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Avisha Project report 2003

Apr 09, 2018



Avisha Kathuria
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  • 8/7/2019 Avisha Project report 2003


    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    Perception of Customers Preferences towards investing in

    Mutual Fund and Share Trading is the topic head of the project report.In present scenario is not only confined to the selling of products,

    advertisement and sales promotio but it includesconsumersatisfaction as a

    whole. Marketing is a phenomenon which emphasizes in making new

    customers and keeping the relations with the existing customers.

    Financial products are those products which have valuesin monetary terms.

    The Financial products are intangible in nature that means the customer

    cannot even touch ,smell or feel it. In this manner, it becomes a challenge

    for the sales personnel in financial sector to convince the customer to investin it. The sales personnel can only guarantee for the benefit that the customer

    will get after a certain period of time span.

    The evaluation of financial planning has been increased through decades,

    which is best seen in customer rise. Now a days investment ofsaving has

    assumed great importance.

    According to the study of the Market,it is being observed that markets are

    doing well in investments like, Mutual funds, Shares, Life Insurance etc. In

    near future a proper financial planning is required to invest money in all typeof financial product because there is good potential in market to invest.The

    main objective of this project is to know the Perception of Customers

    Preferences towardsinvesting in Mutual Fund and Share Trading.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    Savings form an important part of the economy of any nation. With the

    savingsinvested in various options available to the people, the money acts asthe driver for growth of the country .Indian financial scene too presents a

    plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly not the best or deepest

    of markets in the world, it has reasonable options for an ordinary man to

    invest hissavings.

    The money you earn is partly s pent and the rest saved for meeting future

    expenses. Instead of keeping the savingsidle you may like to use savingsin

    order to get return on it in the future. Thisiscalled Investment.

    One needs to invest to and earn return on youridle resources and generate aspecified sum of money for a specific goal in life and make a provision for

    an uncertain future One of the important reasons why one needs to invest

    wisely is to meet the cost of Inflation.

    The cost of living issimply what it costs to buy the goods and services you

    need to live. Inflation causes money to lose value because it will not buy the

    same amount of a good orservice in the future asit does now or did in the

    past. The sooner one startsinvesting the better. By investing early you allow

    your investments more time to grow, whereby the concept ofcompoundingincreases your income, by accumulating the princi pal and the interest or

    dividend earned on it, year after year. The three golden rules

    for all investors are:

    Invest early

    Invest regularly

    Invest for long term and not short termThis project will also help to understand the investors facet before investing

    in any of the investment tools and thus to scrutinize the important aspects for

    the investors before investing that further helped in analyzing the relation

    between the features of the products and the investors requirements

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    The purpose of the study was to determine the saving behavior and

    investment preferences of customers. Customer perception will provide away to accurately measure how the customers think about the products and

    services provided by the company. Todays trying economicconditions have

    forced difficult decisions for companies. Most are making conservative

    decisions that reflect a survival mode in the business operations. During

    these difficult times, understanding what customers on an ongoing basis.

    More than ever management needs ongoing feedback from the customers,

    partners and employeesin order to continue to innovate and grow. The main

    objective of the project is to find out the needs of current and future

    customers. For this report,customer perception and awareness level will be

    measured in many important areas like:

    y To understand all about different investment avenues available inIndia.

    y To find out how the investors get information about the variousfinancial instrument.

    y To find out the saving habits of the different customers and theamount they invest in various financial instruments.

    y In which type of financial instrument they like to invest.y How long they prefer to keep their money invested.y What is the return that they expect from the investment.y What are the various factors that they consider before investing.y To find out the risk profile of the investor.y To give a recommendation to the investors that where they should


    y To give a suggestion to my company where our fund lacks in themarket & how it should be rectified.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    After all as a management trainee I will try to get some

    valuable knowledge from my seniors in the organization as well as

    from my faculty guide which will help me in the future.


    This report will help the company to strengthen customer intimacy. The

    report on various investment avenues available In India will help the

    company in many areas like.

    y It will help the company to understand the expectations the customerhave about their company from the perspective of financial

    performance and corporate social responsibility.

    y It will provide fresh insights which can help their business continueto flourish.

    y The company can identify the particular service requirements ofdifferent types ofcustomers.

    y The company can understand the problem areas.y The company can evaluate new servicesinitiatives.y The study will help in gaining a better understanding of what an

    investor looks forin an investment option.y It can be used by the financial sector in designing better financial

    instrument customized to suit the needs of the investor.

    y It will help agents and brokersin marketing the existing instruments.y It will provide knowledge to the customer about the various financial

    services provided by the company to theircustomers.

    y It can help the company to understand what the requirement of thedifferent categories ofcustomersis .

    This report will be developed in order to empowercompanies with detailed

    primary market research needed to make well informed decisions and it will

    provide independent measurement and validation of the health of

    companys relationship with their customers. These are the various

    advantages which will give some value addition to the company in

    understanding the awareness level of the customer about the various

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    investment options and what is the perception of the investors with regard to

    the investments they want to make.


    The project is based upon various financial instrument that are available in

    India and the perception level of the customer about these financial

    instruments. For which there will be the need of information from the

    customers about their knowledge of these financial products.

    The various limitations of the study are:

    y Total number of financial instrument in the market isso large that itneeds a lot of resources to analyze them all. There are various

    companies providing these financial instruments to the public.

    Handling and analyzing such a varied and diversified data needs a lot

    of time and resources .

    y As the project is based on secondary data, possibility of unauthorizedinformation cannot be avoided.

    y Reluctance of the people to provide complete information aboutthemselvescan affect the validity of responses

    y Due to time and cost constraint study will be conducted in onlyselected area of a Chandigarh and panchkula.

    y The lack of knowledge in customers about the financial instrumentscan be a major limitation.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Overview of Broking industry

    The Indian broking industry is one of the oldest trading industries that has

    been around even before the establishment of the BSE in 1875. Despite

    passing through a number ofchanges in the post liberalization period, theindustry has found its way towardssustainable growth. With the purpose of

    gaining a deeper understanding about the role of the Indian stock broking

    industry in the countrys economy, we present in thissection some of the

    industry insights gleaned from analysis of data received through primary


    For the broking industry, we started with an initial database of over 1,800

    broking firms that were contacted, from which 464 responses were

    received. The list was furthershort listed based on the number of terminalsand the top 210 were selected for profiling. 394 responses, that provided

    more than 85% of the information sought have been included for this

    analysis presented here asinsights. All the data for the study wascollected

    through responses received directly from the broking firms. The insights

    have been arrived at through an analysis on various parameters, pertinent to

    the equity broking industry,such as region, terminal, market, branches,sub

    brokers, products and growth areas.

