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i it ft WEEKLY ARIZONA JOURNAL-MINER- . sc. -- ts?V 10 ( Arlxnaa MlMpr. Kutabllnhl March , PRESCOTT, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1889. PRICE TEN C I VOL. XXVI-N- O. 1 ArliOKR Jem aal. Kwlnbllntood 1H74. tie Ue 111.; it?i ARIZONA JOUWAL-MIHE- R. POWER PW"" Miner 1 published The Ahieona Jpl guuuay. very day la Uio ',,... Jvt, i. ; The Auicoxa "gi.y, at Prcicott, the uiinty seat, oi i,"r i ho Arizona Pijltejing Company J. C. MARTIN. lu .V.Suswc ' known on ap-k- Kr oflice or at tho following V II ' nH "lUte. a Park Row, Now York. 1 fcimcrsney. Tribune Buildinr. New York f5rwfAyer Son, Tlinos Building Phlla- - Flstacr,Sn trncisco. : forcer. fc Key, San Frandaco. Where tho paper 1 kept on tile. SSCRET SOCIETIES. RIZONA. ROSE OKOIX, CUAFTEK NO. a Hose Croix Charter. No. 1. second Sat- - rdV Of OACh mOMll. AUOir n,ms .tcrnalio invtvcu - Wis A. u. "BRIGHT. AieMvbt. I. 0. 0, F. A :nna T rwl rp No. 1 Regular mecuuR " "" tcnincTt Odd Follows' halt. Sojourning Ken of the order in Kood standlnK are MUHy invited lo attend S. A. Looan. Recording t?ecrctry. Knights of Pythias. I'rcscott Lodge No. 1. Rag kuiar meetiog of this lodgs levery Mondy evening at Odd I Fellows' iiu. oojuuiumif I knight in good standing are ' cordially Invited to atlond. 2DBUKKK C.C. YT. E. lJlNUGKUBC, SPECIAL N0T1CKS. ROSS & VAN HORNE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, D. Ross, W. L. Van Hoes e. )iilrlct Attorney. noiury mov rresctt, A. 1. tigwa,A. a. Iannis Balhwik, Johnston BALDWIN & JOHNSTON, ATTOKNEYS-AT-L- A V, Proscott, Arizona. Vill nractic-- t in ail the courts of I he TerriS rr. aud attond tho rrgnJr tcrnii of the klrtCt court in Ap.icno uuu .uuiuvj wuu- - E. M. SAN FORD, ATTORNEY AT LA V , See in OUlee How, Cortet tt, Prescott, A. T. L. F. EGGERS, ATTORNEY AT LAW luce Rist side of f lasa, two doora south ankof Arizona, up s:)iis. C HERNDON. J. J. HAWKINS i HERNDON & HAWKINS, PTOROKVS A NO COUNSELORS AT LAW I Prescott. Arizona. tal attention to conveyancing and office work of all kinds. OlHcc ov.r the Bank of Arizona. I). F. MITCHELL, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE. Seo Supervisors room. In fJourt Honse. tf U. 1. UALSEY, M. D.t PUYSIC1AN AND SURQEON.I hillee HnC residence West Prescott, near the nth Mcltml&t church. li. K. KOIilNSON, VSICIAN AND SUKOEOM, s- - J . . . n iuicc un ioniozuma airvui, i 'to.r N.irth of Rersi' & Co's Drugstoro UKI.W HllimNOEK, KUK1 IlKlF Charley & Fied's alacs Barbar Shop And Bath Rooms, MontezumaStreet, Next Door to the Palace Saloon. meat equipped barbershop ami bath room Pres.unu lot anil cold shower lttlhs 'RDIT TREES, Vines, Etc., Etc, im ths Arkansas Nursery Co., Litte Kock, Arkansas. irst - Class Stock and Reasonable Prices. . H. BILLINGS, At the Bridee Shoe Shop. Is the authorized aent of the ove Comimnv for Prescott ul adiacent countrv. Please jill and examine catalogue and rices before ordering. si 8 J. C. OTIS, Fapisr Hanger AN I) A.Xi JS OM INS Prescott, A.. T. AT K O V .. U K nI,I 'ITKII ank of Arizona Prescott, A, T. italilisheirn.STT. Tho Ohlust Hi:tlc ..i tli Tiircifcnry. i IXMiVt UtIUI AKl- -. TeM.)rBt. k I ... IV'I'I.I ....... W Via... . . v. K. u.tHKitT.r.K .. :a(tiT. t . JJIRKCTORS: lono Uicit a.i:i:. SC. W. H'kli, W. HUL1.1VAN, ""KMIHTKR, (.ui ft I I is 10 V D B NTH : ink t") frmaelae titlatv A Co Mfw Yark IKNK.KM. 1(A.M.U llU-U.fc- IIIA.N ACTKU. DrntLs an.l Ttilt'craittiic exehanires on the klncinnt citlea of the Unltel State bought L'lll Ptlll. .. T ANSY PILLS mmi Solid it forV70MAVS flAFU W uuAiai." u.i trMc. nuuMttkitt. t. Atlantic & Pacific RAILROAD COMPANY. (Wcitem DtvMon.) T1XK TABtK. wkstwAko. KHTWAKU. STATIONS'. No. 31 No. I No. 21 No. i 1 05a 1 Cop lbniinero.ue. 3 5p 1 Wa 7 20 K OSp ..Cno Ulse 10 00a 8 OSp 7 4&a .8.T0P SI tea 7 ilp 8 13 Oalliip N 4Sa 6 S'p 10 17 11 5p Navajo Springs 0 S5 4 40 p II llollrooK - 4 i.f 3 02p 1 20p ..Wins low . 5 S5a 1 400 S Hip ..KlitRttT..... 1 05 1 10 Sa &5 . 7 4 Wllllni".... 11 aop U OCa 8p 10 S9 ..Prescott Juno' loo 0 Xt 10 3, 12 fon .Pea i top 4 Pa 13 S0,i I 59 P ..KlllkMUHU.. Stap a as s Tb Nfoties... i aoc ll&Op 2IP, .Fonn r II 101 a asp 10 -- Hu I 17t OaKifeU .. 6 Uf 4 4L'p 10 43a 1 55 .Uarlow... 40 4 30 p I 40al Mojavo...... Soon CONNECTIONS : Albuquoraue A. T. t s. F. R. R f jr nil puiuu vail aud south. Proscott Junction Proscott a ArUonn oeuirat railway for Kort Whipple nnd Prescott. BaratOW California Roulhorn rallwny for Lo.4 Ancole.Kau Diego ana otbr South- ern California points. Wlo;avo Southern PaclriaXor San Krmiolsco Sacramento, and Nortbeiii California points Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars. No change is made by sleeping-ca- r lissson gers between SAN FRANCTSGu and KAN- - SVS CITY, or SAN DIEGO and LOS AN GELES and CHICAGO. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado Heretofore ina ccsiblc to tourists, can easily be reached by this line, via teach Springs, and a ttage ride frt m thorco of but twentv-thrr- c mi ee. This 'AN YON is the GRANDEST and MOST WONDEKf UL of NATURK'S WOHK8. Stop off at flagstaff, And hunt deer, bear and wild turkey, in the magnificent piue forests of the S in Frauclso uiounuius; or visit tho ancient ruins of the CAVE AND CUFF DWEUEHS. D. 13. ROBINSON. W, A. 1HSSELL, Oen. Mauaser, Geu 1:8S. Aft't, H. M. 11ACHKLLKK. General Avont. Albutittorquo,N.M Arizona Stage Co Stages of the Arizona Stagn Comopsny, carrying U. S. inll and Weilsl Fargt it Co.'s expfets, leave Prescott as follows; At S:S0 n. ui., via Black Canyon, for Fhenix, Mondays, WedncAdays and trii'.iys, arriving at Phenix the following days at 12 ui. Leave Ph'Milr b:S0 a. tn., via F.Hek Canjvn, arriving at Prescott 13 m following days. Leave PrecottS:80 a. ni , daily except Sun- days, for Big Bug; arrive at Big ' ig 1 p. m. ; leave Big Bug 5 a. in.; arrive at Prjscott 12 m L?ave for Phonlx, via Vulture, 7 a. in. Tuef-day- s, Thursdays aud Satnrdays; arrive nt Fhenix next day at t$ p.m. Leave Pheuix, via NuRurc, for Presrott, same days, on same tini, arrive nt 1'iescott same as at Phcnlx. Cotn'ortable eoaches, good toek and qnlck time at low rts of fare. For rales and further particulnrs apply at General Slae Oflice. Upper Momezuma at. E. II. BEGG.S. Agent. J. II. BILLINGS. Superintendent. PeckStage Line GREY EAGLE STSBLhS Granite Street, rrec(j,t Hun stages from Proscott to Alexandria and return twice a week, carry in 4 passengers and freight, Will Leave Presoott Every Monday and Kridny Morninsj at 7 o'clock, rutiirning ev vy Tuesday and Satur- day, IfflT, M ui Sili Silk di7 SHULL St AUSTIN. 0. W. PSITCHETr. Late of St. Louis. Mo. Office and Shop, East of Plaza.. 5 I juDDS Just Arrived, AT- - MRS. R.R.BLAINE'S CHALLIS. WHTE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, FINE MILLINERY Pattern Bonnets, Hats, Feather, Flowers, Ribbons, Jersey s Elegantly Embroidered Dress Patterns Silk Embroidered Summer Shawls, Fine Hosiery, Shoes, Corset Ladies' Fine underwear. All kinds of matorlul for fan;cy work. A (ri'itt varlt-t- v t nil klml ol (ln.xls; anil price lower than ever. Mlf. R. R. HLINi:'S. New Chinese Store Ori'.JOHN SOUG'3 SALOON, mm SING, Proprietor. Japanese and Fancy Goods. Ladies' Underwear of a I Kinds, Hose, Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarf Pins. Cushions, Bamboo wall Pockets, Hand Embroidered Rnnuers, Senna Wood and Ivory Fans. Chimney Fans, Ladies Wrappers and all Latest Novel ties. Chinese Lanterns anil Iire Crackers for 4th of July. ,e27J' Notice to Creditors BaUto ol William Osenburi:, dereased Notl'oishcrebTclven y tlio undersigned, ailminislratrlx of the estate of William Osen- buri:, decoased, to tho credit jrs of and all persona huvinc claim nt;alnt the said de- ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, with n lour montus nier mo ursi publication or IMS notice wj mu ot.m r.itun oaenburR at hir reslJeneo in the CI y of,tt it., mtmn lialncr the 11 CO tor the transaction of the buMnosw ef 8 id estaU, in said county of vnpal oskNBUKO Administratrix of the estate of the late Wil liam Osenburi:. defeased. Dated Prescott, this 12th day of August bSi. NO ASSIGNEES SALE. Neither have we writing on Our Prices are seen the hand. Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Blankots and Quilts, Oiled Clothing, Rubber Goods. Now Goods Arriving every Day. J. W. WILSON & CO., EVERTTHIXTC I2T FZXTS gold and silver Watches Chains, Fine Gold Jewelry. Silverware. Clocks, Spectacles, Etc., Etc. Is Koptat George H. Curry's Jewelry Store. Nowhere in Arizona can you get these goods in such variety of styles. hi addition to my fine line of Jewelry, I carry tho largest stock )f Gun, Pistols, Cartridges, Quartz Glasses and Com- passes, and Sporting Goods generally to be found in Prescott. Also, T carry a beautiful line of Plush Goods, Dolls, Wag- ons, Toys, Vases and Fancy Goods generally. CFine Watch repairing, clock repairing and jewelry re- pairing done at my store. All work is done under my personal supervision, and satisfection guaranteed. GEO. H. CURRY. Prescott. PHOTOGRAPHS OF RhiuI for Cntalouo m ICR W 1 1ST BA.ER, Portrait and Landscape Photographer, THOS. HUMPHREYS. Humphrey Two Doom Ka Wlinlnimlff anil lift all Fresh and ts; the wall. always Lowest JOHN CHART & Chart. of tint Otiurlot. letnrrt in all IcIdiU of Salt Meats, Premium Sewing MACHINE, Tim cut Is an exact il Jutrallon of tho Sewing Machine t trrcd as a venum wilh one year subs rlu-tlo- n to tho Wkkklt JounNAL Minkk for $22, or wl h Dailt ouuJAt.