, vs. Richmond, 4/15/98Season: ...............................................60, 1995

STOlEn BASESGame: ...........................12, vs. Juniata, 3/11/94Season: .............................................143, 2010

fiElDing PERCEnTAgEHighest: .............................................978, 2012Lowest: ..............................................872, 1985

mOST DOuBlE PlAYSGame: ........ 5 vs. East Tennessee State, 3/5/91Season: .....................................59, 1992, 2012

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Record BookBATTingBATTing AVERAgE (80 AT BATS min.).456........... Ricky Saunders ...................... 1985.439........... Ricky Saunders ...................... 1986.431........... Travis Morgan ......................... 1989.430........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2007.407........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2009.401........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1993.401........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2008.399........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1994.389........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1995.386........... Jeff Dean ................................ 1995

Slugging PCT. (80 AT BATS min.).748 .......... Travis Morgan ......................... 1989.698........... Kelly Dampeer ........................ 1995.697........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1995.683........... John Gilbert ............................ 1989.679........... Mark Fleisher .......................... 2004.672........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1994.669........... Phillip Haney ........................... 1992.667........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2008.656........... Denny Van Pelt ....................... 1994.655........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2009

On BASE PCT. (80 AT BATS min.).521........... Travis Morgan ......................... 1989.518........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2009.504........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2008.490........... Denny Van Pelt ....................... 1994.486........... Ricky Saunders ...................... 1985.484........... Ricky Saunders ...................... 1986.482........... Duane Filchner ....................... 1994.474........... Alex Gregory ........................... 2007.465........... Greg Booker ........................... 1988.458........... Joey Harvich ........................... 1985

AT BATS243……… . Tyren Rivers…………………… 2010229............ Tyren Rivers ........................... 2008224............ Alan Ashworth ......................... 2005223……… . Brett Mollenhauer……………..2012221……… . Matt Hillsinger………………….2011221……… . Zach Costello…………………..2012221............ Stuart Richie ........................... 2004219……… . Reggie Keen ........................... 2008215............ Brett Mollenhauer ................... 2011214............ Kellen Wohlford ...................... 2005

hiTS84.............. Reggie Keen ........................... 200883.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200881.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199578.............. Mike Lombardi ........................ 199877.............. Kellen Wohlford ...................... 2005

76.............. Kelly Dampeer ........................ 199575.............. Tyren Rivers ........................... 201074.............. Mike Potter ............................. 200074.............. Alan Ashworth ......................... 200571.............. Kellen Wohlford ...................... 2004

RunS SCORED60.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199556.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200855.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199454.............. Donnie Just ............................. 199153.............. Mike Potter ............................. 200052……….. . Zach Costello .......................... 201251……….. . Reggie Keen ........................... 201050.............. Denny Van Pelt ....................... 199449.............. Mike Lombardi ........................ 199949.............. Mike Lombardi ........................ 199849……….. . Matt Hillsinger…………………. 2011

RunS BATTED in58.............. Kelly Dampeer ........................ 199557.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199357.............. Kelly Dampeer ........................ 199753.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199452.............. Mark Fleisher .......................... 200451.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199551.............. Brian Pardue ........................... 199451.............. Jeff Collins .............................. 199851.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200851.............. Raphael Turner ....................... 2010

DOuBlES22…… ...... Kelly Dampeer………………… 199519.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199519.............. Kellen Wohlford ...................... 200418.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199418.............. Mark Fleisher………………….. 200417.............. Donnie Just ............................. 199217.............. Jeff Collins .............................. 199817.............. Bill McCarthy .......................... 199917.............. Sean Walsh ............................ 199917.............. Bill McCarthy .......................... 200017.............. Nate Toth ................................ 2007

TRiPlES7................ Stuart Ritchie .......................... 20046…… ........ Jesse Ross……………………. 20046…… ........ Matt Hillsinger………………… 20106…… ........ Jeff Kemp……………………… 20126................ Kellen Wohlford ...................... 20055…… ........ Matt Mack……………………… 20115................ Duane Filchner ....................... 19925................ Reggie Keen ........................... 2008*Thirteen players tied with 4

hOmE RunS16.............. Kelly Dampeer ........................ 199516.............. Mark Fleisher .......................... 200415.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199514.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200811 .............. John Gilbert ............................ 198911 .............. Denny Van Pelt ....................... 199411 .............. Jerry Fulton ............................. 200211 .............. Mark Fleisher .......................... 200510.............. Phillip Haney ........................... 199210.............. Kelly Dampeer ........................ 199710.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200910.............. Raphael Turner ....................... 2010

