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WT & a. tm:? ! ' Ifl AW 1 f J). , .sxstaajl (.V l jB U PIIM J J Jir -- V .' J JfJfr iArTZ?oJcxmm MMWiawrwirja r'juumucsi wwuMid.wnjaiyji " rrTrpt3CTKpt.rriimjijLftJLrLtJWwiW(iUiMK uuaan'gS7vgriAvcznmc Vol. XIV. No. '2579. HONOLULU, IT. I., FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE K5, ISKJO. 60 GEfUU ailbBCRIPTION PER MONTH J ii" I iJ" ' 5 IE' INK' V 35694" & 'V S,ft --, f'Sv ''iP!'' '5, wo .&? THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed nm! published at the nincc, Queen Street, Hoiiolulu, If. 1., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 50 cents per Month Address nil Communications I)Ait,v Hul.MSl'Ilt. Advertisements, to ensure insertion, tl.mild bo handed in before nno o'clock r. m. WALTER H!LL Editor and Proprietor llnllotin Steam Printing Office Newspaper, Hook mid Job Printing of it Uin. la doiio on the nuut favorable li iiu:. Telephone No. 2r.ll Muluil Telephone No. 125(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN 0 Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains tU columns of leading 111. titer on local topics, and a coin:ilot' resume of Ilonolitlu ami Is hi ml Now. It is the best piper nublWhcd li, the Kingdom 'o stud to friends uhi out. HiiI.-mtI;i(I- i; : Island f I 00 year Frfrclgn r 00 " Commission Movohant3. TOUN T. WATKRUOUSIS, tj I mportor and Dealer in General McichanilUu, liueon si., Honolulu. 1 i; CO., WILD1SK Dealuis in Lumber, Paluta, Oils, N.itltf, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. fori and Queen Honolulu. I Clnua Sprtciuls. Wn. U. trivia. IRWIN & COMPANY, WG. Sugar Factors and Commission (VBJUls, Honolulu. 1 S. N. O.isllu.-- J. II. Alhcrlou-- U. 1. Castle is OOOKB, GA3TLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and' Iwlors In Mciehaudlse, No. 80 King Bt , Honolulu. 1 Lowers, F. J. Lowioy O. li. Cooke. it COOKE, (successors to Lew era & Dickson.) Importers and Dcalcib in Lumber ami all Kinds ot Building Material.!, Fort street, Honolulu 1 sfftl HONOLULU IRON WORKS, gffiaJiXaHnMini engines, sugar bulls, boil-yit- t, coolers; Irou, bniS3 nud lead oust-ing- machinery of every description made to outer. lMrticulurnttuntion paid to ship's lilack smitUiug. Job work exe- cuted ul sihort notice. 1 HA.CJJCyi3JL.t & Co., H. Geuoral Commission Asonts. Honolulu O. W. MACI'AKLAKE & Co. lAH'OlimW AND COMMISSION MKltOIIANTS, Qut-e- ilrccl, - Honolulu, II. I. 1043 v aOS.LVE8 & 00., Wholes Alo Qroeers & Wine Merchants IJoaver lllock, Honolulu. BRKWER 4i OOMPANY, C . (Limited) Q UNGUAL MEItCANTILR AND Co'iuieaioN Aaninu LIHT 01' OFVICBUS: l. U. Jones, Jr. .. .l'rcsldcut & Manager J. O. (JAia'iin.....Tiea9urer& Secretary DiKEcrona: Hon. U. H. UiBiiot'. S. C. Allun, H. V'Ari:ntiouaK. ly Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. The undersigned begs to inform the public of these Islanda that he is making teliirtM ly BJouwuronieiit I Directions forBclf-mcasurcme- will bo given on application. White Shirts, OYershlrts & Hight Gowns A fit guarantee by making a Bamplo Shirt to every older. Island order solicited Boll Tolophono 410 r.r.iy A. n. KIHIiLlS. H. G. CBABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN 81 King Street, npposllo the Old Station House. Diutuivl Tolopliouo JSo. 1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Capttol liullding. Agent to take Acknowledgment to Co- ntracts for Labor In the Dbtilet of Honolulu, Island of Oahu. I!) 1 111 David Dayton Will practico in the lower courts of the Kingdom as attorney, attend to collect ing in all its branches, renting of and any other business entitmcd to him Olllcc 01 King atra. Feti C80 . UUU 1000. jliltf PIOJVJ3I3W STEAM GAUDY FACTORY AND I1A.JC.ID11Y. V. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook aud llakcr. 71 Hotel St. "tt!r3?- - Telephone 74. California : Lands Foii S5viL,xa : fiSir Apply to a. iuoi:oFi IS3 tf 12 Merchant St., Honolulu. WEMER & CO. Alniiuniclurlng .JowrllcrH, Constantly on hand 1 large assortmcu of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. U08 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jowcler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Kiii .Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Ottlce. tlT Particular attention paid to all kinds of rcpalis. j.ui.lD-ti!- ) Hustace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at-l- temlLd to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, next door to Jbb. f. Morgan's auction room. 932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. J.Hopp&Co., 74 Ring st. Si U King st Importers of Rattan & Reed Furniture Pianos & Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid, CORNICE POLES. Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. apr.lOSS .M A gftM '.yi'j,M I. O. Hot: :.ll. -- v- Hell Tele. 7I. IB A Corner Tort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, II. 1. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AccountuiitN A. Collcrtoi'H KOU THR Hawaiian Ceil Telephone Co. Managor of Advortisinfj Department FOII Til it "fupepa Kuokoa." DEPAHTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special alien-lio- n and rciurti.s promptly made. Real Estate bought, cold and leased. Taxes Paid and propeily safely insuicd. Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices, linked and rental, and rents collected. Tiro and Lito Insurance ellectid In Hist-clas- s Iiiburanno Companies;. Conveyancing a Specially Hccords scarcheit and correct Abitrncts of Title furnished. Legal Documonts and Papers of every description carefully diawti and hand, somely engrossed. Copying and Translating in nil languages in general ute in this Kingdom. Custom Houso Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at favoinblc rates. Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions roll, cited for publishers. Any Arliclo pin chased or sold on favor able terms Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti, cular attention. To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Col- lages in desirable localities at reasonable rentals. Several Valuablo Properties in and around the city now for sale and leasee on easy teims. SyAll business entrusted to our care-wil- l receive prompt and faithful atten- tion at moderate charges Kcb-4'b- 9 BaiwinLocoMves The undersigned having been appointed role agents for the Hawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Baldwin -:- - Locomotives From the works of Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co., XMillutlcIlil:i, I?enn. Arc now prepared to givo estimates and receive orders for these cugincfi, of any size and style. The Halhwin Locomotivk Works arc now manufacturing a style of Locomo. tivo particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes A number of which havo recently been icceivedat these Inlands, and wo will have pleasure in furnishing plantation ageuts and manager.! with particulars of same. The superiority of theao Locomotives over all of her makes Is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United Slates. wm. a. iiiwin & Co., Sola Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 4C2 vMy COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS i Car. tncen Ot Nuunuti SIh. W Goods of till descriptions sold on commission, Mutual Telephone 031. fob A. II. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up ataim. G. MULLER & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Ulock," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rates. Sewing Machlues and repairing of all kinds a specialty. All kinds of Safes &. Scales icpaircd. Household Sewing Machines for sale. dcctl-8- O LUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to communi with the Poitugueso, either for busincsH, or for procuring workmen, ecrvauts or any other helps, will 11ml It the most prolltablo way to advertise In tho Luto Jftrwaiiatio, tho new organ of tlio Portuguese colony, which is pub-lislio- d on Hotel strict, and only charges reasonable rates for adverllscuiouta. Mteu' i.. Latest Novelties! N. S. Sachs, 104 Latest Novelties! AT- - Blouse Waists, Blouse Waists, Cool and couifoi table; all tiw. Utulicfscd Kid Cllovcs in tan anil evening shades, Kid Gloves, in all colors, lil.ick Kid Gloves. I'.laek & Coloied Diking (.Slovcp. 2ilimcie SIijitwIh Sc Scari' IulavIm ! In cicaiu and all colors. Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons, In all widths and coloi.'i. Lace Flouncings, Lace Flouncings, li (luiptuo Lace I'lounces, Oriental it Valcncicnne, in white, cream and ecui; lllaek Lneo Flounces in Spanish Guipure it Ohanlilly, veiy ioajsonahle. Lace Edgcings, Lace Eclgcings, Innnenso asbnilnient; all the newest designs. Kifel & Vandyke Points', in while and cent. Embroidery Flounces, Heininedbtilch Flounees, latos.1 dcbigns and elegant woik. Embroidered BOX SHIRTS, New dobigiin in Woisted it Wash Matciial, all culm 5. Infant's Complete Outfits in Boxes AT - - Pedigrees of All -- o- BREEDING The following Flue Animals will stand for tenlce at the ranch, Walal.iu: Well-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." Xoiur.iu Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Thoroughly ed Stallloi' "MIDNIGHT." Two Xntivu Stallions "FILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 403-1T- O tf Fort St., Honolulu. THE Horses Kept SALE loll SAIX Stallions ot various bieed. Marcs with or without foal. Hor.Ncs for any put pose. BREAKING A Skilful llrcnkcr and Tialuer is em- ployed 011 the laucli. rayn Satisfaction is gnaiantced In breaking and tr.iinlnj' hoieH. POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE. WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENT. PAUL R. BSSBERG. H. E. SlciTYiiE & BP IKrOilTEKB AND DEiaEHS IN Provisions and Feed, EAST COHNKH FORT AND KING STREETS. Hew Goods received by every Picket from the Eastern Stntca and Europe, r"iC3h California Product) by every Steamer. All onlejo faithfully attended to. and Goods delivered to any part of tho city frco of charge. Island orders eoli. sited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Oillco Box 145. Tolonhonc No. Ua f uov-4-8- 5 Ghas. Husface, King Street HAS JUST RECEIVED per " AUSTRALIA," Kita Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Tongues and Sounds, Cases Vienna Sauhagc, Haiti Sausage, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb. tins, Hams, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mackerel, Boiled Mackeiel in To- mato Sauce, Top O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken and Turkey, Twin Brothers' Ycaht Cakes, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ceralino Flakes, Germea, Breakfast Gem, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oats, Dried Aprieots, Diied Peaches, Prunes, Tahlo Fruits, Dates, Figs, Ridge's Food, Gelatine, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, Bian, Potatoes, Onions, anil a General A&boiliuuut ot Groceries al Popular prices. 0rLcavo your orders, or ring up No. 11!). lelepuono SMO. "W0C2T P. O. Box 12U7. Ksmauasvxavatma -- siS&vsfy LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, H. I., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. tS?- - ON IC10 -- J By each steamer of tho O. S. S. Co. from California Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits, ITihIi, Game, Vj:5(ullcw, llc., IQLo. A complete line of Crosse & Elackwcll's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, Just received a Iresh line of 4j)criiiiui 1'ntcM & rotted .Hunts & Kottlcil Preserved 1'ruitM, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon, New Uruakfust Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes it Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons &.Oala. ltivcrsulo Oranges. Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc. ap-l- G Sn-tiwln-ctioi- i l. 87 4r BBAVBRSALOOH Tho (lost LunoJi in Town, Tea and Ooffco at 111 Houra The Finest Urand of Cigars, ,B3SI3 Ci AltrnyH nix llimil. 11. J. KOBFK, Propi'lotor. 'ViJJui Metropolitan i Meat Company 81 KING STUKKT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & llotail Eutchors AND NAVY CONTRA CTOJIS. 1717 ly ITERFRIS PLANING HULL, Aiakoa, iic:tv Jueon St. I Tctcpliouu No. 51. I WALKER & IlEDWAKD, CoutroctorH t Xttiliaorn. Brlok. Stone and Wooden Uuildings; given. Jobbing piomptly at- tended to. 7(5 King street, liell Tele-phon- o No. 2. P. O. Uox, 123. ap5-l- GEORGE LUCAS, AvV.n -- rSS ami Ilnll.ler.effiKS Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Lspla uado, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Moulding:), llrachets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood- work Unlsh. Turning, Scioll and Band Sawing. All kinds 01 Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing ami Tenanting. Ordeis promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Ordera from the other solicited. WRI&KT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, foil Slrcot, next Lucas' Mill, ,.SrC Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmilhlng, Drays, Carts h Wagon Building as specialty. Every description of work in the above lines performed in a ilrst-clas- s unnncr and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. CJT" Orders from the other Islands solicited. Will bo pleased to see all our old customers as well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No. 575. apr-l'J-6- 9 W. W. Wright & Son J 79 & 81 Boll Tole. rung ai.s .No. 381. (The Rose Premises.) All orders for wheel vehicles of every do'Ciiptiou tilled with promptness. First-clac- s mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TltVM C'AKN, o.iimuunhi:n, Plantation Vagons, Mole & Ox Carts, Made to order, altered or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, ETC., KTC, KTC, IS.1C. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under tho management of B. Cay. ford, who will collect and receipts all bills due that branch of our business. (Signed): oct.lfi.3m W. W. WRIGHT & SON. VOLCANO STABLES Walamteuuu Sticet. Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice, Also, Saddlo Hones, Carriages, Bnggles, Brakes or Carts, HAY or MUIIT. WILSON BROTHERS, Piopiletors, Hilo, Hawaii. I Orders leeelved bv Telephone -- I mh VETERINARY. AK. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud lllchard streets. Seieutlllo treatment in all (lis-eas- of dumesliu animals. Orders for plantation mid ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Tclephonu 351, P. 0. Box 320. mh.lS9 ''ilttiilHMHWtiil Prussian National Insurance ComD'v r.STAJH.iBitr.u IS 15. Capital 0,000,000 flcichsmarks f piIK understand, agent of the above X Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against tire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills, Etc., on the most favorable terms. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable in Honolulu, jly B7.1y c. noiris. Union, Five & Slnrino Insurance Co., L'd, Of iv Kenlnmt. Capital - - $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Store, Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sugar and Klcc Mills, Machinery, Etc., Etc. lYInrlnc IiiNuruiici: On Hull?, C.irgoca and Freights. Loss paid here. J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands. jiu.0-0- CASTLE & COOKE, Lite, Firo & Marino Snsurance Agents ! Acir.NTS rott: Now England Mutual Life Ins. Co., or uosto:;. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford. Insurance Company, Flro & Marine OP SAN niANCISCO, CAt.IFOIlXIA. JnnUUO NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $100,053,600.96 "Facts arc Stubborn Things." At every age, on every premium table, and in every year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of tho Now York Life Insurance Co. havo hcon LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing biniilar policies. f3 For particulars apply to V. O. ItKKttHIt, Gcn'l Agent Hawaiian Islands. i!8U tf FIRE, LIFE, ao MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Ftro Insuranco Co. Assots, $5,88,000 Commercial Insurance Cj. (Firo and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire and Marino) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co ( (Limited) Assets, $0,124,057 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Asset!, $105,053,000 90 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. Ueuural Agent, Haw'n Ulands lOTiS ly CASTLE & COOKE, l.lirOUTI'.ltH, Hardware, Shipping ComniiBsion Merchants. i)i:ai.kus in General Merchandise ! Plantation Atjonts, Life, Firo & Marino Insurance Agents Jan-- HONOLULU, U. I. 1890 in:wwr KttTSto tmrft'mrwt mjWjuS ji It I 'I '$ s 3 "tr :l

