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South Dakota Community Foundation ...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin

Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center

Oct 17, 2020



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Page 1: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center

South DakotaCommunityFoundation

...a vision for our next century

2005Annual Report

Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin

Page 2: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center
Page 3: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center

South Dakota Community Foundation

TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

President’s Message.........................................................................................2

History, Mission & Kinds of Funds ...............................................................3

Why Invest ...........................................................................................................4

Value of Funds ...................................................................................................5

Permanent Endowment Funds.....................................................................6

Foundation Donors ........................................................................................13

Non-Permanent Fund Donors ....................................................................22

SDCF Grants Awarded ...................................................................................23

Non-Permanent Fund Grants......................................................................27

Permanent Fund Grants ...............................................................................28

Financial Information ....................................................................................32

Board of Directors ..........................................................................................34


Page 4: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center


South Dakota Community Foundation

AA MMeessssaaggee ffrroomm tthhee PPrreessiiddeenntt

It is hard to believe this is my third opportunity to write an article for the South Dakota Community Foundation’s annual report. Over the past36 months, South Dakota Community Foundation staff members have traveled to every county in the state, working with individuals,communities, organizations, and businesses on leaving a lasting legacy. We have met with families who have sold their family farms and ranches,

and are establishing an endowment to keep their family name alive in the area. There have been meetings with community leaders who arecommitted to improving the quality of life for future generations in communities with populations from 200 to 80,000. Finally, we have walkedand talked with individuals who are the recipients of the wide array of services offered by our many grant partners. In each and every case, thestaff of the South Dakota Community Foundation walks away with a renewed sense of this organization’s real purpose.

In 2005, the South Dakota Community Foundation continued its growth trend. The permanent endowment grew from $41 million to over $47 million, and forty-ninenew funds brought the total number of funds under management to over 310. While these figures show steady and consistent increases, the real story lies in what isbeing done with the earnings from these funds. The South Dakota Community Foundation’s Grantmaking Committee provided grant funds to forty-eight charitable andnonprofit organizations across the state. These grants helped Junior Achievement of South Dakota continue to grow statewide, assisted with economic developmentefforts in Huron, supported the performing arts at Custer High School, provided matching funds for a scholarship program at Oglala Lakota College in Kyle, fundedindividual development accounts in Eagle Butte, and provided capital for an affordable housing consortium administered in Yankton. With each of these forty-eight grants,there are incredible, personal stories of individuals who are impacted by the organizations managing these programs. The look of appreciation in the eyes of childrenserved by an after-school program or the sincere thanks from a small-town development corporation’s board of directors on receiving a community development grantis indescribable. Such appreciation and thanks is multiplied many times over on an annual basis through our donor advised funds. That is what the South DakotaCommunity Foundation is all about, and I am proud to be a small part of the excitement.

Tona Rozum, a nine-year member of the South Dakota Community Foundation’s board of directors, and the capable chair of our Investment Committee, served her lastterm on the board in 2005, and her perspective will be missed. She was a strong leader and was instrumental in leading the Foundation to where it is today. Anotherdirector, Irving Hinderaker of Watertown, proved he is a strong and capable man as he met a health crisis head-on and proved why he is one of the most respectedindividuals in South Dakota. With unmatched class and courage, Irv told me from a hospital bed that he would certainly be participating in the Foundation’s upcomingboard meeting in Watertown last fall. While I wanted to believe him, it was difficult to imagine. Much to my joy, Irv and his wife, Eula were there to greet our board andguests as we gathered in late October. People like Irv make me truly appreciate the opportunities I have been given by this organization. His recovery was an inspiration,and was the most important event of 2005 for the South Dakota Community Foundation.

Bob SuttonPresident

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South Dakota Community Foundation


The South Dakota Community Foundation was

part of a vision the late Governor George S.

Mickelson had for the State of South Dakota. The

SDCF was born as a public, nonprofit corporation

on November 11, 1987 as part of a vision for our

state's second century. The McKnight Foundation

and the 3M Corporation issued challenge grants

to the state of South Dakota in an effort to

memorialize the life of South Dakota native

William L. McKnight. McKnight was a former CEO

of the 3M Corporation and the founder of the

McKnight Foundation. The state of South Dakota

committed $2 million to the project, and the

SDCF leadership was required to raise another $3

million in twelve months to obligate the entire

challenge grant. The original $10 million has now

grown to a $48 million endowment serving

nonprofits and charities in South Dakota. Through

the continued generosity of South Dakotans and

solid investment returns, the people and

communities of South Dakota will benefit for

generations to come.

TThhee HHiissttoorryyThe mission of the South Dakota Community

Foundation is to promote philanthropy, receive

and administer charitable gifts and invest in a

wide range of programs promoting the social and

economic well being of the people of South


TThhee MMiissssiioonnThe South Dakota Community Foundationaccepts and administers five kinds of funds, allof which are held in permanent endowmentand are designed to allow the donor to meettheir charitable goals.

Community Savings Accounts benefit a specific

community or region of South Dakota. The

earnings are awarded at the recommendation of

a local board of directors.

Designated Funds benefit specific charitable

institutions named by donors in establishing their


Donor Advised Funds are funds whose donors

reserve the privilege to recommend agencies to

be considered for grants.

Scholarship Funds benefit South Dakota high

school graduates pursuing higher education


Unrestricted Funds are used at the discretion of

the Foundation Board of Directors to meet

deserving charitable needs and opportunities

throughout South Dakota.

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South Dakota Community Foundation

WWhhyy IInnvveesstt wwiitthh SSDDCCFF??

AAddvvaannttaaggeess ooff SSoouutthh DDaakkoottaa CCoommmmuunniittyy FFoouunnddaattiioonn AAffffiilliiaattiioonn

South Dakota Community Foundation Est. 1987

Tax Exempt 501 (c) (3) status

Tax Deductibility Maximum tax deductibility under law

5% Payout Rule Not subject to 5% payout

Gift-receiving Process Established mechanisms to handle gifts of real estate, securities & cash

Gift-making & Fund-receiving Process Established

Sophisticated Gift Instruments Available (Pooled Income, Lead, Annuity and Unitrusts)

Office and Staff Established

Accounting Computerized accounting Independent CPA audit conducted yearly

Tax Return Prepared by CPA

Public Report 3,000 copies of annual report distributed yearly

Donor Acknowledgement Donors recognized in publications & thanked individually for gifts

Director & Officer Liability Insurance Secured

Asset Investment Overseen by Investment Committee

Organization Expenses Spread over all assets

Credibility Wide public appearance recognition

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South Dakota Community Foundation


PPeerrmmaanneenntt EEnnddoowwmmeenntt DDoonnoorrssFollowing is a list of donors that contributed to the South Dakota Community Foundation's original endowment.

These contributors helped leverage matching funds from the McKnight Foundation and the 3M Corporation. The earnings

from over $12 million are awarded each year by the Foundation's Board of Directors.

3M Foundation

Archie Gubbrud

Benny J. Gross

Black Hills Corporation

Charles Fisher Boy Scout Memorial Fund


Dean Witter Financial Services

Dr. Ernest Buckley Memorial

Education Assistance Service Co.

First Bank of South Dakota

Homestake Mining Company

Honeywell, Inc.

Joseph Robbie

Larson Manufacturing Company

The Larson Foundation

The McKnight Foundation

MDU Resources Foundation

Midwest Energy Company


Moffatt Products, Inc.


December 2005$47,382.900

Northern States Power Company

Northwestern Public Service Co.

Norwest Bank

Olga Trevillyan Fund

Otter Tail Power Company

Pete Lien & Sons, Inc.

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Zonta

Richard A. Schleusener

Schmidt, Schroyer, Colwill & Barnett

State of South Dakota

Steve Egger in honor of Carl G. Stohl

U S West Communications

Scholarship Funds


Donor Advised


Designated Funds







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South Dakota Community Foundation

PPeerrmmaanneenntt EEnnddoowwmmeenntt FFuunnddssThe following is a list and a brief description of all of the permanently endowed Advised Funds contained in the South Dakota Community Foundation.

Abbott House FoundationTo provide support to Abbott House, Inc. ofMitchell, South Dakota.

Aberdeen Area Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Aberdeen communityand the surrounding area.

Hospital Patient Transportation FundTo provide financial support to transportation services provided by the Yelduz Shrine.

Adeline Gassen Charitable TrustTo provide financial support to charities at therecommendation of the donor.

AIA South Dakota Scholarship FundAwarded to South Dakota residents enrolled inan accredited school of architecture as a third,fourth or fifth year student.

Alcester Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Alcester communityand the surrounding area.

Alden Cutler Scholarship FundAwarded to an outstanding Wessington SpringsHigh School graduating senior attending a SouthDakota college or university.

Alfred & Julia Bucher Education TrustAwarded to qualifying graduates of Hyde andHand counties to attend a South Dakotainsitution of higher learning or the seminary.

ALM FundTo provide financial support to the South DakotaCoalition of Citizens With Disabilities.

Alpena Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Alpena communityand surrounding area.

American Baptist Churches of the DakotasFund To provide financial support to CampJudson, located in the Black Hills.

Anna Nelson Johnson Scholarship FundAwarded annually to a graduate from the MillerSchool District.

Armour Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Armour community.

Associated General Contractors of SouthDakota, Inc. Building Chapter FundAdvised Fund to support charitable and non-profitprograms recommended by the AssociatedGeneral Contractors of South Dakota, Inc.Building Chapter.

Association for Retarded CitizensTo provide financial support to the South DakotaAssociation for Retarded Citizens.

Bennett County High School ScholarshipFundTo award scholarships to selected BennettCounty High School graduating seniors. Thisfund includes the Anderson, Cozad, Knight I andII, Sullens I and II and the June AndersonSommer & Robert Sommer Scholarship Funds.

Beresford Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Beresford community.

Bernard J. Stepina Scholarship FundFunds shall be used to provide scholarshipsupport as specified by the donor.

Bernie & Sally Christenson Family FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the donors'recommendation.

Bill and Evelyn Kuhrt Scholarship FundAwarded to qualifying graduating seniors fromthe Murdo, South Dakota, area and immediatevicinity for college attendance.

Blake and Marcia Hoffman Family FundTo provide financial support to the Children'sHome Society.

Bob and Doris Knecht Family FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the donors'recommendation.

Bob & Lori Sutton Family FundA Donor Advised Fund established to providefinancial support to charitable and non-profitentities at the donors’ recommendation.

Bob & Marlene Deal Scholarship FundIncome shall be used to provide financial supportto graduating students of New Underwood HighSchool or if the New Underwood High School nolonger exists, scholarships are to be awarded tostudents attending the high school serving theNew Underwood school district.

Booth Society, Inc.To support the activities of the Booth FishHatchery in Spearfish, South Dakota.

Boy Scout Troop #133To provide financial support to camp scholarshipsfor Boy Scout Troop #133.

Boyd & Dody Hopkins Family FoundationA Donor Advised Fund established to providefinancial support to charitable and non-profitentities at the donors’ recommendation.

Brian Meyer Memorial Scholarship FundA Scholarship Fund to provide educationalassistance to students pursuing post-secondarydegrees at accredited South Dakota institutions.Scholarship awards are overseen by the South

Dakota Association of Telephone Cooperatives.

Britton Area FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Britton communityand the surrounding area. Also contains theBertha Gronseth Fund.

Britton-Hecla School FoundationTo award scholarships to selected Britton HighSchool graduating seniors. This foundation alsoincludes funds from the Britton PTA, the BrittonStudent Council, the Kilker Scholarship Fund andthe Bushby Scholarship Fund for scholarshipawards.

Burke Community Memorial HospitalTo provide financial support to the CommunityMemorial Hospital, Burke, South Dakota.

Burke School District ScholarshipsTo support scholarships and other programs asrequested by the Burke School District. Includesthe Gus & Constance Hampl Scholarship, the JonGlover Memorial Scholarship, the Mr. and Mrs.August Steffen, Sr. Scholarship and the BurkeHigh School Class of 1963 Funds.

Canistota Community FoundationEstablished by Timothy and Carol Kay Bjorkman,the earnings from this Community SavingsAccount will be used to provide financial supportto charitable and nonprofit entities in theCanistota Area.

Centerville Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable purposes in the Centerville area.

Children's Care Hospital & SchoolTo provide financial support to Children’s CareHospital & School.

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South Dakota Community Foundation


PPeerrmmaanneenntt EEnnddoowwmmeenntt FFuunnddss ((ccoonntt..))

Children's Home SocietyTo provide financial support to Children's HomeSociety.

Children's Home Society-Child Advocacy Center of the Black Hills Fund

Christen-Hohm-Lusk Greater Huron AreaFoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Huron community andsurrounding area.

Ken & Lois Borecky FundEarnings awarded to charities designated by the donors.Paul & Carol Hohm FundA sub-fund of the Christen Hohm Lusk Greater Huron Area Foundation, this fund will provide financial support to the Huron Hockey Association in Huron, South Dakota

Chuck Lien Military Affairs FundTo provide financial support to the SD NationalGuard and Ellsworth Air Force Base.

Citibank (South Dakota) N.A.To provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at donors' recommendation.

Corsica Area FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the the Corsica area.

CorTrust Bank ALM Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the communities ofArtesian, Letcher and Mt. Vernon.

Dakota Sturges Advised FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe donor.

Darren R. Mallow FundMemorial fund established by Robert & ShirleyMallow for their son. Earnings to providescholarships to SD National Guard members andtheir children.

David & Wally Baas Memorial FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Day County Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Day County area.

Delyle L. Huber Memorial FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnonprofit purposes at the recommendation of thedonor.

Discovery FoundationTo provide financial support to Friends of theMiddle Border, Inc.

Donald C. Sattler FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe donor.

Donald Clyde Simmons Family FoundationTo provide financial support to scholarships oreducation organizations as directed by the donor orhis son.

Donald Naddy FundTo provide financial support to charitable and non-profit purposes in the Britton and Marshall Countyarea.

Donald & Fern Jorgensen Scholarship FundTo provide financial support to scholarships asdirected by the donor.

Donald & Monica Qualm Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships to students of BonesteelHigh School at the recommendation of theBonesteel High School Scholarship Committee.

Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable FundThis permanent fund will receive payments froma Charitable Lead Trust for twenty years, and theearnings will be distributed in equal portions toGregory High School and Wisner/PilgerCommunity School for scholarships.

Duane Mertes Memorial PheasantRestoration Awarded to a graduate fromBritton, Hecla, Langford, Roslyn, or Veblen HighSchool planning a career in Wildlife Conservation.

Eleanor Naddy FundTo support charitable and non-profit purposes atthe donors' recommendation.

Emily & Robert Entwisle Family FundDonor Designated Fund started by Robert andEmily to provide financial support to non-profitsand charities as named by the donors. This fundwill be the ultimate beneficiary of a charitableremainder trust established by the donors.

Employees of Community Memorial Hospital,Inc.Established by the employees of CommunityMemorial Hospital, Inc. in Burke, South Dakota, theproceeds from this fund will be used to supportscholarships for graduates of Burke High Schoolwho are pursuing a profession in Health Care.

Erwin A. & Georgiabelle M. StainbrookFundDonor Designated Fund to provide financialsupport to seven South Dakota charitableorganizations. Lion’s Club of Parkston, SDChapter of Shriner’s Hospital for CrippledChildren, Easter Seals of South Dakota, OurHome, Inc. of Huron, Abbott House, Inc. ofMitchell, Mitchell Area Adjustment TrainingCenter, & Avera St. Benedict Foundation

Estelline Alumni Association ScholarshipAwarded annually to a graduate from EstellineHigh School.

