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Balco 2013 - Isotopos y weás

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  • 7/25/2019 Balco 2013 - Isotopos y wes


    Exposure-age record of Holocene ice sheet and ice shelf change in the northeastAntarctic Peninsula

    Greg Balco a,*, Joerg M. Schaefer b, LARISSA group1

    a Berkeley Geochronology Center, 2455 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709, USAb Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964, USA

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 13 March 2012Received in revised form12 October 2012Accepted 18 October 2012Available online 3 December 2012


    Larsen Ice ShelfWeddell SeaDeglaciationAntarctic PeninsulaCosmogenic-nuclide geochronologyExposure dating

    a b s t r a c t

    This paper describes glacialegeologic observations and cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages from ice-freeareas adjacent to the Sjgren, Boydell, and Drygalski Glaciers of the northeast Antarctic Peninsula. Theseprovide a record of Holocene glacier and ice shelf change in this region. Early Holocene ice surfaceelevation near the present coastline was locally at least 500 m above present sea level, but our obser-vations do not constrain the maximum thickness of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice or the time at whichit was attained. The boundary between frozen-based and wet-based ice reached a maximum elevation of100e150 m above present sea level. The ice surface elevation decreased from 300e500 m elevation tonear present sea level between 9 ka and ca 4 ka. Below 160 m elevation, we observed a bimodaldistribution of apparent exposure ages in which a population of glacially transported clasts with mid-Holocene exposure ages coexists with another that has exposure ages of 100e600 years. We considerthe most likely explanation for this to be i) complete deglaciation of currently ice-free areas, whichpresumably required the absence of ice shelves, at 3.5e4.5 ka, followed by ii) subsequent ice shelfformation and grounding line advance after ca 1.4 ka, and iii) complete re-exposure of the sites after iceshelf breakup and glacier surface lowering in recent decades. This explanation is consistent with marinesedimentary records indicating that ice shelves in the Prince Gustav Channel and Larsen A embayment

    were absent in the middle to late Holocene and were re-established within the last 2000 years.2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    This paper describes glacialegeologic observations and cosmo-genic nuclide exposureages from terrestrial sites on the east side ofthe northern Antarctic Peninsula (Fig. 1). Glacier change in thisregion during the past several decades has been notable for therapid and spectacular collapse of major ice shelves, mainly i) the iceshelves occupying the southern end of Prince Gustav Channel(PGC), Larsen Inlet, and the Larsen A embayment, in 1995; and ii)

    the majority of the Larsen B ice shelf in 2002 (for summaries, seeRott et al., 1996;Vaughan and Doake, 1996;Scambos et al., 2004;Cook and Vaughan, 2010). These ice shelf collapses resulted inextremely rapid (over a period of a few years) drawdown and

    grounding line retreat of glaciers feeding these ice shelves. Marine-geological evidence (Pudsey and Evans, 2001; Brachfeld et al.,2003;Domack et al., 2005) indicates that the PGCeLarsen A iceshelf system disappeared and reformed at least once during theHolocene, but the Larsen B ice shelf was present throughout theHolocene. This paper describes geologic and geochronologicevidence from ice-free sites on land adjacent to glaciers that fed theformer PGCeLarsen A ice shelf system. This complements marinerecords of glacier and ice shelf changes by providing an indepen-

    dent chronology for these changes and by providing informationabout past changes in ice thickness as well as extent.

    2. Review of LGM-to-Holocene ice sheet change, northeast

    Antarctic Peninsula

    Recent reviews of glacier change in the northeast AntarcticPeninsula between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and thepresent include Davies et al. (2012),Johnson et al. (2011), Heroy andAnderson (2007),Domack et al. (2005), andEvans et al. (2005); thebrief summary in the remainder of this section is drawn from thesereferences. We use the term Last Glacial Maximum loosely to

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 510 644 9200; fax: 1 510 644 9201.E-mail address:[email protected](G. Balco).

    1 The LARISSA (Larsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica) group includes G. Balco, S.Brachfeld, M. de Batist, E. Domack, A. Gordon, T. Haran, J.-P. Henriet, B. Huber, S.Ishman, S. Jeong, M. King, C. Lavoie, A. Leventer, M. McCormick, E. Mosley-Thompson, E. Pettit, T. Scambos, C. Smith, L. Thompson, M. Truffer, C. van Dover,M. Vernet, J. Wellner, K. Yu, and V. Zagorodnov.

