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[Type here] Sr. No Topic Page No Title page Certificate from Company Declaration Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of Abbreviations and Nomenclature 1 CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 - Overview About the Company 1.1.2 - Growth rate value chain Competition analysis SWOT analysis Porter 5 forces analysis of the CPVC pipe Industry 1.2 Identified Problem 1.2.1 Need for Study 1.2.2 Objectives and scope 1.2.3 Research : Deliverables Expected 2 CHAPTER II : LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 Review of Literature 2.2 Research Gap 3 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Type of Project, Target Respondents & Tools for Analysis 3.2 Assumptions, Constraints and Limitations 4 CHAPTER IV : DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION 4.1 Data Analysis & Interpretation 4.2 Disussion & Inferences 5 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION 6 CHAPTER VI : SUMMER INTERNSHIP LEARNING CURVES (SILC) TABLE OF CONTENT

Azman Lubrizol Report

Aug 17, 2015



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[Type here]Sr. No Topic Page NoTitle pageCertificate from CompanyDeclarationAcknowledgementTable of ContentsList of Abbreviations and Nomenclature1 CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION1.1- verviewAbout t!e Company1.1." -#rowt! ratevalue c!ainCompetition analysis$%T analysis&orter ' forces analysis of t!e C&(C pipe )ndustry1." )dentified &roblem1.".1Need for $tudy1."."b*ectives and scope1.".+ ,esearc! - Deliverables ./pected2CHAPTER II : LITERATURE SURVEY".1 ,eview of Literature"." ,esearc! #ap3CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOY+.1Type of &ro*ect0 Target ,espondents 1 Tools for Analysis+."Assumptions0 Constraints and Limitations!CHAPTER IV : DATA ANALYSIS " INTERPRETATION2.1Data Analysis 1 )nterpretation2." Disussion 1 )nferences# CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION$ CHAPTER VI : SUMMER INTERNSHIP LEARNIN CURVES %SILC&TA'LE O( CONTENT1. INTRODUCTIONOVERVIE)Lubri3ol Advance 4aterials Limited is t!eworld largest manufacturer of C&(C resins and compound used to manufacture C&(C pipes and fittings. Lubri3ol5s 6lowguard7 C&(C pipes!ave been t!ere in t!e 8nited $tates since '9 years and in t!e )ndian market for t!e past 1' years. Lubri3ol produces and sells C&(C compounds to licensed manufacturers of 6low#uardpipe 1 fittings. )n )ndia0 Lubri3ol is in :oint (enture wit! Astral &olytec!nik Limited and As!irwadpipes. ;ot! Licensee of Lubri3ol wit! Astral !aving license to manufacture more products. Lubri3ol )ndia Advance 4aterials Limited promotes t!e C&(C Tec!nology in )ndia.)t conducts ;rand awareness campaigns for bot! its licensee Astral &olytec!nik Limited and As!irwadpipes. ) !ad t!e privilege of working wit! Lubri3ol )ndia Advance 4aterials Limited in one of its widely e/ecuted campaign across )ndia !eld between 4ay < :une "91'.As a summer Trainee ) was entrusted upon t!e role of market researc! and retail mapping and later of conducting brand awareness and engagement for t!e plumber community. $ince0 A plumber is an opinion leader in t!e decision of buying C&(C pipes and someone w!o does all our plumbing work. T!e campaign was aimed at educating plumbers about t!e basic of C&(C installations and spreading brand awareness. T!us0 creating a plumber database and establis!ing a direct connection between t!e plumbers and t!e company. $ince0 it was a retail activation pro*ect we targeted t!e plumbers w!o do !ouse!old plumbing work and buy C&(C pipes and fittings from a retail outlet.T!e campaign was !ig!ly successful in attracting a good number of plumbers in t!e events conducted. 4ore t!an "999 plumbers attended t!e events conducted across more t!an 1' suburbs across 4umbai. $imilar events were conducted across different cities in )ndia. T!us0 t!e company ac!ieved its ob*ective of spreading ;rand awareness and creating more brandloyal customers w!o will generate more sales revenue for t!e company.1.1.1 A'OUT THE COMPANYT!e Lubri3ol Corporation is one of t!e world=s leading suppliers of specialty c!emicals. A pioneer in t!e field of lubricant additives0 Lubri3ol is t!e world leader in t!is >? billion industry. T!e firm makes a wide range of additives for lubricating oil and fuel used in various engines0 as well as additives for automatic transmission oils and industrial oils. Lubri3ol generates appro/imately '@ percent of its revenues from its lubricant additives business. After more t!an ?' years concentrating mainly on lubricant additives0 Lubri3ol transformed itself t!roug! t!e :une "9920 >1.A+ billion acBuisition ofNoveon )nternational0 )nc. T!e Noveon operations provided t!e core for Lubri3ol=s specialty c!emicals segment0 w!ic! produces a wide range of performance c!emicals0 suc! as ingredients for personal care0 p!armaceutical0 food0 and beverage productsC emulsions and additives for coatings and inksC and specialtyplastics and materials. T!e company maintains facilities in "? countries0 including manufacturing plants in "9 countries and laboratories in 11 countries0 and it sells its products in more t!an 199 nations around t!e world. :ust a little under !alf of Lubri3ol=s revenues are derived in Nort! America0 "? percent in .urope0 1D percent in t!e Asia-&acific and 4iddle .ast regions0 and @ percent in Latin America.EARLY HISTORYT!e company was founded in 1A"D by t!e $mit! brot!ers EFelvin0 Fent0 and (incentG0 Ale/ Nason and !is fat!er 6rank Nason0 and a friend of t!e brot!ers0 T!omas %. :ames. T!e t!ree $mit! brot!ers !ad all worked at Dow C!emical0 a company t!eir fat!er0 a professor of c!emistry0 !ad !elped to establis!.6rom its beginning t!e growt! of Lubri3ol0 originally known as T!e #rap!ite il &roducts Company0 was tied to t!e e/pansion of t!e petroleum and automobile industries. ;y working closely wit! manufacturers0 or0 in t!e case of s!ortsig!ted automobile makers0 by staying one step a!ead0 Lubri3ol was able to