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b17 Manual

Feb 10, 2018



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    Wings of Power II




    anypartofWingsofPower,[email protected] AND SIDE EFFECTSERGONOMIC ADVICE1) Alwaysmaintainadistanceofatleast45cmtothescreentoavoidstrainingyoureyes.2) Situprightandadjusttheheightofyourchairsothatyourlegsareatarightangle.Theanglebetweenyourupperandforearm

    shouldbelargerthan90degrees.3) Thetopedgeofyourscreenshouldbeateyelevelorbelow,andthemonitorshouldbetiltedslightlybackwards,topreventstrain

    toyourcervicalspine.4) Reduceyourscreen'sbrightnesstolowerthecontrastanduseaflicker-free,low-radiationmonitor.5) Makesuretheroomyouplayiniswelllit.6) Avoidplayingwhentiredorwornoutandtakeabreak(everyhour),evenifit'shardEPILEPSY WARNINGSomepeopleexperienceepilepticseizureswhenviewingflashinglightsorpatternsinourdailyenvironment.Consultyourdoctorbeforeplayingcomputergamesifyou,orsomeoneofyourfamily,haveanepilepticcondition.Immediatelystopthegame,shouldyouexperienceanyofthefollowingsymptomsduringplay:dizziness,alteredvision,eyeormuscletwitching,mentalconfusion,lossofawarenessofyoursurroundings,involuntarymovementsand/orconvulsions.ADITIONAL

    SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSInordertoplayWingsofPoweryoumusthaveanIntelPCcompatiblecomputer,whichmeetsthefollowingrequirements:MSFlightSimulatorXProcessor:PentiumIVorfasterHarddrivespace:atleast100MBCDROMdriveSoundcard(recommended)3DGraphicsCardMouseOperatingsystem:WindowsDirectX9orhigher


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    First and foremost, thank you for being our customer. When we decided to develop Wings of Power, the agreed

    upon goal was to create the most complete flying experience. This means building aircraft that not only look

    beautiful, but also fly and function authentically.

    Some flyers live for complex gauges and realistic cockpit environments, while others simply admire watching the

    new aircraft fly through their favorite places around the world. It is our belief that while soaring through the skieeven the casual flyer will appreciate that there is a world of detail and history in every dial and switch. It is the

    same feeling you get when you sit in the cockpit of a real airplane. The difference is, in a simulated world, you

    can have it all.

    Wings of Power sets new standards in many areas. The most stunning areas are the 3D cockpit environments.While they are beautiful to look at, they represent the top layer of an amazing world that lies beneath. The more

    you fly these aircraft, the more you discover. It wont be long until you fully understand why we refer to it as

    having History in a box.

    The Wings of POWER II: 17 includes the first-time ever, 3D landing lights, that actually respond to air

    quality conditions. This is just one of the many realistic features you will find in this amazing aircraft.

    We are passionate about our work and are proud to be the makers of Wings of Power. We think you will have

    many hours of enjoyment with it.

    -The Wings of POWER Team

    Wings of Power IITableofContents:Wings of POWER OVERVIEW 5Visual Effects and Sound 11B17G OVERVIEW 12References and Credits 18Pilots ManualGeneral Description 19

    Pilots Operational Equipment 20Starting Engines 22Taxiing 24Takeoff 25Climb and Cruise 26Flight Characteristics 28Landings 29Formation Flying 31Emergency Procedures 33

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    General Operational Information and GuidelinesThefollowinginformationisprovidedtohelppilotsbecomefamiliarwiththeWingsofPowerseriesofaircraftforMicrosoftFlightSimulatorX.Theseaircraftaremateriallydifferentintermsoftheflightmodelingthanwhatiscommonlyavailable.Infact,whatisgenerallyacceptedasstandardperformanceoraircraftbehavior,inmanycaseswillnotapplytotheseaircraft.Thereason?WingsofPoweraircraftweremadeusinganambitiousprocesscalled,Absolute Realism.

