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Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons

Mar 01, 2018



Jupni Mulyana
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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons






    VERSION 1: JUNE 2014

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    OPITO Glo!l A""#""$#%& G'()#l(%#"Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o%" , P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%":H)-o*!-o%"


    V#-"(o% 1 J'%# 2014AMENDMENT DATE PAGES




    Any amendments to the Assessment Guidelines madeby OPITO will be recorded above.

    Version 1 June 2014 2

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    S#*&(o% 1 , I%&-o)'*&(o%4

    T3# P'-/o"# o &3(" G'()#4

    OPITO F-!$#5o-6 o Glo!l O(l !%) G!" T#*3%(*!l S&!%)!-)" !%)Q'!l(+*!&(o%"4

    S#*&(o% 2 7 O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" !%) Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o%8

    P'-/o"# !%) S&-'*&'-# o O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)"8

    T!-.#& G-o'/ o- O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" o- P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%" 8

    E%.l("3 L!%.'!.# S6(ll"8

    O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" o- P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%" !&O(l !%) G!" L#9#l ;

    OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L#9#l : P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%"

    E!$/l# A""#""$#%& Pl!%2>

    E!$/l# O"#-9!&(o% R#*o-)0

    E!$/l# A""#""$#%& R#/o-&2

    S#*&(o% > , Bl!%6 Fo-$"?

    A""#""$#%& Pl!%?

    U%(& A*3(#9#$#%& R#*o-)40

    I%)# o E9()#%*#41

    @(&%#"" T#"&($o%4

    Q'#"&(o% R#*o-)44

    Version 1 June 2014 3

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% 1 , I%&-o)'*&(o%

    T3# P'-/o"# o &3(" G'()#

    These Assessment Guidelines are intended to provide specifc and practical exampleso how to assess !andidates who are completin" OPITO Global Occupational #tandardswhich orm part o OPITO$s Global %ocational &ualifcations or Processin" Operations'(ydrocarbons. The Guidelines should be read in con)unction with The OPITO Oil andGas Industry Competence Assessment and Verication Guidelines. It is alsoimportant to ta*e into consideration any "uidance or assessment re+uirementsspecifed within any Occupational #tandards. Occupational #tandards are otenreerred to as ,nits o !ompetence or simply as #tandards.

    OPITO F-!$#5o-6 o Glo!l O(l !%) G!" T#*3%(*!l S&!%)!-)"!%) Q'!l(+*!&(o%"

    The OPITO -ramewor* o Global Oil and Gas Technical #tandards and &ualifcationscomprises'

    T-!(%(%. S&!%)!-)"which set benchmar*s or the assessment o s*ills and *nowled"eand this provides a oundation or buildin" the s*ills re+uired to wor* in the oil and "asindustry

    O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)"which defne the expected level o perormance *nowled"eunderstandin" and behaviour an individual must achieve when carryin" out )obroles/unctions in the wor*place

    Glo!l C#-&(+*!" !%) Q'!l(+*!&(o%"which have been developed in con)unction

    with our awardin" body partner #&A and which will have "lobal reco"nition.

    Version 1 June 2014 0

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    The OPITO -ramewor* o Global Oil and Gas Technical #tandards and &ualifcations wasdesi"ned in partnership with industry and covers 1 levels which reect the ran"e os*ills and increasin" levels o complexity and ris* associated with )ob roles in theindustry.

    A typical pro"ression route throu"h the OPITO -ramewor* o Global Oil and GasTechnical #tandards and &ualifcations is illustrated below.

    These Assessment Guidelines ocus specifcally on Global %ocational &ualifcations.Global %ocational &ualifcations provide or"anisations with the opportunity tobenchmar* the s*ills o their employees and or individuals they provide a +ualifcationwhich will be reco"nised "lobally.

    Version 1 June 2014

    OIMO(l !%) G!" L#9#l

    P-o*#"" S'/#-(%%)#%&O(l !%) G!" L#9#l

    P-o*#"" T#*3%(*(!% Co%&-ol Roo$O(l !%) G!" L#9#l

    P-o*#"" O/#-!&o-

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% 2 7 O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" !%) Vo*!&(o%!lQ'!l(+*!&(o%

    P'-/o"# !%) S&-'*&'-# o O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)"

    O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)"defne the expected level o perormance *nowled"eunderstandin" and behaviour an individual must demonstrate when carryin" out )obroles/unctions in the wor*place. An Occupational #tandard is "enerally made up oOutcomes Perormance !riteria #cope 4nowled"e and Assessment Guidance.

    O'&*o$#"describe the s*ills that need to be demonstrated in the wor*place in orderto ensure competent perormance.

    The level o perormance re+uired is detailed in statements reerred to asP#-o-$!%*# C-(-(!

    The K%o5l#).#sectiondefnes what the !andidate must *now and understand inorder to complete the s*ills bein" assessed. The *nowled"e is what is consideredessential and not what is nice to have.

    The S*o/# section defnes the ran"e o activities that must be assessed and thee+uipment that must be used in order to achieve the Outcomes and Perormance!riteria.

    A""#""$#%& G'()!%*#provides examples o how evidence o competence may be"enerated. The E9()#%*# R#'(-#$#%&"defne thetype and +uantity o evidencethat must be provided.

    A typical Process Operations' (ydrocarbons Occupational #tandard is shown in #ection.

    T!-.#& G-o'/ o- O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" o- P-o*#""(%.O/#-!&(o%"

    The Occupational #tandards in Processin" Operations' (ydrocarbons at Oil and Gas5evel 3 describe what a Process or Production Technician in the oil and "as processin"industry needs to do in order to be deemed competent or the )ob role.