TOTAl BASES148............ Kelly Dampeer ........................ 1995145............ Duane Filchner ....................... 1995138............ Alex Gregory ........................... 2008125............ Mark Fleisher .......................... 2004124............ Jeff Collins .............................. 1998 123............ Duane Filchner ....................... 1994117 ............ Reggie Keen ........................... 2008116 ............ Alex Gregory ........................... 2009116……… . Raphael Turner ....................... 2010

STOlEn BASES33………. .. Tyren Rivers……………………201031………. .. Reggie Keen………………… .. 201028………. .. Matt Hillsinger………………….201127.............. Mike Potter ............................. 200027.............. Kellen Wohlford ...................... 200422.............. Denny Van Pelt ....................... 199422……….. . Raphael Turner………………..201020.............. Kellen Wohlford ...................... 200519.............. Bill Brennan ............................ 199519.............. Mike Lombardi ........................ 199619.............. Stuart Richie ........................... 200319.............. Tyren Rivers ........................... 200919.............. Zach Costello .......................... 2012

wAlkS51.............. Denny Van Pelt ....................... 199439.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200838.............. Greg Booker ........................... 198836.............. Alex Gregory ........................... 200933.............. Ray Detwiler ........................... 2000 32.............. Duane Filchner ....................... 199432.............. Scott Creasy ........................... 198931.............. Joe Raccuia ............................ 199431.............. Brian Elms .............................. 199731.............. Adam McKenzie ..................... 199831.............. Brett Mollenhauer ................... 2012


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Record BookPiTChing EARnED Run AVg. (20 inningS min.)1.80........... Hugh Hallinan ......................... 19902.20........... Eddie Butler ............................ 20122.38........... Bret Lieberman ....................... 20032.54........... Phil Leftwich ........................... 19892.55........... Jake Palese ............................ 20112.70........... Phil Leftwich ........................... 19902.73........... Travis Toms ............................ 19933.14........... Jim Abbott ............................... 19953.18........... Jason Patten ........................... 20123.19........... Jim Richbourg ......................... 1986

winS9................ Jim Abbott ............................... 19959................ Eddie Butler ............................ 20118................ Tim Manwiller .......................... 19978................ Bundy Fulmer ......................... 20007................ Phil Leftwich ........................... 19897................ Jamie Booth ............................ 19997................ Bundy Fulmer ......................... 19997................ Jason Anderson ...................... 19977................ Eddie Butler ............................ 20127................ Tyler Costello .......................... 2012

SAVES17.............. Abram Williams ....................... 20119................ Jason Patten ........................... 20098................ Bret Lieberman ....................... 20037................ Travis Toms ............................ 19946................ Ryan Speier ............................ 19986................ Bret Lieberman ....................... 20045................ Matt Cooke ............................. 19964................ Chris Connolly ........................ 19904................ Dub Salyers ............................ 19954................ Tim Manwiller .......................... 19974................ Josh Hammonds ..................... 2004

APPEARAnCES33.............. Brad Wimmer .......................... 201030.............. Travis Toms ............................ 199429.............. Terry Rooney .......................... 199529.............. Cory Koliscak .......................... 200429.............. Pat Cecchini ........................... 199629.............. Travis Toms ............................ 199529.............. Brad Wimmer .......................... 201128.............. Brian Williamson ..................... 200227.............. Matt Cooke ............................. 199627.............. Jason Patten ........................... 2012

gAmES STARTED16.............. Justin Tubb ............................. 200515.............. Jason Anderson ...................... 199715.............. Aerik Taylor ............................. 201015.............. Eddie Butler ............................ 2011

15.............. Mark Peterson ........................ 201115.............. Bobby Bolling .......................... 201114.............. Nine Players

COmPlETE gAmES10.............. Phil Leftwich ........................... 19909................ Phil Leftwich ........................... 19887................ Jason Anderson ...................... 19977................ Ryan Speier ............................ 20016................ Phil Leftwich ........................... 19896................ Jim Abbott ............................... 19956................ Jason Anderson ...................... 19955................ Several Players

inningS PiTChED110 ............ Phil Leftwich ........................... 1990106.1......... Jason Anderson ...................... 199798.0........... Eddie Butler ............................ 201297.1........... Jim Abbott ............................... 199595.2........... Phil Leftwich ........................... 198895.1........... Eddie Butler ............................ 201194.1........... Eric Evans .............................. 200893.2........... Justin Tubb ............................. 200592.0........... Phil Leftwich ........................... 198990.0........... Tim Manwiller .......................... 199790.0........... Mark Peterson ........................ 2011

ShuTOuTS3................ Jim Abbott ............................... 19952................ Jason Anderson ...................... 19952................ Jason Anderson ...................... 19972................ Eddie Butler ............................ 2012

