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CASE STUDY: M1 19-16 RCB WORKS This report details the recycling, recovery and reuse elements of the M1 RCB Works 2014/2015 Materials Recycling, Recovery and Reuse

ASE STUDY: M1 1916 R WORKS Recovery and Reuse J16... · R WORKS Recovery and Reuse This report details the recycling, recovery and reuse elements of the M1 RCB Works 2014/2015 Materials

Aug 14, 2020



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Page 1: ASE STUDY: M1 1916 R WORKS Recovery and Reuse J16... · R WORKS Recovery and Reuse This report details the recycling, recovery and reuse elements of the M1 RCB Works 2014/2015 Materials


This report details the recycling, recovery and reuse elements of the M1

RCB Works 2014/2015

Materials Recycling,

Recovery and Reuse

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Contents Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Site Layout Plan ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

The Process ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Soft Material Excavation ............................................................................................................................................... 2

Hard Material Excavation .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Programme of work .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

Excavated Aggregates ................................................................................................................................................... 4

‘Mount Planings’ - Screening ........................................................................................................................................ 5

Carbon Impact & Savings - Haulage .................................................................................................................................. 5

Excavation and Import without processing .................................................................................................................. 5

Excavation and Re-Use with processing ....................................................................................................................... 6

Commercial Savings .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Recovery Volumes ............................................................................................................................................................. 7

Process Flow Diagram ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Images of Works ............................................................................................................................................................... 9

Appendices – Lab Testing, PAK Marker & Materials Compliance Summary .................................................................. 15

Introduction The aim of the M1 Jct 19-16 Project is to facilitate capacity and safety improvements to the M1 Motorway between

Junctions 19-16. The works include the replacement of the existing crash barrier in the central reservation and

replacing it with Slipformed Rigid Concrete Barrier (RCB). The scope of the work includes the following:

Removal of existing central reserve barrier (VRS)

Excavation to formation and treatment/addition of new drainage to the existing drainage system.

Surfacing the central reservation.

Installation of the RCB.

Road Marking (White Lining)

Installation of Interrupter cable.

The project is a joint venture between BAM Nuttall and Morgan Sindall (bmJV) on behalf of the Highways Agency.

The value of the project is £32M, The Works commenced in August 2014 and are planned for completion by July


Storefield Environmental were initially approached by bmJV to discuss the treatment of hazardous and non-

hazardous site won material from the central reserve excavation works between Junctions 18 and 19.

The works would involve Storefield Environmental working in collaboration with the bmJV and obtaining a mobile

plant deployment permit from the Environment Agency, setting up a Materials processing and recycling area at the

M1 works compound immediately adjacent to Junction 18 of the M1(Crick) which is part of the works construction


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During the initial design phase of works the bmJV and Storefield Environmental’ s SHEQ/Materials Compliance &

Project Management teams further assessed the recycling options available for the project. Through proactive

assessments and dynamic project management additional materials which were identified for processing for reuse

including road planings and site won concrete.

Site Layout Plan

The Process

Soft Material Excavation Materials excavated from the central reserve works were short-hauled from the motorway in rigid tipper HGVs to

the compound for processing, a round trip of 4 miles. The excavation was undertaken using traditional 20t & 13t


Processing was undertaken by way of mechanical screener, which would produce three separate products; 0-40mm

fines, 40-75mm aggregate, >75mm oversized materials, each with the possibility of being either reused on site sent

Site Carpark & Offices

Concrete Batching Plant

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for further treatment and recovery at an off-site facility, or when all other treatment methods were exhausted sent

for final disposal.

Chemical and geotechnical analysis of the material on site was carried out prior to commencement of the works, by

way of phase 1 & 2 Ground investigations. Analysis results were reviewed by bmJV and Storefield’s technical teams

to determine likely outputs of processed materials. A material processing strategy was identified, for use with

Storefield’s Mobile Plant Deployment Permit (MPP) application; this was recorded in the MMP2 Supplementary

Information document.

Analysis of materials flow data was undertaken to ensure that the processes to be utilised would be sufficient for the

volume of materials to be imported.

