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Cj;i' r^. ROBERT L. QUINN COMMISSIONER OF SAFETY g>tatc ofjBteii) 1|anip0!)ire DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY JAMES H. HAYES BLD,G.,33 HAZEN DR. CONGORD. N.H. 03305 (603)271-2791 March 22. 2021 His Excellency, Governor Christopher T. Suniihu and the.Honorable Council State House Concord, New Hampshire 03301 ReQuestcd Action. RFY 2021 .S9,999;75 Pursuant to RSA 21-P:43, the Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) fc"raloHza.ion g™raE«.n,=„r wi,h .h= Tow. of Ambers, (y^G//II735.-B hazard mitigation plan for a total amount of S9,999:75. Effective upon .Opyernor and Cpuncil approval through April 1, 2022. Funding source: 100% Federal Funds; available in the.SFY 2021 operating budget as follows:^ 02-23-23-236010r43930000 Dept. of Safety-Homeland,Sec-EmcrrMgmt--Pre-pisasicr-Mitigati6n 072-500574 Grants to.Local Goy't - Federal Activity Code: 23PDM18 4393 Exnlanattoh Thi^grant provides the funding for the Townof Amherst;tp update thdr local hazard mitigation pljih;.W funded from the Pre-Disaster Miligatiori Grant Prpgrafn.CPDM). which was awarded io the Department of Safety Div.s on of Homeiand Security, and Emergency Management (HSEM) from the Federal Emergency M^agement Agency (FEMA) The. PDM . grant, program, provides funding to subrccipients for cost-effective hazard mitigaliort activities tharcort^pl^ent a comprehensive mitigation program. .FEMA providcsTDM funds to states:ihgt...n Wprovide or. variety of miligation actWitics. such as planningmnd the Implemchtatipn of projects identified thropgh the eyalu.aiipn of natural hazards. The, Pre-Disaslcr Mitigation grant program is'75% federally fbnded by the Federal ;Eni^rgency N^nag^^^^ 25%-|nalch Tetjuirement:5 the subrecipient acknowledges,their as part of Exhibit A and Brio their grant agreement. Thcrc,.art ho Ge.cral Foods required will, this reques., In # event: Iho, PDM. ftuds become ho,lo,iger avajiablei.General Funds and/or Highway Funds will not be requesiedrip support this program. Respectfully sub Rcibert L. Quihn Commissioneripf Safety

as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Jul 27, 2022



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Page 1: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Cj;i' r^.



g>tatc ofjBteii) 1|anip0!)ire




March 22. 2021

His Excellency, Governor Christopher T. Suniihuand the.Honorable CouncilState House

Concord, New Hampshire 03301

ReQuestcd Action.

RFY 2021


Pursuant to RSA 21-P:43, the Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM)fc"raloHza.ion g™raE«.n,=„r wi,h .h= Tow. of Ambers, (y^G//II735.-Bhazard mitigation plan for a total amount of S9,999:75. Effective upon .Opyernor and Cpuncil approval through April 1, 2022.Funding source: 100% Federal Funds; available in the.SFY 2021 operating budget as follows:^

02-23-23-236010r43930000 Dept. of Safety-Homeland,Sec-EmcrrMgmt--Pre-pisasicr-Mitigati6n072-500574 Grants to.Local Goy't - FederalActivity Code: 23PDM18 4393


Thi^grant provides the funding for the Townof Amherst;tp update thdr local hazard mitigation pljih;.Wfunded from the Pre-Disaster Miligatiori Grant Prpgrafn.CPDM). which was awarded io the Department of Safety Div.s on ofHomeiand Security, and Emergency Management (HSEM) from the Federal Emergency M^agement Agency (FEMA) The.PDM . grant, program, provides funding to subrccipients for cost-effective hazard mitigaliort activities tharcort^pl^ent acomprehensive mitigation program. .FEMA providcsTDM funds to states:ihgt...n Wprovide or.variety of miligation actWitics. such as planningmnd the Implemchtatipn of projects identified thropgh the eyalu.aiipn of naturalhazards.

The, Pre-Disaslcr Mitigation grant program is'75% federally fbnded by the Federal ;Eni^rgency N^nag^^^^25%-|nalch Tetjuirement:5 the subrecipient acknowledges,their as part of ExhibitA and Brio their grant agreement.

Thcrc,.art ho Ge.cral Foods required will, this reques., In # event: Iho, PDM. ftuds become ho,lo,iger avajiablei.GeneralFunds and/or Highway Funds will not be requesiedrip support this program.

Respectfully sub

Rcibert L. QuihnCommissioneripf Safety

Page 2: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


The State of New Hampshire and the Subrecipiont herebyMutually agree as follows:GENERAL PROVISIONS

1. IdestificatioQ and Deflnitloits.

1.1. State Agency. NioseNH of Safety. Hemdand'8teiu1iy7a^ Baicrfeacy Maaagcment

] J. SobrcciplditNimeTewa ef Amhcrst (VOI1773S1-BOC3)

1.2. State Agency Addrcu33 Hasea Drive

Concord, NH 0330S

1.4. Subrcdplent Td. ̂/Address M3473-8339PC Bex MO, AmbersL NH 03031

1^ ̂cctive PMetl/pon State'Apprevd

Account Number


1.7. CoiBplctiMi DateApril 1,2033

Meghan1.9. Gra^Ofl!cwfiBr.Stete Agency

1.8. Grant limitBtionS9,»99.75

I.IO. State Agency Tdephone Number603-223>4395

*By dfatag tUa forni we cerlBy (hat we havo.ceepllad wM aay pebUe aeetlai roquirorat Cor acaptaace ofihkamat, tededtea tf aoeaeabli MA 31 t»h."

