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ASCENDED MASTERS El Morya Healing Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God. He was embodied as the Patriarch Abraham and as King Arthur of the Camelot Sagas. El Morya came originally from Mercury and is a member of the White Brotherhood. He works with Archangel Michael. Connected to the Throat Chakra, Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. He is connected to the Temple of Will Of God. He is working to transform the aggressive human from domination to the will-to-good. He is head of all of the esoteric schools. Helps direct those wishing to achieve self-awareness so that they may learn how to express their deep inner thoughts and feelings. The Master El Morya assists in stimulating those who initially may find some difficulty in realizing the need to accept Spiritual Enlightenment. He also helps in the control of one's willpower and tolerance when life seems difficult. For those of you whose interests lie in astrology and numerology this Master joyfully offers his influence. The Master's extraordinary devotion to God's word and work is a powerful stream that runs throughout his soul's incarnations on earth as he has stood staunch in the role of advocate, teacher, and exemplar before our spirits soaring unto Love. Amora – Ray of Unity In Hinduism unity is one of three divine forces. . In Kabbalah, unity amongst people is a method for achieving spirituality. Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag stated in his article, "Unity of Friends," that “the important thing that stands before you today is the unity of friends. Toil in that more and more, for it can compensate for all the faults.” His son, Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag, also emphasized a method among friends that involved unity to reach the spiritual. In previous generations Kabbalists such as Rav. Abraham Kook argued that the affirmation of God aspires to reveal unity in the world as it is the basis of all spiritual knowledge and one the highest notions which mankind can perceive. In Christian religion the unity has shown as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – the divine three which are always united. In metaphysical terms unity is something that unites, makes whole, complete, brings together, and makes connection.

ASCENDED MASTERS - Sunshine · 2016-06-24 · ASCENDED MASTERS El Morya Healing Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan

Mar 17, 2020



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El Morya Healing

Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Will of God.

He was embodied as the Patriarch Abraham and as King Arthur of the Camelot Sagas. El Morya came

originally from Mercury and is a member of the White Brotherhood. He works with Archangel Michael.

Connected to the Throat Chakra, Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. He

is connected to the Temple of Will Of God.

He is working to transform the aggressive human from domination to the will-to-good. He is head of

all of the esoteric schools.

Helps direct those wishing to achieve self-awareness so that they may learn how to express their deep

inner thoughts and feelings.

The Master El Morya assists in stimulating those who initially may find some difficulty in realizing the

need to accept Spiritual Enlightenment.

He also helps in the control of one's willpower and tolerance when life seems difficult.

For those of you whose interests lie in astrology and numerology this Master joyfully offers his


The Master's extraordinary devotion to God's word and work is a powerful stream that runs

throughout his soul's incarnations on earth as he has stood staunch in the role of advocate, teacher,

and exemplar before our spirits soaring unto Love.

Amora – Ray of Unity

In Hinduism unity is one of three divine forces. .

In Kabbalah, unity amongst people is a method for achieving spirituality. Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag

stated in his article, "Unity of Friends," that “the important thing that stands before you today is the

unity of friends. Toil in that more and more, for it can compensate for all the faults.” His son, Kabbalist

Baruch Ashlag, also emphasized a method among friends that involved unity to reach the spiritual. In

previous generations Kabbalists such as Rav. Abraham Kook argued that the affirmation of God aspires

to reveal unity in the world as it is the basis of all spiritual knowledge and one the highest notions

which mankind can perceive.

In Christian religion the unity has shown as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – the

divine three which are always united.

In metaphysical terms unity is something that unites, makes whole, complete, brings together, and

makes connection.

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Ascended Master Kuthumi

Become permanently linked to Ascended Master Kuthumi, to receive his help when needed.

Kuthumi will help turn your tears of sorrow into tears of joy. Call upon Kuthumi when you are:

sad/depressed/have suicidal thoughts etc.....

Ascended Masters Manual 2005

There are 13 attunements in this system that have been brought to the Earth Plane by Mr Ole


Ole Gabrielsen has channelled many wonderful systems, including Kundalini Reiki, The Orb of Life,

Solar and Lunar empowerments and many others.

Everyone can call on the Ascended Masters at any time, but these 13 attunements will bring the

energy of the Masters much closer to you, allowing them to work in your etheric background.

The Ascended Masters


Sanat Kumara





Kuan Yin


Saint Germain

Master Kuthumi


The Holy Padre Pio

Serapis Bey

Each Master is sent as a separate attunement but they are all done at the same time

Ascended Masters Connection

Ascended Master Connection Link - Hari Winarso Founder The Ascended Masters are Divine Beings

who have usually had lives on Earth at some period in time and therefore understand your Life

problems. They are able to travel easily through the different Upper Levels, as they are composed of

pure energy.

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The Masters may appear to you psychically, mentally or physically as Angels, Human Beings or balls

of golden light. They emanate unconditional love and warmth and are never judgmental,

commanding or demanding. The Ascended Masters will descend from the Higher levels and appear

to you, in order to guide, give Higher knowledge and comfort you. They do not impose their will on

you. They are happy to come to you when asked, to help you in all aspects of your life.

At The Ascended Masters Connection Link, you will learn how to connect with the Ascended Masters

, that is :

* Pallas Athena

* Lady Nada

* Lady Master Lotus

* Lord Ling

* Lady Master Leto

* Allah Gobi

* El Morya Khan

* Hilarion

* Master Rakoczy


Ashtar’s Healing Rays

These are the attunements to the healing rays of Ashtar who is the head of command and stays in

cosmic space near the Earth for help. He is an etheric being of many, many planets, stars and

incarnations. The energy is quite powerful and effective. Starseeds will be particularly drawn to this

system although it is wonderful for all.

Astral Star

This system has 4 attunements/levels; ?Astral Star - the energy removing blocking from a light body,

lighting internal light and coming into internal contact with the astral world?, From Ascended Master

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Kuthumi, a description of the astral star energies. The manual gives instructions, meditations, and

attunement procedures

Atlantis Crystal Elixir


The dimensions are shifting more and more, the ascension of planet Earth in the 5th Level of the

Light is imminent. Therefore, it is of such great importance for the human race to increase and align

their frequencies.

I invite you now to travel with me to ATLANTIS, a journey into reality. There you will, if you are

willing, in a large solemn ceremony, drink from the holy chalice, the Crystal Elexier of Reality. The

Crystal Elexier of Reality is from the highest levels of light. It allows you to wake up from the sleep of

duality and to know the one truth of light.