    Individuals can be assessed as competent in individual Processin" #tandards. Thereare currently 26 individual Processin" #tandards a"ainst which competence can beassessed.

    The #tandards selected by individuals will reect the plant e+uipment and processes inthe processin" acility installation or terminal in which they wor*.

    E%.l("3 L!%.'!.# S6(ll"

    Individuals will be able to express and understand complex inormation and tal* uently

    on topics within their area7s8 o specialism. They should be able to participatee9ectively in meetin"s and easily exchan"e inormation and ideas with others.Individuals will be able to produce clear and detailed text summarise *ey points rom a

    Version 1 June 2014 1

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    lon"er document and explain a topic includin" advanta"es and disadvanta"es ovarious options. Individuals will be able to read uently write +uic*ly and ta*e notes.

    This level o :n"lish corresponds to the ollowin" International -ramewor*s ; !:-< !=I:5T# . > 1.?

    To:-5 ' c ? ; @?

    O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)" o- P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%":H)-o*!-o%" !& O(l !%) G!" L#9#l

    The Occupational #tandards have been developed by practitioners rom a wide ran"e oo9shore and onshore processin" acilities and cover a ran"e o processin" operations.

    @#ll"Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ellheads8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ell Inte"rity8

    O(l G!" S&o-!.#D("*3!-.# P-o*#""#"Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Tan*er 5oadin" ; Oil8

    Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7#tora"e Tan* ; Oil8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Tan*er 5oadin" ; 5i+uefed Gas8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7#tora"e Tan* ; 5i+uefed Gas8B

    G!" P-o*#""(%.Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Gas !ompression8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Gas -ractionation8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7CG5 #ystems8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Gas Treatment8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Gas and 5i+uid Inlet -acilities8

    O(lG!" P-o*#"" !%) E/o-&Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Produced ater Treatment8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7%ent and -lare #ystem8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Pi""in" and #pherin" Operations8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7!rude Oil #tabilisation8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ell Products #eparation8

    @!- I%#*&(o%Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ater In)ection8

    M#-(%.Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Deterin" #ystems8

    U&(l(&(#"Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Erain #ystems8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Citro"en Generation8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7!hemical In)ection8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7-uel Gas #upply8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Eiesel #upply8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7(eatin" Dedium #upply8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7(eatin" %entilation and Air !onditionin"8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7Instrument and #ervice Air #upply8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ater #ystems8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7(ydraulics8

    Dore details o the covera"e or each Occupational #tandards are included in #ection 1.

    Version 1 June 2014 @

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L#9#l : P-o*#""(%.O/#-!&(o%"

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    C!%)()!collectsevidence to demonstratecompetence

    A""#""o- assesses evidenceand ma*es )ud"ement oncompetence o !andidate

    I%-%!l V#-(+#- ensures+uality and consistency oassessment process

    OPITOaudits assessmentand +uality assuranceprocesses across allApproved !entres

    S#*&(o% 7 A""#""$#%& P-(%*(/l#"

    This section provides "uidance on how to assess !andidates a"ainst the Occupational#tandards defned in the %ocational &ualifcations. The "uidance is ounded on industrybest practice that is embedded into The OPITO Oil and Gas Industry CompetenceAssessment and Verication Guidelines.

    @3o (" (%9ol9#)

    C!%)()!: the individual or employee who wishes to be assessed ascompetent a"ainst Occupational #tandards or business and/orpersonal development purposes

    A""#""o-: the +ualifed individual who carries out assessments and whoma*es an )ud"ement on the competence o the !andidate

    I%-%!l V#-(+#-: the +ualifed individual who ensures that all Assessorsconsistently assess all !andidates and that assessments arevalid reliable e+uitable and air

    OPITO A')(&o- Auditors will ensure that the Occupational #tandards are bein"assessed consistently throu"hout the networ* o Approved!entres

    *The re+uirements or Assessors and Internal %erifers are defned in The OPITO Oiland Gas Industry Competence Assessment and Verication Guidelines.

    Version 1 June 2014 H

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    A collaborative relationship between the !andidate and Assessor is the *ey to ane9ective assessment process. Assessment is a sta"ed process and the Assessor and!andidate have clear roles and responsibilities in order to ensure a successul outcome.

    T3# A""#""o-" -ol# (" &o:

    ensure those directly a9ected or contributin" to the assessment process are inormed

    ensure the !andidate understands what is to be assessed where and when it is to be

    assessed and how it is to be assessed 7assessment plannin"8

    ensure the plant and e+uipment and any materials re+uired or the assessment are sae

    and available

    advise the !andidate on how to identiy and "ather evidence > this will be documentedin an Assessment Plan

    observe the !andidate carryin" out the tas*s specifed in the Occupational #tandards in

    normal wor*place conditions and record the observations

    assess products o the !andidate$s own wor* e.". )ob reports

    +uestion the !andidate to assess *nowled"e and understandin"

    advise the !andidates to how to present evidence

    ensure that the evidence is authentic and the wor* o the !andidate

    )ud"e the !andidate$s evidence ensurin" assessment methods are valid reliable

    e+uitable and air

    record the sources o evidence and assessment decisions

    identiy any "aps in the !andidate$s competence and su""est ways o "atherin"additional evidence

    provide the !andidate with eedbac* on the assessment decisions.

    T3# C!%)()!" -ol# (" &o:

    prepare or assessment ; ensure that the re+uirements o the Occupational

    #tandard7s8 and the individual$s responsibilities within the assessment process areclearly understood

    participate in assessment plannin" with the allocated Assessor

    "ather and provide authentic evidence o wor* carried out

    a"ree with the Assessor suitable opportunities or the observation o perormance inthe wor*place

    answer +uestions and demonstrate *nowled"e and understandin" to the Assessor

    maintain a portolio o evidence

    receive and act on eedbac* rom the Assessor.