    Contents lists available atSciVerse ScienceDirect

    Quaternary Science Reviews

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c om / l o c a t e / q u a s c i r e v

    0277-3791/$ e see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Quaternary Science Reviews 59 (2013) 101e111

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    refer to the period of the Last GlacialeInterglacial cycle duringwhich the Antarctic ice sheets were near their maximumgeographic extents, between approximately 25e15 ka (all ages in

    this paper are stated in calendar years before present). Multibeam

    bathymetric surveys of the seaoor to the northeast of the Penin-sula show evidence that grounded ice extended nearly to the edgeof the Weddell Sea continental shelf (past the eastern edge ofFig.1)

    during the most recent glacial cycle, and this is generally agreed to

    Fig.1. East coast of the Antarctic Peninsula between Cape Marsh and James Ross Island. Inset map of Antarctica shows location. All vector data, including former ice shelf edges, are

    from the SCAR Antarctic Digital Database ( ). Shaded-relief topography of land areas is generated from the RAMP DEM ( Liu et al., 2001). The blue shaded

    area shows shaded-relief bathymetry generated from selected multibeam swath data compiled by Johnson et al. (2011). The streamlining evident on the seaoor records past ice

    ow directions that presumably reect the ice sheet conguration during the LGM and/or subsequent deglaciation. Red areas highlight ice-free areas where we collected exposure-

    dating samples surrounding the SjgreneBoydell fjord (sites AeC) and near the grounding line of the Drygalski Glacier (sites D and E). We only show marine sediment cores that we

    specically discuss in the text; many others have been collected from this region. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web

    version of this article.)

    G. Balco, J.M. Schaefer / Quaternary Science Reviews 59 (2013) 101e111102
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    represent the maximum extent of grounded ice at the LGM. Iceowdirections inferred from streamlined seaoor features show thatow of Peninsula-derived ice was concentrated in ice streamsoccupying prominent topographic lows: ice from the easternPeninsula west of James Ross Island (JRI) owed around JRI in thenorthern and southern branches of PGC; ice from the southern limbof PGC joined eastward-owing ice from Larsen Inlet and theLarsen A embayment to form an ice stream south of JRI; and icefrom the Larsen B embayment most likelyowed into a separate icestream south of Cape Marsh. The fact that Peninsula-derivederratics of Pleistocene age are only found at low elevations on JRIindicates that JRI formed a distinct ice dome and was not over-ridden by Peninsula ice during Pleistocene glacial maxima.

    Glaciomarine sediments on the continental shelf east and southof JRI include signicant amounts of recycled detrital carbon, somarine sediment cores from this region have core-top radiocarbonages that exceed the marine reservoir age by thousands of years.Thus, radiocarbon dates for ice recession from these sites aresubject to large and uncertain corrections for this effect. None-theless, they appear to indicate that the grounding line retreatedfrom the shelf edge by approximately 18.5 ka; that the southernend of PGC was free of grounded ice by approximately 13e11 ka;

    and that retreat of grounded ice from the majority of PGC tookplace between 10.5 ka and 6.2 ka. Brachfeld et al. (2003) usedgeomagnetic paleointensity dating of a sediment core (Fig.1) in theGreenpeace Trough, Larsen A embayment, to show that groundedice was absent at this site by 10.7 ka. Several grounding line posi-tions can be identied from multibeam and seismic data on thecontinental shelf within and east of the Larsen A embayment,implying that retreat of the ice margin was unsteady and punctu-ated by stillstands of unknown duration. To summarize, the marinedeglaciation chronology indicates that grounding line retreat fromthe outer continental shelf began before 18.5 ka, the rate of retreatmay have been highly variable, and grounding line positionsapproached the present coastline in at least some locations by ca10 ka.

    Marine sedimentary records also show that after grounding lineretreat was complete, much of the inner continental shelf remainedcovered by ice shelves, but ice shelves in PGC and the Larsen Aembayment broke up and reformed at least once during theHolocene. Brachfeld et al. (2003) used data from a core in theGreenpeace Trough (Fig. 1) to show that the Larsen A ice shelf wasabsent one or moretimes between 1.4 and 3.8 ka. Pudsey and Evans(2001)used data from cores in southern PGC (Fig. 1) to show thatthe PGC ice shelf was absent approximately 2e5 ka. These two ageestimates are indistinguishable given their uncertainties. Domacket al. (2005), on the other hand, showed that the Larsen B iceshelf was present throughout the Holocene.

