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Author: Author: Lototska Lototska Olena V Olena V . . 1 1 Introduction to hygiene and ecology. Hygienic important components of the biosphere, solar radiation, climate and weather. Bioethical aspects of the impact of the environment on humans.

Author: Lototska Olena V .

Jan 03, 2016




Introduction to hygiene and ecology. Hygienic important components of the biosphere, solar radiation, climate and weather. Bioethical aspects of the impact of the environment on humans. Author: Lototska Olena V. 1. THE PLAN. Introduction in hygiene and ecology. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Author: Lototska Olena V .

Author:Author: Lototska Olena VLototska Olena V..


Introduction to hygiene and ecology. Hygienic important

components of the biosphere, solar radiation, climate and

weather. Bioethical aspects of the impact of the environment

on humans.

Page 2: Author: Lototska Olena V .


1.1. Introduction in hygiene and ecology. Introduction in hygiene and ecology.

2.2. Bases of preventive and current sanitary Bases of preventive and current sanitary supervision. supervision.

3.3. Hygienic important components of the Hygienic important components of the biosphere, solar radiation,climate and biosphere, solar radiation,climate and

4.4. Sun radiation and health.Sun radiation and health.

5.5. Hygienic important of climate and weather.Hygienic important of climate and weather.

6.6. Bioethical aspects of the impact of the Bioethical aspects of the impact of the environment on humans.environment on humans.

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Page 4: Author: Lototska Olena V .

Prophylaxis is one of the basic principles of public health service. The main duty of the medical workers is the taking of the disease prevention measures for healthy people and exacerbation, complication and relapse prevention for the ill.

Prophylaxis means the wide system of state, public and medical measures for preserving and strengthening people’s health, the upbringing of the healthy young generation, work capacity and people’s longevity increasing.

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Prophylaxis is divided into three kinds – Prophylaxis is divided into three kinds – primary, secondary and tertiary in accordance primary, secondary and tertiary in accordance

to the specific kinds of the specific kinds of pathology.

Primary Primary prophylaxisprophylaxis

includes includes prophylactic prophylactic

technologies of technologies of preventing preventing

disease through disease through removing risk removing risk

factors (causes factors (causes and conditions and conditions

of its of its development) development) and improving and improving general body general body resistance to resistance to risk factors.risk factors.

Secondary Secondary prophylaxisprophylaxis

includes includes medico-medico-

prophylactic prophylactic technologies technologies of revealing of revealing a disease, a disease, preventing preventing

its progress, its progress, aggravation aggravation and possible and possible complicationcomplication


Tertiary Tertiary prophylaxisprophylaxis

includes includes medico-medico-

prophylactic prophylactic technologies technologies

aimed at aimed at removing removing negative negative

aftermaths of aftermaths of the disease the disease (relapses, (relapses,

complications, complications, temporary and temporary and

permanent permanent disability, disability, death).death).

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The main task of a doctor is about care of healthy people so that The main task of a doctor is about care of healthy people so that they donthey don’’t fall in diseaset fall in disease..

Hippocrates Hippocrates ((IV century IV century B.C.B.C.))

The primary task of a doctor lies in preventing a disease; if you The primary task of a doctor lies in preventing a disease; if you have failed to manage it – treat it; if the disease is incurable – have failed to manage it – treat it; if the disease is incurable –

alleviate sufferingalleviate suffering.. Botkin SBotkin S..PP. (1867). (1867)

I believe in hygieneI believe in hygiene. . This is where real progress of our science This is where real progress of our science lies. The future belongs to preventive medicinelies. The future belongs to preventive medicine..

Pirogov M.P.Pirogov M.P. (1887) (1887)

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is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity.

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health of the population

genetic factor

(18-22 %),

genetic factor

(18-22 %),

pollution of an environment (17-20 %)

pollution of an environment (17-20 %)

medical etiological factors

(8 -10 %)

medical etiological factors

(8 -10 %)

  way of life (49-53 %)

  way of life (49-53 %)

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Object of studying: Object of studying: healthy healthy man, and groups of the man, and groups of the

practically healthy peoplepractically healthy people


Object of studying:Object of studying:

sick mansick man



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To promote and maintain a state of health an To promote and maintain a state of health an

individual needs the following prerequisites:individual needs the following prerequisites: Supply of fresh air

and sunlight Safe and potable

water supply Balanced diet Healthful shelter Adequate clothing

hygienic environmental sanitation

Protection from communicable and other avoidable afflictions

Complete sense of protection and security both socially and economically

A congenial social and cultural atmosphere.

