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AstroDiagonosis Leo Part A

Jul 06, 2018



Ovn Murthy
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  • 8/17/2019 AstroDiagonosis Leo Part A



    Daivagnya Siromani

    O V N Murthy, M.Com. FCS.

    Company Secretary

    Nizam Sugars Limited,

    I Floor, Shakkar Bhavan, Basheerbagh,

    Hyderabad 500004 AP

    Ph. Off. 23232212 Res. 27405975

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    Email: [email protected] and

    K Raghavendra Kumar, M.Sc.B.Ed. 

     Astro Diagnosis Leo Heart Part V (A) OM GAJAANANAM NAMAMYAHAM 

    This Article on Astro Diagnosis is continuing from Jan 2010 issue as a series of 12 Zodiacsigns till December 2010 in this Astrovision. Sri K Raghavendra Kumar M.Sc. B.Ed,

    Member of KPAF Hyderabad has been selected as a Group Member for assisting in thisproject of making the series of Medical Articles on different areas of diseases with Mr.OVN Murthy a senior member of the group. Medical Anatomy of the Body (Courtesy: Dr.

    Bhadmidipati Satyanarayana, MD – KPAF Member)


    In Medical Astrology  4th Cusp of Natal Chartrepresents Heart, Lungs, Chest and Blood. 5th

    represents Upper abdomen and the Mind, Liver,Gall Bladder, Spleen, Intestines and Mesentery

    Leo represents Heart, spinal column, nervous and

    fiber, bones of the back. chest, spine, upper backdorsal region of spine, spinal cord, aorta, superior

    and inferior vena cava. Heart disease, anginapectoris, locomotor ataxia, hyperemia, spinaldisease, spinal meningitis, fevers.

    Sun as Lord of Leo represents Heart, spine, and general vitality, Stomach, Bone, Blood,Skin, Belly, Eyesight, RE Male/ LE Female, Head, Constitution of the Body. Right Eye,

    High fever, Jaundice, Burning sensation, Heart, Stomach, Skin diseases. Bone fractures,Head diseases, Baldness, Palpitation, Typhoid, Polypus, Epilepsy, Bile complications, Sun

    stroke, Eruption on Face, loss of Speech due to Brain.

    Leo contains Makham, Purvaphalguni & Uttara Phalguni 1 pada who rules the followinganatomy of the body:

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    Makha: Heart, Back, Spinal Cord, Spleen, Dorsal Region of Spine, Aorta  Heart affected by sudden shock, Grief or poison, Pains in the Back, Cholera, HumorsGravel in Kidneys, Palpitation, Faintings & Spinal Meningitis

    Purva Phalguni: Heart & Spinal ChordHeart affections, Curvature of the Spine, Anemia, hydraemic, pains in legs, Swelling ofAnkle, BP, Aneurism Swelling of Heart, Valves affected.

    Uttara Phalguni 1: Spinal ChordPains in the Back and in the Head. Spotted fever, Plague, Faintings, Blood pressure,


    Thus this sign represents disease relating to heart, Spleen and spinal chord - Pain in

    heart, coronary artery & pulmonary, Swelling & failure of valves, Ailment of aorta,Shrinking of cavity, Swelling/pain in ventricles, Inflammation or failure of valves,

    Chronic pain in spinal column.

    When we have to deal with a patient with Leo on the Ascendant, we have one withgreat vital energy, one who will not readily succumb to disease. The Leo usually puts up

    a brave fight to overcome without calling upon others for help, but when he gives up,he is usually very sick; he recovers rapidly from illness, however. His pride will notpermit him as a rule to become a charge upon others. Being a positive sign the greatest

    handicap to the Leo is impulse. He feels he must do everything with a very greatamount of energy, which is detrimental to the health of the parts of the body ruled by

    this vital sign: the heart, aorta, vena cava, dorsal region of the spine, and the spinal


    The sun, which is the life giver, rules this sign of Leo and also has rule over the vitaletheric fluid coming through the spleen, which is the gateway of the solar forces.