    Absolute RealismThereareseveralareaswheretheWingsofPoweraircraftdepartdrasticallyfromthestandardfare.Untilnow,anaircraftwasconsideredtoflyaccuratelyifitreproducedahandfulofspecificperformancefigures(topspeed,maxclimbrate,stallspeeds,etc.)Thesefiguresreallyonlyrepresenthowanaircraftisperformingatasinglepointintime.AbsoluteRealismgoesbeyondtheselimitednumbersandauthenticallysimulatesallflightthroughanalmostunlimitedamountofconditions.youtakeaminuteandreadthisarticlethroughyouwillbegintounderstandjustwhatasignificantadvancementAbsoluteRealismtrulyis.Designed by pilots, for pilots

    Asthepilotincommand,youcantakeaWingsofPoweraircrafttoanygivenaltitude,choose your ownpowersetting(adjusthethrottleandwatchthemanifoldpressure/boostgauge),adjustyourpropspeed,andwitnessyouraircraftclimband

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    cruiseexactlyasitdidinreallife.Youwillevenexperienceaccuratefuelconsumptionrates.Youcanplanrealisticandevehistoricflightsbasedonyouraircraftweightandcalculatecruisespeeds,distancestraveled,andevenauthenticfigureslikedistance-to-altitudeshowninthemanuals.Thesefiguresarenotjustestimated,,theyarefinelytunedandputthrougharigorousandexhaustivetestingprocessbypilots.WingsofPoweraircraftaretheonlyaircraftweknowofthatarecertifiedtobeflown"bythebook"usingnothingbuttheoriginaltrainingmanualforthatparticularaircraft. Thisiswhywecallit,AbsoluteRealism.Almostahundredoftheseperformancechartsliketheoneshownbelowwerecreatedbyhandfromin-housetestpilots



    Power and Propeller Settings


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    turbosuperchargersandnormalsuperchargerstoincreaseboostsothatveryhighaltitudescouldbereached.Theseboosystemswerequitecomplexandrequiredalotofattentionaswellasveryspecificsettingsforallflightregimes.Forexample,thenormaltakeoffsettingforaB29Awaswiththeturboboostknobsetto8,whichleftplentyofheadroomforadditionalboost.WhileyoucanthrowthethrottleallthewayforwardinWingsofPowerwithaturboboostof10,inrealityareal pilot or copilot or flight engineer) would never under any circumstances shove the throttles all the way to the stop unlwar emergency power was required.Ontakeoff,apilot"walks"thethrottlescarefullybutbrisklyforwarduntilthepropertakeoffpowersettingisreached.Thissettingisreadonthemanifoldpressuregauges.ReadthisexcerptfromareportissuedfromBomberCommand:


    Turbochargers in Microsoft Flight Simulator X


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    aircraftweightsandinsomecasesisnotdesirableduetofueleconomyorenginecoolingreasons.Itcaneasilybeseenthaasimplefigurepublishedinabookcannotbegintoaccuratelyindicateanaircraft'sactualabilitytoclimb.Theclimbisaverycriticalphaseinanyflight,andwiththesecomplicatedaircraft,climbingspeedandpowersettingswereveryimportant.Fuel economy, time to climb, range, and engine performance are all affected by the way the aircraft is setto climb. TheWingsofPoweraircrafthavebeendesignedtoclimbatexactlythesettingsintheoriginalaircraftmanuals,anmatchthepublishedclimbperformancedataforeachaircraft.ThisB-17aircraftwasclimb-testedto30,000feetMSLattheweights,powersettingsandspeedsspecified.Eventhetimeanddistancetoclimbmatchthemanual.Critical AltitudeTurbochargershaveaturbinewheel(fan)thatspins,forcingmoreairintotheengines.Thethinnertheair,thelessresistancontheturbine,whichmeansithastospinfastertomaintainthesamepressurethanataloweraltitude.Thecriticalaltitude,

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    RuleforclimbingTurbochargedDonotadvancethethrottlesonceboostpressurestartstofalloffabovecriticalaltitude.Landing and Approach



    Thebottomlineisthatflaps are not airbrakes;theseaircraftneedtoflownattheproperspeedsandpowersettings,orlandingsaregoingtobeverychallenging!

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    Mixture Control and Fuel ManagementAllofthepistonaircraftare,bydefault,settoauto-mixture.Thisisbecausetherealaircraftalsousedanautomaticmixturecontrol.Therewasno"manual"leaningofthemixtureasonewouldcarryoutinalightprivateplanesuchasaCessna172orPiperCub.Seereport:


    FullRichisforclimbing.IntheAutoRichorFullRichpositionstheengineusessubstantiallymorefuelthannecessaryforthpurposeofkeepingthecylinderscool.Thesimulator'sauto-mixturesettingduplicatesamixturethatisslightlyricherthanthAutoLeanposition.The fuel consumption, power settings, airspeeds, and fuel economy shown in the tables for cruise performance for eachaircraft are identical to those in the actual aircraft manual.Thus,theseflightparametershavebeenmodeledwithextremeaccuracy.Toattempttomanuallysetthemixturewouldbefruitless,inaccurate,andinrealitydangerous.Youwillalsonoticethatthemixturecontrolleversmoveintheoppositedirectionfrommoderncivilpistonaircraft.Thisisaccurate;idlecutoffwasfullyforwardandfullrichwasfullybackontheseaircraft.TheoneareathatcannotbeaccuratelymodeledisthehigherfuelconsumptionratesduringFullRichandAutoRich.Asaresult,fuelconsumedduringtheclimbphaseorathighpowersettingsislessthantheactualaircraft;thisisalimitationinthFSXenginethatdoesnotmodelFullRichandAutoRichsettings.However,inallotherphasesitwillbeexactlyasthemanualspecifies.PayloadsEachbomberhasbeensetupwitha5-poundpayloadinthebombbaylocation.Thispayloadcanbeincreasedasdesiredsimulatebombloads.Asweightisadded,theCGwillshiftaftjustasintherealaircraft.Absolute Realism


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    Visual Effects and SoundAhostofnewvisualeffectswerecreatedtoimmersethepilotfurtherintoanauthenticexperience.Thisincludesrealisticstartupeffectsandnaturalenginesmoke(hittheIkeytoenablejetenginesmoke).Oncestarted,experimentwiththethrottleinanyaircraftandnoticethesubtledifferencesoftheenginesoundsinsideandout.Whenyouraircraftistaxiingondirtstrip,youwillseemoredustbeingkickedupbythewheels.Eachaircraftwascarefullytunedtoperformhighlyrealisticbellylandingsonboththerunwaysandthedirt.Thesecanbeverysatisfyingandchallengingtodoineachaircraft.


    Anewexplosionhasbeenaddedshouldyouplungeyouraircraftintotheground,amongothervisuals.SHOCKWAVES3D LIGHTING SYSTEMTheWingsofPOWERII:17includesthefirst-timeever,3Dlandinglights,thatactuallyrespondtoairqualityconditions.Alllights,areallauthenticallycreated,andmaketheseaircraftlookoutstandingwhenflyingatnight.

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    B17 Flying Fortress OVERVIEW


    1935andfinalmissionsinApril1945almost13,000werebuilt.TheFlyingFortresstookpartinalmostallUSoperationsduringWWII,includingNorthAfricaandtheMiddleEast,butwasmosteffectiveintheAlliedbombingcampaignoverEurope,wheresheservedakeyroleincripplingGermany'sindustrialcapacity,particularlyaviation,oilproductionandballbearingmanufacturing.TheB-17wasusedprimarilyondaytimemissionswhereshewasvulnerabletohead-onattackandsusceptibletoexplosionfromfires.ShewithstoodstaggeringlossesatthehandsoftheGermanLuftwaffeuntileffectivefightersupportfinallycameinlate1943fromtheThunderbolt,LightningandeventuallytheMustang.Itwasthroughthebraveryoftheircrewsandeffectivenessoftheirbombingcampaigns,despitemajorlossesatthehandsoftheLuftwaffe,thattheB-17searnedtheirreputationasthestalwartworkhorseoftheAlliedbombingcampaignoverEurope.Flying characteristics:TheB-17FlyingFortressisaverystableandforgivingaircraftwhichcanabsorbenormousamountsofbattledamageandsmakeithome.Itistrulya"pilot'saircraft"andisapleasuretofly.Itcanbetrimmedtoflyhands-offforanynormalflightregimeand,whileslowtomaneuver,isquiteresponsivetothecontrolsforsuchalargecraft.Whileaerobaticsareprohibiteofficially,therearemanydocumentedcasesofB-17sbeingputintospins,rolls,stalls,andotheraerobaticsbyinstructorsanpilotswhoflewthetype.PilotswhoflewallofthemajorAmericanbombersofWWII--theB-17,B-24,andB29--statealmouniversallythattheB-17wasajoytoflyascomparedtotheothertypes.Pilot Comments"TheB-24isatruck.TheB-17isanairplane.""TheB-17wasdesignedfor200-hourpilotswhocamestraightfromthefarmintoflighttraining.Itwasmeanttobeaseasytflyasafour-enginebombercouldpossiblybe.It'srugged,simple,andhasagoodtemperament.Ittakesalottopissitoff."