    Version 1 June 2014 =?

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    A""#""$#%& M#&3o)"

    P-(%*(/l#" o A""#""$#%&

    The Occupational #tandards have been developed by OPITO in con)unction withindustry discipline practitioners and other interested parties. The %ocational

    &ualifcations have been desi"ned so that operational saety and behavioural s*ills canbe assessed in the wor*place where competence is best )ud"ed. The Occupational#tandards *!%%o&be assessed by simulation

    The ma)ority o the evidence used to assess competence should be naturally occurrin"and "enerated rom the !andidate$s normal place o wor* whilst carryin" out normalduties. This approach ensures that'

    the assessment reects normal wor*in" re+uirements and conditions

    the !andidate is amiliar with the process plant and e+uipment

    documentary evidence such as )ob reports can be naturally "enerated as the wor* is

    carried out.

    The assessment process must ta*e place over a minimum o a 3 month period toensure that consistency o perormance can be )ud"ed.

    M#&3o)" o A""#""$#%&

    The methods o assessment used should be valid reliable and e+uitable and air'

    !alidmeans that the assessment method should be appropriate to the Occupational

    #tandards and the tas*s that are bein" carried out

    relia"lemeans that the assessment method applied should ensure consistency inthe results when used with di9erent !andidates di9erent Assessors di9erentassessment sites and di9erent wor*in" environments

    e#uita"lemeans that assessment is accessible to all !andidates who have thepotential to be successul in it

    $airmeans that assessments have been ob)ectively and consistently applied

    ensurin" all !andidates have e+ual opportunities to succeed.

    Assessment o competence involves a ran"e o assessment methods to ensuree9ective cover o all the Outcomes Perormance !riteria 4nowled"e and #copestatements or each Occupational #tandard.

    The assessment approaches and evidence re+uirements are clearly stated or eachOccupational #tandard. Typical statements ta*en rom the Occupational #tandardrelatin" to O/#-! !% O(l !%) G!" P-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    A""#""$#%& A""#""$#%& G'()!%*#A""#""$#%&!//-o!*3#"

    This Occupational #tandard cannot be assessed by simulation.

    The main means o assessment should be observation bycompetent Assessors while !andidates perorm tas*s in thewor*place.

    #ae wor*in" practices and e9ective wor*in" relationships should

    orm part o assessment chec*lists when assessin" !andidates$perormance.

    Observation should be supported by +uestionin" to ensure that

    !andidates have the re+uired *nowled"e and understandin".

    Product evidence 7e.". wor*place documents and )ob records8 can

    be used to provide evidence o wor* carried out > this could includewor* already completed.

    Additional supportin" evidence could include witness testimony

    rom individuals who can provide inormed eedbac* on theperormance o !andidates.

    Assessments should reect normal wor* activities wherever

    possible. Assessments can be inte"rated across the Outcomes and

    Perormance !riteria.


  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    The bul* o the evidence o a !andidate$s competence should be "enerated by anAssessor observin" the !andidate in the wor*place carryin" out normal wor* activities.

    The use o a simulated wor* place or simulated assessments is not allowed.

    A minimum o 3 observations must be carried out > one or each or the ollowin"sta"es in the process 7observations can be carried out independently or inte"ratedwhere relevant8'

    start up the process 7Outcome =8

    monitor the process 7Outcome 28

    shut down the process 7Outcome 38.

    The observations should include sae wor*in" systems 7Outcome 5 and Scope 28 andwor*in" relationships 7Scope 38. Additional observations may be carried out to assessthe !andidate carryin" out isolation and reinstatement operations 7Outcome 48

    althou"h this may also be assessed throu"h a review o )ob reports.

    Observations must be carried out by a +ualifed Assessor and a record must be retainedo what has been observed and how this relates to the Occupational #tandard. Anexample o an observation record is included in #ection @ and a blan* observationrecord is included in #ection 6.

    hen observin" a !andidate carryin" out an assessment tas* or one Occupational#tandard it will oten be necessary or the !andidate to inte"rate this with other plante+uipment or utilities. This will certainly occur durin" the start;up and shutdown oplant and e+uipment. The Assessor should use these opportunities to inte"rateassessments and observe the !andidate perormin" the tas*s across a number o

    Occupational #tandards.

    There may be situations where it is dicult or the Assessor to be present when a!andidate is carryin" out the re+uired assessment tas*s or example due to shit orrotational patterns lo"istical issues or where tas*s are not perormed re+uently. Insome circumstances thereore it may be necessary to use an :xpert itness to carryout an observation. This can only be done or a maximum o one observation or each!andidate. Guidance on use o :xpert itnesses is included within The OPITO Oiland Gas Industry Competence Assessment and Verication Guidelines. It isrecommended that the use o an :xpert itness is discussed with the OPITO Auditor.

    P-o)'*& E9()#%*#

    or*place records that the !andidate produces in the course o their wor* can be usedto provide supportin" Jproduct evidence$ o the !andidate$s competence. :xamples othis include )ob records ris* assessments isolation certifcates wor* procedures andhandover notes.

    Product evidence o wor* carried out could include wor* already completed. -orexample !andidates are re+uired to provide evidence that all the re+uired types oisolations and reinstatements have been successully carried out. This could include

    )ob records which provide evidence o isolations carried out by the !andidate over the

    previous 3 to 1 months.

    Version 1 June 2014 =3

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    K%o5l#).# !%) '%)#-"&!%)(%.

    Assessment o *nowled"e and understandin" will typically cover *nowled"e o actsand procedures understandin" o principles and concepts and application o principlesand procedures.

