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Rethinktmvel risk By Karen Yue v!t ien il lrn tei trt {l gi:rls t tg ctlt ;-rorate everts ;rl,rnterr : lre ptltting tlte c:rt br:lore tJ re, ;t:cordtrlg to lrrtertle' tic.rnal S[]S. l le. drrrgprovidt-'t of lled - i:lrJ lssistlnce . rtrter rratiotral lre-'althcare. sL.allt\/ ser vlce:t lncl outsoLtrcecl rttrstorrter Lttte. Trlve l sr'cL.t r ttr,r 5E 1-1r i6i1-s l\s t r - l ic i-lrrlc|.r Mr li,trr,, Rrdlr:y. '.,lt11 e,relltpl;rll itr]':.!'/11i.r !.r.r r! i li.veloll 1l!, pl.lll: i-ralseo f rt:,ll',, liI r-lttr crt tri i li:st Il;tlirltl. r-:ilst allcl fir Ltgr'.illrl te l.!l lir'ltt i ri:t''- ttl,-lh |g platts tl t{-r lvt'0ng trr'fi'r'. H€r t-{:rtort rlt tr:tttJs ev-otll pllntlers ',i', rtlr travel ilsl. tllarlaget s to assess tureto sripltott tislt t'rrlcual ott I'lr Rtcllety poilted oL.rt tlrater,'el'1i desttrratlLrr I hacl lts 5t.rrr.e, r'lrilc :Ltpportrrtg the Beiltng O ytrrflr: f-iatrtes rn (-roil[)ar!':Tt:ti tlratChirra clrd l.rot allo'r't' heltcoptet ,1 , "1 lr.uif iL. L:lrii]tro;s. l.tcli of ira l ng .lltol rg pararledics .tiltl tile ptll,ri c. s l(ilo\vlt-rcllli-- ol lii:.i ;ttcl ip tltl ilet:;ltrt,rttor r rtrtlld alsit bi: tlre cltlference ltetwee.rt 1ti,.: ttrrddelth tl ltnlr:sol i:lrli '1 .i.' i'iesAr---c;otL:]itl'gi1lltl|ertlltrc,rla]SOS.,l]S|.leV.]t]uattotlfor|rr.lo-1lr:i-l1l1c..coLl1cl5e]tli,.:r-,,tll;:l..:ll', lrach bv betwerelLiS$50 tlOLl lid US$100 0tl0 \i'/tl ract:; rrl t!.rt-ot-r:ln rt.tlLrrrl tlrststers and politr-aJ itrlle-'sl rrllL.Llrf lllg 1'1 11 p 6fl6-11 lir,,r lt-ofore. evenl r-,r!r-Jlt:el':t r.illt li) lc,nger ltJorclto et irlvt:l ri:l<t'tl,,ttlilgelllellt talii.e il l.)irlr'i' A-s rnor'a, ci-intl-ri-tlrii::, take ii rlrr-busrness Lrvertts il\itrlsLr::s,rtld exllose thalt rtaff lrlr-i to l,rossible secLiIty artr-J rt-rr.-.ilrLtll rSl\S. €lverll p1.'intlers tltlsi :to1l gl lLltlilgl tlle ilL-:r'rri I lr-t\,,1.1 |sl\ flitTt.U,efir-.|r rtr rele-,glt ttg it to tilose"tr'llo llt,lv lilcli tllp ilttertlltr0l lill {rxlii,rl il s;tle!t| I i l l-tl I I I:J, tl I Tl l--r I o\rel es. GmndHyatt Bali upsizes GrandHyatt Bali has completed its US$35 million renovation of roomsand suites, the GrandClub,the lobby and threef&b outletsand the additionof facilities includingKriya Spa and a second GrandBallroom. The second Grand Ballroom, offeringwi-fi connectivity' now is the largest hotel convention facility in Bali. The 1,200m2 venue, which has a 10m high ceilingand a six metredeepstage with dressing rooms,canbe subdivided into threeseparate sound-proofed function spaces, each with its own entrance and individual controls for lighting and audiovisual equipment. TALKING NUMBERS f rr:t to t'ut't throtrgh potentta busttrr:ss i:verirt destltratlotls the risk rltrirgof ihe cJtlstrrr:rtrotr .tndavlrlall e trft'astt.Llr:- ov/n e\/acllaltlotl lltlltations. Fot itl- travel rsh i|3rlcluetrL'lrt last yc;rt tlrtr 'evacLntions rrhile r:redtt c;lrtJs v/elc 1.7 billion The economic contribu- tion in ringgit (or US$SOO million) by Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre to the citysince it opened in June 2005, it said 51,OOO The number of pre- scheduled appoi ntments over three days lastDe- cember at EIBTM, it said ClCl The amount in J J pouno sterllng (or US$148) to fly from London to Kuala LumPur on AirAsia X Shanghai expo chooses MGI Global association, communi- cation and eventmanagement company, MCI, is the officiallY assigned andrecommended service partnerof the 2010 World Expoin Shanghai. MCI,which setuP an office in Shanghai in 2006, is alsorepresented in Hong Kong andwill also be present in Beijingby March. The expowill be held between May and October, and 70 million visitorsfrom around the world are expected to visit the exhibitionpavilions of the 206participating nations. Cor- porations and associations are expected to hold nationaland international MICE events in Shanghai duringthe exPo. ri'.ri L1.. t.: 8 ttcmice February/March 2009

