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© · It's usually the result of habitual ... You won't have to spend a lot of time or conscious

Mar 17, 2018



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Copyright © 2013 Nutrifrontier Limited All rights reserved. Published by Kevin Richardson Notes to the Reader: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under U.S copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. The statements found within the pages of this book have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. If a product or treatment is recommended in these pages, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The publisher and the contributors are not engaged in rendering medical advice. All information contained in this book is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee, express or implied, can be made. Readers are encouraged to verify for themselves, and to their own satisfaction, the accuracy of all information, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions or anything else contained within these pages before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read herein. The author of this e-book is not a licensed practitioner of medicine; therefore, the techniques, ideas, and opinions here are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! The information provided here is solely for informational purposes only. If medical advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from any health decisions made by purchasers of this book. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. Individual results may vary.

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Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Aging – What Happens and Why ............................................................................................................. 11

Lessons Learned From Those Who Live Longer ................................................................................... 16

The Age-Slowing Benefits of Deep Sleep .............................................................................................. 21

How Aerobic Exercise Helps Keep You Lean, Vital and Strong ........................................................... 24

The Amazing Life-Enhancing Power of Deep Breathing ....................................................................... 27

Letting Go of Stress Keeps You Younger ............................................................................................... 32

Fresh Fruit: Nature's Perfect Age-Reversing Food .............................................................................. 39

How To Enjoy Younger-Looking Hair .................................................................................................... 48

Keeping Your Brain in Peak Condition ...................................................................................................53

Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 55

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Ask any mature individual and they'll likely tell you the there's no joy in getting

older. “Youth is wasted on the foolish” is one phrase I often heard from aging

relatives, in reference to the fact that when the body is young, lean and

strong, the mind is immature. But by the time one gains worldly wisdom from

years of experience, their body has already begun breaking down – so much of

the accumulated knowledge is of little use.

Obviously, there is truth in this message. But aging is a natural part of the circle of life. And aging

begins at the moment of birth and ends at death. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.

Unfortunately, death gets in the way. Eventually we all cease to exist on the physical plane as we

know it. But why not do whatever we can to extend our stay on earth? Why not live healthfully to

the ripe old age that coincides with the natural design of the body?

You see, there are two kinds of aging: natural aging and premature aging. One expands the life

experience, while the other ensures that it comes to an early close. When you age naturally and

gracefully, you live life as it was intended. You remain capable, vital and strong for all your years

and you get to enjoy many more years than the average person.

The purpose of this report is to help you slow and even reverse the effects of aging. I want to help

you live longer and enjoy all your days to the fullest. If I can get you to take even some of the steps

outlined here, I will have succeeded and you will surely reap the rewards.

Premature aging isn't something that happens overnight. It's usually the result of habitual

behaviours that routinely damage the body, beyond its abilities to heal itself naturally. But the

good news is that early aging and shortened life-spans can be reversible when one's lifestyle

undergoes dramatic changes. Just like aging, reversing the process takes a cumulative effort over

time too.

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It's the result of many small changes and habits and it all begins with the decision to get more

years out of your life, while putting more life into those years. When you truly decide on the

outcome, there's no turning back to your old ways. If you do that, you've defeated the purpose

and allowed mindless and unhealthy habits to take charge, instead of consciously making a

decision and changing your destiny.

What's inspiring is that with a strong resolve, it's easier than you may think to implement changes

that positively impact your life. Ideally, you would want to experience maximum age reversal with

a minimum of effort and time. You won't have to spend a lot of time or conscious effort on a daily

basis. But you will have to enact change every day and the easiest way to do so is to make any

positive actions habitual in nature. When you do so, you don't have to consciously think about it –

you just do it. If, for example, you like to eat a candy bar during your afternoon coffee break –

you'll want to change the routine.

Try substituting an apple for the candy bar and do it religiously – every single day. Savour the

apple, knowing that it's nourishing your body instead of poisoning it. You'll be feeding your body

m, fiber, pectin and natural fructose (the sugar inside the fruit that is much easier for the body to

process) instead of refined sugar. Keep at it and before long, you will find yourself automatically

reaching for the apple.

Making healthful substitutions gets you started off in the right direction. If you've noticed yourself

aging faster than you should, it’s not too late to make an abrupt u-turn and completely shift your

habits – and your health – starting today. If you're already living a healthy life, that's wonderful.

Keep reading and you may find that there's even more you could be doing. If you're ready to claim

your life back and reverse the aging process, this information will give you the solid footing you

need to make it happen. Let's proceed.

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The Benefits To Slowing The Aging Process

When you slow down or reverse the aging process, not only do you

extend your life, but life takes on a whole new meaning and depth of

experience. You begin to look younger than your actual age. While it

may be difficult at times to notice these changes yourself, that's not the

case with others, who will repeatedly peg you as someone younger –

sometimes much younger than your birth certificate would indicate.

When this happens to you, you'll feel something especially gratifying on the inside that you just

can't get any other way. You feel the positive changes taking place – but when someone else sees

it too – it's social proof or validation that your actions have produced tangible results and it's not

just in your imagination.

You will feel better too – much more vibrant and alive. Gone will be any feelings of tiredness or

sluggishness that may have hampered you in the past. You'll have a new spring to your step and

you will feel more alert. What is particularly interesting – and valuable – is that you will find

yourself getting more things accomplished than you used to, which only adds to your overall


Along with your renewed youthfulness, you'll begin to notice more doors open to you as greater

opportunities present themselves both on the social scene and in the work environment. Your

attitude improves as the reality of your newly-discovered power emerges. You feel emotionally

stronger, more capable of taking on challenges and your self confidence soars. You're truly on a

roll now. Is it worth taking those steps to reduce aging? I think you'll agree with a resounding yes!

Physically, you become stronger too. And if you add yoga or stretching to your new routine, you'll

find yourself becoming more flexible as well. As you get more exercise and fresh air, your overall

endurance improves and that means you'll pack more living into your life as you naturally become

more active than you were previously.

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There's no question that it can be done and that you can do it. Will it take effort to accomplish

these changes? You bet it will. Lasting change doesn't occur by getting pumped up with

enthusiasm and following through with positive action steps one time.

You've got to stick with it – even when it’s far easier to slip back into old habits – habits that could

actually be shortening your life. It takes commitment and vigilance because, believe me,

temptation is everywhere and if you don't constantly remind yourself of what your intentions are,

falling off the wagon and back into old ways will surely happen and it's just a matter of time until it

does. But if you make the commitment and give it all you've got, I promise you that the results will

be so worth it in the end.

Today's Toughest Health Challenges – and How To Beat Them

It's a sign of the times that people no longer die from old age – they die from disease. What's

particularly disturbing is that the major causes of death today were virtually unheard of in years

gone by. Heart disease, brain-related illnesses and cancer were not nearly as prevalent as they are


There's no doubt about it – we definitely live longer in general than we did a century or two ago.

The average lifespan back then was a mere forty-seven years, compared to today's seventy-plus

average. But frankly, those gains were primarily acquired through better hygiene. That's what

made the biggest single difference, although, major medical advances like transplants and

antibiotics, as well as other developments have surely helped too – just not to the same degree as

improved hygiene. But will our overall lifespan continue to improve if we leave it up to the medical

community? I suppose it's possible.

But the issue that many natural health proponents have with established medical practice is its

completely unnatural approach of harsh drugs and surgery. When it's necessary to save lives,

these things may be of tremendous benefit. But what people need to wake up to is the overall

effect from such things as chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics and prescription drugs and what

these chemical compositions do to the body. All too often, the issue of potential ramifications and

side effects takes a back seat.

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Even with all the advances made and the billions of dollars pumped into research, the simple fact

remains that we are dying twenty to thirty years earlier than we should. That's like having a brand

new car rust out after just three years. Something is wrong with this picture and it doesn't like the

medical field is on the cusp of any major breakthrough anytime soon. While the fundraising

continues to keep the mill turning, dear friends, family members, neighbours and business

acquaintances are leaving us far too soon.

But premature death is not the only issue. For an increasing number of victims of these

degenerative diseases, the last several years – even a decade or more for some – is spent in

hospitals, nursing homes, or in palliative care units, with a substantial loss of independence and

diminished quality of life. For some unfortunate souls, death might seem like a favourable

alternative to holding on to a quality of life that continually deteriorates on a week to week, or

month to month basis.

We live in an age where so-called “lifestyle” illnesses dominate. Every day people die from heart

disease, strokes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson's and other degenerative diseases. I

think it’s fair to say that these conditions run rampant in most western nations these days. They

are even beginning to show in developing nations as well, as western influences like fast food

begin to take root and people develop cravings for these widely-popular, yet unhealthy processed


Chronic illnesses affect a huge number people. Chronic fatigue, stress and inflammation are far too

common and these conditions are killing people prematurely. Seemingly minor health issues or

ailments of a physical or emotional nature wear the body down over time. Without the allotted

time for healing and recovery, the body's defences are compromised. With weakened resistance,

it's far easier to contact serious infections or disease.

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Obesity is another problem that's on the rise. Some say it’s already out of control. Anyway you

look at it, the issue of obesity needs to be addressed in a significant way if we are to increase our

overall lifespan. Clearly, obesity takes its toll and hampers one's quality of life, reduces options and

opportunities, and even shortens life. The human body does its best and is highly adaptable. But it

wasn't designed to carry all that extra weight around – it's completely unnatural. And sooner or

later, there are serious consequences of obesity.