    &uestions can be used to'

    confrm that !andidates *now )hythey are doin" somethin" and what actions needto be ta*en i chan"es occur > )hat i$K

    confrm that the evidence collected by !andidates is valid and authentic

    fll "aps in evidence where !andidates have not been able to demonstrate specifc

    s*ills as they did not occur when they were bein" observed

    establish i the !andidates have relevant *nowled"e/experience to deal with non>

    standard or contin"ency situations ; !andidates will have to explain )hat to doin a"iven wor*in" situation and ho) to do it.

    :ach Occupational #tandard defnes the *nowled"e and understandin" that the!andidate must demonstrate. Althou"h a "ood proportion o this *nowled"e andunderstandin" can be inerred durin" the assessment o perormance durin" normalwor* activities it is inevitable that additional +uestionin" will need to ta*e place inorder to test the depth and breadth o *nowled"e and understandin" which cannot beinerred rom observation o perormance or example the internal conf"uration oplant and e+uipment chemical reactions ta*in" place and the composition and physicalproperties o process uids.

    #ome o the *nowled"e re+uirements reer to underpinnin" process operationsprinciples and are common across all o the Processin" Operations' (ydrocarbons

    Occupational #tandards > as outlined on the next pa"e. This *nowled"e only has to beassessed on one occasion. Other *nowled"e re+uirements will be specifc to theprocess and/or site. This is illustrated in the extract rom the Occupational #tandardrelatin" to O/#-! !% O(l !%) G!" P-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    E!$/l#" o *o$$o% 6%o5l#).# -#'(-#$#%&" !*-o"" !ll O**'/!&(o%!lS&!%)!-)"

    P-o*#"" , .#%#-!lPhases o the production process the reactions ta*in" place and the e9ect o chan"eson physical and chemical properties 7to include toxicity ammability specifc "ravity7#G8 temperature8#ources o inormation includin" operational re+uirements drawin"s and manualsPlant procedures and layout and its inte"ration with other processes-unctionin" o process control includin" instrumentation and lo"icwill include well head and associated annulusvalveM christmas tree and associated valvesM downhole saety valve and hydraulicsMcho*eM computer control systems,tilities re+uired or operation o wellheadsCormal plant conditions and operatin" parameters or wellheadshat steady state conditions are or wellheads operations and how they are achieved-actor impactin" on perormance o wellheads operations and how to achieve optimumprocessin"

    Types and causes o deviations and aults or wellheads operations and the relevantactions to ta*e when they occur

    The e9ects o chan"es in ambient conditions on the process operations

    Erain systems associated with the plant and their limitations-lare/vent systems associated with the plant and their limitations 7to include capacityand radiation8

    Version 1 June 2014 =

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    Version 1 June 2014 =1

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S'//o-&(%. E9()#%*#

    :xamples o additional evidence which may be collected to support the assessmentprocess include'

    witness testimony rom individuals who are in a position to provide inormed

    eedbac* on the perormance and behaviours o !andidates and to authenticate

    evidence > this could include experienced collea"ues supervisors mentorstechnical specialists and clients

    a !% or )ob history which can provide supportin" evidence o the !andidate$s )ob


    completion o a relevant +ualifcation/trainin" courses which can provide evidencethat the !andidate has relevant *nowled"e o operational theory and procedureswor* methods operation o the e+uipment and saety procedures.

    I witness testimony is used then the witnesses and the opportunities or usin" theirtestimonies should be identifed durin" the assessment plannin" sta"e. The testimony

    should record what the !andidate has demonstrated how and under whatcircumstances. The relationship between the !andidate and witness should be statedto"ether with a record o the witness$s amiliarity with the Occupational possible the testimony should be directly reerenced to the #tandards. In

    )ud"in" the evidence the Assessor will need to ta*e into consideration and )ud"e thevalue o the evidence provided by the witness testimony.

    A""#""$#%& P-o*#""


    The Assessor should be in re"ular contact with the !andidate to identiy on;"oin"opportunities to "ather evidence. This should be recorded in an assessment plan. Anexample o an assessment plan is included in #ection 6.

    There could be a number o challen"es when carryin" out assessment in the wor*placewhich will re+uire careul plannin" to ensure that the assessment process is e9ectiveta*es account o naturally occurrin" evidence that will arise durin" normal wor*activities and does not disrupt normal wor* operations. The Assessor should liaise withthose directly a9ected or contributin" to the assessment and wherever possible planassessments around operational schedules.

    M!6(%. !%) R#*o-)(%. A""#""$#%& D#*("(o%"

    Assessment decisions must be related bac* to the re+uirements o the Occupational#tandards. The Assessor must record the assessment methods and evidence that wasconsidered to ma*e a decision on the competence o the !andidate. An exampleassessment record is included in #ection @.

    It is important that all Assessors and Internal %erifers participate in re"ularstandardisation meetin"s to ensure consistent use o assessment methods throu"houtthe Approved !entre and consistent approaches to assessin" !andidate evidence.

    Version 1 June 2014 =@

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    Authentication o a !andidate$s evidence is re+uired when the Assessor has notobserved perormance at frst hand. It is ta*en as "ranted that any perormanceobserved by the Assessor is authentic and is the wor* o the !andidate. :vidence notdirectly observed by the Assessor may be authenticated by the +uestionin" o the!andidate or by usin" witness testimony. Product evidence such as lo"s reports andhandover notes must also be authenticated. This can be achieved by the !andidatesi"nin" the documents and then obtainin" counter;si"natures rom appropriatepersons statin" that the evidence is valid and attributable to the !andidate.

    Assessment records will need to be countersi"ned by the Internal %erifer in line withthe internal verifcation strate"y.