    Through the spleen the sign of Leo draws its strength largely. We find those born withthis sign rising very vital and full of force, especially if the sun is also in Leo; but by the

    destructive use of their surplus energy they are often afflicted with heart trouble ofvarious kinds, also spinal troubles. They suffer frequently with disturbance of the

    spleen, which has an effect upon the activities of the blood, causing an excess of whiteblood corpuscles, which are destroyers and not policemen of the blood stream as

    medical science claims.

    Being Fixed Sign Represents diseases of prolonging type, chronic & tedious.  

    Being a Fiery Sign represent the vital spirit including activity. Causes inflammatorydisorders, fevers, sudden illness usually acute but lasting only for a short duration.Planets in fiery more active dangerous vocation. Fiery signs, Control the vitality of a

    person. Earthy signs: Control the bones & flesh. Airy sign: govern breath/ breathing.Watery signs: govern Human blood & blood circulation.

    In this issue we are discussing elaborately the concerned medical anatomy and diseasesthat are connected with Leo Sign (Simha Rasi). As this sign is 5th in Natural Zodiac

    Ruler Sun represents Heart, Spleen, Dorsal & Spinal cord.

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    Four  different varieties of Diseases (Heart, Thymus, Spleen & Spinal Column) were

    taken up with supporting natal charts both from the Members of KPAF, Hyderabad and

    Astrodata Bank. Hence the Article seems to be very elaborate like a Research Paperand readers are requested to offer their suggestions and also any natal charts to theemail id: [email protected]  to include their views also in the coming articles onthis medical subject and the natal charts given by them would be included at the

    appropriate topic. As it was observed that each zodiac sign contains number of vitalparts of the Body anatomy and contains many areas of diseases, hence it is decided to

    divide each sign into two parts and cover all diseases relating to that Sign. In thisarticle Leo was divided into two parts. I. Heart Ailments – Angioplasty, Stent, Bye pass,

    Valves, Attacks, Pulmonary edema. II Thymus (Lymphatic system), Spleen, SpinalColumn and back will be taken up in the next issue.

    Some of the topics on Medical Astrology were previously written by me published inEzine of Ahmadabad by Sri Kanak Bosmia on Heart Ailments are again revisited withnew example charts of Westerns also in this Gemini sign as they represent the same.

    I Heart Ailments:

    a.  Byepass Angioplastyb.  Valve defectsc.  Heart attacks

    d.  Pulmonary Edema

    Heart is the important organ for sustaining life in the body. Heart forms as a first organafter conceiving, in the tenth week of the pregnancy as per medical analysis. Everyoneis very particular and frightened about heart and its problems. Heart problems are of

    two categories one is the functioning of the heart for supplying of blood to all parts ofthe body - any coronary problem leads to heart attack these are very well known as

    blocks in the arteries expressed in percentage by cardiologists. Second problem is valvefunctioning or congenital problem such as valve problems, holes in the heart chambers,

    etc. Normally a good heart beat is 120/80 systolic n diastolic. Any heart problemneeds open heart surgery in the olden days and presently due to technicaladvancement only by-pass and valve problems needs open heart surgery and coronary

    blocks are cleared by angioplasty, balloon cutting and stent in coronary arteries.

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    In Medical astrology in Kalapursha (Natural Zodiac 4th house Cancer and 5th Leo rulesthe heart and 4th cusp from Lagna governs heart. When the Rasi Leo, Aquarius and

    the 4th cusp in the natal chart if afflicted by Saturn, Rahu or Mars indicates heartproblems, Saturn in Leo is not favourable, In Kalapursha 4th house is Cancer ruled bymoon and Leo ruled by sun represents heart problems, any affliction to Cancer and Leo

    apart from 4th house from Lagna would definitely lead to heart problem.

    As per the “Medical Astrology for all written by Sri K Subramaniam, in Medical anatomy

    the following sub-divisions of Leo are sensitive for heart diseases 1. Kethu star – subsof Kethu, Moon, Mars, Saturn and mercury, 2. Venus star sub of sun, 3. Sun’ s star subof Rahu.

