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Karma (by any other name) by Sandy Simpson Go here for ordering information: According to Wikipedia: "Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering. Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions. In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives - or, one's samsara. With origins in ancient India, it is a key concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Ching Hai and others."(emphasis mine)
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Karma (by any other name)by Sandy SimpsonGo here for ordering information:

According to Wikipedia:

"Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering. Karma is closely associated with the idea of rebirth in some schools of Asian religions. In these schools, karma in the present affects one's future in the current life, as well as the nature and quality of future lives - or, one's samsara. With origins in ancient India, it is a key concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Ching Hai and others."(emphasis mine)

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His Name, The Only Nameby Sandy Simpson

Zechariah 14:9 NIV The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name.

The reason I wrote this article based on Zech 14:9 is that I was reminded of how many so-called Christians, who are influential in the churches, are promoting the worship of God in the names of other gods.

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Replacement Theology On Steroidsby Sandy Simpson

The root of this teaching is that Israel no longer holds the distinction of being the tree from which the Root of David (Jesus-Rev. 5:5, 22:16) came. But when you add the fact that the Inclusivist WCGIP proponents are now saying that God planted hundreds of different trees, cultures all over the world, that are not connected to the natural branch, tree and Root, you have what can only be termed Replacement Theology on steroids!

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Those Who Do Not Lead Christians To Maturityby Sandy Simpson

The Scriptural definition of maturity is to learn to discern truth from error so that the Christian will no longer be double minded, blown about by every wind of teaching and by the schemes of crafty people. But the problem today is that so few Christian teachers are feeding their flock's solid food. They are serving up milk and, because of that, people are starving. Yet they often don't even know they have been on a starvation diet. Amos 8:11 "The days are coming," declares the Sovereign Lord, "when I will send a famine through the land - not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord."

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“… and all liars”by Sandy Simpson

Lying is a problem for all people (Ps. 116:11). We are all sinners (Rom. 3:23). Those of us who are Christians are "sinners saved by grace" (Eph. 2:8) indwelt by the Holy Spirit in our "new self" (Col. 3:10). But we still live in our "old self" which we must "put off" (Eph. 4:20-25) by taking up our cross daily and following Christ (Luke 9:23). The difference between unbelievers and those who are truly born again is that believers no longer "practice sin" (1 John 3:9, see my Bible study on 1 John!) They have the indwelling Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:11) who convicts them when they lie (John 16:8). True believers then repent (1 John 1:9) and go on to "practice righteousness" (1 John 2:29) with the Lord's help. The unregenerate, the false brothers, or those who have fallen away (Gal. 5:4, Mark 4:17), practice lying. They practice a lifestyle of lying because their consciences are seared (1 Tim. 4:2) and the Holy Spirit, when convicting them, cannot break through the hardness of their unrepentant hearts (Eph. 4:17-19, Heb. 3:13).

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Four Books That The Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianityby Sandy Simpson

The four books that have changed the church by giving an introduction to the false teachings of the New Apostolic/Latter Rain (NAR), the Emerging Church/Contemplative/Catholic Mysticism (EC), pragmatic Church Growth (CG) methodologies of C. Peter Wagner, Robert Schuller and Peter Drucker, and the teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People (WCGIP) are as follows: Surprised by the Power of the Spirit by Jack Deer, Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster, Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren & Etnerity In Their Hearts by Don Richardson.

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Night Marchers and UFOs on the Big Islandby Sandy Simpson

With the resurgence of the old religion of Hawaii and the continual invocation of Pelé and other "deities" for years in the secular culture and even in churches with regards to worshipping 'Io, is it any wonder that those beings are beginning to manifest again? In a story called "Night Marchers" on the Kawaihae site and in a YouTube video on the same subject, eyewitnesses claim all kinds of sightings that they think are the warriors, ancestors and demi-gods of Hawaii coming back.

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“They Will Believe The Lie”by Sandy Simpson

2 Thessalonians has always been an interesting passage to me for a few different reasons. What is "the lie" that is talked about here in verse 9 and 11? What are the ways that "wickedness deceives those who are perishing" and how long has this been going on or does this only begin to happen at the coming of the lawless one? In what way does "the lie" cause those who do not believe the truth to "delight in wickedness“?

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The First Nations MovementDeceiving The Nations!by Sandy Simpson - 4-DVD Series

The "Indigenous People's" (IPM) or "First Nations" movement is an unbiblical movement teaching heresies and doctrines of demons. It is being spread worldwide by YWAM, Don Richardson, John Dawson, Richard Twiss, Terry LeBlanc, Daniel Kikawa and many other adherents. The IPM or World Christian Gathering On Indigenous People is full of the false teachings of the Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Word-Faith, Dominionism, Latter Rain and many other false theological systems. But it does have it's own distinctives that are driven by the works of Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss, and Don Richardson in particular. They are teaching Christians to "redeem" their cultures by worshipping their former gods, pretending they are YHWH.

