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Aspen Ideas Festival Schedule

Apr 07, 2018



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The Aspen Ideas Festival is proud to present unique, inspiring, anddeeply thought-provoking and even downright hilarious flms eachnight o the Festival to guests and members o the public.

t i u June 27 8:00PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20The Interrupters tells the moving and surprising story o three “violence interrupters” in Chicago who, with bravado, humility, and even humor, tryto protect their communities rom the violence they once employed. This unusually intimate journey captures a year in Chicago when it becamea national symbol or the violence in our cities—besieged by high-pro le incidents like the brutal beating o high school student Derrion Albert,whose death was caught on videotape. The interrupters work or an innovative organization, CeaseFire, that believes the spread o violence mimicsthat o in ectious diseases, and so the treatment should be similar: Go a ter the most in ected, and stop the in ection at its source.From producer-director Steve James ( Hoop Dreams ) and author-turned-producer Alex Kotlowitz ( There Are No Children Here), The Interrupters premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. It has won numerous estival awards; it will be theatrically released this summer, and broadcast on PBS’s “FRONTLINE” in 2012.Panelists t o ha ma , e boca g a, s Jam , A x Ko o zMoDerator M c Ma

pAGe One: i t n yo k t m June 28 8:00PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20Page One chronicles the trans ormation o the media industry at its time o greatest turmoil. In the tradition o great fy-on-the-wall documentaries,the lm de tly gains unprecedented access to The New York Timesnewsroom and the inner workings o the Media Desk. Writers like BrianStelter, Tim Arango, and the salty but brilliant David Carr, track print journalism’s metamorphosis even as their own paper struggles to stay vitaland solvent, while their editors and publishers grapple with up-to-the-minute issues like controversial new sources and the implications o anonline pay-wall. Meanwhile, rigorous journalism is thriving. Page One gives audiences an up-close look at the vibrant, cross-cubicle debates andcollaborations, tenacious jockeying or on-record quotes, and skill ul page-one pitching that brings the most venerable newspaper in America to

ruition each and every day.From Magnolia Pictures and Participant Media in association with History, PAGE ONE: Inside The New York Times, is directed by Andrew Rossi andwritten and produced by Rossi and Kate Novack .Panelists A ro , da Ca MoDerator Jam b

t A pu June 29 8:00PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20

The Aspen Ideas Festival presents this world premiere documentary rom director Mary Mazzio. Narrated by Edward Norton, The Apple Pusherstells the stories o ve immigrant push-cart vendors who each have one dream—to nd success in America. To realize that dream, each has chosento be a part o a unique urban experiment to bring resh ruits and vegetables into New York City’s ood deserts, places where nding a ripe, redapple presents a serious challenge and where obesity and diabetes rates are highest. This experiment—the Green Cart Initiative—o ers not onlyeconomic opportunity to these vendors, but also presents a creative strategy in the ght against the skyrocketing obesity epidemic ound in somany o America’s cities.

The latest project rom award-winning lmmaker Mary Mazzio and underwritten by the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund, The Apple Pushers sits at the intersection o the ood desert-obesity crisis, immigration, and entry-level entrepreneurship. The lm was produced by Mary Mazzio, Tom Scott,and Christine Vachon. Laurie M. Tisch is the Executive Producer.Panelists Ma Mazz o, ro sc , r c a McCa , ez k ema u MoDerator Jo v

Co c : A Au o ogog a a ou lo , d a & t c o og June 30 8:30PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20

The award-winning documentary Connected: An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology , o ers an exhilarating stream-o -consciousnessride through the interconnectedness o humankind, nature, progress, and morality at the dawn o the 21st century. Award-winning lmmaker and

ounder o The Webby Awards, Ti any Shlain traces interdependence throughout history, discovering surprising links between right brain and le t;honey bees and stress; hormones and happiness; technology and nature; progress and consequences; and parents and children. Employing asplendidly imaginative combination o animation and archival ootage, plus several surprises, Shlain constructs a chronological tour o Westernmodernization through the work o her late ather, Leonard Shlain, best-selling author o Art and Physics and The Alphabet Versus the Goddess.With insight, curiosity, and humor, the lm weaves both a personal and global story about interdependence. For centuries we’ve been declaring independence, this lm asks i perhaps it’s time to declare our interdependence instead.