    Some key characteristics of the sample 394 firms are:

    y On the basis of geographical concentration, the West region has themaximum representation of 52%. Around 24% firms are located in the

    North, 13% in the South and 10% in the East

    y 3% firmsstarted broking operations before 1950, 65% between 1950-1995 and 32% post 1995

    y On the basis of terminals, 40% are located at Mumbai, 12% in Delhi,8% in Ahmadabad, 7% in Kolkata, 4% in Chennai and 29% are from


    y From this study, we find that almost 36% firms trade in cash andderivatives and 27% are into cash markets alone. Around 20% trade in

    cash, derivatives and commodities

    y In the cash market, around 34% firms trade at NSE, 14% at BSE and52% trade at both exchanges. In the derivative segment, 48% trade at

    NSE, 7% at BSE and 45% at both, whereas in the debt market, 31%

    trade at NSE, 26% at BSE and 43% at both exchanges

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    y Majority of branches are located in the North, i.e. around 40%. Westhas 31%, 24% are located in South and 5% in East

    y In terms ofsub-brokers, around 55% are located in the South, 29% inWest, 11% in North and 4% in East

    y Trading, IPOs and Mutual Funds are the top three products offeredwith 90% firms offering trading, 67% IPOs and 53% firms offering

    mutual fund transactionsy In terms of various areas of growth, 84% firms have expressed interest in

    expanding their institutional clients, 66% firms intend to increase FII clients and

    43% are interested in setting up JV in India and abroady In terms of IT penetration, 62% firms have provided their website and around

    94% firms have email facility


    y Almost 52% of the terminals in the sample are based in the Westernregion of India, followed by 25% in the North, 13% in the South and

    10% in the East. Mumbai has got the maximum representation from

    the West, Chennai from the South, New Delhi from the North and

    Kolkata from the East.

    y Mumbai also has got the maximum representation in having thehighest number of terminals. 40% terminals are located in Mumbai

    while 12% are from Delhi, 8% from Ahmadabad, 7% from Kolkata,

    4% from Chennai and 29% are from othercitiesin India.


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Branches & Sub-Brokers

    The maximum concentration of branches is in the North, with as many as

    40% of all branches located there, followed by the Western region, with

    31% branches. Around 24% branches are located in the South and Eastconstitutes for 5% of the total branches of the total sample.

    In case ofsub-brokers, almost 55% of them are based in the South. West

    and North follow, with 30% and 11% sub-brokers respectively, whereas

    East has around 4% of total sub-brokers.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    During the summer internship period i.e. from 2nd JUNE to 20th JULY, I have gonethrough various stages of Job role. I was basically given the work to Target variousConsumer Groups, Markets and different Organizations to whom and where thecompany can pitch its differential financial products/services as well as to create

    Awareness about the company and its offerings in the regard to Promote which cancreate a Position in minds of the consumer. Moreover I was given some trainingclasses about various investments available for investment which have helped me alot in the understanding of different investment product The project has been agreat learning experience for me, at the same time it gave me enough scope

    to implement my analytical ability. This project as a whole can be divided

    into two parts:

    y The first part gives an insight about the different investment avenuesavailable in India and its various aspects. It is purely based on

    whatever I learned at TATA SECURITIES LIMITED. All the topics

    have been covered in a very systematic way. The language has been

    kept simple so that a layman could understand .

    y The second part will consist of data and their analysis, will be collectedthrough a survey done on 60 people. Hope the research findings and

    conclusions will be of use. It has also covered why people dont want to go ininvest? The advisors can take further steps to approach more and more

    people and indulge them for taking their advices.


    Source of Data:-

    y Primary Data : Questionnaire, visiting organization.y

    Secondary Data:

    Information from the Company, Websites, journals andmagazines.

    Sample Size: 30

    Sampling technique : Random sampling.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    Sampling Technique: Initially, a rough draft was prepared keeping in mind the objective

    of the research.

    A pilot study was done in order to know the accuracy of the Questionnaire. The final Questionnairewas arrived only after certain important changes were done. Convenience sampling technique will

    be used for collecting the data from the TATA SECURITIES LIMITED customers. The consumers

    are selected by the convenience sampling method. The selection of units from the

    population based on their easy Availability and accessibility to the researcher is known

    asconvenience sampling. Convenience sampling is at its best in surveys dealing with an

    exploratory purpose for generating ideas and hypothesis.

    Sampling Unit:

    The respondants who were asked to fill out questionnaires are the sampling units. These comprise

    of employees of MNCs, Govt. Employees, Self Employeds and existing customers of DIFFERENT


    Sample size:

    The sample size was restricted to only 30, which comprised of mainly peoples from

    different regions of Chandigarh , mohali, panchkula due to time constraints.

    Sampling area:

    The area of the research was Chandigarh, PANCHKULA

    The project workcan only be complete after:

    Analyzing the data

    Referring books and gathering more relevant information from the internet.

    Drawing detailed and careful inferences from the analysis.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Data CollectionQuestioning & observing are the two basic methods of collecting primary

    data. Questionnaire studies are more relevant than observation studies

    Importance of Questionnaire

    When information is to be collected by asking questions to people who may have the

    desired data, a standardized form called questionnaire is prepared which helps to

    bring t he data as such required for the research work. The questionnaire is a list of

    questions to be asked to the respondents. Each question is worded exactly as it is to

    be asked & the questions are listed in an established sequence. Spaces in which to

    record answers are provided in questionnaire.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


  • 8/7/2019 Avisha Project report 2003


    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    Tata Securities Limited (TSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Capital.

    Tata Securities holds membershi p on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

    and the National Stock Exchange(NSE). TSL offers both institutional andretail clients, quality products and services like Equity Trading, IPOs and

    Mutual Funds.

    Tata Securities Limited has been engaged in retail and institutional

    distribution and broking. TSL distributes third- party investment products

    and offersstock broking services of buying,selling or dealing in securities,

    including futures and options, in its capacity as a member of the Bombay

    Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange.TSL is also a depository


    Tata Securities has a team forinstitutional and retail research and employed

    more than 400 people. Except from it, it also provides the portfolio

    management services(PMS) under the wealth management business of the


    Broking business requires three ingredients. Strong Brand, Distribution

    network and the IT backbone. This are the aspects which the management

    believes works for the Tata Securities.

    Presently Tata Securities has 50 branches country-wide, which is

    distributing third party mutual funds, fixed deposits, etc. forinvestors.


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    y Tata Securities Limited was established in 2007.

    y Tata Securities Limited (TSL) is the Equity Broking arm of TataCapital Limited.

    y It is the 100% subsidiary of Tata Capital Limited

    y It is the Corporate Member of NSE (National Stock Exchange) andBSE (Bombay Stock Exchange)

    y TSL offers specialized Broking Services in Equity and DerivativeSegment for retail and institutional clients

    A Depository Participant of:

    1. Central Depository Services (India) Limited(CDSL)2.National Securites Depository Limited.

    Tata Securities Limited is providing two kinds ofservices :-

    A. Retail Broking : Tata Securities is offering a 3- in -1 account whichbrings to itscustomers a seamless platform for trading in Equities and

    investing in Mutual Funds and IPOs at very attractive brokerage rates.