STRikEOuTS113 ............ Jim Abbott ............................... 199595.............. Eddie Butler ............................ 201293.............. Jason Anderson ...................... 199791.............. Phil Leftwich ........................... 199088.............. Phil Leftwich ........................... 198884.............. Tim Manwiller .......................... 199784.............. Ryan Speier ............................ 200174.............. Eric Evans .............................. 200873.............. Fabio Milano ........................... 199973.............. Bobby Bolling .......................... 2011


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Record BookBATTingBATTing AVERAgE (160 AT BATS min.).387........... Duane Filchner ..................1992-95.378........... Alex Gregory ......................2006-09.374........... Ricky Saunders .................1985-88.355........... Reggie Keen ......................2007-10.338........... Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97.338........... Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12.338........... Travis Morgan ....................1988-91.335........... Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99.335........... Brian Pardue ......................1991-94.331........... Bill McCarthy .....................1999-00

Slugging PCT. (160 AT BATS min.).639........... Duane Filchner ..................1992-95.603........... Alex Gregory ......................2006-09.580........... Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97.576........... Mark Fleisher .....................2002-04.571........... Brian Pardue ......................1991-94.569........... Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94.557........... Bill McCarthy .....................1999-00.549........... Phillip Haney ......................1990-92.545........... Jeff Collins .........................1995-98.536........... John Gilbert ...................... 1989, 91

On BASE PCT. (160 AT BATS min.).475........... Alex Gregory ......................2006-09.455........... Duane Filchner ..................1992-95.434........... Greg Booker ......................1986-89.431........... Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94.428........... Reggie Keen ......................2007-10.427........... Sean Walsh .......................1998-00.426........... Cory Turner ........................2010-12.421........... John Gilbert ...................... 1989, 91.419........... Brian Pardue ......................1991-94.417........... Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12

gAmES PlAYED217............ Brett Mollenhauer ..............2009-12208............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97202............ Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99200............ Tyren Rivers ......................2007-10198............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95194............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09192............ Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12190............ Kellen Wohlford .................2002-05186............ Jeff Collins .........................1995-98186............ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94186............ Alan Ashworth ....................2002-05

AT BATS837............ Brett Mollenhauer ..............2009-12786............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97767............ Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99763............ Tyren Rivers ......................2007-10721............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09704............ Kellen Wohlford .................2002-05693............ Alan Ashworth ....................2002-05

692............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95668............ Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12647............ Reggie Keen ......................2007-10

hiTS272............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09269............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95266............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97259............ Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99247............ Brett Mollenauer ................2009-12230............ Reggie Keen ......................2007-10229............ Kellen Wolhford .................2002-05226............ Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12218............ Tyren Rivers ......................2007-10209............ Alan Ashworth ....................2002-05

RunS SCORED198............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95186............ Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99160............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97155............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09152……… . Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12150…… .... Tyren Rivers ......................2007-10144............ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94141…… .... Brett Mollenhauer ..............2009-12141............ Donnie Just ........................1989-92127............ Jeff Collins .........................1995-98

RunS BATTED in181............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95178............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97166............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09151............ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94139............ Travis Morgan ....................1988-91133............ Adam McKenzie ................1998-01123............ Mark Fleisher .....................2002-05116 ............ Jeff Collins .........................1995-98114 ............ Alan Ashworth ....................2002-05107............ Kellen Wohlford .................2002-05

DOuBlES64.............. Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-9757.............. Duane Filchner ..................1992-9555.............. Jeff Collins .........................1995-9848.............. Nate Toth ...........................2005-0845…… ...... Reggie Keen ......................2007-1045.............. Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-9445.............. Alex Gregory ......................2006-0941.............. Donnie Just ........................1989-9241…… ...... Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-1240.............. Kellen Wohlford .................2002-05

TRiPlES14.............. Kellen Wohlford .................2002-0511 .............. Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-1210.............. Mike Lombardi ...................1996-999… ............ Reggie Keen ......................2007-109................ Donald Fields .....................1992-95

9................ Matt Mack ..........................2009-129................ Jeff Kemp...........................2009-pr.8................ Stuart Ritchie .....................2003-048…… ........ Brett Mollenhauer ..............2009-127................ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-947................ Duane Filchner ..................1992-957................ Tyren Rivers ......................2007-10

hOmE RunS38.............. Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97 38.............. Alex Gregory ......................2006-0934.............. Duane Filchner ..................1992-9533.............. Mark Fleisher .....................2002-0528.............. Jeff Collins .........................1995-9825.............. Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-9423.............. Travis Morgan ....................1988-9119.............. Adam McKenzie ................1998-0118.............. Donnie Just ........................1989-9218.............. Keith Brunst ......................2000-02