The lm premiered at Sundance in 2011 and will be in theaters in the all.Panelist t ffa s a Co-presented with aspenFILM

s g you so g July 1 8:00PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20

Filmmaker Susanne Rostock’s inspiring biographical documentary surveys the li e and times o Harry Bela onte. From his rise to ame as asinger touring a segregated country to his provocative crossover into Hollywood, Bela onte’s groundbreaking career personi es the American civilrights movement and impacted many other social-justice movements. Rostock reveals Bela onte as a tenacious, hands-on activist who workedintimately with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mobilized celebrities or social justice, participated in the struggle against South A rican apartheid, andworked to counter gang violence, prisons, and youth incarceration. Because o his belie s, Bela onte drew unwarranted invasions by the FBI intoboth his personal li e and career. But an indomitable sense o optimism motivates his path, even today, as he continues to ask, at age 84, “What do we do now?” His daughter Gina Bela onte, an actress and activist in her own right, will take part in an onstage discussion ollowing the screening.The lm is produced by Michael Cohl, Gina Bela onte, Jim Brown, William Eigen, and Julius R. Nasso, and will premiere on HBO in the Fall o 2011.

Panelists G a b afo interViewer ta-n Coa Co-presented with aspenFILM

pOM wo fu p : t G a Mo e soJuly 2 8:00PM PaePcke auDitoriuM $20

Boundary-pushing, Oscar-nominated lmmaker Morgan Spurlock explores the world o product placement, marketing and advertising in POM

Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold , a lm that was ully nanced through product placement rom various brands, all o whichare integrated transparently into the lm. While using brands in lm promotion is not new or Hollywood, it certainly is new territory or thedocumentary ormat. Spurlock exploits the phenomenon to new heights, with everything rom branded pizza boxes to in-fight lm promotions.With humor and insight, POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold unmasks the marketing process to bring audiences behind closeddoors directly into the pitch meetings and marketing presentations, which ultimately in orm our everyday entertainment decisions.POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold is directed by Morgan Spurlock, written by Spurlock and Jeremy Chilnick, and produced bySpurlock, Chilnick and Abbie Hurewitz through Spurlock’s production company, Warrior Poets, along with Snoot Entertainment’sKeith Calder and Jessica Wu.Panelists Mo ga s u ock interViewer lau a t Co-presented with aspenFILM

on the Big Sc een PaePcke

For MorE INForMATIoN - a f a .o g o ca 970 544 7961

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SPECIAL EVENTS at Belly Up wo p ac a O Fo -G a Ac mJune 28 12:00PM belly uP $25 (inclu es lunch)How do you teach children to be citizens o the world? By making it a game, o course. World Peace and Other Four th Grade Achievements is an award-winning, one-hour flm that portrays public school educator John Hunter and his ourth grade students’ participation in an educational exercise that Hunter developed called the “World Peace Game.” The flm ollows his nine- and ten-year-old students over an eight-week period as they assume roles as worldleaders responding to an ongoing series o militar y, economic, and environmental crises. This interactive experience triggers a trans ormation o his student

rom children o a neighborhood school to citizens o the world. An entertaining flm with a positive message, World Peace and Other Fourth Grade

Achievements provides a timely reminder that the uture truly is at stake as we educate our children.Panelists C Fa a, Jo h

t G waJune 29 12:00PM belly uP $25 (inclu es lunch)

The spring and summer o 2009 were a heady time or the youth o Iran. The candidacy o re ormist Mir-Hossein Mousavi promised a blossoming o democracy and reedom. Green scarves and banners became the symbol o the opening up o li e and activism. When the manipulated outcome gavePresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a landslide victory, the ury o Mousavi’s supporters erupted in massive street demonstrations, met by a brutalgovernment crackdown. As the regime silenced conventional media outlets, new ones took their place. A continuous stream o Facebook reports, tweets,cell-phone videos, and blog entries spread like wildfre around the globe, broadcasting live accounts o a youth revolt against a repressive regime.With The Green Wave , flmmaker Ali Samadi Ahadi has created a moving documentary collage, interweaving rom-the-street video and photographswith vivid animation to adroitly capture this new-media people’s movement, whose lessons or 21st-centur y revolution are still evolving in the ongoing “Arab Spring” uprisings.introDucer la a t

n yo k sa t a k yoJune 30 12:00PM belly uP $25 (inclu es lunch)Scott Rettberg’s documentary ollows the participants o the New York Says Thank You Foundation, a landmark public serv ice initiative. Each year theycommemorate the anniversary o 9/11 by rebuilding homes, hospitals, schools, and churches destroyed by disaster. In the process they share stories o survival and hope, and bring a patriotic message o gratitude and solidarity to survivors o tragedy nationwide.Presenter sco r g

imag o G o Z oJuly 2 12:00PM belly uP $25 (inclu es lunch)

