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H i n d u B a b y N a m e s - I N D I A N B A B Y G I R L N A M E S H i n d u B a b y N a m e s f o r G i r l s 1 R e s u l t s f o r h i n d u b a b y n a m e s g i r l s 1 . w w w . Z u l i l y . c o m B a b y N a m e s U p t o 7 0 % O f f o n D e s i g n e r B a b y A p p a r e l . J o i n N o w ! C h t i k a | O p t o u t ? H i n d u B a b y n a m e s f o r G I R L C H I L D ( H I N D I B A B Y N A M E S F O R I N D I A N C H I L D R E N ) A a d a r s h i n i ( i d e a l i s t i c ) , A a m a n i ( s p r i n g s e a s o n ) , A a n c h a l / A n c h a l ( s h e l t e r ) , A a s h i y a n a ( b e a u t i f u l h o m e ) , A b h i l a s h a ( w i s h / d e s i r e ) , A i s h w a r y a ( p r o s p e r o u s ) , A k a n k s h a ( w i s h ) , A k h i l a ( c o m p l e t e ) , A k s h a r a ( l e t t e r ) , A l a k n a n d a ( a r i v e r ) , A l i s h a ( p r o t e c t e d ) , A l o k i ( b r i g h t n e s s ) , A l p a n a ( b e a u t i f u l ) , A m i s h i ( p u r e ) , A m i t h i ( u n i q u e ) , A m i y a ( d e l i g h t f u l ) , A m o l i k a ( p r i c e l e s s ) , A m r i t a ( f u l l o f n e c t a r ) , A n a m i t r a ( t h e s u n ) , A n a n d a n i ( j o y f u l ) , A n a n t i ( g i f t ) , A n a n y a ( n a n o s e c o n d ) , A n g a r i k a ( f l o w e r ) , A n g h a ( b e a u t y ) , A n i s h a ( u n o b s t r u c t e d ) , A n i t a ( f u l l o f g r a c e ) , A n j a l i ( t r i b u t e ) , A n j i k a ( b l e s s e d ) , A n j u l i ( b l e s s i n g s / i n c o n q u e r a b l e ) , A n m o l ( p r i c e l e s s ) , A n o k h i ( d i f f e r e n t ) , A n s h u l a ( s u n n y ) , A n u p a m a ( b e a u t i f u l ) , A p a r a j i t a ( u n d e f e a t e d ) , A r a d h a n a ( p r a y e r ) , A r c h a n a ( w o r s h i p ) , A r p a n a ( o f f e r i n g ) , A r p i t a ( a d e d i c a t i o n ) , A r s h i a ( d i v i n e ) , A r u n d h a t i ( s t a r ) , A s h a ( e x p e c t a t i o n ) , A s h n a ( a f r i e n d ) , A s h w i n a ( c h i l d o f t h e s t a r ) , A s m i t a ( p r i d e ) , A v i n a s h i ( i n d e s t r u c t a b l e ) , A y a n n a ( i n n o c e n t ) , A y a t i ( r o y a l ) , A y u s h i ( l o n g l i f e ) B a k u l ( f l o w e r n a m e ) , B a l a ( d a m s e l ) , B a n h i ( f i r e ) , B a n n i ( m a i d e n ) , B a r k h a / B a r s h a ( r a i n ) , B a s a n t i ( s p r i n g ) , B h a d r a ( g o o d ) , B h a g w a n t i / B h a g y a s h r i / B h a g y a w a t i ( l u c k y ) , B h a n u ( s u n / f a m e ) , B h a n u m a t i ( f a m o u s ) , B h a n u n i ( c h a r m i n g w o m a n ) , B h a n u p r i y a ( t h e s u n ' s b e l o v e d ) , B h a v i / B h a v i n i ( e m o t i o n a l ) , B h a v n a ( g o o d f e e l i n g s / e m o t i o n s ) , B h u m i k a ( e a r t h ) , B h u v i ( h e a v e n ) , B i j a l / B j l i ( l i g h t e n i n g ) , B i m a l a ( p u r e ) , B i n d u ( p o i n t ) , B i n i t a ( m o d e s t ) , B i s h a k h a ( s t a r ) , C h a a y a / C h h a y a ( s h a d o w ) , C h a h n a ( l o v e ) , C h a i t a l i ( a s e a s o n / b o r n i n t h e C h a i t r a m o n t h ) , C h a k o r i ( a l e r t ) , C h a m e l i ( a f l o w e r ) , C h a n c h a l ( a c t i v e ) , C h a n d a n i ( m o o n l i g h t ) , C h a n d i ( g r e a t g o d d e s s ) , C h a n d r a ( m o o n ) , C h a r i t a ( g o o d ) , C h a r u ( b e a u t i f u l ) , C h a r u s h e e l a ( b e a u t i f u l j e w e l ) , C h h a v i ( r e f l e c t i o n ) , C h i n t a n i k a ( m e d i t a t i o n ) , C h i t r a ( d r a w i n g ) , C h u n n i ( a s t a r ) D a l a j a ( h o n e y ) , D a m i n i ( l i g h t n i n g ) , D a m y a n t i ( b e a u t i f u l ) , D a r p a n a ( m i r r o r ) , D a r s h a n a ( o b s e r v a t i o n ) , D a y a ( c o m p a s s i o n ) , D a y a m a y i / D a y a n i t a ( m e r c i f u l ) , D e e p a ( l i g h t ) , D e e p t i ( f u l l o f l i g h t ) , D e v a n g i / D e v i n a / D e v y a n i ( l i k e a g o d d e s s ) , D e v a n s h i ( d i v i n e ) , D h a n y a ( t h a n k f u / l u c k y ) , D h a r a ( e a r t h / f l o w ) , D h a r i n i / D h a r t i ( e a r t h ) , D h r i t i ( p a t i e n c e ) , D h w a n i ( m e l o d y / m u s i c ) , D h y a n a ( m e d i t a t i o n ) , D i s h i t a ( f o c u s ) , D i v y a ( d i v i n e p o w e r ) , D r i s h t i / D r i s h y a ( s i g h t ) , D y u m n a ( g l o r i o u s ) E d h a ( s a c r e d ) , E e s h a ( g o d d e s s P a r v a t i / p u r i t y ) , E i l a ( t h e e a r t h ) , E k a j a ( o n l y c h i l d ) , E k a n i ( o n e ) , E k a n t a ( d e v o t e d g i r l ) , E k a n t i k a ( s i n g l y f o c u s s e d ) , F a l g u n i ( b e a u t i f u l ) , F u l k i ( s p a r k ) , F u l m a l a ( g a r l a n d ) G a n d h a l i ( s w e e t s c e n t ) , G a n g i k a ( r i v e r ) , G a n i k a ( f l o w e r ) , G e e t / G e e t i ( m e l o d y ) , G i n a ( s i l v e r y ) , G i t a ( h o l y b o o k ) , G i t a l i ( m e l o d i o u s ) , G i t a n j a l i ( m e l o d i o u s t r i b u t e ) , G r i s h m a ( w a r m t h ) , G u l ( f l o w e r ) , G u l a b ( r o s e ) , G u l i k a ( p e a r l ) H a m s i n i ( o n e w h o r i d e s a s w a n / S a r a s w a t h i ) , H a r i n i ( a d e e r ) , H a r i t a ( g r e e n ) , H a r s h a l ( g l a d ) , H a r s h i n i ( j o y f u l ) , H a s i t a ( f u l l o f l a u g h t e r ) , H e m a d r i ( g o l d e n h i l l s ) , H e m a k s h i ( g o l d e n e y e s ) , H e m l a t a ( g o l d e n f l o w e r ) , H i r a l ( w e a l t h y ) , H i t a i s h i ( w e l l w i s h e r ) , H r a d i n i ( l i g h t e n i n g ) I d i t r i ( c o m p l i m e n t a r y ) , I h a ( w i s h ) , I h i t a ( d e s i r e ) , I k s h a ( s i g h t ) , I n d a l i ( p o w e r f u l ) , I n d i r a ( b e s t o w e r o f w e a l t h ) , I n d u l e k h a ( m o o n ) , I n i k a ( s m a l l e a r t h ) , I n u ( a t t r a c t i v e ) , I p s i t a ( d e s i r e ) , I s h i t a ( s u p e r i o r ) , I s h y a ( s p r i n g ) J a n y a ( l i f e ) , J a s m i n ( a f l o w e r ) , J a s u m ( h i b i s c u s ) , J a y a ( s a l u t a t i o n / v i c t o r y / g o d d e s s P a r v a t i ) , J a y a s h r e e ( v i c t o r i o u s w o m a n ) , J h a l a k ( g l i m p s e / s p a r k / s u d d e n m o t i o n ) , J i g i s h a ( s u p e r i o r ) , J o s h i k a ( y o u n g m a i d e n ) , J u i ( f l o w e r ) , J y o t i ( l i g h t ) K a k o l i , K a l a ( a r t ) , K a l i n i ( f l o w e r ) , K a l p a n a ( i m a g i n a t i o n ) , K a l y a n i ( f o r t u n a t e ) , K a m a l / K a m a l i n i ( l o t u s ) , K a m i n i ( b e a u t i f u l w o m a n ) , K a m y a ( c a p a b l e ) , K a n j r i ( b i r d ) , K a n t i ( l i g h t ) , K a r i s h m a ( m i r a c l e ) , K a s h v i ( s h i n i n g ) , K a s h y a p i ( e a r t h ) , K a v y a ( p o e m ) , K e e r t a n a ( s o n g ) , K e y a ( f l o w e r ) , K e y u r i ( a r m l e t ) , K h u s h b o o ( f r a g a r a n c e ) , K h y a t i ( f a m e ) , K i m a y a ( d i v i n e ) , K i n a a r i ( s h o r e ) , K i n j a l ( r i v e r b a n k ) , K i n n a r i ( m u s i c a l i n s t r u m e n t ) , K i s h o r i ( y o u n g d a m s e l ) , K o m a l i ( t e n d e r ) , K s h a m a ( f o r g i v e n e s s / m e r c y ) , K s h a m y a ( e a r t h ) , K s h i r i n ( f l o w e r ) , K u n d a n i k a ( f l o w e r ) , K u s u m i t a ( f l o w e r s i n b l o o m ) , Print to PDF without this message by purchasing novaPDF (
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Hindu Baby Names for Girls