-'MiiE- K one year tS. This, sewing bine ha drop-le- af aliln of walntu, ltti patent drop-le.t- r support, jrothlc rover vlth veneered oanols. case of two drawers at eacl) end of table with looks, veiienrd fronts and mcicei piait u. nrop ring hand cs. The machluo alone is eaual to the best mschlno A guarsnlto against tho ordinary wear and tear of tho machine for the term of live years is also given, and if any part gives out by reason o any delect, it jlll u reoiaceu ireo 01 cnarati. iuu luiiun. rulllor. one sot of plato hemuidrs flvu rROl'RIKTORM Or THE TRAGIC MARKET Clioi;e Corned Btwt ami Pork a Specialty. Sausages of Sands. Meau d... , P-- ru ol ttto CUli an,, ,rt jJSlS QUART. ing attachmnts are furnished free with tho m idlines Oi0 foql h immor, qoo screty arlvor, ono wrench, one oil ran and oil, one gauge, one giuga s.cre.w, orto eira throat nlate. pno ex-t- o ..i,....l. ..,i.. nnn nnnb...... f nm.iUf iv hobms ami iio instruction book. Also the following extra a'tUehme Ono tncUer. ouo aeeon.nanvlni: mat alxty.dolUr foot All dluercnt wiuilis, one binder ami ono tnreau cnuur. Although our subscription price is ?l p?r year.w.j have placed the price of the Jouiinal Minkk and m:Mi no at the flgure off red by papers whose subscription price t uly f l0 per year. A number of tho machine a.o in use In I'roscott and give couipleto satisfac- tion. Orders Bdnuld be accompanied by the cash in ul . O.dsubicrlbera can nave too ben-'-n- t or thU ire.. The machine Is placed on bourd the curs freo at Chicago, and can ba sent to any part of the United States. The freight to Prescott is about 4. Address all o ders to J. J. MARTIN, Prescott, Arizona. Pioneer Shops. BRECHT & THRONE It the Old Staid. CArry" a full stock of all kinds of HUcksmlh and wagon material, and are prepared to do all.kinds of Blacksmith and Wagonwork Oa Short rsiotice, Agents for the Shut-tie- r Wagons. Adams' Self Regulating Wind Mills. THE ARIZONA ORE COMPANY'S Sampling Works, COPPER, SILVER. LEAD AND GOLD PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. Purchased in Any Quantity. Itites on or.' can bo obUlnod by applica- tion in person or by mall, to tho oflice of the boye works, in Prescott. Shipments made direct to tin: buieltlng com if desired. J. M. W. MOOUK. Ucntrsl Manager, P. O. Box 25. Present!, A r' sons. Pioneer Hotel, fi. Schnerman hai, ttatxM4a. j4, Dun Hals, 8. Mnnlaunia I'lfiroU, Board and Lodging ( ) 10 Board by the day $1 Large and Airy Rooms Stable and Bakory Attached Fresh Bread Delivered to any part of town City Feed Yard. Most convenient an 1 tlrleat Oorrai;tn town. O tod accommodations for stotilt and best of car takou of It. Kasy of AcoeiB with lanrr team. Terms reaannabln and satisfaction cuaran teed. Patron Hire anlleltetl. aui JOHN K. MAriON, Proprietor. COniTER DRUO STORE, 7v7"-.- "r .Boss DKALf--U IN Drugs, Medicines Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Trusses S'nn;.rs.rol3t Arte. Etc. iptlon Depf-non- t It cunt pleto Ax r Dr. Fislir.n tn's Alkttllne I.Uo r llor .04 and CaUl?. till continue to an.l as low as the v BEN BUTLER'S Chop House MONTEZUMA STltUET, Next DMr to Cub Web Saloon, Open Highi. Meals Served at All Hours Fresh Ovxtera and Oatno In .?nson, and ov rX htuKtlw mnrkl nflTtnls u JOK All JBW. Proprietor. second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, CARPETS, And all other?Klndio? GOODS bought ana sold -r- rMV- JOSEPH DOUGHERTY. West Presott boy a NOTIGE ! All accounts due tho under- signed must bo paid at once to settle up busiuesss payable to C. R. Martindell, collector, Pre?, ' ' cott, A. T. Beaumont Coxe. Fire tho Marshal Too. Whatever m.vy be ihe meriti of the telega in sen: to Aiturncy General Mil- ler b) the late grand jury this morning, reccouitncndinK that the Whan robbery case be heard before another judge than the present incumbent of the bench of the first judicial dittiict, it is the en-er- ally extiessed regrets by many good republican, that Marsha! Mead was not likewise included therein. It is a common report that before the last gen eral electiun Marshal Meade openly and repeatedly stated that he would not hold office under a republican adminis. (ration, and further that the man was not a good democrat who would do so. The plea thut the exigencies in the Wham robbery case demand his reten tion is not a valid ground upon which to keep him in. Bob Paul or W. H. Griffith and what's the matter with Geo. Brown Ed.has had more experience in handling the criminal element in one week than the present marshal has had in his life time. But aside from this, with Hon. H. R. Jeffords, as United 8tates attorney the interests of the government are safe, we care