Regulated way of life with proper rest and relaxation and good and simple habits.

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Hygiene is a basic Hygiene is a basic preventive science in preventive science in medicine. It generalizes medicine. It generalizes all dates of theoretical all dates of theoretical and clinical disciplines in and clinical disciplines in the field of prophylaxis, the field of prophylaxis, integrates knowledge’s integrates knowledge’s about complex influence about complex influence of an environment for of an environment for health of the man, work health of the man, work out principles and out principles and systems of preventive systems of preventive measures.measures.

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The The word word hygiene hygiene comes comes from from Hygeia,Hygeia, the  the Greek goddess of Greek goddess of health, who was the health, who was the daughter of daughter of Aesculapius, the god Aesculapius, the god of medicine.of medicine.

In Greek and Roman mythology, Hygieia (also In Greek and Roman mythology, Hygieia (also Hygiea or Hygeia, Greek Ὑγιεία or Ὑγεία, Latin Hygiea or Hygeia, Greek Ὑγιεία or Ὑγεία, Latin Hygēa or Hygīa), was a daughter of the god of Hygēa or Hygīa), was a daughter of the god of medicine, Asclepius. She was the goddess of medicine, Asclepius. She was the goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. She also health, cleanliness and sanitation. She also played an important part in her father's cult. While played an important part in her father's cult. While her father was more directly associated with her father was more directly associated with healing, she was associated with the prevention healing, she was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health. of sickness and the continuation of good health. Her name is the source of the word "hygiene".Her name is the source of the word "hygiene".

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•Marble relief of Asclepius and his daughter Hygeia. From Therme, Greece, end of the 5th century BC.

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Basic aim of hygiene –

preserving and improving healthpreserving and improving health

Professor Winslow defined aim of hygiene as Professor Winslow defined aim of hygiene as "science and art of (i) preventing diseases, (ii) "science and art of (i) preventing diseases, (ii) prolonging life, and (iii) promoting health and prolonging life, and (iii) promoting health and efficiency through organized community effort for efficiency through organized community effort for (a) the sanitation of the environment, (b) the (a) the sanitation of the environment, (b) the control of communicable diseases, (c) the education control of communicable diseases, (c) the education of the individual or personal hygiene, (d) the of the individual or personal hygiene, (d) the organization of medical and nursing services for the organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and (e) the development of the social disease, and (e) the development of the social machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health, so adequate for the maintenance of health, so organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to realize birth right of health and longevity".to realize birth right of health and longevity".

Page 15: Author: Lototska Olena V .

It has many aspects: personal hygiene (proper living habits, cleanliness of body and clothing, healthful diet, a balanced regimen of rest and exercise);

domestic hygiene (sanitary preparation of food, cleanliness, and ventilation of the home);

public hygiene (supervision of water and food supply, containment of communicable disease, disposal of garbage and sewage, control of air and water pollution);

industrial hygiene (measures that minimize occupational disease and accident);

mental hygiene (recognition of mental and emotional factors in healthful living) and so on.

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Main tasks of hygiene Main tasks of hygiene are the following:are the following:

4. Introduction in practice of public health services and national economy developed hygienic recommendations, rules and norms, check of their effectiveness and perfecting.

5. Prediction of the sanitarian situation for the nearest and remote perspective in view plans of development of the national economy. Definition of appropriate hygienic problems, which implying from prognostic situation and scientific working out these problems.

2. Studying the laws of the impact of environmental factors and conditions on the human body or population.

3. Scientific substantiation and working out of the hygienic norms, rules and measures, which help use maximum positively influencing on an organism of the man the factors of an environment and elimination or restriction up to safe levels unfavourable operating ones.