    :vidence should be securely retained or internal verifcation and external auditpurposes or one year ater the assessment has ta*en place.

    F##)!*6 !%) S'//o-& &o C!%)()!"

    -eedbac* to the !andidate by the Assessor should be provided on an on"oin" basis andrelate directly to the re+uirements o the Occupational #tandards. Assessors shouldmeet with !andidates on a re"ular basis to provide eedbac* on the evidence collectionprocess and any assessment decisions that have been made.

    Guidance and support should be provided i any issues have been identifed with theevidence "athered or i there is a shortall in the evidence. The way to remedy theseissues or shortalls should be discussed and planned.

    S#*&(o% 4 7 F'-&3#- G'()!%*#The ull specifcations or the Occupational #tandards are provided in the OPITOGlo"al Occupational *tandards *pecications $or Processin& Operations+(ydrocar"ons,-

    All or"anisations wishin" to deliver the OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L:P-o*#""(%. O/#-!&(o%"

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% 7 E!$/l# O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)

    T(&l# O/#-! !% O(l !%) G!" P-o*#"" PO(=.= 7(F ?08 %ersion = > Eecember 2?=3O'&*o$# P#-o-$!%*# C-(-(!

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    obtain relevant operational instructions and ensure thatinormation received on current operational status is accurateand complete


    brie relevant personnel and or"anise wor* o sel and otherswhere appropriate


    prepare and inte"rate plant and utilities


    carry out pre;start up chec*s


    start up the process in accordance with procedures


    achieve steady state conditions



    identiy and ta*e relevant action to deal with aults and any

    operational issuesO2







    monitor and ta*e relevant action to optimise the process


    identiy and ta*e relevant action to deal with upsets in theprocess


    ensure e9ective on;"oin" communication o relevant inormationon operational status


    maintain relevant records



    )o5% &3#



    obtain relevant operational instructions and ensure thatinormation received on current operational status is accurateand complete


    brie relevant personnel and or"anise wor* o sel and otherswhere appropriate

    P shut down the process in accordance with procedures

    Version 1 June 2014 =H

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    monitor the shut down and ta*e relevant action to deal withissues







    obtain relevant operational instructions and ensure thatinormation received on current operational status is accurateand complete


    brie relevant personnel and or"anise wor* o sel and otherswhere appropriate


    isolate plant and e+uipment or maintenance


    carry out inte"rity testin" o the isolation and confrm saety othe plant and e+uipment


    monitor and maintain the inte"rity o the isolation


    confrm completion o maintenance and associateddocumentation


    carry out inte"rity testin" and confrm the plant and e+uipmentsae to return to service


    de;isolate and reinstate plant and e+uipment



    5(&3 HSE

    !%) "!#


    o 5o-6


    carry out relevant ris* assessments and ensure that controls arein place to ensure that ris*s are as low as reasonably practicable


    ensure that relevant saety briefn"s are carried out


    wor* in accordance with sae systems o wor*


    ta*e relevant steps to protect the environment


    identiy issues which may impact on sae systems o wor* and

    ta*e relevant actionP8

    maintain relevant saety records

    K%o5l#).# K%o5l#).# C-(-(!C!%)()! $'"& /-o9()# #9()#%*# &3!& &3# 6%o5 !%)'%)#-"&!%):


    P-o*#"" ,



    phases o the production process the reactions ta*in" place andthe e9ect o chan"es on physical and chemical properties 7toinclude toxicity ammability specifc "ravity 7#G8 temperature8


    sources o inormation includin" operational re+uirementsdrawin"s and manuals


    plant procedures and layout and its inte"ration with other


    unctionin" o process control includin" instrumentation andlo"ic


    relation to control room operations


    how to connect to plant and utilities


    e9ects o loss o any utility and its reinstatement


    how to isolate plant and utilities rom operatin" sourcesincludin" isolation devices and methods o installation


    the principles o de;isolation

    K1 how to carry out inte"rity tests

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    how to ta*e samples and interpret results


    methods and conse+uences o depressurisation/pressurisation7to include blowdown and temperature8


    blowdown and relie systems and their limitations


    P-o*#"" 75#ll3#!)"


    unction and operation o e+uipment >will include well head andassociated annulus valveM christmas tree and associated valvesMdownhole saety valve and hydraulicsM cho*eM computer controlsystems


    utilities re+uired or operation o wellheads


    normal plant conditions and operatin" parameters or wellheads


    what steady state conditions are or wellheads operations andhow they are achieved


    actor impactin" on perormance o wellheads operations and

    how to achieve optimum processin"K28

    types and causes o deviations and aults or wellheadsoperations and the relevant actions to ta*e when they occur


    the e9ects o chan"es in ambient conditions on processoperations


    drain systems associated with the plant and their limitations


    are/vent systems associated with the plant and their limitations7to include capacity and radiation8

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons





    o 5o-6


    the implications o health saety and environmental le"islation


    wor* area haLards 7e" toxic substances extreme weatherconditions8and how to identiy/control/minimise them andreduce ris*s to as low as reasonably practicable


    sae systems o wor* procedure


    conse+uences o emissions to the environment and proceduresor dealin" with spilla"es and uncontrolled emissions


    se"re"ation o waste materials









    critical conditions or process and how to control and respond tothem


    the e9ect and potential implications o loss o any criticalprocess and its reinstatement


    the principles and e9ect o hydrocarbon hydrate ormationprevention and dispersion



    emer"ency response procedures or plant and location


    the operation o and implications o the emer"ency shutdown7:#E8 control systems


    the operation o and implications o the fre and "as controlsystems


    action to be ta*en in event o critical and emer"ency situations

    S*o/# S*o/# C-(-(!S1


    !andidate evidence will typically involve 7but not limited to8'

    well head and associated annulus valve

    christmas tree and associated valves

    downhole saety valve and hydraulics cho*e

    computer control systems



    !andidates must demonstrate sae wor*in" practices at all times. Thiswill involve 7but not limited to8'

    wearin" correct PP: at all times

    complyin" with re"ulations includin" control o substances manual

    handin" wor*in" at hei"ht

    proactively raisin" saety issues and participatin" in a saety culture

    ensurin" wor* area is *ept clear

    disposin" o waste in accordance with environmental re+uirements

    ta*in" part in saety drills and briefn"s.



