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Awaken Your Inner · reactivate and trigger a subtle response to something it is remembering from past, present, or future

Jul 11, 2020



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Page 1: Awaken Your Inner · reactivate and trigger a subtle response to something it is remembering from past, present, or future


Page 2: Awaken Your Inner · reactivate and trigger a subtle response to something it is remembering from past, present, or future


Awaken Your Inner Guidance

Workshop Preparation Instructions By following and completing this preparation work, you will help the overall

process of your experience during the journey of this 8 week workshop.

Show Up Fully Present Since this workshop has the potential to transform your life and the lives of all the

people that you love and who love you… make a commitment to yourself that

you will show up to each workshop class fully present and focused! This means

you adhere to the following:

• Do all the preparation work outlined in this PDF document.

• Read through all the instructions carefully and attentively.

• Have everything listed that you need to provide for yourself.

• Do all the homework assignments to enable your growth.

• No excessive alcohol/drugs/sugar the night before, preferably none.

• Give yourself permission to go deep and seek your personal truth.

• Be prepared to have an amazing journey!

Initiating Spirit Guide Contact This can be done at any time before the workshop, although I recommend that it

be done 5 days prior to the workshop start date. You will want to make a little

initial contact with your guides to help open the portal and strengthen the

communication with them during the workshop.

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Find a quiet place to sit where you will not be disturbed or have any disruptions.

Go to your Heart Center before you connect to your guides.

Your Heart Center is a dimension of expanded awareness where you are

connected to your soul and spirit. Physically, this is the area where the human

heart is located.

Quiet yourself down, get in touch with your heart, and feel the emotion of just

being grateful for everything in your life… Feeling love… Love for yourself, for all

others on this planet, for everything in existence, then remain in this place, and

hold on to the feeling.

Take your time, there is no rush. Once you feel connected on an emotional level,

call upon your spirit guides. You can do this by speaking to them out loud, or

quietly through your mind using telepathy. With an honest and heartfelt intention,

let your guides know that you are ready, willing, and excited to make direct

contact with them.

Ask that only those guides and spirits of the highest vibration, offering wisdom for

your highest good and the highest good of those around you, be present in your

life and during your workshop experience. Thank them for all the wisdom and

guidance they have sent you up until now, let them know you are looking forward

to make direct contact, and expanding your relationship with them.

If you receive some kind of confirmation back, that’s wonderful. If not, don’t worry

about it. By actively making a commitment to the experience through conscious

choice, it will help facilitate your intention to make a full connection to your guides

during the workshop.

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Who Are Your Spirit Guides? This may surprise you at first, but your personal primary Spirit Guides are YOU!

Your Spirit Guides are your past, present, and future versions of yourself that

have returned to assist you on your life’s journey.

When you communicate with your Spirit Guides you are actually communicating

and accessing yourself on a soul level and beyond. You are stepping outside the

realm of this three dimensional reality and accessing yourself as an Omni

dimensional being. This will push the doors of perception wide open!

Because your Spirit Guides are simply versions of yourself, they offer amazing

insight from a very unique perspective… your own past, present, and future

selves! Your Infinite Self (which is your Spirit Self) and your Soul, send out other

versions of yourself that have already experienced situations or perspectives that

align with your currently life reality.

The guidance you receive from your Spirit Guides is not only coming from the

collective consciousness (the oneness of pure potentiality) but is also coming

from self-actualized experience - YOUR very OWN experience from your own

soul’s journey! Your Spirit Guides are simply YOU returning from a previous

experience to remind yourself of the knowledge and wisdom that already exists

deep within you.

Different Expressions of Spirit Guide Energy Throughout the entirety of your soul journey, your spirit energy will embody many

different types of physicalized forms; all are at your own choosing. You will have

physicalized experience as human, animal, insect, fairies, plants, elements of

nature (air, earth, water, fire), energy, stardust, other planets, galactic beings,

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and more. Your soul journey offers you an infinite amount of physicalized

experience to take part in and choose from.

Your Sprit Guides may show up to you as any of the above mentioned forms and

more. You may have all Spirit Guides all coming from human form, or they may

be a mixture of human, animal, plant, energy, element, and other. So try not to

create any preconceived ideas on who your guides are or how they will appear to

you. The Spirit Guides that are needed the most are the ones that will show up.

Allowing yourself to be open to this concept will enhance your experience.

Can Spirit Guides Come From Outside Your Own Soul Journey? Yes, you can always be assisted by any type of Spirit Energy. You can receive

assistance and guidance from deceased love ones, angels, ascended masters,

and all the elements of nature. But your Primary Spirit Guides are coming from

you’re your own soul journey. However, remember that at the deepest, purest,

truest level of oneness, everything is interconnected and you are a part of all that

is. Everything is a projection streaming from oneness.