TOTAl BASES456............ Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-97442............ Duane Filchner ..................1992-95435............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-09361............ Mike Lombardi ...................1996-99340…… .... Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-12334............ Jeff Collins .........................1995-98327............ Kellen Wohlford .................2002-05320............ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94320… ........ Reggie Keen ......................2007-10288............ Mark Fleisher .....................2002-05

STOlEn BASES69… .......... Tyren Rivers ......................2007-1066.............. Kellen Wohlford .................2002-0560.............. Mike Lombardi ...................1996-9956… .......... Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-1254…… ...... Reggie Keen ......................2007-1047.............. Donald Fields .....................1992-9546.............. Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-9444.............. Duane Filchner ..................1992-9544.............. Kelly Dampeer ...................1994-9744.............. Mike Potter ........................1997-00

wAlkS105............ Denny Van Pelt ..................1991-94103............ Alex Gregory ......................2006-0997.............. Adam McKenzie ................1998-0186.............. Duane Filchner ..................1992-9586.............. Brett Mollenhauer ..............2009-1285.............. Greg Booker ......................1986-8983.............. Ray Detwiler ......................1998-0082.............. Scott Creasy ................1988-89, 9280.............. Matt Hillsinger ....................2009-1278.............. Chris Whiting .....................1996-99


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Record BookPiTChing EARnED Run AVg. (80 iP min.)3.24........... Phil Leftwich ......................1988-903.62........... Cris Connolly .....................1990-913.81........... Tyler Costello .....................2012-pr.3.84........... Eddie Butler .......................2010-124.33........... Jake Palese ....................... 2011-124.47........... Mark Peterson ................... 2011-124.48........... Abram Williams ..................2008-124.49........... Travis Toms .......................1992-954.55........... Jim Abbott ..........................1992-954.60........... Bobby Bolling ..................... 2010-11

winS24.............. Jim Abbott ..........................1992-9522…… ...... Eddie Butler .......................2010-1219.............. Phil Leftwich ......................1988-9018.............. Eric Harris ...............1992-93, 95-9617.............. Jaime Booth .......................1996-9915.............. Travis Toms .......................1992-9515.............. Justin Tubb ........................2002-0514.............. Jason Anderson .................1995-9713.............. Vic Hatcher ........................1988-9112.............. Mark Fleisher .....................2002-0512.............. Jason Patten ......................2009-12

STRikEOuTS98.............. Travis Toms .......................1992-9594.............. Jason Patten ......................2009-1287.............. Abram Williams ..................2008-1279.............. Terry Rooney .....................1994-9676.............. Cory Koliscak .....................2002-0574.............. Bret Lieberman ..................2002-0672.............. Ryan Speier .......................1998-0170.............. Mark Beppler ..........2005-06, 08-0964.............. John Lloyd .........................2006-0962.............. Daryll DeSalvo ...................1998-0062.............. Brad Wimmer ..................... 2010-11

STRikEOuTS/9 inningS (80 iP min.)9.52........... Daryll DeSalvo ...................1998-008.62........... Fabio Milano ......................1998-998.56........... Chris Connolly ...................1990-918.50........... Bret Lieberman ..................2002-068.29........... Jim Abbott ..........................1992-958.20........... Ryan Speier .......................1998-017.64........... Cory Koliscak .....................2002-057.48........... Eddie Butler .......................2010-127.38........... Abram Williams ..................2008-127.27........... Tim Manwiller .....................1998-00

SAVES23.............. Abram Williams ..................2008-1221.............. Jason Patten ......................2009-1218.............. Bret Lieberman ..................2002-0612.............. Travis Toms .......................1992-9512.............. Ryan Speier .......................1998-01

7................ Chris Connolly ...................1996-977................ Matt Cooke ........................1996-976................ Phil Leftwich ......................1988-905................ Jeff Altergott ...................... 1989, 915................ Daryl DeSalvo ....................1998-005................ Cory Koliscak .....................2002-05

APPEARAnCES98.............. Travis Toms .......................1992-9594.............. Jason Patten ......................2009-1287.............. Abram Williams ..................2008-1279.............. Terry Rooney .....................1994-9676.............. Cory Koliscak .....................2002-0574.............. Bret Lieberman ..................2002-0672.............. Ryan Speier .......................1998-0170.............. Mark Beppler ..........2005-06, 08-0964.............. John Lloyd .........................2006-0962.............. Daryll DeSalvo ...................1998-0062.............. Brad Wimmer ..................... 2010-11

gAmES STARTED50.............. Justin Tubb ........................2002-0549.............. Jim Abbott ..........................1992-9549.............. Jamie Booth .......................1996-9943.............. Eddie Butler .......................2010-1239.............. Jason Anderson .................1995-9739.............. Justin Morgan ....................2003-0636.............. Mark Fleisher .....................2002-0535.............. Mike Parker .......................1992-9534.............. Phil Leftwich ......................1988-9031.............. David Light .........................2000-0231.............. Vic Hatcher ........................1988-9131.............. Eric Evans .........................2006-08