iuimSub IS

1.11. S leut Sigoirture I l.U. Name ft Title of Subrcclpieot SlgnOr 1(srsn. ijoM^ rt^Lec r»^'\A/Name ft Tide of Subrcdpieat Sipwr 2

dpltestlto^tnrc: Nam ATtde of SibredpleBl Sipwr 3

£e/n:/&>en1.13. AckttowlMlgnient: Stete ofNew Hamptbire,Coun^of ,on/ ' / fbefbn'tbe.uodenign^.ofliccr, personally appeared theperion identified ia block 1.12;,.known, to me (or satbfactorBy proven) to be the person whoK name Is signed in Mock J.l I., andacknowledged that bc/sbe executed tbb document in the npadty Indicated In block 1.12.

liUiL'iSlpatnre of Notary Pnbfic orinsttec of the Peace(5^

1;!34> 'NOMft lltte oTJ^OIIi^^ or Jntdoe of thO Peace amiiem

l.lftl Siete



l;l Appro

by Governroval17 an

1.15. N aroe ft Title of State Agency S^Dor(i)


Attorney Gteicral (Form, SoAstaiiee and Excctdion) (if G ft C a^roval rcqolrcd)

' ihisistant Atto^

Duncil (if applicable)

By: On: / /

1 SCpPB OP WORKis'lTeiAttiae'fef Bi^ fWnda PTBvfalod bv tho State ofNcw Htmcihlre. aoUhK Qaough tlw Aieencyidcndlietf lo' blodt 1;i (boriliM^'rcfW^ to n *^0 Stxto"), ptxvutnt to RSA21-P:36, tbeSubrodpIeat ideotined in block1.3 (hereinafter rdc^ SidsreclpieBt'O. shril perform (hit work Identified end more petdcultfly deicribcd hi thescope of work attached hereto u'BipiTBTt A (the scope of viork heing himtnsfter referred to u "the Project^.

Sabrech^iest laitiib: l.l 2.1 3.JPage 1 of6

Page 3: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

AftFA CQVF-WPD Exc«pl m oCliciVi>l(e ipccillcuily piovided for herein, ihuSulvtfciplcnl shell pcri'nrm the Ptnjcci in, eorl wilhitipcdiw. Ilio Slile of NowHtitipshkc 9.1.

4. l-||:it^'|*IVUm'rit3t:OMI'ltfl1t1N 111=Tnk Aip'Ot^nl. ud rf obilKilinits nf Itc pertnu hca-vndcr, shell bocniioeffective Oft Ihe due of ipprovel of Ihis A^eeiiient by the Ouvernrr rikICtxKicU of Ihe Sitte nf New HeRtpthire if rc<|uircd (Mock t.I7|, of upon 9J.•lettluro by (bc^tsie Agettcyiudirtwn In block I.l4("tiie vnculivv<Mo">^

d.2. gxcept u oUterwiM ipecifictny pnivided hcreiiv ihe rcojecl, iitclsdins el 9.4.leports re((uircd by Ihh Aipvcmcnt. tlutt bo comfdctcd in id entirely prku loihe dele Inbtoek 1.7 (hcrelniner referred lo ae''OieCotnplelkmDate")

5. tWAyr -AMttUWT:. l.lMir.VcmN tlN ^AMtlllNf- VMtill'tlt-HS:5.1. gAVMENT. 9.5.

T1« Grent Amount n Idenlilied mcl mnre pnitlcnifrly detcnbcd h LXHIDIT5.2. B.etiachcd boiTto.

5.3. TIte oiimner of, end teliediilc of peyniciil sIiaU be n set I'oftl) In CXMIBlT D. 10.In lecordunou wllh the provfsioni .tol forlh in EXHIBIT R, end in cnnaidcmiianoftbe eeibfactory pcrfoiinBiKa of Ute rrujcci, us dvlennineil by (he SiMe, endAS limiled by subpsngraph S.i of these general provisions, the !»ltte .titsll peyIhe Subreei^uartliu Oreni AniounL The Stole shell withhold frntn llic emourttotherwise poyahfe to Ihe Suhrecipient under this subponignph 5.3 those ttitts

5.4. required or pctmiiled, to be wlihlicl(lpurtt)eiil,tn N.H. ttSA 10:7 through 7-e.The inyiitcnl by (Iw Stete of the Oninl'enimtt'thsU be Ihe only, end Ihecompete pnyment to the SiArceipfcnt for lill cxpcnsu. of whiievo' rteiure.incunvd by lie Subiwlpicnt in tie perfimneoce hcitof. snd shall be Ihe only, 11.Mllhe couiplele. eompcnsstion to Ihe Buhreeipkni for Ihe rVnjccl. TIk Slate 11,1.

5.5. shall haw no iiabilliies lo the Subrcdplcnl nthor lhan lha flranl Ainoiini.Notwllhalandini anything In this A^ecmenl lo Ihe coiilmy, and It.1.1iHitwilhsiantfng uiezpeelcd dreunuiances, in no evoni thai! (he lolal rif all II.1.2paymcnli aikhorhcd, or actually made, haaiuider caeccd llw Giunl fiuitation M. 1.3

fi. saforlli in Nock I.Koflhcscgcneril provisions. Ir.1.4II-2.

In comceilon with the pcrfonnnce of the Prt^ei. the Siibrcclpieni iltiillcomply wtlh aU stalutca, hivn regulatlnns, and teden nf fedcril, .state, county. J1.2.1or'miiticlpAl'fiulhorilias wlifclt titan hnpoae any ohligaiions or duly upon dtoSu^ttlp{bnt..lnehl(Sn8 the idiuisitidn nfany and all necessary't IS Uiaj A'CfiTtl INT.S.IMwaan~the Elfctiive Dale and the date lluee (3) yeara after Ute ComplellonDate the Stibrccipienl ahull keep dolailoJ accounts of all cxpcnsoi Irtruricd in M.2.2coancclion with ilia rrpjtcl, inolitding, but not limited to. coils ofadininixtrathm, tianeporbitinn, inuvance. telephone calls, and dericnl iniilcrlaltond services. Sudi nceminls shall be supporlnl hy receipts, invoices, bills findother similar documeiiti.