So it is.

SERAPHIS BAY, also called the Egyptian

Seraphis Bay is also a Member of the Great White Brotherhood.

He is Chohan of the 4th Ray, the white Ray.

Ray of Purity, Discipline and Ascension.

Connection between the pure divine plan and matter.

Associated Gemstone: Diamond

Aura Ganesha Radiance

Ganesha (sometimes called Ganesh) is one of the Hindu religions most popular gods (Vishnu, Shiva,

Brahma and Durga being the other four). He is the Remover of Obstacles, the patron of science and

learning, and the one to invoke when starting a new venture, business or writing project.

Aura Ganesha Radiance is associated with the Root Chakra, the home of procreation, survival and

material well-being. We can use Aura Ganesha Radiance for our home or business to help with

removing ignorance, arrogance, illusions and obstacles. Aura Ganesha Radiance is an amplifier of

energy, healing both body and environment; cleansing the chakras and releasing energy, vitality and

promise of new beginnings.

Aura Ganesha Radiance is an excellent energy for harmonizing and balancing one's environment.

Baal Shem

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A BAAL SHEM is a Master of the name of god, written with the four Hebrew letters.

A BAAL SHEM is someone who knows the pronunciation of the god name, and could vibrate it silently.

BAAL SHEM is a helping spirit. BAAL SHEM TOV is the good spirit that protects against bad spirits.

The spirit sent to initiate the seeker is Elijah the prophet.

Once initiated, the BAAL SHEM is able to work miracles through the knowledge of the name of four

letters, representing the primal sounds used by god to speak to creation. Also you can lay your hands

on others for healing.

BAAL SHEM is especially useful in exorcism, deliver evil spirits out of the living body.

SHOFAR sound of the horm associated with judgment day, invoke the power of god, before whom

Satan oppose cannot stand. Any energy opposing god will it is dismissed.

The BAAL SHEM helps to heal the people and defend them against devil.

Babaji Siri Chand

Baba Siri Chand was a great yogi who is now an ascended master. He is currently being channelled by

Siri-Gian Kaur Khalsa. In listening to one of her audio talks with Baba Siri Chand, he provided a

download of harmonious energy. This attunement taps into that energy so you can share it with


Buddha’s healing

Everyone needs healing in their life at some point be it physically, mentally, emotionally or

spiritually. As a healer myself I am able to self-heal and do so on a daily basis to keep my energy and

vibration levels up, in order for me to heal others. I am just a mere channel for the healing though, as

it is my spirit guides/angels etc that do the real healing.

Let the Buddha help you with this empowerment, giving you all the healing you need on all levels. Let

him lift you in the most loving and caring way, filling you with healing energies in your mind, body and


Cloak of Jesus

What Master Jesus brings forward for greater understanding is that we can turn on or activate His

anointing healing energy in such a way that anyone who touches us or things connected to us can

receive a part of His anointing power and receive healing. Peter understood this and used this, so

much so that people were getting healed even by His shadow. Ascended Master Jesus assures us this

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power too is imparted to us. The purpose of this system is to turn on or activate this ability within us.

This healing and anointing energy is given to us to use twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, to

be on always. Ascended Master Jesus is allowing this as a gift unto us. He imparts us the ability to

activate this powerful miracle rendering energy of healing as Apostles of Light and Healing. What is

given through the energy of this system is the ability to activate or turn on this authority of Ascended

Master Jesus, so that we do not have any time of lacking. This saves us time in our healing practices!

We can go forth in our circle of influence and step forward to proclaim, indeed there is a balm to heal

the wounded souls of this world.

Compassion and Gifts of Goddess Kuan Yin

Compassion and Gifts of Goddess Kuan Yin connect you to the Goddess Kuan Yin. The energies of this

attunement help with compassion and forgiveness, as well as the blessings of abundance. Kuan Yin is

the Goddess of Compassion. She helps with any issues of love, compassion, forgiveness, and

relationships. But Kuan Yin also blessed those who call on her for help with abundance and prosperity.

She will heal your heart, fill your soul with Universal Love and draw to you gifts of abundance. You will

receive distant attunement by chi ball, pdf manual and certificate sent via email.

Diamond of Zapharel

Diamond of Zapharel - Once you have received this attunement, you will be able to call upon Seraphy

Zapharel and his Diamond whenever you need assistance, guidance or simply his presence. The

Diamond is a symbol of purity and can assist in bringing your life to a more balanced and whole state.

Diamond Ray of Quan Yin

Uplifted Queen. It is known as the Goddess of Mercy animating Divine Flame favour and compassions;

stores a flame of Divine Mother for the blessing of people of all worlds. Being the representative of

the Seventh beam in Karmic Board, it radiates qualities of mercy, pardon and compassion to evolutions

of the Earth from the radio temple. Quan Yin held the post Chohan of the Seventh Ray within two

millennia while

Saint Germain has not accepted this post in the end of 1700th years. In Chinese Buddhism, Quan Yin

is a female personification Indian and Tibetan Avalokiteshvara, emanations of Buddha Amitabhi. Quan

Yin rose thousands of years ago. It has accepted a vow to serve the planet Earth until all children of

Light become free.

Wonderful Energetic Connection to Kuan-Yin and Her Great Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Healing


Divine Source

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Medicine Mandala empowerments act as activations for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual

bodies. They work to purify and release you from any less than light energies, filling your Spirit with

Divine White Light and then imprinting the Medicine of the particular Mandala you are being attuned

to. This Medicine is not only within the image itself, it also presents itself in the form of Sacred

Geometry for your spiritual growth and well being. These energies are passed onto you by the

Archangel Raphael, the Divine Healing Angel. His presence is a warm emerald green light that

illuminates and clears your Aura to allow healing and love to flood your light bodies. .

The Divine Source Medicine within this empowerment was created to help one: .

* Allow the energies of Creator, Great Spirit, Father, Mother God into one’s heart.

* Connect to the Divine Source

* Connect with the Ascended Masters & Light Beings

* Open & clear the Crown Chakra

* Find the center of your being

* Be open to receiving Divine Love * Find the sacred in everything and every moment

* Realize that we are all one

El Morya’s shielding empowerment

As a sensitive person you may have absorbed others harsh or negative energies? Let El Morya help to

clear these energies from you, your home or your work place. After clearing yourself ask him to shield

you from further intrusions.