Like any other condition, obesity develops over time. It's the cumulative effect of daily decisions

and habits. If you begin to change those decisions and habits in a positive manner, you begin to

improve the condition. But there's no instant fix and it's not something anyone else can help with.

Correcting the problem begins with awareness and consistent, positive action – without retreat.

Reversing the most difficult and debilitating diseases of the day is possible. But it's up to the

individual – not the researches, doctors, or pharmaceutical manufacturers. To protect yourself

against disease and to slow or reverse the aging process, you've got realize that there are things

you can do and the starting point is awareness. Tap into the available knowledge pool and act on

those ideas that feel right for you. Make the decision to look and feel younger and then keep an

open mind as you consider the actionable options.

The human body is a beautiful thing. It's a miraculous and complex apparatus that each of us

occupies. Fortunately, a relatively healthy body has the ability to heal and rejuvenate itself. All

that's required are the raw materials and the right conditions to make it happen. Take the time to

expand your knowledge in this area and you will successfully slow down and even reverse the

aging process. It will take time to learn, digest and apply this information. But the payoff of added

years of good health should be enough to inspire you to come along on this interesting journey.

Treating the body with care means giving it what it needs and this includes the whole enchilada of

vital nutrition, proper breathing, simple stretching, energizing exercise and deep relaxation. It's all

about getting enough deep, rejuvenating sleep, proper nutrition and plenty of fresh air and

exercise. When you adequately supply each of these elements on a regular basis, you can stop

premature aging in its tracks and gain a new level of youthful strength, energy and vibrancy.

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If you want to change your results, mere hoping or wishing won't do it. Positive changes can only

come from taking positive action steps. Change your lifestyle. Adapt new habits, routines and

techniques. Change from an inactive lifestyle to an active one and the results you see, feel and

experience will surely change too. It's the law of Cause and Effect in action. If you change the

causes, the effects must change by default. There's no other way it can happen and the best part

is – it's all up to you.

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Aging – What Happens and Why

Aging begins at the cellular level. As the body gets older, the cells don't

function as efficiently as they should. Fortunately, the body has an in-

home system of cell renewal that is available to all cells in a healthy body

– with the notable exception of brain cells, which lack this regenerative

ability. As we age, the body gradually begins to wear down and

deterioration begins.

Tissues break down. Muscles get weaker. Normal eyesight becomes compromised and corrective

lenses are often necessary. Skin loses its natural elasticity and begins to sag. Hair thins and falls

out. Hearing can diminish by a substantial margin. Teeth decay more rapidly. More critically, the

immune system gradually loses its effectiveness and is therefore not as capable as it once was in

defending us from invading illness and disease.

No matter how you look at it, aging takes its toll on the body. But by slowing down or reversing

the causes of aging, we can extend the capabilities of the body beyond the average of what most

people today get to experience.

Aging is normal – premature aging is not. So what are the underlying causes of premature aging

and how do we begin to reverse this process and extend life in the meantime?

Premature aging is usually the collective result of multiple factors. But any single element can take

its toll and inflict serious harm. Known causes of premature aging include the following:

An inadequate amount of deep sleep every night

The lack of effective exercise consistently undertaken

Poor nutritional habits that lead to a shortfall of life-giving nutrients and an increase in toxic


Excessive stress weighs heavily on the body – and the heart in particular

Overexposure to the sun's rays can do serious damage to the skin

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Alcohol consumption can impair normal functioning

Smoking draws in toxic chemicals with every puff and disperses harmful chemicals into the

room where they put others at great risk too

Overeating taxes the body, causing the organs to stop functioning, leaving excess food to

become chemical contaminants because they cannot be properly assimilated

Too much of the wrong foods invite trouble by forcing the body to process something that

provides little of zero nutritional value

Breathing in bad air from automobile exhaust, industrial pollutants, cleaning and

renovation materials and more

Neglecting the body instead of nurturing it as our most precious asset since without good

health, nothing else matters much

An obvious solution to premature aging is to look at each of these issues and examine them

closely to see how each one fits your particular set of circumstances, and then by taking corrective

action. Notice what you've been doing and make an honest assessment. Is your usual routine

helping or hurting you? Is it making you age faster or slower? If what you’re doing now is

contributing to the aging process, simply reverse your actions to create an opposite effect.

For example, if you're not normally getting enough daily exercise, turn on a dime and make the

switch – starting today. Do something. If you're accustomed to sitting at a desk all day, get up

during your lunch hour and go for a walk outside, instead of taking a trip to the nearest


Another positive action step everyone should take is to consume plenty of antioxidants. You can

get these in many fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains – or as vitamin supplements.

Antioxidants go after free radicals, which are highly-corrosive, oxidizing molecules that attack the

body and as an increasing number of many and scientists believe, the underlying cause of many


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Six Age-Reversing Supplements Everyone Needs and Why Supplements Are Important

No matter what your age of level of premature aging, you can begin to slow the process down by

consuming more of the following age-reversing supplements. That's not all you should be doing of

course, but it’s a good start to putting the brakes on making an exit before your time.

Vitamin A is indispensable to vibrant health. It strengthens the body's immune system by

protecting entry points such as the mucous membranes, lining of the eyes, urinary, intestinal and

respiratory tracts. It's also essential to fighting any infection that gets through the gates and into

the body. Vitamin A is also important for healthy eyes, bones and teeth. A powerful antioxidant,

Vitamin A helps protect the skin and body by combating free radicals and the oxidative stress or

cellular “rust” they cause. Wonderful natural sources of Vitamin A include apricots, cantaloupe,

mangoes, kale, carrots, red peppers, spinach and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin C is a champion antioxidant, best known for its ability to fight bacteria, infections and

viruses. It is said to set off a boost in the body's interferon production – which is a natural

mechanism of defense. A healthy shot of vitamin C protects your body against infection, helps

maintain strong bones and teeth and helps facilitate the body's ability to repair wounds. Vitamin C

protects against free radicals and the severe damage they do that can lead to heart disease, brain

disorders and cancer.

It also lowers blood pressure and ensures proper dilation of the blood vessels, guarding against

many heart-related serious diseases. It is also said to lower the levels of lead in the blood as well as

playing a key role on eye health. Vitamin C is can be found in abundance in oranges, strawberries,

lemons, papaya, parsley, cauliflower, kale, bell peppers, broccoli and parsley.

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Vitamin E is another immune system booster that protects against infection and defends against

cancer by neutralizing cancer-causing chemicals. Applied topically or ingested, it helps protect the

skin from ultraviolet radiation, offering protection from cancer and premature aging. Its anti-

inflammatory properties can be helpful to those with arthritis, asthma and other diseases linked to

chronic inflammation.

It is also said that vitamin E boosts the body's natural metabolism, while at least one study

suggests that it may significantly lower the risk of Alzheimer’s. The most abundant natural sources

of vitamin E are sunflower seeds and almonds. But you can also get vitamin E naturally from

spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens papaya, mustard greens, collard greens, asparagus and bell


Selenium is an important mineral for strengthening the immune system by protecting the cells

from free radical damage and guarding the body against the ravages of cancer. It also supports

efficient thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism, while protecting the thyroid gland. Some

evidence suggests that Selenium may reduce the odds of prostate cancer. Natural sources of

selenium include walnuts, brazil nuts, button mushrooms and grains, as well as fish like tuna, cod,

salmon and red snapper.

Zinc is widely known for its immune boosting properties. But it’s so important that even a small

deficiency and have serious implications. It's a crucial mineral it's found in every cell of the human

body. It's a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent cancer. It's also involved in maintaining ideal

hormone levels and endocrine function.

Higher concentrations of zinc are found in meats like venison, beef and lamb. But you can also get

zinc naturally from scallops, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats and yogurt.

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Vitamin B12 helps to improve the overall mental functioning, including mood balance, memory

recall, focus and concentration. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can trigger heart attacks, strokes,

arterial sclerosis, violent and/or emotional outbursts, dementia, Alzheimer's and more. Vitamin B12

helps the cells metabolize protein, carbohydrate and fat, facilitates proper nerve development and

supports the production of red blood cells to prevent anemia. The most nutritionally dense natural

forms of vitamin B12 can be found in sardines, salmon, venison, lamb beef, shrimp, halibut,

scallops and yogurt.

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Lessons Learned From Those Who Live Longer

When it comes to longevity, all we need to do is observe those who

enjoy it. More specifically, we can learn from the experiences of the

groups, tribes and communities who typically outlive the average

westerner by a considerable margin. There are plenty of clues to living

healthfully and for a longer duration to be gleaned from the Hunzas of

Northern Pakistan, the Abkhasians of Russia, as well as other long living groups in Bulgaria and


Many of them live well over one hundred years, remaining active until the end. If we wish to live

beyond the average of seventy years, it only makes sense to observe and learn from those whose

life expectancy beats our by at least thirty years.