1. Studying the natural and anthropogenic environmental factors and social conditions affecting the health of a human.

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Basic methods of hygienic researches

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2. 2. Methods of studying of Methods of studying of environmental influence on environmental influence on human organism and healthhuman organism and health

1. 1. Methods of environment Methods of environment studyingstudying

Methods of Methods of hygienehygiene

Methods of Methods of hygienehygiene

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Methods of sanitary

examination with further sanitary


Methods of environment Methods of environment studyingstudying

Instrumental and laboratory methods






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Methods of experimental investigation

Methods of Studying of Environmental Methods of Studying of Environmental Influence on Human Organism and HealthInfluence on Human Organism and Health

1.Experiment with models of natural


Methods of natural



2.Laboratory experiment on animals

3.Laboratory experiment on humans

2. Physiological

3. Biochemical

5. Sanitary-statistic

4. Toxicological

6. Medical-geographical

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“Prevention is better than cure” is an old saying. Preventive medicine deals with the measures to protect the individuals from the diseases, and to keep them in a state of positive health. For this we have to ensure all the above-mentioned prerequisites required for the maintenance of positive health.

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People in ancient societies were concerned about personal hygiene and sanitation for religious reasons. The Bible contains many rules for cleanliness, and describes public health measures still important today. These include quarantining the sick to prevent the spread of disease and avoiding contact with objects used by sick people.

The Greek physician Hippocrates first made the connection between disease and natural environmental factors in the 4th century bc. His treatise Airs, Waters, and Places described how diseases can result from way of life, climate, impure water, and other environmental factors. For the next 2000 years, it was the most widely used text on public health and epidemiology.

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Ancient Romans adopted Greek ideas about public health after colonizing Greece in the 1st century bc. Rome's greatest contributions to public health involved sanitary engineering. They built aqueducts to supply Rome with pure water and a public sewer system to carry away wastes, as well as public baths and hospitals. The Roman government also hired physicians and assigned them to villages to care for the poor.

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After the Roman Empire collapsed in ad 476 public health efforts were forgotten and unsanitary conditions returned. Millions of people died when great epidemics of smallpox, leprosy, bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and other diseases swept across Europe in the Middle Ages (5th to 15th centuries ad).

Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg

Bible (1411)

European painting showing the Plague.

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Anthoni van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) was the first to observe bacteria and other microscopic organisms using a rudimentary microscope.

In 1700 Bernardino Ramazzini (1633-1714)published first comprehensive occupational health treatise. This the birth of occupational health.


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During the Renaissance (1500-1700 A.D.), there was rebirth of thinking about nature and humans. Scientific advances of the 16th and 17th centuries laid the foundations of anatomy and physiology. Observation and classification made possible the more precise recognition of diseases. The idea that microscopic organisms might cause communicable diseases had begun to take shape.

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The environments must be hygienic, with supply of fresh air, safe potable water and balanced diet. This aspect of preventive medicine started gaining more importance from 18th century onwards with the discovery of various vaccines and sera for the protection against various diseases like small pox, cholera, plague, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis etc.

Edward Jenner discovered vaccination against small pox in 1796.

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•The discovery of causative agents of the diseases by Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) gave a great fillip to the science of preventive medicine.

Robert Koch Louis Pasteur

Von Behring (1854-1917) brought up the principle of serum treatment and use of anti-sera in various diseases.

Emil Adolf Behring

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State of population health analysis connected with living State of population health analysis connected with living conditionsconditions. . 

Diagnostics, defining etiology and pathogenesis of Diagnostics, defining etiology and pathogenesis of alimentary, professional and infectious diseases. alimentary, professional and infectious diseases.

Administering treatmentAdministering treatment ( (in treatmentin treatment--andand--prophylactic prophylactic institutionsinstitutions) ) and treatmentand treatment--andand--prophylacticprophylactic ( (in dangerous in dangerous enterprisesenterprises) ) diet that assist in removing harmful substances diet that assist in removing harmful substances from the body, rises the body resistance to their action.from the body, rises the body resistance to their action.

Professional orientationProfessional orientation ( (establishing correction of health establishing correction of health level and chosen professionlevel and chosen profession), ), medical expert examinationmedical expert examination..

Recommendations on daily regimen and personal hygiene.Recommendations on daily regimen and personal hygiene. Intrahospital infection preventionIntrahospital infection prevention.. Conducting sanitaryConducting sanitary--educational work with peopleeducational work with people ( (in in

treatmenttreatment--andand--prophylactic establishmentsprophylactic establishments), ), in pediatric in pediatric establishmentsestablishments ( (pediatric doctorpediatric doctor), ), enterprisesenterprises ( (medical medical dispensary doctor), in rural conditions dispensary doctor), in rural conditions ((rural district doctorrural district doctor).).