Estelline Community FoundationTo provide financial support to education andother charitable programs in the Estellinecommunity.

Evelyn & Bill Lohmann Conservation FundTo provide financial support for beautification andnatural area conservation purposes in thecommunities of Pierre-Ft.Pierre, Hughes andStanley counties, with special emphasis on nativewildflower plantings, songbird habitat, andwetlands development and preservation.

Evelyn C. Kuhrt Exemplary Educator AwardFundAwarded to the outstanding educator(s) from theJones County School District so as they maypursue further educational and trainingopportunities.

Excellence in Economic DevelopmentAwarded by Industry and Commerce Associationof South Dakota and the Governor’s Office ofEconomic Development.

Farmers Weather Corporation, Inc.Designated fund to be used for research,scholarship, education or action in the field ofweather modification.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes FundDesignated Fund to provide financial support to theFellowship of Christian Athletes of South Dakota.

First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel CommunityFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank, to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in theBonesteel area.

First Fidelity Bank & Burke CommunityFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank, to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the Burkearea.

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South Dakota Community Foundation

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First Fidelity Bank & Gregory CommunityFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank, to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the Gregoryarea. Includes the Lloyd C. Vogelgesang Fund andthe Gregory Youth Activities Fund.

First Fidelity Bank & Jones CountyCommunity FoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank, to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the JonesCounty area.

First Fidelity Bank & Platte CommunityFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the Plattearea.

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp CountyCommunity FoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstFidelity Bank to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the TrippCounty area. Also contains the Matousek FamilyFund, the Pauli Family Fund, the Winner HighSchool Class of 1953 Alumni Fund and theWinner High School Class of 1974 ScholarshipFund.

First Western Bank Custer Area FoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstWestern Bank to provide financial support tonon-profit and charitable organizations in theCuster Area.

First Western Bank Fall River AreaFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstWestern Bank to provide financial support tonon-profit and charitable organizations in the FallRiver County Area.

First Western Bank Greater Belle FourcheArea FoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstWestern Bank to provide financial support tonon-profit and charitable organizations in theBelle Fourche area.

Belle Fourche Banner SettlementTo be used solely for the provision of elderly care and health care in the Belle Fourche, South Dakota community.

First Western Bank Greater Sturgis AreaFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstWestern Bank to provide financial support tonon-profit and charitable organizations in theSturgis area.

First Western Bank Greater Wall AreaFoundationDollar for dollar match challenge grant from FirstWestern Bank to provide financial support to non-profit and charitable organizations in the greaterWall area.

Francis T. Malone Scholarship FundTo provide educational scholarships to graduatesof the Oldham-Ramona School District.

Frank & Patricia Farrar Family FundTo provide financial support to nonprofit andcharitable needs in Marshall and RobertsCounties in South Dakota as determined by thedonor.

Fred & Luella Cozad FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes as recommended by thedonors.

Freeman Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Freeman area.

Freeman Memorial FundEarnings from this fund will be distributed to theIndependent Electrical Contractors Association-Dakotas, Inc. and will be recognized as theNational Competition Participants Award.

Friends of SD Public BroadcastingTo provide financial support to South DakotaPublic Broadcasting.

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson MemorialScholarship FundTo provide educational scholarships for studentsfrom the Montrose, Ft. Pierre, and Pierre, SouthDakota areas.

George & Ellen, Earl & Lempi Penn andAudrey Penn Anderson Scholarship FundUsed to fund scholarships to high school graduatesfrom Belle Fourche High School with an emphasisin the area of music, or as determined by thescholarship selection committee at Belle FourcheHigh School.

George & Ellen, Earl & Lempi Penn andDave & Bev Penn Scholarship FundUsed to fund scholarships to high school graduatesfrom Harding County, SD, with an emphasis in thearea of agriculture, or as determined by thescholarship selection committee at the Buffalo, SDMasonic Lodge.

Gertrude Lampe FundDesignated fund to provide financial support tofour Huron, South Dakota Charitableorganizations.

Gettysburg High School EducationalFoundationTo provide financial support for variousscholarships and other programs as requested bythe Gettysburg High School EducationalFoundation.

Granary Rural Cultural CenterTo provide financial support to the Granary RuralCultural Center Fund.

Greater Clark Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non profit andcharitable purposes in the greater Clark area.

Greater South Dakota Education &Research FoundationEstablished by the Industry and CommerceAssociation of South Dakota to provide financialsupport for the Youth Business Adventure andother programs at their discretion.

Gregory Area Health Care SystemTo be used solely for the provision of elderly careand health care in the Gregory, South Dakotacommunity.

Grossenburg Family FundEstablished by the Grossenburg family, theearnings are awarded by the First Fidelity TrippCounty Area Foundation.

Groton High School Class of 1969Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships at Groton High School,Groton, South Dakota

Harold & Mary Torness Family FundEarnings awarded to non-profit and charitableorganizations as designated by the donors.

Harry & Denice Knapp Family FundUsed to fund scholarships for graduates fromhigh schools in Day County, SD as determined bythe donor.

Heartland Area United Way FundTo support charitable and nonprofit causes in theHeartland Area United Way service area.

Helen Davis Memorial Scholarship FundScholarship fund established by the Zonta Clubof the Southern Black Hills.

Herreid Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in Herreid. Includes ClaytonC. Wiest, Professor Emeritus, AD 2001 Fund.

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South Dakota Community Foundation


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Hoch Drug FoundationThis Donor Advised Fund established by theHoch family will be used to support non-profitand charitable entities at the donors’recommendation.

Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling Family FundAdvised fund to support the nonprofit &charitable needs in Marshall & Roberts Countiesin South Dakota.

Huron Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnonprofit purposes in the Huron community andsurrounding area.

Huron Hockey AssociationFunds shall be used to support the activities ofthe Huron Hockey Association.

Huron University FoundationTo provide financial support to Huron UniversityFoundation and its scholarship program.

Huron Youth Advisory CouncilTo provide financial support to the Huron YouthAdvisory Council.

Ipswich Area FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes in the Ipswich area.

Iroquois-Carthage Area CommunityFoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnonprofit purposes in the Iroquois-Carthage area.

James & Gertrude Mueller Jones CountyScholarship FundAwarded to graduating Jones County High Schoolstudent(s).

Jason Mendel Memorial Scholarship FundScholarship Fund to be awarded at therecommendation of the donor.

Jerauld County Heritage Center SupportFundTo support the capital improvements of theJerauld County Heritage Center located at 105East Main Street in Wessington Springs, SouthDakota.

Jerome Serocki Memorial Scholarship FundFunds shall be used to provide an annualscholarship to a Sisseton, SD High School studentwho is a resident of the former Browns Valley, MNSchool District who has exhibited exemplarycommunity service and a penchant for helpingothers as determined by school officials fromSisseton High School.

Jerry Peterson Bristol High SchoolScholarship FundAwarded to graduating Bristol High Schoolstudent(s).

Jerry Peterson Stanley County High SchoolScholarship FundAwarded to graduating Stanley County HighSchool student(s).

John & Elsie Griffin Memorial FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

John & Linda Lillibridge Family FundFamily Advised Fund to support charitable andnon-profit purposes at the donors'recommendation.

John P. Bushfield Scouting FundTo provide financial support to the Sioux CouncilScouts of America.

John S. Sturges Memorial FundTo provide financial support to the AmericanLegion Post 169 and the American LegionAuxiliary of Post 169 in Winner, SD, and to theVeterans of Foreign Wars #4674 and theVeterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #4674 inWinner, SD.

Johnson Motor Co.-Howard B. JohnsonScholarship FundTo provide financial support for scholarships tochildren of Johnson Motor Company employeesand others attending Northern State University inthe areas of fine arts and business.

Josie A. Stewart ScholarshipTo provide scholarships to Perkins and Corsoncounty high school graduates.

Judge F. E. Mullen Scholarship FundAwarded to selected Lyman County High Schoolgraduating senior or alumnus entering into ahealth related field of study.

Kilian Community College FundTo support scholarships at Kilian CommunityCollege.

Knight FoundationTo provide financial support for nonprofit andcharitable purposes in the Aberdeen, SouthDakota area at the recommendation of theKnight Foundation Community AdvisoryCommittee in Aberdeen, South Dakota.

Langford Scholarship FundScholarship Fund established for graduates of theLangford School District.

Larson Foundation Advised FundAdvised fund established by O. Dale Larson. Theearnings will be awarded upon therecommendations of the Larson FoundationBoard of Directors.

Laska Schoenfelder Memorial ScholarshipScholarship Fund established for students whoare graduates of the Mt. Vernon School Districtwho are planning to attend college or technicalschools.

Lemmon Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Lemmoncommunity and surrounding area.

Living Word FundTo provide financial support to the work of Homeand Foreign Missions, or as applicable, thedistribution of income from the Living WordFund.

Lloyd E. Dahley FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe donor. Also contains the Children’s CareHospital & School, Village Family Service Center,Anne Carlsen Center for Children and JamestownCollege.

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship FundEarnings awarded equally in scholarships toBritton High School seniors and James ValleyChristian School seniors.

Lyle Signs, Inc. Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships to graduates of KingsburyCounty. Schools included are Arlington, DeSmetLake Preston and Iroquios.

Lyman County Historical SocietyTo provide financial support to the Lyman CountyHistorical Society.

Major General Duane L. "Duke" CorningScholarship FundScholarship Fund established by the NationalGuard Association of South Dakota and theSouth Dakota National Guard EnlistedAssociation.

Martin Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Martin area.

Mattie Newcombe/Maynard NewcombeFundEarnings awarded to the Casey Tibbs FoundationFund.

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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Mellette County Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Mellette Countyarea.

Melvin “Bud” & Jo Ohlson Scholarship FundEarnings awarded to non-profit and charitableorganizations as designated by the donor.

Merlin & Almeta Jacobsen Memorial FundTo provide educational scholarships to graduatesof the Gregory School District.

Mickelson FundEarnings awarded at the recommendation of thefamily.

Midland Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Midland area.

Midland Community Scholarship FundAwarded to graduating Midland High Schoolstudents.

Milton & Leona Lindell Scholarship FundInitiated by Mr. and Mrs. Lindell, this ScholarshipFund will provide financial scholarships for Veblenarea students graduating from any high schooland approved by the local committee to attendany college, university or accredited vocationalschool.

Miller Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Miller area.

Mobridge Educational Foundation FundTo provide senior scholarships andundergraduate grants to students of Mobridge.

Morgan-Naslund Faith Library FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe donor.

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery FundEstablished by W.M. Looby, Thomas L. Looby andPatrick Franklin, the earnings from this designatedfund will provide financial support to the Mt.Pleasant Cemetery Association in Artesian, SouthDakota.

Nordby Family FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Northwestern Community FoundationTo provide scholarships to graduating seniors inthe Northwestern School District or for otherpurposes as designated by the NorthwesternCommunity Foundation.

Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping BullScholarship FundScholarship fund to support the Oglala LakotaCollege as determined by the donor.

Parks and Wildlife Foundation's, AdamsNature Preserve FundTo provide financial support to the AdamsHomestead and Nature Preserve Fund asrecommended by the South Dakota Parks &Wildlife Foundation.

Parkston Area FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnonprofit purposes in the Parkston community.

Paul and Ann Sigelman FundTo provide financial support to Prairie LakesHealth Care Foundation and to the WatertownCommunity Foundation.

Perry and Doreen Evans Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships for graduates from SouthDakota high schools with preference to studentsresiding within Clark and Codington Counties.

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area CommunityFoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Pierre-Ft. Pierre area.Also contains the Pierre/Ft. Pierre YouthPhilanthropy Fund.

Pierre Kiwanis FoundationIncome used to support charitable and nonprofitcauses as directed by the Pierre KiwanisFoundation Board.

Pollock Community FoundationTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes within the PollockCommunity.

Producers Beef Bank, Inc.To provide financial support for the promotion ofbeef production.

Rasmussen Family Fund A Donor Advised fund established by the familyto support non-profit and charitable causes in theWessington Springs community.

Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County YouthDevelopment FundTo provide scholarships for Hand County areayouth.

Reuben & Marloe Bareis Family FundA Donor Advised Fund established by the Dr.Reuben and Marloe Bareis to benefit non-profitand charitable causes at the recommendation ofthe donors.

Rice Memorial Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships for Bennett County HighSchool graduates.

Richard Joy FundEstablished by Mr. Joy, this Donor Advised Fundwill be used to provide financial support tocharities and non-profits at the donor’srecommendation.

Richard "Rich" and Sharon Cutler FamilyFundTo support charitable and non-profit purposes atthe recommendation of the family including theUniversity of South Dakota Foundation

Robert Disburg Memorial Scholarship FundTo provide scholarships for players from theAmerican Legion Post 8 baseball team, Pierre, SD.

Roland Dolly Leadership FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Ron Reed Memorial FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Russ & Marilyn Christiansen Family FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Ruth D. Frick Ames FundTo provide scholarships for education in aregistered nursing program.

Sandvig Family FundTo provide financial support to charitable andnon-profit purposes at the recommendation ofthe family.

Sarah N. Dipity FundTo provide financial support to the Custer CountyLibrary and to students of the Custer HighSchool Band Program for music scholarships.

Sattler Wildlife FundFifty-percent to be considered a revolving loanfund available to non-profit hunting developers topurchase public hunting ground within 20 milesof Avon, South Dakota, and fifty-percent forwildlife habitat development within 20 miles ofAvon, SD.

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Schoenhard Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in Chamberlain andsurrounding areas.

Seljeskog Family FundTo support charitable and nonprofit causes asdirected by the board of directors of theSeljeskog Family Foundation of Rapid City, SouthDakota.

SESDAC FoundationAdvised Fund to provide financial support toprograms for people with disabilities asrecommended by the SESDAC board. IncludesByron Bymers Memorial Fund.

Sisseton Area FoundationTo provide financial support to nonprofit andcharitable organizations in the Sisseton area.

South Dakota Auto Dealers AssociationTo provide financial support to educationalscholarships at the recommendation of the SouthDakota Auto Dealers Association.

SDATC Memorial Scholarship FundThis fund will be used to provide financialscholarships to students attending technicalschools pursuing a career in the field oftelecommunications. The scholarship awards areoverseen by the South Dakota Association ofTelephone Cooperatives.

South Dakota Bar FoundationTo support the charitable activities of the SouthDakota Bar Foundation, Pierre, South Dakota.

South Dakota CASA Association FundTo provide financial support to the South DakotaCASA Association.

South Dakota Chiropractic AssociationFundTo provide financial support to the operation andprograms of the South Dakota ChiropracticAssociation.

South Dakota Engineering Society FundTo provide financial support to variouseducational programs and various society relatedactivities as recommended by the South DakotaEngineering Society.

South Dakota Farm Bureau ScholarshipFundTo provide funds for scholarships as directed bythe South Dakota Farm Bureau.

South Dakota Guardianship ProgramTo provide financial support to the South DakotaGuardianship Program.

South Dakota Hall of Fame CharitablePerpetual Fund To provide financial support to the South DakotaHall of Fame, Chamberlain, South Dakota.