When the typical Hunza diet was analyzed, for example, it was determined that their diet

amounted to roughly fifty to sixty percent of the average American diet. They typically eat about

half as much – yet live noticeably longer, while remaining in relatively good health. Not only do

they consume substantially less food, they also ingest far less fat. In numbers, their fat

consumption amounts to just twenty-five percent of ours. That's a huge difference and one that is

quite telling. And the protein consumption of the Hunzas is about half that of the average

westerner. Carbohydrate intake is approximately the same between the Hunzas and Americans, a

revelation that might surprise you at first. But the big difference is that the carbohydrates the

Hunzas consume all come from unprocessed sources. It's an all-natural diet that is dramatically

different from ours.

The Abkahasians are known for remaining physically active, even in their advanced years. They

believe that product, physical work helps maintain a youthful vigor and that without rest, they

cannot work effectively and that without work, the rest provide no meaningful benefit. When one

looks at their diet, there are some obvious reasons for their vitality and longevity.

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For one, they eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables with all meals. Fruit is typically fresh-picked

and eaten raw. Included in their diet are grapes, cucumbers, green onions, cabbage, garlic and

tomatoes. They use pure honey as a natural sweetener.

A popular dish consists of baby lima beans slow-cooked for hours and flavoured with a natural

sauce made from garlic, onions, peppers and pomegranate juice. They also routinely eat cheese

and drink buttermilk from cows that were never given antibiotics or hormones.

One common trait among these groups of centenarians is that no artificial, synthetic, or chemical

ingredients are ever used. It seems that in certain respects, we've unknowingly become victims of

progress and development. It's time to step back and question the things we do – particularly with

respect to foods and their preparation and storage.

For the most part, they live simple lives, without the worries and stresses of the modern western

world. They lead physically active lives and when it comes to diets, most are primarily vegetarian

or light meat eaters who only consume organic, additive-free foods. Their diets are all-natural and

extremely low in fat. They don't eat a whole lot compared to the sometimes over-indulgent west

and they only eat when they're hungry.

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The Clear Results of a Modern Lifestyle

It seems pretty obvious that our habitually way of life is cutting our collective

lifespan short. We have become our own worst enemies. Though there is no one

quick-fix, easy solution, it seems that one of the major issues is our poor dietary

habits that ultimately lead to cancer, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, diabetes,

Alzheimer’s and many other devastating diseases.

At the root of the problem, one of the key factors has got to be our preference of overeating.

We've become heavier on average than at any time in history. And while we continue to stuff

ourselves, we are in essence instigating disease at the same time.

A diet that's high in fat clogs the arteries and restricts the blood flow. All the organs and cells of

the body suffer as a result. The heart is forced to compensate and works harder to get the blood

pumping through the organism, but this extra works means it's going to give out sooner rather

than later. At the same time that other vital organ that effects the entire body – the brain – ages

prematurely as clogged arteries in the neck reduces blood flow and the brain's nutrient supply

gets choked off.

The real kicker though is that despite all the food consumed, many people are actually

malnourished. Collectively, we eat far too many refined carbohydrates, resulting in extra but

empty calories from white bread, cake, pastries and other nutritionally-void foods. When foods are

low in nutrient value, we tend to eat even more of them to get that full-satisfied feeling. And if

that wasn't enough, our reliance on processed foods ensures that we also ingest dangerous

chemical additives like food coloring and preservatives. And we've become addicted to barbecued

and deep-fried food – the two methods of cooking that are most damaging to the body. Despite

this, we stuff our faces full of Big Macs, super-sized fries, barbecued chicken and ribs and other

foods that do far more hard to our one and only bodies than most people realize.

Most of us eat way too much meat. What this overindulgence does is overload our bodies and

tissues with animal protein that contains toxins and speeds up the aging process. We need to eat

less overall, but way more natural foods like, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.

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When we gobble down more food than the body requires, we are actually causing great harm

because undigested food acts like poison in the body. Eating it wastes precious energy. The

resulting lack of assimilation triggers chronic fatigue, reduced mental clarity, and premature aging.

When you're stuffed to the gills, you cannot function anywhere near your capacity and all you do is

wait it out and hope the body can continue to process all that you've crammed in.

Without adequate nutrition, the body's vital immune system is compromised. With a weakened

defence, infections and disease take hold, with ultimately leads to premature aging and an early


What it all boils down to is this: we need to take corrective action on an individual basis. For some,

the changes, making those necessary changes will come easily. But for others, it will likely become

an uphill battle.

Here are some basic changes you can begin to implement right away that will improve your health

and slow down the aging process:

Replace some of the meat in your diet with vegetable protein sources like lentils or nuts

Eat more fresh fruits, salads, sprouts and nuts and avoid creamy dressings that may be high

in fat. Fresh fruits and vegetables will satisfy your hunger faster therefore, it's likely that

you'll consume a lot fewer calories. Snack on celery, carrots, quartered tomatoes and fresh

fruits like apples, pears, bananas, plus, grapes and cherries. It's time to give up the potato

chips, cheese twists, tortilla chips, candy bars, cakes and soft drinks.

Reduce or eliminate calorie-rich foods, refined grains, sugar and salt from your diet. You

can start by choosing whole grain options and not adding sugar or salt to anything you eat.

Both of these ingredients are in many packaged products however, but consciously opting

to not add these to your meals is a definite step in the right direction.

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Slow down when you eat. Allow your system to efficiently digest your food. You will enjoy

your meals more, improve the nourishment factor and reach that satisfied feeling sooner

by eating less.

Don’t set eating aside for one or two large meals per day. It's better to spread out your

eating throughout the day, but eat lightly when you do. This way, you'll have the energy to

go all day long without exhausting yourself with a big meal.

Lower your fat intake by reducing dairy in your diet. Eliminate cream and reduce the butter

you consume. Substitute cream with one of the milk options like rice, soy or almond. To

thicken soups or stews, simply combine two tablespoons of olive oil with three

tablespoons of whole wheat flour on medium heat and gradually add milk until desired

consistency is achieved.

Another option is to soften a brick of butter and combine it with one and one quarter cups

of canola oil. Blend them together, pour it into a bowl, cover and refrigerate. You're still

eating butter, but it's a healthier version and it’s far easier to spread right out of the

refrigerator. For cooking, use coconut oil of cold-pressed olive oil.

Start exercising three times a week by finding an activity that you'll enjoy. If you don't mind

doing it, it will be much easier to stick with the program and reversing the aging process is

a long-term activity.

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The Age-Slowing Benefits of Deep Sleep

Adequate sleep is fundamental to survival and quality deep sleep gives

you the foundation you need for optimum health and well-being. Sleep is

nature's way of restoring and rejuvenating the body. Quality sleep gives

you the most dramatic and immediate benefit of all. You could have the

most nutritious, soul-satisfying meal that fulfills you on every level, but it

wouldn't be enough to get you firing on all cylinders and pull you out of

the sluggishness that you feel when you don't get enough quality sleep.

During sleeping hours, your nervous system gets a much-needed rest and the entire body is

recharged with an abundance of energy. If you're not getting a good night's sleep on a regular

basis, there are some steps you can take to improve things.

First things first – make sure you're eating right and getting enough nutrition from your meals. If

you're dependant on the convenience of prepackaged foods, chances are very good that you're

not getting enough nutrition from what you eat. Introduce more fresh produce into your diet and

gradually reduce those handy but potentially dangerous manufactured foods. Remember, those

people who routinely live to be one hundred years old, or older consume no such thing. Everything

they eat is fresh from nature – not something that was developed in the food laboratories of the

world. That ought to be a clue. Eat more fresh foods, enjoy better sleep and wake up ready to go.

If you have trouble falling asleep, it may be something as simple as the coffee or alcohol you

consumed earlier that evening. Correcting this problem is as easy as giving up these things,

especially in the evenings. If you've overeaten, you may have trouble unwinding after dinner, or

doing much of anything for that matter. This can be a constant irritant that keeps you from

sleeping soundly later on. That's because your digestive system is in overdrive and struggling to

process all the food you consumed. It's far better for improved sleeping and better health overall

to enjoy lighter evening meals, with an emphasis on easily digested foods life vegetables.

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If you're wound too tightly and you just can't get comfortable before its time to hit the sack, you'll

have greater difficulty falling asleep and reaching that deep level of sleep that's vital to the

rejuvenating process. Try going for a long evening walk, about an hour or so prior to you planned

hour of retirement for the evening. Brisk walking is a rejuvenating process in itself and will help

clear your head and ease any tension you feel in the body.

Another helpful activity for mind and body is yoga. If you're not familiar with yoga poses, simply

focus on doing various stretches. Just be careful not to overdo it and instead, increase your

flexibility gradually over time. Stretching is good for your body, while helping to alleviate muscle

tension that's been building up all day long.

Get into a sleeping routine. Observe your normal sleeping patterns and note the similarities and

how you feel the next day. If your pattern is erratic, varying widely from one night to the next,

your body is very likely paying a huge price in sluggishness and low energy. Establish a set routine

with a regular bed time every evening. The body tends to get in a groove as it gets used to this

regular pattern. Take note of your overall well-being and level of performance and alertness after

sleeping regular hours for a couple of weeks straight.

Aerobic exercise of any kind in the evenings can be helpful too. Just be sure that you finish an hour

or two before your planned bed time, so the body can fully relax after you've given it a good


Having a bedroom that's a welcome sanctuary and separate from your living quarters can make a

definite contribution to the level of sleep you get to enjoy. A bachelor apartment or student dorm

is typically not conducive to effective, deep sleep. But having a comfortable room decorated with

soft, subtle colors, a firm, yet comfortable and supportive bed, total darkness and peace of mind

all contribute to the quality of sleep you get to enjoy. Open the window and you’ll have a steady

flow of fresh air coming in. If you've got one of those bright alarm clocks that emit blue light, you

may want to try covering it up with a piece of clothing before you crawl into bed. Something as

simple as this can make a significant difference if you're struggling to reach the point of deep,

comfortable sleep every night.