    In natural Zodiac 4th house cancer ruled by moon governs chest, breast, mammalglands, heart, lungs, blood circulations and karaka for mind involves in thinking which is

    the root cause for tensions and consequently leads to high blood pressure. Mars

    governs blood circulation and if afflicts sun and moon in Leo/ Cancer / Aquarius andconnected to evil houses 6, 8, 12 would lead to heart complaints.

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    ANALYSIS: A) Heart Angioplasty, Stent, Bypass, Open Heart Surgery.

    Chart 1 – Sri R Prasad, who underwent bypass surgery, Stent in March 2009

    (DOB: 31.10.1939, TOB: 07:55:00, POB: Dowlishwaram EG Dt, AP. Lat.16.57NLong.81.53E KPA 22-55-22 Tuesday Birth Star: Rohini-2, Rasi: Taurus, Asc. Scorpio)

    The native was born in Scorpio VI Corulers are Ma-Ke-Me; Mars own star as l/o 1n6 in 3 

    bhava, Kethu with Saturn conj. in Aries in 5th bhava, Mercury as l/o 8n11 in12th in theorb of Ascendant. IV Corulers are Sa-Ra-Sa; Saturn as l/o 3n4 in 5 th bhava in conj. with

    Kethu in Aries as 5th bhava, Kethu as said above. Present DBA of Mercury Venus Venus- Dasa lord Mercury is l/o 8n11 in1st cusp as sublord of 6 th cusp, Venus as l/o 7n12 in12 in Jupiter and own sub has given heart problem and bypass and subsequently stent

    in coronary artery.

    Chart 2 –  Sri Shyam Tiwari, who underwent angioplasty during Sat-Ven Apr 2005

    Balloon cutting during Sat-Sun Jan 2009

    (DOB: 18.08.1948, TOB: 03:32:00, POB: Vizianagaram, AP. Lat.18.07N Long.83.25EKPA 23-02-44 Sunday Birth Star: Thiruvonnam-1, Rasi: Capricorn, Asc. Cancer)

    The native was born in Cancer with cuspal interception with anticlockwise, VI Corulers

    Ju-Ke-Ve; Jupiter as l/o 6n10 in 5 in Me-Ra; Kethu in 4 th  in Ra-Ke, Venus as l/o 11Bhadhaka in 12th in Ra-Ve. IV Corulers Me-Ma-Sa; Mercury as l/o 4n12 in Leo 2nd withSun n Saturn; Ma as l/o 5 on 4th cusp conjunction in own star, Saturn as l/o 7,8n9 in 2

    Leo conjunction with Sun is also indicating the Leo sign and the 4th n 6th involvementhas given blockage of coronary artery and thereby one time angioplasty in 2005,

    balloon cutting in January 2009. Mars as 5th  lord on 4th  cusp has given him speedyrecovery also.

    Chart 3 – Smt Jayasri, who underwent bypass surgery in Feb 2009

    (DOB: 01.09.1963, TOB: 09:45:00, POB: Vizianagaram, AP. Lat.18.07N Long.83.25EKPA 23-15-19 Sunday Birth Star: Thiruvonnam-1, Rasi: Capricorn, Asc. Libra)

    The native was born in Libra VI Corulers are Ju-Sa-Ra; Jupiter as l/o 3n6 in 6th bhavain Me-Ra, Me as l/o 9n12 on 12th  cusp Rahu in 9th, Saturn as l/o 4n5 in 4 in Ma-Ra

    Mars as l/o 2n7 in 12, Rahu in 9th in Ju-Ke who is l/o of 3n6 in 6th strongly indicatingheart problem. IV Corulers are Sa-Mo-Ma; Saturn as indicated above, Moon is on 4 th 

    cusp as lord of 10th as lord of Cancer; Mars as l/o of 2n7 in 12 th in own star has stronglyindicating bypass surgery by open heart. DBA Jupiter Venus Venus gave her open

    heart surgery; Jupiter as indicated above in 6th  as lord of 6, Venus l/o 1n8 in 11Bhadhaka sthana in own star and sub has given strong threat to his life in postoperation, however I sublord Saturn has allowed her to sustain.