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Aadarshini (idealistic), Aamani (spring season), Aanchal/Anchal (shelter), Aashiyana (beautiful home),Abhilasha (wish/ desire), Aishwarya (prosperous), Akanksha (wish), Akhila (complete), Akshara (letter),Alaknanda (a river), Alisha (protected), Aloki (brightness), Alpana (beautiful), Amishi (pure), Amithi (unique),Amiya (delightful), Amolika (priceless), Amrita (full of nectar), Anamitra (the sun), Anandani (joyful), Ananti(gift), Ananya (nanosecond), Angarika (flower), Angha (beauty), Anisha (unobstructed), Anita (full of grace),Anjali (tribute), Anjika (blessed), Anjuli (blessings/ inconquerable), Anmol (priceless), Anokhi (different),Anshula (sunny), Anupama (beautiful), Aparajita (undefeated), Aradhana (prayer), Archana (worship), Arpana(offering), Arpita (a dedication), Arshia (divine), Arundhati (star), Asha (expectation), Ashna (a friend),Ashwina (child of the star), Asmita (pride), Avinashi (indestructable), Ayanna (innocent), Ayati (royal),Ayushi (long life)

Bakul (flower name), Bala (damsel), Banhi (fire), Banni (maiden), Barkha/ Barsha (rain), Basanti (spring),Bhadra (good), Bhagwanti/ Bhagyashri/ Bhagyawati (lucky), Bhanu (sun/ fame), Bhanumati (famous), Bhanuni(charming woman), Bhanupriya (the sun's beloved), Bhavi/ Bhavini (emotional), Bhavna (good feelings/emotions), Bhumika (earth), Bhuvi (heaven), Bijal/ Bijli (lightening), Bimala (pure), Bindu (point), Binita(modest), Bishakha (star),

Chaaya/Chhaya (shadow), Chahna (love), Chaitali (a season/ born in the Chaitra month), Chakori (alert),Chameli (a flower), Chanchal (active), Chandani (moonlight), Chandi (great goddess), Chandra (moon),Charita (good), Charu (beautiful), Charusheela (beautiful jewel), Chhavi (reflection), Chintanika (meditation),Chitra (drawing), Chunni (a star)

Dalaja (honey), Damini (lightning), Damyanti (beautiful), Darpana (mirror), Darshana (observation), Daya(compassion), Dayamayi/ Dayanita (merciful), Deepa (light), Deepti (full of light), Devangi/ Devina/ Devyani(like a goddess), Devanshi (divine), Dhanya (thankful/ lucky), Dhara (earth/ flow), Dharini/ Dharti (earth),Dhriti (patience), Dhwani (melody/ music), Dhyana (meditation), Dishita (focus), Divya (divine power),Drishti/ Drishya (sight), Dyumna (glorious)

Edha (sacred), Eesha (goddess Parvati/ purity), Eila (the earth), Ekaja (only child), Ekani (one), Ekanta(devoted girl), Ekantika (singly focussed),

Falguni (beautiful), Fulki (spark), Fulmala (garland)

Gandhali (sweet scent), Gangika (river), Ganika (flower), Geet/ Geeti (melody), Gina (silvery), Gita (holybook), Gitali (melodious), Gitanjali (melodious tribute), Grishma (warmth), Gul (flower), Gulab (rose), Gulika(pearl)

Hamsini (one who rides a swan/ Saraswathi), Harini (a deer), Harita (green), Harshal (glad), Harshini (joyful),Hasita (full of laughter), Hemadri (golden hills), Hemakshi (golden eyes), Hemlata (golden flower), Hiral(wealthy), Hitaishi (well wisher), Hradini (lightening)

Iditri (complimentary), Iha (wish), Ihita (desire), Iksha (sight), Indali (powerful), Indira (bestower of wealth),Indulekha (moon), Inika (small earth), Inu (attractive), Ipsita (desire), Ishita (superior), Ishya (spring)

Janya (life), Jasmin (a flower), Jasum (hibiscus), Jaya (salutation/ victory/ goddess Parvati), Jayashree(victorious woman), Jhalak (glimpse/ spark/ sudden motion), Jigisha (superior), Joshika (young maiden), Jui(flower), Jyoti (light)

Kakoli, Kala (art), Kalini (flower), Kalpana (imagination), Kalyani (fortunate), Kamal/ Kamalini (lotus), Kamini(beautiful woman), Kamya (capable), Kanjri (bird), Kanti (light), Karishma (miracle), Kashvi (shining), Kashyapi(earth), Kavya (poem), Keertana (song), Keya (flower), Keyuri (armlet), Khushboo (fragarance), Khyati(fame), Kimaya (divine), Kinaari (shore), Kinjal (river bank), Kinnari (musical instrument), Kishori (youngdamsel), Komali (tender), Kshama (forgiveness/ mercy), Kshamya (earth), Kshirin (flower), Kundanika(flower), Kusumita (flowers in bloom),

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Laboni (graceful), Labuki (musical instrument), Lajita (modest), Laksha (aim), Lakshanya (one who achieves),Lakshita (distinguished), Lali (blushing), Lalima (beauty), Lalita (beautiful woman), Laranya (graceful), Lata(creeper), Lavanya (beautiful girl), Leela (divine drama), Leena (a devoted one/ tender), Lekha (writing),Lolita (ruby),

Madhavi/ Madhu (honey), Madhuvanthi (one who is sweet like honey), Mahika (earth), Mahima (glorious),Mahiya (joy), Maina (a bird), Malika (flower), Malini (fragrant), Malka (queen), Manali (bird), Mandira(melody), Manini (self respected), Manisha (desire/ wish), Manjari (bud of a mango tree), Manju (pleasant),Manjula (lovely/ soft/ charming), Manjusha (lady with a sweet voice), Marsha (respectable), Mausami(seasonal), Maya (illusion), Mayuri (peahen), Medha (goddess Saraswati/ wisdom/ intellect), Medini (earth),Meenal (precious gem), Menaha (celestial damsel), Mili (a meeting/ to find), Mishti (sweet person), Mitali(friendly), Monisha (intellectual), Moubani (a flower), Mridula (an ideal woman), Mrinmayee (deer's eye),Mythri (friendship)

Nagina (jewel), Naija (daughter of wisdom), Naisha (special), Naishadha (poetry), Nalini (lotus/ sweetnectar), Namita (humble), Nandita (cheerful), Navya (young), Neepa (a flower), Neeraja (lotus), Neha(loving), Neharika (dew drops), Nidhi (wealth), Nilakshi (blue-eyed), Nilambari (clothed in blue), Nilima (blue),Nina (beautiful eyes), Ninarika (misty), Nirali (different), Nirmala (clean), Nirupama (matchless), Nisha (night),Nishita (alert), Nishka (honest), Nitya (eternal), Nivriti (bliss), Niyati (destiny), Nupoor (anklet),

Oditi (dawn), Oma (life giver)

Padma/ Padnuni (lotus), Pallavi (bud), Panchali (princess), Pari (fairy), Pariyat (flower), Parmita (wisdom),Parvati, Poonam (full moon), Prabha (light), Pracheeta/ Prasheetha (origin/ starting point), Prachi (east),Pradnya (wisdom), Prakriti (nature/ beautiful), Pramiti (wisdom), Pranali (organisation), Pranjal (honest),Prasheila (ancient time), Pratima (idol), Pratiti (faith), Praveena (skilled), Prianka (favourite), Prisha (beloved/loving/ God's gift), Prithika (flower), Priti (love),

Rabhya (worshipped), Rachna (creation), Ragini (melody), Rajeshri (queen), Rajika (lamp), Rajni (night),Raksha (protection), Ramya (delightful), Ranhita (quick), Rani (queen), Ranya (pleasant), Rashmi (sun rays),Raveena (sunny), Raya (flow/ sated with drink), Rebha (sings praises), Reena (gem), Reshma (silky), Revati(prosperity), Rewa (swift), Rhea/ Ria (singer), Riddhi (fortunate), Rishima (moonbeam), Rita (way of life),Rohini (moon), Romila (heartfelt), Roopa (blessed with beauty), Roshni/ Ruchi (light), Ruchika (shining/beautiful/ desirable), Ruchita (splenderous), Ruhi (soul), Ruhin (spiritual), Rupa (silver), Rupashi (beautiful)

Sahira (mountain), Sajani (beloved/ loving/ well loved), Saloni (beautiful), Samali (bouquet), Samiya(incomparable), Sanchali (movement), Sanika (flute), Sanjita (triumphant), Sanjula (beautiful), Sansita(praise), Sara (precious), Sarayu (wind), Sarojini (in the lotus), Sasmita (always laughing), Satvari (night),Satvi (existence), Satya (truth), Saura (celestial), Savita (sun), Savitri (mother), Shaila (living in mountain),Shaili (tradition), Shaivi (prosperity), Shalalu (perfume), Shalika (flute), Shalini (modest), Shanti (peace),Shari (arrow), Sharini (earth), Sharmila (shy), Sharvari (twilight), Shasha (moon), Sheela (character),Sheetal (cool), Shefali (fragrant), Shila (rock), Shirina (night), Shiuli (flower), Shresth/ Shresthi (best of all),Shreya (beautiful), Shrika (fortune), Shrila (beautiful), Shrimayi (fortunate), Shriya (prosperity), Shushma(fragrant), Siddhangana (divine/ pure), Siddhani (blessed), Simbala (pond), Sinjini (sound of anklet), Somila(tranquil), Sonal/ Sonali (golden), Suchhaya (shining), Suchita (auspicious), Sudarshini (beautiful lady),Suhaila (moonshine), Sumavali (garland), Sumedha (intelligent), Sumita/ Sumitra (friendly), Sunaina/ Sunayna(beautiful eyes), Sunanda (sweet charactered), Sunita (well-behaved), Supriya (well-loved), Surabhi(beauty), Suravi (sun), Sushila (good charactered woman), Sutara (holy star), Suvali (full of grace), Svara(goddess of sound), Svitra (white), Swati (star)

Taj (crown/ jewel), Talika (a bird), Tamanna (wish), Tanirika (a flower), Tanisha (ambition), Tanmaya(reincarnated), Tanushri/ Tanvi (beautiful), Tanya (of the family), Tara/ Tarai (star), Tarani (boat), Taruna/Taruni (young girl), Tavishi (courage), Tisya (auspicious), Tiya (a bird), Trayi (intellect), Trisha (wish/desire), Trishala (trident), Tuhina (dew drop), Turanya (swift), Tvisha (bright)

Udipti (on fire), Udyati (elevated), Ujvala (bright/ lighted), Unma (joy), Unnati (progress), Upadhriti (a ray),Upasna (worship), Upma (the best), Urishita (firm), Urmika (small wave), Urmila (enchantress), Urvi (earth),Usha (dawn), Ushma (warmth), Usra (first light), Utalika (wave), Utpala (filled with lotuses/ a river),

Vainavi (gold), Valini (stars), Vanalika (sunflower), Vanhi (fire), Vanini (soft spoken), Vanita (graceful lady),Vanshi/ Vanshika (flute), Varali (moon), Varsha (rain), Varya (form), Vasuda/Vasundhara/ Vasundhra (earth),Vedanti (knower of the vedas), Vedha (pious), Venya (lovable), Vibali (young), Vidushi (learned), Vina(musical instument), Vinamra (modest), Vinanti (request), Vinati (prayer), Vinaya (humble), Vipanchi (lute),Virika (bravery), Vishaka (stars), Vishva (world), Vrishti (rain), Vyomini (divine)

