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ASP-08-0493 Delegations to the seventh session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Hague, 14-22 November 2008 Délégations présentes à la septième session de l’Assemblée des États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale La Haye, 14-22 novembre 2008 Delegaciones asistentes al séptimo período de sesiones de la Asamblea de los Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional La Haya, 14-22 de noviembre de 2008 International Criminal Court ICC-ASP/7/INF.1 Assembly of States Parties Distr.: General 08 April 2009 Original: English/French/Spanish Seventh session The Hague 14-22 November 2008

Assembly of States Parties - ICC - CPI · the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Hague, 14-22 November 2008 Délégations présentes

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Page 1: Assembly of States Parties - ICC - CPI · the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Hague, 14-22 November 2008 Délégations présentes


Delegations to the seventh session of the Assembly of States Parties

to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Hague, 14-22 November 2008

Délégations présentes à la septième session de l’Assemblée des États Parties au Statut de Rome de la

Cour pénale internationale La Haye, 14-22 novembre 2008

Delegaciones asistentes al séptimo período de sesiones de la Asamblea de los Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma

de la Corte Penal Internacional La Haya, 14-22 de noviembre de 2008

International Criminal Court ICC-ASP/7/INF.1

Assembly of States Parties

Distr.: General 08 April 2009 Original: English/French/Spanish

Seventh session The Hague 14-22 November 2008

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Contents/ Table des matières/

Índice Page

I. States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court/ 3

États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale/

Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

II. Observer States/ 39

États observateurs/

Estados observadores

III. States invited to be present during the work of the Assembly/ 50

Les États invités à se faire représenter aux travaux de l’Assemblée/

Los Estados invitados a que asistieran a los trabajos de la Asamblea

IV. Entities, intergovernmental organizations and other entities/ 52

Entités, organisations intergouvernementales et autres entités/

Entidades, organizaciones intergubernamentales y otras entidades

V. Non-governmental organizations/ 54

Organisations non gouvernementales/

Organizaciones no gubernamentales

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I. States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court/ États Parties au Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale/

Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional

AFGHANISTAN Representative H.E. Mr. Sultan Mohammad Bonyad Consul-General, Consulate-General, The Hague Alternate Mr. Ghulam Rabani Nezrabi Second Secretary, Consulate-General, The Hague

ALBANIA Representative H.E. Mr. Roland Bimo Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Genc Pecani Minister, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Inida Methoxha Legal Expert, Department of Legal Affairs and International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

ANDORRA Représentante S.E. Mme Imma Tor Faus Ambassadrice, Ambassade, Bruxelles Supléante Mme Gemma Cano Première secrétaire, Ambassade, Bruxelles


ARGENTINA Representante S.E. Sr. Santos Goñi Marenco Embajador, Embajada, La Haya

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Consejeros Sr. Carlos Ortíz Ministro, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Raúl Comelli Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Martín Mainero Secretario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

AUSTRALIA Representative H.E. Ms. Lydia Elisabeth Morton Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Philip James Kimpton Executive Officer, International Law Section, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ms. Marie-Charlotte Helen McKenna Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Andrew John Rose Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Advisers Ms. Victoria Bickford Public Servant Mr. Thomas Paul Muggleton Defence Legal Officer Mr. James Kieran Potter Government Lawyer Ms. Patricia Margaret Schlüter Policy Officer

AUSTRIA Representative H.E. Mr. Wolfgang M. Paul Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternate Mr. Thomas Michael Baier Director, Multilateral International Law Issues, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Adviser H.E. Mr. Erwin Kubesch Ambassador, Embassy, Copenhagen Ms. Irene Gartner Chief Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice Mr. Gregor Schusterschitz Legal Counsellor, Permanent Representation to the European Union Mr. Werner Sentfer Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

BARBADOS Representative S.E. Mr. Christopher Hackett Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Advisers Mr. Charles Clifton Leacock Q.C. Director, Department of Public Prosecutions Mrs. Gayle Francis-Vaughan Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Mohammed Degia First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Aiwekhoe Iyahen Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade

BELGIUM Représentant S.E. M. Yves Haesendonck Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès de la Cour pénale internationale Suppléants M. Gérard Dive Conseiller, Service public fédéral Justice, Coordinateur de la Belgian Task Force

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Mme Valérie Delcroix Attaché, Service public fédéral Affaires étrangères, Commerce extérieur et Coopération au Développement Mme Fanny Fontaine Attaché, Service public fédéral Justice Conseillers Mme Isabelle Bardijn Attaché, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies M. Geoffrey E.B. Eekhout Attaché, Représentation permanente auprès des Institutions internationales, La Haye Mme Céline Pouppez de Kettenis Stagiaire, Représentation permanente auprès des Institutions internationales, La Haye