    Primarily because of the difculty of access to terrestrial sites onthe Peninsula itself, which are mostly defended by heavily cre-

    vassed and fast-moving glaciers, existing terrestrial age constraintsin this region come from the large and relatively accessible coastalice-free areas on JRI and nearby islands.Johnson et al. (2011)ob-tained 16 cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages on Peninsula-derivederratics found at relatively low elevation at four sites on JRI andSeymour Island. Sites most distal to the central plateau of JRI, whichmost likely record the disappearance of the Peninsula-derived icestreams occupying major troughs, showed minimum exposureagesnear 8 ka; sites on JRI itself closer to the central plateau, whichpresumably record subsequent shrinkage of outlet glaciers to the

    JRI ice cap, showed minimum exposure ages near 6.5 ka.Ingolfssonet al. (1992),Hjort et al. (1997,1998),andStrelin et al. (2006)ob-tained radiocarbon dates from terrestrial sites on JRI that provideminimum ages for retreat of Peninsula ice from PGC and internal

    fjords and bays of JRI, as well as some age constraints on

    subsequent changes of JRI-sourced glaciers. Strelin et al. (2006)concluded from these data that ice-free areas emerged, presum-ably upon retreat of the PGC ice stream, by 10.7e8.4 ka. Also, theydened six Holocene advances of JRI-sourced glaciers: at 7.6e7.4 ka, 5.6e5 ka, and shortly after 4.4 ka; and three bracketedbetween 4.4 ka and ca 400 years ago. To summarize, the terrestrialobservations are consistent with the marine chronology forgrounding line retreat to near the present coastline by ca 10 ka, andprovide additional information about Holocene glacier change.

    3. Sample collection and analytical methods

    3.1. Helicopter operations on NBP10-01

    A recent cruise of the research icebreakerNathaniel B. Palmerin2010 (NBP10-01) formed the main eld deployment for the LAR-ISSA (LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica) project. An unusualaspect of this cruise was that the Palmercarried two helicopters,which allowed us to make glacialegeological observations andcollect exposure-dating samples at ice-free sites on the easternedge of the Peninsula itself that would be impossible to reach by

    any other means. Limits on ship positioning imposed by sea iceconditions and limits on helicopter operations imposed by weatherboth restricted the amount of time available for this work; we hadavailable a total of 24 h of ground time, at ve separate sites, in fourdays of helicopter operations (Fig. 1). This was sufcient to makebasic geological observations and collect a reconnaissance data setof 33 exposure-dating samples.

    3.2. Sample collection

    Our approach in collecting samples for exposure-datingwas similar to that of a number of previous studies that haveused this methodin Antarctica (e.g., Stoneet al., 2003; Sugden et al.,2005; Bentley et al., 2010; Todd et al., 2010). The basis of this

    approach is that glacially transported clasts quarried from glacierbeds have not been exposed to the cosmic ray ux, so containa negligible cosmogenic-nuclide inventory. Once deposited ata retreating ice margin, they are exposed to the cosmic-rayux, sotheir cosmogenic-nuclide exposure age corresponds to the degla-ciation age of the site. As in these other studies, we predominantlycollected loose surface cobbles, but in two cases we sampledboulders (seeTable 1). Our criteria for sample collection were asfollows. First, clasts that we sampled are glacial erratics,that is,they showed evidence for glacial transport, including exoticlithology and/or signs of subglacial or englacial transport such asimpact marks, faceting, and polishing. Second, clasts were perchedupon, rather than embedded in, surcial materials, indicating thatthey were most likely emplaced directly as a result of ablation of

    glacier ice and had not been affected by creep or periglacialdisturbance.Third, clasts were located in placesto which they couldnot have been delivered by postdepositional rolling or sliding; inmost cases this means they were located atop hummocks or localhigh points rather than at the base of slopes. We found clasts thatmetthese criteria on substrates of bedrock, felsenmeer, and locallyderived colluvium. At one site (site A; see description below), wealso collected several samples of in-place bedrock. As noted inmany previous exposure-dating studies in Antarctica (e.g.,Sugdenet al., 2005), the relative ineffectiveness of subglacial erosion bycold-based glaciers means that apparent exposure ages of recentlydeglaciated bedrock samples are often much greater than their truedeglaciation age. Thus, Antarctic bedrock samples are not expectedto provide an accurate deglaciation chronology (except possibly by

    accident). The purpose of collecting these samples was to obtain

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    some information about bedrock surface erosion rates, and wereport the results here for completeness.