Yachana (pleading), Yahvi (heaven/ earth), Yamini (nocturnal), Yamuna (holy river), Yamya (night), Yashica(success), Yashodhara (glory), Yasti (slim), Yochana (thought), Yuvati (young lady)

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NAME MEANINGMaalai Garland of Flowers

Maalini Beautiful As Flower

Maargali Tamil Month Name

Maasila Pure

Madhavi Springtime; A creeper with beautiful flowers

Madhavilata Creeper Success

Madhu Honey

Madhubala Sweet Girl

Madhuchhanda pleasing Music

Madhuja Sweetest girl

Madhuksara Sweet like honey

Madhula Delightfulness

Madhulata Sweet creeper

Madhulekha beautiful

Madhulika Delicious honey

Madhumalati a flowering creeper

Madhumati full of honey

Madhumita full of honey

Madhunisha pleasant night

Madhura charming; melodious

Madhuri Sweetness

Madhurima sweetness

Madhushri the spring

Madira Blissful

Madirakshi Attractive eyes

Madri Uniqueness

Mahabala strength

Mahadevi Goddess Parvati

Mahaganga Goddess Ganga

Mahagauri Goddess Durga

Mahajabeen beautiful

Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi

Mahamaya Goddess Durga

Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati

Mahati great

Maher adept

Maheswari Consort of Lord Shiva

Mahi Enormous Earth

Mahijuba a hostess

Mahika World

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Mahilam Joyful

Mahima Greatness ; Very impressive

Mahin Greatest

Mahindar; Mahinder God of gods

Mahitha Honorable ; Virtuous

Mahiya Happiness; Joy

Mahla Friendly

Mahta One resembling the moon

Mahtab Moon

Mahua an intoxicating flower

Mahubala Sweetest person

Maina a bird

Maithili Another name for Sita

Maitra Well-wisher

Maitreya disciple of sage Parasara

Maitreyi Well qualified girl

Maitri Friendship

Makshi Sweet as honey

Mala Garland

Malai Magal Hindu Goddess Name; Goddess Parvathi

Malaika Angel

Malar Flower

Malarvili Beautiful eyes like a flower

Malashree Melodious

Malasri Woman wearing a garland

Malati a creeper with fragrant flowers

Malavika Name of a princess

Malaya a creeper

Malika Queen

Malina dark

Malini another name for Parvati

Malisa Balm; Lemon balm; Mint

Malliga ; Malligae Name Of A Flower ; Jasmine

Mallika Queen

Malti ; Malthi Small fragrant flower

Malti; Malati A jasmine flower

Mamata Lovable girl

Mamta Love; Affection

Manadha Self esteemed

Manaka Mind reader

Manal Name of a bird

Manali Bird

Manana Rumination

Mananya Praiseworthy ; Talented

Manasa fictitious mind; Invented mind

Manasi spiritual adoration

Manasika By hearted

Manasvi Clever & Sharp

Manda a river

Mandakini the Milky Way; a branch of the Ganga river

Mandakini; Mandaakini An Indian river

Mandakranta a Sanskrit metre


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Mandana Smiling ; Gleeful

Mandara Enormous

Mandarmalika a garland of celestial

Mandeep; Mandip Light of sages

Mandira Venerated; Melodious

Manditha Makes the place more beauty

Mandra Pleasurable

Mandy Worthy of love

Mangai Knowledgeable Girl

Mangala auspicious

Mangala; Mangalya Auspicious

Mani Gem; A jewel

Manideepa A lamp made of precious stones

Manika Precious Stone

Manikuntala Beautiful hair like a sparkle gemstones

Manimala a string of pearls

Manimekhala Unity

Manini Gorgeous Girl

Manisha Intellect; Desire; Wish

Manisi By hearted

Manisitha Knowledgeable

Maniya Assets

Manjari The sacred basil; blossom; a bouquet

Manjira Ornament

Manjistha extremely

Manjit; Manjeet One Who wins her own heart; Conqueror of the mind

Manju Sweet; Pleasant; Attractive; Snow; Dew Drops

Manjubala a sweet girl

Manjula Melodious; Lovely; Soft; Charming

Manjulika Cute girl

Manjusha A box of jewels; Treasure chest; Lady with a Sweet Voice

Manjushri ; Manjusri Brilliance of light

Manjyot light of the mind

Manmatha Cupid

Manmayi Mistrustful

Mannat Special Prayer

Manorama Beautiful

Manorma Beautiful

Mansi A Lady

Manu intelligent; wise

Manya Worthy of honour

Maragadham Name Of Gemstones

Marcia Martial One

Margarite A Pearl

Maria Mary

Marichi name of a star

Marisa Mother of Daksa

Marsha Respectable

Marta Lady

Maruti Wind

Mary Lady

Matilda Battle Maiden

Mausami Seasonal

Maushmi monsoon wind

Maya Illusion

Mayawati Full of Illus ion

Mayura peacock

Mayuri Peahen

Medha intelligence; wisdom

Medini the earth

Meena gem

Meena; Mina Precious blue stone; With Beautiful Eyes resembling a Fish; Enamel work

Meenakshi Eye beauty ; Goddess name

Meenakshi; Minakshi Goddess Parvathi; One with fish shaped eyes

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Meenu; Minu Precoius stone; A Gem

Meera A Devotee of Lord Krishna

Meeta Friend

Megan Margaret

Megha Cloud

Meghamala array of clouds

Meghana Cloud

Mehak Smell

Mehal cloud

Mehandi A flowering plan; generally used for temporary skin decoration for special occasions

Mehbooba beloved

Meher benevolence

Mehrunissa benevolent

Mekala Brilliant Art

Mekhala girdle

Melanie Dark

Melba Soft or slender

Melosa Sweet or gentle

Mena wife of the Himalayas

Menaka born of the mind

Menka; Menaka An apsara; Shakuntala's mother

Meyyalagi Truly Beauty

Mili A meeting; To find

Mimi Unwavering Protector

Minakshi an incarnation of Parvati

Minal A precious stone

Minati prayer

Minaxi One with fish shaped eyes; Goddess Parvati

Minnal Thunder

Mira Light; A red giant star; Name of a devotee of Krishna; Saintly woman

Mirium wished-for child

Mishti Sweet; Sweet Person

Mita A friend

Mitali Friendship

Mohana Attractive

Mohini Most Beautiful

Mohisha intellect

Mohita attracted

Mona Peaceful; Noble one; Individual

Monica a wise counsellor

Monica; Monika A wise counsellor

Monisha Lord Krishna; Intellectual

Morena Little Mary

Mousami Variant of 'Mausami'

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NAME MEANINGMridula Tendreness; Gentleness; an ideal woman

Mriganayani doe-eyed

Mrinal lotus

Mrinali lotus

Mrinmayi of the earth

Mudita happy

Mudra expression

Mudrika ring

Mugdha young, beautiful, innocent

Mukta Liberated; Pearl

Mukti Freedom

Mukunda Lord Krishna

Mumtaj Wife of Shah Jahan; Variant of 'Mumtaz'

Mumtaz The distinguished; The best; The queen of emperor Shah Jahan

Muniya name of a bird

Muskaan smile

Muskan Sweet Smile

Muthalagi Beautiful Like A Pearl

Muthammal Beautiful Like A Pearl

Mutholi Brightness Of A Pearl

Mythili Princess of Mithila; Sita

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NAME MEANINGSaam; Sam A character in Shahnameh (Rostam's Grandfather)

Saaz melody

Sabar nectar

Sabarinathan Lord ayappa

Sacchidananda total bliss

Sachet consciousness

Sachetan animated

Sachin Pure; Lord Shiva; Existence; Essence

Sachit consciousness

Sadaiyan Name Of Lord Shiva

Sadanand Ever delighted

Sadashiv; Sadashiva Eternal God; God Shankar

Sadashiva eternally pure

Sadeepan lighted up

Sadegh Sincere

Sadiq kingly

Saeed priestly

Sagar Sea

Sahaj natural

Sahas bravery

Sahdev one of the Pandava princes

Sahib the lord

Sahil Guide; Shore; River Bank

Said; Sayyid Happy

Saikat beach

Sainath Saibaba

Saipraasad blessing

Saiprasad Blessed

Saipratap blessing of Saibaba

Saish A Saint

Sajal moist

Sajan beloved

Saket heaven

Sakthi Vel ; Sakthi Velan Name Of Lord Shanmukha

Salaman high

Saleem healthy

Salil Water

Salim happy; peaceful

Salvador The Savior

Samar war

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Samarendra Lord Vishnu

Samarendu Lord Vishnu

Samarjit Lord Vishnu

Samarth capable

Samba Sivan ; Samba


Lord Shiva

Sambaran restraint; name of an ancient king

Sambhav born; mainfested

Sambhddha wise

Sambit consciousness

Sameen valuable

Sameer breeze

Sameer; Samir Early morning fragrance; Breeze; Wind; Entertainer

Samendra King of conqueror

Sami Elevated; High

Samir Cool Breeze

Sampat prosperous

Samrat king

Samudra ocean

Samudragupta a famous Gupta king

Samudrasen lord of the ocean

Samuel Name of God

Samyak enough

Sanat Lord Brahma

Sanatan eternal

Sanchay collection

Sanchit collected

Sandananda eternal bliss

Sandeep power; s trength

Sandeep; Sandip A lighted lamp; Glowing

Sandeepen a sage

Sandesh Message

Sanjar Prince; Emperor; King

Sanjay Dhritarashtra's charioteer; Triumphant

Sanjeev possessed with life

Sanjiv love; life

Sanjivan Everlastingness

Sankalpa resolve

Sankara Auspicious

Sankarshan a name of Balaram, brother of Lord Krishna

Sanket s ignal

Sanmitra True Friend

Santosh Happiness

Sanyam Self-control

Sanyog conincidence

Sapan dream

Saquib bright

Saral Simple

Sarang Spotted deer; A musical instrument

Saras a bird; lake

Sarat a sage

Saravana Another name of Lord shanmukha



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Sarbajit one who has conquered everything

Sarfaraz head held high

Sarosh Prayer

Sartaj crown

Sarthak well done

Sarup son of Shakuntala-Bharat

Sarvesh Superior lord

Sarvin Best Archer; God of Love

Sarwar promotion

Sashreek prosperous

Satindra Lord Vishnu

Satish Ruler of hundreds; Victorious; One who speaks truth; Sati's husband; Lord Shiva;


Satrijit father of Satyabhama, wife of Lord Krishna

Satvamohan truthful

Satyajeet; Satyajit Victory of truth

Satyajit wedded to truth

Satyakam son of Jabala in the Mahabharata

Satyaki charioteer of Krishna

Satyamurty; Sathyamurthy;