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Environmental Sanitation means the control of all those factors in man's surroundings, which cause or may cause adverse effects on his health. The sanitarian directs his efforts towards hygiene of water and food supply, hygienic disposal of human wastes, hygiene of housing and control of vectors and rodents etc.

Environmental SanitationThe word sanitation is derived from the Latin

word Sanitas which means a state of health.

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Hygienic standardization

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Environmental standards are definite ranges of environmental factors which are optimal or the least dangerous for human life and health. In Ukraine basic objects of hygienic standardization are:MAC – maximum admissible concentration (for chemical admixtures, dust and other hazards) MAL – maximum admissible level (for physical factors)LD – dose limit (for ionizing radiation)Optimum and admissible parameters of microclimate, lighting, solar radiation, atmospheric pressure and other natural environmental factors.Optimum and admissible daily requirements in food and water.

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The first group contains factors of anthropogenous origin which are unfavorable for human being, and are not necessary for the normal life activity (dust, noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, etc.). MAC, MAL and LD are those parameters which are set for this group of factors.

The second group contains factors of natural surrounding which are necessary (in certain amount) for normal life activity (food-stuffs, solar radiation, microclimatic factors and others). For this group the following parameters, must be set: optimum, minimum and maximum admissible parameters.

The second group contains factors of natural surrounding which are necessary (in certain amount) for normal life activity (food-stuffs, solar radiation, microclimatic factors and others). For this group the following parameters, must be set: optimum, minimum and maximum admissible parameters.

Basic objects which are under the hygienic norms setting can be divided into two groups.

Basic objects which are under the hygienic norms setting can be divided into two groups.

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What is What is pollution?pollution?The word comes from the Latin pollutus, which means made foul, unclean, or dirty. Some is obvious like smoke which you can see but much of it is not obvious at all. Yet you're eating it and drinking it and breathing it most of the time. And what is worse is that all this muck affects all other life on Earth.

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Socio-economic conditions

LaborWay of


Education of children










Factor is the reason, the driving force of any process

Pollution - the presence in the environment of contaminating substances in quantities that exceed the MCL and can have a negative impact on the health and living conditions of human

Pollutant – is any natural or anthropogenic physical agent,

chemical substance or

biological species that gets into the environment,

whether it appears in quantities exceeding

normal (allowable)


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polluting substance








The following ways of toxic, radioactive and biological agents transmission are possible

The following ways of toxic, radioactive and biological agents transmission are possible

polluting substance

polluting substance

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Types of actions of environmental factors on the Types of actions of environmental factors on the human bodyhuman body

IsolatedIsolated is an action, in which one substance gets into is an action, in which one substance gets into the human bodythe human body

CombinedCombined is an action, in which several substances get is an action, in which several substances get into the human body from a single mediuminto the human body from a single medium

ComplexComplex – is an action, in which a substance gets into – is an action, in which a substance gets into the human body from different compartments of biospherethe human body from different compartments of biosphere

IncorporatedIncorporated is an action, in which the human body is is an action, in which the human body is affected by two or more factors of different nature (e.g. affected by two or more factors of different nature (e.g. chemical and noise simultaneously)chemical and noise simultaneously)

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Traditional forms of Traditional forms of pollution includepollution include air pollutionair pollution, , water pollutionwater pollution, and , and radioactive contaminationradioactive contamination while while a broader interpretation of a broader interpretation of the word has led to the ideas the word has led to the ideas of of ship pollutionship pollution, , light pollutionlight pollution, , and and noise pollutionnoise pollution..

Water pollution

Air pollution

Land pollution

Light pollution

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What are the three components of the What are the three components of the biosphere & what role do they play in biosphere & what role do they play in

maintaining life ?maintaining life ? Biosphere is area of the earth inhabited by life. It contains all

the earth's ecosystems.This is a thin layer of oceans, lakes, and streams. The land to the depth of a few meters and the atmosphere to an altitude of a few kilometers.

1. Water (oceans, lakes, rivers, streams). All life is water based. Organisms use it to live in and use it to keep hydrated on land. It keeps the earth's temperature from getting too hot or too cold.