not who may be marshal, more particularly so", if that marshal be a re publican. Meade's time is out and it is a reflection on the republicann party to keep him longer in office. Personally as gentleman we like him, but politi cally the republicans have no use for him. Citizen. A Big Kick. Tha Journal Miner, on behalf of the poople of Prescott, aa will as on ita owa behalf, bwreby ealls the attaatioa of tke superintendent of the railway mail ser- vice of this part of the country, to the fact that our western mails aro re- ceived very irregularly. Where the fault liea we are unable to state, but an investigation by that official would probably result in placing the blame where it belongs. It is not iu tho failure of trains to connect at Prescott Junction, as the express arrives regu- larly. To day's train brought in ex- press from the west, including San Fraacisco papers of October 2d, bnt no mail. This makes the third time within the past ten days that this has occur- red, and tho only plausible explana- tion of it is the carelessness or negli- gence of the Atlantic A Pacifie postal clerks. The east bound train carrying tho mail arrives there at aa early hour in tho morning 6:30 a. m. and it may be just possible that the average postal clerk does not arise that early. At any rate this missing of western mail has been occurring of late with such uaplcasant frequency that the proper authorities will gaia tho good will of this community by having it looked iuto aud corrected. A Stranio Vision. A curious case of reversed vision comes from Newbury township, York county, Pennsylvania. Katie Aughin-ba- uh was troiu infancy a very bright child, but annoyed her parents and friends constantly by her inability to see as did other people. Her eyes were bright, clear and straight, and no pecu- liarity could be noticed, but she seemed to get matters entirely reversed. A ves- sel must be inverted before she would try to put anything in it. When she learned to read she held the printed page upside down before her. She constantly attempted to walk up a de- scending flight of stairs, receiving many severe falls, and assured her parents that they vere walking with their feet upwards, and while she could not see anything strange in this could never un- derstand why articles she placed on what looked like the safe side of the shelf should insist on falling to the ground. "They wdldrop up," she would say. In school, as Katie grew up she easily kept the pace set by the best pupils, learning rapidly and remember ing perfectly, but she always kept her book inverted. She has now grown up to be a healthy, handsome young miss, hut the strange optical defect still exists, and she has overcome its annoyance 3y a pair ot pecu'i.uly constructed glasses which restore thing? to their proper or- der, but which cannot be discarded for a moment, or the strange effect of "dropping up" instantly rcurs. Ex. A Sohomo to Oarry a Volumo or Water Forty-Fiv- e Miles, Donald W. Campbell, the well, known civil engineer, returned to Den-ve- n Saturday from Puenix, Arizona, at which plaon he put in some days look- ing into the possibility of oonstrueting an enormous canal. As now proposed, it is to carry 1,250 cubic feet of water per second, which it is thought will bo sufficient to water lOoOQQ acres ef land. The "nqua pura" is to come from the Gila river, and is to be carried for a distanceof tifty-fiv- o miles. A corps of engineers is now estiiaating the work and expense, and if it is thought to be reasonable thu Buoltaye Qanal Com- pany is said to haye suffioient capital back of. it to put the ditch through with a ruBh, Mr. Campbell says that Phonix is one of the most enterprising citios in the west. He declares that from the middle of September to tho middle of May its climate eannot be excelled anywhere ou tho earth. Ou the 12th of September, however, the thermome- ter registered 101 degrees in tho shade. Denver Republican. Buoklen's Arnica Salve Tho Best Sulvo in tho world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Klioum, Fever Sores, Chapped Handflj Chilblains Corns, and an Skin Eruption, ami pos lively cures Piles or no pay required. It is gurnntcod to eivo perfect eatiufictiou or money refunded. Price 2. conts per box. for Hale by Boauniont Coxe. Cura fer Rheumatism. Tho following, takon from an ex- change, is give for what it u worth. Ita simplicity and cheapness is cur- - taialy a recommendation for a trial of it by those who aro suffering tho pangs of rheumatism : "A Brooklyn gentleman who had suf- fered from rhoumatisiu for four years, and what tirao he was out of bed was obliged to uso crutches, and who was cured by the following eimplo moanc, bags those who suffer similarly to