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Evening baths can do the trick too. It's important that you take the time to completely unwind at

the end of the day and a hot bath can certainly help in this regard. Even better is taking a hot bath

with some seaweed or sea salt added to the water. You'll feel muscle tension melt away, which in

turn relaxes your mind. Additionally, you'll get rid of toxins through the pores of the skin, while

absorbing health-promoting minerals like iodine from the seaweed.

If you're really tense, book an early evening massage from a competent, professional therapist. In

skilled hands, your body will be become completed relieved of tension and fully relaxed. As a

sleeping aid, it's tough to beat a deep tissue massage.

Another technique you can try that can help improve your sleep is deep breathing. Lie down on a

floor where you have plenty of room to stretch out. It's best to have a yoga mat or carpeting for

comfort. Lie flat on your back and stretch your arms and legs, then relax. Begin doing a series of

deep breaths. Simply breathe in for five seconds, hold it for five seconds, and then exhale for five

seconds. Do not strain in any way. If five seconds is too long for you, reduce it. Oh and it's best to

breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this for ten minutes and just focus on

taking deep relaxing breaths as you get into a rhythm.

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How Aerobic Exercise Helps Keep You Lean, Vital and Strong Exercise is invigorating. It keeps you physically active and makes you look and

feel younger – and more vibrant and alive. But it's not just about an improved

appearance and good feelings. There is plenty of evidence that shows that

regular exercise actually keeps you younger and extends your life.

Aerobic exercise raises the heart rate over an extended period of time. It's essential for

rejuvenation because it improves blood flow. And an improved blood flow distributes vital oxygen

to all parts of the body, while increasing the supply of life-giving nutrients throughout.

When you become more physically active, with a regular routine of exercise, you naturally reduce

the body fat you've been carrying around. This puts less strain on the heart and other vital organs,

while making the entire body a much more efficient and well-lubricated machine. Getting physical

exercise is natural to the body. It is designed to move – not to lie dormant on the couch. If you're

serious about slowing the aging process and extending your life, it's time to become to get more

physically active and the best way to do that is with aerobic exercise.

Bike riding, jogging, swimming, hiking and cross country skiing are excellent activities to engage in

for your own well-being and to reverse aging. You could also join a gym, take part in group

aerobics, or exercise right at home to a video, or by using a program like “Wii Fit” on your home

entertainment system. The choices are many. But it takes the will to follow through and actually

do something – day after day.

Aerobic exercise releases endorphins, allowing you to feel a “runner's high” and giving your

emotional state a helpful boost to accompany the physical lift you get. It gives you a happier

disposition, greater emotional resilience and makes you far less likely to feel depressed. Daily

exercise boosts your vitality and is highly-effective in slowing and reversing the aging process. If

you want to add years of healthy living to your life, start today to make exercise a part of your

everyday life.

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Just think about all the good things you're doing for yourself when you exercise and that should

be enough motivation to get you moving. What you’re actually doing is strengthening the muscles

and building a body that is stronger physically and more resistant to illness. Some claim that

regular exercise builds bone density.

Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and significantly improves the respiratory functions as

fresh, purified and oxygenated blood rushes through the system. It makes you mentally sharp,

with faster reaction times. It is said that a lack of regular aerobic exercise is the primary causative

factor – accounting for fifty percent – of the functional decline suffered by the majority of people

from the age of thirty and upward.

Simple Ways To Slash Fat From Your Diet

There's no question about it – most of us are carrying more weight than we should be. And all that

extra weight can never be a good thing when it comes to health. If you consume more calories

than you effectively burn off in a day, or you eat too many fattening, nutritionally-empty foods and

don't get plenty of exercise, there's going to be a price to pay. Gaining extra fat is an obvious

symptom – a sign that something isn't right – though it's certainly not the only damage caused by

a poor diet and lack of proper exercise. But the good news is that you can take care of that extra

weight and shed those pounds by changing your ways.

It's really not as difficult to melt off those excess pounds when you put your mind to it. Actually,

that's a big part of it. If you want to make substantial gains to the quality of your life and reverse

the aging process, you need to make it a priority in your life. This means you give it extra attention

and focus and that your overall health is taken into account routinely, so you stay on the right


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Following are a few simple tips for trimming the fat, without feeling deprived:

Reduce the amount of dairy products you consume including cream, butter, cheese.

Change your milk and ice cream habits. Switch to non-fat or rice milk and give up ice cream.

Reduce the amount of meat in your diet and only choose lean cuts. If you eat chicken, avoid

the skin.

Minimize egg consumption, or avoid the yolks. Make an egg-white spinach omelette


Eat fewer fried foods and avoid deep-fried foods altogether.

Serve smaller portions and slow down as you eat. You will feel satisfied with less food by

simply slowing down.

Avoid processed supermarket foods. If it comes in a box, tin, jar or other plastic container

or wrapping, chances are it's been processed. The less processing the better and no

processing at all, is the ultimate and natural way to eat.

Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. These gems are loaded with nutrition and fill you up,

without overdoing it. They are easy to digest and may give you a quick boost of energy too.

Avoid obvious “problem” foods like fast food chicken nuggets, cakes, pastries and soft

drinks that are loaded with refined sugar.

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The Amazing Life-Enhancing Power of Deep Breathing

If you get nothing else from this report, I hope you pay attention to

this section. It's crucial to good health and vital to slowing and

reversing the aging process. Deep breathing is a wonderful and

therapeutic activity you can engage in whenever you think of it.

When you regularly practice going deep, you expand your breathing capacity, giving you extra

vitality and strength – whenever you need it.

Oxygen is the most vital of all nutrients as far as the body is concerned. One can survive for weeks

without food and days without fresh water. But without vital oxygen, life ends in a matter of

minutes. Most of the body's energy requirements come not from food – but from air. If you're

breathing, you're getting some oxygen, enough to sustain you and keep you alive. The real

problem comes from our habitual shallow breathing, which is said to use no more than ten

percent of the total capacity of the lungs.

Quick, shallow breathing is detrimental to sound health. This form of breathing is often triggered

by negative emotional states or stressful situations. Shallow breathing deprives the body's tissues,

cells and organs and increases the susceptibility of disease. It can lead to fatigue, anxiety, sleep

disorders, stomach upset, heartburn, gas, cramps, dizziness, visual problems, chest pains and

heart palpitations. It decreases one's vitality and speeds up the aging process – and that's the

exact opposite of what we're shooting for.

One's level of vitality at any moment in time is directly related to the health of all the cells of the

body. If you think you may be aging prematurely, one of the reasons could be that probably work

indoors where the air is obviously not as fresh and pure. The body senses this and adjusts the

breathing so you're not taking in huge amounts of who knows what that may be in the air. The

problem snowballs because most of us work at sedentary jobs.

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With little physical activity, there's less of a need to breathe in more fresh air. Day after day,

month after month and year after year, all this shallow breathing takes its toll and aging is


The body needs oxygen more than it needs anything else. It boosts the heart and strengthens the

lungs. When you give the body what it wants, it thrives. Deep breathing oxygenates all the cells of

the body, allowing for the healthy functioning of all its organs.

Oxygen is particularly important to the brain as it requires a larger quantity than any other organ.

When the brain is short-changed on its oxygen needs, fatigue, sluggishness, moodiness, or a

predominantly negative attitude can quickly set in. Clogged arteries reduce the flow of oxygen.

When enough oxygen fails to get through, it leads to a state of mental vagueness and senility.

It is also believed that a lack of oxygen is a major causative factor in cancer. Oxygen purifies the

bloodstream and every part of the body benefits from purified blood. It burns toxins as waste

material. When enough oxygen-bearing blood can't get through the arteries to do its job, a serious

issue of life-threatening proportions arises.

It's the blood-purification process oxygen provides that is a key secret to boosting one's vitality

and reversing aging. Remind yourself to talk in deep breaths of fresh air at every opportunity. Not

only does it feel good right away – it's also a life-extending exercise. Since oxygen is critical to

health, it only makes sense to increase the amount of fresh air we take in.

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Deep breathing is the key to living a longer, healthier life. Deep breathing offers:

Oxygenating power that improves the quality of the blood, which aids the body in the

elimination of toxins.

Improved functioning of the nervous system, brain, spinal cord, nerves and nerve centers.

Increased nourishment here positively affects the whole body. Oxygen helps normalize

brain function and lower stress and anxiety.

A strengthening effect on the heart and lungs, making these key organs healthy and

powerful. Deep breathing is easier on the heart muscle.

Increased digestion and assimilation. As the digestive system organs receive more oxygen,

they naturally function better.

Rejuvenation of the pituitary and pineal glands.

Smoother skin, few wrinkles and a younger look.

A gentle massaging of the abdominal organs including the liver, pancreas and stomach,

stimulating circulation

Increased elasticity of the lungs and rib cage and a higher level of breathing fitness.