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    Set the parking brakes. Use the icons or keystrokes to view the popups or use the switches and controls in the virtual cockpit as desired or

    needed. Confirm the fuel supply is available. Set propeller controls to 79 percent using the mouse tooltip as a guide; this will provide 2500 RPM for takeoff

    with full throttle. Turn on the master battery switches. Set cowl flaps to the full open position for Engine 3. Set carb air intake to "FILTERED" position. Confirm master ignition switch is turned "ON". Confirm magnetos for Engine 3 are set to "BOTH". Turn on the boost pump for Engine 3. Turn ON the fuel cutoff switches for all engines (these are ganged together). Set the mixture for Engine 3 to "Full Rich." Check fuel pressure is 15 psi on copilot's panel.

    Open the throttle slightly. Using the start switches in the virtual cockpit on the right side, select Engine 3. Using the MESH/ENGAGE switch for Engine 3, first pull the switch DOWN with the mouse to mesh, and then UP to

    engage the starter. This may take one or two tries, but the engine will start immediately once the starter engages properly. Idle at 1,000 RPM and check for rise in oil pressure. Monitor engine instruments for proper range of operation. Turn on the Generator switch for Engine 3. Repeat this procedure for Engines 4,1, and 2 in that order. Turn on Avionics Master and set radios as desired.


    Note for all aircraft: As with the actual aircraft, it is entirely possible to overboost the engines or overspeed thepropeller if proper control settings are not observed. The maximum war emergency manifold pressure and propellRPM for this aircraft substantially exceed the normal takeoff settings. Adhere to this checklist for the correctsettings or this aircraft will not perform properly.

    Cowl Flaps: 1/3 Open Flaps: Up Mixture: Aircraft equipped with auto-mixture control. Set to full rich. Elevator trim (in Virtual Cockpit to pilot's right): Neutral Rudder trim (in Virtual Cockpit on floor to pilot's left): Neutral Aileron trim (in Virtual Cockpit on floor to pilot's right): Neutral Power: 46" Hg/2500 rpm

    Liftoff speed: 115 mph IAS

    Apply power smoothly and gradually, walking the throttles forward evenly until reaching full takeoff power in the first 1/3 of trunway. The aircraft will have a moderate tendency to pull to the left; use right rudder or differential throttle to correct. Goorudder control is achieved by 80 mph IAS. Allow the tail to lift naturally. Take off from a two-point, tail-low attitude. Theaircraft will fly itself off the runway at about 115 mph with just moderate back pressure on the controls, depending on grossweight. Retract gear as soon as a positive rate of climb is established. After reaching 140 mph IAS reduce power to ratedpower (38" Hg and 2300 rpm). Retract flaps before reaching 150 mph IAS. Hold the aircraft in a very shallow climb until anindicated airspeed of 150 mph is achieved.

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    Takeoff Distance (to clear 50' obstacle)


    Distance, feet

    62,000 4,190

    62,000 2,850*

    *Three-point takeoff using 1/3 flaps and full war emergency power: full throttle and 2,760 RPM.


    For short field takeoff, the manifold pressure may be set to the maximum war emergency setting of 55" and the propellergovernor control may be set to 2760 RPM. These represent the maximum possible propeller and throttle settings. Use 1/3flaps and use a three point takeoff technique, climbing at full war emergency power. Do not use war emergency power formore than two minutes.


    Climb at an indicated airspeed of 140 mph IAS (150 mph IAS if on instruments) with a power setting of 38" of manifoldpressure and 2300 rpm. For lower weights use 35" and 2300 RPM. Cowl flaps are normally set to about 1/3 open or less fclimbing. Maximum cylinder head temperature is 218 degrees Celsius. This aircraft was equipped with an automatic mixtu

    control. Therefore, no mixture adjustment is necessary.

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    The B-17 must cruise "on the step" in order to get the maximum possible range. To get "on the step" climb to at least 500feet above your desired cruising altitude and allow the aircraft to accelerate to cruising speed while descending to thecruising altitude. Normal cruising speeds for the B-17 are 140-150 mph IAS depending on the aircraft weight and altitude.The aircraft will cruise in a slightly nose-up attitude at heavier weights and higher altitudes. The maximum cylinder headtemperature is 218 degrees, 205 is desirable.

    The B-17 normally cruises at a manifold pressure of about 30" and an engine RPM of 2000 or less. Use the following chartto determine the correct power condition and speed for cruise at a given aircraft weight. This aircraft was equipped with an

    automatic mixture control. Therefore, no mixture adjustment is necessary.

