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Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

Apr 13, 2017



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Page 1: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck
Page 2: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

cover paGe> LoGo, dates, contact inFo

The 2016 AusTin Music Video FesTiVAlthe second annual austin music video Festival (amvFest) celebrates our long and expansive music video heritage. By creating a unique hybrid of both a film and music video festival, amvFest creates opportunities for the discovery of local talent while highlighting austin’s

internationally renowned figures in the world of film and music.

W h o : austin music video Festival

W h A T : a festival highlighting, featuring and celebrating austin/ local music videos

W h e n : sept 7th - 10th , 2016

W h e r e : austin’s top venues including...

alamo drafthouse, empire control room, vulcan Gas company and the north door

Page 3: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

d e M o G r A P h i c s / r e A c h / P r o M o T i o n sYour brand will reach over one miLLion people in the austin area

via our marketing efforts and promotional partners.

A M V F & P A r T n e r r e A c h


do512 88,000 43,000 94,900 220,000

KutX 11,254 6,600 8,457 1,200+

statesman 88,861 6,500 155,000 30,000

JuiceLand music 11,000 9,400 8,636 n/a

eYe in the sKY coLLective + amvFest

2,459 2,473 2,808 22,058

BLastro 232,461 215 613 30,000

TOTALS 434,035 68,188 270,414 303,258

Grand totaL: 1.1 miLLion impressions

d e M o G r A P h i c :event professionals, media

i n d u s T r y l e A d e r s F r o M :Local and state Government, Film, music,

technology, non-profit organizations and media • [email protected]

Page 4: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

2 0 1 5 e V e n T s

T h e F e s T i V A lthe 2015 austin music video Festival took place september 16-19 at several venues in downtown austin. the four day festival featured:

screenings, panels, workshops, a vJ (video dJ) competition, and nightly parties with performances by select festival talent.

AttendAnce: 2000+ Across 4 dAys of events At multiple venues

s c r e e n i n G s | | P A n e l s | | V J c o M P e T i T i o n | | P A r T i e s | | A W A r d s s h o W

Page 5: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

lAunch PArTy / MonThly series

M u s i c V i d e o P r e M i e r e s e r i e sto provide year-round visibility of content, creators and presenting sponsors amvF hosts a monthly premiere series featuring a curated

music video screening from austin talent at venues throughout the city.

l A u n c h P A r T yin February, 2015 we launched amvFest with a party at waller Ball-room. the event brought in over 1200 people, support from top spon-sors and featured music videos and live performances by notable local


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AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

P r e s s / T e s T i M o n i A l s“...spotlighting the best music videos made locally.” - KXAn tv

“...A new festival thatwants to honor someof today’s visionaries”

- my KutX“new festival and seriesaims to connect Austin’s

music, film scenes”- Austin American-statesman

“...production teams operate behind-the-scenes, low-key and away from the limelight. But the lack of recognition and celebration of these artists and their work is being corrected by [Amvf]”.” - ovrld

Page 7: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

s P o n s o r s h i P o P P o r T u n i T i e s

sponsorship opportunities for our 2016 festival can be customized to meet budget and branding needs. amvFest offers a range of ways for your business, brand or organization to reach this creative target group through onsite, online, Branded content and print inclusion.

packages and a la carte options are available and can include:

presenting partner sponsorship (limited availability)

screening sponsorship

inclusion in media partnership Advertising

onsite product Activation

signage at event

mentions from presenters

social media mentions Giveaways & contests

email campaign inclusion

category/ industry exclusivity

content Branding opportunities(videos, photo’s & promotional materials)

to learn more please contact:sponsorship@austinmusicvideofestival

Page 8: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

2 0 1 5 s P o n s o r s & PA r T n e r sa few of the amazing businesses and organizations we’ve worked with this year

l o c A l B u s i n e s s s P o n s o r s

c o M M u n i T y P A r T n e r s

Page 9: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

W i l d c h i l dT h e o c T o P u s P r o J e c T

s P o o ns i G u r r o s

A n d M A n y M o r e . . .

o k k e rV i l r i V e r

s h A k e y G r AV e s

G A ry c l A r k J r .

T h e B l A c k A n G e l s

M o T h e r FA l c o n

B r i G h T l i G h T s o c i A l h o u r

F e AT u r e d A r T i s T s

Page 10: Austin Music Video Festival Sponsorship Deck

AustinMusicVideoFestiVAl.coM • [email protected]

W h o W e A r eA d V i s o r y B o A r d

margaret moser, austin music awards/ austin chronicle marc fort, texas music office

robin lambaria, marfa Film FestivalJennifer sinski, rsvpster

Kellie Goldstein, austin music Foundationmatt Bizer, robot Fondue

T h e A u s T i n M u s i c V i d e o F e s T i V A l T e A Mthe amvFest team has years of experience in event production, talent booking, marketing, community partnerships and business sponsorship. we seek to create a festival that provides a unique

experience, artistic exposure and enhances appreciation of the film and music culture of austin.

Jeremy roye, co- Foundersamantha Gallion, co-Founder

Anthony erickson, eye in the sky collective & Float Fest

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We hope you can join us for the 2016 Austin Music Video Festival For details on how you can be involved, customized packages, sponsorship

and our September Festival contact us at: sponsorship@austinmusicvideofestival