AW PIIM - University of Hawaii1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic

Aug 02, 2020



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Page 1: AW PIIM - University of Hawaii1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic

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' 5 IE'


35694"& 'VS,ft


f'Sv''iP!'''5, wo



Is printed nm! published at the nincc,

Queen Street, Hoiiolulu, If. 1., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 50 cents per Month

Address nil Communications I)Ait,vHul.MSl'Ilt.

Advertisements, to ensure insertion,tl.mild bo handed in before nno o'clockr. m.

WALTER H!LL Editor and Proprietor

llnllotin Steam Printing Office

Newspaper, Hook mid Job Printing ofit Uin. la doiio on the nuut favorableli Telephone No. 2r.ll

Muluil Telephone No. 125(1


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains tU columns ofleading 111. titer on local topics, and acoin:ilot' resume of Ilonolitlu ami Is hi ml

Now. It is the best piper nublWhcdli, the Kingdom 'o stud to friendsuhi out.

HiiI.-mtI;i(I- i; :

Island f I 00 yearFrfrclgn r 00 "

Commission Movohant3.

TOUN T. WATKRUOUSIS,tj I mportor and Dealer in GeneralMcichanilUu, liueon si., Honolulu. 1

i; CO.,WILD1SK Dealuis in Lumber, Paluta,Oils, N.itltf, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. fori and QueenHonolulu. I

Clnua Sprtciuls. Wn. U. trivia.IRWIN & COMPANY,WG.Sugar Factors and Commission

(VBJUls, Honolulu. 1

S. N. O.isllu.-- J. II. Alhcrlou-- U. 1. Castle

is OOOKB,GA3TLB Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and' Iwlors Mciehaudlse, No. 80 King Bt ,

Honolulu. 1

Lowers, F. J. Lowioy O. li. COOKE,

(successors to Lew era & Dickson.)Importers and Dcalcib in Lumber ami allKinds ot Building Material.!, Fort street,Honolulu 1

sfftl HONOLULU IRON WORKS,gffiaJiXaHnMini engines, sugar bulls, boil-yit- t,

coolers; Irou, bniS3 nud lead oust-ing-

machinery of every descriptionmade to outer. lMrticulurnttuntion paidto ship's lilack smitUiug. Job work exe-cuted ul sihort notice. 1

HA.CJJCyi3JL.t & Co.,H.Geuoral Commission Asonts.




Qut-e- ilrccl, - Honolulu, II. I.1043v

aOS.LVE8 & 00.,

Wholes Alo Qroeers & Wine Merchants

IJoaver lllock, Honolulu.


Co'iuieaioN Aaninu


l. U. Jones, Jr. . . .l'rcsldcut & ManagerJ. O. (JAia'iin.....Tiea9urer& Secretary


Hon. U. H. UiBiiot'. S. C. Allun,H. V'Ari:ntiouaK.


Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to inform thepublic of these Islanda that he is making

teliirtM ly BJouwuronieiit I

Directions forBclf-mcasurcme- willbo given on application.

White Shirts, OYershlrts & Hight Gowns

A fit guarantee by making a BamploShirt to every older.

Island order solicited Boll Tolophono 410

r.r.iy A. n. KIHIiLlS.



81 King Street, npposllo the Old StationHouse.

Diutuivl Tolopliouo JSo.


MONSARRAT,Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic

11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If

J ALFRED MA'OOON,Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Capttol liullding.

Agent to take Acknowledgment to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In the Dbtilet of Honolulu, Island ofOahu. I!) 1 111

David DaytonWill practico in the lower courts of theKingdom as attorney, attend to collecting in all its branches, renting of hmir.esand any other business entitmcd to him

Olllcc 01 King atra.

Feti C80

. UUU 1000. jliltf



V. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook aud llakcr.

71 Hotel St. "tt!r3?- - Telephone 74.

California : LandsFoii S5viL,xa :

fiSir Apply to

a. iuoi:oFiIS3 tf 12 Merchant St., Honolulu.

WEMER & CO.Alniiuniclurlng .JowrllcrH,

Constantly on hand 1 large assortmcuof every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

U08 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jowcler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

Kiii .Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Ottlce.

tlT Particular attention paid to allkinds of rcpalis. j.ui.lD-ti!- )

Hustace& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at-l-

temlLd to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, next door to Jbb. f. Morgan'sauction room.932 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.


74 Ring st. Si U King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


.M A gftM '.yi'j,M

I. O. Hot: :.ll. --v- Hell Tele. 7I.


Corner Tort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, II. 1.


GENERAL AGENTS.AccountuiitN A. Collcrtoi'H


Hawaiian Ceil Telephone Co.

Managor of Advortisinfj DepartmentFOII Til it

"fupepa Kuokoa."DEPAHTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special alien-lio- n

and rciurti.s promptly made.Real Estate bought, cold and leased.Taxes Paid and propeily safely insuicd.Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,

linked and rental, and rents collected.Tiro and Lito Insurance ellectid In Hist-clas- s

Iiiburanno Companies;.Conveyancing a Specially Hccords

scarcheit and correct Abitrncts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documonts and Papers of everydescription carefully diawti and hand,somely engrossed.

Copying and Translating in nil languagesin general ute in this Kingdom.

Custom Houso Business transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loans negotiated at favoinblc rates.Gold, Silver and Certificates bought and

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions roll,

cited for publishers.Any Arliclo pin chased or sold on favor

able termsInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

cular attention.To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Col-

lages in desirable localities at reasonablerentals.

Several Valuablo Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leaseeon easy teims.

SyAll business entrusted to our care-wil- l

receive prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges Kcb-4'b- 9


The undersigned having been appointedrole agents for the Hawaiian


For the Celebrated

Baldwin -:- - Locomotives

From the works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

XMillutlcIlil:i, I?enn.Arc now prepared to givo estimates andreceive orders for these cugincfi, of anysize and style.

The Halhwin Locomotivk Works arcnow manufacturing a style of Locomo.tivo particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of which havo recently beenicceivedat these Inlands, and wo willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationageuts and manager.! with particularsof same.

The superiority of theao Locomotivesover all of her makes Is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United Slates.

wm. a. iiiwin & Co.,Sola Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

4C2 vMy


Car. tncen Ot Nuunuti SIh.

W Goods of till descriptions sold oncommission,

Mutual Telephone 031. fob

A. II. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up ataim.


Bethel Street, "Damon's Ulock,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates. SewingMachlues and repairing of all kinds aspecialty. All kinds of Safes &. Scalesicpaircd. Household Sewing Machinesfor sale. dcctl-8-


ALL persons who want to communiwith the Poitugueso, either

for busincsH, or for procuring workmen,ecrvauts or any other helps, will 11ml Itthe most prolltablo way to advertise Intho Luto Jftrwaiiatio, tho new organ oftlio Portuguese colony, which is pub-lislio- d

on Hotel strict, and only chargesreasonable rates for adverllscuiouta.

Mteu' i..

Latest Novelties!

N. S. Sachs, 104

Latest Novelties!AT- -

Blouse Waists, Blouse Waists,Cool and couifoi table; all tiw.

Utulicfscd Kid Cllovcs in tan anil evening shades, Kid Gloves, inall colors, lil.ick Kid Gloves. I'.laek &

Coloied Diking (.Slovcp.

2ilimcie SIijitwIh Sc Scari' IulavIm !

In cicaiu and all colors.

Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons,In all widths and coloi.'i.

Lace Flouncings, Lace Flouncings,li (luiptuo Lace I'lounces, Oriental it Valcncicnne, in white, cream and

ecui; lllaek Lneo Flounces in Spanish Guipure itOhanlilly, veiy ioajsonahle.

Lace Edgcings, Lace Eclgcings,Innnenso asbnilnient; all the newest designs. Kifel & Vandyke Points',

in while and cent.

Embroidery Flounces,Heininedbtilch Flounees, latos.1 dcbigns and elegant woik.

Embroidered BOX SHIRTS,New dobigiin in Woisted it Wash Matciial, all culm 5.

Infant's Complete Outfits in BoxesAT

- -

Pedigrees of All-- o-


The following Flue Animals willstand for tenlce at the ranch, Walal.iu:

Well-bre- d Stallion"MARIN."

Xoiur.iu Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

Thoroughly ed Stallloi'"MIDNIGHT."

Two Xntivu Stallions"FILIAOAO" & "FRANK."

A Well-bre- d


403-1T- O tf

Fort St., Honolulu.


Horses Kept


loll SAIX

Stallions ot various bieed.Marcs with or without foal.

Hor.Ncs for any put pose.


A Skilful llrcnkcr and Tialuer is em-

ployed 011 the laucli.rayn Satisfaction is gnaiantced In

breaking and tr.iinlnj' hoieH.








Hew Goods received by every Picket from the Eastern Stntca and Europe,r"iC3h California Product) by every Steamer. All onlejo faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of tho city frco of charge. Island orders eoli.sited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Oillco Box 145. Tolonhonc No. Ua f uov-4-8- 5

Ghas. Husface, King StreetHAS JUST RECEIVED per " AUSTRALIA,"

Kita Alaska Sea Trout, Kits Mackerel, Kits Salmon Bellies, Kits Tonguesand Sounds, Cases Vienna Sauhagc, Haiti Sausage, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb.tins, Hams, Bacon, Codfish, Tins Soused Mackerel, Boiled Mackeiel in To-mato Sauce, Top O'Can Brand Butter, Boned Chicken and Turkey, Twin

Brothers' Ycaht Cakes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ceralino Flakes, Germea, Breakfast Gem, White Oats, Highland Rolled Oats,Dried Aprieots, Diied Peaches, Prunes, Tahlo Fruits, Dates, Figs, Ridge'sFood, Gelatine, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, Bian, Potatoes, Onions, anil a

General A&boiliuuut ot Groceries al Popular prices.

0rLcavo your orders, or ring up No. 11!).

lelepuono SMO. "W0C2T P. O. Box 12U7.



LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


tS?-- ON IC10 -- JBy each steamer of tho O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresh Cala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Cala, Fruits,ITihIi, Game, Vj:5(ullcw, llc., IQLo.

A complete line of Crosse & Elackwcll's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, Just received a Iresh line of4j)criiiiui 1'ntcM & rotted .Hunts & Kottlcil Preserved 1'ruitM,Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Uruakfust Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes it Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemons &.Oala. ltivcrsulo Oranges.

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.ap-l- G Sn-tiwln-ctioi-

il. 87


BBAVBRSALOOHTho (lost LunoJi in Town,

Tea and Ooffco at 111 Houra

The Finest Urand of

Cigars, ,B3SI3

CiAltrnyH nix llimil.

11. J. KOBFK, Propi'lotor.


Metropolitan i

Meat Company81 KING STUKKT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale & llotail Eutchors




Aiakoa, iic:tv Jueon St.I Tctcpliouu No. 51. I


CoutroctorH t Xttiliaorn.

Brlok. Stone and Wooden Uuildings;given. Jobbing piomptly at-

tended to. 7(5 King street, liell Tele-phon- o

No. 2. P. O. Uox, 123. ap5-l-

GEORGE LUCAS, AvV.n--rSSami Ilnll.ler.effiKS

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Lsplauado, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Moulding:),llrachets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-work Unlsh. Turning, Scioll and BandSawing. All kinds 01 Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing ami Tenanting.

Ordeis promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Ordera from the other


WRI&KT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,foil Slrcot, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmilhlng, Drays, Carts h

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work in theabove lines performed in a ilrst-clas- s

unnncr and executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.CJT" Orders from the other Islands

solicited. Will bo pleased to see allour old customers as well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No. 575.

apr-l'J-6- 9

W. W. Wright & SonJ

79 & 81 Boll Tole.rung ai.s .No. 381.

