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,- (i -OF . THE- ASSOCIA 't'ION ' .... w .. JIELD WITH


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Page 1: ASSOCIA 't'ION



ASSOCIA 't'ION ~-.~ • ' .... • w


Page 2: ASSOCIA 't'ION


The Ninetr-Second St:>ssion of the Chattahoochee United Free­will Baptists Association convwed with Providence church, Musco­gee County, Georgia, commencing on Thursday night before the 1st Runday in October, 1927. The Introductory Sermon was preached on Friday morning at 11-00 o'clock by Re,·. J. J. Jone11/ from Prover.b.< 9th chapter, lst verse.

Aftet· an intermi.,;ion or one hour for rene~hments the bocly was called to order by the former Moderator, Rev. H. L Lumpkin. Next in,·ited visiting •brethren to seats with us in the body. Next called f:>r CorreSJ>onding Letters and received Letters and Delegatea from th.: following Churches-

Little Bethel-C. R Simmons, 13. L Raburn. R. N Mcinvale. BE>ulah-H. R. Lawhorn, Charlie Cromer. Turners Chapel-H. S. Moore, S. H. Moo~. Moote's Chapel-Mrs. C. H. Moore. New Prospect, Taylor County-J. Y Colter, Sankie Trussell. Ideal Church- A. Hobbs. New Life-A. D. Foster. Sam Daniel, W. H. Hamilton, Mrs.

H. L. Lumpkin. Oconee--C. L. Sweat. Bethany-John Grimsley. Spring Hill-E. L. Corley, J. F. Hendricks, Jesseker Tyler.

Calvary-By Letter. New Prospect, Turner County-G. C. King. J . T. Brown. St. Johns-J. E. Halford, L. V. Preaster, Eva Hill Doris Me­

Night, L. _.T Newmons, Mrs. "'"'· V. Preaster. St. Jamcs-W. F Carpenter, J. Hearn, W C. Jones, R R Irvin.

Page 3: ASSOCIA 't'ION

2 ~11:\t'TF.S

Providenci'- Boycl Tomblin, Clifford Tomblin, Waller McBride, F. Tomblin, E. T. Tomhlin.

New Bethei-W. J. Deckem, J C. Farmer.

Trinity- A. S. Walle1·.

l\ft. Olive-J. S. liinton, .J. S. Windham. Next called for P<'titionary J,etter~ . :\one ]Jl'CFent. The b"dr

tlu:>n permanently org-anized by elect ing Rev. H. L. Lumpldn, Mode· < ' l'Utor, and Rev, W. D. Gill, Clerk.

~ext callt•d for C'one~ponding l\les~enger~ and receive<l­

Rcvs. W. G Boyd anti' J. D. Little from the Little Rh·er As~'T\.

Hro E. W. King from the State Line A~~ociation of Ala~ama.

· Rev. W. J. Lumpkin from the Midway Association. By n~oti(m n1h>ointed the various committee~ a~ follows-On Preaching:-Clifford Tomblin, C. R Simmons. Pate Tomblin;

on State of the Chu1·che~ anti Charactcr of the Mifustery R. N. Mc­l'm•ale, G. C. King, A D. Foster, E. T. Tomblin and W. J. neckam; on Temperance W R. Lawhorn, E. C Grim$)ey, J. L. Patrick; on Sabbath School~ J. E. Halford, W. H. Emmerson, C. W. Allen; . on Finance S ·R. ·I a."·horn, B. B. Bradley, C. H. Moore; on Suggestions .T. J. Jones, D. E. Greene, W. H Emmerson, J. S. Windham; on Mis· sioM A. Hohb~, R N. Mcinvale, W. T. Lodck; '~on · Sabbath Observanc!' E. C. GrimJ<le~·. J. S. Hinton, E. L. Corley; on Pres~ and :::rhool I>. E. Greene, 13. R. Bradley, R. N. J\Jclnval.e.


Appointed Conesponding 1\te~!;engt'ri: to our sister :\;;sociations aF folllows-To the Little RivPr A;:Fociati()n, nev. s. R. Lawhorn ancl Bro. A. n: Fo;;t er: to the State Line of Alabama, Bro. C. L. Sweat; to t he Ceor)!ia t:nion, Rev. W. R. Lawhorn, Bro. E. L. Cot·-

. Icy; to the South Georgia, Rev~ H. L. Lumpkin', W. T. Lovick; to t.he Martin G. W. AUen; to the 1-1idwa~· Re,·. W. H. Emmer~on.

Next aJXreed thnt the Cl1»•k ha,·e 750 copie:< of the Minutes J•rinted llntl that he be' paid $15.00 for hi~ senrices.

Next a~reed that this .b~· meet ' with New Prospect Church. Taylor County, Georgia, comm6f1cing on Thursday night before the First Sunday in October 1928, ~nd ·that Rev. S. R, Lawhorn preach th.e lntroduct.ot:Y Sermon Friday, a( 11-00 ~'clock a. m., and Rev. H.


....{.. 'Lumpkin. alternate; delegates going by railroad will be met 11t ~eynoJd,., Ga., on Thur~tlay.

The Cil·cular Lettet· prepared hy Re,-. C. n. Ethridge was or­<lered printed in the Minute~. On motion ag1-eed that Re,·. R. J.. Lumpkin \\Tite tht> Circular Lettet· to thi~ bo(ly. By motinn the b3dy a11journerl until S-30 o'clock Saturday momin~.

At. g.;~o o'clock Saturday mornin~ the body mPt accor<ling to ad· joumment. Singinp; and prayPr hy 'f. C. Allen. J\lo6on made ancl cat'l'it>d that ·Cah-ary <·hurcit of Macon. Ga .. be g ranted a letter of ,li!<mi~~ion !t·om thi ~ A~~o•·iation. l\lotio11 mtule and carried that we oay the expPn~es of our Corre~pond~nce which wa~ $3•1.10.

Next appointed the Executive Committ~ as follows- A. S. Walter, R. ~- Mcinvale. G. B. Windham, J. H. Dunlap. R<!v J J Jones.


On l'reaching-Frida)' ni ~:ht 'i-:lO o'clock, Rev. A. L. Lane to preach and Rev. B. JJ. ll1adle)· \o iollow; Saturday at 11-00 o'clock a. m. Rev. W H F.mmer>on tu preach and Rc,·. J. D. L:ttle to follow; Haturday night at i-30 Rev. E. C. Grim~ ley to preach and Rev. W.G. Bo)·ol to follow; Sumla~· at 9-30 o'cluck a. m . . Rev. 0 E. Greene to ;; Sunday at. J l-Ou o'clock a. m. Re,· C. R. Moore to preach.



We, ~'our committee on 'l'emperance. submit this our report. We hear that three preachers ha,·e been drinking intoxicatin~

drinks. We ask the:<e bre thren to quit that habit and in fear of thP Lonl ab~tain from the very appearance of tltP e'il. We also ask the cleacon~ to abFtain from the appearance of ·e,·il and live exemplary live~ before the laity. We also ask that each pa~tor preach on ~mperance quartedy.

REV. E. C. GRIMSLEY, Chairrnan.


We, your committee make the following report-We ask that l!ach preacher obsen•e Sunday as the Lord's Day ~nd have thei!' •·onversation righteous!~· holy and in the fear of the Lord. Also the deacons should obsewe Sundar a!' the Lord's Day. They should be wot·kin~: in prayer me~tings, Sunday Schools and other good works in teaching the laity and the rising generation to observe the Lord's Day. E. L. CORLEY. Chairman.