Make deep breathing exercises an important part of your daily routine and you may be astounded

by the positive effects it has on the way you look, the way you feel and your overall health and


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Practice abdominal breathing. Abdominal breathing simply means that when you inhale, you

gently extend the stomach area forward. It's important that you do this without any strain

whatsoever and that you get into an easy, natural rhythm. Then, as you exhale, you just as gently

allow the stomach to return to its normal position. You may or may not find this difficult when you

give it a go. It doesn't matter. Do it anyway and keep on doing it because practice makes

improvement. The redeeming value you get is so worth the effort it takes to turn this practice into

a habit.

As you breathe in, push the stomach gently forward and the ribs sideways. Lift the chest and

collarbone at the same time. And remember to take in plenty of life-enriching oxygen. As you

exhale, simply let go and relax. Allow the lungs to empty.

Basic Breathing Exercise

1. Inhale for eight seconds.

2. Hold your breath for four seconds.

3. Exhale for eight seconds.

4. Hold your breath after exhaling for four seconds more.

5. Repeat this cycle five times in a row.

Start by doing this kind of breathing once or twice a day. Gradually increase the frequency and do

it as often as you can. The rewards are both instant and enduring from this all-natural method for

better health and vitality. As you go through each cycle, try to get into a regular rhythm. From the

ebb and flow of the tide, to the changes of the seasons and the planetary movement around the

sun, there's a natural rhythm to the universe. Rhythmic breathing helps bring your into a

harmonious vibration with nature, aiding in the healing and rejuvenating process of the body.

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Holding your breath can be good for you too. Whenever you retain your breath, you're providing

the optimum supply of oxygen – vital fuel that feeds the whole body. The air that is held is

purified, which increases the oxygenation of the blood. Retained breath also helps gather up

waste matter that is expelled during the exhalation phase. Holding it in helps your lungs become

more powerful and your chest stronger. You'll look and feel younger and more capable in your

own skin too.

Remember that oxygen is most important nutrient you can feed your body. It has zero calories

and is absolutely free. You can never wear yourself out by engaging in a deep breathing exercise

since there is no energy lost in the process.

Retained Breath Exercise

1. Inhale for eight seconds.

2. Hold your breath for sixteen seconds.

3. Exhale for eight seconds.

4. Hold your breath for sixteen seconds.

5. Repeat the cycle five times in a row.

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Letting Go of Stress Keeps You Younger

Stress can cause serious damage to the body. It can even kill you. Stress

amounts to a feeling of turmoil and upset. It represents “dis-ease” or the

opposite of being “at ease”. When you're stressed-out, you're out of

control. You simply need to learn to let it go, instead of clenching onto it.

Stress is a reality of modern life and it's virtually impossible to

completely avoid. But if you want to slow down rather than accelerate the aging cycle, you must

adopt an effective strategy of dealing with stress before it gets the best of you. With a relaxed

brain and nervous system, the body as a whole functions much better naturally. Frustration, upset

and tension of any kind impairs the smooth-running operation.

Stress raises blood pressure, forcing the heart to work overtime. When you don’t let stress drag

you down and you can remain relaxed, your entire being functions more efficiently and effectively.

Gain freedom from the nasty monster of stress and you'll feel better and look younger too.

It's been said that life can grind you down or polish you up and the result is solely-dependent on

how you take things. Life happens. How one responds to “life's happenings” makes all the

difference. It's the reaction that causes the aggravation, not the situation itself.

Stress is an internal thing before in manifests into physical symptoms. Try to look on the bright

side. Find the silver lining. Deal with the issue at hand and then let it go. If you harbor it, stress will

fester and more stress will get stacked on top and before you know it, you're completely

overwhelmed. Do what you need to do and then let it go. Remove yourself from the situation,

forget about allow yourself to recover from what just happened.

The human body is designed to cope with acute stress from mostly physical threats, not the

chronic, emotional stress that many people today suffer from like financial and relationship stress.

Since the body is not physically exhausted after dealing with a stressful event, it does not

completely relax after the event. So adequate time and the right conditions for recovery are just

not there and the stress lingers.

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Serious consequences follow. For example, there's a strong connection between stress and heart

disease. Stress often triggers high blood pressure, which taxes the heart. And in many cases, along

with the high blood pressure comes high levels of the adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones,

which create a state of physical readiness, increasing the heart and respiration rates and slowing

digestion. Invariably, stress ages us way beyond our years. Clearly we need to relax a lot more.

It can help to mentally detach from the situation. Separate your work from your home life. When

dealing with a difficult issue like death or divorce, it's important to have others in your support

group – people you know you can lean on. In your free time, vary your activities. Spend some time

with your favourite hobbies and then try something new. Engage in activities that make you feel

good. When you're in a positive frame of mind, life takes on a different perspective and you have

the energy and clarity of mind to handle any situation that arises.

Stop rushing so much – it's just not productive and it raises your stress level. You'll get it done and

your work will be better when you work productively and confidently. Relax and focus on one

element exclusively at a time. Set your work goals and get down to it – while you're working.

Proceed without worry by acting confidently, as though reaching the target was a sure thing. You

might as well look at it this way since worrying won't help and only causes a myriad of health

problems. Learn to think like an optimist. Positive thinking has a relaxing effect on the muscles and


Sometimes you've just got to let the stress out. Scream into a pillow... pound away at the heavy

bag in the gym... go for a long jog... watch a comedy show and laugh out loud... or, simply have a

good cry because that can be therapeutic too. After any of these activities, you'll very likely feel a

whole lot better. Whatever you do, don't hold onto the stress or it will drag you down and age you


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Nutrition Plays a Vital Role in Staying Young

As already mentioned, you should avoid processed foods completely. They may

taste good to you, but they can seriously put you at risk and age you prematurely.

Natural foods are the best to consume at any meal, or as snacks. Fresh fruit,

vegetables, nuts and seeds are readily available and in plentiful supply.

Take a closer look at the foods you routinely eat. Now let me ask you a simple question: Why do

you eat what you do? Think about it. Don't just spit out an answer. I think it's fair to say that our

diets are influenced largely by society and tradition. Chances are better than average that you eat

much the same diet you ate as a child. You've gotten used to certain foods and dishes and you've

carried on the tradition you likely learned from your parents. But where did they get the idea to

pull meals together in the way they did? Probably in the same way you did.

Generally speaking, we don't tend to consciously plan what were going to eat based on nutrition.

We eat out of habit – many of which were acquired a long time ago and are not very healthy – and

may even be downright dangerous. By the same token, it's probably best not to go overboard by

making a diet that's too restrictive. A complete shift may be necessary to reverse premature aging,

but you also have to consider how any changes will affect you psychologically. So, if you're used to

eating meat every day, to turn on a dime and switch to an all-vegan diet represents such a

dramatic shift, that you may feel as though missing out afterwards. Not that it can't be done, or

that your health wouldn't benefit immensely from this kind of transformation, but it would take a

determined effort and willpower to pull it off. So a more gradual approach might be more

practical for you.

To slow down or shut off premature aging, you'll want to strive for maximum health and this

includes having a healthy heart, nervous system, organs and glands, clear, fat-free arteries, fully-

oxygenated cells and a digestive system that is free of putrefaction.

Can you have it all? Yes, you can. But what it requires is to take greater care of your vital machinery

by eating for maximum nutrition, taking supplements and minimizing toxins in the body. Oh and

don't forget to exercise.

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Simple Dietary Action Steps To Improve Health and Reduce Aging

To keep things simple, below you'll find a list of easy tips to guide you on the path to maximum

health and age reversal. We've already covered most of these points, but this will serve as both a

reinforcement and reminder.

1. Give up processed, unnatural foods. Nutritional values for these foods have been destroyed

by processing and they're loaded with harmful chemicals. Degenerative diseases like

cancer, heart attack and stroke are principally caused by unhealthy foods. Know that there

are more than 3000 chemicals currently used in food processing.

2. Give up fast foods. These foods are also highly-processed, high in fat, sugar and chemical

additives to. If you want to avoid chronic fatigue and premature aging, you must steer clear

of those fast food places.

3. Stop overeating. Cut your portion size down by thirty to fifty percent. Eat less and live

longer. Fair trade? I think so!

4. Slash the fat, switch sugar to pure honey or maple syrup and get rid of processed salt and

replace it with sea salt and use it sparingly.

5. Eat slowly. Food should be fully enjoyed while it nourishes the body. What's the rush? By

following the ideas here, you're going to live longer anyway. Now begin to live in the

moment and fully enjoy the experience and this begins by eating slowly.

6. Eat more fresh fruit and eat it separately. Fruit is one of nature's most nutritious foods, but

when combined with other foods, fruit loses some of its healthful punch.

7. Eat more fresh vegetables and whole grains.

8. When given the choice, choose raw or cooked, and lightly steamed over any other cooking

method. Heating destroys the enzymes – that life-promoting element of fresh vegetables.

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9. Simplify your meal preparation by using fewer different food groups at one sitting. This

puts less demand on the digestive system as each food group required different enzymes

for digestion. If the system gets overloaded, the result is less digestion and more toxic


10. Add more fibre to your diet. Fibre lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol by

washing it away from the intestines. Fibrous foods hold water and create bulk, so they fill

you up faster and leave you satisfied longer, so you won't be as tempted to snack on candy

bars. Fibre also helps with regularity and prevents some cancers like colon cancer.