Sculpture Of Truth

Satyanarayan Lord Krishna

Satyanarayana truthful protector of people

Satyankar Truthfull

Satyaprakash Flame of truth

Satyapriya Faithful lovable girl

Satyasheel truthful

Satyavan husband of Savitri; true

Satyavrata dedicated to truth

Satyen Lord of the truth

Satyendra Variant of 'Satyen'

Saumitra Son of Sumitra; Lakshman

Saurabh Fragrance

Saurav fragrant; belonging to the brave

Savar Lord Shiva

Savitendra the sun

Sawan A month of the Hindu Calendar

Sayam evening

Sayan precious friend, companion

Sayed leader

Selvan Prosperous ; well-Off

Semmal Immaculate

Sendhil Vel ; Sendhil ;

Sendhil Velan

Name Of Lord Shanmukha

Sendooran Name Of A Flower

Sengannan Farsighted

Senguttuvan Successful Princes Name

Senkadir Like The brightness Of The Sun

Sevak servant

Shaan Glory

Shachin Lord Indra

Shadab fresh

Shah The king

Shah Nawaz; Shahnawaz Brave

Shahab Shooting star; Meteor

Shaheen tender

Shahid patriot

Shailendra king of mountains

Shaistakhan polite

Shakib patience

Shakshavali Name of a God

Shakti Power; Strength; Goddess Durga

Shaktidhar Lord Shiva

Shakyasinha Lord Buddha

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Shambhu Abode of Joy; God Shankar

Shameek an ancient sage

Shami fire

Shamindra quiet; gentle

Shams Fragrance

Shamshu, Shamshad beautiful

Shandar proud

Shankar Lord Shiva; God Shankar; He who gives happiness

Shankha conch

Shanmukha, Shanmuga Kartikeya, first son of Lord Shiva

Shantanu Whole; A king of Hastinapura in the epic of 'Mahabharata'; Father of Bhishma; Peace


Shantashil gentle

Shantimay peaceful

Shantinath lord of peace

Shantiprakash light of peace

Sharad, Sarat autumn

Sharadchandra autumn moon

Sharadindu autumn moon

Sharan shelter

Sharang deer

Shardool Lion

Shardul tiger

Shariq intelligent

Shashank the moon

Shashanka the moon

Shashi Moon

Shashibhushan Lord Shiva

Shashidhar the moon

Shashimohan the moon

Shashishekhar Lord Shiva

Shashwat eternal

Shatrughan son of Dashratha and Sumitra

Shatrughna, Shatrughan victorious

Shatrujit victorious over enemies

Shatrunjay victorious

Shattesh king of mountains

Shaukat grand

Shaunak a great sage

Shaurya brave

Shekhar Lord Shiva

Shekhar; Sekar Ultimate; Crest; Peak; The crown of divine knowlege

Sher The beloved one or a Lion

Shesh cosmic serpent

Shevantilal a crysanthemum

Shikhar peak

Shirshirchandra winter moon

Shishir winter

Shishir; Shisheer; Sisir Winter

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NAME MEANINGShishirkumar the moon

Shishupal sone of Subhadra

Shiv God Shiva

Shiva the god of destruction

Shiva Perumal ; Siva


Lord Shiva

Shivam auspicious

Shivendra Lord Shiva

Shivendu pure moon

Shivesh Lord Shiva

Shivlal Lord Shiva

Shivraj Lord Shiva

Shivshankar Lord Shiva

Shobhan handsome

Shoorsen brave

Shoumik fire; powerful

Shravan name of a Hindu month

Shravankumar a character from the epic Ramayana

Shreesh good fortune

Shrenik organised

Shreshta the best

Shreyas good

Shridhar Lord Vishnu

Shrigopal Lord Krishna

Shrihari Lord Krishna

Shrikari causing prosperity

Shrikrishna Lord Krishna

Shrikumar beautiful

Shrinath Lord Vishnu

Shrinivas Lord Vishnu

Shripad Lord Vishnu

Shripal Lord Vishnu

Shripati Lord Vishnu

Shriram Lord Rama

Shriranga Lord Vishnu

Shrish Lord Vishnu

Shrivatsa Lord Vishnu

Shriyans wealth

Shubhang Handsome

Shubhankar auspivious

Shubhashis blessing

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Shubhendu luckly moon

Shubhranshu the moon

Shuddhashil well-born

Shuhul Kind

Shyam Lord Krishna

Shyamsundar Lord Krishna

Siddarth One who has accomplished his goal; A name of the Buddha

Siddhant principle

Siddhanta principle

Siddharth Variant of 'Siddarth'

Siddhartha one who has accomplished his aim

Siddhesh Lord Ganesh

Siddheshwar a goddess

Siddhran Perfection

Sidhan Free Thinking Man

Simon to hear or be heard

Singan Bold As A Lion

Siraj lamp

Sita Ram Lord Rama; Beloved of Rama

Sitakanta Lord Rama

Sitanshu the moon

Sitikantha Lord Shiva

Sitpan Artis t

Sivadasan Votary Of Lord Shiva

Sivanta Lord Shiva

Slade Child of the valley

Smarajit one who has conquered lust

Smaran remembrance

Smritiman unforgettable

Snehin a friend

Sohail moon-glow

Soham 'Iam He'-the presence of divinity of each soul

Sohan charm

Sohel; Sohail Moon Light

Sohil beautiful

Sohrab famous Persian prince

Solvalavan Verbalize

Som the moon

Som Nath Lord of the moon; God Shiva

Som; Somu The moon

Somansh half moon

Somdutt Variant of 'Som'

Somendra moon

Someshwar Lord Shiva

Somnath Lord of the moon; God Shiva

Sonu Familiar with gold; Beloved

Soumil a friend

Sourabh fragrance

Souren of the sun

Sourish Lord Vishnu

Srijan creation

Srikar causing prosperity; another name for Lord Vishnu


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Srinivas abode of Lord Venkateshwara

Sriram; Shriram God Rama

Stavan worship, praise, eulogy

Stephan Crowned One

Stephen Crown

Sual asked for

Subal a friend of Lord Krishna

Subash fragrance

Subbarao auspicious

Subhan aware

Subhash Soft Spoken

Subinay humble

Subodh Sound Advice; Spiritual Intelligence

Subramanya Shiva's son

Sudama Lord Krishna's friend

Sudarshan pleasing to the eye

Sudeb a real God

Sudeep bright

Sudesh country

Sudhakar the moon

Sudhamay full of nectar

Sudhanshu Moon

Sudhendra Self-Determination ; Freedom

Sudhi scholar

Sudhindra lord of knowledge

Sudhir Resolute; Brave

Sudip; Sudeep Bright; Good Looking

Sugata a name of the Buddha

Sugreev man with a beautiful neck

Suhail moon-glow

Suhas smiling beautifully

Suhrid well-disposed

Suhrit well-disposed

Sujan honest

Sujash illustrious

Sujay great victory

Sujit great conqueror

Sukant, Sukanta handsome

Sukesh with beautiful

Suketu a Yaksha king

Sukhamay pleasurable

Sukhdev giver of bliss

Sukrit good deed

Sukumar tender

Sulekh beautifully written

Sultan king

Suman Cheerful and wise

Sumant wise

Sumanta wise

Sumantra friend of King Dasarath

Sumedh clever

Sumeet, Sumit a good friend

Sumit good friend

Sunanda very pleasing

Sunasi Lord Indra

Sundar handsome

Suneet of good principles; prudent

Sunil dark blue

Sunil; Suneel Dark blue; Sapphire

Sunirmal pure

Sunny Sunshine; Cheerful

Suprakash manifested

Supratik cupid

Supratim beautiful image

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Sur a musical note

Suraj Sun

Surajit god

Suranjan pleasing

Surdeep lamp of music

Suren Lord Indra

Suresh The ruler of the gods; Lord Indra

Surya The sun

Suryabhan the sun

Suryakant; Suryakanta Loved by the sun; Glowing; Good Looking; A jewel

Suryakanta a jewel

Suryashankar Lord Shiva

Sushanta quiet

Sushil good person

Sushil; Susheel Good charactered man; Well-behaved

Sushobhan very beautiful

Sushrut name of an ancient physician

Sutej lustre

Suvan Suvimal

Suyash illustrious

Swami Lord; Master

Swaminath the Lord Almighty

Swapan a dream

Swapnil Dream like; Seen in a dream; Dreamy

Swaraj Self Verdict

Swarup truth

Swayambhu Lord Shiva

Swetaketu white flag, symbol of peace

Syamantak a jewel of Lord Vishnu

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Sabari Devotee of Lord Rama

Sabina Beautiful

Sabita Beautiful Sunshine

Sachi Wife of Lord Indra

Sadaf pearl

Sadgati liberation

Sadguna good virtues

Sadhan fulfulment

Sadhana worship

Sadhana; Sadhna Worship; Long Practice/study

Sadhika achiever

Sadhvi virtuous woman

Sadiqua kindly

Saeeda priestly

Safia chaste

Sagarika wave; born in the ocean

Sagun possessed of qualities

Saguna possessed of good qualities

Sahana a raga

Saheli Friend

Sahiba guide

Sahira Mountain

Sai a flower

Saira; Sairah Happy; Beautiful; Traveller

Sajala clouds

Sajani Beloved

Sajili decorated

Sajni beloved

Sakhi friend

Sakina friend

Sakshi Witness

Salarjung beautiful

Salena the moon

Salila water

Salima happy

Salma peace

Salmavati Peaceful

Saloni Beautiful

Samali Bouquet

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Samantha Cute

Samata equality

Sameena happy

Sameera Early morning fragrance; Entertaining companion

Samhita a vedic omposition

Samidha an offering for a sacred fire

Samiksha overview

Samina Happy

Samiran breeze

Samit collected

Samita collected

Sampada wealthy

Sampatti wealth

Sampriti attachement

Samta Equality

Sana praise, prayer

Sanabhi related

Sanam Beloved

Sananda happy

Sanchali movement

Sanchaya collection

Sanchita collection

Sandana Redolence

Sandhaya collection

Sandhya Evening; Sundown; Twilight; Dusk

Sangeeta; Sangita Music; Musical

Sangita musical

Sangmu The kind-hearted one

Sanika Flute

Saniya moment

Sanjana Gentle

Sanjita Triumphant; Successful; Victorious

Sanjivani immortality

Sanjivni Immortality

Sanjukta wife of king prithviraj

Sanjula Beautiful

Sanjushree beautiful

Sankul full of

Sannidhi nearness

Sanobar palm tree

Sanskriti culture

Santawana consolation

Santayani of the evening

Sanvali dusky

Sanwari dusky

Sanwariya Lord Krishna

Sanya Born on Saturday

Sanyakta joined; united

Saparna leafy

Sapna Dream

Sara Precious; Princess; Pure; Excellent; Pleasant

Sarabjeet Winning all



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Sarada Goddess

Sarada; Sharda Goddess Saraswati

Sarah Princess; Pure; Excellent; Pleasant

Sarakshi good sight

Sarala good sight

Sarala; Sarla Honest; Straight Forward

Sarama wife of Bibhisan

Saranya surrendered

Sarasi lake

Sarasija lotus

Saraswati Goddess of wisdom

Sarayu a holy river

Sarbani Goddess Durga

Sarika a koel

Sarisha Charming

Sarit river

Sarita River

Sarjana creative; creation

Sarmila Shy; Happy; Modest; Variant of 'Sharmila'

