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8/15/2019 Barcelona Tour Guide Book 2011 1/18 Toms Barcelona Cruise Port Guide: Spain The walking tour map of La Rambla and Gothic Quarter includes the cathedral food market Placa de Catalun!a etc" Parc Guell Casa Batllo Casa #ila and a $irtual tour of Sagrada %amilia the most famous church are cited as e&amples of Gaudi's influence" #ont(uic the former )l!mpic site with museums and park areas on a hill that o$erlooks the cit! is described with maps and photos" Barcelona is a magnificent city with wide boulevards, great food, impressive buildings, and many memorable places to visit. There are striking examples of world famous architecture, a mix of old and modern buildings, beautiful squares, parks, great shopping, and a hill overlooking the city and harbor. Cruise ships dock about 2 miles from the Christopher Columbus monument on a !ambla. "t#s too far to walk, but there are shuttle  buses for a fee $% & '(. )ou also have convenient cab service  between the cruise ship dock and the city. P*G+S T)P,C  - Cruise ship dock location  . *eeting point for cruise ship shuttle buses and location of the Christopher Columbus statue /01 +opon bus tour map  2 *etro map  3 -alking tour map for the othic /uarter $Barri otic(  4056 0oints of interest in the othic /uarter 1 Basilica del la *erce, 0laca !eial, the +istorical *useum, Barcelona Cathedral, ood *arket, 3anta *aria del 0i, Basilica 3ant 4ust i 0astor, 3anta *aria del *ar, and 0laca de Catalunya the center of the city  5505. The audi influence on Barcelona 5rchitecture 3agrada amilia, 0arc uell, Casa Batllo, Casa *ila $a 0edrera( and the 0ickle Building $Torre 5gbar(  5/ *ont6uic 1 the hill overlooking the city  51 3eafood 0aella 1 the most popular and famous dish  5153 0ickpockets 7 3ecurity  54 8ser eedback, Copyright 9otice, Terms and Conditions for use of Toms 0ort uides 0"C:0;C:<T3 7 3<C8!"T) 8nfortunately, Barcelona is cited by numerous sources as being the worst city for these activities in all of <urope. The Canadian government reports more passports stolen in 3pain than anywhere else in the world. 5pproaches taken by pickpockets include =hugging> strangers as longlost friends, impersonating police officers and demanding identification and inspection of your belongings, grabbing people by the neck, throwing a white mix that looks like birdshit out of windows or dumping soda on tourists so a good =3amaritan> accomplice can come to your aide while stealing your valuables. There are also scams by some cab drivers and waiters. The person takes your large <uro bill and later gives i  back to you stating it is counterfeit and he cannot accept it. +e#s switched your genuine bill to the fake one he hands back to you. Tip? @on#t pay taxis until you arrive at your destination and use credit cards in restaurants. C5A<5T "nformation contained herein is believed to be accurate. 0<53< verify the information you use for your travel  plans. ;pinions expressed are my own. This port guide is protected by copyright law see the last page of this guide for legal notices. Tom Sheridan  9ote? " would like to thank inda 3afier and eorge 3elfridge for their help on this port guide. Barcelona-07-22-2011 Page 1 of 18 For more guides, see

Barcelona Tour Guide Book 2011

Jul 05, 2018



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Toms Barcelona Cruise Port Guide: SpainThe walking tour map of La Rambla and Gothic Quarter includes the cathedral food market Placa de

Catalun!a etc" Parc Guell Casa Batllo Casa #ila and a $irtual tour of Sagrada %amilia the most

famous church are cited as e&amples of Gaudi's influence" #ont(uic the former )l!mpic site with

museums and park areas on a hill that o$erlooks the cit! is described with maps and photos"

Barcelona is a magnificent city with wide boulevards, great food,

impressive buildings, and many memorable places to visit. Thereare striking examples of world famous architecture, a mix of oldand modern buildings, beautiful squares, parks, great shopping, anda hill overlooking the city and harbor.Cruise ships dock about 2 miles from the Christopher Columbusmonument on a !ambla. "t#s too far to walk, but there are shuttle buses for a fee $% & '(. )ou also have convenient cab service between the cruise ship dock and the city.