(The Rose Premises.)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydo'Ciiptiou tilled with promptness.

First-clac- s mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TltVM C'AKN, o.iimuunhi:n,Plantation Vagons, Mole & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., KTC, KTC, IS.1C.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho management of B., who will collect and receipts allbills due that branch of our business.

(Signed):oct.lfi.3m W. W. WRIGHT & SON.

VOLCANO STABLESWalamteuuu Sticet.

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice,

Also, Saddlo Hones,

Carriages, Bnggles, Brakes or Carts,


Piopiletors, Hilo, Hawaii.I Orders leeelved bv Telephone -- I



AK. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, corner Hotel aud lllchardstreets. Seieutlllo treatment in all (lis-eas-

of dumesliu animals. Orders forplantation mid ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Tclephonu 351,P. 0. Box 320. mh.lS9


Prussian NationalInsurance ComD'v

r.STAJH.iBitr.u IS 15.

Capital 0,000,000 flcichsmarks

f piIK understand, agent of the aboveX Company for the Hawaiian Islands,

is prepared to accept risks, against tire,on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise,Produce, Sugar Mills, Etc., on the mostfavorable terms.

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablein Honolulu,

jly B7.1y c. noiris.Union, Five & Slnrino

Insurance Co., L'd,Of iv Kenlnmt.

Capital - - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Store,Storehouses and Contents. Also, Sugarand Klcc Mills, Machinery, Etc., Etc.

lYInrlnc IiiNuruiici:On Hull?, C.irgoca and Freights. Losspaid here.

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.



Lite, Firo & Marino

Snsurance Agents !

Acir.NTS rott:

Now England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

or uosto:;.

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.

Insurance Company,Flro & Marine



Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $100,053,600.96

"Facts arc Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof tho Now York Life Insurance Co.havo hcon LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingbiniilar policies.

f3 For particulars apply to

V. O. ItKKttHIt,Gcn'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

i!8U tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Ftro Insuranco Co.

Assots, $5,88,000Commercial Insurance Cj.

(Firo and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Fire and Marino)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co (


Assets, $0,124,057Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Asset!, $105,053,000 90


Ueuural Agent, Haw'n Ulands

lOTiS ly


Hardware, Shipping

ComniiBsion Merchants.i)i:ai.kus in

General Merchandise !

Plantation Atjonts,Life, Firo & Marino

Insurance AgentsJan-- HONOLULU, U. I. 1890


KttTSto tmrft'mrwt mjWjuS ji








Page 2: AW PIIM - University of Hawaii1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic


I"' ' r

ti.m ' f




-- .

'A' It J3

Haiti; $uT1fiI'lrdped to iitilhty Sut nor Itrtytlint ttablihtd for the brn(fit of all.

FRIDAY, .H'.N'K 13, 1890.

One of the principal iouieea ofmoney supply for the small tradeof Honolulu is the Railway Con-

struction Company. Merely theweekly cash disbursements of thecompany for wages to mechanic

aud laborers amount to three thou-

sand dollars. Most of this goes

Into immediate circulation amonggrocers, drygoodsmen, restaurantkeepers, and others who cater forpublic demands. The removal of amoney source so proltGo would havean effect immediately detrimental totrade.


After twice reading our morningcontemporary's special pleading in

defence of the Cabinet majority,about nil we can discover is "apeeinlpleading." If the

exhibition, of which the commu-

nity and the outside world havebeen 'spectators, i pleasing to theAdvertiser, it fa not ao to the Bcl-u.ti- n.

Merely a matter of tustc,and as taste ate not regulated bylegislative enactment they arcbound to differ. Our neighbor isentertained by two Mitiis-ter- s pitching mud at each other at Govern-

ment house; wc would prefer thatiln-- go privately to the top ofl'unchbowl and light it nut betweentheinoelvc:. It is not at all conge-

nial to our peculiar liistii to havethese two Ministers fighting in pub-

lic, to the impediment of the publicbusiness and the detriment of thecountry. As to the truth beingmade manifest by the controversy,we have no reason to expect thiaresult. When the squabble comesto an end, opinions will still be di-

vided. Men will believe tnat theMinister of Interior is light, andmen will believe that the Attorney-Genera- l

fa right. Respecting thecredibility ot the two sides, inunequally competent to reach rationalnmclusionfi will lake opposite views,and be "candid men" at the sametime. We say again, that this Cab-

inet tight is not only discreditable,but it has been destructive of publicconfidence, which confidence is notlikely to be restored. In such easowhat is the proper thing for tlwicconcerned to dor


A rather stale subject fa the glorification 0 the present Minister ofthe Interior for the public improve-

ments made under his administra-tion of that Department. The Ad-

vertiser lias another twang at thatmuch-woi- n string this morning.That Mr. Thur.ston has attended"trietly to the business of his olliccis not denied. Neither is it tpieu-tione- d

that the revenues at the dis-

posal ot ids Depaitmcnt have in themain been expended for the benefitof the public. And it may al-- o betruly said that the Minister hasbeen energetic in forwarding publicworks. When all this i3 said, how-

ever, the case is not established thatMr. Thuiston is entitled to the ex-

travagant laudations often henid ofhim. Under circumstances differ-

ent from lhoje that surrounded hisentrance into the Executive, his re-

cord would perhaps sustain all theeuloglunis that could reasonably beheaped on it. Had the adienl ofthe l'efottn Government been a nor-

mal change of ruler brought aboutby an electoral content, had it beenthe triumph of persona! ability on

the part of political leaders, had itbeen solely the defeat at the pollsof a partj1 that had equal scope andopportunity for governing well a

its successful rival, there mighbtnutbe justification for a word of detrac-tion from the statesmanlike virtuenow ahcnbcd to the Administrationon the strength of effected improve-

ments. Hut take all the facts intoconsideration. The Reform Minis-

try is the first one in the history ofthis country which has had theliberty to do what deemed right, toit. Vengeance was wreaked by anangry populace on its predecessorfor misgovcrnment that was in largepart due to a system under which noCabinet could do Justice to itself orthe country. Tho same agency sup-

plied a new system. Thus tho He-for- m

Cabinet wns furnished at oncewith equipments, self-suit- ed to itshands, to do well, and with a terri-

ble example to warn it again&t do-

ing ill. As Mr. Phillips .said in un

plection speech, the Reform Govern


I iaif nn yywy tu

ment was not placed in power tobuild any more Kaitniloas, or tosend an' more embassies on vision-

ary missions to the South Sea-- .

The beat criterion by which tojudge the Minister of the Interior orany other Minister is to comparehimself with himself in the differentstages of opposition and power.When Mr. Thurston was a memberof the former Opposition in theLegislature he took a veiy decidedstand on ctrtain principles. He re-lu-

to concede to Ministers thoright to exercise any discretion in

the expeuditu! e of revenue. When-

ever a Minister asked for "incident-als" for his-- Department and, havingthem objected to as being excessive,put forth the plea that they mightall be needed and "if not neededwould not be spent," it was, to useMinister Thurston's favorite simile,like the "shaking of a red lag at abull" to that gentleman. With whata virtuous fervor he used to springto his feet and declaim against theutter vieiousness of granting a Min-

ister funds without knowing whereevery cent was to gol How is it

now? A moiety of the last Appro-p- iiation Bill is composed of items

the expenditure of which is discre-

tionary with the Ministry.Another thing that used to be one

of the chief rocks of offense to theOpposition was the misapplicationof appropriations. Now we havethe Auditor-Genera- l to witness thatthis fa one ot the besetting sins ofthe Minister of the Interior. Notonly is this to in the straining oftechnical points to justify certaintransfers of apptopriatiotip, but,there is peculiar llagraney in theviolence of hands with which moneyIs drawn from the treasury. Forinstance, the abstraction of a sataiyfor an olllcial that does not exist,namely, a Deputy Hnpeiiiilendent ofJ'uhlic Woiks. Even where moneyhas been spent in uccoidan.t withthe Appropriation Act, its expendi-

ture has not always been such as toretleet bistro on the administrationof the Inteiiur. Divergences fromthe contract to the job systemthrough false economy have madeservicer, dearer than the regularcourse would have made them. In-

competency of subordinates kept inplace tluough personal and partisanfavor has pioduccd wild estimatesand inefficient, consequently waste-

ful woik. Jiy the same favor thereis abo reason to believe a good dealof downright stealing has resultedand its authors been screened fromexposure and punishment.

All these things must contributeto a feeling of tiredness on the patlof the public at the nauseous repeti-tion of fulsome commendations ofMr. Thurston as "the grand youngman" and "the only Minister of theInterior" w 01 thy of the name thatha ever been given to the kingdom.


KniToit Un.urnx:i'ermit mo space to correct a

curious mistake by which the Angli-eu- ri

Church Chronicle, for this monthgives me ciedit for iibeiality towhich J have no claim. The Cathodral Sunday School Excursion toMunana on May ill was n, neatgiven to the ohihfrcn of the schoolsbj the members of thocongiegation,and notjby your humble servant.

Thk Ui.-ii- oi-- Ho.souii.r.Juno IS, 18'JO.

MARCHANT'S PROGRESS.Mr. Lawieneo Uond, Hawaiian

Consul at Boston, sends the follow-ing intelligence about Mr. HenryGrubo Marcliunt: "Mr. Maiehtuithas for the few months past been ntwoik in the ollicc of Messrs. Dunbarand Cliapin of 74 Ficmont St., Hoi-to- n,

where he is gaining excellenttraining in mercantile work, paynu:no tuition, but leeeiving a s'nmllstipend which goes to reduce theamount necessary from the Govern-ment. Mr. Marchant is finding toninth profit in his nrt from las train,iug in that olllee that J. have not yetput him into the photographic iu-d- i,

as it seems desirable ihat thestudy of photography should bopostponed to the end of his timehere.

"The young man has just complet-ed his winter's course in the Public-Drawin-

School of the City of IUm-to- n,

to which the autlioiitics hnofi'eely and cheerfully admitted himever since his arrival in Boston. AsI have written before, ho i3 veryfiiithlul, full of enthusiasm for hisart, indtisliious and frugal, and hiswhole course since coming here is acredit to him, and a source of prideto all interested in Jf theGovernment can see its way to con-tinue him here for tome time longer,il seems to me that the rcsulU wouldwell justify the expendituie."


HAWArrANCoimeil No, M),Honor, meets

THIS (Friday) EVILYINO, at 7:y0o'clock, nt Harmony Hull, Kliiu treet.

.T.EvJKAUDT,fl7P H jifvrcinry.

H,r. .,'i!'li,

DAILY BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I.,fiwfr3tiWii jir in i m mrrvxxm iwinww)ii)Wtfi;mii'ii



A. Vol y t'iclfj mid I'nimlur Ilntee.tiiiiiiiieuf.

The Honolulu Fire Departmentgae a ball on the eve of Kntucha-meh- a

Day for tho benefit of thehick fund. The Armory of the Ho-

nolulu Miles where il was held hudbeen gorgeously prepatcd for theoccamou. Messrs. K. 11. Ryan, J.A. Mchrtens, David Laika', llnugSam, Lau Chung, and Henry Ifalit,committee on docoiatitms, deservespecial mention lor the skill withwhich they finished their work. Be-

sides the general decoration eachcompany had iN own display of lirebouse ornaments. Honolulu KugitieCo. No. 1 had its-- motto, "llooma-nawanui,- "

conspicuously placed ;

also, the framed pictuies of Its off-

icers, with a vignette of the volentiby the late Mr, Tavernier, and Uags,banners, and equipments effectivelyarranged. Mechanic Kngiue Co.iso. - hail u Maud ot Orauclies, etc.,near the entrance, besides its particular section being setolt emblem-ulicall- y

in ailislic style. HawaiiEngine Co. i had the picture ofKing Kalalcaua, a former foicman,aNo a gilt Miieid bearing the loalarms loaned by His Majesty, aburning house transparency, andother emblems. China Engine Co.No. " displayed a liaiispareney withits motto, "Laiiakila," between thedates "1870" and "UiHU," the lat-

ter marking its ciitrj into Us eleganthoiine. Hook and Ladder Co. madea characteristically effective display.There was a hdrunl in the middleof the hall, from which hoc inn infestoons each way along the maintruss. J'anuerets formed a lowaloft on the same line, while thewalls were thickly diaptd with tl.icsof many nations--, palm leaves, etc.,filled the gap". The committeemade a fine pb'ee- of work in theroyal pavilion. Stalely chairs ofthe-- Queen Anne style were placedin it, and the drapeiy of buntingwas arranged with effective utt,

The toom next the entrance wascurtained off for a die.-sin-g mumfor ladies, and one of the militarycompaoy room? at the opposite endwas a hiit room tor gentlemen. 'I lieDepartment cwecuthe hud one ofhe company moms -- etwitliaie-fre-shment

table, where His Majestyand other guests were euteilained at:t fine collation. There weio abo.other refreshment loom-- i for ladiesand gentlemen. There was iv Inil-lia- nt

light ironi electric and oillamps, and colored lanterns.

Their Majesties arrived early inthe evening and staed about twohours. They were attended by Mr..lames W. icobeil-ou- ,

and Mrs. Uobertwm. Othernotable patrons of the ball weielions. Paul Neumann, John Phil-lips and T. It. Lucas ; ('apt. Me-Cuil-

and Paymaster (JorwinofU. S. S. Nipsic; Mejsr?. Win. If.Turpin, A. Watson, and .). Haras ofII. 11. M. S. Acorn: Cnpl. Outlineof the .ship Bonowdale, and dipt.Griffiths of the lurkentinc. i:. G.Wilder.