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    Chart 4 – Sri Babu Rao, who underwent bypass surgery in SaxMerxSat Sept 2007

    (DOB: 25.08.1969, TOB: 08:46:00, POB: Warangal, AP. Lat.18.01N Long.79.34E KPA

    23-13-38 Friday Birth Star: Avittam-1, Rasi: Capricorn, Asc. Virgo)

    The native was born in Virgo, VI Corulers Sa-Ra-Mo; Saturn as l/o5n6 in 4th bhava inSu-Ra; Sun as lord of 12 in 11th Leo conj. with Rahu as karaka for heart, Rahu in 11 inconj. with Sun who is in Ke-Mo. Moon as lord of 11 th  in 5th  in Ma-Ra Mars in 12th 

    indicating the problem. IV Corulers are Ju-Ve-Ma; Jupiter as l/o 4n7 in 4 in Su-Me;Venus as l/o 2n9 in 10th in Ju-Ra; Mars as l/o 3n8 in 12 in Mo-Ra; DBA Saturn Mercury

    Saturn in 9/2007 underwent open heart bypass surgery, Saturn in 4 th as lord of 6n5,Mercury as l/o 1n10 on 12th cusp in Ve-Ra has allowed underwent a successful heartoperation.

    Chart 5 – Sri Yadagiri, who underwent stent in coronary during Ra-Ket-Mer Nov 2007

    (DOB: 28.09.1951, TOB: 17:00:00, POB: Ameerpet Hyd, AP. Lat.17.25N Long.78.27E

    KPA 23-05-20 Friday Birth Star: Makham-4, Rasi: Leo, Asc. Aqua)

    The native was born in Aquarius, VI Corulers Mo-Me-Me; Moon as l/o 6th in Leo in conj.

    with Kethu, Mercury as l/o 5n8 in 7 th  Leo in Su-Ra (Sun in 7th) has indicated theproblem to heart represented by Leo, seat of the Heart in Kalapursha. IV Corulers Ve-Ma-Ra; Venus l/o 4n9 in 6th, Mars also in 6th as l/o 3n10, Rahu in 12th in own star has

    also contributed to the same. DBA Rahu Kethu Mercury during November 2007 thenative underwent stent in coronary artery, as indicated above DBA is responsible for the


    Chart 6 – Rock Hudson 

    (Date 17/11/1925 Time 02:15:00 CST Place Winnetka IL USDay Tuesday Lat 42:06:00 N Long 87:44:00 W Zone

    90:00:00 W Time Corr 0:09:04 KP-NA 22:43:41 Birth Star:Anuradha-4 Rasi: Scorpio Asc. : Vir 8:45:15).

    VI & Leo CSL Me(3,1,10) in own star;IV CSL Ju(4,7Bha) in

    Su(2,12).Both Me, Ju and Su are connected during Mo- Ju thenative underwent (1981) quintuple heart bypass. Died 2

    October 1985 (AIDS, age 59) during Mo-Ve.

    Chart 7 – Bob Travailing

    (Date 20/07/1952 Time 07:26:00 EDT Place Chelsea MA Day Sunday, Lat 42:23:00N Long 71:02:00 W Zone 75:00:00 W Time Corr - 0:44:08,KP-NA 23:06:01 BirthStar: Aridra-4 Rasi: Gemini Asc. : Can 27:03:42)

    VI CSL Mo(11,1Bh) in Ra(7-4,5,10/Ma); IV CSL Su(12,2) in Sa(3,7,8);Leo CSL Ra(7-4,5,10/Ma).During Me-Ra(2001) the native underwent bypass surgery.

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    B) Heart Valve, Open Heart Surgery

    Chart 8 –Sri R Sharma, congenital myrital valve problem underwent open heart surgery

    (DOB: 23.10.1952, TOB: 07:04:00, POB: Masulipatnam Krishna, AP. Lat.16.11NLong.81.08E KPA 23-06-14 Thursday Birth Star: Ketai-4, Rasi: Scorpio, Asc. Lib )

    The native was born in Libra, I Corulers Ve-Ju-Ju, Venus is l/o 1n8 in 1, Jupiter as l/o

    3n6 in 7, VI Corulers Ju-Me-Mo; Jupiter as indicated above, Mercury as l/o 9n12 in 1,Moon as l/o 10 in 2, IV Corulers Sa-Mo-Ve; Saturn l/o 4n5 in 12. Rahu in 4, DBA at the

    time of birth Moon in Me-Ju-Me; Mercury in 1st as l/o 12 in Jupiter star, Jupiter as l/o 6in Venus star as l/o 8 in 1, Mercury connection to 12 n 6 Venus connection to 1n8

    indicates a defect at the time of birth itself, in view of mercury it is heart valve thesame was detected during DBA Rahu Rahu Venus in Nov 2008 he underwent open heartsurgery and valve replacement.

