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August 2011

Mar 30, 2016



Yesmin Negron

Congregational Life Center
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: August 2011
Page 2: August 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc

In this greatest hour of the church, I feel believers of

Jesus Christ should consider on a deeper level what the scrip-

ture says in Romans 8:19. The world is truly waiting for the

manifestation of the sons of God.

Chaos, famine, pestilence, persecution, and outright

evil are ever present before us daily. People all over the

world have no hope because of the things happening in the world. However, there is hope if

only the people of God will stand up and do that which God called us to do. Feed the hungry,

clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit the fatherless, widow, orphan, and most importantly ful-

fill the great commission (Mark 16:15).

Clean hands and a pure heart allow the power of God to operate in and through you,

testifying to a world that doesn’t believe. Remember, people are waiting with outstretched

hands and open hearts, waiting for a touch from the true sons of the living God.

I pray that the true sons of the living God will be made manifest in this present season.


Page 3: August 2011

Lady Lisa Jones

Page 4: August 2011

VOM Newsletter is to inform partners and the community of the

various events. It is also a way to evangelize, encourage, build & lift up.

Our prayer is that God is touching someone's life through Voice of Mani-

festation Newsletter (VOM). Our desire is to be obedient to the commis-

sion God gave us; to go and spread the gospel. All we need is an audience;

someone interested, a listener, a heart ready to receive. Many go door to

door; but VOM goes email to email across the country and around the

world seeking the heart that is in need of a word.

For the month of August, VOM is featuring the Congregational Life

Center’s grand opening. Also, don’t miss the extraordinary poem of Sis

Jenifer Cole, Pastor Eddie Boles’ words of exaltation and this month’s

spotlight, Deacon Danny Vickers.

If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior or if you are seeking

reconciliation with the Lord, please visit page 10, Redemption. Accept Je-

sus as your Lord and Savior with a simple prayer. Your life will never be

the same.

We, The Voice, encourage you to take a moment and allow the Lord to

speak to you. Remember, share with your friends and family; knowing that

some plant, some water and God will give the increase.

On a final note, congratulations, Dr. Jones on your new assignment as a

Host on the “You and Me” program on CTN at 2:30am on Wednesdays!


Yesmin Negron VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

Page 5: August 2011

PARTNERS: If you’ve noticed a partner that’s been

missing, please email Pastor Antonio Miranda his/her in-

formation. Pastor Miranda will contact this partner.

[email protected]

Pastor Antonio Miranda

Page 6: August 2011

As we enter into the second half

of 2011, some believers are slowing

down in their pursuit of the Lord.

Some are allowing the onslaught of

the enemy to weaken them and

cause faintness of heart. Contend-

ing with many situations and cir-

cumstances, believers are fainting

along the way.

Psalm 27:13 states, “I had

fainted, unless I had believed to see

the goodness of the Lord in the land

of the living.” Here, David states

that he would have fainted along

the way, IF he hadn’t BELIEVED

in God’s goodness.

Then, Isaiah 40:28 & 29 tells us

“Hast thou not known? hast thou

not heard, that the everlasting God,

the LORD, the Creator of the ends

of the earth, fainteth not, neither is

weary? there is no searching of his

understanding. He giveth power to

the faint and to them that have no

might, He increaseth strength.”

Believers, now is the time to BE-

LIEVE with every fiber of your

being. Believe in the character of

God, believe in His love through

Christ Jesus, believe in His prom-

ises through His word. Believe that

He is God and there is none other.

Believe in His sovereign reign.

Believe in His ultimate authority.

Believe in Him as the Creator; thus

nothing is exalted above Him.

And, if you are fainting, believe

that He has already infused you

with His strength. He has already

inundated you with His power

through Holy Spirit. It is through

your weakness that He emerges


As He spoke to the Israelites, let

not your hearts

faint, fear not, and

do not tremble,

neither be ye terri-

fied because of the

various trials or vexations within

your life.

“I am that I am.” Come unto

Him today, AGAIN. Trust Him to

be your “I AM”. Drop the pre-

tenses, uncover your masks, lay

down your self-protection, lie na-

ked before Him. Immerse yourself

in His love; allowing Him to satu-

rate you once again. Give it ALL

to Him; this time FOR REAL! He

wants all of you; your heart, intel-

lect, mind, will, emotions, body;


“And the Spirit and the bride say,

Come.” Only, BELIEVE!