Hard Material Excavation The majority of the hard material to be won from site was from the hard centre reservation and was to be a

combination of Asphalt arising’s and concrete barrier foundations. This was removed using a team of planers

working through the sections of the contract. Prior to removal of the asphalt, an investigation of the pavement

layers was undertaken to confirm the suitability of the material for re-use. Due to the period of time when the

motorway was initially constructed Coal Tar was frequently used within road pavement. There was a possibility that

coal tar could be present within the pavement layers and this possibility needed investigating. The investigation was

in the form of pencil cores taken every 500m initially and then every 50m either side of cores showing the presence

of coal tar to delineate areas of hazardous material. The cores were initially checked by the technical engineer for

materials using PAK maker and then every 10th core was sent to the laboratory to verify the findings of the PAK

marker. Testing was limited to Speciated PAH and TPH analysis, Phenols and cresols by speciated analysis to enable

the laboratory to confirm the presence.

Planing operations were managed to remove the layers suspected of being coal tar and stockpiled separately until

the results of the verification testing had been received.

It was hoped that the planer could be set to a depth and speed that will allow the material to be extracted from the

works to produce a product that could be re-used as it is. Initially this was going to be 6F3 capping and Type 4 sub-

base. It was hoped that by adjusting the settings on the planer (determined during trials) a usable product would be

150 T/hr

Imported Arisings

20 T/hr


126 T/hr


4 T/hr


Warrior 1800


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produced that met the requirements of the MCHW. Although initially successful we found that we could not

maintain a consistent product and that a substantial proportion of oversized material was being encountered. An

element of screening and crushing the oversized was needed to provide a consistent product and prevent non-

conformances. It was decided that it would be more beneficial to the contract to process the material into a Type 1

or 4 Sub-base depending on how the proportions of the feedstock changed.

bmJV’s Materials team reviewed their WRAP Quality Protocol document, which was also reviewed and accepted by

the Client’s site representative (Atkins) and adopted as part of the site specific criteria for aggregate recovery.

In line with both the MPP Deployment and the bmJV WRAP Document, continued chemical and geotechnical analysis

ensured consistency of the end product throughout the project.

Programme of work

Excavated Aggregates Importing of the site won materials began on 2nd December 2014, with the processed products being stockpiled in

the compound ready verified for reuse into the works.

Sampling and testing was carried out on the first batches of products produced to confirm the chemical and

geophysical properties of the materials. These demonstrated that the end product met the site specific guidelines

derived from the MCHW Series 800, while also complying with the WRAP QP requirements.

Reuse and export of processed product commenced on 3rd December, with hydrocarbon contaminated materials

being sent to Arden Brickworks, near Solihull for bioremediation treatment and further recovery or reuse. A total of

161 loads of fines material were sent for treatment and reuse at Arden – diverting materials away from landfill.

40-75mm Aggregate recovered from the on-site screening process was stockpiled for reuse. 16 No. loads of the

recovered aggregate was used by bmJV on site at their compound at Junction 15a which is a satellite compound to

the existing Works construction site. Seven loads were exported to an external site in Bugbrooke for recovery.

Oversized materials (>75mm) were stockpiled and sent away for further recovery at Storefield’s licenced facility in

Corby. To lessen the carbon footprint of this exercise, Lorries used were mainly sourced from Storefield’s own fleet

and subcontractors, which were already working in the Crick area and therefore the load could be taken off site as a

return load. Only nine loads were sent off site to non-hazardous landfill, due to the nature of the material being

predominately soils.


Ling Hall

Junction 18

Compound Gretton

Brook Road

Augean, King’s Cliffe

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Following the first phase excavations and where the design parameters required deeper excavations, the chemical

analysis showed reduced levels of hydrocarbon contamination and a reuse strategy was amended to incorporate the

0-40mm product back into the recovered aggregate for reuse into the Works.

‘Mount Planings’ - Screening bmJV had stockpiled circa 5500M³ of site won road planings in the Crick compound following the segregation and

delineation of potentially coal tar containing materials. Although this met the chemical parameters for reuse it did

not comply with the particle size specifications for Type 4 product.

On 15th December Storefield begun screening the stockpile of site won planings to <40mm. This screened material

was to be tested, sampled and verified for reuse on site as Type 4 fill material. PSD and chemical samples were taken

to ensure compliance with the MCHW Series 800 Site specific criteria. Oversized materials were stockpiled to be

crushed along with site won concrete to produce compliant Type 1 blended aggregate.