The Names of Your Spirit Guides Spirit energy is recognized by frequency rather than by name, but because we as

humans name everything we find or create, your Spirit Guides will choose a

name for themselves to help you identify them and relate to them in an easier


When asking your Spirit Guides to identify themselves by name, they usually

begin by choosing a name that closely resonates with their frequency. If they feel

you are not receiving the name well they will shift and choose a different name

that they are able to get through to you more easily. This name could be

something or someone you recognize easily, such as, the name of someone in

your family, a friend, or a pet’s name.

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Don’t get hung up on the names of your Spirit Guides, its really not that

important. Your guides may even change their name at a later time when they

feel your channel is clearer and your connection to them is stronger where you

are able to receive a name that resonates more appropriately with them.

How Your Spirit Guides Will First Appear For You Everyone will have different experience. Your Spirit Guides may come in very

strong and clear at the beginning and you may see an image in the form they

want to be seen whether that be; human, animal, energy, elemental, or etc.

You may not experience a detailed visual image of your Spirit Guides at first, but

merely feel their presence without visual confirmation. Moreover, you may also

hear them speaking to you telepathically in your mind through the exchange of

thoughts. You may also experience your Spirit Guides presence through the

energy of color.

Whichever way your guides show up for you at first, is fine, as you can be

assured that the energy of your Spirit Guides is being sent to you in the easiest

and simplest way that you can receive this energy during your initial contact with

them. As you progress during the course of this workshop your Spirit Guides will

appear clearer and clear for you.

Ways You Can Receive Information From Spirit During the entire course of this 8 week workshop, you will most likely experience

a variety of different ways of receiving and experiencing information that are

listed below. Please read through the list so you will be familiar with your

experience during the Guided Journeys so you wont be taken by surprise.

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1. Telepathy Telepathy is simply the means of sending and/or receiving information in

the form of thought. In the same manner you think your own thoughts and

carry on conversations with your self in your mind, you can receive

information from your Spirit Guides in the same way. You can also speak

to them in this non-verbal method by sending your thoughts to them.

When receiving information telepathically, at first it may feel as though you

are just thinking your own thoughts, but the more you do it you will be able

to distinguish the energy and personality of your Spirit Guides coming


2. Audibly

It isn’t very common, but some people are open to that frequency and can

hear their Spirit Guides voices. Sometimes you may hear them whispering

or even shouting out to you to get your attention, but generally they prefer

to communicate through thought. You may also hear sounds that alert

you to your guides wanting to communicate or signaling to you that you

should act or not act on something.

3. Audible Thoughts

An audible thought combines the sensation of hearing your guides and

receiving a thought. It is the sensation of sound that comes from within

rather than from outside yourself. It is not as strong as full-on sound, but

stronger than a silent thought.

4. Visual Imagery

You will receive visual images from your Spirit Guides when taking the

guided journeys in the workshop. Because these images are being

transmitted to you through raw energy, the clarity of the images will always

vary. You may see moving images like watching a movie or receive still

images the same way you look at photos or a painting. Sometimes these

images will be fairly clear and other times the images may be hazy as

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though you are looking through a sheer piece of fabric. The clarity of the

images will depend on how open your channel is at the moment.

5. Physically Sensations

Because the body has cell memory, this is where the information from

your subconscious is stored. When stimulated, the cells in your body can

reactivate and trigger a subtle response to something it is remembering

from past, present, or future life experience. During your guided journeys

in class you may experience different sensations in the body; heat, cold,

numbness, moderate pains, tingling, pulsing energy, etc. Do not be

concerned with this as it is only a precursor for information to flow through

to you and may even be releasing itself from your body altogether.

6. Emotional

Spirit sends information to you in the easiest way it can get through your

channel. Your body may pick up on the energy coming through in a way

that it interprets emotionally before it can process it as thought.

You may experience some very deep intense emotions coming through

even when you have no idea why you are feeling this way – but be

assured that just like with the physical sensations, these emotions are a

precursor to the information that will follow. If you experience some deep

emotions during your class journeys, do not fight it or repress it, just let it

flow so you don’t block the information that will follow. You will also find

this very healing.

7. Intuitive Knowing

The highest form of intuition is Intuitive Knowing. This surpasses all

physical and psychic senses. The information will flow into you faster than

the speed of light. There will be nothing to think about and nothing to

figure out. You will simply KNOW.

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Through Intuitive Knowing you can actually see, hear, taste, feel, and

experience all forms of information without the physical sensations – the

information is simply present and available to you on demand. This

happens when you are relaxed, trusting, and allowing – and when your

channel is wide open.

It is such a wonderful experience when information comes through this

way. It’s so easy and natural, just the way it should be. The more you

practice communicating with your Spirit Guides, the more you will

experience Intuitive Knowing.