  - Cruise ship dock location  . *eeting point for cruise ship shuttle buses and location of the Christopher Columbus statue

/01 +opon bus tour map  2 *etro map  3 -alking tour map for the othic /uarter $Barri otic(  4056 0oints of interest in the othic /uarter 1 Basilica del la *erce, 0laca !eial, the +istorical *useum,

Barcelona Cathedral, ood *arket, 3anta *aria del 0i, Basilica 3ant 4ust i 0astor,3anta *aria del *ar, and 0laca de Catalunya the center of the city

  5505. The audi influence on Barcelona 5rchitecture 3agrada amilia, 0arc uell, Casa Batllo,Casa *ila $a 0edrera( and the 0ickle Building $Torre 5gbar(

  5/ *ont6uic 1 the hill overlooking the city  51 3eafood 0aella 1 the most popular and famous dish  5153 0ickpockets 7 3ecurity  54 8ser eedback, Copyright 9otice, Terms and Conditions for use of Toms 0ort uides

0"C:0;C:<T3 7 3<C8!"T)

8nfortunately, Barcelona is cited by numerous sources as being the worst city for these activities in all of<urope. The Canadian government reports more passports stolen in 3pain than anywhere else in the world.

5pproaches taken by pickpockets include =hugging> strangers as longlost friends, impersonating policeofficers and demanding identification and inspection of your belongings, grabbing people by the neck, throwinga white mix that looks like birdshit out of windows or dumping soda on tourists so a good =3amaritan>accomplice can come to your aide while stealing your valuables.

There are also scams by some cab drivers and waiters. The person takes your large <uro bill and later gives i back to you stating it is counterfeit and he cannot accept it. +e#s switched your genuine bill to the fake one he

hands back to you. Tip? @on#t pay taxis until you arrive at your destination and use credit cards in restaurants.C5A<5T"nformation contained herein is believed to be accurate. 0<53< verify the information you use for your travel plans. ;pinions expressed are my own. This port guide is protected by copyright law see the last page of thisguide for legal notices.

Tom Sheridan

 9ote? " would like to thank inda 3afier and eorge 3elfridge for their help on this port guide.

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*erial Photo 0 Cruise Ship 7ock Location in Barcelona 8 note the scale of 166 feet

95 0 Cruise ships dock area. arge parking lots are next to the passenger terminals with buses 7 cabs.9- 0 Bus drop off and meeting point area

9. 0 Christopher Columbus statue at the southern end of La Rambla

"t#s about two miles from the ship dock area to the Christopher Columbus statue. @on#t try to walk because youhave to walk over a high bridge and along ma6or roads.Take the ship's shuttle bus ; < 1=person> or a cab ; 56 +uros for two people>"

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Bus #eeting Point and Christopher Columbus Statue 8 note the scale of 566 feet

The bus drop off and pick up point is next to 2. Be sure !ou know the e&act pick up point for !our bus"

is the Christopher Columbus statue. )ou can purchase tickets for hopon buses at and get cabs there.

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?op0)n Bus Tour #ap 8 page 5 of -

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?op0)n Bus Tour #ap 8 page - of -

This map is from the Barcelona Bus Turistic web site http?DDwww.barcelonabusturistic.catDwebDguest  5 22 <uro bus ticket is good for all three bus routes. -e en6oyed it. )ou can purchase tickets near the Columbus 3tatue.

-hether or not you use a +opon bus, studying the map is useful in planning your vacation because it shows allthe tourist sites. " have uploaded a higher resolution version of the +opon bus map as a pdf file to my website)ou can download it from www.Toms0ortuides.comDBarcelona+op;nBus*ap.pdf  

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Barcelona #etro #ap 0  )ou can purchase a group of EF tickets and use them for several people on the metro 7 buses

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@alking Tour of Barri Gotic Gothic Quarter> 8 See Ae&t Page for 7etails

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Barri Gotic Gothic Quarter>

The othic /uarter begins at the Christopher Columbus statue and proceeds 9orth G2FF feet along a !ambla and turns <ast on Carrer deontanella and then 3outh along Aia aietana to the sea. The square 9orth of Barri otic is Catalunya 1 the center of Barcelona.

