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8/15/2019 BA370 Week 1 BIS and Literacy 1/24 Evan Smouse, PhD Oregon State University College of Business BA 370 – Business nformation Systems Overvie! BS an" #itera$y

BA370 Week 1 BIS and Literacy

Jul 05, 2018



Evan Smouse
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Evan Smouse, PhD

Oregon State University

College of Business

BA 370 – Businessnformation Systems


BS an" #itera$y

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Di" %ou &no!'

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BA 370

()his is the most im*ortant$lass you !ill ta+e in your

entire usiness s$hool$areer-.

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(But )o"ay, )hey2re otEnough.

ot Enough 4i"eo

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(But )o"ay, )hey2re otEnough.

5hat is your rea$tion to thatstatement'

f har" !or+ isn2t enough, !hat is'

n this $ourse, !e2ll learn aout the +eys+ills you nee" an" !hy this is thesingle est $ourse in all of usinesss$hool to tea$h you those s+ills-

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Moore’s Law

()he numer of transistors *er s6uarein$h on an integrate" $hi* "oulesevery 8 months-.

5hy is BA 370 the /ost m*ortantCourse in the COB'

Be$ause of /oore2s #a!, the $ost of"ata *ro$essing, storage, an"$ommuni$ation is essentially 9ero-

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Some :istory

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Some Conse6uen$es

 )!itter Pinterest

Pan"ora 4ine

#in+e"n ;ulilynstagram )aleau

one *rominent <ve years ago/ost "i"n2t even e=ist then

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Some >uestions

5hat $omes ne=t'

?or any interesting i"ea, is there a

viale usiness mo"el'Does it generate revenue !orth thetime an" e=*ense'

 )hese are 6uestions for usiness*eo*le – not for te$hnology gee+s

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t2s not over-

?a$eoo+, )!itter, nstagram @ are notthe en"-

/any $om*anies are ta+ing a"vantageof (essentially free. "ata $a*ailitiesan" $onne$tions-

 )he ($lou". is $hanging everything-

 )his lea"s us to @

Some )houghts

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5hy is BA 370 the /ost m*ortantCourse in the COB'

Reason #1

?uture usiness *rofessionals nee" to eale to assess, evaluate, an" a**ly

emerging information systemste$hnology to usiness-

 %ou nee" the +no!le"ge in BA 370

to attain that s+ill-

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Aout o Se$urity

()he only o se$urity that e=ists is amar+etale s+ill an" the $ourage to use it-.

 )his use" to e true-

t use" to e that *arti$ular s+ills li+e$om*uter *rogramming, ta= a$$ounting ormar+eting !ere (mar+etale s+ills. that gavese$urity-

/oore2s #a! means that any routine s+ill $anan" !ill e outsour$e" to the lo!est i""er-

 )hat is unli+ely to e you-

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onroutine Cognitive S+ills

an" Cor*oration $on$lusion

(a*i" te$hnologi$al $hange an"in$rease" international $om*etition*la$e the s*otlight on the s+ills an"*re*aration of the !or+for$e,*arti$ularly the aility to a"a*t to

$hanging te$hnology an" shifting"eman"- Shifts in the nature oforgani9ations @ favor strong

nonroutine cognitive skills-.

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5hy is BA 370 the /ost m*ortantCourse in the COB'

Reason #2

 )his $ourse !ill tea$h you the four mostim*ortant nonroutine $ognitive s+ills-

• Astra$t reasoning

• Systems thin+ing


• Aility to e=*eriment

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onroutine Cognitive S+ills

Astra$t reasoning

Constru$t a mo"el or re*resentation

Systems thin+ing

/o"el system $om*onents an" sho! ho! in*uts an" out*uts

relate to ea$h other


Develo* i"eas an" *lans !ith others- Provi"e an" re$eive$riti$al fee"a$+-

Aility to e=*eriment/a+e a reasone" analysis of an o**ortunity, envision*otential solutions, evaluate those *ossiilities, an" "evelo*the most *romising ones $onsistent !ith availale resour$es

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5hy is BA 370 the /ost m*ortantCourse in the COB'

Reason #3

 os ()here !ill e a shortage of talentne$essary for organi9ations to ta+e

a"vantage of ig "ata- By F08, theUnite" States alone $oul" fa$e a shortageof G0,000 to H0,000 *eo*le !ith "ee*analyti$al s+ills as !ell as -I million

managers an" analysts !ith the +no!Jho! to use the analysis of ig "ata toma+e eKe$tive "e$isions-.

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BS #itera$y

Broa"Jase" un"erstan"ing ofinformation an" information systemsthat in$lu"es

• ehavioral +no!le"ge aoutorgani9ations an" in"ivi"uals usinginformation systems

• te$hni$al +no!le"ge aout the mostim*ortant elements of informationsystems

:an"sJon familiarity !ith information

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Bottom line:

- t !ill give you the a$+groun" you nee" toassess, evaluate, an" a**ly emerging

information systems te$hnology to usiness-F- t $an give you the ultimate in o se$urity –

mar+etale s+ills – y hel*ing you learnastra$tion, systems thin+ing, $ollaoration,

an" e=*erimentation-3- )here !ill e high "eman" for (BS literate.


5hy is BA 370 the /ost m*ortantCourse in the COB'

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5hat is BSL/S'

/anagement an" use of 

information systems to

a$hieve usiness goals

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nformation Systems

System grou* of $om*onents thatintera$t to a$hieve some *ur*ose

Information system grou* of$om*onents that intera$t to *ro"u$einformation

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?iveJCom*onent ?rame!or+

Com*onents are $ommon to all information systems – large an" smalle6uires roa" s+ill set – not ust $om*uter *rogramming

5hat are the $om*onents of OSU2s onlineregistration system'

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nformation Systems are /ore )han



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e=t Data an" nformation Systems