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V 6L . X lll.' Ko. 129. ■. TVVm FALLS, IDAHO, W KDNIi:SlM '^ ~ ¥ E l'T K M [i5 r 2'l7~l!^i3'u ° ^ ^ ‘^ ^ ' •iVaSI,;,''"^"* -----------P R j o i f F lV E ^ i^ ~ ' • IITilJ lUlfTDdDn IC Burned Dead Husband’s W fta tii M a i- W CSIICDP jnD A kinr k ^ i l ^ r i S o T o > ,^ IJ T v , X ^4- ---------------- ^ u n I IIIL lu UUO Body ~ ° TTiicai. ^xaiix^ LLHUlI\0ttfll>HI'luL ouspcci m Alieiupieu GIEEIS llflflEP o' ^ ~ G e tS r B u m ^ “ Attelltl^^^ i pnnnr nr nm Of LoCEI G M CIIK’AQO. Schi. II;I'1--T 1i.i nr tli« .Knriu tlurunii. iiiitnmoiinl[ ' i r ^ l J T 1- ■ilHNTC HFBHF<: : Arrested at Salt Lake ■■ Crowd Estimated At 3,000 ^ ; ' Secs Oostfi _and BcUonto Land at Salt Luke City; Plaoe Guarded by Soldiers .MU.V1CIP.U. AlUI’OilT. SAhT ' U K B OITY, i;i«i,. aoi.1. st (t;i-),. '■—SmIIInK lliul ii(lal)l<i, blouluniio » CoMo nnd Muiirlrc i!i>11oiil.', fr.'iirl. trnn«--\ilniiHf!-. Oj-pm. mi ihclr; Iilano Krnlly ilttwn ul ili.- mii-iL' , .unj-u*f»4■»»'»^lll^lM.r■ re ,'u i^'.<M,,•! „ tl UclURo of wclcoiiic. Tlicy flc»-] " trmii nciivff rnrlj’ loilny In iliHriAfi fiimuuK Mcjivli-i nnd Bruy lOiuh.' llic^-ii, Question. Murk. !,,„ Tlic rrccpiinn of tlui- famoii*'to' Krenclimon wnn Ui no wl»e Ulmln-lAr inlieil liy il>(, iio.iiiioncnicnt of:,.! tliclr Dciivor-Sitll Uikc flliBl ,,, Tiicmlny iie<:e«hltnled Iiy tm or.ily-i , ins.condition* In ili.. lu.clileH, ' " A. tomnilKoo wnri*H- wdronicd; llio flycM nnd ii lulf lioiirV iiro.ll , liruDi wns liclil on the field. Tlioij," nlano WM cureJully guarded liy! Boldlnr* whllo pollcu kppi Hid f •crow<| In cliccK. l ’" ' • fiicnrtod hy i.lx |ilwiw. . iha;!|:i Qucmlon Mark aiiproiiclii'd 'fn.mj iniidc a ihruc polnl IniidInK'after i.|ll fIrclliiB the nlriiorl (wlcc. |l| Tlie crnwil nf n|iyroxlnii(ioly :i.OOO flii'orvO .iinil sluiuicd "Vivo iiti'lo tlio reccplinn commltloc. Ill Kranci'" nii.tlio Lis pUine tailed Conto and Jtclloiilo waved a rsjily to ific Kfccilne. Tlioy Ilien nicppeil o i i f n f llie Jilano nml wcro officlnlly KfcoleO . Vy . tliy nnd alnto offlelaln. ' •Tlio fllslii took flvo.hoiirn nml iilno jiilimiM, TonlRlii the riyorn wtll W tlic Kiienui at nn Informiil . Imminui I>( und Jaler will iinrtlclimtc In tlui forimil rorupilun n l'llio Morniom tnliernncle. . . . 1 Promplly nt 10 p. in.—tliey lii- «Ul lliM ll bo mu liitor-Cuato 1 mill llfilloiiio will rollro to 4liHr liotPi, to got n piod nlKlit'K-r»Kiq Thi<y plan to lake oft nt S~n. in. .Tliiirjitay-for Bo!*6 whoro nniillicr T cntli$3lullc miiAlbn'il.Woli(t.' '* [ '■ 't ' M .,- ••••'____ , Ol - U tah Pioneer Passes H - ____ . . I.II, . SALT likt: CITV, - 80|11. 21 . (UPj—A pioneer UUlin ' wlio« carjy carcer unn iinimlnonily liliiiitiricil with HtAto duTuloiimonl In ‘MIirncK 1..1I ('o(|iiotte„ iicrordliiK’ yt lo.,W(ird recclveil hero; iw ’Flo'wns Simiiul N'ewliuune'who I li) in tlio iBttiir pun of ••■lho in)h|w coolnry ami tlii' forepart of .llivj .:!0(li eentiiry wnn a luadur Ui|ki l!t#Ji. Wii'rlnif rccont yonrti h« lirni;,,, liefli rwldlni! In Franco. ' ji,-, •ttllAN I: ^ 1 iuW ll-:. Sftitemlinr' (Spce. In .lanf-T'*r«l. kllKorc. Hnwlton, nn- -vl laR tlio Mlttry Conntruellun com- m .linny oiid Alfred Coy, for' $17,0nu dl •ttiteover liiJurlcD rccoivod In nn '(iccldlint lani.Moy S. covorliii;'totiii vl orUltne uud woilt. moillcai ircai- '.uioQi.nml <1o«tniclIon lilH car. i,| ' wna- awnnlNl MCUO, nccorilinK to «, •ftiyordlct remrned ljy the Jury ai ,y 'tlie. .uponhiK hckhIoh of Ilto iilm- ,v r k l coiirl nl Jeromo WoilncMilay „ inornlnK. Thv'atill bOK»n MoiiUny 'JomJl*trlct--court ’unilor Judin i, WJJllam A. Uabcock. TWln KulH. - KIlROro WON returnlnR to 'llutel- ton,from T«*ln.Fnll|i Inat Mny n. f vfljen hi* cnr n«d the cur of Alfrcil ^ Coy. then In lho eniplny of Mliiry Cfltiilrucllon comiinny. tollltli'd whon Coy uilomplod tn lurn on lol^lho hlshwny; toward. TwInI.M I'allii. It waj M«i)ri«d Uml KllROrc w - III"- ’lo p -n t AS ‘hit-car nnd over a fonco ^0 fcot P ,away. Slnco thn'l Ilme lio hun -bcsn h ' unitblo lo work. II wnu ,cliilmvd. N -^lulntlfrii nttornoy'u wero R. 1-. Prary nml J. I‘i»ul Thoiiinn. Twin Falln, anil Wuj'no Durclny. Joroiur. ‘ Uolhwoll Bnd-Ctinpmun, Twin Fall:i ‘roproaenteJ ilio defenJoniH. ^ ' '■ . ", ■ , c It Happens l ° Eyi>ryilayl . Someono tlndi wlml lUoy wur.i 4 thru tlio CliiHiilflod Column!! ' of (ll'o Tlinex. Sumo unu tti.'mi h InnK nniiMiI hlV of fiirnl- *' ture Into cMli via the Clnimlfl- cti roiilo.. •■' Yoii ean’t iifforil' to pwiaup' • tlio oppnrttmlty offered J>y IIiI h dulclf, oa«y \\;By of-.-merchan- i ' (Illllns. Watch tho Tlmcu W.iiK r Adn tlic}^ are Krowlns dnlly— Proof of Iholr pcputiirliyl j j You Can'Phone Your- * ' Ad- in—Juit Call idalio-'EV^ii^g Times i 11’ , ifiei- a ixiit miirl<-m exiimlnuitlml' hottpa pi>l»i)ii In the li(id)- of her luhhaml, J. K. Arnot. fm ier <!1:id- ow. Monlann. Imnkrr, Mrx. Annii] irnut, lelKtvo,.wns cliarscd withi Irnl decree innrdcr. Arnoi dicii j; mmtli IIIIO, fiippniK'dly of <biirni :ml niifrocadnii. ^frH. Aniol tolil'Sl lollco Hint licr lintiliand liud tnkon lulHon by miHlnku nnd (hut nhe, . cnrlnK Ili3 nlory would nol liu lullei-cil,' had tried tn bnni lil.i JOify In the liasumeni .'.f her . loiiie i>» Hint tlio pohionliiK wmild lot -be illwuvered. '■ '* iuiyRms : STORWiie^ Long Period of Dl Feeling Preceded Shooting: of M. O.i Myerfl by Dudley C., Gray, jJ'' Maryland Aullioritics Find ti BAI.TIMORB, aqpt.' U'- TllB Ktory ut haired nnd Junluun.ll* S' valry 'wplifBlf emTiltti'r'cd ll.t ll^cn of Dudloy'O. Grny nnd yiixwoll =■ C. Mycr*. wealthy rullroad execii- llVM, unfolded loiluy liufore lnve.v|* tlKuiorn HGckliii: lilddini duiulU ur;^' lho niurdcr-xuleldo trucrdy. j " {■ollcu flli-1 cuntalnud n .HOrUld: ‘ rceiiril of (ho Kcetio Ihut look place! ' In IllU iironlilcnt'M clinnihcr of Iho \Ve.tern-Mi.ryluiid-r,Hlr..«d-ofnco» yenlerdiiy. niieii I’renldeiit .\lycrn wnx nhot elslil Ilmen and hilled ,, liy .(irny. tin. first vico preiildenl. who (nok hh owd lire. ' Thone whn worked 'with lh«m knew Ilyeni nnd (Irny wcro cue- nilex. -They m-ldom Kpoke excoplL, In Ihelr iici'CRHary biiuliiunK .cnn-^jj m ili:'TlH .'> UI!U’ 'tlllUlUI l■ .■|H!■B|^"■T^ pOBuil on ninltem of imllry. , Gray wnx C2'nm l lmd lioon wltli - (lie riMil uliico i;-i;i. Uyer* wnx lU| ii yuur« hill Junlnr. had none over Ioir the \Ve»turn Mnrylnnd from lho' arcnt NortJicrn nt ubonl tho xnmo tliiici, and liud beun iiciimoU'd'uVor f,' oraj-:— .------- ' - ' N Tliclr iiennalntniiuo untended t< hiieli lo 1301. wben Gray wnx ii fll- .r vlnlon frol>;Iit nKcni for the llalil* fi moro and Ohln nnd Ilyern wan divinlnii ciiKlncer. ' Grny. iiltlniiKuly. lieniinti traffic ' vice prcBlilent of (ho WoHiern li .Murylaml. nyem, wlio luul lieoif nx-idi Hlntnnt to thn prexhlent.'.had nindoU) (lUch a fnTornlilo record tbnt Iio “ was choacn for tho |ircnldchry ]t .1' wax (linn llilit ar.iy’» ho\tllliy to* " wnrd tho yonnKor cxccntlve, nl- (hoiiRh well nulnliieil, llrnt buRan ( --------------------- ---- 5 0. Stedm an Passes WA.S111N(1T0N Sepl. J l- C h a r lc s M. atedmnni . Intlmato of "atnnu- wall" Jaclmon d'irliiK lti,i) C|vll \ Ai!ttr..umlJiiiiui-uli)ri«cliC.vftiiKr.««4:^ pnxncd av'ny huro yenterday. ilo hnd licen n rcpre«cn(a(lvo front North Carollnu nlnco 1!>U, nUIJKIlS V,l)lIM).lil‘1I.TV •LOS ANdra^l-M, Supl. l’l (UP) t —Cllenn Rorom, M, .recently nc- „ OUlltcd nf luurderlns n (lolleemnn, / wnn fonml’ Rulliy l>y n xuporlor , court Jury Inm nlphi on, chnrfccH i or poxnefmlng u bludRcon. j T o d a y’s G am es j .UIKUIC'AX l,KA«trK ‘I . Al.ltomin: ‘ 'U H E u Wntlilnglnfi 012 000 000— 3 .9 0. lioxton .........OOD oco Olx— 0 10 .0 I l|a(lerlci: Crowder and Jlur- i Kruve; L.!xenlivo and liovltiK- i • j{ATI()N^lKA(iUK I -Al Phfludolpliln: ' 11 It K ■ Ilrooklyn .....200 uuo 0 0 1 - ;» 11 1 Phlln........... _.J01--«20 OUx~ C n 3 ( lloKerlcn; Moxh. . iriiunilon. < I’helim nnd Iioberry; Mllllican otid i llonia. ' . _ . « M0 ^ ai Plti*bur£)i; . ■ ' ' .(Caltnd end r>tb/ ruin) .' K : iCInclnniill, 210 0 0 - V 5 .1 , 'i'ltialmriih,!,.!!.....ri:l0 02— fl 7 1 . ^ ;RiiltMl«x;'-Curroll nnd anbeh: , French nml llcmxloy.' , noninK llu .hoard o( illr<'<Uir» in i" noei on fhurnduy. OcKiIht tlm 0 InvciiHnal.' Sovlri UiiBxln‘« ac- In;: ivllicH In nhort ncllhx. mn: Snrrrtiiry of AKrlcnlliirc' Arituir " ^1. llyclp. who arrived In I'hl- the :aKo iM .nt iilKlit. wun Invlu-d i.i mm aienti lho nici-ilni;, luul Indleateil >-lhi ll' wonld In' prexcni. ' ’ fun M. S. Windur, cxc'cnilve m rvinry dm MENDS TO M ilffl JAS[|SMi Senator Probinj 'Political Sit- ' nation Fails •■ia>nn Attempt i ‘ to Learn Wbb Induccd Nor- J, ris' Namesake to. Run i l.INCoiN. .\oU.. sept, i’l (UP' ' -ConvlncL-d ihgt bl« Honnto In- vc^tUMtlni; cniiimltlce cnnnoi un- [ ravel (lie niyxlery snrrnundlnK H'" irci-nl .Vohraxkn Uepnbllcuii pri- miirk'H. Semnor. (ierahl I’. •. Nye |il:inncil 'toilny lo lukc (lie mullcr before Ibi! ni'nute Itxelf. L After itto diiyji.of laklnK tMil- mony. lii which contrnverxy wuxed no furUiiiH tillll flxtlo <'ncmrntcrKj were In the offluK, .Nyo told (lie , Cnlli'il I’rcMi dial he fell Ceornc W, Norrlii. Ilrnken Ilnw crorrr, woulil not dlvulKO 10 (he i-nmmll- I tee who Jiiill bucked hix nttcmpt to vit enter Ihe primnry rnce un a Hcmi- in lorlal eamlhlate, {lla >0 I'ronf Found ; Mn Allhouch Senator . CiiKirKe WM se; Nnrrin, velcrnn Uepnbllirnn 1nciiin-,cri hent. hnx riilternlvd n(renuniinlv| mi tlio eontenllnn (hul lihi' pollllenl’ Piiemli'x Induccd (he Rrncer to run Mf licdaiisc of Iho rnnfiinlon (wo of "OcorKQ \V. N'orrlx" naniex wonld ipli cauBc on the bnlloU tho cnmmltoo ne r(illed-lo hrlnR.fflr«i,Vr'()or'‘'r U>W B< clinrise. ' Senntor N ’yo Inllmntod thnl hc mi wnn conxtilorlnK lho flllnK of per-, Jnry nhnrucx ncutnxl Crocer-Norrlx a* tbe '■oiily -mojinx .of ftcllln«|llc lo the bottom of hix cundlducy."! U lie wnnhl not xtalo iloflnltely (hut lla bo-ln(endc(l tn fitti nuch rbnrcex. Mi bnt derlared ho felt Iho fnct" couldlcn iio-lenrne.l only liHVa^nflnKlonT— rnr Oeor«e W, Norrlit, (ho Brocer, he fllccf appllrntliiil for a .pluci- on| lho Iteiiublicnn primary ballol' 1‘* nhnrtly before Ihe cleetlon, Snp-|He porterH of Bennlor Norrlx, who fm WHX eiiKro^xnl In a xin.‘ouon:i| im! rnnipnliin acnlnxl \\*, M. Stebblnn|fai for (hc xcnntiirbil nohilimtlon. nb-[im Jiiinud“»tn-nnmisiy,------------------------ Mnenile,< lllunioil They ehiir*eirSfliiUtorNMrrl»-|i0.lTr lllleal,.cncm!ei». luul ln<li|eed tliul-*-^ crorcr to bc a rnmllduie. Tho ewitrovcrsy wnn HtlUed lenyinrnrl!)' wlion. lh* atatn 8ii- ’• prciim eonrr'fiileiniiiit' ;'<lroiier ' Norrlx bad filed hix niipllentbm two duyx inn late. Senator Nnr-’lt . .enntlnncd- lilx- cniiionlKn xiitrcnji- ~|, fully ntfulnxl .qtcbblml. 31«\TAXA WHA’l'llKU Z ' (lencrally fair In oant, uu#ottled '' In woxl portion (onlitlit'ftml Thurn. , dny,: colder In extreme uox(, nllBlii- ly wiiTmer In cx(romo wout portion ■. lonlfthi; froa( nnd ftue>:liiK (em- ,1icra(uru ('um of divide: xlli.*htly|''“ warmer cunt of dlUdo Thnl'flOuy.l"’' silTFlRS' iDEMUlY U. s. Oommissiijn Studying — Wishes— (jf*~‘I>laTia— Resl: - dcnU D»ipitq' tho Heat AllOAllD U. s. a OMiVll'A, Sepl. l’l (UP)—Tlie corilrenBlonal Sa- moan- eommlxnlou loday hold. df. Hplio (lio MwolioylhK lioftt. nnothor ,execHtlv6 xtxilfin .for coitHlUora^ (Ion of icntsdvo propoaala for a bill ;Bf riKhIa for ,tbe Samoan iKwplc. • - . Tho commlnulon, lioadod liy Sen- ator Hlrnm ninnhdm, 1> alHO a(- (otnptlnR to form .yriiya .ojid meoiu ’ for tho iirexcrvntlon of tlio.nailru l aiiiiiiiii itimmiigr f H t- r niiink'- 'li'c: ~ 1foro the onslnuRhta of world pro- IRfCHR. "Tho nplrlt ot lho commlnalon Ih to refrnlu from Intorferlns wlth-ax many of. .ilio:, charmlns nailvo cualoma ,i>t»i)lblo wlilioui • cnnfllclinK -wlUi tho hlislioiK tru- ■ dliloDi of.Amorlcan:Ufo".^BlHRham xald, . . .■> Tho Qommltfllbn'nnnoiinced tha( thoy oxpooU'io lieair, llio doilrc* of many SamnnnijltiofnaelvoR tic- for© roaclilnjc u' d«blilon..-liut will hnvo a tuniallve' hill - of rlsliix rendy for aiibmUslon,'' ' ' •Il 1», undentlbod^hftt'Uio com- mlMflon -WBR-In- f t v o r - o f - 'a -bill Kuarantoolnjp (hfr-'lnhabUiala freoi Oon, or Uluo (0 live i*OBCtehly.‘ usnomblo lo potKIon fot' any real-ar faniiltd ' II i>aniiiiiH>''M. “"'I ^ Imt the fcderiilloii ban been tnal:-[ , :i^: II full InvexilKutlon of ‘'(Vim-| nnnlx( .ucllvlllex," ^ •■•I'he eiillrc Mitiuillon Ix tnktnsIM t he. iinpei'l of u worbl-wido <'c;i.i ] lonilc ciiiiMkl In wlilcll tbi>'Uu».-: , inn ............ ix pllleil ni:u1iixl Ihc. ' J ........ . of Ameiliu." Windur ...... , lnre.1,___________ ; _____________ .; iespirator Beiug U soijt9.^ v o Two |i“; Ftofllysis O asesSl S,VN K1UNCI.SC0, .Sept. -Jl j"’" ((HM-The liven of two Kirln. ono olBhtcen aild (ho,, diher . ' " seven, were belnc niived (odny _ ' by pbyxlclilnn who plucd ib.-ni J;, (iltenmtelyTihdcr tho-drinker J ■ ' rcsplraior or •’nrilfichil lunK" muihlne at tho Chllilren'n lion- pllal. Hotli Rlrlii were Kuffer- I"*' liiK- from lilThiiille iiaralynln, A tew wcerix ai:o a yiuini: wo- | mnn died bei-uuiie another pa- I | Ilent WHX nlready imlnK the I,,,., machine. A cuinpaiKn .tbal re- k, .Hilled In two aildlilonal re:i- ,i„, plnitorx wun ntartcd noon nf- iiiiirll , iseiiLsii| lioisi:. Sept. 21' (iu*)-lnter-;wb vlfweil by the t/nilcil. Pre4H liidayldil In lilx llolne bome, Srnuior Wll,-jt)a llani K,'Iior<th of Idaho, denied lhe|n Mnniumi rei^iri tlml,he wonld'aid j l-'o Scnntor Wulxh und other Deiiln- pli crnix In their cnmpnlKun In Mon- ntt. "*-<r bnvo no plnnn lor Kolnc to Montuna. Whllo I am nu udnilf’'’ lu' of .Senator Wnlnb, f huvo inudc iin cd planx (0 Mimtuiin in eon- nil nectlou with-lilll civmpalRu." mdd , Wruh, • ' The Idaho *olo:i refimell to eom- mont fiirthcr. . nUTTi;. Mont.,.Sept. -24 (U P )-|" ‘’ Ilopubllenn tiuniitorK llniiert M,, 5. U Kollello nf Wlxeonnln and Wll- T' 11am I'i. llorah of Idabn, will iitupip ^ Mnnlann In behalf of Mn- Uumn- [ ' crutie cumlldnry of Senntor Thom- j”; nr-J;-W alBh— tt— ivim - nmii.nid ful hero.lodnf. "" Whllo Ihlx iitralcKy 1« deiiUned <>fl t't inaterlnlly weaken It'c llepub- llenn rmnlmlitn In thlr ii(a(e. tho . . fnct lllul the Wlntonnlu und Idnbo iinliiiiH bi'lonc to tho-proKrexnIvc facllun nt the Republleun pnriy 'limy rixlneo Ibelr prextlRc wllb Idalio Power Firm ti A sk s F or R ight to •« '^ M , a_lIew..Line -------- • • lio .W.ASICIN(5T0N. Sept 2-1 ( U P f - xl< The (irln'icii l’n«x Power compnny mi of llnine, applied (o Kedwral I’oiv- vr Commlxxlon (odny for nn- . thorlly (n ronxlriiet i( mi-inlle trani.nilixlon lino /rnm (he nouth - fork of the Puyelle river to (h'l im ’.Momitnin Chief Mine. .Tbe lino to wonld rnn .ilirmiKh CeiitcrvlllD he and' Iduho City, provldtns power wl for Kcnural imi>iM>xex to towiix, bii nnd mlnen nloiiK tho route.- cn sm 'J e ' n J . i;niinuM unuiiujvu lovo'mert Against tlic Church i Hcnd Is Giiiiniit' Im petuo;!' Hia Mora) Filnc.s:; to ,Holdj| Offica V/ii) Be Studied j: v,.v.-i iMutii:. M.l., .Si-pi. ::i I’ l’ l In^'-'li^ui'liiii nr Ihe moral ' IMC"> ii; lli-ll |l .Il'IUi'M I'vlllllOII. . U< 11.-mil.' II ut-leaili.i’- ■ Illl III lh" .M-i I ioi1I hi Rpincopnl IllnVli l-l lUi* <ih]r<'tlve of Ili-i i"iv foniuil. niownii-nl nimlliHl Ibe Tli illtleii' ill'Uiii'. Ihc 'lli'V. Kor'eHl iir I’l^'iviii.iii Intll the Unliv'd na i-.-r:i ! il.iy, ft,I l^i iiym:in, wiili ihe Itev, Co:itnn ;r'i , ll.irn ll nml ibo Uev, - J. T xil b'l <tin (if lllcbiiKinil. Vn., and (ho aK :rv I I'. .Marlin of AbliiKdon.'Vn.. th I'l’riilly flloil eh:ir,i;ex ni;alnxl >\<t :ii;hii|i {'.Illlinn wllh Mlnliop W. .V.' :. AUiriworlli, llliniinglinni. <ir PniniKeH Inieslik'allim I'r tlyinnn explained loday lu., Mil Ihe plirane "inoral fllncHV] 1 111 lari;c:<l Ki-nne and not In'f le lenlrleted ;..'piilnr 'muniiillj| > Illrh liiillLattii 'In'oHe llvlns. ,ljo | runil.-i.-d a thorough InvciHlKatliiii I f all piihli:i|ieil reporhi flR.llnnl lie lll-ihop, who lieeaine eiipcclnl- r prominent .In )n:<i nx an oiii-. poiicn opp^iieni - of (he prexlden- lal landidm-y ,jf Covernnr Alfred! :. .Smltli. I •'Thill I'OHc." Prellyinnn lolil i Iicm 'nlted Prexx, "ttlll nnt he con-^ lucd lo llie ihrexbiiiK out of; Id Mruw. ‘I'hero nre penioii-i In rlioxc lieiidx (bem Im Ihe ld>-aU hat It will be ft rcpltltlon of lh e > lallux liieldcnl of Inxi May when I Kronp of laymen' bonded hy, ■oniK'r Si^reiury of .Vavy Jone-1 lllli;' DanliHii 'brouslit eharKCil Rainnt Illxhop Cannon wlUi re- m-el to biieketxhop opDrntloiiii. ^'Thhi eane will lie a lhori;iiKli nvo'iliKnllnn of nil ibe. ptrbllxh-j- d leporiu Uml may como to tho n lUcntloii of tbn eoinmlttoe." . xi Miixt ^'^Rie I'ommlltrft _ . i’rciyman'Mlilaiijc'd''tlinf nndor :hur.-h law, Illxhop Alunwdrih IOW munt appolnl a ccinmlKeo •* if 12 olilcru of the cluirch to In- ■cxilKn(o. lho Cniinon ohnrBC.i. I’bey would not .be liniilcd to ulr r esalinnn contnlned In lho paiior llod hy Prettymnn'a croup with iixbop Alnnworth hut Voulil liuyo ,j iilLuuUiorliy. In.dotorinluliiK.Can-l-i loii-x fliiiex# lo ocfuiiy hix lil^ili „ __________________ : . j; ^few Yorlc Names «■ Manager Nov, 1'' M W .YORK. ' Sepl. (DP)- rho'Now York'Vnnlioon'will un* „ lounco their manoRor lor tho IMI oBHon on- NoTfmhcr 1, Ed Iiur- 'OW. Koncrnl mnnaRer of (ho clnb aid todny. Harrow.Tefuxeil lo dlx- £ :u»H repnrtii-WIM*Tol.'5««>h‘m tp--— iort. owner of,tho club, wnx con- ilJbrlUK'. Joo Mi-Orlhy, . dejToncd nanagor of tho ChlcURo Cubx. ivATi'ii vim itkiis t SAN I-mNClSCO. Si-ji't. 21-(UP) n -AKCitrlex.of tlm fcilcrnl Rovevn- (I nent were on (bc ouilook here n :onay for n hIiIif- believed to bti ti lendod for Snii PrnnclHco. on , *'blcb wnn reported to be n lurRii S luml ot cummunlHtB fr/itu (ho Orl- li ;nt, c F A L L 'G U Y S ! ~ rii3 ycar’x younKent eollr;;I:i'i; iriilmlily. Ix l.l-year-olil Juliii I.--: :iallun Criffln. nbnvc, r f ............. . :6n, who linn.been onrolleil n- a:. rr'cBbuian al OoorKetown rnlvi i - Ci <liy. Mu ntarted to iicbool ,ii i Ik:. .IKO of (>. flnlxhcd Kniinmiir s. iiinil iliien yenrx hiier, and l.i:.( .vi';ii' w'an Brudiin(ed from (he llni.khn,' - SV. V.. Prcpurniory .Si'linol. In ;,.l.' dldon, be hnn. taken ilme iioni' bix -liookx li> iitui- lit .................. I | lec nkatlng, ^ ii<. i i i i r i ARESflUGHI IN li'i: lom counties I e • Til -------- Iol Latnh Joins Payette in At* |m tempt to Force tho Hnnd of <b the Equalization Board;- Beo ,,, Heavy Cut in- the Tax Bill U' •• le; MOSCOW, Idaho. Sepl. lil (UP) ■—Uilali cminty will Join Payutte »■ ' eouniy lu liii effori (o force tho xlato buBtd of cflUftlliatlun lo com- pel reuaitcesmnmu . tn II Idaho 'eountlA.. ' Tbexe pountlcx—(hey luelndc . Adn, Hudc. lloiindnry. L'jinynn. (lOJii. Jcrnmo, ICuotcnnl. Uihmi. «. Mndlxoli. Mlnldokn. Power, (iood- f ‘ hiK.- Twin KnllH and Hannork— J/ fulled to mako a comploto n>-i<e!ix- incn(. nerurdlDR to (hn nlleKiitlonii. nild, ax a renult. the couuden (bal did aro iiunallH'd. - ' ' L tux bill tntallnr »10K,'mii woiibli^'J be materially reduced If Ihn ul-j-' lci:cd-Ji_counll(!i>..fnll<'<t .io_rli}ili:;.,. u'ftuln propcrtlux of their vahni-;*'' utloii nlhurnelx, nvoldliiK n.certaini nbare of (nxex carried by 30 olheri ronntleii, |:'i Thfl nlnte bonrd buu refuned lo;lli iinli»r ~ |bn leaxxcii.unf iK—mtd—th^rta prrilexlnn(.« have Jiucldcd lo ko ho- ut foro-dKi x(u(o .uuprumo courl In nn iiKvmpi lo Heeiiru nu order ni compelllnK the rcan<ennmeni. „■ tli H o lt. N o m in a te d .j. In New" M exico m ____ . el At,iiiiQri-;iifiui':. -v. m., Sept. 2t tUl’l—H. II, Holt of I>nn Crueeii received (he ' Itopubllean nomliia- •“ ,llr)ii f.or Unlled Staieit iiei\ntor ati^- n pnrly convention horo tato yex-M' torduy,' '«. . Hf -will he oppoxod by Senator Sam llnillon. wbo wan re-noiu- lnu(ed b.v thu I>emocrnlic .slalo convention lant l^'rldny. I SAKT LAKE CITY. Sopt. 24 (Ul ;u3 arreated Tiiesdiiy night by Sail iirncil over to Sheriff E, F. Pratoi |Ci2hton, Twin Falls officers, nnd b I I e T I J l liOB.js sinmsEij ____ _ . |M a )rini{,? CoiiUininff M ethylated. Spirits, Compnmblc to Wood Alcohol Take a Heavy 'Toll In Merrio England yet -------- iPri l.n.Mih.s, .Srpl, :i (i’p)_i)en(li.i wa I'-i" .m-th.vlaieil Milrilx, .•onipar-; I'......... .......I nlrohol wlileb:^" "'ll. .1 llkh loll 'of liven iu d ie .T h ...... Sintrn a few yearn Un ..viun.:i.,lm;ln iiumbi.r In Creal.Do lill.ilu. one Ilf Illl- bi-;ir1li-nl-i,.„ IrmlilnK n.iloiir. of lbi. world, In adillilnn '10 Ihi- hiimbi'r ot'Of lr:ilti-i, llionMiihh In III.' larsertraa ilien'- -luim. are beln^- nlnwlyl .olsoni-il. I . l-:nxland and Wali-s nf pmrntia'!, nioxlenli'd 011 im-lhylalvil Kplrlli- '‘ rhe number Uiei.-an-d i;i-.';itly the ollowinu- year. An luiri-aslnc niiniln-r of nlc-o- mile dealb!" Inni' lnu:ed lo , hr drink ."Iteil Mu." The »(IlJatlon ben. i« „„t iinllke ;linl wlllell onee exinleil In tbe *“ •' Unlled Sliileii. «her,. -liioMe wbo [•oiilil OOI iifford to pay hIsh (khH. lec priee'x f<)r r.imonnlily Kiwd lliinor bouitht the eheaper brand (hat coniulned d.-imiiired aU-obi.l- Thfl mimhor of deadm atirlliuted bli to aluohiillnni hax Inereaxed Irmn JS iwr 1.000.000 porsoiis-ln Knsi nl Iniul' .and- 'WMbs . tt.' K 'V e r 'J.DOCr.'- I* 0(10 In ' 10».' .. J- niATOKI.!>A-NCIlIl-:. Scoilnud. Inl Sept. (U P )-A xerioUH sluiiip cvl In (he deiiiuml (or Scotch whix- an key ban' Ibronn. betw^n SOO nnd l.'^ni) dixllllery wnrkern In north- Fr Al a recunr nieeiInK of dlutlllery the ^ent.•d aurecd to reduce tbe output p"bi iS per cen(. »ta ---------------------------- ed (.‘.-().-pr^TAllT.S-SKI,l'(T!«\-- rnr IH' M:iilSl„VTlVK TICKKT Jm SAl.T f-AKK CITV. Utnb, Supl. "Id :•( il'P i—.S;ili Ijiku county Roptib- o\i lleiu^ Hiilay xet thenix..lY«n (o (bu ou< ut. do' Tuesday a.-.foouU' tickoL.wa'^ x|r namtd, ThiK mnrnlnR ot 10 o'clock rex (be IcRlxladvK rohvondon con- dlx vonoii; . • 1 The comity Itepubllcnn nofiijnccn ib.n w. liiirvey' Roxj. coun('y!'com- • mbixloncr. four yenr leriii-Quxk- ell .Moinney fur eoinitilnnlon- I er, (WO yc;ir (erm: Clifford Put- fl ten, Ineumbcnl. thurlffr Alonxo H Ma'ckny. Incnmhcnt. rounty ctcrk: J. H. Prccee. 'jcumbent. nxscHnor: ' 1). K,- Moffai; Incumlrenl. trcnaiir- cr: .\lrii. Helen F. Rclxcr. rccord- cc: Mntlhew Cowley, dlxirlct al- (orney. C. llnxcne YlRUx, nQilltiir nnd J. 11. lIllckciiHderfcr. Iiicuni-| , bent, xurvo'or. __ nil UTAH WKATHKIt Jo Unnettlisl (onlRlU and Tburn- dny; llltlo cbanRo In tcmpenitiire. CLAllflS E SHEMDEBTS;; Actrosa Refuses to Bisduss h Tbo Obargo >of Gambling g DbligatloQ Near L&ke. Tahoe | 'illOIjI.VWOODl ■Calif.. CPU ?! C (UP)—Kxcopl for a denial th*l xhc hnn noy boaeat dpbM, Clara Ilow declined to dlncuni :t,otlBr charm Ihat a .womnn paitnK nx her owod.lU.OOO to n-Notiula RBitibllnR rcMrt' lir- loaies "In- inirrcif two -we'eka & ro. commciit. but ai-Qlded nnr N ment un to whether she bad b ^ n ||| ul Iho Culiieva resort l^hleB lieii? {[ ■Lako Tnhoo. J, ' . Neither dlil -Bhe • aay. .-wholUw she wnx (lie "Clara Pow">Uo'le» rued four check'* toUlllnc 913.900 und then hail payment/Blopped on them al a llollywtjod honk.'.- -I The' aciresi' fiUtomeni, leaued ii (hruiiR)t lho Pnrnmounl Bludjo, ii denied-'HiBt xhi^«-*ii7-Tl8htttil ;e difljlii nud added .that abe 'paid e all honesl dehlB promplljr. ' -t ' "If auyoDO In the. world teoU 's he has a rlffhtfiil <lalm'.&SftiDtt .{ mb for'nny sum oflTOoney wlmt,.^-.l soever, which t deny; r. wlU Btalb Ta ly' aocepl, wrvlce p( ,«n>: -lej*! 1 docutfients. . I alwaj'# pay • orarjr ^ honejt dobl promptly." . IP)—Louis Ronberff, 33, who It Lako City officers, will bo )r and Poiico Chief .Ralph G. 1 relumed to Twin Falls to ICO atlcnipted assault charges, n receipt of information.frbm win. Fnlls, following an at- . mpCed assault ofi 12-ycar-old irroll Philips, Salt Lake -au* orities were on.tho lookout r Rcnbcrc, who was sns- icted'bfTW n'Falls police #3 w^uttacker. Ronbcrg waived isxtradilion id offered to return, to tho laho Olty with Twin.Falls of- cere who arrived today. Ho aintains his innoconoc.;^- Poiico records hero show onberg aervcd a term of 13 jars in tho Colorado, stato isoii for criminal assault, and afl paroled laat yclir. Hc is lid to havo enlisted in^tho liirly-eigbth Infantry of tho - niled States onny at Fort ouglas, Utiih. but to have ;cn discharged upoii discovery. ; his crii^inal record. Ho was larricd hero last year. ‘- > Offleern dIncloxeJ toilny (iiHt .. . '!'plic (ho menttor dcncrlptl^u vt;n by Carroll I'hllllpu of tli» an wbl) ullcniple^to.uaniull hor I n Twin Kallx nireci Innl.Friday li:ht. Unit ItcnhcrR, vbo.^w'u ricnieil • Tucxilny nlsbl nt Soil nk« (niy. WUH Huvpectcd of -tbe rlmi-. 'I'liat tbe arrcxi wa* not ii-xpeiied wax Indicated In .a " laivment madu lo n roproaiiiitn* ". ve of tho Times Tiicnday nUcr- ':on by Cblcf I.elKlilou. '‘^V.. bavo doflnlin Information oncernlnR tho Idetill'ly <tf ihc.aU iickt'r, and cxpecl lo apprehonil llm," tbo otflccr, dtclnred.-'llti almltied’ tbal Uio doacrlptloa -l^ur* . ilibcd-by. .Ilio. .ClilUlpv>stti;j4iiti- f. A. Pbiiiip*.:-bQis::^^ venue., war not .compIe(e,V hut.;- iitlmBtod 11)0 - oxUteiree' ol. olliar vidciico wlilclf would lead to tbo Tho nllcRcd-Bllock occurrcd lulo' 'riday nifiht, aa lho little' Rlrl - 'an rcturnliiR from a viali lo 10. homo ot .u frlond. Sho hud 9iifje.l_l|Br_pnrenix In ' a • (ele.____ bono mcaxaRo thnt abo' • w ns ...... :ariliiR fur ilionio. nnd ttioy start* * I oul 10 meet hor. Shordy be- >r-shc-reac!ii:d“hor home a niaij limped frum ahndoWH u die de of tbc wnlk. clapped n.Uand >er lier mouth (o proVonran iiicry nnd direw hor'to the ground. twn tho’ xireet, obiorvod -thn ;ruR5»iiK pair, .mid-canie. 10 -Ihe____ :hcuc; The aasallnni fled and Ixopptarcd. It la ihouRbt by local ■officer* lat ItcnliorR miiy also 'bo; ldtu« ■■(Condaued oti' Page Fjv#)K-' ITIilElER:' BEATS CMAii MliltlO.S- CRICKBT- .CLUB, lA td. . lore, Pa., Sept. 2i (UP)—B o w ' on«a dofeatod C. Roas Somorvtt^. : ^inadlan champion, 6 aQd Utodar.-'. ; n' a flral round ma(oh -ln:Uib'itt- lonul amateur Rolf lourwuneDC^ , The match'cnded on .tbe'ifolir- ';. ocnib sreen. Bomeryllle^wasjnbjo '• 0 win only one hole-lho twWWw : eliero he alio( four io ,Jpuia’ Jiff ind wax fotir. down-.nt. (.he .tiira. Jonea went mil In, 33. iDttio'.ltn. > icr pur. BomerYlllo'B - - Ao.ttal icoro for tho,flraU nloe waa-JT.-. ; L ] nge . ^ U P O N * ! ? i% % A T I M ^ :;g| ^ f' ^ Eelaair: H 0 1e ( tvketip^l^^^^^H lU rteilliirA ^n^^^^H H n r 'i t Uia:a 6, - . h M p ln (tU (flh |« M |M W || iCl t