This special photo presentation documents September 11, 2001, and the a termath at Ground Zero. Photographer Andrea Booher was assigned by FEMAto photo-document the search and rescue e orts at the World Trade Center. She was one o only two photographers, designated by Mayor Rudolph Guiliani,with unlimited, 24-hour access to the site. In her quest to capture the devastation as well as the humanity, she crawled into voids, up stories o debris, andacross beams over crevasses hundreds o eet deep. In the two months that she was there, Booher shot thousands o images, and met and photographedsearch and rescue members, frefghters, iron workers, priests, celebrities and volunteers. These images encapsulate her experiences at Ground Zero.Presenter A a boo

p o c o p actz l , Ma a M a MoDerator Jam b

The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two FatesTwo kids with the same name, living in the same city. Two very di erent lives.Here is the story o two boys and the journey o a generation.w Moo

w p o : Mak g d moc ac wo kInsight into how a democracy works and why it sometimes ails.s b interViewer e o G o

l a g d gd o a bo a, F a k G

interViewer G if

Am ca—t G a d aAustan Goolsbee talks debt, jobs, and global leadership.A a GoointerViewer Ma a ba omo

h ho d co c : ra , rac , a r a na “na ” O da a Jo , M c a e c d oMoDerator G if

t ac g a l a g o a G o a eco om A d cainterViewer A a M c

MAriA bArtirOMOAnchor,“Closing Bell”CNBC

JAMes bennet Editor,The Atlantic

debOrAh bOrdA President and CEO,Los AngelesPhilharmonic stephen breyerAssociate JusticeUS Supreme Court

Arne dunCAnSecretary,US Department o Education MiChAel eriC dysOnPro essor o Sociology,Georgetown University

FrAnK Gehry Architect,Founder,Gehry Partners, LLC elliOt GersOn

EVP, Policy Programs,International Partnerships The Aspen Institute

AustAn GOOlsbeeChairman, Council o Econmic Advisors,Exec. O fce o the President

Gwen inFillModerator andManaging Editor,“Washington Week,” PBS nAsir “nAs” binOlu dArA JOnesRapper, Actor

tZipi livniHead, Kadima;Leader o Opposition,Isreal

AndreA MitChellChie Foreign A airsCorrespondent, NBC

wes MOOreAuthor The Other Wes Moore

MArwAn MuAsherVP or Studies, CarnegieEndowment or International Studies

THU rS dAY, JU NE 30, 2:00PM – 6:00PM[Doors oPen at 1:30PM]

h b d M t $75

An Afte noon of Conve sation

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lunCh sess iOnssOCiAl MediA G o g tliMeliGHt loDGe, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)elephones used to be tethered to the wall, demanding that when we wanted to use

them we had to go where they were. Kids today grow up in a world where we are reerom the ties that bind us to a location, yet we’ve tethered ourselves to our smart

devices. Always on. Always accessible. Always good?s t k MoDerator l a s o

Green teCh tO CleAn teChb g s o G s ac : sca g w a wo kHotel JeroMe ballrooM, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)Greening the world means changing human behaviors one person at a time. This panelexplores three successes that do just that: a local land restoration e ort in Chicago; agreen tech start-up; and a global nonproft inspiring local change.b J k , w pa o , ro Go MoDerator da Mo ma

speCiAl AFternOOn sess iOnGrOwinG the us eCOnOMy “Ma k ac ” lbelly uP, 2:30PM - 4:00PM $15Broadcasting live rom Aspen’s Belly Up, the 28-minute show will include the usualline-up o news, plus host Kai Ryssdal will interview Aspen Ideas speakers about theeconomy, budgets, defcits, and energy policy. Ryssdal will be joined by Heidi Moore,NYC Bureau Chie or “Marketplace.”

weeKly wrAph Moo , C a F a

eCOnOMy, budGets, And deFiCitsG o a o

the Future OF enerGy pOliCy l J c , Jam rog interViewer Ka r a

speAKer sAlOnssOCiAl MediA t k g A o so : Ca yo b A o i A d g a wo ?

liMeliGHt loDGe, 5:30PM $15oday everyone is just a ew clicks away rom everyone else, and true solitude is an

increasingly rare experience. Is solitude disappearing or just changing? Drawing on hisbestselling book, Hamlet’s BlackBerry, Powers talks about the history and purposes o solitude, and why, in a digital world, it matters more than ever. A social gathering about solitude—come experience the paradox!w am po

FrOntiers OF MediCineOf Mo , M , a Mo tHe lounGe at bb’s kitcHen, 5:30PM $15Science has produced medicines that can save millions o lives in even the most under-resourced settings, but their e ectiveness is o ten undermined by a traditionalapproach to global medical care: “I you build it, they will come.” Through “disruptivesimplicity,” social entrepreneurship, and A rica’s most underutilized natural resource—itswomen—mothers2mothers is helping to change this paradigm and save untold lives.