* Bolwocn tho EfrccUva Dato and ihu dalu llirco (3) years ancr dto Ccntpklion 11.2.3Dei«, at any ilme dtriiig Ihe Subrcclpienf a nominl buniness lioura, ami as oticnas Ihc Slsiu shall demand, He .SubrccipionI shell mdcc uvnilablc lu Ihc Stale all 11.2.4records peildnlng lo mstlen euvctcd by this Agceciucnl. The Subrccipienlthall perinil ih« Stale to audit, examine, end reproduce such rccndi. and torotkc audits of aO eunhicls. invoices, malcrioli, puyrolli. m'oitl.a of pcrxonnci,data (as tliat term b herciniller dellnedl Mtd oUter iAlbrmaiion rotating lt> all 12.■nudcru cnvaol hy Ihu Agtvctncnl AsumI in (hi.a psragruph, "Subrccipient" 12.1.includes all pa-nts, nature! or Mctlond, afGBated wiih. controlled hy, or undo-ennaitttn ntvnetship wkh. Ihc cnlily idcniiricd a.a llic Sobrceipient in block 1.3

S. ofthnc provisioiisg.i, CESSOWa

The Subrcdptertl ahal, at its own capensu, prrwidc ill pcraitmcl ncecxsaiy loparforat Ihc Pniccl Tha Subreclpi^ wtinmls lhal all parsonael oagaged in 12.2.the Project that) be qualifiad In palnrtn sueh Prc^l. and ahati ha prnperfy

g.2. Icenscd and leOtorhcd to pcrfomt such Projcot under ell oppiicable tews.The SubredpienI shall not hire, and it shill not permii any tubconlrnclar,xubgnuttco, or ulhcr porsnn, fmn or cnrpnration with witom il is engaged in a 12.3.combined effotl In perferm llie Prnjoct, lo hiie any person who has a

KJ. controctud relationship with Ihc .State, or who is a Stale nffwer or employee,cteded or appnirtledThe Unni (Niicer ahal he the repicseiiltlivc of Ihe Stale bcreundcr. in liteeven! of any dUputo hcretiftder, Ihu Intcrpittstion of this Agrocmenl by Ihc 12.4.

9, Grant Ofll^, and hb/ker dectainn onany dltpute, shnll be riitil.'I I.

As uidi iit lius Agtcenieid. Ihc word "daln" ahull incjui all iiifonoiui.m uitJthings dcvelnped or oblolned during (lie pcrfnmicncc ol'. or ncquaed or 13.developed by icnsun of, ilib Agrecmunt, including, but not limited lo. iiOstudicti rcporU. tHea, femtutoe. lurveya, maps, chat tt, xoiiul rtcordings, videorceocdingi, pietorkil rcproduciloni, drawings, analyses, graphicrcpi;waii(lons,.

.SuKfScipient.lmtTaUi) I




eoinpulcf piogrems. computer prirHouts. notes, letlaa, mtiiiomndn. paper, muIdneumenb, ull witelhcr finished or unfmishciLllclwoon Ihc EfTcclivo Dale and Ihc (.'ompiirtiouDalu the Sufareuipiont sfatiO grant10 lha Stale, or any paun designsted by it, unmlrkted aeccss to all (kila forcxsminalinn. duplication, puMiciilknv IrenxleiiMi, sale, disposal, or (or any otherptaposa whalsoovcr.Nu data shall be nfijcct te eopyriglH h (he United Stales nt any olhcr country byanyone other Ihun Ihe Stale.On end aRer Ihe GlVcetivc Dale all data, and any pnvety which has beenreceived from the Slate or purchoicd with funds provided for Ihul purpose u raJtfthis Agrremenf, shitt be the property of Ihe Stsle, snd shaB be lelunMd to theSlate upon demand n- upon (crminallan of ihia Agrcenvmt for any rcaiui,vdiichevcr shall ikst occul\Ihe Slalc, and anyorte il shall dciighatc, shall Iwivc immxirletcd authority lupublish, disclose, dblrfoulc and oiliutS^e \iie, In whole ur in pu t, ell dale.t. (INDHMJNAl 'NAl t tHtr t tR *X(,jU'nThll-N'l'. NolwilhslHitdlng anything inthai Agreanenl le the contrary, all oMIga'lhms nf ihc State hcrcundor, i^uding.adihoui ilmilailon, llic conilnttencc of paymaoK licrcunder, era conlingoiti npOi\the ivailibllliy nr continued epproprblkm ofAmds, and in no event shall the Stnicbo Uiblo for eny payments heroundor In eaceu of such ivaBoblc or tippri^ielcdnmds. In Ihe even! of a reduclinn or lennination of those Ibnds, Itie Stele thallluve Ihc right lo withhold pcymcnl until sudi funds bocmno uvailable. if cvor, andihill have the ilghl to termlnitle llib Agreement inunedleteiy upon giving theSuiirccipieni notice ofsuch icnnruilon..EVENT (tt: DEFAliUlV rtftfifltftlRSAny one or miire nf Qw (nlrtwiftg lete or nmusiont of Ihe SubtceipienI rImIIconstilutu an crcnl of dufault hvrcumlur (hcrcinuflur niWrwl lo lU "Evnib ofDefiuU'^:Falttie In perform Ihe rrojeet salisfactorly or on sehcdulc: orFaihitc to suhnill any ivpoif miuirvd betcutuler; orPithite In nMiniiin. or pamil acceis lo, (k rtcnds rcqtrircd iva-eundcr, orFaluv lo perform «iy of die other covenants and condBlons of this Agreement.Upon Ihe occtmcnce uf any Event of Defaall, llie Slate may take any one. ormore, or all. of Ihe fol towing aclkvts:<3ive Ute Suttrceipienl a wiilten uuUce specifying the Event of Default artdruquiring il lo be rancdlcd within, in the absence nf a greater or leaserspccifkBiiun uftlmc, Mrly (30) day* fram the date of the notice; and iflhc EventofDeiiiuUit not timely renewed. Icnisinale this Agiceincnt, eireciivc two (2)days uflcr giving Ihe Subrceiplcni nuUee nf Icrmbilloni arulGive Ihe Subitcipient a «n4tten notice ipccifytog the Event of Default Mtdimpending all payments to be made tftdcr this Agrcemem artd ordering thai theportion of Ihe Grant Amount which would ollxrwisc accrue to the SubredpienIduring Ute period IVnn lite date of aueh notice until siidt linte ai the Staiodclcmtines lltai lite Suhtcciptenl hu cured Btu Event of Default shall nuvcr hepaid lo lltc SubredpienI: andSet ofi' against any iKhcr obngation Ihe Stale may owe to lliu Suhrcclplcni anydamages llie Slalc suffta'ttoy reason of eny Event of Dd'aull; andTreat the agraement as breached and pursue any nf its remedies at law tti- inequity, or boleTERM (NATION.