Music was famished by the lloyalHawaiian lVuid, and the followingprogramme of dances was ecciiled :

Lancer?, waltz, polka,lancers, waltz, mazurka, scholti-che- ,

lancers, waltz, Stliotlischc, lancers,waltz, medley. Col. Jus. J I. Boydot Co. No. I was the chairman ofthe very attentive reception commit-tee. Mr. Itobeit More, foreman ofNo. I, was the popular lloor man-

ager. Fvcrylhing passed olf pleas-antly, winding up ut I ;)J0 a. in. ofKaniehamcha Day Chief EngineerWilson, Secretaiy Henry Smith,with the whole executive of the De-

partment, and the rank and file, areto be congratulated on the verv suecessful issue of their charitable en-


nawaiiau Tramways Co,, L'd,

NOTlf li.

OX and after July X. ISM). ih- - Kl(tret t office of lid Coiiipnii.t will

lie clo-e- d, and thi busluuss onnt thi I'uimlimi ollicc. "i7!i It

.lost"A GOLD Glove Tiuttoaor niaiKnil. "K N." Du'llvoiy l.v Ibnlei wll

be rowr.iiltil by J'aul Nduiiiniii.r.ii.'i tl


eiM. a '3Aiii. 'iw-oior- Hi ink

Alm l- - Ibillilbi;,' now .sthe olllco of thf Haw.' in

Tnimwiiys Co., fLM), on KlngMiwt.suitable either for an nil'nv or -- lo:i'.Apjily on tbe premiTs Mi) til


rpiJTC fo'lftwiiij; nominalloiit will.i. .lone :;u, iwo:

Futurity Slakos ot 1B92 Uaw; ;ill:iiibled 2 Veil' old. A hweeiisliike of 8r.oas follown: ff't on Noolnntloii. i? 10

.liuiimry 1, ISM, 10 July 1, 1MM, SWJanuaiy 1, IhOJ.

lUwtllsn Deiby cl 180- 3- l'ui Mawalliiibreil .'I year old. A Sweepi'iika of 8 10')

as follows: is. on Xoinbi'itlon, P10January 1, ISM, 520 July 1. iM). H'J.'i

Jauuaiv 1, H!).', Ki JiuiiMiy 1. ISW.V. K I'.KKtiKR.

57fi til elrl'laly.

I, 0, 0, F. ix

Tlllini: will be inemr.iIaUnrvIeosInI llaimonv Hull, Kin' stioet, on

SlNUA Y, June J.'ili. at M o'clock v. M.Alt inenibers of lAcel-l- m iV llannouyI.od''0", I. O, f). P., and ol I'.u'lllu De-gie- i!

Lodge No. I. h. of it., and thewidows and oiphans of ih'co.iscdhiothciv. aNo all lslilng breihien Intill juiImIIcIIoii iuo cuulltilly InvitedJ,V t,U



.WSv AwfeiAJi'1

Auction Sale ofBourbon BMskey & English Ale


On SA.TUKDAY, .Tunc Vi,at i 0'ur.ocit Noo.v.

At my Saleroom. I will ell at Public.Auction without riMi-iv- to elofo con-

signments25 Casks BOURBON WHISKEY

40 Hds Win. Yonagcr & Co.'s Eng. Alo

j: "burrowd-dc'- ' In ih.H chiworder and condition.

Ti'.nsm o.iMit.

LJ2WIS J. LEVEY,olfi Lt Auctioneer.

Regular Cash Sale i

TOOIOllUOW, Juno lUli,AT 10 O'CIiOCU ,1. ..,

I will cU at Public Auction, nt my.Salerooms,

Dry Goods, Clothing,CioekeryA: f!la.wai:,Uioecrli's, llaidware,Chc&t . Tci, Hoses hea), Do.,

Household -- : FurnitureAmi a choice lot of

Black Leghorn Roonlera.

LEWIS .J. LKVI3Y,f.T'.'lt Auctioneer.

eat Cattle !

On MUMJAY, July MUifI'ln-r- will li. sold nt 1'ublle AiKliun,

ul KablUluul. .M.iul,

loo im gbws k unMOitn or i,i:b3.

ZZ A good npporluuity to priictiroHue Mock. .'oil Jin


T WILL nit bt for any1 bills :iar.ilii-- t tho Steamer "Akamai"' uiile-- h lucuriTtl bv iiiv wiiitcnolder. G. 1. CASTI.K.

lJoiiolulu, June 7, lfiKt. .'n.T if

Noncn.fS iiceoiiiit of tbo eMnii'floa ti ilti ofV tin- - t' L'nlon Miiuhiy Seboidleuviuj; the depot at !l o'clock a. jj.. onibe tlib of .Inn'. I lie time otut tbo legulur train U portpomil until'.ijflnuV.n.k for rhut ilaj . .".TO L'l


.i U LRNL'-- lvrjula-- i Mtu.itimi In aVjf inliibv, tliovoii'li i:n;;ll-l- i. mulcand iliiiwlnii. Slvye.iiscNiii'iIence and

leteicuci". IVi'iiddn " applvllil- - nllloe.

" ":i,i"WAK'CKD

AOMtLio do light hnu-cwoi- k andafter a eouplu of ebllibcii

None without hebiK well reeoniniendedneed apply. Call on Mt. O. O. lleiger,cm nor Iteret.inla and I'liiiahoit treet.


E:n))lsyiiejit Wunlcd

BY Two Pnitngiieno L'iis, nged 'ly

!." ami Hi, iibo bv aYoung Woman to do Imihowoik orwo'k on a se;liiK m.ichlue, also bj nGbl, VJ yeav-- i old, to atteiitl chlldien.Anyone ilci-hln- any ot the above help.pleao call at Ui'Auioia llawMiiiumV"Ofllee. corner Jk-iilun-t and lili-lun-

iticeis. h" 11

""lS(ias7or SISTTlNCl". "XltOI Finest Ined Ilrovvn Leghorni fowls. 1 per dozen. Apply to

.TO MX MOttltl.S.At .1. T. Watoihoiie's eioclceiy

Queen Miect, a72 Iw"" Egg srov "s J5TTJ s a".

JAHTir.S dolrous of liupioving theof their fowls can pioeuie

Pure Plyuiouth Hock for Mittlugat Lewis vV Co.. I'oit street. The Lgsam not Importeil anil ly

stale, but ait taken fii'-- li from the nestat Klpahulu It.inch. wbeie thry e.iu he

and guaranteed. 57:5 Jw

JEAlls"lAvocado Pears inIAJlTIESileMiIng le?' Uiaii r.D w ill

plea'e nddrct--L. Tt'HN'LU,

illlll. UllUL.ll.


Xuuanii avenue andBKTN'KUX Itlaek Kiiaiuelcd PansyItinaeli, with illaiuoud In i outer, ,

Miitahlu ittwuid will bo paid to theparty ntiiiiilng Mime to Win. (! Irwlu.

oil! Iw

LOSTA l.iver-i'oloie- il SetterV Dog with while

on hi east. Is abniit tovenmouths old and answers to

S'Sj.5 name of l,Ho'n." a rewind will he plwii to any pcixui re-turning Mild dog to this ollicc. 5711 I w

Stock Ocrtiflcnlo Lost.

l It. Alex, Mcltiydn kIvcs notice thatItL cmlllciitn of stoek In the Inter-lftlau- il

Steam Navigation Co. No. --'.I I,duti il Januaiy J I, , In his lavor. hasbeen lost, and pursuits am herebywained ngaiiiht ncgnilatlng lite same.Any infoiinitlouie-peetln- g this certill-cat- c

Miould be Teut to Mr. ilcllrvde, orI tu Thno. II. navies t.'o, r', iw

' 1 ..

JUSE J, 1890.

m ci3StiEJ,BB M

Gash Asseta,EtHJHAHtl) A. McCBJItHY, SVcNldt!iit.

tir Kor full narllculais apply to19. JL5. XiOfS'RO,

I)cc-L'i-R- 9 General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


Fresh Cakes.





ancj&Jumbles, Cofifee Cnkec, Crackers,

gar And will be DCLIVKHKD VUKV. of OIIARC.'K to any

J. I. IrAUE:Cofitv, Tea, Chocolate & Milk,

.Steaky, (ihop?, Finh, A Kggs,Oj'hter

33r Oinritoi- -

n fill m a s H i


mmmrLt'SeHia BaanBv la




Giiipr Me, Hon BesjilieiTrt, Sarsiijarillii, liiml Vim, Etc.


A&- - OiiiiimuiiicuLluuB (inlers BhouUl be

I'm Yiloiama ft

T'cf A 1 ttiaitlhtii()

M Sagami Maru,"2,000 U'ona.

Vt'lll Un niiil'ii foi thf I'.ucl')on or o'll

2? firljlit or (U'l'ift- -, loui'.tfo crior i "liln ant iIimhj;,' i.tvoiniuo

ila',iou, apply to

Wm, Q IIW1N & Ca.,.Wl'il Asfn'B

Eloctricity is Life !

TANY persons a inoilorate ap-ItJ- L

jilleutlon of Hlctti ielty llenotlelal.Klectilclty sonU'iitiu'.-- cities nearlyalways bcnctlts RIuMimiitbiii, Ncnralfihi,Inlli;cson, Kte.. a tonictinil U vei V bi'iii-ISei.i- l In ruse of Ocner.illipblllty. io to

Charles Phillips',On Btrout,

And get an Klertrlo Shock by (liopplng-- a

fJict.oi In the Can hi; tegiihiti'illo Milt tho delleiile as well as the strong.

TIu-i- Is alfo nun of thec KlpetrleMai'liincb tit Young Xnp'd, corner ofKlitKiitid Bethel Mtve-tr:- . To) lm


A. It. ROWAT, V. s roMtniPilpiactice. Ollicc at tlm lltiwitlinli


tiinhk- - Wfi Iw

Dr. 1IENJII ii. Mutt HEW.

AFI'KKnn absuncn of four Inrcturneil to houii!

oi the Isliinils, for the put pox: ofthe practice of luciliilne. lie

may be foimil at his on Hotelstitet between and AlnUeaOilUe bonis Iioiu it to II a. .m,, aiul 'J to1 II to S I'. M. full 1 in

PowoII'h liugnutfo Expross.IAS. POWKLL. foitnerly employedI at Union Feed for several

year, haWiur gone Into baggagenxpicits hiMiicsH, KolicilH pationage.tjtaml, coiner of Ring and JlullielhtneiK. Older can he left at YoungNap's cigar 'tanil, baggage dellveieilWith promptness and caie toiuivpartof city, June

'1im2&&'- -

Bonds1JY THE


RY endCT A. JN tJ t&'V M 'fir. '


Pies, Rolls.

F 7

from lltJJO a. m. toHfWI1Mlll.iMMMlTIIIIIi il Hi

11 of



T3 :

a m '


Over 515138,000,000

Etc.. Etc,

Etc.,putt of city.





Alo, Gnadc,

All aiul achlrcKsctl lo


(.Mv i,ho'



ami acts




old (illicit







lnis h'ls


REMOVAL.!Having our KODA WORKS lo commodious cpuiln nt

No. 20 'a,,OSri, 8sSrX,Jll.TE2Ei,J?,

(Near thu Custom

V me now piepnred to finnit-- at hhotl and of piimo fpuility, anyot the following lligli (Jlnss Hevonta,eH :

GIKCER ALE,Flail, svnt, Liiu, strawinrrr or Ureain sola,

SHiaiipitnllu, S:r8aparilln & Water, andApple Cidor.

ll-i- escbiMVely the II Y ATT PURK WATKR SVSTK.V.





Chas. FBSHEL'3,Leading Millinery i. stn.

gjtiT 2 Patterns I''aehioiiablo Drehnuakiiig upKhiirx JiHi



UMT BAKINO PQWDEBWithout a llivtil in Price & Quality!

Ono-tbh- d tho Price of tho Royal !

Every Houaekoepov Should ITso It !

ffff" A tbingof 113 Per Cent in and Quality the Veiy Rest. jfSPECIAL RATES JOBBERS.

HENRY DAVIS & CO.,"r'l 'hn ExcbtMvo Agt'iilM for tlm Hawaiian Ilondn,

Dr. A. 11. CAItTEIt

UAS hN olllee lo :i:iIteielanla, Koil and

Niiiianu slieels Olllee hours: t( ::10 to11 a. W.. and i lo 4, mid 7 lo K r, m.'.Mutual Telepbniie No, il'.rj. :;o lm

WA - tow wmWV? ;!....




Slew?, Housed Pig'rt Ktc.

p. m S2


icmoved moie



Iron Crab



limine, Comer Tort




removed Xo.between

Dr. A. hUTZ

WILL have ollleii linuis fiom 8 to uand I to Ti i'. jj., nt No. jt:

Heieianla, between I'ott and Xiiiuiiuimeets, .Mutual Tuleplione Xos. :I!I2and I7C 670 lm

L .. -- i.'!. Jfei



Page 3: AW PIIM - University of Hawaii1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic


C JT, B' 'mmmmmiKmmMmFimmvmgmBK&mmnmMm&mmbLmwmatmMMmmwmx

Mm sWlPf "T "r wPP Kc,?vPMi,J?kk.''t't'. "" .'

V W :


! w V


gniiii gt'lU;fiiiFRIDAY, JFNF 1."., IN'JO.



tir.ui i. xn 'niAiNH.