BENIN Représentant M. Saturnin Tonoukouin Deuxième conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles

BOLIVIA Representante Sr. Wilfredo Chávez Serrano Viceministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Consejeros S.E. Sr. Roberto Calzadilla Sarmiento Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Rimac Zubieta Primera Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Erick Andrés García Primer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya

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BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Representative H.E. Ms. Miranda Sidran-Kamišalić Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Valentina Marinčić Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Rajka Beribaka First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

BOTSWANA Representative H.E. Hon. Mr. Dikgakgamatso R. Seretse Minister of Justice, Defence and Security Alternates H.E. Mrs. Claurinah Tshenolo Modise Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Mr. Patrick Nzanani Gunda Chief State Counsel, Office of the President Advisers Ms. Sanji M. Monageng Judge, High Court of Swaziland Mr. Phenyo Dingalo State Council Mr. Thekiso Clive Matenge Private Secretary to the Minister Ms. Masego E. Tlhoiwe First Secretary, International Criminal Court Desk Officer, Embassy, Brussels Ms. Tebatso F. Baleseng First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mrs. Sandra Seretse

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BRAZIL Representative H.E. Mr. José Artur Denot Medeiros Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Marcelo de Oliveira Ramalho First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Marcelo Böhlke Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

BULGARIA Representative H.E. Mr. Zlatin Trapkov Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Nedialtcho Dantchev Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Krassimira Beshkova Head of Division, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

BURKINA FASO Représentant S.E. M. Kadré Désiré Ouedraogo Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles Conseillers M. Ibrahim Toure Ministre Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles M. Ibsen Kone Deuxième conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies M. Karim Ouépia Idogo Conseiller, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération régionale Mme Florentine Kima Conseiller technique du Ministre de la justice, Garde des Sceaux

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BURUNDI Représentant M. Benjamin Manirakiza Directeur a.i., Département des Affaires Juridiques, Ministère des Relations Extérieures Conseiller M. Thomas Barankitse Attaché juridique, Ambassade, Bruxelles

CAMBODIA Représentant S.E. M. Sidhra Prom Secrétaire d’État, Ministère de la Justice Conseiller Mme Monique Thiounn Avocate

CANADA Représentant M. Alan Kessel Jurisconsulte, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international Suppléant S.E. M. Jim Wall Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseillers M. Masud Husain Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye M. Keith Morrill Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mme Elizabeth Williams Agente juridique, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international Mme Esther Van Nes Deuxieme secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye Mme Alison Mitchell Agente juridique, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce international

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Représentants S.E. M. Thierry Savonarole Maleyombo Ministre de la Justice, Garde des Sceaux M. Firmin Findird Procureur de la République

CHAD Représentant M. Fadlassid Ali Naffa Secrẻtaire Général adjoint, Ministère des Relations Exterieures Conseiller M. Barka Gaien Directeur des Affaires Juridiques, de la Documentation et des Archives, Ministère des Relations Extérieures


Representante S.E. Sr. Francisco Lloreda Mera Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejeros Sra. Margarita Rey Anaya Directora, Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sra. Sonia María Pereiro Ministro, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Solangel Ortiz Primera Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya

COMOROS Représentant S.E. M. Assoumani Youssouf Mondoha Ambassadeur, Député a l’Assemblée Nationale des Comores

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CONGO Représentant M. Rubain Adouki Directeur des affaires juridiques, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et de la Francophonie


COSTA RICA Representante S.E. Sr. Francisco José Aguilar Urbina Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejeros Sr. Norman Lizano Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Allan Solís-Fonseca Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sra. Sarita Szifter Sicora Consejera, Embajada, La Haya

CROATIA Representative H.E. Mr. Gordan Markotić Assistant Minister, Ministry of Justice Alternate H.E. Mr. Frane Krnić Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Aleksandar Sunko Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Ivan Salopek Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Jana Špero Legal Officer, Department for co-operation with the International Criminal Court, Ministry of Justice

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CYPRUS Representative H.E. Mr. James Droushiotis Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Michael Karagiorgis Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Représentant S.E. M. Luzolo Bambi Lessa Emmanuel Ministre de la Justice Conseillers M. Kakhozi Biu Bulongo Directeur-Chef de Service, Direction des Affaires Juridiques et Contentieux, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Internationale M. Mabaya Masengula Conseiller juridique, Ministère de la Justice M. Bambi Matiaba Secrétaire particulier du Ministre de la Justice M. Hemedi Bayolo Christian Coordonnateur Coalition pour la Cour pénale internationale M. Mukongo Ngay Zénon Premier conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mme Angélique Sita-Akele Muila Expert M. Julien Lontange Bongima Chef de Bureau-Coordonnateur, Direction des Affaires Juridiques et Contentieux, Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et de la Coopération Internationale Mlle Maisha Nyota Bibi Secrétaire, Cabinet du Président de la République M. Aimé Kazadi Journaliste M. Gabriel Nsakala Journaliste