COmPlETE gAmES25.............. Phil Leftwich ......................1988-0019.............. Jim Abbott ..........................1992-9513.............. Jason Anderson .................1995-978................ Jamie Booth .......................1996-997................ Ryan Speier .......................1998-017................ TIm Manwiller ....................1996-976................ Vic Hatcher ........................1998-915................ Seven Players

inningS PiTChED313.1......... Justin Tubb ........................2002-05310.1......... Jim Abbott ..........................1992-95297.2… ..... Phil Leftwich ......................1988-90279.0… ..... Eddie Butler .......................2010-12269.0......... Jaime Booth .......................1996-99250.0......... Justin Morgan ....................2003-06248.1......... Jason Anderson .................1995-97220.2......... Vic Hatcher ........................1988-91218.1......... Mark Fleisher .....................2002-05211.2 ......... Eric Evans .........................2006-08

ShuTOuTS5................ Jim Abbott ..........................1992-954................ Jason Anderson .................1995-973................ Eddie Butler .......................2010-122................ VIc Hatcher ........................1988-912................ Ray Rusk ...........................1986-87


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Record BookBATTing BATTing AVERAgE2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 4012009.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 4072010.......... Raphael Turner ......................... 3632011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ........................... 3672012.......... Matt Mack ................................. 332

Slugging PCT2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 6672009.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 6552010.......... Raphael Turner ......................... 6012011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ........................... 5482012.......... Jeff Kemp.................................. 536

On BASE PCT2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 5042009.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 5182010.......... Reggie Keen ............................. 4552011 .......... Matt Mack ................................. 4452012.......... Cory Turner ............................... 420

AT BATS2008.......... Tyren Rivers ............................. 2292009.......... Reggie Keen ............................. 2112010.......... Tyren Rivers ............................. 2432011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ........................... 2212012.......... Brett Mollenhauer ..................... 223

RunS SCORED2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 562009.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 402010.......... Tyren Rivers ............................... 542011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ............................. 492012.......... Zach Costello .............................. 52

hiTS2008.......... Reggie Keen ............................... 842009.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 722010.......... Tyren Rivers ............................... 752011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ............................. 812012.......... Brett Mollenhauer ....................... 72

DOuBlES2008.......... Reggie Keen ............................... 142009.......... Reggie Keen ............................... 142010.......... Reggie Keen ............................... 162011 .......... Matt Mack ................................... 162012.......... Jeff Kemp.................................... 16

TRiPlES2008.......... Reggie Keen ................................. 52009.......... Brett Mollenhauer ......................... 42010.......... Matt Hillsinger ............................... 6

2011 .......... Matt Mack ..................................... 52012.......... Jeff Kemp...................................... 6

hOmE RunS2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 142009.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 102010.......... Raphael Turner ........................... 102011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ............................... 62012.......... Matt Hillsinger ............................... 8

TOTAl BASES2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 1382009.......... Alex Gregory ............................. 1162010.......... Raphael Turner ......................... 1162011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ........................... 1212012.......... Jeff Kemp.................................. 103

wAlkS2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 392009.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 362010.......... Raphael Turner ........................... 322011 .......... Matt Mack ................................... 282012.......... Brett Mollenhauer ....................... 31

RunS BATTED in2008.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 512009.......... Alex Gregory ............................... 422010.......... Raphael Turner ........................... 512011 .......... Alex Guerra ................................ 472012.......... Jeff Kemp.................................... 48

STOlEn BASES2008.......... Tyren Rivers ............................... 122009.......... Tyren Rivers ............................... 192010.......... Tyren Rivers ............................... 332011 .......... Matt Hillsinger ............................. 282012.......... Zach Costello .............................. 19

PiTChing inningS PiTChED2008.......... Eric Evans ............................... 94.12009.......... Aerik Taylor .............................. 71.22010.......... Aerik Taylor .............................. 87.12011 .......... Eddie Butler ............................. 95.12012.......... Eddie Butler ............................. 98.0

winS2008.......... Adam Hoyt .................................... 62009.......... Paul DeVito ................................... 62010.......... Aerik Taylor, Eddie Butler.............. 62011 .......... Eddie Butler .................................. 92012.......... Eddie Butler, Tyler Costello........... 7

STRikEOuTS2008.......... Eric Evans .................................. 742009.......... Shane Pysh ................................ 522010.......... Eddie Butler ................................ 652011 .......... Bobby Bolling .............................. 732012.......... Eddie Butler ................................ 95