try it: " It costs only a few cents," said he, and will euro the worst aae of rheu matism that can bo imagined. Let, tho affected part bo exposed to tho heat of a stove, until tho skin begins to redden and smart. Then rub with tho hand until the heat ia distributed over a large surface. Continue to do this for five minutes, and bearing as much heat as possible without blistering, j iiar imwj ui ii tuu u misturs uum- - poaed of one toaapoonf ul of finoly pul- verized table suit, thoroughly bus t with one tenspoonfnl of molassec golden syrup. Apply this mixture ai a salve to tho affected part after t!ie skia has been well reddened and rub-- I ed with, the baud. No mattor how leag tka inflammatory rheumatism may have existed, almost instant re lief will be felt. Continue the treat- ment every day. and at the end of a week a permanent cure will bo effected Meanwhile the patient should, take, in ternally, four times a day, a mixture composed ef two drams of wine of col-chicu- two drams iodide of potash and oae pint of water. The dose is one teaspoonful bofore moals aud ou going to bed. It is not absolutely essential that the internal remedy should be taken, but it helps." Our contemporary contains a tele- gram from Washington stating that an investigation has been ordered of charges prefered against Judge J. H. WrighL The charges stated in the tel egram are "for overriding laws of the territory in imposing penalties pre- scribed in the statutes." This would certainly not be a serious charge, as judges are expected to impose penalties prescribed by the statute?. There-is- , however, a strong probability that either the telegraph, or the compositor omitted the word "not" and "imposing penalties not prescribed in the statutes," would he the more reasonable view of the charges, and probably refers to the ex- ile of two citizens from Apache county at the April terra ot court 18S7. The proceedings were commented 'on at the time as being without precedent. What view may be taken by the author- ities at Washington remains yet to ibt- - sceu. j -- ? On September 1st the French govern snent took forcible possession of the telephone system throughout France, and thenceforth it became attached to the postal and telegraph departments. When the charter was granted to ihe Societe Generate des Telephones by the minister of industry in 1SS4 a clause was inserted in the instrument whereby the government is authorized to acquire the telephone property by paying to the stockholders the value of the plant, said value to be determined by mutual agree- ment, or, in case of dispute, by oxperts. Last month the government notified the company that it needed the plant and was ready to pay for it. The company protested violently, but in the end the government made the seizuer as stated and now controls the service. In the death of Colonel John A Martin, rnor of Kansas, that state loses one of its be&t friends. Col onel Martin has been the editor aud proprietor of the Atchison Champion for over a quarter of a century, the only period during the entire time, which he has not given it his personal supervision, being during the war of the rebellion, when he was serving his country at the front, in command of a regiment, and also during the period that he was gov- ernor of the state, for two terms. The Champion, under his editorial manage- ment, has always been an able advo- cate of every measure calculated to pro- mote the best interests and prosperity of the state. An exchange says that women are rapidly coming to the front in almost everything. At present America has a woman steamboat pilot, Mrs. Calbe L. French, a Cincinnati woman, who: is licensed to pilot from Vicksburg to New Orleans and the Atchafalaya river and its tributaries. Although hut twenty-eig- ht yeaTS old, Mrs, French is an expert swimmer and has acted as a pilot on the Missippi nver for twelve years. Her husband, a captain, 'who h a thorough waterman, has -- been "her teacher and introduced her to thx mys- teries of the river. . ; The Tucson grand jury telecraphcd Attorney General Miller tht another judge try the cases of the parties in- dicted by the grand jury, inasmuch as Judge Barnes by remtrks tn open court had tended to iiitimid.itc the witnesses for the government. The judge.; in dischaiging the jury stated that in cruis- ing the court's language they had com- mitted contempt. The largest fig orchard in the United States, says the Lis Angeles Champion, is about to, be set in Pomona valley between Pomona and Ontario." The orchard will consist of ti.oco white adtiatic flg trees and 5,000 Smyrna fig trees, planted eietity to the acre, on 200 acres. NEWS. NOTES AND COMMIMtt '1 Ex-Govern- John A. Mani,. j Kansi. f, I October ad. T Qi-t- n Mitalte has returned t$ -- felt native u-'-- again. if , A ?ss?J front Havana witV yetteir fever av A arrived in Ne. Y-M- t A. L Mormon has beea AN,tdL register ,.r. the Santa Fe land office Wumart ?ugVn,e and prohibt.fiwr vol!