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Princeton Likely to Have Strong Crew This Year Despite Loss of Famous Stroke of 1921 Dr. Spaeth lhis Ton Veteran Candidates for 1922 Shclls Four Rowed in \ nbeaten "B" Onth't aud Balance \rv From " \" Boat, Stroked h> Cresswell; Tigcr Coach Vgain Intemls tn Have Two Varsitv litiliis AJtl -...-" legiate rowing, Ft van ty eight thi bighi hon tho famoui 1 -,- and a owing coach at ! Few followe tbat Dr. pael nr. ithcr rr nbinat the one ^t:< ked bj kb!' to build . s h « "A . crew a positioc Tn rt-v:-¦.*>. i ¦,: * ton as the earl j ^ay. |t mai ¦--.< us profess materi thoroughlj / aa promialng .etvt, Dr. ¦- ..->.- o: the t ._.r,j r R ' '' r rii Dr Pnai rj' ror : ch am r. n* col - iuon ... almost eight. Trn Veteran" ':-..,. ¦pring :-.- eai c om b i 1 -,..-. u ] The r . ' V <.'«.*..;. ilug of 11*21 can \ ;. v. ii ¦-.¦¦ he will eompcti as 1 - o ra the black ci] icy, which lowed '.i. ' :. <i«v "I regret th.. develo. two e I can b done, becau schcdu le eon*4 cutive race k -h t v.ird on thc f'riui gatl .....' p Iatei «¦(! un Vi< ,, phbi The fi Bgl r.;l V .' toni<. "I rnmli t Satun thei4i r. ;*.¦ ,- rlva's «,.-¦-'. Dr. Spaetl ..: ed .. * -, be a zi .' ,; one ol the v,-i . ii ou! I>. Bpael »n cighti lt wa h'a end Per.i last Maj 'B" con Trb-,1 for \ " X t- rc 'j. i of thi tioni d " '-ho Prlnce tion t(, ha' e tl '.etc agaii term ne wl wltl the gn *ga-> st tl that thi *»Bt/\ .' are oi ate v..-; i,- r -r'" .' ;.¦ . dletions * TIR*- >*<--, Tl*?- li ; , s»lf with the Princel largely on thi <f(1 *:.;. .bly ba-. e h Thi .. jsroi peeta oi thi dep" us at all the pla that wi r< » ries All oi the nuclei .b'e oa .."¦'- . be better th From tl V " 3s Lewis. > alalre thr - - B9en who H v vtrsitj *. 511 ij Nei No. 2, and P Mo S in l poall Other 'iri ed o n I ar" .' Pirie and Bui q oi;' « ment or sn y of t hlghh pk a jiipla - Wrlgl t. tbe vi 1923 frej over Harvard an v»r-' C8 ;.«¦ ';. ¦Tf" thi .' ..--,- 1 me (eai Wrighl r-erplc* ng rr of Heinie 1 givei a tl n . of etroking there .- b ¦'.¦. r'rcl*-- that ln wil] ft] nerson ot .'¦ ¦ 'stt( r wai tl .ear- sg > Fhat honor lasl . or tbe phenome Alex Morgai aer freshmar sorne coneidei Leb's enccei .nd Mosie Th e y.-i 11 illed 2*-e those . _frsdu>j'.:c- : Caitiss, No. Trueh, baw. Ibs Fyoe, who rov."': Tbe present * Pria cetoa cona.aU ef v. ren< e ikes over developcd in ccrtai to be represented by a ¦' r.g contender i-^' tho sea of Hi inic 1 eh, etroke of ng vacancj to bc fillcd ; Dr. J. Duncan Spaeth, hear! Hr. J. Duncan Spaeth hh il a 7^ ^ >M $<j$0i$i-t--:<- " ih ^ .. .;y:;<i..':..::-'*:¦:;. .,,,.4.:j V :"4j$£4' 7 udea tw o 150 p on Vbout eix freshmen crew; ii n at work on thi .¦¦ ristmaa rhe varsif> ¦. pul .. worl dhortiy after Dr Spaeth bclieves I il able to send b!1 o il n lhe laki tioi of the mid-> ^miuil I hv \\ inj-a Over Clintou Team For P. S. A. L. Title Sullivan Scores Deciding </<»<] for Brooklyn Boys in Second Extru Period "' Training Hi-. P. 8. A. 1 '. " ¦¦ bj defci " ;. 1 <. '¦¦.¦ M ntl » at the in one of thi l:ard< rvf witnta ci n le 1 n o ext ra f:ve-n i wcre requi red 1 efon Man iliy an ed e, 25 to 24 d< ¦¦¦ '.'¦¦ ai t;4 .. ,. tute. scor< the de< iding -, ;¦' out thi - ' a an v c .¦...' ¦¦. ,., . , io: 8 the supn icy of trt< t re tc h " nnd Gold. cn) .¦¦ , Man d enabli d thi iBi ti ei Front at the ci a1f. 11 to 7. Brooklyn : but tin the score at 1 fttaced a mai t .'.. . Red taiid (¦..¦., n period Rcfcrei .... ..-..¦ rui, ,:.., score, at 21 to 21. Bu i-,ad< erimmage : .:¦ ¦. ¦¦ VJanhe'n ap;a ened iust » p ;. was rio r.g ir 1 if" ¦'- second e:<tr, ut Suliivai thi .' njrht artl ot goal fro: . v... the Hrooklyr ite ad ii' 25 tc '.'.'. ..'. caged » foui g >a bul fi tor Fnia Ma it oring. ernian r h ttz .'¦ -. .Sch: ¦¦<.-. Rlv '..¦..¦¦ '¦-.:.- I hoolboy Skaters in trioor Races To-morrow G :. Vt 4 ¦.... t' ibl c F ¦. il< \thli thal icc ," .' will 1.. ii -' ¦¦ Icc l'a sc -. '- ,. N'id 0;a \ rr ' .<. ... fi r s L ti m ci has bci get thc use of an t ce n rr 1 -. ¦' '..¦,¦.. <.. !f < Imnmioits Bctifen .¦.! K>. .1.,: :-. ¦¦: f cham ii, ai .:.-¦-. Son t hp > ..: 1 match, p. '.'.-¦¦ Loop. profc thc Clul .oldstcin and < urr\ Draw :.-,.. ¦¦ tO . , "'''.,.:. .." .- ¦¦ a f o-ais S-»"ccr \ ictors 1 \J r. FJ\ ER Mass., Jai 28. ' P I 1 Club. of Paw- ted Fall River b 2 goals to *. ,-..... .,.- . re to-da played in a gh ivind bc- f. .V«k Loses ai Hockcv ilA, J r ic'Bos- :. v.,. :,, . '¦¦..'.¦- tei Hochej A-r,r-;n>:,... NewOne-Desigii Class of \arli1> V i.l Be Raml A. \. C. of Kye Perfect- i»itr Plans for New Crafl I? v a <l y This Summcr f the \ v .'¦¦ of Rye wi 11 hi eel llui 1 .bi .. afternoon at tin Nb w Vb rk \ uc or 1 n o of ] fect r plai for oi .". ¦¦:'..¦ club'i ncv c' which ui ,i-- for I fu I e.. ..' in craft is a M oop d along tin :,"..... Corinthia I' cxpccli ii i d iii 1 racing wh tlic on opens. e :¦¦ uve h'ci rncd i. li. .'"'.'' ady iced ordei foi thi ire 17'.. il ihba .; U; ..!.nnd B ''¦ B. Ri ¦.-..'. e rnc ir nrle King. i"he mill '- rin 1:1 charge uf tbe ni nnounc i-tuiaj icel ,.,,.; :ivi .¦.'.¦ ontcr [; ncvl sun racing, or b< buill ... posed I! 'ii, 11 01 iv c t; :' Chai .- |' variou .-; inity ci reports th :. ncrea 5 ever eis now ai ¦¦ comi _, 11 er SC IE01 ¦' ¦. Kew Boal roi Rinjjlitu- J. ii Ringlii power \ .'idofner ed recently, n ord * foi it,' cl .'.!'. I; essi foot power rn >oat and ir. ng bu bv tli lated 7-1 ¦. iu ,: l-ai .-.- .] Hc ghts Tiie 1101 r lant nni if two Xelseco hem ...-.--. ,- H. tr. Bordi n .. 1 ''!""' I' .'. 125-fooi achl, desigm b !' ..,-.. :' [>; ecdw; engini li go into comi . .... "'. len : ..¦,. ,. ...' ,.- I- no wn yacb t. - im o; : of ti 1110: t novi ... uci ion. Sin ¦. ..-. '.'¦. by ,-....,.-- r -dboat Di turbei '' -.,. p_8, nd specilicatii .. , lenry .1. C.ieh '. boal nvc n length over all :' fort eet ar, ... .... ¦:¦. . ,. .'¦'*-¦¦' ... " '. ti e rin FI *>. 11 fo .. [, ,.: "O 101 ,. inio '' -"', pi ¦..'¦¦ .;¦. with h .cahablo ai 1'he i rope'ii _,. '"!¦ M pee Ivay enpim c en iv v ,'JOO ier it Vanderbilt ( harters ( nlabasl < on el erbiil h ..;,., lorida. ., chartr-re >oa< Calabash througl tl "ams & Kint>. 1 .¦'!(¦.¦'¦ :. in "'¦¦'. ¦. ne hy IV, J, 5] cnu.-ini/ r.n itl Mr. and M Arthur '.'