Article.Ttg Mice Mar2009.Singaporef

Jul 19, 2015



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Page 1: Article.Ttg Mice Mar2009.Singaporef

Rethinktmvel riskBy Karen Yue

v!t ien il lrn tei trt {l gi:rls t tg ctlt ;-rorateeverts ;r l ,rnterr : l re pt l t t ing t l te c:rt

b r : lo re tJ re hor . re , ; t : cord t r lg to l r r te r t le '

t ic.rnal S[]S. l le. drrrg providt- ' t of l led -

i : l rJ lssist lnce . r tr ter rrat iotral l re- 'al thcare. l t \ / ser vlce:t lncl outsoLtrceclr t t rs to r r te r L t t te .

Trlve l sr'c L.t r ttr,r 5E 1-1r i 6i1-s l\s t r - l ic

i- lrr lc|.r Mr l i , trr , , Rrdlr:y. ' . , l t11 e,rel l t pl ;r l l

i t r ] ' : . ! ' /11i.r ! .r .r r ! i l i .velol l 1l ! , pl . l l l : i -ralseo

f rt : , l l ' , , l i I r- l t tr crt tr i i l i :st I l ; t l i r l t l . r- : i lst al lcl

f i r Ltgr ' . i l l r l te l . ! l l i r ' l t t i r i : t ' ' - t t l , - lh |g platts

tl t{-r lvt'0ng trr'fi'r'.

H€r t-{:rtort rlt tr:tttJs ev-otl l pllntlers', i ' , rt lr travel i lsl. t l larlaget s to assessture to sr ip l to t t t is l t t ' r r lcual ot t

I ' lr Rtcllety poilted oL.rt t lrat er, 'el '1i desttrratlLrr I hacl lts5t . r r r .e , r ' l r i lc :L tppor t r r tg the Bei l tng O yt r r f l r : f - ia t r tes rn(-roil[)ar!':Tt:t i t lrat Chirra clrd l.rot allo'r ' t ' heltcoptet

, 1 , " 1

l r .ui f iL. L: lr i i ] tro;s. l . tcl i of i ra l ng . l l tol rg pararledics .t i l t l t i le pt l l ,r i c. s l( i lo\vl t-rcl l l i -- ol l i i : . i

; t tcl ip t l t l i let: ; l tr t ,r t tor r r tr t l ld alsi t bi: t l re clt l ference l tetwee.rt 1t i , . : t trrd delth t l l tnlr:s ol i : l r l i '1 . i . '

i ' i esAr - - -c ;o tL : ] i t l ' g i1 l l t l |e r t l l t r c , r la ]SOS. , l ]S | . leV. ] t ]ua t to t l fo r | r r . lo -1 l r : i - l1 l1c . .coL l1c l5e ] t l i , . : r - , , t l l ; : l . . : l l ' ,l rach bv betwerel LiS$50 t lOLl l id US$100 0tl0