APPEARAnCES2008.......... Shane Pysh ................................ 212009.......... Jason Patten ............................... 232010.......... Brad Wimmer .............................. 332011 .......... Brad Wimmer .............................. 292012.......... Jason Patten ............................... 27

STARTS2008.......... Eric Evans .................................. 142009.......... Aerik Taylor ................................. 142010.......... Aerik Taylor ................................. 152011 .......... Bobby Bolling .............................. 15 Mark Peterson ............................ 15 Eddie Butler ................................ 152012.......... Eddie Butler ................................ 14 Tyler Costello .............................. 14

ShuTOuTS2008.......... Eric Evans .................................... 12009...........................................................None2010...........................................................None2011 .......... Eddie Butler .................................. 12012.......... Eddie Butler .................................. 2

SAVES2008.......... Josh Hammonds ........................... 42009.......... Jason Patten ................................. 92010.......... Jason Patten ................................. 52011 .......... Abram Williams ........................... 172012.......... Jason Patten ................................. 6

ERA2008.......... Eric Evans ............................... 3.342009.......... Jake Quigg .............................. 4.362010.......... Abram Williams ........................ 4.032011 .......... Bobby Bolling ........................... 3.802012.......... Eddie Butler ............................. 2.20


Page 31: Baseball Recruiting Guide 2013


Radford UniversityFounded 1983President Penelope W. Kyle, Radford University Vice President Dr. Frank Bonner, Gardner-Webb UniversitySecretary Dr. Anne Ponder, UNC AshevilleCommissioner Kyle B. KallanderAssociate Commissioner James CompanionAssociate Commissioner Dawn TurnerAssistant Commissioner - Public Relations Mark SimpsonAssistant Commissioner - Marketing Chad CookDirector of Multimedia Development Mark BryantCoordinator of Baseball Umpires Tony Thompson

Member Institutions (12): Campbell University, Charleston Southern University, Coastal Carolina University, Gardner-Webb University, High Point University, Liberty University, Longwood University, Presbyterian College, Radford University, UNC Asheville, Virginia Military Institute, Winthrop University

Geographical Breakdown (3 states): North Carolina (4) – Campbell University, Gardner-Webb University, High Point University, UNC Asheville South Carolina (4) – Charleston Southern University, Coastal Carolina University, Presbyterian College, Winthrop University Virginia (4) – Liberty University, Longwood University, Radford University, Virginia Military Institute


HOW & WHERE WE TRAVEL...Radford competes in a southern conference and plays all of its games south of the Mason-Dixon line. The Highlanders regularly play in-state rivals Virginia Tech, Virginia and James Madison, along with Old Dominion and George Mason.

When it comes to conference play, Radford ventures to the states of North and South Carolina as well as playing in-state foes Liberty, Longwood and VMI on a yearly basis.

Since Raccuia took the helm, the non-conference road swings have including trips to Florida (Jacksonville), Alabama (Auburn, Samford, UAB), Georgia (Georgia Southern, Kennesaw State, North Carolina (Wake Forest, Davidson, Charlotte), South Carolina (College of Charleston, Elon) and Tennessee (Tennessee, ETSU).

The Highlanders travel by bus to all contests and on long trips they use sleeper buses. The buses Radford uses provides the student-athletes with free wi-fi and electrical outlets, allowing them access to online assignments blah, blah, blah

Page 32: Baseball Recruiting Guide 2013


Prior to her appointment at Radford, she had more than 30 years of experience in state gov-ernment, higher education, and the corporate and legal worlds.

Since her arrival, Radford University has se-cured approval and funding for more than $216 million in capital projects, including both new construction and renovation. In 2008, Radford opened the state-of-the-art Covington Center for Visual and Performing Arts. More recently, the university has renovated three major campus buildings, including the technologically ad-vanced Young Hall. Construction has begun on a new signature building for the College of Busi-ness and Economics. Future expansion includes

a new student fitness and wellness center, a new sciences building, new residence halls, and an addition to the Hurlburt Student Center.

During President Kyle’s tenure, approval was secured from the Common-wealth of Virginia for Radford to offer its first doctoral degree, the Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Counseling Psychology. More recently, Radford Uni-versity has sought and gained approval for additional doctorates in physical therapy and nursing practice, and a master’s degree in occupational thera-py. Radford University now offers 67 degree programs and two certificate at the undergraduate level and 19 degree programs with 24 concentrations at the graduate level and five post-baccalaureate certificates.

Radford University for the first time was named one of the nation’s “Top Up-and-Coming Schools” in the U.S. News & World Report’s 2010 Guide to America’s Best Colleges. In 2009, President Kyle signed the Ameri-can College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, pledging to help make Radford University a sustainable and environmentally friendly campus. Just a year later, in 2010, Radford University was named to the Princeton Review’s first “Guide to 286 Green Colleges.”