.' " '': famou I..:.:,- [;,:.'.! tlo arnt on? li; ulready 1 l'.oldinf of t annual ¦.. ( ran uary 17. II planned ruisnig nor, he '..¦¦¦¦¦¦ ..... r built bv ihe 1 ;'' thai .'. y 1.¦¦".'-.. .,, i. ith 'a varb electric u ci The power c-xhibb ost inti rei tint* ngme, froi ..¦,.. .'.1 ai 10 thc one ent A toi . ... '"' ¦'"' or 'eai ety of foroigi to be .-. a ry o! Lhe Amei .,- Hou i air (',r<*\\ Starts Four Times Weeklv Practice Feh. 17 K\V HAVKX, ( Itt ¦¦ ;,'¦' :'!'' car an nd i, h J. p. " ¦¦. .¦'¦¦'¦.!.. to i-o id coi ¦¦¦¦¦ work ' ... 31 1, y. ¦. xo :.'«,.; cha pio p ,""' - ¦'..- cn lC ? at Derl "'¦' be .-":.,; tben " "' r"! 5<>.v^* Club Wrcstierg Easily Defeat Harvard ." '¦'.¦¦¦¦.¦ : '. even "'"¦¦'¦'¦ ted wri*_*¦..' OCl W( " ¦'..'¦. rin umi ""h - t. "h b ¦: .. ... ... ¦i" .¦- 6 -¦¦ ¦¦¦¦-.- r. * ;' ' : ''.. v ... ... ..... - r i rr,.. }r>. ) . n#k: Bo' -¦-..-,¦ *S arsit> I'oolball Slie (lotaino; Fall t ! Gridirou Schedule of Sixleen Years Honor& [V. Y. U. 011 Armistiee Day rhe ri ity College varsity foot- n sixteen reara was ar- Professor Waiter M. Wi! faculty athletic coni- fchedule consista of six :-¦>' of w hich wili bcplayed .' l-ewi ohn Stadium and two awaj home, Th' program Is a d fficult ore, em-j colleges prominent on tho grid-1 '¦.¦'. ¦'.¦'¦ scrvc as a litting vehiclo >r inl i-oduction of tho local insti- thr football world. Rut the ¦"¦ .. nexl sea 50 v ill mai; thc ,-, ndcr'a dcbul renders thc n or ditlicult in itself, be- ¦¦" .' " team will o{ 1 ccossity bc a 01 and confrontcd v ith t;ie tnsK tablishing itself in collegiate ca'clea, ! '7 iro game is rhe 0;.e with \<-.\ Vork University on Armistiee Day. ci 11, !922, to be played at Ohio An agreement has been made ; ¦.>..! .i< Mi,:- t0 thr effect ']¦'¦¦' Armistici Day wiil hcrcafter bo ich the annual game is ¦¦' cam -.:¦¦ r rnatch \ tag ¦'"''"¦' on it? ome field. Ac- to thi ugrei ment the Lewisohn Sl liun will bn thc scene of the 1023 '"' ai ¦¦¦ ,¦.¦ thi3 f> -ii' football !> il! p:ovidfl foi r' co itc! ting of thc .' .: betv een thc lf cai ii as hcretoforo bo?;. nod chii !1; baseball ar.d basket- dete Rchedulo follows: Stephens, at homo; U, <''.. '- at homo; 28, Hobarl "' O' ember 4, Newk Yon " at 1 ome; 1 1. New Vork Uni " at Uhio l4'el 1; L8 Catholic Uni- " .... k_71XX J Athletes Will Compete on? \leet This Weel !la\ lo Qppose Cutbill iu * ^i-Mile Run at Gar-| ilen Wednesday Night ¦' lack Masters " "^ Iro- ... ..-¦:, with onei C co ections of track and hat ei cr faced u starter in " '¦' "; thr country, will hold ¦¦ "¦" Square Garden next' '' 'ight i: tcrcollegiate and "' P'on by inc acore are chcduled to compete or consti ucted track that " and v ,:: allow for the! ." "' nnd thc fact that '"¦¦'" P' thc one mi'.o walk are .a! the mau- '' r ¦-'.. nticipatea ar ¦'¦ tl records, and every be afforded thc ath- the present the fielda in thct it would .mon marks di t liber o Al ¦; insr, the Bernie met ro- Cuban Team Entered ln Penn Relay Meet pHlLADELPUlA, Jan. 28.. The University of Havana will bo represented at the Pennsylvania re¬ lay carnival, April 28 and 29, it was announced to-day b; Dr. George \V. Orton, manager of tlie games. lt ha* not becit definitely decided whether the Cuban institution will enter a rcluy tcaiu or compete in thc field e-cnts. Assnrances also have bccn re- celved, Orton said, that Italy ¦would send oue or more relaj teams a«. leetcd from the univcraities and colleges of that country. Army Hockey Sextet Defeats Springiield WEST POINT, X.Y., Jan. 28.- Spring- Peld was no match for the Army au hockey to-day, thc cadets winning i: ol, '¦' lister, ... .¦.¦.. ion, Ned cao;' fashion by a scotTITi toT'lrtari- ot-hci maki up a fo'rmid ',' '' three-mile race :';,; sburgh, national clia l pion, v ill bc ¦' b; Don Forsman, d Gordoi S'ightin- ¦¦'¦¦. hcll iii "Millrosr 000'' nelli, Army'e sUr center, who was 1 urt ar.d had to retire in the last period scored ais of thc Army'a goals before a aevere cut on the check took li m out of the game. '¦'."' the sprsnta co n.iiia are tbc "Mill- '[]-¦¦<¦> Wa. amakor " ic ai:-. thc out- of thi meet. rn t! c >¦¦:<- ampbell, tho Yale The !!nc-up: A.1. O'Flisa.. Wooda .Martnel Po: t-r 4 V." n. v.... 17.. P. ipr::;e( li a ,ai s .Reirf .Wa .. Cou rtney .Hudao-j 4:10; :.*. .f> t o u t.,' .Kastner. ¦...-. i,i.> -'"ala, flrat perlort.Harl..^, on Princeton, tho "«««/ 7M°- Second pertod-MaVmeui '" uie title HoMiar- PIar:-e">. ¦?:«: Martnellt. u-.oo ¦¦¦ perJod.Jlariuelll, 8:00; Stoul 8-65 s, l BtituMons. Stevenaon tor O'Sh'na rW '¦'¦'.' Wooda. 8:ou? for Martnellt, VesDhaMnrSI Mr. Wagalaff. Tmedo. Ttm, , ' 2 .'..Ir.UtOS. -' -' holder; twice won thc Llarl Eby and ¦:' ."¦ lilc ¦¦. o '.,-. d'ers, HT.-iifnch. 'has won the one-mile :. ol America "our consecu- .'¦ «i*t in the mile t-v . ~ * ¦¦¦.'¦'-m& f?rStdytiiSi:l?-ctroitFavorsmd&* beat runnera as "Hal" mi' ... Marvii Ri Ko ig Pai Princeton; Buker, champion; Jimmy u"a> Bohland, thc West College Conference pion, and Blondy 1 DETROIT. Jan. 28.-The University of Detroit haa received favorably the propoaal to organi,:? a Hiddlo West tcrcollegiate cross"'-1 intefcollegiate athletic conference nnd would Join such a bodv if thc rul'es did " .' '¦' the University of not ,c°nfine athletic* competition to ia, .> recently ehattered I".£ra lt. thc con*erence, accordine Pcord for the 1,000-yard * a,th" ?,', L' Fole>'- a member of thc r with a view of estab- ta/d °t athletic control. ark for two-tbirda of a Ut;|roit also has been invited to join anagement of The ?»m«' *" ^T1 "nfercnce; Father Foley race at thia diaUnce to ?" i?,jn /. n,e1tentafc,v° membership includcs Ocorgetown, Fordham, Holy ,rna« onH ii,...t.*... /->. tt . *' Cross and Hoaton College, and thc local univereity deair^E to contlnae athletic re ationa with these tchoola. Tho offi- fr\% bw*\er' t*,el th(,y Ehou!d affiliate m the West, where the natural rivals Iiopea ihat' Brown would figures for thc event The ecord has stood on the 'books '¦'-'¦¦-- years, largely because Petition r,:. thia particular diatance not ni-.,, encouraged. Sid Le-HP '" T" 7 7 I^evanney JoCe Hi.iS.,BS "e l0Catcd' .) and a hoat of other ctai-a trill p^.Ti "'-=.?-~- have sUracted a fln. , L1?:;D0/V' Jftr"- 28.