Receipt of PSD’s from both the 0-40mm fines product recovered from the site excavated aggregate, and the site won

planings, produced a compliant Type 4 product. Chemical analysis showed all parameters to be within acceptable

limits for reuse on site. The two products were blended, with further testing carried out to confirm compliance both

prior and post placement into the works.

The blended aggregate material was exported into the Works by bmJV for use a Type 1 & Type 4 fill materials. In

total 12’800t of blended Type 4 materials were produced and reused on site from this process.

Tarmac Oversize & Concrete Crushing

Site won mass concrete was imported to the compound from 12th January 2015. A impact and jaw crusher were

brought on to site to produce a 40mm down product incorporating the concrete and oversized tarmac planings

produced during the earlier screening works.

The 40mm down product produced during crushing was again blended with the fines material produced from

screening the excavated aggregates. This product was loaded and exported to be used as Type 1 blended fill on the

central reserve works.

There was a total of 7’260t of Type 1 Blended product that was verified and incorporated into the Works.

Carbon Impact & Savings - Haulage The below tables demonstrate the savings on environmental impact through haulage made during the time on site

that processing was carried out.

Excavation and Import without processing Material No. of

Loads Round trip

(Miles) Total

Mileage Total fuel

Consumption (Litres)

Co² Emissions (tonnes)

Muck away - Export 1029 60.8 62563 33859 89.36

Concrete - Export 85 13 1105 597 5.57

Primary Type 1 – Import – Croft Quarry 1000 65.6 65600 35502 94

Total Mileage

129268 Total CO² 188.93

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Excavation and Re-Use with processing Material/Facility No. of

Loads Round Trip

(Miles) Total

Mileage Total Fuel

Consumption (Litres)

CO² Emissions (tonnes)

Muck Away - Export 1029 4 4116 2228 5.88

Concrete - Export 85 4 340 184 0.46

Type 1 & Type 4 – Recovered to Works 1000 4 4000 2165 5.71

Off Site – Non-Recoverable 132 35 4620 2500 6.59

Total Mileage

13076 Total CO² 18.64

By reducing the amount of material sent to landfill or for offsite treatment the miles accumulated by HGV’s and

therefore the CO² emissions produced as a result of haulage operations, were more than quartered. With the total

CO² emissions produced during the project totalling 18.64 tonnes opposed to 188.93 tonnes. This equates to a

90.14% reduction in the CO² consumed within the haulage element of the works.

Calculation Notes:

Fuel Based on8.4 miles per Gallon of Fuel on average.

CO² based on2.64 Kg CO²/Litres of Fuel used.

The reduction in mileage also has a significant cost reduction in fuel consumption. Using the per litre price of diesel

at £1.20 a litre, without processing and a total mileage of 129’268 miles, the total fuel cost would have been

£155’121. However with the implementation of the processing area, the total fuel cost is £15’691. Representing a

saving of £139’430 on fuel alone.

Total Road Miles Saved = 116’292 Miles

Total Haulage Fuel Saving = £139’430

Total Carbon Saved = 170.29 Tons CO2 = 90.14% Carbon Saving

The above calculations do not take in to account benefits such as reduced wear on local traffic routes, reduced

likelihood of road traffic accidents by minimising road miles or the reduction in congestion on the local traffic routes.

Commercial Savings

The processing and recovery works benefitted the project in a commercial sense, allowing savings to be made

against the allocated costs. Although the final account figures have not been reached it is estimated to have made

savings of circa 55% for the Works.

Adam F. Bunce – bmJV – Project Manager – “ By working closely with Storefield, who are a key member of our sub-

contract supply chain, we have identified, planned and delivered a strategy to re-use site won materials and

incorporate them back into the completed works. By drawing upon on our own internal Material/Environmental

specialists and Storefield’s processing knowledge a significant reduction in the carbon footprint of the scheme has

been achieved in parallel to a financial benefit which through the form of contract will be passed on to our Client the

Highways Agency”

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Recovery Volumes

T4 ‘Fines’




T4 Oversize


3300m3 Type 1 blend for re-use

T4 ‘Fines’


Adtnl import


‘Mount Planings’


5840m3 Type 4 for re-use

670m3 oversized

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Process Flow Diagram Below is a summary of the process that was undertaken throughout the project, it complies with the statutory and

site specific requirements.