carve out an unassailable nic!e for itself. T!e company=s first product0 a suspension of grap!ite in oil called Lubri-#rap!0 was formulated to prevent car springs from creaking.After t!is initial success0 t!e young men addressed a more serious problem. .arly automobile engines were lubricated wit! mineral oil0 w!ic! meant t!at t!e engines over!eated freBuently0 and t!at t!eir pistons would stick because of t!e !eat or accumulated sludge. %!en t!is !appened t!e driver !ad to pull over and wait for t!e engine to cool. )n t!e early 1A+9s t!e c!emists at #rap!ite il discovered t!at by adding c!lorine to lubricants t!e problem of over!eating was alleviated. T!is new product0 and in 1A+2 later t!e w!ole company0 was named Lubri3ol0 alt!oug! no one knew w!at t!e H3olH stood for Et!e !yp!en was dropped in 1A2+G. $oon auto repair s!ops and car dealers were ordering t!e strangely named oil0 along wit! specialty lubricants tailor-made for specific models of engines.)n 1A+' Ale/ Nason traveled to Detroit to promote !is small company0 but #eneral 4otors Corporation E#4G scoffed at t!e idea of adding c!emicals to oil in order to increase engine performance. At t!e time0 #4=s diesel engines became so clogged wit! impurities t!at t!ey !ad to be stripped and cleaned every '99 !ours. .ventually t!e auto manufacturer was convinced of t!e value of gasoline and lubricant additives0 and added Lubri3ol products to its list of recommended products for car care. OIN PU'LIC: 1*$+)n t!e 1A@9s Lubri3ol continued to watc! its revenues steadily increase. )n 1A@9 it became a public company0 and by taking advantage of t!e stock options t!at t!e company offered many employees became ric!. T!e company !ad a good relations!ip wit! its employees0 in part because salaries were generous and employees were eligible for profit s!aring0 including t!oseon t!e s!op floor. COMPANY PERSPECTIVESA pioneer in t!e science of lubricant additives0 T!e Lubri3ol Corporation was transformed by t!e "992 acBuisition of Noveon )nternational0 )nc.0 a supplier of advanced c!emical ingredients for consumer and industrial applications. T!e combined forces of t!ese businesses resulted in a new specialty c!emical company defined by complementary tec!nologies0 compre!ensive market knowledge and global reac!.Lubri3ol=s approac! to management was distinctive. :ob descriptions were fle/ible0 and employees !ad a !ig! degree of autonomy in deciding w!at tasks t!ey s!ould do and in w!at manner. T!e company=s success !ad always depended on staying at t!e forefront of researc! on additives0 and tec!nicians !istorically comprised a !ig! percentage of Lubri3ol=s workforce. 8pper management was also saturated wit! c!emists0 alt!oug! in t!e 1A?9s a prominent lawyer *oined t!eir ranks. T!e ordinarily mild-mannered Lubri3ol was e/tremely combative in guarding its patent rig!ts.8nlike many c!emical companies0 Lubri3ol applauded t!e country=s growing concern wit! pollution. Lead-free gas and catalytic converters opened up a new demand for lubricants to replace t!e lubricating action of leaded fuel. Any c!ange in engine design was beneficial for Lubri3ol because a new design reBuired new additives0 and t!e company was well-eBuipped tomeet t!e latest demands before its competitors were able to. De,ai-. a/o0, ,1e I230.,r4L0/ri5o- A36a2ce3 Ma,eria-. is a leading global producer of advanced specialty polymers0 polymer-based additives and c!emical additives used in everyday consumer and industrial applications. As an innovation leader0 we leverage our core polymer and surface active c!emistries and formulations to create proprietary0 !ig!-performance materials for ourcustomers in a wide range of industries.Pro30c, Li2e.E2gi2eere3 Po-47er.Per.o2a- a23 Ho7e Care Lubri3ol draws upon decades of innovation0 combining t!ermoplastic polyuret!anes ET&8sG0 copolyesters and conductive polymers tec!nologies to provide one of t!e broadestproduct portfolios of engineered polymers available today. 6romindustrial and transportation applications to t!ose in t!e sports and recreation and electronics industries0 our products bridge t!egap between fle/ible rubber and rigid plastics wit! numerous p!ysical property combinations0 making t!em e/tremely adaptable for a variety of end-use applications. %e develop0 manufacture and market a broad range of specialty c!emicals for skin care0 !air care0 bat! and s!ower0 surface care and fabric care. ur innovative ingredients and additives modify p!ysical properties0 en!ance functional performance and deliver aest!etic benefits to drive key product claims and performance benefits t!at consumers notice.Per8or7a2ce Coa,i2g. Li8eScie2ce Po-47er.Lubri3ol offers a compre!ensive portfolio of resins and additives0 surface modifiers0 !yperdispersants and plastic additives to !elp en!ance t!e performance0 functionality and durability of our customers5 products. %e offer a wide range of tec!nologies0 including !ig!-performance polymers and additives for specialty paper0 inks and grap!ic arts0 and paint and te/tile coating applications.%e combine advanced polymer solutions and unmatc!ed support services to be a leader in t!e medical and !ealt!care industry0 eBuip our customers for success and < ultimately < improve lives. %e work in collaboration wit! our customers to develop functional polymer solutions for various applications0 including dermal treatments0 oral care and medical devices.8niBue products suc! as antimicrobial and bio-absorbable polymers enable us to create !ig!-value solutions in fastgrowing marketsCPVC Pipi2g S4.,e7.T1e L0/ri5o- Corporation is t!e world leader in c1-ori2a,e3 po-46i24- c1-ori3e %CPVC& resins and compounds t!at are trusted in various applications0 including plumbing0 fire sprinkler systems and industrial piping < but t!e benefits reac! far beyond building and construction. Across various industries0 manufacturers rely on Lubri3ol5s C&(C materials as cost-effective solutions for t!eir !ig!