-,'fhc world's va. West struBBle at ?:?!,n5 chamr-ionBhip!5 0f 1922, which Pected to be afeltnre ^t ^ ?rrff-Rnirod b? «>e National ;^< team from the IoJr. ^dlBta i ^?,£?' wiU bo 5ic!d in the t»t« Coll. gc at Amca, lowa, with thrc* ^Terp00 di6trlct in Jul>' and August Penn relay carnival 5 anf7 ndr,,.F0prtlfe88ional Augnst : - will bo on hand. riS wiil be LU^Y r"nd champion- l ecip «ui baa held on Auguat 2 and 3. U02J5 JkZ/J^ Ice Yacht Feature Of National \Iotor Boal Show Feb. 17 ';'-'; "f thc feature exhibita at L'n 17th National Motor Boat Show in Grand Central ^alace, FcDruary 17 to -'-'. "''! hc a full size ice boat of tbe Cla F," Hudson River type, designed by If. Percy Ashley. This will oe thc first tinic an ice-boat has ev*-r been dis- played at the ai nua position and ay thc show will bc held ai a season when racing between Ihia class o craft is at jits height, it should attract great m- tcrcst. Tbe boat-is thirty-one feet, isches over all, with n width between cuttine edges ol sixteen feet, six inches. I* wcighs, conipl. .. 900 pounds and has a sail area of 300 squaro feet. This ";'"' '" '¦'".¦ has been known to race at almost :. mile a minute in a stiff breozo f^; V ','¦''' V"! «>f thc light model "' boaJ ., rhc crafl waa built bv thc bvinrudi Motor Company. Another novel display nt the show During tho past will bo tbe set '"" >caiV5 !: IJT3 o :- has be¬ come numerous in thc water* of Jamai¬ ca, Gravesend and Shccpshoad bays A devclopment during thc war was the sea * led, v hile not adapted fur comfort- able cabins, has a rcputation for speed and those who want to travel fastpre- fer the sturdy-looking flai boal to i J- abouts, Red Sox to Play Five Contests Wilh Pirates BOSTON, Jan. 28. A strenuous cam¬ paign on Southern training tields is aid out for thc Red Sox spring trip in thc schedule oi gamea announced to- aay. A fivc-g-ame seriea with Pitts- burgh will be played at Hot Springs Ark., where Pirates nnd Red Sox will havo their training headquarters, be¬ tween Mnrcli 17 aud 26. The Red Sox will travel from April 1 a f l\\q ?a.mes every da>' until April ll) A,': '. Jbtttle nocl4, at Llttlo Rock ^r:r; Milwaukee, at CarutheraviHe Mo Mlnneapolls. ot Dyersburc, I'ei.n 4 st' Riverside Post Victor Riverside Post and 71st 105th In- tantry I wero the victora in last night a concerts in tho American Legion basketball tourney at Stuyvesant Hijrh School court, Riverside defeated Wash. uigton Heights Post 31 to 22 and thc /I8t lOoth Infantry fcorcd over Bclvi- dcre Brooks foal JO to -S, I 2*OM. Sixty-f our Players Enter Preliminary Handball Rounds Bill Sackman, of Trinity Qub, Holder of 'Met' Title, Ib Among Entries Sixty-four players will start ln the preliminary round of the New Tork State handball championship at thc Crescent A. C, Brooklyn, this morr.'ng. Among tbe stara entered are Bill Sack¬ man. nf the Trinity Club, who holds tbe ''Met" cha.T.pionship and waa ru»* ner-up in thc national meet. Sackman will n'ay II. F. Mir.s, C. C. N. Y., this morning. The draw, ehowing time of each match and court, follov-s: COT BT >"0. 1 J?oe Dworsiry. City A. C, ve. E. B. S'an- -¦.., ','¦'. .-. Y. if. C. A., t: a. ni.; E. Att- man, Crescent A. ''., -.a. Bnb Power jr., Crencer.t A. C, :D:7.0 a. in.; T. Ti. Jor-lar.. 7--. Y. A. ("., vs. J. J. Vetter, '':re2Ceru A. U ;i. i...; Y.\ r. 7-Loch, Stevsna Tech., ..8. J. Bossung-, Trlnltj-, 11:£0 a. m.; ".. De rranaltes, I:'. N". B. C. vs. J. Van C7auwer.- ¦'..r-r. Y. M. ''. A.. 12 noon: M. Vernon. ''rPHcent A. C. vs. J. It. O'Nelll, Crescent, 2:30 p. :.:.; T. 8«-ert;o-**. C. C. N. Y., -.8 il. Milgfram, C. C. N. Y., 1 *_,. :r..; S. S»p- :owln, f.i-- Bartholomew'8, -. s. ti. Scliwa-::' Crescent, 1 ;,'.0 p. ni.; E. Galo-jvln. Crer.cent. s. W. Lifldell, Tv-euty-th'.rd Street Y. M |_... A., :i p. m.; J. A. Douohuo. C. A. C. is. ..;. .' Roencr, Crescent A- C. 2:3B p. tn; :.i. K. Gilliam, City A. C, \ s. H. H Bux- baum, Van K-sltor.. 8 p. rr..; F. G. MoMann, IWonty-ihJrd Stre9t Y. M. CA \ i L' rren'kman, <'. A. C, 8:30 p. ir..; Ed Gro- clen. rrlnlty, vs. S Karkur., C. 'i V Y 4 p. :r.. *Y. Sch-vart^, 3. L>. Y. :,:. C. A.. ;.s. A. ,7. Plcnt. YV. S. Y. M. C. A., 4:59 p. rt.. J. A. Ehert, City A. a. -. t. It. W. Dowl'.nc, ,i. 7. A. ., 5 p. m.; Sa-r. Buiib &..:-.-. Tr'.r- it7. vs. C. Osicrman. C. C. ."¦:. Y., 3::-'' COCRT no. «: c, V.1''' Tranaltes, Holy Xatr.e, rs. 3. J. Smlthney.,. Yv\ a. Y. M. C. A., 10 a m. H. P. yy.nn. C. C. N. Y., rs. W. bitckrva-' rrinity, 7J::;p ... ..,.; d. Cook. Twenty- third Street Y. :,I. C. A., vs. Roy Taylor. '. -i. C, 11 u. m.; C. J. O''.:, Trin¬ ity, V3. A. E. Pidseon. C. A. C. 11:80 a. m.; V.. H. I'ries, C. V. C. vs. II. TS. [;¦'":.'¦ '¦¦ A. C, 211 noon: A. N. Crooko, Van, vs. ic. j. Schmldt, £>t. Geora-r, I?'M0 p. iv..; rr. Soas, city A. C. vs. Geo.Ts! .uarsn, t>t. Ba.rthoion-.ew^s. I *> *~ . fc; V",^11,61'vF:iy c-;v' c- vs- ^- s. Child, l wenty-tnlrd Street Y. If. .' k --30 Ed Butler. C. A. C. 1M5 p. m.: 'Ph" Dworsky. CIt; A. C, vs. L. Gretch. C. A. .' 7 ?.' ''.;.. '.."¦'¦ Meesaros, Tweiay-t'-.ird btreet r. .,1. C, A., vs. v, Be:>:. Btelnwav A. L.. 2:30 p r.-..; J. A. Wftite. C. A. C. 3. .;. A. Mahoney; W. e. Y. ;:. c. 1 i p. :-.-.; i. ci. Heavcr;.. C. A. C. vs. H V man. City A. C, vs. O. E. ::o-v.*rh»o.. c 1' S" .?. ln': J' Arour.i. Crescent. ia. B. Eraley, rrventy-third Street Y. M. c. A., vs. T. D. v hcato- Twsnty-thlrd Street j Princeton Five Rallies Vnd Defeats S>Tacuse e biTCACUShl, N". Y.. Jan. L'8..-Displaj- *ing a dazzling et-ie of pass work in the second half. after the score had been tied three times, Princeton staged .a rallv to win from the Syracuse Uni- iversit-y basketball team in the Arxhl- bold gymnasium to-r.ight by the score ot lo to ld. The game, which was the most cxciting played here thie winter. was witnesscd hy -.\o00 spectatovs. Syracuse outplayed the Tigers in the Iirst hah and but for some bad break* of the t*ame might havc turned the vic- t?ry', T,ho oriiris:e-J«,rseyed players had the bull most of tne time, but wo-e way off in their shots for the goal. English Soccer Results EN'Gi^isn a:»ociat:o:\- ctjp aJ,t,a°,!"'i ,,rn'-:v'1""r'-"'-,irhton' ": HudiSers-! r.o./i .. Bradford City, 1; Notts County ! South End 0; S-.v^nneR. l. Swlndori 0 Bj-Ac^lnirji. Preston X. E. S; Xe*-oast'.e ¦-'¦ ^'f^V- I' Ars*»!'