A. M. '. M.

Leave Honolulu.... , '.) .mi L'lOll

Aiihe ,M tin. ma . !:lfl L:lSLeave Miinau i .U :itt l:ui)Aiiixc Honolulu ... . 1 . IS 1:13


Sm A. .M. . M. r. m.Leave Honolulu... !i::iu :'::tu list ii.)

Arilm Mamma ...10:18 1:18Leawi Mmnmii.... U :ltl 1:1.1 i:nr,Anlvi! Honolulu... 1 Jilt I I ifl:i



Stiur Hawaii finui llnuittkuii1'eru Allkn Iiom KomiSehr Milk' Mm lis from Koohiui.'ehr l.iuhilii from Kauai


Simr Khiiiu for lltlo mill way ports Hi

2 p inSlmr O K Bishop for Waiaiiar, Wiilulua

iiml Kooluii nl !i :i inStmr l.ohua for Mm ami HaKnlHii nt 1

p mft my IVlc for llaninkua nl 11 pinStiiir hn.ila for Kapaa lit i p in

Mnl Wuhlne lor HnintikiiaSvlir ICaiilke.ioull for Kohala tfiUr l.lliolllio for WiilniiiicSehr Mary E Fo-t- er for


Slmr lillaurallou foi 'lVpcekcoand Ho- -


Slmr IwiiMtil for Laliaiua anil ll.iina- -kuu at 10 a in

DK.S Nlslc, MeCurley, for a ciulicAm Ooldcu Shotc, Bender.

ton, fur ban Fiaticlsco


V S F .S Chin lesion, Itcar-Ailiuli- al (looBrown, fiom Sim Finueleo

II P. M S Arorn, (Ico X A I'ollanl, fromKsquhiMiilt, II (.!

Ill-- Bonuwd.dc, (luthrio, fiomLiverpool

Bkt Planter, Dow. fiom San FrnnoUcoAm Itkt Bobeit Sudden. II () Fdheig,

from Xc ensile. X S WAm mlcf packet Morning rtl-ir- , O V

(larl.iiid, fiom .South .Si'iiAm liktS O Wlltk-r- , Oilllllhs, fiom San

FrunvKi'oAm hU V S Thompson, fiom San Frau- -

ol-c- o

Haw hk W II Ootlfrcy, It Dahcl. fromnil Frani'lHco

Am hkt DisL'oM'iy. ) MeXill, from Sanl''llUk'lt(MI

Am hkt W H Uimoml. i: 1 Dunv, fromSan FranuNi--

BI. Thor, V K Stelticrt, from XcvoaMo,X S V,'

Am ti'iu A' J Iloilson, from Ku- -lulut, Ciil

PASSENCERS.Vroiu Sun Krnnclsco, por hkt W II

Diuionil, .lime 10 Major II V Stlii'-on- ,

Ool K M Thompson ami wlfo, ('iiptaluAimiiron. wife ami 'J uhlldiuu.

For Maui mnl Hawaii, per .lo.imcrKlnau. .lime lJI I'or Volcano : 11 FHchhanlanil wilu, Mr Kncliit;, J 0 JilU'bh.ird, Consul Honk', Ml'-i- w I) amiH Mcilau. .MN5 lliiillcv, .MIs- - Suther-hiiu- l,

G Stihtmbcl, 11 KfcVlmahi'I..MI.s.Murphy, anil 0 T Wilder. For I.iumliia,HIlo, anil wuv oi Is : JHrS 15 M Xow --

loin, Mr K J' Low. Hen Hiilllil.iy.l'oppyAtkinson, .1 M Bright, Min i:eroti,.Mm .Samuel Parker and chlldicn.Uiivld Moitnn, Mrs Cheiiiiir, Miss A

Shaw, A F Cooke, wife and family, .1 M

I.ydgutu and wife, Mls J Allien, .1 AScott, 1) D.iyton and son, Jlovs S 1.

DoMiu, Hihio. ICiiiu.ikahiki, A Fall, S Cl.uhiiui, 1) Kamaii, V Kahooio, ,1 XICiimoku, S Y Kckucwa; Miss Jinnihill,J W Jk'ifjstiiini, .1 Ziihlmi. I- - IC Kalawc.Airs C Schiiiihi'l, F SpiMicer, Mrs U ItMakce and chlldteii, l)r llcrlimt andOolZS Spalding. Dr A A Cailcr. t;llchard. Miss L Dowsi-tt- . Mrs (J

Wilder, Miss II K Wilder, AitliiirTilnV,MIssC Mi'I.alni', Arthur Fowler, Mu

. McGieKor, It Catton. II i'ostau.i and'Mlfe, Mrs Ollvera, lit Bov Bli-ho- ofllnuoliilii, Vlda 'J'liiuin, Tain Mcdiew,n in I ahout 70 deck.


Thehaik W B Godfiey coinmeneesieef Ivlng sugar

Thu btirk Ophlr Is (Id days out fromXewont-tle- , X S V, with a cargo of coalfor Honolulu.

The Xorweglan ship Thor is unload-ing ontil nt thu V M S S Co's wharf.

Thu b.irkentliifi Jtoheit Kudileii willsail on Sunday In balla'-- t forl'oit'l'own-"end- .

The .twimei Kilnitoa Hon biought11500 bags sugar and 40 head cattle.

Thu Ainci lean four-mast- bclinnncr(iolden Shoie, dipt Heudeisoii, willleau nfteriioon for SanFriinuleuo wllh about y2,000 bigs sugar.

The steamer Kiuiln letnrns llxi of ColS Hpaldlng's race hoisus this after-

noon.The strainer Hawaii brought to-d-

from Hawaii 4100 haus sugar mid 0bend ealtle. The sugar was put onboaid thu schooner Oolden Shoie.


Noblo Widcmaim moved n voteof want of confidence in the Minis-try this afternoon, on the ground ofirreconcilable dimension in thoCaliinot.

Hep. Cecil Brown moved inamendment a resolution of want ofconfidence in Hie Attorney-Genera- l,

holding that Hie principle that theminority should not uile was morevital than the matter of the mainmotion.

Attorney-Genera- l Ashford taisedtho pojnt of order that Article 11 ofthe Constitution provided thu onlymeans of dismissing tho Cabinet.

The President ruled the amend-ment out of oider.

Hup. Brown appealed and aiguedIt is point.

Minister Thurston was vpeakinglo the point, supporting the appeal,when this report left the House.

A great crowd of spectatois hascongregated in and about the cham-



Mtt. A. Msigoon nllVts liorM'Hihdin uli n for snk'.

OK Mir Lllli iil the tnnnciisearned (!,'.I7I p.'iMi'iigns,

Tin: Hawaiian Jockey Club luu n

nolli'i' in nuolhci column.

TiiKMorkhnlderA nf tin- - BinebnllAfMiciiilion incut

Tin: conchi-I- t ion of our Aturiii'iiiitier in on Hie foill III lil!"

inA I.I. llU'lllhcl of till' All I Ml' lin.ll

Club mi1 epteld Id lit :ilnu'i'iiuj;.

all!. L .1. I.ovi'j's it'Biilar eauliMIlllMVill llCl',111 nt lOo'i'locl. to HlllllUWmoiiiiiig.

Tin: ailjoiiinril nirctiug of lliolit it icli (Mult will he ludil nl the Clnl.loom, :il niio o'clock uflcinoon.

Mi:. I). 11. Hitchcock, jr., will li.ivcii volcano oil painting on i'v, witlilijhtri niiiiiined in n'l it oil' piopi'ily,at Mr. TIuiuii'h hook-lo- if


Tin: ndjouined uniiunl iucctiti; ofllio Hawaiian Mint-io- Cliildicn's So-

ciety will he hold lo'iuoriow Hie (Vnlial Union I'luucli, ut7 ::i() nVlock.

Tin: 'otni-nnnu- nice inj; ol llioBoiinl of TiustciM of thu QlieeiTHlloi-pitti- l will hn In-Il- l

iiioining nt HI o'clock, in I lie loom ofthe Clumber of Commerce,

A ni:w teleplione has been broughtout in England which is said 'not toitifiiiigo upon any existing patentIt is of tlm simpln cotisli iictiou,consisting of an olec.liii-uiague- l midcelluloid diaphiiigm.

Tin: Tramways Co intend closingtlieit town llice at tho end of thopiesent month, nflr v.iiicli tho busi-

ness will be rallied on fiom the ti

depot on Ileiot.iuia slreel.Tlie piomios on King street nic

to let.

even i ft Till!? PVPUIHn

Meeting' .Mvillo Until Club, at7 :30.

Hawaiian Council, A. I., of H.,ul7:a0.

Fauilie Dcgiee I.O(l':o. No. 1 1). ofR., at 7 :!)().

Services nt St. Amliew'fs Cathe-dral, nt 7.

Meeting Slonkhrihlois IhiwniianBaseball Aasocfation, at Mclnernyhall, ut 7 :.')().

Combined hand concert, alHotel,' tit 7 :!!().


ticroiti: .iriui, c. ,t.

Tni"K-ii- v, June,Hawaiian (ioveiiuncrit i. A. J.

Curtwriglit, trustee, et id. Hill torecover S7782, paid for a mortgageon Honolulu Hale. Continued fromApril 8, KS'.K). Argued and decis-ion reserved. P. Xeumann and C,L. Carter for plnintiff ; V. M. Hatchanil Cecil Brown for defendant.

in roiti: noi.r., .i.

FitniAV, June 1.".

Bishop A. Co. vs. J). Dayton (as-signee of Mauoel de (loiioria) et al.Bill for foreclosure of mortgages.Partly heard and continued to

at 10 a. m. K. M. Hatchfor plaintiffs; W. A. Whiling forI). Dayton and K. Hutchinson.


Programme of concert by theband of the U. S. F. S. Charlestonand tho Uoynl Hawaiian band, atthe Hawaiian Hotel, beginning at7:30 o'clock, thin evening, .luneliltli, lfl'JO:

:.(a) Hawaiian Baud

M.u eh Tan nluiuser . Wagner.Selection Bohemian Uiil... ...BalMi

(h) Chnrlestnn Band.Oieittue Blval I'uteoClailonet Solo Air Vaile .. Brep.nit

l'.ilaina. 1'ill Aouo. .Mal.uiM.

I'Aiir ii.Combined BatiiN.

Overture Queen of Spiidcs SuppeSelection Xalnieoo VerdiWaltz Lit Oltana liuealoi-s- i

Medley Black Bilgade BeyerStar Spiiugled Banner.

Hawaii I'onnl.


"The City of San Francisco and aglimpse at California" is the title ofa Sau Francisco publication. Thebook is excellently gotten up inevery respect, anil is partictuaiiyuseful fur refcteuce to all who havecommercial dealings with San Fran-cisco. An epitomised history andother useful particulars are given ofall the important corporations andthe leading business linns. Thebook is ptofiiscly illustrated by cutsof prominent buildings and portraitsof distinguished men. It is the in-

tention to get up a similar work forHonolulu and the Hawaiian Inlands,provided stiflluient inducement boatforded tho projectors. Two gen-tlemen Major II. C. Slinson andCol. It. M. Thompson ate nowhere for that purpose. Those gen-tlemen have recently at rived, andwill in a short time lest the Honolulupulse in relation lo the project. Itis to bo hoped that ''The City ofHonolulu and a glimpse ut the Ha-

waiian Islands" will bu Hie llnal re-


THE BEST PAPER lo SlllisrlltioJL lor It the ' Dully liiillKtlu," M

enilu pur in on Hi,



be, Tt i.mi.u, June 10.

(Coinl'ttbiit.) ofI'l.rtTION'S.

The lollowing petitions weir pie-scnt-

by the inemben tunned:Hep. Blown from W Chinese

rdidriils of Honolulu, that Hie laws a

lelalinti to Cliitieiu imuiigialloube icpealed or amended. Kioto ',',6

taxpayers of Hnna, that Governmentemployees be allowed to addiesspublic ineelings; that no secturianteaching be allowed in Governmentschools. Fiom the same, that la

mid Hitelo be put. in Maka-wa- o

election district, that the payof all school teaehcis lie regulatedby their ceitilicales, that lailwaysbe allowed lo inf.s over land1 onpayment of damages. From ,'I'J

taxpayeisof Hnna, that Hie rightsand privileges granted under Hienew Constitution lie saciedly gunttl-c- d

in the inlet oils of the people,that His Majesty's Ministers healone held responsible for errors inGnrrninenl, that the present Min-

isters bu lelnined in ollice unlessguilty of miucouducl, thai internalimprovements be prosecuted withall despatch. Fiom the same, thatininiiyi alien be allowed from allparts of the wot Id under properrestrictions, that nil school teachersshall pay pcii.oual taxe, that allcliililien over H! eais of age be

from attending school, thatthe Government pound be removedto Wananaliia. From !I7 residents-o- r

liana, that $ 10.000 bo appro-p- iiatcd for roads and biidges for

that disliict, that the icsident Gov-

ernment physician's pi' be in-

creased to Si 500; that $100 a monthbe paid to the District Judge, and$100 to the Sheriff, and lhat the payof the police lie 840 a mouth, andmad carriers $10 a mouth. FromI5f lesidents of liana, that, a liquorlicense bu retained for each electiondistiict, thai an opium license beauthorized and pul up at auction.From IS lesidents of Honolulu, thatGovernment water be laid on Sea- -

view estate.Hep. A. S. Wilcox from Hann-le- i,

for $--00 to repair load over the

pah.Uep. Lucas from It native police

of Honolulu, for advance of salaiies.He believed the pay of police, es-

pecially native, had not been halfenough. He wanted it lefened

who would attend to it,and moved it go to jut'iciary com-

mittee.Hop. Kickard had a similar peti-

tion but not icady to present. Thereshould be an increase in the pay ofthe constabulary all over tho islands.