In ihc cvcnl of any uariy termination nf this Agreement fnr any reasiai dher tiianthe cumpletioii of Ihc [Sojcct. tho Subrecipient sltol ddivtr lo die Grant OtVicer,not later lhan tiftecn (IS) iliya afler the date of letmination, a report (ItercinaOertcfcrrod t<> as litu "'('urnaiailioii Kuprat") duscithutg in detail alt Pn'.jcct Wnrkperfonncd, Mtd the Grant Amowl earned, to and including the date ofIcrminalittn.In (he event of Termination under parn^apht 10 or 1Z4 of these gettaulprovisions, the appntval of sudi a TciTninatton EepotI by Ihc Slate shall entitle IheSubrooipienl to rvcdve lhal portion of the Gtant niiouet canted to and Includingthe date af the event of TantbiotKin under paragraphs 10 or 12.4 of these guncraiprovisions, the approval of such a Temination Report by the Slate shall In noevcM relieve tfv SubrecipieftI fntm my «td all llebilUy for rknnogcs susleincd orincurred by dia State as a result of die Subrceipienl'i bnavh of b ubBgiiliuitahercunder.Nolwithstandiiig anything in this Agrvcmimt lo the crearary, cither tho Stale or,except witcre itnlicc (icfauit has been given lo (he Subrecipient lnTeundcr, IheSubrccipienl, may lurminilo Ihis Agrvcment widmul csuse upon tiirly (30) dayswritten nntice.CONFLICT INT>;a|:st, Nn nfncer, inombai of etnplnyce of (haSubi'OclplBlii, snd no r^atentstivc, ofnocr or cmployco of tho Stale of NewHsinpshire or of (he gnvcming hndy of Ihe locality or lucililies in which IheIVojcct la ut bo pvrliirnwd. wtw excruisus iiny flinulions or lesponsibliUics in lite

Bgc 2.or6

Page 4: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

np^AVfll of (he f>r'*ucli P(«Jrtl, iltell tn t7!3.•ny;iloci*ion ictilJiiK (»IhU Atycuntiriil^rhKh RirceU hU ■M'lier porKtiul inl«:fcM>» llic it>(c^i':>< (»rany'Cnipdr/itfDii,,|>irtncnliip, OT iiiociiillon;{ivwh|oh^lW'm'ilicIr <tirccdy/r>( Indiiccdy iotcicnnll m' dutll'lte ur ylie Iwve itny penMnit orpoounieiy inkircRi, ili odor.IiKllrecl. in this AKncnicii) ur.llic'prnce^ thw-rcuf.

Atfrceni^l the Stdw«ul)Mon(,' lie eeriptnycci.'■»! urf tubcnndRciorflrwsbiyihke IK.i>f the SubiiwpicM'an) in oli rc^cu Indepciukm ctNsinciors, Mid'eri* ocklier■sen'* nor einployra of the Siite. Neither the .Subrcdpietil.ntn' •Kty''uX IIIofTicnn: onip.lnyoci,' u^enis, invmhcr^ fubcontracm or wb'KnBdwSt

'iHithnidy In bind Ho ftatenorM' jh'^entitled loihydrilie benelli, u;nrkHien^coiiiperuMiloil m\er>(>lwncnb prorideil by lite Slab'lis iU^oistployccji.A»d;>(^Nvi1tm-/N» Xi;il(lYtN+|^At-Ty. The ^tbiedlplonl ihnil ixK •uilgn,fK olherwlM imiifer any Inict'CM in Ihtl Aurceirsent without the prior wiitieiiconsenl of llio 9l«iu. None uf the Tniloct Wni1i tliBll bo lubconlnicieJ orlubgfitilcd by the Siibreeipieni other Ihnn it net rnrlh us Cxhibil A wllhnul (heprhr wrillcn coiacnl of the SIbIc.iNnPMNfPlTATION.. Tlic.SubrcdiMBil ihiill Mand,,ki(lcmnify<«nil ItdM'

.bermlcsi (be. SMe.,kB,oi)icati uml ntiploycu. fiom ni^'ii|;B>n»t my bixI ell




(or whidi'iney.'.bc cUinssd lo arUc nl) lh« ncU-*Ar onibtloni'.of theSiibfvelpient or tubcortrecKsr, or nibgreniee or other tgcoi of the Sibrecipienl.Notwbiutanrling dte rmgoing, nuiliing herdn conleincd tiiall be deemed toconitllule A wdver of tso mvei dgn imniunlly of the SiBte, uihich immunity bliacby rcicrved to ilic Slate. Thb cnvcnAni shid survive the lennlnsilon of tHxugieement.

tr tNKUHANCKANtMKlNI),n.l tin Subt'ecipient ih«ll, at its own expense, oNaln ami mBLntnin in fcxte, a'diall

require My subccntrBetoi', nibgranlee rv-tidghtt perfointlng Prc>|ect work toukA»in Old iiulnlain in roice, both fiv Ibeilnivriit of In Stale, Bk followingIninrarae:

I7.I.I Slalidiay tviukmiai'i cbRtpcteluliiM irtd eniphi^cx OBbtlily iniiurMCc for illcmployocs engaged in Ilw.^-UNiMnceorihrPixijecl, and