South Dakota Heritage Fund EndowmentTo provide financial support to the South DakotaHeritage Fund for the South Dakota State HistoricalSociety, Pierre, South Dakota.

South Dakota Highway Patrol FundAdvised Fund to support charitable and non-profitprograms recommended by the South DakotaHighway Patrol.

South Dakota Highway SuperintendentsAssociation FundTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable causes within the State of SouthDakota.

South Dakota Humanities CouncilFoundation FundA permanent endowment fund to provideongoing financial support to the South DakotaHumanities Council programming.

South Dakota Junior Golf FoundationTo provide financial support to the South DakotaJunior Golf Foundation.

South Dakota Library FundTo provide financial support to South DakotaLibraries.

South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc. FundTo provide financial support to SD Lions EyeBank, Inc.

South Dakota Manufactured HousingAssociation Fund Advised fund to support charitable andeducational programs at the recommendation ofthe South Dakota Manufactured HousingAssociation.

South Dakota National Guard MinutemanFundDesigniated fund to help support the SouthDakota National Guard Museum.

South Dakota Nurses FoundationEarnings used to provide financial support toSouth Dakota Nurses Foundation.

South Dakota School for the Deaf FundTo provide financial support to the South DakotaSchool for the Deaf.

South Dakota Symphony OrchestraTo provide financial support to The South DakotaSymphony Orchestra. Also contains:

David Elder Violin Chair FundNicole Keirnes FundMcDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair FundLife Celebrations FundHugo and Mabel Koerner Fund

South Dakota Trial Lawyers AssociationDesignated fund to provide financial support tothe South Dakota Trial Lawyers Association’sChildren In Need Fund.

South Dakota Wheat, Inc.To provide financial support to South DakotaWheat, Inc., a non-profit organization that serveswheat producers across South Dakota.

Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare FundTo provide financial support to the mission ofSoutheastern Behavioral Healthcare Inc.

Spearfish Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Spearfish area. Alsocontains:

City of Spearfish FundHigh Plains Heritage Society FundSpearfish Banner Settlement FundSpearfish Center for Arts &

Humanities FundSpearfish Volunteer Fire Department

Springfield College Museum FundFunds shall be used to support the activities ofthe Springfield College Archives and Museum.

St. Michaels Cemetery Perpetual Care FundTo provide financial support to St. Michael’sCemetery in Herreid, South Dakota.

St. Wilfrid's Parish FundTo provide financial support to the parishcemetery, seminarian education, or as directedby the parish council.

Sturgis Banner SettlementFunds shall be used solely for the provision ofelderly and health care in the Sturgis, South Dakotacommunity.

Timothy & Carol Kay Bjorkman FoundationTo provide financial support to nonprofit andcharitable entities at the recommendation of thefamily.

Tom & Cindy Lillibridge Family FundTo provide financial support to charity and non-profit organizations as recommended by Tomand Cindy Lillibridge.

Trustee & Staff FundContributions are made and earnings awarded bythe South Dakota Community Foundation’s boardof directors and staff.

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Virginia McKnight Binger Memorial FundThis fund memorializes Ms. McKnight Binger,daughter of William L. McKnight and former headof the McKnight Foundation in Minneapolis,Minnesota.

Vermillion Area Community FoundationTo support non-profit and charitable programs inthe Vermillion area. Includes the Bill RadiganCivic Awards Fund, and the David W. Day FamilyEndowment Fund.

Vermillion Lions Club FundTo support the activities of the Vermillion LionsClub, Vermillion, South Dakota.

Virgil (Bill) Fulwider Family FundTo provide financial support to the Fund's Boardof Directors designee.

Volga Area Community FoundationIncome used to support charitable and nonprofitcauses in the Volga area.

Wagner Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Wagner area.

Watertown Community FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Watertown area.

Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family FundTo support non-profit and charitable purposes atthe recommendation of the family.

Wessington Springs Area CommunityFoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Wessington SpringsArea.

W.H. Sturges Family Scholarship FundAwarded to selected Winner High Schoolgraduating senior or alumnus entering into ahealth related field of study.

William H. Edwards Scouting FundTo provide financial support to benefit theoperations of the Sioux Council, Boy Scouts ofAmerica, in support of scouting in the Aberdeenarea.

Willow Lake Community FoundationTo support nonprofit and charitable programs inthe Willow Lake area.

Wilma L. Kegler Unrestricted FundFunds shall be distributed by the SDCF.

Wilmer and Esther Werner FamilyScholarship FundTo provide scholarships to individuals who planto attend a college or technical school at therecommendation of the donor.

WM Looby Bennett County ScholarshipFundAwarded to graduating Bennett County HighSchool students.

Yankton Area FoundationTo provide financial support to non-profit andcharitable organizations in the Yankton area.

Bauer Halsted Scholarship FundScholarship Fund established to assist continuing education for science or math teachers that teach within a 5 mile radius of Yankton, or for students from that same radius to attend science camps.

YBA Educational Endowment FundTo provide financial support to collegescholarships for YBA students.

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Aberdeen Area CommunityFoundation

Hospital Patient TransportationFundAberdeen Area FoundationAnonymousBatteen, John & DorothyCutler, BruceHarms Oil CompanyHuffman Jr, Richard EOrthopedic Surgery Specialists,

LTDPlymouth Congregational ChurchPremack, Mr. & Mrs. HerschelTurnquist, Dean & BerthaWischmeier, MD, Curt & Susan

AIA South Dakota ScholarshipFundAIA South Dakota

Alcester Community FoundationAlcester Community FoundationAlcester Health ServicesBuum, AdeleCole, TomGubbrud, John DKratochvil, MacKratochvil, Maxine MemorialMcKellips, RogerOsterloh, KathyPeterson, Florence Trust

ALM FundBlatter, Tina M.Watkins, Jenneil

Alpena Community FoundationAmerican Bank & Trust

Armour Community FoundationAltenburg, JerryWiese, Carter

Associated General Contractorsof South Dakota, Inc. BuildingChapter FundAGC of SD, Inc. Building Chapter

Beresford Community FoundationBeresford Medical ClinicBethesda of BeresfordCity of BeresfordCleberg, PatrickCotton, Dan Jr. & EdnaFirst Federal Bank-BeresfordFrieberg, EvonneFrieberg, ThomasJohnson, Ronald AlfredLewis Family DrugMcGill, Michael & PamelaNothdurft, Melvin & DorthyNygaard, ErikNygaard, Everett & JoanPrinters, Inc.Shennum, Donald & BonnieSmith, J. MonteTwentieth Century ClubWass Home for Funerals, Inc.

Bernard J. Stepina ScholarshipFundStepina Ttee, Bernard & Maxine

Blake & Marcia Hoffman FamilyFundHoffman, Blake & Marcia

Bob & Lori Sutton Family FundSutton, Bob & Lori

Bob & Marlene Deal MemorialScholarship FundSuhn, LeAnn

Booth Society, Inc. FundBooth Society, Inc.

Boyd & Dody Hopkins FamilyFoundationHopkins, Boyd & Dody

Brian Meyer MemorialScholarship FundSD Association of TelephoneCooperatives

Britton Area Foundation6000 Investment ClubAndrews, Roger & JudyAtkinson, LouiseBaker, ShariBarrett, Don & TerriBarrett, JoeyBarrett, Ray & AgnesBeck, Arnold & NormaBenda, Chan & CarolBien, Neil & MurielBoone, Loren & DeannaBosse, GordonC. B. Investment ClubCard, Charles & KarylCarlson, NormanCease, Roger & RosieChristenson, Bernard W. & SallyChristenson, Roger & KrisChristofferson, Norman & SheilaCutler, Loren & ConnieDahme, Troy & LisaDamgaard, Randall W.Dinger, Gerald & DarleneDocter, David & KayLeen

Duerre, KentDuerre, MarcellaDwight, Jay & CherylFamilyFamily & FriendsFarrar, Frank & PatriciaFoster, Curtis & JanFoster, EuniceFoster, Mirl & EuniceFredrickson, Misty & DrewFreiss, DorisFurman, Lee & JeanneGarske, DarlysGrupe, Cyntha, Zach, Zane & FaithGrupe, Roger & LoriGunderson, Lylas & MavisHaaland, Dean & DianaHaaland, MerrillHaaland, Terry & MarciaHalverson, Sherman & ColeenHanse, Barney & CarolHeitmann, Deena & AdrianHenehan, DeLoresHorton, Inc.Hove, Mark & BethHughes, DaleJansen, Jason & MelissaJarrett, Ronald RJaspers, Terry & SandiJens, Doug & SherriJensen, Marty & ValJohnson, Bud & SallyJohnson, CarolineJohnson, Lee & PhyllisJones, Curtis & MavisJuelfs, ElaineJuelfs, John & JoAnn & Tina WithamKadoun, Shelly & JayKann, Clinton & LisaKoropchak, Olive

Krista, Pete & MavisKristofferson, Richard & DianeKristofferson, Richard & Diane & Jared Kurschat, William E & MartiLarson, JohnLarson, TerryLien, IreneLikness, RyanLindberg, Larry & DonnaLoebs, Blaire & JulieMacConnell, Eric & DianeMany FriendsMarshall County CommissionersMeeker, Gordon & DebbyMeyer, Dexter & ShirleyMicko, Marty & JulieMitchell, David & DianeMoeckly, Clark & PamNelson, Daryl & RodneyNelson, MaryNelson, NancyNickelson, Dan & TamieOgren, JohnOland, Melvin & KayOlsen, Mallary & BlairOlson, Brian & TammyOlson, LelaParrow, Patty & RobPearson, Robert & WaldeenPerkins FamilyPeters, James & SandraPeters, Leo & DarlenePeterson, Harland & JanePrice, Terry & PamRabenberg, AmaryllisRoehr, PattySanders, JillSchaaf, Greg & VirgieSchneider, Duane & JaneSchott, George & Dorothy

The South Dakota Community Foundation received over $7 million in contributions to our permanent endowment in Fiscal Year 2005. Following is a list of contributors to the various fundswithin the SDCF.

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Schuller, Roger & ShirleySkare, Ralph & DarleneSkjonsberg, Samie & AnnettaSpiry, A William & PattyStillson, Kenneth & DorothySwanson, CherylSwanson, CodyThoelke, Bryce & MargeTobin, Scott & KrisTobin, Scott, Kris & JeffreyVander Vorst, Billy & CorrineVietor, Steve & DinahWaletich, Peter & LorraineWilliams, GinaWilliams, Maris & ConnieWilliams, Robbert and GinaWilliams, Vollie AnnWismer, Charles & ColleenZuehlke, Gary & Karen

Britton-Hecla School FoundationAnna Bushby Scholarship FundBushby, RoyDena Kilker Scholarship FundBritton-Hecla School DistrictBritton Student Council Scholarship FundTrautmann, Lloyd & Marian

Burke Community Memorial HospitalJones, Inez

Burke School District ScholarshipsJon Glover Memorial Scholarship FundGlover, Lois

Canistota Communinty FoundationAdams Construction, Inc.Anderson PublicationsAnderson, Matt & SusanAnderson, Wendell & BettyBaxa, James & SusanBunger, Russell

Canistota Chemical, LLCCanistota Good Samaritan CenterCanistota Senior CitizensCooper, MaryDawson, Donald GJ Bartmann CompanyKeller, ChadKnox, DaleLambertz, Orval & BettyNielsen, Jeff & JanineNugteren, Darin W. and Lisa R.Ortman, CharlesOrtman, Doug & LeannOrtman, Dr. Ivan JOrtman, Dr. Jay W & SomerOrtman, Dr. Ryan & BridgetOrtman, Tom R.Ortman, Wayne H.Schenkel, Don L.Scott, Alvin & CarolynScott, Jeff & AngieUnion Telephone CompanyWeiland, Dr. Lon S.Weiland, Dr. Todd L.White's ElectricWormstadt, Wayne

Centerville Area FoundationAslin, Mr & Mrs JohnBuseman, Marty & JoyceCenterville Area Chamber of CommerceFlesher, Tom & JoniHansen, Bill & JanHansen, Scott & KristiHolmberg, Doug and JulieKappenman, PatKnutson, JeromeLinngren, Thomas & PaigeLopez, BarbaraMeier, Rev. Denis E.Miller, Mr. & Mrs. DonNeiles, William & JosephOstrem, Mr. & Mrs. BoydOvergaard, Larry & Susan

Overgaard, Mrs. LloydPrinters, Inc.Smith, Mrs. GordonSouth Dakota Community FoundationStevens, Doug & Jan

Children's Home Society-Child AdvocacyCenter of the Black Hills FundChildren's Home Foundation

Corsica Area FoundationDenBesten, DonnaFarmers State BankLigtenberg, NormanMenning, Dr. LLNagel, Alan & DebraSchmucker, Paul, Nohr & Associates

Day County Community FoundationAadland, NitaAlthoff, MarlaBarry, Nancy CBarry, Virginia C.Bartos, Josh & NancyBauer, JoanBent, TimBerger, Daniel & KaraBloom, MaryBremmon, DennisBrown, LeoneBryant, JaneBucholz, MartyBundy, MonteCape, LisaCoughlin, EricaCzmowski, MonteDacotah Bank-WebsterDakotacareDargatz, GayleDarrington, Dennis & DonnaDelaney, James or MargaretDelaney, Vander Linden & DelaneyDeutsch, ShelleyDunse, Mike

Erdmann, Mark SFields, Cory & HeidiFosheim, ViFoundry, Inc.Franson, ValerieGabler, MikeGaikowski, JillGarry, G. ToddGollnick, John & LanaGravley, Elizabeth & KurtGrimes, LaurieGrimsrud, Roger & OliveHalvorsen, Paul & ShirleyHeitmann, TariHerrick, LeonHorter, RandyJewel, CarmenJohnson, Audrey & MarkJohnson, Nathan & ShontelleJohnson, ViKennedy, AnnKennedy, MarleneKolden, David & LisaKroll, JenniferKulesa, CindyKurkowski, GloriaKurkowski, TravisLee, DebLemmon, CharlesLesnar, Colleen MarylynLone, DanielLone, MikeLone, TomMahlen, John & CorinneMammenga, DarcyMarko, AdamMarko, JamesMarx, KennyMeek, Terry & JerryMenking, DanMiotke, CarlaMiotke, JamieNilson, Bobbi

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Nolte, AlyssaNovak, G.Otto, AlanParker, Lucy & KeithPereboom & Pereboom Café, JayPremus, JohnReichmann, AprilReiprich, DeborahRithmiller, DawnRithmiller, ShawnSampson, TerrySannes, Cpt John W & JenikaSannes, KathrynSannes, Thomas & AngelaSartos, NancySattler, EugeneSchmidt, MarciaSchuster, ChrisScott, TracyShoemaker, AlyssaSigdestad, David & AvaSnaza, TanyaSpiering, BillSpiering, Timothy & JulieSpiering, LinnaeSpiering, ZoeSteiner, TammieSquires, Thomas & PeggyStark, LeonTracy, MarkValsvig, DougValsvig, KariVander Linden, Leon & DonnaVanPatten, JeffVogl, Daniel & RosemaryWagner, Larry & ConnieWaldner, SusanWashenburger, LeoWaubay 125th CelebrationWickre, JenniferWika, MarkWilliams, JudyWilliams, Vollie Ann

Delyle L. Huber Memorial FundHuber, Joan M.

Discovery FoundationFriends of the Middle Border, Inc.