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Images of Works

Figure 1 - "Mount Planings" - Pre-Screening

Figure 2 - Screening Planings to produce Type 4 Product

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Figure 3 - Crushing Oversize Planings to grade Type 4 PSD

Figure 4 - Crushing Oversize and Concrete Using Primary Jaw and Impact Crushers

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Figure 5 - Type 4 Product Belt

Figure 6 - Oversize Segregated for Secondary Crushing

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Figure 7 – Compliant Materials being incorporated into the Works

Figure 8 - Trimming of Placed Materials

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Figure 9 - Compaction of the Placed Product

Figure 10 - Compacted Type 1 Blended Product

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Figure 11 - Final RCB Construction

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Appendices – Lab Testing, PAK Marker & Materials Compliance Summary

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HD29 CORE LOG BMJV M1 J19 – J16 RCB Works

Layers Aggregate Comments


No Top Btm Thkn Mat'l Size Type

mm mm mm mm

1 0 45 45 HRA 14 GNT Sound

2 45 110 55 DBM 14 GNT Sound

3 110 150 40 HRA 10 GNT De-bonded from layer 2

4 150 290 140 DBM 14 GNT Sound

5 290 350 60 HRA 28 GNT Sound

6 350 410 60 DBM 14 GNT PAK-Marker indicating Coal tar

Pavement condition:

Key: HRA=Hot Rolled Asphalt; DBM=Dense Bituminous Macadam; GNT=Granite

Project: BMJV M1 J19 – J16 RCB Works

HD29 Lane: Lane 3 DATE: 28/10/2014


Direction: S/B Time: 02:45:00 PM

Chainage: 30000 CORE REF NO: D133

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Page 20: ASE STUDY: M1 1916 R WORKS Recovery and Reuse J16... · R WORKS Recovery and Reuse This report details the recycling, recovery and reuse elements of the M1 RCB Works 2014/2015 Materials

BMJV M1 J19 – J16 RCB Works

Ra Fail Class Type-4 Asphalt Risings - Produced on site Rb

Rc PassOverall Summary Rg

Fl Investigation testing prior to ProcessingThis results summary shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the labora tory Ru

The results presented in this report relate only to the items tested X

100 75-100 43-81 23-66 12-53 6-42 3-32 0-9 CBR Plate BitumenLoading Loading SRD (Ra) (Rc) (Ru) (Rb) (X) (FL) (Rg) Content

Sample No. Date Sampled Supplier / Source Fill Locatio n Chainage Sample Description 80mm 31.5mm 16mm 8mm 4mm 2mm 1 mm 0.063µm M/C Top Base 1 st Cycle 2nd cycle % OMC (%) MDD

(Mg/m 3)

% % % % % cm ³/kg Water Soluble


Oxidisable Sulphide

pH Pass / Fail Remarks

AE039 15/10/2014 Plainnings C Reservation 16500 Asphalt Risings Type-4 88.0 9.9 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE050 22/10/2014 Plainnings North of yard S/P S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 86 66 40 25 17 11 0.4 2.5 61.0 35 2.8 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE051 22/10/2014 Plainnings South of yard S/P S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 88 69 43 28 18 12 0.6 3.3 62.0 40.0 3.7 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE052 22/10/2014 Plainnings West of yard S/P S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 97 79 52 33 23 15 0.9 3.9 61.0 35.0 2.8 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE137 13/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE138 13/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE139 13/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE140 13/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE141 13/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE196 20/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 56 11 2 2 1 1 0.0 1.7 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE197 20/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 85 33 14 7 4 2 0.1 2.6 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE198 20/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 59 19 8 4 3 2 0.1 1.7 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE199 20/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 62 10 2 1 1 1 0.1 1.6 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE214 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 75 67 50 32 21 13 9 1.3 1.7 38.0 37.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE215 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 82 71 46 24 14 9 5 0.6 2.6 70.0 11.0 13.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE216 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 89 78 46 28 17 11 7 1.1 1.7 74.0 15.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE217 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 75 63 37 18 11 8 6 0.5 1.6 92.0 4.7 0.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.8 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE218 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 90 65 42 27 17 12 2.0 60.0 23.0 13.0 4.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE219 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 90 61 38 24 15 10 1.7 2.2 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE220 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 91 86 49 27 17 13 10 2.5 59.0 35.0 5.5 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE221 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 82 60 30 16 9 6 4 0.4 89.0 11.0 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE222 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 84 76 42 20 12 9 6 1.0 89.0 11.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE223 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 100 93 60 38 24 16 11 2.5 63.0 24.0 8.8 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.2 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE224 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 83 65 43 26 17 11 8 1.1 43.0 49.0 3.4 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.6 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 BlendAE225 1/11/2014 Plainnings BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 72 64 47 25 13 7 3 0.8 81.0 9.2 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.1 N/A Investigation testing results Type-4 Blend

