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Autumn’s Queen Draft 1 Prologue- V Prologue He should fear her wrath. He shouldn't go. But he couldn't swallow his beliefs- or pride either. 1

Autumn's Queen Prologue-5

Apr 15, 2016



Cosma Alexia

Story Prologue
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Page 1: Autumn's Queen Prologue-5

Autumn’s Queen

Draft 1

Prologue- VPrologue

He should fear her wrath.

He shouldn't go.

But he couldn't swallow his beliefs- or pride either.

He couldn't stand back and watch his people die while he lives a life of luxury, celebrated by a court that hates his own, married to a woman whose sister he despises. And yet, he couldn't help himself. He loved Camellia, the gods knew he still do. He's doing this for her, he told himself. She would understand that he could not let her sister kill his loved ones.

The faerie drew his cloak closer to his body as he flew, despairing of ever forming coherent thoughts from the jungle that is his mind. Winter is harsh and unforgiving, he could feel the chill seeping through his skin. Of course, the chill may be partly due to the fact that he's going to Winter. The Winter Kingdom to be exact.


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The Winter Kingdom was radically different from Autumn. Where the streets of Autumn are covered with leaves, Winter's was all snow. While Nantould was modern with crystal towers that seemed to pierce the sky, and jeweled connection towers for the FaeNetwork, Cish still retained a more primitive look with its stone archways and low buildings made of snow blocks.

Here, fae were still afraid to go out when the darkness falls due to the threat of the werewolves- damned humans cursed to be part-wolf and part-human until the day they die. Their hairy bodies, wolf-like features and retained ability to walk on hind legs make them a threat to younger faeries unable to fly high enough to escape them and their insatiable appetites.

In Autumn however, they have been tamed, the royal family themselves keep some of them in cages and paraded around whenever the fancy took them.

As he and his companion passed by, he saw buildings with frost-covered window panes. He could see snowflakes falling, their intricately beautiful shapes always different. It looks like a wonderland. It was dark and no one were in the streets- a small mercy for his wings' design was distinctly Autumn, like two huge maple leaves fused together- exactly like how most common Autumn folk's wings would look like. There, he could perhaps blend in, here he would stand out, an oddity among snowflake-like wings.

No one could know of his whereabouts. His best friend, the Autumn princess, may have treated him like a brother, a future brother-in-law, but he knows she'll turn on him the second she knows what he really was.

A traitor.

An enemy.

He shuddered as he thought of the various tortures his kind had to endure because of her. Rogue fae she called them, as she seemed to think all of them are inclined to be traitors. Abominations to society. Half-breeds if you will. A union of different fae must produce a child of only one season- the season of the stronger parent. He has two seasons- and therefore a half-breed, an abomination. And she tortures the half-breeds she captures as well.

She inflicts mental and emotional tortures- an Autumn specialty. Something he himself also possesed. A reason for the fae's fear of hybrids was the

incredible power hybrids have, after all. If only his kind knew how to protect themselves from her, he wouldn't have had to do this.

Mutilates their wings so that they would have to walk- a mark of shame. Since birth, they have always aimed to fly higher, but how could they achieve that when their wings have been broken? It was akin to having your spirit destroyed. it would leave you vulnerable to the wolves you created.

She strips them of their magic- the worst thing that can happen to a faerie. There were some who could heal mutilated wings or do extremely advanced magic. Another source of pride for the fae was their magical ability. Some of his kind who haven't been broken by previous tortures were often rendered nearly dead after this.

She executes the strongest in public.To show them their place, her mother said. To show that no one could beat those who were born pure-blooded. They've committed treason, she always said. But what were their crimes? What sort of crime that screamed treason? Is it because they were rogue? Their alliances uncertain?

Why he fell for her sister, he would never know. But Camellia was different, he knew. She was kind and understanding and she would perhaps accept his cause. She would understand that he's doing this for the family he was never given. After all, her mother executed his birth parents. Only a stroke of luck brought him to the notice of the royal family and gave him a way to plan his revenge.

Terra was the perfect predator- beautiful, swift, and alluring. A dangerous, natural-born killer, just like her mother and brothers and her other sister, Sebille, before she went mad. She was nearly impossible to describe. As icy as winter's chill, and as warm as summer's breeze.

Thank the gods his own betrothed takes after their father, a wise kindly, man of few words. Not nearly as complicated as her sister.

A voice interrupted his thoughts, "We're nearly there," his companion said.

Like him, Ryuk is also a hybrid-born of Winter and Summer. He himself is born of Autumn and Winter. They are headed to the Winter Palace to meet with the King. Dalton didn't trust Ryuk- he seems too secretive, like he's hiding something really big. And Dalton had never seen Ryuk perform Winter Magic- he always prefers his Summer side better. Like him, Ryuk was also connected with a


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Royal Court- the High Court in his instance, which made him very valuable to the Winter King.

"Hurry, his Majesty must not be kept waiting." Ryuk remarked thoughtfully. "You are well acquainted with his famous temper."

Dalton nodded. Everyone knew how the King turned ice statues out of anyone who annoyed him. Those famous statues adorned his Ice Gardens. Dalton still shivers at the thought of the first time he saw it. All those mouths, frozen in pure terror, their bulging eyes...

For the rest of the journey, they flew in silence. The winds have ears and what they must talk about is a sensitive matter.

They soon arrived and flew to the tallest tower- the Winter War Room, a five hundred foot tall tower rising like an ice crystal from the gigantic palace. The Winter Palace itself was tens of thousands of years old, and still retained a sort of primitive look to it. Still, Dalton knew that inside it is a palace as modern as Autumn's.

The sight that greeted him took his breath away- it is exactly what he expected a war room to look like.The Autumn War Room is nothing compared to this. Everything is organized, from the holo-maps to the FaeComms. Generals gathered around a large table, strategizing in an orderly manner- cold and emotionless perhaps but at least they get the job done. The technology, although not nearly as cutting edge as Autumn's, was at least well-maintained. It was paradise for a warrior like him.

The King is seated on an icy throne, carved from the purest ice, golden fleur-de-lis adorning it, and a white canopy

made of the finest lace covering it. His gaze was as cold as the throne he is seated on. Strange however, that his eyes seemed like cold fire, blue to be sure, but fire nonetheless. He always thought only fae from the Dark Court has eyes like fire. Perhaps marriage between races are more common outside of Autumn.

When he noticed the both of them, he beckoned them to come forward.

They approached the King tentatively. Here is a king who's reputation is every bit as fearsome as the Autumn Queen's.

