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Assignment Abpc 2103 Abnormal Psychology

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Abnormal psychology is a division of psychology that studies people who are

"abnormal" or "atypical" compared to the members of a given society. There is

evidence that some psychological disorders are more common than was previously

thought. Depending on how data are gathered and how diagnoses are made, as many

as 27% of some population groups may be suffering from depression at any one time

(NIMH, 2001; data for older adults).

1.1 Background Of Study

Picture 1.1: Mental Disorders Problems

Public perceptions about psychopathology are strongly influenced by movies or the

media. Information presented in the media can be sympathetic and enlightening, or it

can perpetuate the stigma often associated with mental illness. This stigma limits

opportunities for individuals with mental illnesses and often prevents them from

seeking appropriate treatment.


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1.2 Objective of Study

The main objective of this study mentioned as below;

To critically analyse and evaluate information pertaining to abnormal

psychology found in the media.

To stimulate ideas on how to tackle issues related to public perceptions of

mental health.



The classification of mental disorders, also known as psychiatricnosology or

taxonomy, is a key aspect of psychiatry and other mental health professions and an

important issue for people who may be diagnosed. There are currently two widely

established systems for classifying mental disorders—Chapter V of the International

Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) produced by the World Health Organization

(WHO) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)

produced by the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Both list categories of

disorders thought to be distinct types, and have deliberately converged their codes in

recent revisions so that the manuals are often broadly comparable, although

significant differences remain. Other classification schemes may be in use more

locally, for example the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders. Other manuals

have some limited use by those of alternative theoretical persuasions, such as the

Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. The widely used DSM and ICD classifications

employ operational definitions. There is a significant scientific debate about the

relative validity of a "categorical" versus a "dimensional" system of classification, as

well as significant controversy about the role of science and values in classification

schemes and the professional, legal and social uses to which they are put.


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2.1 International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is an international standard

diagnostic classification for a wide variety of health conditions. Chapter V focuses on

"mental and behavioural disorders" and consists of 10 main groups:

• F0: Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders

• F1: Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of psychoactive substances

• F2: Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders

• F3: Mood [affective] disorders

• F4: Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders

• F5: Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and

physical factors

• F6: Disorders of personality and behaviour in adult persons

• F7: Mental retardation

• F8: Disorders of psychological development

• F9: Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in

childhood and adolescence

• In addition, a group of "unspecified mental disorders".

Within each group there are more specific subcategories. The ICD includes

personality disorders on the same domain as other mental disorders, unlike the DSM.

The ICD-10 states that mental disorder is "not an exact term", although is generally

used " imply the existence of a clinically recognisable set of symptoms or

behaviours associated in most cases with distress and with interference with personal

functions." (WHO, 1992). The WHO is revising their classifications in this section as

part of the development of the ICD-11 (scheduled for 2014) and an "International

Advisory Group" has been established to guide this.


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2.2 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)

The DSM-IV, produced by the American Psychiatric Association, characterizes

mental disorder as "a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or

pattern that occurs in an individual, associated with present distress...or

disability...or with a significant increased risk of suffering" but that " definition

adequately specifies precise boundaries for the concept of 'mental disorder'...different

situations call for different definitions" (APA, 1994 and 2000). The DSM also states

that "there is no assumption that each category of mental disorder is a completely

discrete entity with absolute boundaries dividing it from other mental disorders or

from no mental disorder."

The DSM-IV-TR (Text Revision, 2000) consists of five axes (domains) on which

disorder can be assessed. The five axes are:

Axis I: Clinical Disorders (all mental disorders except Personality Disorders

and Mental Retardation)

Axis II: Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation

Axis III: General Medical Conditions (must be connected to a Mental


Axis IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems (for example limited

social support network)

Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning (Psychological, social and job-

related functions are evaluated on a continuum between mental health

and extreme mental disorder)


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Television, radio and newspapers play an essential role in the public perception of

mental illness. While the media often perpetuate unhelpful stereotypes of mental

illness (Byrne, 1997), if properly harnessed, they may also be used to challenge

prejudice, inform and initiate debate and so help to combat the stigma experienced by

people with mental illness and their carers.

Many films have portrayed mental illnesses or used it as a backdrop for other themes.

For example, although 50 First Dates presents a case of anterograde amnesia, the type

depicted does not really exist. In particular, owing to the nature of drama, extreme and

florid manifestations of any given disorder tend to prevail over the more subtle ones

typical of the average person with that disorder. For example, people with

agoraphobia are typically portrayed in drama as recluses who never or almost never

leave their homes; in reality, this is rare and extreme, not typical, among the

agoraphobic population.

Picture 3.1: Movie “ I am Sam”.

