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Avatar group presentation123

Dec 24, 2014



Michael Faber

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© Avatar Trailer (2009)

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By: Hernestina Estrada

Industrialization and pollution it is all around us, some of us do not seem to realize how bad it has really gotten. After researching I found that there is such bad air pollution in some countries, that they are required to wear masks. Ocean pollution is another area that is affected, especially to fishes and birds, we have people dumping out garbage’s in the water not realizing the damages that it is causing. It not only effects fishes but it also effects humans.Our topic, Industrialization and Pollution is connected to the movie Avatar in more ways than one. Although this film expressed the humans concern of not being able to breath the air on Pandora, the real message is about our pollution as humans that we brought to their planet. All the industrialization and pollution did not even compare the damage that the tribes and people of Pandora had to endure. The human race in this film was attempting to get something from the land no matter the cost. They also didn’t express concern with what machinery they had to use to get it. This film was written, created and directed by James Cameron and is a great example of the future of industrialization and where we might be able to take it. In this film Jack Sully took the place of his brother to study avatar, a program on another planet. Taking his deceased brother’s place, Sully a former US Marine who is paralyzed agreed to the position. While there, Jack continually enters into a deep sleep called cryo sleep, this allows Jake to join up with his Avatar body and enter into the world of the Na’vi tribe. While gaining their trust Jack is reporting back to Parker and Quaritch, the two main people that would harm the tribe to get to the source of their power, Eywa. Seeing that Parker and Quaritch don’t mind hurting the tribe in the process Jake tries his best to fight for the Na’vi people and what they believe in.

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By: Fares Dhiab

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Ethical MessagesBy: Fares Dhiab

‘ I'm not trying to make people feel guilty.. I just want them to internalize a sense of respect and a sense of taking responsibility for the stewardship of the earth.. and I think this film can do that by creating an emotional reaction’

• Effectively, Avatar is not simply a metaphor for how people are expected to behave with each other on mother earth or an allegory for wide-ranging ecological destruction. Avatar is also a cautionary tale, that pushes the boundary of moral concern demanding that we consider the well being of humans, creatures and communities that are not the same.

• Jake Sully, the main character, who took on an alternative life form as an Avatar will enlighten us about the values treated in this movie through his fantastical journey to the planet, Pandora.

• As we visualize the movie we can see that Cameron had pictured the Pandora as what our world was like before we started to pave it by building malls and huge skyscrapers, disclosing the very naked way to bulldoze a forest and take the minerals of the indigenous, something that doesn’t belong to us, and not even feel bad about it.

• Some people assimilated the film’s depiction of destructive corporate mining for unobtanium in the Na’vi lands with mining of uranium in New Mexico and many other disasters.

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James Cameron’s subtle way of communicating the respect we should be showing our own mother, Earth

• Avatar vividly depicts the concept of inter-species cooperation with the Na’vi and their relationships with other species on the planet. Even some of the predators gave help and showed solidarity when the entire planet was endangered. Here, Cameron hoped that Avatar will make audiences become warriors and active defenders of our planet.

• Avatar had also put an accent on how the Na’vi have an intimate connections between themselves, with animals and with their ancestors. The wisdom of the past gave them the ability to make wise decisions that allowed them to live harmoniously with their surroundings, something that we should definitely do to protect our planet.

• Cameron has also sensitized people about giving thanks and caring about creatures that are non humans Effectively, the na’vi would thank animals for their lives, acknowledged their need for these creatures but never took them for granted. This pushes us to be more respectful to our non majestic world animals by trying to avoid products such as fur or leather.

• Finally, the trick here is to find sustainable resources and minimize the waste. We must always consider the ecosystem as a whole and consider the consequences of our actions as we consume on a daily basis.

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Political ThemesBy: Fares Dhiab

James Cameron appointed first the imperialism.

Effectively, the attack on the Na’vi people of Pandora for minerals has been assimilated to the people who have more military or technological means tend to destroy weaker people for their resources. The movie is a clear message about dominant aggressive cultures subjugating native population in a quest for resources. Some writers compared the struggle of the Na’vi that were assimilated to savages primitives and uncivilized people like Palestinians and Israel to the human invaders preaching that they are helping the poor while they are working for their own benefits. Cameron also argued militarism in his movie. In fact, He wanted Americans to have a ‘moral responsibility’.

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By: Michael Faber

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Movies that may have influenced the creation The different stories within

• Avatar is that of the stories of Tarzan and mostly of Pocahontas. The ends of the movies are different in Pocahontas and Avatar, but the morals and basic plots are very similar. Also Tarzan is very similar in that Tarzan has to choice between his people and being a human. I think James Cameron based this story on a lot of this. Lastly, another film I see a lot of similarities is this and Princess Mononoke, as spiritual beings guide the main characters to their successes and just the naturist faith shown in both films.