b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

May 10, 2022



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Page 1: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

V 6 L . X l l l . ' K o . 1 2 9 . ■ ■ . T V V m F A L L S , I D A H O , W K D N Ii :S lM ' ^ ~ ¥ E l ' T K M [ i 5 r 2 'l7 ~ l!^ i3 'u ° ^ ‘ ^ ' •iVa S I , ; , ' ' " ^ " * -----------P R j o i f F l V E ^ i ^ ~ '

• I I T i l J l U l f T D d D n I C B u r n e d D e a d H u s b a n d ’s W f t a t i i M a i - W C S I I C D P j n D A k i n r k ^ i l ^ r i S o T o > , ^ I J T v , X ^ 4 - ---------------- ^u n I IIIL lu UUO ■ Body ~ ° TT iicai. ^ x a i i x ^ LLHUlI\0ttfll>HI'luL o u s p c c i m A l i e iu p ie u ■GIEEIS llflflEP o' ^ ~ G e t S r B u m ^ “ A tte lltl^^^ i p n n n r n r n m O f L o C E I G M

CIIK’AQO. Schi. I I ; I '1- -T 1i.i nr tli« .Knriu tlurunii. iiiitnmoiinl[ ' i r ^ l J T 1 -

■ilHNTC HFBHF<: : A r r e s t e d a t S a l t L a k e ■■

C row d E stim ated At 3,000 ^; ' Secs Oostfi _and BcUonto

L an d a t S a lt L uke C ity ;P lao e G uarded b y S old iers

.MU.V1CIP.U. AlUI’OilT. SAhT ' U K B OITY, i;i«i,. aoi.1. s t (t;i-),.

'■—SmIIInK lliul ii(lal)l<i, blouluniio » CoMo nnd Muiirlrc i!i>11oiil.', fr.'iir l. trnn«--\ilniiHf!-. Oj-pm . m i ihclr; Iilano Krnlly ilttwn ul ili.- mii-iL' ,

.unj-u*f»4■»»'»^lll^lM.r■re ,'u i^'.<M,,•! „ tl UclURo of wclcoiiic. Tlicy flc»-] " trmii nciivff rnrlj’ loilny In iliHriAfi fiimuuK Mcjivli-i nnd Bruy lOiuh.' llic^-ii, Question. Murk. ■ !,,„

Tlic rrccpiinn of tlui- famoii*'to' Krenclimon wnn Ui no wl»e Ulmln-lAr inlieil liy il>(, iio.iiiioncnicnt o f :,.! tliclr Dciivor-Sitll Uikc flliBl ,,, Tiicmlny iie<:e«hltnled Iiy tm or.ily-i , ins.condition* In ili.. lu.clileH, ' "

A. tomnilKoo wnri*H- w dronicd; llio flycM nnd ii lu lf lioiirV iiro .ll , liruDi wns liclil on the field. Tlioij," nlano WM cureJully guarded liy! Boldlnr* whllo pollcu kppi H id f

•crow<| In cliccK. ’ l’" '• fiicnrtod hy i.lx |ilw iw . . iha;!|:i Qucmlon Mark aiiproiiclii'd 'fn .m j

iniidc a ihruc polnl IniidInK 'after i.|ll fIrclliiB the nlriiorl (wlcc. | l |

Tlie crnwil nf n|iyroxlnii(ioly :i.OOO flii'orvO .iinil sluiuicd "Vivo i i t i 'l o tlio reccplinn commltloc.Ill Kranci'" nii.tlio Lis pUine tailed Conto and Jtclloiilo waved a rsjily to ific Kfccilne.

Tlioy Ilien nicppeil o i i f n f llie Jilano nml wcro officlnlly KfcoleO

. Vy . tliy nnd alnto offlelaln. '•Tlio fllslii took flvo.hoiirn nml

iilno jiilimiM,TonlRlii the riyorn wtll W tlic

Kiienui at nn Informiil . Imminui I>( und Jaler will iinrtlclimtc In tlui forimil rorupilun n l 'l l io Morniom tnliernncle. . . . 1

• Promplly nt 10 p. in.—tliey lii- «Ul lliM ll bo mu liitor-C uato 1 mill llfilloiiio will rollro to 4liH r liotPi, to got n piod nlKlit'K-r»Kiq Thi<y plan to lake oft n t S~n. in.

.Tliiirjitay-for Bo!*6 whoro nniillicr T cntli$3lullc miiAlbn'il.Woli(t.' '* [ '■'t

' M.,- ••••'____ , Ol

- U t a h P i o n e e r P a s s e s H- ____ . . I.II,

. SALT l i k t : CITV, - 80|11. 21 . (UPj—A pioneer UUlin ' w lio« carjy carcer unn iinimlnonily liliiiitiricil with HtAto duTuloiimonl In

‘MIirncK 1..1I ('o(|iiotte„ iicrordliiK’ yt lo.,W(ird recclveil hero; iw

’Flo'wns Simiiul N'ewliuune'who I li) in tlio iBttiir pun of ••■lho in )h |w coolnry ami tlii' forepart of .llivj

.:!0(li eentiiry wnn a luadur Ui|ki l!t#Ji. Wii'rlnif rccont yonrti h« lirni;,,, liefli rwldlni! In Franco. ' ji,-,

•ttllA N I: 1 iu W ll- : . Sftitemlinr' (Spce. In

.lanf-T'*r«l. kllKorc. H nwlton, nn- -vl laR tlio Mlttry Conntruellun com- m .linny oiid Alfred Coy, for' $17,0nu dl •ttiteover liiJurlcD rccoivod In nn '(iccldlint lani.Moy S. covorliii;'totiii vl orUltne uud woilt. moillcai ircai-

'.uioQi.nml <1o«tniclIon lilH car. i,| ' wna- awnnlNl MCUO, nccorilinK to «,

• ftiyo rd lct remrned ljy the Jury ai ,y 'tlie. .uponhiK hckhIoh of Ilto iilm- ,v r k l coiirl nl Jeromo WoilncMilay „ inornlnK. Thv'a till bOK»n MoiiUny

'Jom Jl* trlc t--court ’unilor Jud in i, WJJllam A. Uabcock. TWln KulH.

- KIlROro WON returnlnR to 'llutel- ton,from T«*ln.Fnll|i Inat Mny n. f vfljen hi* cnr n«d the cur of Alfrcil ^ Coy. then In lho eniplny of Mliiry Cfltiilrucllon comiinny. tollltli'd whon Coy uilomplod tn lurn on lol^lho hlshwny; toward. TwInI.M I'allii. I t waj M«i)ri«d Uml KllROrc w

— - III"- ’lo p -n t AS‘h it-c a r nnd over a fonco ^0 fcot P,away. Slnco thn'l Ilme lio hun -bcsn h' unitblo lo work. II wnu ,cliilmvd. N ■ -^lulntlfrii nttornoy'u wero R. 1-. Prary nml J. I‘i»ul Thoiiinn. TwinFalln, anil Wuj'no Durclny. Joroiur. ‘ Uolhwoll Bnd-Ctinpmun, Twin Fall:i

‘roproaenteJ ilio defenJoniH. ^

' '■ ■ . ", ■ , c

It Happens l °E y i > r y i l a y l .

Someono tlndi wlml lUoy wur.i 4 thru tlio CliiHiilflod Column!!' of (ll'o Tlinex. Sumo unu tti.'mi ’

h InnK nniiMiI hlV of fiirnl- *' ture Into cMli via the Clnimlfl- „ cti roiilo..•■' Yoii ean’t iifforil' to pwiaup'• tlio oppnrttmlty offered J>y IIiIh dulclf, oa«y \\;By of-.-merchan- i

' (Illllns. Watch tho Tlmcu W.iiK r Adn tlic} are Krowlns dnlly— Proof of Iholr pcputiirliyl j j

Y o u C a n 'P h o n e Y o u r - * ' Ad- in—J u i t C a l l •

idalio-'EV^ii^g T im es i


ifiei- a ixiit miirl<-m exiimlnuitlml' hottpa pi>l»i)ii In the li(id)- of her luhhaml, J. K. Arnot. fm ier <!1:id- ow. Monlann. Imnkrr, Mrx. Annii] irnut, lelKtvo,.wns cliarscd withi Irnl decree innrdcr. A rnoi dicii j ; mmtli IIIIO, fiippniK'dly of <biirni :ml niifrocadnii. ^frH. Aniol tolil'S l lollco Hint licr lintiliand liud tnkon lulHon by miHlnku nnd (hut nhe, . cnrlnK Ili3 nlory would nol liu lullei-cil,' had tried tn bnni lil.i JOify In the liasumeni .'.f her . loiiie i>» Hint tlio pohionliiK wmild lot -be illwuvered. '■'*

iu iy R m s :

STORWiie^Long Pe riod o f D l Fee ling

P receded Shooting: o f M . O.i Myerfl by D u d le y C., G ray , jJ'' M ary land A u llio r it ic s F in d ti

B A I.T IM O R B , a q p t . ' U '- TllB Ktory ut haired nnd Junluun.ll* S' valry 'wplifBlf emTiltti'r'cd l l . t ll^cn of Dudloy'O. Grny nnd yiixwoll =■ C. Mycr*. wealthy rullroad execii- llVM, unfolded loiluy liufore lnve.v |* tlKuiorn HGckliii: lilddini duiulU ur;^' lho niurdcr-xuleldo trucrdy. j "

{■ollcu flli-1 cuntalnud n .HOrUld: ‘ rceiiril of (ho Kcetio Ihut look place! ' In IllU iironlilcnt'M clinnihcr of Iho \Ve.tern-Mi.ryluiid-r,Hlr..«d-ofnco» yenlerdiiy. niieii I’renldeiit .\lycrn wnx nhot elslil Ilmen and hilled ,, liy .(irny. tin. first vico preiildenl. who (nok hh owd lire. '

Thone whn worked 'with lh«m knew Ilyeni nnd (Irny wcro cue- nilex. -They m-ldom Kpoke excoplL, In Ihelr iici'CRHary biiuliiunK .cnn-^jjm il i :'T lH.'> UI!U’ 'tlllUlUI l■.■|H!■B| "■TpOBuil on ninltem of imllry. ,

Gray wnx C2'nml lmd lioon wltli - (lie riMil uliico i;-i;i. Uyer* wnx lU| ii yuur« hill Junlnr. had none over Io ir the \Ve»turn Mnrylnnd from lho' a rcn t NortJicrn n t ubonl tho xnmo tliiici, and liud beun iiciimoU'd'uVor f,'oraj-:— .------- ' - ' N

Tliclr iiennalntniiuo untended t< hiieli lo 1301. wben Gray wnx ii fll- .r vlnlon frol>;Iit nKcni for the llalil* fi moro and Ohln nnd Ilyern wan divinlnii ciiKlncer. '

Grny. iiltlniiKuly. lieniinti traffic ' vice prcBlilent of (ho WoHiern li .Murylaml. nyem, wlio luul lieoif nx-idi Hlntnnt to thn prexhlent.'.had nindoU) (lUch a fnTornlilo record tbnt Iio “ was choacn for tho |ircnldchry ] t .1' wax (linn llilit a r.iy ’» ho\tllliy to* " wnrd tho yonnKor cxccntlve, nl- (hoiiRh well nulnliieil, llrnt buRan (

--------------------- ---- ■ 5

0 . S t e d m a n P a s s e s

WA.S111N(1T0N Sepl. J l-C harlcs M. atedmnni . Intlmato of "atnnu- wall" Jaclmon d'irliiK lti,i) C|vll \

Ai!ttr..umlJiiiiui-uli)ri«cliC.vftiiKr.««4:^ pnxncd av'ny huro yenterday. ilo hnd licen n rcpre«cn(a(lvo front North Carollnu nlnco 1!>U,

nUIJKIlS V ,l)lIM ).lil‘1I.TV „ •LOS ANdra^l-M, Supl. l’l (UP) t

—Cllenn Rorom, M, .recently nc- „ OUlltcd nf luurderlns n (lolleemnn, / wnn fonml’ Rulliy l>y n xuporlor , court Jury Inm nlphi on, chnrfccH i or poxnefmlng u bludRcon. j

T o d a y ’s G a m e s j

.UIKUIC'AX l,KA«trK ‘I . Al.ltom in: ‘ 'U H E uWntlilnglnfi 012 000 000— 3 . 9 0 .lioxton .........OOD oco Olx— 0 10 .0 I

l|a(lerlci: Crowder and Jlur- i Kruve; L.!xenlivo and liovltiK- ’ i

• j{A T I()N ^ lK A (iU K I -Al Phfludolpliln: ' 11 It K ■

Ilrooklyn .....200 uuo 0 0 1 - ;» 11 1Phlln..........._.J01--«20 OUx~ C n 3 (

lloKerlcn; Moxh. . iriiunilon. < I’helim nnd Iioberry; Mllllican otid i llonia. ' . _ . « M 0 ^

‘a i Plti*bur£)i; . ■ '' .(Caltnd end r>tb/ ruin) .' K :

iCInclnniill, — 210 0 0 - V 5 .1 ,'i'ltialmriih,!,.!!.....r i: l0 02— fl 7 1 . ;R iiltMl«x;'-Curroll nnd anbeh: , French nml llcmxloy.' ■ ,

noninK llu .hoard o( illr<'<Uir» in i"noei on fhurnduy. OcKiIht tlm0 InvciiHnal.' Sovlri UiiBxln‘« ac- In;: ivllicH In nhort ncllhx. mn: ■ Snrrrtiiry of AKrlcnlliirc' Arituir " 1. llyclp. who arrived In I'hl- the

:aKo iM.nt iilKlit. wun Invlu-d i.i mm aienti lho nici-ilni;, luul Indleateil >-lhi ll' wonld In' prexcni. ' ’ fun

M. S. Windur, cxc'cnilve m rvinry dm

MENDS TO M i l f f l ■

J A S [ |S M iS enator P ro b in j 'P o l i t ic a l S it- '

na tion Fails •■ia>nn A tte m p t i‘ to L ea rn W bb In d u c c d N or- J,

r is ' N am esake to . R u n i

l.INCoiN. .\oU.. sept, i’ l (UP' ' -ConvlncL-d ihgt bl« Honnto In- vc^tUMtlni; cniiimltlce cnnnoi un- [ ravel (lie niyxlery snrrnundlnK H'" irci-nl .Vohraxkn Uepnbllcuii pri- miirk'H. Semnor. (ierahl I’. •. Nye |il:inncil 'toilny lo lukc (lie mullcr before Ibi! ni'nute Itxelf. L

After itto diiyji.of laklnK tMil- mony. lii which contrnverxy wuxed no furUiiiH tillll flxtlo <'ncmrntcrKj were In the offluK, .Nyo told (lie , Cnlli'il I’rcMi d ial he fell Ceornc W, Norrlii. Ilrnken Ilnw crorrr, woulil not dlvulKO 10 (he i-nmmll- I tee who Jiiill bucked hix nttcmpt to vit enter Ihe primnry rnce un a Hcmi- in lorlal eamlhlate, {lla

>0 I'ronf Found ; MnAllhouch Senator . CiiKirKe WM se;

Nnrrin, velcrnn Uepnbllirnn 1nciiin-,cri hent. hnx riilternlvd n(renuniinlv| mi tlio eontenllnn (hul lihi' pollllenl’ ‘ Piiemli'x Induccd (he Rrncer to run Mf licdaiisc of Iho rnnfiinlon (wo of "OcorKQ \V. N'orrlx" naniex wonld ipli cauBc on the bnlloU tho cnmmltoo ne r(illed-lo hrlnR.fflr«i,Vr'()or'‘'r U>W B< clinrise. '

Senntor N’yo Inllmntod thnl hc mi wnn conxtilorlnK lho flllnK of per-, Jnry nhnrucx ncutnxl Crocer-Norrlx a* tbe '■oiily -mojinx .of ftcllln«|llc lo the bottom of hix cundlducy."! U lie wnnhl not xtalo iloflnltely (hut lla bo-ln(endc(l tn fitti nuch rbnrcex. Mi bnt derlared ho felt Iho fnct" couldlcn iio-lenrne.l only liHVa^nflnKlonT— rn r

Oeor«e W, Norrlit, (ho Brocer, he fllccf appllrntliiil for a .pluci- on| lho Iteiiublicnn primary ballol' 1‘* nhnrtly before Ihe cleetlon, Snp-|He porterH of Bennlor Norrlx, who fm WHX eiiKro^xnl In a xin.‘ouon:i| im! rnnipnliin acnlnxl \\*, M. Stebblnn|fai for (hc xcnntiirbil nohilimtlon. nb-[imJiiinud“»tn-nnmisiy,------------------------

Mnenile,< lllunioil ■ They ehiir*eirSfliiUtorNMrrl»-|i0.lTr lllleal,.cncm!ei». luul ln<li|eed tliul-*-^ crorcr to bc a rnmllduie.

Tho ewitrovcrsy wnn HtlUed • lenyinrnrl!)' wlion. lh* atatn 8ii- ’ • prciim e o n rr 'f iile in ii iit ' ;'<lroiier ' Norrlx bad filed hix niipllentbm two duyx inn late. Senator Nnr-’lt . .enntlnncd- lilx- cniiionlKn xiitrcnji- ~|, fully ntfulnxl .qtcbblml.

31«\TAXA WHA’l'llKU Z ' (lencrally fair In oant, uu#ottled '' In woxl portion (onlitlit'ftml Thurn. , dny,: colder In extreme uox(, nllBlii- ly wiiTmer In cx(romo wout portion ■. lonlfthi; froa( nnd ftue>:liiK (em- ,1icra(uru ('um of divide: xlli.*htly|''“ warmer cunt of dlUdo Thnl'flOuy.l"’'

s i lT F lR S ' iDEMUlY

U. s. Oommissiijn S tu d y in g — W ishes— (jf*~‘I>laTia— R esl: -

dcnU D » ip itq ' th o H ea t

AllOAllD U. s. a OMiVll'A, Sepl. l’l (UP)—Tlie corilrenBlonal Sa­moan- eommlxnlou loday hold. df. Hplio (lio MwolioylhK lioftt. nnothor ,execHtlv6 xtxilfin .for coitHlUora^ (Ion of icntsdvo propoaala for a bill ;Bf riKhIa for ,tbe Samoan iKwplc. • - .

Tho commlnulon, lioadod liy Sen­ator Hlrnm ninnhdm, 1> alHO a(- (otnptlnR to form .yriiya .ojid meoiu ’ for tho iirexcrvntlon of tlio.nailru■l aiiiiiiiii itimmiigr f H t- r niiink'- ' li'c: ~

1 foro the onslnuRhta of world pro-IRfCHR.

"Tho nplrlt ot lho commlnalon Ih to refrnlu from Intorferlns w lth-ax many of. .ilio:, charmlns nailvo cualoma ,i>t»i)lblo wlilioui • cnnfllclinK -wlUi tho hlislioiK tru- ■ dliloDi of.Amorlcan:Ufo".^BlHRhamxald, . . .■>

Tho Qommltfllbn'nnnoiinced tha( thoy oxpooU'io lieair, llio doilrc* of many SamnnnijltiofnaelvoR tic- for© roaclilnjc u' d«blilon..-liut will hnvo a tuniallve' hill - of rlsliix rendy for aiibmUslon,'' ' '

•Il 1», undentlbod^hftt'U io com- mlMflon -WBR-In- f tv o r -o f - 'a -bill Kuarantoolnjp (hfr-'lnhabUiala freoi Oon, orUluo (0 live i*OBCtehly.‘ usnomblo lo potKIon fot' any rea l-a r faniiltd '

II i>aniiiiiH>''M. “"'I ^Imt the fcderiilloii ban been tnal:-[ ,:i : II full InvexilKutlon of ‘'(Vim-| nnnlx( .ucllvlllex," „

•■•I'he eiillrc Mitiuillon Ix tnktnsIM t he. iinpei'l of u worbl-wido <'c;i.i ] lonilc ciiiiMkl In wlilcll tbi>'Uu».-: ,inn ............ ix pllleil ni:u1iixl Ihc. ' J

........ . of Ameiliu." Windur ...... ,lnre.1,___________ ;_____________ .;

i e s p i r a t o r B e i u g

U s o i j t 9 . ^ v o T w o | i “ ;

F t o f l l y s i s O a s e s S l

S,VN K1UNCI.SC0, .Sept. -Jl j" ’" ((HM-The liven of two Kirln. ono olBhtcen aild (ho,, d ih e r . ' " seven, were belnc niived (odny _ ' by pbyxlclilnn who plucd ib.-ni J;, (iltenmtelyTihdcr tho-drinker J ■' rcsplraior o r •’nrilfichil lunK" muihlne at tho Chllilren'n lion- pllal. Hotli Rlrlii were Kuffer- I"*' liiK- from lilThiiille iiaralynln,A tew wcerix ai:o a yiuini: wo- | mnn died bei-uuiie another pa- I | Ilent WHX nlready imlnK the I,,,., machine. A cuinpaiKn .tbal re- k , .Hilled In two aildlilonal re:i- ,i„, plnitorx wun ntartcd noon nf-

i i i i i r l l , iseiiLsii|

lioisi:. Sept. 21' (iu* )-ln ter-;w b vlfweil by the t/nilcil. Pre4H liidayldil In lilx llolne bome, Srnuior Wll,-jt)a llani K,'Iior<th of Idaho, denied lhe|n Mnniumi rei^iri tlm l,he wonld'aid j l-'o Scnntor Wulxh und other Deiiln- pli crnix In their cnmpnlKun In Mon- ntt.

"*-<r bnvo no plnnn lor Kolnc to Montuna. Whllo I am nu udnilf’'’ lu' of .Senator Wnlnb, f huvo inudc iin cd planx (0 Mimtuiin in eon- nilnectlou with-lilll civmpalRu." mdd , W ruh, • '

The Idaho *olo:i refimell to eom- mont fiirthcr. .

nUTTi;. Mont.,.Sept. -24 ( U P ) - |" ‘’ Ilopubllenn tiuniitorK llniiert M,, 5.U Kollello nf Wlxeonnln and Wll- T '11am I'i. llorah of Idabn, will iitupip ^Mnnlann In behalf of Mn- Uumn- [ 'crutie cumlldnry of Senntor Thom- j” ;n r-J ;-W alB h — tt— ivim - nmii.nid fulhero.lodnf. ""

Whllo Ihlx iitralcKy 1« deiiUned <>fl t't inaterlnlly weaken It'c llepub-llenn rmnlmlitn In thlr ii(a(e. tho . . fnct lllul the Wlntonnlu und Idnbo iinliiiiH bi'lonc to tho-proKrexnIvcfacllun n t the Republleun pnriy 'limy rixlneo Ibelr prextlRc wllb ■

I d a l i o P o w e r F i r m t i

A s k s F o r R i g h t t o •«

' ^ M , a _ l I e w . . L i n e-------- • • • lio

.W.ASICIN(5T0N. Sept 2-1 ( U P f - xl<The (irln'icii l’n«x Power compnny mi of llnine, applied (o Kedwral I’oiv-vr Commlxxlon (odny for nn- . thorlly (n ronxlriiet i( mi-inlletrani.nilixlon lino /rnm (he nouth -fork of the Puyelle river to (h'l im’.Momitnin Chief Mine. .Tbe lino towonld rnn .ilirmiKh CeiitcrvlllD heand' Iduho City, provldtns power wlfor Kcnural imi>iM>xex to towiix, biinnd mlnen nloiiK tho route.- cn

s m

' J e

' ‘ n J


i ; n i i n u M u n u i i u j v u

lovo 'm ert A gainst tlic C hurch i H cnd Is G iiiiniit' I m p e tu o ;! ' H ia M ora) Filnc.s:; to ,H o ld j| Offica V/ii) Be S tu d ied j:

v,.v.-i iMutii:. M.l., .Si-pi. ::i I’ l’ l In^'-'li^ui'liiii nr Ihe moral 'IMC"> ii; lli-ll |l .Il'IUi'M I'vlllllOII.. U< 11.-mil.' II ut-leaili.i’- ■

Illl III lh" .M-i Iioi1Ihi Rpincopnl IllnVli l-l lUi* <ih]r<'tlve of Ili-i i"iv foniuil. niownii-nl nimlliHl Ibe Tli illtleii' ill'Uiii'. Ihc 'lli'V. Kor'eHl iir

I’l^'iviii.iii Intll the Unliv'd na i-.-r:i ! il.iy, • ft,Il^i iiym:in, wiili ihe Itev, Co:itnn ;r'i

, ll.irn ll nml ibo Uev, - J. T xilb'l <tin (if lllcbiiKinil. Vn., and (ho aK:rv I I'. .Marlin of AbliiKdon.'Vn.. thI'l’riilly flloil eh:ir,i;ex ni;alnxl >\<t:ii;hii|i {'.Illlinn wllh Mlnliop W. .V.' :. AUiriworlli, llliniinglinni. <ir

PniniKeH Inieslik'allim I'r tlyinnn explained loday lu.,

Mil Ihe plirane "inoral fllncHV]1 111 lari;c:<l Ki-nne and not I n ' f le lenlrleted ;..'piilnr 'm uniiillj| > Illrh liiillLattii 'In'oHe llvlns. , l j o | runil.-i.-d a thorough InvciHlKatliiii I f all piihli:i|ieil reporhi flR.llnnl lie lll-ihop, who lieeaine eiipcclnl- r prominent .In )n:<i nx an oiii-. poiicn opp^iieni - of (he prexlden- lal landidm-y ,jf Covernnr Alfred!:. .Smltli. I•'Thill I'OHc." Prellyinnn lolil iIicm

'nlted Prexx, "ttlll nnt he con-^ lucd lo llie ihrexbiiiK out of;Id Mruw. ‘I'hero nre penioii-i In rlioxc lieiidx (bem Im Ihe ld>-aU hat It will be ft rcpltltlon of l h e > lallux liieldcnl of Inxi May when I

Kronp of laym en' bonded hy, ■oniK'r Si^reiury of .Vavy Jone-1 lllli;' DanliHii 'brouslit eharKCil Rainnt Illxhop Cannon wlUi re- m-el to biieketxhop opDrntloiiii.^'Thhi eane will lie a lhori;iiKli nvo'iliKnllnn of nil ibe. ptrbllxh-j- d leporiu Uml may como to tho n lUcntloii of tbn eoinmlttoe." . xi

Miixt ^'^Rie I'ommlltrft _ . i’rciyman'M lilaiijc'd ''tlinf nndor

:hur.-h law, Illxhop Alunwdrih IOW munt appolnl a ccinmlKeo •* if 12 olilcru of the cluirch to In- ■cxilKn(o. lho Cniinon ohnrBC.i. I’bey would not .be liniilcd to ulr r esalinnn contnlned In lho paiior llod hy Prettymnn'a croup with iixbop Alnnworth hut Voulil liuyo ,j iilLuuUiorliy. In.dotorinluliiK.Can-l-i loii-x fliiiex# lo ocfuiiy hix lil ili „

__________________ : . j;

few Yorlc Names «■ Manager Nov, 1''

M W .YORK. ' Sepl. ( D P ) - rho'N ow York'Vnnlioon'w ill un* „ lounco their manoRor lo r tho IMI oBHon on- NoTfmhcr 1, Ed Iiur- 'OW. Koncrnl mnnaRer of (ho clnb aid todny. Harrow.Tefuxeil lo dlx- £ :u»H repnrtii-WIM*Tol.'5««>h‘ m tp--— iort. owner of,tho club, wnx con- ilJbrlUK'. Joo Mi-Orlhy, . dejToncd nanagor of tho ChlcURo Cubx.

ivATi'ii vim itk i is tSAN I-mNClSCO. Si-ji't. 21-(UP) n

-AKCitrlex.of tlm fcilcrnl Rovevn- (Inent were on (bc ouilook here n:onay for n hIiIif- believed to bti tilendod for Snii PrnnclHco. on ,*'blcb wnn reported to be n lurRii Sluml ot cummunlHtB fr/itu (ho Orl- li;nt, • c

F A L L 'G U Y S ! ■ ~

rii3 ycar’x younKent eollr;;I:i'i; iriilmlily. Ix l.l-year-olil Juliii I.--::iallun Criffln. nbnvc, r f ............. .:6n, who linn.been onrolleil n- a : . rr'cBbuian al OoorKetown rnlvi i - C i <liy. Mu ntarted to iicbool ,ii iIk:. .IKO of (>. flnlxhcd Kniinmiir s. iiinil iliien yenrx hiier, and l.i:.( .vi';ii' w'an Brudiin(ed from (he lln i .k h n ,' - SV. V.. Prcpurniory .Si'linol. In ;,.l.' dldon, be hnn. taken ilme iioni'bix -liookx li> iitui- lit .................. I |lec nkatlng, ^ ii<.

i i i i r iARE SflUGHI IN li'i:lom countiesIe

• Til-------- Iol

L atnh Jo ins P a y e tte in At* |m te m p t to F o rce th o H n n d of <b th e E qualiza tion B oard ;- Beo ,,, H eavy C ut in - th e T a x B ill U'

•• le;MOSCOW, Idaho. Sepl. lil (UP)

■—Uilali cminty will Join Payutte »■' eouniy lu liii effori (o force tho xlato buBtd of cflUftlliatlun lo com- pel reuaitcesmnmu . tn I I Idaho

'eountlA.. 'Tbexe pountlcx—(hey luelndc .