Let El Morya help you with this empowerment, clearing and shielding your energy from others


Excalibur Reiki

In this Excalibur Reiki Master Level Attunement system you will be attuned to the energy of

Excalibur: The Sword of Truth. You will learn how to tap into the archetypal energies of Ascended

Master Merlin and the Lady of the Light to heal and manifest. This is an excellent system for

manifestation as well as clearing away external obstacles to success and happiness. You will also use

the principles of alchemy to create the life you want. Workshop comes with one Attunement,

Manual and Certificate.

This system is designed for existing Reiki practitioners, so it is in you to understand the basics of

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Reiki and how to visualize a Reiki symbol in allowing the flow of Reiki energy. The Excalibur Reiki

energy can be used in the same way that regular Reiki can. You can flow the energy to yourself or

another person through the palms of your hands just as in regular Reiki. The focus of this course,

however, is to show how to use the special qualities of Excalibur Reiki.

The first difference between Excalibur Reiki and regular Reiki is that Excalibur Reiki does not use a

traditional symbol per se.

As the energy rises within and around us, the traditional methods of Reiki will not be utilized in the

same ways

Gajah Mada Ray Energy

Gajah Mada Ray Energy is a perfect vibration that assist to grow strong commitment and courage in

life, bring will of success, passion and strength to pursuing your dreams because it helps you become

motivated and productive.

The energy awakens the inner fire of creativity, it enhance your charisma and makes you very

attractive to other people that can increase your popularity.

It also increase your vitality and stamina.

This energy for grounds spirit forces within the body, draw negativity away from your chakras also

having the ability to control the flow of energy, and assist in balanced connection between the physical

and the spiritual.

Guru Ram Das Miracle Empowerment

Guru Ram Das was one of the Sikh gurus and is considered to be an ascended master and spirit guide

to many. This empowerment is to help with those very difficult problems that need a "miracle." The

energy will help you connect with Guru Ram Das to receive blessings and support. While there is no

guarantee that you will get the resolution that you want, this form of energetic prayer will help create

an outcome that is for the highest good of all concerned. It is best to use this energy daily for 40 days

for a problem, but any and all application is helpful.

Hizbul Autaad Attunements

The prayer rite was handed to us by Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany. He was an eminent Sufi and is

considered to be the saint of all saints. The prayer has many benefits, among which is the formation

of a Magickal shield, protection against danger and calamitiesm prosperity, etc. You are attuned to

Hisbul Autaad and Syaikh Abdul Qadir al-Jailany the saint.

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John the Baptist

Quotes from the Founder, Manuela Marx John, the Baptist appeared to me (Manuela Marx) while I

was dreaming. This happened during the night of May, 1st to May 2nd 2006. John helped me to

remember a symbol which was intended to be used by me to come into, to be and to stay in harmony

with my godly plan on Earth (soul purpose).

Thus, this symbol was a symbol of protection for my soul when coming into contact with other people,

beings or things which might eventually evoke fear within me - brought on by people, beings or things

who don’t ‚live’ their own godly plan/ soul purpose. I knew that everyone who is living his/ her life

purpose can never be a threat to others and existence in general.

John’s symbol brings peace, healing and quenches the mind. When I woke up from the dream - while

drawing the symbol in my mind - I saw how a cloud had formed just above my altar table. I could see

this cloud clearly with open eyes (!) – this kind of shocked me, first. The cloud of light looked like fog

which was moving around IN my room (without noticeable movement of air). This cloud moved

around in an area of approx. 2 x 2 x 2 meters and appeared close to a card depicting John the Baptist,

baptizing Jesus.

Kuan Yin Attunement 1 – 7

These beautiful attunements originally came from Ole Gabrielsen and have since been re-channelled

by Jens Söeborg. As he writes: "the energy gives you a deep connection to the loving and

compassionate heart of Kuan Yin as well in her abilities of magnified healing."

These transmissions also include Tibetan Buddhist initiations in Chenrezig, Green Tara and White Tara.

These attunements are for your spiritual growth and as such it is not a "Reiki system" per se. You will

receive 7 attunements and a brief manual by Jens Söeborg.

All 7 attunements can be received at once or separately at the pacing of your choosing. You will also

receive a certificate with lineage information.

Kuthumi animal healing light

An energy work that is directly given by Master Kuthumi. You can use the energy for the healing of

sick animals,

Master Kuthumi presents us with his energy, a wonderful work for animals.

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He puts us very fond of this work, especially because the animals need our support. In the second

place, but also because it is time for us to afflict us apart on our fears, the animals, to let go of these

fears can finally.

Through this process it is possible for us to connect us with the energy fields of the animals and to

support them with our energy.

Often, the energy flows through the transfer of the animals but also return to us.

Lady Nada

Ascended Lady Master Nada is Chohan of the Sixth Ray, the purple and gold ray, of peace, service and

brotherhood. She tutors souls in mastering these qualities in the solar-plexus chakra, and helps them

prepare to receive the Holy Spirit’s gifts of speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues. In

addition, she is known as the unifier of families and twin flames. The word Nada means the voice of

the silence, and also a receding of the personality into the nothingness, giving way to the Christ Self.

Healing is one of Her actions or services to mankind. She is one Who directs healing to the mankind

of Earth. She uses a Pink Flame for some of Her work. Nada is a member of the Karmic Board and

represents the Third Ray in that body. She has recently assumed the Chohanship for the Sixth Ray for

the time being. Her symbol is a pink rose.

Nada also serves on the Karmic Board—a group of eight ascended masters and cosmic beings who

dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every

soul. Through both these offices in the Great White Brotherhood (chohan and member of the Karmic

Board), she teaches the path of personal Christhood by expressing love through ministration and

service to life.

She assists ministers, missionaries, healers, teachers, psychologists, counselors at law, professional

people, public servants in government as well as those devoted to serving the needs of people in every

branch of human and health services. You will also find her at the side of businessmen and -women,

blue-collar, skilled and unskilled workers, farmers, ranchers, defenders of freedom and revolutionaries

of love in every field.

Assisting Saint Germain in his "great gathering of the elect" who will serve with him in the cause of

world freedom is beloved Nada, Chohan of the Sixth Ray. This Ascended Lady Master also serves on

the Karmic Board as the representative of the Third Ray. Through both offices she teaches Jesus' path

of personal Christhood through ministration and service to life.

In other embodiments, Nada took up the avocation of law and became an expert in the defense of

souls oppressed by the spoilers in the earth. During her meditations upon the Law of God and in the

course of her ministrations in the temple, she perceived the Law "as the certain defense which the

Mother must use to protect her children from the wiles of this world, from the fallen ones who seek

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also to use the Law to their unjust purposes." In her final incarnation 2,700 years ago, Nada was the

youngest of a large family of exceptionally gifted children.