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( .

4 M!Nt"TES


We your committee make the f ollowing report. We find in our

Association a goodly number of our churehe!t have no Sabbath

Schools. We insist on every church and its pastor and deacons put­ting the Sunday School movement forward because no church is

complete without a Sabbath School a.nd we suggest tn:lt they use

. the Free-Will Bap~ist Literature.

J. E. HALFORD, Chairman.


We your ~mmittee submit this our report. We suggest that each pastor and church urge the 1\lission work in the bounds of our Association and thus enM>le us to carry out a more effective Mis· sion program and we further suggest t.l-tat an Evangcli~t be put out for regular work in the oound.~ of our Association\ and that he use the Aesociation's tent, b)• the direction of the Free-WiU Baptist Mission Society, and that the due:< of the mem-bers of the Mission Society be used to pay the Evangelist as may be agreed. We also .S\Iggest that he he paid $50.00 for each meeting l1eltl; your com­!Jlittee desires that the tent !be put into service · in order that it may he preserved, or make a sale of same. If we keep the tent we ad,ise that it he used at our next Association. We further suggest that each <'burch pay not lcl'S than one-half of their mis­sion f1,.mds over to the Free-will Baptist Mission Treasurer.

REV. W. H. EMMERSON. Chai rman.


We your coznnilltee ~bmit the following report. We find some

of our churches have no· Mission rboards and we ask that the>' organize and co-oi>erate ~,ih ~he Mission Boards of the Asssocia­•ion and report to each mission" meeting with amounts turned over

to ~ mission funds of the ASsociation from t .ime t{) t ime as we meet. We urge each church f.o rally to the support of Mission wotk, ~hat the pastor of each churchr.P,teacb a Se.rmon on missions each·

~- - . '!uarter, anll we a~k the mem~l:s to <'O-opera~ with us.

it. N: !4c1NVALE, Chairman.



We your committee make the following report. We find St. James Church out of order and recommend that they restore Bro. Hall in full fellowship with St. James church and report back to the next session of the Association at peace- and harmon\· with all mankind. We also find that it is generally reported that. Bros. S. A Cromer and 0. C. Bridges have been using intoxicants and we rec­ommend that their names be dropped from the Ministerial Roll until the matter is cleared up to the church "and Association. We find all other churches and ministers in good standing. '

R. N. Mcl~ALE;, Chairman.


We your committee submit this our report. We fully endorse the plan of a ten thousand dollar stock company now in the course prosecution and of which Eld. J . R. Hunt is secretary and manager, for the estalbishment of a press for Georgia, Florida and Alabama with the ultimate aim of a school for the education of our tboys and girls ~nder the denominational influence. We recommend t hat our ministers and leaders • in the different auxiliaries of our church gen­erally, and more especially in the Chattahoochee AssociatiOn, make every effort possible to secure a subscription of some amount from all our people that can subscribe, and . that immediate steps be taken to get a press in action. We regard the p~ss as the most effecth·e medium of publicity and believe that we are now under obligations to the public for an extensi\'e program of publicity to the sacred principles we hold so dear as Free-Will Baptist s. This report is not to be construed to be antagonistic to our Press and College in North Carolina, but rathe.r an exten!'ion that will strengthen our work as a denomination. We again stress the very big h importance of a pre!'s and earnestly solicit the fullest co-operation of all our people.

REV. D. E. GREENE, Chairman.


We your Committee find paid in-From the Various Churches - ---------- -­From the Union Meetings --------------Balance in Treasury ___________ .:_ _______ _

$103.30 8.50 4.83

Tote.! ~---------------------------- $116.66 REV. S. R. LAWHORN, Chairman.

Page 5: ASSOCIA 't'ION


6 MINUTES' .. /

The body was dismissed for preaching until 1-30 p. m. At 1-30 the body was called to order by the Moderator. Prayer by Re\", W. T. Lovick. By motion the reports of the ministers were received and . ordered printed in the Minutes. Motion made and carried Uiat the matter of appointing an Evangeli::t be left with the Missic.n Board snd Executive Comntittee. Motion made and carried that tile Mission 3ooard take charge of the tent. By motion the body return . thanks . to the <'hurch and community for their kindness and hospitality !hiring this session of the Association. By motion t.lle body .<djoumed to meet ~\·ith New Prospect Cnurch, Taylor County Ga., in the ~·ear 1928.

REV. H. L. LUMPK1?JI, Moderator, REV. W. D. GILL, Clerk.


The Second District Union Meeting met with Providence Church llluscogee County, Ga., commencing on Friday night before the 4th Sunday in July, 1927. The. body was called to orde? by Rev. E. C. Grimsle~, the fonner · Moderator. Called for Corresponding Let­ter. the letter was read and received. Next · elected Rev. E. C. Grimsley.~toderator and Rev. J. J. Patrick, Clerk NexJ. appointed committees. On Temperance, S. R. Lawhorn, B. B. Bradley and Bro :O.tiUer; on Preaching S C. Parker, .E. L. Cauley, F. B Parker, John 11rimsley. Next called for Corresponding delegate!\ Dnd received Rev W. T. Lovick from the First District. Preaching committee reported Rev. B. B Bradle~· to preach Saturday night at 7-30; Brother Me­Night Sunday morning at 9-30; Sunday at 11-00 a. m. Re\·. W. T. Lovick to preach !lnd Rev. E. C Grimsley to close. Next appointed Re\'. J. I.. Patrick and Bro. Miller a11 corespondents to the First Distnct. Motioll' made and carried that the next se~<sion of this 1-od~· be held with N,ew Life Church, Marion County, Georgia, eom­•nendng on F~day night \efore the Third .Sundar in July. 1.928. Re\·, J . L:. Patnclr to preach the Introductory Sermon on Saturday :tt. 11-(}0 a. m., Re" E C. G!1m~ley, · al_ternate. Delegates .going by rad~oad will be met at Mau~ G)l .. .on the A. B. & C. railroad and ut J unction City, Ga., on the Central of Ga. ·railroad on Fri~y. . /

• REV. £ . . C. GRIMSLEY, Moderator, J

REV. J . L_> J>ATttrpc, Clerk . •

u~-~he Firllt District Union mee,t.tng-_ wltli Llttl.e Bethel church - Cftlltri Ca., -com~~ on }l'riclav .1~~ before the iud&y b!Jilly, ""· Thi lied)' •• calll\t *• .,..... \f the Mt4ara• .. . ,


tor, Rev. J. J . Jones. Called for Corresponding Letters and received letters and dele.gates from the following churches--Beulah, A. R. Lawhorn, S. H. Lawhorn, Mrs C. E. Lawhorn; Mt. Olive, W. J. Childers. J . S. Windham, Robert Dent, J . S Hinton J essie Windham Little Bethel C. R. Simmons W. C. Bussey, C L. McCarty, B L. Rabun, 1) G. Windham; Pleasant Hill J T. Guy, S. A Cromer ; Turner!' Chapel J. H. Dunlap, E. J. Wainwr~ht, A. J. Spillers ·J Ca!'ter; New Prospect Roy Emmercon, Sister Eva Trussell; Ideal Church D E. Gl'Cime, G. A. Chapman, Wm. Fowler, Sister An-nie Hooten. Next elected Rev. J. J . Jones, Moderat.or. !fd R. N. Mcin­vale, Clerk. NCJ~."t appointed committee on Preaching, W. 0 . Bussey, S. G. Windham, G. B Windham. Called for correspondents from the Second District and-received Rev. J. L. Patr~lt and · W. J. Miller. Next appointed correspondents to the Second District al' fol!ow~­HeVI;. W. R. Lawhorn and A. L. Lane. Next heard report ot Prea~h­mg Committee, Rev. J. L. Patrick to preach Saturday night at 7-30; Re\·. W. J. Miller Sunday at 10-00 a. m. and Rev. W. R Lawhorn Sunday at 11-(}0 a m. Motion made and carried that this body meet with Turners Chapel Church, Taylor County, Georgia commencing on Friday before the Sth Sunday in July, 1928. Rev. D. ·E. Greene t o preach the' Introductory Sermon SatuTday at 11-00 a. n1. Rev W. H. Emmerson, alternate. Delegates going on railroad will be met. at Butler, Ga., on Friday.