Adn, Hudc. lloiindnry. L'jinynn. (lOJii. Jcrnmo, ICuotcnnl. Uihmi. «. Mndlxoli. Mlnldokn. Power, (iood- f ‘ hiK.- Twin KnllH and Hannork— J/ fulled to mako a comploto n>-i<e!ix- incn(. nerurdlDR to (hn nlleKiitlonii. nild, ax a renult. the couuden (bal did aro iiunallH'd. - ' ' L

tux bill tntallnr »10K,'mii woiibli^'J be materially reduced If Ihn u l- j- 'lci:cd-Ji_counll(!i>..fnll<'<t .io_rli}ili:;.,.u 'ftuln propcrtlux of their vahni-;*'' utloii nlhurnelx, nvoldliiK n.certaini nbare of (nxex carried by 30 olheri ronntleii, |: 'i

Thfl nlnte bonrd buu refuned lo;lli iin li»r ~ |bn leaxxcii.unf iK—mtd—th^rta prrilexlnn(.« have Jiucldcd lo ko ho- ut foro-dKi x(u(o .uuprumo courl In nn iiKvmpi lo Heeiiru nu order ni compelllnK the rcan<ennmeni. „■ tli

H o l t . N o m i n a t e d . j .

I n N e w " M e x i c o m____ . el

At,iiiiQri-;iifiui':. -v. m ., Sept. 2t tU l’l—H. II, Holt of I>nn Crueeii received (he ' Itopubllean nomliia- •“

,llr)ii f.or Unlled Staieit iiei\ntor a ti^- n pnrly convention horo tato yex-M' to rd u y ,' ■ '« .. Hf -will he oppoxod by Senator Sam llnillon. wbo wan re-noiu- “ lnu(ed b.v thu I>emocrnlic .slalo convention lant l 'rldny.


SAKT L A K E CITY. Sopt. 24 (Ul ;u3 a rrea ted Tiiesdiiy n ig h t b y Sail iirncil over to S h e riff E , F . P ra to i |Ci2h ton, T w in F a lls o ffice rs , nnd

b I I eT IJ l liO B.js

s i n m s E i j____ _ . |M a

)rini{,? CoiiUininff M e th y la te d . Sp irits, Com pnm blc to W ood A lcohol T ake a H ea v y

'T o ll In M errio E n g la n d yet

-------- iP ril.n.Mih.s, .Srpl, : i ( i ’p )_ i)en(li.i wa I'-i" .m-th.vlaieil Milrilx, .•onipar-;

I'......... .......I nlrohol w lileb :^ ""'ll. .1 llkh loll 'of liven iu d ie .T h•...... Sintrn a few yearn Un..v iu n .:i .,lm ;ln iiumbi.r In C real.D o lill.ilu. one Ilf Illl- bi-;ir1li-nl-i,.„ IrmlilnK n.iloiir. of lbi. world,

In adillilnn '10 Ihi- hiimbi'r ot'O f lr:ilti-i, llionMiihh In III.' la rs e rtraa ilien '- -luim. are beln - nlnwlyl .olsoni-il. I .

l-:nxland and Wali-s nf p m rn tia '!, nioxlenli'd 011 im-lhylalvil Kplrlli- '‘ rhe number Uiei.-an-d i;i-.';itly the ollowinu- year. ■

An luiri-aslnc niiniln-r of nlc-o- mile dealb!" Inni' lnu:ed lo , hr drink ."Iteil Mu."

The »(IlJatlon ben. i« „„t iinllke ;linl wlllell onee exinleil In tbe *“ •' Unlled Sliileii. «her,. -liioMe wbo [•oiilil OOI iifford to pay hIsh (khH. lec priee'x f<)r r.imonnlily Kiwd lliinor bouitht the eheaper brand (hat coniulned d.-imiiired aU-obi.l-

Thfl mimhor of deadm atirlliuted bli to aluohiillnni hax Inereaxed Irmn JS iwr 1.000.000 porsoiis-ln Knsi nl Iniul' .and- 'WMbs . tt.' K 'V e r 'J.DOCr.'- I* 0(10 In ' 10».' ■ . . J-

niATOKI.!>A-NCIlIl-:. Scoilnud. Inl Sept. (U P )-A xerioUH sluiiip cvl In (he deiiiuml (or Scotch whix- an key ban' Ibronn. be tw ^n SOO nnd ’ l.'^ni) dixllllery wnrkern In north- Fr

Al a recunr nieeiInK of dlutlllery the

^ent.•d aurecd to reduce tbe output p"bi iS per cen(. »ta

------------------ ---------- • ed(.‘.-() .-p r^ T A llT .S -S K I,l'(T !« \-- rnr

IH' M:iilSl„VTlVK TICKKT Jm SAl.T f-AKK CITV. Utnb, Supl. "Id

:•( i l 'P i—.S;ili Ijiku county Roptib- o\i lleiu^ Hiilay xet thenix..lY«n (o (bu ou<

ut. do'Tuesday a.-.foouU' tickoL.wa'^ x|r

namtd, ThiK mnrnlnR ot 10 o'clock rex (be IcRlxladvK rohvondon con- dlx vonoii; . • 1

The comity Itepubllcnn nofiijnccn ib.n

w . liiirvey' Roxj. coun('y!'com- • mbixloncr. four yenr leriii-Q uxk- ell .Moinney fur eoinitilnnlon- I er, (WO yc;ir (erm: Clifford Put- fl ten, Ineumbcnl. thurlffr Alonxo H Ma'ckny. Incnmhcnt. rounty ctcrk:J . H. Prccee. 'jcumbent. nxscHnor: '1). K,- Moffai; Incumlrenl. trcnaiir- c r: .\lrii. Helen F. Rclxcr. rccord- cc: Mntlhew Cowley, dlxirlct al- • (orney. C. llnxcne YlRUx, nQilltiir nnd J. 11. lIllckciiHderfcr. Iiicuni-| , bent, xurvo'or.__ nil

UTAH WKATHKIt JoUnnettlisl (onlRlU and Tburn-

dny; llltlo cbanRo In tcmpenitiire.


A ctrosa R efuses to B isduss h Tbo O bargo >of G am bling g DbligatloQ N ea r L&ke. T ahoe |

'illOIjI.VWOODl ■ Calif.. CPU ?! C (UP)—Kxcopl for a denial th*l xhc hnn noy boaeat dpbM, Clara Ilow declined to dlncuni :t,otlBr c h a r m Ihat a .womnn paitnK nx her owod.lU.OOO to n-Notiula RBitibllnR rcM rt' lir - loaies "In- inirrcif two -we'eka &ro.

commciit. but ai-Qlded nn r Nment un to whether she bad b ^ n ||| ul Iho Culiieva resort l^hleB lieii? {[ ■Lako Tnhoo. J , ' .

Neither dlil -Bhe • aay. .-wholUw she wnx (lie "Clara Pow ">U o'le» rued four check'* toU lllnc 913.900 und then hail payment/Blopped on them a l a llollywtjod honk.'.- -I

The' aciresi' fiUtomeni, leaued ii (hruiiR)t lho Pnrnmounl Bludjo, iidenied-'HiBt x h i^ « -* i i7 -T l8 h ttti l ;edifljlii nud added .that abe 'paid e all honesl dehlB promplljr. ' -t ' "If auyoDO In the. world teoU 's

he has a rlffhtfiil <lalm'.&SftiDtt .{ mb for'nny sum oflTOoney wlmt,.^-.l soever, which t deny; r . wlU Btalb Ta ly ' aocep l, wrvlce p( ,«n>: -lej*! 1 docutfients. . I alwaj'# pay • orarjr ^ honejt dobl promptly." .

IP )—L ouis Ronberff, 33, w ho It L ako C ity o ffice rs , w ill bo )r a n d Poiico C hief .R a lp h G.1 re lu m e d to T w in F a lls to ICO atlcn ip ted a ssau l t c harges, n receip t o f in fo rm a tio n .frb m w in . Fn lls, fo llo w in g a n a t- . mpCed a ssau lt ofi 12-ycar-old ir ro ll Ph ilips, S a l t L ak e -au* oritie s w ere o n . th o lookou t r R cnbcrc , w ho w as sns- ic te d 'b f T W n 'F a l l s po lice #3 w ^u ttack er.R onbcrg w aived isx trad ilion id o ffe re d to r e tu rn , to tho laho O lty w ith T w in .F a lls of- cere w ho a rr iv e d to d ay . H o a in ta in s h is innoconoc.;^- Poiico reco rd s hero sh o w onberg aervcd a te rm of 13 ja rs in tho C olorado, sta to iso i i fo r crim in al assau lt, a n d afl pa ro led la a t yclir. H c is lid to havo en lis ted in ^ th o liirly -e igb th In fa n try o f tho - n iled S ta te s o n n y a t F o r t ouglas, U tiih. b u t to h av e ;cn d ischarged upoii d iscovery .; h is crii^inal rec o rd . H o w as larricd hero la s t ye a r . ‘- >

Offleern dIncloxeJ toilny (iiHt .. . '!'plic (ho menttor dcncrlptl^u vt;n by Carroll I'hllllpu of tli» an wbl) u llcn ip le^to .uan iu ll hor I n Twin Kallx nireci Innl.Friday li:ht. U n it ItcnhcrR, vbo .^w 'u ricnieil • Tucxilny n lsb l nt Soil nk« (niy. WUH Huvpectcd of -tbe rlmi-. 'I'liat tbe arrcxi wa* not ii-xpeiied wax Indicated In . a " laivment madu lo n roproaiiiitn* ". ve of tho Times Tiicnday nUcr- ':on by Cblcf I.elKlilou.'‘ V.. bavo doflnlin Information

oncernlnR tho Idetill'ly <tf ihc .aU iickt'r, and cxpecl lo apprehonil llm," tbo otflccr, d tc lnred .- 'llti almltied’ tbal Uio doacrlptloa -l^ur* . ilibcd-by. .Ilio. .ClilUlpv>stti;j4iiti-

f. A. P b i i i ip * . : -b Q is : :^ ^ venue., w ar not .compIe(e,V hut.;- iitlmBtod 11)0 - oxUteiree' ol. olliar vidciico wlilclf would lead to tbo

Tho nllcRcd-Bllock occurrcd lulo' 'riday nifiht, aa lho l it t le ' Rlrl - 'an rcturnliiR from a viali lo 10. homo ot .u frlond. Sho hud ’9iifje.l_ l|B r_pnrenix In ' a • (ele.____bono mcaxaRo thnt abo' • w n s......:ariliiR fur ilionio. nnd ttioy start* *I oul 10 meet hor. Shordy be- >r-shc-reac!ii:d“ hor home a niaij limped frum ahndoWH u die de of tbc wnlk. clapped n.Uand >er lier mouth (o proVonran iiicry nnd direw hor'to the ground.

twn tho’ xireet, obiorvod -thn;ruR5»iiK pair, .m id-canie. 10 -Ihe____:hcuc; The aasallnni fled and Ixopptarcd.I t la ihouRbt by local ■officer*

lat ItcnliorR miiy also 'bo; ldtu«

■■(Condaued oti' Page Fjv#)K -'


MliltlO.S- CRICKBT- .CLUB, lA td. . lore, Pa., Sept. 2i (UP)—B o w ' on«a dofeatod C. Roas Somorvtt^. : ^inadlan champion, 6 aQd U todar.-'. ; n' a flral round ma(oh -ln :U ib 'itt- lonul amateur Rolf lourwuneDC^ , The m atch'cnded on .tbe 'ifo lir- ';.

ocnib sreen. Bomeryllle^wasjnbjo '•0 win only one h o le -lh o twWWw : eliero he alio( four io ,Jpuia’ J i f f ind wax fotir. down-.nt. (.he .tiira.

Jonea went mil In, 33. iDttio'.ltn. > icr pur. BomerYlllo'B - -Ao.ttal icoro for tho,flraU nloe waa-JT.-. ;

L ] nge.^ U P O N * ! ?

i % % A T I M ^ : ; g |

^ ■ f '

Eelaair:H 0 1 e ( t v k e t i p ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H l U r t e i l l i i r A ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ H H

n r ' i t U ia :a6, - . h M p l n ( t U ( f l h | « M |M W | |

iCl t •

Page 2: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

r n go T w o ' _________ _


-PiOESlS-16^■ - Ni>v

'S t. LoiiIii N ced i to W in B ut Itl Twn TVTnri; Gainos In O rJiT «'in''l

to Ciiich th e P ciiii;in l;,C ul)S’

N' B atllc t!iu Cincy Hcit". ^

1l5 I . l i l r . l I 'r ." - I lo ll.

l l rH N l ’l« .i \M cin, . lilr,...r ...... I.. .ll'I.-l. ll.P

.\:itl.mnl Ic'.'iuic |i-iiii,.iil . u'u

.!.>• C'il<’;ii:. I'lil.-i »iii Illl ilKli ri.-, |.„ri t"i‘i' " ' 1'“ ' ’ Mlf'n

lliilll 1.-.hI.t:i w it,- Illr loila), liiill , Il.l’ Cir.ll.i;i’:i "•III i‘l"'i' 'ii.'li' n - |

,m il l t , r C . U U ill II,:.;,.. l - l r lllK lllf ll I l.u l itjT ila:.! ('inc:liiii;» ll .il C tl i - ,

ir II,!■ O tilia In...... . I l .v ’'.•iiUn.i';’ J ' l l l l i ; . '. ' I" "til only .1,' linr*' .IIIIIII' 1,1,'li‘ itiil f rn i ; '" '' lh,- Ciiliii i liD .ilil loii,' hv i) Knuii' i.

1'imUimlii I'aii U.,,' i.II tl.uir ri-v • n.iill.l:..; imiiii.':. n.i,I rllll "I., tliuj s r";.lli:int. ■ ’ t:- 'l

ririioliiyn ■.<> I'Hik-.-r Ini' a mSlli-i 'Mi.i ''i.inilriil cll!...,',' .vi'.i In llr llir- jii'liuaiil. .in thnlr .li’foiil »l Il.l' In Iiar.dii ,if II.,' Ni'W York! i,i:n >-i'-il.-nl;iy km.rl<."l ili.i IlnMim iltrf.. .,| InllVI)- nut oJ Ilio nmiiiiij:.

T l . 'i C a r .l l i .i iln iiuiri'aM i'il ili< ;. lc!i,| o v f ir . I l . f l lilo iriil),! n . ilir .'O ' 1 ,;" "ii.H .ji y o s lo rilii^ ' Il.v po im illiij; "U i {^u . IS - tS yk -I iir j- riv iT 111.' l'I.HIli.'ii, Y

w l i l lf C o .m lii J l l .o k m ill ili.i A i I j -1.^ ',. l.'(l.-fi lioliciJ <1.1, , .??'

Tlip-C .irJs vC’cr.'. forluiialo I'BvlliK Iliplr liaUlli? ryc'ii ua I'.I.V «!,, i.h Vlliit JUiPti., .11.1. nn.l f,‘, Ulll llnltuhiui. hail. Iroiibtt lii.l.l-!In i; th e r'l illtl '.H n . c h c 'k . lU iv 'i i M-ai. lii.o ck i'i» .11.1 iiftLT* ll.o C .ir ilit ' k - linil nlvcn h ll im Il-vuii Im,I, nml. j 1 M i.llnl.uii l .a il (r<iiil>li< cp tlli .K H .r I * n.nik'ii O l.l lu 11.P Iii l ll l . wlicii. I

« ilii-y r r c ir . 'i l t iv . ' r iin .v i ‘A.I.unri. r r l f . ' l . nu il S lu .iiiit,

. I'l.rli in.iilo rnur him. ilip {'.iril- ^ liialr. Bi.ilu'rliit; V.I hits <i{r f<iiir7 ,''‘i I’lillly iilJrlicn.

I'Vcil l ''l l / ) > ii i . i i :f i 'i v'.iiii hi;. IS U i 'T T '' vU-l.ii'v (If Ihl' n.':.-.r.i. Ill i.lifl.Iii;;;*'''' U..1 ( llm iiit lo UM K-S v i c i i r y .n 'f ir l h . ' Il 'r liliin . D a ^ rv V illli'v . w i n llllll l ii'n li'l i l l .c (;in i .li i ill il .p (lv>> i.i .l .*r kIx I.rcv liiiii; c iiiiii'n . «;i-> l iiinc ld '.l . lu l l.y ih u in In l l .y t l t i h •">" Im .liiK . , '■ . • I

TIi.i c i n r ln m i l l l l , '. l» n o .i a . I ' l ’ .li .u lili '-h i'i .iliir l i 'o n i I ' l l l l l .u r R l i^ ; ! - ;

' i> m ill S '2. Jnki(> M ay n lliiR 'liii: | / o n ly lillji III t l io J lrn l p im p i i ii i l ] l .o t l^e iii^ ;tli A'l^i j ils r : 1ii llic_ kocouiI ! S i t

TIjtirc wrrp ni> j:atiic* iitnyi'il liyiZal Uiu Amorlrnii IciiKiic.' ' ' j

I'ull'iu'liii; i.tailHiicn i:(.ii.|il1.'.l l.y R |iim -l' - l 'r f« ,.- l .i . liiil<'-H‘>; .''* Rl.liiy.cil Sci.I. I'o. ^ H

I’layor. i-l..h C AU It 11 I'cl. ■ /nvrry. ('.. . Ir.:: O-Ji; i s n . :r . ; ; ,io i Wiii'ri.iiui. iJ. . I III »:'i; n il ::.n /Kii'iii. f . . tfl-; fin: ifiiijiix .:i!i:! h

iv iV o i ii , 1-......... iilik :.i!J yi:! ' n(ii'lirl'i:, r,r,3 m : i t ,3sn IJ'

• • Itumi' Ituiv sliiKiirri. I w iiB o n . iim .H . ri;i............................. ^ Iiulll. Y iiukci't.. 17..........................H ilchrlj:. Vaiiliccii, in. , T KU-lli. r i i lU lp n ,.W ............................. J

.........Ui’tK iTriim vci.. n7, “ ....... ; [T

nM .v o m : m m ii s i ’m A t . i s r l IN TM'IX KALI.S. J’l.:iiif Hit'. Ilr. I * VoMor^Atlr.

F R U S i 3l i ^ " l j p l S P 0 R T S -

| P i

M i i l ' Cw n o N A i. i .K u .i i:

■ii.ij . wo.i 1..11.1 I'.'t, •I..,iii:. ; . r.\\ n t .-.m

.,.-11 '. m; in .r.T::..ii;i>.k, ., Sl .:.i',i.

.............. ” ji s u.■iNiiati i.M r" ■ " ' '■ ‘ I ’ ' ' ' - ' - r r - T T O — r r ^ ! |

\I’A iiv ic c iiA si' l i :a m i ;

•Illh • W.III 1-ii.t IM.Ilyw.ioil . VI r . '■■, Aiii;i'ii'* r; lln ..’i'lilII I-''.-,. :'.|’ ..T ' .Ml ■•'nlI'rauii'iito :i7 :i« .r."? « ’rik bu ii ................... :n i"illla . . . . . . IIL’ -11 ' i ’’’nlan il ................. no -11 .-12' ''i"fiRlnns ...................... ;!ii H .Il'ri 1

--------------—-------1— ull

i s i i mi O l R M l

— . ■ • .11,1

SA'; niAN'iMi^co. a,-iii. : i i i ’i'i ii.n■|«,-| .'.liali-lil ti.ll« Itiivo i;v .r .ll .,„ ;,,Illl: !a .luilla. Coli... i. vli - :y III.'; Umi D.t l.s.ii. of I'rnnii' mu .1 |..,itii:r \vr<''.tl1iiK iti.H.'li li'T'-’ owi

:H Illllllt ' tiii.'v«-ilii’ . Vrniihi.iatt j I. lii-'i iltiir- wllll uu i.lrjih.n,' .il 'in .ut..ul,';. nn.l llio n-coiirl; ,.„j

, l;‘ iii’uiui,"! wllll a flylm; in;irc^,,v( U ' * . T nMil. 111,11 hDlihi vl.tork'i. .n . 'r K.l lo

itrai.i;l,:r" I.i'«l5, Jii.> Ku-l.-hcr. llir Icl: l.nlJi' nn l oihiir iiroii.liinni: In all.Il'l. llllll l.nin'ii 10 n.i'.'l Uti'.i llir .inucnOtTi: li. try for it..' in>.' Ill', ’ |.-a

---------------------------- • I_____________________ :----------^ ll»

P A C I F IC C O A S T hll“ — L E A G U E ^

-------------------- -----------------------* ■ na!Al I>in AukcK'H H H -j

u'nmi.' . . . . ' . . . . 1 0IllljWOlIll ll ll n.nllal.iTl.ii: TlK.iii:..', lliitil.i'U.'.^;!ntiillii'ii iinij W lri'i lllnrlris "■'■'■'i,.,, •I .....I Si.VCl'i'hl.

Al Sun r riiii.h iii U II i: i ullllhlllll ............ ., ;i H 0iHnloliB .................... . . -J ; lillitlU'rlc''.; I’lu'hiir, aii.l II.'i..l; ’1'. i,,,

llli'ilc i.llll lln'uz.'l. milIhl

Al ;!i'..iih' u II i;,,oii AliKi'lc'. ................ I 11 2 '.I'alll.! ......................... ■ -‘ i .Ilall.irlon: iiall..U .11..I Wiirri'lil ....

iiliiilziT anil IIurrMiih

L I T T L 5 J O E , "

JU5T 1HINKIM0 -h O NES S E tP / I'-,

W MB 3 SrtuV . . . I N T h e S E R I E S .

.........'. R E l i R E P ^ E S l D E o n

Y , 3 P n r H E p . B A L i . s .

A - : -

R u H y . , ■

T - • • '' F p N W E D , ■

f e . : . / I N S R O U I [

f i " I N T H E - A J

o / V M E S - • • - S

I . IT •-

' ' • i p A n

QRNSBYil^'^; CALLlOiiGE (5W im iim I

J ir S c io n d B iuciim n Dciiicn! R ece iv in g ' O lfic ia l NoUcc , j B u t In d ica tes T liiil Ec^W ill A ccept llic Position

. 'l l i r ,u ; i i , .Si'jii, : i H ;i’)- U'n;-':i lliiriii.tiv I'lil.iy Iiiv,ilu-(l jiffi- III 11,111,1' ll'lil. .I'vi.i'r WllVa.ii— r;; rlKh'V i.r.It.i' (:iihai;i> Nalln.i:it ^ raK.lii lia.,.-1i,ill . Illh llllll hl« hi'.- .-.•^-wi'r,' ,li"l.i'.l lit. IMt-iniiiini;- • - ■ or il.o Ciilin,Itoniiiliy n:tHrii.'.l lo Clitinr'>Ilh hill ifiiiiiniuii'n liii'I nlKl.t. »(’■r I. ,liiianirou;i ci.hli-ru triii, fjir|

(Innl (our iramn -nlnnil iicahi’.L. ir cinr|..uall ll.vli, Uo ili'llli'll.. lal 1../ I.i.l rot'L'lv.iiI any omciiill. _'.' l.g Vlll Io lie innnncer; i r ihi; Cuhii, lii.i liiillralcil hi'! ! oulil aii-ci>l lliv ii^'illiiii ir It wn"! ■r^ T i'ir^ im .______ _____ _______ [_ IJbft'AUKTafitiy. iiif.'i'iil'liianaBcr.i ' I II nm ri'iiir« nlili ilu- Ipuiu iiiil I iv« ri!|iiirl.'il cn Voiiic from liln ’ I iiniu In liijrrnlu. N, V, It wan ex- I i;olcil llial llio nlKuluK ot Unnirt- y an iii.innKcr wonlil hn dclnyrilj llltl iitlcr .McC.irlliy .'aufcrs with I ivnor WflAlcy amL Proililcnl! ofick. ■ Folhnvlnc iho .'ni'O .wllh |

IcCarll.y. invnor WrlKloy iilnmi i.i' ull.’ ln lI.irnHl.y. nnil oftiT him nj .vo-ycar ri.nir.ici an ‘nmnaKi'r.! rOHvi.t iilnnii csll for McCt.irihyi I .............. In clinv.:n nf the tcu.uii.ruuKh Il.f rill'll (i.i.i uauici nm l;___1 U ll' fX liecli'il .U y noi'lna 1^•|lll.In' While Snv. iiillinilKli ll Im -ii.snlblo Ihiil h.' wlll n:-k 10 1>p r.c-; t •ant'd liniiiiilliitcly.Ilornnliy paM irlbtile In .Mcl.'ar-' L

Iiy ai< a Kicai li'a.tiir nn.l (, ho hiiil cvrr hail Irouhlp wltli] tiu niniiiiKcr, ''.McCiirlliy liiilU niij^

i;ri'al leiiiii. Inu wn« llio v k ilin .i . ,( liaJ liri'iil:ii Ihln tii'aaon,"’III' , alil, 1The hii: Ti'xan nilmiiK'il lhai, hi.,

iiinaKi’r, liu nilulit In; exjii'i'lcl l«; Ji lakii Kiiiilo cliatii;pn in IliP tiall, <111111 hlh. hill ilniii'il ih.ii III' alri-aily , Non ml iilailp jihiii:. (<n 11 rlr.i.'ilc; dnm iiii.iri'li'iniint;. ll,i .li'prcchilcil r('*i In .iirl" llial Mark Wllii.iii. dahliy'yuai Iiiil.ii-II. Kllil I'nyli-.- ami (.'h,iih<y' Irinii.i 11,'ivnl .hh. nnininiilliin n i - , iiiiiiaiipr wllll hoiiiillly mul mI.I! ' I.' hail nm Vlaihi'.l wlili IiIh ii'niii-! lllllp . iliirlnii tilH lwo yoiir» «1lli *','7 hPl-iiha..

IIIT HV nOTTI-K M.SAI.Z11UU0 , \^Aunlrla. lUl’)— dev

Vlillo MandlnkVWjIilo thc r,ill*ray fn« riicJi xviiiilni: fur an I'Xiirfiin Io h " i“ lanii ni. Ihnl hp nil/;h( rpi.umc '‘■‘‘f I'oi'k Ji'liaiiii llroil, .nf a iii;tiiin.(;H>“: '‘'l‘l<‘l' “I wofk! in .Ihl' I'finlir bi'.I. lunl lifn •nnnc;‘'»e iriilL'u mill rivu k'cUi kiiiiilic.l o u t l | ' '‘c l.v I. hoUIo thrown trnni a w in -:'" ' low of .Iho trnlii. liy a |innnoni:er.j l.i.i|illal Ii'cnI.iK'iil was ncc'JiiNary.j c r

— " la i i i^ T v iT f lr H h r —' l i i : ( ' l i A I { i :s T ( i ; i ’ ) - U u r l n i ; ih u ; iiv i l yciii- Ihp K n n ia n la n rn i lw a yn ,' ilTioIi i i re n ia lo o w ii t il . aiiil;Intl' oiiiTnlnil. n|iovvoil 11 .loflcU ot' lalf a hllllim k-l,

(IN AXM'AI. IIASIS ltliO.SI,\VV,\ iMnnmi.ullil Iviic..'

U l’)—Wllllain lIUKlx'H wlllcil tn! lit wKo \:,oo (or (lauli •I'iiinpi.'io.ll •piir lii-llvciI ndor lhi> ilalu nr-lil»[ niirrliiKP. ,

Menture for M iii-jra '■'TtiP i.iii viitiip’ io a-mninnTnic^

•lUhm' lhai 1,1' I'liniH rulliidn llm! ii'al \atiiu n( llii' w.irl; <.r vi.piilloti I I'V wlilili hi‘ raiii'i 11."—I.nwr.’iirc ■ iVarn.tll Ja.'U . . . i

• ^ I ■■ i^y L a u fer,

3 B U > S feB « S r:' •

ufbuTS ' . i

m l '.. I9 IQ

n o E V E N I N G T I M K S . T W

U E B O A E D I N G 'H O U S E ;

I .^ C llE E R I O m e m y l BRI)

H iI/W PV ^ I M G S , E O A P ,

riAUE. T o m l p A III

a ' r io M E T o R . - t h e q h iu 'viV C U I B I V E R V S r io R 0 W E W ll- t. M oW E llJ ' (5 ,/E R -T M E Q F F E tJ r ic A B A K E R ' ^ '— .R E M T ' \ B E - F R E E r /IS I I

■ ( m p E T R l-fZ O FFE

J T ' ____" *•'

1X0, V.

« T C BThu Ci.nllnnl Is nniiposeil lo hc k<hhy. nillil l.lnl, Unt tlio National Ruin

ca;:iiu varloly rurlalnly kDOwa i,avl()w ly nlliR hann, , off

J11.1 .Savolill. (ullhiK-li,' liroliu ih« inmny wllh n . fiurci' inckl.i M “ niro l)iiiii.> tlic olhor ilay. '[■li'- , , . ' . iiinmy. ■ hi.wovpr. in mil i.layliiK ' 1, Ihe Noiro tiiiiui! Ilncui. Ililn

’I’l.i-ro l.avu bi'cn thrcu. Junlhall .... ..I'.inliU', nlri'iKly ni I’unii. Ami .oy diiii’l |iliiy .N'olr - Diimo. iinill


Muny nlarn i.f tho IH23 Army thiul kvcn arc mlnnlnc. wrllvn ClirU ot C 'n«l,i lit n- Now' |Y<irk jiewii|i»por. fo r. ,nil. iinyn'O'Oooftjr.'niosl (rf 'thbni ojitt vro nunioil c . K, (tnKlc, lmJ,i‘ 111

- - - - - - - - . ' M 1. lUhu Jlcrmnii cut In Ihe,u iy of rnzt lie flf hin plnj’mnlM on llio bwo- Jnly iiics till) ollior flay. Tlioy iIiikIK ,I) oi|iiiii tlin Iinho with u (oqlioni T: ml a fpw .flarpn, , SUI

j t b a t s .

YOUI I • E very tim , I ncwc'd i t fo r I - in c re a se d va l

I • O ne d a y h,I " a m o u n t o f in

. I , g a g e . J o h n 'sI . ever. ’ ■ -

...... j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '..'Thafgxffl, i . liavc k ep t yoi

I ;\n.v S T O (i .1, 'lad to disou j FU L L Y PR C

' I T H E U N D— r - j ^ ^ I

P e a v e y -T a b e r , Co.j^Insiiranco

L e tsc h a n d V /illia Kcitl Estate •

' S tu a rjt :,H. t a y l o . Influranco

. m ' rM X & iilv l in o


’5 G R E A -rt ' , > C w .M l c e W A R M

; ; T I ( M - f H ’ 'W iw - T e R U o v y g R - t H " o U e / J .

- ’’•s . % AKi’ -TH,’ S ^ i lF PR'Ti-V OF B R E A P ’AM" ] M C A K e S B A K I M O .O F F % [ ^ M A K S S M e ■ W IL L | r - r i 4 i< JK w h e / HA'JE ^ I WAS F lR S I

■ E fJ r io F F / .W B U - f - r r i ’ W1F£

u B i r p r / L is e -T HJ . ■ROLLIAiG-plAS


k -^ L L y p C 5 P = i

Konllmll wlll ncoin lIKt n l.arlnr citip, nfter wakhinR liiflolilern sd ,vhiK thoir IctiH nn'i >'''‘'ii’ 'o ” * Ti;ii: by the rabbit hall. AJ

-------- JUILII i,ucmn that not only , ihc rnli- aiiiJ, ball Is iitrikhiK torn.r In itic Un.arm nt the ball iilaycrii, I»ok ciih

tbi' lurrltlc iiunlilitiioni mclcU t to Film IUi«m by tho Droak-; ,,I blKhbill,

. • hPii>’m v S l’KKt) HK('<I«1> rotii

:'.iiic.«iO, Sopt 2.1 ( t iD - n f iv o f l Ipn nn hour—Roal cf nnllwiinl Mni .tor riicorii—wuri' excccdoil fm ) firm limo III hlKlory ycntordny X'i'' .011 Uay I’rcBncjcr, Jr.. nt An- on- Ph, ni.i net n noH’ world rccord ‘"Ci C0.93 M I'. 11 In lln mllo irlnhk

:_JUiioil liclil hy Ili»- nullo'nfti Kiciird-mtaoehillon a l Ki>* U lto. 7 •

Ttiu provloiiH rqcord nt 417i’ I 1’ li wan’ oHiuhliulicl 1.y l'res-1 f - -

znr over ih j nnmc cunrne Inl K ly. ■ , . t uia:

-I----------------------- :/t,uiTIMES "WANT-ADS GET. UE- rliii II.T8. I bea

R Mt

le l i i s . f ir e ink iran (ie ,e .'i r th e sa m e am o u n t, rei ilue of. h is p ro p erty .

16 h a d a f i r e - a se rio u s nsu i'an ce j u s t a b o u t co \ i e q u ity in th e p ro p e r ty

ffi.l>i'PlJk>J!,",lie..was..t() ™ r in su ra n c e a d e q u a te .

C K IN S U R A N C E AG; u ss y o u r in su ra n c e nee. O T E C T E D . ,


IN S U R A N C E A G E N 1

iJ n c . I rr ig a te .T S H n s ■ - T k ” ’ . ™ .

Jo h n B. Robci

am s. J . IInsurarico

o r,.,. ■ C .D,.Rc

■ ......... By Ahem— T

' . r ' W ’ s E E H l a i H E V ' k E l M ' f 6 0 K M - T B A RR A - V - f f l l S B L1IU PIM 6 i i r o o lJ S b o w m , w h v F / , p o u ’ - f . - f r i ’ l l ; ; ; . - .