President Kyle is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Directors of PRA, Inc., a publicly traded company. She is a member of the Board of Di-rectors of the Foundation for Educational Exchange Between Canada and the United States, which encourages and provides support for academic exchange between students and faculty in both countries through the pres-tigious Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program. In 2011, she was elected president of the Big South Athletic Conference, the first woman to hold that office.

She holds a Juris Doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law and a Master of Business Administration degree from the College of William and Mary. She received her undergraduate degree from Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C.

Radford UniversityPresident Penelope W. Kyle Radford University is listed as one of the na-

tion’s “Top Up-and-Coming Schools” in the U.S. News and World Report’s 2010 Guide to America’s Best Colleges and is on The Princeton Review’s list of best colleges and universities in the Southeast.

Radford’s 19:1 student to faculty

ratio allows for small class sizes

and personalized attention

Students in Management 460: Business and Society invested more than 400 hours in community service in fall 2011.

Radford University is committed to being a model for sustainable campus practices and policies and recognized for our steward-ship of economic, social, and environmental resources and for our academic commitment to sustainability.

First and foremost, the university empha-sizes teaching and learning and the process of learning in its commitment to the develop-ment of mature, responsible, well-educated citizens.

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Radford UniversityUNIVERSITY FACTSLocation Radford, Va.Founded 1910President Penelope W. Kyle (Guilford College)Enrollment / Graduate 9,573 / 963Type State/PublicStudent/Faculty Ratio 19:1Student Ratio 58 percent female / 42% maleUndergraduate Programs 153Master’s Degree Programs 21 (16 disciplines)Doctorate Programs 3Majors Offered 69 (39 disciplines)Website

TOP 5 mAJORSPre-Major

Interdisciplinary Studies – Elementary EducationExercise, Sport and Health Education

Pre-BusinessCriminal Justice

In-State Tuition & Fees $8,590 Tuition, Room & Board $16,608 - 16,716Out-of-State Tuition & Fees $20,160 Tuition, Room & Board $28,178 - 28,236

AThlETiCSNickname HighlandersColors Red, White, Navy Blue Affiliation NCAA Division IConference Big SouthDirector of Athletics Robert Lineburg (Roanoke, 1991)Website

College of Business and EconomicsAccounting, Finance and Business LawEconomics / Management / Marketing

College of Education and human DevelopmentAppalachian Studies / Counselor Education

Exercise, Sport and Health EducationNutrition and Dietetics / Recreation, Parks and Tourism

School of Teacher Education and Leadershipwaldron College of health and human Services

Communication Sciences and DisordersDoctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) / Occupational Therapy

School of Nursing / School of Social WorkCollege of humanities and Behavioral Sciences

Criminal Justice / EnglishForeign Languages and Literatures / History

Social Sciences Program / Military Science (Army ROTC)Philosophy and Religious Studies / Political SciencePsychology / School of Communication / SociologyCollege of Science and TechnologyAnthropological Sciences / Biology / Chemistry

Geospatial Science / Geology / Information TechnologyMathematics and Statistics / Physics / Pre-Health Advising

College of Visual and Performing ArtsArt / Dance / Interior Design & Fashion

Music / Theatre & CinemaCollege of graduate and Professional Studies

Art (M.F.A.) / Business Administration (M.B.A)Communication Sciences and Disorders (M.A., M.S.)Corporate and Professional Communication (M.S.)

Counseling and Human Development (M.S.)Counseling Psychology (Psy.D.) / Criminal Justice (M.A., M.S.)

Education (M.S.) / Educational Leadership (M.S.) / English (M.A./M.S.)Literacy Education (M.S.) / Music (M.A., M.S.) / Nursing Practice (D.N.P.)

Occupational Therapy (M.O.T) / Physical Therapy (D.P.T.)Psychology (M.A., M.S.) / School Psychology (Ed.S.)

Social Work (MS.W.) / Special Education (M.S.)

Colleges & Departments

83 percent of faculty hold doctorates

or terminal degrees in their fields.

RU has the only deaf education

program in Virginia.

Since 1981, nine university faculty members

have been selected as Fulbright Scholars to

teach or do research in other countries.

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Radford University

ON-CAMPUS MEAL PLANSAll students living on campus may select from any one of three meal plans. If a meal plan is not selected, the Flex Meal Plan will be assigned. The three meal plans are:

19 meal PlanOffers all 19 of the 19 meals served per week and $150 Food Dollars at a total cost of $1,787 per semester.