"Your Majesty," they bowed.

The King nodded to the boy and his companion.

"Dalton," he said. "Ryuk, I trust you did not encounter difficulties in coming here?

"No, Your Majesty," Ryuk answered, his head still bowed in respect. "Our journey is quite uneventful."

The King smiled a cold smile that sent shivers through Dalton's spine. He never truly liked the King, in fact if it wasn't for his thirst for revenge, he wouldn't be there at all.

"I must congratulate you," he said, "For I have heard news of your betrothal to the Princess' sister."

"Thank you Your Majesty," Dalton said respectfully, "Camellia is a treasure."

"I'm sure," the King said. "Now, we must discuss our plans for the Autumn Kingdom. Your betrothal has given me an idea actually. But first we must discuss the Autumn Queen." Dalton didn't like the sound of that. His every instinct tells him to run, yet he stayed rooted on the spot, like his wings refused to move, or even flutter.

"I want you to poison her."

Dalton felt torn. Poison the queen who has always treated him like a son? Poison his fiancee's mother?

She was the one who started all the terrible things that has happened to your kind, a voice in his head said.

But Camellia will hate you forever.

"That way, our princess will be queen- which leads me to my idea."


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He wasn't so sure. Once the princess becomes queen, the whole plan will become ten times more dangerous and he will be surprised if he is left with his head still intact. If she finds out, the marriage would be called off immediately. Perhaprs, he could marry Camellia before Terra finds out he's a traitor.

The King gestured for the two faeries to follow him and led them to a corner of the room where his son, the Winter Prince was strategizing with one of the generals.

The Winter Prince has an icy sort of beauty with white-blond hair, ice-blue eyes and a chiseled face. Briefly, Dalton thought of the Autumn Princess with her own angelic beauty and warm personality that belies her true nature. At least, the Winter Prince has none of her deceptive beauty. His personality, from what they have gathered, reflects on his face. Cold and arrogant.

"Kailen," the King greeted the Winter Prince who had a bored expression on his face, when he saw them approaching, he quickly said something to the general and dismissed him, facing them.

"Finally decided to include me in the discussion Father?" Prince Kailen's lips twisted into a cold sneer. Dalton didn't like the Winter Prince either, in his mind she was like Terra, without the warmth.

Ignoring the Prince's comment, the King continued. "Dalton's engagement has given me an idea on how we can control the Autumn Kingdom-"

"Let me guess Father, you want me to court the Autumn Princess, gain her love and trust, marry her, and rule the Kingdom through her." the Prince said, his bored expression unchanged, his eyes betraying his acceptance of the plan as they glistened with greed at the thought of taking over the Autumn Kingdom.

The king looked nonplussed. "Yes, son." he said, and then turning to Dalton and Ryuk, he said with a cold sneer that mirrored his son's earlier. "We'll see how this princess will react once she becomes mother to a half-breed."

Dalton isn't so sure the princess would be mother to a hybrid. The Winter Prince may not be as strong as she is. After all, the princess' name is feared everywhere, her reputation most fearsome- not as much as her mother's, but infamous nonetheless. Her magic is strong, and only Royal Fae and few others are immune (including him, of course). Her voice alone could make fae do as she says,

she can wipe out memories and change them. The infamous Autumnal mind games and tricks- something he himself possesses along with the magic of Winter.

Maybe this prince would prove you wrong,  the voice inside his head said. Maybe he'll be strong enough after all. Besides, it'll be the greatest irony of all. A joke on Autumn. Terra, the Warrior Princess giving birth to a hybrid.

"Dalton," the King said suddenly. "I want you to enlist the help of your betrothed."

He gaped at the King. He admired his boldness and resolve, but this would go too far.

"Your Majesty! Camellia would never-" he protested, faltering under the King's steely gaze.

The fire in His Majesty's eyes seemed to burn brighter, hotter.

These aren't the eyes of a Winter King.

"Do as you're told." he said.


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I am Terra, the Warrior Princess of Autumn.

I was born to fight. I have always been fighting for my kingdom. My kingdom constantly under threat from the two of the most powerful- Summer and Winter, although the most powerful- the High Court and the Dark Court themselves did not currently pose a threat.

 I am a warrior, an autumn faerie born and destined for the crown.

Since the age of sixteen- still practically a newborn by our standards, I've been training to fight anything that threatens our kingdom. I have captured, tortured, and killed countless hostile fae since then. And now, at the age of six-hundred eighty- seven, I have become a living legend, and my name feared by faeries across the land. Tales of my exploits have been circulated through various media, known by everyone.

I am a hunter.

Today, I came to hunt my most enduring prey yet: a nest of half-breed faeries. They've been terrorizing the towns near the forests and are said to be planning a coup. At least, that's what my mother told me since I was younger and new to this kind of mission. Since, my mother is always correct, I've always believed her. After all, there's no reason not to.

We weren't exactly sure about their numbers since they move in small packs.  I took at least twenty-five of our bravest companions- including Dalton, my sister's betrothed and my best friend.

Moving with grace and stealth, my companions and I scoured the vast forest in hopes of seeing even a glimpse of the hybrids. I scoffed at myself, to think I should be reduced to hoping for a glimpse of them, when two hundred years ago, I could capture them by the hundreds. Of course that was two hundred years ago, times have changed since then.

The hybrids have grown more sly and cunning, even more wilier. Unseen though they may be, they still pose a grave and dangerous threat- an underground resistance we must fight and destroy before it's too late. Their growing power must be checked, for they were too powerful for us not to consider them a danger to our society. Besides, they are creatures bound for the realms of the Dark Being. Creatures that should never have been born.

"Any sign of them yet?" I asked Dalton, my impatience rising by the second. The weather was uncooperative- harsh and blowing in all directions, scattering leaves in our path.

"No," he replied, still scanning the horizon for any sign of them "But I think we're close."


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"We should be picking up on their scent by now." I said irritably. Once I see those damned abominations, they shall suffer what so many of their kind had before. They are dangerous and a threat. I could not afford to let them live when their loyalties are unclear.

While they conspire against me and my mother.

"Patience, we'll get to them soon enough." He said calmly, as he always does. I’ve noticed however, that his become more shifty, more secretive. It may have something to do with his betrothal so I did not confront him about it. There’s something off about him, however, and I could not tell what it was. Besides, I could still count on him to provide sage advice.