The beloved angel Charity appeared to her at a very early age and taught her how to draw God's love

from the flame in her heart and to radiate it into the Nature kingdom for the blessing of life. The

Archeia of the Third Ray also taught Nada to expand her threefold flame for the quickening of the

chakras of her brothers and sisters, that by a heightened inner awareness they might bless the people

and uplift the culture of the Divine Mother on earth through the arts.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit which Nada administers are those of diverse kinds of tongues and the

interpretation of tongues. These gifts involve the mastery of nuances of vibration in the five secret

rays and their almost infinite combinations with the elements of the seven rays as the qualities of the

Word are released through the petals of the chakras.

As pertains to human, divine, and angelic tongues, these gifts involve the mastery of speech,

communication and the delivery of the Word. They range from the mastery of earth's languages for

the transmission of the Word universally to all to proficiency in the tongues of angels as spoken by

angelic messengers through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

The gifts of tongues also facilitate understanding between peoples and figure in the art of diplomacy

and just plain getting along with your neighbor--the soft answer that turneth away wrath, the bridling

of the tongue that James admonished--comforting a child or the wounded soul or dealing in the power

of the Lord's Spirit with the Devil's railings and possessing demons.

Following in Jesus' footsteps, beloved Nada had assumed the full Chohanship of the Sixth Ray by

December 31, 1959. Nada serves in Jesus' retreat in the etheric octave over Saudi Arabia, where many

disciples of the Lord have received their training directly from his Sacred Heart, face to face, during

the Saviour's two-thousand-year occupancy of that office.

Here in the home of the Prince of Peace Nada instructs and gives exercises in the God-mastery of the

emotions and the quieting of the inordinate passions of the desire body. Using Jesus' mantra "Peace

be still!" she demonstrates the use of the solar plexus for the release of the power of peace through

the seven sacred centers. Here, too, she unveils the mystery of Jesus' saying "He that believeth on me,

out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. " As Nada directs disciples in the application of the

radiant purple-and-gold flame of the Sixth Ray--a key step in the nine steps of precipitation taught by

the Master Alchemist Saint Germain and the priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek (as well as by the

Seven Mighty Elohim and the elemental builders of form) she stresses the path of devotion (bhakti

yoga) through the reestablishment of a personal heart-tie to Jesus. This lovetie, she says, is the key to

"believing on him." And in this case, believing is seeing--seeing just how to put on his consciousness,

to assimilate his Body and his Blood, and to internalize his Word.

Oneness with the Christ of Jesus, chakra by chakra, reinforced through the individual Christ Self, is the

open door to the disciple's instrumentation of that flow of Light from the Great Central Sun by which

sons and daughters of God hold the balance for earth and her evolutions. The flow of Light out of "the

belly," which means through the solar plexus, or place of the Sun, is of spiritual significance:

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Here the belly refers to the womb as the matrix, or place prepared, for the soul's alchemy of bringing

forth the Divine Manchild--the Christ consciousness of the universal age. This realization of the self as

the instrument of the Greater Self with its attendant putting on of the Light of the, Great Central Sun

(the Son of God) leads to the God Self-realization of the Mother seen as the soul who is Woman,

"clothed with the 'Sun.'" By this Sixth Ray alchemy of Christ's love combined with the Ruby Ray action

of the Third Ray--present in the Manchild who has the gifts of the Holy Ghost while he is yet in his

mother's womb--Nada, assisted by her angels and devotees, contributes to the mitigation of world

tension and the astral weight of the mass consciousness. Thus, this path of practicing the presence of

the Lord-pursued by his own who abide in his heart as he abides in theirs--is the Sixth Ray aspect and

action of the transmutation of personal and planetary karma.

Nada is very much involved in the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian-age

family. And she draws her circle of love around homes of Light where father and mother set the

example of the Path and children are tutored in the Law from birth by right standard and right action.

Light of Christ Activation

The Light of Christ Activation is a divine energy, power, that Ascended Master Jesus Christ gives us

which brings life and light to all things. The Light of Christ influences us for good. The energy of this

activation brings comfort to our souls and activates within us the ability to have a deeper love for all

mankind. As a result we will be better teachers, healers, parents, men, woman and children. As the

Light of Christ Activation energy works in and through us we will receive enlightenment, knowledge,

and an uplifting, persevering influence that comes to us as a gift of Ascended Master Jesus.

It will activate the Christ Light within us so that we have a deeper regard for all. This Inner Light

activated will direct us to everything that is good, every Christ like virtue. We will experience greater

mercy, compassion, empathy, courage, faith, love, and other Christ-like virtues, so that we serve like

the stewards Spirit intended us to be. As servants to the Light we will receive enlightenment to

produce inspired things for the blessing and good of all mankind.

We will gain a greater capacity to see and feel things that are invisible to the physical senses. Situations

that are dark and or uncertain will vanish. Our spirit will be cleansed. When we face indecision we will

be inspired to sit quietly and seek guidance. We will wait in the light and ask the Divine to show us our

truth. Our ability to receive and hear Divine guidance will become enhanced. Our guidance will

become clearer.

The goodness, purity, holiness, grace and love that are His characteristics, will fill our hearts and souls!

Lord Kartikeya Protection Shield

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Son of Shiva and Parvati.

Worshipped through various other names also such as Kurnaraswami, Shanmukha,Subrahmanya..

He resurrected the path of virtue by killing Tarakasura and Shurapadma who were harassing the world.

In Bharat, Ganesha is a very popular deity.

The young and the old alike worship him.

Like Ganesha, the other beloved son of Parvati is Kartikeya.

He is a hero who even as a very young boy, became the commander of the army of the angels and

killed wicked Rakshasas (demons) like Taraka.


• Protection from Negative Energies, Witchcraft

• Will clean and Purify your Aura and Chakras

• Help you Achive Spiritual Evolution

Lord Ramatis

The Master Kuthumi and Ramatis, are actually the same source of Consciousness.

Ramatis, is today the Secretary General of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND OF THE TRIANGLE,

which seeks to spread the teachings of Jesus, along with the spiritual tradition of the East, thus

establishing a fruitful exchange between the chains of the Western Spiritual Fraternities Initiation of

the Eastern World, with significant benefit for all Humanity.

Ramatis, like many of us, is derived from the Star System Sirius.

