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Armonicos Current

Feb 27, 2018



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  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    HARMONIC CURRENT SPECTRUMofT!ica" P#M Ad$%s&a'"e Fre(%enc Drive )i&* in&erna" dc '%s reac&orDescri!&ion of f%"" "oad c%rren& )aveform %sin+ individ%a" fre(%enc com!onen&sT&e follo'"n( ta)le $&o'$ t&e a**rox"!ate value$ for eac& fre+uency co!*onent conta"ned '"t&"n t&ecurrent *ul$e$ a$$oc"ated '"t& t&e l"ne current for a ,M adu$ta)le fre+uency dr"ve '"t& an "nternal dc )u$

    reactor. T&e co!*onent$ are not true &ar!on"c$ only a re*re$entat"on of "nd"v"dual 'avefor!$ '&o$e area$e+ual$ t&e area under t&e or"("nal 'avefor! or ty*"cal "n*ut *o'er l"ne current *ul$e$.t "$ "!*ortant to ee* "n !"nd t&at t&e area under t&e "n*ut l"ne current *ul$e or 'avefor! "$ e+ual to t&e real*o'er )e"n( tran$ferred fro! t&e d"$tr")ut"on $y$te! t&rou(& t&e dr"ve to t&e !otor. "t& t&e ,M dr"ve arecurrent flo'$ for'ard and eac& contr")ute$ $o!e *ort"on of real *o'er t&at '"ll )e u$ed )y t&e !otor to*erfor! 'or. T &ere are no ne(at"ve $e+uence current$ a$ 'ould )e def"ned )y a our"er analy$"$ of t&e'avefor!.All current co!*onent$ contr")ute to t&e real *o'er tran$ferred. T&ere "$ l"ttle or no react"ve co!*onent anda$ $uc& no current "nected "nto t&e $y$te! a$ 'ould )e ty*"cal "n l"near "e tran$for!er$ and non l"near loadty*e$ '&"c& conta"n a react"ve co!*onent "n t&e current 'avefor!.3t&er ty*e$ of non l"near e+u"*!ent $uc& a$ electr"c arc furnace control$ dc dr"ve$ and current $ource"nverter$ "nect d"$torted react"ve current "nto t&e electr"cal $y$te! and a$ $uc& !ay "ncrea$e t&e currentde!and on a d"$tr")ut"on $y$te!. T&e follo'"n( ta)le doe$ not de$cr")e t&e &ar!on"c current $*ectru! for

    ot&er ty*e$ of non l"near e+u"*!ent.

    Fre(%encCom!onen& ,H-


    T*eore&ica" / ofF%ndamen&a"

    T!ica" / ofF%ndamen&a"


    01 2s& 211 34.4 Posi&ive

    511 4&* 61 65.4 Posi&ive

    761 8&* 27.63 25.4 Posi&ive

    001 22&* 3.13 9.4 Posi&ive

    891 25&* 8.03 8.2 Posi&ive

    2161 28&* 4.99 4.7 Posi&ive

    2271 23&* 4.60 7.5 Posi&ive

    2591 65rd 7.54 5.7 Posi&ive

    2411 64&* 7 6.9 Posi&ive

    2871 63&* 5.74 6.7 Posi&ive

    2901 52s& 5.65 6.2 Posi&ive

    6211 54&* 6.90 2.9 Posi&ive

    6661 58&* 6.8 2.0 Posi&ive

    6701 72s& 6.77 2.6 Posi&ive

    6491 75rd 6.55 2.2 Posi&ive

    6961 78&* 6.25 1.9 Posi&ive6371 73&* 6.17 1.7 Posi&ive

    5291 45rd 2.93 1.64 Posi&ive

    5511 44&* 2.96 1.26 Posi&ive

    T&e *reced"n( data "$ ty*"cal for a ,ul$e "dt& Modulated Adu$ta)le re+uency r"ve '"t& an "nternal dc l"nc&oe or reactor. t "$ al$o ty*"cal for a ,M dr"ve u$"n( ac l"ne reactor$ rated for t&e out*ut current of t&edr"ve and conta"n"n( at lea$t 5 "!*edance. "ne reactor$ '"t& a lar(er rat"n( t&an t&e dr"ve load !u$t &avea (reater "!*edance to l"!"t t&e *ea to r!$ value of t&e "n*ut current *ul$e$. T&e lar(er t&e *ea to r!$value t&e (reater t&e *ercent d"$tort"on of t&e 'avefor!.Ca"c%"a&ion of rms c%rren&T&e r!$ value of t&e "n*ut l"ne current 'avefor! "$ deter!"ned )y calculat"n( t&e $+uare root of t&e $u! oft&e $+uare$ of all fre+uency co!*onent$. T&e next ta)le $&o'$ &o' t&e total tran$ferred r!$ current "$

    calculated. "nce t&e current 'avefor! "$ "n *&a$e '"t& t&e a**l"ed l"ne to l"ne volta(e t&e *o'er tran$ferred"$ *o$"t"ve or real *o'er.

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  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    Fre(%enc Com!onen&,H-


    2s& .344 1.3261

    4&* .654 1.1446

    8&* .254 1.1296

    22&* .194 1.1186

    25&* .182 1.1142

    28&* .147 1.1163

    23&* .175 1.1123

    65rd .157 1.1126

    64&* .169 1.1119

    63&* .167 1.1110

    52s& .162 1.1117

    54&* .129 1.1115

    58&* .120 1.1115

    72s& .126 1.1112

    75rd .122 1.1112

    78&* .119 1.1112

    73&* .117

  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    al$o a"d$ "n ee*"n( t&e *ea of t&e current 'avefor! '"t& re$*ect$ to t&e r!$ value to a rea$ona)le value&o'ever l"ne to l"ne volta(e )alance !u$t )e !a"nta"ned to "n$ure t&at current$ are e+ual. n all ca$e$ $er"e$"!*edance !u$t ex"$t to control t&e current *ea$.t "$ "!*ortant to under$tand t&e c&aracter"$t"c$ of electr"cal e+u"*!ent. To a**ly current d"$tort"on andvolta(e d"$tort"on l"!"tat"on$ a$ a !ean$ to "n$ure e+u"*!ent o*erat"on only add$ co$t$ and lo$$e$ to anelectr"cal $y$te!. t doe$ not (uarantee t&at elctrc"al *ro)le!$ '"ll )e el"!"nated.