But patience? What was he saying? I almost burst out laughing. We've been camping for what? Three weeks now and still no sign of them? This is my longest hunt yet and I'm losing patience faster than you can say "faerie". Besides, calm as he may look, I'm pretty sure Dalton missed Camellia terribly.

I say the last line aloud, and I saw Dalton's face turn morose for a moment before it turned calm again.

I wished this could be my lucky day. The day I could face my future subjects triumphantly and say I've captured the leaders of those damn rogue fae.

A faint rustling of wings in the distance, as well as a silhouette in the shadows capture my attention. I felt grateful for my uniform- designed to mimic any environment and blend in, Autumnal magic allowing it to turn invisible.

This is it. I'm close, I can feel it. I can sense it.

I took off flying quickly, following the silhouette not wanting to lose it as it moved fast, but my mother's messenger stopped me in my tracks.

"Princess! We have an emergency!" he exclaimed, he looked flustered, like he didn't know what to say- or how to say it properly. It must be really important if my mother didn't simply send a FaeComm message. She sends her messenger only on the most important of errands. If what was about to be said could not relayed through FaeComm where the message could be intercepted.  

"What is it?" I asked. This better be important if it's keeping me from capturing my prey. A wave of annoyance shot through my spine. I should have been following that silhouette! I tapped my foot impatiently- a mannerism I’ve had since I was a child- as I waited for him to convey his message.

"Y-your m-mother, the Q-queen. She's been poisoned." He shivered uncontrollably, fearing what I would do.





I feel numb, my emotions swirling, mixing with one another. A dominant one rising above all others.

Hate and vengeance towards the culprit. 

I turn to the soldiers who were respectfully waiting for my orders, or my announcement.

"We have to go back." I told them, swallowing my emotions as best as I could. A wave of nausea settles deep in my stomach as I tried to hold back.


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"What is it Princess?" one of them asked.

"My mother's been poisoned." I told them as calmly as I can, although I can feel a lump in my throat. Even as thoughts were becoming jumbled in my head.

Murmuring and gasps erupted. I knew what they were all thinking. Who would dare poison the Queen? Known for her iron fist- yet kindly nature, Queen Eolande was beloved throughout the kingdom. Yes, she's known for her harsh punishments, but she's never been unjust.

Who would dare risk her punishments?

Dalton looked angered, his face twisting into a mask of pain and rage. He had always been so close to my mother, the bond between them akin to a mother and her son. Yet, I noticed his eyes had an unfamiliar shine to it- not tears, I knew. Something else. Yet it was not the time to dwell on that.

She has few enemies, and they were the Royal Houses of Summer and Winter. Not even the Dark Court is on bad terms with her.

It has to be them. And they better pray my mother doesn't die or they will pay a terrible price.

When I arrived at my mother's bedside, she's considerably pale and weak. It was a shock, after all, I remember my mother strong and fierce, a warrior queen. She taught me hand-to-hand combat herself and now, her wings look dead, her auburn hair has turned white, and her lips too. Her skin, the color of an autumn leaf, lightened to a milk chocolate color. Her nutmeg-colored eyes look dilated and everything about her screams of dying. Even in the clutches of Death, she still looked like me somehow. I've always been said to be the younger version of her.

Funny how I'll soon be ushered into her shoes, and the mantel of queenship.

No. Not yet.

The scent of death was apparent in the room, its pungent smell clung to every piece of furniture, the mantels, the velvet curtains, but especially apparent in my mother.

Death was claiming her.

No. I must  push these thoughts out of my head. My mother is young- only two thousand and five hundred years old. She still has a millennium or two.

She won't die, I think desperately. She'll grow stronger and recover. She'll look like a Warrior Queen again. She's Queen Eolande, she's strong, fierce, and beautiful. She won't die yet.

She still looks so young.

She will not die.

She will recover.

She is strong.

She is my mother.

She is Queen Eolande.

She will not die.

Death and disease must fear her, like everyone else.

As if sensing my thoughts, my mother took my hand. "Terra, I'm glad you're here. It hurts, the's unbearable. The doctors say I don't have long to live..." Even in


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pain, her voice is still firm and strong, like the Queen she was. Only thousands of years of experience could produce that kind of effect.

"No." I shook my head. No, this can't be happening. I was too young, too inexperienced. My mother was one thousand, six hundred and fifty years old when her mother died.

"...I'm sorry you're too young for this but you must listen carefully to what I will say." Her eyes turned cold and hard, like they always do when she wants me to listen carefully and not interrupt.

"Capture the rogue faeries and don't let the Summer and Winter kingdoms invade Autumn, or else the balance will be destroyed. And, be wary of the fae around you." she coughed, a terrible, hacking sound and she lay there quietly, like she's waiting to die. "Take care of Sebille." Sebille was my sister who was locked up in her tower for so long due to her fragile mind.

She smiled sadly and gave her final pieces of advice, "Remember, no food tasters. Poison for us is for us, not the servants. Also, Death and disease fears no one. Death will take you, no matter who you are or where you are from."

She then drew one final breath and died. The silence that followed was deafening. I never expected my mother's death to be like this.

So quiet,

My mother, strong and brave until the end, never showing fear. Another reason why she is admired. And yet, despite knowing that she died with dignity, I was unable to stop the torrent of tears that freely flowed. There I was, the Warrior Princess- no, Queen of Autumn, sobbing, clinging to her dead mother. I took in her appearance, hair fanned out on the pillows, posture rigid and straight, her hands clasped on her stomach. Even in death, she was regal.

My mother is dead. My mother, with her scolding tone, her fierce outlook in life, her expertise in combat. She's dead and I won't be able to do anything about it, except avenge her death.

The spell cast around the room with my mother's death must be broken, I knew. My ascension must be announced. Still, I hoped against hope that it wouldn't be announced just yet. That denying it would bring my mother back...

Foolish hopes, my ascension must be announced. 

I knew this, I've always been aware of my duty, like all of my subjects. We all have our duties to fulfill, no matter how distasteful they may seem. I must wipe my tears off my face. 

But not yet...let me grieve...for now at least...

Seeing my tear-ridden face, but still knowing his duty, the herald said in a voice that could perhaps be heard throughout the kingdom even without FaeComms, "The Queen is dead! Long live the Queen!" Outside, the crowds were gathered, hoping for a glimpse of the new Queen. In a few moments, I would step out and greet them.

As was the custom, the High Priestess placed a wreath made of laurels on my head, symbolizing my ascension to the throne. My father and siblings were at my mother’s bedside, their faces similarly streaked with tears. But I knew we must look strong in front of everyone. Let it not be said that the Royal Family of Autumn shows weakness, my mother would have said.