REV. J. J. JONES, Moderator, R. N. MciNVALE, Clerk.


hP-reby submit my report for the past year; number of pro­fessional calls 491, visits to the !lick 415, vi ~ib to aln1s

hou~;es 2, visits to hospital!\ 9, faniilies helped 12, number of meet­

!n~ assisted in 3, amount of funds raised for general church work

$59.96, number of services led or taken part in 220, amount received $67.12. MI~S LAURA HORNE, Greeneville, Ga.


G. B. WINDHAM -----------------.:.-------- Reynolrls. Ga. R. N. MciNVALE ---- ---- ------ ------------ ------ l dl al, Ga. A. S. WALLER ----------------- -_:·----------- CbariJla', Ga . . J. B. DUNLAP ------ - ------ - ----- - ------ --- - ------ Butler, Ga. 11:\1. 1. l . lOH'II ........ _ ............... .... -. •• ..., ..... .; ......... ~ tcleal, c;..

Page 6: ASSOCIA 't'ION

c • 8 MINUTE::;


B. D. Lawson ------ --------------------------- -- Columbus, Ga. Barto Tomblip --------------- --------- R. 3, Columbus, Ga. H. F .. Lawhorn ----- ------ - ----- --------- ----------- Mauk, Ga. G. A. Plymale _________ .J. _________ ------r----- Columbus, Ga.

J. M. FaBer -----!------------- 2114-ht A,·enuc, Columbus, Ga. 1'. W. Allen - ----------··--------- 2951- 2 An•nue, Columu~1:;, Ga.


Eld. D. E. Green -------- ------ - - ------ - --------- Ideal, .Ga · Elder C. W. Hichardson -------------- - -------- Rheuix Cily, Ala.

Elder J J. Jones -J----~------ -------------------- Ideal, Ga. Elder B. F. Green - - --------------- ------- - --- ----- Mauk, Ga. Elder E._.C. Grimsley --------------- -------------- Gene\·a, Ga. Elder W '1'. Lovick ----- - - ----------- ----- ---- -- tteynolds, Ga. Eider W. D. Gill ----------- ---··------------ ··- 1\fnnche~ter, Ga. Elder W H. Emerson - --------------- --- --------- Butler, Ga.

- Elder H . L Lumpkin ---- --------------··--··--------- Mnuk, Ga. Elder S N. Little --· ------ ------------------ ----- A~hbum, Ga. Elder J. V Klosser -------------------- ------ lteynold!, Ga. Elder W. R Lawhorn - ------- - ------- --------- Butler, Ga. Elder W T. Grimsley --- ------------------- --- - - G~nc\'a, Ga. - Elder C H. Moore ____________ ____ :_ __________ Thomaston, Ga. Elder S. R. Lawho~n _..:_ __________________________ Mauk, Ga.

Elder J . W. CuUe,•er ----- ---·- ------------- - --------- Mauk, Ga. El,l.~r G. P. lloggs ----~---- ll l25, 2nd ·Avenue, C<>lumbus-, Ga. Elder J. L. Patri~k ___ :.__,-- - ; - 3111, 3rd Avenue, Columbus, Ga. Elder W R Merritt - - --.!.-_,_ ___ _: _____________ _ ne,·110lds Ga.

FJder J. H. Little -------~--...:'- -~---~---- -------- Asi1hurn.' Ga. Elder. R. L. Jones --:------! __ .:._ _________________ Columbus, Ga.

Elder J. G Henderson -------.:.,.------ - ··-- R. 4, Ma~on Ga Elder R. . M. Massey ----------~'-~------..-----.:-- Doerun, 'Ga. Bider W. \\~ Thorpe .-------....;,~----------;..., .. - ------ Tcl<?al, Ga. Elder W. B. llfcTianiel ______ ...:_ __ .: _________ Pr.enix City, Ala.

- - Elder · A. L. Lane .: ____ _: __ ·.: _____ .:_: __ ...:_:_ _ ____ Reynolds, Ga.

Elder J . F. Guinn --- ---- - --"'------------.: ____ Camden, S. C. - - Elder R. L. Burnett ----------- ---- 305-17th St., Columbus Ga

Elder B. B. ·Bradley ------~------- 305-;-17th St, Columbus: Ga: ~l~er ]:1. ,,H • . Massey ~------~------------- Thomas~n, Ga. ~lder P. lt., S. ~IIlah .:c;. _ __ :_ _ _ __ -'-·-------- - - - --- Ideal Ga. Sider W. M: Hall .... ~:.: ... __ ;. __ ;..; A-venue, eolumbut: Ga.


' ) ./



Bethan~·. John Grim~ley ---- --- - - -------- - --------- Juniper, Ga. St. Johns, H. J. Smith --------- 3226 Park A/.·e., 13ibp City, Ga. :Mt. Oli,·e. J. S. Windham ------------------------ Reynolds, Ga. Trinity, D. F. Wuller ------------------------------ Ch&ring, Ga. New J>ro~pect-Hel"en Lane ________ ______ : __ __ ---- Reynolds, Ga.

'l'urne1·s ·Chapel, C. H. Moore ------------------------ Butler, Ga. Beulah, Mrs. C. E. Lawhorn ------ --- - ------------- Butler, Ga. New Prospect- J. T. Brown ----------- ----------- Ashburn, Ga. St. James-R. R h·,·in ------- - ------ -------- Pheni..x City, Ala. Little BP.thel, F , L. Rayburn ---··--------- -.:. __ _________ Ideal, Ga Sp1;ng Hill-E. L. Corle~· ---------------------------- Mauk, Ga. · New. Life, .J. B. Lu!"pkin - - ------------------- - ------- Mauk, ·Ga. Providence, M. E. Tomblin ______ ·- ------------ - -- Columbus, Ga. New Bethel, Ja~. J. Fowler - ----- ------------ ----- Sylvester, Ga. Oco11ec Church·-S. R. B1·ook ---------------------- Oconee, G!l.. Ideal Chu,t'ch, Allie Hooten ------------------------- - Ideal, Ga. Pleas:mt Hill, 0. C. Bridges ---------------------- _ Ellaville, Ga. Moore'~ Chap('l-G. E. Ke!'l:sey ---------- - ----- Thomaston, Ga.


Sister Sarah L. Palmer

Departed this life on May 31, 1927 Sister Sarah L. Palmer. She

was a member of Moore's Cl)apel Free-Will Bapti~t Church of Thomaston, Ga., a~d a true Christian woman she leaves five children and four graml-ehilclren 311d a host of friend~ to mourn her death. The Gospel wa~ her joy and ~ong to her last breath. Sleep on, dear

Sister, till we meet again. H. H. MASSEY.