• Well actually it is several stories, for females there is the love story between the two main characters, for males the story between the two men fighting for the love of the woman, for plant lovers there is the very distinct  argument of whether to save the planet or use the resources for other things, and of course for our sci-fi lovers we have this entire movie that is based on another planet called Pandora. This movie pretty much speaks to any audience.

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The Avatar:

(Hindu) and James Cameron's interpretation of it. 

Religions portrayed within the film:

1.Spiritual 2. Hindu3. Kami (Japanese)4. American Indian 

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By: Nicole Wooldridge

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The Na’vi tribe of Pandora believe in a higher being but not the same way we may believe in God. The people of Pandora share a very spiritual connection between themselves and the living plants and animals around them. Their unconditional faith is devoted to their “All-Mother” or Eywa. Eywa is more like an energy of all the living and non-living things on Pandora and considering Grace’s statement (head scientist of Avatar program) Eywa is the tribes of Pandora’s life force. Along with the belief in their all mother the Na’vi tribe also believe in what seems more like a Japanese, or American Indian tradition. The Na’vi people believe in one person being able to connect them mind and spirit to Eywa. This person in the Na’vi tribe is their Tsa’hik.

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By: Michael Faber

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Jake, allowing himself to become an avatar not just in body but in soul too winds up with more than he bargained for. Getting lost in the woods on his first outing into the wilderness of Pandora, Jake is soon found by Neytiri. She takes him to her father and the Na’Vi people who allow him to learn their ways. Neytiri begins to teach him not just their way of life but how they learn to live with their environment. Although Jake is learning slowly and in the beginning fails, his respect for the Na’vi people is gaining. Jake finally gets the hang of being a Na’vi and bonds with his first ikran The humans are pushed by colonel miles and they attach the Na’Vi people putting Jake in a tough spot. Does he fight for the woman he loves and the people he now respects or the race he has always known and been a part of.


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Jake is exiled by both races and decides that in order to earn the trust of the Na’vi people again he needs to do something to warn them of the war that is about to take place against the Na’vi people. After getting help from his own race he then captures the great toruk. Who ever connects with the Toruk is considered to be all powerful and mighty for the Na’vi. Once acquiring the Toruk the Na’vi people’s trust again, and they prepare for battle and unite the different tribes of Pandora against the human race. War rages and the Na’vi people are losing until the animals of Pandora come and save the day with the help of Awa their version of Mother Earth that means much more having to do with the souls of Pandora.

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In The End

Jake is invited to join the Na’vi people after helping save them and Pandora from the human race. The humans are forced to leave Pandora and to never return.Knowing that Jake could never be as his counterpart in the avatar body, the Na’vi people present him to Awa as they try to get his soul to pass through Awa and return to his avatar body for good. The movie ends with Jake’s eyes opening in his avatar body allowing you to assume that he made it alive and will take his place among the people as ruler and mate of Neytiri.

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By: Michael Faber

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Jake Sully

•Main character

•Ex-military, injured in action which limits him to a wheelchair for life

•Takes dead twin brother’s place on Pandora, allowing him to use the avatar body

•Is the only avatar/human allowed to join the Na’vi people and learn their ways

•Compassionate and courageous Jake leads the Na’vi people in a fight against his own race

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Colonel Miles Quaritch


•Strong, determined, selfish, dominating, arrogant man

•Is in charge of the human forces on Pandora

•Helps to initiate the war against the Na’vi people and wants to wipe them out completely

•No morals or regret

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Dr. Grace

•Head scientist of the avatar program on Pandora

•Kind humanitarian that wants to learn from the Na’vi people

•Strong, smart, educated women. Grace’s role is very courageous within the film. She often speaks when she is not spoken too or when the time is not appropriate

•Exact opposite from Colonel Miles Quaritch. She wants to see the Na’vi people flourish and find an easier more friendly way to live together on Pandora

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•Loving, strong, caring, Na’vi female

•Teaches/falls in love with Jake sully

•Daughter of chief

•In a way she is a lot like Pocahontas; teaching the land and what it has to offer to the new person

•Takes over and leads her people when they are in need after her father dies

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•Strong, opinionated, future leader of the Na’vi

•Tsu’tey is very courageous and will fight for his people until death

•Is against Jake Sully joining their people and is even more against him when he mates with Neytiri as she is his rightful mate and next in line to take the throne

•Is the ultimate leader as he forgives Jake sully and sacrifices him self for his people

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Capturing the true performance of the actors

would never have been capable 10 years ago. Holding onto the story until this day in

age has allowed James Cameron the opportunity to

create animation thru human movement. Devices created for actors to wear capturing every facial movement and allowing

the true emotion to project through the character onto the screen just seems so effortless. This truly is the modernization

of animation in our time.

Types of Animation and how waiting 10 years made it better

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Discovery Networks: The Making of Avatar (2009)

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Avatar. James Cameron. 20th Century Fox, 2009. Film