2. Land is the solid foundation for plants, fungi, animals to interact with each other.

3. Atmosphere is used to hold the oxygen needed for aerobic life to exist. It is the main mover of our weather and controls the climates around the world.

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2.4. 2.4. “Biosphere“ (“Biosphere“ (from greek. Bios - life from greek. Bios - life and sphaira - shell) - first used in 1875 by and sphaira - shell) - first used in 1875 by Austrian scientist E. Zyus during the Austrian scientist E. Zyus during the study of alpine forestsstudy of alpine forests

World famous geochemist, Academician World famous geochemist, Academician

V.I. Vernadsky (1926) identified three V.I. Vernadsky (1926) identified three

components of the biosphere (living - biota components of the biosphere (living - biota

and inanimate - biokost): and inanimate - biokost): lower lower

atmosphere (troposphere)atmosphere (troposphere), - at an , - at an

altitude of 7-8 km over the poles and 16-18 altitude of 7-8 km over the poles and 16-18

km - above the equator of the planet Earth, km - above the equator of the planet Earth,

hydrospherehydrosphere – with the parameters of – with the parameters of

depth of 11022 m, as well as part of the depth of 11022 m, as well as part of the

lithospherelithosphere - up to 2-3 km deep to subsoil - up to 2-3 km deep to subsoil

V.I. VernadskyV.I. Vernadsky1863-19451863-1945

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An An atmosphereatmosphere (New Latin (New Latin atmosphaeraatmosphaera, created in the 17th , created in the 17th century from Greek ἀτμός [atmos] and century from Greek ἀτμός [atmos] and σφαῖρασφαῖρα [ [sphairasphaira]] “sphere” is a layer of “sphere” is a layer of gases that may surround a material gases that may surround a material body of sufficient mass and that is body of sufficient mass and that is held in place by the gravity of the held in place by the gravity of the body. body.

The mass of Earth is The mass of Earth is 5,98 x 105,98 x 102121 tonstons The mass of Atmosphere is The mass of Atmosphere is 5,157 x 5,157 x

101015 15 tonstons

The atmosphere as part of The atmosphere as part of the biospherethe biosphere

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The atmosphere of Earth is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity.

The atmosphere protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation, warming the surface through heat retention (greenhouse effect), and reducing temperature extremes between day and night (the diurnal temperature variation)

Atmospheric stratification describes the structure of the atmosphere, dividing it into distinct layers, each with specific characteristics such as temperature or composition. 

The atmosphere as part The atmosphere as part of the biosphereof the biosphere

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Exosphere ( 690-10000 kmExosphere ( 690-10000 km))

Thermosphere (85-690 km)Thermosphere (85-690 km)

Mesosphere (50-85 km)Mesosphere (50-85 km)

Stratosphere (20-50 km)Stratosphere (20-50 km)

Troposphere (0 – 20 km)Troposphere (0 – 20 km)

The structure of the The structure of the atmosphereatmosphere

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Aproximate composition of air

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Effects of air pollution


From slight to severe intoxication. Problems From slight to severe intoxication. Problems with the organs of vision, respiratory with the organs of vision, respiratory (bronchitis, asthma, pneumoconiosis, etc.); (bronchitis, asthma, pneumoconiosis, etc.); nervous systemnervous system

BiosphereBiosphere Contamination of soil; direct poisoning of Contamination of soil; direct poisoning of

green mass of plants and through green mass of plants and through

intoxication of soil; contamination of the intoxication of soil; contamination of the


Buildings, Buildings, structures, structures, machinerymachinery

Corrosion of metal structures and materials; Corrosion of metal structures and materials; destruction of rubber, plastics, dyes, destruction of rubber, plastics, dyes, electrochemical coatings, reduced reliability of electrochemical coatings, reduced reliability of machines and mechanismsmachines and mechanisms

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ССlimate Changelimate Change::

- increase or decrease in temperature, humidity;- increase or decrease in temperature, humidity;

- changes in physical and chemical characteristics of air;- changes in physical and chemical characteristics of air;

- increased concentrations of carbon dioxide, nitrogen - increased concentrations of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, ozone, krypton, oxides, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, ozone, krypton, aerosols;aerosols;

- changes in state and properties of the upper layers of - changes in state and properties of the upper layers of Atmosphere under the influence of CFCs and nitrogen Atmosphere under the influence of CFCs and nitrogen oxides, detection of aerosols in the stratosphere;oxides, detection of aerosols in the stratosphere;