17.1.} CcMiqirvlicntitv.public linb^y'iihwiRm:R|plnsl ell.elairnraf bodjiy Injiirie^ileath (tf.piiiperiy'^inagi:, in erhoi^:!^ IcM than SI.OM.MO pei^occtBiuw■un^ 1}.000,(^'ii^eg^'roribaUtly'^(iay. or deAtli afly:,(MWi iMld^t. ni^.S5O0.00O for prrspcrty damugc in any om incident; and




The polieits described iss svbpitegraph 17.1 of thii paragraph aliall be thestMiderd fiant emplnycd in the Stale of New Hempsiilre, iisuetl by underwritersiiwcplebic to dtc Slute, and authorized lo do busiuvss i>t (he Sinli: of NowJlampslike. Hnch policy sisall conlein a cbuic proliibitlng eeneetleilon ortTiodillealion of the pniicy carlo- Uian ten (10) ilays ader wtilloii notice thcrasfliAs been received by llio Stnle.WAtVI'H ('»■ IIHHaOh. Noleihirebylhc Stale lo enforce any provialnni heicuruDer Biy Event of Dofiidl attali be deemed a wdver o( hi ri^ti witti ixq^ard luthat liveni, or any tubie<)uenl Hvent. No express waiver of any Event of UcfaullshelJ bo (leuincd e waiver of nty pmvisloru Itocnf. No auch failwc of twaivorihaJI be deemtd a aoalvei nf the right of the State to eaforee eecit and all of llwprnvbioni hctoofopon any niriheroi'other defnuU on (ho part of the Subrcdplanl.N0T3CR. Any nolteo by ■ pnily hereto In the other pmly shell be deemed lu Imvcbeen Ally delivered or given at ttie time of mailing by certified mall, pnsiagcprupild. In a United Stoles Post OfTicc addiessed to Btv parties ct the addusscilirsi ntevB givcA

Thb Agrccmcni may be aincnded, waived or dlxdurgcxl only'>y ajr^tsiniuieaj in writing signed by the parties hereto and onlyaOaa' approval ofsudi amcAdmcnt, waiver or disehorge by Ihc (iovernnr and rntmcil of Ihe Stale ofNew Hampshire. If required, or by the signing Stale Agency.t,IWSiUlK^I1<»N 01; At'lKlh-MI-NT ANll fUUMS TWi Ayeeme.M ihaii beeonstixKii In accordance with llic bw of the Slate of New Hampahirv, ami Isbinding upon tftd inures (o Ihe benefit of (Iw parties and their respectivesucucsMii nod aaai{meea 11w captinna and cnnlanU of Iho -Yathjevl" blank an:UKd only aa a nuUer of convenience, nad are rxK to be cunaidca-d a port uf thiiAgreamailorlfl he itsed in dctcrminlnglhe intend of the patties lierelo.THIRO PARTIES. Tho parlks hereto do not intcrtd lo bcnofit any third paitioanad this Agrcciiwtl aliaJi nol be eonstiuad to oonfer any iiKit benefil.ENTIRB ACittEKMFJTT. This Agrewncnt. which may bo executed In n numberof counlcspaUa, cudi uf wliieli slwll be deemed en original, eunsiltutcs Ihe entireagitemeni and understanding between the parties, and supersedes nil priorB0v«inonli end underilandings ivlaling hereto.SH-flAI- PROVISIONS Tlio additional provisions act (orli in Bxliibii C lirrcioare htctnporatcd as pwt d* Ihis ugraanunt.

$ub'^ipient:(nitiBLis? l.)!V r?i at Date-Page 3 of 6

Page 5: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


Scope of Services

1. The Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management(hereinafter referred to as 'the State") is awarding the Town of Amherst (hereinafter referredto as "the Subrccipient") $9,999.75 within the Federal Fiscal Year 2018 Pre-DisasterMitigation Grant Program (PDM) to update their Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.

2i "TheiSubrecipient" agrees to submit quarterly progress reports within fifteen (15) days aftereach quarter (April IS"*, July I5'\ October 15''', and-January 15"') until all aciivitiesassociated with the grant award have been completed.

3. "The Subrecipient" agrees that the project grant period ends April 1, 2022 and that a finalperformance and expenditure report will be sent to "the State" by May 1.2022.

4. 'The Subrecipient" agrees to comply with ail applicable federal and state laws, rules,regulations, and ̂ uirements.

5. 'The Subrecipient" shall maintain financial records, supporting documents, and all otherpertinent records for a period of three (3) years from the grant period end date. In theserecords, "the Subrecipient" shall maintain documentation of the 25% cost share required bythis grant.

Sutrohn^ Ihitiaii: 1Page 4 of 6

Page 6: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


Grant Amount and Method of Payment


AddUcbdI Grant

Share (Federal FundsV Cost Totals

PrbioctCost $3,333.25 1 $9,999.75 $13,333.00

project Cost is 75% Federal Ftmdsv 25% "Applicaht Share

Awartlha Ahcncy: FederarEmcrttchcV-iManaacmeht ARbncy fPEMAy . _ - - . .

AwardTWefii#: Pre-DlsasterMltiaation Grant (PDM) BMB-2019-PC-0004CfltaloR of Federal DoraesUc Asslstance:fGFDA);NoR^ 97.047 (PDM)

Annllcnnrs'Dola Universal NumberlneSystein (DUNS); 144828204


a. 'The Subrecipient" agrees Ute total payment by 'the State" under tliis grant agreement shall beup to $9,999.75.

b. "The State" shall reimburse up to $9,999.75 to "the Subrecipient" upon "the State" receivingappropriate documentation of expended funds (l.e, copies of invoices and cancelled checks) andproof of match from "the Subrecipient".

c. Upon State Business Office Approval, allowable match may be incurred for this project fromthe start of the federal period of performance of this grant, October I, 2018, to the identifiedcompletion date April 1,2022.