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Poking Holes In Sola Scripturaby Sandy Simpson

There are a number of the leadership of the Emerging Church (EC) who do not believe that the Bible is the highest authority for the Christian faith. Most do not believe that the Bible is inerrant in the original manuscripts and many do not acknowledge that the Bible is our highest revelation. Yet this is a core doctrine over which true believers and false brethren must separate.

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The Question Of Dominionby Sandy Simpson

I am writing this article as an apologetic against the Third Wave, Latter Rain, Word of Faith and Reformed Theology teachings that the Church is to rise up and take over the systems of government, businesses and every other aspect of life.

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Shepherd or Hireling?by Sandy Simpson

The Bible lays out the definitions of both an overseer (under shepherd) and a hireling. John 10:11-13 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep.

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Testing Music In The Churchby Sandy Simpson – 2-DVD Series

Too many churches today are allowing music to be used in their services that is not glorifying to the Lord and can actually be a hindrance to the teaching of sound doctrine. Pastors and leaders should be using their leadership role to test what is being played and sung in their churches. Though some are quick to test preaching and teaching from their pulpits, many ignore the music being used in the same services. This is a tragic mistake. Music is a powerful medium. It is something that effects deeply the body, mind and emotions. It is a proven fact that music often stays with a person far longer than what is taught or preached. Songs roam around in our heads, especially if the melody appeals to us. What is often overlooked is the serious impression music makes on people, and the teaching they are getting over and over again as they allow the song to repeat in their minds and on their lips.

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Examine Yourselves then Hold On!by Sandy Simpson

2 Cor. 13:5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you - unless, of course, you fail the test?

People who call themselves followers of Christ or "Christians" and claim they are born again must believe certain things. If they do not then they fail the test of faith. They can claim they are born again all they want and "once saved, always saved" but if they fail the test of faith there is no eternal security.

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“Blasphemizing” The Bibleby Sandy Simpson

I am going to go over an article I wrote back in 2006 in preparation for the book I wrote with Mike Oppenheimer called 'Idolatry in Their Hearts'. This book is an apologetic against the false teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People movement, the Emerging Church and the New Apostolic Reformation which got their ideas from the book "Eternity in Their Hearts" by Don Richardson. At the time that book came out no one really saw the dangerous ideas Richardson was promoting.

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Resources For Pastorsby Sandy Simpson

I present an edited version of part of that article on this DVD, particularly dealing with English Translations of the Bible. Translation is a very detailed endeavor and should only be undertaken by those with a proper education in that subject and a sound doctrinal background. I read a few books on that subject and it helped me understand the complexities involved. Hebrew is a rich language so it is hard to distill one Hebrew word down to one English word. Greek is a very technical language and it is also not easy to translate. This is why it is imperative to use the good English translations out there for comparison along with a good concordance and Bible dictionary.

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A Tale Of Two Kingdomsby Sandy Simpson

There are two kingdoms being taught in many churches today. Teaching about one of the kingdoms is on the decline while the other is being promoted all over the place. I am warning Christians that they need to check out who is using the word "kingdom", the books they have been reading and recommend on building "the kingdom", the people they have been hanging out with at conferences, and what they mean by "the kingdom".

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Bible Studies In Discernmentby Sandy Simpson - Book

Bible studies in Galatians, Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and Jude with a focus on applying timeless discernment priciples to our modern times.

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Bible Studies In Discernmentby Sandy Simpson - CD

Contains the PDF text to the book BIBLE STUDIES IN DISCERNMENT plus extra studies by Sandy & Juanita Simpson covering many issues of apologetics and discernment.

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A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days!by Sandy Simpson – 2-DVD Series

In this DVD series I want to detail a number of beliefs people have these days that have no basis in Scripture. I am going to roam all over the map, so to speak, and try to give fairly short answers on a number of topics and also give you useful links to articles that will help you deal with any particular issue. It is truly amazing how many false ideas people cling to without giving a thought to what the Bible has to say on the subject.

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Signs Of Apostasy In The ChurchesIn The End Timesby Sandy Simpson – 2-DVD Series

There are many signs of the great Apostasy, or falling away (2 Thes. 2:3) indicating we are living in the end times (Mt. 24: 3-14) I am going to go through some indications of the Apostasy in the churches as a follow up to the signs of the times in the world.

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The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherdby Sandy Simpson – CD

This CD is a message based on this article:

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Christian Bookstoresby Sandy Simpson

This DVD is a message based on this article:

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The ElijahListby Sandy Simpson – 2-DVD Series – 2004-2007 & 2008

These DVDs are based on this article:

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The Extreme Propheticby Sandy Simpson

This DVDs is based on this article:

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Resource Tools – Emerging Churchby Sandy Simpson

When you purchase the "Resource Tools - Emerging Church" CD you will also receive a brand new free DVD called "The Emerging Church" that features Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.