"t was once a !oman village. Today, the othic Center is the culturalhub of the city with many restaurants, churches, shops, hotels, etc. "t has

a mix of old and modern buildings with a labyrinth of winding, narrowstreets opening to squares $placas(.

)ou begin your walking tour on a !ambla. "t is a wide, treelinedstreet with a large pedestrian area in the center with narrow, onewaylanes on each side for limited traffic. The pedestrian island in the center of the street is filled with outside cafes, artists stands, and souvenir shops. Be forewarned it#s pricey to stop at an outside cafe, but it#s a lotof fun. )ou#ll see and hear singers, dancers, bands, etc. 5nd there aremimes, people posing as statues, and people dressed in a very unusual manner.

Tourist Sites in the Gothic Quarter

" have included tourist sites for reference and numbered them to key thedescriptive text and photos to the map on the previous page. The numbers are for 

convenience only, not a suggestion that you visit them in that order. It may not be

 practical, nor desirable, to walk to all of these sites. Pick and chose the places you wish to visit.  My favorites are listed in red color as “MUST SEE” .

9. Columbus Statue at South end of La Rambla

9/ Basilica de la #erce  0laHa *ercI E Barcelona , Barcelona , 3pain FJFF2

@edicated to Airgen de la *ercI $patron saint of Barcelona(. The BarHa football players credit her with their wins.

91 Placa Reial 0 numerous restaurants and bars which are usually full day and night

92 8 3 8 4 @alking Route to ?istorical #useum and Cathedral #ST S++The red dots on the map show the walking route used by tour guides between a !ambla and the CathedralThere are other routes, but this is the one " prefer. Dou enter Carrer de %erran street from La Rambla at 92

on the map between the #c7onaldEs and Fentuck! %ried Chicken" 5s you walk along the street, take particular note of the decorative iron work on the buildings and the street lamps.

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93 The ?istorical #useum  #ST S++ from the outsideH. "t#s a E'th Century building. Be sure to

walk around the streets near the museum to see and photograph the building and walls from multiple perspectives. 0hoto $below( is the display at the entrance to the +istorical *useum. 3ee the official website at?


9 4 Barcelona Cathedral #ST S++The cathedral is also called =a 3eu> because it is in 0laca de a 3eu. The full name is =Cathedral de la 3antaCreu i 3anta <ulalia> which translates to =Cathedral of the +oly Cross and 3aint <ulalia>. 3aint <ulalia was avirgin who was placed naked in a square by the !omans. 5ccording to legend, it snowed to cover her nudity.The !omans were so enraged they brutally killed her. +er remains are in the crypt of the cathedral.

There is a huge square in front of the cathedral and an elevator inside $free( to take you to the top of thecathedral to walk around the roof and photograph the city.

The address is Placa de la Seu . 6466- Barcelona spain

Photo at left 0 @e spotted this person outside a restaurant dressed to

commemorate Saint +ulalia co$ered in snow"

Photo below 8 inside the cathedral

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,f !ou are interested in a cab to=from the cathedral , call !our attention to the main street -66 feet Aorth

of the cathedral called *$inguda de la Catedral" Cab dri$ers know where the cathedral is in Barri Gotic"

9I Basilica Sant Just i Pastor is a small church which dates back to the E th century. The official website

is http?DDwww.basilicasant6ust.catD

956 Santa #aria 7el #ar" This church inspired the historical novel =Cathedral of the 3ea>. The official

website is http:==www"sacred0destinations"com=spain=barcelona0santa0maria0del0mar

This is an impressive church, 6udged to be one of the best examples of Catalan othic architecture in the world"t#s in an upscale neighborhood. -e liked it and the area around it. "f you walk to this church, you will crossthe main road and see impressive government building facades near 0laca 3ant 4aume.