- changes in reflectivity properties (albedo) of the Earth;- changes in reflectivity properties (albedo) of the Earth;

- Ozone depletion (freons, nitrogen oxides, chlorine): annual - Ozone depletion (freons, nitrogen oxides, chlorine): annual ↓ ~ 0,1%, to year 2050 - ↓ 5-8%, and by year 2100 ↓ 11-16↓ ~ 0,1%, to year 2050 - ↓ 5-8%, and by year 2100 ↓ 11-16

Effects of air pollution

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Mechanism : When light falls on any surface which is transparent, some rays are reflected and some are refracted. A process of partial retention of light takes place in the green house, so temperature in the glass house is increased.

Green houses are glass huts seen

in hilly areas and in the

agricultural processing


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Hazards of Green House Effects:

Global warming Increased evaporation from sea. Melting of Ice at poles of earth. Increase in sea level. Floods. Disturbance at coastal areas due to increased

sea level.

Prevention: Decreased industrialization Treatment of Industrial smoke Check unfit automobiles.

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Damage to the Damage to the ozoneozone layer is primarily layer is primarily caused by the use of caused by the use of chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). Ozone is a form of oxygen Ozone is a form of oxygen found in the earth's upper found in the earth's upper atmosphere. The thin layer atmosphere. The thin layer of ozone molecules in the of ozone molecules in the atmosphere absorb some atmosphere absorb some of the sun's ultraviolet of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays before it reaches (UV) rays before it reaches the earth's surface, the earth's surface, making life on earth making life on earth possible. The depletion of possible. The depletion of ozone is causing higher ozone is causing higher levels of UV radiation on levels of UV radiation on earth, endangering both earth, endangering both plants and animals.plants and animals.

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Sun radiation and health

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The Sun…The Sun…

……is necessary for life on Earth. is necessary for life on Earth.

It helps plants to grow, and It helps plants to grow, and provides warmth and light. provides warmth and light.

Sunlight also helps people to be Sunlight also helps people to be happy and healthy. happy and healthy.

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The Sun…The Sun…

……produces light and warmth but also produces light and warmth but also Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation Ultraviolet (UV) radiation. UV radiation cannot be seen or felt. cannot be seen or felt.

It is UV radiation, not the warmth or It is UV radiation, not the warmth or brightness of the sun that causes brightness of the sun that causes changes to skin color, damage to changes to skin color, damage to eyes, and other bad health effects.eyes, and other bad health effects.

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The sun is a source of electromagnetic energy including radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, and cosmic rays. Each band has its own characteristic wavelengths and properties as a result of wavelength.

Visible light is "visible" because its wavelengths can be detected as various colors by the human eye. Ultraviolet, although invisible, also has various wavelengths and properties.

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CategoryWavelength (nanometres,

nm)Relevance to life on earth

Cosmic rays 0.000001Dangerous and potentially cancer-producing, but penetrate to Earth only in insignificant amounts

Gamma rays 0.0001Dangerous and potentially cancer-producing, but penetrate to Earth only in insignificant amounts

X-rays 0.01Dangerous and potentially cancer-producing, but penetrate to Earth only in insignificant amounts; also used artificially in medicine

Ultraviolet (UV) 100-400Causes short- and long- radiation term damage to exposed living matter, particularly, in humans, sunburn, photoageing and cancer of the skin

Visible light 400-800Allows us to see; enables plants to create food molecules; drives human biorhythms; lifts human mood

Infrared radiation

800-17,000 Warms our bodies

Radiofrequency 100,000,000 Harmless and of no known radiation significant effect; used artificially for tele- communications

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The solar ultraviolet radiation wave length less then 290 nm is completely absorbed by oxygen and ozone of the upper atmosphere. Atmospheric pollution by factory waste helps the ozone layer destruction resulting in appearance of “ozone holes”. The shortest and the most harmful UV waves reach the earth surface through these “ozone holes”.

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UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C are part of the ultraviolet spectrum and we are usually exposed to some of each every day. UV exposure can be harmful or harmless depending on the type of UV, the type of exposure, the exposure duration, and individual differences in response to UV.