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DENMARK Representative H.E. Ms. Kirsten Malling Biering Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates H.E. Mr. Thomas Winkler Ambassador, Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. David M. Kendal Special Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christian Nygaard Nissen Academic Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Kim Rosner Pedersen First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Martin Mennecke Lecturer Ms. Signe Lind Trainee, Embassy, The Hague

DJIBOUTI Représentant M. Moussa Djama Ali Troisième secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies

DOMINICA Representative Mrs. Francine Baron Royer Attorney-General, Ministry of Tourism and Legal Affairs

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Representante Sra. Allabilis Pimentel Consejera, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Tamara Ricart Almonte Primera Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya

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ECUADOR Representante S.E. Sr. Rodrigo Riofrío Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Helena Yáñez Ministra, Embajada, La Haya

ESTONIA Representative H.E. Ms. Gita Kalmet Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Sven Suursaar Senior Legal Adviser, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Gert Auväärt Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Minna-Liina Lind Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Tõnu Pihelgas Counsellor for Judicial Affairs, Permanent Representation to the European Union

FIJI Representatives Mr. Pio Tikoduadua Permanent Secretary for Justice Mr. Christopher Pryde Solicitor-General

FINLAND Representative H.E. Mr. Mikko Jokela Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternates Ms. Marja Lehto Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Sari Mäkelä Legal Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Ms. Miia Aro-Sánchez First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Arto Haapea First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Susanne Julin Junior Adviser, Embassy, The Hague

FRANCE Représentant S.E. M. Jean-François Blarel Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléante Mme Michèle Dubrocard Conseillère juridique, Ambassade, La Haye Conseillers M. Christian Bernier Chargé de mission, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes Mme Patrizianna Sparacino-Thiellay Chargée de mission, Direction des Affaires juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes M. Olivier Guerot Sous-directeur des Affaires budgétaires et des contributions internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes M. Patrick Comoy Premier secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye M. Denis Quenelle Secrétaire des Affaires étrangères, Direction des Nations Unies et des Organisations internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes M. Fabrice Leggeri Sous-directeur du Droit international et du Droit européen, Ministère de la Défense

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M. Francois Stoliaroff Magistrat, Direction des Affaires criminelles et des grâces, Ministère de la Justice


Représentant S.E. M. Charles Essonghe Ambassadeur, Directeur Général des Affaires Étrangères Suppléant S.E. M. René Makongo Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles Conseillers S.E. M. Bernard Bekale-Meviane Ambassadeur, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangeres M. Patrick Malekou Conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles

GAMBIA Representative H.E. Mr. Mamour Jagne Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Alternate Mrs. Amie Nyan-Alaboson Minister Counsellor, Embassy, Brussels Adviser Mrs. Aminata Lois Runneni N’gum Legal Officer, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

GEORGIA Representative H.E. Ms. Tina Burjaliani First Deputy Minister of Justice Adviser Mr. Giorgi Mikeladze Consul, Embassy, The Hague

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GERMANY Representative Mr. Georg Witschel Director-General, Legal Affairs, Federal Foreign Office Alternates H.E. Mr. Thomas Läufer Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Thomas F. Schneider Head, International Criminal Court Section, Federal Foreign Office Advisers Ms. Brigit Frie Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Matthias Vollmer Deputy Head, Foreign Building Affairs Division, Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Affairs Ms. Susanne Achilles Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Inés Carstensen Desk Officer, Federal Foreign Office Mr. Claus Kress Professor of Law, University of Cologne

GHANA Representative Mr. Eric Odoi-Anim Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Ms. Salamatu Yakubu First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Solomon Korbieh Assistant Director, Legal Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

GREECE Representative H.E. Mr. Konstantinos Rallis Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternate Ms. Phani Dascalopoulou-Livada Legal Adviser, Head of the Section of Public International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Adviser Ms. Martha Papadopoulou Deputy Legal Adviser, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

GUINEA Représentant S.E. M. Ousmane Diao Balde Ambassadeur, Directeur des Affaires Juridiques et Consulaires, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères Conseillère Mme Djenabou Balde


Representative Ms. Donnette Critchlow Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


Representante S.E. Sr. Julio Rendón Barnica Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Sergio Acosta Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya


Representative H.E. Mr. Iván Udvardi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. István Gyebnár Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

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Mr. István Gerelyes Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


IRELAND Representative H.E. Mr. Richard Ryan Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Michael Hurley First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Trevor Redmond Assistant Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Fergal Madigan Liaison Officer, Embassy, The Hague

ITALY Representative H.E. Mr. Gaetano Cortese Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Roberto Bellelli Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Carlo Alberto Baracchi Tua Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Luca Bianconi First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Daniela Cardamone Judge Mr. Cuno Tarfusser Prosecutor-Chief, Office of the Prosecutor, Bolzano Mr. Salvatore Zappalà Professor

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Ms. Danila Dijkema Legal Assistant, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Mr. Minoru Shibuya Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates H.E. Mr. Koji Tsuruoka Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kiyokazu Ota Minister, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Mitsuru Kitano Deputy Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Masataka Okano Director, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Toshikatsu Aoyama Counsel for International Legal Affairs, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kosei Nomura Principal Deputy Director, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hironori Wanami First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Shotoku Habukawa First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Jun Hasebe Deputy Director, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Hideomi Tambo Official, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Nobuyuki Murai Official, International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Sae Horikawa Researcher/Adviser, Embassy, The Hague

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JORDAN Representative H.R.H. Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein Ambassador, Embassy, Washington D.C. Alternate H.E. Mr. Khaldoun TH. Talhouni Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Mahmoud Hmoud First Secretary, Director, Legal Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ammar Husseini Judge, Director of International Cooperation, Ministry of Justice Mr. Eihab Omaish Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Akram Harahsheh Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

KENYA Representative H.E. Mr. S. Amos Wako Attorney-General of Kenya Alternate H.E. Mr. Ruthie C. Rono Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mrs. Alice Osebe Ondieki Senior Principal State Counsel, Attorney-General’s Chambers Ms. Beatrice Karago Principal State Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Stella Orina First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Emily Chweya Assistant Deputy Chief Legal Officer, Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Mr. Wycliffe Amukowa Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

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Ms. Jacqueline Moseti Third Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

LATVIA Representative H.E. Mrs. Sanita Pavluta-Deslandes Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Ms. Ineta Celmina First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Baiba Bērzina Third Secretary, International Law Division, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Rūta Rācene-Bērtule Legal Counsel, Criminal Law Department, Ministry of Justice Ms. Indra Gratkovska Director, Criminal Law Department, Ministry of Justice

LESOTHO Representative Ms. P.R. Lebotsa Chief Legal Officer, Human Rights Unit, Ministry of Justice Alternate H.E. Mrs. Mamoruti A. Tiheli Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Advisers Mrs. Ntebaleng Maseela Parliamentary Counsel Ms. Claudia Malebona Takalimane Senior Legal Officer, Ministry of Justice Ms. Pulane Lechesa Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michael Moeletsi Kautu Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


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LIECHTENSTEIN Representative H.E. Mr. Christian Wenaweser Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations President of the Assembly of States Parties Alternate Mr. Stefan Barriga Counsellor/Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Advisers Mr. Wolfgang Danspeckgruber Adviser Ms. Isabel Frommelt Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Leena Grover Adviser

LITHUANIA Representative Mr. Andrius Namavičius Director, Law and International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Mr. Aleksas Dambrauskas Third Secretary, Law and International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Représentant S.E. M. Jean-Marc Hoscheit Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Alternates M. Paul Schmit Directeur, Affaires juridiques et culturelles, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de l’Immigration Mme Anne Kayser Attachée de Gouvernement, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de l’Immigration M. Victor Clément Premier secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye

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MALAWI Representative Mr. Baison Mabvuto Katemuka Principal Legal Officer, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

MALI Représentant S.E. M. Boubacar Gouro Diall Ambassadeur, Directeur des Affaires juridiques, Ministère des Affaires étrangères

MALTA Representative H.E. Mr. Ivan Fsadni Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Carmel Herrera First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague



MEXICO Representante S.E. Sr. Jorge Lomónaco Tonda Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplentes Sr. Víctor Manuel Uribe Aviňa Consultor Jurídico Adjunto, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Erasmo Alonso Lara Cabrera Segundo Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Pablo Monroy Conesa Subdirector de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

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Sra. Gabriela Alejandra Moreno Hidalgo Jefa de Departamento de Derecho Internacional Humanitario, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores

MONGOLIA Representative H.E. Mr. Avirmed Battur Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels



Representative Mr. Issaskar Virongo Kavizemba Ndjoze Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Justice Adviser Mr. David Thomas First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