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The Emerging Churchby Sandy Simpson, Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson & Mike Oppenheimer

When you purchase the "Resource Tools - Emerging Church" CD you this DVD free called "The Emerging Church" that features Gary Gilley, Ray Yungen, Joanna Michaelson, Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson.

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From Church To Emerging Churchby Sandy Simpson – 2-DVD Series

The issue of the Emerging Church and it's introduction into many churches and mission organizations has reached a critical point. Many do not understand what is being leavened into churches by the EC leadership. Many would be shocked to know their belief systems involve Universalism, New Age, defense of postmodernism, Interfaithism, and many other false doctrines. In order to reach out to this generation the EC leadership is proposing a whole new "map" to deal with what they perceive is a lack of understanding on the part of the churches on how to communicate. EC proponents believe the "scripture" for today is evolving and must change in order to reach postmoderns.

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Idolatry In Their Heartsby Sandy Simpson & Mike Oppenheimer - Book

Does having eternity in your heart mean that you know God and are His child? Could Gentile cultures understand the Gospel from the stars? Did God create man's cultures? Has God always been in the process of redeeming cultures from the time of Babel by placing in them a true revelation of Himself? Is there the worship of YHWH in all cultures and religions through the names of supreme beings? Have all cultures always had a way to make things right between them and God? These questions and many more are answered in this book that addresses the false teachings of The New Apostolic Reformation regarding missiological methods as being carried out by many agencies including the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People, YWAM, and many Bible societies.

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The New Apostolic ReformationWhat is it and where is it going?by Sandy Simpson – 6-DVD Series

Every Pastor Needs This! Featuring Bill Randles, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Jacob Prasch, Mike Oppenheimer, Orrel Steinkamp, Gary Gilley, Dave Hunt, Sandy Simpson and others. This is a 6-DVD expose of the NAR and it's leadership of C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Peirce, Dutch Sheets, Bill Hamon, Jack Deere and others.

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Lessons In Forgivenessby Sandy Simpson – Book

Through the years I have been presented with many opportunities to forgive. Sometimes the situation was so severe that it took me some time to forgive and start the process of healing for myself, and eventually for others. I learned that a Christian needs to forgive other people even if they have not repented of their sins. That can be really hard if we let it be hard. But if we give our burdens over to the Lord, He will carry them and that frees us up to treat other people with love, compassion, and be in the right frame of mind and heart to set them up for reconciliation with Jesus Christ. That does not mean we tolerate their sin. We simply forgive them for what they have done to us, whether perceived or real, and move on to looking for ways to redeem them. We can then present to them the "truth in love" even when we have to rebuke them.

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Finish The RaceA Study On Christian Maturityby Sandy Simpson & Juanita Simpson – Book

This book was written to help believers to realize the absolute necessity of growing to maturity in Christ. Many churches are urging Christians to push aside discernment in favor of experience. It is our hope that this book will inspire many believers to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith (2 Tim. 4:7)..

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The New Apostolic Reformationby Sandy Simpson – Book

This book is from the DVD script plus commentary by Sandy Simpson. The commentary of the DVD series is not in the book, but there are many more quotes available than in the video series. Good reference material. Also available on CD-ROM.

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Letters To The ChurchEquipping Overcomers for the End Timesby Sandy Simpson – Book

This books is a fitting manual for the Revelation Christian. All the precepts are in the seven letters in Revelation 1:9 - 3:22 to help us keep the faith, stay in sound doctrine, and reach out to those who are perishing. I hope and pray that this book will help the reader to be an "overcomer".

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Discernment Toolkitby Sandy Simpson – Book

Want to be able to see your way through to clear biblical discernment? Want a set of tools that will allow you to disciple your loved ones so they will stand firm in the Faith? Want to sort out many of the false arguments and teachings that have invaded the churches? Then DISCERNMENT TOOLKIT book is for you!

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Discernment Toolkitby Sandy Simpson – 3-DVD Series

This DVD series is taken from the book but includes a lot of footage of false teachers and false prophets. It covers the core doctrines, how we can use them to test, and examples on the DVD that can be paused for discussion. Also includes a teacher guide and links to resources on the web.

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Spirit Of Truth or Spirit Of Error?Benny Hinnby Sandy Simpson, Jacob Prasch & Mike Oppenheimer

This DVD series features tons of video showing the teachings and prophecies of Benny Hinn. This is a proven tool to keep people away from heresy.

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Living Water 2003by Bill Randles, Gary Gilley & Ray Yungen – 3-DVD Series

3-DVD series from the conference.

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Discernment 2001Featuring Dave Hunt, Duane Magnani, Mike Oppenheimer, Jacob Prasch, Jewel Grewe & Bill Randles

6-DVD series from the conference.