Food for Thought

Gail Boles

Wilma Weems

Isaiah 61: 1 - 7 The Spirit of the

Lord God is upon Me, Because the

Lord has anointed Me To preach

good tidings to the poor; He has

sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives,

And the opening of the prison to

those who are bound; To proclaim

the acceptable year of the Lord,

And the day of vengeance of our

God; To comfort all who mourn,

To console those who mourn in

Zion, To give them beauty for ashes,

The oil of joy for mourning, The

garment of praise for the spirit of

heaviness; That they may be called

trees of righteousness, The planting

of the Lord, that He may be glori-


And they shall rebuild the old

ruins, They shall raise up the for-

mer desolations, And they shall

repair the ruined cities, The desola-

tions of many generations. Strang-

ers shall stand and feed your flocks,

And the sons of the foreigner Shall

be your plowmen and your vine-

dressers. But you shall be named

the priests of the Lord, They shall

call you the servants of our God.

You shall eat the riches of the Gen-

tiles, And in their glory you shall

boast. Instead of your shame you

shall have double honor, And in-

stead of confusion they shall rejoice

in their portion. Therefore in their

land they shall possess double; Ev-

erlasting joy shall be theirs.

The Lord says to "YOU": He is the

God of restoration and desires to

bring restoration to your life. He

will fill those desolate and barren

places with His glory, repair those

wounded places and reconstruct

every area of your life. He will re-

store the years that have been lost.

Release your life to Him and He

will build something strong and

majestic out of the debris and frag-

ments of the past. Allow God to

heal the wounds and mend your

broken hearts as you submit and

trust in Him. He wants to give

"YOU" Beauty "4" Ashes, and the

oil of joy for mourning. He will

rebuild the old ruins and your life.

He wants to make something pow-

erful and magnificent out of the

ruins of your past that seem to have

been destroyed. He wants to salvage

the broken pieces of your past. He

wants to restore and rebuild each

one of you from the devastation and

adversities that have been in your

life. All you have to do is submit to

Jesus and come before Him with

clean hands and a pure heart.

Page 7: August 2011


We Are The Now!

Rise, Rally, React

AND Reach

This Month’s Series: “What Does Love Got To Do With It” Lessons:

Whose Love is it?

What Types of Love?

Agape Love: Pure

Everything we do in our lives—whether as

parents or children—should come from a

place of loving our heavenly Father and

one another.

Matt 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt

love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,

and with all thy soul, and with all thy

mind. Matt 22:38 This is the first and great

Students’ Corner:

We love you!!!

Pastor Mapps and

Mrs. Mapps

Recognition and Thank you Corner:

JR Emerge would like to take the opportu-

nity to say thank you for your teaching and

words of wisdom:

Mother Graham

To our Hospitality

Team who has taken

time to prepare really

good and tasty

meals….Thank you!!!

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8 9






1. An Ounce of ____________ 2. The Love of the ____________

3. The ___________ is Like..... 4. This is the Season for the ____________of the Sons of God

5. The _____________ Sin 6. _____________, the Ability to Understand Difference

7. __________ Eyes, _________ Ears, 8. _____________ than the Rule

Fruitful Life

9. No ___________ About It

10. _________ Don't Know That

11. Surviving Attempts of Spiritual ______________

12. __________, the Source of Powerlessness

13. Nothing to ________, Nothing to Lose


Page 10: August 2011

Do you know that Jesus is the light of the

world? He continues on to say that he that follows

Him will not walk in darkness. The dictionary

defines light as something that makes things visi-

ble and darkness as the absence of visible light.

There is a significant amount of people

with different issues in life. They are walking in

darkness. There are people that struggle with

drugs, while others drink alcohol. Some eat un-

controllably, yet others are bulimic. There are

those where pornography is their stronghold and

others that lie during every conversation. I can go

on and on pointing out those issues. The questions

are; What are we looking for? What is stopping us

from moving forward in life? Darkness!!

Darkness does not allow us to see our way

out. However; Jesus offers us the opportunity to

bring light, so we can walk away. We no longer

have to find ourselves in that dark place where we

feel hopeless, worthless, rejected, oppressed, de-

pressed, or out of control.

I know that you are reading this page be-

cause you are looking for an answer. You want to

walk away from that dark place, but can not see

your way out. I promise you that He is the only

way out. He offers you light for eternity. Open

your heart and by faith accept the one that offers

you light for eternity. Allow Him to bring clarity

in your life, showing you the way out and you will

never want to return to your old life. I assure you

that your life would never be the same.

If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Sav-

ior or would like to rededicate your life to Him,

repeat this prayer out loud with all your heart:

Father, I come before you as humble as I

know how. I repent of all my sins, known and

unknown. I confess that I am a sinner. I am ask-

ing you to forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, I be-

lieve that you died for me. Come into my heart.

Wash me, show me your ways, teach me your

statutes and fill me with your Spirit. Make your

ways my life; in Jesus name, Amen!