The Guided Mantra Meditation I’ve included this Guided Mantra Meditation in your preparation package because

meditation will help to open you up for the workshop. I would recommend that

you do the meditation once a day for at least 5 days prior to the first workshop

class if you can. If you want to begin doing the meditation as soon as you get

your package, go ahead. The Guided Mantra Meditation comes with its own PDF

Instruction Manual, so please read that prior to using the MP3’s.

I can’t force you to meditate, I can only recommend it, but I can tell you it will

help, especially if you have never made direct contact with spirit before. So I

leave this decision up to you. However, daily meditation will change your life all

on its own! So you decide.

The Guided Relaxation Journey This Guided Relaxation Journey will help align you to the proper frequency for

spirit communication. It will also help you to relax and open your imagination,

which is a key factor in communicating to any form of spirit and entering other

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dimensions. Again, I recommend using it several times during the week before

taking your first Guided Journey, but the choice is yours. Read the PDF

instruction manual before using it.

The Private Facebook Group The private Facebook group page is a place where you can share you

experiences and meet other people around the world that are also taking the

workshop. You can also post questions for me there as well.

Use the web address below to access the group page, Cut and paste this

address into your browser:

Accessing Your Class Materials. On the first day of the Workshop you will be emailed a link to Workshop Website

that contains all of the class materials and the scheduled Live ‘Open Access’

calls with Gil. The first live Open Access call will be schedule around 3 to 7 days

after the workshop begins so check the schedule on the Website Home page.

Your Guided Journeys & Class Assignments can be taken on your own schedule

but you will need to do at least one per week to stay on schedule with the

workshop. You can access all of the materials on the website from a Computer,

Tablet, or Smart Phone capable of accessing an Internet web page.

Creating Your Private Space To Take Your Journeys Most of the Guided Journeys will take about 1 hour, and a few of them are

slightly longer. When setting up your space to take any of the Journeys, choose a

space for yourself that is quiet where you will have complete privacy and not be


Keep your pets in another room while taking your Journey - You would not want

to be interrupted by your cat or dog jumping up on you while you are

communicating with your Spirit Guides. No need to move your goldfish.

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Sound Quality For The Guided Journeys For the Guided Journeys it is recommended that the sound quality of your

Journeys be as good as possible as this will take you into a deeper experience.

If you are using a Computer, Tablet, or Smart Phone, please make sure you

have a headset so the sound is rich and clear, unless you have really good

quality speakers to listen through. You will not want to be holding a phone in your

hand while taking the Guided Journeys, or putting your phone on speaker, which

won’t offer very good quality sound either.

I would not recommend taking the Guided Journeys using only the small built in

speakers on your computer, Tablet, or Smart Phone. The sound will be

substandard and not give you a full rich experience. So headsets or quality

speakers are the way to go for whatever device you will be using to access the


Food You will want to make sure you have eaten something before taking any of the

Guided Journeys so you will not be distracted from being hungry or thirsty.

However, don’t over-eat or eat anything too heavy as this could drain your

energy as your digestive system will be working overtime and this could

decrease your ability to connect and have a clear connection to spirit. It would

generally be good to eat at least several hours before taking a Journey.

Clothing Most likely you will be in your own home when taking any of the Guided

Journeys, and with that said, dress comfortably because you will be lying down

during your guided journeys and you will want to be as comfortable as possible.

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Things You Will Need For Taking Your Guided Journeys

1. Get yourself a journal that you can write in – some sort of notebook

that you can use throughout the workshop course, nothing too small.

After every Guided Journey you will have the option to write about the

experience you had, and you will want to keep track of these notes.

You can go and sit at your computer after your journey to make your

notes, or use a Laptop, an iPad, or a Tablet if you want – do what

works best for you and what is comfortable. Whatever you decide to

use, make sure it is set up before taking your Guided Journey, so

when you come out of your journey it is by your side and ready to go.

2. Have a comfortable place to lay down for the Guided Journeys. You

can use a recliner chair if you absolutely have to sit up for medical

reasons, but you will have a better experience on your Journey if you

have somewhere comfortable to lay on your back, a sofa, a bed, or a

yoga mat on the floor.

3. A Light-weight blanket to cover yourself.

4. Small pillow, bed type pillow or something to place behind your head.

5. Keep a water bottle or something healthy to drink by your side as you

will probably be thirsty after your journey and may not want to get up or

move right away.

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Questions, Help & Support

All questions for Gil should be posted on our private Facebook Group page so

others can benefit from the information as well:

All technical issues or other questions should be addressed to:

[email protected]

Congratulations! You are about to take a quantum leap as you embark on a life-altering

experience! Your spirit guides have been patiently waiting for you to make

contact with them, so they are just as excited as you are!

Copyright Gil Alan – All Rights Reserved