15 meal PlanOffers any 15 of the 19 meals served per week and $150 Food Dollars at a total cost of $1,739 per semester.

flex meal PlanProvides students with $527 Flex Dollars and $30 Vending Dollars each semester. The cost per semester is $1,733. Flex Dollars allow students to purchase all meals in the dining halls at discounts of more than 66 percent off the regular door rate. All purchases in dining retail locations are discounted 50 percent when using Flex Dollars.

OFF-CAMPUS MEAL PLANSStudents living off campus may select one of the above on-campus meal plans or one of the following optional off-campus meal plans:

90 meal PlanOffers 90 meals per semester with a $6.80 transfer credit per meal and no Food Dollars at a total cost of $605 per semester.

65 meal PlanOffers 65 meals per semester with a $6.80 transfer credit per meal and no Food Dollars at a total cost or $437 per semester.

flex Jr. PlanProvides students with $304 Flex Dollars each semester. The cost per semester is $876. All discounts are the same as noted in the Flex Plan.

Because Flex Dollars are discounted dollars, they are NOT valid in vending machines.

LIVING AT RADFORD UNIVERSITYMore than 3,000 students live on campus across 15 residence halls. In total, more than 80 percent of our students live on campus or in off-campus housing within walking distance to the university.

Baseball student-athetes are housed in Ingles Hall which is located on Moffett Quad. Ingles Hall primarily houses upper-class students and is co-ed by alternating rooms that feature individual bathrooms. This building is billed at the Standard Building Rate. Ingles is one of two halls that remain open throughout the academic school year for stu-dents needing housing during university breaks. There is a nominal nightly fee for students staying during the university breaks. Ingles houses approximately 140 students. Themed housing, including Honors Academy, visual and performing arts and College of Science and Information Technology majors create unique learning communities for qualified interested students.

There are nearly a dozen different places to eat on campus, including Chick-fil-A, Starbucks, Wendy’s, Sbarro, Ben & Jerrys and many more. Dalton and Muse Hall offer more traditional dining settings.

Intramurals, club sports, Greek life, leadership opportunities, volunteer opportunities, community service, on- and off-campus employment enrich your experience.

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Radford UniversityThis is Radford University Nestled in the New River Valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Radford, Va., Radford University is student-centered and focused on providing outstanding academic programs for its more than 9,000 students. Well known for its strong faculty/student bonds, innovative use of technology in the learning environment and vibrant student life on a beautiful campus, Radford University offers many opportunities to get involved and succeed in and out of the classroom. Radford University welcomes students from the Com-monwealth of Virginia, across the country and around the world. Here, you will find inspiration in the surroundings – the manicured green lawns on campus, the steady roll of the New River, the wonders along the Blue Ridge Parkway, the stately university buildings and a quaint downtown. Radford’s 153 undergraduate and graduate programs offer every student the opportunity to discover new talents, develop leadership skills and experience personal growth. Radford University serves the Commonwealth of Virginia and the nation through a wide range of academic, cultural, hu-man service, and research programs. First and foremost, the university emphasizes teaching and learning and the process of learning in its commitment to the development of mature, re-sponsible, well-educated citizens. Radford University develops students’ creative and critical thinking skills, teaches students to analyze problems and implement solutions, helps students discover their leadership styles, and fosters their growth as leaders. Toward these ends, the university is student-focused and promotes a sense of caring and of meaningful interaction among all members of the University community. Research is viewed as a vital corollary to the teaching and learning trans-action as it sustains and enhances the ability to teach effec-tively. Radford University believes in the dynamics of change and has a strong commitment to continuous review, evalua-tion, and improvement in the curriculum and all aspects of the university, so as to meet the changing needs of society.

Fast Facts- Located in the New River Valley of Southwest Virginia- 177-acre main campus; 78-acre RU West campus- 9,370 Students (58% female, 42% male)- 1,020 Graduate enrollment- Students originate from 39 states and Washington D.C.; 57 countries- Student-to-faculty ratio of 19:1- 83% of faculty hold doctorate or terminal degrees in their

fields- 93% of RU students obtain employment or continue education within 3-8 months of graduation

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New River ValleyRadford University is nestled in southwestern Virginia’s New River Valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The area provides abundant recreation, including kayaking, fishing and tubing on the New River; hiking or bicycling on one of the region’s dozens of trails; or simply taking in nature nearly anywhere in the area.

The City of Radford offers shopping and dining just a short walk from campus. Meanwhile, a regional mall is less than 10 miles away.

The NRV is home to one of the oldest rivers in the world the New River. It’s also one of the few rivers in the world that flows south to north.

The NRV hosts the largest research park in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The NRV is home to approximately 165,145 residents.

The NRV hosts Radford University, Virginia Tech, and New River Community College.