Hefcrred to judicial y committeeafter debate.

Hop. Kahookaito from Poilu-gues- e

contract laborers in Kohala,asking that the laws relating to theBureau of Iinmigialion In: repealed,lie promised a bill on thu subject.Also, from others, tliatSloOO bo ap-

propriated to assist the independentCatholic school iu Kohala.

Hep. Kanealii from residents ofKau, that the election of Hep. Apikibu voided for various reasons.

Hep. Ciinimings from Honolulu,that a road bo opened from Waika-lialul- ii

biidge, and $ft000 appropriated for the purpose.

Noble Widetnanii objected to theAppiopriation Bill being burdenedin advance.

Noble Pua from Honolulu, thatKckaulike street be continued toBerelania street, and an appiopria-lio- n

bu made for it.Hep. Kamai that an Fnglish

school be established at Makapala ;

that the laws authorizing vaccinationbu repealed, that attorneys be pro-

hibited fiom charging more than .'j

for light cases and not leas than &o0

for serious crimes. From llilo, thatthe Masters and Servants Act lierepealed, that the lady Governmentphysician at Hilo he dismissed and aJapanese doctor employed iu herplace.

Hep; Xawahi from II No, thatbarbed wire fences be prohibited.He promised a bill on the subject.

Ki'.roitTS or cou.mitti:i:s.Ncrble McCarthy, on behalf of a

standing committee, asked when llioreport of Hie Minister of Interior,promised iu a few days at the first ofthe session, would be ready.

Minister Thurston said if it wasannoying to members of the Houseto be without that report, it was ex-

asperating lo himself. He was pro-

mised some copies that afternoon,but had no doubt they would be hereday alter

Hep. Kalua presented thc reportof the judiciary committee on NobleBaldwin's bill relating to foreclosureand sale of mortgages. Committeefound that object of bill was lo re-

duce expense? to mortgagors andthat it was iu accordance w till a de-

cision of the Supreme Court; there-fore recommended it pns to engross-ment. Adopted, bill to be read athiid time Thursday. Tho samecouimitlee reported a similar recom-mendation of the Attorney-General'- s

bill lo transfer care and custody ofprisoners to his Department tiomthat of the Jntui ior.

Hep. Brown noticed Mm Attorney-Genera- l

was absent. Was this aCabinet measure 'r

Minister Thurston said it was.During Hie past three years thubusiness of the Iuteiior Departmenthad so gteatly increased that it waspurposed to distribute some of thewnr; aiuong oilier

Minister Damon gave furtherelucidation of the Goveinuient'H po-

licy in tliis roipect.Hep. Nuwahi cautioned the House

against hastily passing bills.Noble Wiileinann moved the billmade a opccinl order Ibis day

week. He noticed lhat the MinisterIntel lor had time to attend to

outside work. He had some mis-

givings about giving mote wotk lolliii Attorney-Gener- al in view ofhistotical facts. Although (here was

Deputy, which was equal to hav-

ing two Allorneys-Gcneia- l, HiehiiMiii'hs of the Dcpailinent had beenbehindhand.

Minister Thurston said the billwas purely iu tin; public interest. Itconveyed no per-on- al bi'iiellt loeither' the Allornev-Gciiera- l or him-

self.Noble Wiileniatni disclaimed any

intention of insinuating thai theMinister of Interior had not enoughwork to do. lie wilhdunv his mo-

tion.Hcpoit adopted, hill lo be read a

third time Thursday.Hep. I.ueas, pi luting committee,

reported a bill printed.Uep. Brown moved the House

adjoin u till 10 o'clock Thursdaymorning, being a publichnlidav. Seveial tueuibeis secondedthe motion.

The President asked that themotion hold over till Hie Secretaryread two communications.

The Secretin v rend an invitationfrom the Hawaiian .Jockey Club,signed C. C). Beige'1, secretary, asking the members lo attend the lucesat Kapiolani paik AUoan invitation from Hie Honolulu FireDepaituicnl, siijned Heiuy Smith,secretary, asking them to attend aball

The House adjourned at 12:20till 10 o'clock Thursday morning.


Tui'iisDW, June 12.

Hep. Kauhi agreed with NobleBaldwin that this'was not llio propertime for discussing the bill. Theintroducer had staled that it wasn'this piivate measure, and, althoughthe speaker wa opposed to the bill,he believed it ought to take theusual course.

Hep. Hosa opposed the motion toreject, lie believed tills bill camefrom the Judges of the SupiemeCourt. He knew fiom his own ex-

perience as an attorney and Attorney-Genera- l

that the change was desira-ble. The business was never de-

spatched satisfactorily at Lahainn.A great many cases wete nolle pros'dthere. Appeal cases originating atl.ahaina were rare. Most of theterm business in fact came fromMakawao, llamakuapoko, and Wai-luk- u

proper.Noble Baldwin said as Hep. Hosa

had expressed the opinion Hint thebill emanated from the SupremeCourt, lie would say that such wasthe fact allhoimh he doubted thepropriety of saying so at first. Heconsidered that out of deference tothe Supreme Court the bill shouldbe allowed to go to its second road-in- g.

Hep. Ho3a said lie only supposedthe fact because the Judges had al-

ways advocated (he change.Noble Widcmaim coi reeled the

statement that the measure had beenbefore the House four sessions, hewas sure it had been befoie theLegislature lor eight sessions. Itwas always defeated by the strongpersonal Inlluence of the formermember for Lahainn, thu late Mr.Aiiolo, who had staved off Hie in-

evitable. The change was bound locome as certainly as anything in thebook of fate. It was for the grealestgood of the greatest number.

Noblo J. M. Horner wanted toknow whether this thing could notbe done more easily. What righthad u few members of this House to'

say where the people of Maui shouldhold their courts? They might passan enabling act, as is done in Amer-ica sometimes, to permit the peopleol Maui to decide this matter lorthemselves. A similar course withregard lo other purely local ques-tions on different islaudu might ad-

vantageously be followed.Hep. Kalua said the principal

leasoii given by the introducer wasthat the population of Laliaiua hadbecome diminished. Wainiea onHawaii had only a small population,but it was central lo populous sec-lion- s.

In Mm same way Laliaiuawas centrally situated and thereforeHie proper place for alternate termsof Court.

Hep. White fell ho ought to saysomething as tho representative ofLahainn. The mantle of Mr. Aiiolohad fallen on him and ho wouldoppose tiiis bill. He was aurpri-e- d

at tho lion. Noble, whose fatherused to live at Lnhaiuu, for btingingiu such a measure to deprive thatplace of one of its few lemainingprivileges. When the new road heintended lo get from this LegUlaturewas built, Mr. Baldwin and hisfriends could drive over to Laliaiuai u comfort. It was a moic health-ful place than Wniluku and Mm

breakwater kept sharks away frombathers. He repeated thu argumentabout loss iu public properly fromthu change. If of the offencesare committed on the other side,Miern would bu a great advantage ingetting impatlial Juries at Laliaiuato try them. The lion. Noblo fiomLahiilna, W. Y. Horner, had toldhim lie would vote with tho majorityof the House on the subject. Therewould bu a petition from the Districtiu a few days, signed by over 501)

iiuijviw wlii were opposed lo thu

! ' W' ". .'- -i ' . 1W f9h V ' r?4JriV J

0 'i

bill. He moved the previous ques-- I

Ion. Can ied. I lc also moved thatthe aye and noes be called whichcan ied.

Noble Baldwin wished lo remindMm House thai llic question was nutso milch on whether the bill shouldbe rejected as on whether il shouldtake its u'gtilar course. Time wasneed of more infoimatioii on thosubject befoie a final decision.

The luoliou to reject the bill waslost on the. following division:

Ayes Minister Aslifoul, Nobles ofCummins, Mnct.trlano, Muller, Pua,MoCiuthy, Crabbe, "Knnoa; Heps.Cutuniings, Mniques, Luca, It. W.Wilcox, Bush, Kauhi, Nawahi,Baker, Kahookano, Waipuilanf, Pue-liaol- e, lo

White, Kanealii, Kalua, Ka-

mai. 2il.Noes Ministers Austin, Damon,

Thurston ; Nobles vVidonuuin, Phil-

lips. Kaiihaue, J. M. Horner, Hind,Burchardt, Parker, Marsden, Bald-win. W. Y. Horner, Coinwcll, Wul-biidu- e,

Aiideisoii, VonTcmpsky, G.X. Wilcox, Isenberg; Heps. Hosa, inA. Horner, Hickatd, Apiki, Hal.-stea- d.

KutiiUcii, like, Wilcox. 27.Hep. Uuh read a first time Ills of

bill to amend the Masters and Ser-

vants' Act. It provides among oilierthings that no contract laborer canbe arrested fot desertion.

Hep. Kapaeliaole read a first timehis bill to define the duties of kokuasal the leper settlement.

Noble. Marques moved a resolutionthat SloOO be appropiialed as asubsidy to the Kapiolani MaternityHome. Ituforred lo finance com-

mittee. aSecretary read an invitation from

the Secretary of the Board of LadyManagers of the Kapiolani Mater-nity Home, inviting the Legislatureto attend Hie public opening of Hieinstitution Satin day.

Minister Thurston presented theicpoil of Mie Interior Departmentin ICnglish. The native version wasnot quite icady. lie nl-.- i piusonteda supplementary report on a pro-

posed system of seveiage tor Hono-

lulu.Noble Cornwell read a firt time

his bill to proiide for quieting oftitles lo real estate and intcicsls iureal properly.

Hep. Kahookano moved lhat,whereas it appears by the majorityreport of the committee on foreignaffairs that certain letters and docu-meti- ls

relating to the proposed treatyhave been withheld from that com-

mittee by the Minister ol ForeignAffairs, and wiiereas it is importantthat all documents relating to thematter should be laid before theHouse; therefore resolved lhat HisExcellency the Minister of FoieignAffairs be requested to lay suchletters and documents before thisAssembly immediately after thepassage of this Hemoved that tho House adjourn till2 :U0 o'clock, and that this resolutionbe the oider of business.

Hep. Hire niovrd the House ad-

journ.The House adjourned nt 12:."i!t to

10 o'clock moiniug.

SF.VKNTF.KNTH DAY., Juno V.The Legislature opened at 10


Noble Baldwin read his minorityreport as a member of the commit-tee on foreign relations. His infer-ences from Hie mnlciial befoie thecommittee were dijfercut from thoseof the majority. The resolutions,etc., wore cited and the majoritywere charged with indue haste hipresenting their repot t. The com-

mittee did not have the shorthandreport of interviews with the Minis-ters before them, although theycould have had it very soon. Themajority report bore evidence of be-

ing a strong partisan document, ofwhich the haste iu ptescnting it, thechairman having said lie sat up allnight to write it, was evidence. Thetcason of Mm Minister of ForeignAffairs for withholding cuitalu let-

ters was that they contained confi-

dential infoimatioii on tho interna-tional relations of several Powers,cuiucd iu his diplomatic, capacity byMinister Carter at WashingtonTheMinister of Foreign Affairs wasready to show the majority all thedocuments shown to the minority.The report mentions Mr. Carter'sarrival al Honolulu iu June, 188'J,aud the subsequent discussion be-

tween him and the Cabinet of treatyextension. The text of the draft istpiotcd in full. Mr. Carter submit-ted lo the Cabinet the question otinserting clauses giving special terri-torial advantages lo Mie FulledStates in Hawaii. At the request ofMie Ministers Mr. Carter drew uptho "troops landing" clause audadditions to Article I. The Ministers at once said they would neveragree to these piop'osillotiH. Fivecopies of the draft were niado onthe typo wtitor. Messrs. Austin,Damon and Thttistou at once diuwtheir pencils through thu objection-able passages, aud Mr. Baldwin hadseen those original copies, with thuMarks, beating the ajipearanco ofbeing genuine. When, in the ab-

sence of Mr. Ashfoid, the otherMinisters pic&culcd tho tieaty pro-

ject lo Hie King, he refusedto sign it, saying il was not thetreaty previously submitted to him,il had bceu hashed up by pattiesoutside. After Mr. Ashfotd's re-

turn the Cabinet again look up thetreaty matter, It was opposed byMr. Ashford as ptevtously seveialtimes stated to the House, The

declined to agree toit even when il was made a purely

I commercial treaty. Mr. Utiltlwin

viva that after careful examinationof the testimony before the commit-

tee, ho falls to find with the majority"that a certain duplicity lias neverbeen absent fiom the ttcaly negotia-tions." They had the word of thethree Mlnisteis that Mm objection-able passages in tho draft were notintroduced until the treaty had beensome time before the Cabinet, andthat they were Immediately rejectedby the Ministers. The minoritydiscttises the "peipelual" objection

the majority , showing that,is a feature of tho treaties

made with all countiies by Hawaiifor the past sixty years. He doesnot charge the majority with inlent

wilfully misrepresent llio facts,but holds that they exhibit grossignorance in their repoil. The Min-

istry are not iu favor of annexationand there is nothing iu llieir treatyproposals tending to annexation.There is at present no guarantee ofour independence from any of thegreat Powers. Hawaii lias no pint

tho agreement between GreatBritain and France, which i not aguarantee but simply a recognition

Hawaiian independence. Mr.Baldwin makes an elaborate statis-tical argument in favor of a con-

tinuance of our treaty iclntions withthu United States. The differencebetween tho present American tariffand the McKinley proposals Is shown,proving lhat Hawaii would havemany aih ant ages under lecipiocityfor products other than su-ja- r evenif the tariff be changed. It is un-

likely that tho United Slates w!U forlong period abandon protection,

and, she being Hawaii' natural com-

mercial ally, it would be wise forHawaii to leave nothing undone tofceure the largest possiblo measureof free trade with that great coun-try. Thu King had never bceuasked by the Cabinet to sign atreaty, although the Executive haspower to negotiate treaties. HisMajesty had only been asked losign a commission to the HawaiianMinister at 'Washington, authoiizinghim to negotiate an enlarged Heatyof reciprocity with tho L tilledStates.