    3.3. Analytical methods

    We extracted quartz from these samples by crushing, sieving toa grain size smaller than the original mineral size, and a combina-tion of heavy liquid separation, magnetic separation, boiling inH3PO4, and repeated etching in dilute HF. We extracted Be in theCosmogenic Nuclide Lab at the LamonteDoherty Earth Observa-tory, Columbia University, by standard methods of HF dissolutionand column chromatography. Our9Be carrier solution was derivedfrom deep-mined beryl and has a 10Be/9Be ratio of 2 3 1016.We measured Be isotope ratios at the Center for Accelerator MassSpectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Totalcarrier and process blanks were 9500 3500 atoms10Be; this was

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    exposure ages of 26e32 ka. At Antarctic sites that were demon-strably covered by LGM ice but also display geomorphic evidence

    for frozen-based ice cover, it is common to nd both bedrock anderratics with apparent exposure ages that greatly predate the LGM(e.g.,Sugden et al., 2005). These erratics were deposited duringprevious interglaciations, but were not removed during periods ofice cover, so their apparent exposure age integrates exposureduring multiple ice-free periods. On the other hand, it is unusual toobserve bedrock samples with younger apparent exposure agesthan those of erratics at similar elevations. As these bedrocksamples were collected from upstanding outcrops of friable meta-sediments that displayed evidence of frost-shattering, we interpretthis relationship simply to indicate that upstanding outcrops offoliated, friable bedrock are disintegrating faster than competentgranite erratics at this site.

    To summarize, observations above 85 m at this site provide no

    information about the chronology of the most recent deglaciation,but are consistent with the hypothesis that much of this site wascovered by frozen-based ice during the LGM. We interpret Holo-cene ages from both streamlined bedrock and erratics at 80e85 melevation to show that LGM ice cover was thick enough at sometime to support a basal temperature above freezing. The fact thatglacier ice was thick enough to support a melted bed at 85 melevation provides some information on past ice thickness. Thethickness of ice required to support basal melting depends onsurface climate, ow dynamics, and the geothermal heat ux;simple approximations for glacier thermal structure (e.g., Cuffeyand Patterson, 2010) with speculative estimates of LGM surfacetemperature and geothermal heatuxin this region suggest at least200e400 m. Thus, it is possible that Downham Peak was entirely

    ice-covered at the LGM, and none of our observations provide an

    upper limit on the thickness of LGM ice. The only deglaciationchronology that can be obtained from this site is the exposure ages

    at 80e85 m elevation, which imply that the ice surface lay at thiselevation 8.6e6 ka. This scenario would be consistent with thepresence of a PGC ice shelf in the early Holocene.

    4.1.2. Inner fjord, south side (site B)

    This site is a bedrock ridge. At its base (near 250 m elevation)a precipitous slope drops to the fjord; its summit is a peak rising to595 m elevation (Fig. 2). We examined the ridge between theseelevation limits. As at Downham Peak, the surface is nearlycompletely covered by felsenmeer and colluvium derived fromssile metasedimentary bedrock. We did not observe any striatedbedrock or other evidence of subglacial erosion. Glacially trans-ported clasts are rare, but more common than at Downham Peak,and we found them up to 575 m elevation. Of these, many lay in

    frost cracks or embedded in colluvium; nine were perched onbedrock or felsenmeer and met our criteria for sample collection.Their apparent exposure ages fall into two populations: a set oftightly grouped ages between 6.7 and 7.4 ka at three separatelocations between 300 and 360 m elevation; and a set of mucholder ages, scattered between 20 and 50 ka, at several sites between260 and 490 m elevation (Table 1;Fig. 3).

    The presence of erratics atop apparently undisturbed surcialdeposits, combined with the combination of a tightlygrouped arrayof Holocene ages and a scatter of much older ages, is characteristicof Antarctic sites that were covered by frozen-based ice. Thedistribution of erratics shows that this site was ice-covered to atleast 575 m elevation at some time. We interpret the exposure-agedata as follows: the older ages provide no information on the most

    recent deglaciation and, provide only lower limits on the ages of










    SjgrenBoydell fjord Drygalski Glacier

    Site A erratics

    Site C erratics

    Site B erratics

    Site A bedrock

    0 2 4 6 8 10


    All data

    Apparent exposure age (ka)



    0 2 4 6 8 10

    Site E erratics

    Site D erratics





    0 20 40 60 80

    Apparent exposure age (ka)

    0 20 40 60 80



    All data

    Fig. 3. Apparent 10Be exposure ages from the SjgreneBoydell fjord and the Drygalski Glacier (also see Table 1). An apparent exposure age is the exposure age calculated from

    a measured 10Be concentration under the assumption that the sample has experienced a single period of exposure without erosion at its present location. Lower panels show all

    results; upper panels show only Holocene exposure ages (see text for discussion). Error bars in the upper panels show 1sinternal uncertainties (sensuBalco et al., 2008). Where not

    visible, they are smaller than the symbol size at this scale. Error bars are not shown in the lower panels.