-- 3. Notts Forest! Crystal Palaco, 0; aillwaH,' 0/ ^tV^hara" Br.m4r4^ra*tJor,a' P' UwfMol. 0: West **ardl«.0Bi -;rS,0':es' 2. Southampton, < arciiu, 1. Barnsley, S; O.d'-.u-n T- Boltoa, J; Manchester City, T,/-""-"-1' x- EXGMSH LBAdUBI First division.Manoh'ester U.. S- Sati- derland, 1. ' : uu Second divlsion-rCorentry City, 0: B'at-k- vs e it Ifini T .. t; l^nde United, 1. TYoive-- hampton W., 0; Wednesday. 0! "ono* *JJV, «"y'slor- Xorihoru -eectlon.A.-- b, Stalybrldsre C, J. Grlmaby Town i: no^ST' °- R*«tf»« Towo-Unciln C.T«feat- RJf2?J ».«n«» unflt. Hartlepool u, tf;' iseison. 1. Itochdale. 0: Dartlna-ton " houtliport. I- Wrexham. 3. 8t"o*p0rt C. V »««-harn City. 0. Walsall, 8; A.hlnaVon !" TWr§ttnd?v°i!:?i:Ch^t?r?^a'not P>»^«. ii*. J-V ^-vlv'on. bouthern section.CHI- '"jvn, ii; Aberdare. 1. ^.'e¦(rI>ort c «. SCOTTISII ASSOCIATION CTT? (iu»en Jff' csJ'.i, BrB,r*?.wr,e Amatenra. I: broath 1 Vtl\ S' klydebtnk. *'¦ Ar" Dunii.; tV.K ?t«-h9w«emiiir1 0; Dundee. S. l -av'tinannan-Invern-Kscitadel. poet^oneri- sto°nen,50 W- /Vbl°" novcrs'.PC: ^hn- Ouoei'iK T>a-tle ?* l^v.eiv ! »"ra.,.rbureh, ». ftt R,wi'1\; Nlthsdale Wanderera. 1. !L,bl»M",n United. 1; Dunferrhllne AtU- Do«fi.«:*. rA>cll«r°»y. Unlted-Ayr Vnlted. \r«,t.«n'..<*chn*curd!n. 0; Ran«era, B. ,C.V«i- I. Montroae. 0. Hlberntans. S; Ar- ?»*rv*?;.°- £Uo?- S: 8t- Barnhard. 1. Oal* *r,L?^ a-n,< °^ H»^"ton Academicala. 9. ;*b?.r,<3'7en' *J Dumbarton, 0. Raith Roverifc ; yde' *X .^orfar Athletic, 0; Faililrk. 8. Ir.;'ernesa> Caley. 1; Klhriarnock. B. Bath- rSvvlvJ ^teAon^ur,rh' 2- Alrdrleontans, 1; t'j.telieaa, 0; Third Lanarlt, 6; I.elth Ath- ;.{,' '.> ,fet- Rahraer. 0; Boness. 8. Yale of Atholl, j j Cowdenbeath, 0. Buc'»!e This* MIe. 1; Royal Albert,' a. Heart of Itfldlo- 1 'h.aii. -j; Arthuriie, l, Solway Star, I; j Miske Defeats j j JackKeuauh ln 13th Roimd Officials .f Si.-,i,. ( aion Order Pm^SS* Boxcr,_vt..,,,,:; »5 Uy Jack Lawrence Billy Miakc of Sl r>, Jack Rcna .,.,-., ¦»'.*'. weight champ .-.. "eM*- j Club I..t nigh **«<, of what as supposi |*°* round bo ... f -. .. rtecnt he had ba '«'¦" ropca in all th :- ''' beat tn- ( anad a into ¦.,.- . . f Bubmiaslon that ho .. " through t o rr 4 =mp«d poniahmcnt. if .' .'"\ farther arms ofa number of to the paper men, »] 0 .;.. 'enowi thc ri:.,: mucl -,, ¦', "Jlnti hewasannouiK d as the 1', a!?.0" Thc offlcia 3 of .' Roxing ( on .:- ., a. '.. ''¦"'.' otatt ' ''" thai Miakc ehot blo f . '*' ,'w" I Canadian .. .' ; ; . vIr¦' V ' "a:-"''' ' -rou,n ?.Ie ,K- 'I Brookl; ,:r)Tl .J, judges de< - o .. Jac Matw Manhattan. 4 eco d ....;', Qt per o itpo -.',-. ;. D n ->-.; ri. latter weighed 12< and 1 - , lie bout was ntereeth from first to last. ¦ , The semi-flnal brc lgkt together Ted- i ny beidman and Jo <,'-..¦,-. ln tt* fourth round Gra; c .. up a rt over Seidman's eye ai took a ¦> ."' many shots at t ark thetofter, oeiaman, bowc ¦. awarded thi decision. In the final bout Miske ad the bet ter of the milling in '.hc ei ¦-.¦ partas, in the first three ro mds fthe (&-«. d;&77 heavyweight aeeb g the come; to avoid puniphment. '.¦ ?--> '-,,- Miske tore into Renaull ar.d at tw. fmish of tl e :-. ision inadiaaw Blmo8t out. In the next three roun theytattk very langui lly, v, B doing whr i,4 of real fight. aa. He pU= tered th- < a: .-. a rly, but to & great effect. Rena il iad a tvorkizi left, but it never eant very mutl Miske's clevernes ofl : any abiiir Renault may have brooght with Mi from Canada. When tl.e bout waa en ied Renaultmj or. the run and virtually jumped throw;: ¦rhe ropea to prevent further danigji ile lost, a perfectly good set of Sk teeth in the ti .. 4 which Ter* picked up tri distributed among tb spectaiors as .¦.. .-¦ P. S. A. L. Champions Lose to Marqiiand Swimmers. 26 to IS Marquar.d School awimmera made an "^.expected bid for the citv swimming title yesterday by disposing cf the ErasmuB team" in a dual meet in the Central Y. M. C. A. tank Tbe private school performers outscored the P. 5. A. L. chanvplonehip team by 3 acore .:.' -"vi to 18. Gerritt Foster, of Marquani, spra:k- """'ggest surprise of the achoolboj th< pwimming season hereabouts by vb ning the 100-yard awim in 69 secoads flat. Ja.r.:es Tomkins, of Era?:n.< Hall P. S. A. L. char r:o7:, took aecond:: this event, v hii Steen, of Marqwad. was third, several yards back Ma:- quand's r:'.a;.' team displayed anexpect* ed speed and strength in winning th» relay ::: tl e excellent tiiae of '. mmott .lo 2-o aeconds. Era^ was able to take first phwe ' i:; but two events. rheodore Smith.o' ' Eraiinua, 11:^'¦ i school title hclcer. ^7 the fancy diving, while Harry Le«i, of Erasmus, another P. S. A. L title holder. won the 220-yard imafler« hard with Archie Morrisoa, ». Ivlarquand, ir. '_ minutes 13 secontbi The t.7:r.7n;-:/: 200-yarflB r..i;.Wo: 4 :-4::m*( (Foster, Ktrkpatrl 4 Uason andilonW'l Bru«;::U3 44.. i.L.j--,. Smlth, Loii .* Tor.-.l '.:;s4 aecond. Ttae. i.4C 2-e. !,'¦.,..-.- b -<.-:. .-<¦*¦..-a by Sfaeon, V^ quand; L ¦.-:. EraamiM, st>cosd: .V*;»< '- -.-' rJm», 3t i~S .eoonrf* 100-yard Btvira.Won by Foatar, «*>. quaad; .. !ns, Braamus, Mcona; B'.eev aiarquaad, thin Tirae, 6S aeconde L'20-Tard >.Won by Loww. Erat; Morrtst-r. Marquand, aecona; ^a-i ' S-ivip-j" third. Time. t"-*S- Fancy di iai?.Won by Bralto Braamw TS.o^ pc.:n:S. KirUpatrlcJc, :tart;uar,. f»c ond, 61.8 potnts; Fitsserald, Marauand th'.rd, CO.d points . Po'.nt score.-JIarquane, '.'¦'. E7£5^... Ha!i. 18. Hagenlathtr Beats Out Yamada in Cue Matcb Erik Hagenlacher, German biW«M champion, madc a sensational i«« against Ko;i Yamada 'ir. the -s:a* D:^ of their 1,200-point match st _»*'.. Brothers* Academy last night aniw feated the Japanese champion by s^, ing t5S5 points while th'. latter «»»* oniy 212. The rinul score wi-'W- lacher 1,200. Yamada 1.112. Yamada won tne afteraoon P. 800 to 90, with an irrrdzc- ol «!1 and Beored a:i nnfinished run »» With the score 900 to 513 agaMfi Hagenlacher played fine b".*? j, tho evening match and won oighteen innings._- POULTRY SHOW Madison Square 6»nW Open Todav TiU 10:5» P- ». LAST DAY