Join Gene Falk or a discussion on his inspiring work with this organization.G Fa k

eveninG sess iOnsis sOCiAl MediA GOOd FOr JOurnAlisM?belly uP, 7:30PM $20Perspectives rom the pro essionals.

v a sc , O sc , Jam Fa o , raj C a a ka a ,p Ca mo , t oma Go zMoDerator J M ock

MusiC On the edGeSing Your Song F m sc g a i PaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:00PM $20An inspiring biographical documentary that surveys the li e and times o Harry Bela onte—

rom his rise to ame as a singer touring a segregated country to his provocative crossover into Hollywood. A conversation with his daughter ollows.G a b afoMoDerator ta-n Coa

*Co-presented with aspenFILM

wOMen On the riseho w i c d G o a eco om ?Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 8:30PM $20It’s no longer enough or nonprofts and corporations to embrace gender and racialdiversity—they must seek out and embrace resh perspectives and skills, and createenvironments that help those diverse employees succeed together. What makes

success ully inclusive organizations, what are the challenges to doing so in times o political upheaval, and why are they so important to the global economy?b b ook , da a Moga , G a so , hM Q noo MoDerator A ro so k

Underwritten by Ernst & Young

breAKFAst sess iOnsGreen teCh tO CleAn teChPowering The DreamliMeliGHt loDGe, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)Hal compendium o lost opportunities, hal hope ul look toward the uture, Powering the Dream tells the stories o the brilliant, o ten irascible inventors who oresaw our current problems, tried to invent cheap and energy-renewable solutions, and drew theblueprint or a green uture.A x Ma ga

sOCiAl MediA Ma ag g e g no t m : A b wa of wo k g Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)Human beings aren’t meant to operate like computers—being “on” continuously, or long periods o time. It’s a prescription or burnout. Instead, we’re designed to pulse.We’re at our best when we move between expending and intermittently renewing our

key sources o energy.o sc a z

lunCh sess iOnsOur pOst 9/11 wOrldG o Z o: A p o og a c r o cbelly uP, 12:00PM $25 (includes lunch at 11:30)Photo presentation documenting the search and rescue e orts at the World TradeCenter by one o only two photographers, designated by Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, withunlimited, 24-hour access to the site.A a boo

eveninG sess iOnsOur pOst 9/11 wOrld

A ro a A p a : A K a g f om t o sbelly uP, 7:30PM $20The New York Times reporter and his wi e discuss the harrowing experience o his 2008kidnapping by the Taliban and her struggle to ree him.da ro , K M MoDerator K K

Arts & CulturePOM Wonderful Presents: Greatest Movie Ever Sold F m sc g a i PaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:00PM $20Exploring the world o product placement, marketing and advertising, boundary-pushing flmmaker Morgan Spurlock unmasks the marketing process to bring audiences behindclosed doors directly into the pitch meetings and marketing presentations, whichultimately in orm our everyday entertainment decisions.

Mo ga s ock interViewer la a t *Co-presented with aspenFILM

FrOntiers OF MediCines m C e c : w o G o p a Go ?Hefner lounGe, asPen MeaDows, 8:00PM $20Stem cells show potential or many di erent areas o medical research. Someargue that stem cells can be a never-ending source to treat diseases and disabilities,including spinal cord injuries. As technology continues to develop, so does thecounter-argument that the use o stem cells is unethical. Can we reconcile these twopolarized perspectives?ha K a , ez k ema

fr iDay, July 1 continu eD

saturDay July 2

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GlObAl eCOnOMiCsw a Seeing the Forest Through the Trees Worth? A d c o o Foo , F , a FDoerr-Hosier center, Mcnulty rooM, 7:30PM $20Experts discuss the global impact o natural resources rom the perspective o environment, hunger, economy, energy, legacy and insights. From availability to demandand the burgeoning emerging market economies, investing in ood, orests and uel willcontinue to be a timely topic o discussion or years to b c , d Moo , K a M. Jo o , ro Mcdo a , d k bokMoDerator C o M. h z

Underwritten by U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management

breAKFAst sess iOnsGreen teCh tO CleAn teChw G t c tak O eco om o C a ?Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)Costs o mitigating greenhouse gas emissions are requently portrayed as astronomical,especially by scal conservatives. On the other hand we have the “postage-stamp-a-day” view. What we do in the next ten to 20 years is absolutely critical.K a M. Jo o , ro b c , Ja w acMoDerator e c poo

stAte OF the uniOnC Am ca: ho w t w F ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)In the US today, shockingly, 40 percent o children—nearly 30.5 million—live in low-income amilies. What are the best investments we can make as a nation to ensureeducational success and economic security or the next generation?A Mo , s pa ck, da lMoDerator A x Ko o z

lunCh sess iOnsthe leArninG lAndsCApew a do i tak o r o o z e ca o u s a ?

Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)Leading innovators share their expertise.w Ko , r c a ba , Jo ro , Jo da MoDerator Jam C. Ca a a

Our pOst 9/11 wOrldrock Ca a : rag a r o o Ac o i am c woliMeliGHt loDGe, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)ro w g

AFternOOn OF COnversAt iOn(s ag 7 fo f c o )beneDict Music tent, 2:00PM - 6:15PM $75

speAKer sAlOnt Mo po a (a po Mo im o a )t o Co g CamtHe lounGe at bb’s kitcHen, 5:30PM $15r ba co

Our pOst 9/11 wOrldF om G o Z o o M m aHotel JeroMe ballrooM, 8:30PM $20Refections on what we have gained and lost in the past decade’s ght against terrorism.s a t a oo MoDerator e o G o

weDnesDay, June 29 continueD

tHursDay, Jun e 30

eveninG sess iOnsGrOwinG the us eCOnOMy M a ro abelly uP, 7:30PM $20

Journalists at the top o their game discuss the stateo the economy.C a F a , Jo noc a, A ro so k , Ma a ba omo, o

Underwritten by Siemens

sOCiAl MediA Connected: An Autoblogography About Love, Death & Technology F m sc g a d c oPaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:30PM $20

This documentary explores the visible and invisible connections linking major issues o our time—the environment, consumption, population growth, technology, human rights,the global economy—while searching or a place in the world during a trans ormativetime in the director’s li e.

t ffa s a

Arts & Cultured co g Am ca t o g A a AbalDwin Gallery, 8:30PM $20

e c F c , Jo Ma a, eam d m oMoDerator r c a e a

wOMen On the rise w a d woma e ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 8:30PM $20A new class o women entrepreneurs aims to make money and do good. Who are theinfuencers o double-bottom-line investing, and what makes their unique companiessuccess ul right now?

Jam b c , p a a e -lamk , do a Ca joMoDerator Jo t a g

Underwritten by W. K. Kellogg Foundation

breAKFAst sess iOnsthe leArninG lAndsCApeJ a Gam – O Mo t a a Gam ?Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)Introduced to schools more than a century ago as a tool o nation building, youthsport now sits at a crossroads, amid the competing interests o entertainment,education and public health.A d ca , b a F zg a Mo , Ja Coak MoDerator tom Fa

GrOwinG the us eCOnOMy A A t d …too b g o Fa ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)New York Times op-ed and nancial columnists discuss their thoughts about next stepsin the crisis ollowing their major best selling books on the subject.

Jo noc a, A ro so kMoDerator Ka r a

fri Day, J uly 1

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eveninG sess iOnsGreen teCh tO CleAn teCht a o a o 21 C y: A d c o Fo o y Haynesville: A Nation’s Hunt for an Energy Future F m sc g Doerr-Hosier center, Mcnulty rooM, 7:45PM $20What are the best ideas or powering the automobile o the uture? Is there a needto “think di erent” about personal mobility in a world approaching 9 billion peopleby 2050? Haynesville ollows the discovery o the US’s largest natural gas eld andexamines the e ect o the energy boom on three lives caught in the middle.p a a e -lamk , G g Fa g o , Jay d. K a g, b a a ba a am a ,

s C mo , G go y Ka g Underwritten by Shell

sOCiAl MediA PAGE ONE: Inside The New York Times F m sc g a pa d c oPaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:00PM $20his lm chronicles the trans ormation o the media industry at its time o greatest

turmoil. In the tradition o great fy-on-the-wall documentaries, it de tly gainsunprecedented access to The New York Times newsroom and the inner workingso the Media Desk.A ro , da Ca MoDerator Jam b

whAt is hAppiness A ’ w w w : s ak a a haHotel JeroMe ballrooM, 8:30PM $20Laugh with (or at) Aspen Ideas Festival celebrities, adorned in pumpkin shorts andhoop skirts, reciting beauti ul Shakespearean passages in a day O’Co o , ro s a o, da G , ro w g ,

Jo n g o o , d a ra c , Jo K , Jo noc a,M ck y e a , Z k ema , A a F c Hosts K a Ca o A ma

wOMen On the rise w y i Am ca’ wom ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 8:30PM $20It’s time to harness the momentum o lessons learned globally about the power o investing in women and apply it to the United States. What is the economic power o American women, and how can investing in them alter our social landscape?M a b a y, A Mo , Joa d m y MoDerator M c Ma