    G. Balco, J.M. Schaefer / Quaternary Science Reviews 59 (2013) 101e111106

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    prior deglaciations; Holocene exposure ages that agree amongseveral sites at similar elevation indicate that the ice surfaceelevation at this site lay near 300e350 m elevation at 6.5e7.5 ka.

    4.1.3. Inner fjord, north side (site C)

    This site is a small nunatak adjacent to the calving margin of theBoydell Glacier (Figs. 1, 2 and 4). Its summit lies at 120 m elevation

    and the ice-free area extends down to present sea level. The surfaceat this site consists of coarsely streamlined bedrock (schist andgneiss) showing polish, striations, and plucking. Bedrock is overlainby a discontinuous till blanket that includes both local and erraticlithologies. Bedrock and till appear unweathered and ne-grainedmaterial in the till has not been removed by deation. Thesecharacteristics indicate that this site was covered by wet-based,

    Fig. 4. Aerial photos of unnamed nunatak (site C) near the margin of the Boydell Glacier in 2010 and 1969. The 2010 image (upper panel) was taken from a helicopter over ying

    the center of SjgreneBoydell fjord and looks north over a piedmont glacier to central Prince Gustav Channel. Part of JRI is visible in right background. The 1969 image (lower panel;

    U. S. Navy photo TMA2159-113R) shows the entire SjgreneBoydell glacier system and the former PGC ice shelf, viewed from south of JRI looking west toward the Peninsula. The

    summit plateau and the west side of the Peninsula are obscured by cloud. Mt Wild, a prominent nunatak adjacent to site C, is indicated in both panels. The arrows in both panels

    point to the same moraine system that rims the west side of the nunatak. Only the uppermost part of the ice-free area that is exposed at present was exposed in 1969.

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    erosive ice and suggest that deglaciation of the site was recent.Much of this nunatak is bordered by a prominent moraine complexwith two major ridges. Although we could not descend the ice-proximal side of this moraine system to measure the ridge eleva-tions accurately, the ice-proximal ridge appears similar in elevationto other moraines and ice terraces that record the 1995 ice shelfsurface elevation (De Angelis and Skvarca, 2003). The ice-distalmoraine ridge is higher. We examined the ice-distal ridge andfound that it consists of only a several-cm-thick surface layer of till,as well as a scatter of larger clasts and boulders, overlying debris-poor glacier ice. Ice pedestals underneath the boulders, precari-ously balanced boulders, and numerous slumps and gravity-owdeposits in the till layer show that the ice is actively melting. Wecollected samples from the bedrock part of this nunatak and not themoraine complex.

    One important potential issue at this site is that we collectedsamples as low as 40 m elevation, so we need to consider whetherthey could have been below sea level at any time. The closestgeological evidence for the height of an early Holocene relative sealevel highstand that we are aware of is from northeastern JRI, whichis variously interpreted to indicate a marine limit at 30 m ( Hjortet al., 1997) or 15 m(Roberts et al., 2011). Our sample sites are

    located closer to the presumed center of an expanded LGMAntarctic Peninsula ice cap, so the marine limit may be higher. Welooked for and did not nd any evidence of shoreline processes,such as beach ridge formation, erosion or redeposition of tilldeposits, boulder berm formation by ice shove, or accumulation ofrounded clasts, that would indicate submergence. It appears mostlikely that if the site was below sea level during the early Holocene,it was ice-covered at the time.

    Eight exposure ages from this site fall into two groups (Table 1;Fig. 3). First, a group of mid-Holocene exposure ages, includingreplicate ages at two sites, decrease with elevation from 4.8 ka at120 m above present sea level to 3.4 ka at 40 m. We interpret thismonotonic ageeelevation relationship to record mid-Holocene icesurface lowering across the site. Second, a group of samples from

    intermediate elevations have extremely young apparent exposureages between 200 and 350 years.