    Dnder$tand"n( ?ar"a)le *eed r"ve$,art of DRIVESWORLD.COMa$t ev"$"on - Au(u$t 2 2000 - C.F.Mur*&y ,.E.

    Performance and re"ia'i"i& of !"an& e(%i!men& of&en de!end on !ro!er a!!"ica&ion of mo&ors anddrives. Drive &!es? ins&a""a&ion !arame&ers? and environmen&a" condi&ions m%s& 'e considered )*ense"ec&in+ a drive.Add"n( var"a)le $*eed control "n !otor$ often "!*rove$ control and reduce$ ener(y co$t$. Co'ever cutt"n(t&rou(& t&e clutter of co!*et"n( cla"!$ and tec&n"cal acrony!$ can )e d"ff"cult. A )etter under$tand"n( of!otor control o*t"on$ can $ave t"!e !oney and fru$trat"on dur"n( "n$tallat"on and !a"ntenance and over t&eent"re l"fe cycle of t&e $y$te!.

    #* varia'"e s!eed con&ro"@Co' "$ var"a)le $*eed control d"fferent fro! !ore trad"t"onal control !et&od$ $uc& a$ electro!ec&an"cal$tarter$ or $ol"d $tate >$!art> !otor controller$G Eac& ty*e "$ $u"ta)le for certa"n a**l"cat"on$ and !any"n$tallat"on$ u$e !ult"*le ty*e$ of !otor control. Electro!ec&an"cal $tarter$ are !o$t u$eful for $"!*le $tartand $to* o*erat"on$ '&ere t&e ra*"d c&an(e fro! =ero to full $*eed doe$ not affect t&e *roce$$. !art !otorcontroller$ offer feature$ $uc& a$ $oft-$tart '&"c& are "!*ortant for *rotect"on and "!*rov"n( t&e *roce$$.Hot& ty*e$ of $tarter$ are de$"(ned for con$tant $*eed o*erat"on. 3nce t&e !otor $tart$ "t ee*$ runn"n( att&e $a!e $*eed unt"l "t "$ turned off. ?ar"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ are )e$t u$ed '&enT&e *roce$$ re+u"re$ var"a)le $*eed$ Adu$ta)le $*eed$ can o*t"!"=e a *roce$$ to $ave ener(y and o)ta"nut"l"ty co!*any re)ate$ for exa!*le "n !any fan and *u!* a**l"cat"on$ T&e a**l"cat"on re+u"re$ $*eedtr"!!"n( and controlled $tart"n( and $to**"n( T&e o*erat"on re+u"re$ &"(& *rec"$"on $*eed or tor+ue controlT&e *roce$$ re+u"re$ coord"nat"on of $*eed$ )et'een $ect"on$?ar"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ are co!!on "n &eat"n( vent"lat"on and a"r cond"t"on"n( a**l"cat"on$. n t&e$e

    a**l"cat"on$ var"a)le $*eed o*erat"on !ae$ "t $"!*le to $lo' do'n t&e fan '&en a"r de!and "$ lo'er toreduce electr"c"ty u$e "n a fac"l"ty. Anot&er a**l"cat"on "$ *u!* control '&ere var"a)le $*eed control can &el**rotect e+u"*!ent *rotect e+u"*!ent dur"n( &"(& or lo' volu!e o*erat"on. ndu$tr"al a**l"cat"on$ arenu!erou$ and "nclude conveyor control '&ere var"a)le $*eed o*erat"on !ae$ "t $"!*le to coord"nateconveyor $*eed '"t& de$"red *roduct"on rate.Mo$t electr"cal !a"ntenance *er$onnel are fa!"l"ar '"t& t&e )a$"c$ of dr"ve tec&nolo(y. Co'ever dr"ve!anufacturer$ tout t&e"r late$t tec&nolo("e$ '"t& confu$"n( acrony!$ and ter!$. Cere are $o!e of t&e !o$tco!!on dr"ve feature$ fro! t&e )a$"c$ to t&e late$t tec&nolo(y and $o!e ey factor$ "n evaluat"on t&e!.AC and dc drivesT&ere are a nu!)er of ey d"fference$ )et'een ac and dc dr"ve$. 9 dr"ve tec&nolo(y ty*"cally "ncor*orate$"l"con 9ontrolled ect"f"er$ ;SCRs< to tran$fer "nco!"n( ac *o'er to control t&e a**l"ed volta(e to t&e dc!otor. Alt&ou(& dc dr"ve$ are often le$$ ex*en$"ve "n"t"ally dc !otor$ '&"c& u$e )ru$&e$ (enerally are!ore ex*en$"ve and re+u"re !ore !a"ntenance t&an ac !otor$. Co'ever dc dr"ve$ can *rov"de extre!ely

    *rec"$e and "nde*endent $*eed and tor+ue control. D$"n( )ru$&le$$ dc !otor$ el"!"nate$ !any of t&e!a"ntenance and control concern$ of dc !otor$ )ut t&ey are (enerally !ore ex*en$"ve I)ecau$e of "nternalelectron"c "n t&e !otorJ and co!*lex t&an co!*ara)le ac !otor$.A9 dr"ve$ u$e ne'er tec&nolo(y and !ay co$t !ore "n"t"ally t&an dc dr"ve$. Co'ever t&e advanta(e$ of ac!otor$ "nclud"n( lo'er !a"ntenance and re*a"r co$t$ and &"(&er ener(y eff"c"ency can *rov"de a fa$terreturn on "nve$t!ent. A9 dr"ve$ ty*"cally u$e ,ul$e "dt& Modulat"on ;P#M< tec&n"+ue$ to control t&evolta(e and fre+uency a**l"ed to t&e ac !otor.,M dr"ve$ u$e a d"ode )r"d(e rect"f"er$ or full conduct"n( 9$ to convert t&e ac $u**ly volta(e to dcvolta(e. T&e dc volta(e "$ t&en f"lter "n a lo' *a$$ f"lter. T&e dc volta(e "$ connected to t&e t&ree ter!"nal$ ofan ac !otor to ac&"eve t&e re+u"red volta(e and fre+uency ex*ected )y t&e ac !otor. T&e connect"on to t&eac !otor are ac&"eved u$"n( electron"c $'"tc&"n( dev"ce$. Many ,M dr"ve$ u$e n$ulated Fate H"*olarTran$"$tor$ ;IBTs< to control t&e $'"tc&"n( re+u"red for *ul$e '"dt& !odulat"on. ,M dr"ve$ ty*"cally canreduce !o$t &ar!on"c$ to t&e !otor )y controll"n( t&e occurrence and durat"on of eac& *ul$e.