Donald C. Sattler FundSattler, Donald C.

Donald Clyde Simmons Family FoundationSimmons Jr, Donald C

Erwin A. & Georgiabelle M. StainbrookFundStainbrook Estate, Georgiabelle

Lion's Club of Parkston-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleSD Chapter of Shriner's Hospital for Cripled Children-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleEaster Seals of South Dakota-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleOur Home, Inc. of Huron-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleAbbott House, Inc. of Mitchell-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleMitchell Area Adjustment Training Center-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, GeorgiabelleAvera St. Benedict Foundation-Georgiabelle Stainbrook FundStainbrook Estate, Georgiabelle

Evelyn & Bill Lohmann Conservation FundWard, Kenneth & Margaret

First Fidelity Bank & Gregory CommunityFoundation

First Fidelity Bank-GregoryGrossenburg Implement, Inc.Hegg, Peter & MarilynNemer, Dr. R. G.Rosebud Concrete, Inc.

First Fidelity Bank & Jones CountyCommunity FoundationAnderson, Paul or MarjorieFirst Fidelity Bank-MurdoGeisler, Dave

First Fidelity Bank & Platte AreaFoundationPrairie Valley Farm, Inc.

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp CountyCommunity FoundationFarmers Alliance Mutual Insurance CompanyFirst Fidelity Bank- WinnerGoodhope, Keith & GraciaKeiser, ChuckSchlaikjer, Arthur

Grossenburg Family FundGrossenburg Cattle Company, Inc.Grossenburg Implement, Inc.Grossenburg, Barry & MarilynGrossenburg, Gene & PatRosebud Concrete, Inc.Matousek Family FundMatousek, William J

First Western Bank Custer Area FoundationCuster Lions ClubTrask, Gertrude

Freeman Community FoundationHofer, Emily

Freeman Memorial FundAction Electric CompanyADA Electric, Inc.Advance ElectricAl Sutton ElectricAmerican Electric

Arneson ElectricB.C. Electric, Inc.Baumgartner ElectricBergstrom ElectricBuck's Electric, Inc.Century Electric, Inc.Clites ElectricCunningham ElectricDockter's Electric Inc.Eagle Electric of Grand Forks, Inc.Efraimson Electric, Inc.Engelstad ElectricFargo ElectricFerding ElectricFlint ElectricFreeman's Electric ServiceFulda Electric Service, Inc.Grant's Mechanical Inc.IES North PlainsM.L.H. ElectricMcGuire ElectricMuth Electric, Inc.Rocks ElectricSorlien Electric Inc.Strata Electrical DivisionStudt Electric

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn &Audrey Penn Anderson Scholarship FundPenn Trust, Dave & Beverly

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn &Dave & Bev Penn Scholarship FundPenn Trust, Dave & Beverly

Granary Rural Cultural CenterBrown, MitchellDavidson, John & Beard, CathyFischer, Ron & PatFliehs, JaniceHoefer, JenniferKneebone, TedMeyer, JoyceMorrow, John

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Morrow, Stephen TMorrow, TeresaSchuelke, Robert ESieh, WilliamSieling, Robert & Allene GiesenThompson, Robert & MaryWebb, Robert & KathyWeber, Mike & LorrieWhiteside, William & Mary Ann

Groton High School Class of 1969Scholarship FundBMI Agengy, Inc.Fliehs, Larry & Mrs. LarryGilchrist, JanHarry, Larry & KathyHeinz, Christopher & LisaHeinz, RichardHeinz, Tom & JaneHoops, GaryMahan, Tom & AlesaPigors, DavidRexroad, ConnieSaunders, GregSchley, Jerry & JaclynWegner, Bob & Jeannette

Harry & Denice Knapp Family FundKnapp, Harry & Denice

Heartland Area United Way FundUnited Way Heartland Region

Herreid Community FoundationAckerman RanchBernie's BeefstroCampbell County BankCity of HerreidCommunity Action Group-HerreidCounty CutsCurl Up & DyeDakota DreamsDakota RangersDakota Stainless Inc.

Grandmas KitchenHerreid Area BoostersHerreid Area Boosters Community Found.Herreid DentalHerreid Economic DevelopmentHerreid Good Samaritan CenterHerreid Livestock MarketHerreid SchoolHerreid Sporting CenterHerreid Students CouncilHerreid Super StopHerreid Valu MarketHome InteriorHorner EnterprisesHuber & SonKroontje Law OfficeMitzel & SonsMobridge CandyModern WoodmenNCFEPrairie PioneerQuaschnick, Gordon & DiannaRiekersRon's Ringneck RanchRuthiesS & S RealtySayler Harvesting IncSchauer, Patricia & RonaldTown n' Country GalsValley Telco CommunicationsWaterholeWeisbeck Red AngusWeisbeck Seed Farms

Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling FamilyFundSchilling, Hugh K. & Margaret S.

Huron Community FoundationA.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.American Trust Insurance LLCAnderson FurnitureAnonymousBain, Owen & Jacki

Bank of the West CaliforniaBartholow, Donald H TrusteeBarti Metal ProcessingBarton's Heating and CoolingBenson, Rick & SandraBlessinger MD, Karl JBurnison, Earl & VernaBussell, GayleCanaries Baseball BenefitCarr Chiropratic ClinicChaffee, George & JessieChase, Roger D.Christen, Paul & DonnaChurchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & BurnsCooper, Larry & CaroleCornerstone Financial Solutions Corp.Dakota Family DentistryDakotaland Federal Credit UnionDe Kramer, Ray & PearlDoland, Genevieve A.Donnell, Arthur & JeanieDornbush, DaroldErickson, Jon & PatriciaErling, E.H.First National Bank South DakotaFirst National Bank-PierreFuchs, Dr. Michael & MaryFullerton, Bush & Susan LandstromFullerton, Hugh & ShirleyGibbs, MargaretGietzen, Thomas & MarnaGoeller Properties LLCGohn, Steven & KristinHabicht, Helen CHarrington, Gary & RozellaHeld, Michael & BerylHofer, Danny & ConnieHohm, Dr. Paul H. & CarolHohm, Dr. Robert & HollyHoyt, MarilynHuber, Tim & CindyHull, JoanHuron Elks #444

Huron Newspapers, LLCHuron Noon Lions ClubHuron Steel Structures, Inc.Huron Theatre Corp.Huron Veterinary Hospital P.A.Iven Jacobson TrustJim Long & Associates, Inc.Kasa, Roger & OraleeKlein, Jed & AngelynKlock, LaronKludt, DavidKludt, Douglas & RhondaKuehn, GoldieKuhler Funeral HomeLavallee, Paul & MichelleLight, ThomasLong, James A. & JoannLong, Rick & LisaMarcus, Peter & LindaMattke, Fern Marie & LarryMeyer Modernizing Co. Inc.Mies, PeteMoe, Kevin & AmberMontgomery Agency Real EstateMoran, Arthur RNorthwest Pipe Fittings, Inc. of HuronNorthwestern EnergyOlsen, Nels & DorothyOsman, GenePearson, Omer & MaryPicek, Jr. Steve & RubyPotter's ShoesPreceptor Kappa Beta Sigma Phi, N 1330Prostrollo Motor Sales, Inc.Protective Coating Specialists, Inc.Rieger, Robert & KimRuckdaschel, Jay & MargaretSandve, Tom & MarySaylor, Howard Jr.Schneider, Dale & CarolSchoenhard, Donald & LesleySchuelke, Betty J.Sibley, Eugene Trust

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Sievert, Richard and RuthSignature PlusSkys The Limit Youth FoundationSletten, Timothy & TerrySneden, John & PatriciaSnow, Huether & CoyleStarr, MarlaThunderbird Liquor Inc.Tompkins, Louis & AnnaTurnwall, Michael & PatriciaUlrich, HermanUS Bancorp FoundationVerschoor, William PWerner, Dick & SuzanneWheeler, Ronald J & MarieWilk, WalterWilkens, Bob & BarbWoolridge, PeggyZitterkopf, Randy & Linda

Huron Hockey AssociationHuron Hockey Association, Inc.

Ipswich Area FoundationBloemendaal, Dr. & Mrs. John W.Bloemendaal, Robert & ShirleyCrissman, EarleGinsbach, DeloresLent, Mary A.Williams, David & Kristeen

Iroquois-Carthage Area CommunityFoundationFarmers & Merchants State Bank-IroquoisFlann, Duncan D

Jerauld County Heritage Center Support FundFransen, Mr. & Mrs. CharlesKieffer, Mike & VelmaSalmen, Wayne & Beverly

Jerome A. Serocki Memorial ScholarshipFundSerocki, Gloria

John & Elsie Griffin Memorial FundMennonite Brethren Foundation

Josie A. Stewart Scholarship FundBoorman, Jane

Kilian Community College FundSimmons Jr, Donald C

Lemmon Area FoundationBoorman, Jane

Lloyd E. Dahley FundChildren's Care - Lloyd Dahley FundDahley Estate, Lloyd E.Village Family Service CenterDahley Estate, Lloyd E.Anne Carlsen Center for ChildrenDahley Estate, Lloyd E.Jamestown CollegeDahley Estate, Lloyd E.

Mellette County Community FoundationAdrian, Robert & PatriciaAdrian, William & DonnaAmerican Legion AuxiliaryBenda, Theresa & AnthonyBenda, Theresa, Tony & CaroleBruning, HollisBuche FoodsCherry-Todd Electric Coop, Inc.Comp, LoisCountry Pride CooperativeDeiss, Rose MaryEgleston, Fred REllis, SFC Jeffrey SFirst Fidelity Bank- WinnerFundraiserHarrison, LarryHoman, Margie & GeneHutchinson, DevotaHutchinson, Larry & DarleneJ. Noteboom & Associates, Inc.Jans, Dale & Diane

Kary, JoeKessler, Ernie & ColetteKoskan, John & VernaKoskan'sKrogman, Casey & IdaKrogman, ClarenceKrogman, Clifford & ElaineKrogman, Harold Sr & BessieKrogman, Richard & NoreenKrogman, Steve & LeighLeibel, JanLookabill, CoraLudvik, Julie & GeorgeManke, Glenda and JerryMarty's RepairMellette County CattlewomenMellette County Chamber of CommerceMellette County Community FoundationMellette County Crop Improvement Asso.Mellette County Diamondbacks 4-H ClubNewbold, James & KristiNorris Extension ClubO'Bryan, JohnOlson, Russell & WandaPerry, FrankPigg, Elmer & ShirleyPiper, Charlotte & HaroldR & C PartnershipReliable Computing Systems, Inc.Ringthunder Extension ClubRyno, Bob & BabeSchwarting, Helen and JerrySherwood, HowardSinclair, William & So ChaeSouth Central R C & D Trust & AgencySparks, RedStarkjohann, MarvinStrain RanchStromer, Herman & DonnaSun Prairie, A PartnershipTesar, ElizabethTucker, Lance & TracyTucker, Nadine

Tucker, Nadine & FamilyTyrrell, BrendaVig, CherylWacek, MaryettaWells Fargo Bank-White RiverWestwood RanchWhite River High School AlumniWhite River Lions ClubWilliam Adrian FamilyWilliams, Marvin & Doreen & the WilliamsWyly, Mack & Karen

Midland Community FoundationNemec, JerrySnook, Patricia

Miller Area FoundationCahalan, FaithFoust, Dennis & familyHart, Jim & NiniHeidepriem, RobertaMOPSSisk, Clayton & Harriet

Mobridge Educational Foundation FundMobridge Educational Foundation

Non-McKnightRozum, Tona

Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping BullScholarship FundOglala Lakota College

Parkston Area FoundationAnonymousBernhard, Bill & CherylBjork, Tim & BonnieBoddicker, VinceBormann, Bob & DebBormann, Scott & CherylBowar, Pat & CathyFergen, CraigFergen, Kevin & JennyFirst Dakota National Bank-Yankton

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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Geidel, PaulHaag, Doug & MaryHanna, DavidHeisinger, Michael & KimIverson, ShirleyJones, Mrs. JuneKautz, DarleenKoehn Brothers Funeral HomeLeadership PlentyMaxwell, MargeMcCann, JohnMcCarthy, MaryMcCright, StanleyMcLaury EngineeringMeisinholder, GaraldMendro, Dr. & Mrs. RobMickley, David & MaryMogck, Arlo & JudyMonson, CharlesMurtha, Kevin & BeckyNeuberger, RoseNorthwestern EnergyParkston Area FoundationParkston Dental ClinicPattishall, LynnReinhart, KathleenSack, DebraSandhoff, George & DianeSchelske, HelenSchoenfish & CompanySchulz, MargaretSingleton, Diana & WayneSingleton, JoeSnyder, EuniceStatz, Joseph & LindaStatz, MichaelStatz, SteveSudbeck, William & GerryUntereiner, John & IreneVan Vleet, JoAnnVarney PharmacyWeber WoodworkingWeidenbach, Paul & Barb

Weisz, JoAnn & RoyWermers, HerbertWilliams, CecillaWittenhagen, LynaBerylWuertzer FertilizerWuertzer, AlmaYoch, DuaneYoung, Shirley

Paul and Ann Sigelman FundSigelman, Ann

Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship FundEvans, Perry & Doreen

Pierre Kiwanis FoundationBonde, DavidFerding, CoryForman, JC & BRGill, Robert & Laurie R.Glover, Bonnie M. & Lowell B.Graham Tire Compnay of Pierre, Inc.Grinager, Howard & KarenHandcock, Ben & PatsyHedman, GillHoeppner, Karl & JeanHughes County Sheriff's OfficeJones, ScottKleinjan, BrendaKnecht, Paul H & Kim RLindquist, Eldon & BettyMammenga, Jeffrey A. & Lisa R.Peterson, ScottPierre Kiwanis ClubReynolds, JeannineStengle, JohnThompson, Charles MUrbach, Rev Jon BVan Lith, Patrick S.Wal-Mart FoundationWattier, JerryWeiss, Larry L. & Colleen A.Wright, Randall E. & Alice

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area CommunityFoundationAdam, Thomas & PatricaChristenson, Bernard W. & SallyCruse, Peggy & MaxJudson, Matt & StephanieWegner, TonyWyly, Mack & Karen

Pollock Community FoundationAcheson, RuthAtkinson, Larry & RobertaBachman, Lila MeisnerBader, Oscar D (Bud)Boehm, Jeff & PaulaBoelkes, Luella RyckmanBootsma, RobertChristensen, Donald & AmandaDornbush Family, L.H.Dutt, Marv & MavisEsposito, Karen (Hollaar)Hanson, Ralph & DarleneHanson, Troy & JamieHeimbuck-Arndt, LauraJohnson, LoisKluckman, DeloresKluckman, MarthaKnudson, Allan & JeanKruger, GaryLyngstad, R. G & LorraineMoens, DebOdde, RobertOvergaard, Larry & SusanOvergaard, Mrs. LloydParrott, Carolyn & CharlesParrott, ShermanPreszler, ElmerPutnam, Jackson KPutnam, John TReierson, GeneRitter, MarleneRyckman, Arlo & LenoraSalzer, MargaretSchmidt, Ronald & Jan

Schnabel, Duane & KarenSjomeling, Howard & KatherineSjomeling, MaryannSolmonson, Larry & DawnVander Vorste, LuAnnVandervorste, Irene & DwightWittmeier, Donald & Iva

Rasmussen Family FundMessengers of Healing Winds Foundation

Richard Joy FundBraase, OrdellHart, Jim & NiniMickelson, MarkStatz, Steve & Julie

Roger & Ruth Nordby Gift AnnuityNordby, Roger & Ruth

Ruth D. Frick Ames FundAmes, Scott & Margaret

Sarah N. Dipity FundAnonymous

Sattler Wildlife FundSouth Dakota Parks and Wildlife Foundation

SD Chiropractic FoundationSouth Dakota Chiropractic Foundation

SDATC Memorial Scholarship FundAlliance CommunicationsHanson, Clinton & LoisInterstate Telecommunications CooperativeJames Valley TelecommunicationsRoberts County Telephone Coop AssocTaylor, Betty E.