    The contrast between these two sets of ages is confusing inseveral ways. The elevation range of mid-Holocene and very youngsamples overlap, and in fact at one site samples of similar appear-ance and geomorphic context, located within meters of oneanother, have apparent exposure ages of 350 years and 4.4 ka. Inaddition, a 1969 aerial photo of this site shows that much of thecurrently-ice-free area of this site, including several of our samplelocations, was apparently covered by glacier ice in 1969 (Fig. 4). Themoraine complex is visible in its present position on the 1969photos, but much of the nunatak is covered by permanent snow orice that appears contiguous with the adjacent glacier, and only ourhighest two sample sites are visible. We believe the best explana-

    tion for these conicting observations is that the site was fullydeglaciated in the mid-Holocene, but was reoccupied by icesometime before 1969. We hypothesize that late Holocenegrounding line advance caused thickening of glaciers adjacent tothis site, which was accompanied by partial overrunning of the siteby thin marginal ice. As this ice would have been less than 100 mthick, we presume that it would have been frozen-based and wouldnot have disturbed earlier Holocene deposits. This scenario issupported by the 1969 photo showing that the ice or snow coveringthe nunatak is separated from owing glacier ice by the morainecomplex. Subsequent ablation of that ice could then have depositeda scatter of fresh erratics on top of the array of preexisting erraticsthat record mid-Holocene deglaciation. This is consistent with thestructure of the ice-cored moraines on the south side of the

    nunatak: as they consist of only a thin skin of debris over an ice

    core, they could also melt entirely without leaving an obvious orsignicant debris ridge.

    This scenario, even if correct, provides little guidance as towhether we should interpret these young exposure ages as thetimingof a glacier advance, thetimingof a glacier retreat,or neither.If,assuggestedbythehistoricalphotos,thesesampleswereexposedby melting between 1969 and 2010, then the apparent exposureagesweobservemayreectresidence of theclasts on theice surfaceduring ablation. In that case they would only provide youngerlimiting ages for a late Holocene ice advance. Our hypothesis wouldalso imply that the samples with mid-Holocene exposure ages atlower-elevation sites were ice-covered for a time during the lateHolocene, in which case their apparent ages would underestimatetheage of early Holocene deglaciation. The highest samples fromthis site, with exposure ages of 4.8 ka, were not covered in 1969 andlie above the level of the ice-cored moraines,so there is no evidencethat they were covered during the late Holocene readvance. If theywere not covered, then the difference in age between the highestand lowest samples at this site (1.4 ka) is an upper limit on theduration of late Holocene ice cover.

    To summarize, the scenario that appears to us most consistentwith the exposure ages from this site is that the site was fully

    deglaciated at 3.5e4.5 ka, that it was partially covered again bythickening of the adjacent Boydell Glacier at or after ca 1.4 ka, andthat it was deglaciated again between 1969 and the present.

    4.2. SjgreneBoydell fjord and the Prince Gustav Channel ice shelf:


    Erratics with Holocene exposure ages up to 360 m elevation atsite B show that LGM ice cover reached at least this elevation. Thefact that geomorphic evidence for subglacial erosion is present onlyat low elevation, the presence of erratics atop apparently undis-turbed felsenmeer and locally derived colluvium at higher eleva-tions, and the contrast between tightly grouped Holocene exposureages and scattered older ages, are all consistent with the idea that

    LGM ice cover in this region was frozen-based at all times above80e120 m elevation. Evidence for wet-based glaciation at eleva-tions up to 120 m further implies that the LGM ice surface reachedat least several hundred meters above this level. Thus, it appearsmost likely that all the sites we visited were entirely covered by iceduring the LGM. However, none of our observations constrain themaximum thickness of LGM ice cover or the time at which thisthickness was attained.

    We interpret tightly grouped Holocene exposure ages at sites Band C, an internally consistent and replicable age-elevation array ofexposure ages at site C, and two Holocene ages from DownhamPeak (site A), to indicate ice surface lowering from 350 m elevation(at site B) to near present sea level between 7 ka and 3.5e4.5 ka(Fig. 3). If in fact site C was exposed to present sea level, this

    would presumably imply the absence of an ice shelf in the SjgreneBoydell fjord. The coexistence of samples with mid-Holoceneexposure ages and those with apparent exposure ages of 200e350 years at a low-elevation site is confusing, but appears bestexplained by: i) complete deglaciation of the site at 3.5e4.5 ka; ii)glacier advance over the site at or after ca 1.4 ka; and iii) deglaci-ation in recent decades. This would be consistent with theconclusions of Pudsey and Evans (2001), drawn from marinesedimentary records, that the Prince Gustav Channel ice shelf wasabsent 5e2 ka and subsequently reformed.

    4.3. Drygalski Glacier and the Larsen A ice shelf: site details

    The Drygalski Glacier ows into the Larsen A embayment, which

    was occupied by an ice shelf until its breakup in 1995. Like the

    G. Balco, J.M. Schaefer / Quaternary Science Reviews 59 (2013) 101e111108

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    Sjgren and Boydell glaciers, it experienced rapid acceleration andthinning in the years following ice shelf breakup (De Angelis andSkvarca, 2003). We visited two sites near the present calvingmargin of the Drygalski Glacier: a prominent nunatak near thesouthern end of the margin called Sentinel Nunatak (Fig. 1,site D),and an unnamed low-elevation rock bench near the northern endof the margin (site E).