    Chart 9 – Master A Sharma, congenital heart valve problem

    (DOB: 30.05.1993, TOB: 10:36:00, POB: Secunderabad, AP. Lat.17.27N Long.78.27E

    KPA 23-40-14 Sunday Birth Star: Uttaram-3, Rasi: Virgo, Asc. Can)

    The native was born in Cancer, VI Corulers Ju-Ve-Sa; Jupiter l/o 6, Venus l/o 4, Saturn

    l/o 8, indicates congenital problem. I Corulers Mo-Me-Su; Moon l/o 1, Mercury l/o 12,Sun l/o 2 in 10 conj. with Kethu. 8th sublord is Moon who is lord of Lagna. Moon at the

    time of birth in Su-Sa-Ma; Sun with Kethu as karaka of heart, Saturn is lord of 8th,Mars in Lagna as l/o 5n10 connection to 8th at birth time DBA would indicate congenital

    problems here the Dasa Lord Sun who is with Kethu, Bhukthi of Saturn as lord of 8 th inAquarius 7th bhava has given the defect in heart valve. It is yet to be operated by openheart surgery.

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    B)  Heart Valve, Open Heart Surgery

    10 Barbara Bush

    Date 08/06/1925 Time 19:00:00 Place Rye NY Day Monday,Lat 40:59:00 North Long 73:41:00 West Zone 75:00:00

    West Time Corr - 0:54:44, KP-NA 22:43:19 Birth Star:Purvashada-4 Rasi: Sagittarius Asc. : Sco 8:38:03.

    American First Lady, the wife of politician George Bush on1/06/1945 after meeting him at a Christmas party in 1942.

    VI CSL Ra(8,9-12,3,4/Sa) in Sa star(12,3,4); IV & Leo CSLMe (7,8,11) in Mo(2,9Bh); during Me-Ke(2009) the Nativeunderwent Open Heart Aortic Valve Replacement. Ke(3) inMo(2,9) indicted Valve Replacement.

    11 Buchanan Pat

    Date 02/11/1938 Time 00:20:00 Place Mt Vernon DayWednesday, Lat 42:45:00 N Long 78:51:00 W TZ75:00:00 W Time Corr - 0:15:24, KP-NA 22:54:32 BirthStar: Shatabisha-1 Rasi: Aquarius Asc. : Can 29:56:46June 1992 (Heart valve replacement).

    American right-wing politician with inflammatory rhetoric. Heannounced his candidacy for U.S. President on 10/10/1991 atConcord, MA. His run for office in 1992 and 1996 hobbledRepublican front-runners by splitting the vote. Formerly a journalist, then speechwriter in the Nixon White House, hecriticizes and mocks sensitive issues.

    VI & IV & Leo CSL Ju(7,9) in Ma(2,5,9); during Me-Ma(1992) June 1992 (Heart valve replacement). As Me inthe star of Ju.

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    C) Heart Attack:

    12 Dr. John Bardeen

    Date 23/05/1908 Time 05:00:00CST Place Madison WIDay Saturday, Lat 43:04:00 N Long 89:24:00 W TZ 90:00:00 W Time Corr 0:02:24, KP-NA 22:29:02 BirthStar: Sathabisham-3 Rasi: Aquarius Asc. : Tau 17:33:42,1956 Nobel Prize Transistor.

     American physicist, a researcher of super-conductivity and solid-statephysics. Working at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, Bardeen was amember of the team that developed the transistor. For this work, heshared the 1956 Nobel Prize in physics with American physicists WilliamShockley and Walter H. Brattain. In 1972 he shared the Nobel Prize inphysics with American physicists Leon N. Cooper and John R. Schriefferfor the development of a theory to explain superconductivity. He was thefirst scientist to win two Nobel Prizes in the same category.