955 Santa #aria del Pi  K3t. *ary of the 0ine TreeK is a EGth century othic church. The square next to

the church, 0laHa del 0i, has a number of stands selling souvenirs and there is a farmer#s market a few days aweek. The guided walking tours stop here.

95- %ood #arket #ST S++

The market has every imaginable type of food and is frequented by local restaurants to purchase fresh food.

)ou#ll en6oy walking around, taking photos, and purchasing some samples of food, including preparedsandwiches and takeout hot dishes. rom a !ambla, the entrance to the food market is shown as E2 on themap. There is a 7unkin' Coffee shop on the corner" The sign abo$e the market reads #ercat St Josep

La BoKueria>

95. Plaa de Catalun!a  #ST S++

"t is the center of Barcelona and is located at the 9orth end of a !ambla.See this website for details http:==en"wikipedia"org=wiki=PlaMC.M*3aNdeNCatalun!aNBarcelona

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The Gaudi ,nfluence on Barcelona *rchitecture 8 See Ae&t Page for 7etails

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The map on the pre$ious page begins at 95. Placa de Catalun!a at the Aorth end of La Rambla"

 9ote the scale of EFFF feet. )ou could walk to a few of these sites, but toreach all of them, you#ll need some form of transportation. The +opon busesdrive by and stop near these sites.

9 5/ 0 Casa BatllO See photo at right

-ebsite L http:==www"casabatllo"cat=

This building was refurbished by audi in the early EMFF#s. The columns and

 balconies look like bones and a skull and the facade is covered with brightcolor mosaic. )ou can see and photograph the building from the main streetwhich has a number of nice stores and shops.

The entrance fee is EN.'F <uros. +ours are usually M 5* 1 2 0*.The address is Passeig de Grcia /. Barcelona Spain

951 0Casa #il La Pedrera> See photo below

-ebsite L http:==en"wikipedia"org=wiki=CasaN#ilMC.M*6

This apartment building by audi is not as colorful as Casa BatllO, but it has a =clifflike> appearance so it has been named =a 0edrera> which means =the quarry>.

The entrance fee is M.'F <uros. +ours are usually M 5* 1 N.F 0*.The address is Passeig de Grcia I- Barcelona Spain

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952 0 Sagrada %amilia #ST S++  See photo at right

%or a STAA,AG ,RT*L T)R of the interior go to the official website: 


This is the most famous church in Barcelona. audi started construction in EJJ2 andworked on it until his death. "t might be finished in 2F2N. )ou don#t necessarily have to tour it, but you must see it from the outside.

The hours are M 5* J 0* in the summer.The address is Carrer #allorca /65 Barcelona Spain 

953 0 Parc Gell website L http:==en"wikipedia"org=wiki=ParkNGMC.MBCell

This park was designed by audi as a =garden city for the wealthy>. ;nly a few houseswere built, then the park was donated to the city of Barcelona. The botanical gardens have colorful mosaics andstructures. The main entrance has a sign =0ark uell>. The reek theater has views of the city. ;n the perimeter are curved, vibrant benches for visitors to sit and view the park. " have not been there, but friendswho visited it loved it. "f you take the public bus to the top of the park, you do not have to walk uphill from the bottom. )ou walk from the top down, which is easier.

<ntrance is free. +ours are M 5* 1 M 0* in the summer.The address is Parc Guell Carrer d')lot . 646-/ Barcelona Spain 

9 54 8 Torre *gbar the Pickle Building>   website L http:==en"wikipedia"org=wiki=TorreN*gbar

Dou do A)T ha$e to go to this building" Just keep an e!e out for it"  "t#s hard to miss because it is GPG feettall and very distinctive looking, like a giant pickle. "t changes color because it has G'FF windows to reflect thelight. The lighting of Torre 5gbar is very distinctive at night.

The architect was inspired by audi.The address is *$inguda 7iagonal -55 64654 Barcelona Spain

The official website L http:==www"torreagbar"com=home"asp

The website has information about architecture in Barcelona and anumber of photos you can download for your screensaver. The

 photo below is from this website.