Saroj Lotus Flower

Saroja Born in a lake

Sarojini Lotus

Saruprani beautiful woman

Sasmita smiling

Sati chaste woman

Satya truth

Satyarupa truth; personified

Satyavati truthful

Saudamini lightning

Savera morning

Savita Sun

Savitashri lustre of the sun

Savitri Goddess Saraswati; A river

Seema Boundary; Limit

Seemanta parting line of hair

Seerat Wisdom

Sejal River water; Full of water

Selva Malar Blooming Flower

Selvarasi Blooming Queen

Selvi Girlish

Sembaruthi Name Of A Flower

Senbagam Name Of A Flower

Sendalir Sprout

Sentamil Pure Tamil

Senthamarai Name Of A Flower ; Red Lotus

Sevandhi Name Of A Flower

Shabadpreet The one who loves the Holy Word

Shabana Decorated

Shaila Stone; Mountain; Goddess Parvati

Shaili Style

Shakti The powerful one

Shakuntala Wife of Dushyant

Shalini Modesty

Shamita Peace Maker

Shamshad Graceful

Shanta Peaceful

Shanti Peace; The tranquil one

Shantipriya peace-loving

Sharada Godess Saraswati

Sharadaa Variant of 'Sharada'

Sharanjeet One who attains the Guru's shelter

Sharda Goddess Saraswati

Sharmila The protected one; Shy

Shashi Moon

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Shashikala Moon Light; Brightness of Moon

Shashikiran moon's rays

Sheeba Promise; Oath

Sheela Cool; Good Character

Sheen Snow

Sheetal Cool

Shefali A flower

Shikha Flame

Shila Strong Stone; Rock

Shilpa Stone; Well-proportioned

Shipra; Kshipra A River; One of the sacred rivers in Hinduism; Purity

Shireen; Shirin Sweet; Pleasant; Gente; Delicate

Shirish a flower; raintree

Shiromani superb jewel

Shithradevi ; Chitradevi Hindu Goddess Name; Goddess Saraswathi

Shivakari Source of Auspicious Things; Goddess Lakshmi

Shivani Goddess Parvati

Shobha Fortunate; Attractive; Splendour

Shobhana Splendid; Shining; Glowing; The beautiful one

Shomili Beautiful and Elegant

Shraddha Faith; Trust; Veneration; Devoted

Shradha Variant of 'Shraddha'

Shreeya Auspicious; Goddess Lakshmi

Shresth; Shresthi Perfect; Best of all

Shreya Beautiful; Auspicious; Better; To give credit to someone

Shreyashi Good

Shri Goddess Lakshmi

Shridevi Goddess Lakshmi

Shrikanta beautiful

Shrishti Universe

Shruti Expert in Vedas

Shubha Auspicious; Goddess Lakshmi

Shubhaprada Granter of Auspicious Things; Goddess Lakshmi

Shuhul Kind

Shushma Beautiful Woman

Sibani Goddess Parvati

Siddhi Ever Ready to Protect; Goddess

Sihi Sweet

Silambu Name Of A Ornament

Simran; Smran Remembrance; Meditation

Singari Oceanic; Beautiful, Hindu Goddess Parvathi

Sita The wife of Lord Rama; Daughter of Janak

Sitara Morning star

Sivani Hindu Goddess Name; Goddess Parvathi

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Smita Smile; Ever smiling lady

Smriti Memory: Recollection

Sneha Affectionate; Love

Snehanshn affectionate

Sobhana Variant of 'Shobhana'

Soha A star

Soma Moon-rays

Sona Gold

Sonal Golden

Sonali Golden

Sonam The fortunate one; Beautiful

Soni; Sonia Wise; Wisdom; Golden; Pretty

Sonth Spring

Sonu Familiar with gold; Beloved

Soodamani Name Of Gemstones

Sopan steps

Soumyakanti handsome

Sridevi Variant of 'Shridevi'

Srikala Hindu Goddess Name; Fragment of Lakshmi

Srilakshmi Hindu Goddess Name; Goddess Lakshmi; Pleasing Feature Of Lakshmi

Srividhya; Srividya Hindu Goddess Name; Goddess Durga; Captivating Wisdom

Stuti Praise; Worship

Subhadra a wife of Arjuna

Subhashini Soft Spoken; Nice girl; Well-spoken

Subhasini Well-spoken

Subrata devoted to what is right

Sucheta With a beautiful mind

Suchita Purity; Beautiful

Sudar Brightness Of The Sun

SudarOli Brightness Of The Sun

Sudarsini Beautiful

Sudeva Divine Goddness

Sudha Nectar

Sudhisksha Very Brilliant Girl

Suhasini Ever-Smiling

Sujata Of noble birth

Sukanya Beautiful Girl; Comely

Sukhbir Warrior of peace

Sukhjeet Remaining in peace

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Sukhjot Light of Peace

Sukhraj King of Peace

Suksha Confidence showing in Eyes

Sulla Fortunate

Sulochan one with beautiful eyes

Suma Flower

Sumalatha Flower Creeper

Suman Cheerful and wise

Sumita A good friend

Sumitra Name of the mother of Lakshmana; Good Friend

Sunaina One who has beautiful eyes

Sunita One with good morals

Suparna Goddess Parvati; Leafy

Supriya Beloved

Surabhi Wish-yielding cow; Fragrance; Beauty

Suravi Sun

Surinder The king of gods; Lord Indra

Surjot Godly light

Suryakantam Brightness of the sun; Loved by the sun

Suseela; Sushila Good charactered woman; Good conduct; Well-Behaved

Sushma Beautiful woman

Sushmita Good Smile

Sushruta son of sage Viswamitra

Swapna Dream; Dream Like

Swara Tune; Self Shining

Swarna Gold

Swarnalata Lustrous

Swati Name of a star; a nakshatra

Sweta; Shweta Fair complexioned

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Latest Indian Baby Girl names StartingLetter M

Names Numerology Meaning

Maalai 1 Garland Of Flowers

Maanasa 5 Mind

Maanika 5 Ruby

















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Madanika 9

Madeeha 1 Praiseworthy

Madhavi 4

A Creeper With Beautiful Flowers;


Madhavilata 2 A Flowering Creeper

Madhu 2 Honey, Elixir, Nectar

Madhubala 9 Sweet Girl, Honey -bee

Madhuchanda 6 Pleasing Metrical Composition

Madhuchhanda 5 Pleasing Metrical Composition

Madhuja 4 Made Of Honey

Madhuksara 7 One Who Showers Honey

Madhul 5 Sweet

Madhula 6 Sweet

Madhulata 9 Lovely Creeper

Madhulekha 3 Beautiful

Madhulika 8 Flower Nectar

Madhulla 9 Pomegranate

Madhumalati 4 A Flowering Creeper

Madhumathi 8 Delightful Moon

Madhumati 9 Full Of Honey

Madhumita 9 Full Of Honey

Madhumitha 8 Sweet Person

Madhunisha 8 Pleasant Night

Madhuparna 7 Tulsi Leaf

Madhupriya 8 Fond Of Honey

Madhur 2 Melodious; Sweet

Madhura 3 Sweet, Pleasant

Madhureema 8 Honey, Sweetness

Madhuri 2 Sweet Girl

Madhurima 7 Sweet Girl










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Madhusha 3 Beauty

Madhushri 2 Beauty Of Spring Season's

Madhuvanthi 4 One Who Is Sweet Like Honey

Madina 6 Land Of Beauty

Madira 1 Nectar

Madirakshi 3 Woman With Intozicating Eyes

Madri 9 Wife Of Pandu

Madura 4 A Bird

Magadhi 7 Flower

Magana 1 Engrossed

Maghi 2 Giving Gifts

Maha 5 Gazelle

Mahabhadra 3 Ganga River

Mahadevi 9 Goddess Parvati

Mahaganga 8 The Great Ganga

Mahagauri 7 Goddess Durga

Mahajabeen 6 Beautiful

Mahakali 2 Goddess Durga

Mahakanta 7 Earth

Mahalakshmi 6 Goddess Lakshmi

Mahamari 1 Killer

Mahamaya 9 Goddess Durga

Mahaniya 9 Praise Worthy

Mahasri 6 Goddess Laxmi

Mahasweta 1 Goddess Saraswati

Mahati 7 Great; Name Of A Raaga

Mahee 5

Mahek 2 Fragrance.

Mahendi 9 A Paste Of Leaves.

Maheshi 9 Goddess Parvati

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Maheshvari 5 Great Lady

Maheshwari 6 Goddess Durga

Mahi 4

Great Earth, Heaven And Earth


Mahijuba 2 A Hostess

Mahika 7 The Earth

Mahila 8 Woman

Mahima 9 Greatness

Mahita 7

Mahitha 6 Greatness

Mahiya 3 Happiness

Mahtab 9 Moon

Mahua 8 An Intoxicating Flower

Mahubala 5 Sweet Girl

Mahuya 6 Name Of A Beautiful Flower

Maimoona 9 Auspicious; Blessed

Maina 2 A Bird

Maisa 7 Walking With Proud Swinging Gait

Maithili 9 Goddess Lakshmi, Sita

Maitra 8 Friendly

Maitreya 2 The Name Of A Sage,friend

Maitreyi 1 A Learned Woman Of The Past

Maitri 7 Friendship

Maitry 5 Friendship

Majeeda 3 Glorious

Majida 2 Glorious

Makaarim 4 Of Good And Honorable Character

Makali 2 The Moon

Makshi 7 Honeybee

Mala 9 Garland, Necklace

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Malak 2 Angel

Malarvili 7 Beautiful Eyes Like A Flower

Malarvizhi 2 Cute Eyes

Malashree 1 An Early Evening Melody

Malati 2 A Creeper With Fragrant Flowers

Malavika 7 Princess Of Malava Kingdom

Malaya 8 A Creeper,fragrant

Maleah 4

Maleeha 9

Maliha 8 Strong, Beautiful

Malika 2 A Garland

Malina 5 Tower, Dark

Malini 4 Flourist, A River

Maljumana 5 Beautiful

Malka 2 Queen

Malli 2 Flower, Jasmine

Malliga 1 Jasmine

Mallika 5 Queen, A Creeper Plant

Malti 1 Small Fragrant Flower

Malvika 6 One Who Lived In Malva

Mamata 4 Love, Affection

Mamta 3 Motherly Love

Mana 2 Love, Affection

Manaal 6 Attainment; Achievement

Manaar 3 Guiding Light (lighthouse)