Queen. I'm now the queen. As males, my brothers would never ascend the throne of Autumn and I'm old enough for my duties now. With that, I rushed to wipe the tears and face my new subjects with the same dignity my mother did when her own died and she ascended to the throne.


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I will make my promise good. Whoever did this to my mother will pay and I will make sure he or she shall suffer a hundred times worse than what my mother suffered.


II.My throat still heavy and thick with sobs, I made my way to the balcony to greet my new subjects. Although obviously still in mourning, like I am, they tried their best to greet me properly. I swallowed down the bile that was gathering in my throat and tried to ignore the nausea I felt. It would not do to throw up in front of my new subjects.

"Long live Queen Terra!" the crowd outside were chanting as enthusiastically as they can. Even if I fear I might burst into tears at any given moment, I went to address them. 

"This is a period of great mourning," I managed to say while pushing down sobs, "Today, we lost a queen who will forever live in our hearts. Although we are in mourning, we must never forget those responsible for this. I promise you, whoever he or she is, they will pay. They won't ever get away with what they did to my mother."

I tried to hold my head up high, look as regal as I could manage. I imagined my mother at her own ascension, how would she have looked like? My back was straight, my posture. I applied all the training I’ve had in this single moment.

This moment that would define me in front of my subjects. If I slip up or do something wrong, it would stay with me forever and guarantee that I would be thought of as weak. I cannot be called weak, especially not now.

The roar of the crowd was deafening. Despite my reputation, despite all I've done, it was gratifying to know that my subjects are on my side, that I have their approval. I may be young, but I do have experience in combat and leadership. Soon, I fear, there might be conflict.

And yet, I’ve done it. It seemed I’ve aced my first challenge as a Queen. No sobs, no vomit. Maybe no one would think to underestimate me.

I was a Warrior Princess.

Now, I shall be a Warrior Queen. 

"Are you all right?" my father, the Dowager King Aelfraed, asked as he sat by me at the garden. His eyes were red and puffy and he seemed to have aged a millennia. "I fear this is all too much for you to handle.”


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I look at my father. The opposite of my mother, he had always been calm, composed, and loving at all times, where my mother had conflicting tempers of fire and ice, like me and my brothers, like majority of our subjects. When I was younger, I would run to him when my mother scolded me for not measuring up to her standards. His kindly face never fails to cheer me up, and I know he's suffering more than any of us. After all, he and my mother were married for nine centuries.

"I should be asking you the same thing." I said, staring at the trees and flowers that grew in our garden. My mother used to love them. When she wasn’t with her generals or planning the next mission, she would be here, conversing with the gardeners and tending her favorite plants.

He looked lost for a long time, before he finally said, "It feels odd, that she's gone. I've been with her for so long, I've forgotten how's it's like to live without her." he smiled sadly, "I remember when you were born. It was such a difficult childbirth, and yet your brothers and I saw how strong she is. When she was poisoned, we thought maybe...she'll find a way to survive. That's what she is after all. A survivor, a fighter. I never thought she would die so soon."

"None of us did." I said as gently as I could manage without sobbing. It was true, my mother was at her prime. She was at her strongest- or at least, she was supposed to be.

"She was always stronger than I was." he looked like he didn’t know what to say. "I've always loved her for it. Now she's gone...just like that."

"So will be the one who poisoned her." I gritted my teeth at the thought of an unknown person, flying undetected, slipping poison in my mother’s food or drink. I must know who did this and why.

He squeezed my hand tightly, and looked at me straight in the eye, his gaze unwavering and firm. "Do not let anger flood your heart and cloud your senses."

I decided to take his words to heart. There are things other than revenge to worry about. Still, that does not mean I would let the suspect get away with what he did. But then, I may forget his words and take rash action or do something I might regret.

Throughout the next day, condolences arrived from the nobles and Royal Houses from each of the kingdoms- except the Dark Court, for they are too malicious. Although I appreciated those coming from here, the High Court, and the Spring Kingdom, I can't help but feel bitterness reading those coming from Summer and Winter. After all, they are our enemies and it was plausible that they poisoned my mother. If not, they must have felt relief or celebrated. I could almost see their smug little smirks, their whispers...

"The new Autumn Queen is young, she would be easy to fight."

I could have sworn they poisoned my mother if I didn't have evidence that proves the opposite. 

For when I started my investigation with regards to the poison, I saw a different story.

The poison contained crushed ice lilies and summer orchids. Since Summer and Winter will never team up, I thought that someone is trying to pin the blame on them to start a war.

That someone would have to be around here since the Autumn garden is the only garden where every plant from all kingdoms can grow.

If my hunch is true, I must find who this someone is and capture him or her fast, before he or she can create more trouble for all of us. And, if what I see is correct, he or she was here in my kingdom.

Soon, I must find time to capture this traitor.


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I hate this. I hate all of this. My mother hasn't been in the ground for more than a week  when the fetes and balls started. It feels like a betrayal.

I hated the dresses they made me wear. The long sleeves constricted   my arms, limiting my freedom of movement. If I was human, I would have tripped on the long dress that reaches below my feet. It was designed to make me look elegant, but I’ve never been elegant. I’ve always been a warrior. I would give anything to be able to wear my uniform again.

And I would give anything to have my mother back.

I shook my head. There was no use dwelling on these things. I must stop thinking of foolish things.

I'm the Queen now, whether I like it or not.

This latest fete is just as I expected: boring. Basically, everyone's moving around, socializing, drinking and eating or dancing. All except for me.  I feel awkward and twitchy, aching to get back to the woods and hunt those rogue fae. I didn’t belong here with all the silly socialites, I belonged outside, in the open air and the scent of the woods. I rolled my eyes at the lavish decorations, the crystal chandeliers, and the mirror-like walls. So much extravagance for something I'd rather not celebrate. I was swathed in silk, its sheer softness against my skin making me uncomfortable,  as used as as I was to rougher materials. My mother always told me that to experience hardship is to appreciate the luxuries around you.

There are royals and nobles from other kingdoms present. The heirs to the thrones of all the other kingdoms are here. Looking at them, grouped together and chattering away, I am reminded of our differences. I was brought up in a militaristic manner, taught to fight in hundreds of ways. As they learn the art og diplomacy, I learn the art of the sword. Not that I never learned diplomacy,  but I never learned how to dance.

I watched them sadly, envying how close they seemed to each other, while I only had my siblings and soldiers for company.

