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Assignment 1b By Aliyah Ryan
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Assignment 1b

By Aliyah Ryan

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Walt Disney

In 2009 Walt Disney announced that they are to buy Marvel Entertainment for $4bn. Walt Disney is the Parent company of Marvel Entertainment as they have brought the company through money and shares in their stock.

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What are the companies involved famous for? i.e. what are their biggest grossing films or why would people know who they are?

Walt Disney are famous for their iconic cartoon Mickey mouse, their Disney Pixar movies such as the incredible’s, Bolt, The Princess and the Frog and other great films. Walt Disney is well known for their Films especially Pixar films because of their iconic princess films.

Marvel is famous for their comics and recently have turned their comics into films for example Iron Man 1,2 & 3, Thor, marvel avengers and many more.

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When and why did the deal take place?

The main reason they took over Marvel's company because they would appeal more their teen boy target audience, which they have struggled with as the films and programmes were marketed toward girls. The deal took place in 2009, “Marvel shareholders will received a total of $30 a share in cash plus approximately 0.7452 Disney shares for each Marvel share they own.” they also receive $4 billion.

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How has the deal increased the power or influence of the company within the film industry – is there any evidence

of a monopoly or oligopoly – if so please explain?

The deal between Walt Disney and Marvel has increased the power of the company within the film industry. By Disney taking over Marvel they are able to dominate the film industry as they own other companies proving they are monopoly organisation. A monopoly organisation is an economic market condition where one seller dominates the entire market.

This visual show the companies Walt Disney own.

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What do you think the impact will be on the other major film companies?

I think that by Walt Disney taking over Marvel they would be able to dominate the film industry as they will be able to appeal to their teen boy target audience, by gaining their male target audience they would be able to create films and shows that would be watch by their new found target audience. Another reason I think that this deal would have a big impact on other film companies is that they have...

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What are the key issues with this ownership deal

1. A key issue with Walt Disney taking over Marvel is that Walt Disney had to make some redundancies, due to the amount of people they had employed after buying Marvel plus their 150 staff that were originally working at Marvel as well as a production company called Lucasfilm.

2. Another issue that this ownership has caused is that Walt Disney is dominating the film industry and building a Monopoly organisation. Because of this, it causes other film production companies to have a limited chance to produce their own films.

3. A third issue with this ownership deal is that by Walt ~Disney being now able to appeal to their boy target audience, they may take away other companies audiences because of this.

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Summarise what you have learnt about how ownership practices work within the film industry.

From looking at Walt Disney’s deal with Marvel Entertainment, I have learnt that ownership practices within the film industry are very important and could be very beneficial. If the deal is successful (NEED TO DEVELOP)

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What are the different ways in which the FILM industry makes money from audiences

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What is meant by product placement – what famous examples are there of films that have used product placement

Both use Apple computers

Uses Google through out the movie

Each transformer is a a use of product placement through the cars

Product placement is where big manufacture companies pay film companies or TV programs to show their products to gain more exposure.

Used Subway

Uses Budwiser

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How does product placement help films to make money (explore a big blockbuster film)?

Product placement helps films to make money because big manufacture companies pay film companies to place their products in their film. If lots of big manufacture companies ask one film company to place their products in their films, the film company will make a lot of money.

An example of a film that used a lot product placement through out the movie is Back to the future 3. they used brands such as Pepsi, Toyota, Nike, Texaco service station and much more.

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Where do Independent film companies get their funding – explore development funds, film funding schemes etc. Explain how development funds and film funding schemes work. (Look

at examples like Film four, BBC films, Revolver)

The independent film companies go to studios and pitch their ideas for their films they would like to create. Some independent film companies get their funding through development funds, theses development funding companies give independent film companies a certain amount of money depending on what their films about. There are many different types of funding development companies, this visual shows you some examples.

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Explain how sponsorship deals work within the film industry – provide an example of a sponsorship deal for a recent film. (think of a big

blockbuster film, you can try Man of Steel, The Avengers Assemble, The Hobbit – and see what you can find).