arli1> j i.l BeRaml - filePrincetonLikelytoHaveStrongCrewThisYear Despite Lossof FamousStrokeof 1921 Dr. Spaeth lhis Ton Veteran Candidates for 1922 Shclls

Apr 22, 2019



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Page 1: arli1> j i.l BeRaml - filePrincetonLikelytoHaveStrongCrewThisYear Despite Lossof FamousStrokeof 1921 Dr. Spaeth lhis Ton Veteran Candidates for 1922 Shclls

Princeton Likely to Have Strong Crew This Year Despite Loss of Famous Stroke of 1921Dr. Spaeth lhis Ton Veteran

Candidates for 1922 ShcllsFour Rowed in \ nbeaten "B" Onth't aud Balance

\rv From " \" Boat, Stroked h> Cresswell; TigcrCoach Vgain Intemls tn Have Two Varsitv litiliis

AJtl -...-"

legiate rowing, Ftvan ty eight thibighi hontho famoui 1 -,-

and a

owing coach at !

Few followetbat Dr. paelnr. ithcr rr nbinatthe one ^t:< ked bjkb!' to build. s h « "A . crew

a positiocTn rt-v:-¦.*>. i ¦,: *

ton as the earl j^ay. |t mai¦--.< us professmaterithoroughlj / aa

promialng.etvt, Dr.

¦- ..->.-

o: the t._.r,jr R


r riiDr Pnai

rj' ror

: chamr.

n* col- iuon



Trn Veteran"':-..,.

¦pring eaicom b i 1-,..-. u ]

The r .

' V<.'«.*..;. ilugof 11*21 can \;. v. ii ¦-.¦¦

he will ,¦

eompctias 1 - o rathe black ci]icy, whichlowed '.i. ' :.<i«v

"I regret th..develo. twoe I can bdone, becauschcdu leeon*4 cutive racek -h tv.ird on thc f'riuigatl .....' pIatei «¦(! unVi< ,,

phbi The fiBgl r.;l V .'toni<.

"I rnmli tSatunthei4i r. ;*.¦ ,-


Dr. Spaetl..:

ed ..

* -,

be a zi .' ,;

one ol the v,-i. ii ou! I>.Bpael»n

cighti lt wa

h'a end Per.ilast Maj'B" con

Trb-,1 for \" X h« t- rc 'j. i

of thitioni d "

'-ho Prlncetion t(, ha' e tl'.etc agaiiterm ne wlwltl the gn*ga-> st tlthat thi*»Bt/\ .'

are oiate v..-; i,- r

-r'" .' ;.¦ .

dletions *TIR*- >*<--,Tl*?- li ; ,

s»lf with thePrincel

largely on thi<f(1 *:.;..bly ba-. e h

Thi ..

jsroi peeta oi thidep"us at allthe plathat wi r< »ries All oithe nuclei.b'e oa .."¦'- .

be better thFrom tlV "

3s Lewis. >alalrethr - -

B9en whoH v

vtrsitj"¦ *.


ij NeiNo. 2, and PMo S in lpoallOther

'iri ed on Iar"


Pirie and Buiq oi;' « ment orsny of thlghh pk a

jiipla -

Wrlgl t. tbe vi1923 frejover Harvard anv»r-' C8 ;.«¦ ';.¦Tf" thi .' ..--,-

1 me (eaiWrighl

r-erplc* ng rrof Heinie 1givei a tl n .

of etrokingthere .- b ¦'.¦.r'rcl*-- that ln

wil] ft]nerson ot .'¦ ¦

'stt( r wai tl.ear- sg >Fhat honor lasl. or tbe phenomeAlex Morgai

aer freshmarsorne coneideiLeb's enccei.nd MosieTh e y.-i 11

illed 2*-e those .

_frsdu>j'.:c- :Caitiss, No.Trueh, baw. IbsFyoe, who rov."':Tbe present *

Priacetoa cona.aU ef

v. ren< e

ikes over developcd inccrtai to be represented by a¦' r.g contender i-^' tho sea

of Hi inic 1 eh, etroke ofng vacancj to bc fillcd

; Dr. J. Duncan Spaeth, hear!

Hr. J. Duncan Spaeth


ila 7^ ^ >M

$<j$0i$i-t--:<- " ih ^.. .;y:;<i..':..::-'*: ¦:;. .,,,.4 .:j V :"4j$£4' ;¦ 7

udea tw o 150 p onVbout eix freshmen crew;

ii n at work on thi .¦¦

ristmaa rhe varsif>¦. pul .. worl dhortiy after

Dr Spaeth bclieves I ilable to send b!1

o il n lhe lakitioi of the mid->

^miuil I hv \\ inj-aOver Clintou TeamFor P. S. A. L. Title

Sullivan Scores Deciding</<»<] for Brooklyn Boysin Second Extru Period

"' Training Hi-.P. 8. A. 1

'. "

¦¦ bj defci " ;. 1 <. '¦¦.¦M ntl » at the

in one of thi l:ard<rvf witnta

ci n le 1 n o ext ra f:ve-n iwcre requi red 1 efon Man

iliy an ed e, 25 to 24 d<¦¦¦ '.'¦¦ ai t;4 .. ,.

tute. scor< the de< iding -,;¦' out thi - ' a an v

c .¦...' ¦¦. ,., . ,

io: 8 the supn icy of trt<t re tch "

nnd Gold. cn) .¦¦ ,Man d enabli d thi iBi

ti eiFront at the ci

a1f. 11 to 7.Brooklyn

: but tinthe score at 1

'¦ fttaced a mait .'..


Red taiid (¦..¦., n

period Rcfcrei....

..-..¦ rui, ,:..,score, at 21 to 21. Bu i-,ad<

erimmage : .:¦¦. ¦¦ VJanhe'n ap;a ened

iust » p ;.was rio r.g ir 1if" ¦'- second e:<tr,

ut Suliivai thi .' njrhtartl ot goal fro: .

v... the Hrooklyr ite adii' 25 tc '.'.'. ..'.

caged » foui g >a bul fi torFnia Ma

it oring.

ernianr h ttz



¦¦<.-. Rlv'..¦..¦¦

'¦-.:.- I

hoolboy Skaters intrioor Races To-morrow

G :. Vt 4 ¦....

t' ibl c F ¦. il< \thlithal icc

,".' will 1..

ii -' ¦¦ Icc l'a sc -. '-

,. N'id 0;a \rr ' .<. ...

fi rs L timci has bci

get thc use of ant ce n rr

1 -.¦' '..¦,¦..

<.. !f < Imnmioits Bctifen.¦.! K>. .1.,: :-.

¦¦: f cham ii, ai

.:.-¦-. Son t hp >..: 1

match, p.'.'.-¦¦

Loop. profc thcClul

.oldstcin and < urr\ Draw:.-,..

¦¦ tO . ,

"'''.,.:. ..".-



f o-ais S-»"ccr \ ictors1 \J r. FJ\ ER Mass., Jai 28. '

P I 1 Club. of Paw-ted Fall River b 2 goals to

*. ,-..... .,.-.

re to-da played in a gh ivind bc-

f. .V«k Loses ai HockcvilA, J r ic'Bos-

:. v.,. :,, .

'¦¦..'.¦- tei

Hochej A-r,r-;n>:,...

NewOne-DesigiiClass of \arli1>V i.l Be Raml

A. \. C. of Kye Perfect-i»itr Plans for New CraflI? v a <l y This Summcr

f the \ v .'¦¦

of Rye wi 11 hi eel llui 1

.bi .. afternoon at tin Nb w Vb rk \ uc

or 1 n o of ] fect r plaifor oi .". ¦¦:'..¦ club'i ncv

c' whichui ,i-- for I fu I e.. ..' in

craft is a M oop dalong tin :,".....

Corinthia I' cxpccliii i d iii 1

racing wh tlic on opens.e :¦¦ uve h'ci rncd

i. li. .'"'.''ady iced ordei foi thi

ire 17'.. il ihba .; U; ..!.nnd B''¦ B. Ri ¦.-..'.

e rnc ir nrle King.i"he mill '- rin 1:1

charge uf tbe ni

nnounc i-tuiajicel ,.,,.;

:ivi .¦.'.¦

ontcr [; ncvl sunracing, or b< buill


posed I! 'ii, 110 1iv c t; :'

Chai .- |';¦

variou .-;inity ci reports th :.ncrea 5 evereis now ai ¦¦

comi _, 11 erSC IE01 ¦' ¦.

Kew Boal roi Rinjjlitu-J. ii Ringlii power \

.'idofner ed recently,n ord * foi it,' cl

.'.!'. I;essi foot power rn

>oat and ir. ng bu bv tlilated 7-1 ¦. iu ,: l-ai .-.- .]Hc ghts Tiie 1101 r lant nni -¦

if two Xelseco hem ...-.--. ,-H. tr. Bordi n ..

1 ''!""' I' .'. 125-fooiachl, desigm b !'

..,-..:' "¦ '¦ [>; ecdw; enginili go into comi . ....

"'. len : ..¦,. ,. ...' ,.-I- nown yacb t. - im

o; : of ti 1110: t novi ...

uci ion. Sin¦. ..-.

'.'¦. by ,-....,.--r -dboat Di turbei ''

-.,. p_8,nd specilicatii ..,

lenry .1. C.ieh '. boalnvc n length over all :' forteet ar, ... ....