    Be'er vector controlled ac dr"ve$ are no' !atc&"n( or exceed"n( t&e dc *rec"$"on and !a"n( "nroad$ "nto!any for!erly dc only a**l"cat"on$ $uc& a$ '"nd"n( and roller o*erat"on$.T*ird +enera&ion IBTs

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  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    T&e !o$t recent advance$ "n ac dr"ve tec&nolo(y &ave (one &and "n &and '"t& "!*rove!ent$ "n t&e $"=e and*erfor!ance of *o'er $'"tc&"n( dev"ce$ no'n a$ n$ulated Fate H"*olar Tran$"$tor$. deal for lo' level$"(nal to *o'er control ac dr"ve$ u$e FHT$ to *rov"de fa$t accurate o*erat"on electron"c $"(nal$ to t&e!otor and +u"et o*erat"on. Alt&ou(& $o!e electr"cal lo$$ &ad )een a$$oc"ated '"t& t&e u$e of FHT$'"tc&"n( dev"ce$ dr"ve !anufacturer$ &ave taen full advanta(e of t&"$ tec&nolo(y )y u*(rad"n( dr"ve*aca("n(.

    T&e ac dr"ve 'a$ a de!and"n( a**l"cat"on for earl"er FHT$ Co'ever '&at are no'n a$ t&"rd (enerat"onFHT$ reduce lo$$e$ and eff"c"ently &andle &"(&er volta(e$. T&e$e dev"ce$ &ave fa$ter $'"tc&"n( $*eed$ andlo'er conduct"on dro*$. o$$e$ of t&e ne' dev"ce$ are 5: 'att$ at 1 C= '&"c& are 40 lo'er t&an earl"erty*e$ of FHT$. n add"t"on t&e ne'er FHT$ reduce volta(e over$&oot )y e!*loy"n( a $oft recovery free'&eel"n( d"ode "n t&e de$"(n. !*rove!ent "n )ot& ac dr"ve$ and ac !otor$ cont"nue to tae advanta(e oft&e &"(&er *erfor!ance *o'er tec&nolo(y. r"ve$ '"t& t&e late$t FHT$ offer "ncrea$ed rel"a)"l"ty and )etter*erfor!ance at a lo'er co$t. At e+u"*!ent volta(e$ 460 volt$ or &"(&er u$e of ac !otor$ '"t& "!*roved"n$ulat"on are re+u"red '&en lon( ca)le len(t&$ ex"$t )et'een t&e dr"ve and t&e !otor.;ec&or con&ro"T&e !o$t advanced vector controlled dr"ve$ u$e f"eld or"ented control to !ae t&e ac dr"ve *erfor! l"e a dcdr"ve. T&ey *rov"de accurate $*eed and tor+ue control of ac !otor$. T&e$e dr"ve$ are ty*"cally u$ed fora**l"cat"on$ $uc& a$ '"nder$ and roller o*erat"on$ '&ere *rec"$"on tor+ue control "$ cr"t"cal. ?ector control!et&od$ let u$er$ a**ly eff"c"ent lo' !a"ntenance ac !otor$ "n a**l"cat"on$ trad"t"onally do!"nated )y dc

    !otor$.e$cr")"n( all ava"la)le vector control$ "$ )eyond t&e $co*e of t&"$ art"cle. ?ector control dr"ve$ control fluxcurrent and tor+ue *roduc"n( current "nde*endently to control !otor tor+ue and $*eed. nd"rect and d"rect!ean$ feed)ac allo' t&e$e dr"ve to &ave vary"n( level$ of $*eed and tor+ue accuracy. All vector controlleddr"ve$ are not t&e $a!e. a$ter current control loo*$ co!)"ned '"t& *rec"$e control al(or"t&!$ $"!*l"fy"n$tallat"on$ and "!*rove *erfor!ance )y $a!*l"n( !otor *ara!eter "nfor!at"on.Evaluat"on of a vector controlled dr"ve re+u"re$ a clo$e loo at &o' 'ell t&e dr"ve 'or$ '"t& a *art"cular ty*eof !otor. o!e t&e +ue$t"on to a$ t&e dr"ve $u**l"er areK"ll "t 'or '"t& $tandard !otor$GMu$t &"(& *erfor!ance !otor )e u$ed to ac&"eve $tated eff"c"ency level$G?al"d +ue$t"on$ to a$ your $u**l"er to "!*rove your c&ance$ of (ett"n( t&e ty*e$ of control re+u"red for your*roce$$. Many >$o called> vector controlled dr"ve$ fall $&ort '&en a >tou(&> a**l"cat"on co!e$ alon(. Cav"n(d"fferent dr"ve$ fro! !any $u**l"er$ )ecau$e t&e >*r"ce "$ r"(&t> create$ a !ore d"ff"cult !a"ntenance and

    re*a"r $"tuat"on. &en a vector controlled dr"ve "$ re+u"red for an a**l"cat"on (ett"n( t&e dr"ve t&at *erfor!$t&e )e$t '"ll en$ure t&at any and all a**l"cat"on$ can )e controlled '"t& t&e $a!e &ard'"red and $"!*l"fy t&e*ro(ra!!"n( re+u"re!ent$ a$$oc"ated '"t& vector control dr"ve$.Comm%nica&ions"t& t&e "ncrea$"n( need for control and "nte(rat"on of auto!at"on dev"ce$ "n fac"l"ty "nfor!at"on $y$te!$ t&eflex")"l"ty and ea$e of u$e co!!un"cat"on ca*a)"l"t"e$ "n adu$ta)le $*eed dr"ve$ "$ v"tal. A nu!)er of factor$$&ould )e con$"dered '&en loo"n( at co!!un"cat"on$ for exa!*leK"ll t&e )e controlled )y *ro(ra!!a)le controller$GHy a )u"ld"n( !ana(e!ent $y$te!G"ll "t )e l"ned on ev"ceBet or e!ote /3 net'or$G$ t&ere *otent"al for future l"n$ to 9AA $y$te!$GAre t&e dr"veL$ co!!un"cat"on$ ca*a)"l"t"e$ flex")le enou(& to !eet *re$ent and *otent"al need$GAre co!!un"cat"on$ l"n$ ea$"ly acce$$")le and $"!*le to "n$tallG