Si^recipient.Iriitialr 2.)?w 1' Dat£:

Page 5 of 6

Page 7: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


Special Provisions

1. This grant agreement may be terminated upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party.

2. Any funds advanced to "the Subrecipient" must be returned to "the State" if the grant agreement isterminated for any reason other than completion of the project.

3. Any funds advanced to "the Subrecipient" must be expended within thirty (30) days of receivingthe advanced funds.

4. "The Subrecipient" will be required to provide the formally approved Local Hazard MitigationPlan electronically (via email or CD) at the completion of the project. )

5. "The Subrecipient" agrees to have an audit conducted, in compliance with 0MB Circular 2 CFR200, if applicable. ]f a compliance audit is not required, at the end of each audit period "theSubrecipient" will certify in writing that they have not expended the amount of fedeini funds thatwould require a compliance audit ($750,000). if required, they will forward for review andclearance a copy of the completed audit(9) to "tlie State".

Additionally, "the Subrecipient" has or will notify their auditor of the above requirements prior toperformance of the audit. "The Subrecipient" will also ensure that, if required, the entire grantperiod will be covered by a compliance audit, which in some cases will mean more than one auditmust be submitted. "The Subrecipient" will advise the auditor to cite specifically that the auditwas done in accordance with 0MB Circular 2 CFR 200. "The Subrecipient" will also ensure thatall records concerning this grant will be kept on file for a minimum of three (3) years from the endof this audit period.

ssaini^ridiiffi-.Poge 6 of 6

Page 8: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


Barbara Landry Meeting Room2 Main Street

Monday, November 09,2020 6:30PM

1 1. Call to Order

2 Chairman Peter Lyon called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.3

4 Attendees by Zoom conference call: Chairman Peter Lyon, Selectman Dwight Brew,5 Selectman Reed Panasiti, Selectman John D'Angelo, and Selectman Tom Grella.6 Also present: Town Administrator Dean Shankle and Kristan Patenaude, minute taker7

8 Ways & Means Committee Members present: Lisa Eastland (Chair), Danielle Pray (vice9 chair), Scott Tuthill, Matt Seiler, Bill Loscocco, James Kuhnert, Lori Mix (alternate).10

11 Other attendees and the public accessed the meeting via Zoom.12

13 Chairman Lyon explained that, pursuant to the State of Emergency declared by the14 Governor as a result of the COVID19 pandemic and in accordance with his Emergency15 Order #12, this meeting is authorized to take place electronically. There is no physical16 location to observe and listen to this meeting. However, in accordance with the17 Emergency Order, we are:18

19 UtilizingZoom teleconferencing for this meeting. All members of the Board have the20 ability to communicate during the meeting through this platform and the public has access21 to contemporaneously listenand if necessary participate in the meeting by dialing F| 30122 715 8592 and using a webinar ID of 886-3830-1164 or by using the link contained in the23 agenda posted at

25 Notice of the meeting and means to access it were previously posted in accordance with26 law. Members of the public that have phoned into the meeting can raise their hand by27 pressing the *9 on theirphone, inorderto make it known thatthey would like to speak to28 the Board. If anyone has a problem accessing the meeting, please call 603-440-8248 for29 assistance. In the event the public is unable to access the meeting, the meeting will be30 adjourned and rescheduled.31

32 All votes will be taken by roll call and for ease, in alphabetical order.33 Lastly, the meeting is being recordedand will be replayed on ACATV.34

35 The Board started by taking a roll call vote and stating if they were alone.36

Page 9: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS


411 -



414 - <









423 i .



426 » , - .

427 - -



430 . . . .

431 . .

432 ' i:

433 '

434 . .

435 ■ , ■

436 ^

437 B;83 IFederal/StateGrant; KmergeDCYiOperations Pianiand theiHazardO

tivtitigatiop rlan^

(FireGiiiet. Matt Coniev. explained,that ne was apDroacned trom the State regarding a grant tol

C44Q) (lOitsct thecost toicomplete the Hazard'MiTigationiPlam :Thelfe9erarinridsiwilKbeiy9T99977'fl

find the non-tcderai ttinds.vviir^3>3T333^5rtor a totarotfST33337TKcinonrtederaiTunds wifDCnclude the Uepartmentstattdoing.their Share ot me^worK'and documenting their hours, 'iherei

fis a current Hazard.Mitigation Klani'thisas a plan to updatetthatJ

Un response to a Question irom'.GhainnaniCvon. Mart uoniev .expiained^that part'dt,the tederaP

ffundsiincludes anioutside contractorto help with this workl

^!Cf^Tl(^ was'.madeltf^^ei<^tman'iJrellaatict SEl^ONDEBl bv 'Iielectman Hanasiti\to'mo^

Unat the Uoara of Selectmen accept the terms of the t^e-iUisaster j^itieation urant tfroerami

fas presented.'in the amount orSPTff99. /y to update the Town ofUmHerst Local Mazdi^


Ofiitteation t^lane. hurthermoreythe ifoara acf(nowlea2esithat the totat cost o

^F'S'J37333^00: dt whicH the town will t>e responsible lor. a 2'S% inrkin(i match of)

(S37333'2'3. t^^urtHermore/lt is un'aerstood tHat'thisworK'mlUbeaone tJv a SffoersorAcontractor, who witl:t>€'cnosen in accoraance wiih tne ioym s DurchasinsDoKC

Uhat the Board hereby authorizes'the (Jhair Ot Ifte tioara ot Selectmen to sitm ali aocumeniSi

[related to the 2rant on oen'aiToi tne




Page 10: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

457 f^RoU call vote:.Selectman Jfrewi^fave: 'S^ectmar^D'An&ldi~{ave: Selectman JGrellSMave^?t58) ASelectmanranasiTi^ave:Gfratr7rumt^^o^-iave.\Sf^.0r:moti6ncaniTdMhanimoust^ "S58)459














































Page 11: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Primex'NH Public Ritk Monogcmeni Ltchcnge CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE

The New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex^) is organized under the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated, Chapter 5-B,Pooled Risk Management Programs. In accordance with those statutes, its Trust Agreement and bylaws, Primex' is authorized to provide pooled riskmanagement programs established for the benefit of political subdivisions in the State of New Hampshire.