    Cruise at 25,000 Feet Density Altitude(Charts are for B-17F; figures for B-17G are approximately 2-3 percent less due to slightly higher parasite drag)

    Weight IAS, mph TAS, mph Boost RPM BHP GPH MPG

    60,000 140 207 30 2100 628 205 1.01

    55,000 140 207 29 1900 578 188 1.10

    50,000 140 207 29 1800 560 183 1.14

    45,000 140 207 29 1700 540 176 1.18

    Cruise at 5,000 Feet Density Altitude

    Weight IAS, mph TAS, mph Boost RPM BHP GPH MPG

    60,000 150 161 29 1650 520 170 0.95

    55,000 150 161 29 1500 490 161 1.00

    50,000 150 161 28 1500 475 154 1.04

    45,000 150 161 27 1500 452 148 1.08

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    From the B-24 manual:

    "The C-1 autopilot is an electromechanical robot which automatically controls the airplane in straight and level flight, ormaneuvers the airplane in response to the fingertip control of the human pilot or bombardier. The autopilot control panelprovides the pilot with fingertip controls by which he can conveniently engage or disengage the system, adjust the alertnessor speed of its responses to flight deviations, or trim the system for varying load and flight conditions."

    The C-1 autopilot in the Wings of Power aircraft is not as complex as the real thing, thankfully, but offers a great deal offunctionality. It also duplicates some of the quirkiness of the original if used to fly the aircraft with "fingertip" controls. Theautopilot front panel has the following functions:

    Most of the controls work in the normal manner. The fun begins when using the autopilot in the "manual" mode. First, turnon the Master Switch located at the upper left, under the Turn Control knob. The red pilot light at the bottom left will light.This simply powers up the unit and will not engage any of the functions. Turn on the Wing Leveler and Altitude Hold andestablish the airplane in level flight. Then turn on the Centering Lights power switch, located to in the upper right corner.Carefully center all the control inputs (aileron, elevator, rudder) until all the lights are illuminated. Then use the Turn Controknob (either one will work) to initiate a gentle turn. Two or three mouse-clicks are enough to start a gentle turn. Once theairplane is turning at the desired rate, use the mouse to recenter the Turn Control knob -- it helps to remember how far youturned it to begin with. The airplane will continue to turn indefinitely, and if you have used too much control, it will continue tbank, so be careful as to how much you turn the knob. A little goes a long way. As the airplane approaches the desiredheading, you'll want to level out by turning the Wing Leveler switch back on, since it automatically turns off whenever youmake an adjustment with the Turn Control knob. Lead your rollout by a few degrees as you would if you were flyingmanually, as the airplane will continue to yaw as it rolls level. This is more difficult than it sounds and it is quite satisfying toget this down pat. Like the real aircraft, the controls must be centered before this will work. You will need to recenter thecontrols after making a turn in this way.

    The other controls work in essentially the same way as a normal autopilot but there is more manual labor involved. TheAltitude Hold switch simply engages this function, but you will need to preset your desired altitude using the Altitude HoldAdjust, one click at a time. The Altitude Hold switch will not enter the current altitude for you. The Vertical Speed Adjustdefault is zero, so you will also need to enter your desired vertical speed manually, the plane will not automatically begin toclimb or descend as with most aircraft. For an extra challenge, you can fly an ILS approach using the localizer hold only,meaning you'll have to control the throttles, trim, and rate of descent. The NAV/GPS, Approach Hold, Backcourse mode, another switches not covered here work in the normal manner. Experiment -- this is a versatile and fun unit that will entertainfor hours.

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    Calculate the power-off stalling speed based on the aircraft weight. Set engines to 2100 RPM and adjust power as requiredto achieve an airspeed of 140-150 mph IAS. Enter the pattern at either the crosswind or downwind leg at 800-1000 feet

    AGL. If possible, enter the pattern on the crosswind leg and fly 2-3 miles out from the runway. This will provide ample roomto maneuver the aircraft. Turn base 2-3 miles beyond the runway threshold at 145 mph IAS and lower flaps to 1/3 down anreduce airspeed to 135 mph IAS. Maintain a constant altitude on the base leg. Turn on final at this airspeed. Once on finaapproach, move the propeller controls to the takeoff position (2500 RPM) using the prop governor gauge as a reference. Dnot lower the flaps fully until the runway is made. Maintain a glide speed of about 120 mph IAS for the final approach. Pickpoint about ten feet in front of the runway threshold and line this up with the end of the nose to set the correct glidepath. A

    normal final approach is made with 20" of power at 120 mph with a descent rate of 500 fpm. Make a three-point landing,gliding onto the runway at this speed.