    VI CSL Me(1,2,3) in Ma(2,7,12); IV CSL Ve(2,1,6) in Ju(3,8,9);Leo CSL Ju(3,8,9Bh) in Sa(11,10). During DB Ve-Me (1991) thenative died out due to heart attack.

    13 Reasoner Harry

    Date 17/04/1923 Time 00:10:00 CST Place Dakota cityUSA Day Tuesday, Lat 42:43:00 N Long 94:12:00 WTZ 90:00:00 W Time Corr - 0:16:48, KP-NA 22:41:31Birth Star: Bharani-1Rasi: Aries Asc. : Sag 6:26:05.

    American journalist and news anchor, one of the original

    anchors on the popular TV news shows, "60 Minutes."

    Reasoned joined CBS News as a reporter andcorrespondent in 1956. Death by Heart Attack6 Aug 1991 (Age 68).

    VI CSL Sa(9,2,3) in Ma(5,4,12); IV CSL Ve(3,6,10,11 conj.Kethu) in own star; Leo CSL Mo(4,8)in Ve(3,6,10,11Conj

    Ke). During Ju-Ve (1991) the native died by HeartAttack.

    14 Chevenement Jean

    Date 09/03/1939 Time 23:00:00 Place Belfort DayThursday, Lat 47:38:00 N Long 6:52:00 E TZ 0:00:00

    E Time Corr 0:27:28, KP-NA 22:54:49 Birth Star: Vishaka-1 Rasi: Libra, Asc. : Lib 27:27:13

    French Minister for Investigation and Industry with aneventful career in government service. Chevenement wasa political thorn in the side of the Socialist Party for manyyears 2 September 1998.

    VI CSL Ju(4,5) in own star.IV CSL Me(4,11) in Sa(5,3,4);Leo CSL Ve (3,1,8,12) in Mo(12,9).During Ve-Ve Thenative died due to Heart attack during gall bladdersurgery.

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    15 Michael Jackson

    Date 29/08/1958 Time 12:00:00 CST Place Gary IN USDay Friday, Lat 41:36:00 N Long 87:20:00 W Zone90:00:00 W CST Time Corr - 0:49:20 DLS, KP-NA23:11:08 Birth Star: Sathayam-4 Rasi: Aquarius Asc. :Lib 19:49:32.

    American singer, dancer and exceptionally talentedentertainer. Heart disease/attack 25 June 2009

    VI & IV CSL Sa(2,4) in Me(10,Leo,9,11,12); During Me-Ju(2009) the native died with heart attack.

    16 Phyllis Dillar

    Date 17/07/1917 Time 01:00:00 CST Place Lima OH USDay Tuesday, Lat 40:44:00 N Long 84:06:00 W Zone90:00:00 W CST Time Corr 0:23:36, KP-NA 22:36:42 BirthStar: Aridra-2 Rasi: Gemini Asc. : Tau 14:28:23.

    American comedienne who exploded on stage in SanFrancisco in 1954, wearing a sequined mini-dress and anorange fright-wig, gold ankle-high boots and black satinopera gloves.

    VI CSL Sa(3,10,11) in own star; IV CSL Ve(4,1) inMe(3,2,6); Leo CSL Ra(8) in Ve (4,1); During Ve-Ju thenative died due to heart attack.

    17 John Ritter

    Date 17/09/1948 Time 07:59:00 Place Burbank CA USDay Friday, Lat 34:11:00 North Long 118:19:00 WestZone 120:00:00 West Time Corr - 0:53:16, KP-NA23:02:48 Birth Star: Purvabhadhra-1 Rasi: Aquarius Asc. :Vir 17:47:35.

    American actor and member of a theatrical family. Ritterreceived a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a ComedySeries in 1983, Emmys in 1983-84 for Outstanding LeadActor in a Comedy Series, and a People's Choice Award in

    1988. In 1993 he received a star on the Hollywood walk offame Death by Heart Attack 11 Sept. 2003

    VI & Leo CSL Ju(3,4,7Bh) in Me(1,10); IV CSL Ra(8) inVe(10,2,9).During Ke-Me(2003)the native died out of heartattack.