Everyday Foods That Promote Better Health

Following are some simple everyday foods that are good for you. Add these to your diet on a

regular basis and you will reap the rewards of better overall health and longevity.

Brown rice is far superior nutritionally to the more popular white rice. If our diet was designed live

long and prosper all of those years, this would simply be reversed. We would consume far more

brown rice and less white. White rice has gone through several processing steps before it is sold to

you and each of those steps diminishes the nutrient value of the rice.

Oatmeal is another healthy grain – the most valuable of all for rejuvenating the body and restoring

youth. Anyone looking to “turn back the clock” and live life large and healthfully should begin

today to eat oatmeal. Oatmeal is a powerful cholesterol fighter that also helps lower blood

pressure, strengthen the nerves and normalize sugar metabolism. Be careful though when

shopping for oatmeal. Since it's become known as a health food, suppliers have been adding

multiple things like brown sugar to oatmeal and processing beyond its original form. Look for

“large flake” or natural oatmeal, without any sweeteners or additives. Oats are a staple in the diet

of Scottish Highlanders – one of the hardiest races on earth.

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Of the three, I believe that rice and almond milk are the healthier choices and far superior to milk

produced from chemically-fed and antibiotic-treated cows. Organic soy can produce a great-

tasting and healthy milk too, but you want to be absolutely sure its organic because soy is the

most genetically-modified food on the planet. With all the advances made, nothing can touch

what Mother Nature has provided and messing with nature can produce serious consequences.

It's always best to make your own at home, but if you prefer t o buy, look for organic products

with no additives.

Yogurt is one dairy product that you should consume frequently. The bacteria existing in yogurt

contains partially-digested sugars and protein. It increases the beneficial and reduces the harmful

bacteria in the intestine and prevents putrefaction where poisons are absorbed into the body.

Yogurt helps heal an upset stomach and ulcers by neutralizing excess hydrochloric acid. It's also

one of the principle foods of long-living Bulgarians.

Raw nuts including almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts are a highly-concentrated source of nutrients

and energy and a quality vegetarian source of protein. Nuts are high in fat, but it is good fat of the

polyunsaturated kind and it assists in lowering cholesterol. Of all the nuts available the undisputed

nutritional champion is the almond. Almonds contain valuable minerals like zinc, magnesium,

potassium and iron, plus some of the B vitamins and they are rich in protein.

An easy way to get more almonds into your diet is with almond butter. You can grind almonds in a

coffee grinder or high-speed blender. When mixed with a little extra virgin olive oil – you've got a

delicious sandwich spread, or something that can be added to a simple stir for an authentic

Chinese or Thai dish. Due to their high-fat content, nuts do not keep well. You're better off buying

them in small quantities and using them while they're fresh.

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Honey is another one of those natural foods that manufacturers have jumped on and processed in

order to make it a more commercially-friendly product. But the less processing the better, so what

you want is raw, pure, unpasteurized honey and this version is usually only available from the

health food stores, or direct from beekeepers.

Honey is said to be Mother Nature’s own multivitamin, containing a wide variety of vitamins and

minerals – among these is an impressive level of disease-fighting antioxidants. Use honey in place

of sugar. For a delicious drink, combine soy or rice milk with honey and melted, unsweetened dark

chocolate. Or drizzle raw honey on fresh apple slices, sprinkled with cinnamon.

Broccoli is as strong detoxifier and is one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. It's widely

available and affordable, putting it within the reach of anyone who's serious about improving their

health and beating the average life-span.

Broccoli is low in fat and low in cholesterol and is a good source of protein, fibre and minerals

including: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. It also contains

vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, plus riboflavin, folate and vitamin B6. With all this

nutrition and at just 45 calories per serving – broccoli is a powerhouse that everyone should eat in


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Fresh Fruit: Nature's Perfect Age-Reversing Food

Fruit is nature's most delicious gift – and most perfect food group. With

virtually all the body's vitamin, mineral and carbohydrate covered, plus most of

the protein and fat needs – fruit in general is valuable, life-enhancing asset for

everyone to enjoy. With a variety of nutrient-packed fresh fruits readily

available all year long, there's no reason not to make fruit a major component

of your diet.

When consumed on its own, most fruits help eliminate toxins from the body and it's a process that

seems to work best in the mornings – from about 6am to 11am – to work in tandem with the

body's natural elimination cycle.

Fruit is a water-rich food making it a highly compatible substance for human consumption, since

the blood is eighty percent water and the brain, thirty percent water. Water inside fruit is in its

purest form and therefore, most of the water we consume should come from fruit. Since fruit is

light and water-rich, it requires far less energy to digest than most other foods. And it's perfectly

suited to the human digestive system. What's more is the natural sugar (fructose) within fruit

releases energy into the body. So instead of depleting the body's energy reserves during

digestion, fruit unleashes a boost resulting in a net gain of energy and vitality.

To enjoy optimum health and delay aging as much as possible, you should strive for a diet that

consists of approximately fifty percent fruit. That's right. Half of all you eat in a day, week, or

month should be nothing but easy to digest fruit. Since the fat content of fruit is so low, you can

make it a major part of your diet and at the same time substantially decrease your risk of cancer,

heart disease, stroke and other brain-related serious illnesses. Fruit should be enjoyed as snacks as

well as at meal time. Its colors are vibrant and bright and its natural sugars satisfy the desire for

something sweet. The daily consumption of fruit is a crucial part of stopping aging in its tracks,

rolling back the years and boosting vitality.

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Among the most nutritious (and delicious) fruits are:

The average Apple has 3 grams of fibre and is about 75 calories. Apples contain antioxidants called

flavonoids, which may help reduce the risk of developing diabetes and asthma. For maximum

nutrition and flavour, be sure to eat the skin too.

For healthy monounsaturated fats that help reduce cholesterol, avocados are ideal. Just half an

avocado weighs in at 114 calories and contains 4.5 grams of fibre. Mash it to make a guacamole

topping, or spread on bread in place of butter and add some lettuce, sprouts and tomato for a

delicious and healthy sandwich.

Bananas are packed with potassium and can help lower blood pressure levels. One average-size

banana contains 105 calories and 3 grams of fibre. It is also a source of vitamin B6 and folate. Best

enjoyed on their own as a snack food, bananas can also top whole grain cereal or yogurt for added

sweetness and nutrition.

Half a cup of blackberries contain 4 grams of fibre and just 31 calories. A rich, purple color,

blackberries contain the antioxidant, anthocyanin, which is said to help reduce the risk of cancer

and stroke. Blackberries are delicious in a fruit salad, or served with yogurt.

Blueberries are another fruit that is loaded with antioxidants. In fact, when measured against 60

other fresh fruits and vegetables, blueberries came out on top as an antioxidant, making it a

strong weapon against cancer-causing free radicals. Blueberries may also help reduce the risk of

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

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Cantaloupe contains Vitamin A, folate and potassium. It also measures high in the antioxidant,

beta-carotene, which among other helpful benefits may also reduce the risk of cataracts. One full

cup of cantaloupe is just 50 calories, so it's easy to satisfy one's hunger without packing on extra


Cherries and sour cherries in particular, contain vitamin C and more of the powerful antioxidant

anthocyanin than any other fruit. This component is thought to be effective in minimizing the pain

of arthritis and gout while reducing inflammation.

Half a cup of goji berries contain 90 calories and 2.5 grams of fibre. Goji berries are also a valuable

source of vitamin A along with 5 other vitamins, a whopping 21 minerals and a whole host of

antioxidants, making this tiny berry a nutritional powerhouse. Usually available dried form at

health and bulk food stores, gojji berries added to hot oatmeal make a delicious breakfast.

Grab a handful of grapes and in half a cup, you're getting, one gram of fibre, 53 calories,

manganese and the powerful antioxidant, resveratrol, which may help lower blood pressure and

reduce the risk of blood clotting and stop stomach, colon and breast cancer.

Grapefruit is a source of vitamin A, as well as lycopene and flavonoids, which may help guard

against the development of cancer. Pectin, a soluble fibre, is also present in grapefruit and it may

help lower cholesterol. Half a grapefruit contains 52 calories and 2 grams of fibre.

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Another nutritional powerhouse, Kiwi is a source of vitamin C (there's more vitamin C in kiwis than

in oranges), vitamin E, magnesium and potassium. It is said that Kiwi can help in the development

and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, gums and cartilage. Kiwi may also help lower

triglyceride levels in the blood, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Mango is a source of vitamin A and vitamin E and is high in antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin,

which may help reduce age-related macular degeneration and protect vision. Half a mango weighs

in at 54 calories and 1.5 grams of fibre and can be enjoyed in a fruit salad, smoothie, dessert,

chutney, or lassi – a delicious Indian drink made of mango, yogurt and ice.

One average orange contains 62 calories and 3 grams of f ibre and is a source of vitamin C, folate

and potassium. Oranges also contain the phytochemical hesperidin, which is thought to lower

both triglyceride cholesterol levels in the blood. Though oranges make a delicious snack on their

own, they can also be added to smoothies, salads, desserts or marmalades.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps with digestion. Papaya is also known for its

ability to help maintain healthy skin. Half a papaya contains 59 calories, 3 grams of fibre, as well as

folate, vitamin A and vitamin C.