SESDAC FoundationSESDAC Foundation, Inc.

Byron Bymers Memorial FundBymers, Carol

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South Dakota Community Foundation


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Sisseton Area FoundationBeth Sholom SisterhoodBlatt, LillianBrooks, MichaelBrooks, SpencerDacotah Bank-SissetonEide, Andrew & MarjorieEneboe, SteveFriedlander, Douglas & AnneFriedlander, Edwin & KathrynFriedman, Dr. & Mrs. WilliamHagen, Don L & V. M.Harold & Mary Torness Family FundHouse, Diana R.Merxbauer, BonnyNortheast South Dakota Economic CorporationOstheim, Mary S.Robbins, Joan RiveraRoberts County National BankRose, Alan & JillSanden, MarthaSchmid, Richard & MinaSchneider, JaneSchuch, Joe & EvelynTorness, Mary C.Torness, William & MaryVellenga, RitaWambheim, Ivan and LoisWilliam J. Holland FoundationZandstra, Estelle & Mike

South Dakota Auto Dealers AssociationBair, Richard & LoisCotton, Dan Jr. & EdnaJacobsen Ford-Mercury, Inc.Lindstrom, Barbara T.Prostrollo Motor Sales, Inc.Robinson Motors, Inc.Roskos, JohnSD Auto Dealers AssociationSDADA Services, Inc.South Dakota Automobile Dealers Ass'n.South Dakota Trucking Association

South Dakota Bar FoundationSouth Dakota Bar Foundation

South Dakota CASA Association FundBeddow, Dr James & JeanClarkson, MaureenCollins, ThomasFischer-Clemens, DebFrost, Larry & ConnieHorizon Properties, Inc.Kallemeyn, SharonMurschel OD, Dennis & Catherine EverettSouth Dakota CASA AssociationWheeler, Jerry & Kelly

South Dakota Farm Bureau ScholarshipFundEkstrum, Agnes & RichardHeld, Michael & Beryl

South Dakota Highway Patrol FundBroderick, Mr & Mrs B MEisnach, Dennis & ShirleyHighway Patrol Coffee FundSD Highway Patrol Fraternal Fund

South Dakota Junior Golf FoundationKirby, Dan & Arlene

South Dakota National Guard MinutemanFundArmy Guard Federal Credit UnionBack, CW2 Karen DBirnbaum, CSM Mike LCarpenter, BG Ray & MaryChristopherson, LTC Reid & RuthComes, Ltc Martin JCorbett, LTC Keith & RoxanneCornella, AlCrown, CW5 DarlaEdwards, BG Ernest & LuannFokken, CMSgt Wayne & LanaGray, COL Charles & CindyHawley, COL Spencer & Barbara

Hershman, COL JohnHoffman, CPT Rebecca CHolter, LTC John & TraciJohnson, CMSgt Robert JJohnson, COL Craig & MarciaMcElroy, SGM Darald & JoannMeier, Rev. Denis E.Michels, MAJ Marshall & LynetteMichlitsch, LTC Harvey & BarbaraRevell, CMSgt Edwin DRichard, COL Marland HSanchez, COL Anthony MSteensma, CMSgt Wayne L.Thompson, MAJ Marlon & ColleenWaeckerle, CW4 Bill VWeber, MAJ John PWeiss, Larry L. & Colleen A.Werdal, COL Lowell J

South Dakota Nurses FoundationAlvine, JudyAnderberg, Avon & LesBrendtro, Gary & MaryBuseman, JudyClements, Deb FischerCrosswait, RebeccaDangel, Mike & JuliaDucheneaux, Theresa T.Edelen, Mary & JosephElverson, CynthiaFjelland, Marlin & JoyceFoland, Dr. KayFreund, LindaFuller, William & GailGaalswyk, JudyGoeden, PatHazeltine, David & JoyceHeine, DorisHerrera, ElenaHohm, SusanIhli, MaryIngram, MaryJacobson, Ed & SandyJira, Rose Mary G.

Justice, Darcy ShermanKenner, Patricia-West River FoundationKleinsasser, ArdelleLee, ElizabethNursing Student Association of South DakoO'Connor, Don & MaryOlson, Roberta & DavidPetersen, Ellann KPeterson, James & JanePiper, Mary V.Rehorst, Sharon MSchad, Sidney & VernaSechser, PatShaver, Craig & PatriciaSmith, Sherry & DennisSmyer, Theodore F, M.D. & Patricia SmyerStevens, Gary & AudreyTexel, CarlaTjeerdsma, MarjorieWhaley, George & LenoreWolter, Dale & Karen

South Dakota Symphony OrchestraAnonymousDaby, Darin & Dianede Bellis, SerenaFausch, Mark & Mary KayMcDonald, BarbMcMurchie, Boyd & BarbPay, Dr. Douglas & SandraRomine, RachelSimonz, RebeccaSouth Dakota SymphonyStengel, Jack & LindaStensland, Vern & Ronda

Hugo and Mabel Koerner FundBennett, Tom & JuliaBergmann, DawnBrieher, Bill & DeeCardinal, ColleenCleven, Erwin & Lorrainede Bellis, SerenaFausch, Mark & Mary KayGrant, Donald & Carolyn

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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Henkin, SylviaHolmvik, EvelynHove, David & ConnieKrolikowski, John & JulieKuck, RuthMagnuson, NellieMargulies, CarolynNorthrup, Robert & LorinePlatt, Don & AnnPunt, Gerry & JulieRyan, ShirleySchoppert, Scott & CindySevertson, Ronald & VerrellaSlunecka, Fred & SandySmith, CharlineStephens, CharlotteSymphony LeagueThoelke, MaryWald, James & Sherri SundemWatzek, CandyWilds, JohnWilliams, ArdisLife Celebrations FundDimick, Michael & DebFriesen, Curt & Julie AndersonSchaap, Darrell & TwylaSimmons, Donald & Rachelle Schaap

SimmonsSouth Dakota SymphonyStensland, Vern & RondaMcDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair FundChristensen, David & Mary JoMcDonald, BarbNicole Keirnes FundKeirnes, Duncan & ElinorSchoeneman, Alvin C.David Elder Violin Chair FundAguilar, Rich & SueBennett, Tom & JuliaBroadwell, KathyCarlson, Craig & TerriElder, Lelia

Getting, RichardHenkin, SylviaKennedy, Craig & GailKunkel, ShirleyLarsen, Kent & BarbaraMcMurchie, Boyd & BarbOlson, Scott & KimPeckham, John & TrudyQuail, JaneStensland, Vern & Ronda

South Dakota Wheat, Inc.Edinger, W.F. & J.A.Ferguson FarmsFischbach, ArtHalverson, SteveJohnson, Gary & AmaineMaltby, Daniel & JaneMidwest CooperativesSchwab, Carol & LouiseShea, Duane & JoAnnSouth Dakota Wheat, Inc.Young, Thomas & JoAnne

Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare FundAnonymousDafoe, HelenGreenfield, BobJohnson, Jeff & AmyKirby, Dan & ArleneKolb, Jason & JessicaKrebs, Mitch & ShantelLindquist, Steven & PatriciaRitondaro, Gary & BonitaSoutheastern Behavioral HealthcareWright, J

Spearfish Community FoundationHuntington, StewartSouth Dakota Community Foundation

Springfield College Museum FundAndera, Robert L & Sheryl MBankWest Inc.

Barta, Richard & MarjeanBirks, Keith & DorothyBrosz, Gary & ShirleyBryan, Charles & JoanneByrnes, Mary PatChapman, CarolCollege Museum CommitteeCowherd, Robert Louis & JeanCozine, Bruce & CleoneDeRoos, Robert & LorraineDunlap, Jay & ShileyDunsmore, DorisFirst Dakota National Bank-YanktonFirst Savings Bank of SpringfieldFoss, WilburGates, DeborahHalsey, Ken & ErinJansen, Duane & ArlisJensen, JanetJones, KenJons, Dennis & KristiKluthe, Terry & LindaLeber, Germain & LindaLein, Dr. Charles & Dr. SusanLivingston, Lester & VirginiaLudens, MarcellaLyngstad, Larry & GailMaurer, Tom & JaneMcElroy, Gerald & KathrynMerrill, Thomas & DortheaMitchell, Jon & VirginiaMogck, Arlo & JudyO'Keefe, JanisParlet, Bob & AlicePesicka, Romaine & CarmenPetrik, Ed & WillmaRemme, Wayne & VernaRon's ServiceRysavy, DorisSanders, KristineSecurity State Bank TyndallSlade, Jim & LorraineStone, Cliff & Cathy

Stone, Thomas & ElaineStone, WendyStork, Frank & SuzanneTruman, Monny & PatriciaVanBeek, John & BettyWal-Mart FoundationWestling, Jon & DeloresWillard, Raymond & DeeWingen, Jerry & Jan

St. Michael's Cemetery Perpetual FundAckerman, SandraAlbi, JAllen, Edward & CarolBauer, Alton & GladysBlow, Brad & JeanBrandner BrothersBrandner Family, GeorgeBrandner, AlbertusBrandner, BruceBrandner, Christine & MitchBrandner, Clement & AngelineBrandner, DorothyBrandner, Herbert & FlorenceBrandner, Lavida & LorenBrandner, Mr. & Mrs. JamesBrandner, Nicholas & DanielleBrandner, Roland & IdoraBrockel, Bruce & ShellyBrooks, MariettaCollins, PegEckmann, BernadetteFarrell, StellaFeist & Shirley Velazquez, PeterFlyger, Steven or KathleenFrieh, Susan & RobertGoehring, Aldeen & LorieGoehring, Inc.Goldade, Richard & JeannieGraff, Jerome & DianaGreenfield, Robert & RoseGreenthurst, George & LorraineHawkinson, LindaHeisler, Donna

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South Dakota Community Foundation


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Hilt, Frank & AnnHuber, Gerald & PatricaHuber, Greg & KerriHuber, PauletteHummel, Edmund & MargaretHummel, Vince & LorraineKightlinger, GenevieveKlein, Nickolas & MaryKost, TillieKrushenisky, Richard & BeverlyLindauere, Mary AnnMacDougall, KarenMadden, Mr. & Mrs. JohnMalcolm, L.L. & BarbaraMitzel, Archie & RitaMitzel, Tom & MaryMitzel, VirginiaNelson, Gerhart & JuliaNolz, Clara M.Nolz, ElizabethO'Meara, GertrudePaul Damberger CompanyPeterson, Keith & CarolPfaller, Leo & MadelynPresentation SistersPursell, Francis & PaulineQuaschnick, James & MarieQuaschnick, Rick & LouiseRitter, FlorenceRitter, Ray & DebSchaefbauer, QuentinSchaefbauer, Thomas & RosemarySchaefbauer, W. J & KarolScheafbauer, M. P.Schmidt, Fred or JulieSchwartz, Harold & BeverlySeiler, CarolineSeiler, JamesSeiler, LoisSenftner, BettySenftner, James & GloriaStevenson Jr, John & LavernStoltenburg, Monica M.

Street, Sylvia & VincentThullner, Robert & HelenThyen, Dennis & DawnTraxinger, Francis & JoanTraxinger, LyleTraxinger, Michael & MargaretVetter, Joe & MargaretWeinzirl, Joseph & EllaWeisbeck, Dale & MelanieWeisbeck, ErnieWeisbeck, John & Myong-HuiWeisbeck, Magdalena MargeWeisbeck, Mark & EstherWeisbeck, Raymond & RoseWeisz, Cifford & LorettaWilmes, Mr. & Mrs. DonWittmeier, Maynard & Florence

St. Wilfrid's Parish FundSt. Wilfred's Cemetery AssociationSt. Wilfrid's Catholic Church

Trustee & Staff FundJohnson, John & MarilynJostad, RobertRiter, Charles & Kathleen

Vermillion Area Community FoundationEsbenshade, Jeffrey & KristineFirst Bank & TrustJensen, Mary EllenKaufman, Charles & FernMoore, YoungPeterson, J. M.

Bill Radigan Civic Awards FundVermillion Area Chamber of Commerce

Virgil (Bill) Fulwider Family FundFulwider Family

Volga Area Community FoundationLee, Howard & GladysSchade, Jim & Nancy

Wagner Area FoundationBalsbaugh, R. R. & E. C.Barnett, Jerry & JudyCotton, Kenneth & MaryCrick, James & KarenDauble, JudyFrei, Robert & JillHalbur, NormaIsebrands, Dr. David C & Suzanne MJenison, John & KateKaberna, Donald & CarolLaue, Victor & MildredMoehling, Bruce & MollyO'Shea, Dan & CarolSchroeder, Roger & BethSeiner, Jerry & SandySoukup, Linda & ThomasThaler, Ken

Wessington Springs Area CommunityFoundationAmerican Legion Auxiliary-Wessington Sp.Avera Weskota Memorial Medical CenterFlittie, C. G. & DawnHinrichs, Myron

Wilma L. Kegler Unrestricted FundKegler, Wilma L. Estate

Yankton Area FoundationKettering, Don & Pam

YBA Educational Endowment FundSales & Marketing Executives, Inc.Showplace Wood Products, Inc.Steel Eagle

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South Dakota Community Foundation

22000055 NNoonn--PPeerrmmaanneenntt FFuunndd DDoonnoorrssCenterville FoundationAmerican Legion AuxiliaryAnderson, Esther ABowden, Col. James & VirginiaHuiras, Theresa S.Peterson, Lee & Shannon"Ward, Gary & NancyXcel Energy

Citibank Crow Creek School FundSD Community FoundationWells Fargo Financial Bank

Dollywood FoundationMiller-Davis, Stephanie

Governor's Teacher Leadership Conference FundA T & TInfinite Campus, Inc.MAC Meetings & Events, LLCQwestSD Community FoundationSouth Dakota Network, LLC dba SDN


Horton House Building FundHorton Holding, Inc.

Horton Signage FundHorton Holding, Inc.

Horton Water Project FundHorton Holding, Inc.

Korean War MemorialKorean War Memorial Contributions

Larson Discretionary FundsLarson Foundation

Living Word FundChristian Outreach Fellowship

Marshall County Health Care Center FundHorton Holding, Inc.

North Marshall County Fire Hall FundHorton Holding, Inc.

Other Pass-Through ContributionsCitigroup FoundationGroton High School Class of 1969Silbaugh, Marlene & HarlanSt. Michaels CemeteryTsunami Relief FundWerner, Dick & Suzanne & Silbaugh, Harlan

South Dakota High School Activities AssociationCentenial Book FundState of South Dakota

South Dakota National Guard Support FundBlack Hills CorporationDakota Corrugated Box CompanyTotal Card, Inc.