  Photo from ?op0on bus

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#ont(uc 8 the ?ill )$erlooking Barcelona

*ont6uic is near the cruise ship dock overlooking the city and harbor. "t was used for ;lympic events and hasan ;lympic stadium and swimming pool. "t is a large area with numerous museums, large park areas, a botanical garden, a fullsiQe model village showing the architecture of 3pain, a castle with an open air cinema,and a scenic overlook for photos of the harbor and city. TelefIric de *ont6uRc $*ont6uRc CableCar( costs M.'F<uros and provides a scenic view of the area.

There are long distances between individual sites. " believe it#s too far to walk and prefer transportation with

multiple stops throughout the area.  +opon buses have several stops on *ont6uic. The ship#s excursion busesmake two or three stops. -e#ve been to *ont6uic three times on buses and spent % FG' minutes on each visit.

)ou could easily spend an entire day on *ont6uic. To help you plan your visit, check these websites?http:==en"wikipedia"org=wiki=#ont(uMC.M*%c


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Seafood Paella 8 #ost %amous and Popular Spanish 7ish

"#m not a cook, but " love 3eafood 0aella. *ary searches the internetfor reviews of the best 0aella in Barcelona. "n 2FEF, we went to thea Taverna Catalana restaurant near the center of Barcelona. Thisrestaurant specialiQes in grilled organic freerange meat, market, and*editerranean cuisine. They claim to make the best tapas in Barcelona,fresh made paella, assorted cured organic meat, fried fish and grilled

vegetables. -e loved itS"f you want a great meal, do some research on the internet to find arestaurant$s( that appeals to you. 0rint out the name and street addressand hand it to your cab driver. They read <nglish and will have no problem taking you to the restaurant. -hen we#re ready to leave, wehave the restaurant call a cab for us.

0aella preparation and cooking time is too time consuming to beincluded on the ship#s restaurant dinner menu. But cruise ships oftenserve paella for lunch in the dining room restaurant and sometimes haveit on the buffet for dinner the day the ship is in Barcelona.


*BC Aews )ct 5 -656 reports =5 new study by the travel review site Trip5dvisor shows the top EF places

its members tend to encounter the thieves. -hile pickpockets can strike anywhere, Trip5dvisor found the mostfrequently reported places to be <uropean cities with grand outdoor attractions.>

The Top 56 Pickpocket Cities

95: Barcelona Spain

9-: Rome ,tal!

9.: Paris %rance

9/: #adrid Spain

91: *thens Greece

92: Prague CVech Republic

93: Costa Blanca *licante Pro$ince> Spain

94: Lisbon Portugal

9I: Tenerife Spain

956: London F 

K-hen in a hightraffic tourist setting, you really need to be on your toes,K warns the site#s Brooke erencsik.

K)ou#re looking at some very popular <uropean cities with some great tourist attractions, many of themoutdoors,K he said. KThose unfortunately represent some great targets for pickpockets.K

Trip5dvisor members reported that in !ome, for instance, wallets and purses were most often stolen near theTrevi ountain. "n 0aris, it was the <iffel Tower and in 5thens, the 5cropolis. ranted, these are also some ofthe mostvisited sites in all of <urope, which is why they might be high on the list.

"t makes sense that outdoor settings with large crowds would have a lot of theft. "n museums, the thieves mighthave to pay admission and there are security staff and cameras. <scape isn#t as easy. ;utside, it#s a lot easier to pick a pocket and disappear into the crowd.

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Travelers should remain alert to their personal security and exercise caution. -e suggest that travelers carrylimited cash, only one credit card, and a copy of their passportV leaving extra cash, extra credit cards, passportsand personal documents in a safe location. -hen carrying documents, credit cards, or cash, we recommend thatyou secure them in a hardtoreach place and not carry all valuables together in a purse or backpack.

Thieves often work in teams of two or more people. "n many cases, one person distracts a victim while theaccomplices perform the robbery. or example, someone might wave a map in your face and ask for directions>inadvertently> spill something on you, or help you cleanup bird droppings thrown on you by a third unseenaccomplice. -hile your attention is diverted, an accomplice makes off with your valuables. Thieves may dropcoins or keys at your feet to distract you and try to take your belongings while you are trying to help.