One of them excused himself and approached me. Judging by his handsome, cold features,  I could tell he's Damien, the Prince of the Dark Court.

"Will Your Majesty allow me this dance?" He asked, bowing and holding his hand out to me.

I looked down, embarrassed. "I don't know how to dance," I said. "My mother never saw fit to teach me." I felt another pang of sadness. Maybe she would have taught me eventually if she were still alive.

He smiled slyly in response. "It will be an honour to teach you." 

I looked up. "Really? You will teach me?" I caught my brother Alberich's gaze and he nodded, as if saying I should not offend th

"All you have to do is to follow my lead."

He lead me towards the dance floor and we started to dance. At first, my gait was awkward, nearly tripping several times. However, the prince taught me patiently until I could dance a little.

"Thank you." I said, smiling a little. The prince had been gracious and kind throughout the dance, something that I did not expect. However, I would see him glance at Sarine, the Spring Priincess from time to time.

Everyone applauded,  but some had smirks on their faces. I sent them a glare until they lowered theit gazes. Here, I am Queen and they must learn their places. My mother always told me that.

The prince bowed and rejoined the others, leaving me alone to my thoughts.


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After some time, faeries started to look at me expectantly. Some were even muttering to themselves. A few of the older nobles huddled amongst themselves. I caught a tidbit of their conversation- they say I'm too young but there are no alternatives.

Father looked at me and raised his brows. He pointed to the podium at the center. Fae had already gathered there. 

Right. The speech. How could I have forgotten?

I hasten to fly towards the center of the ballroom, where a platform was erected with a podium.

Clearing my throat, I began "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight. A little over a week ago, my mother died and I suddenly became Queen. It was a dark moment for me, as I was lost and confused. I was too young, and so is my mother. None of us thought this would happen. I thought I still have a thousand years and perhaps a few more hundred years before I become Queen."

They were getting bored, I could see, but fae are too polite to show it, unlike those wretched mortals my brother Adrian liked so much.

I continued, I did not make this speech for nothing, whether they like it or not, they will listen. "But then, I thought about you, all of you. My new subjects. I knew you need a strong Queen, which is why I stand before you now, trying to present the best image I can present to you. You are the reason why I stand before you now and say: I will be  a strong Queen and nothing and no one should dare harm my kingdom and my subjects lest they face the terrible consequences I have for them."

Applause erupted. They never expected this from me. They expected an Ice Queen. Well then, I'm sorry to disappoint those haughty social climbers and court hangers-on, but if they want an Ice Queen, they better go to the Winter Kingdom.

I am fire for Autumn has always been fire. My temper must always be like cooling embers of a flame, instead of a blazing one, unless necessary. I am also like ice, for Autumn's season precedes Winter. My temper, when not like fire, was a cold chill, a breeze. My anger, it was said, was even more frightening when cold than hot. Then again, our fae tend to fear the cold more than the heat.

For the realms of Death are cold and the realms of the Great Being are warm.

A voice interrupted my musings. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

Turning, I saw the Prince of the High Court,  Prince Ryuk. He was much more striking in person than any images would show. The glittering lights reflected upn his golden hair like a halo. His eyes shone like the bluest skies.

"Your Highness does me a great honour," I said, praying that it was the right thing to say.

To my surprise, he laughed. "There's no need to be formal, Your Majesty, " he said, winking.

Loosening up a bit, I placed my right hand into his own as he led me to the center. I sincerely hoped I could remember what the Dark Prince taught me.

"Now what?" my brother Adrian asked after the ball. His real name was Crion, but he changed it when he went to the mortals' dimension  to learn their culture. He has always been the odd one in our family. The one always travelling between dimensions, via the portal at the town of Rimmors.

"I asked the servants, they were drugged." I said, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

Adrian slammed his fist on the table, his amber eyes darkening in anger and frustration.


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"How can we avenge her if no one remem-"

"Your Majesty, Your Highness," the royal messenger arrived. "this came recently." He then left soon after.

The letter looked old-fashioned, and antique-looking. Obviously, someone used a bit of magic to make it look that way. Oddly enough, it looked like a mortal could have written it. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the poor choice of words and use in language.

The message was written in fancy script and said:

Queen Terra, 

How does it feel to be Queen? Scared of the responsibility aren't you? Don't worry, you won't have it for long.

By the way, congratulations figuring out it isn't Winter or Summer- looks like your brain works after all. What a shame though- I was hoping to start a war. Oh well, I'll have plenty more chances for that.

Beware princess- I mean Queen, you'll never guess who I am. After all, would you think someone who's near you will be a traitor? And once you find out, it will be too late.

As I finished reading it aloud, my brother trembled in fury. His fists clenched and unclenched ay his sides as his mouth drew into a thin line. His eyes bored holes into the parchment, as if he wanted to wrench it from my grasp and tear it into a million pieces.

 I threw the letter to the flames hastily, no one should know about this, considering the gossip networks so readily available via FaeComm.

"It isn't enough that he killed mother, and now, he wants to kill you too?" he raged, fire building in his eyes. "Who would be next? Father? The rest of us? We will find this traitor, and he will be executed."

 "He's probably just someone the Dark Court sent to threaten us." I said, a bit unsure. Yes, the Dark Court is malicious and evil, but murder isn't their thing. Physical agony, yes, mental breakdown, yes, emotional anguish, definitely, but murder? No, they don't do murder. They would say murder is too final a thing and go on about how much better it wasto drive a victim insane instead.

"Or the rogue fae." I added. "It's probably just them, trying to frighten us."

"Maybe," he said, although he looked doubtful , not really believing that there isn't real harm.

 Maybe, I am afraid, trying to convince myself that I could face this challenge when I couldn't.

I slapped myself mentally. I am Terra, Warrior Queen of Autumn, I could do anything, conquer anything.

Be damned all who dare presume to oppose me.

I could take on any challenge.


III."Your Majesty, we have a problem." General Rhiannon said as we were strolling about in the garden. She looks tired and worried, judging by the lines that appeared


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on her face and the dull, tired look in her eyes- like she hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in a while.

"What is it?" I asked. 

"The sprites report a great threat." she said gravely. "The Winter kingdom is planning an invasion."

I stopped in my tracks. No, no, they wouldn't dare. The High Court would protect us. They were bound by our oath and the one thing that they could never get: our portal.

"Titania and Oberon...." I muttered under my breath. Glancing all around me, I saw that the Court faeries are busily chatting and going about on their own business and didn't seem to hear. Good, the last thing I need is a kingdom of panicking fae. Besides, the High Court would protect us.