    B. Institutional Broking : Tata Securities provides a suite of products andservices to Institutional clients supported with comprehensive

    research on companies and theirsectors.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Tata Capital Limited is a subsidiary of Tata Sons

    Limited and is registered with the Reserve Bank of India(RBI) as a

    systematically important Non-Deposit Accepting Non-Banking Financial

    Company. Tata Capital caters to the need of the diverse needs of retail,

    corporate and institutional customers, directly or indirectly through its

    subsidiaries through various areas of business namely Consumer Finance

    and advisory services.

    Tata Capital caters to the need of the diverse needs of retail,corporate and

    institutional customers, directly orindirectly through itssubsidiaries through

    various areas of business namely Consumer Finance and advisory services.

    Tata Capital marks the entry of the Tata Group into a host of new financial

    services. The Company caters to multiple needs of the retail and institutionalcustomer- truly a one-stop shop, be it investment or finance

    Tata Capital brings the trust and the expertise of the Tata Group into the

    world of financial standards. The Company is driven by a strong focus on

    value creation forstakeholders and the society at large.


    Tata Capital has financial products and the services in the following seven


    Distribution and Broking: Third party investment products, equityand commodity trading for retail and institutional investors.

    Retail finance: Passenger and commercial vehicle loans,used car loans, credit cards and consumer durable loans for retail


    Commercial Finance: Financial products for SMEs and projectfinance

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Held higher level positions in companies like Hindustan Unilever, Unilever

    Arabia, Brook Bond Li pton and is currently serves as an independent

    director in variouscapacities.

    Mr PP Kadle- Managing Director

    An Honors Graduate in Commerce and Accountancy

    Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The Institute of Cost

    and Works Accountants of India, and the Institute of Companies Secretaries

    of India

    Held positions in the fields of management, accountancy, law, finance and


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


  • 8/7/2019 Avisha Project report 2003


    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    In todays dynamicinvestment world, the options for an investor are in largeno. A smart investor considers many factors while making an investment

    decision. Different investment options have different degrees of risks,

    different pattern of cash outflow, and different ways of paying back of

    returns and above all suitability for different income pattern ofinvestor.

    We can divide investment options in two categories. They are mainly,real

    investments andfinancial investments.Real investments include investments

    made to buy house, car or machinery which are real assets. Financial

    investments includeinvesting fundsin buying some shares, mutual funds orbonds which are financialassets.

    In a more generalized form there are the below mentioned investment

    options available.


    These are a type of financial investments wherein we can save our money as

    savings in a bank and get interest on the invested amount. These are very

    general form ofinvestments.


    In these form of investments we can invest our money in stocks and earn

    profits or make losses depending on the stock's performance in the market. It

    is a complex form of investment wherein we are continuously required to

    keep an eye on the market performance.


    These are a type of property investments wherein we can invest our money

    in buying a house or a piece of land. We can use the real estate for personal

    residential or commercial use or can rent or lease it for commercial or

    residential purposes. Here we get a good profit margin and at the same time

    our assets are increased.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    We can invest our money in our own business instead of investing it withsome othersource. Thisis a good method ofinvesting our money and at the

    same time setting something for ourselves.

    There are many companies and advisors to guide people regarding the

    selection of a particular investment option. They analyze the market

    situation and refer a suitable investment option for people. People can take

    their help if they want to reduce their risks and increase their profits. There

    are even many investment brokers and investment analysts to help people

    with the process ofinvestment.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    as the safest avenue wherein a person deposits money and earnsinterest on

    it. The two main modes ofinvestment in banks,savings

    accounts and fixed deposits have been effectively used by one and all.

    However, today the interest rate structure in the country is headed

    southwards, keeping in line with global trends. With the banks offering just

    above in their fixed deposits for one year, the yields have come down

    substantially in recent times. Add to this, inflammatory pressure in the

    economy and we have a position where the savings are not earning. The

    inflation iscreeping up almost 8% at times, this means the value of money

    saved goes down instead of going up. This effectively mars any chance of

    gaining investments from the banks.

    Banks in India can be categorized into non-scheduled banks and scheduled

    banks. Scheduled banks constitute of commercial banks and co-operative

    banks. There are about 67,000 branches of Scheduled banks spread acrossIndia. During the first phase of financial reforms, there was a nationalization

    of 14 major banksin 1969.

    As far as the present scenario is concerned the banking industry is in a

    transition phase. The Public Sector Banks (PSBs), which are the foundation

    of the Indian Banking system account for more than 78 per cent of total

    banking industry assets. On the other hand the Private Sector Banks in

    India is witnessing immense progress. They are leadersin Internet banking,

    mobile banking, phone banking, ATMs. On the other hand the Public Sector

    Banks are still facing the problem of unhappy employees. There has been a

    decrease of 20 percent in the employee strength of the private sectorin the

    wake of the Voluntary Retirement Schemes (VRS).

    st of the banks and their fixed deposit rates:

    ABN AMRO Bank 5-6.75%

    Allahabad Bank 5.5-6%

    Andhra Bank 5.5-6%

    Axis Bank 6.5-7.3%Bank of Baroda 6-7%

    Bank of India 6.75-7%

    Barclays Bank 5-5.5%

    Canara Bank 7-7.5%

    Citi Bank 4.25-4.5%

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Corporation Bank 5-5.5%

    Dena Bank 6.75-7.5%

    Deutsche Bank 3-4.5%

    Dhanalakshmi Bank 6.5-8%

    Federal Bank 6.5-7.5%LiHDFC Bank 5.5-7%

    Hongkong Sanghai 8-8.75%

    Banking Corp. Ltd.

    ICICI Bank 25-7.5%

    IDBI Bank 7-7.75%

    Indian Overseas 6-7.5%


    Indussind Bank 7-8.25%

    ING Vysya Bank 5.75-7.75%

    Jammu and Kashmir

    Bank 5.5-6%

    Karnataka Bank 7-8%

    Karur Vysya Bank 7-8.25%

    Kotak Mahindra Bank 6-7%

    Oriental Bank of

    Commerce 5.5-6%

    Punjab National

    Bank 5-6.5%

    SBI 6.25-7%

    Standard Chartered Bank 4.5-7.25%

    State Bank Of B&J 6.75-7.5%

    State Bank of Hyderabad 6.5-7.5%

    State Bank of Indore 6.75-7.5%

    State Bank of Mysore 6.5-7.25%

    State Bank of Travancore 4.25-5.75%

    Syndicate Bank 7-7.5%

    UCO Bank 6.5-7%

    Union Bank of India 5.50%United Bank Of India 6.5-7.5%

    Vi jaya Bank 5.5-6%

    YES Bank 7.25-7.75%

    Source: various banks websites

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    2. Fixed offered by Post Offices deposits:

    Just like banks, post officesin India have a wide network. Spread across the

    nation, they offer financial assistance as well as serving the basicrequirements of communication. Among all saving options, Post office

    schemes have been offering the highest rates. Added to it is the fact that the

    investments are safe with the department being a Government of India

    entity. So the two basic and most sought features, those of return safety and

    quantum of returns were being handsomely taken care of.