(i down m W$hingtortTer3trjt -- George Wiihain CurKs, tHHwisip, .3 does H;v bkc the Ufesent HmitMltaisTja. j Chi-o- o courts have been invoked to squeeze the grease out of a coVaif pork. f Republicans won thetkj StfisW; rrencn elections held o SGnfkyj'J tembexf-32d- i z 5 oven 'water-conrsnJiorri- s' fijori 3t j Kamas, n ihc hanks the K ntrer. Ahes n, the St Ljuis soger, who kil!ei -- uujj Jackn, has befn Iveld 'or iuy-- vr Without hail. Dtkou st'ehood w" J5? rePipncan;iity.;fHl - !...? . . 1 - t jiuuci (imposes lowruea nmmj f of the rfhellion. Such a wotk wodhj ! prove t.y interesting reading. y J J Dr. p.-,el- who Villed Edkcc Stveth, ' at K.v.uw.odf California, has; btt'a ?ev-- c tenced 11 ten years in the pemteittiitTv A K urns City girl shot her lafthkwc c lovsr rutting him in tne arm, whm he waltzed up and married her cording to contract. Iu one of the counties of Gwgia, it ) is said, there is a town of 1,606 inhhjj;jj tants, of whom less thaa a' score aty-subscribe- rs to any newspaper. ' ' Congres?man Ben lutterwofiV mm returned from Europe as ardent a pee teotionist as ever. He praises Euro- pean workmen for their industry. James H. Barry, editor of the Saa Francisco Star, has been sentenced m H five days imprisonment and to .pay h fine of $530 for criticising JuUge Lawwr. Latest news from the election m the j four new states ot the northwest mdiQ . . cate that the republicans have carries! '. all except Montana and probably the also, v . ! The National Silver convealkm .has " been called to meet at St. Lottta eav Tuesday, November 26th. ArUraa hee been allowed a representation of tweaty delegates. . - Peter Hanson, aged 50 yean, woo surrounded"-b- y brush Sre near Sat, Dtc$0, and becoming insane rushed into the burning brush, where he. was literally roasted alive. The drouth on the Magdalen is.524 has bee-- 1 so severe this season that, in the abwucc of iter, farmers have had . to give their cattle milk to drink. Tot the crops, are good. Railroad nicknames arc commea,' hist the newest is "the Katy," applied by the Fort Worth Gazette to the Miseowi, Kansas and Texas road, usually spokes of in railway circles as the M,t K. 4 The Shalam colonv, started by Dri Tanner a few years since, near Lat Cruces, New Mextc.i, is Importing chil- dren from San Francisco, to be brought up in the peculiar religion of the "Faithtsts." The New York World wants Cleveland to fill a seat in con- gress made vacant by S. S. Cox. He could probably fill the seat all right, but not the position. His head is not built the right shape. A Washington telegram of the 23d say that the Charleston will undoubtedly be accepted, but according to the contract the bidders will lose $20,000 oaac-cou- nt of its failure to develop the re-qui- red horse power. Dr. J C Shorb, prominent both as a physician and democratic politician, wis found dead in his bed in Saa Fraaciece with a chloroformed handkerchief over his face. It is not known whether his death was accidental or suicidal The Florence Enterprise, after getting on both sides of the political issues ia the territory, praises itself tor being a strictly independent paper. If indepen- dence consists in the above tactics, the claim of the Enterprise is well taken. Governor Hill got the whip hand of Grover Cleveland in the New York democratic convention and is now master of the situation tbeie. If he succeeds ia maintaining the grip he has taken he will be able to control the delegation in the national convention in 1S92. There is no mistaking the fact that David B. Hill is in the race for president in 1892. A Nogales telegram of September 30th says: "R. J. Tallier, the leader of the gang who robbed a train on the Sonora railroad last May, and killed Conductor Atkinson aud Fireman Forbes, and who wa subsequently con- victed of the crime, and sentenced to death, was shot early this morning by the Mexican authorities at Guaymas, Tallier . was notified Saturday by the district judge a. G my mas to prepare for death, as the sentence of the court must, according to law. be carried out within seventy-two'hou- rs after that notification. When ." informed of his doom Tallier. staggered hack .tgainst the wall and turned: ashy pale; h'e had hoped that hts sentence would be' citnmuicd to imprisonment, for life, ' .The only American, witness, of, the execution was Ira Hay, the express-messcrtge'- ij Who.vva, seriously., wounded by the -- a'lig at' the time of thei: robbery,. .v-':- :'- - a 5 i . i j i 1 1