Turner Foundation- MidlandTurner Foundation Inc.

Turner Foundation-MurdoTurner Foundation Inc.

Turner Foundation Pierre/Ft. PierreTurner Foundation Inc.

Vietnam War Memorial FundVietnam War Memorial Contributions

World War II Memorial FundWorld War II Memorial Contributions

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SDCF Grants Awarded


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Area Community Theatre, Mitchell, SD -$7,500In May, 2004, the historic State Theatre, home ofMitchell’s Area Community Theatre (ACT), wasdestroyed by fire. The City of Mitchell deeded aformer balloon museum on Main Street to the ACT,which has been renovated. This grant will helpcover some of those costs.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Black Hills,Rapid City, SD – $5,000The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the BlackHills is to match up children with adults formentoring and companionship. This year, theorganization has developed a new program toserve the 97 children currently waiting to bematched. In partnership with the SD School ofMines and Technology, Big Brothers Big Sisters isoffering Campus Kids, a program designed to offeractivities and regular contact between volunteersand children on the waiting list until permanentmatches can be made.

Black Hills Area Council, Inc. Boy Scouts ofAmerica, Rapid City, SD - $5,000Scoutreach is a program that serves underprivilegedyouth across western South Dakota by providingaccess and financial assistance to scouting services.This grant will assist with funding for campingscholarships and outreach programs in ShannonCounty. Scoutreach in Shannon County providesafter-school activities several times a week thatfocus on outdoor skills, building character, fitnessand citizenship.

Boys and Girls Clubs of the Glacial Lakes,Sisseton, SD - $5,000This grant will assist with the purchase andconversion of a building to meet the needs of the

Boys and Girls Club following a May, 2005 fire.The Boys and Girls Club serves 1,600 membersfrom Sisseton, Waubay, Peever, Enemy Swim andAgency Village. Children are taught in 5 core areas,including Character and Leadership Developmentand Career, Health and Life Skills.

Bryant Area Improvement Inc., Bryant, SD -$5,000Bryant Area Improvement, Inc. (BAI) was started in1950 to construct a clinic in this community of400. A clinic has been in operation in Bryant sincethat time, and BAI has expanded to serve as thedevelopment corporation for the community. Theorganization is now raising funds for a new clinicfacility that will continue to be operated by HorizonHealth out of Howard, SD. Horizon operatescommunity clinics in 12 locations across SouthDakota. The closest healthcare facility to Bryant is40 miles away, and this facility will serve the areafarm community. This grant is contingent upon BAIraising $400,000.

Broom Tree Retreat and Conference Center,Irene, SD - $10,000This facility is an ecumenical retreat and conferencecenter located near Irene, SD. It is a partnershipbetween various Christian denominations includingthe Catholic Diocese of Eastern South Dakota andthe Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. Thecampus will include lodging and meeting facilities,recreational opportunities, and youth and familycamp offerings. This conference center will offeran array of services to groups from across theregion, and is supported by South Dakotauniversities and private colleges, numerous churchgroups, and the Avera Healthcare System.

Campbell County Rural Fire ProtectionDistrict, Herreid, SD - $2,000The Campbell County Rural Fire Protection Districtserves an area that is over 740 square miles, andone of their trucks is currently outdated. This grantwill help facilitate the purchase of an upgradedtruck. A large portion of the money has beenraised locally, including a grant from the PollockCommunity Foundation.

Cavour Development Corporation, Cavour,SD - $5,000The Cavour Development Corporation wasawarded a Governor’s Daycare Facility in 2003, andthe doors opened in September of 2004. Thisgrant will assist in the success of this project.

Children’s Care Hospital and School, RapidCity, SD - $10,000Children’s Care Hospital and School is one of SouthDakota’s most widely recognized nonprofitorganizations. They serve over 1,000 children intheir Rapid City location, and were recently given 2.5acres of land upon which to build a new facility.Currently housed in 5,300 square feet, the newfacility will be 13,900 square feet, complete with agymnasium for physical therapy, separate areas fororthotic and prosthetic evaluation, a family resourcecenter, and a lending library for adapted equipment.This grant is contingent upon them raising $2 million.

Children’s Home Society, Sioux Falls, SD -$12,500Matching funds from this grant will assist in anendowment fund drive for the Children’s HomeSociety (CHS). CHS has a fund within the SouthDakota Community Foundation. The grant will becontingent upon Children’s Home Society raising$50,000.

City of Freeman, Freeman, SD - $10,000This is an economic development initiative that willprovide the development of a revolving loan fundin Freeman, SD. This community serves a regionaltrade area with retail, medical, professional andeducational services and wants to make thiscommunity of 1,300 more viable through jobcreation, business expansion and creation, andutilizing the revolving loan fund to leverage privateand public funds for business and industrialdevelopment projects. This grant is contingentupon the applicant raising $100,000.

Dakota Central Resource Conservation andDevelopment Applicant Area, Eureka, SD -$4,000The Eureka Lake Recreation Enhancement projectis an effort to improve the reliability of the watersource feeding Eureka Lake, along with enhancingrecreational opportunities at the City of Eureka’ssignature body of water. This improvement projectwill also provide handicapped accessible picnicshelters and a handicapped accessible fishing dock.This grant is contingent on the community raising$35,000.

First Western Custer Area Foundation,Custer, SD - $15,000Modeled after the effort undertaken in Wall, SD in2004, the Custer Area Community Foundation hasstepped up to play a key role in the construction ofthe new high school and community center in theircommunity. Part of this project is a performing artsauditorium and a sound system for the auditorium.The grant award is contingent on the localorganization raising $185,000.

The South Dakota Community Foundation awarded forty-seven grants totaling over $322,000 in 2005. These awards were made from the Foundation’s unrestricted fund grant program.The grants ranged in size from $1,000 to $25,000 and were distributed to charitable and nonprofit organizations across South Dakota. The Foundation received 126 applications totaling over$2.4 million during 2005.

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SDCF Grants Awarded

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Four Bands Community Fund, Eagle Butte,SD - $20,000Four Bands has built a reputation as a nationalleader in Indian Country entrepreneurship services.Expanding on that success, Four Bands is launchingtheir new Individual Development Account (IDA)program, which encourages participants to buildlong-term assets for specific purposes. The IDAprogram includes classes that are mandatory ongeneral financial literacy, followed by classes onindividual savings goals. Participants in theprogram will make monthly savings deposits, andthe funds are matched 3 to 1 by the IDA sponsors.Participants can only use the funds for things suchas homeownership, business development, post-secondary education. The IDA program has beentremendously successful in low income areas inthe United States, including a strong program onthe Pine Ridge Reservation through the LakotaFund. This program instills the value of saving in aculture that has had little exposure to the positivesof building net worth. This grant is contingent onthem raising $200,000 from other sources.

Grand River Museum, Lemmon, SD - $2,000In the summer of 2005, the museum has beenselected to host a Smithsonian Institute exhibit.The exhibit will allow them to feature westernSouth Dakota’s contribution to the food chain –primarily the cattle industry and small grainproduction. While the costs of this traveling exhibitare covered by the Smithsonian, this will generateconsiderable traffic for the Grand River Museum.They will be adding an interactive fossil dig forchildren that will include an educational tract onidentifying and excavating fossils. In addition, theoutdoor expansion will include a full-size authenticteepee made by a Lakota craftsman from theStanding Rock tribe. These two exhibits will be ofparticular interest to the hundreds of local schoolchildren who will visit the museum to view theSmithsonian show. This grant is contingent onraising an additional $8,000 locally.

Greater Huron Development Corporation,Huron, SD - $10,000This is an economic development initiative directedby the Greater Huron Development Corporation toraise $10 million to recapitalize the CommunityDevelopment Fund. Their goal is to raise themoney over the next 10 years. Greater HuronDevelopment Corporation has worked with localindividuals and businesses to generate this capital.

Harding County Hospital Association,Buffalo, SD - $2,650Funds from this grant will assist with improvementsto create handicapped accessibility and assistancefor individuals with disabilities at the BuffaloCommunity Health Center. Harding County has apopulation of approximately 1,300 of which 13percent are disabled. The clinic serves the entirecounty and the surrounding rural area. This grant iscontingent on the local association raising the other$2,650.

Huron Community Foundation, Huron, SD -$3,000This grant will help to provide funds to studentswho have been awaiting funds from Si TankaUniversity in Huron, but will not receive them. TheUniversity has closed. These funds will bedistributed based on a formula developed byHuron residents assisting the student population.

Huron Public Library, Huron, SD $4,000In 2004, the South Dakota Newspaper Associationbegan digitizing many of the state’s currentnewspapers. Access to this database is availablethrough a subscription, and much of the state’smost valuable printed information will bepermanently archived. The South Dakota LibraryAssociation, led by the librarian in Huron, hasstarted the process to digitize newspapers prior to2004. This will ensure access to valuable historicalinformation and documents through the Internet.The entire project has a price tag of $500,000, Thisgrant will help cover the costs of developing a test

site to work on the establishment of the overallsystem.

Isabel Betterment Society, Isabel, SD - $5,000This grant will assist with the placement of aGovernor’s Daycare facility in the community ofIsabel. It will help fill the needs of the communityin regards to quality, affordable childcare. Theschool district is participating in this project due tothe large number of teachers with children needingchildcare.

Junior Achievement of South Dakota, SiouxFalls, SD - $25,000This grant award supports the statewide expansionand implementation of Junior Achievement inSouth Dakota.

Java Depot, Java, SD - $2,500The Java Depot was built in 1901 by the Chicago,Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway. The depotremains in its original location in the community.The building still has a passenger waiting room,office space, a warehouse and a small apartment.It is currently being used as a grain warehouse forthe local elevator. The community effort to restorethe facility will be undertaken by volunteers andthrough in-kind labor and materials. Funds fromthe SDCF will assist with a historically restoredbuilding that can be used for receptions,community events and a destination for travelers.

Kimball Chamber of Commerce, Kimball, SD- $5,000Matching funds from this grant will assist theKimball Chamber of Commerce with stage lightingfor the new school facility in Kimball. Theperformance stage in Kimball providesprogramming not only for the student population,but for the community as a whole. Thecommunity of Kimball added the performancestage to the original design for the new schoolbuilding, and raised the money locally. The grant iscontingent on them raising $23,000.

Midland Youth Development, Midland, SD -$7,500The Midland Youth Development project is apartnership between the Turner Foundation, theMidland Youth Development organization, theMidland Senior Citizens Center, and the SouthDakota Community Foundation. Through apartnership with the local senior citizens center, thisgrant will help expand the current senior center tohouse facilities for youth that will be open laterhours in the evening and on weekends. Thecenter will provide a place to socialize, study andinteract with other youth in the community. Thesenior citizens center will benefit from refittedrestroom facilities and room for expanded activitiesas needed. This model will be used as anexample to other Turner communities across thecountry to show the need for intergenerationalcooperation.

Northern Hills Crisis Outreach, Lead, SD -$4,000This project is for funding to accommodate facilityimprovements at the domestic abuse shelter inLead. This shelter serves the communities of Lead,Deadwood and Belle Fourche. This grant will helpwith improvements in the shelter office, wherecounseling takes place, the laundry, indoor andoutdoor play areas, and library resources.

Oglala Lakota College, Kyle, SD - $20,000Matching dollars for a permanently endowedscholarship program to be housed at the SouthDakota Community Foundation. This is aneducational institution that serves a substantiallyunderprivileged population. Over 43% of OLCstudents come from families below the povertylevel, and 92% of all OLC students are firstgeneration college enrollees. This grant iscontingent on OLC raising $80,000 for this purposeand the funds being permanently endowed at theSouth Dakota Community Foundation.

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SDCF Grants Awarded


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Pierre Area Reading Council, Pierre, SD -$1,000This local nonprofit organization has developed abook club within the walls of the Women’s Prisonin Pierre. There is currently a waiting list to join theprogram. This specific grant will help with thepurchase of the books being read by the inmates,allowing them to keep the books while they areincarcerated and after they are released. Inaddition, this organization assists inmates through aprogram called Mom’s Making Memories, whichhelps in mate mothers record books on tape andsend the tapes to their children at home.

Planning & Development District III, Yankton,SD - $15,000A consortium of organizations is working to developa model program for affordable housing in ruralcommunities. The partnership is organized byUSDA Rural Development, the Rural LearningCenter in Howard, the South Dakota HousingDevelopment Authority, the Northeast SouthDakota Economic Development Corporation,Planning District III of Yankton, the South DakotaCommunity Foundation, Fannie Mae, and theSouth Dakota Rural Development Council. Fundsfrom the SDCF will be used to leverage a grantfrom HUD. The end result will be a playbook forrural housing development, a set of best practicemodels, and a network of assistance resources.Many rural communities have identified assistancein the development of affordable housing as theirnumber one challenge to long-term sustainability.Once the funding is secured, a housingimplementation program will be launched,involving several pilot communities in rural SouthDakota.

Platte Development Corporation, Platte, SD -$10,000This grant will assist with the success of thisorganization’s innovative job shadow/partnershipprogram. The program partners the PlatteDevelopment Corporation, high school students,

and area businesses/employers. Area businessesin need of trained labor offer job shadowingopportunities for high school students. If anemployment opportunity is of interest to thestudent, the business would pay 1/3 of thestudent’s tuition to a post-secondary school, thePlatte Development Corporation would pay 1/3 ofthe tuition, and the student would be responsiblefor the other one-third. Upon graduation fromschool, the student would be required to work atthe business for four years. It is an incentiveprogram developed by a small community to keepbusinesses open and young people returning toPlatte.

Prairie Freedom Center, Sioux Falls, SD -$2,500The Prairie Freedom Center serves individuals withdisabilities with an array of services in a 24-countyarea in southeastern South Dakota. Their missionis to empower individuals with significant disabilitieswho choose to live independently. They arecurrently in the process of raising $250,000 fortheir Home Modification and Adaptive DevicesProgram. This program provides adaptive devicesfor personal tasks and home modifications thatmake independent living a reality. The $250,000will provide 96 individuals with hand controls forvehicles, eating and dressing aids, wheelchairramps, and wheel-in showers. This grant will assistthe Center in reaching its goal.

Sioux Valley Alumni & Friends Foundations,Inc., Volga, SD – $8,000This grant will help fund equipment in the newcommunity/athletic center that has beenconstructed in Volga for Sioux Valley High School. Itis contingent on them raising $250,000 for thisproject.

South Dakota Heritage Fund, Pierre, SD -$6,000The South Dakota Heritage Fund has embarked onraising over $4.5 million to complete the final

gallery at the South Dakota Cultural Heritage Centerin Pierre. This grant will assist in the construction ofa donor recognition wall within the new gallery.The wall would recognize all contributors who havegiven $100 or more to the capital campaign. Thegrant is contingent upon them raising $15,000 forthis project.

South Dakota Rural Development Council,Inc., Sioux Falls, SD - $5,000In 2004 the Rural Development Council conductedcommunity assessments in 10 South Dakotacommunities. These assessments result in a fullreport that the community uses in its developmentplan, chamber of commerce initiatives, and evencity, county and school initiatives. This grant willassist with the funding of 10 more South Dakotacommunities. It will also assist with a symposiumand a resource database for the reports from theseassessments.