    Though certainly current market position is not the most efficient systemsin

    terms ofservice standards and liquidity; these have still managed to attract

    the attention of small, retail investors. However with the government

    investing itsintention of reducing the interest ratesin small savings options,this avenue is expected to lose some of the investors. Public Provident Funds

    act as options to save for the post retirement period for most people and have

    been considered good option largely due to the fact that returns were higher

    than most other options and also helped people gain from tax benefits under

    various sections. This option too is likely to lose some of its sheen on

    account of reduction in the rates offered.

    3. Company fixed deposits:

    Another oft-used route to invest has been the fixed deposit schemes floated

    by companies. Companies have used fixed deposit schemes as a means of

    mobilizing funds for their options and have paid interest on them. The safer

    a company is rated, the lesser the return offered has been the thumb rule.

    However, there are several potential roadblocks are there.

    Firstly, of all the danger of financial positions of the company not being

    understood by the investor lurks. The investors rely on intermediaries who

    more often than not, dont reveal the entire truth.

    Secondly, liquidity is a major problem with the amount being received

    months after the due dates. Premature redemption is generally not

    entertained without cuts in the returns offered and though they present a

    reasonable option to counterinterest rate risk (especially when the economy

    is headed for a low interest regime), the safety of amount has been found

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    lacking. Many cases like the Kuber Group and DCM Group fiascoes have

    resulted in low confidence in this option.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds




    At the most basic level, stock (often referred to as shares) is ownership, or equity, ina company. Investors buy stock in the form of shares, which represent a portion of acompany's assets (capital) and earnings (dividends) .

    As a shareholder, the extent of your ownership (your stake) in a company dependson the number of shares you own in relation to the total number of shares availableFor example, if you buy 1000 shares of stock in a company that has issued a total of100,000 shares, you own one per cent of the company. While one per cent seems

    like a small holding, very few private investors are able to accumulate a shareholdingof that size in publicly quoted companies, many of which have a market valuerunning into billions of pounds. Your stake may authorize you to vote at thecompany's annual general meeting, where shareholders usually receive one vote pershare.

    In theory, every stockholder, no matter how small their stake, can exercisesome influence over company management at the annual general meeting. In reality,however, most private investors' stakes are insignificant. Management policy is farmore likely to be influenced by the votes of large institutional investors such aspension funds.

    A)STOCKS SYMBOLS:-A stock symbol, or 'Epic' symbol, is the standard abbreviation of a stock's name. Youcan find stock symbols wherever stock performance information is published - forexample, newspaper stock listings and investment websites. Company names alsohave abbreviations called ticker symbols. However, it's worth remembering thatthese may vary at the different exchanges where the company is quoted.


    Here is a list of the standard performance indicators

    Performance Indicator

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    Closing price

    The last price at which the stock was bought orsold.

    High and low

    The highest and lowest price of the stock from the previous trading day .

    52 week range

    The highest and lowest price over the previous 52 weeks .


    The amount ofshares traded during the previous trading day High and low .

    Net change

    The difference between the closing price on the last trading day and the

    closing price on the trading day prior to the last .


    A marketplace in which to buy orsell something makes life a lot easier. The

    same applies to stocks. A stock exchange is an organization that provides a

    market place in which investors and borrowers trade stocks. Firstly, the

    stock exchange is a market forissuers who want to raise equity capital by

    selling shares to investorsin an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The stock

    exchange is also a market forinvestors who can buy and sell shares at anytime.

    a)Trading shares on the stock exchange:As an investor in the INDIA, you can't buy or sell shares on a stock

    exchange yourself. You need to place your order with a stock exchange

    member firm (a stockbroker) who will then execute the order on your behalf.

    The NSE AND BSE are the leading stock exchange in the INDIA. Trading

    is done through computerized systems.

    b) The Trading process:-

    If you decide to buy orsell yourshares, you need to contact a stockbroker

    who will buy orsell the shares on your behalf. After receiving your order,

    the stockbroker will input the order on the SETS or SEAQ system to match

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    your order with that of another buyer orseller. Details of the trade are

    transmitted electronically to the stockbroker who is responsible forsettling

    the trade. You will then receive confirmation of the deal.

    c) Types ofshares available on the stock exchange:-

    You cannot trade all stocks on the stock exchange. To be listed on a stock

    exchange, a stock must meet the listing requirements laid down by that

    exchange in its approval process. Each exchange has its own listing

    requirements, and some exchanges are more particular than others. It is

    possible for a stock to be listed on more than one exchange. This is known

    as a dual listing.

    Why do so many people invest in shares?

    Simply put, you want to invest in order to create wealth. While investing is

    relatively painless,its rewards are plentiful. To understand why you need to

    invest, you need to realize that you lose when you just save and do not

    invest. That is because the value of the rupee decreases every year due to

    inflation. Historically shares have outperformed all the other investment

    instruments and given the maximum returns in the long run. In the twenty-

    five year period of 1980-2005 while the other instruments have barely

    managed to generate returns at a rate higher than the inflation rate (7.10%),

    on an average shares have given returns of about 17% in a year and that does

    not even take into account the dividend income from them. Were we to

    factor in the dividend income as well, the shares would have given even

    higher returns during the same period.

    [Inflation: general rise in prices and wages caused by an increase in the

    money supply and demand for goods, and resulting in a fall in the value of

    money. Inflation occurs when most prices rise by some degree across the


    Investment options Returns per annum

    Stock market 17

    Bank fixed deposits 9%

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    Gold 5.7%

    Advantages of investing in shares:

    There are lots of advantages of investment in share market. Some of these


    Dividend income: investments in shares are attractive as much for theappreciation in the share prices as for the dividends theircompanies pay out.

    Tax advantages:shares appear as the best investment option if you alsoconsider the unbeatable tax benefits that they offer. First, the dividend

    income is tax-free in the hands ofinvestors. Second, you are required to pay

    only a 10% short term capital gains tax on the profits made from investments

    in shares, if you book your profits within a year of making the purchase.

    Third, you don't need to pay any long term capital gains tax on the profitsif

    you sell the shares after holding them for a period of one year. The capital

    gains tax rate is much higher for otherinvestment instruments: a 30% short-

    term capital gains tax (assuming that you fall in the 30% tax bracket) and a

    10% long-term capital gains tax.