In Atlantis, he was a Priest Aumbandhã, which was an ancient wisdom which he brought from the

System of Sirius, which means Greater Divine Law or the Secret Wisdom, Septenary and Esoteric.

Aumbandhã is an instrument of White Magic used by high priests of the Atlantean Light, in fact, the

White Magicians, composed by the Cosmic Laws and Forces of Nature, to stop the advance of


Lord Ashtar Sheran Protection

The Lord Ashtar is a Ascended Christic Master " and immortal. He belongs to the race of Human Adam

Kadmon or Adamamic and is an emanation of the Ray, or "son" that being known as Lord Sananda and

his divine counterpart or Twin Flame. He is are presentation of that being known as Lord Michael and

his Twin Flame, being formed from the merger combined their Essences and Codes of Light. The Lord

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Ashtar began his journey as the individual that you could be designated as a Devic / Angelic strains of

powers / Heralds - Angels, topped in terms of souls for the Lord Michael and Gabriel respectively.

Thus, the Lord Ashtar comes originally from what could be designated as the Twelfth Kingdom of the

worlds of the heavenly throne of the Supreme Lord, the Highest God.

Luranis High Energy Initiation

This authorization is, by ADAMA chief high priest of the City of Light TELOS, to you personally

performed. He takes you, after you have been prepared by me, on a journey into the City of Light

TELOS, there is then in a solemn ceremony, completed your authorization.

The symbol of salvation LURANIS carries the pure rainbow energy in itself, its origin is from the areas

of El Shaddai. It brings healing to all of your levels, if you allow it. Your DNA is opening up to the fifth

Dimension - the transformation of your entire body begins.

Also, do you wear to the authorization granted by LURANIS, a symbol of salvation in you. You can do

it by thought command to send any sick animals and healing happens as it is appropriate.

Use this in wisdom and unconditional love.

ADAMA is the supreme high priest, the spiritual leader of the sacred Lemurian city of Telos beneath

Mount Light Mount Shasta in California. He is the leader of the Lemurian Council of Light in Telos. He

also is an ambassador and diplomat for Galactic contacts with our star brothers and sisters, on behalf

of humanity within and on the surface of the planet Earth. ADAMA, together with the Lemurian team

besides dealing with questions of creation and maintenance of a highly important crystalline grid

around the planet. He is working on this important project along with many galactic and interplanetary

beings. ADAMA is "Ascended Masters of the blue beam" on a universal level, a master of love and

compassion, and he assisted the humanity and the planet during the ascent project. TELOS has been

on planet earth now a headquarters for the rise and Adama is one of the main leaders, along with the

planetary Christ, Lord Maitreya, Lord Sananda, Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, and many others.

Adama embodies the "Heart of Lemuria" which means nothing less than the heart of love and

compassion, the heart of the Divine Mother, the return of Christ consciousness on this planet in all its

magnificent grandeur. ADAMAS time has now come to the surface that he is known inhabitants of this

planet. His spiritual presence among us - as well as the spiritual presence of our former Lemurian

family - is a great blessing for us all and for this planet. Let us open our hearts to Adama and the

members of our Lemurian family who stand by us on our evolutionary path and wait for the coming

period and to come back physically with us.

This authorization makes use of ADAMA, chief high priest of the City of Light TELOS, carried out

personally to you. He takes you, after you have been prepared by me, on a journey into the City of

Light TELOS, there is then in a solemn ceremony, completed your authorization.

The symbol of salvation LURANIS carries the pure rainbow energy in itself, it has its origin in the highest

areas of light. It brings healing on all your levels, if you allow it. Your DNA is opening up to the fifth

Dimension, the transformation of your entire body begins. You are by this authority in a position other

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divine beings in the frequency of the 5th Dimension to anchor immediately. You are entitled to pass

on this authority to others. Use of this unconditional love and in wisdom.

Mahatma Ascension & Enlightenment Empowerment

The Mahatma Ascension & Enlightenment Empowerment helps with: Ascension Work, Contacting

the Mahatma energy and the holy masters / ascended masters, Holding more Light into ones’ energy

system, body, mind, cells and DNA, Empowers Meditation and Visualization, Boosts Healing Energy

and One’s Healing Power, Speeds up the Path to Enlightenment and, Helps the Self become One

with All That Is/God/ the Source.

Brings many blessings and positive energies, protection, guidance, light, joy, peace and love into

one’s body, mind, spirit and everyday life.

Mahatma Avatar de Synthesis

The Mahatma Energy - the Avatar of Synthesis is the grid of SOURCE . BEING all of you is the link

between you and the Source. Only the Mahatma Energy - the Avatar of Synthesis, acts directly in your


Now that the planet Earth in the matching energy is fundamental, it is possible that high energy in the

vibration of the modern age, to receive in full measure.

Due to their high frequency, it helps you, your own frequency on the source of all being aligned, what

your personal ascension process support.

In this high-energy activation, also decodes are in your completed light body and connect to your

manufactured Mahatma champion, and it is suitable for you.

Mahatma God’s Grid

Pre-requisite: Mahatma- Avatar of Synthesis Mahatma's field is the highest frequency of the modern

era, included are aspects of the Divine Thought Field. In this high-energy activation you will be

connected to the Grid of God. Highest frequencies are infused in your soul, and it is suitable for you. All

your energy bodies will be realigned to the Divine Thought Field and your cellular memories that no

longer serve you will be removed. You will know who you really are and what your earth mission truly


Maitreya Light initiation

Maitreya is an Ascended Master - a highly evolved spiritual being - who is in charge of the Office of

Christ. The Office of Christ consists of many thousands of Ascended Masters (including Jesus,

Mohammed, Gautama the Buddha, and Mother Mary). These Ascended Masters are also known as

the White Brotherhood or Brotherhood of Light.

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Maitreya was in charge of the Office of Christ when the Christ Energy was channelled through Jesus

some 2000 years ago.

Feel deep peace with the loving presence of Lord Maitreya, the head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Take

for calming before sleep or in times of stress. Encourages feelings of trust and well-being.

Maitreya’s Education and Inspiration

Maitreya is not a religious leader but an educator in the broadest sense. He is here to inspire us to

create a new era based on sharing and justice so that all may have the basic necessities of life: food,

shelter, health care and education. Maitreya the world teacher has not come alone but with a group

of wise teachers who have long guided humanity from behind the scenes. They are returning to the

everyday world to help us solve our most critical global problems.