-performance application needs.Pro30c,. a23 App-ica,io2.Lubri3ol5s unparalleled level of e/perience0 proven performance0 track record of innovation0 product diversity and commitment to customer support make us t!e number-one c!oice for a variety of C&(C needs-(-o90ar3: Pipe a23 (i,,i2g.&ipe and fittings for residential and commercial water distribution systems.'-a5eMa.,er: (ire Spri2;-er S4.,e7.6ire sprinkler systems for multifamily0 commercial and residential applications.Cor5a2: I230.,ria- S4.,e7.&iping systems for corrosive and !ig!-temperature applications0 as well as for water distribution systems.Te7pRi,e: CPVC$pecialty C&(C compounds used for a wide variety of applications.1.1.2 THE INDIAN PIPE INDUSTRYPipe Industry in IndiaG.I pipesPVC pipesCPVC6ig 1.1 T!e )ndian &ipe )ndustry segmentationT!e )ndian plumbing industry is estimated at I,s. 1?0999 cr and is growing at I1'J CA#,. I21J of t!e )ndian market is for #) pipes0 I'+J of t!e market is for &(C pipes and I2J of t!e market is for C&(C pipes. C&(C is still a very underrated product in )ndia due to preconceived notions of t!e )ndian public. )n reality C&(C pipes are as good as #)K&(C pipes and in some aspects Esuc! as life0 fire resistance and corrosion proofG even better. #) pipes are steel pipes coated wit! 3inc. &(Cpipes are made of plastic and vinyl. C&(C pipes are made of C&(C resin0 w!ic! is a value-add of &(C.L0/ri5o- A33i,i6e.L0/ri5o- A36a2ce Ma,eria-L0/ri5o-Oi-8ie-3.According to t!e latest 6reedonia report0 world plastic pipe demand is forecast to increase I?.+J annually to "9.+ million metrictons in "91'. )ncreases in global construction activity and process manufacturing output will support growt!. 4ore t!an two-t!irds of all plastic pipedemand generated during t!e "919-"91' period is e/pected to be attributable to t!e AsiaK&acific region.A RO)IN INDUSTRYT!e plumbing sector is a growing one. According to t!e #lobal Construction "9"9 ,eport prepared by #lobal Construction &erspectives 1 /ford .conomics and sponsored by &%C0 8$ > A?.? trillion would be spent on construction globally in t!e ne/t ten years. T!e report furt!er says t!at current spending of > ?." trillion per year would grow by @?J to 1" trillion per year by "9"90 wit! !alf t!e amount being spent by t!ree countries < C!ina0 )ndia 1 8$A.,eal estate is one of t!e fastest growing sectors of t!e )ndian economy and contributes about 'per cent to )ndia=s gross domestic product E#D&G. 6oreign direct investment E6D)G up to 199 per cent is allowed wit! government permission for developing towns!ips and settlements andin t!e !otel and tourism sector t!roug! t!e automatic route. T!e #overnment of )ndia E#)G !as raised t!e !ousing loan limit to 8$> '"09D9 for priority sector lending and 8$> D++ million !as been allocated for rural !ousing fund E,L6G in 6M1+ budget. T!e real estate sectoris playing a significant role in t!e rising demand for plumbing products.VALUE CHAIN '0.i2e.. .eg7e2,. o8 L0/ri5o- Corpora,io2

P-07/i2g .4.,e7.(ire pro,ec,io2 S4.,e7.I230.,ria- .4.,e7.6ig 1.1." (AL8. CLA)N 6 LU'RI

  1. . # (orce. Mo3e-Por,er 8i6e 8orce. a2a-4.i. is a framework to analy3e t!e level of competition wit!in an industry and business strategy development. )t draws upon industrial organi3ation E)G economics to derive five forces t!at determine t!e competitive intensity and t!erefore attractiveness of an )ndustry. Attractiveness in t!is conte/t refers to t!e overall industry profitability.&orter=s five forces include - t!ree forces from =!ori3ontal= competition- t!e t!reat of substitute products or services0 t!e t!reat of establis!ed rivals0 and t!e t!reat of new entrantsC and two forces from =vertical= competition- t!e bargaining power of suppliers and t!e bargaining power of customers.T1rea, o8 2e9 e2,ra2,.&rofitable markets t!at yield !ig! returns will attract new firms. T!is results in many new entrants0 w!ic! eventually will decrease profitability for all firms in t!e industry. 8nless t!e entry of new firms can be blocked by incumbents Ew!ic! in business refers to t!e largest company in a certain industryG0 t!e abnormal profit rate will trend towards 3eroT!e following factors can !ave an effect on !ow muc! of a t!reat new entrants may pose-1. T1e e?i.,e2ce o8 'arrier. ,o e2,r4 - $ince0 t!e entry barriers are low t!ere is a t!reat of new players entering into t!e market.2. o6er27e2, po-ic4 - %it! t!e Q4ake in )ndia5 campaign t!e government is trying to reduce t!e e/isting barriers for t!e ease of doing business w!ic! will encourage new entrants in t!e pipe industry to go for C&(C pipe manufacturing.3. Capi,a- re@0ire7e2,. -Cost reBuired to set up a C&(C pipe manufacturing plant is !ig! and can go upto 199s of croores and!ence0 t!e t!reat of new entrants is severely reduced. T!is is t!e primary reason w!y many e/isting companies !ave adopted a cautious approac! in setting up C&(C manufacturing plants.!. A/.o-0,e co., A T!e absolute cost for C&(C is on t!e !ig!er side compared to &(C pipes due to limited suppliers and !ence0 t!e t!reat of new entrants gets reduced as t!e e/isting &(C pipes manufacturers mig!t not want to enter t!e market.T1rea, o8 .0/.,i,0,e pro30c,.T!e e/istence of products outside of t!e realm of t!e common product boundaries increases t!e propensity of customers to switc! to alternatives.)n t!is case0 &(C mig!t be considered a substitute for C&(C. )ncreased marketing for &(C Hs!rink t!e pieH forC&(C pipes. w!ereas increased C&(C advertising would likely Hgrow t!e pieR of 6lowguard7 plus C&(C pipes0 albeit giving 6lowguard7 plus a larger slice at ot!er brands e/pense.&otential factors- ;uyer propensity to substitute ,elative price performance of substitute ;uyer switc!ing costs &erceived level of product differentiation Number of substitute products available in t!e market .ase of substitution $ubstandard product Ouality depreciation Availability of close substituteBargaining power of customers (buyers)T!e bargaining power of customers is also described as t!e market of outputs- t!e ability of customers to put t!e firm under pressure0 w!ic! also affects t!e customer=s sensitivity to price c!anges. 