A. B. Posey

Our beloved Brother A. B. Posey was born on June 22, 1857, departed· this life August 8, 1927. He united with New Prospect · Church in September, 1885 a.nd lived an upright Christian life, being faithful to his church duties until his death. He served the church a." clerk for 87 years and as both clerk and deacon for 23 years. It is with sorrowing hearts we bow to the will of our Heavenly Father in removing this brother from our mfdst. By his pastor,

REV. R. L. BURNETT . ....


Page 7: ASSOCIA 't'ION


George WA!'hinlrton Poole

Sacred ~ the memory of George Washington Poole born Jan. R, 1850, died July 26' 1926; age 76 year 6 months and 18 days. He ' wa~ ~a,·cd and joined Corinth Free·Will Baptist church in Marion County, Ga., while a young boy and to the trust of Christian fidelity he rpmair.ed true to the day of his death. At age 20 he was married to Mis~< Ellen Lawhorne, of Buena Vista, Ga. who was 16.-i.t the ~ime 'of tnarriage, and to this union was born four boy!\ and eig-ht ;,-iris. From the -date of their marriage March 10, 1870 to the day of hi~ dPath, the marriage vow wa." treated "'ith such sacred reverence · .. hat the light thus shed on the life of their ~hildren reflects credit ' t n bis memory. ij.e wal' an ordained deacon of the Free-Will Baptist Church fot' man~· years, and at the time of hi~ death was active in· the Ideal Free-Will Church of' which he wa." a member. True to e:ver)· con,iction. faithful to every trust, honorable in all his deal­ings and pious ·in his Christian deportment, he is, and will con­tnu!!, to be,'missed in the chlreh and among hi~ friends.

As he tofled in the heat of tlte da)·, Re was filled ~ith princely zest; For he knew at the end of the way, He would have eternal re!'t.

By his pastor, ELDER J. R. HUNT.


Sister R. E. Wadsworth

·nepa~d this life September 2, 1927, Sister R. E. Wadsworth l)eloved, member of the St. John's Free-Will Baptist"'ChurehShewas born on October 27, 1850 and was 77 years old. She was a true mem­\oer and held in high esteem by all that blew her. She leaves four , ons and two daughters to mourn her passing.

We miss thee from our home, Dear Mother, lie miss thee from thy place

A shadow over our life is cast We miss the sunshin,e of' thy f8ce;

We• miss thy .kind and loving hand Th·y fond an<i earnest care

~ur home iS"'qark without thee· ~e miss thee ev~ere.

) .. . REV. G. P. BOGGS .

, . .


.Winnie .. Hand

./ On August 22, 1927 the death angel -.;si~ the home of W. F. Hand and stole away the sweet spirit of their loving daughter,

Winnie. She had been a,l) invalid since young girlhood, bearing her ;;uffering with patience and sweet submission to the will of God. She was a consistent member of Spring Hill Church, Marion Count>·, l~a. She loved her church and attended when her health permitted.

She was e,·er cheerful and greeted her friends with a kind word

und a lo\ing smile. All was done for her that kind hands and· loving hearts could do but God saw best to take het· away from her life of pain.


Why lament the Christian dying, Why indulge in t.ears or gloom?

Calmly on the Lord relying, She can greet the opening ltomb.

-Her Pastor, REV. S. R. LAWHORN.

Bro. J . H. Mph·in

Brother Melvin was born Aug. 10, 1876, died Mareh 27, 1927. ant! a member of Little. Bethel Chureh. He leaves a devoted wife, three sons and two "d!!ughters to mourn his departure. It was sad· to see his loved ones cast the last look upon his form. Husband and father, thou art gone but not forgotten. I pray that his loved· ones \\ill live SO that eech one will meet their Saviour in pe.ace

Dy His Pastor, ELD. H. L. LUMPKIN.

Siater l\1.artha Ann Po~rtin

Sist~r Partin was 91 years old and W<ts a member of Little &>the! Chureh for a numbc:r of years. She was kind hearted and true n>:d loved by all who kne·11 her. She leaves one sister and a large number of relati\'es to mourn their loss. The Lord knows best; the Lord givt-th and the Lod taketh away, ble~sed be His Holy name! Sleep on, dear sister, till o~r Christ shall come back to claim His own.

By Her Pask·r, ELD. H. L. LUMPKIN.

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Chattahoochee Freewill Baptist Association

Bro. W. P. McBride

Brother McBride was born May 7, 1857, died J an. 19, 1926. He was married to Miss Mahalie Caldwell Dec. 20 1883. Seven children were born to thi~ union. Bro. McBride was a deacon of Providence Church for many years. His latter day:< were of consecration to !lis Master's sen•ice. It was a source of pleas·urc to visit his home. H ~ stool! fbr true prin~iples, and i~< greatly missed in his home cir· de, at Church and in the community. M~.)' heaven's richest blel's-

. :ngs rest upon the aged wife and berea•1ed children and may the ··httdren take 'their father's advice. is a vacant place in the l.ome that can't be fiUed/ The church bOWS( its head in humble ol..bntission to the will of Him from whotn all their blessings come. Farewell. dear brother, we hope t o meet you ju~t over the rh·er.

Ry His Pastor, ELD. H. L. Ll'MPKIN.

Mary E. Harrell ' Departed this life on July 27, 1927, Sister Mary Harrell. She

was born December 25, 1878, making her stay on earth 49 years 7 monthl'- and 2 days. She was a member of the Free;.Will Baptist Church fOr 30 years, and was ever true to her church, her family and Iter neighbors and to know her was to love her. She leaves five sons !!lid one daughter to mourn her death.

'Til! hard to break the tender cord when love has bound the heart 'Tis haru, so hard to speak theese words, "We must forever part:' Dearest mother we DlUl!t lay thee jn the peaceful grave's embrace, B~~ thy memory· will be cherislled till. we see thy Heavenly fact;>.



S~bjed : "POW.~ OF PRAYER'' ' / .

Jf there were no pr~mi£es Tegariling phyllical healing in the Hible and even if there were no ·mention of the subject at all, we woulll.still have abundance of ~;nd f-or ~he healing of the body t rom . the prayer pro~s alone. Over and over. agam we read such passages u.; "If ye shall ask M)'tb1ng in my. name I wiU do it;" "Whatsoever ye shall ask 1h my name that will I do;" "Ye shall



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Chattahoochee Free\\ill Baptist Association I

ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you"; it does not ;;a~,

"If ve shall ask anything except the healing of the body" o1· "Y l -;bali ask what ye will except health," there are no limitations. The great prayer pt•omises of God embrace the whole mau, body, :·oul and spirit. They are to be taken at their face value. God means what he says, he has put himself on record to answer prayer . Tne mar who believe!' these promi~cs has all the ground be need~<

upon which to expect the healing of hi~ bod~ ~'Ask and ye shall receh·e." Gou is on the giving hand. He

longs to bestow blel'sings. He delights to nnswer prayer . A!,' I say, if we had no Scripture on the subject of physica!

healing we woultl ha,·e more than we need in the pfayer promises of God. God delights to answer pra~·er. I\, is the joy of his great heart .)f love to meet his children'~ needs; he is fuJI of compassion. There are some who tell Uir Jef.'liS Christ works his miracles 111 orGer to prove his cleitr. That i~ true, but there is also another motive, and it i.< strange how frequently we overlook the reason of all reasons that compelled him to relieve distress a~ suffering. It wn~ his compassion, hi~ love. Again and again the record declares that "He was mo,·ed with ('Ompa~~ion" anfi becau~e of his great love he delighted to show mere~· by relieving the oppres!'ed and afflict~!!·

Prayer has divided s~s, t·olled up flowin~ rivers, made flinty rock~ !CUiih forth into fountains, quenched flame' of fire, muzzled lions, disarmed vipers, marshaled the stars again~t the wicked, stopped the course of the. moon, arrested the sun in its rapid coursei but-st ('pen iron gates, recalled souls from eternity, conquered the strong­est devil!>, commanded legions of angel!: down from Heaven. Prayer has bridled and chained the ra,·ing pa,:;ions of men, routed and dt>stroyed vast armies of proud, daring atheists. Prayer has brought one man from the bottom of the !\ea, delh•ered other~ from the firey furnace, and carried another in n whirlwinri to heaven.