    Ins&a""a&ion iss%esA !aor a$*ect of dr"ve $elect"on "$ a t&orou(& evaluat"on of fac"l"ty and a**l"cat"on *ara!eter$. Fett"n( t&e!o$t out of var"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ re+u"re$ loo"n( not only at t&e dr"ve )ut al$o at t&e !otor "t '"ll controlt&e o*erat"n( env"ron!ent and t&e 'ay t&e$e factor$ '"ll f"t to(et&er. ollo'"n( are t"*$ to con$"derK$ t&e a!*ere rat"n( on t&e dr"ve co!*ara)le to t&e a!*ere and &or$e*o'er rat"n( of t&e !otorGMatc&"n( dr"ve and !otor &or$e*o'er "$ not al'ay$ $uff"c"ent. t "$ "!*ortant to note a!*era(e rat"n($ of t&e!otor and dr"ve. or exa!*le "t !ay tae a 50 &* dr"ve to o*erate a 2 &* !otor '"t& &"(&er currentre+u"re!ent$.oe$ t&e a**l"cat"on &ave con$tant or var"a)le tor+ue load$GMatc&"n( t&e dr"ve to t&e load c&aracter"$t"c$ of an a**l"cat"on$ "$ a *r"!ary con$"derat"on "n $elect"n( anadu$ta)le $*eed dr"ve. 9on$tant tor+ue load$ are a!on( t&e !o$t co!!on. T&e dr"ve can *rov"de con$tanttor+ue o*erat"on )ecau$e !otor out*ut &or$e*o'er "$ d"rectly *ro*ort"onal to $*eed and rated tor+ue "$ava"la)le at any $*eed. D$"n( *o'er rated !otor$ '"t& adu$ta)le $*eed dr"ve$ en$ure$ t&e correct !atc&

    )et'een t&e dr"ve t&e !otor and t&e a**l"cat"on. 9on$tant tor+ue load$ are e$$ent"ally fr"ct"on load$.9on$tant tor+ue "$ re+u"red to overco!e fr"ct"on. Ty*"cal con$tant tor+ue a**l"cat"on$ "nclude conveyor$extruder$ and $urface '"nder$ and ot&er a**l"cat"on$ "nvolv"n( $&oc overload$ and &"(& "nert"a load$.

    511878960.doc P:+ina 7 de 54

  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    ?ar"a)le tor+ue "$ often a**l"ed to &el* $ave ener(y. 9o!!on var"a)le tor+ue a**l"cat"on$ "nclude centr"fu(alfan$ *u!*$ and )lo'er$. 9ontrol t&e !ove!ent or flo' of a"r or l"+u"d can )e ac&"eved )y "nd"rectlyre$tr"ct"n( t&e flo' of a"r or l"+u"d. Hy a**ly"n( adu$ta)le $*eed dr"ve$ t&e a"r or l"+u"d flo' can )e controld"rectly )y controll"n( t&e $*eed of t&e !otor. "nce lo$$e$ due to t&e flo' of a"r or l"+u"d decrea$e a$ t&eflo' decrea$e$ *o'er lo$$e$ a$$oc"ated '"t& re$tr"cted control !et&od$ can )e el"!"nated )y d"rect controlof t&e !otor $*eed. Fenerally t&e$e ty*e$ of a**l"cat"on$ do not re+u"re extra *o'er for !o!entary *ea$

    load$ t&erefore t&e overload ca*ac"ty of var"a)le tor+ue dr"ve$ "$ $u"ta)le for !o$t a**l"cat"on$.Environmen&a" iss%esEnv"ron!ental con$"derat"on$ are ey to *ro*er dr"ve o*erat"on. t "$ "!*ortant to c&oo$e an enclo$urea**ro*r"ate for t&e env"ron!ent. o!e env"ron!ental con$"derat"on$ follo'K$ a $e*arate control roo! ava"la)le to *rov"de t&e *ro*er env"ron!ent for t&"$ electr"cal e+u"*!entG?ar"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ can )e affected )y t&e env"ron!ent. Mo$t dr"ve$ are ava"la)le "n &"(&ly *rotectedca)"net$ !"n"!"="n( t&e dan(er$.&at ty*e$ of enclo$ure$ are ava"la)le for t&e dr"veGr"ve$ ty*"cally are ava"la)le "n BEMA 1 4 or 12 enclo$ure$. Acce$$")"l"ty of a $e*arate roo! and ot&erenv"ron!ental "$$ue$ affect t&e c&o"ce of enclo$ure.Co' !any !otor$ are "nvolvedGn !ult"*le !otor a**l"cat"on$ dr"ve$ can )e *aca(ed "n !otor control center$ ;M99< for "ncrea$ed flex")"l"tyand ea$e of !a"ntenance. T&e M99 can "nclude dr"ve$ $tarter$ and $oft $tart dev"ce$.

    Co' '"ll your electr"cal $y$te! c&an(e '&en you "n$tall ne' dr"ve$GA nu!)er of electr"cal "$$ue$ !u$t )e con$"dered. T&e$e "$$ue$ "nclude en$ur"n( *ro*er (round"n($&"eld"n( and ca)l"n( "n$ulat"on rat"n($ on !otor$ t&e $y$te!L$ a)"l"ty to &andle nonl"near load$ and leadlen(t&$ fro! t&e !otor to t&e dr"ve to avo"d leaa(e current and volta(e $tre$$. All dr"ve$ *ut volta(e $tre$$on t&e !otor. T&e dr"ve !anufacturer $&ould )e a)le to &el* $&o' &o' to "n$tall t&e dr"ve and t&e !otor too*t"!"=e *erfor!ance and *rotect"on.&en "n$tall"n( and !a"nta"n"n( dr"ve$ "t "$ "!*ortant to under$tand t&e d"fference$ )et'een dr"ve$ ty*e$and $"=e$ and t&e tec&nolo(y )e&"nd t&e!. Add"t"onally anyone "nvolved '"t& "n$tall"n( a**ly"n( o*erat"n(and u*(rad"n( var"a)le $*eed !otor control need$ to con$"der t&e dr"ve a$ "t relate$ to t&e !otor and t&eelectr"cal $y$te! to en$ure !ax"!u! )enef"t$ for t&e var"a)le $*eed $olut"on.