NETHERLANDS Representative H.E. Mr. Paul W.J. Wilke Permanent Representative to the International Criminal Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Ms. Elisabeth Lijnzaad Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Erika K. Dieterman-Koehler Deputy Permanent Representative to the International Criminal Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Peter van der Vliet Deputy Director, Department for United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Niels M. Blokker Deputy Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Mr. Just Wiarda Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice Mr. Edward A.I.M. Vriends Deputy Director, Department for European and International Affairs, Ministry of Justice Mr. Erik J.L. van Uum Senior Counsellor, Department for United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Ceta D. Noland First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Thomas S.M. Henquet Legal Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mrs. Chantal Joubert Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice Mr. André Moonen Coordinator, Department of Detention and Transport, Ministry of Justice Mr. Rob J.L. van Bokhoven Legal Counsel, Ministry of Justice Mr. Fabio Rossi Policy Adviser, Department for United Nations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Joop C. van Bleijswijk Controller, Taskforce International Criminal Court, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gaby H.W. Eman Financing and Budgeting Adviser, Ministry of Justice Ms. Christel Ny Byvank Assistant Policy Adviser, Ministry of Justice Ms. Brechje Schwachöfer Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Wilhelmina M.E. Thomassen Justice, Supreme Court of the Netherlands

NEW ZEALAND Representative H.E. Ms. Rachel Fry Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Alternate Ms. Bronwyn Shanks First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Ms. Rachel Maidment Senior Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

NIGER Représentant M. Abdou Adamou Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies


Representative H.E. Ms. Nimota N. Akanbi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Ifeyinwa A. Nworgu Minister, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Adviser Ms. Aisha U. Dewa First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

NORWAY Representative Mr. Rolf Einar Fife Director-General, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates H.E. Ms. Eva Bugge Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Mona Juul Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Martin Sørby Deputy Director General, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Ms. Berit Enge Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

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Mr. Åsmund Eriksen Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Susanne Juell Gudbrandsen Adviser, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Roar Haugsdal Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Jens Johannes Andenaes Attaché, Embassy, The Hague



Representante Sra. Luz Marina Moreno Primera Secretaria, Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Consejero Sr. Ernesto Velásquez Asesor, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

PERU Representante S.E. Sr. Edward Allan Wagner Tixón Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Pedro Roberto Reátagui Gamarra Ministro Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Consejeros Sr. Carlos Gerardo Briceño Salazar Consejero, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Gonzalo Bonifaz Tweddle Segundo Secretario, Misíon Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. César Alberto Talavera Silva Santisteban Tercer Secretario, Embajada, La Haya

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POLAND Representative Mr. Remigiusz A. Henczel Director, Legal and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Janusz Stańczyk Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Ms. Agnieszka Dabrowiecka Head of the Foreign Relations Division, Department of International Cooperation and European Law, Ministry of Justice Ms. Beata Ziorkiewicz Public Prosecutor, Department of International Cooperation and European Law, Ministry of Justice Mr. Marek Madej Minister Counsellor, Legal and Treaty Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Andrzej Ryng Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

PORTUGAL Representative H.E. Mr. Manuel Nuno Tavares de Sousa Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Luís Serradas Tavares Director, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Patrícia Galvão Teles Legal consultant, Permanent Representation to the European Union, Brussels Advisers Mr. João Madureira Legal Adviser, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Maria Teresa Artilheiro Ferreira Legal Consultant, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Jorge Silva Lopes Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

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REPUBLIC OF KOREA Representative Mr. Seung-Hyun Hwang Director-General of Treaties, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Alternates Mr. Sun Pyo Kim Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Byung-Won Jung Director, Multilateral Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Kyu Taek Kwak Prosecutor, International Criminal Affairs Division, Ministry of Justice Ms. Ji-eun Pyo Second Secretary, Multilateral Treaties Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Advisers Mr. Young Sok Kim Associate Professor of Law, Ewha Womans University

ROMANIA Representative H.E. Mr. Călin Fabian Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Ms. Alina Orosan Deputy Director, International Law and Treaties Directorate Ms. Irina Niţā Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Oana Florescu Attaché, Permanent Mission to the United Nations



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SAMOA Representative Ms. Noelani Manoa First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Advisers Mr. Roger Clark Professor of Law Mr. Tobias Hanson Research Assistant



Représentant S.E. M. Paul Badji Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent auprès des Nations Unies Conseillers Mme Kaïré Sow Fall Magistrate, Conseiller technique, Ministère de la Justice M. Saliou Niang Dieng Deuxième conseiller, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies M. Ely Sy Beye Deuxième conseiller, Ambassade, Bruxelles