South Dakota Voices for Children, SiouxFalls, SD - $5,000South Dakota Voices for Children has beenoperating in South Dakota for over 12 years, andbrings together policymakers, business leaders,parents, youth and a broad range of professionalsto meet the needs of children ranging from food,shelter and clothing to education, health care andsafety. This grant will assist this organization isconducting an outreach campaign in SouthDakota’s eight largest communities to informcommunity and elected leaders about policy issuesof importance to children. South Dakota Voices forChildren will also identify opportunities tocollaborate on policy issues of mutual concern.

Southeastern Behavioral HealthCare, SiouxFalls, SD - $12,500Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare has establishedan endowment fund at the South DakotaCommunity Foundation for the purpose of buildinga stronger development program. The earningsfrom the endowment will be used to improve

relations with donors, hosting special events, and adirect mail program for prospective donors. Inaddition, the earnings from the fund will be used tofund new programs or positions as needs arise.This grant is contingent upon SoutheasternBehavioral raising $100,000.

Teach for America, Pierre, SD - $7,500Teach for America is a program that bringsgraduates from universities across the United Statesto rural, reservation schools in South Dakota toteach. This program has provided teachers whoare currently serving in Todd County, Crazy Horse(Wanblee) and Little Wound (Kyle) School Districts.In many cases, these teachers come from majoruniversities located in metropolitan areas.Currently, teachers from Boston, Philadelphia andLos Angeles are serving the students of SouthDakota’s reservations. This program will beexpanded during the upcoming school year toinclude at least one new school district. This grantwill assist with this expansion.

The Center for Western Studies, Sioux Falls,SD - $3,700The Center for Western Studies has worked todevelop a new History of South Dakota book thatwas rolled out for publication in 2005. The SouthDakota Community Foundation helped support theresearch portion of this project in early 2004. Thisgrant will assist with funding to provide a copy ofthis new book to every school library and publiclibrary in South Dakota.

The City of Emery, Emery, SD - $5,000Matching funds to develop an industrial park andbuild a spec building that they already have aprobable tenant willing to occupy. This grant iscontingent on the City of Emery raising $100,000.

Tom & Danielle Aman Foundation, Aberdeen,SD - $10,000This project includes the purchase of the formerMilwaukee Road Depot in downtown Aberdeen,

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SDCF Grants Awarded

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renovating the 1911 structure into a cultural andcommunity center, nonprofit professional offices,and retail space for Native American and SouthDakota Made products. The new facility will alsohouse the Aberdeen Convention and Visitor’sBureau, and offer one-stop assistance to visitors.The depot was once the hub of the “Hub City”, andthis private foundation is working to make it aprominent downtown location once again.

Town n’ Country Library, Murdo, SD - $1,500The Murdo Town and Country Library, started in1977, has built up their collection of books over theyears, and focus on reading to 3rd and 4th gradestudents in the community on a weekly basis.Recently, they purchased a building on Main Streetand will turn a vacant storefront into a communitylibrary location. This grant will assist in renovationand equipment purchases for the new facility.

Union County Health Foundation, Inc., ElkPoint, SD - $2,250Funds from this grant will provide for one of thetwo pieces of equipment needed to purchaseAutomatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) at twoclinics in South Dakota, Alcester and Elk Point.

Wakanyeja Pawiciyapi Inc. (The ChildrenFirst), Porcupine, SD - $7,000Wakanyeja Pawiciyapi Inc. (WPI) serves Lakotachildren ages 6-18 who have experienced, or areexperiencing serious emotional disturbance. Theyprovide individual, group, and family counselingservices for Lakota children from across thereservation. The organization was given a multi-million dollar grant to build a new 8,000 squarefoot facility in Porcupine, SD. It will provide forone-on-one sessions, group therapy, and interactivesessions. The new facility will open in earlySeptember, and also provides a “safe house” forkids who have been emotionally and/or sexuallyabused. This grant will help with the success ofthis program.

Wakanyeja Tiospaye O’Tipi-Children’sVillage, Inc., Pine Ridge, SD - $5,000Children’s Village is organized as a nonprofit, andreceives funding from the tribe, South DakotaDepartment of Social Services, and donors fromacross the country. Children are placed atChildren’s Village on a temporary basis, buttragically, many end up there for over 10 years.This grant will assist with educational, familial, andsupport services to the children placed at thecenter.

West River Foundation, Sturgis, SD - $6,000The West River Foundation serves as the fiscalagent for the South Dakota ConstructionConnections program, which is a pilot programdeveloped to address the shortage of qualifiedworkers in the construction trades industry in SouthDakota. The project provides young people anopportunity to explore careers in residential andcommercial construction. The participants spendthree weeks in the summer in this program, andthere are four sites selected across the state to hostthe project. This grant is contingent on themraising $14,000 for 2005.

Wounded Knee District EconomicDevelopment/Business Associations,Manderson, SD - $2,500One of the districts on the Pine Ridge Reservationhas taken the initiative to develop a grassrootseconomic and business plan on their part of thereservation. Working through the BadlandsResource Conservation and Development Districtout of Martin, this local group has worked todevelop a plan on the local level, including housingneeds, tourism potential, alternative energy sources,and land development. The fiscal agent on thisgrant would be the Badlands RC&D. This group hasa goal to raise $250,000 over the next 3-5 years.This grant will assist in their fundraising effort.

Yankton County Parents As Teachers, Inc.Yankton, SD - $5,000This is the only program serving 0-3 year olds inthe Yankton area. Currently there are 37 familiesutilizing the services of an educator who visits thehome and provides parents with age-appropriateactivities for young children. These families do nothave to meet income or other federal guidelines toparticipate in the program, and there are no feescharged to the family for participation. Thisprogram precedes the Head Start Program, whichbegins at age 3. Screening is provided as an earlymeans of detecting learning delays or disabilities.

Yelduz Roadrunners, Aberdeen, SD - $5,000The Yelduz Shrine in Aberdeen providestransportation services to children and their familiesreceiving medical services in Minneapolis, Chicagoand Cincinnati. The Roadrunners use volunteersand vans to provide rides from across the northernhalf of South Dakota to Minneapolis. In manycases, these trips are scheduled on a monthlybasis. In addition to the free transportation, theRoadrunners also provide lodging for the patientand one family member. This grant will help buildan endowment to provide financial assistance.

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South Dakota Community Foundation

22000055 NNoonn--PPeerrmmaanneenntt FFuunndd GGrraannttssBritton House Building FundBritton Lumber & Home CenterDavidson Plumbing & Heating, Co.Greg Johnson Construction, Inc.Kadoun, WilliamSpiry & Frohling Trust AccountTed's Trenching, Inc.

Citigroup Scholarship FundBauer, Eric TroyBerkland, Stephanie Fanning, Shannon Hult, Haley AnnKetterling, Jessica Langbehn, Lee Logue, Ashley Ann Millikan, Anne Moulton, Darcy Nordby, Kindra Olson, JenniferParliament, Andrea Pelton, Rebecca Peterson, Lisa L. Slunecka, Mary J.Swan, Jamie Tobin, Cassie Versteeg, Catherine

Governor's Residence FundGovernor's Residence Project

Governor's Teacher LeadershipConference FundTeacher Leadership Conference

Horton Library FundBritton Public Library

Horton Marshall County Clinic FundMarshall County Healthcare Center

Howard & Elaine Owens FundBHSU Yellow Jacket FundBHSU Green & Gold ScholarshipBlack Hills State University FoundationFreeman, AustinMark Larscheid Memorial Track & Field

SchoolSpearfish Waterfall Site

Imagination Library FundDollywood Foundation

John Lillibridge FundChampions For LifeFeed the ChildrenGrace Lutheran ChurchLanzdorf MinistriesLife InternationalTrinity Broadcasting Network

Knight Foundation2005 Aberdeen Student SummitAberdeen Area Arts CouncilAberdeen Area Career Planning CenterBrown County Events CenterGirl Scouts of Nyoda CouncilHutterville SchoolNorthern State UniversitySafe HarborSisters of the Presentation

Spurs Therapeutic Riding Center, Inc.The Youth Adult Partnership of AberdeenVolunteers of America, Dakotas

Korean War Memorial FundKorean War Memorial Project

Larson Discretionary FundsMoser, DawnThrivent Financial

North Marshall County Fire Hall FundNorth Marshall County Fire Hall

Other GrantsAmerican Red CrossCuster County LibraryDavenport, Dolsee Fischer, John Greater Huron Area Development

CorporationGriffin, Whitney South Dakota Value Added Ag

DevelopmentSouth Dakota Housing Development

AuthorityTGCIWeisbeck, KyleWeisbeck, SheldonWessington Springs Area Development


SDHSAA Centenial Book FundMariah Press

Spencer Relief FundTown of Spencer

South Dakota National Guard SupportFundJoint Business Development Center, Inc.

Tom Lillibridge FundPfaff, Katie

Turner Foundation FundHealthy Community/Healthy YouthTurner Youth Project-MidlandTurner Youth Project-Murdo

Vietnam War Memorial FundVietnam War Memorial Project


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South Dakota Community Foundation

22000055 PPeerrmmaanneenntt FFuunndd GGrraannttssAlcester Community FoundationAlcester Commercial ClubAlcester Medical CenterAlcester Summer RecreationAlcester-Hudson School

Alden Cutler Scholarship FundJohnson, Laura

Alfred & Julia Bucher EducationTrustAxtmann, DavidBlackburn, LauraChambliss, CodyChristiansen, KaylaCotton, ColeDroz, LoraDuxbury, BrandonErfman, JoshuaFanning, BrittanyFanning, ChristinaFieldsend, JustinaGerard, LaramieGnat, LeaHeezen, ChristopherJohnsen, Lacey MarieJohnson, AshleyKonard, SaraKutz, AdamLarson, GrahamLevtzow, BrandiMuellenberg, HeatherNemec, AnastasiaNeu, GinaOdden, ChristopherOdden, JosephOlson, AshleyRoeber, ElizabethSchilling, AmySchlechter, CaseySchlechter, KaylaSimons, MelanieSimmons, Monica

Sivertsen, ShannaSprenger, Lacy JaeSuhn, MarcusVolek, DustinVrooman, JesseWieseler, ColeWieseler, JeremyYearous, Jessica

Alpena Community FoundationAlpena Community Foundation

Beresford Community FoundationBeresford Community Ambulance

AssociationBeresford Public School BoardCity of Beresford-Public LibraryCongregational United Church of ChristPeers Drama Club

Bernie & Sally Christenson FamilyFundAmerican Cancer SocietyAmerican Cancer Society Relay For LifeBritton Area FoundationCam Cowan Scholarship FundGovernor's Prayer BreakfastHospiceJacob Post FamilyJerry Hermanson MemorialJunior Achievement of South DakotaMary K. Burke Scholarship FundMemorial for Claude ChristiansonMidwest Medical Services, Inc.Missouri Shores Domestic Violence

FoundationNational Down Syndrome Society Buddy

WalkNiemann, CarlyPierre/Ft. Pierre Community FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre Olympic QualificationThe Rural Learning Center

Bill and Evelyn Kuhrt ScholarshipFundBork, BryanEsmay, JordanHall, RachelO'Dell, Ashley

Bob & Doris Knecht Family FundSouth Dakota Public Broadcasting

Britton Area FoundationBiersbach, NicholasBritton Area Chamber of CommerceBritton Area FoundationBritton Country ClubCity of BrittonCity of Britton (Pool Fund)Harold Feser Post 262Knebel, ShannonMarshall County HealthcareMarshall County Prayer Rock MuseumSouth Dakota Reading ConferenceTown of LangfordVeblen Cemetery FundWilliamson, Greg

Britton-Hecla School EducationalFoundation

Britton High School Scholarship FundBehnke, KellyBritton PTA Scholarship FundBehnke, KellyBritton PTASchneider, JessicaBritton Student Council Scholarship FundBehnke, Kelly

Burke School District ScholarshipsHampl Scholarship-BurkeLamp, LaDonnaJon Glover Memorial ScholarshipFund

Glover, DillionJeffords, SarahMr. & Mrs. August Steffen FundPeterson, Danielle

Centerville Area FoundationBuechler, NathanCenterville American Legion, Post #53Centerville Area Community FoundationCenterville Fire DepartmentCenterville TransportationKing, JessicaTornado TimeW.H.A.M. (Wildlife Habitat and More)

Children's Home SocietyChildren's Home Society

Christen Home Lusk Greater HuronArea FoundationDakota Wesleyan UniversityGreater Huron Area Development

CorporationSilver Tigers BaseballSouth Dakota Rodeo Association

Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-First United Methodist of Huron FoundationFirst United Methodist of Huron FoundationKen & Lois Borecky Fund-Huron Area Senior CenterHuron Area Senior CenterKen & Lois Borecky Fund-National Jewish Center for ImmunologyNational Jewish Center for

ImmunologyKen & Lois Borecky Fund-Nyoda Girl Scouts-Huron ChapterNyoda Girl Scouts - Huron ChapterKen & Lois Borecky Fund-Salvation Army Foundation

Salvation Army FoundationKen & Lois Borecky Fund-Sioux

Council BSA Camping EndowmentSioux Council BSA Camping EndowmentKen & Lois Borecky Fund-South

Dakota 4-H FoundationSouth Dakota 4-H FoundationKen & Lois Borecky Fund-United

Way of HuronUnited Way of Huron

CitibankAssociated School Boards of South DakotaBoys and Girls Clubs of the Glacial LakesCitigroupEvans, BillieFischer, ElizabethFour Bands Community FundGinsbach, ClintGreater Huron Development CorporationKellogg-Andrus, JensiOST Partnership for HousingSlaathaug, BrettSouth Dakota State UniversityTechnology and Innovations in Education

Corsica Area FoundationCorsica Centennial CommitteeCorsica Community FoundationCorsica Swim TeamCorsica Youth Association

CorTurst Bank ALM CommunityFoundationArtesian Volunteer Fire DepartmentLetcher American Legion AuxiliaryMt. Vernon 125th Celebration CommitteeRolland PeteschSanborn Central Health CouncilSanborn Central School


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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Darren R. Mallow FundDunn, LeighannForbes, Scout A.