Ha~ He changed? Is ·he not the same loving, compassionate Saviour that He was 1900 years ago? Where is there. any record ,,f any change? He is 'Poken of as "Jesus Christ, the same y~>sterday, today and forever," the same in power, the same in ability, the ~arne in \\illingness,the same in compassion, witli a hea.rt that fe?l~ for every suffering child, a• heart that yearns aud love~ and care~, touched with a feeling of our infirmities. And He stiU longs to • manifest His compassion, to let the world know that He IS merciful .·

In Hoi)· Bonds,


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c. .


CHURCH ORGANIZATION. Preliminaries. When several believers wish to be organized

into a church, they request a council from some sister church. Tbie (IOUncil or committe·e (commonly called an arm) examines into the Christian character, doctrine and fellowship ot t.h' applicants, and their ability to sustain a church. Ii the exami· nation is sat isfactory. the orj!:fnizntion proceeds as follows:

1.'he- Dible Is presented as the only t·uJe of faith and prac­tice. · A church co,·enant is rE"ad and adopted. A prayer nf conseerati~'ll is offered. The hand of fellowship is given. The dtu.rch t hen proceeds to elect it s officers, which are a clerk, a treas.urn, a pastor. ·and a board 'f direc~rs, who constitute, with the .pastor, a committee to promote orlier , activity, attend­ance, and the means of _grace, -benevolence, and 8\lfficient dis­cipline ·in, the church. Deacons should p~ssess sound piety, good bulrines.s c.apacity and large benevolence. They hold oftlce at the plea~ure o! the churr.h. They assist in baptism and the Lord'• Supper, have care of thE' poor, and conduct relic(oua meet:!np in tl•e absence, of tbe pa1<r11r.


RJ!solved, That we form an asso~iation upon the principlea laid down in thl' Holy Scriptures, to-wit: Associations appear from 'scripture and eccle~iasti~al history to l1ave been originally formed, 'not from any positive injunctton, either from Christ or His Apolltles, but from mere e.'<}ledicncy for the purpose of con­centratinlf the efforts of individual churches and bringing them to bear With greater energy upon the subjects designed to bl! accomplished b:v those churches. They were also considered its advisory council, and resorted to as such, but never claimed any r i(l:ht. of lordin(l: it over God's heritage, no1· was their mlvice \!Onsidei·ed binding on the churC'hes. In a ·wo1·d. nsF.ocintions were wholly dependent on rhurches, end d1urches were not -lependent U)lon associations, a.nd not";thstanding the power • brop:ated _to, tliemselves by some modt>J·n. Baptist nssocintions. we view tllem as being nowhl'.re precedentt'd by th"· primitive usaJreS of a1l\i sel!~rea~ bodies.

We, the delegate~ f¥m pu1• respective churches, being au· thori&ed by our churches, tM agree to form ourselves into an usoeiatlon. to be ktlown by the name of the Chattahooehee United Free Will B11ptiSt AsliOCiation, ant] we promise not to withdraw ourselves from this association without first statlne our reasqns to the bod~· for suc}l intended withdrawal.

It ie proposed by the assqc~tion,·flr&t to promote revivals of religion by ~I> and protrnetA!crmeetings. • $ilcondly, to take an acti'fe 'Part iti Home Misaioni. It is no,t intepded by this auo­ciation to dillelias quuies. It jll' not ,the' deelgn of this usoe{a. tion to interfere in any way l\'ith the indepe)ldence of cbu"rebea tOIII.POiill&' it. : It wu no~ ,intended to establish creeds, ru~ of di«:lplhle, or' .;auike any law whatever to bind the churcba, but · to lnn•each .Uicb to rerulate ita own d'aln. - .

We, d ~ ~aociatlon, tab the Old and New Teatamenta u

MlNt'TES :iS

our confession o! faith, 85 relates to the independency. We believe that a duly organized church consists of a con·

gregation of saints baptized upon a creditable profession o1 faith in Christ. Christ is the only Christian lawgiver end supreme head of the chua-ches, and word of God the only infallible rule of faith and practice. E..-ery mam has an inal­ienable 1igbt to pri..-ate judgment in ~onserns of religion, anc:' an equal right to exprel'S his opinion in any way which will not violate tlie laws of God or the rights of his fellow man.

A church has a right to adopt such measures only n.~ are in accordance with the Word of God, and such a~re1 deemed neces­s:ary to carry into effect the great system of praetice.

The church is the highest ecclesiastical tribunal on earth, fa·om whose decision there is no appeal.

No change, al.lsrallon or amendment shall be ·made to lhia constitution unUI such change, alteration or amunawE'nt sbal; have been preaented to all the churches composing this aaso­clation, ana when, two-t hirds or all the churches composing this naeoclaUon sball have adopted or reeornmunded in two or their regular conreronces successively such cn.ange, altera­tion or amend01ent, it shall then become a part and parcel ol tbls constitution.

Read :md adopted the above as the constitution of the Chat;.. t!lhoochee United Fre~> Will Hapti"t Assl>t'iation. ·

CHURCH DECORUM. 1. Th('! ehurch may choose a past.or annually at the last

regular conference in the associations! year; or, if they prefer, it may choose a putor for an indefinite lell&'th of time to con· tinue frpm year to year, so long as they may deem it proper to keep up the connection.

2. When it becomes necessary, a pastor may be chosen at any othet· time: but if the choice be made at a special confer­ence, the time inust be appointed at a monthly meeting of the churt'h. ·

3. The pastor shall be moderator of t he ~burch, but wher. he is absent or does not sit as moderator, some suitable brother •hall bE' appointed to sit in his place, .

4. 1.'here shs.ll be two or more deaco!'ls in the c;hurch whose duty it shall be to superintend the collec~iqn: and disbursement of the contributions mnde by·the church for. the pastor, etc., and to distribute the breacl and wine in tbe administ.ration of the Lord'e Supper. · . :

5 Tbe deacons shall' take notice of such membere aa refuM or n~J[lect to partake of the Lord's Suppei=- and endeavor to aacertain the cause, that the same may be laid before the ehurch in conf.erence if neceeaary.

6. Some euitable member shall be appointed elerk and It aha11 be his duty to do all the recording !lnd other writing pertaining to the business of the church, and to preserve a ftle of the minutes of the association.

7 . . When a new clerk is appointed, all the books, etc., b.­IOJliiDg to the clerk •hall be ilnmedlately delivered to him by

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... 16 Chattahoochee Fl-eewill Baptist Association

his pTedecessor. 8. When it becomes necessary, a committee of not lesa than

three ma.le members well acquainted with business, shall be appotnted, whose duty it shall be to give advice to brethren who apply to them relative t~ c11ses of dealing, etc., with the cbureh.