\ i ' / t l rac t : ; r r l t ! . r t -o t - r : ln r t . t lL r r r l t l r s ts te rs and po l i t r -aJ i t r l le - ' s l r r l lL .L l r f l l l g 1 '1 11 p 6 f l6 -11 l i r , , r

l t-ofore. evenl r-,r !r-Jl t :el ' : t r . i l l t l i ) lc,nger l tJorcl to et ir lvt: l r i : l< t ' t l , , t t l i lgel l lel l t tal i i .e i l l . ) i r l r ' i '

A-s rnor'a, ci- int l-r i- t l r i i : : , take i i r l rr-busrness Lrvertts i l \ i t r lsLr::s,rt ld exl lose thalt r taff l r l r- i

f . i r-rn to l ,rossible secLiIty artr-J rt-rr.- . i l rLt l l rSl\S. €lverl l p1. ' int lers t l t ls i : to1l gl lLl t l i lgl t l le i lL-:r ' rr i I

l r- t \ , ,1.1 |sl \ f l i tTt.U,ef ir-. |r r tr rele-,glt t tg i t to t i lose"tr ' l lo l l t , lv l i lc l i t l lp i l t tert l l t r0l l i l l {rxl i i , r l i l

s;t le!t| I i l l-tl I I I:J, tl I Tl l--r I o\rel es.

Gmnd Hyatt Bali upsizesGrand Hyatt Bali has completed its US$35 million renovationof rooms and suites, the Grand Club, the lobby and three f&boutlets and the addition of facilities including Kriya Spa and asecond Grand Ballroom.

The second Grand Ballroom, offering wi-fi connectivity'now is the largest hotel convention facility in Bali.

The 1,200m2 venue, which has a 10m high ceiling and asix metre deep stage with dressing rooms, can be subdividedinto three separate sound-proofed function spaces, each withits own entrance and individual controls for lighting andaudiovisual equipment.


f rr:t to t 'ut 't throtrgh potentta busttrr:ss i:verirt destltratlotlsthe risk rltr irg of ihe cJtlstrrr:rtrotr .tnd avlrlall e trft 'astt.Llr:-

ov/n e\/acl lal t lot l l l t l l tat ions. Fot i t l -

travel rsh i |3r lclu�etrL' lr t last yc;rt t l r tr'evacLnt ions r rh i le r : red t t c ; l r t Js v /e lc

1.7 billionThe economic contribu-tion in ringgit (or US$SOOmil l ion) by Kuala LumpurConvention Centre to thecity since it opened inJune 2005, it said

51,OOOThe number of pre-scheduled appoi ntmentsover three days last De-cember at EIBTM, it said

ClCl The amount inJ J pouno sterllng(or US$148) to fly fromLondon to Kuala LumPuron AirAsia X

Shanghai expochooses MGIGlobal association, communi-cation and event managementcompany, MCI, is the officiallYassigned and recommendedservice partner of the 2010World Expo in Shanghai.

MCI, which set uP anoffice in Shanghai in 2006, isalso represented in Hong Kongand will also be present inBeijing by March.

The expo will be heldbetween May and October, and70 million visitors from aroundthe world are expected to visitthe exhibition pavilions of the206 participating nations. Cor-porations and associations areexpected to hold national andinternational MICE events inShanghai during the exPo.

r i ' . r i

L 1 . . t . :

8 ttcmice February/March 2009

Page 2: Article.Ttg Mice Mar2009.Singaporef

Denrvrt /rJvina,

l'm h hr"O 4hig aru. + oyu h latL,

I wa.a dltiadrd A *oat a#/gn/u/4tT

ansl cAanQ fty* aboulr srndfuJ4/4it *F3 b Tu ,. t/t4fi"| ilrit uorrtingwhtil e flE nanala. i*- Igu frrv xleut;lt^ cat/zd 4v oo n p lfwnr .tilt-

liltranu a( +/tL ln|'t &o,f ari ru !

thane p't h nuoh , /rlfra. futo{ti,ng W ovtl\, f,4oh a urcfu /i*,k f n f" on nnnaJing n w?/ r.fsk.

Wf t/r,{r( .