"Would never allow it." she assured me. "Unfortunately, they are...ah, preoccupied at the moment."

"What do you mean preoccupied?" I demanded. "The Winter kingdom as you say is planning an invasion and The High Court is preoccupied?" I almost spit the word 'preoccupied'. What would be more serious than this?

"The Dark Court, ma'am," she said, her face betraying no emotion. "They are being more aggressive than ever."

"They are always aggressive, I see no reason why-" They are the Dark Court. Of course they would be aggressive. It’s their job to create malice. For the gods’ sakes, if the High Court needs to create excuses, couldn’t they come up with something else?

I was unable to finish my sentence since the royal messenger came in.

"Madam," he said. "The Winter Court decided to send an envoy carrying a message-"

What now? An envoy telling us about their upcoming invasion and that we don't stand a chance against them? I have more problems to worry about than a petty little envoy.

"-the Winter Prince, the heir to the throne. He came with a proposal for Your Majesty."

The Winter Prince, huh? This might be a bit interesting.

Memories of the ball came to mind. He was handsome, I remember. A bit cold, but also very elegant. I felt crude in comparison.

What proposal? A truce? An alliance? With the Winter kingdom? They will have to kill me first.

The nerve of them coming here.

I could almost see their smug little smiles when my mother died, when they sent that letter telling me about their condolences. The ambassador even told me about the things he heard.

“The Autumn Queen is dead. The new one is too young.”

“We could defeat them with ease.”

Enemies. They are enemies. Always and forever.

I received the Winter Prince in my Throne Room. Despite the Autumn season being closely related to Winter, our customs are strikingly different. For example, there males inherit the kingdom. Our manners, it seemed, are different as well. I may have


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been a warrior, but I was by no means a savage. Nor was I a spoilt brat as the Winter Prince was proving to be.

"Your Majesty," the prince bowed in a mocking manner, his ice-blue eyes cold and emotionless. "I thank you for receiving me in your kingdom despite the tense situation between our kingdoms."

Tense doesn't even begin to describe the situation.

"Your Highness," I said through gritted teeth, in what I hope to be a calm manner, as to not show my irritation and enmity. A Prince of Winter has no business here, lest of all its Crown Prince. "Is always welcome in our kingdom."

"Thank you, madam. I come with a proposal from my kingdom." He said, his eyes shining with what I assumed to be mischief.

A proposal? I unwittingly lean forward on my gilded throne, waiting with a baited breath to hear what he has to say. All the courtiers in the room are staring intently now, their gazes fixed on the Prince and I. His proposal might change the fate of our kingdom.

"My sovereigns, my most gracious father and mother, the King and Queen, sent me to propose a preposition- an alliance."

An alliance? My courtiers shook their head in disgust.

An alliance with Winter? Impossible! My mother would have been rolling in her grave. Still, I kept quiet in order to hear what he's going to say next. I raised a finger and looked at the courtiers sternly in order to silence them. We must not appear rude to the Winter Prince, it simply would not do.

"An alliance through marriage."

Marriage? With the Winter Prince? Did I hear correctly?

How incredibly laughable.

And illegal, in my kingdom at least. There’s no way I would break my own law.

I, my nobles, and the various courtiers at court were all shocked into silence. Never has this happened in the thousands of years of fae history. Royals usually marry nobles- even commoners of their own kingdom but never other kingdoms- most especially rival ones. Not even for political alliance was this done. Especially since this sort of marriages show which is stronger- something that causes much discord between kingdoms.

Not to mention the hybrids.

I struggled to find my voice for a few minutes. After I recovered from my shock, I said as calmly as I can "Surely you would want traditional gifts for alliances?"

He laughed, "Parcels of land? Faerie slaves? The pets you call werewolves? Nay, human royals intermarry. Why not fae?"

Why not fae? It's wrong, that's why! A child born of two different seasons? It would be unpredictable! A child born of different seasons usually takes after the stronger parent's season. Two royals of different seasons would compete to be the strongest and this may cause strife between them. Or, if they are equally strong, the union will produce a rogue faerie.

I will not be a mother to one of the creatures I hunt and kill.

I will not be mother to an abomination.

I will not kill my own child and I cannot be a hypocrite. I have a reputation to uphold.


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On the other hand, the idea of toying with the Winter Prince is appealing.

"Perhaps, it would do you good to remember the rogue fae." I said.

"Fae royals are of sturdier and stabler stock than most."

He's persistent, I have to give him that but I'm not happy with the idea of marrying him. It would give him far too much political advantage. Besides, a royal marrying someone from another kingdom is unheard of and would carry much gossip and taint.

"It would come to pass that one of us might emerge to be the stronger one."

"I've always thought myself Your Majesty's equal in power and magic." His nerve amused me. A mere prince telling that to a queen!

“Marrying fae of another kingdom is highly illegal in my kingdom.”

He raised an eyebrow arrogantly, shocking me and my courtiers by showing an appalling lack of respect. “I’m sure you could always change them.”

“That wouldn’t be so easy,” I said coolly. It was true. A change in our laws must be unanimously approved by the Council.”

“I still see nothing wrong with a hybrid child.”

The courtiers drew a collective breath. The Prince was saying that a child of a union between us will be a hybrid.

I decided to throw him a bone. “You may try,” I said finally. “Convince my Council and I of your worth.”

Some of the older courtiers scowled at me, while the younger ones were looking on with keen interest. I could just imagine what the conservatives think.



I made up my mind. He may try, but he won't succeed. 

Of course, I'll play with him first.

I decided to meet the prince in the Autumn gardens. Once there, faeries flew away, as if they knew I wanted them to. However, they made sure that they are still in my line of sight in case trouble arises.

 "I apologize Your Highness, but I must be blunt, is your kingdom planning an invasion?" I asked, regretting it immediately as I mentally kicked myself. Asking a visiting diplomat if their kingdom is planning to attack yours was practically a suicidal tactic.

The Winter Prince smiled and chuckled lightly, "No madame, those are merely malicious rumors most likely spread by the Dark Court. And please call me Kailen."

I smiled back, still a tad suspicious with his actions. I've never seen the Winter ambassador- or any of their fae for that matter smile like that. "That is a relief to hear, although I am very sorry I listened to such rumors. Likewise, you may call me Terra."

"Your kingdom is very beautiful." he said thoughtfully, making me smile as I remember the images of his kingdom I once saw. It looks quite old-fashioned when compared to ours. Beautiful yes, in a different way than ours. A cold kind of beauty. One that seeps into your skin and makes you shiver.