Arizona weekly journal-miner. (Prescott, AZ) 1889-10-09 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 12. · i it ft WEEKLY ARIZONA JOURNAL-MINER-. sc.--ts?V10 (Arlxnaa MlMpr. Kutabllnhl March, PRESCOTT, ARIZONA,

Feb 16, 2021



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    WEEKLY ARIZONA JOURNAL-MINER- . sc. --ts?V10 ( Arlxnaa MlMpr. Kutabllnhl March , PRESCOTT, ARIZONA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1889. PRICE TEN CIVOL. XXVI-N- O. 1 ArliOKR Jem aal. Kwlnbllntood 1H74.






    POWER PW""Miner 1 publishedThe Ahieona Jpl guuuay.very day la Uio ',,... Jvt, i.

    ; The Auicoxa "gi.y, at Prcicott, theuiinty seat, oi i,"ri ho Arizona Pijltejing Company

    J. C. MARTIN.

    lu.V.Suswc ' known on ap-k- Kr

    oflice or at tho followingV II '

    nH "lUte. a Park Row, Now York.1 fcimcrsney. Tribune Buildinr. New Yorkf5rwfAyer Son, Tlinos Building Phlla--

    Flstacr,Sn trncisco.: forcer. fc Key, San Frandaco.

    Where tho paper 1 kept on tile.



    a Hose Croix Charter. No. 1. second Sat- -rdV Of OACh mOMll. AUOir n,ms

    .tcrnalio invtvcu -Wis A. u. "BRIGHT. AieMvbt.

    I. 0. 0, F.

    A :nna T rwl rp No. 1Regular mecuuR " ""

    tcnincTt Odd Follows' halt. SojourningKen of the order in Kood standlnK areMUHy invited lo attend

    S. A. Looan. Recording t?ecrctry.

    Knights of Pythias.