Minister Ashford moved the Houselake recess, till 1 :.'!().

Hep. Hickard moved iu amend-ment that the reprnt just read lietranslated and printed with the otherdocuments.

Minister Ashford had never hearda motion for leeess amended in sucha way.

Noble. Baldwin called attention tothe doubt raised in his report as tothe propriety of publishing confiden-tial remarks of foreign repieseula-live- s

at Washington.Hep. Kalua said that the lettcis

wore public property uud the Househad a right to them.

Noble Baldwin said ho simplyfew passages lepotting

what the British, Minister and otheidiplomats had said at Washington.

The amendment carried.On motiou of Minister Ashford

the House at 12: LI look recess tillJ .If) o'clock.

Hawaiian Baseball Association.

I MBLTIXfJ of tho stockholder of--TV. the Hawaiian JI.'iMOmll

will be held THIS (Friday) F.VF..V-1X(- I.

at 7:30 o'clock, at the Alinorv ofCo. 1!., Mi'lneniv Block.

.1.11. FISH Bit.Ii"!' It Seeieluii.


rpiIK regular monthly meeting of theX Mvrtle Boat Club will be held

THIS (Friday) BVKNIXO, al 7::;uo'clock Imi p. at the Club hou-- e. Allmembers aie requested to be present asbuslufcss ol Importance will come beforothu meeting. (J. Iv. WILDKIt,fi; It hicietiiiy.


fTMlE M'lut-aiinn- nl meeting of tin-J-

Board of Trustees of llio Queen',.Hospital will be held at. the room ofthe Chamber of Coiuiiicicu. on SATITK-DA-

Juno II tit, at 10 o'clock A. it.ICIcctlon of oillcd-- uud physicians ofthu . Pel order.

I'. A.SCHAKFF.B..170 it Secietury.


rpiIK adjourned meeting to take intoJL eou'lderiilion the irpoit of theBuilding Committee, will be iietu onllio Chili pieniUesat 1 o'clock 1. M., onSATUBDAY, the 1 tth Inst. A full

Is delred as liiisinei'S of Im-

portance will be illFeutoi'il,CODFBBY BltOWX.

Seeietary.June Itlth. fi77 Jit

Llorsus & Mules For Stile.

. rpiIB following delr.iblo aul-- J.

aft luaUwII bendd at a bar- -lT-l- imIii. to wiu It Finn YotuiK

Hoist's, v oiing Mules, sued iiv tin;Kentucky Jaek "Ithieher," II BloodMiner, expected shortly to have .Mulefinds. Apply to

ALFBBDMACOOX.570 tf. II! Meicbant s n ct. Honolulu.


HA VINO bought cut Mi. W. II.l'.iui Iu thu "Honolulu Curiiitc

MiiiiufaciTiiy," m Ivw Fort rirect, Iainprepared to continue the above bii:ini7Sunder tha old mime nf Honolulu C'ir.rlng.c Maiiulaoioiy, and being nn oldexpeiiunced cnirhige biillib r J solicitthu patronage of my old friends aud tinsnubile iu general, iiud with my thoroughKnowledge, of thu Ijushicsb mid with o.nerltnccd woikiiii'ii mid u.luy only thobest inuirrlnl I guarantee general satis-factio-

I'lcate cull and seu me buforugoiug elsewhere.

iSlgnid): OlDKOX WEST.Honolulu. )ri. ViB, iss'i. fiftl tf

THE ONLY PAPER, raid by a'li. cluhHCR--- Tlio Daily Uullallu." CO

cents per mouth.

Auction Salts by James F. Morgan.


III order of Oodfrcy Brown. '.((..Hxrontorof the Btnto of the late (loo.F. 11 ohm1- -, deceased, I will 'ell at Pub-lic Auction, ar my Salen-oom- . liutenmeet,On SATUIiVy, .Juno 14,


The following

10. .A-- K. JE3 fiS

Belonging j said IM.ite :

10 Share of the Hawaiian MercantileCo.. par value $100 uiek.

JJOShtiios of tho Kohnhi TelephoneCo., par value SslO each.

; Shares of the Kapiolani P.irk Ao-eltitlo- n.

par value 550 each.

.J Share? of thu Kohala Club, par value$50 each.

t Piomissorv .Vote of the ICohul Clubfor ."lib and Interest.

Tr.lllIM !AHI1.

,TYS. F. MOKUAN,ii it Auctioneer.


TtaBiM Stock

I have reeclscd lii'tructlon- - fiom Mu..1. F. to sell at

Public Auction.

On WEDNESDAY, Juno 16th,


Al 'tahles al re:ir of the oillee of .1. LImirtclt, M.. (Jueen "tient, the

following valuable

FtflAKES& COLTS1st. The Thompson Mare Kilty,

lu Foal to Venture.

ThK Mare win formerly the property ofAinii'.a Piatt. U.. and i? one ofthe tliie-- t driving Mans In th.emm try.

2d. The Belmont Mare Nelly,

With I Mouth Old Colt by Venture.

Xelly is broken to hurne.-s- , U a splen-did animal, kind uud gentle, andcan be di hen by a l.uly with perfect rarely.

3d, 1 Itaell ColtI

Nearly 3 Years Old.

Bus Ici'a handled, and l a line ani- -mal.

i TiinnhAn iaItfiu i ivauiiuc uuii.

11 Month-Ol- d.

Oth. 1 Venture Colt,

a Years Old.

Broken to liarnes-- . The finest Co! tover offered at auction.

The Auctioneer calls apcolal atten-tion to this of valuable Stock,being the llnert and moHt serviceablelot of Stock offeied at auction. Thr1 in .es can be seen at the.Mr. J. F. Bowler, King rtieot.

gy Tor further p.utleular.s apply to

JAS. F. AlOllGAN,i'7.ri td Auctioneer.



Bull.ft nm Woodlawn DairyMock; color black aiiftwhile: ery tamo: raNcd

on tope. Inquire ofI.AWBF.XOKTIMAS,

.'.7.1 lw AtMakikl Waterworks.

FOJl SALE1 O VOLPMKSTJiH'yclopicillalirltuti-- J,j iiieti. Morocco bound, in goodcondition, never used. Apply ut UiUotllee. 57a t!


ACOMPLBTi: outllt for making andcarbonated bevei.urci.

mi in gum: outer AddressC. MELN'EOKE,

531 :lm Waiohlnu, Hawaii.


&A COTTAOB for two geu- -

sleeping rooms and i parlor,near the yeii-hoi- Apply at Ilri.i.r.TiKOtUco. S77 yt


XICBLY FurnishedAi&AA Front ltooin, at Xo. I

Adams Lane. .70 lw

TO LET or LEASErMIBBesideni'o of Mrs. a.JL Long, In Pauoa Valley.

Apply toIJ.Vl IU llilllOA,

ttl King ft., over.L Noll's stie.fi71 tf


rpiTAT lo PremisesJL on Fort rtrcct, in ll:e

"Melnerny Block, ' reeentlvoccupied by J. X. S. Williams, suitablefor ollice or fctoie, For Informationapply to oilier Luton Iron Woiks, Es-planade, or toC5'.l I iu .1. N.S.WILLIAMS.

YOUNG 3V.AJP,Ccracr King & Bellel Htretu,

llns just imported roine ucivntyla

Manila & Havana Cigara,ClRaictte & Cholao TobAcoov,

V'V sale, AUi, Cold Dtltiks. 577 2iv


tt&StiLu. t. ..v ... .

. i.. ..jhV. ,.,



Page 4: AW PIIM - University of Hawaii1. rroi'es9lonal8. MONSARRAT, Attorney at Lav & Notary 1'ublic 11!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. If J ALFRED MA'OOON, Attorney at Law As Notary l'ublic




XKwlsoomTi SEW ( !


Dry Fancy GoodsWhich are now opened out for inspection.

Choice Selection of French Sateenes I

Fast Colors, about 150 Pieces at 25 cents a yard j

SCOTCH ZEPHYRS, the Latest Novelties;A New Line of TOYAL HATISTE;

PERSIAN MULLS, in the Lutes-- Designs;

Jolnen LtiwnN : jJincn Xu-vii- !

wish lo call the attention thnt I have this season imported the Finest anilHeat Selected Stock of

W H ITEOf Every Description. ISO pes

1,800 Pieces of HiMiriK in Bona from llm EastAn Imnicnw; Assoitmcnt.

SJST Ladies in want of Embroidoiies can save '.10 per cent on everypurchase.

S. EHELICH,Feb l-- Corner Hotel & Fort Struts.



Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,Gent


XT'iiriii&liiiig IoocJn, Arc, &:c,All will be told at Rcn&onnblu Fiiccs.

SOOT" Our Diemukiiig Department underCLAKK will bo about May 12lli.


A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,

Hosiciy, Satines,



Iwlct Glovtft 5 lo SO JSuttons,Scotch Ginghams, latest patterns; Woolen Dress Goods,


Boys', Youths' S Children's Clothing. Trunks, Bags & Valises,

CASTLE & COOKE,ijxxoixssy.

topping & Commission Merchants,




Kitelien Uleniril?, Taints, Oils,


-:- -


ej- -



Mutual 3 30 K3a

j"Ibland to,





to select fiom. I have bought

the management of MISS

is CJLJ '3U1 XOH.

Vauiishee, Lamp Goods and

Sewing Machines,

Lemon, Cream & Plain Soda.oiijji:.- -

- o sr Boll Telephone 298


Rarloy,..Wheat and Flour.

Gate & Salinas- - ELOUllo- -

Cbr, Edinburgh & Quoon Sts.


-- lIKAl.nilB

Builders' and Geneial Hardware, Agricultural Implemeuts,

OurpuntPifr', lllucksmitliF', Machinists' Pltimbeih' Tools,


General WCeiclsanIi(Sc.

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Glbbs, & Remington

Dr. Jape & Sons Family Medicines.

Jan-a-0- 0

ninwaiii iranrii ii mt m in rw nywMiwMyajwi3MuoMnonB'MWMiifWMitwwi

CRYSTAL SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GRACE, : : Proprietor.



Gingci Ale, Sarsaparilla,ALSO

-C- 'JlA.BIX'AC.-TS'Ji:


Telephone -

. orde.rb promptly attended


Ciiliiorniti Hay, Oats, IJruii,Oil Calco Meal, Linseed Meal,

Hurley, Rolled Uarloy,Middling Ground

FLO Alia, Gold on

ToloplioneB, 175.




'n Tm'


II wmmwi

The Tariff OutlookMore Favorable.

frf?MoaN l'oi l'luiiLci'S

TlirM:icnr Trunt Jnlillnnt Over l'rrcHuzmv'l'he Itcnuou Why.

Correspondence of the IIl'M.ktik.

San Fuancisco, May 1)1.

Judge Ingraliam of New York hasvacated the lid pendens against theSugar Ti ust property, and thu in-

junction against paying dividends.This frees thu Trust from nil litiga-tion except that against thu NorthRiver Sugar Refining Companywhich, as a test case, is before theCourt of Appeals, just as the Am-

erican rclincry ease is before theSupreme Court of California for finaladjudication.

The Examiner of the 27th con-

tained the following item :

oitoskd to fih:u slt.aii.P. C. Jones, a prominent sugar

planter nml capitalist of Honolulu,arrived in this city on Sunday fromthe East and will return to the isl-

and kingdom on the next steamer.Mr. Jones, who, up to the lime

of the transfer of the American He-fine-

Company to the sugar trust,was one of the heaviest holders ofthe stock of that company, willspend his time while in thin city inlooking over the situation of thelocal sugar market, with tho view ofseeing what can be done in the eventof the suit against the American lie-fine- ry

Company being decidedto the trust by the State Su-

preme Court.Mr. Jones had but little lo say ton

reporter on the sugar taiiff questionnow before Congress other than thathe, in common with all the Hawaiiansugar plahlers, is strongly opposedto free sugar.