Each member of Primex^ is entitled to the categories of coverage set forth below. In addition. Primex' may extend the same coverage to non-members.However, any coverage extended to a non-member is subject to all of the terms, conditions, exclusions, amendments, rules, policies and proceduresthat are applicable to the members of Primex^, including but not limited to the final and binding resolution of all claims and coverage disputes before thePiimex' Board of Trustees. The Additional Covered Party's per occurrence limit shall be deemed included in the Member's per occunence limit, andtherefore shall reduce the Member's limit of liability as set forth by the Coverage Documents and Declarations. The limit shown may have been reducedby claims paid on behalf of the member. General Liability coverage is limited to Coverage A (Personal Injury Liability) arxJ Coverage B (PropertyDamage Liability) only. Coverage's C (Public Officials Errors and Omissions). D (Unfair Employment Practices). E (Employee Benefit Liability) and F(Educator's Legal Liability Claims-Made Coverage) are excluded from this provision of coverage.

The below named entity is a member in good standing of the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange. The coverage provided may.however, be revised at any time by the actions of Primex'. As of the date this certificate is issued, the Information set out below accurately reflects thecategories of coverage established for the current coverage year.

This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend, oralter the coverage afforded by the coverage categories listed below.

ParlicipBling Member Member Number

Primex3 Members as per attached Schedule of MembersProperty & Liability Program

Company Affording Coverage:

NH Public Risk Management Exchange - Primex^Bow Brook Place

46 Donovan Street

Concord. NH 03301-2624

Typeo/Coverage. ." Effwtlve Date •-'(mnt/dd/vuw)

■'* "^Expiration Dote(ntm/dil/vwv) ■ Limits ■ NH Statutory Limits May Apply, IfiNbt: j

X General Liability (Occurrence Form)Professional Liability (describe)

□ mT □

7/1/2020 7/1/2021 Each Occurrence S 5.000.000General Aggregate S 5.000.000Fire Damage (Any onefire)

Med Exp (Any one person)

Automobile LiabilityDeductible Comp and Coll:

Any auto

Combined Single Limit(Eftch Acdd«nt) ^


Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability Statutory

Each Accident

Disease - Each EmployM

Disease - Pdicy LMt

Property (Special Risk Includes Fire and Theft)Blanket Limii, ReplacementCost (unless othervnse slated)

Description: Proof of Primex Member coverage only.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER: Additional Covered Party Loss Payee

NH Dept of Safety33 Hazen Dr.Concord. NH 03301

Primex' - NH Public Risk Management Exchange

By; SiCi ^tetedt

Date: 6/23/2020 [email protected] direct inquires to:

Primex' Claims/Coverage Services603-225-2841 phone

603-228-3833 fax

Page 12: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Sullivan County 606

Sullivan School District 964

Sunapee School District 955

Surry School District 965

Swains Lake Village District 552

Tamworth School District 836

Thornton School District 758

Tilton Northfield Fire 567

Timberlane Regional School District 775

Town of Albany 101

Town of Alexandria 102

Town of Alstead 104

II own orAmhersQ (106)

Town of Andover 107

Town of Antrim 108

Town of Auburn 111

Town of Barnstead 112

Town of Barrington 113

Town of Bartlett 114

Town of Bath 115

Town of Belmont 117

Town of Bennington 118

Town of Benton 121

Town of Bow 123

Town of Bradford 124

Town of Brookfield 128

Town of Campton 130

Town of Canaan 131

Town of Carroll 134

Town of Charlestown 136

Town of Chatham 137

Town of Chester 138

Town of Clarksville 142

Town of Colebrook 143

Town of Columbia 144

Town of Cornish 147

Town of Dalton 149

Town of Danbury 150

Town of Deering 153

Town of Derry 154

Town of Dorchester 155

Town of Durham 160

Town of Eaton 163

Town of Enfield 166

Town of Epping 167

Town of Errol 169

Town of Farmington 171

Town of Fitzwilliam 172

Town of Gilsum 180

Town of Gorham 182

Town of Goshen 183

Town of Grafton 184

Town of Grantham 185

Town of Greenland 187

Town of Groton 189

Town of Hampstead 190

Town of Hampton 191

Town of Hancock 193

Town of Hanover 194

Town of Harrisville 195

Town of Haverhill 196

Town of Hebron 197

Town of Henniker 198

Town of Hinsdale 201

Page 13: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Primex'NH Public RisV MarK)9*mcn( Lichong* CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE

The New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange {Primex') is organized under the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated. Chapter 5-B,Pooled Risk Management Programs, in accordance with those statutes, its Trust Agreement and bylaws. Primex' is authorized to provide pooled riskmanagement programs established for the benefit of political subdivisions in the State of New Hampshire.

Each member of Primex' is entitled to the categories of coverage set forth below. In addition, Primex' may extend the same coverage to non-members.However, any coverage extended to a non-member is subject to all of the terms, conditions, exclusions, amendments, rules, policies and proceduresthat are applicable to the members of Primex'. including but not limited to the final and binding resolution of all claims and coverage disputes before thePrimex' Board of Trustees. The Additional Covered Party's per occurrence limit shall be deemed included in the Member's per occurrence limit, andtherefore shall reduce the Member's limit of liability as set forth by the Coverage Documents and Declarations. The limit shown may have been reducedby claims paid on behalf of the member. General Liability coverage is limited to Coverage A {Personal Injury Liability) and Coverage B (PropertyDamage Liability) only. Coverage's C {Public Officials Errors and Omissions). D {Unfair Employnrent Practices). E {Em^oyee Benefit Liability) and F{Educator's Legal Liability Claims-Made Coverage) are excluded from this provision of coverage.