Manadha 6 Giving Honour

Manaka 5 According To The Mind

Manal 5 A Bird

Manali 5 A Bird

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Manana 8 Meditation

Mananya 6 Deserving Praises

Manasa 4 Devi's Name In Hardwar Rishikesh

Manasi 3

Mental Adoration,born Of The


Manasika 6 Of Mind

Manasvi 7 Good-minded, Intelligent

Manasvini 3 Durga; Proud; Good

Manavi 6 Wife Of Manu, Daughter

Manayi 9 Wife Of Manu

Manda 6 A River

Mandakini 4 Ganga ( In Heaven), Asteroid Belt

Mandakranta 8 A Sanskrit Metre

Mandana 3 Cheerful

Mandara 7 Mythical Tree

Mandaraa 8 Coral Tree

Mandarmalika 8 A Garland Of Celestial

Mandavi 1 Wife Of Bharat

Mandeepa 5 Light Of Heart

Mandira 6 Cymbals; Home

Manditha 7 Adorned

Mandodari 7

One With Narrow Abdomen,

Ravan's Wife

Mandra 6 Pleasant

Mangai 9 Cultured Lady

Mangala 4 Auspicious, Bliss, Goddess Parvati

Mangalya 2 Pious, Pure

Mangla 3 Auspicious

Mani 1 Gem

Manideepa 5 A Lamp Of Precious Stones

Manik 3 Gem

Manika 4 Of Jewels

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Manikuntala 9 One Whose Hair Is Like Gems

Manimala 1 A String Of Pearls

Manimekhala 7 A Girdle Of Gems

Manini 6 Self Respecting

Maniratna 1 Diamond

Manisha 2

Goddess Of Mind, Intelligence,


Manishika 4 Intelligence

Manisi 2 Desired By Heart

Manisila 6 A Jeweled Stone

Manisitha 4 Wisdom

Manitha 3 Honoured

Maniya 9 A Glass Bead

Manjari 3 The Sacred Basil; Blossom

Manjira 3 Ankle-bells

Manjistha 5 Extremely

Manjot 1 Light Of The Mind

Manju 5 Snow, Dew Drops, Beautiful

Manjubala 3 Beautiful Girl

Manjubhargavi 1 Goddess Lakshmi

Manjula 9 Lovely; Soft; Charming

Manjulika 2 A Sweet Girl

Manjusha 6 Lady With A Sweet Voice

Manjushri 5 Goddess Laxmi

Manjusri 6 Goddess Saraswati

Manjyot 8 Light Of The Mind

Manmayi 4 Jealous; Sri Radha

Manna 7 Heavenly

Manohari 7 That Which Steel The Heart

Manorama 4 Attractive, Beautiful

Manoranjana 3 Entertaining; Pleasing

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Manoritha 9 Of The Mind

Mansha 2 Wish

Mansi 2 Woman

Manthika 5 Thoughtful

Mantra 4 Hymns, Holy Chants

Manushri 4 Goddess Lakshmi

Manvi 5

Manya 9 Worthy Of Honour

Maraam 2 Aspiration

Marala 1 Swan

Margi 3 Traveller

Marichi 7 Name Of A Star

Marichika 1 Mirage, Ray

Marina 2

Marisa 7 Mother Of Daksa

Marisha 6 Dew

Markandeya 3

A Devotee To Lord Shiva,a

Devotee Of Lord Shiva

Marsha 6 Respectable

Marudham 7 From The Lush Green Fields

Marudhvathi 8 Durga, Aadi Shakthi

Marushika 2 Born With Blessings Of Lord Shiva

Marya 4 Mark, Limit

Maryam 8 Name Of Mother Of Jesus

Masara 8 Emerald

Masilmani 1 Pure, Without Any Blemishes

Masum 4 Innocent

Masumi 4 Innocence

Matangi 2 Goddess Durga

Mateah 3 Honoured; Desired; Liked

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Matisha 8

Matrika 1 Mother, Name Of Goddess

Maulashree 4

Mausam 5 Season

Mausami 5 Seasonal

Maushmi 3 Monsoon Wind

Mausumi 7 Beauty; Monsoon Wind

Mawiya 9 Old Arabic Name

May 3 Old Arabic Name

Maya 4 Illusion, Goddess Lakshmi

Mayil 6 Full Of Grace, Like A Peacock

Mayra 4 Beloved

Maysaa 6 To Walk With A Swinging Gait

Maysoon 3 Of Beautiful Face And Body

Mayuka 9 Peahen

Mayukhi 7 Peahen

Mayura 7 Illusion

Mayurakhsi 9 Eye Of The Peackock

Mayuri 6 Pea-hen

Mayurika 9 With Peacock Feathers

Mayyada 7 To Walk With A Swinging Gait

Medha 4

Goddess Saraswati; Wisdom;


Medhani 9 Of Intelligence

Medhya 2 Mighty, Clean, Fresh

Medini 9 The Earth

Meena 2 Precious Stone, Fish

Meenakshi 4

One With Fish- Shaped Eyes,

Daughter Of Kuber

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Meenal 5 Precious Gem

Meera 6 A Devotee Of Lord Krishna

Meeraja 8

Combination Of Meenakshi &


Meeta 8 Friend

Megha 7 Cloud,a Star

Meghal 1

Meghamala 7 Array Of Clouds

Meghana 4 Rain Cloud

Meghavini 7 Intelligence

Meghna 3 Riner Ganges

Meha 9 Intelligent; Rain

Mehadi 4 Flower

Mehak 2 Sweet Smell, Aura, Fragrance

Mehal 3 Cloud

Mehanaz 5

Mehbooba 7 Beloved

Meher 4 Benevolence

Mehreen 5

Mehrunissa 1 Benevolent

Mehul 5 Cloud; Rain,rain

Mehuli 5 A Small Rain Cloud

Mekhala 6 Slope Of A Mountain, Belt

Mela 4 Religious Gathering

Melanie 5 Dark Skinned

Melvin 3

Mena 6 Wife Of The Himalayas

Menaha 6 Celestial Damsel

Menaja 8 Goddesss Parvati

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Menaka 9

Celestial Damsel, Heavenly Beauty

( An Apsara )

Menitha 7 Wise

Menka 8

Menmoli 9 Speaks Kindly

Michelle 4

Mihika 6 Mist, Fog

Mihira 4 Feminine Form Of Mihir/ Sun

Mikel 5 Jusy Aname

Miki 6

Mikku 2

Milana 5 Union

Mili 7 A Meeting, To Find

Milika 1 Desiring Union

Miloni 9

Mina 1 Fish, Jewel

Minakshi 3 Fish Eyed, Daughter Of Kubera

Minal 4 A Precious Stone

Minati 3 Prayer

Mini 9 Small (often A Pet Name)

Minnoli 5 Brilliant Like Lightning

Minu 3 A Gem; Precoius Stone

Mipasha 4

Mira 5 Lord Krishna's Devotee

Miraya 4 Lord Krishna's Devotee

Mirium 2 Wished-for Child

Misha 5 God Like

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Mishay 3

Mishika 7 Gift Of Love

Mishka 7 Gift Of Love

Mishti 6 Sweet Person

Misri 5 Sweet

Mita 7 A Friend

Mitali 1 Friendship

Mithi 5 Truthful

Mithila 9 Sita Devi's Kingdom

Mithra 6 Friend

Mitra 7

Mitravinda 3 Possessor Of Friends

Mittu 2

Mohana 7 Attractive; Charming

Mohati 3 As Beautiful As Pearl, Moti

Mohi 9 Attractive

Mohini 5

Very Beautiful, Bewitching,


Mohisha 1 Intellect

Mohita 3 Attracted

Mohitha 2 Infatuated

Moksha 4 Salvation

Moksin 9 Free

Molina 1 Tree That Grows From Root

Mona 7

Monal 1 Bird

Monalisa 3 Noble

Moneshaa 4

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Monica 1

Monisha 7 Lord Krishna

Moubani 3 A Flower

Moukthika 1 Goddess Lakshmi

Mounica 4

Mounika 3 Silence

Mridhula 5

Mridini 4 Goddesss Parvati

Mridu 2 Gentle

Mridula 6 An Ideal Woman

Mrigakshi 5One With Deer- Like Beautiful Eyes

Mriganayani 4 One With Deer- Like Beautiful Eyes

Mrinal 4 Lotus

Mrinali 4 Lotus Stem

Mrinalika 7 Stem Of Lotus

Mrinalini 9 A Flower --- Lotus

Mrinmayee 4 Deer's Eye

Mrinmayi 3 Of The Earth

Mritsa 8 Good Earth

Mrittika 2 Mother Earth

Mruda 3 Parvati, Affectionate

Mrudani 8 Another Name For Parvathi

Mrudu 5 Soft

Mrudula 9 Soft Natured

Mrunali 7 Lotus Stalk

Mruthula 6 Soft Natured

Mubarak 4 Blessed

Mudra 3 Healing Hand Movement

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Mudrika 5 Ring

Mufeeda 1 Useful

Mugdha 9 Spellbound, Innocent

Muhja 8 Heart's Blood; Soul

Mukta 3 Liberated; Pearl

Mukti 2 Freedom From Life And Death

Mukul 6 Bud

Mukula 7 Bud

Mukulita 9 Bud

Mukunda 4 Lord Krishna, Precious Stone

Mullai 5 Fower With Lovely Fragrance

Muna 4 Wish; Desire

Muneera 5 Illuminating; Shedding Light

Muniya 2 Name Of A Bird

Musheera 9 Giving Counsel

Muskaan 8 Smile, Happiness

Muskan 7 Smile

Musu 2 Beautiful

Muthammal 3 Pure, Like A Pearl

Mutholi 8 Shines Like A Pearl

Muthu 2 Pearl

Muthunagai 7 Smiles Like A Pearl

Mya 3

Mythili 6 Sita

Mythilli 9 Princess Of Mithila

Mythily 4 Seeta

Mythri 3 Friendship


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Maanasa mind Girl Add

Maanika ruby Girl Add

Madhavi a creeper with beautiful flowers; springtime, daughter of Yayati, sweet honey - like Girl Add

