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Craig Dunn Developer Evangelist Xamarin [email protected] @conceptdev C# async await for mobile

Async Await for Mobile Apps

May 10, 2015



Craig Dunn

Presented at IT/DevConnections in Las Vegas, October 2013
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Page 2: Async Await for Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

• Need responsive user interfaces• App features are o!en dependent on:

network access (images, web services)database functionality or I/Ocomplex processing on mobile CPUsany stuff that takes some time

• You want to run these on a different thread to keep the UI responsive... they should be ASYNCHRONOUS!


Long running tasks!



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Responsive User Interfaces

Don’t designfor desktop

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Responsive User InterfacesInstagram Don’t design for desktop

start upload (or here)

so this is FAST

user doesn’t notice here...

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Responsive User InterfacesDon’t design for desktopInstagram


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• DO things in the background

• DON’T block the UI thread

• DON’T make users feel like they’re waiting

Responsive User InterfacesDon’t design for desktop

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DEMODEMO1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Storage4) Return Html length

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Old-style callbacks

1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

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Old-style callbacks

1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

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Old-style callbacks

1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

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1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

Old-style callbacks

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What is “async”?

• Tasks running outside of the main program flow• Code runs on another thread, so the UI doesn’t block/freeze• Completion runs on the calling thread, so if you started on the

UI that’s where you’ll be a!er the async task is complete

• async and await syntax in C# 5 takes Task support to the next level!

Frameworks need to support it on long running tasks

Task Parallel Library (TPL) has been around a while

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Old-style callbacks

• Spaghetti code:

Callbacks are the new “GOTO”Control flow jumps around in ways that are difficult to read & understand from the sourceError handling is difficult to implement, required in many different placesChanges in the chain can have unintended consequences

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Old-style callbacks

• Execute On Main ThreadWe need to schedule updates - can’t just access UI objects directly from background threadsDispatcher.Invoke (pre RT)

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USING ASYNCasync, await, cancellation and error handling

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1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

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1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

Callback Hell

Page 18: Async Await for Mobile Apps

1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length



6) InvokeOnMainThread

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1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length


6) InvokeOnMainThreadone place

not required


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1) Download Html string2) Download Jpeg image3) Save to Photo Album

5) Error Handling4) Return Html length

6) InvokeOnMainThread

old new!

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Compiler Magic• async keyword informs the compiler that this method needs to be

“munged”• await keyword indicates a suspension point where a callback

needs to be generated, along with error handling• Continuations are generated a!er each suspension point• Error handling (support for enclosing try-catch) is taken care of

• All you need to remember is async and awaitand use Tasks

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How to use: async?• async modifier on methods, lambdas and anonymous methods

use Async suffix, eg LoadAsync, SendAsyncreturn Task or Task<T> preferably

- Task for methods that don’t return a value

- Task<T> to return a value

- void for event handlers only!

void for event handlers

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How to use: await?• await keyword on awaitable objects (Tasks)

only within an async contextmarks a suspension point - control is returned to callercan’t be used in catch or finally blocksTask, Task<T> or a custom type

get a reference to the Task first

... or just await

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How to use: error handling?• async Task or Task<T>

Returned Task State == FaultedException re-thrown when task is awaited

• async void methods (event handlers)Exception is thrown on the current synchronization context and the app will crash...

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How to use: error handling?• “If a task is the parent of attached child tasks, or if you are

waiting on multiple tasks, then multiple exceptions could be thrown”

• AggregateExceptionLoop through, handle or throw as required...

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• Cancellation is optionalusually exposed an Async() method overload that takes a CancellationToken parametercalling code uses the tokenCancellation.None means it won’t be cancelled by the caller (useful when the cancellation parameter isn’t optional)

How to use: cancellation?

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• Cancellation is optionalcancelled async tasks complete (but time for this to happen isn’t guaranteed)

How to use: cancellation?

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• Specifying a timeout is optionalfor HttpClient, set Timeout

some Async methods accept a timeout parameter

more generally, use CancellationToken (timeout)

How to use: timeouts?

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• Progress reporting is optionalprovide another Async overload with an IProgress<T> parameterbasic Progress<T> implementation can be usedexposes EventHandler<T> ProgressChanged

How to use: progress reporting?

send events to track progress

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BONUS: Combinators• Wait on multiple tasks

Task.WhenAll (IEnumerable<Task>)

- requires all the tasks to be completedTask.WhenAny(IEnumerable<Task>)

- returns when any of the tasks completes

this kind of loop fine for small numbersof Tasks

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WARNING: Await, and UI, and deadlocks

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MOAR MOBILEiOS & Android too!

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• Lots of .NET APIs support async; for example:HttpClient.GetStringAsync()HttpClient.PostAsync()FileStream.ReadAsync()FileStream.CopyToAsync()

• and many more...

Windows Store and Phone appsonly have async APIs

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• updated iOS APIs to be async; some examples:ALAssetsLibrary.WriteImageToSavedPhotosAlbumAsync()ALAsset.SetImageDataAsync()SKStoreProductViewController.LoadProductAsync()CLGeocoder.GeocodeAddress()NSUrlConnection.SendRequestAsync()

and many more... 174 async iOS native APIs

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• updated Android APIs to be async; some examples:Android.Net.Http.AndroidHttpClient.ExecuteAsync()Android.Bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket.AcceptAsync()Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeFileAsync()Android.Locations.Geocoder.GetFromLocationAsync()Java.IO.File.ListAsync()

and many more... 337 async Android native APIs

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Xamarin APIs

• Xamarin.Mobile Geolocator.GetPositionAsync()Contact.SaveThumbnailAsync()

• Xamarin.Auth


• and many more...Xamarin cross-platform libraries

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Xamarin Component Store

• Many components already offer async APIs, eg. Parse!

Powerful, easy to use components

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Other tricks...

• Creating your own async Tasks

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Don’t await... give it a try• Available in .NET 4.5 for Windows Store apps, Windows 8,

Windows Phone, etc.

• Also available programming in C# iOS & Android using Xamarin!