His open mission in the world is about to begin as Maitreya himself has said, “Soon now, very soon,

you will see my face and hear my words”.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Intercession

Our Lady of Guadalupe Abundance & Protection Intercession Empowerment Intercession is the act of

intervening. Intervention is mediation between two parties – pleading on behalf of another. Our Lady

of Guadalupe bestows miracles by motherly intercession on your behalf. She is a direct connection to

God or the Divine Source. Our Lady of Guadalupe will assist anyone of any religious background. She

will also assist if you do not believe at all, all you have to do is call on her! This empowerment will

bring miracles into your life!

The Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe shows her standing on a crescent, her garments are held up by

the arms of an angel; her eyes are looking down with an expression of compassion and humility. She

is standing within a brilliant halo as bright as the sun.

There are stars on her mantle and a moon at her feet. Her original image imprint still hangs in the

Bastilca of Mexico.

Read her amazing store and let her begin bringing miracles into your life.

Planetary Rays

Prior to 1960, this planet for the last 3.1 billion years basically dealt with the seven major rays. These

seven rays are:

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1. First ray: power, will and purpose (red)

2. Second ray: love/wisdom (blue)

3. Third ray: active or creative intelligence (yellow)

4. Fourth ray: harmony (emerald green)

5. Fifth ray: concrete science (orange)

6. Sixth ray: abstract idealism and devotion (indigo)

7. Seventh ray: ceremonial order and magic (violet)

Then in approximately 1970 a most extraordinary event occurred on this planet.

There was a special dispensation to this planet of five new rays. These five new rays are:

8. Eighth ray: higher cleansing ray (seafoam green)

9. Ninth ray: joy, attracting the body of light (blue-green)

10. Tenth ray: anchoring of the body of light, inviting soul merge (pearlescent)

11. Eleventh ray: bridge to the new age (pink-orange)

12. Twelfth ray: anchoring of the new age and the Christ consciousness (gold)

The twelve rays are the twelve planetary rays that exist on this planet. Each is a stepped-down

version of the original cosmic rays at the Creator levels. This does not mean they are not powerful,

on the contrary they are perfectly powerful for all of us here on Earth. Each human being is created

from many of these rays, which give us o ur attributes. Each of us are stronger in some rays and

weaker in others. That is why it is important to call on the rays to balance oneself.

If you want personal power, call on the red ray. If you want cleansing, call on the eighth ray. If you

are doing scientific work, call on the fifth ray. If you want devotion, call on the sixth ray. If you want

transmutation, call on the seventh ray. If you want pure Christ consciousness, call on the twelfth ray.

If you want to attract your body of light, call on the ninth ray.

The Ascended Masters have worked with mankind throughout the centuries. Most of the time in the

past the Ascended Masters have worked in the background. Each of the Ascended Master is Chohan

or Master of a particular ray.

Rainbow Transformation

The energy of SANAT KUMARA will free you from "earthly existence".

One who can recognize the divine in earthly existence will admit that the meaning of life is spiritually

and not material. He will understand himself as a divine being in this earthly life.

He will be happy and pleased and live gladly on the planet earth.

Life becomes a dance, full joy of for our existence.

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Sanat Kumara energy heals the battle with the duality and connects the opposite poles/energies of

your body.

The energies are strengthened and the connection between higher self and earthly consciousness,

between cosmic and earthly energy, between our feminine and masculine side and between higher

consciousness and the physical body balanced and made whole.

It helps to bring you peace in the material.

The energy of SANAT KUMARA opens the access to higher consciousness and the planes that will give

you great insight to life!

The ascended master SANAT KUMARA helps you:

1. Enhance your psychic abilities to go higher,

2. To be more divinely conscious.

3. To live with joy on the planet earth.

4. To realize your abilities and your potential in the earthly world.

Responsive Nadi Renewal

Responsive brings to you the cleansing energy of Quan Yin's Lavender Rose Flame Reiki and the

fulfilling energies of Shamballa Multi-Dimensional or higher energy. You will also be granted the Lotus

Jewel of Freedom whose dispensation is sovereignty.

There are many benefits to having your nadi subtle energy pathways opened.

in order to keep the energy flowing smoothly. This manual is designed to educate you on what type

of energies will be working with you and what your responsibilities are when you activate Responsive

Nadi Renewal.

The function of this cleansing renewal is to clear away any blockages or less than pure, or dense energy

from your body and Lightbody and then to refill those pathways with the most exalted energy.

Risen Empowerment

The Risen Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus. Within the energies

of this system Jesus and the Divine lend us something incredible, the amazing power of the Divine to

rise above anything that blocks our path of purpose. This empowerments designed to help us to start

challenging ourselves so that we are no longer stuck in ruts, going in the wrong direction and or settling

fora mundane life. The energy of this form will lovingly force us to grow, giving our self-esteem a huge

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boost and helping us to see ourselves in a new light. No matter what type of goal we have in mind for

ourselves we will be given the needed energy to undertake any challenges so that we achieve our

hearts desire as soon as possible. We will be inspired to take the actions needed to achieve our goal(s).

We will unlock our potential as a result of working with this energy. During the process we will

establish clearer vision so that we can see clearly where we desire to be. Any block that keeps us from

seeing clearly will be removed.

Ascended Master Jesus, “Dearest ones, know in your heart that you have a positive future and choose

to see this in your mind’s eye. As you visualize the future you desire, you will be able to choose the

decisions needed to help you rise above where you are now and get you to where you want to be –

to create the positive future you desire.”

Sacred Geometry Reiki

Sacred Geometry Reiki is a set of spiritual development Attunements & a healing course.

The symbols are based on the spiritual language of Sacred Geometry. The square circle triangle for

example have been used throughout history, the evidence is all around us, in nature & the design of

buildings and sacred places.

The Ancients believed that sacred geometry was vital to the education & development of the soul.

This is a unique opportunity to receive the attunements and energy to spiritual geometry. These

symbols create a link to a 'new' combination of healing energies.

This healing technique uses Universal life force energy. You will enhance your intuition and begin to

unearth your own natural healing ability.

Saint Cyprian

Saint Cyprian was born around the year 210 in the north of Africa. He was one of the first catholic

priests of that time.

But he was dedicated to magical practices the years before being ordered high priest. He knew

about white and black magic and wrote a book called “The Grinomium” which includes rites of

esoteric magic of those times.

This empowerment protection rite was handed to us by Saint Cyprian. He was a martyr and is

considered to be the saint for protection and love spells. Benefits, among which is the formation of a

magical shield, protection against danger and calamities, love relationships.