\ ■ C ' O M P A k i Vs ! ' i s u k l Q A P A R I V c i i t c i i

J X " F o r u s , A M ’ . 1‘ i t u i

r f 1 T H ’ - I r o U B l E ]

I T J j n i u i

j f ’ j I w S

J ’ I I’l'lln\ ' _ J Illl'P . ' li.inJ I ......... I UcnR

^ - r m * / n r f v r ^ ^ ^W l l l o ■ i v '^ juA ' J *1 crow

iiroU' p \ f ^ i ? •' J’OKi.

i i . 'V..J od-M


a k fep tijd - IW lill& L ! "luia

' Into^'.iiy

e A i y S r / r S S B ® . i»‘ oimti ; ;o( tl 1 . Itlic

~ r i.rov _______ ' - __________ III c

L A S T N IG H T ‘ l^ i! F IG H T R E S U L T S I ~

I'illUACiO. Sieiil. 21 (Ui’)-J*an ll .'bUfcr. HS, WloniiiOB, defMicd; i;iumy WilBon. US. ClileaKO, {6H 1 I Hcln, 132, CblcaKO. dctcaicil;UUI .Vera, 130>,4 ' Dalian. Tux, M». id Kr.nnlc IlcrUn, 1(13. Minnc.ipo- K. ilftouli'd Snnimy. Horora. IfiS.I _ hlc.ieo M), I

IIK.\Vi:u. Colo., ScpL '2I*(U I’) " •licorco Manley, Denver llKlit- 'iivywolKlii. took aa can)'. 10- itmd ilccihlon over Owen l’liclp« I ■ Vhoenlx. Arl»„ here laat hIkIU' . I nnlcy welRlicd HI- l’l‘eUi« H7. , | Chuck Moore. IfiS, Cbeyonne,'yo..' kniK'k«d nul Tommy O'llrl- j. Ifl7. In tlui nevonlh of ti nelied- - led tO-round neml-flnal tioul. ^

Y e s te rd a y 's H e r o |-...:_________- 1 - ----------- -+ 1

l'T.'il,ly LlDdntfom. ' Now York 1 laniii' Uiinl UiU'pnian who mauoi lUr hlln hi flvu lliiien nt Iml. lu-; •' iiKlIni; n luune nm an liU lean., cal Uronklyn 8-2. ;

blew. ' i p i r e d , ' J b h n r e - ;

e ^ a i ' d l e s s o f t h e

1 l o s s . - T h e - . 3 m a l l — i

i v e r e d t h e m o r t - \

;y w a s g o n e f o r - • I

o l d , . . “ y m i ^ h D j a l . d , _ _

l E N T ^ i s a l w a y s

e d s t o k e e p y o u

A R E S T O C KT “

e d L a n d s Co.E o te r t :o n , ‘ Bocy. '

icrtdon, M gr. I iu u m n c o .

E , W h iteL oans

D . T htfhiflB tf .le a l E s ta te ^

___ ' . ' • IM

T h

■ :” W « ( l n c s W |

r u e s d a i ^ '& a m e s I ; j | |

Ilfo k l y n ...:.«0.'i IUI) O U I - : : C . I I allerlen: niwluinKtnn nnd lio-l , .L VnntP, Klllolt, Ulurk anil U.-J O

I I ’l itiib u rK h : J n t « a n i c I I I t K cliinall ...OU 0211 O i l - X t l " nljlirK ll ono 000 o n u - 0 3 7 laiiorltis: Mpy »in«l Huhc(i>rih:i ncer. Ileilncr nail Hoel' tb'

I t 11 Kcinnn'u ...00i> 32l»'«01- - 3 11 u' {7 nbursb ....200 009 000- 2 fi 1 tttiorlcn: Adit n»d (ioorh; . od and llemnley. * Co

.1 Hiiladcl'i.lilii H 11 K l . , , , , IUiuln .... ICiS l" l-U i 21! ■la........ :..... 000 :ii)5-^lC 16 11 Tlliiiitnrlcn: Uhcm. l.indnoy. Ilalla-I I nml Maneuno: Colllnn. Klljoit.j . . | IRC. Hannnn nn.l llcit;ia. ! ,1 .

N K n u i w . s A X O f i r i l l - K I l A ' c a ' r '•I.KUIIK. S. I } . , an * )-S c n rp .; \„ m wn hcncofortb not only wlll I "li ilcct fannrrn' corn llllt nlno hlHlciiilo I't, Ilp;iiirln' ImllcntlnR nn uii-ivd—i ml nnniber of cano? of Innt^nn i ilcrn Rlno nncrll.p ni.rciuliiifp n( hnali-

dlsonan to crown. Tho illnc[iHc|,rlcci: belnK reporled -in nsiny nuutinr-; ii#niloiw.ot. iJio-*UU;.rr*Moii3ly I k:asl; rnn UiouKht lijen w.-re liio o n ly r "X TiPrn of liiC' illneoi'o, fTIinci

_ i ________________ UvlllK U K K ( J A U D K X - n . O l S 1 vidiii

vKOSKHNtBT, HiuiKary, lU i’) - I, H. rollOTO Ihe iirecoxlouit fiiinnrlal ntatc

.intlon ot KcenkesicfH Joblonn n.iiI.i > munlclpnl rouncU ban'dlvlilfd nroi'l 0 500 larKe Biiriloif ploln a liuKo '1 m y . owncil estnle In u wi'rli irlct. Tticuo ploiH fo r.n i.orlnd xpi.» throo yearn nro to be Riven In cinii

• clty'A EOO needlrnl tnnilllDS to ti jvIdPil that ihcno fiinillipnknKrce tirav. cutilvftlc them .llUlcootly.


Y o u r O '


P R E V E N T !


rV E R y w c e k : L l t i o n w e e k , I s o F F i c i a l l y s o o l

This Year*- ....... ............ --Thcv^ctivilies-oF

represent a -cc w lihln d short p

-T '-^ carry through fithe months lhat encouraging si’gi servation moveiri

. — __■- _ _ ."_you have a persit o o b s e r v e F i r e

; . c o n c e r n s y o t i r ' . ’ , y o u r b u s i n e s s — >

, t a k e r i o p a r t i n I y o u c a n a t l e a s t I t r i b u t i o n o F y o u .

- ' t i o n t o r e s i s t f i i m e a s u r e s . ,

7 S T O C

INSUIc o m p i n i e s — t h r o

- I ; - - - - - - - . _ _ l _ _ o r E l r e U n d e r w f im e r c e a n d o t h e i d o n e m u c h t o w a l i o n W e e k p q p i d l l p r o p e r t y o v s

_ . ; <3r n o t

. ' . ' . I n c r e a s e d p u b i k r e s u l t i n r e d u c i n g w a y j u s t i f y f u r t f

' • a ' v e r a g e c o s t o f------------ :--------i - L w h j c W ^ a r c c n j t t

. • I q i T g p e r i o d o f y i

T H E N A T I O N A L I F I R E U N l J E R V t

- ' - 8S J o h n S ( r c t t , N (h . > G Ot t . W < i t A d « « i S b H t ^

I p i i i f iim issiE C iF P K U H l

____ _ ; b

s e n i o r B a l d r i d f f o C a l l s U p o n > l i e P c o p l o l o p b s e r v o ^ c f l l ^ f O c t o b e r 9 i n d a m p d i c p i ' r i j o c r c a s o I ^ u m b e r o t ' k ’ t f S S

overiior II. C, nalilrld(5c., by i-laiifailon In calUnR (in-J’rtflhii- ll. nhnprvt> Uie wecli of' Oclu- 11 nn Klrc 1'rcvcnllon‘ wbtk. •

Iip ]ii'(K-liiuiiiIlon 111 full (ol-

; Kven wllh duprcaniuK tll an arnnKtd iiuUlIc ;enil-

il for (iro iiri'V.'Uilon. 'Aniprl- (Irc wanie Ih kIIII Ihc um lenl

hv wnrlil, 'll Ik hellcived Ihnl unly liy^'i'iln- on mny tbln nu'naci- bo Icmieii--piliicailnu Ilf I'vi'iy luan.iwoni*. anil cbll.1 in Ihc lian ril* -o t .

i - l i C H , o l K a r o i H - R U M o l l n e . ' B a ^'t ilc lly .'und olhi'r nmlcr4alii of rytlav imp, Kcnertilly iw',inro- :ly aud rcckionnUJmttJlad. .y . Ni.w. (borcfore, lo Klvo.^offlual cllon iinirulTiiintanco' lo llic nc- ilc.i of orKftnUntlonn nud' Indl- iialn'iniorunloil In (lro conirol.'

l ’, IlaldchlKo. Bovornor ot Iho lc iif-ldubii. hy vlrtuo; oC. Ilic horliy vonlol ln,'mp. iln herohy I'lalni tbo’fvoni .Oolftlier :,i II, lllilo. n r c I’reft'tnlloii •ll. nnd onrncnUy itrKO lht> clll- K ii( Iilahn to pnrlldiinlc-ln Uio iimlKn uf. oducniinii. In nii.offort fijrlhor docroflso Uii> lyimiier of vciiinble flrou,"

I . Y O X K v o o r S I ’ K C U X l S T T W I . V F A L L S . I ’ l i o i i c 8J 0. I l r . l e r . - A i l T . . 1 , . , .



: s h o u l d b e a f i r e p r e v e i i ", e v e i i ' i h t i u g h o n l y o n e , j b s e i v e d .

— O c t o b e r 5-77i f - F i r e - P r e v e n t i o n - W e e I c - - - - - - - - -: o n c e i i t r a t i o n o f e f f d j ' " ' ' p e r i o d . T h a t t h e r e s u l t y f a r t h e r a n d f a r t h e r I p t p , t - f o l l o w i s o n e o f t ( i « j n s . o f t h i s n a t i o n a l c o p - T ie n t.

• ns o n a l T c a s b n f o r - l ^ e i p i n g " ' - - - - - - -E P r e v e n t i o n W e e k . I t

f a m i l y — y o u r h o m e J V ,7 0 u r c o m m u n i t y . I f y o u

t h e p u b l i c o b s e r v a n c e ,: m a k e t h e v a l u a b l e c o n - u r o w n b e t t e r p r e p a r a * •. ' • f i r e . t h r o u g h p r e v e n t i v e '

: k f i r e

R A N C Eo u g h t h e N a t i o n a l B o a r d ' r i l e r s , C h f l m b e r j ' o f < i o m « ‘ “ - “ — i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s — ; h a v f . a r d m a k i n s F i r e P r e v e n > - 'J u l a r a n d e f f e c t i v e f p r j . v n e r S w h e t h e r I n s u ^ e c l

I c c o o p e r a t i o n s h o u l d ’ i g f i r e l o s s e s a n d I n i h i i ' i t h e r r e d u c t i o n s i n i h . e . ,

f i r e I n s u r a n c e — a c o s t ’s l e i i t l y - d e c i l i i e j u v e r d , , - - - - - - - - -i f c a r s . '■ :

S lee fc F ir t iH tiH n tt , . Ce{np«n(tt snR*prti»nt*i b y CtfM.bU A g < n ( i I n y * w

• ■ C » W » iiu n f t y • • '

B O A R D O f ' W RITERS . .' -V i< v ,y o * ■ ..

s A N i i i A N a s c b Exeli«i« BWiJ '

Page 3: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

W ediioa 'ilay.'Sciik-irilioi- 2J

• i i i i l i i i i ?

' ■ i f i l m s'F o ^ e id - to D ero lop

S p e M Pl'& yi.tknd D eception B ecause T eam I s L ig h t;!

ti.JuF lJU hy B acks in £v i;ionce

. r*. ■ : " . " j !.\-ivii:us n T ' o r rru im . Mr,

cow, Sciil. 2 l~Tim i llio IMO iJni., vunjlly ot fciollinll ivam,K^^li makes Im .iiinoarniico lirforr

' .a.DiQlxn- mill HOiiihu'i’Klurii hluliii KrlJ fan* Oclutmr <, fmiii)! Uio

:(V)ll0Rn nf Idnlio, wIIMm iiinilclrrl nloni; vaMlly tiUa'reni lliiPi froiiii

' llA linmPiCiU' iirvdpfcxHiirii lip>i .•comcH moro evident an ilip uriie-

.llcp a m o ii dcvelopii. Tin- woIkIii]" ..•'ftfz/oi'inpr yi!iirn l» iiollccn1ily . .IDE..Prom onp o( ihCitioiivltK

haH acKreCTf/on* Jti (he Cmied:'! ■Slnlufl Ihron ycnrH aco Idnliii lutn I":

„ 4;p|ij»>il to OIU* of Illp rTKliiPst.lh '„„rc»ilM yoar'n Vandal cruV-.lii ex .,d

pi’cti'il 10 lake IIkIiI'i’cIkIk hon(ir!i, ' , III: llio Pacific Coiinl I'niifcri'iK'C. I,[

• .AVIIli Blautx' lackliiB'CoM'li;,|, ' CnIlnrul Ik ilcvcloiilnK <iiln'r iiioOvk|(h . of atl4ck. Ln"( BM-nn ilip V ain ln lji " rqun'ilroii contalciPil .ciioukU. Ijuh'U i' "rftim to mnkii a imwpr iiiiacU |io.»-| w

HllOe. Tillll yoap ilip Yiniilal mcii-'d,• ' l o r ' will cmleaVor in di^cliiD (n!|i; ' llio biRlipxi deiirci' llic :iuci-d tiiiili ,

ni:Kreiii)l'‘<*iieiiH (hat in fniiml Iti hU' ], ' ‘'IlrfhlwclRhl utiuiid. An iivcrnKo of „

nnl tiiorc llian IT'i jiniinOi In fnrc-'(.,.... . Illlu•ycar'if rlii)i. Tlilii CDii-jj

trnntu wllli a Vanilal chib nP a |[, ' ' lDi)'|imin<l aVflriiKO ihron licaxciiH'i,

aKo. tlm fronl lino uralUii; ahoul ;,|■ .snft.pftiniln nor mnn. --.ti,

Plrnty of (laxhy Ijnekii nnd oni!i;';s nn> Id Ik- Hooti aniniii: Ihe Klxiy-.u

■'''''itfi* raridldaipii nlroaily fciiorlcd.-If [| ' Uifl'Vaiiilul inMiior is lo'havo'Miiy] p

ri-ally xciioiiH tiroliloin to ontip n sIU i It U Ukoly 10 mnke lln a|i-i • noaraiich helwcon Ihivlaclileti. Ccn-,,t lur In 10 lie yilcd. In tlo r Klrkiml-, rick, crack center of lunl year, has,

' |dnyed' lilH lant fnothall. Kirki>.-il- rick wax of thoiUiiiKual cIiihx; rltn'I lilayeil through illreii follcpf' Rou-i*'' houh wlilinur miildnic n Imd |<an:>in iiiKl wail Koni-rally resardvd nu tliCiS moNi flnlHhed iilaycr on ilic l!):ii;ii rlnl). IrlnU'Mnriln. rininln); ;;unrd,.1i 4«»rono nnil niioil«-B lilK'mt^'lH a t ,1i ■ rlnhV lacVld. hold do*ii hy OordoH:K

. rjljiUI. Flier, lino caiilaln of l 62l | nnil iBiil of llic f.-lm(;iiH .DJiOiliy lirothern. Only m o vi'icrniiK nrc (, linek in th f contcr ot ilio. Uao. D lir . llosSlcr, tacklft.'and lolio C;)rk><ry, .. r.uartl. A N’uniiia.hoy. A y SlmiiJj)'. , rosnrvc centor )a"l.yqar.^ln omt o^[y Oic loadlni; rnndldalc;i to inircceilj Klrkiiatrlck, Cninpcllni: wliU.hhiM( lor lliln |>0Ht Ih Hlfl Scliullc. | PrpKhman ccnicr-lajil year. j

llondInK the InipoHlnR lint of Iritt-kfi Is Captain Ifou'/ird Iler^ n f,- Twln FhtlB, halfback. Waldoinnrj

, Pwloradli.''lhc ''Oalloidni: Swode"!. iltinrlorlwck. Is on lho Joh nKain.J OOflrKC Wllsna.' flanhy frcuhinani Mold Koncral. of 1920, ix uxiioctvd; Id KtiariJ rcRiilnrtfiuar^erhat'k .liiiyi wttli I’cduMon. nlllioiiKlt IJinnH'rtj QuvlK.'.Quhl. u Cnnitldnio frotD ttiel ffcHhraaii rliih of uvo y<*arK nco ill n dutcnnlneil contondcr with

Wllh only HCren Ifldnrinen from lan t'y ear on ' liahit ilii> Vnndali

•oo.achCH aro conntlnu licavily on — Tmpjiffmoren'-antl- - transfers^from i-

ilic'.IJnlvbrnliy of. ld # l> noutlii'rn[- hranch. Playcru from lho Pocntol-

■ lo!Jntilllntlon 'nro- ahle lo jilay llll^lr flrsl year at, lilnhn. Six irnnKfcm Jroin lho ££iiiIiorn . Hrinich are eximcied to holtior

Voacli Oaltnnd UaH lont IKilo

v z E im e -T a b le -Qciicdulet ot paMoncor trnlDt

aud motor ttaseii paRitoB lUroiiRb Twin Ii'all* dolly ara an followc

o u e u o n ' s h o iit m n eKBatDooDd

No; ICfi. lo a v e s------ ...7:20 a. m 'N<v, 81. loavea — :__ :;.4:3S p. m

• • WenUjoUBd. No, 83. le a r iJ i -----------12.06 p. ta.

No. 155, I t 'a r a i --------- 3:63 p.. mSoDlhboanil

**ll(flndar( W rilB ^ 7 t Friday ' N o^sas. to Walls, r.T. ~..i:30 P,a»

, NorthboandTnm dnr. .T liurtdir. Satortio;

trom Wolli, Ar..8:36 p. b*•UNION PACltflC 8 T i,a iia

n WeitLDnnil 'ATTIVci____________ 0:00 a.' tuIjoatei — —-------- ........7:00 r- j ID.AVrJvM ..............—------6.20 p. B.

’ ".'“ e u Uio uT " ’ . 'A rr ly e s ____________ 11:20 o. m.U»«ioi -------- --------------- 12: nooa

- A r r iv e s _____ — 12:*nW nlsliiU u v e t ______ _.12:30 a. jo, .

noino LocalLeave* .. ...................- . -1 :3 0 .p m, •ArrlYSS _ ._ ,_ -_ _ .~ ...C :lS p. n

T>V1N FAI.LS.»LIS9■ -Lerlfe* ___ :------: _ ^ . . , 7 0 I) n . tn. '• A jT lm .- : .______^^.IXUMO'o-.-nv

. . - J ^ v e * ------------------ -.B:CO/,t). m. ,AWve* ------------— 12:01 >«d.

. . . T i m m L 8.WEI,L8 , ■ p , - - -

AfrlVM ......................... 3.3S p. m.'T n ln F tlU . Jeromo . 8hoi1ione '

KoriWonnd .I<onTC8 ________ — ....7:00 n. m.

■ " ■ •Arrive# - - . t— ___n. m.A rrive*' -------— p.

. . .PIC m yiC K 'ST A C K ? . ' '.ric- '• . ■-KB*Hiotitid '

A rr iv e s_________^ ___12:01 n. m .!,IxinvM ---------------- ^— .12:30 a. m, .Arrive* ....10:05 fl. nl.Leave* — ----- -— 10:16 a,' .m

W estlmnd

■ ■ KVESzriiiB i& ffi IU fT o i — .

I, 1980/



Wlilli' inlrlon from radio Rlniloti!i i lliu Innk I.f lhc Jiidi;<-i for llu- liiull dlfClciiIl jnll, ihoic ino liilcil cnlrU'i /IlfHfMli. Tlioy aiit llprnadhie Jl.iyi- nnd llcniay Mnl'cy; KlnKini: imiin.'r key»," l)iilh < f W'lH'M ( UIc.ieo, Tlio i dnrlllR Ihe Mi'i'k of ScilU'luii.'r In

llnir i;c'iiliiK Uhi t!i::o ciitninilMi nn-,1^ dcrwiiy. Diuiiiiiy wrltiiiiiiiKO was i ordcii'd lhc firm day nf iiriicllit.'.'II.\v.i's ('Hill'd dummy m:xlnini:iK', lull lJu« Vuudalii went nfU'r lhi-li work u i t t Mirh I'plhniiln-im ;infl ilc^torminallni'i llmt i*rvcial llni|n'.l lift lhc tli'ld »yllh mlnnv 'inliirl'"..- , v • UiiOhle Kii'.'cd hiifl Im'cii nnh-ri'il d lirnan^e iiiily a liin 'lid ilnii' I* I nvnllahli' m |ireii:irc for the Ilrnl,.\ conlenl here SciilpmhiT JT iitcalnriij Moniana Sinlo collptc. l''or tlic i, liiflt fonr iiciiMiiiH.lhc lliilicnlH liMVi-' j lipeii lho jicnlnu fill' oil, till' V;in-. dal KchPdulc. Thill yi'iir'n Monliin.i |(<:iiu r<'|iortcd iixo(-|>llnimllv

f f io n ? . t’nll.'KP Ilf Idnlio w ill.. wiiicU llilll itnnio clcuply m i:"i » llnp on the hind nf nllack li c i- f' |ip<-l nl lUil!<p llip f'lllowlni; S;il' '' nrda".

ATSTIliAN IIKU) AS 1■ sv .w c iin iK s i s r i : i T

IlAKKIlSPll-jlil). Calif;. Spi'u . :-I' iL'l’I—A » nmn whn ' mninlih'd a cr.ufcHKlnB T t innrdcrlni: a iii;iii,' tind. it \vjrtil.lii "Hll III- lakdi to Sllll lltoRi today for, ciiiculliialni:' ‘ in canneciloii wllh ilii- ICiikMiadii..

.licnch siiiyliiK of I.oIh Miirloii ‘ i1<cnilo. ,1.0.1 Anccleii nornrily kIi I . ,;anil rtaiii.'W (Ninlnn'. 31, ...................I ,Thu liuiiPcl, .iolia llPiid'T. VJ-. ;ypar-old A«i.lrlaii. did not »ii;cify j ,hiH vlrilinn In matcnii'iili )o n f< j iflccm, .Inil .lila- aiiKcrilnn Ihat In--1 ("luiriPd'. Ilitrin .lli xand" wiih i'iin>: .nldered'■'-RiiffU-lflni lo. link h lii i\ jwlili ilip Kti.<enriila caMc. i1 --------------- -- ;iKl.VI.y .(I.NH FOOT Sl*K('IAI.IST. IX TW fX‘KALI,S. I'hiino RIO, Iir.M TiiKtcr^-'AilT.-■'' •:

I J nI- • (fi ■ —

' i E E / W E n i C A ^ f ^

/ Z c X S j I Niy

’• • . I / / /

i /L

. C l e a n ! I

R i ^ s K

¥ / : a * ' i

’ .......'r g "IU. J^ I-1 • •

_____' I D A

3 F 0 R - J U D G E S Q

'l i

all (i.-or lho country havo niadp* = ill’i Wnild'ii Kali' lipaiily roaiexl a Icn inomltii' i» tiinki- ll even more »•». Miirn i'liiK''r. Ml,■r <if .SiniiiiH, "ivlrard ot ilv•lonlrr,! will lie |„ 'ld III ScW Veil K '

Maroa Women to , ■Attend. Session

MA!1(),\, Senl, 21 |.S|ii'ClaU—TliP Woiiii.n's ,'lnli « | |i ni'pl Tliiim-d.iv ;.l, fllP t' al 111,, liinnn ot .\lf». Irvin i-rc.'d; ,Mvs, Jotmliltairi and ;.. .Mrs. .•<. I’. Miilisr.'uKiitiiiiiiir. '. 'J J I '

•Mi>. S.;jl'..M<'nrniic« ilii;iinBio.nV-(.7 lor a vHlt.'wiiii? Urr • m^iliitflrol ' I’orti.iiid.., . j - ‘ i | ; .

I,: 11. Ilrown.lel.t'Salilfilay, niT a ' Imrtlni'Hn ,(rlp -io ’;«evcml iiiilntii l iu

,'lr. 1111,1 ..Mi'h. Ilnlipri- lllaiitiH'k nn- Mil' |iai-i'nn of n daiii:liii>r horn l.v'l wi'i'k nild iiiiiiM'd lliiriiliara.

.Mill.; Ada Wtlhlli', wtio Ihih hi'i-n. MhIIIiii; :ii'|- i.jiciii'i . Id t for Sail; l.alic (‘liy wlii'ri* the l;i emidoyi'ii: .

.\llw: i;\ :i MoHi'ly ,md .Mr.' Motil- ' l'.iim.'iy wiTi- iimi'ilcil nr^-drr-.iiii' ' .Snnday, S('|>l.-mticr H.

,\tni. riillll|i.>, Iiinllii'r <,I ,\lr;i. If. ., Sliiirii, l« homo aiialn after a vhll III IhK'o wci'kM iliiralloii 111 Ihc eaiil.

.\livi. .1. ll. Winkle IvlMinie trojii ^llii- <oiiiily K-'Oeral hnniiilal where I idiP siiliiiililetl to an (iperatlon.■ .\lin, Karl Murray nnd Mr;'.| I'liiliicV iin Aii'iih'lln atfeiidcd ilie

I lloyal NelKliTjiifji ronvcniloii a l :' llanixin lain wei>u.; I,. C., Col.l. wltn wan in a car

wVi'<‘i Tiicj'day near ICiiull. w.n .■Ill'i Injnrcd Imi (tie ear wni very .liarlly danince'd^• Mr, itnil- Mrii. l.oe Knnls enler- Maln.'d a l-d in n er Siiaday for Mr. •an<l Mri*. .1. II. Sloau and family.

willl !*'£.

j. - 1 i litiftii/1 r j j f - ' Ju i» '■

J . .5 ,3

- . 'I-’ ’ "■j H ) L L O F ,■ l£M> THE-< LL i “ ■ ' HW IE T ) B U «" ‘ ' 'EM IN A TOO- i - ■ T O M i

■ ■ T a Q c u T j

A . Al «»■ . r o n o J

C o t t o n^ a n te itt::;'


i S i i ) I0ELH.GA1A li^ iv m iE s i

ir.S’IVKUSITY OP 1D.\HI). Mnii-j *•; i-r.w. Sept. 21—bcliR Ontnmn 'ii’ j rnrlty tind SlRmn Clil friiiernliy! tiBVO heen nwardcd lho woincji'il "• nnd nion'h crmip ii.:h(iliir»hlii tro-M'i phle* for, leadlns (heir dlvliilnn^| 1“ In tlio croup haUBc coiniietlUmi a t, '*

AvornRPK woro annnnncud trom tln-| y oflfce of the realBtrnr nnd awanh] Hern mado a l (ha oiionlni; aii*i'iu-l ' lily of the year ThurBOay. hy Con., 1- KicnBiiinn Ilnrlon L. Frcnch. Ontt*. or of the men’* award. , ,j-t:

Dnliu Gninina Soroniy Uoadii'C the ll.-it ot all catniuis Krniiii', wllIiJC lilt averaco of I.R'*, c.-ilciilaled 0U| h.



I i T ’S A S B A S Y i

. C i g a r ^ i t e . a ^ "

. ■ d a r n e l s ' n r i

I . . s m o k e r s — t l i

B u t t h a t d o e i

d e l i c a t c , m e l l

t h i n g t h a t a n

i‘ m i l d — n e v e r '

; ' i - W H y . i s t h 'c i

i d r e l e a r n i n g

i G i v e y o u r s e l

- e ^


"BASY TO LJSTBN^ TO’ CANH! W a d o H d l y ' e v c n la l i" on 11. C . KCO, KBCA; RTAft. KWD, K3L. KC


a llli.i.l -ifil.iiii iicifci-t, Tlic U II.! I lii»ll(iil,i, Witli Seiiloi^'.tiun .i,d

(:i.:ll|i. ,«.i;i nil av.-rnile n[ |.(;:-!.l I J lllill.i fn;- l l . ' ,.',.,x.liil .-nr..'*- -tv.' \rn r |..l..r llir- lll'-li'.. ltr<.H|H"l•'lii;ii<ir i<i-tii.^iMin|>,.titliiii tor Uie :: lliiiKiii 1. I'reiil'li irMnn Wlili an'............. „t I• tii-lTii (' (III (i.-ilf '»n.'i!i\ ,I:,Ki-',l >_<ai' ',,>:i_lh.- .M-.i.v- MrCllhiorf:; V

^U'lip''Mr:i,|’i'iVilhtii" 1,'itli cn'il.- 'M're' ii

Kiniil'" ivliitiltii; llern Jlirfc tiiiiiii,^

fl;ll:.%ll. Illl' M 'rl'lrill':' V.'IllTl ' iilioM,.: II,-K;, ll.irrin.i. 1 H;. , K i|>-'I'll All.liii TIm;Ii. I Di'lln li-ll’i' Hellii, l-l 111 In' i'lil. '

i ii’ ^ 4,i;;iii;“ Knii|i.i IC ii'rjM'' i';.imiM.v l.-.M; Clliiitii'i l-lii liel,. I.Korney ilall, !MT; llnv. Hall'i . i n . .

Men',I n o ii|i .: I. 'li. S itr.tlnu.- I

(■lii’. ' i iVi: li.-'V (ill. ’Will' 11Ku|i'>« ........... . I.;.,I. fl.....hnll. Alt.ln I'.ill <l';iu.ii,j ll

W f

r . t i r t d n a t u r a t t o c n j o j

j ^ t ' i s t o a d m i r e b c a i i t y ’

r e n r o d e , a h d - a l w a y s Ii h e p e o p l e ' w h o s e J t e c i i ]

2s n ’t m e n n y o u h a v e t o

I l o w f r a g r a n c e o f t h o s e . -

[ i y b o d y c a n a p p r t s c i a t c ,

• p a r Q h e d n o r i n s i p i d ,

i r e s u c l i a s v y i n g t o C a m e

I i t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e c

i l f t h e l u x u r y o f a c i g o i

-■ m ■■ r - m . . ■ . V;.*:

:P.L PLEASURE nC)DR j j i ; . ' .. P iclflo 'Cow t-onirork; > ■ " .COX‘ W1Q,KOMO,KCW •

; l.^ 'H Il"';i T hct, l-l. n.M , .......... , Tlda Olli .Vljili'a. I Jll.-,; aii-.m;, Aliilin; 1 KlMl.ri, I I '': , i'i.l (luntiia Hidl.i.'I K.;*; l-hidlrv liull.; SiKiiiii

'N il. Ifini: lC/>|.ii'"n!i:it|i — n i ' i r ~ l>i'll,i (:iil,.3.!iUi rh l iJulla Till,la,. : ; . 'i l . |.

|).||.'1J| T.'l’> (llni.'i. I, Kll U,i,r- ' ell' 1 (i; ,;nllllllll|iilll>, l.nsil; T-lll .'l in ',, Afi'iid. lo^n men, '•(..«:? all-fiiii-1 ,, vemliy aveniKe, I.^T(, all wiiiiii n,| i, 4-i::’:; all.Vicn, I.WI; Hi.riirlty wo-' nun. l.Mi-; tnilcililly ini'ii, l ITI.

IIKI) sn ii iD i, iiiM si: u i \ s<'.\.N'T(I.V, (),. I l 'l ‘) I he etflrl- ' '

>i;r ...... i;inile ,1. i'n,| jn- “ni.T Ii1i:’i •■.•lii.iiI,; »lll tint M'liliiri- Ij.

:! ’ vCe'*'i'Vm'r!ill''lUi'ii'' n 'i'M ’.''! 'a'

IM.MKI, IIA n :s II', T»l- ,'| |-||.M:CI: i I'I’I- IVlDihi ti., ,i.:,; II

■ clilee.l a:, a "Criliey hilniiil (..ililti ’'111 I'riiKlit''.'! lafunil niiui'ieriii III '■ jinrk. W.irli on 'ihe iM.-e.-i.ii 1,. «.* t,I ij.-i;iiii early In AiiKiirJ. :

\ •uitf , ' y ■

j j R i i ? ' ' ' ’

0 | h

l y th e f ra g ra n t m ildnessr w h e n ''y o u s c c ; i t . ....

h a v e 'b e e n .inade, fo r di ju d g m e n t u n e rr liig ly scl

5 b e a n a v p c r t to e n jo y < 2.^cliQi<^.aun>ripencd toba

'C a m e l^ ixte. naturally

»els? B ccau sc m o re a n d n :e n t ru e m ild n e ss a n d n i r c t te th a t ’s ah v ay s p leas

y ' l

Mui'taugli Prim ary i" j'.l,an3_Houio Coming ill

AITllTAfMlI f’l'i.iniil'pr H i.'mlle- '■ l lall--Tho iirliiinty » y i Rive a ' 'ilrjim- I'cinliiK" i.rnrrnm l'fH a y |'; 11. Him; l«r ih - miiiti il l|iiid. Ite-I ' (t.'.luiiciTVi will lie i-i-rvcd fiillov,.'''; In.; iliA in \ ‘ri"iMii'; iiri'Knan. I**

Mr.. Ailc.' l.ariinii ii'tid ilaiiKhl-'r; .\niv of iialil'iv, -I'eiit Siiiiirilay •’ Wllh !i.-r rlHl"r, .Mr.. ilptl Kiilicrl. I’ ' 'flu- M. 1. A. lind II'. ■i|.enlm: ;ii- ''

I Il.'ll,id T.'li'i 111- ml.ti.'-H, Cllffyril llT.ilnuii: " l.- .ii ',i i, tl-r'lilvi-'Clrl-'- ll

I n.Illi:.. Oil-'ltli ( li.o linnii; kIil. 1,1 i', i:i,lllllll Uiil.etli, nni'lnliill- e.

I-.'k, i:,V|ii|iiii'- ic l i l r a i l True. Id.lM-. Tt'iira li.ile-: M|* ll:l!lie,]wIllll.\.I Ht.iuv. J'Hir Ti.liu.ili an d ':: \ . r i ," A'l.liiir:ili . ’-'I

-.1 i' j \i,iiMlny' a’" ilii'^ '-li ild j j'


i. J' • . 'g a j f i a

k o B

s of a C a m e l .............

J isc rim in 'a ting j I c c I s th e b e s t.C a m e ls ! T h e ' , “ accos is so m e- y sm o o th a n d

m o re sm o k e rs in c re f la tn ess . isan t sm o k in g . . .

I P n u e T i i M e

llxrlnide noberts cuiil’ MM.,, aijf* fonl. Slurry wore lii c li# r |» -6 flh 4 followlnt: iirogrom:, Adiltea«..OIIf* lord Tolm an;, lalk' hy . l‘?lnclMl roiid(in:-iinoirrJBmi>i-Cl»«»oii: liV lllin ■>ul<i, Alln Chrlilofforiian; ' rcndlnt:. -Mrn, Oliver Johnnon; innimiinliy i<inndH lod hy Clifford ■rnlninii. ll*rrc.ilitnet)iii were B«rv- ed. Till' rearherB- were. ,|{onared tiienln at tlila i'Vclil.

.Mr»i. Mnrjoric O»terloli of .“ll. I'aul. .M!iiitc<i>lii Ib rlHlilnit hfr, liaronH. ,Mr. nnd Mm, M. II. flow- li-y.