    &at "$ !eant )y !eet"n( t&e re+u"re!ent$ of EEE-1:-1::2GCo'ard F. Mur*&y ,.E.

    "r$t and fore!o$t EEE-1:-1::2 de$cr")e$ t&e E93MMEBE,ract"ce$ and e+u"re!ent$ forCar!on"c 9ontrol "n Electr"cal ,o'er y$te!$. T&e $co*e of EEE-1:-1::2 "$ clearly $tated a$ t&e "ntent"onof e$ta)l"$&"n( (oal$ for t&e de$"(n of electr"cal $y$te!$ t&at "nclude )ot& l"near and non-l"near load$. T&edocu!ent de$cr")e$ t&e volta(e and current 'avefor!$ t&at !ay ex"$t t&rou(&out t&e $y$te! and e$ta)l"$&'avefor! d"$tort"on (oal$. t def"ne$ t&e "nterface )et'een $ource$ and load$ a$ t&e *o"nt of co!!oncou*l"n( '"t& o)$ervance$ of t&e de$"(n (oal$ to !"n"!"=e "nterference )et'een electr"cal e+u"*!ent.econdly "t "$ t&e re$*on$")"l"ty of any re*uta)le e+u"*!ent $u**l"er to *rov"de t&e"r cu$to!er$ '"t&e+u"*!ent at t&e )e$t *o$$")le co$t *er *erfor!ance rat"o t&at '"ll !eet t&e no'n o*erat"n( re+u"re!ent$of t&e cu$to!er. ncluded '"t& t&e *urc&a$e of t&at e+u"*!ent are t&e le$$ tan(")le )ut e+ually "!*ortanta**l"cat"on ex*er"ence t&at t&e $u**l"er can $&are '"t& t&e cu$to!er.

    a$tly t&e e+u"*!ent $u**l"er $&ould )e a)le to $u**ly any nece$$ary $erv"ce and a**l"cat"on $u**ortd"rectly a$$oc"ated '"t& t&e *erfor!ance of t&at e+u"*!ent and "t$ "!*act on ot&er electr"cal e+u"*!entut"l"="n( t&e $a!e *o"nt of co!!on cou*l"n(.*ec"f"cally addre$$"n( t&e o)ect"ve of !eet"n( t&e re+u"re!ent$ of EEE-1:-1::2 "t can )e $tated t&at allvar"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ ;)ot& A9 and 9< !eet t&e re+u"re!ent$ "n !o$t "n$tallat"on$. "t& $o!e ty*e$ ofvar"a)le $*eed dr"ve$ ;9 and 9urrent ource nverter$

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    T&e *r"nc"*al (oal$ e$ta)l"$&ed '"t&"n EEE-1:-1::2 are for volta(e d"$tort"on.. T&e docu!ent clearlyded"cate$ "t$ volu!e to de$cr")"n( *o'er converter ty*e$ '&ere *&a$e controlled rect"f"er$ are u$ed. T&e!a"n a**l"cat"on$ for t&at ty*e of converter "$ "n *o'er control for arc furnace$ dc !otor controller$ andcurrent $ource dr"ve$. T&e converter u$ed "n ,M ac dr"ve$ "$ !ent"oned )r"efly "n a fe' *ara(ra*&$ of t&e100 *a(e docu!ent. T&at fact $&ould not (o unnot"ced.t "$ (enerally acce*ted t&at ,M ac dr"ve$ '&"c& conta"n "nternal )u$ reactor$ or "n*ut ac l"ne reactor$ do

    not create electr"cal "nterference '"t& ot&er electr"cal e+u"*!ent. Alt&ou(& $o!e rare occurrence$ !ay ex"$t!ore t&an 00000 "n$tallat"on$ '&ere ,M ac dr"ve$ are "n$talled &ave not ex*er"enced any "nterference*ro)le!$. n t&e !aor"ty of t&e$e "n$tallat"on$ t&e volta(e d"$tort"on (oal$ def"ned '"t&"n EEE-1:-1::2&ave not )een exceeded.n !any or even !o$t of t&e "n$tallat"on$ t&e current d"$tort"on (oal$ &ave )een exceeded ;"f current "$!ea$ured at t&e "n*ut of t&e dr"ve and not at t&e ut"l"ty