Representatives H.E. Mr. Radoslav Stojanović Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague H.E. Mr. Pavle Jevremović Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations H.E. Ms. Sanja Milinković Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates Mr. Jovica Ćekić Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Mr. Boris Holovka Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Vladimir Cvetković First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Nenad Vujić Director, Judicial Training Center Mr. Milisav Čogurić Senior Adviser, Ministry of Justice Mr. Marko Brkić Third Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representative Mr. Otto Oyekan During Director Legal, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

SLOVAKIA Representative H.E. Ms. Oksana Tomová Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Milan Kollár Director-General, Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Ms. Ľubica Erdelská International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ján Kvapil First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representative H.E. Ms. Simona Drenik Minister Plenipotentiary, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Alternate Mrs. Andreja Purkart Martinez Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Embassy, The Hague Mrs. Nataša Šebenik Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Luka Kremžar Undersecretary, Ministry of Justice Adviser Mr. Matevž Pezdirc Adviser, Ministry of Justice Mrs. Suzana Češarek First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

SOUTH AFRICA Representative Mr. Johannes Hendrik de Lange Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development Alternate Mr. Nkhulu Daniel Sebothoma Chargé d’Affaires, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Sabelo Sivuyile Maqungo Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Herman Benjamin Van Heerden Principal State Law Adviser, Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Ms. Reetsang Innocentia Moroke Senior State Law Adviser, Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Ms. Yolande Melissa Dwarika Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Pieter Andreas Stemmet Senior State Law Adviser, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. Leon Gernandt Law Adviser, Department of Defense

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SPAIN Representante S.E. Sr. Juan Prat Coll Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Concepción Escobar Hernández Jefa, Asesoría Jurídica Internacional, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación Consejeros Sr. Mario Lanz Raggio Auditor, Asesoría Jurídica General, Ministerio de Defensa Sr. Rafael Vaíllo Ramos Consejero Técnico, Subdirección General de Asuntos de Justicia en la Unión Europea y Organismos Internacionales, Ministerio de Justicia Sr. Eduardo Narbona Algara Secretario, Embajada, La Haya Sr. Fernando Val-Garito Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Sra. Magdalena Truyol Wintrich Jefa, Subdirección General de las Naciones Unidas y Asuntos Globales, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación


Representative H.E. Mr. Henry Macdonald Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Mrs. Susan M. Derby Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

SWEDEN Representative H.E. Mr. Hans Magnusson Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Christer Ahlström Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

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Mr. Fredrik Nivaeus Desk Officer Mr. Erik Wennerström Senior Legal Adviser Adviser Ms. Karin Nilzén Intern, Embassy, The Hague

SWITZERLAND Représentant S.E. M. Jürg Lindenmann Ambassadeur, Jurisconsulte adjoint, Département fédéral des affaires étrangères Suppléants S.E. M. Dominik M. Alder Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye M. Martin Strub Ministre, Ambassade, La Haye M. Emmanuel Bichet Premier secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Conseillers M. Andrea Candrian Suppléant du Chef de l’unité droit pénal international, Office fédéral de la justice M. Max Zahnd Collaborateur scientifique, Droit international des conflits armés, Département fédéral de la défense, de la protection de la population et des sports Mme Katrin Weilhammer Collaboratrice scientifique, Direction du droit international public, Département fédéral des affaires étrangeres


THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA Representative H.E. Mr. Slobodan Tashovski Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

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Advisers Ms. Shpresa Jusufi Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Embassy, The Hague Ms. Elizabeta Gjorgjieva Director, International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Natasa Deskoska Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Tanja Dinevska First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Vladimir Nlkuljski Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Draganco Apostolovski Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Representative Mr. Keith de Freitas Chargé d’Affaires, Brussels Alternate Mr. Eden Charles Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations


Representatives H.E. Mr. Frederick Ruhindi Minister of State for Justice H.E. Mrs. Mirjam Blaak Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels/The Hague Advisers Mr. Martinez Arapta Mangusho Counsellor/Legal Counsel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. John Bosco Suuza Senior State Attorney, Ministry of Justice

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Mr. Duncan Laki Muhumuza Legal Adviser Mr. Timothy Kanyogonya Major

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Representative Mr. Chris Whomersley Deputy Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Alternates H.E. Mr. Lyn Parker Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Karimulla Akbar Khan Legal Adviser, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Joanne Caley Head, War Crimes Section, International Organisations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Mr. Anthony Stanley Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Hugo Ellis Desk Officer, War Crimes Section, International Organisations Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ms. Tina Tricker Attaché, Embassy, The Hague

UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Representative Mr. Vicent E. A. Tangoh State Attorney, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and Justice Alternate Ms. Tully Mwaipopo Second Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations

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URUGUAY Representative S.E. Sr. Carlos Mora Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Alternate Sr. Marcelo Gerona Consejero

VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF) Representante S.E. Sr. Agustín Pérez Celis Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Consejero Sr. Jorge Petit Medina


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II. Observer States/ États observateurs/

Estados observadores

ALGERIA Représentant S.E. M. Benchaâ Dani Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléante Mlle Zahira Abed Secrétaire diplomatique


Représentant S.E. M. Toko Diakenga Serão Ambassadeur, Ambassade, Bruxelles








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Représentant S.E. Mme Odette Melono Ambassadrice, Ambassade, La Haye Suppléant M. Jean Patrice Koe Jr. Deuxième secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye


CHILE Representante S.E. Sr. Juan Martabit Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Elena Bornand Segunda Secretaria, Embajada, La Haya

CHINA Representative Mr. Jian Guan Deputy Director-General, Treaty and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Wensheng Qu Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Dahai Qi Deputy Director, Treaty and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Lijun Yang Professor, China Academy of Social Science Mr. Bingzhuo Li Desk Officer, Treaty and Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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CUBA Representante S.E. Sr. Oscar de los Reyes Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Justo Quintero Primer Secretarío, Embajada, La Haya


Representative Mrs. Ivana Červenková Director, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate H.E. Mr. Petr Mareš Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Ms. Renáta Klečková Legal Officer, International Law Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Jita Brodská Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

EGYPT Representative H.E. Mr. Ahmed Amin Fathalla Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Khaled Rady Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representante S.E. Sr. Edgar Hernán Varela Alas Embajador, Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sr. Ramiro Recinos Trejo Ministro Consejero y Consul General, Embajada, La Haya

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Representative Mrs. Atsede Kidanu Director, International Agreement and Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representante Sr. José Miguel Valladares Urruela Encargado de Negocios a.i., Embajada, La Haya Suplente Sra. Ana Cristina Rodríguez Pineda Primera Secretaria, Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas



HOLY SEE Representative H.E. Mr. François Bacqué Apostolic Nuncio/Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Adviser Mr. Steven Van Der Grinten Part-time Collaborator, Embassy, The Hague


INDONESIA Representative Mr. Siswo Pramono Minister Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague

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Advisers Mr. Laurentius Amrih Jinangkung First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Alfiano Tamala First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Muhammad Taufan Attaché, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Atu Yudhistira Indarto Attaché, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Mr. Fattah Ahmadi Director, Treaties and Public International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates Mr. Behzad Saberi Ansari Legal Counsel, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Seyed Hussein Sadat Meidani Legal Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


ISRAEL Representative Ms. Liat Kaufman Legal Officer, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Ms. Michelle Walker Head, Legal Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade


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KUWAIT Representatives Mr. Abdullah Jama’n Alhuraiti Secretary, Ministry of Justice Mr. Nooh Sultan Bouresli Undersecretary, Ministry of Justice and Member of Higher Judicial Council Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Alansari Assistant Undersecretary for International Relations, Ministry of Justice Mr. Hani Ali Alsebaee Jab Allah Legal Researcher, International Relations Department, Ministry of Justice Mr. Thamer Nahi Almotiri First Legal Researcher, Human Rights Office, Ministry of Justice Mr. Muneer Munawer Al-Euezi Administrative Officer, Public Relations Department, Ministry of Justice Alternates H.E. Mr. Yousuf A. Al-Onaizi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Talal M. Al-Hajeri Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Fahad Almasoud Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA Representative Mr. Mohadeb M. Gheton Chargé d’Affaires, Libyan Bureau, The Hague

MALAYSIA Representative H.E. Mrs. Fauziah Taib Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Advisers Mr. Kamal Baharin Omar Senior Federal Counsel, Attorney-General’s Chambers Mr. Mohamad Razdan Jamil Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague



Représentant S.E. M. José Badia Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller M. Pierre-Henri Settimo Premier conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye

MOROCCO Représentant S.E. M. Said Safi Ministre plénipotentiaire, Ambassade, La Haye Conseiller M. Riad Ramzi Conseiller, Ambassade, La Haye

MOZAMBIQUE Representative H.E. Mrs. Maria Manuela Lucas Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Alternates Mr. Ângelo Vasco Matusse Assistant Attorney-General Mr. Mário Ngwenya Minister Counsellor, Embassy, Brussels Mr. Paulo Eduardo de Noronha Assubuji Director, Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice

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Representatives Mr. Khamis Salim Khamis Al-Khalili Deputy Public Prosecutor Shaikh Faisal Omar Said Al-Marhoon Assistant Director-General, Legal Affairs and International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Justice Alternate Mr. Mahmood Ahmed Suliman Al-Burashdi Assistant Legal Adviser, Ministry of Legal Affairs Adviser Mr. Mohamed Marhoon Said Al-Mamari Major, Royal Police