Underwritten by W.K. Kellogg Foundation

breAKFAst sess iOnsthe leArninG lAndsCApeA C a c o Mak h o y: w a wo k a w a do ’

p o g a exc e ca o fo AliMeliGHt loDGe, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)w y KointerViewer Ama a r y

stAte OF the uniOn

t G ac of s cHotel JeroMe ballrooM, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)he co-host o NPR’s “All Things Considered,” examines both her amily’s

racial roots and secrets.M c no

lunCh sess iOnsstAte OF the uniOn“ta k of na o ” lHotel JeroMe ballrooMDoors oPen 11:00aM for luncH, liVe 12:00PM – 2:00PM $45NPR’s popular midday news-talk show is broadcasting live rom the Aspen Ideas Festival

or two days this week, and will interview speakers about 9/11, politics, speaking to

di erence, “interrupting” violence, and the very nature o ideas.

hOur 1: po ca J kG o a o c

hOur 2: w do i a Com F om?Am C a j , sa y s c , e c F c

ender: t ie boca g a, A x Ko o zinterViewer n a Co a

sOCiAl MediA The Green Wave F m sc g belly uP, 12:00PM $25 (includes lunch at 11:30)

Filmmaker Ali Samadi Ahadi has created a moving documentary collage, interweaving rom-the-street video and photographs with vivid animation to adroitly capture this new-media people’s movement, whose lessons or 21st-century revolution are still evolving inthe ongoing “Arab Spring” uprisings.

*Co-presented with aspenFILM

Our pOst 9/11 wOrldd f , d omacy…d f c …d f a ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)A Marine’s concern that we need to be mind ul o what really makes a di erence in thenew world o war, expressed in conversation with a ormer assistant secretary o de ense.ry ba co , Jo nyMoDerator s A

speAKer sAlOn

FOOd FiGhts t w s of s a a y tHe lounGe at bb’s kitcHen, 5:30PM $15

Join the renowned author or an intimate conversation on sustainable shing andocean management, the ocus o one o his newest books. Kurlansky will also give aeading rom his past works. A must-do or literary environmentalist oodies!Ma k K a ky

eveninG sess iOns Arts & Culturer a y tv a po C : Go ta ?belly uP, 7:30PM $20A behind-the-scenes look at why “Idol,” “X Factor,” and “You’ve Got Talent” have become

a global phenomenon, with a leader o the rm that stages all o them.Ga y Ca MoDerator Jo ty a g

FOOd FiGhtsThe Apple Pushers F m & pa d c oPaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:00PM $20Can we solve the urban ood crisis? A discussion about innovative strategies to addressissues o ood access and obesity in U.S. cities: refections on lessons learned romNew York City’s immigrant entrepreneurs.ez k ema , Ma y Mazz o, r c a McCa y, ro sc MoDerator Jo v

wOMen On the rise A G b a g boy ?liMeliGHt loDGe, 8:30PM $20

Young women are gaining on—and in many cases surpassing—young men in their attainment o higher education and employment. But does this success translate toreal gains in the workplace, and has public perception o women’s successcaught up to the statistics?Ma c a dy o , b a F zg a Mo y, ha a roMoDerator ro w

Underwritten by W.K. Kellogg Foundation

tuesDay, June 28 continueD

weDnesDay, Jun e 29

r a ak og a o o a a f a

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he ollowing programs are open to the public, starting at $15 per event. Space is limited, and the schedule is subject to change; please check thepages o The Aspen Times and listen to KAJX (91.5 FM) daily June 27-July 3. For more in ormation on the Aspen Ideas Festival, visit ai are available starting June 20, through the Wheeler Opera House box o ce at (970) 920-5770,, or in person at the

Wheeler Box O ce.Fo og a ca fo ma o o a ak , a f a .o g.DUE TO DEMAND INDIvIDUAls ArE lIMITED TO pUrchAsINg 2 TIckETs pEr EvENT.

even inG exChAnGe ssOCiAl MediA M Fo sabelly uP, 7:30PM $20A discussion on the impacts o ubiquitous human computing.o a a Z a

stAte OF the uniOnr c, loDoerr-Hosier center, Mcnulty rooM 8:00PM $20What would a movement to a ect something more than “change” look like? What wouldits components be? In this talk, Lessig describes a growing, cross-partisan movement to make American politics di erent—a neo-progressive movement in the true multi-partisan sense o the progressives o a century c l g