    4.3.1. Sentinel Nunatak (site D)

    The north side of this nunatak is a sheer cliff that drops from500 m elevation to the glacier; near the bottom of the cliff there areseveral fragmentary moraines and ice terraces that presumablyrepresent the pre-1995 glacier surface elevation. The south side isless steep and consists of a series of relatively gently sloping west-facing cirques (Fig. 2). We could access elevations between 460 mand the summit at 550 m. The ice-free area at this site is predom-inantly covered by colluvium and felsenmeer derived from locallyoutcropping granite and metasedimentary bedrock. We did notobserve any geomorphic evidence for subglacial erosion at this site.Numerous erratics within and upon bedrock, felsenmeer, andcolluvium indicate that the summit was entirely ice-covered atsome point. As at the SjgreneBoydell fjord sites, the presence of

    erratics without any geomorphic evidence of subglacial erosionindicates that ice covering Sentinel Nunatak was always frozen-based.

    Three erratics from this site had exposure ages of 4.2, 9.4, and77 ka (Fig. 3). Again, the occurrence of erratics with Holocene

    exposure ages together with those with much older apparent agesimplies that frozen-based ice preserved erratics deposited duringpre-LGM deglaciations. The two Holocene ages appear to show thatthis site was covered by LGM ice and deglaciated during theHolocene. However, the inconsistency in apparent age betweenthese samples implies either that the erratic with the older (9.4 ka)exposure age was emplaced with an inherited nuclide concentra-tion, or that the erratic with the younger (4.2 ka) exposure age wasdisturbed or covered after emplacement. We found this youngersample perched on felsenmeer within a few meters of an exposedridgeline, which appeared to us unlikely to have been covered bypermanent snow after deglaciation of the site. However, a 1968aerial photo of the site showed a snoweld or cornice covering thissite (Fig. 5). The site of the 9.4 ka exposure age was snow-free inboth 1968 and 2010. Thus, we view this age as more reliable. Tosummarize, we interpret these observations to indicate that the icesurface elevation was most likely near 470 m above present sealevel at this site at 9.4 ka.

    4.3.2. North side of calving margin (site E)

    This site is a terraced bedrock bench whose summit is 160 mabove present sea level. Elevations below 50 m are covered by snow

    and ice at present. In addition, examination of 1968 aerial photosappears to show that the surface of the former Larsen A ice shelfextended well above the lower boundary of the area that is ice-freenow. Although the quality of the air photos is not adequate toprecisely determine the relative elevations of oursites and the 1968

    Fig. 5. 1968 aerial photograph of Sentinel Nunatak (U.S. Navy photo TMA2143-312R). View is from the former Larsen A ice shelf near the present calving margin of Drygalski Glacier,

    looking west up the south side of Drygalski Glacier toward the central plateau of the Peninsula. Open water on the west side of the Peninsula is visible in the distance. Sentinel

    Nunatak is the prominent nunatak in the foreground that forms the edge of the glacier. The locations of three exposure-dating samples collected from this nunatak are shown in the

    enlargement at right. The sample with the 4.2 ka exposure age was collected from a sharp ridgeline that was snow-free at the time of collection in 2010, but appears to be covered

    by a snow

    eld in 1968. The sample with the 9.4 ka exposure age is snow-free in both cases.

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    ice surface, it is clear that one or more of our lowest-elevationsample sites were ice-covered in 1968. Bedrock at this site is foli-ated schist-to-gneiss-grade metasediments. The surface consistsnearly entirely of coarsely streamlined bedrock, and striations areevident on many upstanding bedrock knobs; this indicates that thissite was covered by wet-based and erosive ice. Erratics, stones oflocal lithology but with evidence of subglacial transport, anddiscontinuous till patches occur throughout the site, although tillpatches are more common at lower elevations. Seven samples fromthis site yielded results similar to those we observed at site C in theSjgreneBoydell fjord: a bimodal distribution of samples with mid-Holocene apparent exposure ages of 4.8e6.2 ka coexisting withsamples having very young apparent exposure ages of 100e600years (Fig. 3). In contrast to site C, however, the ageeelevationrelationship of the mid-Holocene data is scattered.