The below named entity is a member in good standing of the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange. The coverage provided may,however, be revised at any time by the actions of Primex'. As of the date this certificate is issued, the information set out below accurately reflects thecategories of coverage established for the current coverage year.

This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certiftcate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend, oralter the coverage afforded by the coverage categories listed below.

Pankipating Member Member Number

Primex3 Members as per attached Schedule of MembersWorkers' Compensation Program

Company Affording Coverage:

NH Public Risk Management Exchange - Primex'Bow Brook Place

46 Donovan Street

Concord. NH 03301-2624

Ty^'of Coverage ■Effixtl^Dale"(mm/dtUww)

^Expiration Date'frnmJdd/ww'^ , Lirpits: NH Statutory Limits May Apply, If Not:

General Liability (Occurrence Form)Professional Liability (describe)

Each Occurrence

General Aggregate

□ Mad^ n Occurrence Fire Damage (Any onefire)

Med Exp (Any one person)

Automobile LiabilityDeductible Comp and Coll:

Any auto

Combined Single Limit(Each Aeddani)


X Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability 7/1/2020 7/1/2021 X 1 Statutory $2,000,000

Each Accident $2,000,000

Disease - Each EmployM

Disease - Policy Limil

Property (Special Risk Includes Fire and Theft)Blanket Umit, ReplacementCost (unless otherwise staled)

Description: Proof of Primex Member coverage only.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER: Additional Covered Party Loss Payee Primex' - NH Public Risk Management Exchange

By: TVny StCi

Date: 6/23/2020 mpurcellSnhprimex.orqNH Dept of Safely33 Hazen Dr.Concord. NH 03301

Please direct inquires to:Primex' Claims/Coverage Services

603-225-2841 phone '603-228-3633 fax

Page 14: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

SAU 44 Office 804

SAU 46 Office 753

SAU 48 Office 754

SAU 50 Office 800

SAU 53 Office 755

SAU 55 Office 777

SAU 56 Office 794

SAU 58 Office 830

SAU 67 Office 869

SAU 70 Office 845

Seabrook Beach Village District 448

Seabrook School District 843

Seacoast Charter School 1201

Shaker Regional School District 757

Somersworth School District 784

Souhegan Cooperative School District 778

Souhegan Regional Landfill District 590

South Hampton School District 844

Stark School District 831

Stoddard School District 854

Strafford School District 944

Stratford School District 832

Stratham School District 821

Strong Foundations Charter School 1213

Sullivan County 606

Sullivan School District 964

Sunapee School District 955

Surry School District 965

Tamv/orth School District 836

Thornton School District 758

Tilton Northfield Fire 567

Timberlane Regional School District 775


Town of Barnstead 112

Town of Benton 121

Town of Bradford 124

Town of Chariestown 136

Town of Chatham 137

Town of Chester 138

Town of Columbia 144

Town of Danbury 150

Town of Derry 154

Town of Dorchester 155

Town of Enfield 166

Town of Fitzwilliam 172

Town of Grantham 185

Town of Greenland 187

Town of Hampton 191

Town of Hanover 194

Town of Haverhill 196

Town of Hebron 197

Town of Hinsdale 201

Town of Holderness 202

Town of Hooksett 204

Town of Hudson 206

Town of Landaff 215

Town of Lee 218

Town of Lisbon 221

Town of Londonderry 224

Town of Lyme 227

Town of Marlow 233

Town of Merrimack 236

Town of New Castle 248

Town of New Durham 249

Page 15: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

l).S^ Departmeot of Homeiiod SecurityFEMA Region 199 High StreetBoston, MA 02110


September 19, 2019

Jennifer HarperDirector

Homeland Security and Emergency ManagementNew Hampshire Department of Safety33 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03305

Re: FY 2018 Pre-Disgster Mitigation Grant ProgramCatalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Mo. 97.04 7Award No. EMB-20J9-PC-0004

Dear Director Harper;

The Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") has approved Ae;New HsmipshireDepartment.ofl^iblic Safety; Homeland Security and Emergency Management's .("HSEM")application for fmancial assistance under the FY 2018 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Prbgrarh inthe amount of $371,248.35. As.a condition of the federal award,, HSEM is required tb contributeanonfedefarmatch ih the amount of $123,749.49, or-25% of the; total approvcjl pfojecticost of$494,997,84. This aw^d, numbered EMB-2019-PC-0004, currently includes the following;approved projects as further detailed in the agreement-articles:

Proiect Number: PDMC^PL-Ol-NH-2018-001

Description: Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.UpdatesProiect Cost: $217,999.00 (federal award $163,499.25, honfederal. rnatch $54,499.75)SubapDlicarit: New Hampshire Homerand Security and Emergency M^agementAward'Date: September 19, 2019

Project Number:- PDMC-PL-O l-NH-2018-002

Descriptiori: Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Updates 2Proiect Cost: $231,999:00 (federal award $.173,999,25, npnfederal match $57^999.75)Subapplicant: New Hampshire Homeland Security and: Emergency'ManagementAwafd D'ate: Septeml3ef 19,2019

Proiect Number: PDMG-MC-01-NH-2'0,l,8-0d3,Description: Management CostsProiect Cost: $44,999.84 (federal award $33,749.85, nonfederal niatch $11,249.99)Subapplicant: New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency ManagementAward Date: September 19, 2019


Page 16: as part of Exhibit - NH-SOS

Director Jennifer Harper -2- September 19, 2019

By accepting this award, you acknowledge that the terms of the following documents areincorporated into the terms of this award:

• Grant agreement articles (attached to this award letter)• Obligating document, FEMA Form 76-1 OA (attached to this award letter)• Record of Environmental Consideration (attached to this award letter)• FY 2018 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Kennedy, Grants Management Specialist, at(617) 956-7678.


Captain WTKussWebster, USCG (Ret.), CEMRegional AdministratorFEMA Region I


cc: Fallon Reed, Planning Chief, NH HSEMWhitney Welch, Assistant Planning Chief, NH HSEMKayla Henderson, State Hazard Mitigation Planner, NH HSEM