.\tr<: llavirl .Moyci pn1cllalni>.i nl ll |>;ifiy IM lioinir yf hor daiKh- ler. Kllie'<i flficonlh Mrihday. HiiiHhU’iiml aaniPH woro lho dlvor- Moil'* nild ii'fre.^hinenlB woro *«rv-

ichtml ai I'ocalcllo,........ I’lckeii. who Uoji been

vvdrltliiR ill >jpaltlt>. camo hotuu iiiindiiy i„ vliiIl h is parenlii. Mr.. ;'iid Mi'«. llyrinii I’lckett.

iiM .y i>m ; n io T s p i x ' ia u h tl \ T » J .\ KA1.I.H. J'hupe.ttM. Jll,1' h l \ .

; ■

S j i b ^ ^ ' A

. ' .

Page 4: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

• .y H p N E ss .____________________

’WJI-Uweil IVlr# HrrviM .V"''"!, IV.-- , «.■■ll1lloll r„ll NICA I'Viilurc

’Sww>»<i”«ix »*»■>*«lilnliii. Id- 1I»AH'l T lMI.S-I'l l ll.tHHIMI I H,

^ t t c t d . ns yrmticl T'InY 3 "isVr""" V'"*"l

sunso&xrTiON iA x r a i ,

;Oni!Mnni1t ....................................................................................................ia:jjg h m ....... i ,

;S l i ' ■ P IO N E E R S ' V '

H E A R much o f,p io n ee rs an d pioneer d ay s arid• too oiten give sca n t c o n s id e ra tio n . to th e ir • Im jio rtan c e ..K ee p in g in m ind th a t each gen era tio n ■

one day be pioneers— tiia t those of u s liv ing 25 I;tdl50 y ea rs or more fro m now, will then be .re fe ^ e d - I• t B |^ pioneere, b rings a rea lization of , th e contribii- P tifjn m ade by those ind iv idua ls, wlio e n d u red h a rd -1 ' ,1

b rav ed thc w ilderness- an d estab lished civil* ' hiz iition ,-industiY an d ag ric u ltu re in those, partg . _ Ir | i f w e o f th is g en e ra tio n are p o tc n t ia l 'i r io n C ^ , . Ith e n we^lshould all th e m ore be able to ap p recia te I•thH value o l the .W ork..done by those p ioneers of an* |

t;r ag e vWfo lived u n d e r m uch less fa v o rab le con- ■o n s-th a n Ave do. v

."Wn re co rd in g the p a s s in g from lifo o f one of llie |,„^,[, fc ijn d e rs o f 'th e tow n o f F ile r, only those w ho hayejii'!' m

th ro u g h it can k n o w o f th e boundless optiiiiism a n ^ f o r t i t u d e re q u ired of such men to .v isu a liz e a ■mb'dern little city in. the m idst of a sag e brusii p lo jp -: iVBut these p ion l^re h a d th a t vision an d th a t hope.T h ey h u d 'i t in T w in .F a lls a n d Buhl, and Je ro m e and itrs.m iiii Ml these tow ns w h ich .h a v e sprung in to bein g dur- i n g th e p a s t q u a r te r o f a centiuy.■~Tt i s -when these m c n ' die; th a t there comc.s keen- -•ness o f ap p recia tio n o f Avhat they did a n d th e jiart Ath e j ip J a y e d in th e build jnffi o f th/s agrjcuUwral Mem pire . # ' ■ ^A; T h e ir 'm o n u m e n ts a r e 'n o t puny markei-s, but i

^ e s a n d . tow ns, a n d fa rm ^ and churches and aBoipols a n d a ll th a t is m an ifest in our various com- p

:Jiiuriities. , . >/rS m a ll, though, ea ch ind iv idua l’s j)art im iy have vJ)Wn, tHe p ioheer in a n y com m unity or. in nny a r t ^'.o r'^ ro fess io n is w o r th y of respectful consideration v'a r ^ .high ap p recia tio n . y

, i p p r i c e s - g o o n d o w n ^

. T ^ f e ^ a s t few ,'.m on tijs h av e seen a n u n p le a ^ n t - - depi'feMiori^^^ on the U n ite d S tates

although f a r from b&lamitpus. In t i i ^ i w ’ fu tjii;® ,'icc o rd in g 'to ‘ o u r mos^ trusted econom ic t'x- = p e ra j-, cond itions .w ill p ick up . H ow ever, th e re re - ■ m aiiis one .question; h o t . o rd inarily covered in 'th e I p rospectuses o f th e fo re c a s te rs : f

W i i r com m odity p rice s stab ilize a t th e ir p resen t •- levels, o r will they co n tin u e to s lip 'd o w n th e .sc a le to w a rd th e pre-•^var f^eJV, ^ • -- -

. O n the answ er to th e question depends a great' Mojc,Vlo»1 • T T i n i ' f t ^ - > * f > n l i 7 . p . Itmay be h a rd tb w ork u p much in terest in a n a b s tra c t | d iscussion of^ com m odity p rice trends, b u t th e dis- J cussion is im portan t ju s t the sam e.• • ^W riting in the c u rre n t .issuej of T he M agazine of •— -■Wall Stijjct, John 0 : C ressw ill points o u t- th a t prices• h a v e b een declining stead ily fo r about e ig h t m onths.

§jh t n o w th e y are a b o u t halfAvay betw een th e highc l.o f .l9 2 8 a n 6 .lh e ’Jow :of--1913^..___. . . . .........

I l l f th is, proves’ to b e merely a tem porary slump •with a rebound fo llow ing soon a f te r ' no. harav i.s adne . B ut if priccs s tab iliz e w here they-are, o r con- lU u e o,n down to th e 1913 level or th ereabou ts we ^ a l l have trouble. M r. C ressw ill’ po in ts o u t th a t ijje re is grjtve d a n g e r th a t the la tte r is w h a t will

'ijflppen, an d the th o u g h t does, notf excite his . m jtim ism .- •

■ ITo begin w itfC IH e psycT ib log ica lT ^ffec t^w ild ; ~ - J ' f e b ad . F o r years w c have breathed an atm osphere o t 'r i s in g prices. T o g o into revei'se w ould m ake.:u8^._J Bhntion ol pessimists ju s t a s sw eJy as Die p o s t-w ir J f l i^ r t m arie us a n a t io n of optimists. ' mf ! Secondljj, iu s t a s .th e £ceditor class h it by a time, f l

r is ih g prices'/ th e .deb to r'c lass suffei-s ft-hbn prices 9

S .dovm: In d u stria l l irm s floating b'ond issues would 3 'h a r d h it. T he luck less farm er, needing a n annua l / J . ib r tg a g e ic u n a Y .e J iia ^ ro p s . -^^•ouId,sweat.eveIX4llore _ J •than he is sw eating now . i l

|(P Ju rth e rm o re ,.in tem atio n a l debt§ w ould be serious* f l j « ttffec ted .''M ah y econpmisLs, Sir. C ressw ill’ ))oinLs m W t,. iiw ists th a t bo th Germ an rei)arations a n d Allied | ' p r ; d e ^ to th e U n ited S tates will be re p u d ia ted if cq m iriO d i^ -p ric es genera lly slip below a level ai j ^ f ; 2 5 / p e r c e n U h o y e tHe ,W,13 le.val. N o one nccd.s , |B rptM der.,,lhat oift^ iDng to find p len ty o f clouds B w lih rh o ri^ ^ ' . ..If-ro'.^fe.-flure,.none, of, tliese d ire th ings h as 'h a p p en - fnor |a ^ y ;6 t T h e p re sen t'S lu m p m a y 'b e ioiJo\\"e(l Uy a B ttong ,'rebound. P rices m ay s ta r t rising aga in . The j^ n tro U e m o f intcj-n.atlonal ci'edit, Mr. CresswiH na- M itei'vare even now p lan n in g to exi)iind crq d it and wt" iH ^ e b y . send , prices upw ard . • ' .. i i J i a i ^ e situa tion , a t a ll events, is serious enough /5' Jo;.cdll-.f9,r re a l study . T he hiext few years, obvioiLslv, . ’ » |h il!l;ililace a .p reh iium on cool ■ business judgm ent;. i f f ic re r ic y ;a h d b ra in s . T he day of Uie opportunist Im d ith e b lu ffe r is~ a b o u t over.

i m e .ra te , p rove of S ''*'S ^ a t^ b e n e f i f t o th^ ag n c u ltu ra fm d u s try here . F acts

presented : th a t seem ingly ca n n o t help b u t th.'. s !t ^ ™ - a low erihg o f bean fre igh t ra tes. ‘ m»ii,

.............. -IDAH

■. ■ rV I p

' ' J l

'orkliii; r ‘<'t fho nnr. timnc(‘ nf Ihc Huy o( HlHcay .wlioni of k • \ llio Imlk r t llu- .Al1niiilG tlncK of> $ i;y]U. mink tifu r u rulilolfln in liiilll ny. Jti22, ItiiUaii illvorK here nrA ,bf, i lowu 111 oxrlt(riivf> M.iUo KvciiliiK Vxn«' Itiicn-NKA i>lii[li>i;faiili«’ Oiirlni; *onI; ii> imiHt itiirliii: liml rr)iiily’iiiilva);i> unit HTuiliiiiH i-vi.j.•iiii'^mptRd; 'iliourii inrtiii any-.mori' niimih^ »>f' worlf'. r*- »1ri» uln. mill tlix nr'iit:' ilcpl'li ami liulw siirlioroiiii riiri'.n i'i. nrii it conl jt w mil ilnncor l» llu. iiiic!Br.>ii>n dl- h1iI|i ■rs, tin- lirlz:- iln.y cx|icrt liiCnii’- Mmli irii.'\.|iiiiil lio Illl. rl|.|u’<t In liinri- tuul

. (Read tho story, then col'o T^rr-nntP!r-caniB-:-or--aiJltriraiWcik ui'cr. lUiil' Mlnkr T m u l Mnn lind layttl near i« wiilc-li llm lllili-l I kt

Believe It orEzplanatloo o t.U ls Cartoon wir

' f i ■ ‘

'IrATERS, - (utact>cUii> ..

F l i O M 3 0 m M R | | ^ H l ..ciTCg c t—jlORTHArtCfiiCA

COHTAUIIKO CORRECT AMSWERS Toft“fltt«/Cfr»f/O pCO rtT«ST V V Jd wtiic R tcuvtp oy The a tA ttit r.i.

REPRESENTS / 5 ^ , 5 8 0 flIRMHES,COVjf«D IN 92

' tW THW r HAS e v e r BEeN COILEC.1fftO M S O F A R S O F A ^T

KXI’liAXXAl rn(> I tje l i l t 'rhr;^,.|[unipr:i In One I:i« \Vuco.' Tc'xuN l -liin' On- Aiismil 7. lub,-1l)'o Illl lliicu,hu|iio riini\ ^lurliiilr, IK niBilo IS ?inm In Hit olxlilli Innin; irniunco.'till HlhfrlM i l« IITI Innpd—'riio SIfrPr mnll. .wlti];lvi:n. .iKlIc ln»(.rl Hint orici: I rcacli-mt ainrd i o r gluc in tlicm.

S g jB aiM IM fi TIMES, T y

ilVE H C ¥ u R p O.F ,GR|/(

— —

nn'"IiTlitcir}'. fVir<}-''f«hf pl'oJRnt(t nml nlLvcr, In llic vnlno In I

. tlicm .in .llio-Klnii'Illoo room iindiT llm iliird dcck .fecln;

lha .'KsyiiL Tlio key ,io Iho you n<'[.‘Jnrntlfln or tliit iruunii’ro wnn .Olnn nt.iliic'ii In' tlifl cniilalii'H 'snfc: ‘ c liII III'llio Icfl I* uliiiwn i i ’ lp.niie Ilii'. i\ini'iii ilip w iivw y oi tlic lo ri>iij U-,x.' iMilaHwO wlil' lwci.n'till- JftW» (if Krnpiiol inn.!.i lnn'i.wan Illlvd iiliniinl llu' Hnlvftso '>«lili'

III Ailllilllo wlillA wrirlii.rH lioM oi».i <!lr iirpnili Iriij. It mliilii rllii aw;i; id li:r limt f<iri;^;i', Tliit <.niiler lii'n


! y""-y j y ' - » .. ^ , Riioii:

^ I

)lo r th o p ic tu r e .) / ", ' J III |lmr!r-(lrive~fliiil-l'i>lU-H«-.nCun.

id ', to ' tirlnV" ^ Id foptiy. "Ci-i-. ic),; know my Htnff! I'm vcry Heldoin

N ot - Jr in appear lo T om orron'i T lno i (Re

utvmlKW f- A

: m m (tobbcr CKid o! the

-Ther dc f f i l L c C vCinnol/ 'S . X

J2,7S0M i!4iJTt5 '' ' ' 'PTcfN . ; The PATRiei

5AU)TEiTriE' • I . - Ow“ • c « •—

ATit»\ T(i.'KiiDAvs CAiiyoo: ‘ Ina|nir^UT«)tl>ini‘' f lu o Ryo plaV* r. Iti30.'‘''<ndrln|: a nrlicilnlcd niKMlRU ilnUlttipiShMi Inurjiic. I'lio riiinl ac^rof iiiR.’VlKlil'of wlilcli were ni:c<mntcil_

^rtlall. o r "»illcl(or" ilnc* nol lioionj Icn cnii«nH acriinia dainnco to.Uookij,';

™ f^A L iisrm A H O '^* ■ :■


' ' '"■— — lin k ' irhdir 'how -Uie ^d lven y f i a i 'iail lii^ary .Ql)H«rvatl:n 'sholla wltli aun

mi'por(holcK. iitiilo«r^ls.-& .ahtll tlie nit hauJcil nboard.. and'.-.ttbovj) !fil I soo i,Clilet D i r e r \ innl cmcrKlnK'tn toll;)ilB n a iA (Ml ..|i« lly ,.o t.’n no» 'JU covow JM ltfii ' Knyiii’ii, InipHnr. Wni■jnlviifift nil . nf ■ lh#'’, tiHlllon, hall ill'll nuw Ix ljuMov.<id i)0^11.1 llm water nonked <i3xea''ln fulP It'll II Wan 'iiackcd, Uio'aalviiRO 'mnt: .iiiti)ri linvo iloclilcil to ; tear wlii! ;iy llir iiii|nir I'mrt of Jlin aiin'i ji.nil :i vi.i::.|.| iinil ritiiovu Intitvl Iliu dcci

Ilii. rniiitli, nnd wlicti I rcncli liop Kfpun I iirnnuilly im lt Hi«

I rlKlil In.: . '"?cSoni(.|lpiMi you do," 'nriappcil wiie•|iy. "lllll, 1'v4! Kfcn yon tnliw an .Tlioy llllll. Don’l 'jraK about yoiir JT"’'.f lifraiiHo ynn'ro nol ao very ,i"i,id. Why I know moro niKiiii ^ 1,,!,'I Knmc Ihnn yon, 'Twill really , , , a Kimniu hnw jmdly.I will hmt1. And, nf ronrae, Ihiir* as I lllll." . . f ■ 'hfl Tra^Vl %Miin then ailnrcd a |II nnd iiald. "I hopo yuu a ll canI. Imt. really, wlial’a tlio <llf- mth i.ncp? II iH real fiin, Jnat Iho no. Why. I'vf .played cnlf ycnr „ f.r i’l-nr nnd lr>«l. hut ticver •d 11 irnr. If yiiii n u win or '“ ' f 11 nml. laiiKli, ll In u dnndy I"'** 110." •'hvy linlHhcil wllli Uinir cnmo I"”) 1 then'niKhoil nn and luH'Pcd a ‘>f“ ' all -train-wlicn tho TraViil Jlan iV. '".How “ n‘«'H W m "Zurich: a‘ t ml ll !>]>ol! I knnw ynu’vo liked I" '

Mnrlu well nnd you wlll Ilml ono 1 Ni'xt lowii »wdl. Ynu’Jl Imvc I'T I nthor Bpcll of wiuidrnna I'lleaii- p, llltl) a* not." . hoa'riio .train kept ohuRKlnc hniii;;i Uio. d.-Iinura. They triivi'Icd. lbu*'isli lon :oliplo o( HhowcrH and lluni onl Cni

tlio 'nnn. asalii.. A ralnhmv iinh Tatnrd—iIir-nky.-^'H crn'jv—Zii'r. .|h~ I." rrlo.1 Iho Trnvul .Mmi. "All KIrI

By Ripley rtoe. tn V. 8. P a t ofUe*) ' J. . 31

li'flowcitdiTnbcL U 0 86f^Eh4lM '''«

HftHD-To-HflHOQjMBAT ' <-»r

"I i i

\y. • ‘ *SWl.E/00PCtJHi£5 nr - b u t d r d p p w a

' i t f V 00LU»RB1LL ■ •■ 'jjglfl H<C.tlalion.ftwuil,| J

le fT ic a r ’ '’^EtiftG AT COMMANDu n ti byMu CtitA>bp,GrMl3cT (b)..

osi ■ ’I'f-tbo poBltlon'nf ouUloliIor for f amMTltli tho UcnnmonU'Toxnti', iflraB.JO*?, the Wnco cliAuiiaT- . .forjJjjr* Uyo’s BpocraFQra'r Por:

IS’ (a the flntiy tribo, ^'iil In ft I'ctoihlBsr.’oie., vh llo attonipttuK .

r t " , ' ; s iH C T t . " 4 ^. ....... — ............ ............. trayal■ L-..------------ ------- -------------------

f cl i S L . . \ . . . natM

I* tlu- - I f e l

S ' a i F| H K 8 | B : . : X r r \ ^ i ; . ; M u r d


‘ I'Ana

a M a i E ^ B E L k lJ w . unit<

ctoni . . . ' Til . nuQiii


... . L'uro “ Kl


j»r» room coatalolnff'^tlio I re a - . iro. Tho-retoarkttTjlo.'-iihoto pouc 10 right If'*'’

~z:in im ln m iin in i iK n U tf fn i^

ilf^ l''{K M Q FSSpSifi& ^ nnlent* .altoard^tho-salvaRo. ahlp hen. aa ,.yoUji^*p>Jicro, U llate<\ nil, th(jy;'M a/p |i\^ed. ov^rr,«'>“

ip rlljhl' OUI now., if ' you can. ‘Ml all fieenied Intcrcnlcd nod I oiiiiht wc^d^ldo rlplit by."•CouMc Zlirich wna i hlfC reirfrt hero ovcryliwly wenl fnr upon.!io flriit thln» that tlio tlnlcit did an.-Iouilly ahoiii, "Loi'a (to. and mt a boat which wc, can lako Khl onl.npon tha l lovely lake."Iipy nhorlly found Uio lioal and.I wenl out for ()ulto /» row.

A t t h a ' . T h e a t r e s 1___________ ' * ■


Riillt ChAllcrinn. the welt lown aclreiin of iho ntafio nnd . IklnK .Hcrcen, IA marred hy - otro-<7oIdvi'yn'-Mayer • Jn fl new ay "TJie l.mly of Scandal", a amatlc coincdy of modem , mor* a an'd marriage. Now playlnit the Idaha Tlieotrc. 7 h l i coaieitV - > ‘ aahl lA otfor MbH, Chatterlon

to ot 'jlio moat IntorcailaB.rolea ,® ; ' hor Jirllllant career. . :X ;.CuHi -un Klalo H ilary, fanioiia } - ; }niity. whiMQ Klnmnroua . 11(0 la **'' 10 talk of London, MIhk.Chatter* in -beccmcH ongaRcd to John riiylb, .tho ho'H of u n ‘ Encllah J i ; ihlunian. John’ii family of conmo :„ 1 —winmlulUeil.—Thu—IhoHitlit-o - J L IkIc, n no-cnilod womnn o f tlic m i orld. c'-mlnic Inio tho fnmlly m i urrlflcn them, lint Klnlo Is .moro 241 inn— cfiiml— to— tlfo— oTcaKi&tT fonsht (0 a ranifly conference f Imr Bweelhcart, Klale'a mas* s s i flic cliann ond hoauty w(n them 0 4 1 i r tn hcr nldo. yg {Here la n dratnallc altuatlon « lill Ih w(ffked n p . tb a clCYor m< :nl uniiHually poworfnl cllmaic.-lt uvonia .Mlaa Chaltorlon In ft )lo of varied omotlonB, lightlos Q >r loro y e t. fully realW njr theJR mom. iiiHurnioiintAblu ohilaclM; hlch •Bho-.muBi'-fJriir.-bvoroobie'' •' Btoro 'flhe, Ik froo to hIvc licrl (■art to lljo nUiti who'mcana moH i.lier than life Half,' ' I n \ i Klulc Hilary, Ruth Chatterlon g

■COUPCjN jjO RU FaEE : | .' . h y m n t h s ! |. i i . l n l ' i s S v f C M r . , o t' S

n Inlmcl^ba^dfi'f iUimrlorbul'iiB wii' 8 " 111 ilWlhuin . Hovcrai-'111011101111 QS i r .{"“ l i r m ™ :'’ '™,;'; *5®iiur.iniFrd (0 Ijinem- In alx difftr*It rniorx-• If .llilR roii|>un la -rCi I . 'Ivr>l irltliln 1 0 . darn tOltfthrr: v . ; f a , r r i : ’ a r ; s ' ”r ;;;llr^lmaK!''^oyrln? nVnelnlh"bull)!

i-ASHixr.TOW - BOLB .c o , . . i s c ;eyiniBK ^.WASH.

d B I E ' "

TONIGH T :S ep t^2 4 th

B up' : r : [ -Eosie.. Layne's | ■

U of I OroMatra

D A N C I N G ^ ' ■'

, 9,.30;to 12:30

Hall;Jl6o)iaiiioaUy I '.Cooled and.-'r J

' Vehtilated;- w d S s a l s M i

- . - . '-W c'dB ifeS 'day .

^ “t i T i w l ^ S s ^ u B U o r i y i .5WBBwi,-And*- i j a a i l - ^ - ^ ^ n e — Bdward.Dror^ii a n . Ideal lead*' liian Jor Mlaa Ct^lterlQO. - --

Hbone. It ■will 4)0 romenybered .pjL Iio noted a lar of Ihe'^lKltloiait '>S)r, :o, who rw enlly mado lili ap- of Co ranco «n tho lalkinc acreen Tjaltlt •Tlio Laat of Mra. Cheney" ami btolh'i Plillo Vanco In ^Tlio'' niahop li^fl fi •dor Caio”. OUiora Jn Iho-Onjl dfly. lidtf Ralph F^rboa’ na John bakln. too 07(011, Robert Bolder nnd b«en dorick Kerr. rsate

' . l.'rnncY IIEI.Vfi I'AVBJ) TO . J

UNION O l ' ' cou.vT«ii:.s ‘ J™; ;SXSVA,-8e p M » - H > P M l^ r iMrm enutlvea 9f ?T E^^rofcan■ nn- daya )B moetlnir, today.,.under the mlnoi a ld o D c y .o f Arlalldo, llflnnd lo nble iBldor' iho ' Dreanlutdon of a wllhn It.ed Statea o( Enropu found'the 'X ' .

well pavod for ''Kiiropean «itcni noinic nnlofl. ,Iio Ide’aa conlnlitotl ln nrlniid^a Khl iflllnonnlre on a fttdomllon of ij*-Ib roixsin atatea, liaVo been alrosai from . by Pmnco and frlonda ot pnren tnce In the economic commln. - .Mir 0 of tho IxaRue of .Vallonii, ins a phaal2lnR tho uritont need nf wpck ropcan tariff reform. rAlntlnK,af m filoomy • picturo of under-con* londe npllon . of manufactured pro. there :w and orfr-prodii«/on, In nft- Coi jltn rc , tho countries voiced,tho j-nvo :d for Domo middle path buwc'cu diiirc Hi favonl nation claunex an'il chun loluto vreforonllal trcailca.' jatltul

oiiROXic ( 'u » J .n u i,K ir ' ,.O.VOaV ( V P ) - A woman Irt *>y fJi ice courl aalil Itcr hURhand imliled a t overythlns ’aho did, ONf.1 m lo complaining aho Kavo him IN T . much to eat. Fostr

j ^ E ” ' l s UseiI p

~ ®IT" ' I , 13

i s - - ^ - - - - - - - - - lj) EH . ' I!

5 q ^ [5T ] ' m ■ ■ “

s r — —

----------— — 3j

iHORIZOSTAL' aO P ar t o t>TC. SW

■ . JO T o liiiM. , ; „ , 0 T . iCavItle*. r>KyelMhe*. «2 I>cpart«I. .

; I " “ T™"' - •>.' ww™ *"!. i ■ “ Ti: S ? - ' ; sSl’aiaasea.' ' itESTER'DAY'S.'A r To 'M Boratc.. | 5 [^ |< ;!m |jlg « U |A

) To cho'oac'liy-

p i ^ i . '

i c ^ e io t i a .— -Ib d S E o S l B l i f l

J l ’u t to l 'l ln

■Into Onr Now Quarters—TIio Old —JuHt Next Uoor tho Flral

look fb r us in o u r r .V: q u arte rs

: W liere W e W ill H ave Rc

BACON&CF' P hone O ffice 265 . ' )

CasK buyers .of Potaloi

; S e e Y c

F o r d D e a l ^

::lIt:PaC Oor Prices Al

So Are the1 9 2 9 .E o ri" W (lo r S dS K ;

■.,,,l9?9rFoi'd.,Co,upe _ 4 i i 9 - - '1 9 2 8 D u ran t-C o n ch I,L:_. l ^ ta 2 f l J < j r A . ’A'A~ T n w k- 1

1929 F o rd Sport •RdaB6l ■ ■ ■1928 C hevrolet Coach ■■:.

1980 C hevrolet Sport ,,®1927 C hevrole t .C o u p e '..

. 1927 F o rd .Coupe ........: 1927 F o rd B oadsfer. l.i;.

1928 Buick.jCqupe,.

LBR. 8oplMnbcV,24 (S p o c la t)- . r, and Mra. rtuaaoll ShBa/fcrl''^ killum, llllnola who .Aaa Ins for aotcral diya w tlb 'hia lima. Guy and Ray Sluar^t-.,'"; for.hla home In Illlnola Satur- ' " ’

Rtiaaoll ShtViror .!» .ns bnalncM In Collnm and naS” ''^ y I to tho coaat. Iwln*0 to n fflntonilon held In Bin > iclaeo. He atopped horo for •• vtali on Jll*' ' f iT Jiome tn m ^ « ,

llm Slobcr, 'who' waa ]p a cql*.

1 BRo. la recoverlnir ffroni hW;*"' - nr Injwrle* vchr'nicely.

to he uhmll tho Blreota n'ow lout llio i}fd‘’br'.crUlclipa.■number of .people from rvVj:fl.,'I ndccl tlip iKjat rarca at Dler- , '

lako Sumlay. , .•Iirloy Coatfu and irarrl6 iio 'Khl apcni the w^ck*end ,liyA . 'I Ooodlnb'i Ihe ,RiieBt.B ,of th6i?.^,, ,

laa a racc n ick i. wli<),Ja at Hurley thla le rm .'iM nl JIiV ;'; k-end a l Heyhnm. the «iTW'” ' Mlaa Alice Mc.\'caley, aiiporlnr ... • lenl of llie ‘ prl.mary Kra[|ji |r

uiKrcaanmn Adtllaon' T : Sm)'{h‘ .> a talk, a l Iho ' Srcihodlat*" ' rcli on tho imhjccl. Of ‘T h e ,' ' rch. the Siato and 'the iiloii." A cood .crowd was lent. The talk waa '.w y .iJ fl. ,, atlonal hnil was well r e e c lM ” he atuUpoec. , ' ’

,Y OSR •VOOT~«FKCIArtfiT. TW N KA1.I.8. I’lJftDO BW.-;DiV:,i lrr,-AU». .

fu l '— .......... , , ; t i 4 i r .

5 6 ' 7 " B ji*

— - t t T - 1 ........■ , ....ri'T

; s r 35T ! P ;■!. .

J a . . — —•M'h'1 ■ !..„■.-■'•. !■ ..

VbiB.IIkc. J, -SnbcJt. ro Ivnalroue OCunttlB*. o ap fro ia^ „ A lw a ilik .„ - j,,, ' "I"* ';- - laP H M tljlU s ..-

ro ,w «nr. .lOFeoBt. • -..ullnwj»h.;: ,-£01 'o .Iilo .,o r«)n«U oi.. ., , , t e u •

aiS iU oT .

T O s f e ■ I 'a r i 'r tm iu v ^ g p i 8 H B s s c o u t . - .;,,iit ■«

—mreyf SSXUtnM. -illg P p S s 88 U i t «or« . \

8T%VIioUy. ' m Vh .UN I-t.INIG o a io .eu t..: .

1 C. L. DelonR nulldlnff; '«l of Nexi Meiilh . w H

new a n d larg e r ' " g

ea l O nion S to rage .i*i|

RYDM IR e s ; i y 7 ,& - ,1 8 7 5 - : > \ > t g . : 363 a n d ’OW ohs ,

o u r ■ ? « ■:■. r..- ■; j .. : . 'i'a

i T v P i r s t , ? ! '


i ' — i t o i - ...._.;,.i .:.:.:'3753"“ ,ys-. . . . . . . , . .t o i d s t e r .......... 450 ,.a

' ■'......:- 7S * ' ,, . 426

Page 5: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...


. .'Weiftiesday/Seiltcmb'eV. 2-t,' 1981T.,' ~ '

Mr, and JlT "., Noblo Pl*her are ♦ '* COMIXO BVENT9 ♦ 'tU« .f r o n t s of a «on bora Mon. ♦ ' _____ . • ♦ ■

' • • ' ♦ Sfi««ml.ef 2i-M Jeronio * ”;.,.L •. — ' ♦ - t ount y fdr. at-Joromo, ♦

low B iJU U or. ............. , * 20 Pootbslli ♦ArrlTM . V . , . ♦ roll* vs. Uiii>oN, Lln* ♦ ' '

CflJ?, JoTforn of Jetferion. lown ♦ coin P lalj , . ♦ .Iirotfipr of > lr i, P. flboneiHffKor, ♦ Suiilombor 30 Twflntleiti ♦ I.In niiffueiil a t tho Ijonie ot Mr and * Century ctuli. optnint! r«- *Mra. Slionahorjer. ♦ wpUoti o i }iomo ol Mrs. C. ♦ ' J

• II. ♦ A. Ktnda. ♦

AtJfM tu n r r a i . i , . ~ ♦ of now Twin Fttll* JilRh +1“ —,n b rta N'elRhbon of Amcrl. ♦ "chool audltorlum-nyinnniil- ♦ • —

ca wlll moot lo a body a t WTilt# ♦ utii. foaturlns coticeri Iiy ♦ ^mortuBr; chapol to attend tbo fun- * ‘Unlltd SlalcH Marino band.'oral. pf Mra. PM rl Colbori n t 2 ♦ Ociobor 1M6 MarIi; Vn|. ♦ ^o'cldelf 'T hum dfty *Hefnnon. ♦ loy-Dlitrlet V. W. C. H- * G

' ♦ nnnco fcampaijcn, ♦ ^f r a « 0 I r Pli^pcd ’ • ♦ Octobor 17-18'Aniiiml In- +A t,Idaho '.- - Mliuio. loaelicr* nl clRhU ♦ ^

U aV cli- CraVcn, " 'Twin' FnllK ♦ counlfon. In Twin Falln, ♦noplrt^moro a t "ttie VnWorilty of * Ocinbrr ■ IS I''aiir(li din- +IdtttiR., a t the end' of' lb« niith * • irlct P..T. a . convention n l ♦«nawi), pIcdRcd'’Phi'Oarpma Doltn ♦ 'Wendoll. ' + •f rn tom lty .'Jl Ik'donoiinced. * October c.i Unst day to 4

,,-i • • ' ' ♦ reitistor for Koiiural cloc- 4W a/.M olhew T o 'P a r ■ ♦ tion. , 4Trlliuic (o U o p a n ' , * October 2S-26 Annnal Oirl 4

Tbo W ar'M otUet* will meet In ♦ n«"erv*-'f(jntorcnro, Twin 4frodj;;,oC tlio ProBbjtorlan churcb * . 4a t T J i o r f t l a y ■aftffraoon Jo ,flf. ♦ . , . . 4

, lon^^^^tho funornl pf. Mm; E llin * * * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

/I IV /•'.* * Whito’ chniiel In Twin FallnfaiUfcford Couule f ir t Tliuraday ntternoon at 2 o'clock.LIrrnNe lu lVeu Xho Kdon «ranso will hnvo tho

A mnrrlOKO llconM wan liinuod jirocUon of tho fnnsrnl ncrvlcCT?: b y .tb p T w ft l->ll^eounly,rccordcr Twin iSiUh cnmp. Itoyal NpIkIi-I _

" " f . ' ’? ; IwrB'Of AtncrK'U. will offlcluto nt ■ . vin Ifail Mlldrod McCnlllntcr. both Bravcnlde sorvlcuK In Twin FnlU flf Coitlcford. . ; romotory- . ,_ r r ^ - _ - Tho. bmly ri-xtH nt tl»* WhltnSc-wTlaBBicor^ftl-.Store'. Mortuary bnri>,. wiiijro It nrrlvc<tA rtfvei from JfonUna Tuondny ' L

H. A. M rlntyre, nbW; mnnagor ■tho'iPay'n Trfkit .*toro'hor«, ^ f r /v - ■

l ' f e ? C ”S X " a rf fO rg a n i2 a tio n 3 to.... . A ttend Services Cll

l).'»a rM T J r t p " ' , „ ____ ' I• l i - . J 'tli'irndny nflornoon.'tho many

To AtlMd ' Mo'bor’H chaptor nnil „V . . . . ; . tb«,-^rlm »w 'lU flw knh Io.Iko wbo

MomborJi of tbo Primrodolnobd- ‘“ 0" requested lo ntlcnil . b a ltJo d K o .a i^ o a ao u e a lc d jijac fit *|‘0 hen

ttt .W .P ro H b y tc rtJn c H u S h T at!! S- «nd S .-^ u b imnhem, nnd wo- j .,,,o-ctick T hursday a t-m o n of otlwr orKiinlxatlnnB lo ,tctJEf-^fiinural for r Mr*: whWi M m -W oodbwd bolonKo4,

. Elixilk • WoodhpaU. • . w llL llkowUo Jio In nttcndnnco.■ • U - '■— Woodhoad> non* cbu

•ThMven fipt Pnm e i - ' - f will nervo b« pnllbsnrcr*. Rov. moiA tjlh irrn n n n • ( J Ja jnW sn iln r will coniljict the

Tffrtvca wlm 'otilorea* a n o ^ c n fuifora] Horvlee. nnd Ifttermoni i,.‘ ntiitlnn n t 'Ungorman-. - Tiicsdav yfUl lo In Twin Fnlls comctery „'_,i niKht took purM > ooitfelnlnR bonlde lli«- Kravo ot bor Into hun- i,,,., four flvofilollar 1)1118} a n d « olbcf. bwid. ,

.•M«,.Wp(,abcn<S wn»l ono of tlia me »tlvl«cd Wcdnmdny raortj^g ._ ,^^ , pjo;ieor .V5<j|n6n ot Twin m i n noi

' h i « / J------ T '• - irac t.’, living hore for nboul 30 I

•l':n r6 titd-to '’Uiolr liome'lii'fiolBO ■ , ' : •'.'■'. • . i . -

s i t p i j s a m i M N E E ^ Hmaklnic -o labo rt vlill with' tlPolr * * " I . I U . I I I , hlldaunhter; ^trs.- RbIiiIi H U lRbton. n n A | f r : n f k i n n

ULOUnl LiLllInu -pocldd lh a l-» BpoclU'»>eak<ir'Wltl • - r - r — _ . «=bo present a t tbe sc s tlo n .'. Ini

• . ___________L ,, iPOCATELLp-The rato boarlnBOfflcInU lo Meet • . . ' o f flft-W abo Public Utllltlei. Com-Here Toalifbt • - • ■ ? thlsilon versus OrcRon Short Llnu

. 'A meotlnif o f Jhs.OmcJnJ*- a s . M Hwwd-cojw ^y.w hlcJj Jiaa bcca ,im hrtJoB .ot-tho 'eouihiC cntnillda- ln.;i*Mtoft-tW :P«sl two-dnya - be- ‘JiJprMUloUc dlitTlot;wlll bo bold foro C^mmlsHlonor Claudo.ll. f o r .