9. The church shaH hold a two days meeting monthly, em. bracing Saturday nnd the Lord's Day following, the first of which shall be the regular time of conference.

10. It,shall be the du~ of eve}")• member, male and female. to attend each conference meeting if they can, for on that day the pllStor is expected to insh·uct the church in spiritual manner by giving plain and po'inted lessons on doctrine, discipline and the rule of holy living.

11. Any male member who shall fail to attend three sue. ceuive conferenres, and any member whatever who may be ttenenlly remiss in attending th11 meetings of the church accord· ing the covenant (Al'licle 10), shall be cited to appear in con· terence and answer for his neglect, but the church may exempt members from this rule if necessary. '

1:.!. Conferences shall be opened and conduckd as follows: 1. Prayer (unless divine service has just been conducted and generally then). 2. Invito visiting brethl"en to ~t>nts. S. Open the door for the reception of members. 4. Call for absentees. 6. For aclmowledgement&. G. For references or def~rred busi­ness. 7. For matters of dealing which are in order to come before the chlll'Ch. 8. Miscellaneous business.

13 . • Visiting brethren, as helps called in from_ sister churches, shaU be allowed to speak and make motions or aeconds, but not allowed to \'ole.

14. ,Any orderly member of the Baptist church who does not hold this church in membership. rna~· be received into the church witho.ut a letter, when it is made apparent that his Christian cl1aracter is unimpcachnhlc, and th'nt he has applied for a 'Jetter and eould not obtAin it because he desired to join t his or some si~ter chut-ch. All other members must join by letter or baptism.

15. No member ~II be received without the unanimous ronsent of the members present, but unreasonable objections ahall not be valid, and u!Jiess withdra't\'11 the member who maku them shall be liable to be taken unaer dealing by the church.

16. When the moderator calls for absen~. the clerk shall Inform the church tho't members have been ab~.ent for three s1ecessive eonferen.ces, and the moderator shall appoint some brother or brethren to cite ea~ of them to the next conference.

17. No lllf'.mher ~hall h4> <>xpelled Ullll!j;s he has been cited \'erbally . or in writiU¥, to attenJ his trial; provided his reai· dence be known-to the ehureh.

lb. When a wjtness, not a m8mber of the church. is intro­duced, he shall not be el(&JDined till t he question has been put to t he churCh: "Will you hear the testimony ~(this wltnea•!"

19. Tlse evidence in every ease of dealing and acknowledie· ment ehall be minuted' in th~> ehureh book. ·

20. llembera di&mi81ed from the church by letter who be-



rome disorderly, or continue to hold their letters without a rood reason. shall ue cited to the conference to answer for their ronduct.

.21. ~~peUed m~mbers m~y be restored to fellowship on the1r pet1bon 1f the1r wallc s1nce expulsion has convinced the rhurch that they have sincerely repented of thl'ir former evil.

22. A vote shall not be taken on any .:;question without a mo,·e and n second. and in all important questions the vote shall be talren b~· ri~ing on theit· feet.

23. No other motion shall be considered while a previou1 motion lllld second is before the conference.

24.It shall be considered disorderly for a member to absent h1n!self from conference when ~n important qu.,stion is to be deetded; but a member upon h1s request, may be excused by the church from voting on either side in pecoliar cases.

. 26. No me!l'ber shall leave the house during conference w1thout a suffic1ent cause nor ,.n~nge ir ~onversation or whis­pering without bcinc- subject to be called to order by the 1nC'derator.

26. All discus~ions in conference must be conducted with calmne~<s and good feelinl!; those who speak must rise to their feet and address the moderato•·. and keep to the point in debate.

27. No one ~hall ~peak more than three times on the same motion without pcrtni~~ion f1•om the moderator, nor shall the remarks of any one be unrea60nably long.

28. When the moderator speaks he must nominate some brother in his stead.

29. No one shall be interruptt>d while speaking unlus it be necessary Jto call the !'opeaker to order.

80. It shall be the rule of the church to attend to the ad­ministration of the Lord's Supper aL leal't four times a year, and the e:"pcnses arc to be pnid b~' the rhurch.

31. Members not in l!OOd standing s.hall not ccmmune, hut thl' Administration ~hnll not be deferrt>d on account of any

32. Feet washing sh11ll he ntit:ncled to as the church sees pr~er.

33. Public fasting. humiliation and prayer shall be ob­served on proper occasion~.

:14. This decorum may be amended or lilt--red l.Jy the vote of twn·thi rds of t.he members present at any two auee.;alin monthly me~tings.

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GOVERNUENT AND ORDINANCES. 1. We believe that a GG~q~el Church, or a church of Chri.t,

if. a congregation of Christians constituted and governed ae· rording to the rules laid down in the New Testament.

2. That those' rules require churches to prese1-ve the form of governm~nt and the ·ordinances of ·the first Christian churchea and to be composed of baptized believer~ in Christ.

3. That lhe visilole chut•cb :r.s the aggregate or whole-num· ber of r.osnel chu.-c:hes; snd t.hat the invisible church is com­P<'Sed of thu redeemed now in heaven, and of such Christians on ·ea1·th as are not atlnched to the visible church, according to the Gospel rules. I 1

4. That the establishment of a central or catholic gov­ernment over tile visible chu_rch, or an~· part thereof, is a deyiat of earthly ambition repugnant to tho: Word of God, subsery1ent to the cllUl'Chcs and danget·ous :.0 the liberty of men.

iJ. The Gospel chut'Che.o; ut•e the only ecclesiastical bodies or cribu_nals uuthoriwd by the Se1·iptures; that each church has 1he umoestricted right to !}dininistet· its own gove1·nme.nt wit)lout s•1pervision o1· inlel'fet'Cilce, being w1der Christ esaentlally, inde­pendent and aiJsolute; and that if this l 'ight be sun endered to a ~upC'rinlendin~ jurisdiction by delegation or otl1erwise, the asRt>mhly ••e1Jses lo ue a Gospel c.hurch.

6. ,..,.hat churchll.o; Jnay ne,•et·theless, we suppos~ meet by dPiega·tes. fot-m an association and declare the terms upon which they will keep up the ccrloespondence; but that the rights and authority or churches being inalienable, or in no wise compro· n;ised 01· hinde•·ed by entering into an association, and therefore 11n associ~<tlon haz no ·authority over churches ol' individuals, their only power being to transact uusiness which does not pertain to rhm<t•hen in their eccle~iastical capocil y; to promote mutual intA•rcou!·se. end n concentration of voluntnry effort, and to give that advice to chot•chcs which might with equal author-ity ue given by nny individual. .

7. Th:r.t t,hP. authoi·ity of tltc chnrrhe.~ i~ dt>><ignr.d for t-he perpetuation of ·the true religion of the Gospel, and for tbe Jll'el'el-votion uf ;i ~L'Lte ~d oi·derly hody of Chri~tians on earth; that it is fully sufficient>' fo1· the purpose intended, but that it does ,ot extend tn persoty~. proti.erty or the conscienct>s of men in any manner whatever:? .' •

!!. Thnt the only r~uj~i~'li to chnrch membership are faith in Christ and .,toedicJtl't to .the Go~pel: t:ftnt faith in Christ netcssarily exiRt,~ in connection with the belie£ in the tunda­mental tl'uths of ChriR;Ionity, 8!'1<1 that to pres::ribe any other reqoi~te of $Uch membership .ls~n ru;sn!)lptinn of authority on the part. nf rhun-h and a :rlep~rture frollJ tl!e Gi>spel plan.