MonDay, June 27

breAKFAst sess iOnsthe leArninG lAndsCApew sc oo r fo m im o e ca o ?Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)Our schools need to improve, but they won’t improve unless we abandon our nationalobsession with high-stakes testing and accountability. Vouchers don’t work. There aregood charters and bad charters. There are no quick xes. Our schools need experiencedteachers and a curriculum with more time or in-depth study o history, science, civicsand other subjects that prepare students or the duties o citizenship. A ter all, that’sthe primary purpose o public education: to sustain our democracy.d a ra c

Green teCh tO CleAn teChF g eco om F g p aliMeliGHt loDGe, 7:45aM $35 (includes breakfast at 7:15)p a a e -lamk

lunCh sess iOnsstAte OF the uniOn“ta k of na o ” lHotel JeroMe ballrooMDoors oPen 11:00aM for luncH, liVe 12:00PM – 2:00PM $45NPR’s popular midday news-talk show is broadcasting live rom the Aspen IdeasFestival or two days this week, and will interview speakers about 9/11, politics,speaking to di erence, “interrupting” violence, and the very nature o ideas.

hOur 1: 9/11: t y a la , w a ha w l a ?M c a C off , Jo n g o o , t oma l. F ma ,

Ja ha mainterViewer n a Co a

hOur 2: s ak g Ac o d ff cM c Ma , M c nointerViewer n a Co a

ender: F a A ra f interViewer n a Co a

Underwritten by Altria

stAte OF the uniOnThe InterruptersF m sc g a pa d c oPaePcke auDitoriuM, 8:00PM $20From producer-director Steve James and author-turned-producer Alex Kotlowitz, thisdocumentary tells the moving and surprising story o three “violence interrupters” inChicago who—with bravado, humility, and even humor—try to protect their communities

rom the violence they once employed.s Jam , t o ha ma , e b oca g a, A Ko o zMoDerator M c Ma

Our pOst 9/11 wOrldC af g O na o a M mo of 9/11

Hotel JeroMe ballrooM, 8:30PM $20A preview o the National 9/11 Museum and Memorial, plus candid refections on thechallenges o bringing it to li e.M c a A a , Jo C. da , p wa k MoDerator ta-n Coa

FOOd FiGhtsCa sc oo Foo a soc a e F a h g Am ca?liMeliGHt loDGe, 12:00PM $45 (includes lunch at 11:30)Every a ternoon, evening, and weekend, the majority o America’s 60,000 school-basedca eterias lay idle. Can we harness the trans ormational power o ood and have it unitegenerations and ignite new ideas about community?ro egg

the leArninG lAndsCApeWorld Peace and Other Four th Grade AchievementsF m sc g a d c obelly uP, 12:00PM $25 (includes lunch at 11:30)An award-winning one-hour lm that portrays public school educator John Hunter and his ourth grade students’ participation in an educational exercise that Hunter developed called the “World Peace Game.”C Fa a, Jo h MoDerator Ama a r

speAKer sAlOn Arts & Cultureho d g i g n d c o e ca o a O soctHe lounGe at bb’s kitcHen, asPen, 5:30PM $15Designers today are engaging with complex human challenges in education, publichealth, government, and the social sector. Join Kelley and Dust as they describe their experiences as designers working on issues related to social change. Between the twoo them, they’re applying design thinking to K-12 and graduate-level education andputting design-based methods in the hands o social entrepreneurs, oundations, andphilanthropists committed to poverty alleviation.da K , F d

eveninG sess iOnsstAte OF the uniOn

t rac o 2012belly uP, 7:30PM $20

The best o the media refects on the 2012 campaign and other acetso li e in the Capital.

Jo K , Jo a a Ma , ro a b o , Jo d ck o ,b F c , M k A , Ma k McK o , Ma k w ak

Underwritten by Altria

public EVENTS

tuesDay, J une 28

r a ak og a o o a a f a .o g

Page 8: Aspen Ideas Festival Schedule

8/6/2019 Aspen Ideas Festival Schedule 8/8


“i a o , , o co c o a o g c a g a m go o . t a ca a o c m a — c a g ”—to a wo , a o , A i a F a 2010

Ideas, pure and simple, can be inspirational. They can plant seeds where none existed. They can morph an existing thought into quiteanother. They can introduce us to worlds of thinking we have never considered, thought about, imagined.

At a time when so much needs to re-worked, re-thought, re-solved, the opportunity to spend time and listen to those with conviction andinspiration is unique and exciting. This year at Aspen Ideas Festival we will ask a number of questions of leading thinkers and experts whotackle them on a daily basis: What is “happiness”? Will so-called “green technology” offer the answers we need to both energy independenceand a clean environment? How does design enter our lives every day, and why is it important to humanity? Is America safer ten years after

9/11—and importantly, have we made strides as a society since? Will the US remain a dominant force for prosperity and democracy? In the21st century, can innovators help us turn the corner on educating our nation’s youth?