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    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    "(ure 1T&e notc& can a**ear at any *o"nt dur"n( t&e &alf cycle $"nce t&e *o"nt of co!!utat"on c&an(e$ a$ t&e f"r"n(*o"nt of t&e 9 c&an(e$. "nce t&e $*eed of a dc !otor "$ a funct"on of t&e volta(e a**l"ed to t&e !otor atlo' $*eed t&e notc& !ay a**ear near t&e end of t&e &alf cycle. At &"(&er $*eed$ t&e notc& !ay a**ear neart&e )e("nn"n( of t&e &alf cycle. n t&e !o$t $evere ca$e$ t&e volta(e "$ reduced to =ero creat"n( an extra=ero cro$$over or *o"nt '&ere volta(e nor!ally c&an(e$ *olar"ty. T&"$ extra =ero volta(e cro$$over cau$e$t&e )"((e$t *ro)le!$.-ero ;o"&a+e Crossin+ur"n( a nor!al cycle of $"nu$o"dal volta(e t&e volta(e cro$$e$ t&e >x> ax"$ or =ero at 0 de(ree$ and a(a"nat 180 de(ree$. ur"n( nor!al cond"t"on$ t&ere are t'o =ero cro$$over$ "n eac& cycle. o!e electron"ce+u"*!ent "$ de$"(ned to )e tr"((ered on t&e =ero cro$$over or '&en t&e volta(e "$ =ero. T&"$ allo'$e+u"*!ent to )e act"vated '"t&out t&e $ur(e current$ or "nru$& current$ t&at 'ould )e *re$ent "f $'"tc&ed'&"le volta(e 'a$ *re$ent. o!e e+u"*!ent u$e$ t&e =ero cro$$over$ for an "nternal t"!"n( $"(nal. 9 dr"ve$u$e t&e =ero cro$$over$ to deter!"ne '&en to f"re t&e 9. &en t'o dc dr"ve$ are o*erat"n( on t&e $a!ed"$tr")ut"on $y$te! t&ey can d"$tur) t&e electr"cal $y$te! $o t&at one dc dr"ve o*erat"n( at lo' $*eed '"llaffect t&e ot&er dc dr"ve t&at "$ o*erat"n( at a &"(&er or d"fferent $*eed. To *revent t&e >*o'er cro$$ tal>)et'een dc dr"ve$ "t "$ nor!al *ract"ce to "n$tall an "$olat"on tran$for!er a&ead of eac& dc dr"ve.&en notc&e$ are *re$ent *art"cularly "n t&ree *&a$e e+u"*!ent 'e can ex*er"ence extra =ero cro$$over$.n$tead of t'o =ero cro$$over$ "n eac& cycle of volta(e 'e can actually ex*er"ence fournotc&e$. T&e$eextra notc&e$ !ay tell ot&er e+u"*!ent to >turn on>. T&at !ean$ t&e e+u"*!ent !ay turn on at t&e 'ron(t"!e re$ult"n( "n da!a(e.E"imina&ed vo"&a+e no&c*in+El"!"nat"n( volta(e notc&"n( re+u"re$ t&at t&e $ource of t&e notc&"n( ;co!!utat"on< )e "$olated or )ufferedfro! ot&er $en$"t"ve e+u"*!ent u$"n( t&e $a!e d"$tr")ut"on $y$te!. 9on$"der"n( t&e 9 dr"ve or ot&er 9controller a$ a $ource of >notc& volta(e> and t&e c&aracter"$t"c$ of t&e d"$tr")ut"on $y$te! "t "$ only re+u"redt&at ot&er $en$"t"ve e+u"*!ent not $&are t&e $a!e volta(e $ource or a $"n(le volta(e $ource. T&e $"!*le$t!et&od to u$e to el"!"nate t&e volta(e notc& "$ to "$olate eac& *"ece of e+u"*!ent '"t& an "n*ut tran$for!er.f t&e "!*edance of t&e d"$tr")ut"on $y$te! "$ lo' (enerally dc dr"ve$ '"ll not create a $evere volta(e notc&t&at affect$ ot&er e+u"*!ent. Co'ever "f t&e "!*edance of t&e d"$tr")ut"on $y$te! "$ &"(& ;$oft l"ne< t&anvolta(e notc&"n( '"ll occur and l"ely "!*act ot&er e+u"*!ent. An alternate !et&od can u$e l"ne reactor$ toreduce t&e volta(e notc& and reduce t&e *o$$")"l"ty of affect"n( ot&er e+u"*!ent. t "$ "!*ortant to note t&atnotc&e$ created )y dc dr"ve$ '"ll nor!ally not affect t&e dc dr"ve t&at "$ cau$"n( t&e notc&"n(. t "$ ot&ere+u"*!ent t&at can )e affected.

    t "$ "!*ortant t&at 'e under$tand and con$"der '&ere ot&er $en$"t"ve e+u"*!ent connect$ to t&at $a!evolta(e $ource. n order to *rotect t&e $en$"t"ve e+u"*!ent 'e !u$t reduce t&e notc&e$ )efore t&ey (et tot&at e+u"*!ent. e '"ll do t&"$ t&rou(& t&e creat"on of a $"!*le volta(e d"v"der net'or.

    "(ure 2f 'e add "!*edance "n t&e for! of "nduct"ve reactance "n $er"e$ '"t& t&e 9 controller and )et'een t&econtroller and t&e *o"nt of ot&er e+u"*!ent connect"on ;*o"nt H< t&en t&e notc& volta(e '"ll d"$tr")ute "t$elfacro$$ t&e ne' "!*edance ;reactance< and t&e *re-ex"$t"n( l"ne to $ource "!*edance. f t&e added

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    "!*edance ;5N1N2< "$ one-&alf a$ !uc& a$ 'a$ already *re$ent t&en 1/5 of t&e notc& volta(e "$ dro**edacro$$ t&e ne' "!*edance and t'o t&"rd$ $t"ll re!a"n$ at t&e *o"nt of co!!on connect"on '"t& t&e ot&ere+u"*!ent.

    "(ure 5f t&e ne' "!*edance "$ e+ual to t&e ex"$t"n( "n*ut "!*edance;5 N 1 2

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    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    *ea volta(e$ can occur '"t&out a *ro*ort"onal "ncrea$e "n t&e M value. T&e $er"e$ "nductance )et'eent&e l"ne $ource and t&e dc )u$ '"ll deter!"ne a *ea volta(e re$ult$ "n an overvolta(e cond"t"on. n real"tyA$ $&ould )e rated "n ter!$ of M and "n$tantaneou$ *ea volta(e. e!e!)er t&at an overvolta(econd"t"on occur$ '&en current flo' "nto a f"lter ca*ac"tor$ of t&e dc )u$ "$ (reater t&an t&e current flo'"n( outof t&e f"lter ca*ac"tor$. "nce t&e ca*ac"tor volta(e "$ a funct"on of current flo' ver$u$ t"!e any $er"e$"nductance '"ll affect '&et&er a $*ec"f"c volta(e "$ ac&"eved.