Just what comfort Mr. Jones hasbeen able to take, by looking overthe local situation of the sugar mar-ket, it is not possible to say, but inview of pending Congressional legis-lation it can hardly have been verycheering. Indeed there is a greatdeal in it well calculated to discour-age a repetition of the policy whichresulted in the AmcricaH ltcflucryfiasco and the absorption of the Inl-

ands sugar interests by the Ameri-can Sugar Trust. A reversal ofthat policy would seem to be bestfor all interests involved in the pro-duction and exportation of sugarfrom Hawaiian ports. The American Hennery remains closed, and allsigns point to the sustaining ofJudge Wallace' 3 decision by theSupreme Court. As this would beso clearly in the line of public po-

licy as well as in accordance withweil established principles of law,any oilier result is not seriously an-

ticipated by lawyers.One thing Mr. Jones must have

discoTcred in his scrutiny of thelocal sugar situation, and that is thevery great injury that has beendone to Hawaiian interests in gen-eral by the hostile action of Con-

gress. Hawaiian sugar stock in thegross, as an investment, has got a"black eye" which will disfigure itfor quite n while no matter how theTariff bill goes. If Hawaiian in-

terests had been united mid intelli-gently directed the result mighthave been different, but instead ofunion a persistent attempt to pulldown and weaken was made. TheAmerican Itefincry Company wasorganized to that end, and to makeassurance doubly sure the promotersof that enterprise sUuck hands withthe Sugar Trust, a combinationformed for unlawful and dishonestpurposes according to the charac-terization of the Court s of NewYoik and San Francisco, lint thecombination did not woik well. Thecharter of the American Sugar Itc-finc- r'

Company has been declaredforfeited, tho refinery has beenclosed, and despite stacks of falsetestimony and attempted evasionsof law it will remain closed In nilprobability until brought to thehammer. If Mr. Jones in his re-

view of the local sugar situation willhonestly credit so much of the at-

tack upon the Hawaiian Treaty byCongress, through the Tariff, anrightly belongs to the American Su-

gar Itefincry movement and Trus.1paitnership, he may be able to giveprudent advice as to future action.No one can possibly forecast thefuture of the sugar industry on tillsCoast, or for that matter in thoUnited Slates: but it appears to beonly reasonable to expect that what-ever changes may take place thuIslands' planters will keep them-selves free from further compromis-ing alliances. Enough harm hasbeen already done to Hawaiian en-

terprise and investments lo sullleofur a' generation at least.

A strong fight is being made forcontrol of the Trust, a combinationhaving been formed against tiieHavemeyer faction. This has led tokeen competition for certificateswhich arc to bo voted at the forth-coming annual meeting. It is an-

nounced that the usual 2 percentdividend will be declared in June,and this lias had the effect of hard-ening tho prices. The Wall streetDaily News of May 22d has thu fol-

lowing editorial note on the certifi-cate manipulation of the Sugar Ti ustwhich is well worth thoughtful con-

sideration on the Islands, It says ;

"The insiders continue to be verybullish and arc much elatedat tho passage by the Housoof llcprcscutativcs, late yesterdayafternoon, of tho Tariff Hill, whichthey claim will be highly beneficialto the Trust. The Trustees met onJune 10th. They will set nday for the annual election, whichwill take place in the near future,and at which, no doubt, there willbe a hot fight for the control."

Tho point in tho foregoing is thatthe Sugar Trust openly advocates


free sugar, despito its absorption ofthe American refinery and Hawaiiansugar contracts. Free sugar meansa saving of $40 per ton on the Trustpurchases of Hawaiian sugar, or say83,000,000 on the year's crop. Ithas been known nil along that Have-meyer was using the Trust inlluencein Congress to abolish the sugarduty for the purposo of cinchingthe island planters and lowering theprice of raws at New Yoik. IfClans Sprcckels had not stood in thegap and prevented the consumma-tion of its plans (he Sugar Trustwould have had the island planterswholly in its mercy, and what thatwould have been may be inferredfrom the foregoing. The planterswould have been compelled to nc- -'

ccpt whatever terms the Trust offer-ed them, because there would havebeen no competing refineries lo bal-

ance prices and check monopoly.The Trust, to which thoy had liedthemselves, would have absorbedall the profits on their enterpriseand capital, and they would havebeen unable to free themselvesfrom its malign inlluence. It isabout time these conditions werechanged, in other words, "that theHawaiian sugar planters emancipat-ed themselves from tho control oftho Havcmeyer-Searlc- Sugar Trustmonopoly, and stood as free men."

Mr. Carter, Hawaiian Minister atWashington, makes strenuous denialof the truth of the report telegraph-ed from Mare Island, to the effectthat liu had requested that thecruiser Charleston should be sent toHonolulu to prevent possible lioublcon the assembling of the llawaiittnLegislature. Nevertheless theCharleston sailed on the 2 1st forHonolulu, where she will doubtlessbe very welcome. She Hies theAdmiral's flag, and will show whatcan be done in the way of buildingfirst-cla- ss cruisers nt San Francisco.The Charleston will bear comparisonwith liiitish cruisers in Hawaiianwaters, and should be looked uponwith pride and satisfaction by allAmerican citizens. The Iroquois, aship of a very different class, is un-

der orders for Honolulu and Samoa,and should her machinery not breakdown, wind and water permittingshe will probably reach her destina-tion some time during the presentyear.

Great interest is being taken inthe islands as a point for tourists,and several large parties will visitHonolulu this season if you onlymanage to keep the pence and befree of quarantine.

In a railroad accident on thenarrow gauge road near Alameda,thirteen persons lost their lives.The local train coining to the citydashed on to the bridge across thecreek and the engine and two carsfell into the water as the draw wasopen. The danger signal was Hying,and time appears lo have been noexcuse for the engineer. Amongthe dead was II. W. Auld, of Hono-lulu, who had taken passage by theZeulandia for to-da- to return withhis sisters. Full details in 's

San Francisco papers.

New Zealand

Fresh Butter !


Is the Finest Table Hut tor Fold In theCity of Honolulu.

to in: had ok

Henry Davis & Co.570 tf


Manufacturer of IuIim'anil Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & KangarooSKIN sur.os maui: 10 OUDKll.

I'rccuil or Hetvi'il; iiIno, NaitiUt'N,33 Nuuium Bt., : : : 1 (). Hox 20H.

apl 7.0.1y

GOO KIM & CO.,No. rn Niuianu St., Honolulu,

MERCHANT TAILOJSS,And dealers in all klmU of

CiimmIiik-i'c- anil I'liruIMiIni; ooiIh.AIfo, a full stock of Dry and Fancy

flood-- . Good lit guitrantecil. 5l7:ii'u


MILS. MONROE, ladies' nurto, 1msto No. 8, Kukui lane.!

NOTICE.N account of III. health Dr. .1. M.

J 'hltiioy has unpointed )r. 10. L.HiilchhiMui to take chanri) of hW olllceuntil Ills return. 517 tf


MKS. OSnoitNK is now prepared toliisirueilons In Fancy Work

at "The Arlington," Itooiu U. ClassLessons: Mondays, Wednesdays andFridays. Private lessons by Hpeclalarrangement. Stumping ami orderspromptly attended to, fehl'J-l- y

i ' i i


The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are now selling their Ilonds, and upon easy terms. Tho additional fea-

ture of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal and progressive Company:


The Company is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

From the iVeio York Sun, April 4th, 1890.)

Tho Largest Business Ever Transacted by a Life Assur-ance Company.

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Socictj' of NewYork for the first quarter of the present year is rcpoitcd lo exceed FiftyMillion Dollaus. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of assur-unccf- or

the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

""Information cheerfully furnished to nivy who will write to or callupon the undersigned at his olllcc.

ALEX. J. CASRTWRSGHT,General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assuranco Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0

E. It. Hr.NimY, President it Manager. John, Vice-Preside- nt

GoDFnr.Y Huown, Secretary & Treasurer. Ciiun. Bisow.n, Auditor.


OpMO.Syreelu'J.V Hunk, : FortSdcot, SSoiioluhi.IMPOUTKKS and DEALERS IN

Gen'l Hardware, Oiassware, Crockery,Genuine Haviland China, plain and decorated; and Wcdgowood

Ware,, Library & Stand Lamps, Chandeliers it Eleetolier8,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds, A complete assortm't of Drills & Files,


The "aaello" Riding Plow it Equalizer,Hliiebcard Rico Plow, Planters' Steel it Oooscneeked Hoes,

LARD, CYLINDER, KEROSENE, LINSEFD,Paints, Varnishes it finishes, Manila A, Sisal Rope,


Ho8e, Hoses liose,RUHP.UR, WIRE-HOUN- of superior quality, it STEAM,

Agate Iron Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Table ,t Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot it (Japs, Tho Celebrated "Ulub" Machine-loade- d Cartridges,

Unit's Patent "Duplex" Die Stock for Pipo it Holt Threading,llurtiiinii'ri Steel Wire Fence it Sled Wire Miits,

Wm. G. Fi.shor's Wrought Steel Rangesdale City Stone Filters,

"Now Process" Twist Drills,iiov-29-8'- .) Neal's Carringo Paint.

JOHN" rliiiiiiiit Illoelf," IVon.



c msmtimmmmm

t4 im&ztsMaBM4M!GMmM. W- JKWr?


?mmm&E&3g8m3mmmftAjiKtBt'i,i4&irtJfFVTiTTBi:3.7H3CEKkfTi4rw.--fttti&M:jr.tfEEU.-..'- rTninMrTyi" W

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,



WW Sheet Iron Work..


Goal -- - Oil !



Mniuil'ncturcil r.xurcNHly Fur

T, H. DAVIES & GO,Cl!5lf


DURING my absence from theJ. Ilotlng, Esq,, holds my

power of attorney.E. S. CUNIIA.

Honolulu, May HI, ISUO, 51)0

r Jto UV Kinpr Slvcof.

iLJ m




Union fee Go.L. C. ABLKD, MannKOr.

Fori Street, : Honolulu.Aro now prepared to deliver Ice to any part

' or tho City,

Tho packing and ohlpincnl of countryorders wllli eeeive most careful atten-tion.

All of our feo ! manufactured fromPure Mountain Water, carefully lllteredby tho Hyatt Pino Water Co. Filter,which Is universally acknowledged tobe the best llller made.

Packages of Hiitter, Game, FMi,Meats, Etc., received for cold MoraleIn our Refrigerating Rooms at mode-rate rates.

K2 Ice for sale at the Factory al anvhour, day or night. ."ilj'J lih

Oceanic Stnsnii Goi'y.


'From San Franeicoo.

Leave Duo atS. F. Honolulu

Alameda Juno 118. .. . July fMariposa Fitly 2(i. . . . Aug 2Zealandin Aug 2!L . . . Aug .10Alameda Sept 20 Sept 27Mariposa Oct 18 Oct 25Zoalandin Nov 15 Nov 22Alameda Dec lit Dec 20

For San Francisoo.

Leave Due atSydney Honolulu

Mniipnr.a tunc 11 . .Juno 28Zonlandia July 9. . . .July 2(5

Alameda Aug 0. . ..Aug 2!tMariposa Sept !t. . . .Sept 20Zealandia Oct 1 Oct 18Alameda Oct 29 Nov 15Mutiposa Nov 2(1 . . . .Deo 111

Zealandia Dec 21.... Jan 10


Lcavo S. F. Lcavo Honolulu.Friday.. Juno 20 Friday... July 4

Friday . . July 18 Friday... Aug 1

Friday... Aug 15 Friday.., Auk 2!)

Friday . . Sept 12 Friday . . Sept 2(5

Friday. ..Oct 10 Friday.. . Oct 21Friday. ..Nov 7 Friday.. Nov 21Friday. ..Dec 5 Friday. . .Dec 18

AiiKli'iilH'J! Mail Service.

FOB SAN FKAKCISCO,Tho now and fine Al steel Ktcainship

" Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Compnuy, will

be duo at Honolulu lrom Sydneyand Auckland on or about

June 28, 1890.And will leave for the above port villimails and passcugcia on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, linving t5U.PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. G. IltWIN & CO., Agent?.

For Sydney and Auckland.

Tho new end Dno Al steel slcMCHlnp

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

be due at Honolulu from S.mFrancisco on or about

July 5, 1890.And will havo prompt dispatch withmails and pacsetiguia for the above ports.

For freight or passago, liavinir SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, ."applyto37 WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. AconU

Pitt & Scott's

JPni'ocJs 3ExprcsOliier Office, 23 C.mnon Btreot, London, England.

Packages booked to most pai ts. of theworld. Packages obtained fiom iiluoad.Through orders issued to destination.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Agents for Hawaiian Mauds, Old Oa-plt- ol

Uulkling. C5B 1 in

GEORGE GRAY,(Late of the Ci.Ptonn) . i

Regs leave to Inform the public, mer-chants and other.", that he In preparedto imdcrtako the collection of bills, ap-praiser work, and inaMiig Inventoriesof bankrupt and other Mocks. TvpoWriting done with neatness and dis-patch ami at moderatu rates.

SOT Olllcc at Sanders' Espies?, KInirhticet.

Bell Telephone-- 401: P. 0. Box 333.512 1m

Anderson &Lundy,

Xentists.Artificial Teeth from one to an entire

set inserted on gold, silver, allimiinnmand rubber bases. Crown and RrhlgoWork a specialty. To persons wcatinirrubber plates which are a constantsourco of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro.pliyloclic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed iu accordance with tho latestmprovemcuts iu dental science. Teeth

Extractqd without pam by tho ubo ofNitrous Oxido Gas.wCW;Ofllco at Old Treglonn RcsideneoHotel street. Fcb.20-S!- )

A NATURAL Mineral Water. Fortale only by

W.S.LUCE,hole Agent & Importer for the Ha-

waiian Islands. rysi tf


Has removed from Fort ctrcct to Ro.hollo Lane, I'alr.aa. '

Ofkicu Houits: 0 a. m. to 12 m. ardi. m. to 9 v. M.

Mutual C0naTELEPII0NES8ay Bell 47G410 tf

von SALE

17URKWOOD for sale at HawaiianSalesrooms, corner of

Quocu and Nuimiiu streets, 4C8 tf

f'ltiKiSi T ""-- - . 1 --it! .. '"' 4 s$f: It i UK''," u. 'WV

.- --