A man who suffers from schizophrenia goes on a shooting spree in Times Square and

later stabs a pregnant physician in the stomach. These are the opening scenes from

Wonderland, a drama set in the psychiatric and emergency room units of a New York

City hospital. Premiering in 2000, Wonderland was promptly canceled because of

dwindling ratings and heavy criticism from mental health groups (though it was

brought back in January 2009).


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The series portrayed a bleak life for people with mental illness and groups like the

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) criticized its theme of hopelessness.

Research has shown that many people get their information about mental illness from

the mass media (Wahl, 2004). What they do see can color their perspective, leading

them to fear, avoid and discriminate against individuals with mental illness.

3.1 People Perceptions on mental illness based on media

Whether it’s a film, news program, newspaper or TV show, the media perpetuates

many myths about mental illness. Below is just a sampling of common


People with mental illness are violent.

“Studies have found that dangerousness/crime is the most common theme of stories

on mental illness,” said Cheryl K. Olson, Sc.D., co-director of the Center for Mental

Health and Media at Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry. But

“research suggests that mentally ill people are more likely to be victims than

perpetrators of violence.” Also, recent research found that mental illness alone doesn’t

predict violent behavior (Elbogen & Johnson, 2009). Other variables—including

substance abuse, history of violence, demographic variables (e.g., sex, age) and the

presence of stressors (e.g., unemployment)—also play a role.

They’re unpredictable.

A focus group composed of individuals who affect the lives of people with mental

illness, such as insurance executives, was asked what they thought about people with

mental illness. Nearly half cited unpredictability as a big concern. They feared that

individuals might “go berserk” and attack someone. Contrary to these beliefs, the vast

majority of people with mental illness are ordinary individuals who go to work and try

to enjoy their lives, said Otto Wahl, Ph.D, professor of psychology at University of

Hartford and author of Media Madness: Public Images of Mental Illness.


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They don’t get better.

Even when portrayals are primarily positive, we rarely see progress. For instance, the

lead character in Monk, who has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), regularly

attends therapy, but has yet to improve, Wahl said. He believes this perpetuates the

myth that treatment is ineffective. Still, if you’re seeing a therapist and haven’t

experienced much improvement, you might feel the same way. However, this may

mean that it’s time to switch therapists. When searching for a therapist, remember it’s

best to shop around. Here’s a good guide that can help with the process. You also may

want to research the most effective treatments for your condition and check if your

prospective therapist uses them.

Teens with mental illness are just going through a phase.

Movies like the “Heathers” and the “American Pie” series depict alcohol and

substance abuse, depression and impulsivity as normal teen behavior, according to

Butler and Hyler (2005). The authors also point out that the movie “Thirteen” features

substance abuse, sexual promiscuity, an eating disorder and self-injury, but the main

character never seeks treatment. Ultimately, these behaviors may be viewed as “a

glamorous benchmark to beat.”

These myths don’t just damage public perceptions; they also affect people with

mental illness. In fact, the fear of stigma can prevent individuals from seeking

treatment. One study even found that workers would rather say they committed a

petty crime and spent time in jail than disclose that they stayed at a psychiatric


3.2 Negative and Positive Impact of Media

For better or worse, the media shapes our ideas and ways in which we understand

those around us. For those suffering from mental illnesses, the implications of the

often negative and inaccurate portrayals of mental health issues are significant.

Inaccurate information in the media about mental illness, even if the portrayal of an


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individual is positive, results in misunderstandings that can have considerable and

very real consequences. As conclusion, media overall can give a negative or positive

impact based on how they address the matters. Below show hoe the media influence

the perception of people about mental disorders.

Reporting that can have a negative impact:

Highlights tragedies involving untreated mental illness, contributing to

community fear and isolation for those affected by mental illness

Does not provide balance. People with a mental illness are not inherently

violent, unable to work, unpredictable, untrustworthy, weak or unable to get


Exaggerates a person’s illness or the affect mental illness has on their


← Implies all mental illnesses are the same. The term ‘mental illness’

covers a wide range of symptoms, conditions, and effects on people’s lives

Features negative terms such as ‘mental patient’, ‘nutter’, ‘lunatic’, ‘psycho’,

‘schizo’ and ‘mental institution’, which stigmatise mental illness and

perpetuate discrimination.

Reporting that can have a positive impact:

Breaks down myths about mental illness and allows people who have

experienced mental illness to tell their own stories

Highlights the complexity of mental illness. The term ‘mental illness’ covers a

wide range of symptoms, conditions, and effects on people’s lives

Provides accurate information about mental illness and specific mental



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The mass media’s power to impact public perception and the degree to which people

are exposed to media representations makes the mass media one of the most

significant influences in developed societies. For better or worse, the media shapes

our ideas and ways in which we understand those around us. For those suffering from

mental illnesses, the implications of the often negative and inaccurate portrayals of

mental health issues are significant. Inaccurate information in the media about mental

illness, even if the portrayal of an individual is positive, results in misunderstandings

that can have considerable and very real consequences.