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus to

direct us to His loving heart so that we become familiar with the inner life of the Master and embody

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His virtues and sentiments. It will assist us in identifying with His Master’s heart, the seat of love which

love All without condition or reservation. During the empowerment we will feel Ascended Master

Jesus’ presence ever so sweetly as He imprints His Love on our Hearts bringing us peace, unity,

oneness, refuge, comfort, calmness, blessings, abundance, and mercy.

Ascended Master Jesus, “Beloved friends, Please feel my presence, my very essence. Know that I love

you unconditionally and my love is freely given unto you. We are all One. We are all connected. As you

seek me know that I will come unto you.”

The empowerment energy will enter into our heart and open, cleanse, and heal any wounded aspect

of our hearts so that we are open to the energy of giving and receiving love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Empowerment connects us with the loving Heart of Jesus so that his love shines forth and reflects in

our inner and outer life, so that our words and actions reflect His love and manifest in us and in our

life. We will have a ‘new heart’, faithful to unconditional love, as the Heart of Ascended Master Jesus

will activate within us.

As a result we become infinitely loving and lovable. It is from the source of His energy, love and heart

that we will attain great reserves of meekness and forgiveness necessary to heal the bitter conflicts

that have bloodied our hearts. We are able to embody the merciful heart of Ascended Master Jesus.

Having a new and merciful heart, a heart like the Master’s heart, we will implore for mercy and peace

with All – the whole world.

Ascended Master Jesus, “Dearest Ones, Develop a true passion for the welfare of your fellows all over

the world remembering that Universal love is your earthly work.”

Our love for All, including our fellows, the Divine, Ascended Master Jesus, All living things, will be

magnified greatly. With the most powerful strength of the Sacred Heart of Jesus we will feel the

presence of Ascended Master Jesus rescuing us from wounds deeply imbedded within our hearts. Any

sorrows held within our heart will be lifted from us so that we no longer suffer.

The loving kindness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment’s energy will cleanse our sorrows and

sufferings so that we are stronger, wiser and living in the peace, love and happiness that is ours by

Divine right. Our hearts will be aflame with Divine Love in such a way that no circumstance could

extinguish this Light within our hearts. The Divine love will continue to burn no matter what we

experience. The Empowerment carries a potent energy – the omnipotent power of Divine Love. Any

thorns that have been embedded within causing wounding from the past in this lifetime and others

will be healed.

Saint Teresa Healing Currents

Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment is given unto us as a gift from Ascended Master Jesus to

direct us to His loving heart so that we become familiar with the inner life of the Master and embody

His virtues and sentiments. It will assist us in identifying with His Master’s heart, the seat of love which

love All without condition or reservation. During the empowerment we will feel Ascended Master

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Jesus’ presence ever so sweetly as He imprints His Love on our Hearts bringing us peace, unity,

oneness, refuge,comfort, calmness, blessings, abundance, and mercy. The empowerment energy will

enter into our heart and open, cleanse, and heal any wounded aspect of our hearts so that we are

open to the energy of giving and receiving love. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Empowerment connects us

with the loving Heart of Jesus so that his love shines forth and reflects in our inner and outer life, so

that our words and actions reflect His love and manifest in us and in our life. We will have a ‘new

heart’, faithful to unconditional love, as the Heart of Ascended Master Jesus will activate within us.

Sanat Kumara

The Kumaras

To control and aid the evoloution on the Planet Earth the Seven Holy Kumaras were sent here in the

time of the Lemurian root race. In over millions of years they have given much of Their Light, Love,

and Life to assist in the forward evolution of Earth. Their Flames are intricately woven, at every level,

into the very structure of our being. Up until now, most have only heard of one of the Holy Kumaras,

Sanat Kumara, who according to the Japanese legend came from Venus and landed on Mt. Kurama

(note the anagram), but there are seven and each of them also has a female


The seven Kumaras are:

· Sanatka Kumara- First Ray, Blue Flame, Will of God

· Sananda Kumara - Second Ray, Yellow Flame, Wisdom of God

· Sanatana Kumara - Third Ray, Pink Flame, Love of God

· Sujata Kumara - Fourth Ray, White Flame, Purity of God

· Kapila Kumara - Fifth Ray, Green Flame, Science of God

· Sanna Kumara - Sixth Ray, Red Flame, Peace of God

· Sanat Kumara - Seventh Ray, Violet Flame, Freedom of God


In the Yoga tradition shaktipat (descent of Grace) is the infusion of energy

from the spiritual master to the seeker. It brings about the

awakening of the seeker's own inherent spiritual power, called kundalini.

This transference of energy from the master is an initiation that activates an inner enfoldment of

awareness that leads to progressively higher states of consciousness. You can envision this energy as

one candle lighting another candle – the Master projects a current of Divine Power (Shakti) into your

subtle body. This in turn releases your inner prana (life force). This transference does not take any

effort at all; your only duty is to surrender, the Shaktipat is spontaneous. The manifestation of Shakti

is solely the work of the Divine power (Shakti) Itself.

To practice this type of shakti means that you must simply allow the Divine power the opportunity to

perform the action by Itself.

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Ascended Master Kuthumi will be your Guru or Master in the Shaktipat Initiation.

Star of Zapharel

Strength Movers of the Light

The Strength Movers of the Light Divine Energy System will attune you to the functions and action

sets that are associated with these Light Beings. They will also give you the Empowerments to the

Strength Movers of the Light themselves and the Light Attendants who are associated with them.

Their names may be printed on cards, to make a deck of cards that may assist you to determine

which of the Strength Movers of the Light want to respond to your question or intention at this time.

This makes it easier to be unattached to the outcome of our question or our conscious mind’s

expectation or who of the Strength Movers of the Light are best suited to assist you right now.

The Strength Movers of the Light are a group of Light Beings, many of whom you already work with

by other names. They come together under the name of Strength Movers of the Light to bring you

specific attributes, access and actions that you may otherwise have difficulty identifying and setting

into motion for your life intentions.

They are Ascended Masters, Ancient Ones, Shining Ones, Archangels, Nature Spirits and others of

Divine Lineages which prefer to remain in mystery in respect of the name by which they are normally

known. These energies are aligned with Divine Law and Will. This means that if anyone attempts to

use them for other than the Highest Divine Good they will simply be inactive and not carry out that

part of your intention.