9. That the oftieers of. a. etturch are elders and deacons; thAt the eltlers ~re a{so .called )!!shops o~ pa&tors; and all the elders are equal in -rank, tllou.P t.bey ~ay pert~rm dUPerat funrt.lnn'-lfi11~ Mille ma\• ·he •• tilthft1* nl' palt.ora ef J&ftift• lar ehureha, wllllt othfe mar bt tlmptr ., • .,., 1\a\'1111 ...... tMel e11Uit•

' -"


10. That the authority of n minister of the Gospel extende to teaching, exhortation and rebuke, but no further ; that be cannot perform any acts that belong to the authority· of •the churcb---eocb as the reception of members into the cbiarch compact, or the expulsion of offenders; that as a member ot the church, he is no more than ar•y other member, and if he is pllty of trana~sion he is to be IJrought to trial be!ore his hretliren an9 convicted or acquitted in the same mnniier as if he wai a priv&te person ; yet we think it prudent lo call in advisor.fhl!lp, eepeciaUy if the minister is to be tried upon a charge of heiuy.

11. ·J'hat Christian baptism is the immersion of a belfll'ltei in wa~r, in the name of the Father, and o£ the Sop and ot tha Holy Ghost. · ...

12. '!'hat the Lord's Supper and washing the sainb' f9t are ordinances to be observed in the church W'ltil the ·Lord COfllts. -- .

18. That elders and deacons ;nuet be set &part to ·their oft'ice by ordination, or the imposition of the bands of the presbytery and prayer, without which they are not au thori'ad to administer the ordinances pertaining t6 their l'l!lpGft oflicu.

14. No ptoea.cher shnll be ordained unless called to take · ch,.rge of a -church as past or, or for some other JZOod and auft'ieient reason.


1. W~ believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is a treasure of heavenly instruction; that it has God for its author, salvation for its end. t he tmth without any mb.:ture of error for its 111atte1·; that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us, and therefore it shall remain with us to the end of time the true center of Christian union and the supreme standard to which all hllll)an conduct and opinions conform.-Rev. 13:14; John 5:89.

2. That there is one true and lh•ing God, whoae name:ia Jehovah, the maker and urler of J1aven and earth, inexpreS5· ible glorious in holiness, wort.hy of 1111 pol'sible honor, eonfl- · denee and love, revealed in the personal distinction of Father,. Son and Holy Ghost, . equal in every rlivine ·perfection, a.ri'd· executing distinct but hal"ll'ouiilus offices in the great work· of redemption.-Ex. 6:3; P!sa. ·83:18. ·

S. That man was created ' in a state of holiness under tl1e law of his maker, but by voluntary transgression feU from', that lioly and happy s~te, in consequence of which men are' now sinners, not by conStraint, but by choice, being by nature , utterly devoid of holiness required by tl1e law of God, wholly given tq the gratification of the world, ot Satan and their own aiJINl passions, nnd therefore are under jaJt concltmna­tloa to eterul rllfn 'llti\ho•t deftnet or .. .._.....a., lt1'71•·


, . .

Page 12: ASSOCIA 't'ION


20 l\llXCTES

2:7, 3:6, 19, 23. 4. That the salvalion of sinners is wholly of grace,

through .the .mediator~al office of the S!'n of God, who ~ upori himself our nature, yet without sm, honored the law by His own personal obedience, and made atonement for sin ~y hfs deatll- being risen from the dead, he is now· enthroned m heaven, a'nd uniting in his wonderlul person the ~!lderest sympathies with· dhine pm·fection in every wa.Y qualified to be suitable, compassionate and all sufficient Sav10ur.-Eph. 2: 6, 5:8, Rom. 7!11.

5 . . That the G'ospel blessings which Ghrist in his fullness bestows on such as belie,·e in him, is justification. That tltis justification consists in the pardon of sin and promise o( ete.mal life, upon principles of righteousness; that it is be­stowed no"t in consider<~tioQ of anything we do, but solely tlir~ugh his own righ~ousness and atonement, and ~hat brings us mto a state of mo .. t blessed peace ad 1 favor w1th Gou.--Rom. 8:30, Ezek. 18:28; Jolm 3:14, 16, Rom. 8 :17. .

6. That the ble~sings of sah-ation are made free to all b~· the Gospel; that it is the immediate duty of all to receive them by a cordial and obedient faith and that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner upon earth, but his own volun­tary refusal to submit to the Loord Jesus Christ, which ,....f.usal will suiJjL'CL hem to au aggn~vatclf condemnation.-Mark 16:16, John 17:20; isa. 20. '

7. That in order to be uved we must be regenerated, or obedience to the Gospel.; and that its evidence is found in the holy ...fruits which we bring forth to God.-John 3:3-8, Matt. :!:8-lj!. _.-

8. That eleci.ion is the gracious pue·pose of God, according ro which he regenerates, .sanctifies and saves sinners, it being perfectly consistent ·with the (ref' agency of man, that it cnm­prehend& .all means with the end; that it is a glorious display of God's ~toodnes~, being inlinitoly wise, holy, unchangeable; born again; that regeneration consists of givi'lg n itoly dispo­sition to the mind and is affected In a manner above our C'>m­l!rehension by the power of the Holy Spirit, producing voluntary that it utterly exclude.JI,boasting and promotes humility, pra;et, praise, trust in God J!nd lictive imitation of hia free mercy, that it encourages the u!'e of means in the highest degree; that it is the !oundat'io.n o!'~~ristian assurance, and that to ascertain it with regBI'd to ot: '6111Ves, demands and de5erves our utmost diHgence. · ·

9. That the preser)ing' )lttaohment-e of true believers ro Christ is the grand mark wprch• dimnguishe• them from aup.r· flclal pouell80rs; that a ;special Prcividence w:o.tches over their ,..ltare, and that they are kept by the power of God throup faith unto 8alvation.-Eph. t::1"2. . . . ~

10. Th't tbt law of God t• the etftl\&11 un~lianpable l'llla



of his Government; that. it is hoi~·. just and good; that ~· inability which the Scriptures uscl'ille to fallen man t.o ~ulfill ~ta precepts, arise~. entirely from his Jo1·~ of Sll'l; to dehver h~ througit a mediatm· to unfci~neo ohctileorc •.to the hoi~· law, 1s one design of the Gospel and o{ the means of grace connected with the estnbl ishment of the vis ible chun:h.-~Jatt. 5:1:3, Luke 10:18-211, 14:17.

11. That the first dav o( the week i~ the Lord's day, or Christian Sabb:ath; that it ~hould be kept sacred to rclig!ous purposes hy abstninin~: from all secular labor and ree~atton; uy the direct observance of all .m~ans of gr~ce, both. pubhc and private, and pl'ep:nation for tnat rest 1>lilnch remams for the children .of God .. -Ex .• 19:8, Het •.. J :9, Th<>ss.-1 :7, Psa. 16:9.

12. '!'hat ci·vil governm~nt is of divine :1ppointment for the interest and go•od order of human society, that magistra~ are w be prayed ltor con~cientiously, honored and/ obe~ed m ~I things ·not. contio·ary to the will of our Lord Jesu~ Chr1~ who 1s the Lord of the· conscience and Prince of the kings on eartb.-Ex. 23:7. Acts :23:5, Tim. 5:li. .