4.1 Literature review 1

Considerable research has concluded that the media are the public’s most significant

source of information about mental illness (Coverdale et al., 2002 [citing Borinstein,

1992; Kalafatelis & Dowden, 1997; Philo, 1994]). Fiske (1987, cited in Rose, 1998)

argues that television is the most powerful medium for framing public consciousness.

Cutcliffe and Hannigan (2001) further state that rarely does a week go by without a

reference to mental illness in the mass media. One study found that media

representations of mental illness are so powerful that they can override people’s own

personal experiences in relation to how they view mental illness (Philo, 1996, cited in

Rose, 1998). On television and in film, as well as in news reporting, there is an

emphasis on people with mental illness as “other” or separate from the general fabric

of society. They are often portrayed as unemployed, homeless, and without family or

friends, roots or history. Representing people with mental illness in this one-

dimensional light supports a depiction of such individuals as somehow subhuman or


Words have power. They have the power to hurt or soothe, to honour or insult, to

inform or misinform. Words reflect and shape prevailing attitudes, attitudes that in

turn shape social behaviour. All too often, the media use sensational language that

tends to perpetuate myths and stereotypes regarding mental illness, promote fear in

the community and promote incorrect assumptions. Provocative mainstream

newspaper headlines such as “Terror, mentally ill threaten Games”


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(Headline, Toronto Sun, 5 November, 2008 (Toronto)), 32 OTTAWALIFE

FEBRUARY 2009 and “Knife maniac freed to kill. Mental patient ran amok in the

park.” (Front page headline, Daily Mail, 26 February, 2005 (England)), and “Violent,

mad. So Docs set him free. New ‘Community Care’ scandal.” (The Sun, 26 February,

2005 (England)) transforms a health issue into a public safety issue and capitalizes on

the fear of violence and irrationality that lack of understanding about mental illness

can cause. Persons identified as mentally-ill are all too often portrayed by the media

as the secular version of the devil, transmogrified into the out-of-control madman bent

on a rampage of seemingly inexplicable death and destruction.

4.2 Literature Review 2.

Yet while there has been considerable research and analysis of media content of

mental health coverage, there has been relatively little concrete research into the

effects: how media messages are received and interpreted, alongside other potential

sources of evidence and experience in daily life. While the most comprehensive

review of research in this area, commissioned by Shift, appears to confirm the view

that ‘negative’ media coverage may reinforce fears that mental health users pose a

public risk, and ‘positive’ images might have an opposite effect, the evidence is

limited (Rose et al, 2007). As far as the UK is concerned, it mainly rests on the study

conducted by Philo and the Glasgow Media Group which was unusual in that it

combined an analysis of media production processes, content analysis and focus

group research into effects (Philo et al 1994; Philo, 1996). The Phil et al research is

around 15 years old, and there is now a need to analyse media effects in the context of

both rapid changes in media structure and output, and shifting political and policy

terrains. Furthermore, the Glasgow Media Group research followed its distinctive

theoretical approach which arguably needs to be scrutinized in the light of recent

shifts in social theory, analysis and research methods.

The current exploratory qualitative research which we report on here therefore sought

to fill this evidence gap on media effects, the core of which is intensive focus group

research in 9 English regions. We assess the impact of ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ media

stories and other output on audiences, compared to other influences in their lives, in

order to provide evidence to inform best journalist practice, committed to positive

social change for people with mental health problems. Further details of the research


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methods are given at appendix one. This research was commissioned by SHIFT, the

agency charged by the NHS with addressing stigma and discrimination in mental

health in England. Among the kinds of issues which they wished to see addressed


What media content on mental health issues audiences are aware of, which

they trust and its impact upon them in terms of shaping their attitudes and


Audiences perceptions of ‘risk’ to themselves, members of the public and

people with mental health problems and its links to media or other sources of


The relative influence of audience experience of being in contact people with

mental health problems, and their views on discrimination in general and in

relation to people with mental health problems;

The relation between audience attitudes to discrimination in terms of different

forms of information used by them, as well as which kinds of media content

can help to change attitudes in positive directions.