    o!e load c&aracter"$t"c$ are no'n t&at can create $uff"c"ent ener(y to cau$e an overvolta(e cond"t"on.T&e !o$t co!!on "$ t&e ca$e '&ere t&e ac !otor "$ rotat"n( at a $*eed fa$ter t&an "t$ $ync&ronou$ $*eed.A)ove $ync&ronou$ $*eed t&e !otor )eco!e$ a (enerator. A)ove nor!al !otor )a$e $*eed t&e !otor '"llforce current fro! t&e !otor )ac to t&e $ource. n t&e ca$e of an A t&"$ '"ll re$ult "n current flo' "nto t&ef"lter ca*ac"tor$ of t&e dc )u$. &et&er a overvolta(e tr"* occur$ de*end$ on &o' !uc& current and &o' lon(t&e current flo'$ fro! t&e !otor to t&e dr"ve. ee* "n !"nd t&at current can flo' fro! t&e !otor to t&e dr"ve "na t"!e fra!e o)$erva)le due to o)v"ou$ !otor over$*eed and )y not o)$erva)le !otor !ot"on ty*"cally found"n *unc& *re$$ o*erat"on$ '&ere t&e !otor rotor "$ >ered> for'ard fro! "t$ nor!al *o$"t"on )y t&e $*r"n(act"on of t&e co!*re$$ed 'or*"ece. a*"dly !ov"n( t&e !otor rotor t&rou(& t&e !otor f"eld '"ll create a>*ul$e of ener(y> $uff"c"ent to >*u$&> current )ac to t&e dr"ve.o t&e +ue$t"on "$ a$ed >Co' do A$ deter!"ne '&"c& $ource "n cau$"n( t&e overvolta(e cond"t"on>.Add"t"onal +ue$t"on$ re(ard"n( t&e $a!e deter!"nat"on '&en t&e A "$ e+u"**ed '"t& a )ra"n( c&o**er.T&e an$'er$ are t&e $a!e a$ to t&e !et&od$ e!*loyed '"t& t&e )ra"n( c&o**er lo'er"n( t&e t&re$&old or

    dc )u$ act"on volta(e.Hefore de$cr")"n( control !et&od$ u$ed "t $&ould )e o)v"ou$ly t&at t&ere are l"ely to ex"$t $o!e $et ofcond"t"on$ '&ere deter!"n"n( t&e ener(y $ource 'ould )e "!*o$$")le. Co'ever t&o$e cond"t"on$ are rare.t "$ unl"ely t&at an A$ '"ll ever cau$e an overvolta(e cond"t"on. T&e cau$e "$ e"t&er t&e ac l"ne or t&e!otor load. t can )e $tated t&at a )a$"c A can only react to overvolta(e cond"t"on$ )y ter!"nat"n(o*erat"on t&u$ *rotect"n( t&e A for co!*onent da!a(e.To !"n"!"=e t&e occurance of A $&utdo'n a**l"cat"on/"n$tallat"on c&aracter"$t"c$ !u$t )e no'n and$tored "nto t&e A a$ reference$ a(a"n$t '&"c& !on"tored cond"t"on$ can )e co!*ared."r$t "t "$ nece$$ary to deter!"ne t&e l"ne cond"t"on$ )efore runn"n( t&e !otor. n fact eac& t"!e t&e dr"ve "$$&utdo'n ;'"t& ac l"ne *o'er $t"ll a**l"edcoa$t t"!e con$tant> and fro! t&at "nfor!at"on deter!"ne var"at"on$'&"c& !"(&t re$ult "n an overvolta(e cond"t"on.

    2< ur"n( $etu* t&e dr"ve could force a !ax"!u! allo'a)le decelerat"on t"!e to deter!"ne l"!"t$ to )e*laced on co!!and funct"on$. Alt&ou(& var"at"on$ "n load$ !ay ex"$t t&e te$t $&ould )e *erfor!ed '"t& t&eload at "t$ !ax"!u! load "nert"a.

    5< "nce A$ are de$"(ned to react to overvolta(e cond"t"on$ '"t& t&e "ntent )e"n( to $tay '"t&"n t&e$afe o*erat"n( area of t&e *o'er $'"tc&"n( dev"ce$ u$ed eter!"n"n( '&et&er to $&utdo'n t&e dr"ve $&ouldde*end on )ot& !ax"!u! volta(e and !ax"!u! current value$ def"ned )y t&e $afe o*erat"n( area. n t&o$eca$e$ '&ere dc )u$ volta(e l"!"t$ &ave )een reac&ed )ut !ax"!u! current doe$ not ex"$t $&utdo'n act"on$&ould not )e taen. at&er $'"tc&"n( act"on $&ould force add"t"onal de!and on t&e dc )u$ to reduce t&e dc

    )u$ volta(e level.u!!ary

    Alt&ou(& !any overvolta(e cond"t"on$ re$ult fro! a c&an(e "n a $"n(le $ource accurately deter!"n"n('&"c& $ource "$ creat"n( t&e *ro)le! re+u"red no'led(e of )ot& ac l"ne !otor load cond"t"on$ and

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    co!!and funct"on of t&e A. 3*erat"n( '"t&"n l"!"t$ )y c&an("n( co!!and funct"on$ to *reventovervolta(e cond"t"on$ *rov"de$ t&e )e$t alt&ou(& not fool*roof *rotect"on fro! overvolta(e *ro)le!$. t "$"!*ear"t"ve t&at extre!e var"at"on$ "n ac l"ne cond"t"on$ )e el"!"nated. Motor cond"t"on$ can )e controlled )utonly '"t&"n t&e ca*a)"l"t"e$ of t&e A.


    PTEM 93M,ATHTP of A$a$t ev"$"on - Marc& 7 1::7

    y$te! 9o!*at")"l"ty of A$ 5/1/:7y$te! co!*at")"l"ty refer$ to &o' 'ell e+u"*!ent *erfor!$ '&en *o'er l"ne a)nor!al"t"e$ ex"$t. T&erea**ear$ to ex"$t a )el"ef t&at *roce$$ funct"on$ $&ould cont"nue nor!ally even "f electr"cal *o'er d"$a**ear$.Mo!entary $ur(e$ and d"*$ "n t&e ac l"ne are *art of any electr"cal $y$te!. Ex*ect"n( electron"c *roce$$control e+u"*!ent;co!*uter$< and *o'er electron"c !otor control e+u"*!ent;?$< to "(nore t&e te!*orarylo$$ of electr"cal *o'er *lace$ one "n t&e $a!e co!*any a$ t&o$e '&o $*end too !uc& t"!e 'atc&"n(>tarTre> and )el"ev"n( t&ere "$ enou(& ener(y $tored "n a >,&a$or> to de$troy t&e ene!y. T&e y$te!9o!*at")"l"ty *a*er *re$ent$ an overv"e' for $y$te! co!*at")"l"ty and a real"$t"c a**roac& "n deal"n( '"t&!o!entary electr"cal *o'er +ual"ty event$.