If you are seeking for prayer, would like more

information on how to study the word of God and/

or are looking for a church home, please call 813-

241-6919 ext. 13 or 813-900-0104.

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Page 12: August 2011

Deacon Danny Vickers is an anointed musician,

artist, faithful believer and overall gifted man of

God. He is a native Floridian; married with three

children (one of them is our beloved Kayla) and

proud grandfather.

When asked who he is in his walk with Christ,

his immediate response was - encourager to hurt-

ing people. I immediately related to his response;

as my first encounter with him was as an encour-

ager. He told me one Sunday that my praise dur-

ing service was pleasing to God and encouraged

him. I was very encouraged by those kind words.

He continued by saying that he is very discern-

ing of people’s needs. Additionally, he wants oth-

ers to be enlightened into their walk and why they

are going through. His heart is towards all people,

but particularly African Americans who tend to

have a poverty mentality.

The Benevolence Ministry is his responsibility

at CFM. Its mission is to provide 411 for the fam-

ily and not just 911. In other words, families in

need of financial assistance can get the help, but

they also receive methods to become more finan-

cially secure through classes/workshops.

Raised by his grandmother, he learned the

value of prayer; and home to him always had a

spiritual atmosphere. His grandparents only had a

third grade education, but instilled in him what no

university level could duplicate. After reuniting

with his biological mother in his early teens, he

literally went from heaven to hell. His mother’s

home was not as peaceful as his grandmother’s.

Watching his mom get abused really made him

distracted in his walk. Thus, he went through a

season of worldly pleasures which caused him to

wander further from Godly things.

Deacon Vickers met his wife in his late teens

and went back to church; grandmother’s prayers

were still at work. They strengthened their walk as

they raised a family and, thirty four years later

they are still together and happy as ever.

Additionally, he spoke proudly of his days as

superintendent at Cathedral of Faith church with

this being the way he and our beloved Apostle

Jones met. He stated that Apostle became the

Praise team leader and changed the pace of music

from old school to new school. This blessed me

because we definitely are blessed to have a vo-

cally gifted pastor. Can I get an amen? He men-

tioned how Apostle got elevated expeditiously as

they separated; with Deacon going to another

church for a season. Now he is with Apostle once

again and the rest is history.

With regards to the influence of Apostle Jones,

he quickly stated, “Some pastors bring in the

sheep to herd them, but our pastor teaches you for

God’s purpose. CFM is not for everybody or sit-

ters; this church is a place to learn and go. The

Deacon Danny Vickers

Page 13: August 2011

tare and wheat are together in the congregation

and it’s up to you to personally listen for instruc-

tions from God.”

He learned to use wisdom and asked God to

show him where he wanted him to take his walk

and understand it. He states that he does what he

sees his daddy do. From this point forward, his

vision grew and grew and now he considers any

business in the church to be serious business.

His favorite series taught at CFM would have

to be “Yoke Don’t Know That!” He laughed as

he spoke of the numerous times that he listened

to the cds in this series as it ministered to him.

Jesus said if we cast our burdens on Him, our

burdens will be easy. God keeps this yoke on us

to keep us walking in one accord. Deacon Vick-

ers reflects on this series every time things get

tough. The yoke must get stronger to keep us in

line, he stated.

Consequently, his motivation for his walk

came from his brother-in-law’s life and, eventu-

ally salvation. His brother turned drug money

earnings into a quite successful business. Eventu-

ally, he incurred a tumor; almost died and had to

make a change in his business practices. He

turned to the local church that could not help

him; so in an effort to survive, he immediately

went back to a life of crime. It all ended though

when he was shot; he died and was dumped into

a river.

What does the future hold for this awesome man

of God?

Some plans God has not revealed as of yet, so

right now it is immeasurable! He has a vision to

write a book on benevolence and would call it

“Building a Strong Benevolence Ministry”. Peo-

ple have spiritual needs as well as physical needs

and they sometimes only have the church to

come to for needs to get met. CFM’s goal is to

assist people outside of the church as well. He,

surprisingly, is a natural artist and desires to put

an art gallery together.

His personal mentor, Alan Thompson , has a

phenomenal company with teachings that really

compliments the benevolence ministry. It cen-

ters around changing lives in multi-faceted ways

to equip the saints.( or

D.A.S.H …Destiny Awaits, So Hurry! ) They are

presently working on some upcoming ventures;

one of which is a financial workshop to empower

the saints. This will be coming soon in 2012.

His closing remarks were great life reminders

and personally blessed me. “Your pain and how

God brought you through is your healing for

somebody. We learn from our failures, but the

key is getting back up. Don’t be buried with

your gifts never being shared.”

Indeed these are words to live by!