A the Twin Palls Cbnm bof of to rnndJJxam lnerU U Koch pf.tbc-Wmhiorcc Wodnonday CTonlnK 'a t IntM »talo-Comm#r«»-Coramlttlou =

. ^ 3 0 .’ accornlng an. annouuco-. -^W .-dlMod. .Into. .Tue»dny, .nftor- ... — liffitit-by-A 'nar'Caffoyrchalrm nn.- »ioon. ”D eci)iion '-ln -iho-ca«e-»m ' - 4

■ f iir th o r dhtcuMlon-'of rules and bo niado by either lhre< mombor* ,

a occduro to r ,Ih e football flonson of tbo commlnslonror by Ibo on-,n be hold. MI-.:Caftcy niated. . Urfc commission.

• ; _ i___O O rejon Short L(n«. an tf. Itoloo. S ^ llio r of Pamous (lolfct Poelfle officials, icstlflcd a t Uio,

S ih ln m Visitor H eri r " . hearlnir yostordny. poiminff oiit “■ ^P rou W.:Von Elm.- Urolhcr. of tbo H '« «*r>on*« ot. m«lnt?n»{icrf of ner.l^ o u R aeo rso Von Bim. who lu vice throuRb Wyo. Is lam or Uiun '

• • ^ & /o lf? r in and Nob., thus Justify,« Dobby J o n e s . ' i n Twin In* w los on Idnbo pcaa nnr(S l l , ° S u , ! n « s Ho 1" h « t.s Bhlppod .to a ica R o ; thnnSprcaenlAtlyo flf a .coa l concorn. ‘''o»o ' -hipped, from .Colorado. ,xbit modestly adinlitei) ho Is no Sovoro ilorm s each winter nn,1S a n » ^ l S t . " a v ^ ^ ^ ^ •«>« « .Uock . Sprlaw Im i§»rnl>^rnam eD U ,.,V In.^act.■^.llo fumtnor/wer,o moatloncd In tho

KOlf." - • • ager Of tho Oregon Bborl Hn6 ,f , ; . -- - • Salt U k o :cily, was lho flrsl w n:

. ' t h i } ■.! ! K S 3 n i £ » ' ’S ? 2 » ■' I f * L. s T .,h » .

l E E E E I S E ‘

• j|nd p is tr le l Judso 0 . A. SuUon. . su tea , espoclnlly Colo*

> b ih nnii.flBiuii f l r a n S ^ n J ^ f t . -1l* laai ,;Trottt I'laatlBK . . • •

' j

|U (M i^P llS rv6» 'ou tlin i!d ’<forjliS filstrlbutloB b t CM.OOO,,troul fruiR

, ' IDA

BOO'TS A # . ^ R B r o p i E

• " " ^ i V i"O W ii W puB. , 'W rt« • w w ', wBCfc' A U . a v c o t : m i ' 1 v n w Tft' t o lh * . v w o w 'c o w s .yow s

' - ' f e e l

- i M

■ ‘w r .v o o K f T . • W IU . . ■ ' n u w O O N l■ ov T0r<i\6m ' OP

^ I I k

f o S i i N i ”D E I N J I W , .Tbo bmly of W iliam KnlKS". i;|;

<S, [oraier rMldeni o f iJubl nml Twin h'nils. will -bo rcculvcd Thurniliiy nt ihi- M'.hllo mortuiiry *■" here. 'Mr. KnlKKo illod Monday In' H Cblciicn whoro lie bml bcon a cli realdfcnt f tr l lu panl two yi’arn. j.j Funeral sorvlccn will prnbnWy • Iw hold, h'rlday nl tho Lutheran church bcrc. ot which bc wnn a

Imomlior.I 'Mr. KiilRca h|iii retiirno.l rcceni- « ly for a'vIhU with ibrco brothcrn It nnd two KlHtorn riialillu); Jn ihln |n liicalliy un<l wukIu Knod hcaliii wlicifhi) returned to llllnolx. Tho ni mcMUKOluillnK ot bln doiilh did li not Htnto tho caUdo of his dentil. V

Ko. Ik survived tbe follow- f ln s .« l8 t« rs i’aud'ibrulbcr».. a ll ■.»!•■ ' a l iH fl r 'a t . ' 'n 'A rm -'-hom o ncflr ■ Twin Prtllst.aorhard Knltftio. Al­be rt . KnlRKo. Itlcbnrd KnlgRo. Mlnil Mlnnlo KdIrso nnd Miss 1 Klin KnlRSO. . ‘

■ f S p I.(Conlioued from Pago 1)

U fled_na_a_jnnu_KliQ_ haa. J)tcn. iicoiitlnR Blrlx Icavlnc tito, .Wnnb< InKlon ijcboni iu the nftcrnooii.

,Shsrllf'i:.- P. I’m tor ntid'Chief Lclgbtou. who lefl for Salt Lnko Tncnday night. Immedlntoly fol- lowlnK'w-ord of lho cnpturo thcro. w crb'e jpw leil lo return.herO 'w llli Ibolr pritoner- Weduonilny; niRht.


■; V.-' 'S a iA 'W 'ir M tH ^ I m ML — «ii . ' i>'i '.'' (‘Mt " " "'i" .. r r n e

i ‘'V . ' t - '—•.riida"8P6T8;y h d s n THB.BOY PBd fA:'-fanun«Bnf.O>a

^ likwimSBwroSSSl<lll»ii

A H Q ,iB ^ i;m N G T m 8 „ 'T

E S r ^ i i

UbTEW- " i« '6 -WST.

r bvOM'x i t t i P A ______ } T WMK LKW~y. I

, A io

l | , . i

. .T H V i SWT.ACAMXI T .•5WMK n v a s t VROt-^; H TvitMiM' 0 ?

H B '"T.- ;• r H - v ,.ftw a -

■' A J _ ■ ■ '. ,

M a t i v e s ' A r r i v e

F o r L a s t S e r v i c e

Krli<iidii nnd iiolchlmrn nf thr- '< Int.' Josi'iih i,.'Aln»wnrtli. C2, dur^Im): bin rt’Khli'Uco huro the im!<l oIkIii yrnr;*. p:iiit bim liiiprpiHlv'- Irtliiilc Tuesday nfiernonn' nt Ihu Drake rhat>«l. Illnbnp Mlli;hell W. ’ Hum Ilf ibc U lt ter nay-Sahitii chureh. and R A. flahhrl. Twin , IJillK, n .Riienkor, wore In cbargo.A <|iinrtol sans. " 0 ' My Fnther." or mid -'Itnnnnworcd." Interment waa i>i In Twin ii'all)* cemetery. ■

IrvIn Cook. Fred MnrvlK, Qohl- ^ cn Darlow. I’nrloy Stmlddnl. Kvan - Iiyrah and Olcn IlyriihMv^rc iho imllln'nri'rii.

A mimbnr nf out-(if-l6M,'n frlond ' nncl roIiitlvoH utteni\<’d lho uvrvlcuii, ’ Inc'luilinn Prod . AlnK>vorlh and ' Vorn Alnsworlh, Ln Crandi',' Oro-'. f:nn. brothern; nlnu'the m’fah. .011-'', worth .md ,Cook fnnillli)«„pt.Carcy;5' Idaha , . ' , <'

Ilo In nnrvlvcd by hlH.wlduw.and M children: Howard. ..M«lv|n..Lci»- iinnl. Joiiepli, I.cona. William; ftoy- . nl. Fred, Ada. Holh, Kniina. Irma. Dee Wnyve Alnnworth amLMra. Anna Morris. With Iho excoiitign ' of l,eonnrd Alnnworth, ..who' llvia In . Itonper. Wiuhlnition, oil- aro . r<'nl.loniB of Twin Falln. ■ .. i .

T iw :a W,V.NT-^I)S . OCT 1U5- ' SULTS. • '

Cooked Food.'Sale „•will ho belli TIiiirnday.-flopioTji- - lior 25 nl old Dairy Store niL

.SboHhono. n o n h ..b y loillen. o t . I.- • I). S.' a ■. ^ ' j

■* - i' ■■ ■■ '

... 'iv

) r d h ^ d - r ; /

y S o 0 t y f I ?

r iE lo r c c - s 'h c r f U v ’nnce’s . 'a r l f i t o c r n t l c • i/-'. ' f a m l J y - to , aekhowl-"'';-.;; V,i jS

B ho r na^tt.w om an o l 5 ' i rm ; a li-itrdisU n'ction I ' f ' •- “ ;Il f a te aw eepa h o r ’ d e a 8 te Jh ta o ..a c m 8 i: i_ ; „ .: a n o th e r Tnanl M ^ c s :.

sa c r if ic e '■ d u ty \tin tl . l l t y f o r le v e l j .

Liiolhw sp le n d id d ra ‘ .:I t ro lo : f o r : t h e . f i r s t ’ • r o f t h t m c r o c n l - N ':. • ^ i j

; '.V - I • :V- ■ ';

Uilii . I. . ' ■ M . ,

s : \ < m k ‘ \

>■ w e t h i [


r w i w F A i i i f e n J T i A P O .

. 'I'iBy,Martiii pA I ^

fl IIVMK'OT- IM .'t ' ■ J. . KK,W\ --------nWRVt I I

, OT tO W SW , ^ J | .

l ^ v r n g i ^ ^ H

— —_ . ' ii»




•■•■•..II— — ' ' «>••' ' ' • , • n ; .‘'II

: ' TWAX . v o o . •;„ni-V . . MOW i t B I rlK

• ' V O u a ^ H P . O O W A I i ‘Vll ! AL'C TOCKiO iM I

VOti ! iV'”

"»I n n ' *1

______________ ___ U B ^ H

.---'A”--- 1-- -----

h — — I'*' '


H ^ R | | | H | R ^


A nuiiiIXT Ilf naturnl (G2'llll»nKi <li iitvo t'(iniblnc<l In make thu iipcii ||| ii!ahi,n nil diii'liii nud coono whli-ii vlll oiirn In Twin Falls and nd- xn olninR ci.iinlli'n'Wi'dnPHdny. Oc- nl ober I. one of the liMl for.sfv- ■ .■ral yi-ani. nccnrdhiK to W. It, ■ I’riclic, who o|icr,nles a impplnK Si

2 -=TodaY'And '


. l o S f t s■; ,A .H o ^ c i;P i(i tu ro

5 f K \ \ ‘ ■ O I ^ E ' - j ^ T u i

y ^ - . V . •& ST A T IO N ".^ '

i D i l s i e L ! ^lOBEfflFiM

Frldiiy nfleriKion nl H o’clnrk he whinllp >if n whlU>.clad foot-1 miu offl--!al will i.i»iMid. opc\lilBK lic'srlillroii ni-aiion tor Twin Falli. iIkIi H -lii>iil, nud xnrtluR th'? (Ii‘»l I CIIIIK' 10 III- plaji'd tin ;lh« new | ur. cfidlron of 'i.liicoln Fli-ld. I

Wbllc 0 icnlKllvo llnoup liaiiy

iractii'i' Hcrnloiin HO (at tblx week' invi' Indicated lhc Twin Fallii. ni'iiior lini hi* tcnm pm rilcaliyi i''lo'rlr:I, Tho ilrnlii" will proliii')-, y line n Rroat luiiny iiulwlUnii'K,,III a iitiiiXiiT of iin«Dii»on<'(l play-,•r» will' i:pI thclr firm nriualf xpi'rtciiic In Krlduy'H rdni.-m, 'ir.-'iiuouH work-outu'uiich ntler-1 imin liavi’ Improved pr(j»p«rtn fo r''lie. Twill Knlln" aRKreK.iilinr, over; .vhlcli riiscli JoiiM wun i imii-'I IKI iiptimliillc enrlkr In llif iic;i-1 mn, nntll .n ntroiiK ncorUiR si|ii;nl'» r.-ady to. meet ibi- .vlfiliiirn, I

ConHldorablc nnil:l.'ai;ili)ii nvor | ho niiiiJUIon of thi5 Inrt. field w ail 'X|>r< 'i'ied by J i.uvh. | n !>;i'l yearn thi\ dlrl tli'ld h u s V - ; ronio imtkcl duwn nnlll li r.'-1 icnililcil ..concreiu... bo . lu-ild. anil 1 laa- acconnlcd tnr nmny nt tlu:l nJnrU's In Twin . Palla.-playi'r*. 1 \no lbor ndvnuiiiRC of lln- tiiifl H th'* ahiicnro .-iir nind or du»i.i I’rnctlcc HPiuilonii ari' IipIih: lu>hli in l.lnc.'.lii th'ld only . 'n n n - ' <ir 1

each tt-i'i'k Jll iinfi'i ihm 1 hc tu rf may not bccomi' m l ni>, J ;

, n o i » a \ iv1'ns~ —SHATPbl.',. Syil. '21 ( I 'lM -

i\w.»7.iid a dcc.iMlim over .SainliiRO Zorllln. To-J .MnrRnn. former Junior llchtu'ulRlit oh:ini|don. now* IIkIiI- Ini; ai> a llRhlwulKbl, advanc.'d u flop ni-arcr tn a chiini'o nl iliai i-ronii. Ianl nlKhl-

ami handliiK iilallou for inii:r;iiory wali!rfuwl 111 Twin Falln, ]

The lucai batch wus iln> Ix'Kti (!ViT rcnlln-d here, .Mr. l-ilrhi. hc-| lii-vcH. Itnd nilKratlnn trom mukIi- I •■ru Idaho' walern Imn lin-n li'sx IIiIh ycnr. thn,n iinniil. Due tn ilioURhl condftlimB In ihp mlilwtni, all woNtorn lil;ai!K whi-n- w alrr lr liloulltnl nro czppr|i.j| hy i;nvcrn- ment walcrfowl exiiprlM lo linvi' un nbnnduni'o ot blrdx.


B n g i i j ^ c , n m ca r a iraham K iSLi equipped

PL A T E ^ i l i j i i i t a s h a l tc r 'c v e n ;

J ' • '

j c p e n IO E P A R T M E N

. 2 0 1 ^ 'M a in ^ .v e . .k -

H E R E ’ S ^

I n M e n ’s C l o t i i i H e r e ’ s g r e a t e i

Meii^sS u i t s

I o r F a l l

$ 2 4 - 7 5

Hi{;ht now Is an cxccllcnf time 1 'culnc ill and Kc' tlic new 'suit whcllier you arc ready to bity.i nut. These are notcwortliy «ar jilcs of the values tb' bc found lie

•olKays. .

H ^ l j . P E K

’ \ "

n iJD S O N -B S S B X u e a h j

M o s t O u t

P r i c e d G r j

' '-i-iby gi'inding them ar ■ dairy cattle a

A L e t z D i

w ll cut and .g rin d h isman.

T • 'S .T :’ b ' j i s i i " ' k"T w i n ,F ^ l s ; , . l M 6 ; ‘

VALUE iies for Falli r v a l u e i n ;

,erc ll '1 <1

S e ll in ij

I t

anl - S i . X ; | ^ P

/ ;—

f R S .f iV E R V W H E B E 'J

. •. ‘-V

^ l a k e T h e |

o f L o w 1' a J n s M,nd' f e e ; d m g :# ; j i ^ D |^ ^ H an d '8 h d e ii? - .';^ H 'i< w j^ ^ B

i x i e | | »

lay a i i d . g r a i n t ' | M M | H .'cost ■,



Page 6: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

t e w — ^ ^ a m p a i ^ n o f

t ''.JM a * lo ' V«iloy dUtricl V. W. C. d i fliiiiucc cfliiii'iiiKii. yo

K iW lI bo'crirrlofl oiil in (liU Houtlon I Octolwr 13 to IB. wroplloR tn un: “• fldunccmonl mado -WodnoKlBy l y

[I- MUR CUra Un^clftnil, .nli! «l#ry, Townti-imrilelpaitnK'' a re y,iL feim n&ultoii. iliin(e|i. Klii)bcr> ,,• If, .Twlo fViU*. Mlcr anJ IJuhi. „■ ’■'•‘MIm Iti-len N. Klnck. reK lm l nef* **felan-. who win Olrcci tin* luut* v '■■' tmlW. Is M iitctcd lo'arrW e nboul *, ^i.tOcloUor 1. Sliu U- ol Iirctcni In o. i\...jpol(>no., WritliltiKlon. organltlnn „

Thfi biKlRei thin year-In »2::5, Twiu railn lo Tolto I12S0; lluhl

,'iaOO; Filer, IIBO:, Kimberly l i:5 , IncrcMlnR sirt by $W thl» yonr:

TiHlanKcn. »100;. HnwUnn $1(10; Ed- HOO. Annnnlly tho Id^ho Power

iromwny m>J J)>o Iioi»e-J’aynu«* .. ■'“'ISimtier company bIv(* $1(B .-acb, !}

lo romiilclp thfl u ta l budRH.. 5«iiuusiini'Niiinpd D

^„.,.Tw«Dly:ono mtonnnrit varlmis

..„,flRAND IniA PT E R HEPOHT V .U I’RWRXTKD ,w t. .n^pof’t; ot iirantl clmitlir |irn- •j9««llnK »' wan slvtin by Mm. 0. K., worthy matron, n i .o «m -

llon of ,lbo O nldr i f tho J>niii'‘rn S ja r 'ln 'th n Mnnonlc-tamjiln Tiir' *-

nvwliifc ■Inlll.niun nlKn look ••*?lae«-iiurtnr'll>c butlnesfi •- ,M ra., N«Ulo TcasdalB Ontrom" nnil

D^hiIo carUon »unB nulcc- ■ tloii»' duHnK tbe noilal hour, MIm

v U Ncll# \nrMkenTlil|c« bolnR i«(neharRo a l . tlio proRrom. nefr««h- ^• •menu worr. Aor'-cirby MMilnmcR T ; W ltaman,''Carl Sablnbcrr-WnlkM ,

' Johnw n nnU T. J. rb»tor. di . ■ V, • • • • b]

m w . OROAXIZE. . . P'HOBOBITY, ______ '

' ■''Mrt. a r h c R an ,'B . nVe'm'b*r ■J'• o f;P l Mu, nationni miiiile jororlty

hM 'bflen lUppolnteU to nrsanlK o cKnpl^r .In ^ l u . l^ l i i . the hn* ,

. noUoc«Jv‘W*dD6*(l<iy. Jlr*. D. B. P‘ X i m ;JR-.B «flll*knowc muiie

• f c ^ c lie t‘ her». and b«r wudMin nre |> { K m i l t e d . l a ilio Twin Failn'.htcli

T S m 'M T o m rfa '* , rotel/sn Mlwlon- L" S ^ l ^ I f l l y o r the MotbodIM L'pli- fJ a S i w l . cburch.^wlll ' Di«oi -In the L B a f l r c i i ‘*5srWrif-'Thuriirtny sfK r- Spe»-kt:B ;80^« 'el<K )(. Otdeom- wlll

All ;»einb«rit aro' re- ? , « p « te t . to .l ) r ln ( f /m 6 n o y lH»tca<I of fW rtilii.fop, Iho’ .Chrlitma* tund In

f c o : : - V . . , . ■ PK m S H B T IX K U N ai»Sn>N * l |W .lE T r '!C 0 MEET '

‘arjTTie'iPrtebytorlan'M Iiilonttry no- ^ l y ,wlH. mwrt - a l »n) flbiirC)i[ • j i r l o n Thuniday ■ uftorzioon nt s;80^o‘cloek; ^Mr>. Mlllnr will bf ill" charge 'And ibo mibjeci wlll

•• 1*0,' ‘T h # .^ o iiD jtir . Otneratlon." m,vit.' . H,

, - U w r is o B iB 'n ia K U H so; , . . ^ i r e ^ f T I J U W D A T , toL-')^Wi(t^<NDbH.' O rand i' w llll .rteot lh

Ttmriday ;e»cnlnif. September 25. fm• u . thb hemo of M ra-E- .v. Whll- co

fiey.'.'apK’Slxth avenuo ennl. All cf' r tf ltl6 n ’noblt>,Kr4oil» aro Invllod ' ltf''¥U «d.'. . ml

' • - • •• * . OSPr

- ^ M i n i : a U A - - ■ . “■ '.aofl'aira. Tlioinu* Jiobertson

, tfrii, Emma Warreii- upeni iVl , tbp)‘»erttr. end a t Kelchum. -

' n i n f c , OV' HOSOT^ :;::iE R is .T H cm airA Y .. ; \T b o D eireo 'flf llnnor will meet ' i ;%'T'luir»dny eventnB In tlic Himlneim —

and ' Prn?eiliilonftlW oiiien’H <'lub t<u“ VfiKitnit'----- . . . . . nn* '1 ----------- — • nil

■ ■ ly

:..J ^ .R e a l E s t a t e t r a n s f e r s .- ^ ’; r r = r r r r r n : ^ z = z : - d i b

' : iDtormaUon 'FamUbed by I In «< 'iDlenDonnillo TlUa aoaranly / , , , f o m p t n r - - .• |i

, Monday, acpil'mber 22 • j " ••WArnnleo ilcpd I). Tlmmaii lol „

lora] IJ. U t Jl- Wk•...'Twin Pall*. ^ . I 'em ’ Wnrranipp dred Tnininn'O. ;i/>>ill ®

er.V 10 Cln^lida ’Martin »l_I-«! ij •o rM k-^r-T Prrapft-purkrT w lh .ynllii.

■ Warrnniup <lp«l Mlnnlu Iloyil ><- “ •^ 'M r-T iu . u i i .28..1IU lot • •:

>rt bIk JJD Twin Vnllr. | m|:,„ .Q u it da lm iloeil Twiu P»lli> g wCOunty to Twin l-'Ulln MoriRftKc D

and U a n CO. SIC. BB.ll) ID U. . B____;,Qult..<:lalin'• doid Twin K.illn B

ro'iinty lo A. U Sw ltirw rn iil:! H- IB l i» t '12;.L 0lN 8 'to 14 Iiil-.. bik,; 1<; Plliir. . I ________ _ ^ j

:M ^ i:/r

'< M «,';)ubtts^'npaa. inl'th lac. Carli .'iiwludp ^u«M ;i« ;Mi;.Jlon>«wbcrol

11. lD'lili;niSC'Jolj:W*^*rf<«*’ proi****'-r. UM’ fldnSfiJit^W r . i a r lUa PacJ- , jaflfi j to rU )W |4 j lU ’i i i o i ox-cbKboy,

V ^ l U « r r i ^ d = ^ ^ ! 7 ^ 4 l e l l e r . '

y,wTg.aV' rfo r --O c to b e r "•■lub* liro iiclltrly i'iiRii«rit tlilx ' ; COiir, Tliuy uro Mrr. Troy ,Monre. niibl- utiilnr lilKli i-rbnol|- Ml** ' \ne tln Jncoliinii; l-;ilrr: .MU* llcv iili't' Ilalicock, Hluo Triaiiiitr, Tn-iii W IU: Ml«« Tbelma W lefnon, J.0. V., Twin PttlU; Mlnn .Awnci. acbubcri. I'hlln J'bilo. Twiu. Fallii: ... Mil* I'enrl Cocdr.ny. Kimberly: MI*b Huth niirllnR, llaiiHi-n; Mr*. Ava lla ru o , Kden; Mm. w . R. B(okc«l)arry, ilaielton: .Mim .Mnr- R> w t Owen*. A. W, W,. Tr/ln '

en Ol’rl llesnrvM. Twin ►'all'*,T lfo^M iienl Uliirloi mrin1iniiilili»l

In'p^n, en? flf whlcb nri! (ilrl lin< , xervcfi and HOU, adnli mcmberH. j

Tbo annual (nil confffciied of; Girl llenervoH, held ia»i year ul! »dhl. wlJf coni'mo (/iN yi'nr ln( Twin ' Falln. O.'lober S.Mc Uoluit «ot a» leniatl,vn date*. ‘'Ilulldera nfj Dri-nrii Caillcn" wlll Im thn Iheuini for ibU yoar'i cnnferencp. {

ilESHELDFOfm n m

FIl.Kil. .Si^iil.‘ 2l ifiperioD—Vii* ncfnl HiTvlrP* ;o r' tli>. .lauv 'll. Clii'aln. 77. who dlrd bore rhrlyj Tiienday mnrnlnR afior a prblrnoi*. i. M lllnnw v f t t - conduelcd WodncH* day ariernnon nt tbe Ihmfry'homo.''< by nov. 3. A. lloffmtn, Mrly.dny , PAxtor of Ibc Meibodlnt Hpliicoiial churcb In Pllpr. tlurU l van in tbe .1.- O, 0 . K.- cfmeioryr PJler,, uiider lbo dlrocilon of tbe UuRtr fuijoral f] parlor* ot llubl.

m u bearerK. elioxen /rain imionR pioneer renldenm.of ibe Filer nec- llon 'w ero Frank Hall, Ocoreo A. Drake. \N-. M. flponcer,..C^'A. Vln- In*. A S. LaMohto.anil T. 0 . Smiib. ,

Ml-; Lornln. wah a native i>f:„ We*hlnR(on county, Oblo, cdmInK' wllb 111* pireniB a t the age of 1/1 ib years to llllnoln'niid lalr^ IlvlnR b In •.S'ebranka and Colorado.'He nnd h h<( famJt)' came to liStha la .AiTlI, m 1905. lak lns up laail. a pan ot K wblcli wan later In thn orlRlnal tl Incorporation of ibe Flier lown-ib Rile. Mrs. Lorain, n dausblev amtlc. five Jinn* MurrWe. •• • j-n

F r a n c e M o v e s t o C h e c k I n f l u x o f

C o m m u n i s t G rra in

PAIttS, Kepi. 21 fU P)-Frftnee mn»nl to provent ail Influx of lluANian .'wlical totlay wb'eh tbe ;ovornnvont ordered poK olflclala lo make a - eirlct appllcallon of lha. law foKblddlnK tbo Iniport ut 'o rblm w heat cxcgpt by permll lorronponUIni; to n similar amount ;f French wboat prevloiiely ex- if>rled. At time French iillJpM n-oro remJjjilfd. nt tbe Jaw .SIlRlnR thoni to uae 90 percent ^reiich w bcat In maklnit flour. , •

W e t h e r o f T e n o r , .... ^ E a .a s .e s _ in . I t a l y .

BAN PRAN’CiaCOf S^pl. 21 (UP) -RonlamI (Hull, world famotui onor horo .lo 8an FrancinCo wlUi m -opera ' company, ibrlllod- bis ludlonro Innt niRbt wllh Uie heiiu- y of hlfl voice, denplfo ibo fact hat ho^hiiil-lcnrited only a abort > thal ilirrJio: 'oa>'*aioa"ni6ihfrTjiad»'dled " n.llncnm atj, llaly.

8KI-I. 1..VXIIS1V;AR1II.VOTON-.;Hi.b1. 2< (UP)

—I'n i '. Cblcnco and ^orlhweiiitfrp rallrnaU asked ibe liheritlnlo com-' • morco cnmml*»lon today-for au- ihorliy 10 Koil 112,000.000'of 4','j i jicr cent flrnl and retundliti; mort- c MRO Riild bond* .ihtIm (•,, io ra- v tinbiirfin' llrt 'lrpaiiiify. tor "uuc'fttil il lializcil cxiir^ndlliirM. i c

B e l t i n g ,

; L i n k C h a

_________C O M P L YH A R V E S T

V « Iv«

A gent# for

KrengBUekimltlii. fieOer Make2 1 0 ^ 2 n d A y e . S.

. ' . '-ID A

Slic.H as~.ii.W orI

' I K


: ^ ^ | | |

'. 'tho nioM bci'uiKiil flio worl JiidRM In' fi" Ulo .llo'.Jniiorlo contrr 'iVrelra, miicd Kuriniean! benuiy. II-* ihni liolved lo i'i*rn her :Crown,Cf ".'.ti olbnr ri'iTojieumilv.* benuiicfvrtrn;-.-, ul

T h a t O ld E o m a n ' "■ C u s t o m ' r i . ; v i T e d P

.. ....... II■\Vbpro nro ilioa^- people who

naUI Ibey ,iii'Vi’r vvoiild Rko up"r>00'' for niiiiUin lirldRo, bcrnune pbt^dRO <lld uni iiormll a- ntillo kbid? Aud iho".’ licople wbo y c Themontly prou-sii'ii thal .Mah-Jouc 2'M'«K too hur'k-nsonu- and rsQiilreil Lloo many IrapitlnKS? ‘And then o;thoHo pii'plo 'vliii went hack lo mbrlilno nfler Mab-Joiiu Iiad lls ■ rxot'c flliiK. and who nworo nvver

l» forniike auulUuiT iu d l R

But She’s from P

W m

HCl^ _

s l j i S S S S i :wny. folkji prnud, for'RvelVii > j

S h a f t i n g ; ^ !

a i n , B p l t s , E t

r E j l Q ) a £ 5 i T I N G SUPPLIES

U i^ .G h a in

" WA L L K IN D S o r BOLTS • r_ C Q m p M e Flwrhankt-M ara


ker*, lfichlnIil«,..»fanDrodnr«rs, TT So. . E le c tr ic a l S u p p lie s '

• W - ' ■ ' I.’ II i M l i B ' - ' ' - j sl

tlI t ;.', ’ . I' 11

I.;|v> tc

r'jWR.:-.:-,.. v'

orld" . . . . TliafK wbat keonreyM trs t prouoinicoii .iiriinoiio Yolandi i(>‘ I- u )«'.• hrr wllh tba amllii -

l(nlvrr»t." lu compuililou wllh dll imtUt nf Ibl- world.

llioiie devoleen who dodnrwl Hint contracl wnn ilio nioiii nnlUfylDB Of nil rnrd Kaiiii% truly an Olyni. l>lnw pasilnic? A\1»'r«‘ arn ihoy • nil?

aailier roniul nml wo-U'iell you. Tbey'»> nil i:oiii' •■Irnukijammon." yea. all of ibem. T hr>'{0 now.dip* plnK-Inln ibe'old Itoman Rambling Kami- linniKlil up-lo-d»ie, Hnrold Tborile'n bnoklel. "ilaeknammon nJ 2 0 ' .MlnniP.1,'’ iiiibllnhcd by E. I*. Uimwi rtjiil f.v>.. hiv., 'nt-(}iifljni» ono with, ilH- riiloH- In nn llmiil fit ntl. and very aiillieutlc.illy. |


Portland , Orejron • |

[c«. .

,wl nn lue "Swcfliiieart of Southern Jiniiimniy conreM. Anil np.OrcRon > a n opd IdI'oulil* n;o 1(1 crj'Hb (bo vuHiilolil

p r o ® t s ^

t c . ■’

■■■' - ' ' ' O i i C a n i ; " . ;

r a e J L i n e -■• - ■ _____



OMAHA.' Nli)..; Sopi. 21 lUl’i - Thii H r* l utrcak* of dawn, flllor- lUR tbroURh lbo alnlncd;'rIkmi windows of St. Peter-* Culliolk cKlbedral. toll In prlnmallc benle* . nlty -loday -op -ibe ■upluriiid face* . of IJOO worsblppors.

Tliroujtb lbs ntillnenn u( the Rrout .vaulU-d aiidllnrlimi camo . tho rytbmic chant ot prayer.

Tlm Hiloaallon ceased, but waa - lakfin. up Vy anolb'er toiceriih li. H a no lbo r.'and auolher,’ unlll ib ’t I imennlty-. tif ' feollnic seemed to I rlb rale In tho very walln of tbu | caibedrat.' . . .

Tho flow of dawn iiiereo^n'd, lllnuilnnllnR In a slranee llsbt lbo' Honrtier raluienf of the wor- ’ i shippers. Tbo cbnnl ceaaed nnd, i an n body, 'ibn conRrejiallon arose' from ihelr kn?oH.‘ '. Fares wen- brlsht III tbo *ereue i-niivleilnii Ibnt -Rlnn comuilUed by mnnklnd A afler nlRhlfnll had bfen exiiliited i'to Ood, - ........... ....... jll' Tho 'nlRbl-lons vIrII of ibejP .Voctiirnal Adoration Hoclriy. 1iel'l,o ift coniJMMon wltb D ie'flral «ii- a llnnivl BiicbariHtlo ‘ rdiitfreKR .In T nineioon* wan ended. Slucn li tbo .ip iiliiR 'o r thc nun laM uIkIi'i if ni»mb«»ra-U>f- tho^w >daty-bail-Bni,,, ftaaed In prayhr aud mediiflllon, laklD'e'-lurli* -iB-iv*pM-ri»J>niirU' J> worship vocally. , 1

B verj' cercmony wan polnied lo-|*

" C o m in g « i ' c a s t t h i

■ ' i h a d o w s b

TRIEDW h e n tem iite /l^

' REASHiuciciriBe >sodefaie'->l>e maJer.