6irms can take measures to reduce buyer power0 suc! as implementing a loyalty program.6lowguard7 &lus brand awareness program is t!us aimed at creating a loyal base ofbuyers EplumbersG.T!e buyer power is !ig! if t!e buyer !as many alternatives. T!e buyer power is low if t!ey act independently. )n t!is case0 t!e buyer power is not t!at !ig! can be considered as negligible as t!e e/isting local brands are not of t!e same Buality and also lack of availability of ot!er brands. T!is !as also reduced t!e bargaining power of t!e buyers as t!ey do not !ave ot!er alternative brands to go for.&otential factors- ;uyer concentration to firm concentration ratio is low and !ence t!ere is no severe t!reat from t!e buyers Degree of dependency upon e/isting c!annels of distribution ;argaining leverage0 particularly in industries wit! !ig! fi/ed costs ;uyer switc!ing costs relative to firm switc!ing costs ;uyer information availability 6orce down prices Availability of e/isting substitute products ;uyer price sensitivity Differential advantage EuniBuenessG of industry products ,64 Ecustomer valueG Analysis T!e total amount of tradingBargaining power of suppiersT!e bargaining power of suppliers is also described as t!e market of inputs. $uppliers of raw materials !as a source of advantage w!en t!ere are few sources available. Lubri3ol being t!e supplier for C&(C resins and compounds for its licensee Astral and As!irwad !as !ig! bargaining power and refuse to work wit! t!e firm or c!arge e/cessively !ig! prices for its uniBue resources.Lence0 t!e t!reat from suppliers is !ig! in t!e C&(C industry and affects t!e overall cost of t!e product as well as t!e profitability of t!e company.&otential factors are- $upplier switc!ing costs relative to firm switc!ing costs Degree of differentiation of inputs )mpact of inputs on cost or differentiation &resence of substitute inputs $trengt! of distribution c!annel $upplier concentration to firm concentration ratio .mployee solidarity Ee.g. labor unionsG $upplier competition- t!e ability to forward vertically integrate and cut out t!e buyer.I2,e2.i,4 o8 co7pe,i,i6e ri6a-r46or most industries t!e intensity of competitive rivalry is t!e ma*or determinant of t!e competitiveness of t!e industry and t!e C&(C pipe industry is no different. T!ere is an intensecompetition between t!e two ma*or manufacturers of C&(C pipes0 i.e Astral &olytec!nik Limited and As!irwad pipes bot! competing for t!e same brand. ;ot! t!e companies are at an advantage due to t!e following factors w!ic! determines t!e intensity of competitive rivalry -&otential factors- $ustainable competitive advantage t!roug! innovation Level of advertising e/pense &owerful competitive strategy 6irm concentration ratio Degree of transparency1.2 I3e2,i8ie3 Pro/-e71.2.1 Nee3 8or S,034 T!e retail sector presents a !uge opportunity for C&(C pipe manufacturers as in a developing economy and wit! t!e boom in t!e real estate t!ere is a !uge demand forC&(C and to tap t!is opportunity it is essential to make 6lowguard7 C&(C pipes and fittingavailable across all retail outlets. T!is can be ac!ieved by superior distribution network T!e retailers and t!e plumbers are t!e ma*or influencers for a consumer w!ile buying a C&(C products. T!e study aims to find out all possible retail outlets dealing in plumbing materials and trying to establis! a direct relation between t!e retailer and t!e company. T!is is ac!ieved by finding out w!at are t!e products being sold by t!e retailer and t!e demandof t!e market t!roug! a series of Buestionnaire. #enerally0 it is found t!at for all t!eir !ouse!old plumbing related workpeople tendto go to t!eir nearest !ardware or plumbing s!op and ask for a plumber. T!is plumbers are t!e one w!o do !ouse!old plumbing works and are opinion makers fort!e consumers w!ic! are generally not aware of manypipe brands and as suc! it is essential to create a brand engagement among t!is particular target group. T!e plumbers workforce in india is largely unorgani3ed and untrained0 !ence to avoid defects in installation of C&(C t!e plumbers needs to be educated and briefedabout t!e tec!niBues and t!e best practices of C&(C installations. Also0 t!ere is a vast ma*ority of consumers w!o !ave reservations on t!e use of C&(C pipes for domestic !ouse!old water supply due to certain misconceptions andlack of awareness. Lence0 c!anging t!e perception about C&(C pipes. To study t!e brand awareness of6lowguard7 C&(C products. To increase market penetration by creating brand awareness and retail activation To find out t!e possible customers for flowguard pipes. To increase brand engagement wit! opinion makers EplumbersG to build a long term emotional connection between t!e brand and t!e customer1.2.2 O'BECTIVES AND SCOPE To study t!e brand awareness of6lowguard7 C&(C products. To increase market penetration by creating brand awareness and retail activation To find out t!e possible customers for flowguard pipes. To increase brand engagement wit! opinion makers EplumbersG to build a long term emotional connection between t!e brand and t!e customer To develop a long term emotional connect between t!e brand and t!e consumers. To make t!e plumbers brand loyal and developing brand stickiness. To address t!e issues faced by t!e plumbers and resolving t!eir Bueries. To spread awareness about 6lowguard7 *oints and fittings and making t!em understand t!e benefits of using t!em to increase t!e efficiency of t!eir work. 4aking t!e plumbers understand of !ow proper installation ofC&(C pipes could increase t!e durability of C&(C pipes. Classification of retail outlets based on si3e and t!e products offered. Developing a retail database to seek more business avenues and increasing market penetration. Developing a plumber database for conducting future plumber meets and training programs.1.2.3 Re.earc1: De-i6era/-e. e?pec,e3 T!e researc! aims to understand t!e perception of C&(C from a plumbers point of view. T!e researc! seeks to understand t!e impact of