    We interpret these observations to be best explained by thesame scenario that we proposed above for site C: the erratics withexposureages of 4.7e6.2 ka record middle Holocene deglaciation ofthis site, and the very young exposure ages record glacier or iceshelf thickening that caused thin marginal ice from a thicker Dry-galski Glacier or Larsen A ice shelf to spill over onto the site duringthe late Holocene. However, even if our hypothesis is correct, the

    fact that both mid-Holocene and very recent exposureages occuratall elevations and show scattered ageeelevation relationshipsprecludes a meaningful estimate of the duration of late Holoceneice cover.

    4.4. Drygalski Glacier and the Larsen A ice shelf: summary

    The exposure-age data from the Drygalski Glacier sites are fewerand more scattered than those from the SjgreneBoydell fjordsites, but present essentially the same picture.

    The presence of erratics with Holocene exposure ages to 520 mindicates that the LGM ice surface lay at or above this elevation. Thefact that these erratics overlie undisturbed felsenmeer and collu-vium indicates frozen-based ice at this elevation. Again, these data

    donot constrainthe maximum LGM ice thickness or the time that itmay have occurred. At low-elevation sites, evidence for subglacialerosion as well as Holocene exposure ages show that LGM ice waswet-based at and below 160 m elevation, and appear to indicatethat the ice surface elevation was near 100e150 m at 4.5e6.5 ka.

    We interpret the bimodal distribution of erratics with exposureages of only a few hundred years and those with mid-Holoceneexposure ages to be best explained by glacier or ice shelf thick-ening and encroachment of marginal ice near or over the site. Theice-free period started no later than 4.8e6.2 ka, but could havestarted earlier; the data do not constrain when it may have ended.This scenario is consistent with the observations ofBrachfeld et al.(2003)that the Larsen A ice shelf was absent 3.8e1.4 ka.

    5. Conclusions

    Cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages of glacial erratics, collectedfrom a range of elevations at currently ice-free areas of the north-east Antarctic Peninsula, provide a record of Holocene glacier andice shelf change.

    Glacial-geologic observations and erratics with Holoceneexposure ages show that the LGMice sheet surface near the presentcoastline was locally at least 520 m above present relative sea level.LGM ice was always frozen-based at elevations above 100e150 m.None of our observations constrain the maximum thickness ofLGM ice or the time at which it was attained.

    Ice surface lowering, from at least 520 m above present sea levelat the modern coastline to near present sea level, took place

    between 9.4 ka and 4.5e

    3.5 ka. We do not have enough data to

    resolve differences in the timing of glacier thinning between theSjgreneBoydell and Drygalski Glaciers, nor to evaluate thehypothesis that deglaciation may have occurred by a series of rapidgrounding line retreats punctuated by periods of relative stability.

    At two sites near present glacier margins and below 100e150 melevation, apparent exposure ages of erratics show a bimodaldistribution, with a population of mid-Holocene apparent exposureages coexisting with one having apparent exposure ages of 100e600 years. Historical aerial photography shows that many ofthese erratics with very young exposure ages were most likelyexposed in the last 40 years, possibly by glacier thinning after iceshelf breakup in 1995. We interpret these observations to be bestexplained by: i) complete deglaciation of the currently ice-freeareas, which presumably required the absence of ice shelves, at3.5e4.5 ka, followed by ii) subsequent ice shelf formation,grounding line advance, glacier thickening, and expansion offrozen-based ice over our sample sites during the late Holocene,most likely after 1.4 ka, and iii) complete re-exposure of these sitesafter recent ice shelf breakup and glacier surface lowering. Theseobservations are consistent with marine sedimentary recordsindicating that ice shelves in the Prince Gustav Channel and LarsenA embayment were absent in the middle to late Holocene and were

    re-established within the last 2000 years.


    This work could not have been accomplished without the skilland hard work of the following individuals: Captain Joe Borkowskiand the crew of the Nathaniel B. Palmer; Chris Dean, Barry James,Randy Perrodin, and Jay Cox of PHI, Inc.; and the NBP10-01 ship-board science party. Dylan Rood was instrumental in carrying outthe AMS analyses. This work is a part of the LARISSAproject andwas funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grantANT-0732467 to Hamilton College. This is LDEO contribution 7625.GB thanks Rob Larter of the British Antarctic Survey for providingthe gridded bathymetric data shown inFig. 1.The staff of the U.S.

    Antarctic Resource Center assisted in locating historical airphotography. Joanne Johnson and Bethan Davies provided helpfuland comprehensive reviews. Finally, GB greatly appreciates theforbearance and good humor of pilot Barry James and reporterDoug Fox during an unscheduled three-day stop on James RossIsland.


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