Avoid tha t fun 0»tr<lndulBehcf,l^youwoi ew'et-youtliful Cfure. •'R t

l i i c k v S tr ik e , t h e

y o u o v o r s m o k e

f ln o s f t o b a c c o — 1

C r o p — " i r s TOA S

h a s a n « x t r a , s e c r i

' C v a r y o n e k n o w s

• a n d 50 2 0 ,,i^ ..^ |> !

i u c k i e s a r a l a s s

“ tB r d a t .

- ^ '‘T W a n B B

• i have coniitto tKe conithfltpm bittcrs h um an t! Cigarettes whi bring tti

. ‘to do yourjclf t « well ihlogs tbnt cAusc' cicce

. . T l ) N B I N r ^ L a <


I ' S te E la n s i 'o ',

a ' parachule Jiinip ot morn than ' iliree nnd oa6-balf mllo*. brcak-

lUiR tbe...record- for., women...lU I planned by Mrs. llnlio Smith, 23. |o f Sl. Joiiepb, ^fo. Mrn. Snillb. and ‘bor btinband Sli; Smllh aru ■profoMh:n;il paracbiilo jiimporn: lior l)l|;lL3nt Jump to ilntc 'is frnm If liolffhl (tf i.'/WO feel.

w ard-tnnl'fflifir-clim sxrw ion’ i h c ' Holy N.imo iiocloly: li-lll bold im!

j*ervlce 'before’ nomo 7.500 iipi-clii*i

i . - j . v . w A •.ill /,

i v a n M

Uti 1

rto'dv'ei-'fiKcufige' I

iK isieA i>'4cT3Je }n-all u u n p , evea la . ' ■ jiute sliadow* by avoldlnjf , I B.-ouldtnaJntaljTihamodemi-— ■. ■ —'Xcach (or a Lucky laitead.” . ■

e f i n e s t C i g a r e t t e I

■ e i i T T n a ^ f l o b f t h V ^ H

■ T h e '^ ^ ^ C re a m ; o f t h e : ■

S T E P . " t u c l i y S t r i k e ■

r e t h e a t i n g p r o c e s s ^

i t h a t h e a t ; p u r l f i o j • ■

^ ^ s i c i a h s s d y t h a t v l

I r r l t o t l n g ' t o , b u V ' f

JHg g q i r i s

n c lu j iS n .’f ^ S W S f D l ^ ^H fe Is i lu e td ! ^ { d a b le ^ e & o rs jin ' <

tn o d e r n . . f im i ^ 'o r c a i j i s i 'th c -rcdi sll; i f y o u . will " R e ic h .fo r a ^ :ew w d g h U a n d > W a v o id in g 0 ^


' Vinr* -111' the. Crol^hion t|i Hludlmni' ; '

The ctfr^rnimy r i l l ' fn r i

coniru i* .'C ind ies ■ will buieil iiDd a ll'w lll.'bo ' Hr n niRnal.-

E o b G k l a h o m a ]

. PRAOUB. Okln,.-Sept. I —Till' Plrel Blulft bank of .vni». ro ’jbk'd. today of »ji;iri ly t2.n0(i'by Ihree men whi ed lu. nn aulouiubile. Two m en 'en tered tho bank Iblrd romalnrd lu ' tbo 'r nlile. Tbri-c.bnnk official

Fiflht «>"• P®*** E. .MnliV Knix''':*K lii. liN llulil

........... will dipcml iiitiri- nii|Mii)'liU nlillily i» <'cinlri (ii'fls ilpnlro.vHii: ii;:r!rullun

' " " “ i l i i p i G r e a t N

W e wil! buy tl on them u n t i l ,

O ur wurehoi Wc »S£


o u r T h r o a l

srirriwlioinSfi5O T .I);-ra!UI drcl.’^ < ? d o niftYeprisa d u iitlb 'a o f 'f lw K ' We^a ck2 iaS<cad,;^,yoli w il l 'I> v 6 t^ ^ d t ^ g e ^ r ' m o ln f t

■■ ' /’i c;-.''nV,. • ) . s',Iun lay and Tluinday c y s ^

Page 7: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...


-;;u\ I• •■pg y r a W A i ) H i N i > I '

• '■ " I . - C U S S IP lK D lU JE g ' Btob tnmUoB,. p t r l l n o - ^ .05

•!•• On* monlh, m n r luuo , m h i-JDMrtloft,'ptr. Iln i------------- 0( '

Six «iog lh i' coDiract, a v trr i .:lu u « ,' .M0h loitrUoD. p tr•'Ilo* J J I

. ^ JTw«Ut'. raoBlhi*. coBtrieL____ .' , p r « » » r r iH u » , t» o h I n i^ tn .

S U ro ta 'd i t a k tT to T l lJ u T ^ n i '* i“ >r - l la t l . Mlnlmnro-^hftrica— .25 |

‘|N ew Today■ LOST—1 brown kiiKcakp lie- |, IWCOJI T. P. n«cl Mafiiii Hot . SprlDK*. Loavo nl Time* iiHlcp. ,

i! WANTBt)-<}|fl for (.friec worlt.Twin Fnll* HrfjkcrnKo Co. lilalm

< Tliealre Bldit.

j ; KALL JIVB ror nnlc. ll.GU ft liun- '. ilroil. 2 miles norlh or noBemon, jl —John Laallnif, UoRrmon, Iilaho.

^VANTBD-^-ton* Imy. N. ('■.l.._5'Uot*Utt»wi.-.1^4— mllfii - wcnl nf ;• hw iilu i op hldhwiiy. •

‘ > IA T U n N lT V N im S IN c T - .Mr*. W. .MoDtooth. Phone 1S34W/

• r o n SA L & -arapoii6c pound ^ • jnllfr BQuih of SoiilU Park.

Classified IAP artm ^ t s • ro:&.' e e n t

&ouiel(<«plai:.% ^rtm$QU.. .Cjoso 'lQ.-,.U»..raU* ;by.w«»lc o r ffJOBth g h f p^tord. Mala norUu

iMJV. RBM T~rumtJbod apart- K iu u ,'.-d u < t Bprno.. Low ra K . P hobe 'f iL V ; ■ •, y ' ■

IJjisTO O K A im E0UI.TB7 ^K OR'5 2 2 ^ 8 ycaViliiK Kniuit-

(Jilre raiiii- IC ir in lamba. H. W.' ItoldemaD, Pbop'«'lO!)pJ4. • . •

' ■ . R00W8 yOB RENTP O U 'M S T -N lco - tlm n t t t rn . . .

heated bert-’ room.' U W - .o t hoi' wnt?r for.balh, twin UcdB.'TWo r t- '

— mriicwDiff— nm iniscii— -fr5 i¥ rr« iir riione-1170M;-.. •■ j j : .

' F on^ K ^ S T ^ u r a ls h id ■■ roflm. .717 Sbpabone Bu No; piipoo’. B07.

• '_^OQM AND BOARD I'" llO O M 7A N D T 'n6A n^2U '~ 'B 'n t! Arc.

-1 3 1 S S 0 P 1 ER eip o o i|b Ie 'fiuaineM F

L . ; f o r Q i i i c k J

■ A P A E T i r i r r a ■ ^

. STEAM HBAt.'M OT AND COLD waiar. •:fl»Bclhc ligh t ' coeklOR.

_:_.._ 'Koii«]«r;:iificidi:.cloao.:^jji:;_One. Wock- No.-'.port •office. P hon |

•: . ICOg.. California. ApartmcnU. •,

r U R N I S H B D ' • APAIITMBNTS , O all.j‘« 8 ^ f tr o n a o ^ : Jtuum er# .

r o h n E S T ^ n n w is H E D ltishti>ouMkt«plac:ApartinoDU. CIom Ini'i;oir.v.wW a: D prro* roomi, 3S’ W.»it:.Jli08hp.aB. • , • •

r b j i h f i i J T - j r i i h .B B nooM(urDiibWl.ApanmeDiB. Bungalow Apailnwtt..2DaVAve. EaaU

• " i n o s s n a :P.' p i n s i

N ayb;i> l^S(O Idf., PUOOB 842W


-------{-j —.vi;' ,'.:j% 'i'i . i.w.»;«ii j_jL i,i ,i . . .

l i f e o ; T S j P - B p p j - r ? < > S “

-PlioaB 7»tl.’ . . . ' T

U8I3D DAM AND TRA1>8. NBW a6U uabd,plpe. balllhe. PbOBQ

v»rf05. -Tirin’PalU JODk~Mouao. .

lo d , bliw '. j u t a o n -« « -S*-1 , Trollhfsrarpiarm BD yj'Roseraon, m a B A V M B — 3 .'."

f f c D D I N,0;! i W r a o N t W B m..villa ,,c ;u iw , tn i i ii i ; „ f iitn i iii ' or. prinleff;, Many oo rrtet l iy l ia to

.ehobie f ro o , 'C o ir a t tb a - ^ e a -

' ■' PEAVRY-.TAaBIt'Gd.t ;:lNO;LbANfl

24, . 1930. ' ; /

FOR SALSxMiscQh&npou |lfn iT iiA iiv B aT of p o u to d oiui

onloiiH la 'lio re . Tho Idalio JunUi Houte, tho oldem nml moal rell.' ablo of Its kind' In Idnho, lun u comploto alock of anckti nnd IwIno for Iho hnrvosllnft nnd shlpplnR u( pntalooa and nnloiis. I’hoae 6<0. lC3-2nd Ayp. Sjolh.

•FOU »AU>^Koiirunco prctnuro, wrttor sysleni. 1000 (ullon prcKiuro. lank anil one Leavy duly pump. <00 fl. 2H Inch cnlvBuUcil walor, pipe. '100 fl. of piinip run l%i Inch wldo. C. A. Sallccl iU 2, Uuhl,* Idaho.

• TOU S A L K -« nerea 3nl cui- IlnK hay In flold. 125 \o m U l ami' Snd cuillnR. IIIO ncrea hMin tilraw. 40 ncrc* pAKlure, UrIh foncc. ninnInK wnler, Ixiwo llron., .211 ml. No. Kimberly. \ “ ' | i

FOn- SA W i-SO .lb.-ialt-blorka, ' eacb S6c: itoek salt In sarks. . cwu TOc: Calcllu Cri; Shell build- , er, ewi, fiOc; Oyalor Ahell, e«(,

K taaer'a 3 Storos, Twin . F^lli,> Idaho.

FOn s iu .^ A rM n a to of ' lend to r . fruit • BBray...Bctota. dooti^iaii . bM auppllea. Moo&'a ra la l.a aA Purcllura Slort.

FOil HALK-nrRisUtrod lloslon I terrier im vi'tu. 2 munUiN old. Cnll . o r phono Mrs.' Dcnn SnJllvao. Ru- pen. Idaho,_____________ , I

SlX'CNl) HAND poUifl (lAckii cheap nt Twin I'nlls Feed «i Icc •Co. -I'hono 191.

r o n S A I.i:-2 becl bodlcn in Al I condlllon. Ptionii 113T. Sea lliem a t 1C8 itamaRo S4., Bouih I’ark. y

FOR SAI.&~Gobd nbtd heatcm.h Price* rlRhi, Lyd.-i Sccond Handi ■ Store, rifl Main Bmilh.__________ I

FOU .'wU.V: 01I>JAI’—licet bo*!| for Model A Ford truck. E. O.i' Btieavliig. 1’. t), Ilox D2. H ler. Wn.j

FOU s a u :—Applo wooil, IIJ.OO ' per loK dflllvunxI.JMionc 6C2. j ,

FOIt'. S.U«K-^ril ■cultliiK tiny In] Uic flDld- .P . F,.^Ul«rlt, Phwio SS7. ‘ .

KOII - 8/VLE-l'^ininill ••trncjnr.V .iF rcd Itlppo. Hollliilcr,* Idaho. j

,]• MOBT AKD FOnND . . ’’{ I.OST—Oil' Hspl. 18lh nil Jar-1 UiidRCslaria— E a l lH - r n a d - u - Iw d - ’.Seoffl down middle nf lurp. Itc-i 1 ward. >>l Wells. It. 2 Twin Ful l»,

'I m S4LE OE IRADE ' 1I "TnADK • fbr'ilintled~ llm o, Ncivi I radio (or. cood piano. lle ii mukesi

I.,of. rn'dloa' lo 'cbooHo from. Wriiol j j > f ^ , f f ^ l a i . < l e ^ M w ^ ; ^ u ^ e ^ ,

i i p s i ® ; -

F i n n s ; n n d P p f e a s i o n a l A lp W ) i6 i i< % I |y - A r > a n g e d - R efe ren c e ’ . _•

d r : ‘ M'm; ' d . > nBV N oii>s. l o jEaat SL :■ .

PMNO',-‘ TBAOmCR-aJlsdlNNBIlSand Advaoeed '.Puplli',.'. Alto claase#" lii'M usic HlitbrW MI*t

: Ruby'Dtinn.riSO-onr.'Ave. .VT'

P L U U m a AHD. E X A ^ raH O S IB P U B m w O t ' - H O A tlK O .1' Co.,8hQW.'TOOtna -and' ihopi,. 335 •.Third AVfl.

PUHPB—WELLS DRZLIED-^WELLS PRILLED. PUMPS . tN- aUlltd. AoMlr w ork br a ll klAilf. •Agtot. for ,pem jiator Uao of wind mllla and pumpi. M. L. Realb, Box. 308, Twin Falli, fAon'M:nTOR>.— '........... - - -

r--Eb07iN a

RE:,RM t^j^\V..ASP4iALfr SHIN-, clfli.Xotlrtt»lhingllDfc n apeclally.

“ T jllm aiia. t n t on ' o n O ln d of roofi Ca ih . or ' torma. Aij)halt

dBr(l.^pV ^So»hm i6 !^^.^Pbo°n«

.. ,8H0E m P A ^ a ' ;TWIS t 'A t L ^ a i lM '; R E P A I R . 'a b o « ’r « i i i i ^ ' . 'v b i io » u ' . irall. m .Sboaboab: W wt. PIiobb »»■

■iLOEflTtB'-'m'NCIS,--ACCRED; it ltta(?l<>tltt>taa61iji‘..ghOB» 6MH.

i j v p w i y r a i i s . - 'a d d in o , .n a -

. N. Bbona-OO.’-. ;

ln»: ic b n t ' :pf6b«i«i to” Will , Tyiln;v--Slelrlch;",Ida,- Poataie

; C A R i;..0 :>U m 0M :.^„-fi(;00E B -

PSGEl! f P jg O A I ^ B E A L ESTATjE |

i A «t)(i» n a IS A iioJiK 7 rooni niudtfrn houi«, cImo

i In on pavbd nlrocl, pavlnR paid.’I lia .1 Rood RuraRO,' Priced for

quick aalo )1050. I4C0 caib,I lonR ll(no on b.-ilaui'O nnd po»-

I Vllh lai'Qc nIoeplnR porch, hard n j .wood floom IhroiiRlionl, nlcc 1 firoi’lhrp, furnaco, heat. lawii ■ . I and (ihrubbcry. oaracc.- Uxiit- I lion In. cn«i part. |3:i0i),'soud L I icnnn', posacNnlon nl once,

• HEAUCII.V3IP nml ADAJIS 13C Shonhont So.

; I’hono 301 or sss „lI ----------, 111

FOU SALB-Flvo tioii>*i-r •\Vcll »l tocnied; oh ojBy unim . Wliy pnyii;! r«ul? Sco iC. A. .Muon. I'hono Cor 21. . ' Ioi

FOR S A U :-6 ronm iniiiliirni',', liouHf nn cavy Icinta. Phono 419'ic o r .63111. •____________ -lo

W A H T E D T M ia o ^ ra H E O l iB .

“ w a .VTED-IIoubo Pftlnilnffi^knl-"^'’ 'omlnl.iK and paper hnnnlait.:',, MOOii't'FaliirfiUd-FlirijTIilto' alore;;",

* W iW EU -TiiTorlngi grado andj>I hiKti', filiool. Call .137J, 'J);

• W A N Tt;D -: or n room. I'lirlty "t) fnrnlnticd hounc. Call -tin sili |-;.:.\J------------------------------------------------ Mra U I T B AND T IG E T A B L S S ;

FOK .SAt.K-Nico alnnm d'^diji inalncs. Priced rcnannnltle. .Iirlni; |-i conUiincrVT W5 2nd Avc. iWciI.i Phono 1662. ' . - :

ITA1-IAN,1-UUNK.S in a cnnplc,'''' ' of wDcka or n f ie r -a kooiI froKi..

Public MiirkoU '_______________ ;

FOR 8AI.^^-P«nr^i and applw tiy tho buflhnl. Mr». Paul LnrHL'a.j

j2 mi. CB5l ot'Tiiiperary. .

1 •. VX)Il SA!.Ii—Cnucord nraiii-H nit. i::u»t V(t--'>'o. OQ KliiibiTly ruail.;J. A. Ixivcll, !

KKl) W lim ; und llluc (ir.i|n-s:,ii r>c pur Ib. Spiuu lower. .i'ubilciM

1 .Mur.kct,_________________________ J1,

j FOIt SAl.i'^-rcnrM and apiiicx.! Tayliir orchards, Ji uiiio .S'o. Klui-iberly.____________________ ;_____ ; [j

j l-'On SAI.K .S'o. 2 apiitCH, .Mrln-j-I' loKli, SaloncK a jd Plpiilim,, ROc a llp

ITTnrKO Orcliafd. . ;7.

• FLl'^il'sri HKAUTVPi'iir#. PuU-i", Ilc Miu-kci.______________ _ __ I

J IIOMK QIIOWN'trinnnie#. ll.OO; '!p e r liuabel nnd tip. I'nblic Markcl.I

i - m S O g ^ ^ L N ^ V U B ~ -

! I f IrcIBR rNVA^BSjoot^^tluTd^ ? jmnixoltlnR COc. minlciirin); &I>c,, fuctalii GO, by oxptrichrcd oiipra- c :tor; S04 Glh Avenuu .S'oi'lli. Phone i,j:,o3.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4{;

] MADAM DKWIAn, Claln'oyanl;

clc.H, F rlday .'s p. m.'SOl Main Si:i^ I No. ■ . I"

I H E L P W & N T E D -M A L E ~ I


1 yonnK mail who is wlltlnp lo L work:, inusl t»» j i i 'n l i J ia ta j a l i s .o ability riud miitiiltoua to. a(lrnncu| q In^ our orRanlialioa. Tho -rlRlil . man can cstabltah bliniielf In a pn- ,

. alllon - of permaiioucy w hich, in* , , crean'cs In valuo ns iits Ji))lllty , ' varran ls. Call'lu iiervon, 10 a. m, , .,.to_J_;.Oll,-j);.iD.'-Tuciday; • i

TrolinBcr’a Phnrmaty. Twin I'^ila *

y P B B ^ E ^ t i i o m o b n a i j;

1 with’ a suaraSiU^i^ J1&90 T o n i ipo rt roadator *433.00 '

, 1928 DodgOaV'I«jr/.»«‘'" '; - , 132T Pontiac’ 2 -fto r sedan' 375.001921 Buick. Coupo .......... •125.00 •

I 1928 Pontlae l-(Joar aedan 525.00 1929 Ford 2-dobr ledan, .... 425.00 •

TlV'iN KAM.S UOl'0118 333 IJaat Main .Twin W lls, Idaho 4

. WASH -

• f e iK i t

m ' f f l

l i i l iL ■ ~ ^ * » .« » tlM 4 'tti^ ’wf-!i

p ^ ( j ) | ; f y E W S 6 , . T P t f E V ,

Today’s Mar]m T B r ^

ATCLOSETOOW::c i i i tu d o , Si'pi. :m (UPi'-'Hfu-l X

ii'tithiT wi'mi mitifii lu t h e ' . lam few mtnniM'Of irarilntf on 'iho .

■ Iiimrd of' Trade lodiiy lo fully, , ri-nivcr lhc early Iohh tbat iiad Kcni llial delivery lo llii', lowest ixilni filni'c i:iU7 bui n Hhort half hour hi'for.' (he rlOKC. Hhorin nnd (. i'a«ii.'rn hnnncs who hnd iiceii j. Iie:ivy nellcr« eaily look ibe buy- j', luu »ldc nnd brpUKhl tbe mnrkrl*,.. ntiout: corn naKBOii wtih wiieiil q

iliui rccaveriMl. abowInK Kimd q utruuRili 0;iiH followed O'c major [j

I i;riitns, ' ' n. At llie closo wheal wns Mii' low- |( ;e r 111 \iv IilKhcr, September lnnd-,g -lnir.--rorn -.wn.v >j li> le-blRhor. 'und <i:iln were unchnnKe<t l» U (* : lower. ITovlnionK wont unevenly, p 'loivcr. , <;>

n ill 'A i;!) tiKAIN RAMli; if■Ament------(»pen—HlKlj— L w ^ 'ld s c - ^Sepl ... .7S’-i .75‘i .TCTi . . W »

iiJoc...... ...... .t : i i_ i3 li_ .S 0 » I_ ..S a . 1 ^i.Miir. : ,S5',3 .'«% -s:;a; .S6 I ;Mny .s i’-i ,xot^ .x«H .S9I Ilaitj; !

t>-.i ....... ,nn s:Mar ... y j': ’, .IOU .:'SH .40 .mV ... .w ?i . l i ’i .411 .41

I c a s h ' ( iH .V IN ■ «i (••Ull'A(il). St'irl. ?J . ( r i ’f-C u«h I-Rralii .r-tnxe: ' i ti

' Wllcai: Nu xalcit roporli'd. |Vi Oiii.->: 2 whiri. :i »'hlK' i’''JS 'i-n iii; I wbil.i 3C. IfiI Iliirlcy 4‘l-72. ;T: Ttmolhy 7.2.'-*..’'iii. i:: Clov.-r ' ,T

; ^

L i v e s t o c k• <im;i)K> .MYKSTIKK"

1 (KiilKS', Sei'l 21 (l.'P)— i t- ,;i>loek prtcun: Stinrpiy low er,' fim-; idimirabte wciiiUlH early 10.13;],. {Mn.i1l lui 2:i3‘ lhii lu.SS; Huu i:>.„ ihciivliii. B.-lO, ' ' I ;r I ’niilc: ri'ceipiii 2.«, . |,: Shuon: rcceliiiH iiiciudlui; i,

fur markei, lOSfi lo Omaha ,| !;i2GS lo KunHa.i Clly. SOS lo |i jJojupti mill 8M fo Loh AnKuliM li Ipaeln’r.'', I.alo ye»lorday. 24 decW. v ;7 3 'lb Inmlm 0.23; with w riiiktivl' ’xktns nu t' al 4.n«: two deckn I I ])itxci'< iiimliH Ciin; .lii:h: |w h1tc- fiiccd fi'fiderii , r

j P O U T l.A ^ LIYKSTOCK I i •rOIlTI.iANI). OriS. Sepl. 21 (UP)—ilosx: rccclpin. cuiimated r.flu! * UbpHt-.-Meajlyji-bulk -107 to 200 ‘ Hr- butchwn U .7C 'lb 12. '

Caittc: rci-eiptii. ;6mtmiiioit aS, \ enivcR ' 10; n il' .drivuhia: »iow; '

'itoiid fairly Roud nrouml 1000 J!i. ' riioldov'er aU-erS ut TM . " " ' ~ I Sbcep: rccelplM, csUmntrd . 3n0, ::AlU.drlvulnii^-n(k-(.(vrly—w ilc«-or - ^ IdK ; Ro;d.|o near cbolctr year*

llMBa lato-Tuctdar stcmlj: a l,

O U A IIA Ll'VK.sf«C’K ' O M A K A ;' ScjiU 24 (UP)—Llvu-

alock [irlcc*! i . llofiB,. loxBipnrr'Gnioo:. market'^

alow, uneven. IS-ZOo 'Idwori lop > ; btiik-i7o-2iio ''yaiiiiirunm ico^ j

■' C‘ntile:--nccorpi« i(5oo: markot-'t I alow, hulk /cd Btcora und year* v . IIUKs 12.00-12,50; hulk lictfcri •

10,00.11,00; prncllcai top ve'flla i ' .ILMi .-alockcra -iin'd^ feeder# C.60- .., 8.00.-— ...... ---------- • '.............. . - - - r r

,6hccp: .Kccelpla 21.000;- Inelud-.' inR 1.300 illreci; iumbs 25-60c iQvr- , e r; nhe atcck steady, bulk rnnKO.'t feeding lamba 725-7,SO; twmo heiif]-:

, Msher; natlvo lonlb's 7.00.-,23fl, owo top 3.00: bulk rauRo fecdiag i

|nambi(>a25.0.76; top'S.90, . . . J

' -HOOBES PQH RENT ' I. ' RKN’T - 3 room huuao. SOO t 1 4th Ato, Weau \

YG0T.;t0M6v:»P \ ; .\ ttO R W -'ikns -'-V MMTGRVH;iVi

/ ( B B

y g j f f i - t M s f e a ; iB H g K 5 r ‘‘m ^ E

I K v l S s

T \v m FALLS,'IDAHQ..-

•ke& arfd Fina ^ Y . -Stocks-J

riMuiutli'ms nol fonnd ,ln (iie prvKenl Ilal of. alockii wtit' tw In.! eluded If poBsililo upon tm -tp l,' ol Ik wrlilen rdiutyii.)-' . ' r

Amorican Can ............. .......... ll’l.’jlAmer. Tel and Tei. . . . \ ...-ri'W |Amnrlciin Totiaceo ........ .Atnn i 'an* Suptr I*dwct";."^".' - S frii *■ Alebl,. Topeka * Santa I-V .. : t 'Ailanilc llcflnlni: ..................Ilendix Avlallou ........... :8’i | >"Dalllnioro & O iilo ..................| 'CitlM Scrrlco . "C-:inada Dry .......................... C.i-Sjt;hi:. Mil, & 8t'. Paul nod Pa.-, I^i.ij’'! IhiPont. De N’c n i i m r a l t l \ " ll-;ieeirlc llond & Khnro ........ 7aSi",Ceiiernl l-;tPclrlc .................. •Oeni-rnl Motora .,•:.................. illsHupii Molof .. t .. ...................\ It iluttiuailonal 1 . nnd T. .. . a ; ' ; : "Kciinocoii .......... '. . ............. :il'-»Il^ainndard o il uf X. J ......... .. ei'iiMoniRrtmcry Ward -rT r,:.-:-r-rijji^ ; J' l!hry»ler Sloinvif.. . < '-’.I'jPoan. K, II. .......................' .. 7 t’i lPan- .Im. « ................ .. .. .‘.l (Itadio IVjrp of America ....... :nTi -tladio Kcllb Uriiliciini ... ..'-i«lmmoH».Co,-.......- .... .. ;4H.Swrii Itoobnc'i; .................... u.i^,!alieit liuinn oil ................... i.T ;rlstitn iiarn t)H .*?irrm r*~r-;-—u7T?"fi’I'e jjs ' Carii ............................. iiK . wHalted Btaie.f Sleel. ............ lO i'l.ctWarner tlron, I'le lurei .... .. ai WcsilnKlintiso .. 1”.* ulWnolworlh . . . i 7((ii!<(- Thri'nlituK . .... ...........I.U ;nilleel'rlP I’, and 1‘. .................. «r. ,Mm-i-’ri Incorporaled................ 7l(ibodyciar-TIrp ........... t>il’iiram;>iiiit pub lk ..........Inirriiiilloniil liarventer .- . 72’i,Viinadtuiii ............ ......................... . ,IMi-karit .^iolor» .......... .. ., 12'^firaliain i’n iu c ........... «.>Tol.ncio PrKctiii-in..................... ?>-iii ’nliei) flicnrii . ..... .............. ,Traiiaumerlea .. . „ . - ............... ;il-’ i 'Ciimw. Smiiii Wis , n 'i j •Kurd !.lmlli'd .'..........•’......... «. i l ' i i #

■ ' ........... RCillCAfJO t.tVnSTdCH . i«

' (.•iiu;.\ti0, Si-Iil. 21 l lJ fl i.lvc- ^ •<hi(-l: Iirlci'x: . ! '

Slieop: IteoeliiU 23.0UU;. murliel i * very idow. few early ruiien cuoil'b nnd ehuice.' naltvu Ininhn nniimd'* ;:>(• loH-rr a ' 7.23-.‘!.Uu; elt.<ely n'lrl-:? id Idi'idh lu ouMldoni K.I.I, aonie r held hlKlicr. [iraellcully nolhtiiB’ doln;: i>n ranucni. iiinM liidx 2jc ' inn-cr, ■•ln;«|i weiik 10 2.’e lower.' t>ujl< deatrnidii liKhl nnd tiandy,[

iwelKbl ewcH *3-^75: ft'cders, { Mcady to 23e'liiwur“ rflW"miIt3Ti£l™' Ier klnd« Jj.'Gm.UO. :J

Ili>K»: iletcipls- IS.uOO:'markcl J riiilier »ii)w. early iinicii biiii-lievs; m allnit 210 pounds up lo lO-IIic | luwcr, ' ' h

(.•nillc: 9,000: e.ilvvs 2,R»U: fatr- 'j ly ucltvo und fully nleady: market.] un .ftd;<J>ttnH.«atl..wwrllii8»: bei«. te r kraden' jirtHlomlnatlDs: •slilpporli demand, fairly .hrsnd; >13 jiajd fnr.i ]029'p«un'di nnd 1120 pound av«l| uraRCxi .

■ ^ otatb esH1


• Ja ah o .F a lla : Douiaud. poor, loo J(«»^BBlet_on..RuwelB -Jo .-,,i|uolc. . Rurats, demand KMOd. market f lnu,-Juoaily 1.117:..rarlond* cash , 'lb grower uround I.U); frosl pre- i ■dlcied. 1' Twin I'lalta: Ucmnnii pour, Ico ( fow Hnlog to quote, ' j

,; . . ClftCAOU VW ATitEH ' . ;.'aiIO A OO . 's iip t; 24 (UP) Po- J taloc# on track-.307 earn; a rrtrali g 70 NbiitmsnlJi 710; market tieady to iilR]illy MlroiiRor; Mlnnesola ao<l' ^’orlh Dattola R«d • UlT'er Obion 1.7S to ' 2.00;.' Mlnsotbla' Backed li:arly. Qbloa 1.75, lo -1.90: Idabc; Ulisa -Triutnpha 2.00 YVIa* coDBtn Sacked Irluh Cobblora'2.DO '. 10.3,15: Colorado. McChiroi 2,00 ■ lo 5,05

~ ., By C rane '

^ISK' . . ' . I

V ' '■ '■ !i

ancial N ew sM M i r ,

» K p W.s'HW vonK , Sinii, 24 (IT )-^A ; /'

Mnck mnrkcl unuWarc. iotby | "nliiiiilhia priccs down 3 lo 14 j „[loluoi. bul toward lhc Cluse noniu ■nillyinK wan noted nhd n fair imr-j f.ili.n of lhc loHSCH were retovc^ed., r.

I', S. B led led lho n-covrry: ]• Js|>ei-lal lanuen were ihe.vnlnRrtilili!' “ »poiK oil Uic dceltnc. TradhiK dnr-, IHK Ibo 'b reak wn» lhc he:uh»il| iiincR AtlRUll 8, ' I

In Ihe cnKc of t;. S, Steoi tiiu| rally wns .of HUlmlnnilal pmi^ir-l , itoiin, nmounlluK in nearly :i ‘ jKjlnu. Al ouo lim f llie atock lo h r ‘ al ISmi off 4i4, n . e r o f ' . l lOll ‘ juii-beforf‘- tb c close, • • -............ j 1

• DKN.VKR ,MI,TAl. : JC’oIo., .S-'pr. ;’4 ti'j-)^ t

-.fillver nc-'i;: lead Ti.r-n. j I

IVOOL 1 IllOSms*. acp l. 21 (Ul’l-T e r - ;

rlmry wnplH of , 54s lo r.a;i amt i n ‘flnPr 'g i-ades-^ irr -riiillc—netlve.; r ititte a fair (Icinand li IMiik re . ' I reived on .IfiH «nd 4« lo 50n, Prlvrsi | are iiendy on all Krade*; <)rU:ln. ui liaR Cln and finer wroin lirlni::70 lo 73c iicniired bai.ln for ilh'l ;iuik Ffcncli cninbliiR lines, (Jrail-!' ed Hirleliy comblnK r,iin »;ti a:70 10 7.1i;. Mcoured liai.h whll",, brliisliiK 71 lo 7:ic. Slrlrily. <.onil.-; InK Ms lerrito ry brings i;t lu file;

inruured hauiu, wblle l i lo |<eji:i al r<n to r>'j. I

L o c a l M a r k e t s j; 'T b e following market (luotailoDij ;aro corrtc lad daily by tbo Idaba! ' Rvenlng Tim es and rcpreacat tbt';

InveraEO prices paid, auordiog itV 'the te s t aTalinblo. iaformaiioa 'Tbo price* oro aubjoci lo cbauga ; wlllioul nollco 'b y ibo dcalcrr ibowover. .lljader^ nro urged ie 'Walcb tbe daIIuuuI inarliula, w/lbi jKblcb .tb c so ' local markoti will I rise and fall.

BU Y iK fTpR IC II ■I ITheal

iDlcklow ....................................... r.ti:l.Federallon ................................. SIcI^ g - _ ,

iSugnr, boot ...J.....'....... ............« . ‘Sl'Sugar, cano ............................. 15,041-

Prcdnee 'iliu iicrtat .........................- .......... :.7c'Ikrkk. ex trw .......................... IMc.■'KgBa.-iitnndard ;........... — ■2i'cl

•I»eavy/h'cn*,.<l6.1bi. up ]5c'lU g h t lico ir under 4<& lbs. .,— lie

r.C8bom-b>^jllora,. S iba u dunder ...... ......... .. .......... . l.'c

1iigtiorn-ata5i»r9njr3-lhK-.™ -:r;lJc -Cocka .... . .1;-::_ _ _ _ :_ _ _ _ _ _ J.HeJ lu l lB ra u :c a o rr f_ ^ tB -l . l l i3 . , 15c .

Great .S’orlhern ...................... .J4.23Red Mo*lwm-.......... |;i nnd 13.10

. VvlatosinuRiietB No. 3 , .............L ii.coRuaiola N o . '2 ............: ......$1.00

• Ihirttla ..................... .>1:09 -lil ic i t e d t __ i'

•Hosa. hoavy "...,,’...,‘..” '17:.'.—Hojpi.-'Jigbl.'.;-..-______L - m iSle«r» ...... ............ Cc nnd CcUoifer* .... .................... and 5>,4

' Cowi ....... - ...................... J... 4 ahd 5Lamb - ...... ---------------1------------6c ..