PHILIPPINES Representative H.E. Mr. Romeo Arguelles Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Adrian Elmer Cruz Second Secretary and Consul, Embassy, The Hague


Representatives Mr. Salman Al-Neama Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Najeh Aldahdouh Communications Officer, Embassy, The Hague

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RUSSIAN FEDERATION Representative H.E. Mr. Kirill Gevorgian Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Igor Panin Head of Section, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Maxim Mushikin First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague




Representative Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Muhaizi’ Counsellor, Ministry of Justice Adviser Mr. Abdelmajid Essadiki Sworn Translator, Embassy, The Hague







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Representative Mr. Sirikul Krairawee Chargé d’Affaires a.i., Embassy, The Hague



TURKEY Representative H.E. Mr. Selahattin Alpar Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternate Mr. Hakan Çakil Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague Advisers Mr. Emin Kiraz Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Ms. Melike Bosuter Legal Counsellor, Embassy, The Hague


Representative Ms. Mariana Betsa Second Secretary, Embassy, The Hague

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Representative H.E. Mr. Abdul Rahim Yousif Al-Awadi Assistant Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, Information, Research and Studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternates H.E. Mr. Ali Thani Alsuwaidi Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague

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Mr. Obaid Alsuwaidi First Secretary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Rashed Mohamed Al Seraidi Armed Forces





Representative H.E. Mr. Nageeb Ahmed Obeid Ambassador, Embassy, The Hague Alternates Mr. Idrees Ahmed Al-Shammam Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy, The Hague Mr. Ahmed Omer Director of Treaties Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Hassan Fakher Third Secretary, Embassy, The Hague


Representatives H.E. Mr. Giez Punungwe Ambassador, Embassy, Brussels Mr. Patrick Anthony Chinamasa Government Minister, Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Alternate Ms. Priscillah Mbanga Senior Law Officer Adviser Mr. Tendai Kadange Administrative Officer, Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

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III. States invited to be present during the work of the Assembly/ Les États invités à se faire représenter aux travaux de l’Assemblée/ Los Estados invitados a que asistieran a los trabajos de la Asamblea






LAO PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Representative Mrs. Viengvone Kittavong Deputy Director-General, Department of Treaties and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Représentant S.E. M. Zeidan Alsaghir Ambassadeur, Ambassade, La Haye Alternate M. Rami Adwan Premier secrétaire, Ambassade, La Haye




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Representative Mr. U Soe Nyunt Director-General, Supreme Court



Representative Mr. Jon-Marvin T. Ngirutang Senior Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of State









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IV. Entities, intergovernmental organizations and other entities/ Entités, organisations intergouvernementales et autres entités/

Entidades, organizaciones intergubernamentales y otras entidades

Commonwealth Secretariat

Council of the European Union Representative Mr. Rafael de Bustamante European Union Focal Point for the International Criminal Court

International Committee of the Red Cross

Representatives Ms. Anne-Marie La Rosa Legal Adviser, Advisory Service, Geneva Mr. Robert Young Deputy Head, New York Delegation

International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol)

League of Arab States Representatives Mr. Radwan Ben Khadra Head, Legal Affairs Department, Legal Adviser to the Secretary-General

Mr. Zeid Al Sabban Head, African Affairs Division, Office of the Secretary-General

Mr. Mounir El FassiMr. Member, Legal Department

Special Court for Sierra Leone

Representatives Mr. Herman von Hebel Registrar Mr. Gregory Townsend Head, Special Court for Sierra Leone Sub-office, The Hague

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United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Representative Ms. Judith Kumin Regional Representative, Brussels

United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute

Representative Mr. Madhawa Tennakoon Expert

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V. Non-governmental organizations/ Organisations non gouvernementales/ Organizaciones no gubernamentales

Al-Haq Amman Center for Human Rights Amnesty International Arab Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession Association of the Bar of the City of New York Avocats Sans Frontières Baha’í International Community Centre for Justice and Reconciliation Coalition for the International Criminal Court Fédération Femmes Carrières Juridiques Fédération internationale des ligues des Droits de l’Homme Human Rights First Human Rights Watch Institute for Security Studies International Association of Lawyers International Bar Association International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development International Centre for Transitional Justice International Criminal Bar International League for Human Rights International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Japan Federation of Bar Association No Peace Without Justice Open Society Justice Initiative Parliamentarians for Global Action Philadelphia Bar Association Redress Track Impunity Always United Nations Association of the United States of America Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice

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