    Easy liquidity:sharescan also be made liquid anytime from anywhere ( you can sell a share at the click of a mouse from anywhere inthe world) and the gains can be realized in just two working days.

    Considering the high returns, the tax advantages and the highly liquid nature,

    shares are the best investment option to create wealth.

    How people earn from the investment in shares?

    Sharescan give us returnsin two forms:

    A. Appreciation in share prices: You buy shares with the belief thattheir price will increase and that when this happens you will be able to sell

    off yourshares and earn profit. For example,if you bought a share for Rs100

    three years ago and it is

    Rs500 today, then you have earned Rs400 in three years.

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    B. Dividend:when a company makes profits,it can choose to share part ofdividend of 25%. Then if the face value of its share is Rs10 you will get

    Rs2.50 for every share you own of that company,irrespective of the market

    price. In itself this might not be much, but over a longer period of time orif

    you have a lot ofshares, you could earn quite a bit from the dividend itself.The best thing about dividends is that they are tax-free in the hands of

    investors. Dividend yield stocks are known to give returns higher than fixed

    deposits [dividend yield = (dividend pershare / market price of the share) x

    100].its profits with itsshareholders by paying out dividend. This dividend

    is paid as a percentage of the face value of the share. For example, a

    company may declare a

    What are the expenses during transaction?

    Every share transaction attracts some tax or the other. Some of the ma in

    expenses are as follows.

    Capital gains tax: If you purchase a share and sell it at a price higher than

    the purchase price and if this sale is within a year of the purchase, then a

    10% capital gains tax is levied on the profit that you make. For example,if

    you bought a share for Rs100 on January 1, 2005 and sold it for Rs150 on

    July 1, 2005, then you have to pay a tax of 10% on the Rs50 profit that you

    make. If you sell after a year of purchase, there is no tax on the long-term


    Securities transaction tax:Securities transaction tax (STT) is levied bythe government on every transaction you do on a stock exchange. You dont

    have to pay thisseparately; itscollected by your broker. As per the Union

    Budget 2005 the STT will be 0.10% on delivery-based transactions and

    0.02% on intra-day transactions.

    Brokerage:Brokers get a commission on every trade that they do for you.This commission varies from broker to broker; at the

    brokerage is 0.5% for delivery-based transactions and 0.10% for intraday

    transactions. On the brokerage amount you are required to pay a service tax

    to the government (to be collected by the broker). The brokerage varies

    depending on the service that the broker provides you. Some brokers,such

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    as Share khan, offeritsclients regular updates on companies, multiple means

    to transact and customerservice support.

    Depository fees:Since most of the shares exist in a dematerialized form,

    every time you buy or sell shares the transactions are being noted by yourDP. The DPs normally levy a charge which is an annual charge or a charge

    on each transaction.

    Risks ---the only disadvantage in investing in shares:

    There are two types of risk associated with this kind ofinvestment: company

    specific riskand market risk.

    Set of risks that deals with a company and its sector are referred to as






    xamples ofcompany




    k: badmanagement, bad marketing strategies, sector disturbances that have an

    impact on industry etc. External factors (economic, global factors) that affect

    the market as a whole are referred to as market risk.

    Examples of market risk: political instability, high inflation, rupee

    depreciation, rising interest rates, global incidents like wars and disasters

    that throttle the nation's economy etc.

    How company specific risk can be identified?

    With careful scrutiny and proper homework,it might be easy to identify andbe forewarned of the risks a company may be carrying. Specifically check

    out for the mergers and acquisitions that do not have a real synergy or are a

    nightmare after reconciliation (A O L - Time Warner, Hewlett Packard-

    Compaq). Also issuspicious of diversifications that do not really add value

    to a company's core offering. A third kind of risk would be with the

    companies that have bet their stakes on a single product offering and are

    high on debt. Likewise companies that depend on research could be prone to

    higher risk,if the research doesn't come to fruition.

    How to identify sector driven risk?

    Ifsteel prices rise, auto companies get affected. If low cost Chinese products

    invade the country's market, then local fast moving consumer goods

    companies might find no takers for their products. The changing nature of

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    5. Blue-chips are safe bets

    Blue-chip companies are there because they have done well in the past and

    have a high market capitalization. It is a likely guess that they will maintaintheir track record and give you higher returns even in future. Therefore

    invest in companies that have a good track record.

    6.Slow and steady stream of investments

    Set aside a certain portion of your earnings every month and invest that sum

    in shares irrespective of the market conditions. This way, over a period of

    time you can amass a substantial number of shares of the stocks in your


    7. Think portfolio

    Don't put all your earningsin a single stock. Try to have a diverse portfolio

    of stocks. This way even if one stock doesn't do well, you are still well

    protected. Also invest acrosssectors,since any problem in one sector would

    affect all stocksin the sector. As a thumb rule,if you have investments of up

    to Rs50, 000 invest in two to three stocks. For about Rs150, 000 invest in

    three to five stocks, for around Rs500, 000 have five to seven stocks and

    around ten stocks for higher amounts.

    8. Dont invest all your savings

    Always maintain a core set of reserves. You should never touch these

    reserves for investing, so that even in the worst case you still have some

    money. Typically these reservesshould be yoursalary of about six months.

    9. be level-headed

    Invest wisely, don't get swayed by rumors and allow Share khan to be your

    guide at all times. Investment success won't happen overnight, so avoid

    overreacting to short term market swings.

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    accordingly. Each unit of any scheme represents the proportion of pool

    owned by the unit holder (investor).

    Mutual Funds in India are financial instruments. These funds are collective

    investments which gather money from different investors to invest in stocks,

    short term money market financial instruments, bonds and other securities

    and distri bute the proceeds as dividends. The Mutual Funds in India are

    handled by Fund Managers, also referred as the portfolio managers. The

    Securities Exchange Board of India regulates the Mutual Funds In India. The

    share value of the Mutual Funds in India is known as net asset value per

    share (NAV). The NAV is calculated on the total amount of the Mutual

    Funds in India, by dividing it with the number of shares issued and

    outstanding shares on daily basis.

    Mutual funds in India advantages:

    y The Mutual Funds in India offer flexibility by means of dividendreinvestment,systematic investment plans and systematic withdrawal


    Mutual funds:

    y These funds are available in small units,so they are affordable to thesmall investors.

    y The fees charged for to the custodial, brokerage and others servicesare very low in case of Mutual Fundsin India.y These funds have the option of redeeming or withdrawing money at

    any point of time.

    y The Mutual Funds in India have low risk as it is managedprofessionally.

    y Like most developed and developing countries the mutual fund culthas been catching on in India.

    The important reasons for thisinteresting occurrence are:

    Mutual funds make it easy and lesscostly forinvestors to satisfy their need

    forcapital growth,income and/orincome preservation.