The Saint Germain Cross of Malta Initiation

The Comte de Saint Germain was a devoted alchemist, believed in the universal medicine and

conducted studies on animal magnetism.

His pacifists’ attempts facilitated his contact with monarchs in Europe.

At the French court, the Count Saint Germain appeared to prevent Marie Antoinette wife of King Louis

XVI of sudden onset of the French Revolution.

The true mission of Saint Germain was to assist in the progress of science, humanity forward to

dogmatic religion and encourage the general development.

Saint Germain is being responsible for the Earth in the New Age.

The Saints Level 1

The Saint Initiations has been designed to bring forward the energies THE SAINTS.These initiations

are designed to guide you and aid you when working with the eneriges of the saints.

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A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that

saint's intercessory prayers to God. Each of the saints that are listed within the manual will help you

with different areas of your Life.

Through this system you will be attuned to the energies of 10 saints . Each saint will gently connect

with you through your initiation.

The Saints you will be attuned to are:

~ St. John of God

~ St. Peregrine

~ St. Dymphna

~ St. Anne

~ St. Padre Pio

~ St. Francis of Assisi

~ St. Joan or Arc

~ St. Christopher

~ St. Lucy

~ St Apollonia

St Germain’s Violet Flame

The conscious use of the violet flame is the only means that life has provided, by which all of us can

free ourselves from our own discord and imperfection. This means to call to the, “Mighty I am

presence”, and to produce the violet flame and visualize/feel the flame passing through your body

and around it. This is the way we become free of our limitations. Eternal law is that all must purify

themselves by daily use of the violet consuming flame. It is not possible for anyone to do this for you

as you create your own imperfections. As you created them, you must purify them until all in you

manifests perfection, then you will be free.

Touch of Jesus Activation

This is the way that Ascended Master Jesus affects us by His touch. Through this Activation System

Ascended Master Teacher Jesus gives us the gift of His healing touch so that we too can be healed by

his presence and receive wholeness. There are six activations within this system.

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The Activations

Cleansing Touch Activation will clear our physical, spiritual and mental bodies. This will remove, clear

and cleanse any disempowering beliefs, shock, trauma, negative forces, toxins, disease, negative

energy, other-dimensional intrusions, entities, evil or possessing spirits and any other less than love

energies within our bodies.

Quieting TouchActivation brings us peace. The energy will cleanse and still our minds andhearts so

that we can relax and also experience relief from any sleeping disorder or issue. Whatever concerns

we have will leave us. Concentration and memory will improve. The energy will be like a calming balm

that washes over us so that we know all is truly well.

Illuminating Touch Activation will bring new light, love, awareness, faith, power, and connection to

Ascended Master Jesus and the Divine. It will renew our spirits, bring light to what appears dark and

uncertain, and illuminate the right paths for us. Our ability to discern what is right for ourselves and

for others in our lives will be raised so that we are making decisions that empower us and enhance

our lives and the lives of those whom we love. We will receive higher knowledge and enlightenment

at an accelerated rate as a result of this activation.

Reassuring Touch Activation will bring us the energy of Ascended Master Jesus’ reassuring love and

touch. It will bring us calmness and peace no matter what storms are raging in our lives.

We will know true peace, serenity, tranquillity and agape love. The energy will wrap us in a blanket of

love from Master Jesus so that we experience reassurance in our hearts, minds and spirits that no

matter what happens around us we are safe and secure with his love, light, protection and shield upon


Liberating Touch Activationbrings Ascended Master Jesus’ energy of miraculous healing as well as

theconfidence and knowledge that we are counted as precious in the eyes of theDivine. This will allow

us to receive greater wisdom and to speak about and actin faith in the wisdom we receive from Above.

Fear and doubt in our ability toreceive Divine inspiration, intuitive thoughts and feelings will leave us.

Fearabout speaking our truth will leave us. Fear of rejection and the need forapproval from others will

leave us. We will be able to trust in, act on and speak truth.

Healing Touch Activation is used to help us to activate and tap into the energy of Ascended Master

Jesus’healing power. The energy of this activation will touch every part of our lives, spiritually,

emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Through this activation our brokenlives are made whole again. We will experience release from any

physicalsuffering, inner healing, restoration of the spiritual bond between the Divineand us, so that

we are made whole again on all levels.

Truth Ray Infusion

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Ascended Master Hilarion, beloved Archangel Raphael, and Archeia Mother Mary, all of the Fifth Ray,

offer the world a stunning new enormously potent attunement known as the Truth Ray Infusion.

The Truth Ray Infusion deals solely with an individual's emotional well-being.

Specifically, then, The Truth Ray tm Infusion from Hilarion, Raphael, and Mother Mary is directly

associated with Divine emotional healing.

The three feel they could be of untold comfort and support to humans. That's what this loving,

beautifully magnificent infusion is all about.

Universal Rays

The universal rays are a series of seven attunements that correspond to the chakra system. Each ray

is brought forth by an ascended master who serves as a guardian of the higher lesson of that realm.

These rays are not a system of religion, nor are they a healing system like Reiki. While we utilize the

chakras and aura, it is not chakra or aura therapy. Instead the rays serve as a self-transformational

series which when completed will propel the client further along his or her spiritual path. There are

no pre-requisites to receiving the rays. The goal of the series is to connect all individuals worldwide to

unite to the Greater good of the Universe, to share openly to all who wish to receive these initiations,

and to see how we are all One.

Universal Spiritual Harmony

This Universal Spiritual Harmony will attune you to the sum of being important spiritual symbols of

universal harmony from a range of different cultural backgrounds. Each has an excellent and

wonderful energy who can help you in your life. You will be attuned to: Ganesh Fairy Quan Yin Aum

Angel Unicorn Yin Yang Green Tara White Dove Medicine Buddha.

Violet Lights of Buddha

The Violet Lights of Buddha is an energy system which uses Buddha mantras which are applied

during meditation to help strengthen your connection to Buddha as well as his violet light energy.

This energy is used to bring a feeling of happiness, freedom, peacefulness and kindness to the

practitioner. All of these feelings are very important to someones spiritual growth and ultimate


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White Brotherhood

This energy is used to align your body, to prepare for the Ascension, this high-frequency energy is a

gift for you from the spiritual world, and you’re growing every day with it. Your vibration will rise at a

rate suitable for you.

The energy of this system is composed of many of the Ascended Masters Energies. Among them are:

Sanat Kumara, Maitreya, Sananda, Kuthumi, El Morya, Conscious, Rowena, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady

Nada, St. Germain, Maha Cohan.