Written by: Denise L. Griffith

Page 14: August 2011

At times, dealing with immediate family can be

a real challenge. But, when the father or mother of your

spouse’s premarital children come into the picture, the

situation can almost become unbearable. “BABY

MAMA DRAMA”!! Man, whenever I have to interface

with her, it’s tough. I thank God that those times of in-

teraction with her are few.

My intention isn’t to sling dirt at anyone. Be-

cause without Jesus, we all are a mess. The thing I’ve

learned that has helped me the most when dealing with

cantankerous people, is that I must first determine what

my heart condition is in the midst of the drama. No out-

side person can make us happy, mad, sad, etc. Eventu-

ally, my baby mama’s actions toward me became a non-


Sure, you may not like how another person

treats you. You may feel that their treatment is unfair

and that it’s undeserved. You may even feel misunder-

stood and that your actions and words are being misin-

terpreted. But, when you stop trying to solely be under-

stood, and instead try to understand the other person, the

emotional blow isn’t so great.

As Apostle Mark Jones states, “If you’re truly

dead in Christ, why are you talking about how you

feel?” Dead people don’t feel anything! Not reacting so

emotionally to negative treatment (or positive treatment)

is when we are really maturing and is manifesting son-


We should be careful when dealing with those

who may not know Jesus. Most times, the only way peo-

ple know how to handle us is by what they knew of us

from the past. Even though our current reality is differ-

ent from when they knew us, we have to have under-


When my oldest child’s mother and I were to-

gether, the relationship was extremely chaotic. We had

big fights, pulled guns on each other, robbed, sold drugs,

and conned people. That’s the person she knew. Without

a transformed mind, she won’t choose to see me any

other way. It’s important that I deal with her consistently

in a spirit of love and patience to reflect the nature of

Christ regardless of how she treats me.

Maybe God will impress upon her heart one

day that my transformation is real and that He can

change her too. Who’s in your life that you need to show

more love and understanding?

Let’s be real; healthy eating habits can be

a challenge. Sometimes, it is much easier to grab

the cold sweet ice tea over the plain bottle of wa-

ter. Eating healthy almost sounds like a taboo and

something that only those who can afford embark


There are so many diets out there that make

false promises of fast results with little work. In

some cases, results may come fast, but that does-

n’t solve the problem. Permanent results come

with better food choices and exercise. We live in a

very stressful, fast pace world; and often we go

for fast food. Or, due to the economic crisis, we

get cheap food. Unfortunately, these poor choices

are not always the healthiest.

You may be asking; So what does it take to eat

healthy? What do you have to do to begin health-

ier eating?

God’s desire is for us to keep our body or

temple healthy. Eating healthy is not an overnight

fix, but it is one that can be started immediately.

In the words of the old saying, “You are

what you eat!”

1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you ?”

Healthy Eating Habits

Page 15: August 2011

Paradise in The Midst of Chaos

Everyone has faced challenges in life,

when they have focused on all the things that

were wrong; leaving a door open for victimiza-

tion. Do words like, “I am the nicest person in

the world, why would they say and do that to

me”, sound familiar? These are words of victimi-

zation that we must put to a cease and transform

into words of growth. Words of growth sound

like, “I forgive you and I love you”. Such words

indicate you are not in offense and you are able

to grow in love. When evil tries to manipulate us,

we must not ask questions like “why me”, in-

stead we should ask, God for revelation and to

equip us with the wisdom to learn from that


Don’t focus on the negative things peo-

ple say and do; instead focus on how you can

intercede because we wrestle not against flesh

and blood but evil and darkness. Focus on how

you can impart and encourage someone else that

may be in your situation. Constantly, seek God

for the lesson or revelation that He is trying to

impart into your life. He is constantly teaching

and showing us new things; however, sometimes

we don’t realize.

A wise woman told me that she listens

to an individual’s heart when they speak because

by the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Listening to an individual’s heart through true

discernment, instead of the words coming out of

their mouth, may save you a lot of time and en-

ergy. Some individuals are constantly looking for

victims, just so they can attempt to suck the life

out of you, if you will allow them.

Life is too short to waste time on the

negative and foolish, focus on the positive and

giving God the glory! Ask God how you can ad-

vance His Kingdom through your experiences.

Imparting into others the things revealed to you

by God is just one way. When we keep our focus

on God we will always be in paradise in the

midst of any chaos!

-Kayla Vickers “When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee”

-Proverbs 2:10 KJV

Pearls Of Wisdom

Becoming a Partner with Manifestations Worldwide Missions

will provide remarkable opportunities to reach millions across

the county and around the world. Help us help them and sign up

today. For more information, to sow a seed or become a partner,

please visit:

Mt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them

in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

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