    Mutual fund brings the benefits of diversification and money management to

    the individual investor, providing an opportunity for financial success that

    was once available only to a select few. Understand a Mutual fund is easy as

    it'ssuch a straightforward concept. A mutual fund is a company that pools

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    the money of many investors, its shareholders to invest in a variety of

    different securities.

    Investments may be in stocks, bonds, money market securities or some

    combination of these.

    For the individual investor, mutual funds propose the benefit of having

    someone ESE manage your investments and diversify your money over

    many different securities that may not be available or affordable to you

    otherwise. A mutual fund, by its very nature, is diversified -- its assets are

    invested in many different securities. Beyond that, there are many different

    types of mutual funds with different objectives and levels of growth

    potential, furthering your odds to diversify. Investing in mutual has various

    benefits, which makesit an ideal investment .

    Professional investment management:

    One of the primary benefits of mutual fundsis that an investor has access to

    professional management. A good investment manageriscertainly worth the

    fees you will pay. Good mutual fund managers with an excellent research

    team can do a better job of monitoring the companies they have chosen to

    invest in than you can, unless you have time to s pend on researching the

    companies you select for your portfolio. That is because Mutual funds hire

    full-time, high-level investment professionals. Fundscan afford to do so as

    they manage large pools of money. The managers have real-time access to

    crucial market information and are able to execute trades on the largest andmost cost-effective scale. When you buy a mutual fund, the primary asset

    you are buying is the manager, who will be controlling which assets are

    chosen to meet the funds' stated investment objectives.


    A crucial element in investing is asset allocation. It plays a very big part in

    the success of any portfolio. However, small investors do not have enough

    money to properly allocate their assets. By pooling your funds with others,

    you can quickly benefit from greater diversification. Mutual fundsinvest ina broad range ofsecurities. This limitsinvestment risk by reducing the effect

    of a possi ble decline in the value of any one security. Mutual fund unit-

    holderscan benefit from diversification techniques usually available only to

    investors wealthy enough to buy significant positions in a wide variety of


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    Low Cost:

    A mutual fund let's you participate in a diversified portfolio for as little as

    Rs.5, 000, and sometimes less.

    Convenience and Flexibility:

    Investing in mutual funds hasits own convenience. While you own just one

    security rather than many, you still enjoy the benefits of a diversified

    portfolio and a wide range ofservices. Fund managers decide what securities

    to trade collect the interest payments and see that your dividends on

    portfolio securities are received and your rights exercised. It also uses the

    services of a high quality custodian and registrar. Another big advantage is

    that you can move your funds easily from one fund to another within a

    mutual fund family.


    In open-ended schemes, you can get your money back promptly at net asset

    value related prices.


    Regulations for mutual funds have made the industry very transparent. You

    can track the investments that have been made on your behalf and the

    specific investments made by the mutual fund scheme to see where your

    money is going. In addition to this, you get regularinformation on the value

    of yourinvestment.


    There is no shortage of variety when investing in mutual funds. You can find

    a mutual fund that matches just about any investing strategy you select.There are funds that focus on blue-chip stocks, technology stocks, bonds or a

    mix ofstocks and bonds. The greatest challenge can be sorting through the

    variety and picking the best for you.

    Mutual fund risks:

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    Having understood the basics of mutual funds the next step is to build a

    successful investment portfolio. Before you can begin to build a portfolio,

    one should understand some other elements of mutual fund investing and

    how they can affect the potential value of your investments over the years.

    The first thing that has to be kept in mind is that when you invest in mutual

    funds, there is no guarantee that you will end up with more money when you

    withdraw yourinvestment than what you started out with.

    That is the potential of loss is always there. Even so, the opportunity for

    investment growth that is possible through investments in mutual funds far

    exceeds that concern for most investors. Here's why.

    At the cornerstone ofinvesting is the basic principal that the greater the risk

    you take, the greater the potential reward. Risk then, refers to the volatility --

    the up and down activity in the markets and individual issues that occursconstantly over time. This volatility can be caused by a number of factors --

    interest rate changes, inflation or general economic conditions. It is this

    variability, uncertainty and potential for loss, that causesinvestors to worry.

    We all fear the possibility that a stock we invest in will fall substantially.

    Different types of mutual funds have different levels of volatility or potential

    price change, and those with the greaterchance of losing value are also the

    funds that can produce the greater returns for you over time. You might find

    it helpful to remember that all financial investments will fluctuate. There are

    very few perfectly safe havens and those simply don't pay enough to beat

    inflation over the long run.

    Number of available options:


    Professional Management

    Potential of returns

    Beside these important features, mutual funds also offer several other key

    traits.Important among them are:

    1. Well Regulated

    2. Transparency

    3. Flexible, Affordable and a Low Cost affair

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    Structure of the Indian mutual fund industry:

    The Indian mutual fund industry is dominated by the Unit Trust of India,

    which has a total corpus of Rs. 700bn collected from more than 20 million

    investors. The UTI has many schemesin all categoriesi.e. equity, balanced,

    income etc with something open ended and some being closed ended. The

    unit scheme 1964 commonly referred to as US 64, which is a balanced fund,

    is the biggest scheme with a corpus of about Rs. 200bn. UTI was floated by

    financial institution and is govern by a special act of parliament. Most ofits

    investors believe that the UTI is government owned and controlled, which,

    while legally uncorrected,is true for all practical purposes.

    Recent trends in mutual fund industry:

    The most important trend in the mutual fund industry is the aggressive

    expansion of the foreign owned mutual fund companies and the decline of

    the companies floated by nationalized banks and smaller private sector

    players. Many nationalized banks got into the mutual fund business in the

    early nineties and got off to a good start due to the stock market boom

    prevailing them. These banks did not really understand the mutual fund

    business and they just viewed it as another kind of banking activity. Few

    hired specialized staff and generally chose to transferstaff from the parent

    organizations.The performance of most of the schemes floated by these funds was not

    good. Some schemes had offered guaranteed returns and their parent

    organizations had to bail out these AMCs by paying large amounts of money

    as the difference between the guaranteed and actual returns. The service

    levels were also very bad. Most of these AMCs have not been to retain staff,

    float new schemes etc, and it is doubtful whether, barring a few exceptions,

    they have serious plans ofcontinuing the activity in a major way.

    The foreign owned companies have deep pockets and have come in here

    with the expectation of a long haul. They can be credited with introducingmany new practicessuch as new product innovation,sharp Improvement in

    service standards and disclosure, usage of technology, broker education and

    support etc. In fact, they have forced the industry to upgrade itself and

    service levels of organizations like UTI have improved dramatically in the

    last few yearsin response to the competition provided by these.