brand awareness events conducted by Lubri3ol for its licensee Astral and As!irwad on t!e plumber community. )t aims to understand t!e take aways by t!e plumbers from t!e event and w!et!er t!e events !ave in some way managed to resolve t!eir Bueries. T!e events also seeks to understand t!e problems t!eir consumers !ave encountered after installation of C&(C pipes. T!e researc! seeks to understand if t!e events conducted by t!e company !ave been successful in its ob*ective of creating brand loyalty and brand awareness. T!e researc! seeks to understand t!e grievances of t!e plumbers and resolving t!em. )t also presents an opportunity to interact wit! t!e plumbers and ways to conductbetter events.C1ap,er 2: Li,era,0re S0r6e42.1 Re6ie9 o8 Li,era,0re)14 ,o 0.e CPVC pipe. CT!e boom in t!e building and construction industry0 especially in t!e !ousing and commercial building sector !as fueled !ig! demand for cost effective0 reliable0 Buality piping and plumbing systems. T!e c!oice of piping systems for water utilities is based on overall long term value. T!ey must deliver on factors like long term costs0 reliability0 versatility0 environmental effect0 drinking water safety and public !ealt!. C&(C &iping systems are t!e ideal c!oice0 because t!ey are corrosion resistant0 durable0 smoot!0 friction free0 resistant to bacterial growt! and environment friendly0 besides a !ost of ot!er user friendly features.CPVC Pipe. = Ma2i8o-3 'e2e8i,. C&(C &ipes provides several critical advantages like- S Ae.,1e,icD e?,re7e-4 ea.4D co., e88ec,i6e ,o 1a23-e a23 i2.,a-- C&(C pipes are lig!tweig!t0 w!ic! means low s!ipping costs along wit! faster0 safer and easier !andling0 cutting and installation0 reducing overall labour costs. )nstallation is easy by fast cold welding0 w!ic! is cost effective as no electricK!eat source is reBuired. $imple cutter0 c!amfering tool and C&(C solvent are t!e only reBuirements for 199J leak proof *ointing. E E?ce--e2, re.i.,a2ce ,o c1e7ica-.D corro.io2 a23 a/ra.io2Does not breakdown ever under !ars!est water conditions and aggressive service conditions like low pL water0 coastal salt air e/posure and corrosive soils. )t can even be buried directly under concrete slabs wit! no c!emical interaction wit! concrete. E Mo., .0i,a/-e 8or carr4i2g 3ri2;i2g 9a,er,etards bacterial growt!0 w!ic! keeps t!e water Buality !ealt!y and very good. T!ey are suitable even for aggressive water pL levels of less t!an @.'. C&(C &ipes meant for carrying water s!ould !ave N$6 certification according to AN$)KN$6 $tandard @1K program policy 2' E,(C4 levels in t!ese pipes are so low as to be undetectableG. S S7oo,1 I2,er2a- S0r8aceAbsence of scaling0 pitting and leac!ing leads to smoot! and full bore flow and low water noise. )t maintains full water carrying capacity because of no scale buildup0 avoiding water pressure loss. S E2erg4 e88icie2,D -o9er ,1er7a- co230c,i6i,4 a23 i2.0-a,io2 co.,)t is self insulating wit! lower t!ermal conductivity0 w!ic! greatly reduces !eat and t!erefore reBuires low insulation levels and cost. S E?ce--e2, per8or7a2ce i2 ,o0g1 co23i,io2.T!ese piping systems are toug!0 rigid and strong wit! !ig!er pressure bearing capacity. )t reBuires less !angers and supports wit! minimum offsetsKlooping. S Hig1 8-e?i/i-i,4 6ir,0a--4 e-i7i2a,e. 9a,er 1a77er.No water !ammer arrestors reBuired under normal conditions as intensity of water !ammer is appro/imately one t!ird t!at of copper or steel pipe. S E?,re7e-4 8ire re.i.,a2, )t !as integral flame retarding property wit! very !ig! Limiting /ygen )nde/ EL)G of @9.T!us in air t!ese pipes cannot be t!e ignition source of fire or support or sustain combustion. )t does not increase fire load0 !as low smoke generation and low flame spread wit!out flaming drips. S Co7p-e,e-4 -ea; proo8 T!e cold welding using C&(C solvent is fast and simple0 ensuring leak free installation for t!eentire life span of t!e piping system. S Co., = e88ec,i6eD 30ra/-e 9i,1 e?ce--e2, -o2g ,er7 re-ia/i-i,4 C&(C pipes !ave !ig! impact strengt! and durability. )t !as low initial cost and lower maintenance costs as against competitive materials. S I3ea- 8or 1o7e p-07/i2g .4.,e7.T!e C&(C system is four times Buieter t!an copper plumbing systems0 reducing not only t!e sound of running water0 but also t!e pounding noise of t!e water !ammer. )ts t!ermoplastic properties provide e/cellent insulation to virtually eliminate sweating and condensation. )t keeps !ot water !otter and cold water colder t!an copper plumbing. T!ere is minimal energy loss t!roug! pipe walls0 saving money on !eating and cooling. S Less sub*ect to *ob site t!efts as compared to copper or metal pipes.S ,elative price stability over a long time.S .co friendly as its production is very energy efficient.)i3e Ra2ge o8 App-ica,io2.T!e e/cellent Bualities of C&(C &ipes make t!em ideal forS Lot and cold water distribution in residential0 industrial and public pro*ects. S Carrying drinking water and food liBuidsS %ater and waste water treatment systemsS Transportation of c!emical and !ot corrosive fluids0 w!ic! includes a wide variety of inorganic acids0 bases used in c!emical processingS 8se in industries like metal finis!ing0 plating and treatment0 pulp and paper0 air pollution control0 mining0 aerospace0 te/tile0 food and beverage processing0 fine sprinkler piping and municipal pro*ects.S 8se as !ig! tension cable protection pipe for electric net improvement ELarge dia. C&(C &ipesG.S $olar !eating0 central !eating and radiant floor !eating application CPVC6F. COPPER CI2 p-07/i2g circ-e.D ,1ere i. a -o2g.,a23i2g 3e/a,e /e,9ee2 copper a23 c1-ori2a,e3 po-46i24- c1-ori3e %CPVC& pipi2g. Copper 1a. /ee2 0.e3 i2 Nor,1 A7erica2 p-07/i2g app-ica,io2. 8or 7ore ,1a2 G+ 4ear.D 91i-e CPVC 1a. /ee2 i2.,a--e3 .0cce..80--4 8or 2ear-4 #+ 4ear..