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Time of dayTime of day Time of yearTime of year LocationLocation AltitudeAltitude WeatherWeather ReflectionReflection Ozone LayerOzone Layer

UV radiation is not always the UV radiation is not always the same it changes based on…same it changes based on…

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UV rays are necessary for our body to produce vitamin D, a substance that helps strengthen bones and safeguards against diseases such as Rickets.

Some scientists have shown that Vitamin D lowers the risk of getting some kinds of internal cancer, like colon cancer.

Positive effects

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UV light is also used as a therapy for psoriasis, a condition in which the skin sheds its cells too quickly, resulting in itchy, scaly patches on various parts of the body. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, the growth of the skin cells is slowed, relieving the symptoms.

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UV rays are also used in various commercial functions, such as disinfecting fish tanks and sterilizing medical equipment.

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The difference has to do with the ability of UV rays to penetrate body surfaces.

UV-A is also known as "black light" and is generally harmless. It results in skin tanning and is used in medicine to treat certain skin disorders.

Is ultraviolet light harmful?Is ultraviolet light harmful?

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UV-B has a very high penetrating ability and prolonged exposure is responsible for some types of skin cancer, skin aging, and cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).

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Physical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric air and

their hygienical value.

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TemperatureTemperature is a measure of the amount of heat (average molecular kinetic energy) in a material, such as air. Temperature is the average amount of “moving” energy contained by particles moving around in the atmosphere.

Temperature is measured with thermometers that may be calibrated to a variety of temperature scales. The basic unit of temperature (symbol: T ) in the International System of Units (SI) is the kelvin (Symbol: K). In most of the world, the degree Celsius scale is used for most temperature measuring purposes.

Many physical properties of materials including the phase, density, solubility, vapor pressure, and electrical conductivity depend on the temperature. Temperature also plays an important role in determining the rate and extent to which chemical reactions occur. This is one reason why the human body has several elaborate mechanisms for maintaining the temperature at 37 °C, since temperatures only a few degrees higher can result in harmful reactions with serious consequences. Temperature also controls the type and quantity of thermal radiation emitted from a surface.

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Air PressureAir pressure is the force of air pushing down on earth. Air pressure due to weather is also known as Atmospheric Pressure. Air pressure is the result of Earth’s gravity pulling on the atmosphere.

1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 29.92 inches

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                           A barometer is used

to measure air pressure. The average pressure exerted by the atmosphere on sea level is 1 bar. The millibar (one-thousandth of a bar) is the unit commonly used to report air pressure.

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Air pressure decreases with higher altitude. Pretend air pressure is like a column of air reaching into the sky. The higher up the land is, the shorter the column of air is on top of it. A shorter column has less mass and weighs less. As such, there is less air on top of mountains pushing down than there is down in a valley.

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If the air is at 90% relative humidity, sweat will not evaporate into the air. As a result, we feel much hotter than the actual temperature when the relative humidity is high.

If the relative humidity is low, we can feel much cooler than the actual temperature because our sweat evaporates easily, cooling the body.

Relative Humidity

We are very sensitive to humidity. Sweating keeps our body cool and maintain its current temperature.

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How relative humidity (RH) is measured?

• Humidity is measured by means of a hygrometer.

• There are different types of hygrometers.

• The most common hygrometers are Wet- and Dry- Bulb Psychrometer and Hair Hygrometer.

Relative Humidity

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Wind is the movement of air from a location of high pressure to a location of low pressure as pressure equalizes. Wind is described in terms of its direction and speed.

Wind vanes are used to indicate wind direction. Wind vanes point into the wind, meaning they point in the direction from which the wind is coming. Winds are named for the direction from which they are coming.

Anemometers measure wind speed. Wind speed is reported in kilometers or miles per hour (km/h or mph), or in centimeters or meters per second (cm/s or m/s).

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MMechanisms of heat transferechanisms of heat transfer

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High humidity of air sharply decreases heat loss by perspiration. Heat loss by conduction first of all depends on temperature of subjects contacting with body, and by convection (circulation) - also on speed of air moving.

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Heat loss by convection is proportional to square root of speed of air moving (√V). In air temperature 33°C heat loss by convection stops, and in further increase of temperature body heating takes place. If temperature of environment is equal to body temperature heat loss by conduction and radiation stops. Thus, in conditions of high temperature and humidity in absence of air moving adaptive possibilities of thermoregulation are sharply narrowed and tensed.

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