    !andidates must demonstrate e9ective wor*in" relationships at alltimes. This will involve 7but not limited to8'

    ma*in" clear e9orts to establish and maintain productive wor*in"


    ensurin" e9ective communication with collea"ues on operational


    communicatin" all relevant inormation on activities pro"ress andresults to supervisors/mana"ers

    providin" support and advice or collea"ues within limits o own

    responsibility and expertise.

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    A""#""$#%& A""#""$#%& G'()!%*#A""#""$#%&!//-o!*3#"

    This Occupational #tandard cannot be assessed by simulation.

    The main means o assessment should be observation bycompetent Assessors while !andidates perorm tas*s in thewor*place.

    #ae wor*in" practices and e9ective wor*in" relationships should

    orm part o assessment chec*lists when assessin" !andidates$perormance.

    Observation should be supported by +uestionin" to ensure that

    !andidates have the re+uired *nowled"e and understandin".

    Product evidence 7e.". wor*place documents and )ob records8 can

    be used to provide evidence o wor* carried out > this could includewor* already completed.

    Additional supportin" evidence could include witness testimony

    rom individuals who can provide inormed eedbac* on theperormance o !andidates.

    Assessments should reect normal wor* activities wherever

    possible. Assessments can be inte"rated across the Outcomes and

    Perormance !riteria.


  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% 8 7 Co9#-!.# o O**'/!&(o%!l S&!%)!-)"

    P-o*#"" NOS D#+%(&(o%1 @#ll"=.= ellheads This process involves the operation o wellheads 7oil well "as

    producin" well water in)ection well "as in)ection well8 withinoperational envelopes in order to maximise the perormance andexploitation o the reservoir.

    The process boundary is rom downhole saety valve throu"h thechristmas tree and cho*e to well uid entry and to the processacilities.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    well head and associated annulus valve

    christmas tree and associated valves

    downhole saety valve and hydraulics

    cho*e computer control systems

    =.2 ellInte"rity

    This process involves ensurin" the inte"rity o the well 7oil well"as producin" well water in)ection well "as in)ection well8 bymonitorin" annulus well pressure well ows well temperaturereservoir and well data. Operations may include isolatin" thewell and coordinatin" lea* testin".

    The process boundary is rom downhole saety valve throu"h thechristmas tree and cho*e to well uid entry and to the processacilities.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    well head and associated annulus valve christmas tree and associated valves

    downhole saety valve and hydraulics


    computer control systems

    2 O(l G!" S&o-!.# D("*3!-.# P-o*#""#"2.= Tan*er5oadin" 7Oil8

    This process involves transerrin" oil rom the stora"e tan* outletthrou"h loadin" pumps and the meterin" system to the marinetan*er connection.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    tan*s loadin" pumps

    emer"ency cut;o9 systems

    ventin" and ushin" systems

    meterin" system


    %O! 7volatile or"anic compounds8 recovery

    ballast systems

    2.2 #tora"eTan*s 7Oil8

    The process involves operatin" oil stora"e tan*s by monitorin"tan* levels operatin" the draina"e/sewera"e systems drainin"ree water and operatin" the tan* inert and recirculation system.

    :+uipment will typically comprise' tan*s

    recirculation system

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    2.3 Tan*er5oadin"75i+uefed Gas8

    This process involves transerrin" li+uifed "as 75CG8 rom thetan* outlet throu"h loadin" pumps and the meterin" system tothe marinetan*er connection.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    tan*s loadin" pumps

    emer"ency cut;o9 systems

    ventin" and ushin" systems meterin" system


    %O! 7volatile or"anic compounds8 recovery

    ballast systems

    2.0 #tora"eTan*s75i+uefed Gas8

    The process involves operatin" li+uifed "as 75CG8 stora"e tan*sby monitorin" tan* levels operatin" the draina"e/sewera"esystems conditionin" the li+uid and operatin" the tan* inert andrecirculation system.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    tan*s recirculation coolin"/chillin" systems


    G!" P-o*#""(%.3.= Gas!ompression

    This process involves the compression o "as to a hi"her pressureor the purpose o "as lit export uel "as rein)ection orractionation.

    The process boundary is rom the inlet shut down valve 7e.". wellmaniold suction header separator train8 to outlet shut downvalve 7e.". "as lit header export meterin" uel "as header8.

    :+uipment will typically comprise' compressor and associated ancillaries e" lube oil systems

    heat exchan"ers

    prime movers

    de"assin" tan*s


    Types o compressors e.". centriu"al reciprocatin"

    3.2 Gas-ractionation

    This process involves deliverin" individual component7s8 rommixed "as supply.

    The process boundary is rom the raw "as supply to

    component7s8 stream 7s8 and residue.:+uipment will typically comprise'

    ractionation column7s8


    reux drum


    pumps flters

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    3.3 CG5#ystems

    This process involves handlin" o CG5 "enerated rom the "asprocess system.