%!y is copper still so popularT $ince it is metallic0 many facilities professionals assume t!at itis stronger and longer lasting. T!ere is a universal acceptance of copper0 and contractors !ave been installing it for so long t!at t!ere is an in!erent comfort level wit! continuing to do so. $ome contractors and building owners also like t!e fact t!at copper is recyclable. %it! rising copper prices0 !owever0 t!is recyclability can also work to t!e building owner=s disadvantage due to copper t!eft from *obsites. C&(C piping systems are not sub*ect to *obsite t!eft since t!ey !ave little scrap value.&rofit margins are being sBuee3ed by t!e dramatic increase in copper prices0 w!ic! !ave nearly doubled since t!e end of "992 due to a surge in global demand from Buickly industriali3ing countries suc! as C!ina and )ndia. T!ere !as also been a boost in less-t!an-favorable publicity regarding premature copper-pipe failures manifested as pin!ole leaks caused by corrosion arising from aggressive Ealt!oug! still potableG water conditions or aggressive soil. ;ecause of t!ese issues0 many facilities professionals !ave soug!t out ot!er tec!nologies0 suc! as C&(C piping.C&(C pipe and fittings offer installers a viable alternative to copper. $ince C&(C is non-metallic0 it will never pit0 scale0 or corrode. 8nlike copper0 C&(C piping systems will maintain drinking-water Buality even if t!e pL of t!e potable water source falls below @.' EpLmeasures t!e relative acidity of waterC t!e pL of natural potable water s!ould be between @.' and D.'G. C&(C is also approved for potable-water conveyance by all ma*or building codes. 8nlike copper0 C&(C offers stable pricing t!at is unaffected by market fluctuations or international supply and demand. ;uilding owners typically e/perience significant labor savings wit! C&(C due to its Buick and easy installation. A solvent cement-bonding system eliminates t!e need for welding or soldering and creates a reliable *oint t!at can be pressure-tested wit!in minutes.;eing non-metallic0 C&(C is faced wit! t!e c!allenge of overcoming t!e perception t!at it is Uc!eapR and0 t!erefore0 less reliable. 6or some facilities professionals0 t!ere is concern about using an unfamiliar product0 especially wit! regard to its ability to !andle water at !ig! pressures0 but copper tube-si3e C&(C is rated for a continuous working pressure of 199 psi at 1D9 degrees 6. Emaking it appropriate for use in !ot- and cold-water distribution systems0 including potable water distribution0 corrosive fluid !andling0 and fire suppressionG.A number of ot!er advantages make C&(C an attractive c!oice- Corrosion resistance: Depending on water and soil conditions0 copper can fail due to corrosion or pin!ole leaksC C&(C is 199-percent corrosion resistant. $ince t!ere is no corrosion0 scale build-up is in!ibited. Energy efficiency: C&(C is more energy efficient t!an copper due to its improved t!ermal insulation properties0 w!ic! also !elp to reduce condensation. )ts insulating c!aracteristics can signify long-term savings for building owners0 keeping water !ot for alonger period of time t!an metal tubing. Noise reduction: C&(C minimi3es water-flow noise and virtually eliminates water !ammer.2.2 Re.earc1 apH4po,1e.i. S,a,e7e2,. :'ra23 a9are2e..N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& =6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a well known brand in t!e retail market.A-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&= 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a not a well known brand in t!e retail market.Percep,io2 o8 CPVC pipe.N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& A &lumbers !ave a good perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipesA-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&=&lumbers carry a negative perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes.Percei6e3 H0a-i,4N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& A &lumbers do not encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes .A-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&=&lumbers encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes .CHAPTER 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOYRe.earc1 De.ig2 :T!is is an e/ploratory and descriptive researc! for t!e purpose of understanding t!e impact of;rand awareness programs of 6lowguards7 C&(C pipes and t!e perception of C&(C pipes among t!e plumbers .SAMPLIN DESIN: Sa7p-i2g U2i,. :&lumbersSa7p-i2g Me,1o3 :$tratified ,andom $ampling. Sa7p-e .i5e : 199Sa7p-i2g area : T!e plumbers from (ile parle0 ;andra and (as!i were intervierwed.DATA COLLECTION: SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION: $econdary data was collected t!roug! various sources-1.". T!e )ndian &ipe )ndustry < Daedal researc!+. www.building.comPRIMARY DATA: &rimary data was collected by personally interviewing plumbers w!o attended our events across different location in 4umbai wit! t!e !elp of structured Buestionnaire comprising of bot! open ended and closed ended Buestions.3.3 A..07p,io2.D Co2.,rai2,. a23 Li7i,a,io2.A..07p,io2. :1. )t is assumed t!at t!e interviewed plumbers represent t!eplumber community as a w!ole and t!e views e/pressed by t!em are considered to be generali3ed and common.". T!e information provided by t!e plumbers is true and based on t!eir years of e/perience.+. )t is assumed t!at t!e information provided is constant and is same for different cities across)ndiaCo2.,rai2,. a23 Li7i,a,io2.1. T!e study !as confined to urban areas as it assumed t!at t!e rural areas will also ec!o t!e same views as t!at being said by t!e urban consumers. Lence t!e entire findings are limited and refer to urban consumers only.". #eograp!ical coverage0 as only t!ree areas !ave been taken from 4umbai0 )ndia. )t is not sure w!et!er t!e findings will apply to t!e w!ole country.Re.earc1 Too-:1G $tructured Ouestionnaire E,efer to Anne/ureG "G 4s- ./cel- A series of tables were obtained from t!e compiled data in totality using automated e/cel s!eet to perform t!e necessary calculations. C1ap,er ! :Da,a A2a-4.i. a23 I2,erpre,a,io2H. Ho9 -o2g 1a6e 4o0 /ee2 i2 ,1e p-07/i2g pro8e..io2C9-" yearsC "1J" -' yearsC 12J'-? yearsC +'J?