¦:¦. . ,.

.'¦'*-¦¦' ...

" '. tie rin FI *>. 11fo .. [, ,.:

"O 101 ,.

inio'' -"', pi ¦..'¦¦ .;¦.

with h.cahabloai1'he i rope'ii _,.'"!¦ M pee Ivay enpim c

en iv v ,'JOOier it

Vanderbilt ( harters ( nlabasl< on el erbiil h ..;,.,

!¦ lorida. ., chartr-re>oa< Calabash througl tl"ams & Kint>. 1

"¦ .¦'!(¦.¦'¦ :. in"'¦¦'. ¦. ne hy IV, J, 5]

cnu.-ini/ r.nitl Mr. and M Arthur

'.'.' " '': '¦ famou I..:.:,- [;,:.'.!tloarnt on? li; ulready 1

l'.oldinf of t annual¦.. ( ran

uary 17. II plannedruisnignor, he '..¦¦¦¦¦¦

..... r built bv ihe 1;'' thai .'. y

1.¦¦".'-.. .,, i.ith 'a varb

electric u ci

The power c-xhibbost inti rei tint*

ngme, froi ..¦,..

.'.1 ai 10 thc oneent A toi .


'"' ¦'"' or 'eaiety of foroigi

to be .-. ary o! Lhe Amei .,-


i air (',r<*\\ StartsFour Times Weeklv

Practice Feh. 17K\V HAVKX, (

Itt ¦¦ ;,'¦'

:'!'' car annd i, h J. p.

" ¦¦.


to i-o id coi


work ' ...

31 1, y.¦. xo :.'«,.;cha pio p,""' - ¦'..-


? at Derl"'¦' be .-":.,; tben

" "' r"!

5<>.v^* Club WrcstiergEasily Defeat Harvard

." '¦'.¦¦¦¦.¦: '.


"'"¦¦'¦'¦ ted wri*_*¦..'OCl W( "


rin umi


- t. "h b ¦: ..... ...

¦i" .¦-

6 -¦¦

¦¦¦¦-.-r. *

;' ' : ''.. v...



r i rr,.. }r>.

) .

n#k: Bo'-¦-..-,¦

*S arsit> I'oolball

Slie (lotaino; Fallt ! Gridirou Schedule of

Sixleen Years Honor&[V. Y. U. 011 Armistiee Day

rhe ri ity College varsity foot-n sixteen reara was ar-

Professor Waiter M. Wi!faculty athletic coni-

fchedule consista of six:-¦>' of w hich wili bcplayed.' l-ewi ohn Stadium and two awajhome,Th' program Is a d fficult ore, em-jcolleges prominent on tho grid-1

'¦.¦'. ¦'.¦'¦ scrvc as a litting vehiclo>r inl i-oduction of tho local insti-

thr football world. Rut the¦"¦ .. nexl sea 50 v ill mai;

thc ,-, ndcr'a dcbul renders thcn or ditlicult in itself, be-

¦¦" .' " team will o{ 1 ccossity bc a01 .¦ and confrontcd v ith t;ie tnsKtablishing itself in collegiateca'clea, !

'7 iro game is rhe 0;.e with\<-.\ Vork University on Armistiee Day.

ci 11, !922, to be played at OhioAn agreement has been made

; ¦.>..! .i< Mi,:- t0 thr effect']¦'¦¦' Armistici Day wiil hcrcafter bo

ich the annual game is¦¦' cam -.:¦¦ r rnatch \ tag¦'"''"¦' on it? ome field. Ac-

to thi ugrei ment the LewisohnSl liun will bn thc scene of the 1023'"' ai ¦¦¦ ,¦.¦ thi3 f>

-ii' football !> il! p:ovidflfoi r' '¦ co itc! ting of thc.' .: betv een thc lf cai ii

as hcretoforo bo?;.nod chii !1; baseball ar.d basket-

dete Rchedulo follows:Stephens, at homo; U,<''.. '- at homo; 28, Hobarl"' O' ember 4, Newk Yon

" at 1 ome; 1 1. New Vork Uni" at Uhio l4'el 1; L8 Catholic Uni-



k_71XXJ Athletes Will Competeon? \leet This Weel

!la\ lo Qppose Cutbill iu* ^i-Mile Run at Gar-|ilen Wednesday Night

¦' lack Masters" "^ Iro- ... ..-¦:, with onei

C co ections of track andhat ei cr faced u starter in

" '¦' "; thr country, will hold¦¦ "¦" Square Garden next'

'' 'ight i: tcrcollegiate and"' P'on by inc acore are

chcduled to compete orconsti ucted track that

" and v ,:: allow for the!." "' nnd thc fact that

'"¦¦'" P' thc one mi'.o walk are.a! the mau-

'' r ¦-'.. nticipatea ar¦'¦ tl records, and everybe afforded thc ath-

the presentthe fielda inthct it would

.mon marks

di tliber o


insr, theBerniemet ro-

Cuban Team Enteredln Penn Relay Meet

pHlLADELPUlA, Jan. 28.. TheUniversity of Havana will bo

represented at the Pennsylvania re¬lay carnival, April 28 and 29, it wasannounced to-day b; Dr. George \V.Orton, manager of tlie games. ltha* not becit definitely decidedwhether the Cuban institution willenter a rcluy tcaiu or compete inthc field e-cnts.Assnrances also have bccn re-

celved, Orton said, that Italy ¦wouldsend oue or more relaj teams a«.leetcd from the univcraities andcolleges of that country.

Army Hockey SextetDefeats SpringiieldWEST POINT, X.Y., Jan. 28.- Spring-Peld was no match for the Army au

hockey to-day, thc cadets winning i:

ol,'¦' lister, ...

.¦.¦.. ion, Ned cao;' fashion by a scotTITi toT'lrtari-ot-hci maki up a fo'rmid',' '' three-mile race

:';,; sburgh, nationalclia l pion, v ill bc

¦' b; Don Forsman,d Gordoi S'ightin-¦¦'¦¦. hcll iii "Millrosr 000''

nelli, Army'e sUr center, who was 1 urtar.d had to retire in the last periodscored ais of thc Army'a goals beforea aevere cut on the check took li m outof the game.

'¦'."' the sprsntaco n.iiia are tbc "Mill-

'[]-¦¦<¦> .¦ Wa. amakor" ic ai:-. thc out-

of thi meet. rn t! c>¦¦:<- ampbell, tho Yale

The !!nc-up:A.1.O'Flisa..Wooda.Martnel

Po: t-r4 V."n. v....17..P.

ipr::;e(li a

,ai s

.Reirf.Wa.. Cou rtney.Hudao-j4:10; :.*.

.f> t o ut.,'.Kastner.

¦...-. i,i.> -'"ala, flrat perlort.Harl..^,on Princeton, tho "«««/ 7M°- Second pertod-MaVmeui'" uie title HoMiar- PIar:-e">. ¦?:«: Martnellt. u-.oo ¦¦¦

perJod.Jlariuelll, 8:00; Stoul 8-65 s, lBtituMons. Stevenaon tor O'Sh'na rW '¦'¦'.'Wooda. 8:ou? for Martnellt, VesDhaMnrSIMr. Wagalaff. Tmedo. Ttm, , '2 .'..Ir.UtOS. -' -'

holder;twice won thcLlarl Eby and

¦:' ."¦ lilc¦¦. o '.,-.d'ers,

HT.-iifnch.'has won the one-mile

:. ol America "our consecu-.'¦ «i*t in the mile t-v .

~ *

¦¦¦.'¦'-m& f?rStdytiiSi:l?-ctroitFavorsmd&*beat runnera as "Hal"mi'

... Marvii Ri


ig PaiPrinceton; Buker,champion; Jimmyu"a> Bohland, thc

West College Conference

pion, and Blondy


DETROIT. Jan. 28.-The Universityof Detroit haa received favorably thepropoaal to organi,:? a Hiddlo Westtcrcollegiate cross"'-1 intefcollegiate athletic conference nndwould Join such a bodv if thc rul'es did

" .' '¦' the University of not ,c°nfine athletic* competition toia, .> recently ehattered I".£ra lt. thc con*erence, accordinePcord for the 1,000-yard 1° * a,th" ?,', L' Fole>'- a member of thc

r with a view of estab- ta/d °t athletic control.ark for two-tbirda of a Ut;|roit also has been invited to join

anagement of The ?»m«' *" ^T1 "nfercnce; Father Foleyrace at thia diaUnce to ?" i?,jn /. n,e1tentafc,v° membershipincludcs Ocorgetown, Fordham, Holy,rna« onH ii,...t.*... /->. tt . *'Cross and Hoaton College, and thc localunivereity deair^E to contlnae athleticre ationa with these tchoola. Tho offi-

fr\% bw*\er' t*,el th(,y Ehou!d affiliatem the West, where the natural rivals

Iiopea ihat' Brown wouldfigures for thc event Theecord has stood on the 'books'¦'-'¦¦-- years, largely becausePetition r,:. thia particular diatancenot ni-.,, encouraged. Sid Le-HP'" T" 7 7I^evanney JoCe Hi.iS.,BS "e l0Catcd'

.) and a hoat of other ctai-a trill p^.Ti "'-=.?-~-

have sUracted a fln. , L1?:;D0/V' Jftr"- 28.-,'fhc world'sva. West struBBle at ?:?!,n5 chamr-ionBhip!5 0f 1922, which

Pected to be afeltnre ^t^ ?rrff-Rnirod b? «>e National;^< team from the IoJr. ^dlBta i ^?,£?' wiU bo 5ic!d in thet»t« Coll. gc at Amca, lowa, with thrc* ^Terp00 di6trlct in Jul>' and August

Penn relay carnival 5 anf7 ndr,,.F0prtlfe88ional o« Augnst: - will bo on hand. riS wiil be LU^Y r"nd champion-l ecip «ui baa held on Auguat 2 and 3.