B eU Il' - ----------KDBllr«f64)8-laeb Lump, to a • ...i t i m T tf4 »rleB«: |L M Imjl .

. 'T , ' |~ :■ jitw

i i r K »i i p m, 31\LT-L.\KE c it y . Utah, So|rt. J l n ’PI—A ..tlilr .t_ tllflh_iialHICn1 party,.coiiaecralett to tbo,repeal ot tb s ISIli'/anicadmeDir'waa 'loday ' nibblllilng Itx fofcen and precar- Jng to nonilnato.cbngroulonal.aad •uilo . le*lsmur«,-;^n(Ildatoa.\

I t Is tbo “Llbkly'.' na'rty vboao nucleus la composed of formor Re- j Dubllcaua and . Democrnls , wbo boKad liccanqo their rt^DiCtlviT

'..TUo new j/arly wa» formally , IgUDdied InHt/ ntgbl ni.-ca.-^Ui'M ': f f lA tm s-o rsa jt L&ko'\‘otoT«;:t»m- MltU$k.We^e;;)nmvd..lbp pa^f^W tt ^


Demo-! ic fjiU o ^ A nepubllcan partlasi .< M fU iptutA neRliei'.iquBrely. faced thaV S w lb ltton ; or economic-,Is*

iS M O rililX ' HKItVldKg FOR • •

S S a y ^ ^ ^ ^ i h ' atnrlees uiflty ti'U ir 'S bu la bburc}i b tr s . 't ^ i'. 'i&lil?jor;M U tb& ' Sllll, prbtplaadl iW % lidt-:whb dled-UBOPtcttd

ttf w t?k nwi-wdayr

HAS i i ^ r f r s r o iiKforit:rvnJIjig II,t tStrlff mill ii>l(j nl i,i. .‘J

lAroH.jJi r.iiii »t.l ,’iiirl /m,.. .,I<} hlii<u»linrj'.' t i f Jmfirly..

'"Ir".■ :i», nml iTrtiMM .i; ,1 iifdmlM i'in,lr

/rijfier nj|

.vulf CO 0.v*'ir(r/i ri(')i aro/.-r

' CHAPTEH l-Conllrtued kt Tlio nc it moriiln;; u-ni Urliihl ;-inO

sunahlny. AiiJ lliu ivliolo loivn of Khrcw.hiiry iiiriioii nut la luo tlio circiij parade, Smiley In p irlcl; uniform. «ni on lop el llio ;al'.ln[io

. b o ilu s lo Ihe eroivd', Wbon they 13 rtsdicd lho public atniarc, Smiley Jiimpeit oil ail iBiprovlscd plalforin In and (ho crowd Raiiicred arnund /iloi. Immcdl^lelrSnillfiy iaunclioU n|«.n la

.n.clon-liis desrrlpllun of ilis cireua; lu p a tiln t out handbills aa.lio ipntio. pa

I’re.itnlly on onoildo ot ihn crowd ili n dislilrlinnca appeared In tbe form of A tnos'K r Shrewahnry. w tim i- lu tiowcd his ivny lutvaril ihe plaiforni . Kbenu Smiley slood, and Vainly at- pa

! '.iRioi —IVgir. ivftal porl u/ Ihv ilioiv ic 1 / 6* cnflllcd tot •

finillry—lI'Ap, you troulit be enflMed (

I templed 10 mako himtolf Iioard oTcr t I Lho nolto ot the ozcllod gntberins. '

Smiley, porfeclly. a ra ro oe 'h is I presence, had a suspldon that lho i piper Amos wared fmallcalty bo. j fort bim wat Ibo. feed'bitt be bad

to haranguQ ibe poopto and paised c _^ils band bllta lo Amoaj wlio, to get I

rld'ofiliom, waa forced lo paia Ihem •on lo thecro ird . fi

At 11)6 conclusion of hla bBliyboo n lho peoplo cheered aad applauded ii and Smiley allompled to slip away a qu Io tlr 'R u t Amos reached b it aide, a

-gTMp««-«lbow i: and, looking blm-ortr-iuspieloualy, p ho loqiilrad; - t

"You know wbo I amT I'm Amos > R.'Shrewshury., Own most ol Ibo H real estato hereabouls. fm chlot «' councilm an-tar coOeclor'and »o» » oral olber tbiagi.” "

i:v.withTa:aiMrm!aB.amile.;-SmIlfly.:: grabbod Amoi’ haad-and tbnnktd S bim olaboralely for b it liotp in dts- » trlbullng ths band bitli. llo was so a< profuat In b it prnba of'A mof tar^ tl ticcs ib s t Amoi bueamo allgbily b eoDluaed bot be did flnalir maaago n lo tt i la Qrmly: S

"Tbera ain't gonna bo no circus." 8 "Why n o trin a u ire d Smites; "'C auso ycAi dldn'l.pajt your.feed y

bill orer a t— " b' "And you' want to know why ws a

didn't psy tbat feed blit,- interrupt- t] •d sm iley .-, r tw 'r o . sfAdlng ray iiu^ilioa." j

ta la Amos suaplelDualy. a“Say. do you know what ll Ukes q

to run'a.clfcusTf ,. A. ."Dotsa'c ■ Interest - mo,” replied

'A teoslrfltflb lr. '


N AUMSWOKfHC O L U M B I A P I G tU R ^ S '! ' ■

•'Dll >ci ll doot>.lniIstBd SB,llty. ' •Monoy. real money. And a man 61 ,-niir-lmaslnBtlon, your bm ln, your ivciillb. should own .■» circus.' rua a ;lrciia. ba a parinar. T h afs : t t - a i n r l i ic r ." I ~

CHAPTER il • ■ JH a t AaiflS ,vatn‘l''.inlereslail In

lecoijiliis a patlner in t l io Ralnfy ;iK iii. Ho opened his moulii ae»- iral ilinca lo .say so bul.S ip lier icpi' r l s l i i on i.tlliins.' Ona tb ln * Inally caustil bli ailcullon. Smiley inured llini lhal "a partner pays lo b ll lt" . * " .

••Voirte enl Ibrco hundred dn't- 3;s, havti/t yuu?" Inquired Srrffley.

••Vc«. I tiave," aald Amoa. prodnc- ne a roll of billi from his pOiteL

".S'liw. n t bold It." aald Snilley, akliiR Itio'money, from AmW.'If#. uctaui handa. . “T bat’a your da- iDsIf as .1, parliicr, ' .S’ow wa|,bw« liat fucd bill fnr S2I0."

"NVo owe il?" uucstioniid ^)pBa ' luaplcioujly, , . "

"But a partnrr pays no i>lll«. - I lay att blila. First you givai.Jua

icouM inp (nicrrtl b tt . It'Aol icsald

(0 all ol Iht u t t i Uekett., ■

aiily. dollars ctianca.’.’i.Ttiatii; IU- Tbank yon. - tlow ;-ho^ji;r ti‘it|iw .-v, hundred. Tbat-tiltI«i>lb>t'i)l)|.';U*a'' ' groat to bo a partoar, ise’t . ' l i : T , ■ yon a t the circui. partnor.",>''.i*.<'!

Amos Hood loai la .proroab'i'^l* ; culfltlon^ J in Uti,»>-.i.i» ~cheated but ba couldn't QuIfi^Clira - '-U_ont._____^

Down,by the -Dlf Top. .•Sqll»y-; .•'found the circua. perfortjuri; ♦ah'-^^'. much out of to rn . Fol^.jtba^'llOB lamer, rcfuaed to g iro 'a .plrftitm-'.''' - ance till bis Ilona bad b t ta rb i- in * ■" anirnali paced back and tbtUVin Ibelr cages, a h a r l la f r r a l - ^ t a r r - ^ pasiarby. - Smiley waa.-llreBkiy” ' tlumped,- Now, when- eotild 'b a . i t t six hundred pounda o C m eit l Cer' ib o ie ' lioasT' , T b s '^ ta t'- '- 'w hu Itt'-'^ alrolled by-aad S m ile ;M u rn 'ii-r ' ' speeuistira ays la b tr illreetloB'bnt- wllb a grin,.discarded'tbaV'ld«i.‘. >: -A :t>Rnch-,o( .cW tarop^M fi'R iftV tSS Smiley aad asked’«asB ;lr?U 'm *>.V the thov. Smliey,iTlttfr«’f«w1U1ar--^ stories to turn ihe lf-a ll^n tlbo it^n ':; '' the’clrcui bat It di'dn’t work, ' . n v . ' ' I bad como to sea tiitt c ire iii ljiid , ' noiblug elsa >ouldVa«tlBlr’'ttfBU Suddeuiy a b r l l l l a a t h d # * : . ^ > . , - ; Smliay. . •'.=

T a i l you wbat I'll do,.';U'iMfyo(t:--i yoo kids Witt'go bbiaa a'a'd baek lomi raw .,m aat.'.'i^ ‘jUii$>''«er':f m eat,.l'irgl»ii joo** 'tr tii.) la iM ?i^v i thaJcircai.” ' ' ; ■> i ' - V T ? ; * * ' A i r t i g * r : i h o u l '1 r t f B l '^ i s f t f e - |* « a ^ ^

youBgsters. u ' ’lhby .ic a m w m ? o ifC g after tha mesL 8 u t 'B i b l l M i | ^ i ^ quickly d lia p p e a ra d ^ if^ ii^ f tm |d ‘‘

"You otr'a' m« tlxiy.’d o lli 'rw ^ '? '^

/ ‘ j. ‘

Page 8: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii ...

I f a g c : E i g h t " ' ' :

I t i l i f - °i i i »plthlEiNEt uamNOTON, Bn.i, 31 (im’i - -

Went IlooviT'B iHvlffj

illl'ilone, wlilrli (JiK'im lu-iii a.Horloti ot 11 lieiirliikii,

It. tlfKt iillrnllnll llll-',"iaw :iho floxllilc iiirlfFiTrovlriiJiis .

(OfUhoio •'commoiililtH wIiK'li ro- iDcrrnocU piiit-rtloii urxlor

' ME'H&wley.SmoQl liirlfr imr. K'pWllhoiiKli Ilio i-ommlK»li)ii hu1<I . r . ' l h f t p ' i r u iio rigtilflcntici- in ili'.'j j ' ^ o r l t y Clvcn tliom- t>-irl!i'iilni' liUi

llto mnnuf.-iciiircrn nf i Iik . ooiiccrncil will tic t>la<<'‘l|

• 'flwMho (letoriKiYfl und in lln- ixiKi- '<;U(in of ilet«nilitiK tlivir new rnlos I ';» H jb r Ihiin hmUIbr lilr.lier (iiu'*. :.;Tl^B;-M»ult may 'lip lla- t in i vc- ,.4(Ci(^j(Dilft(loriK of llic cimimlHnioiij

' y i J h ’atldlUoii. nil of tiic i'dimiihhI-]' MtHM'on 'w hich tlic IivarliiXH n ill l .

nro .tiiiioiiK tlio 60 re-;‘0 WiiiiiiiKiiioti f(ir l i i - l ' '

’ -TiiRtiKaUon by tlio Sminip. Momi |’ '<>t|.'(Ui9, lii(|ulrlefi -^vcrc .imlifil Iiy’

!Cm]IUI(^ meiiitiern wlio were ncck-' ’.^ ^ .to y l iu T e llic ratpn rcUiicml, -i^Jp>t..-.>ncro-liiiii6fiauL_uL-tliaaii:- - ' COIrflti0lllilc>I..OII ull ot. wiikli till';

werD lticrcumsl liy ilip Haw-; .Joy-SniDOl uct. hrfl niriiw liaH.'j

f irpn, wodl, fell linlH mill

•niiouiicltiK liui tiwiririK".' rautu Klfllclivr'iiiilicnU'it iln'y|

. jf tjr 1>p' licit] oii.lliCBo iinrlli’iiinri tM niaoilllteii firat livcmiitc tlio|' G&mlialdu'H iirelinilniiry, worli; '-J

•vW letclibr nnlll ilic .lomiiiiiwloir ■“ ' JiA^VrocccdiiiR n'itli Itn wnrk <Ii- I t7 •nnro. tti9 diet (tint tiiv I'TvnlilciK IA b M il lo l yo^ lipiicillitoil tlip-lliircl!

• JW mocratlc of tiip iii.l . pirUimn coniiiilijNldii of ulx., J

l i i o l L

" v V H IO T tE K , Cullf.. 8c;.t. 21 ' ■ (D P J-T to . trail of CliarlcK. K . ‘J'l

AjM>li>>y,j«Bnte(l In llio I’l i c I f U '“ BoBlIiir«el‘M«' « »eric» of vnrloiin Mr oflmoa. led.'fortliiir tmiiili loOny os I'"

_ “kthi?tlijM_jrnc<’(l,jirw.,(.-lur!). to lill. whsrenbuutH. n

'S lJrtlnB -froiti l-oi AnKclcn, the novemeniii. of Muri>liy. ihn "Niiiior- ~ crim inal” wore imecil lowiird ih« h irlio r distrlcl nnd ilinn tn LonK I I liach;-T odny ilicy ccnlcrcd «t AVUIUier, IS m llcK '^ iith . br i/iH I ..AfiKolflr,: wliere M. rviine ,(mlA Klin. rented {i roon'i to Mur- ItUy Monday nlRlH. I

>^nnii nalil'M uriiliy • ricd i when ,h e . Lonrd licr liimlininl'Hi! •liomccoininK foiilHtoim, • _______ M

Ywo ulTicr iioT-foiiit Huici iiioy «.i>v n man ronumhllni; Hic niuch-wniii-l

nn (ill 'ccn icr’ii tew intlon fardicr soulh. .

t in m 'I’enrNon. u tolorod (lortor. told police.II man.uiinwpriiiF; Miir- ililiy'a ' )le»crlplinn liad qucmlnncd lilm nbonl.nliipii fnr Snulh Ain.orl-

/RAnmaii's |ii|purti nnJ K wan bc- .tl(v id ‘ a t flrnt ho tiRd clmlcd orfl-^ cum by bnardInK u ii»at for Auk-

• trolla.- r •'M urphy wan iiccuHnl ' nt twn _

m urO WiiHlilnslon. Itidimii- Ine an .11 year <ild CiillI..

.•.(Jl.rli .novtrtil biKanii)Ufl..niurrluKC»-«nd :dcscrllnn trom -tlm -A m crlcau • uiurAOKtriitliin urniit'n.

D>vt CIbiqn S*TI Jil'SiRim nf iiiiiirH <iid iiS'i: Wlini

Bllmcllvp yiMini: •n.imni ...... . u|.’nild tnli; *oii!>r m joii wlihmit iliu “ I Ifi'himllly nf uu liilniiliirllnn.-I.o- I

ruin Jnuriial. I

‘jlNI.V <I\K l- 'oo r H5‘K(r.\J.JST I , .W .TH 'IX KAM,S.-I>linn6 HIH. Dr, C ' T o » le r^ A i!r . 3

A S . E N T E R r a i S E

*'■ ---------------- ---

O f ■ , - ■

' . I

" p i i i i i ®

• alboii. EnlcrprHo l» njmwn lifro. riiihi;' .<a*cBtia,r«W*rtr''tlii»1ili«lrTrtc-tTftTihy-oi

’''il'»04'nl»!trliihKulai; cuiirn^, flnlHliiiik*. race-wax .rnn. In lljfiil »r;iihi-r whfii- i i:.l |<knJll''J‘-PW «PK'TJT'>>',__________

, . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITT


^ W A V S c t cVg\'TV-l wot. v ^ o m T Wm'

\ - rv iE iR p A tACQO-S'S '

" ■ . s p a

( ^ ' r ' P ■

H 5 B E .

K n u l l R e s i d e n t s f,' D e p a r t f o r .U t a h

KX n.I,. Sinn. 21 I.Siii'ciall’ - • ‘’IIII. und Mr». Jnik. Noili<nn iiml ,vjiinilly Icfl Hiiiiiluy for .Salt l.;ii<L- Di:iiy lu uiiikc tlicir InmU', vr

Mr. u»d Mm', W.iIiit ll.iliowayiiidM'f. nnd .Mrn. Ji.liuTiin-iipr will ai ciivc Wi'itiicHdny,. oV^rlaiiii fnr 1,1 .Il-i»niltl t j ' vinll trioiidti und rvi-ilkCH

Mr. ami Mm. I.: M. Il.illnwi.y oil'lirntcd liiT SJud liirtliday nn; ,| i'uL'adiiy Till' KiiJHiii wcru Mr. nnd'i „. 'Ir«,' AiiPo AilkiiiH. -Mni.' C. K. „ »niill..and mntlier. -Mm illllU iK 'lsl


. fiMB l-A 0E E S -5H P S »V iHOUiTj OE YOyR cow's


, |y o f ? VOUR OI S H B S --^

J n V - n i E f ? A o / 9 < x . m m f M A h u o w c e r ^

E W O N S lic O N lT sT R A K

Jgf' ■ '

>1. Iii)lii, <ni IIiP 7T-yi-at.iihl Ain;'.riia’« irlm IJ-iln!iv*a»\-.iy tfniii Sir Thnni;! off^\i'wimri, U. I. KiKi'riirinc »niloil : !i iiiinulpii nnd fci'ciitiin alu-mi '

lll'in:>.itiiih nf ;i|>i'i |:lI:lr^ I<ii|k<'il Dll


' ............................ . IDA:

rWALV< u p Q01*re A \ .O S S R V A JOqFV W P i R t l )

>oR DEUv;cnV "TkZ / j v j o w v T s • / •\ P e R ' C.R -Th ' s T f l e E T .


I ■

^ T j o R T n e R e . I

•_________ . .■! '■

MiH Cliirii^a W<ii>ilA and Mi'h, | | /llarriiinii. ‘ K

Ki-i'iiii’th Kali ivfl TncHday to | \ I'lilvr Slanforii iiiiiicrnlty.

Miji> Abxaiiiirr- and >Mw1n I’ollim U'fl Kcdurmliiy overland li> vnlcr hcIki. i. .Mr. Ali'xundvrl nlll iMiicr iiriaiiun nclioii) In Sun Dii-Ki.' ami Mr. Coiiu'it tlic Uiil- I 'rniiiy uf Wiiniitiiclmi at Scattlv.

Mr-. J. M llorili'U. from I.on )' AiiKi-lci... In vi-itlni; Mrs Amanda'oiii. . Iial)

Self Diagnoait___________ lllR Mi»I nf UH kniiu"u'licn ko nrs »'l'‘

•l.'i;. Tnr of UK liimw xvii'-llu'r «vo of'e nrc ri'iili.v xvcll. Wp dnn'l knuw 'ITai wIiiTO liMliif onii« m d >.ic'knoM Iiv- Ifa sln«.—Woniiin'a Cmiiimnioii.. l*ic ______________________________ .flt '

By Dorothy U rfer " 1;WD~SOAP j 1 r 1 rM r'STANTCOM- I t3Ti. VOUR J i, “ “3UH CHILOREW, \ U sd i

I EKill

f ,

fjK c V A »<!«v ' "TITIO

• J IW A / ■/

i ' W ' t__ _ _ _ _ — ' Itll


I ' ai?

. I P i : V ' ! a

------------------- ....................................i . 0

■ ! k

H i f c l

Ii ;

'« -^(^|i-H nrolil‘ 8. Vnudo'Hillfni i;is Lliilun'. Siiamrci'k V In llip,■ll lo unollicr ca*y viclnry over

Ilf liu- forjipn'.cliallciiKcr.’ Th':1 Ir. in llif di-rk* nf :l(in j'iicIuh uj

AH O ; EV EN IN G .TffliES.’ T

., r a i i a m a ^

I ’ I



« ■" "'i i J r j V K ^ liaif e - u j u xa m m S S k uii

iT iS ^ S S B i ■'''- I

• -. ' I m k ^ h i

■' ivl

sI I . C m

. am

'J.R-VM lLUftM * • . Jif-

oi»j9iT»CA»otvicc.ii«e. ______ ____ nn

■ rci

(li[RLID[iyBS rM O N . I E l l

0.1• . ■ ' ■

IIAZIOI.TON. Sci>1. 21 (Siii.'cl<»l)|]'«' -Tlui .Kliuliprly iiii;ii'iicliiiul all tlcvoii nptncii tiiclr srld «ca-i j,f on and Ihni of IlaziOlun hy dc«l-|HR n .wIiKoauHiaiiK to tho locnl I'Viu itiiud In II KUinc iduyeil Tucsdny ' .' ftarnon'n ni. a fvaturo of the ila Tarvcsl ,K|!9llva! lit Hiixclton. A =fl Lavy lini) wliich m a^’lu:a IhrouKii liic lic-liKhlcr llazcltnn eleven nlimit.1 Mr, t wlll aided In running np 32 lo liic

Kiinliorly'R flrKi iniichilown nuiioI tlic llrnt unnrlor. wiicu it . Itn uf llnv iiUinKC'H forced llio hnll ' cro«n. In Illl) nccond i;<)rlod.Cap-lln Denton nircil.over the Ilno )r nnotlivr Kimberly toneliilown. s s :cltlier kick wn* mndc. and .tlio itnru al imlf /aH 12 in fl. fJiirlnK IC nccnnil Imlf Kimhcrly «coi'ud i '• . irei- more tonrliilowHH, nud hout-|,II 'two kivkii tor imln.t aiTnnii Uicj,OHlll.______ _________________;iiniinrlvl::2) • . ifa /ic i l t in (U) huimnrd,., yl-K ....'.IC. I’uicri'u i | •' ;ubank« ........... I.T ......... . ..•llic'M;iiia ....... ;..... U5 ....:.... Ilu(ilibnru|(lolinr .............. C .............. Kelly V'an llouk ...... IKi ......... lIc.inhorHtl. llrnwn - ...... UT ......... flelmnn«. ■Ciimiilieil ...... IIK ........... York .icnlon ............. Q ■ ■ ■ ....... \Villn| •in y n rr“ '" .r '.." l' . Kmi i'i'ii'iJ..iii] "ivnncit ............Jl ......... ..'uMi, ■ •'alnipr ......... ••• 11.............. IlrysunJ . C. l':day. llnieltnn. rcfvri'C. . .

L atlint MemoryI fcM liml lltcrc t< iii> 'Uicli Ildus I '

iH iililiiiiiiK foisfiilns; ................. ....■ .imiil'i'iwd npiiii liic mrmtiry iirv In- | •••ilMirucllliic.-l'ii'Jiilnccy. I

. Human Natur« Ij-'Kvi'u'lhc imiii-.-l UIIHI." will III ! •

itli.'lliu ’•ap' <if riilimnnvii. "iiuiy ‘ ■■11' 'cany tu iiiiiiiiicc limt ulia l in 1In .ids own a'itiiu|ji-:M mtinl bu ' rJ;;ilI.'‘—Wa:.liiuKl'‘li

Men «nd Sheep

!liii-mi;rn'"'iiir|i''i.|’i it" idih't'lc;pi.ttiii, iiy .iiiiiidinu'a ilocI; ur<iic<'|i in (hlli '|io<<1iioii .VIIII >-1111 iiiiikc a i-niM'il uf iiicii.—Miix lli'crliiilini.

t im e s ’ WA.NT-AU3 OLTf KE- iULTS.

ATTEN TION PO TA TO G R O W ERSWill contract a lim ited am oun t'o f cai-s for O ct- ober-(lo livory ,-u i]vance

'5100 per ca r..§ee J . H. Kimb&ll

P roduce Co. K im berly.. P hone 72

mSKKW TOTATOKS (Run.cprtl(li'd>

sn ucrcn ot nnn-curlifluii Uiih- .acL. Rueil :iiolimua_grnmi— u - — C.ouu,fcot allituau In tlic AhIi- inii Mpcllun ubov’iv lrri'<nilnu. 10 acres of lllt.w TrliiinMiti iilso.Coniu nnd n c j’liiein. Tlu-y have bcnn roRUvd cnud. I'linnc SU I tll Aiihinn, Mnlui. Aildreiin

J . LKK ]IO}I.MN(;,■ Ijm ent. lilahii •

: ; ;B r A :S ^ K - E - T - S — L i n e r s G a p 's •

M , A , S t r o n k "' P r o d t i c e C o;DeLong W arehouse '

- l l ' H.lll — . ••

r w m > A U ^ / I D A H O

j a i 'g e . E n r o l l m e n 5 1 ‘" A t S t a t e S c l io o l I

■(JOOlH.Mj. Hcjilciiiiier sn (Spu-j lull—SuiiiTiiiii'iiiliini <;. *J: .Sul-1 icA ..of .U ic. iilalc . iiduiol. .rcpocbL. ilill S.* pilpliii lliivc rnrulleil. nnd‘ Iml I-* more nrc exiiceicU loj uijie .Hiinn. Mnt. Soillcn un<l d;iii»;n- Qr Cnibcrl^e hnve rcini;n<'<l frum ..vlnlt lo iio r former home nl • icranion. I'enniiylvunia. '

Janien Cruniwell ban ri'luriii'il’ I n Iowa (Miy, nml ex]iertii lo (iim .| ' l itcte bin mudicui eourim Iliin year] j The Ilickn Aulu eoiiipf.:iy lil'cnc lj |

Ilf nr»- HiTvlm clullmi. Simitiloy i . tl (lie nuM' hhlldlnK Ibal ban lunli cun uiiiiiplutcd un \Va:iiiln«iiin Sl. ml 4l|i Ave.- ..Mrr. .Marlun Jbiriu>H anil ilauuh- I

l'l- o f Tncnma. WuniilUKion, wiio an beu:i vtnllInK fur uuvcral »’ -ck.i | lilii her parciitH, Mr. anil Mrn. ■ !. .\l. Coolcdiju, hun ri-liirneil to i cr borne. . "MinH Kidrcil Tlioniiii'iin, diini;h-

IT of A, t ‘. Tiiouip:uin. of (iood-1 MS Iell Tbnrndiiy for rtcullie lo nier lliu 1,'nlvefiiiiy of Wnnbln-:. H nil. Sill' will •ulii'clulllr 111 miinlc bl nd <loli|c»llc .«i{i3 riV, Hlie wnn u'c. th nnnianicd hy bur fclcml Mhm IIH- «c u Werner nf Alidon. who will a tea iiilriul Ilir m;iic. .■•vlinol. I In 'i'bdiiiure Tootle. Kruii liani.'tbcr.j

'cntnii nnd ''Cie" I'rlnuc liavcjK'' uni' IU I'rovo. Diah lo aiicn.l H<'lie llrlKliam ........ unlvernliy. ]<‘l'. Kdwanl Davin iukI 8aiii AllMuu..ln '.rnirr ntudcmn n r-G nndin(r'rn i-’— ,';;e hiivn i;nne lo lOvannioii. t il l- ja r lli’l, In vnlcr ibe Nnrtliivuplcrii. ([i ■iilvcrnlly, IJaviH in nliiily law .fri ml Aliinnn tn lake np Ibu niiuly 11,„ f nudiilnv. ' • ImiJenn WInlurii bnn xnlil hin lioniu '

I Kasi tiondLiii: li> 10. Aiiijnslliic f..Vuw OricaiiH. wbo buiidii ll /u r ' n Invcslinent. Mr. AnBiinilnc^J-i'

Miiliir, and lins bi'cn viiiliinK I cinllvuK hurv. und derided loj wn Huiiie properly in (ioodlni:. i Mr. ami .Mrn. Troy Cox have.';*

loveil inlu Ibclr new hoiifD urhleb;<‘'‘I one ot Ihe tlncHt vtnldvncen i n j ” ' lie eiiy. Tbc properly vaculud h y .* ' Ir. Vox will lie uci-n|ilud hy Dcp-!ly .Siiurlff ■ Iviin Dunham, nmi jim Ir. and Mrii. Jobn, flflodlni.* wiil {In. I' lit bnme in.lhu re.iiduiicc vaial-, InII by Ibn Dunbanm. !>'ii Moyil Knivcly and wife are nnw i nt

icaleii iu lbc bomi' tiiey n 'celil-' pureimticd trom Mrn. Ira ‘I 'a rp.' ,

InK in lbc wpHt jiarl of luwii.i*'' Ir. umi Mrn. Hurley Duller wlii- iiivc lo lill! C. .\. Seacravc hounc.:iicau'd iiy lbo .Bnivtlyp. _____ l j „ . .Mr". II. li. Hrni'elman uml h ">.

.aipii. Icll Krldny fnr l/i;i An-I*; elu’i wbiTu tiiey Expect lo lunkci. iclr linim’. The nuildun dciitii ofj . ir.illannelnian, lani week, iiiailc]'' IC eiiiiHKC in rcnliluncu 'nurun-. ,iry. -Thoy—wlll—UuvLl. hy.. auin I'coinpanliil hy .Marlu und Ivan on ailKlilur aiul nun of Mrn. Iliim-cl- eii; I'l'.u, M'lin came lo liondiui; from ari nllforuia lo nllend ilie tiinvral ycj r ibidr falbcr. Tbu llannolmann Icj


w m sm m




A b is , b rond 'S houIdc rcd , th ick iib x o rb in g S u p cr tw b il C ord (Go Y es, s i r ! ' F u ll o v e rs ize nml n h G oodyear can oU cr bccuusc of

G E T O U i A N D G<


O f f i c e Bti ' ’ ’ ’ 'O f f i c t a r B

S a l e s a n d .

a r - —----- ,1

Henry Allen fonjior. wiiu re lc -^ ^ brMeil hin .»uili birlhda}' carlv '.B thin inuntli will continue lu llm. C lonnlry'.i lankini: cionriennmaii a:i 5 a rennlt <if liic,^'inciinnln primary.] K in irjjii b • be jv«ii nwiomlli.’ill'J!!' ^ for illn I'Mii l?nii in Ibe flrnl eon-' » crcnMloiinl diflricl o n 't iic Kepiib-' liean tickvt-ojnlvulvni. lu lb a t '% diiilrict. lo elcellon. lie liaa beeujw- In ConKfi'nn slnre 1S02. • ! O

are umnnK ibe early pioliecrH o f ^ llie Cimiilni; irai'l, and liieir.iuaily B frlcndn arc nnrry lo have ihcni i.’ii, bul bo|ii. Ihuy wlli flmi iiluiimire'« i.utnuiiiuini: Ibelr new lncaiio|i.

Ui-v. \V. K. Ooubran eiiairm an; ^ of 111;' enunly lied C’ro^K c iia p ic r ja Imn Knnc lo I’.iyeiiu ti» attend lh">ijl aiinnnr ri'A'ioiial rn iifin 'iiic nf ib i '.V lli’d (Iroiiti. ■

Cliarli'i Tciiney. a Kflulnnic 7*f ^ C.KidiuK (’idlene. i.n<l nun of PrcnL -'k diini ami '.Mrn. V. \y . Tenney, willi reniiiiie hin nlli'Hqfl nt I lnvvard.A rnlvef»i1y mn|nrlnK in Knclinh.^,^

•Norlvjti Ariei'hiirii, wife am i;'® im!>y! vUllud u few dnyn In Cinid-iW Inj:, on llieir way lo vinit rclaitv.'n ■ S In' IluxiTinan vnlley. They' b u v e la .iiieiil Iiic numim;r in Ihe v ic ln ily jS nt (innnell. lilalio.. . ' A

--------- ,— ' i gDIAMIIMI A.SKKD TO

l.KAVH rnii,.\Di;i,i-iiiA « .I’lril.ADKM-IIIA. .Sepi. ::i I’l ' l ' i . ; ^

samchler wiui wn'ii no eoi.iially 'lu-; k'il:il lo iuuvv (iumiany. wan u l:i .> '^ Invltcil tn leave l-hilailelphia K'- lay hui wliii a ono honr time m limit. ■ ^

Tiie Noiv y.irt<er wiu urr'alK ncd;« III u "iuinjil:'iiiii' c b a r a e le r ''n •liarK.. ntier •hriai; arr^-teii i i i i i .n :^ irilvluK bun- on- tbe H iin n o v u r 'a .e.iterday, nud ordcreii ciivn Ion'll wiiiilii an btjiir. ‘ I ?IH’

r— -- - - - - - - - —

I ' r — — n


G O O D Y E .

H E A V Y D l1 L A T E S T G O O D Y E A R

;k-lrcai]cd Gbo^yrar w ith C plies joodycor p atent) lowithsUind hnr hniKLsomc IiKikcr. ,.Ltli(»t cxnmpli

)f enjoying, the world’s largciit t in


s l ™le F in e s t a n d - B e s t E q u ip p e d

t]d S h o p P h o ile 299 B o sc h ''M a g n e to Tid .S en ’ice S ta t io n

■ W eUncsda;

R t i m m a g e S a l e -Thure. and Friday

St-'ptemlier 2T) and 2(5 ''■ 2 '2 rS h o slio n i- 'N .' V"

At-ross frum Sciiw'arlz A u 'ta Ixcjiair

MdaboDepajrt^ , "If i t m it I


^ A B e a i P a r t 1

I B | ^ a t only $


f mj w

n C E S A T



s of n sturdy, shock- • ird i>Iow8 bn thc road.' lie of thc Hupcr values rcialcs. It’saB U Y l •.


:d Q arag e in Ihe W est .

Parts Phone, 29£ Fimken, N e w D e p a r tu i^ ta id

H y a tt B earing D istribu tori

ly, Septeinhor 1930^ .

■ J . .„ F O R .-^ S A L E ..- :_- A u to D 6 o r G la s s . . . - ' w in d sh ie ld s a n d w in ­

d o w ' g la ss ,' N o c h a r g e '......- f o r se tt in g ;-----------

M O O N ’ S ^ P a in t a n d F u rn i tu r e

S to re

t m e n f S t o r e ^b r in q i t B a d e ■ ^

M O R E > C E T S ! ' , 5

i i t i f u l ^ W ool Ki k e t J

M m \Sateen bound

^ c d j ; o s g o o d Jlooking la rg e J

^ ' \ p la id s . . m ade ^^ (if finest C h ina ^

cotton witli a W ^ 7 g o o d p erccn - W l y tagc nf wool— %

■ 'th a t 's w hyj)cn- ^\ p ie judge th is .k

,> 1 blanket to sell- . ja t. least ? 'l J

tliin k i t J real va hie— ^

w hen you sec W it. f i

4 lb w e ig h t ■ '. J - Size 70 .X 80 J ,

Econom y • 'B asem ent ' J


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