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    18 Mangano Silvana

    Date 23/04/1930 Time 20:10:00 GMT Place Madrid SpainDay Wednesday, Lat 40:24:00 N Long 3:41:00 W TZ0:00:00 E Time Corr - 0:14:44, KP-NA 22:47:24 BirthStar: Shatabisha-2 Rasi: Aquarius Asc. : Lib 24:32:31.

    Italian actress who became a sultry star in 1949 with her role in"Bitter Rice." Three years prior she won the title of "Miss Rome"

    in 1946, leading to several minor parts in movies. Death 11 Feb.1989, heart attack during surgery, age 69.

    VI & IV CSL Su(6,10) in Ke(12-6); Leo CSL Ma(5,2,6,7) inSa(2,4);during Me-Ju(1989) native died due to heartattack while surgery.

    19 Brando Marlon

    Date 03/04/1924 Time 23:00:00 CST Place Omaha

    Nebraska Day Thursday, Lat 41:15:00 N Long95:56:00 W TZ 90:00:00 W Time Corr - 0:23:44KP-NA 22:42:19 Birth Star: Revathi-2 Rasi: Pisces Asc. :Sco 11:02:11.

    American actor of great note whose charisma, both off- and on-screen, made him an artistic and social force. With his rawpassion and emotional truth, so evident in his peak years from1947 to 1954, some say that he changed forever the way welook at acting. On April 10, 2001, Brando was admitted withcongestive heart failure for several years. On June 30, 2004 hewas admitted where the great actor died the next day on July1,2004 of pulmonary fibrosis.

    VI CSL Ju(1,2,5) in Me(5,8,11);IV CSL Ve(6,7,12) inSu(4,10);Leo CSL Mo(4,9Bh) in Me(5,8,11).During Ra-Ma(2004) the native died due to heart attack.

    20 Henson Jim

    Date 24/09/1936 Time 00:10:00 CST Place Greenville MADay Thursday, Lat 33:24:00 North Long 91:03:00 WestZone 90:00:00 West Time Corr - 0:04:12, KP-SecondAyanamsa 22:52:46 Birth Star: Mula-4 Rasi: SagittariusAsc. : Gem 25:31:52.

    American puppeteer, producer, director, writer andperforming genius. Winner of seven Emmys, Henson was

    inducted into the Academy of TV Arts and Sciences Hall ofFame 1987. After two cardiac arrests his heart stoppedbeating 5/16/1990.

    VI&IV CSL Ma(3,Leo,6,11) in Ke(12-2,6,11/Ma);Leo CSLMe(4,1) in Mo(6,2,Conj Ra).During Ra-Me(1990),after twocardiac arrests his heart stopped beating .

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    21 Donald O Connor 

    Date 28/08/1925 Time 07:10:00 CST Place Chicago IL Day

    Friday, Lat 41:51:00 North Long 87:39:00 West Zone90:00:00 West Time Corr 0:09:24, KP-Second Ayanamsa22:43:30 Birth Star: Jyesta-4 Rasi: Scorpio Asc. : Vir4:12:22.

    American actor, comedian, singer and dancer who is still rated asone of the most versatile song-and-dance men ever to star infilms and TV. By age 30, in 1955, he had done 50 films. Deathby Heart Attack 27 September 2003 (of heart failure, age 78).

    VI CSL Ra(11) in Sa(3,5,6);IV CSL Mo(3,11) in Me(12,1,2,10); Leo CSL Ju(4,7,8Bh) in Ve(1,3). During Ju-Ve(2003) the native died out of heart attack.

    22 Farley Chris

    Date 15/02/1964 Time 15:34:00 Place Madison DaySaturday, Lat 43:04:00 N Long 89:24:00 W TZ90:00:00 W Time Corr 0:02:24. KP-NA 23:15:42 BirthStar: Purvabhadhra-4 Rasi: Pisces Asc. Can 12:06:22.