Madhavilata a flowering creeper Girl Add

Madhu honey, elixir, nectar Girl Add

Madhubala sweet girl, honey -bee Girl Add

Madhuchanda pleasing metrical composition Girl Add

Madhuksara one who showers honey Girl Add

Madhulata lovely creeper Girl Add

Madhulekha beautiful Girl Add

Madhulika honey, flower nectar Girl Add

Madhumalati a flowering creeper Girl Add

Madhumati full of honey, Ganga river Girl Add

Madhumita full of honey, sweet girl Girl Add

Madhunisha pleasant night Girl Add

Madhur sweet Girl Add

Madhura sweet Girl Add

Madhuri sweet girl Girl Add

Madhurima charming Girl Add

Madhushri the spring Girl Add

Madirakshi woman with intozicating eyes Girl Add

Magana engrossed Girl Add

Mahabhadra Ganga river Girl Add

Mahadevi Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Mahagauri Goddess Durga Girl Add

Mahajabeen beautiful Girl Add

Mahakali Goddess Durga Girl Add

Mahakanta Earth Girl Add

Mahalakshmi Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Mahamaya Goddess Durga Girl Add

Mahasweta Goddess Saraswati Girl Add

Mahati great, name of a raaga Girl Add

Maheshi Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Maheshwari Goddess Durga Girl Add

Mahi the earth Girl Add

Mahijuba a hostess Girl Add

Mahika the earth Girl Add

55 62Baidu 223

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Mahika the earth Girl Add

Mahima greatness Girl Add

Mahua an intoxicating flower Girl Add

Maina a bird Girl Add

Maithili sita Girl Add

Maitreya the name of a sage Girl Add

Maitreyi name of a woman scholar Girl Add

Maitri friendship Girl Add

Makshi honeybee Girl Add

Mala necklace, garland Girl Add

Malashree an early evening melody Girl Add

Malati Jasmine, moon- light Girl Add

Malavika princess of Malawa Girl Add

Malaya a creeper Girl Add

Malika a garland Girl Add

Malina dark Girl Add

Malini florist, a river Girl Add

Mallika queen, a creeper plant Girl Add

Malti fragrant flower Girl Add

Mamata love, affection Girl Add

Manali a bird Girl Add

Manana meditation Girl Add

Manasa mind Girl Add

Manasi a lady Girl Add

Manda a river Girl Add

Mandakini Ganga ( in heaven), asteroid belt Girl Add

Mandakranta a Sanskrit metre Girl Add

Mandaraa coral tree Girl Add

Mandarmalika a garland of celestial Girl Add

Mandira cymbals; home Girl Add

Mandodari one with narrow abdomen, Ravan's wife Girl Add

Mangala auspicious, bliss, Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Mangla auspicious Girl Add

Manideepa a lamp of precious stones Girl Add

Manik gem Girl Add

Manikuntala one whose hair is like gems Girl Add

Manimala a string of pearls Girl Add

Manimekhala a girdle of gems Girl Add

Manini a lady Girl Add

Manisha Goddess of mind, intelligence, desire Girl Add

Manishika intelligence Girl Add

Manjari the sacred basil; blossom, a bunch Girl Add

Manjira ankle-bells Girl Add

Manjistha extremely Girl Add

Manju snow, dew drops, beautiful Girl Add

Manjubala beautiful girl, a sweet girl Girl Add

Manjula melodious Girl Add

Manjulika a sweet girl Girl Add

Manjusha treasure chest, a box Girl Add

Manjushri sweet lustre Girl Add

Manjusri Goddess Saraswati Girl Add

Manjyot light of the mind Girl Add

Manmayi jealous; Sri Radha Girl Add

Manorama attractive, beautiful Girl Add

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Manorama attractive, beautiful Girl Add

Manoranjana entertaining, pleasing Girl Add

Manushri Lakshmi Girl Add

Marala swan Girl Add

Marichi name of a star Girl Add

Marichika mirage, ray Girl Add

Marisa mother of Daksa Girl Add

Markandeya a devotee to Lord Shiva Girl Add

Matangi Durga Girl Add

Mausumi beauty, monsoon wind Girl Add

Maya illusion, Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Mayuka peahen Girl Add

Mayukhi peahen Girl Add

Mayura illusion Girl Add

Mayuri peahen Girl Add

Medha intelligence, Saraswati Girl Add

Medini the earth Girl Add

Meena precious stone, fish Girl Add

Meenakshi one with fish shaped eyes, Parvati Girl Add

Meera a devotee of Krishna Girl Add

Megha cloud Girl Add

Meghamala array of clouds Girl Add

Meghana cloud Girl Add

Mehal cloud Girl Add

Mehbooba beloved Girl Add

Meher benevolence Girl Add

Mehrunissa benevolent Girl Add

Mehul cloud, rain Girl Add

Mekhala girdle Girl Add

Mena wife of the Himalayas Girl Add

Menaka celestial damsel, heavenly beauty ( an apsara ) Girl Add

Minal a precious stone Girl Add

Minati prayer Girl Add

Mirium wished-for child Girl Add

Mita a friend Girl Add

Mitali friendship Girl Add

Mohana attractive, charming Girl Add

Mohini very beautiful, bewitching, mesmering Girl Add

Mohisha intellect Girl Add

Mridula tenderness Girl Add

Mrigakshi one with deer- like beautiful eyes Girl Add

Mriganayani one with deer- like beautiful eyes Girl Add

Mrinal lotus Girl Add

Mrinali lotus Girl Add

Mrinalika stem of lotus Girl Add

Mrinalini lotus Girl Add

Mrinmayi of the earth Girl Add

Mudra expression Girl Add

Mudrika ring Girl Add

Mugdha spellbound, innocent Girl Add

Mukta liberated; pearl Girl Add

Mukti freedom from life and death, ultimate freedom Girl Add

Mukula bud Girl Add

Mukulita bud Girl Add

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Muniya name of a bird Girl Add

Mythili sita Girl Add

Mythily Seeta Girl Add

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Name Meaning Gender Favorites

Saachi Truth Girl Add

Sachi wife of Lord Indra Girl Add

Sachita consciousness Girl Add

Sadaf pearl Girl Add

Sadgati liberation Girl Add

Sadguna good virtues Girl Add

Sadhan fulfulment Girl Add

Sadhana long practice or study, fulfilment, worship Girl Add

Sadhika achiever Girl Add

Sadhvi virtuous woman Girl Add

Sadiqua kindly Girl Add

Saeeda priestly Girl Add

Safia chaste Girl Add

Sagarika wave; born in the ocean Girl Add

Saguna possessed of good qualities, virtuous Girl Add

Sahana patience Girl Add

Saheli friend Girl Add

Sahiba the lady Girl Add

Sahila guide Girl Add

Sai a flower Girl Add

Sajala clouds Girl Add

Sajili decorated Girl Add

Sajni beloved Girl Add

Sakhi friend Girl Add

Sakina friend Girl Add

Salena the moon Girl Add

Salila water Girl Add

Salima happy Girl Add

Salma peace Girl Add

Samata equality Girl Add

Sameena happy Girl Add

Samhita a vedic omposition Girl Add

Samidha an offering for a sacred fire Girl Add

Samiksha Analysis Girl Add

Samit collected Girl Add

Samita collected Girl Add

Sampada wealth Girl Add

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Sampada wealth Girl Add

Sampatti wealth Girl Add

Sampriti attachement Girl Add

Sana praise, prayer Girl Add

Sananda happy Girl Add

Sanchali movement, highly mobile Girl Add

Sanchaya collection Girl Add

Sandhya dusk, twilight, evening Girl Add

Sangita musical Girl Add

Saniya moment Girl Add

Sanjana gentle Girl Add

Sanjeevani immortality Girl Add

Sanjivani immortality Girl Add

Sanjukta Union Girl Add

Sanjula beautiful Girl Add

Sanjushree beautiful Girl Add

Sankul full of Girl Add

Sannidhi nearness Girl Add

Sanskriti culture Girl Add

Santawana consolation Girl Add

Santayani of the evening Girl Add

Santoshi happy Girl Add

Sanvali dusky Girl Add

Sanwari dusky Girl Add

Sanyakta joined; united Girl Add

Saparna leafy Girl Add

Saphala Successful Girl Add

Sapna dream Girl Add

Sarada Goddess Saraswati Girl Add

Sarakshi good sight Girl Add

Sarala simple, black Tulsi ( Basil ), honest Girl Add

Sarama wife of Bibhisan Girl Add

Saranya surrendered Girl Add

Sarasa swan Girl Add

Sarasi jolly, happy, lake Girl Add

Saraswati goddess of learning Girl Add

Saravati A river Girl Add

Sarayu a holy river Girl Add

Sarbani Goddess Durga Girl Add

Sarika a parrot (mayna) Girl Add

Sarit river Girl Add

Sarita River Girl Add

Sarjana creative; creation Girl Add

Saroj lotus Girl Add

Saroja Lotus Girl Add

Sarojini a lake full of lotuses Girl Add

Saruprani beautiful woman Girl Add

Saryu River Sharayu Girl Add

Sashi moon Girl Add

Sasmita smiling Girl Add

Sati chaste woman Girl Add

Satviki Goddess Durga Girl Add

Satya truth Girl Add

Satyaki one who is truthful Girl Add

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Satyaki one who is truthful Girl Add

Satyarupa truth; personified Girl Add

Satyavati mother of Vyasa, one who spaks truth Girl Add

Saudamini lightning Girl Add

Saumya mild, pearl, Durga Girl Add

Savarna daughter of the Ocean, wife of Sun Girl Add

Savita sun Girl Add

Savitashri lustre of the sun Girl Add

Savitri Goddess Saraswati, Jamuna river Girl Add

Sawini a river Girl Add

Sayeeda leader Girl Add

Seema limit, border, boundary Girl Add

Seemanti parting line Girl Add

Seemantini woman Girl Add

Seerat inner beauty; fame Girl Add

Sejal river water Girl Add

Selma fair Girl Add

Semanti a white rose Girl Add

Serena quiet Girl Add

Sevati white rose Girl Add

Sevita cherished Girl Add

Shabab beauty Girl Add

Shabalini a mossy Girl Add

Shabana decorated Girl Add

Shabari a tribal devotee of Lord Rama Girl Add

Shabnum sew Girl Add

Shachi wife of Indra, intelligence Girl Add

Shagufta flowering Girl Add

Shaheena tender Girl Add

Shaila stone, mountain, Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Shailaja daughter of mountain (I.e., river) Girl Add

Shaili style Girl Add

Shakambari Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Shakeel handsome Girl Add

Shakeela beautiful Girl Add

Shakti Goddess Durga; power Girl Add

Shakuntala mother of Bharat, wife of Shantanu, brought up by birds Girl Add

Shalaka Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Shalika mayna Girl Add