David & Wally Baas Memorial FundAntigue, KarenBaanHofman, KindraBaanHofman, KrissaBeukelman, ReneeDenOuden, CandyFirst Reformed ChurchGraves, KylyKernes, KassyKrall, KatieMitchell Christian SchoolMueller, AliOdens, JoshOleson, AndrewVendt, DerekVlieger, ToddWieczorek, ChrisWilliams, ChrisWilliams, NicoleYoung, Jamie

Day County Community FoundationStrand-Kjorsvig Nursing HomeWaubay Public Library

Donald C. Sattler FundFathke, ChristopherWielenga, Ryan

Dr. Lynn Merton Paege CharitableFundKnight, Jill

Eleanor Naddy FundPeninsula Daily News Home Fund

Evelyn C Kuhrt Exemplary FundMiller, Carmen

Excellence in Economic.DevelopmentAberdeen Economic Development


Farmers Weather CorporationSDSMT Foundation

Fellowship of Christian AthletesFundFellowship of Christian Athletes

First Fidelity Bank & BonesteelCommunity FoundationBonesteel Women's ClubBonesteel/Fairfax Girls SoftballFairfax Community ClubKnights of ColumbusListen & Learn Club-BonesteelSwimming Pool Fund

First Fidelity Bank & BurkeCommunity FoundationBurke Community Senior Center, Inc.Burke Golf CourseBurke Womens AssociationGraceland Cemetery AssociationMayer, Britany

First Fidelity Bank & GregoryCommunity FoundationGregory BaseballGregory CinemaGregory Community PlayersGregory Observation ParkGregory Wellness Center

First Fidelity Bank & Jones CountyCommunity FoundationJones County Seniors for ServiceMurdo Golf Club

First Fidelity Bank & Platte AreaFoundationBright Beginnings Learning Center

Lyric Theater & MuseumPlatte Public LibraryPlatte ROCS Bus FundPlatte Volunteer Fire Department

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp CountyCommunity FoundationBikes For KidsClearfield Community HallMain Gate CounselingNational American Adv ProjectOut Of School ProgramTripp County Fair BoardTripp County Historical SocietyTripp County LibraryWinner American Legion AuxiliaryWinner Area RSVPWinner Gymnastics ClubWinner VFWWise Guys

First Western Bank Belle FourcheArea FoundationBelle Fourche Arts CouncilBelle Fourche Girls Softball AssociationBelle Fourche Lions ClubBelle Fourche Senior Citizen CenterBelle Fourche Skate ParkBelle Fourche Soccer AssociationBike Path/River Walk EnhancementBronc Booser ClubCASA ProgramCenter of the Nation Concert AssociationCenter of the Nation Humane SocietyCommunity Counts for EducationParents Who CareSouth Park Elementary SchoolSuncatcher Therapeutic Riding AcademyTri-State MuseumVFW 3312 Cub ScoutsYoung Riders 4-H Club

First Western Bank Custer AreaFoundationCuster County School District

First Western Bank Fall River AreaFoundationCommunity Health & Development, Inc.Edgemont Area Historical Society, Inc.Edgemont Chamber Beautification

CommitteeEdgemont Senior Citizens ClubEdgemont Youth SoccerFall River County Historical SocietyHot Springs Ministerial AssociationHot Springs Scout Building CommitteeHot Springs Transit, Inc.

First Western Bank Greater WallArea FoundationFW Greater Wall Foundation School FundLurz, Kannan

First Western Greater Sturgis AreaFoundationAction for the Betterment of the

CommunityBlack Hills Foster Grandparent ProgramBlack Hills Special Services Coop-DDPCentral Meade County Community

CenterCrisis Intervention Shelter ServicesMeade County Senior Citizen's CenterMeade School District 46-1 Charitable

TrustMeade School District 46-1 Comm. Ed.Meals on WheelsNorthern Black Hills Retired & SrVolunteer ProgramNorthern Hills Alcohol and Drug ServicesPrairie Hills Transit/Sturgis (GSATC)South Dakota Junior MissSturgis Area Arts CouncilSturgis Center for the Arts, Inc.

Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame

Sturgis Public LibraryYoung Life of Sturgis

Francis T. Malone Scholarship FundDeCurtins, AmandaDuffy, StaciJensen, AshleyKrogman, CaseyLembcke, SarahNorman, LynneahSchmidt, Rebecca

Freeman Community FoundationFreeman Community Library FundHeritage Action Group

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson MemorialScholarship Fund

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship-Ft. PierreDeis, Daniall ReneeForster, JackieHanson, AshleyHuss, StacyJensen, JenniferKenobbie, KatyMcQuistion, JamiePrince, JodiPrince, KalyaStoeser, KayleenThorson, AmyG.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship-MontroseHolland, CandaceSchaefer, JeffWenzlaff, JesseG.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship-PierreAnderson, AlecAnderson, KristenBrotherton, KatieBurger, Sarah


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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Gourneau, KatieGraves, BretOliva, CoriaParker, AnthonyWilliams, IsaacZellmer, Mike

Greater South Dakota Education &ResearchYouth Business Adventure

Harold & Mary Torness Family FundCenter for Western StudiesGrace Lutheran ChurchGrace Lutheran Church-GoodwillCemeteryLutherans Outdoors in SD-NESODAK

Bible CampNicollet Tower -Heritage Museum of

RobertSisseton Community FundSisseton Swimming Pool AssociationTekakwitha Living Center

Herried Community FoundationHerreid School District New Gym FloorFund

Clayton C. WiestCampbell County Clinic-HerreidCommunity Action GroupHerreid Area Boosters

Hoch Drug FoundationHovorka, Ashley

Huron University FoundationHuron University Foundation

Ipswich Area FoundationCommunity Growth, Inc.Habeck, StephanieIpswich Commercial ClubIpswich Golf FoundationMarcus P. Beebe Memorial Library

James & Gertrude Mueller JonesCounty Scholarship FundEsmay, JordanIversen, AshleyKinsley, Anthony

Jerry Peterson Bristol High SchoolScholarship FundBiersbach, Nicholas

Jerry Peterson Stanley County HighSchool Scholarship FundMcQuistion, JamieWilcox, Tyler

John P. Bushfield Scouting FundJohn P Bushfield Scouting Fund

Johnson Motor Co. - Howard B.Johnson Scholarship FundWeller, Crystal

Josie A. Stewart Scholarship FundBuer, Bailee

Judge F.E. Mullen Scholarship FundBaumgartner, TraceyOzanne, JordiSchlomer, Abby

Langford High School ScholarshipFundFagerland, Austin

Laska Schoenfelder MemorialScholarship FundChristopher, Christina

Lloyd E Dahley Scholarship FundLloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-BrittonWilliamson, GregLloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund- James Valley Christian SchoolHohm, Danielle

Lloyd E. Dahley EndowmentAnne Carlsen Center for ChildrenAnne Carlsen Center for ChildrenChildren's Care - Lloyd Dahley

FundChildren's Care Hospital & SchoolJamestown CollegeJamestown CollegeVillage Family ServicesVillage Family Service

Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship FundHesby, KristenJensen, DannicaSchultz, Katie

Major General Duane L "Duke"Corning Scholarship FundCallies, RebeccaOlsen, Jordan

Melvin "Bud" & Jo Ohlson FundHalvorson, LaceyNissen, AbnerScott, Brooke

Merlin & Almeta JacobsenMemoraial FundWolf, Michael

MickelsonChildren's Home Foundation FundUSD FoundationUSD Foundation-Mickelson Scholarship


Midland Community FoundationMidland Alumni AssociationMidland Area Emergency Medical ServiceMidland Crafts ShopMidland LibraryMidland School DistrictMidland Youth Center

Midland Community ScholarshipMidland Community Scholarship Fund

Miller Area FoundationAmerican Bank & Trust EmployeesCrescent Chapter #4Cub Scouts Pack 12Dearborn Leadership AwardGood Samaritan CenterHand County Angel TreeHand County Shooting StarsJr. High WEB LeadersMeals on WheelsMiller Elementary School-SpeakersMiller Elementary School-Summer

ReadingMiller Girl Scout Troop 6306Miller Youth FootballPolo Fire DepartmentRustler Roost Education CenterSandy Greenough-Water Safety InstructorTeen Mentors Character Counts

Milton & Leona Lindell FundDathe, KjerstenVig, Ross

Morgan-Naslund Faith Library FundFaith School District

Mt. Pleasant CemeteryMt. Pleasant Cemetery

Paul & Ann Sigelman FundPrairie Lakes Health Care FoundationWatertown Community Foundation

Perry and Doreen Evan ScholarshipFundLindgren, Matthew

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area FoundationCanvas Back Art ClubCivic CasaCountryside Hospice, Inc.

Easter Seals of South DakotaHipple Printing Company, Inc.Make A Wish Foundation of South DakotaOahe DaysOahe Prep BowlOlympic Qualification FundSouth Dakota Discovery Center &

AquariumSouth Dakota Vietnam War MemorialUnited Sioux Tribes of South DakotaWesleyan Indian Ministries, Inc.

Pierre-Ft.Pierre Youth FundCapital City Children's ChorusRiggs High Student SenateT.G.I.C.Youth To Youth

Pollock Community FoundationPollock Centennial Park-GazeboPostmasterPrairie Pioneer-Heartland Publishing Inc.Visitor/Interpretive Center Kitchen-Patio

Producers Beef BankR-Calf

Rasmussen Family FoundationWessington Springs Chamber of


Reuben & Marloe Bareis FamilyMCC Church of TopekaRapid City Regional Hospital FoundationSD School of Mines & Technology

FoundationUniversity of ColoradoWesthills Village Foundation

Rice Memorial ScholarshipGriffin, Whitney

Roland Dolly ScholarshipChris Cairns Seminary FundRoland Dolly Loyalty ScholarshipSt. Mary's Foundation


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South Dakota Community Foundation

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Steele, AndreaWilliams, John

Ron Reed MemorialNorris, Kelly

Russ & Marilyn Christiansen FamilyFundKreber, Justin

Ruth D. Frick Ames ScholarshipAmes, SarahCoughlin, BetseyNeyens, Dianne

Sandvig Family FundAberdeen Community TheatreCampus Crusade for ChristChristian Worship HourHub Area Habitat For HumanityThe Salvation ArmyUnited Way of Northeastern SD

Schoenhard Community FoundationBrule County 4-HChamberlain City RecChamberlain JC'sChamberlain School DistrictChamberlain School District/Post PromChamberlain Senior CitizensCity of Chamberlain/Baseball AssociationCity of PreshoCozard Memorial LibraryHighmore School DistrictKimball SchoolsMissouri Valley Arts CouncilMissouri Valley Crisis CenterMissouri Valley Horseman’s ClubPrime Cowbells

SDATC Memorial Scholarship FundClark, John

SD Auto Dealers AssociationSDADA Services, Inc.

SD Lions Eye Bank Inc.South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc.

Sisseton Area FoundationSisseton Area Community Foundation

South Dakota ManufacturedHousing Association FundSouth Dakota Manufactured Housing


South Dakota Nurses FoundationErickson, ChristinaSD Nurses Foundation

Spearfish Community FoundationByrum, BruceClark PrintingKrcil, NicoleOldenkamp, EmilySneesby, CindySpearfish Area Chamber of CommerceSteele, Andrea

Timothy & Carol Kay Bjorkman FundCanistota Athletic AssociationGive A Gift FundParade of Lights/Jeanette NugterenVORP

Vermillion Area CommunityFoundationBroadcaster PressDowntown Vermillion Streetscape ProjectPostmaster

Verne & Irene Collins ScholarshipFundBlackburn, Laura

W.H. Struges Family ScholarshipCalhoon, JessicaKaiser, KaraWeiland, Tyler

Wagner Area FoundationBoys & Girls Club of the Yankton SiouxCharles Mix County Historical SocietyWagner After Prom ParentsWagner Lake "Garden Ladies"Wagner Raiders Peewee & Midget


Wayne & Jacque Gustafson FamilyFundMake A Wish Foundation of South DakotaSioux YMCA

Wessington Springs AreaFoundationBeadle-Jerauld American Red CrossDunham Historical Society Heritage

CenterJerauld County AmbulanceJerauld County Trap ClubOpera House BoostersPark Improvement CommitteeWeskota FoundationWessington Springs Area Development

CorporationWessington Springs Chamber of


William Edwards Scouting FundWilliam H Edwards Scouting Fund

Wilmer and Esther Werner FamilyScholarship FundBentz, SuzanneHorner, Brent

WM Looby Bennett CountyScholarship FundClaussen, ScottyHicks, AndreaHill, AmberKruger, AmandaKuxhaus, Barbara

Yankton Area FoundationChrist Episcopal Church-Stained GlassJunior AchievementMarne Creek Greenbelt ProjectYankton Baseball AssociationYankton Ice AssociationYankton Science Olympiad Program

Bauer Halstad Scholarship FundJohnke, JenniferWright, KathyYankton Science Olympiad Program

YBA Educational Endowment FundAnderson, Ryan


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South Dakota Community Foundation

FFiinnaanncciiaall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonnSOUTH DAKOTA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION


December 31, 2005 and 2004

Assets 2005 2004

Cash and Cash Equivalents 2,258,474$ 2,356,221$

Certificates of Deposit - 11,702


Cash management and money market accounts 1,017,526 2,344,941

Mutual funds 12,006,654 10,922,081

Marketable debt securities 15,485,256 10,545,069

Marketable equity securities 16,976,806 16,238,798

Hedge funds 1,578,377 1,528,285

Cash value of life insurance 567,507 528,146

Interest Receivable 119,372 142,922

Prepaid Expenses 11,668 12,177

Contributions Receivable 3,063,276 1,809,508

Furniture and Equipment, net of accumulated

depreciation of $90,560 and $83,231 21,194 24,680

Total assets 53,106,110$ 46,464,530$

Liabilities and Net Assets


Note payable, bank 987,546$ 676,500$

Charitable gift annuities payable 287,851 -

Accounts payable 2,631 2,679

Grants payable 1,106,956 1,173,829

Accrued expenses 8,106 3,786

Total liabilities 2,393,090 1,856,794

Net Assets

Permanently restricted 41,538,502 35,030,992

Temporarily restricted 1,984,538 3,037,058


Designated 6,768,582 6,156,840

Undesignated 421,398 382,846

Total net assets 50,713,020 44,607,736

Total liabilities and net assets 53,106,110$ 46,464,530$

Page 35: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center

South Dakota Community Foundation


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Years Ended December 31, 2005 and 2004

2005 2004

Changes in unrestricted net assets:

Revenues and gains (losses):

Contributions 2,000$ 1,000$

Interest and dividend income 1,822,058 1,237,702

Net unrealized and realized gains on investment securities 698,915 2,361,587

Increase in cash value of life insurance 31,676 28,752

Changes in the value of split interest agreements (5,954) -

Other 1,543 2,844

Net assets released from restrictions 2,092,666 2,361,773

Total unrestricted revenues and gains (losses) 4,642,904 5,993,658


Economic development grants 147,500 115,000

Human services grants 101,900 120,300

Health and educational grants 72,700 138,500

Cultural grants 22,500 34,000

Donor advised funds grants 3,132,910 3,557,015

Interest expense 51,834 3,176

Administrative expenses 463,266 458,445

Total expenses 3,992,610 4,426,436

Increase in unrestricted net assets 650,294 1,567,222

Changes in temporarily restricted net assets:

Contributions 1,040,146 3,419,961

Net assets released from restrictions (2,092,666) (2,361,773)

Increase (decrease) in temporarily restricted net assets (1,052,520) 1,058,188

Changes in permanently restricted net assets:

Contributions 6,507,510 4,810,383

Increase in permanently restricted net assets 6,507,510 4,810,383

Increase in net assets 6,105,284 7,435,793

Net assets, at beginning of year 44,607,736 37,171,943

Net assets at end of year 50,713,020$ 44,607,736$

Page 36: Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center and Terry Redlin · South Dakota Community Foundation...a vision for our next century 2005 Annual Report Artwork courtesy of Redlin Art Center


South Dakota Community Foundation

BBooaarrdd ooff DDiirreeccttoorrss SSttaaffff

Charles Riter

Thomas Sannes Thomas ShortbullPeg Seljeskog Ann Sigelman

Rich CutlerPatricia Adams Rodney Fouberg

Blake HoffmanIrving HinderakerNini Hart

Noel HamielBarry Grossenburg Wayne Gustafson

Mark Mickelson Jim Means

Dan KirbyRobert JostadJohn JohnsonChair

Doug PetersenTom OlsenEarl Nordby

Charlie Thompson

PresidentBob Sutton

Associate DirectorStephanie Judson, CFP

Program OfficerGinger Niemann

Program AssistantKelly Nelson