4.3 Literarature Review 3

The dominant tendency in media theory has therefore tended to shift away from a

stronger to a ‘weaker’ structuralism, that still portrays the media as powerful, but also

subject to active ‘negotiation’ by audiences. This theoretical shift has been linked to

changes in the media themselves, on the one hand to greater concentration of

ownership, and on the other to a more fragmented and differentiated set of media

sources, such as the internet, U-tube and blogging, that have led to suggestions of a

greater pluralism. Thus Thompson (1995), drawing on Giddens’s (1991) theory of the

self in late modernity, argues that audiences do not passively receive but actively

select and interpret, re-interpret, resist or even challenge media messages, depending

on their education, age, class, gender, race and other identities and experiences.

However postmodern analyses often go further, according the media a central role in

producing, not just reproducing modern society, helping to fragment and destabilize

traditional forms of identity and values. Whereas moral panic theory – legitimately in


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our view – makes a distinction between what is ‘real’ and what represented,

postmodern approaches tend not to make such hard and fast distinctions, suggesting

that media signs and discourses do not, according to Baudrillard (1998) necessarily

have any real referents.

4.4 Literature Review 4

A report by Mind, a U.K. mental healthy charity, asserts that negative media coverage

has a direct and harmful impact on the lives of people with mental illness. Mind

surveyed 515 people suffering from a range of disorders about their feelings regarding

media coverage of mental illness. Half of the respondents said that the media

coverage had a negative effect on their own mental health, and 34% said this led

directly to an increase in their depression and anxiety. A total of 22% of the

participants said they felt more withdrawn and isolated as a result of negative media

coverage, and 8% said that such press coverage made them feel suicidal. Almost 25%

of respondents said that they noticed hostile behaviour from their neighbours due to

negative newspaper and television reports. A further 11% said they required

additional support from mental health services due to negative press coverage, and

almost 25% of all respondents said that they had changed their minds about applying

for jobs or volunteer positions due to negative media coverage.


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We need, as a society, to continue to strive to reduce and eliminate the stigma and

discrimination that so many with mental illness experience in their day-to-day lives.

Let's face it—people can and do recover from mental illness if provided with the

supports and services necessary to facilitate and nurture a sense of hope, wellness and

a belief that tomorrow will be better than today.

5.1 Anti-stigma campaigns

Campaigns targeted at the general population, intended to counter negative

stereotypes and attitudes towards people with mental health problems. There are few

rigorous evaluations exist: qualitative evidence suggests they may have an effect but

these are usually based on cross-sectional data rather than longitudinal data over time.

5.2 Tackling discrimination in the labour market

Improved understanding of mental health issues is critical in companies and among

co-workers if efforts to reintegrate people with mental health problems into the

workforce are to be successful; there can be strong opposition to working alongside

people with mental health problems. Employment has many benefits including a

reduced need for health care services, increased levels of social inclusion and

improved quality of life.

5.3 Improving access to services that best meet needs

People with mental health problems can also be empowered to have more control over

their services that best meet their needs. Attention is beginning to focus on the use of

‘direct payments’ where individuals are given cash to purchase services and support

that they require, including help in vocational rehabilitation. The system has however

only been introduced in a few countries including England, Scotland and the

Netherlands for a few service users making it too early for formal evaluation.


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5.4 Anti discriminatory legislation

There is also a role to be played by legislation, although to date its impact has not

been well evaluated. Legislative instruments from the UN, the Council of Europe, the

EU and others are intended to protect the human rights of people with mental health

problems. They can only promote social inclusion however if effectively monitored

with adequate sanctions where required to effect change.


Words have power. They have the power to hurt or soothe, to honour or insult, to

inform or misinform. Words reflect and shape prevailing attitudes, attitudes that in

turn shape social behaviour. All too often, the media use sensational language that

tends to perpetuate myths and stereotypes regarding mental illness, promote fear in

the community and promote incorrect assumptions. For better or worse, the media

shapes our ideas and ways in which we understand those around us. For those

suffering from mental illnesses, the implications of the often negative and inaccurate

portrayals of mental health issues are significant. Inaccurate information in the media

about mental illness, even if the portrayal of an individual is positive, results in

misunderstandings that can have considerable and very real consequences. By doing

some necessary action, we as normal human being can help those mental illness

patient to reduce their burden and stigma.


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1. Mental _ disorder







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8.1 Local Report In Newspaper


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8.2 Research in Other Countries

In 1997, the National Mental Health Association in the United States published

a study titled "Stigma Matters: Assessing the Media’s Impact on Public

Perceptions of Mental Illness." Hottentot (2000) cites the following results

from that study, showing where — within various media classifications — the

researchers found that the public gathers its information about mentally ill

people and about mental illness.

Popular Sources of Information about Mental


TV newsmagazine shows 70%

Newspapers 58%

TV news 51%

News magazines 34%

TV talk shows 31%

Radio news 26%

Other magazines 26%

Internet 25%

Non-fiction books 25%

Talk shows on radio 18%

Women’s magazines 18%


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