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"Likewise, I've heard that your kingdom is also very lovely." I said, forcing a smile.

The rest of the conversation went smoothly and I knew what tactic I must employ: I shall gain his trust and find out what secrets he's hiding.

 I, of course shall never trust him.

He's the Winter Prince.

The enemy.

Forever and always.


IV."Can you believe it?"

"The nerve!"

"This has never happened before!"

"Will she actually accept his proposal?"

"What if she produces a half-breed if they get married? Oh the irony!"

All around the kingdom, these were often heard, I was told. Gossip spreads very fast, as I knew before, especially with the FaeComms, and the main gossips at court probably flew as fast as their wings could carry them just to spread the news. What they wouldn't do for gossip, I don't know.  Everyday, I could hear those annoying courtiers giggle to themselves and whisper. As if they thought I could not hear them.

 "Your kingdom is full of interesting people," Kailen remarked, his eyes showing that he meant irritating not interesting.

"I suppose so," I shrugged. In a kingdom full of interesting people, normal becomes interesting.

"News spread fast." He looked around, trying to see if there are any nosy courtiers spying on us. There weren't- I sent them away this morning, warning them not to come near us.

"Of course," I said proudly. "This is the pioneer kingdom in technology and communication after all."

"They don't like me," he said thoughtfully, like he cares.


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I laugh inwardly. Of course not.

You're Winter, I thought. My people will never ever accept you.

Instead, I clapped his back and said reassuring words that made me feel false. "Give it time," I said. "They'll accept you soon enough." They never will...

Except if doing so will prevent a war.


Five Weeks Later....

 In the weeks that have passed since the prince's arrival we've grown to know each other quite well. So well that I’ve started to enjoy his company- a fact that surprised me. I smiled to myself as I sat in my study, looking over at important documents that needed my signature.

"Your Majesty," my lady-in-waiting, Lady Annaliese entered nervously.

"You look pale," I remarked, scrutinizing her features. It was true, she looks deathly pale, like something troubles her deeply. Her hands were shaking as her wings fluttered with lightning-fast speed.

"It is the prince, madam, he is being most unreasonable." she's biting her lip now.

"What do you mean unreasonable?" I asked gently. She's afraid, I could tell, and I didn’t want her to be even more afraid. She was the second mother figure I had, and the only one I have left.

"He's been making outrageous requests on the Council of Five, my husband says."

Ah, so that's why she looks so afraid. Her husband, Lord Alric is a member of the Council , and she rejoices in his triumphs and weeps at his sorrows. He usually spends time between Court and the barracks, and on the rare occasion he was at Court, he makes sure to know every significant thing.

"What requests?" Surely he would not ask for anything too outrageous. This was still my kingdom after all. A visiting diplomat cannot simply make any demands that would be deemed improper.

"Ma'am, he says that if he will not have you, he will marry," she drops her voice to a whisper, "your sister!"

"But she is betrothed!" I exclaimed. Surely he couldn't mean Camellia? 

"Your other sister ma'am,” she said, frowning.

Sebille? My dear little sister who had always been so mentally fragile?

I said nothing, instead, I waited for Lady Anneliese to say more. 

She started fidgeting, "And if he doesn't get what he wants, there will be war. Or so he implies.”

War. That terribly ugly word.


My other sister, Sebille, has been locked in a mental facility since the age of two hundred. She has always been mentally unstable and fragile. There was once a time when she could fight with the rest of us. She was an extremely capable and adept warrior who was at par with me, until one day, she snapped and lost her mind. We don't know how and why it happened and we're still trying to find answers.


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She also comes after me and before Camellia which means...

If he could marry her and kill me, the throne would be in effectively his. No, he cannot marry her.

Better me than her.

She wouldn't be able to handle him, not with her present mental condition, but I can.

I would be the better choice.

I wouldn't be a puppet, subject to Winter's every whim. Yes, if marrying means preventing a war, maybe I would marry him.

"Sister," I greeted her warmly, as I always do. After all, we've always been close, as our age gap was only ten months apart, she's practically my twin.

Her room, was richly furnished as is befitting a princess. Luxurious velvet curtains hung in the windows, her bed looks neat, and draped in gold with a gilded gold bed frame. Today, she was sitting in her chaise lounge, her eyes having that faraway look in them. I noticed how she looked startlingly alike to the Winter Prince, with her pale skin, nearly white hair, and ice blue eyes. A genetic mutation, I’ve always thought. Autumn Fae do tend to look like a mixture of all seasons- even non-hybrids. Perhaps recessive genes from my father’s side.

 "How are you?" I asked, flying over to the bed where she was seated.

She didn't respond, maybe today isn't a good day. As I turned to leave, however, she said "Wait. You came to tell me something, didn't you?"

Ah, she's simply thinking deep. She tended to do that sometimes, the times when she was almost normal, almost sane. It gave us hope, these temporary lapses, made  us believe she would come back to us.

 "Yes," I admitted after a short pause. After all, there is no use trying to hide something from her. "The Winter Prince proposes marriage to me, and if I refuse, he demands to be married to you or there will be war."

She nodded, maybe she's stable today.  "So if he kills you, he can take the throne in my name." She looked almost amused at the notion. If she was like what she used to be, she would have scoffed and laughed it off. Maybe even throw in an insult or two.

"Yes, most likely," I wondered what she thought of that.

She was quiet for a while. "I'm not going to marry him," she finally said in a firm tone, sounding, for a moment, like her old self- proud and stubborn. "How cruel, to use my mental instability like that. If he can't marry the Queen, why not the crazy sister, is that what it is?”

"Don't think like that," I said, grasping her thin, pale hands. "You won't be unstable for long. My doctors are working on perfecting a cure." It's true, we've been working with the best doctors in the realm, trying to find a way to heal Sebille's broken mind. In fact, we've also worked with priestesses but each time, they only said:

"When the shadow falls

over the great kingdom,

she will rise again

and avenge all who were wronged,

restore the queen to her rightful place"

We've never understood what it meant but I've always held a guess and that frightens me. What if the queen was me?


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She didn't respond, instead, she turned and stared into nowhere again. I took that as my cue to leave.

Before I was out the door, I noticed her sitting in a corner, rocking to herself gently, humming a tune. A tune I recognized as one of the lullabies my mother used to sing when we were younger.

I will find a cure, I promised her silently. The Winter Prince wouldn't be able to exploit your weakness.