    The process boundary is rom the CG5 inlet 7"as process *noc*out pots/separator8 to the CG5 outlet delivery point.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'


    heat exchan"ers


    3.0 GasTreatment

    This process involves the removal o impurities 7e" !O2 (2# (2O8rom the "as stream to reach the specifed +uality.

    The process boundary is rom the inlet such as separatorcompressor to outlets such as export uel "as "as lit "asractionation.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    molecular sieve vessels



    ash drums


    heat exchan"er

    pumps flters


    "as treatments includin" !O2 (2# (2O solids/base metals


    absorbtion adsorption

    3. Gas and

    5i+uid Inlet-acilities

    This process involves mana"in" pi" handlin" slu" catchers and


    The process boundary is rom the incomin" pipeline to inlet tothe "as plant process acility.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    pi"s pi" receiver

    slu" catcher




    4 O(lG!" P-o*#"" !%) E/o-&

    0.= Producedater


    This process involves the removal and treatment o water romthe process train so that that it is suitable to be released into theenvironment or rein)ected > in accordance withre"ulatory/company re+uirements.

    The process boundary is rom the water draw o9 romseparator/the crude oil stora"e tan* to the water in)ection wellheader or the sea.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'


    tilted plate separator

    oatation units flters pumps

    heat exchan"er

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    0.2 %ent and-lare #ystem

    This process involves operatin" the shut down blow downventin" and arin" processes under normal and emer"encyoperatin" conditions.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'


    "round are

    remote are are *noc* out pots

    li+uid pumps

    relie vales


    auto/manual i"nition system

    0.3 Pi""in"/#pherin"Operations

    This process involves implementin" pi""in"/ spherin" operationsto maintain the eciency and inte"rity o the pipeline 7e.".cleanin" dewaterin" descalin" inspection8.

    The process boundary is rom the pi" launcher to the pi" receiver.

    :+uipment will typically comprise' pi"s

    pi" launchers

    pi" receivers


    ventin" and drainin" acilities

    0.0 !rude Oil#tabilisation

    This process involves stabilisin" crude oil to meet exportspecifcation.

    The process boundary is rom the inlet to the outlet o thestabilisation train.

    :+uipment will typically comprise' separators

    heat exchan"er


    0. ellProducts#eparation

    This process involves separatin" the well product into oil waterand "as 7"as li+uid or 2ndphase separator8 or urtherprocessin".

    The process boundary is rom the production well maniold toseparation train outlet.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    separators @!- I%#*&(o%.= aterIn)ection

    This process involves ta*in" water rom the water eed supply7produced or seawater8 flterin" and conditionin" it and in)ectin"it down the well.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'

    booster and in)ection pumps





    chemical in)ection pac*a"e

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    8 M#-(%.1.= Deterin"#ystems

    This process involves meterin" o process uids 7"as and li+uid8and other products > in accordance with re"ulatory/companyre+uirements.

    ; U&(l(&(#"@.= Erain#ystems

    This process involves the collection and processin" ohaLardous /contaminated hydrocarbons li+uids oils chemicalsslops throu"h the open and closed drain system and collectionand flterin" o non;haLardous domestic and storm water throu"hthe drain system.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'



    heat exchan"ers



    flters reux accumulator

    sur"e tan*s


    open and close haLardous systems

    @.2 Citro"enGeneration

    This process involves the "eneration and distribution o nitro"enor use within processes.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'



    bottles pressure swin" adsorption 7P#A8 s*ids


    "eneratin" nitro"en cryo"enically and by solid bed absorption

    @.3 !hemicalIn)ection

    This process involves the stora"e and distribution o chemicals toprocess in)ection points.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'




    @.0 -uel Gas#upply This process involves compressin"/ conditionin" process "as sothat it is suitable or use in a uel "as system.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'



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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    @. Eiesel#upply

    This process involves the stora"e and distribution o diesel toend users.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'




    centriu"es separator drums

    @.1 (eatin"Dedium #upply

    This process involves providin" heatin" media 7steam hotwater hot oil8 to the process and other areas as re+uired.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'




    heat exchan"ers

    @.@ (eatin"

    %entilation andAir !onditionin"7(%A!8

    This process involves extraction and the supply o suitable

    +uality air to maintain the specifed environment 7+uality andpressure8.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'


    heat exchan"ers


    mechanical reri"erators


    @.6 Instrumentand #ervice Air#upply

    This process involves the compression and fltrationconditionin" and distribution o air or plant and instruments.

    :+uipment will typically comprise' compressor


    air treatment pac*a"es

    @.H ater#ystems

    This process involves providin" water 7service water reshwater fre water8 to the process and other areas as re+uired.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'



    oLone "enerator

    tan* water ma*er

    chlorine "enerator

    @.=? (ydraulics This process involves providin" a pressurised system to operateactuators valves subsea and top side.

    :+uipment will typically comprise'






    stora"e tan*s

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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% ; 7 E!$/l# A""#""$#%& Fo-$"

    E!$/l# A""#""$#%& Pl!%

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"

    A""#""$#%& Pl!%A//-o9#)C#%&-#C!%)()!N!$#

    A""#""o- N!$#

    S&!%)!-) O/#-! !% O(l !%) G!" P-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    by the!andidateo a+uestionnaire derivedrom thestandard


    the!andidate$s*nowled"eandunderstandin" usin"the


    appropriate 40.@

    A))(&(o%!l *o$$#%&"







    Version 1 June 2014 33

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    E!$/l# O"#-9!&(o% R#*o-)

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"O"#-9!&(o% R#*o-)



    A""#""o- N!$#

    S&!%)!-) O/#-! !% O(l !%) G!" P-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    A))(&(o%!l #9()#%*#: C-(-(!*o9#-#)