5ttacks are sometimes initiated from behind, with the victim being grabbed around the neck and choked by oneassailant while others rifle through or grab the belongings. 5 group of assailants may surround the victim in acrowded popular tourist area or on public transportation, and only after the group has departed does the persondiscover heDshe has been robbed. 0urse snatchers may grab purses or wallets and run away, or immediately passthe stolen item to an accomplice. 5 passenger on a passing motorcycle sometimes robs pedestrians.

There have been reports of thieves posing as plainclothes police officers, beckoning to pedestrians from carsand sometimes confronting them on the street asking for documents, or to inspect their cash for counterfeit billswhich they ultimately confiscate as =evidence.> The 8.3. <mbassy in *adrid has received reports of cars onlimited access motorways being pulled over by supposed unmarked police cars. The 3panish police do not

operate in this fashion. -e encourage 8.3. citiQens to ask for a uniformed law enforcement officer ifapproached.

%or the full citation see


The websites below ha$e e&tensi$e information about Pickpockets U Scams in Barcelona:


Barcelona and #adrid Pickpocket Scams 0 * #ust ReadW 

Barcelona Pickpocket and Tra$el Scams 0*dditional Scams 

%ake Police Scam in Barcelona Spain 

Aew Pickpocket TechniKue in Baracelona XThe Ronaldinho #ethodX 

Spain is Top Theft ?otspot for British CitiVens Tra$eling *broad 

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User Feedback Is Welcome


*y guides are designed to help you plan a great cruise vacation by providing information such as where theship docks, location of tourist sites, public transit, walking tour maps, things to see and do, travel issues uniqueto the port, etc. :nowledge of ports is important when planning shore excursions because you have to makemany decisions and commitments long before your ship docks. " believe the information in this guide isaccurate, however you are responsible to verify accuracy of the information that you use to plan your vacation.

"nformation on cruise ports frequently changes such as bus routes, admission fees to sites, rental car locations,etc. Cruise Critic is the best source for uptodate, detailed information on travel details for shore excursions,reviews of cruise ships, etc. There are many knowledgeable people on Cruise Critic who are willing to sharetheir expertise and travel experience. " highly recommend www.CruiseCritic.comV it#s free to 6oin.

@h! feedback is important

8ser feedback helps me make corrections and improve the format and content in my quest to produce the=ultimate> port guides. " welcome offers to collaborate with me or provide materials for use in my guides.

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*y port guides and everything on my website is copyrighted by Thomas 3heridanwith all rights reserved, and protected by international copyright laws.

P+R#,TT+7 S+: Personal non0commercial use of m! port guides and=or material from m! website"

" allow individuals to take my guides apart for personal, noncommercial use. *any cruisers carry a map or afew pages from my guide on a shore excursion. That#s ;:. " also allow people to post my guides on websitesthey set up for fellow travelers to share information on shore excursions such as the websites set up by CruiseCritic members for the !oll Calls. That#s ;:. *y guides are for use and en6oyment of individual travelers.

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 9; person, company, organiQation, website, etc. is permitted to use material from my website for a commercial purpose, to sell, require a membership to download my port guides, or use my copyrighted material for acommercial purpose.

 9; person, company, organiQation, website, etc. is permitted to distribute excerpts from my guides or materialfrom my website as electronic, digital, or paper copies. *y 0ort uides must be kept intact, as downloadedfrom my website, with this copyright notice.

 9; Cruise 3hip employee, representative, contractor, port lecturer, etc. is permitted to distribute excerpts frommy guides or material from my website as electronic, digital or paper copies. *y 0ort uides must be kept

intact, as downloaded from my website, with this copyright notice. 5 blatant example of violation of mycopyright was a cruise ship docked in Copenhagen where the shore excursion desk personnel removed mapsfrom my guide, removed my name as the copyright owner, and copiedDdistributed my maps.

ortunately, a friend of mine on that ship complained to the purser and the ship stopped violating my copyright.

,f there is an! Kuestion about use of m! guides contact me at

Tom Sheridan

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