FaeTech belongs to Autumn. Always had and always will. Such is the way of this


FaeTech had been around for centuries- no, millennia.

FaeTech is our world's version of human technology but older, more efficient, and

more advanced. FaeTech runs on magic, Autumnal magic- Nolecho, and the other

kingdoms have coveted our hold on it since it was first introduced. No wonder really

since FaeTech was what ran our world. However, none of the fae from other

kingdoms had the ability to create Nolecho- thus ensuring our monopoly. It had

often been said the FaeTech made us neglect our true calling- in nature. I don't pay

them much attention- FaeTech, after all relied on nature, we do still pay attention to

it from time to time.

And, the Winter Prince apparently wants some of it as part of his outrageous requests to prevent war. A foolish request as the secrets of FaeTech were heavily guarded by inventors and scientists. In fact , our laws insisted that they travel to the other kingdoms in order to install the necessary technology. No outsider was allowed access to this information.


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"You must understand," I said calmly while we were flying in the palace gardens, discussing the peace treaty. "We can't give you part of FaeTech. My people won't stand for it, and neither will I."

"Why not?" he demanded. He obviously looks irritated, and ran his hand through his silvery-white hair.

"Because," I said as patiently as I can, "FaeTech is our symbol. The symbol of what power Autumn has. FaeTech runs on Autumn magic. FaeTech belongs to Autumn. Additionally, it would be against the laws of our land.”

FaeTech  is Autumn. After all, it was powered by balls of fire and energy that bursts from our palms.

"What if I tell you that you may bring about war?"

War. The magic word again. I felt grateful we were alone that day, lest anyone else overhears. In fact, it seemed no one dares to bother us while we chat like this.

"Is that a threat? May I remind you that you are in the Autumn kingdom as our 'guest' and I can turn you from guest to hostage in less than a minute?" The moment I uttered those words, I regretted it immediately. What sort of Queen threatens to imprison a diplomat for petty matters?

"Are you threatening me?" he hissed, his icy eyes hardening.

I laughed uneasily, "No. I am merely reminding you where you are and your position here." You can be my prisoner...

I am after all, the Queen. I could do as I please to an upstart prince, I reassured myself. I could say anything I want as this is my kingdom.

You must act with tact and decorum, I remind myself. Don't get ahead of yourself.

He bowed stiffly, "In that case, I wish to retire. This conversation tires me."

 I waved my hand. “Go on then, we may continue some other time.” I felt a wave of sadness rush through me. How unfortunate he had to destroy what friendship we’ve established. Or perhaps, this was his plan all along. I couldn’t be sure of anything these days.

Later that afternoon, a War Council was called. As one hasn't been called for centuries, my curiosity was piqued. What could be so important that one had to be called?

When I got to the War Room, it was definitely not what I expected.

First, I would never have thought that the War Room would be so...neglected. And the Palace servants were only cleaning up now.

For the gods' sake! This is the Autumn War Room! Our army has been said to be the best in the world! Surely, the War Room and Council deserves better than this? My soldiers deserve better.

The place was crawling with rodents, pests, and a pixie or two was scavenging for pretty parts. The technology was in a terrible shape. It was all outdated and I'm not even sure we support that kind of ancient technology anymore. Aside from that, quills and paper was scattered and ink spilled. The screens even had cracks, the holo-maps no longer work. Everywhere was pure and utter chaos. Like the werewolves have ransacked the place. Indeed, I wouldn't be surprised if the werewolves were able to ransack the room, after all, it was in a state of such neglect, I wondered if anyone paid attention to it anymore. Except today of course.

Funny how hearing that the Council had been called could send them cleaning and fixing everything fast. Have they heard of my conversation with the Winter Prince?


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When the servants saw me, they curtsied and bowed. "Your Majesty, we apologize for the neglect. We thought that we wouldn't have to use the War Room for another century or two." the Head of the Servants said sheepishly.

"That's what we all thought," I said as gently as I can, "but surely you could have cleaned up and updated the technology? Never mind, I'll just hold the meeting elsewhere. Meanwhile, I expect this room to be cleaned up, the technology updated, and looking like a true War Room. Understood?"

"Of course, madame,” he said, his head still bowed.

What kind of kingdom am I running? The only thing good here is the military and technology, the rest was a mess.

I decided to hold the meeting in my dayroom instead. While it was nowhere near the War Room two hundred years ago, it at least is clean, spacious, with all the modern technology. 

"Why did you tell the Winter Prince he could be our prisoner?" Adrian raged, his wings turning a shade of deep red to reflect his anger. "Are you seeking trouble?"

"Be mindful on to whom you speak!" I raged back, even though I knew he's correct. I should have never said that, it was like courting danger.

"As you yourself should also! The Prince is a diplomat and could have told his father about your threat!"

My face and wings flushed scarlet. Of course he knows. Of course they all know. My blunder could have been made public.

Before we could throw fireballs at one another, the other members of the Royal Family and the Council  arrived, chatting nervously.

"Before we begin, may I ask who decided to call this meeting?" I asked, looking around at the gathered faces, wondering who it might be.

"I did," my brother Alberich, who was usually so quiet said in an urgent tone. And yet, I can see why he would call this meeting. As the head of our Intelligence Network, he might have discovered something important.

"Why son?" Father asked. I could tell his curiosity was piqued with the way he leaned forward, intent on listening to every word he would say. Father had thrown himself in military matters as a way of coping. Odd as it might be, I thought it might help. It might remind him of Mother.

I noticed how haggard my brother looked. His hair, the color of nutmeg was untidy, he had bags under his eyes like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while and he looked sickly pale. "My spies discovered a connection between the rogue fae, the 'new threat' and the Winter Kingdom."

"What is it?" 

"The rogue fae should never be called  rogue. They were fae of mixed blood, they have a community of their own and are extremely overprotective of their own kind. I found out that their resentment of you and our kingdom runs deep, and they volunteered to be Winter's newest Super-Soldiers, to avenge their kind."

Those hybrids again. It seems that they shall never cease to plague me.

"What is  the extent of their threat to us?" I asked, agitation running through me.

It seemed all my mistakes have resurfaced to haunt me. And yet, I remember the promise I made to my mother on the day she died. While I have no intention of breaking that promise, I am still struggling to figure out what I must do to the countless scores of hybrids across my kingdom. As of now, we decided to


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experiment with Maeryl, making it a town where hybrids can live without fear. A town where they could be part of our society, live like we do.

He ran his hand through his hair in agitation. "Sister," he said "they're not planning an invasion. They are invading."