140919/3 15/12/2014 Plainnings/Concrete/Fines belt BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Ashalt Risings Type-4 blend 10.0 2.02 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET140918/3 15/12/2014 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Ashalt Risings Type-4 blend 100 95 50 33 21 12 6 0.1 6.0 2.07 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET140918/6 16/12/2014 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Ashalt Risings Type-4 blend 0.11 0.15 11.5 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET140919/6 15/12/12014 Plainnings/Concrete/Fines belt BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Ashalt Risings Type-4 blend 0.14 0.31 9.9 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET

AE264 17/12/2014 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 99 87 62 39 24 14 0.5 6.2 48.0 45.4 PASS Marginal failure on 16mm sieve see Re-Test A269AE269 17/12/2014 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 100 80 42 20 11 6 0.3 6.7 PASS Re-Test for A264

141193/6 5/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 5.5 0.42 0.09 10.8 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET141194/6 5/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office /Storefields S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 97 47 23 14 8 6 0.5 5.9 0.53 0.28 10.9 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET141193/3 5/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete BMJV Site office S/P Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 95 54 27 15 11 7 0.4 7 2.13 PASS Tested by Storefields Via CET

AE273 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete Jct 18-19 Trail area 28868 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 13.6 58.5 PASS CBR Performed on trail area, second cycle was performed far exceeding the minumum 30% CBR valueAE274 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete Jct 18-19 Trail area 28845 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 24.3 53.5 PASS CBR Performed on trail area, second cycle was performed far exceeding the minumum 30% CBR valueAE275 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete Jct 18-19 Trail area 28823 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 33.0 PASS CBR Performed on trail areaAE276 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT 18-19 28868 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 102.0 PASS SRD's Trial area results for submittal to Design teamAE277 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT 18-19 28845 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 97.0 PASS SRD's Trial area results for submittal to Design teamAE278 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 20100 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 95 54 33 22 15 9 0.2 4.9 PASS On site samples for complianceAE280 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 17900 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 96 63 35 21 14 8 0.3 5.9 PASS On site samples for complianceAE281 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 19500 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 96 62 37 21 11 6 0.2 5.7 PASS On site samples for complianceAE282 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT18-19 C/R 25700 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 92 58 31 20 13 8 0.3 4.3 PASS On site samples for complianceAE283 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 29100 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 99 74 48 27 14 8 0.1 7.3 PASS On site samples for complianceAE284 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 15300 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 97 75 45 28 19 12 0.4 4.2 PASS On site samples for complianceAE285 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 17500 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 95 70 45 28 18 12 0.2 4.3 PASS On site samples for complianceAE286 14/1/2015 Plainnings/Concrete JCT16-17 C/R 16500 Asphalt Risings Type-4 Blend 100 98 78 47 28 19 12 0.2 5.4 PASS On site samples for compliance

Average 100 96 67 40 24 15 9 0.2

Key to Constituent Materials

Bituminos materials

Clay masonary units, calcium silicate masonary units and aerated non floating concrete

Concrete, concrete products, mortar and concrete masonary units


Unbound Aggregate, Natural stone and hydraulically bound aggregate

Combined clay, soil and other

Cause 710 0 cm ³/kg


Floating particles