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    Schemes of a Mutual Fund:

    The asset management company shall launch no scheme unless the trustees

    approve such scheme and a copy of the offer document has been filed with

    the Board. Every mutual fund shall along with the offer document of each scheme pay

    filing fees.

    The offer document shall contain disclosures which are adequate in order

    to enable the investors to make informed investment decision including the

    disclosure on maximum investments proposed to be made by the scheme in

    the listed securities of the group companies of the sponsor a close-ended

    scheme shall be fully redeemed at the end of the maturity period. Unless a

    majority of the unit holders otherwise decide for its rollover by passing a


    Rules Regarding Advertisements:

    The offer document and advertisement materialsshall not be misleading or

    contain any statement or opinion, which are incorrect or false.

    Investment Objectives and Valuation Policies:

    The price at which the units may be subscri bed orsold and the price at

    which such units may at any time be repurchased by the mutual fund shall bemade an available to the investors.

    Restrictions on Investments:

    A mutual fund scheme shall not invest more than 15% ofits NAV in debt

    instrument issued by a single issuer, which are rated not below investment

    grade by a credit rating agency authorized to carry out such activity under

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    A commodity is a normal physical product used by everyday people during

    the course of their lives, or metals that are used in production or as a

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    traditional store of wealth and a hedge against inflation. For example, these

    commodities include grainssuch as wheat,corn and rice or metalssuch as

    copper, gold and silver. The full list ofcommodity marketsis numerous and

    too detailed. The best way to trade the commodity marketsis by buying and

    selling futures contracts on local and international exchanges. Tradingfuturesis easy, and can be accessed by using the services of any full or on-

    line futures brokerage service. Traditionally, there is an expectation when

    trading commodity futures of achieving higher returnscompared to shares or

    real estate,so successful investorscan expect much higher returnscompared

    to more conventional investment products.

    The process of trading commodities, as mentioned above, must be facilitated

    by the use of trading liquid, exchangeable, and standardized futures

    contracts, as it is not practical to trade the physical commodities. Futures

    contracts give the investor ease of use and the ability to buy orsell without

    delay. A futurescontract is used to buy orsell a fixed quantity and quality of

    an underlying commodity, at a fixed date and price in the future. Futures

    contractscan be broken by simply offsetting the transaction. For example,if

    you buy one futurescontract to open then you sell one futurescontract to

    close that market position.

    The execution method of trading futures contracts is similar to tradingphysical shares, but futurescontracts have an expiry date and are deliverable

    .Futures contracts have an expiry date and need to be occasionally rolled

    over from the current contract month to the following contract month.

    The reason is because the biggest advantage to trading commodity futures,

    for the private investoris the opportunity to legally short-sell these markets.

    Short-selling is the ability to sell commodity futures creating an open

    position in the expectation to buy-back at a later time to profit from a fall in

    the market. If you wish to trade the up-side ofcommodity futures, then it

    will simply be a buy-to-open and sell-to- close set of transactionssimilar to

    share trading.

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    The commodity markets will always produce rising of falling trends, and

    with the abundance of information and trading opportunities available there

    is no reason for any investor to exclusively trade the share market when

    there is potential profits from trading commodity futures .The increased use

    of commodity trading vehicles in investment management has ledpractitioners to create investable commodity indices and products that offer

    unique performance opportunities forinvestorsin physical commodities. As

    is true for stock and bond performance, as well as investment in managed

    futures and hedge fund products,commodity-based products have a variety

    of uses. Besides being a source of information on cash commodity and

    futurescommodity market trends, they are used as performance benchmarks

    for evaluation ofcommodity trading advisors and provide a historical track

    record useful in developing asset allocation strategies. However, the investorbenefits ofcommodity or commodity-based products lie primarily in their

    ability to offer risk and return trade-offs that cannot be easily replicated

    through otherinvestment alternatives. Previous research that direct stock and

    bond investment offers little evidence of providing returns consistent with

    direct commodity investment. commodity-based firms may not be exposed

    to the risk of commodity price movement. Thus for investors, direct

    commodity investment may be the principal means by which one can obtain

    exposure to commodity price movements.

    The commodities that are traded in the market




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    Survey Report

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    I conducted a survey upon various classes in Punjab. I asked them about

    their income range and the investment options in which they invest. The

    objective of the survey was to know the behavior of people as per as

    investment decision isconcerned.

    I divided Investment optionsin fourcategories:

    1. Fixed deposits

    2. Equity (Stock markets)

    3. Mutual Funds

    4. Commodity

    I also divided income pattern in fourcategories:

    1. Low (500000)



    Name Income Investment Options

    Low Medium High FD Equity MF Commodity

    1 Amrik



    2 RK



    3 Gurmit


    * YES YES

    4 Satwinder


    * YES YES

    5 Aman



    6 PK Tyagi * YES YES

    7 KC



    8 Manoj


    * YES YES

    9 Mansi


    * YES

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    10 Prince * YES YES YES

    11 Narender


    * YES YES

    12 Prabhjot



    13 Sarita


    * YES YES

    14 Minakshi * YES YES

    15 Karan


    * YES YES

    16 Jasbir



    17 Harpreet


    * YES YES

    18 Pawan


    * YES YES

    19 Ravi



    20 Avantika


    * YES YES

    21 Pooja * YES YES

    22 G. Trivedi * YES YES YES YES23 BD Bains * YES YES YES

    24 Darshan



    25 Mukesh



    26 Jitander


    * YES YES

    27 Harish


    * YES

    28 Rekha


    * YES YES

    29 Anant



    30 Mohinder * YES YES YES YES

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    After arranging data income pattern wise and investment option wise, we get



    No. of


    Investment Options

    FD Equity MF Insurance

    Low 7 5 1 0 4

    Medium 16 11 8 10 12

    High 7 3 5 6 6

    Total 30 19 14 16 22

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    Lets find out the risk behavior of the investors with the help of this graph

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    1. As FDs provides fixed income, these are popular in each category.But as the income of investor shifts from a income range to upper

    income range, he looks for another avenues for the Investment.

    2. The change in the risk taking behavior of investor with change inincome is clearly indicated by the change in equity investment with

    change in the income range.

    a. Investors with low income level are very risk avoiders. Hencethey invest with FDs rather than Equity.

    b. But as the income level increases, investor become more risktakers and start investing in equities. Same is the case with


    3. Income pattern drive investment decisions,sort of,in the same way,inwhich it effects the equity investments.

    a. Though the middle level income investor is more interested inMF as compared to equities as they want MFs companies to

    take care of the theirinvestment decisions.

    b. However the MFs are less risky as money is pooled indiversified companies hence are gaining popularity.

    c. MFs are not existent in low income level investors, May bedue to lack of knowledge.

    4. Whatever the income level is, insurance investment is popularamong all income levelsinvestors.











    FD Equity MF commodity




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    a. However insurance investment is not done on regular basis.Few investors are just one time investors.