U02J5 JkZ/J^Ice Yacht FeatureOf National \IotorBoal Show Feb. 17

';'-'; "f thc feature exhibita at L'n17th National Motor Boat Show inGrand Central ^alace, FcDruary 17 to-'-'. "''! hc a full size ice boat of tbeCla F," Hudson River type, designedby If. Percy Ashley. This will oe thcfirst tinic an ice-boat has ev*-r been dis-played at the ai nua position and aythc show will bc held ai a season whenracing between Ihia class o craft is at

jits height, it should attract great m-tcrcst.Tbe boat-is thirty-one feet, isches

over all, with n width between cuttineedges ol sixteen feet, six inches. I*wcighs, conipl. .. 900 pounds and hasa sail area of 300 squaro feet. This";'"' '" '¦'".¦ has been known to race atalmost :. mile a minute in a stiff breozof^; V ','¦''' V"! «>f thc light model"' boaJ .,

rhc crafl waa built bv thcbvinrudi Motor Company.Another novel display nt the showDuring tho pastwill bo tbe set

'"" >caiV5 !: IJT3 o :- has be¬come numerous in thc water* of Jamai¬ca, Gravesend and Shccpshoad bays Adevclopment during thc war was thesea * led, v hile not adapted fur comfort-able cabins, has a rcputation for speedand those who want to travel fastpre-fer the sturdy-looking flai boal to i J-abouts,

Red Sox to Play FiveContests Wilh Pirates

BOSTON, Jan. 28. A strenuous cam¬paign on Southern training tields isaid out for thc Red Sox spring trip inthc schedule oi gamea announced to-aay. A fivc-g-ame seriea with Pitts-burgh will be played at Hot SpringsArk., where Pirates nnd Red Sox willhavo their training headquarters, be¬tween Mnrcli 17 aud 26.The Red Sox will travel from April 1

a f l\\q ?a.mes every da>' until April ll)A,': '. Jbtttle nocl4, at Llttlo Rock^r:r; Milwaukee, at CarutheraviHe MoMlnneapolls. ot Dyersburc, I'ei.n 4 st'

Riverside Post VictorRiverside Post and 71st 105th In-tantry I wero the victora in lastnight a concerts in tho American Legionbasketball tourney at Stuyvesant HijrhSchool court, Riverside defeated Wash.uigton Heights Post 31 to 22 and thc/I8t lOoth Infantry fcorcd over Bclvi-dcre Brooks foal JO to -S, I


Sixty-four PlayersEnter PreliminaryHandball Rounds

Bill Sackman, of TrinityQub, Holder of 'Met'Title, Ib Among Entries

Sixty-four players will start ln thepreliminary round of the New TorkState handball championship at thcCrescent A. C, Brooklyn, this morr.'ng.Among tbe stara entered are Bill Sack¬man. nf the Trinity Club, who holdstbe ''Met" cha.T.pionship and waa ru»*ner-up in thc national meet. Sackmanwill n'ay II. F. Mir.s, C. C. N. Y., thismorning.The draw, ehowing time of each

match and court, follov-s:COT BT >"0. 1

J?oe Dworsiry. City A. C, ve. E. B. S'an--¦.., ','¦'. .-. Y. if. C. A., t: a. ni.; E. Att-man, Crescent A. ''., -.a. Bnb Power jr.,Crencer.t A. C, :D:7.0 a. in.; T. Ti. Jor-lar..7--. Y. A. ("., vs. J. J. Vetter, '':re2Ceru A.

U ;i. i...; Y.\ r. 7-Loch, Stevsna Tech.,..8. J. Bossung-, Trlnltj-, 11:£0 a. m.; ".. Derranaltes, I:'. N". B. C. vs. J. Van C7auwer.-¦'..r-r. Y. M. ''. A.. 12 noon: M. Vernon.''rPHcent A. C. vs. J. It. O'Nelll, Crescent,2:30 p. :.:.; T. 8«-ert;o-**. C. C. N. Y., -.8il. Milgfram, C. C. N. Y., 1 *_,. :r..; S. S»p-:owln, f.i-- Bartholomew'8, -. s. ti. Scliwa-::'Crescent, 1 ;,'.0 p. ni.; E. Galo-jvln. Crer.cent.

s. W. Lifldell, Tv-euty-th'.rd Street Y. M|_... A., :i p. m.; J. A. Douohuo. C. A. C. is...;. .' Roencr, Crescent A- C. 2:3B p. tn;:.i. K. Gilliam, City A. C, \ s. H. H Bux-baum, Van K-sltor.. 8 p. rr..; F. G. MoMann,IWonty-ihJrd Stre9t Y. M. C A \ i L'rren'kman, <'. A. C, 8:30 p. ir..; Ed Gro-clen. rrlnlty, vs. S Karkur., C. 'i V Y 4p. :r.. *Y. Sch-vart^, 3. L>. Y. :,:. C. A.. ;.s.A. ,7. Plcnt. YV. S. Y. M. C. A., 4:59 p. rt..J. A. Ehert, City A. a. -. t. It. W. Dowl'.nc,,i. 7. A. ., 5 p. m.; Sa-r. Buiib &..:-.-. Tr'.r-it7. vs. C. Osicrman. C. C. ."¦:. Y., 3::-''

COCRT no. «:c, V.1''' Tranaltes, Holy Xatr.e, rs. 3. J.Smlthney.,. Yv\ a. Y. M. C. A., 10 a m.H. P. yy.nn. C. C. N. Y., rs. W. bitckrva-'rrinity, 7J::;p ... ..,.; d. Cook. Twenty-third Street Y. :,I. C. A., vs. Roy Taylor.'. -i. C, 11 u. m.; C. J. O''.:, Trin¬ity, V3. A. E. Pidseon. C. A. C. 11:80a. m.; V.. H. I'ries, C. V. C. vs. II. TS.[;¦'":.'¦ '¦¦ A. C, 211 noon: A. N. Crooko,, vs. ic. j. Schmldt, £>t. Geora-r,I?'M0 p. iv..; rr. Soas, city A. C. vs. Geo.Ts!.uarsn, t>t. Ba.rthoion-.ew^s. I *> *~ . fc;V",^11,61'vF:iy c-;v' c- vs- ^- s. Child,l wenty-tnlrd Street Y. If. .' k --30

Ed Butler. C. A. C. 1M5 p. m.: 'Ph"Dworsky. CIt; A. C, vs. L. Gretch. C. A..' 7 ?.' ''.;.. '.."¦'¦ Meesaros, Tweiay-t'-.irdbtreet r. .,1. C, A., vs. v, Be:>:. BtelnwavA. L.. 2:30 p r.-..; J. A. Wftite. C. A. C.3. .;. A. Mahoney; W. e. Y. ;:. c. 1 ip. :-.-.; i. ci. Heavcr;.. C. A. C. vs. H V

man. City A. C, vs. O. E. ::o-v.*rh»o.. c1' S" .?. ln': J' Arour.i. Crescent. ia. B.Eraley, rrventy-third Street Y. M. c. A.,vs. T. D. v hcato- Twsnty-thlrd Street

j Princeton Five RalliesVnd Defeats S>Tacuse

e biTCACUShl, N". Y.. Jan. L'8..-Displaj-*ing a dazzling et-ie of pass work inthe second half. after the score hadbeen tied three times, Princeton staged.a rallv to win from the Syracuse Uni-

iversit-y basketball team in the Arxhl-bold gymnasium to-r.ight by the scoreot lo to ld. The game, which was themost cxciting played here thie winter.was witnesscd hy -.\o00 spectatovs.Syracuse outplayed the Tigers in theIirst hah and but for some bad break*of the t*ame might havc turned the vic-t?ry', T,ho oriiris:e-J«,rseyed players hadthe bull most of tne time, but wo-eway off in their shots for the goal.