Peaches are high in vitamin A which is said to help regulate the immune system and can help fight

off infections. One average-size peach contains 58 calories and 2 grams of fibre. Best enjoyed

when freshly-picked at the peak of ripeness, peaches also taste great on smoothies, lassis,

desserts and fruit salads.

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The pear is rich in soluble fibre, making it an excellent digestive aid. It also helps reduce

cholesterol, making it a valuable tool in guarding against heart disease. One medium-size pear

contains 96 calories and 5 grams of fibre. Pears make a delicious and nutritious mid-afternoon


Another known digestive aid, pineapple contains a natural enzyme called bromelain, which helps

break down protein and soothes digestion. Bromelain is also believed to inhibit the growth of

cancer cells, help wounds heal faster and prevent the formation of blood clots. Half a cup of diced

pineapple contains just 40 calories and 1 gram of fibre.

Half a pomegranate contains 53 calories and less than one gram of fibre. It's a source of vitamin A,

potassium and the antioxidant, tannins, which can help maintain normal blood pressure levels and

reduce the risk of heart disease. May be enjoyed fresh, juiced, or added to a smoothie.

Just half a cup of raspberries give you 4 grams of fibre in only 32 calories. Raspberries also contain

foliate and magnesium and are particularly rich in the antioxidant, ellagic acid, which may help in

the prevention and treatment of some cancers.

Strawberries are a source of vitamin C and several other antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory

properties help prevent hardening of the arteries and may also inhibit the growth of cancerous

tumours. At just 23 calories and 1.5 grams of fibre per half-cup, strawberries can be enjoyed at any

time. Delicious when served on top of pancakes, waffles or yogurt, strawberries are perfect in

smoothies or when served as dessert.

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Though it's usually thought of as a vegetable, the tomato is actually part of the fruit family.

Tomatoes contain vitamin A, folate and potassium and are nature's best source of lycopene, a

powerful antioxidant that helps lower cholesterol levels, playing an important role in

cardiovascular health.

Watermelon is delicious any time and particularly enjoyable on a hot summer's day due to its 92%

water content. Half a cup of diced watermelon contains just 23 calories and less than a gram of

fibre so it can satisfy the desire for something sweet without overloading on calories. Watermelon

also contains lycopene which is also important for maintaining healthy bones.

Unrefined Grains Are Good Too

One of the most dramatic – and effective – steps you can take to reverse the aging process is to

replace all processed grains with their unprocessed counterparts. Unrefined grains contain far

more nutrients and fibre than the over-processed, but commonly available refined grains.

Refined grains include white or all purpose flour and all the baked goods made from it. It also

includes packaged cereals, white rice, and white pasta too.

The problem with refined grains from a health perspective is that many of the nutrients like the

vitamin E in whole wheat (the original product from which white flour is made) is wiped out during

the grinding and high-heat milling processes. When the germ and bran is removed, along with it

goes ninety percent of the nutritional content of the wheat kernel. What you're left with is mostly

starch, which is further ground to produce refined flour.

Excessive consumption of refined grains can lead to digestive problems that range from the

relatively minor like constipation, to the potentially life-threatening diseases like colon or bowel


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It's time to take a serious look at refined grains and begin making healthier choices. It's mind-

boggling just how widespread the use of refined grains has become in western society. But if we

are ever going to make a significant difference in improving the average life-span, we need to

think very seriously about getting back to a more natural and less-refined approach.

There are simple steps you can take to begin the shift to more unrefined grains. For example,

although white pasta occupies eighty to ninety percent of the total shelf space in supermarkets

devoted to pasta, there are numerous options available that are much better in your quest to

maintain a more youthful body and spirit. Whole wheat pastas can be had in just about any form.

Some manufactures have combined whole wheat and white flour, making it a somewhat healthier

choice over the all-white variety, but making it less of a transition from a taste perspective. Still, a

better option to whole wheat is brown rice pasta. This pasta is lightly flavoured and slightly nutty

tasting, making it a delicious and nutritious alternative to the nutritionally-empty and starchy white


Unrefined grains contain plenty of life-promoting nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin B, and

vitamin E. Additionally, grains are a potent source of enriching minerals like calcium, phosphorous,

magnesium, iron and zinc. And while fruit and vegetables are a dynamic duo of vital nutrition, they

are low in phosphorous, which is crucial to maintaining healthy brain tissue and abundant in

unrefined grains.

When it comes to regaining youthful health and vitality and delaying the advancement of aging,

whole grains make an important contribution. Unrefined grains are a good source of vegetarian

protein. They are packed with vitamin B, vitamin E, essential fatty acids and lecithin, which allows

the tissue of the body to use oxygen effectively and helps protect against the onset of heart


Oats and brown rice are the top two choices of grains for improving your health. Oats (and

oatmeal) are nutritious and filling. They also reduce bad (LDL) cholesterol and improve the

functioning of the nerves. Brown rice is also highly-nutritious and stimulates the forming of less

acid than either wheat or oats.

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You should however, eat whole grains in moderation. They tend to be acidic in nature and produce

an acidic state in the tissues and blood. Also, grains require cooking (diminishing somewhat their

nutritional values) and they burn up plenty of energy during digestion. But the high nutrient

content of whole unprocessed grains makes then an excellent addition to the anti-aging diet.

Excessive Protein Is a Common Problem

You don't have to look very far to observe the mass overconsumption of protein – particularly

protein of the animal variety. It seems that everywhere you go, main meals are begin with a main

protein and everything else plays second fiddle. It's this “meat and potatoes” thinking that is a

huge part of the problem. Even today, it's staggering just how many restaurants offer plentiful

meat-based dishes and precious few alternatives. Somehow this tradition of eating meat has

become a fundamental component of our dietary habits. But is it making us healthier or sicker? I'll

leave that up to you to decide. But I think we could all benefit from a more natural diet and that

means less meat.

It seems that there's a deeply ingrained belief at a fundamental level in western culture that we

need lots of protein in order to be strong and healthy. But when you begin to dig into the facts, a

totally different story emerges. Obviously the meat producing industry will do whatever they have

to do to protect their profits. They even went after Oprah of all people – one of the most adorned

and wealthy people in America. But I urge you to do your own investigating and draw your own

conclusions. I'm sharing with you what I've discovered and my intention here is to merely open

eyes and get readers to question their habits and dietary choices so they live longer, healthier


For many people, their protein comes from meat that has a high-fat content and this can lead to

problems like heart disease and stroke. High-protein diets can trigger biochemical imbalances and

a vitamin B deficiency. Amino acids in excess protein are converted into fat by the liver, a process

that releases nitrogen that puts added stress on the kidneys and is eventually excreted through

the urine. A by-product of protein metabolism is uric acid – a toxic substance that often ends up in

the tissues of the body and causing arthritis.

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Protein burns up more energy than any other food during digestion. It has been proven in several

different studies that protein consumption actually diminishes physical endurance. This is a

complete reversal of the myth, and yet the myth perpetuates.

It seems that not only do we get too much protein, but we get it from sources that are of

questionable health value – meat and milk. Both are huge industries and will continue to be until

more people wake up to the fact that other options exist that are far healthier. For example, if

heart disease is a concern, you can switch to a low-protein, mostly vegetarian diet and reduce your

risk of a heart-related problem by ninety percent – or more. If premature aging is a big worry –

stop consuming animal proteins (particularly meat) and you'll stop or seriously reduce the

production of toxins and acidity in the tissues, slash intestinal putrefaction, and slow the

degeneration of your vital organs.

Excessive meat consumption is an assault on the body. It's completely unnatural, reduces one's

health, speeds up aging and is a major factor in many serious, life-threatening diseases.

Vegetarian protein sources include split peas, lentils, raw nuts and soybeans and soy milk. If you're

worried about a protein deficiency on a mostly vegetarian diet, you should know that raw nuts

have twice the protein of meat. If you think you can't do without meat, try preparing dishes like

stir fries. Try loading these up with healthy, vital vegetables, and then add a little beef, chicken or


You really can make a difference in the state of your health and it begins by opening one's mind,

tracking sources, reading labels and questioning habits.

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How To Enjoy Younger-Looking Hair

Healthy hair is the result of a healthy body. If you want more youthful-looking

hair, it can be yours as you begin living a more natural and healthy life. Healthy

hair is thick and abundant, with a natural sheen. It's something that is apparent

on the young, vibrant and healthy. But for those who have suffered with an

illness over a long period of time, the hair is just as telling about one's overall

condition though it's loss of vitality.

One of the first steps to improving the quality (and perhaps quantity) of your hair is to trim the

excess fat from the diet. At first glance, you might not connect the dots. But the cholesterol that

clogs arteries also jams up the blood vessels supplying that supply the hair follicles.

Smoking is thought to do the same damage by constricting the blood vessels that supply the scalp.

A high-fat diet combined with smoking only compounds the problem. When you give up tobacco,

lose the fat and improve circulation, vital oxygen and nutrients can travel through all available

channels and provide what is needed most.

To stop hair loss, give up salt in your diet as it has been linked to premature and excessive hair loss.

Refined white sugar and alcohol are said to destroy vitamin B in the body – which is an essential

nutrient for thick, healthy hair.