    Ss&em Com!a&i'i"i& Tes&in+76438ntere$t "n t&e y$te! 9o!*at")"l"ty of var"ou$ ty*e$ of electr"cal e+u"*!ent &a$ )eco!e of !aor "ntere$t toa nu!)er of ut"l"t"e$. Te$t"n( or(an"=at"on$ are )e("nn"n( to *erfor! y$te! 9o!*at")"l"ty te$t$ "n &o*e$ ofe$ta)l"$&"n( de$"(n and a**l"cat"on (u"del"ne$ to !"n"!"=e *ro)le!$ a$$oc"ated '"t& t&e !o!entary lo$$ ofelectr"cal *o'er. T&"$ *a*er co!!ent$ on t&e $u"ta)"l"ty and a**l"ca)"l"ty of t&e$e ty*e$ of te$t$ and *rov"de$$o!e "n$"(&t "nto t&e effect"vene$$ of t&e$e ty*e$ of te$t$.


    &y ,M A$ donRt cau$e Car!on"c ,ro)le!$orT*e C*ances of Harmonic Pro'"ems are "ess &*an a Bi+ #in in &*e o&&er

    Co'ard F. Mur*&y ,.E.

    f t&e c&ance$ of &av"n( a Car!on"c ,ro)le! '"t& Adu$ta)le re+uency r"ve$ t&at u$e ,ul$e "dt&Modulat"on and conta"n "nternal reactor$ or u$e "n*ut l"ne reactor$ "$ $!all t&en '&y do !any electr"cal$*ec"f"cat"on$ conta"n t&e re+u"re!ent to !eet t&e (u"del"ne$ of EEE-1:.T&ere are t'o rea$on$ '&y electr"cal $*ec"f"cat"on$ "nclude t&e EEE-1: re+u"re!ent. T&e f"r$t rea$on "$fear of an unno'n *&eno!enon called Car!on"c$. T&e $econd rea$on "$ *eer *re$$ure. f your *eer$;"nclud"n( ut"l"ty SEx*ert$< tout t&e "!*ortance of Car!on"c$ and refer to S+ual"f"ed reference$ t&en "t 'ouldloo )ad "f your $*ec"f"cat"on$ d"d not "nclude t&e EEE-1: re+u"re!ent.o '&at "f t&e EEE-1: re+u"re!ent "$ "ncluded "n your $*ec"f"cat"on. Are t&ere any ne(at"ve$G T&e an$'er"$ PE '&en t&e follo'"n( cond"t"on$ ex"$t.A$ '"t& a rat"n( )et'een C, and 1000C,A$ are $*ec"f"ed a$ ,M '"t& "nternal or external reactor$ ;5 "!*edance !"n.)uc> and t&o$e'&o d"d not &ave a (l"!!er of under$tand"n( a)out t&e '"de var"at"on a!on( A$ )e(an $'"n("n( t&e

    >ear all Car!on"c$ Hanner>. A &a$ty renovat"on of t&e 1:81 ver$"on of EEE-1: 'a$ ru$&ed t&rou(& to!eet t&e >next year> rev"e' t"!e tar(et. Everyt&"n( )ut t&e >"tc&en $"n> 'a$ du!*ed "nto t&e $tandard'"t& l"ttle t&ou(&t a)out &o' t&e lac of deta"l$ 'ould &ave a $"(n"f"cant "!*act on "ncrea$"n( t&e co$t oftran$ferr"n( ener(y and reduce t&e rel"a)"l"ty of !otor control $y$te!$. Car!on"c ?olta(e "$tort"on clearlyand correctly def"ned '"t&"n t&e 1:81 ver$"on of EEE-1: 'a$ +u"cly over$&ado'ed )y a >ne'> $et ofreco!!endat"on for l"!"t$ on Car!on"c 9urrent "$tort"on."t& todayR$ A *rol"ferat"on t&ere are !ore concern$ a)out ot&er factor$ "n *o'er +ual"ty. EM andCar!on"c$ &ave )eco!e fre+uently u$ed ter!$. T&e (ood ne'$ "$ t&e H,M ;,M '"t& $er"e$ "nductancenor!al> cond"t"on$ la$t"n( for lon(er t&an one &our. or$&orter *er"od$ dur"n( $tartu*$ or unu$ual cond"t"on$ t&e l"!"t$ !ay )e exceeded )y 0. o!e e+u"*!ent$uc& a$ $tat"c *o'er $u**l"e$ !ay )e $en$"t"ve to $&ort durat"on &ar!on"c d"$tort"on )ut !o$t &ar!on"ceffect$ $uc& a$ tele*&one "nterference !otor &eat"n( and tran$for!er &eat"n( are only a *ro)le! for lon(

    durat"on or re*et"t"ve &ar!on"c$.Man%fac&%rerJs %ide"inesEEE 1: doe$ not conta"n any (u"del"ne$ for volta(e at a cu$to!erL$ volta(e )u$ or outlet. EEE 1: onlya**l"e$ at t&e connect"on )et'een a cu$to!er and t&e ut"l"ty. Car!on"c d"$tort"on can )e lar(er do'n$trea!

    511878960.doc P:+ina 57 de 54

  • 7/25/2019 Armonicos Current


    Manandes SCCI calle 10 #1004 y Av. 10 Manta- EcuadorFormacin Tcnica Div. Tele/fax 624078 62662 e!a"l !anande$

    of t&e ,99. T&erefore !anufacturerL$ do not &ave any real (u"del"ne$ a$ to t&e !ax"!u! &ar!on"cd"$tort"on "n t&e volta(e at '&"c& e+u"*!ent !ay )e $u)ected to.

    O&*er So%rces Of Informa&ion

    ,o'er y$te! Car!on"c$ ?"deo Tra"n"n( ,ro(ra! ,o'er Tec&nolo("e$ nc.EEE-1: >EEE eco!!ended ,ract"ce$ and e+u"re!ent$ for Car!on"c 9ontrol "n Electr"c ,o'ery$te!$>EEE Car!on"c$ Tutor"alV. Arr"lla(a . A. Hradley and ,. . Hod(er ,o'er y$te! Car!on"c$ Vo&n "ley Z on$ 1:8.