    K%o5l#).# !%) '%)#-"&!%)(%. (%#--#) )'-(%. &3# o"#-9!&(o% o/#-o-$!%*#It was apparent durin" the observation o perormance that the !andidatehad a "ood *nowled"e and understandin" o sae systems o wor* thecompany$s operatin" procedures and environmental protection andrecordin" policies.Oral +uestions were as*ed durin" the observation whilst wor* bein"carried out and these will supplement the written +uestions that will beta*en rom the +uestion ban* or the #tandard.Oral +uestions listed in 4nowled"e

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    E!$/l# A""#""$#%& R#/o-&

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"A""#""$#%& R#/o-&



    S&!%)!-) O 7 o"#-9!&(o%P 7 /-o)'*()#%*#Q 7 '#"&(o%"@ 7 5(&%#"""&($o%

    O'&*o$# 1: S&!-& '/ &3# /-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    O'&*o$# 2' O/#-! !%) $o%(&o- &3# /-o*#""

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    P0.2Frie relevant personnel and or"anisewor* o sel and others whereappropriate

    P0.3Isolate plant and e+uipment ormaintenance

    P0.0!arry out inte"rity testin" o theisolation and confrm saety o theplant and e+uipment

    P0.Donitor and maintain the inte"rity othe isolation

    P0.1!onfrm completion o maintenanceand associated documentation

    P0.@!arry out inte"rity testin" and confrmthe plant and e+uipment sae to returnto service

    P0.6Ee;isolate and reinstate plant ande+uipment

    A))(&(o%!l A""#""o- *o$$#%&"


    A""#""$#%& D!

    El#$#%& : Co$/l 5(&3 HSE !%) "!# ""$" o 5o-6

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    K%o5l#).#: P-o*#"" , G#%#-!l

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    Types and causes o deviations andaults or "as compression and therelevant actions to ta*e when theyoccur

    42=The e9ects o chan"es in ambientconditions on "as compression


    Erain systems associated with theplant or "as compression and theirlimitations 7to include capacity andradiation8


    -lare/vent systems associated with theplant or "as compression and theirlimitations 7to include capacity andradiation8

    K%o5l#).#: P-o*#"" 7 S!# S"$ o @o-6

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons



    A""#""$#%& D!

    B#3!9(o'-": @o-6(%. R#l!&(o%"3(/" !%) S!# S"$" o @o-67Fehaviours and attitude are additional considerations or determinin" competent perormance in

    the wor*place. They need to be demonstrated by the !andidate durin" normal wor* activities8

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"A""#""$#%& S'$$!- R#/o-&


    A""#""o- N!$#I%-%!l V#-(+#-N!$#



    I can confrm that the !andidate 3!" $#&/ 3!" %o& $#&the criteria orthis #tandard and that all wor* underta*en was perormed by the!andidate Eelete as applicable

    F##)!*6 &o C!%)()!:Cote' I the !andidate has %o&met the criteria or this #tandard' state the reasons why andsu""est any trainin" re+uirement to address the competence "ap.






    # D!I%-%!l V#-(+#-Co$$#%&"



    Version 1 June 2014 02

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    S#*&(o% > , Bl!%6 Fo-$"

    The orms shown on the ollowin" pa"es are basic examples o those "enerally usedwithin Approved !entres. -orms may be devised by the centres providin" the contentsmeet the re+uirements.

    A""#""$#%& Pl!%

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"A""#""$#%& Pl!%


    A""#""o- N!$#



    D! o Pl!% Pl!% No

    Do#" &3#C!%)()! !%"/#*(!l!""#""$#%&%##)"O//o-&'%(&(#" o-*oll#*&(%.








  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    U%(& A*3(#9#$#%& R#*o-)

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"A*3(#9#$#%& R#*o-)


    Q'!l(+*!&(o%OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L: P-o*#""(%.O/#-!&(o%"

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    #ervice Air #upply8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7ater #ystems8Operate an Oil and Gas Process 7(ydraulics8

    I%)# o E9()#%*#

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"I%)# o E9()#%*#


    Q'!l(+*!&(o% OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L: P-o*#""(%.O/#-!&(o%"

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    I%O"#-9!&(o% R#*o-)

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"O"#-9!&(o% R#*o-)


    A""#""o- N!$#



    D! oO"#-9!&(o% E9()#%*# R# No

    S6(ll"5o-6 !*&(9(&(#" o"#-9#): PC"*o9#-#)


    A))(&(o%!l #9()#%*#: C-(-(!*o9#-#)

    K%o5l#).# !%) '%)#-"&!%)(%. (%#--#) )'-(%. &3# o"#-9!&(o% o/#-o-$!%*#

    B#3!9(o'-" o"#-9#)

    A""#""o-" *o$$#%&" o% /#-o-$!%*# !%) ##)!*6 &o &3# C!%)()!#ucient perormance evidence was made available durin" the observation to satisythe perormance evidence re+uirement o the Outcome.







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  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    @(&%#"" T#"&($o%

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"@(&%#"" T#"&($o%



    @(&%#"" N!$#

    @(&%#"" D#&!(l"



    D! oT#"&($o%

    E9()#%*# R# No

    D#&!(l" o "&($o%: PC"




    Co$$#%&" 7to be written in the witness$s own hand to provide authenticity to thetestimony8'







    Version 1 June 2014 06

  • 7/25/2019 Assessment Guidelines for Processing Operations Hydrocarbons


    Q'#"&(o% R#*o-)

    OPITO P-o*#"" O/#-!&(o%": H)-o*!-o%"O-!l Q'#"&(o% R#*o-)



    Q'!l(+*!&(o%OPITO Glo!l Vo*!&(o%!l Q'!l(+*!&(o% L: P-o*#""(%.O/#-!&(o%"