-19 yearsC 1"Jmore t!an 19 yearsC 1DJA2a-4.i. o8.0r6e4e3 P-07/er. a. per ,1eir e?perie2ceI2,erpre,a,io2 : Almost @' J of t!e plumbers are into t!is profession for more t!an ' years and are well versed wit! 6lowguard7 C&(C pipes and fittings and are well versed wit! t!e ;rand. T!is figure also indicates t!at many flowguard users are e/perienced plumbers and most of t!em are ;rand loyal and !ave been using it for Buite some time.H. Are 4o0 a9are o8 : CPVC pipe. a23 8i,,i2g. a23 i,. ra2ge CM.$ NA2a-4.i. o8 'ra23 a9are2e.. o8 (-o9g0ar3: CPVC pipe. a23 8i,,i2g.N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& =6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a well known brand in t!e retail market.A-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&= 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a not a well known brand in t!e retail market.I2,erpre,a,io2 : 4ore t!an D@ J plumbers are aware of 6lowguard: C&(C pipes and its range. T!is s!ows t!at 6lowguard7 is a well known and amongst t!e top brand in t!e country for C&(C pipes. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at many of t!e plumbers are aware of t!e company be!ind t!e 6lowguard7 pipes 0 i.e0 A.,ra- Po-4,ec12i; and A.1ir9a3 w!ic! indirectly provest!at t!ey use 6lowguard7 pipes. Lence0 we accept t!e N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& = 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a well known brand in t!e retail marketH3. )1ic1 'ra23 o8 CPVC pipe. 3o 4o0 0.eC!stra!shir"a#Prince$uperme%&'%'&(%(&Bycua)a#aa$ion *oiwa#aChemburBycua)a#aa$ion *oiwa#aChemburArea=9i.e a2a-4.i. o8 3i88ere2, /ra23 o8 CPVC pipe. a. per ,1eir 0.ageI2,erpre,a,io2 :As seen fromt!e image0 6lowguard7&lus Astral pipes !ave moreconsumers in 4umbai followed by ;!ayander04ira ,oad0Da!isar and ;orivali0 w!ile astralpipes are more in demand in ;orivali w!ile local players like &rince and $upreme !ave lowmarket s!are as ma*ority of t!e market is dominated by 6lowguard7 plus manufacturers.H. )14 9o0-3 4o0 c1oo.e (-o9g0ar3: P-0. CPVC pipe. o6er o,1er /ra23. C%'%(%+%,%&%-%.%Percep,io2 o8 p-07/er. 9i,1 re.pec, ,o 3i88ere2, ,rai,. i2 ,1e 'ra23.I2,erpre,a,io2 : &lumbers c!oose Buality as t!e most important factor for using 6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes over ot!er brands. ;rand )mage0 durability and greater resistance to corrosions and abrasions were some of t!e ot!er factors listed by plumbers w!ile c!oosing 6lowguard7 over ot!er brands of C&(C. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at ma*ority of t!e plumbersuse 6lowguard7 plus because of its ;rand image. Lence0 we re*ect t!e alternate !ypot!esis and accept t!e Null Lypot!esis ELo& = &lumbers !ave a good perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipesH. )1a, i. 4o0r a6erage 0.age o8 CPVC pipe i2 a 7o2,1 CBan#ra Viepare Vashi%/'%/(%/+%/,%/&%/-%/.%/0%/1%/'%%/2ore then +%3%%% 4s'%3%%% 5 +%3%%% 4s&3%%% 5 '%3%%% 4s(3%%% 5 &3%%% 4sess than (3%%% 4sArea.co6ere3Area=9i.e a6erage 0.age o8 CPVC pipe. /4 a p-07/er i2 a 7o2,1 %(ig0re. i2 INR& .I2,erpre,a,io2 : Navi 4umbai !as t!e !ig!est number of plumber w!o !ave a usage of more t!an ,s +90999 followed by (ile parle and ;andra. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at bandra !as more customers in t!e range of 19 - +9099 )N, followed by (ile parle and vas!i. T!is can alsobe attributed to t!e fact t!at in areas like navi 4umbai !ave many real estate pro*ects are being carried out and !ence t!e demand is particularly !ig! in t!is region.H. Ha6e 4o0 e2co02,ere3 a24 3e8ec,. 9i,1 (-o9g0ar3: P-0. CPVC pipe. CBan#ra Viepare Vashi%&'%'&(%(&+%+&,%(,',+(6o36e"erVery rarey$ometimes7es3 awaysAreas coveredNo. o8 re.po23e2,.N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& A &lumbers do not encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes .A-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&=&lumbers encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes .I2,erpre,a,io2 : 6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes rarely !ave defects in t!e products as t!ey go t!roug! a strict Buality c!eck and are certified by t!e National $anitary 6oundation0 8$A. Lence0 it can be interpreted t!at 6lowguard7 &lus pipes !ave long durability since t!ey rarely !ave defects and can last for many years.Lence0 we re*ect t!e alternateLypot!esis and accept t!e Null Lypot!esis ELoG =&lumbers do not encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes)1a, 9o0-3 4o0 pre8er (-o9g0ar3: P-0. CPVC pipe. o6er .IC8asy to insta 9 ,(C1eaperI #+rea,er re.i.,a2ce ,o corro.io2I 3*'e,,er 9a,er @0a-i,4I $+:urabiity9 ,%N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& A &lumbers !ave a good perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipesA-,er2a,e H4po,1e.i. %H1&=&lumbers carry a negative perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes.I2,erpre,a,io2 : Almost @9 J plumbers said C&(C pipes provide better water Buality as against #.) pipes w!ile almost 29J people agree t!at it is easy to install0 durabale and providegreater resistance to corrosion. Almost !alf of t!e people interviewed c!oose C&(C pipes because it is easy to install and use.C1ap,er #: Co2c-0.io2.#.1 S077ar4 o8 ,1e (i23i2g. :Almost @' J of t!e plumbers are into t!is profession for more t!an ' years and are well versed wit!V t!e ;rand. T!is figure also indicates t!at many flowguard users are e/perienced plumbers and most of t!em are ;rand loyal and !ave been using it for Buite some time.4ore t!an D@ J plumbers are aware of 6lowguard: C&(C pipes and its range. T!is s!ows t!at 6lowguard7 is a well known and amongst t!e top brand in t!e country for C&(C pipes. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at many of t!e plumbers are aware of t!e company be!ind t!e 6lowguard7 pipes 0 i.e0 A.,ra- Po-4,ec12i; and A.1ir9a3 w!ic! indirectly proves t!at t!ey use 6lowguard7 pipes. Lence0 we accept t!e N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& = 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes is a well known brand in t!e retail market&lumbers c!oose Buality as t!e most important factor for using 6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes over ot!er brands. ;rand )mage0 durability and greater resistance to corrosions and abrasions were some of t!e ot!er factors listed by plumbers w!ile c!oosing 6lowguard7 over ot!er brands of C&(C. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at ma*ority of t!e plumbers use 6lowguard7 plus because of its ;rand image. Almost @9 J plumbers said C&(C pipes provide better water Buality as against #.) pipes w!ile almost 29J people agree t!at it is easy to install0 durabale and provide greater resistanceto corrosion. Almost !alf of t!e people interviewed c!oose C&(C pipes because it is easy to install and use.Lence0 we re*ect t!e alternate !ypot!esis and accept t!e N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& = &lumbers !ave a good perception about 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes rarely !ave defects in t!e products as t!ey go t!roug! a strict Buality c!eck and are certified by t!e National $anitary 6oundation0 8$A. Lence0 it can be interpreted t!at 6lowguard7 &lus pipes !ave long durability since t!ey rarely !ave defects andcan last for many years. Lence0 we re*ect t!e alternate Lypot!esis and accept t!e N0-- H4po,1e.i. %Ho& =&lumbers do not encounter problems suc! as leakage or breakage after installation of 6lowguard 7 C&(C pipes#.2 S0gge.,io2. a23 Reco77e23a,io2. T!ere s!ould be fi/ed dealers of 6lowguard: C&(C pipes in eac! area and t!at t!e company s!ould ensure t!at t!e reatailers are aware of t!e dealers in t!at particular area. T!e biggest T!reat for 6lowguard7 &lus is t!e tendency of retailers and t!e customers to switc! over to different brands due to lack of transparency in price and offers0 unavailability0 lower prices of ot!er brands0 greater margin and Buick availability of ot!er brands. Lence0 6lowguard7 &lus s!ould ensure t!at t!ere is a transparency in pri3e 6lowguard7 &lus s!ould ensure t!at t!e retailer receive a good margin from t!e product and remain loyal to t!e brand.As a retailer !as t!e power to influence and c!ange t!e decision of consumer. Lence0 t!e company s!ould establis! a relations!ip wit! t!e retailers t!roug! rewards and recognition over t!e sales of t!e product. T!e company s!ould run an ad < campaign on a wider scale and create a ;rand image. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at t!e company !as already establis!ed itself as a brand. )t s!ould continue its ;TL activities to develop and maintain its ;rand image. T!e company s!ould also conduct campaigns to c!ange t!e perceptions of C&(C among users by creating informative ads on television0 display ads etc. &lumbers w!o are long time and !eavy users of t!e brand demand more better treatment by t!e company. T!e company s!ould acknowledge t!em t!roug! events and rewards. $uc! events s!ould be conducted more often in order to develop a relations!ip between t!e consumers and t!e company.#.3 Co2c-0.io2 6lowguard7 is a well known and amongst t!e top brand in t!e country for C&(C pipes. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at many of t!e plumbers are aware of t!e company be!ind t!e 6lowguard7 pipes 0 i.e0 A.,ra- Po-4,ec12i; and A.1ir9a3 w!ic! indirectly proves t!at t!ey use 6lowguard7 pipes. Lence0 it can be concluded t!at t!e ;rand awareness of 6lowguard7 pipes is very good and it !as establis!ed itself amongt!e premier brands in C&(C tec!nology. T!e biggest T!reat for 6lowguard7 &lus is t!e tendency of retailers and t!e customers to switc! over to different brands due to lack of transparency in price and offers0 unavailability0 lower prices of ot!er brands0 greater margin and Buick availability of ot!er brands. Lence0 6lowguard7 &lus s!ould ensure t!at t!ere is a transparency in pri3e 6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes rarely !ave defects in t!e products as t!ey go t!roug! a strict Buality c!eck and are certified by t!e National $anitary 6oundation0 8$A. Lence0 it can be interpreted t!at 6lowguard7 &lus pipes !ave long durability since t!ey rarely !ave defects and can last for many years. &lumbers c!oose Buality as t!e most important factor for using 6lowguard7 &lus C&(C pipes over ot!er brands. ;rand )mage0 durability and greater resistance to corrosions and abrasions were some of t!e ot!er factors listed by plumbers w!ile c!oosing 6lowguard7 over ot!er brands of C&(C. Also0 it !as to be noted t!at ma*ority of t!e plumbers use 6lowguard7 plus because of its ;rand image. Lence0 t!e campaigns conducted by Lubri3ol !ave been successful in creating awareness and brand image.C1ap,er $: SILC 3e,ai-. %S077er I2,er2.1ip Lear2i2g C0r6e 3e,ai-.&Sr.No Mai2 Repor, :1 Ta.; a..ig2e3 8or i2,er2.1ip: % Mi2 : # '0--e, poi2, & a Re,ai- Mar;e, Mappi2gb Crea,i2g re,ai- 3a,a/ e,,i2g P-07/er No7i2a,io2. 8ro7 Re,ai-erd Mar;e, Re.earc1e i8, Di.,ri/0,io2f Co230c,i2g /ra23 a9are2e.. progra7 a, 3i88ere2, p-ace.g Ma2agi2g e6e2,. 2 Re.earc1 o/Jec,i6e:a Re,ai- 7ar;e, 7appi2g o8 3i88er2e, -oca,io2 o8 M07/aib Crea,i2g re,ai- 3a,a/a.ecI2crea.i2g'ra23 a9are2e.. o8 (-o9g0ar3 CPVC pipe. /4 co230c,i2g 7a.. e6e2,. 8or ,1e p-07/er. 91o are a..ocia,e3 9i,1 a re,ai- o0,-e, ,o i2crea.e 'ra23 e2gage7e2, a23 re,ai- 7ar;e, ac,i6a,io2Sr.NoLear2i2g O/Jec,i6eMe,1o3 F Ac,i6i,4Lear2i2g 8ro7 ,1e ac,i6i,4D0ra,io2',etail 4appingTo 4ap retail outlets by visiting differnet locations8se of google maps for mapping 1 week(Creating and managing databaseCreating 48L$ AND ;eat &lanworking in e/cel +-' days, Collecting data from retailers#etting plumber nominations and identifying venue for conducting events.communication and dealing wit! retailers"-+ weeks&,etailer information and market researc!asking Buestions to retailers int!e form of Buestionnairemarket researc! " weeks-4anaging and conducting marketing events4angaing and !andling t!e registration desk and performing ot!er tasks as assigned on t!e event dayevent management"- + weeks.Data compilationcompiling all t!e data in t!e given formatdata interpretation "-+ days