    American comedian who died binging on booze, cocaine andheroin 12/18/1997 in his Chicago condo. When he passed outfrom excess partying, he died of hemorrhagic pulmonaryoedema.

    VI CSL Sa(8,9) in Ma(8,5); IV CSL Ju (10,6) in Me(6,4,12);

    Leo CSL Ve(9,11) in Sa(8,9). During Me-Ju(1997) thenative died hemorrhagic pulmonary oedema.

    23 Onassis Christina ( Bhadhaka Special  ) 

    Date 11/12/1950 Time 15:00:00 EST Place New York DayMonday, Lat 40:42:00 N Long 74:00:00 W TZ75:00:00 W Time Corr 0:04:00, KP-NA 23:04:40 BirthStar: Uttarabadra-2 Rasi: Capricorn, Asc. : Tau 2:38:09.

    Greek heiress born in the U.S., the daughter of Ari Onassis andhis first wife. She grew up with private schools and servants, andhad two failed marriages by the age of 23. Death by Disease 19

    November 1988 (pulmonary oedema, age 37).

    Ascendant Taurus I CSL Ju who is lord of 9 th  Bhadhakahence short life because of Cuspal Interception.

    VI CSL Ju(11,9,12,Bh) in Ra(11); IV CSL Su(7,5) inMe(9,8,3,6); Leo CSL Ra(11) in Ju(11,9,12,Bh). During Ju-Ve (1988) the native died due to pulmonary oedema.

  • 8/17/2019 AstroDiagonosis Leo Part A



    24 Georges Marchais ( Bhadhaka Special  ) Date 07/06/1920 Time 04:00:00 GDT Place La hoguetteDay Monday, at 48:53:00 N Long 0:10:00 W TZ0:00:00 E Time Corr - 1:00:40, KP-NA 22:39:07BirthStar: Sravana-4 Rasi: Capricorn Asc. : Tau 3:18:05

    French politician, leader of the French Communist Party from1972 to 1994. Became Secretary of the Union of   Metalworkers. Death by Disease  16 November 1997 (Pulmonary edema, age77).

    Ascendant Taurus I CSL Sa (10,11) who is not lord of 9th Bhadhaka hence long life because of Cuspal Interception.

    VI CSL Ke(12) in Ve(1,2); IV CSL Sa(5,Leo,10,11)inKe(12-1,2). During Me-Sa (1997) the native died

    Pulmonary oedema.

    25 Moraes Viniciusde

    Date 19/10/1913 Time 05:10:00 LMT Place Riode JaneiroDay Sunday, Lat 22:54:00 S Long 43:14:00 W TZ43:14:00 W Time Corr 0:00:00, KP-NA 22:33:34 BirthStar: Rohini-3 Rasi: Taurus, Asc. : Vir 26:51:45.

    Brazilian poet and composer who wrote the words of "Girl ofIpanema," a great hit in bossa-nova. He died of pulmonaryedema on July 9, 1980 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Death byDisease 9 July 1980 (Of pulmonary edema, age 66).

    VI CSL Mo(8,11) in own star CSL Ju(4,7Bh) in Ve(12,2,9);Leo CSL Ra(6) in Ju(4,7Bh). During Me-Ke (1980)thenative died out of Pulmonary edema, Me in Ju, Ke in SuLeo indicated Pulmonary oedema.

    26 Duke Doris:

    Date 22/11/1912 Time 07:30:00 EST Place New York DayFriday, Lat 40:42:00 N Long 74:00:00 W TZ75:00:00 W Time Corr 0:04:00, KP-NA 22:32:49 BirthStar: Ashwini-4 Rasi: Mesha, Asc. : Sco 14:10:46.

    American heiress, No. 18 on Forbes magazine list of the 400wealthiest people in the U.S. in 1993. She had three marriagesand divorces with one baby daughter who died shortly after birthin 1940.Death by Disease 28 October 1993 (Pulmonary edema,age 80).

    VI CSL Me(1,8,10) in own star; IV CSL Ra(4) inMe(1,8,10). During Sa-Sa(1993) native died out ofpulmonary edema. Sa in 6 Su star(12) has givenPulmonary/Heart linked death.

    Pranams to Guruji Prof. KSK.