English Soccer ResultsEN'Gi^isn a:»ociat:o:\- ctjp

aJ,t,a°,!"'i ,,rn'-:v'1""r'-"'-,irhton' ": HudiSers-!r.o./i .. Bradford City, 1; Notts County !South End 0; S-.v^nneR. l. Swlndori 0Bj-Ac^lnirji. Preston X. E. S; Xe*-oast'.e¦-'¦ ^'f^V- I' Ars*»!'-- 3. Notts Forest!Crystal Palaco, 0; aillwaH,' 0/ ^tV^hara"Br.m4r4^ra*tJor,a' P' UwfMol. 0: West

**ardl«.0Bi -;rS,0':es' 2. Southampton,< arciiu, 1. Barnsley, S; O.d'-.u-n T-Boltoa, J; Manchester City, T,/-""-"-1' x-

EXGMSH LBAdUBIFirst division.Manoh'ester U.. S- Sati-derland, 1. ' : uu

Second divlsion-rCorentry City, 0: B'at-k-vs e it Ifini T .. t; l^nde United, 1. TYoive--hampton W., 0; Wednesday. 0! "ono*

*JJV, «"y'slor- Xorihoru -eectlon.A.--b, Stalybrldsre C, J. Grlmaby Town i:no^ST' °- R*«tf»« Towo-Unciln C.T«feat-RJf2?J ».«n«» unflt. Hartlepool u, tf;'iseison. 1. Itochdale. 0: Dartlna-ton "

houtliport. I- Wrexham. 3. 8t"o*p0rt C.V »««-harn City. 0. Walsall, 8; A.hlnaVon!" TWr§ttnd?v°i!:?i:Ch^t?r?^a'not P>»^«.

ii*. J-V ^-vlv'on. bouthern section.CHI-'"jvn, ii; Aberdare. 1. ^.'e¦(rI>ort c «.


(iu»en Jff' csJ'.i, BrB,r*?.wr,e Amatenra. I:broath 1 Vtl\ S' klydebtnk. *'¦ Ar"Dunii.; tV.K ?t«-h9w«emiiir1 0; Dundee. S.l -av'tinannan-Invern-Kscitadel. poet^oneri-sto°nen,50 W- /Vbl°" novcrs'.PC: ^hn-Ouoei'iK T>a-tle ?* l^v.eiv ! »"ra.,.rbureh, ».ftt R,wi'1\; Nlthsdale Wanderera. 1.

!L,bl»M",n United. 1; Dunferrhllne AtU-Do«fi.«:*. rA>cll«r°»y. Unlted-Ayr Vnlted.

\r«,t.«n'..<*chn*curd!n. 0; Ran«era, B.,C.V«i- I. Montroae. 0. Hlberntans. S; Ar-?»*rv*?;.°- £Uo?- S: 8t- Barnhard. 1. Oal**r,L?^ a-n,< °^ H»^"ton Academicala. 9.;*b?.r,<3'7en' *J Dumbarton, 0. Raith Roverifc; yde' *X .^orfar Athletic, 0; Faililrk. 8.Ir.;'ernesa> Caley. 1; Klhriarnock. B. Bath-rSvvlvJ ^teAon^ur,rh' 2- Alrdrleontans, 1;t'j.telieaa, 0; Third Lanarlt, 6; I.elth Ath-;.{,' '.> ,fet- Rahraer. 0; Boness. 8. Yale ofAtholl, j j Cowdenbeath, 0. Buc'»!e This*MIe. 1; Royal Albert,' a. Heart of Itfldlo- 1'h.aii. -j; Arthuriie, l, Solway Star, I;

jMiske Defeats jj JackKeuauhln 13th Roimd

Officials .f Si.-,i,. (aion OrderPm^SS*Boxcr,_vt..,,,,:; »5

Uy Jack LawrenceBilly Miakc of Sl r>,

Jack Rcna .,.,-., ¦»'.*'.

weight champ .-.. "eM*-

j Club I..t nigh **«<,of what as supposi |*°*round bo ... f -. .. rtecnthe had ba '«'¦"

ropca in all th :- '''

beat tn- ( anad a into ¦.,.- . . fBubmiaslon that ho ..


through t o rr 4 =mp«dponiahmcnt. if .¦ .' .'"\ fartherarms ofa number of to thepaper men, »] 0 .;.. 'enowithc ri:.,: mucl -,, ¦', "JlntihewasannouiK d as the l« 1', a!?.0"Thc offlcia 3 of .'

Roxing ( o n .:- ., a. '.. ''¦"'.' otatt' ''" thai

Miakc ehot blo f .

'*' ,'w"I Canadian .. .' ; ; .

vIr¦' V ' "a:-"''' ' -rou,n?.Ie ,K- 'I "¦ Brookl; ,:r)Tl .J,judges de< - o .. Jac MatwManhattan. 4 eco d ....;', Qtper o itpo -.',-. ;. D n ->-.; ri.latter weighed 12< and 1 - ,r~.prlie bout was ntereethfrom first to last. ¦

,The semi-flnal brc lgkt together Ted-

inybeidman and Jo <,'-..¦,-. ln tt*fourth round Gra; c .. up a rtover Seidman's eye ai took a ¦> ."'many shots at t ark thetofter,oeiaman, bowc ¦. awarded thidecision.

In the final bout Miske ad the better of the milling in '.hc ei ¦-.¦ partas,in the first three ro mds fthe (&-«.d;&77 heavyweight aeeb g the come;to avoid puniphment. '.¦ ?--> '-,,-Miske tore into Renaull ar.d at tw.fmish of tl e :-. ision inadiaawBlmo8t out.

In the next three roun theytattkvery langui lly, v, B doing whri,4 of real fight. aa. He pU=tered th- < a: .-. a rly, but to &great effect. Rena il iad a tvorkizileft, but it never eant very mutlMiske's clevernes ofl : any abiiirRenault may have brooght with Mifrom Canada.When tl.e bout waa en ied Renaultmj

or. the run and virtually jumped throw;:¦rhe ropea to prevent further danigjiile lost, a perfectly good set of Skteeth in the ti .. 4 which Ter*picked up tri distributed among tbspectaiors as .¦.. .-¦

P. S. A. L. ChampionsLose to MarqiiandSwimmers. 26 to ISMarquar.d School awimmera made an

"^.expected bid for the citv swimmingtitle yesterday by disposing cf theErasmuB team" in a dual meet in theCentral Y. M. C. A. tank Tbe privateschool performers outscored the P. 5.A. L. chanvplonehip team by 3 acore .:.'-"vi to 18.

Gerritt Foster, of Marquani, spra:k-"""'ggest surprise of the achoolbojth<

pwimming season hereabouts by vbning the 100-yard awim in 69 secoadsflat. Ja.r.:es Tomkins, of Era?:n.< HallP. S. A. L. char r:o7:, took aecond::this event, v hii Steen, of Marqwad.was third, several yards back Ma:-quand's r:'.a;.' team displayed anexpect*ed speed and strength in winning th»relay ::: tl e excellent tiiae of '. mmott.lo 2-o aeconds.

Era^ was able to take first phwe '

i:; but two events. rheodore Smith.o' '

Eraiinua, 11:^'¦ i school title hclcer. ^7

the fancy diving, while Harry Le«i,of Erasmus, another P. S. A. L titleholder. won the 220-yard imafler«hard with Archie Morrisoa, ».

Ivlarquand, ir. '_ minutes 13 secontbiThe t.7:r.7n;-:/:200-yarflB r..i;.Wo: 4 :-4::m*(

(Foster, Ktrkpatrl 4 Uason andilonW'lBru«;::U3 44.. i.L.j--,. Smlth, Loii .*Tor.-.l '.:;s4 aecond. Ttae. i.4C 2-e.

!,'¦.,..-.- b -<.-:. .-<¦*¦..-a by Sfaeon, V^quand; L ¦.-:. EraamiM, st>cosd: .V*;»< '- -.-' rJm», 3t i~S .eoonrf*

100-yard Btvira.Won by Foatar, «*>.quaad; .. !ns, Braamus, Mcona; B'.eevaiarquaad, thin Tirae, 6S aeconde

L'20-Tard >.Won by Loww.; Morrtst-r. Marquand, aecona; ^a-i' S-ivip-j" third. Time. t"-*S-Fancy di iai?.Won by Bralto Braamw

TS.o^ pc.:n:S. KirUpatrlcJc, :tart;uar,. f»c

ond, 61.8 potnts; Fitsserald, Marauandth'.rd, CO.d points .

Po'.nt score.-JIarquane, '.'¦'. E7£5^...Ha!i. 18.

Hagenlathtr Beats OutYamada in Cue Matcb

Erik Hagenlacher, German biW«Mchampion, madc a sensational i««

against Ko;i Yamada 'ir. the -s:a* D:^of their 1,200-point match st _»*'..Brothers* Academy last night aniwfeated the Japanese champion by s^,ing t5S5 points while th'. latter «»»*oniy 212. The rinul score wi-'W-

lacher 1,200. Yamada 1.112.Yamada won tne afteraoon P.

800 to 90, with an irrrdzc- ol «!1and Beored a:i nnfinished run »»

With the score 900 to 513 agaMfiHagenlacher played fine b".*? j,tho evening match and won

oighteen innings._-


Madison Square 6»nWOpen Todav TiU 10:5» P- ».