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Following are some supplements and additional steps you can take to improve the quality of your

hair, so not only do you feel younger, you'll look younger too. These include:

Vitamin B6 (folic acid) is said to aid protein metabolism. Since hair is created from protein, it

makes sense to ensure that you're getting enough of this vitamin.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is said to widen the blood vessels, producing and increase in the blood supply

to the hair follicles and triggering new re-growth.

Vitamin B5 is said to prevent premature aging, hair turning gray as well as hair loss.

Vitamin C helps promote healthy growing hair, while aiding in the prevention of numerous health

conditions caused by free radicals that can cause damage to your hair.

Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and enhances your immune system, allowing the body to function

as it is designed and maintain the health of your hair and skin. It is also said that Vitamin E helps to

increase blood flow to the scalp.

Iodine is a mineral that's essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. A poorly-

functioning thyroid gland causes hair to dry, thin and fall out. To get more iodine, take kelp. You'll

gain additional benefits too as kelp is also rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorous

– which also promotes healthy, glowing hair.

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Lecithin is rich in cholin, inositol and phosphorous – all helpful hair growth stimulants. The best

natural source of lecithin is organic soy. You can also find lecithin granules in bulk and health food

stores. Just be sure that you're getting lecithin from organic soy and not genetically-modified soy.

Stress may be a root cause of hair loss because it can constrict the tiny blood vessels in the scalp,

resulting in reduced blood flow. The obvious solution is to reduce any stress in your life by

changing your perspective, removing yourself from stressful situations, engaging in relaxation

exercises like meditation and visualization, deep breathing and physical exercise.

Inversion therapy may be helpful too. Similar in effect to doing headstands or handstands,

inversion therapy uses a table to reverse the effects of gravity on the body. Essentially you're

strapped in and flipped upside down, thereby relieving gravity's usual downward pressure on the

discs of the spine and joints. It also stimulates an increase in blood flow to the scalp, creating a

more favorable condition for healthy hair growth.

Similarly, a scalp massage can be almost as helpful, without the need for any extra equipment as it

relaxes the muscles and increases blood flow to all regions of the scalp. Since healthy hair growth

relies on good blood circulation to the scalp, massage could be one of the tools you may want to


It's also a good idea to switch to a kinder, gentler shampoo. Read the ingredients on the shampoo

you're now using and you may be shocked at the number of chemical additives. Your shampoo

may be bright in color and smell nice, but are all those chemicals compatible and completely safe?

Most commercial shampoos remove too much of the natural oil of vibrant, healthy hair. You may

be better off buying your shampoo from the health food store. Look for natural blends that

include jojoba, aloe-vera, or rosemary, without the harsh additives.

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Yoga Is Good For You at Any Age

Yoga has been around for thousands of years. Everyone has heard about it, but proportionally,

very few engage in this natural method of maintaining good health. Yoga involves the whole

system – the body, brain and nervous system – and it has a profound effect on one's peace of

mind and quality of sleep. Yoga is considered by many of its advocates to be the best form of

exercise in existence. Of course, yoga is more than just exercise. It's a complete program of body

stretches, deep breathing and connecting with one's spiritual source.

Yoga helps the brain, spine and glands – getting everything working at peak efficiency. Practicing

yoga on a daily basis means you'll look younger, feel more youthful and energized and you'll sleep

a whole lot better as well.

Yoga poses are a series of movements that are low-impact exercises that force you to stretch in

ways you might never have stretched before. If that's the case, you will undoubtedly find it

difficult to successfully accomplish many of the poses in the beginning. But I urge you to stick with

it because as you limber up, it gets easier. And the long term effects can be transformational.

Deep yoga breathing means you'll increase the supply of oxygen to all the tissues of the body and

this oxygenation process makes those tissues and organs healthier, while improving their natural


Most of us shrink with age. We look older too as the spinal discs get compressed as we age and

our flexibility is decreased. Over the years, we suffer a gradual reduction in the size of the spinal

discs between the vertebrae. Gravity is the cause – and the enemy in this case. What happens is all

that downward pressure on the spinal nerves actually affects all the organs of the body.

Fortunately, there's a yoga pose that can work wonders on this “spinal shrinkage” effect. It's

called the plough posture and it involves lying flat on your back on a mat or carpet. When you're

ready, try to hold your legs straight and then up and over your head, so your toes are at or near

the floor behind you. Breathe slowly and deeply and focus your mind on stretching the spine.

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Try holding the pose for one minute. To end the exercise, slowly begin to uncurl the spine and

return to the position of lying flat on the floor. This single exercise can make your spine more

flexible, it opens up the spinal discs and stretches the muscles and ligaments. If you suffer from

Arthritis, neck or back stiffness, this exercise can really help you. It's a spine rejuvenating exercise

that benefits the whole body.

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Keeping Your Brain in Peak Condition

A big part of the anti-aging solution is brain health and the sooner you begin to

reverse any gradual decline – the better. When you improve the functioning of

the brain, you improve in your level of intelligence. This is important because

when you boost your intelligence, every aspect of your life improves along

with it. You make better choices, communicate with increased lucidity, pick up

on important details and get to experience more of the “juice” of life.

Typically, the brain gets smaller as we age and this decrease is accelerated by an over-indulgence

of alcohol. But a healthy diet and lifestyle, combined with mental exercises like playing scrabble,

completing crosswords and learning new skills can help keep the brain in peak working order for a


It's the brain that captains the ship. It controls the activity of every organ and has nerve

connections to each and every cell of the body through the nervous system and spinal cord. If the

brain is not functioning at an optimal level, the rest of the body suffers the consequences.

You've got to do whatever you can to protect and nourish the brain. Your level of vitality and

energy experienced at any moment in time is largely the product of the brain. That's where you

feel old or young, energized or depleted, fresh and invigorated or stale and worn out. Keep the

brain in good working order and you retain control of your destiny. Let it get away from you and

you lose this vital, individual power and freedom.

Society is beginning to wake up the importance of mental health in one's performance on the job.

That's why many organizations now allow “mental health” days as paid vacation days, to allow

employees to refresh, recharge and revitalize the brain. It's a time to step away from the rigors of

the typical workday and spend time nurturing your inner self. It's a great idea whose time has

come and should now be expanded on a much larger scale, giving everyone an equal opportunity

for self-renewal.

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Apart from extra time away from the job, there are some positive steps you can take to ensure a

healthy brain and a longer, more fully-functional life. First and foremost, you simply must get a

good night's sleep every night. Sleep time is renewal time – not just for the body but the brain as

well. If you're not sleeping well, you're paying the price with a decrease – sometimes markedly so

– in your mental abilities. Without adequate rest, you'll be constantly reminded by the body. It may

be in the form of yawning or an overall mental fuzziness. However it presents itself – it’s a

distraction that will interrupt your focus and performance. Treat sleep as a sacred thing and refuse

to compromise – or you will pay with an impaired mental functioning.

Work at increasing the blood flow to the brain. When you increase blood flow, you increase the

amount of oxygen and nutrients sent to the power center. This is vital. Remember that oxygen is

the body's most vital nutrient and it's the fuel that keeps the brain running like a finely-tuned,

twelve cylinder engine. Deep breathing is the solution and it's something we all need to do in

greater quantities. Ensuring that a proper supply of oxygen gets to the brain is a relatively easy

task. But it takes conscious effort to repeatedly think of doing it and following through.

Complete the breathing exercises discussed early several times each day and whenever you set

foot outdoors, remember to take in deep, invigorating fresh air as often as you can. Deep

breathing improves all functions of the brain including critical thinking, memory and intelligence as

it supplies a fresh shipment of rich, oxygenated blood. Another trick is to splash cold water onto

your closed eyes. This is said to stimulate the brain directly through the optic nerve that connects

the eyes to the brain.

A healthy diet based on fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains serves the brain well, as it

does the whole organism. Control your fat consumption and remember to never overeat.

Additionally, there are vitamin supplements you might want to try to help shore up any

deficiencies in this area. Gingko Biloba shows promise as it tends to improve blood flow in small

blood vessels. Omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish, plant and nut oils have been linked to

a lower risk of Alzheimer's, while vitamin E may slow the progression of this terrible disease. The

enzyme, acetyl-L-carnitine may help with memory loss in Alzheimer's patients and may be of

greatest benefit at the early onset stage.

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Normal aging is a fact of life. But far too many of us suffer from

premature aging which diminishes the value of our life experience

and ultimately cuts it short by a number of years. If you live the way

most people do, eat the same kind of unhealthy foods, and exercise

as infrequently, it would be unreasonable to expect that you would

age any differently, or live any longer in good health.

But if you want to get more living out of life and you want to beat the averages – it's well within

your power to do so. It will take dedication and consistent action and it all begins by making the

decision to do it.

I've outlined some simple ideas and action steps you can follow here. It's not a one-time thing.

Unfortunately, there's no single switch to flip of pill to pop. Slowing or reversing the aging process

takes focus and consistent action.

I can tell you with certainty that these methods work to flush toxins out of the body and feed

oxygen and nutrients to all of its cells. Deep breathing helps purify the blood and aerobic exercise

strengthens the heart and energizes you. Start with a healthier diet that's rich in fruits, vegetables

and sprouts. De-stress at every opportunity and supplement your diet with life-giving vitamins and


The main thing is that you get started and follow through on a rejuvenating and anti-aging

program that suits you. Make the commitment to live healthier for the next year. I promise that if

you do this, you will experience a richer, more fulfilling life now and for many more years to come.