    Special Features of This Aircraft

    Clicking on the compass icon will bring up the co-pilot's panel.

    More Information

    The above procedures are abbreviated but were taken directly from the official manual issued to pilots for training purposesThis manual is now widely available. For the most realistic possible flying experience, obtain a copy of this manual and useto fly your Wings of Power aircraft. You will find that you can use the manual to fly this virtual aircraft and it will perform

    exactly as specified in the original training manual.

    Wings of Power Certified Specifications:

    Top Speed @ SL: 220 mph TAS (45,000 lbs) Top Speed @ Alt: 287 mph TAS @ 25,000 feet (45,000 lbs) Cruise @ 5,000 ft: 150 mph IAS/ mph TAS @ 29" Hg/1650 rpm (60,000 lbs.) Cruise @ 25,000 ft: 140 mph IAS/207 mph TAS @ 29" Hg/1750 rpm (60,000 lbs.) Climb: 38 minutes to 20,000 ft (62,000 lbs.) Climb: 62 minutes to 30,000 ft (62,000 lbs.) Fuel to climb (25,000 feet): 232 gallons Distance to climb (25,000 feet): 140 miles Takeoff distance to clear 50 feet: 4,190 feet (62,000 lbs.) 1 g stall speed, clean: 102 mph IAS (50,000 lbs.) 1 g stall speed, landing: 90 mph IAS (50,000 lbs.) Slow flight: stable with good rudder control up to the point of stall. Stall: Very mild wing drop. Recovery is routine. Empty weight: 36,135 lbs. Ramp Weight (fully equipped with oil and crew): 38,849 lbs. Maximum takeoff wt: 64,500 pounds Vmax: 270 mph IAS To Gear Down: mild pitch down To Flaps Down: mild pitch up Engines: Four Wright R-1820-97 air-cooled 9-cyl. radials Takeoff power: 1200 BHP @ 46" Hg/2500 RPM

    Emergency power: 1350 BHP @ 55" Hg/2760 RPM Normal climb power: 850 BHP @ 38" Hg/2550 RPM Max cruise power: 820 BHP/35" Hg/2300 RPM (Auto Rich) Normal cruise power: 610 HP/30" Hg/2000 RPM (Auto Lean) Fuel capacity: 3,600 gallons with bomb bay tanks

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    Other invaluable assistance was provided by the following people:

    Steve McDevitt,CollingsFoundationB-17Gcaptain,airshow/warbird/airlinepilot Ed Knitter HeadmechanicforWingsofEaglesB17GFuddyDuddy Lt. Fred Blechman,U.S.NavyCorsairpilotandauthorof"BentWings" Joe Worsley,Bombardier/Navigator,B-29.22missions.withthe462nd(Hellbird)BombardmentGroup,(VHB),20th


    Chuck McClure,U.S.ArmyAirForceB-29AircraftCommander Col. Ernie Bankey,U.S.ArmyAirForceP-51D/P-38pilot/Ace-in-a-Day Harry Goldman,U.S.ArmyAirForceB-26pilot/FirstPathfinderDivision Gene Koscinski,U.S.ArmyAirForceB-24Bombardier Bud Lindahl,U.S.ArmyAirForceB-24Navigator/Bombardier Judge Donald H. Foster,U.S.ArmyAirForceInstructorandFerryPilot Gordon RappCertifiedinstructor/T-6owner Roy Test,U.S.ArmyAirForceB-17Gco-pilot(32missions) George Muennich,Luftwaffepilot(He111,Do217,Ju52,Fw190,He177) Lt. Clyde B. East,U.S.ArmyAirForceF-6C/DMustangpilot/Ace(13victories) Michael Karatsonyi,LuftwaffeMe109Gpilot Mike Dornheim,AeronauticalEngineerandaviationjournalist

    CREDITSMicrosoftThecreatorsofFSX.ProductionGentile,ScottAircraft modeling, panels, and gaugesRogalski,RobertMalinowski,KrzysztofFlight dynamics / additional panelsSDResearch

    Visual and sound EffectsGentile,ScottQuality ControlTheteamManualGentile,ScottSDResearchSpecial Thanks to:TimGallagherFoust,JohnKnitter,Ed

    Very special thanks to:ThemanyWWIIaircombatveteranswhotookthetimetosharetheirexperienceswithus,andbeingsohelpfulinourquesttocreatetheultimatere-creationoftheseaircraft.Thankyoutoallofourfriendsandfamiliesthatstuckbyusandworkedhardtosupportus.

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