Join us to listen, discuss, connect, and act. Through the week of this event, we welcome as many members of the public as our generous host venues can accommodate and our various news and web communities can support. We look forward to conversations that spill out onto thestreets of Aspen, the communities of the Roaring Fork Valley—and with the help of the Internet, print, and broadcast press—well beyond.

Exchan in IdEAS That MATTErthe Aspen ideAs FestivAl June 27 - July 3 2011

For MorE INFoa a o g

t ck o a c go o a J 20

o g A s o t ck a

w o , o a .a o, o ca g 970.920.5770.

i o a o o aco ag . t a a o a

$4 -ca o oac o o o .

DUE TO DEMAND, INDIvIDUAls ArE lIMITED TO pUrchAsINg 2 TIckETs pEr EvENT.Fo o ma o , a ca :970.544.7961

MoNdAY, JUNE 277:30PM



r c, lodoErr-HoSIEr CENTEr


The InterruptersF m sc g a pa d c oPAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


C a g O na o a M mo o 9/11HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


w sc oo r o m im o e ca o ?HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


F x g eco om F x g p aLIMELIgHT LodgE

11:00AM - 2:00PM

“ta k o na o ” lHoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


World Peace and Other Fourth Grade AchievementsF m sc g a d c oBELLY UP


Ca sc oo Foo a soc a eF a h g Am ca?LIMELIgHT LodgE


ho d g i g n d c o e ca o a O soc ?



t rac o 2012BELLY UP


t a o a o 21 C : A d c o Fo o Haynesville:

A Nation’s Hunt for an Energy Future F m sc g a d c odoErr-HoSIEr CENTEr


PAGE ONE: Inside The New York TimesF m sc g a pa d c oPAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


“A ’ w w w :s ak a a ha ”HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


i A ’ ?


A C a c o Mak h o : w a wo k a w a do ’ p o g a exc e ca o o A



t G ac o s cHoTEL JEroME BALLrooM

11:00AM - 2:00PM

“ta k o na o ” lHoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


The Green Wave F m sc g BELLY UP


d , d omac …d fc …d a ?LIMELIgHT LodgE


t w s o s a a THE LoUNgE AT BB’S kITCHEN


r a tv a po C : Go ta ?BELLY UP


The Apple Pushers:F m sc g a pa d c oPAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


A G b a g bo ?LIMELIgHT LodgE


w a s g Fo t o g t wo ? A d c o o Foo ,

F , a FdoErr-HoSIEr CENTEr


F om G o Z o o M m aHoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


w G t c tak O eco om o C a ?



C Am ca:ho w t w F ?LIMELIgHT LodgE


w a do i tak o r o o ze ca o u s a ?HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


rock Ca a : rag a r o o Ac o i am c woLIMELIgHT LodgE


New York Says Thank YouF m sc g a pa d c oBELLY UP

2:00 - 6:15PM



t Mo po a (a po Moim o a ) t o Co g CamTHE LoUNgE AT BB’S kITCHEN


G o g eco om : M a ro aBELLY UP

8:30PMConnected: An Autoblogography About Love,Death & Technology F m sc g a d c oPAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


d co g Am ca t o g A a A



w a d woma e ?LIMELIgHT LodgE

FrIdAY, JULY 17:45AM

J a Gam —O Mo t a a Gam ?HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


A A t d …too b g o Fa ?LIMELIgHT LodgE


G o g tLIMELIgHT LodgE

FrIdAY, JULY 1 CoNT.12:00PM

b g s o G s ac :sca g w a wo kHoTEL JEroME BALLrooM

2:30 - 4:00PMMa k ac liveBELLY UP


t k g A o so :Ca yo b A o i A d g a wo ?LIMELIgHT LodgE




i soc a M a Goo o Jo a m?BELLY UP


Sing Your Song F m sc g a i PAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


ho w i c d G o a eco om ?



po g t d amLIMELIgHT LodgE

7:45AMMa ag g e g no t m :

A b wa o wo k g HoTEL JEroME BALLrooM


G o Z o: A p o og a c r o cBELLY UP


A ro a A p a : A K a g om t o sBELLY UP

8:00PMPOM Wonderful Presents:Greatest Movie Ever Sold F m sc g a i PAEPCkE AUdITorIUM


s m C e c : w o G o p a Go ?HEFNEr LoUNgE