Shalin silk-cottom tree Girl Add

Shalini modesty, house -wife Girl Add

Shalmali silk-cottom tree Girl Add

Shama a flame Girl Add

Shambari illusion Girl Add

Shambhavi Goddess Parvati, Goddess Durga Girl Add

Shambhukanta wife of Shambhu (I.e., Parvati) Girl Add

Shameena beautiful Girl Add

Shamim fire Girl Add

Shamita peacemaker Girl Add

Shampa lightning Girl Add

Shankari Goddess Parvati, wife of Shankar Girl Add

Shankhamala a fairytale princess Girl Add

Shanta peaceful; daughter of kind Dasarath Girl Add

Shantala Goddess Parvati Girl Add

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Shanti Peace Girl Add

Sharada goddess of learning, Saraswati Girl Add

Sharadini autumn Girl Add

Sharanya surrender Girl Add

Sharika mayna Girl Add

Sharmila modest, happy Girl Add

Sharmistha Wife of Yayati Girl Add

Sharvani Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Sharvari the night Girl Add

Shashi moon Girl Add

Shashibala a girl with round (moon-like) face Girl Add

Shashikala phases of moon Girl Add

Shashiprabha moon light Girl Add

Shashirekha moon's ray Girl Add

Shaswati eternal Girl Add

Shatakshi one with hundreds of eyes (ie night), Parvati Girl Add

Shatarupa Lord Shiva Girl Add

Sheela cool, one with good morals Girl Add

Sheetal cool Girl Add

Shefali a flower Girl Add

Shefalika a flower Girl Add

Shejali a fruit Girl Add

Shekhar Lord Shiva Girl Add

Shevanti a flower Girl Add

Shibani Goddess Durga Girl Add

Shikha Flame Girl Add

Shikhi peacock, flame Girl Add

Shila stone Girl Add

Shilavati a river Girl Add

Shilpa Stone, well-proportioned Girl Add

Shilpita well- proportioned Girl Add

Shinjini anklebells Girl Add

Shipra a holy river flowing thru Ujjain Girl Add

Shirin sweet Girl Add

Shishirkana particles of dew Girl Add

Shiuli a flower Girl Add

Shivakanta wife of Shiva ( Goddess Parvati) Girl Add

Shivangi beautiful Girl Add

Shivani Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Shivapriya liked by Shiva ( Goddess Parvati) Girl Add

Shivasundari Durga Girl Add

Shobha attractive, beauty, splendour Girl Add

Shobhana splendid Girl Add

Shobhita splendid Girl Add

Shobhna ornamental, shining, beautiful Girl Add

Shoni one of complexion of red lotus Girl Add

Shonima redness Girl Add

Shorashi young woman Girl Add

Shrabana name of a star Girl Add

Shraddha veneration Girl Add

Shradhdha faith, trust Girl Add

Shravana name of a star Girl Add

Shravani full moom of Shravan month, a girl born in Shravan month Girl Add

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Shravasti an ancient Indian city, a name in Buddhist literature Girl Add

Shree Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Shreedevi Goddess Girl Add

Shreela beautiful Girl Add

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Shreemayi fortunate Girl Add

Shreeparna tree adorned with leaves Girl Add

Shreeprada Goddess Radha Girl Add

Shreeya Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Shreya Auspicious Girl Add

Shreyashi good Girl Add

Shri lustre Girl Add

Shridevi goddess Girl Add

Shridula blessing Girl Add

Shrigauri goddess Parvati Girl Add

Shrigeeta the sacred Geeta Girl Add

Shrijani creative Girl Add

Shrikirti lustrous fame Girl Add

Shrikumari lustrious Girl Add

Shrilata lustrious creeper Girl Add

Shrilekha lustrious essay Girl Add

Shrimati Goddess lakshmi; fortunate Girl Add

Shrimayi fortunate Girl Add

Shrivalli Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Shruti expert in Vedas, hearing Girl Add

Shubha auspicious, beauty Girl Add

Shubhada one who brings goodness Girl Add

Shubhangi handsome Girl Add

Shubhra white, Ganga river in mountain stage Girl Add

Shuchi clean, pure, holy Girl Add

Shuchismita one who has a pure smile Girl Add

Shuchita purity Girl Add

Shukla Goddess Saraswati Girl Add

Shukti pearl-oyster Girl Add

Shulka Goddess Saraswati Girl Add

Shweta white complexioned Girl Add

Shyama dark as cloud; Goddess kali, shadow, Yamuna river Girl Add

Shyamala dark complexioned, dusky Girl Add

Shyamali dusky Girl Add

Shyamalika dusky Girl Add

Shyamalima dusky Girl Add

Shyamangi dark-complexioned Girl Add

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Shyamangi dark-complexioned Girl Add

Shyamari dusky Girl Add

Shyamasri dusky Girl Add

Shyamlata a creeper with dusky leaves Girl Add

Shyla Goddess parvati Girl Add

Sibani goddess parvati Girl Add

Siddheshwari Lord Shiva Girl Add

Siddhi achievement, completion Girl Add

Siddhima achievement Girl Add

Sikata sand Girl Add

Sikta wet Girl Add

Simran remembrance Girl Add

Simrit remembered Girl Add

Sindhu ocean; river Girl Add

Sinsapa Ashok tree Girl Add

Sita wife of Lord Rama Girl Add

Sitara a star Girl Add

Siya Sita Girl Add

Smaran remembrance Girl Add

Smita smiling girl Girl Add

Smrita remembered Girl Add

Smriti Recollection, memory Girl Add

Sneh Love Girl Add

Sneha affection, love Girl Add

Snehal friendly Girl Add

Snehalata creeper of love, a love vine Girl Add

Snigdha smooth, tender Girl Add

Sohalia moon-glow Girl Add

Sohni beautiful Girl Add

Soma moon-rays Girl Add

Somalakshmi lustre of the moon Girl Add

Somansh half moon Girl Add

Somatra excelling the moon Girl Add

Sona gold Girl Add

Sonakshi golden-eyed Girl Add

Sonal golden Girl Add

Sonali golden Girl Add

Sonia Golden Girl Add

Sonika golden Girl Add

Soorat beauty Girl Add

Soumya handsome Girl Add

Sourabhi fragrance; the celestial cow Girl Add

Sreedevi Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Sridevi Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Sristi creation Girl Add

Stavita praised Girl Add

Stuti praise Girl Add

Subarna of the colour of gold Girl Add

Subhadra a wife of Arjuna, sister of Krishna, source of great welfare Girl Add

Subhaga A fortunate person Girl Add

Subhagya lucky Girl Add

Subhashini well-spoken Girl Add

Subhuja Auspicious Apsara Girl Add

Subodhini a learned lady Girl Add

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Subodhini a learned lady Girl Add

Subrata devoted to what is right Girl Add

Suchandra beautiful Girl Add

Sucharita of good character Girl Add

Sucheta one with good mind Girl Add

Suchi radiant Girl Add

Suchira tasteful Girl Add

Suchita Beautiful Girl Add

Suchitra beautiful picture Girl Add

Sudakshima wife of king Dilip Girl Add

Sudarshana handsome Girl Add

Sudeepa bright Girl Add

Sudeepta bright Girl Add

Sudeshna wife of king Virata Girl Add

Sudevi Wife of Krishna Girl Add

Sudha nectar , amrit, earth, daughter Girl Add

Sudhamayi full of nectar Girl Add

Sudhira calm Girl Add

Sudiksha Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Sudipta bright Girl Add

Sudipti dazzling bright Girl Add

Suditi bright, shining Girl Add

Sugandha fragrany, yellow juhi Girl Add

Sugita beautifully sung Girl Add

Sugouri Goddess Parvati Girl Add

Sugreeva one with beautiful neck Girl Add

Suhag love Girl Add

Suhaila moon-glow Girl Add

Suhasini one with beautiful laughter or smile Girl Add

Suhina beautiful Girl Add

Suhrita well-disposed Girl Add

Sujala affectionate Girl Add

Sujata of good caste, beauty, well-bred Girl Add

Sujaya victory Girl Add

Sukanya comely Girl Add

Sukeshi one with beautiful hair Girl Add

Sukhada one who gives happiness Girl Add

Sukriti good deed Girl Add

Suksma fine Girl Add

Sukumari soft; meritorious Girl Add

Sulabha easy, Tulsi (basil) Girl Add

Sulakshana one with good signs, well brought up Girl Add

Sulalita very pleasing Girl Add

Sulekh beautifullY Girl Add

Sulekha a good handwriting Girl Add

Suloch one with beautiful eyes Girl Add

Sulochana one with beautiful eyes Girl Add

Sultana queen Girl Add

Suman good natured, flower Girl Add

Sumanolata flowery Girl Add

Sumati good minded Girl Add

Sumedha wise Girl Add

Sumita good friend Girl Add

Sumitra Lakshman & Shatrugna's mother, good friend Girl Add

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Sunanda white cow, beloved daughter Girl Add

Sunandini happy Girl Add

Sunandita happy Girl Add

Sunayana one with beautiful eyes Girl Add

Sunayani a woman with lovely eyes Girl Add

Sundari beautiful Girl Add

Sundha a character in Ramayana Girl Add

Suneeti mother of Dhruva Girl Add

Sunetra one with beautiful eyes Girl Add

Sunila blue Girl Add

Sunita one with good morals Girl Add

Suniti good principles Girl Add

Suparna leafy Girl Add

Suprabha radiant Girl Add

Supriti true love Girl Add

Supriya cute, adorable, lovely, beloved Girl Add

Supti sleep Girl Add

Surabhee fragrance, wild basil, sandal wood Girl Add

Surabhi Wish-yielding cow, fragrance Girl Add

Suraksha protection Girl Add

Surama very pleasing Girl Add

Suranjana pleasing Girl Add

Suravinda a beautiful Yaksa Girl Add

Surbhi holy cow (Surabhi = fragrance of a flower) Girl Add

Surekha beautifully drawn, a good line (on the palm) Girl Add

Sureshi Goddess Durga Girl Add

Sureshwari Goddess Durga, Goddess Lakshmi Girl Add

Surina a goddess Girl Add

Surotama auspicious Apsara Girl Add

Suruchi one with good taste Girl Add

Surupa beautiful Girl Add

Surya sun god Girl Add

Suryakanti suns's rays Girl Add

Sushama beauty Girl Add

Sushanti complete peace Girl Add

Sushila good conduct, well-behave, a modest girl Girl Add

Sushma beautiful woman Girl Add

Sushmita good smile, smiling Girl Add

Sushobhana very beautiful Girl Add

Susita white Girl Add

Susmita smiling Girl Add

Sutanuka beautiful Girl Add

Sutapa seeker of God Girl Add

Suvarna golden, good complexioned Girl Add

Suvarnaprabha lustre of gold Girl Add

Suvarnarekha line of gold Girl Add

Suvarnmala golden necklace Girl Add

Suyasha good achievent Girl Add

Swagata welcome Girl Add

Swaha wife of Agni; the lord of the fire Girl Add

Swapna dreamlike, dream Girl Add

Swapnali dream Girl Add

Swapnasundari dream girl, woman of dreams Girl Add

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Swarnalata lustrous Girl Add

Swarnaprabha golden light Girl Add

Swarupa truth Girl Add

Swasti name of a star Girl Add

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