}:{. That t.h:cre i$ :1 radical and C5~cntin1 difference between the righteous tlllld the wicked; that Fuch only n:, arc. ju~i.lied by !aitil in the ruaml' of the Lord Jesus. and Eancttfico oy the S!li e·it of Gnd arc truly ri~htcous in hi~ cst~l'm .. w~ile st\(:h as continue in impenitence and in unbelief, an• Ill h1s s1ght wecked and under this •curse. ::.nd this distinction holds 1!-'0od runong men both in and denth.- .Mutt. 25:46 1 Mark 16:16. .

14. That thte end of this world is approachin~, wh~n Cbnst will descend from heaven and raise the dead from tl181r graves to· final retrihutti(\n; that a solemn Ecparalion ~ill tlten. take place, the righteous being adjudged to evcrls:stt!lg happme~s, und the wicked to endless pumshment, and thts )Udgmc:nt. w11l fix forever the t:inal state of mao in heaven or hell, on pnnc1plea of l'iK~.teouaues~.-John 5 :2&, Matt. 25:84:41:4.6.


2. 3. f. 5. 6. 7. 8 . 9 .

10. 11. 12.


Tbe body ca.lled to order by the Moderator it be Is presenti If not tbe body way select some aultable member to IV' . as :Modlerator, pro tem.

Cull For Corresponding Lelters. Election or Moderator and Clerk. Juylte vl.elt.lng brethren to seats. Appolntmel~t or commlttee11. Call tor co rrespondent. Appolntmemt o! corieaponden ls. Appolnt.thae and place or boldlng next aeulon Call for Ntports ot committees. Call for mlacellaneoua business. Call tor re~iLdtnc and adoptlns mlnutea. AdJournment. l . "

Page 13: ASSOCIA 't'ION



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•. REV. W. H. EMMERSON ---- ---------- -------- .-31 51 :- -. 81161 631 141 I.IOI:~26f; 227.401 !i6.76i • • l 14.461 Ul»> . REV. J . R. HUNT ------------ ---- -------------- I9125ll':l:lj l8j86i6fl'ill-12•--i :;!l33 Cj l,3fi8.2-11 il48.49j 11129.061 1!0..50 REV. A. L. LANE ------------ ----------~- ------ 111 20I10l--!--1 41 41 2i 2: Ml -------! 8.001 . • ! -----! __ _ REV. C. D. ETHRIDGE --- ------------ --- ----- 2ll20jl0! 21 'II 27' 151 1'--: 26!Jl 120.00; t7.69j __ i -----1---REV. W. It. LAWHORN ---- -- ----- ----------- -- 2] 32! &. 1: l j 21 ~: l i 21 ___ f 25.001 2.001--J 5.00j __




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I I ' c:lQP:C::H&lP:O::E-o ;s P.. ll. ll.. 0.. il.. 0.. 0.. > Little Bethel - -- : Macon --- 1 Eltl. L. -S~Yatc~ -=_==-; 4:• 3l-21-5f:-ij=::'f2j'J.4~----, · 'i!\t2.1\fll$.:;!1.7!i:$;1JO.fi6j ---~-( ___ ·_::l~i5.001--2.25!$l,o00-Beulah. ------ . ,Taylor ___ jF l•l. s. Tt Lawho1·n __ ! lt--!-- ' 1!- -! -..!--! 21 ; :J ; 2.001 5.00j ..... . i-----~------1 -----~----- 1 500 Turners Chapel --; Tay}or __ _ ; Elll. C. H. Moore ___ l 5•. -' --: .. i t 1

• .l • • lll6• 4 1 6.001 2.iiO, 72.6!1 !-- ·-- 290.001----- -----~ 1,000 lrfo.or's Chapel _ 1 Upson __ _ . ; Eld. C. H. Moore --- - - 5i 31 • • ;19; :JI __ -- :~61 :l 2.50! 2.1i0: - - - --! -----1-- ----1-- - - - 1----- --- .. -New Prospect ...


Taylor ___ ! Elll. R. L. Burnett ____ ~ s ; t•--;--'--: - .I..: 57i 4 I 4.001 I 64.4-1~-----1------1 -----~--.. --1 500 Ideal Church ___ Macon ___ : Rid: H. L. Lumpkin _ j--·- -' 1, 4 __ , __ ; ___ , 3Ei! 2 ' 4.0(1 ! 171.96 26.3~ ~ ------1----- '28.001 New Life - -- --· Marion . __ ! Elrl. W. R. La whom __ I 2, __ , ___ ' --!--:- _, ... G5 j 2 • &.oo; 3.00) - -----1-----• ------1 6.001-----1 800 Oconee --:·----·1 WnRhin~:tor Eltl. C. B. Ethridge ___ !l; _ _i __ . -- :- -· 1' .. . ! 22!. 1 3 i 4.001 I 50.00! 66.:.151 92.00· ---- -~ 7.501 1,000

-Bethany - ----,·- 1 Marion --- · Eld .. J. L. l'lltrick --- . --' --!--: .. .. : __ , __ ! 50! :J I :J.OOI 1------1-----1 ------1----- -----1 600 Spring Hill ----· 1 Marion ___ ; Elcl. ,J. L. l'atrick ___ ' -- I • __ . 5!-- ~ --~ --: 36: 2 ! <l.oo; ~ .5o: __ • . •• : ---- -1 ------! ----- ' -----1 -----Calvary -------·1 Hibb --- -- Elrl. J. R. Hunt ........ ! 2 1 l o . • 1 41--! 4 :J 39~ 2 !l 4J ll.Oo; l o.OOI !i3.931 J.!iOl 48.80, 20.811 54.171 2,500 New Prospect __


Turner __ _ --------------------- · I .• ; • . ! • • ' 4' .. ' •• j •• iJ.IJ ! !l j 10.801 1--- __ _ I ____ _I------ -----! -----1 -----St. JohM ------ Muscogc~ Eld. G. P . Bog~s ·--- I 4..1 Si ll '--~ 6'17• 51.1. 2 :~ -4J 4..80 12.001 2jj .OOI _____ j 286.601 26.001136.14! 2,500 Bt. J ames ------ l ter.- Aa. _ Elf!. C. W. Richarcl ~<lll _ ;;;• 2<12 21 6: 8 4' 76' 1 2 ~ 4: Ei.OO' 22.501 23.25i ______ j 10.60)300.16! 1,100 Trinity _________ 1'l'aylor ___ . 81tl. w. R. l.owhom __ , ·- ·- -·- .. ·- -·- - __ , __ 2ii 4 1 HlO• 1.25! 2o.oo: ____ -: ------1 -----r 12.001 1,000 Mt. Olive ------ Taylor ___ El•l. Al'thur Lam• --- ·· · G, 'l! 2• ... : a1 • • ; 11751 2 ! .10.00; I ll0.69i ........ 1 ------! -----1-----1 1,000 Providence _____ Muscogec 1 Eld. H. L. I.umpkin ___ ; ·1 . . · 1:--•--: lo-.:108' 4. i 1().001 2.501------ : -----1 ------~-----1 -----1 1,000 New Bethel ---- Worth ___ I Eld. J. H. Little ----- 1 l!l. 1 21 1! r.L. ! 2 1Hl1 ' I I 6.00! ! ------1-----1----- .. -----1 6.10/1,000 Pleasnnt Hill --- Scble)• --- ' Not Repl'esented --- ---

1 --1--1-..:1--l--1--1- -1---1 1-----1 1-- ----! ----.. ! ------! -----1----- ----