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    1) Do you know about the following financial instruments?

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    The sample size consists of 30 respondents and out of which almost all the peopleare fully aware about investment avenues like gold and fixed deposits and almost 95are aware about equity shares and mutual funds

    2) How do you get information about the following investmentavenues?

    Out of the 30 respondents about 50% of them get the information from

    advertisements on the television and internet and the rest from the magazines

    ,company sales executives and friends and relatives.

    3) Rate the following according to your preference?

    Out of the 30 respondents asked the most preferred financial instrument isfixed deposits and the thenthe rest like equity shares with 70 % and insurance.

    4) What is your age?

    Out of the respondents that were surveyed the maximum were of the age

    group of 31-40

    4) What are the factors that you consider while investing in any

    financial instrument?

    Out of the respondents 50% were of the opinion that return and safety are

    the main reasons behind theirs

    investment decisions .

    5) On what basis you invest in any particular financial instrument?

    The respondents were mostly of the opinion that portfolio is the most

    important factor before investing and then fundamental analysis done by

    them or by the financial advisor and then the other factors

    6) How will you invest your money in any financial instrument?

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Most of the respondents surveyed that they mostly invest their money

    through a broker and then through sun brokers n agents.

    7) What is your age?

    Out of the respondents that were surveyed the maximum were of the age

    group of 31-40

    8) What are the factors that you consider while investing in any

    financial instrument?

    Out of the respondents 50% were of the opinion that return and safety are

    the main reasons behind theirinvestment decisions .

    9) On what basis you invest in any particular financial instrument?

    The respondents were mostly of the opinion that portfolio is the most

    important factor before investing and then fundamental analysis done by

    them or by the financial advisor and then the other factors .

    10) How will you invest your money in any financial instrument?

    Most of the respondents surveyed that they mostly invest their money

    through a broker and then through sub brokers and agents .Out the totalrespondents around 60 %were in the income group of 1- 3lakhs and 22% in

    the 3-5lakhs.

    11) How much of your money you invest in financial instruments?

    Most of the respondentssurveyed were mostly those people who invest 10 to

    30 % of their money in these instruments.

    12) How long do you prefer to keep your money invested?

    Out of the 100 respondents mostly were of the view that they invested there

    for a money at least for a period of 1year to 3 years.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    After completing the survey and watching the analysis I come to thisconclusion that the before investment investors do have focus on Taxsavings, Income, Capital preservation etc. They also have a

    predetermination of the time period of investment.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    good option for investor. Company should try to minimize the risktolerance by offering Fixed deposits.

    In the survey there were lot of people who were in the age group ofabove 60. For this group of people the company can target Fixeddeposits which gives continues return like monthly interests so thatthey can keep on getting returns.OCCUPATIONIf we see the survey data it will seen that respondents are majorlyService people and Business Class. Depending upon the data Iconclude that the service class has a time horizon of 3-5 years andrisk tolerance Low- Moderate. They invested in FDs, Equity shares,Mutual Fund and ULIPs.

    Recommendation company should tap these class by innovativemarketing strategies as they already invested, and offer FDs, ULIPs.Mutual fund can be a lucrative offer if the Fund is any moderate fundor debt fund.

    For the business class, the risk profile is high-very high. Mostinvestor are with negative return acceptability and time horizon is < 3years. Company should offer Mutual funds with risk profile High tovery high thus investor can get a high return. Apart from this companyshould offer to open demat account with them.Disposable Income .

    The disposable income bracket less than Rs.5000 per month arebasically safe investors and have not and do not prefer investing inmutual funds and ULIP. Thus positioning of these products should besuch that people are attracted towards this scheme. Emphasis onmarketing of the products should be given. Respondents under disposable income bracket Rs.5,000-Rs.10,000have mainly invested in insurance and real estate. But when survey

    was done and their preferences was asked these respondentsstrongly preferred investing in these strategies.

    Disposable Income Bracket of Rs.15,000-Rs.20,000 are the strongcontenders for investing their money and these people have investedin real estate, insurance and fixed deposits. Moreover there is mixed

    preferences for their investments thus proper segmentation of the

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    sample should be done accordingly marketing strategies should beadopted.

    Though there is a small percentage of respondents in disposableincome bracket above Rs.20,000 who least prefer investing in mutualfund. But this is the segment which can be well targeted and their

    portfolio should be such that gives them more returns. The case ofULIP is different as people strongly prefer investing in this investmentstrategy.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    NAME :



    EMAIL ID :

    1.Do You Know About The Financial Instrumentso Mutual funds YES/NOo Stock/Shares option YES/NOo Banks YES/NOo Commodities YES /NOo Real estate YES/NOo Insurance YES/NO

    Any other specify-----------------------------

    2. How do you get information regarding these Financial



    Company Sales force

    Friends / Relatives

    Magazines /Newspaper

    If any other please


    3.Please rate the Financial Instruments as per your Preference.

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds







    Mutual fundInsurance

    Fixed DepositsCOMMODITIES


    4.What is your age?




    60 above

    5. What are the factors which you consider while investing in anyFinancial Instrument?

    Return (capital appreciation)

    Tax Saving


    Regularincome flow



    If any other please


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    6. On what basis you will invest in any particular Financial


    Past Performance


    Fund Manager

    Fundamental/Technical Analysis

    Market Sentiment

    If any other please


    7. How will you invest your money in any Financial Instrument?


    Through any stock broking company. Please specify


    Sub broker/ Agents

    Through Banks

    If any other please



    8. In what type of Financial Instrument you like to invest?

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Equity based

    Debt based

    Balanced Fund

    Hybrid Fund

    ELSS (equity linked saving scheme)

    If any other please specify

    9. What is your annual income?

    1lac to 3 lack

    3lac to 5lac

    5lacto 10lac

    more than 10 lacks

    10. How much of your money you invest in any Financial


    10% to 20%

    20% to 30%

    30% to 50%

    More than 50%

    If any other please



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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    11. How long you prefer to keep your money in any Financial


    Less than 6 months

    6 months to 1 year

    1 year to 3 year

    More than 3 years

    If any other please specify

    12. How much return you expect from any Financial Instrument?

    10% to 20%

    20% to 30%

    30% to 50%

    More than 50%

    If any other please


    13. Will you invest your money forsaving the Tax in any Financial



    14. Are you satisfied with yourinvestment decision, Please rate?

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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


    Highly satisfied



    No satisfaction

    15. Any othercomments.


    [15]- Give yourcomment on investment pattern if any?





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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds


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    Perception of Consumers Towards Investing in Share Market and Mutual Funds



    www.moneycontrol.comc. www.investsmartindia.comd. www.insurancejournal.come. www.irdaindia.orgf. http://stockcharts.comg. http://en.wikipedia.orgh.