    I'rcscott Lodge No. 1. Ragkuiar meetiog of this lodgslevery Mondy evening at OddI Fellows' iiu. oojuuiumifI knight in good standing are' cordially Invited to atlond.




    D. Ross, W. L. Van Hoes e.)iilrlct Attorney. noiury movrresctt, A. 1. tigwa,A. a.

    Iannis Balhwik, JohnstonBALDWIN & JOHNSTON,


    Proscott, Arizona.Vill nractic-- t in ail the courts of I he TerriSrr. aud attond tho rrgnJr tcrnii of theklrtCt court in Ap.icno uuu .uuiuvj wuu- -


    See in OUlee How, Cortet tt, Prescott, A. T.


    luce Rist side of flasa, two doora southankof Arizona, up s:)iis.


    tal attention to conveyancing andoffice work of all kinds.

    OlHcc ov.r the Bank of Arizona.


    Seo Supervisors room. In fJourt Honse. tf


    hillee HnC residence West Prescott, near thenth Mcltml&t church.


    s-- J . . .n iuicc un ioniozuma airvui,i 'to.r N.irth of Rersi' & Co's Drugstoro

    UKI.W HllimNOEK, KUK1 IlKlF

    Charley & Fied's

    alacs Barbar ShopAnd Bath Rooms,

    MontezumaStreet, Next Door to thePalace Saloon.

    meat equipped barbershop ami bath roomPres.unulot anil cold shower lttlhs

    'RDIT TREES,Vines, Etc., Etc,

    im ths Arkansas Nursery Co.,

    Litte Kock, Arkansas.

    irst - Class Stock andReasonable Prices.

    . H. BILLINGS,At the Bridee Shoe Shop.

    Is the authorized aent of theove Comimnv for Prescott

    ul adiacent countrv. Pleasejill and examine catalogue andrices before ordering. si 8

    J. C. OTIS,

    Fapisr HangerAN I)

    A.Xi JS OM INSPrescott, A.. T.

    AT K O V .. U K nI,I 'ITKII

    ank of ArizonaPrescott, A, T.

    italilisheirn.STT. Tho OhlustHi:tlc ..i tli Tiircifcnry.

    iIXMiVt UtIUI AKl- -. TeM.)rBt.kI ... IV'I'I.I....... W Via.... . tr....l..nrv. K. u.tHKitT.r.K .. :a(tiT.t . JJIRKCTORS:lono Uicit a.i:i:. SC. W. H'kli,

    W. HUL1.1VAN, ""KMIHTKR,

    (.ui ft I I is 10 V D B NTH :ink t") frmaelaetitlatv A Co Mfw Yark

    IKNK.KM. 1(A.M.U llU-U.fc- IIIA.NACTKU.

    DrntLs an.l Ttilt'craittiic exehanires on theklncinnt citlea of the Unltel State boughtL'lll Ptlll. ..

    TANSY PILLSmmi Solid it forV70MAVS flAFUW uuAiai." u.i trMc. nuuMttkitt. t.

    Atlantic & PacificRAILROAD COMPANY.

    (Wcitem DtvMon.)

    T1XK TABtK.

    wkstwAko. KHTWAKU.STATIONS'.

    No. 31 No. I No. 21 No. i

    1 05a 1 Cop lbniinero.ue. 3 5p 1 Wa7 20 K OSp ..Cno Ulse 10 00a 8 OSp7 4&a .8.T0P SI tea 7 ilp8 13 Oalliip N 4Sa 6 S'p

    10 17 11 5p Navajo Springs 0 S5 4 40 pII llollrooK - 4 i.f 3 02p

    1 20p ..Wins low . 5 S5a 1 400S Hip ..KlitRttT..... 1 05 1 10 Sa

    &5 . 7 4 Wllllni".... 11 aop U OCa8p 10 S9 ..Prescott Juno' loo 0 Xt10 3, 12 fon .Pea i top 4 Pa13 S0,i I 59 P ..KlllkMUHU.. Stap a ass Tb Nfoties... i aoc ll&Op

    2IP, .Fonn r II 101 a asp10 --Hu I 17t OaKifeU .. 6 Uf 4 4L'p10 43a 1 55 .Uarlow... 40 4 30 p

    I 40al Mojavo...... Soon

    CONNECTIONS :Albuquoraue A. T. t s. F. R. R fjr nil

    puiuu vail aud south.Proscott Junction Proscott a ArUonnoeuirat railway for Kort Whipple nnd

    Prescott.BaratOW California Roulhorn rallwny for

    Lo.4 Ancole.Kau Diego ana otbr South-ern California points.

    Wlo;avo Southern PaclriaXor San KrmiolscoSacramento, and Nortbeiii Californiapoints

    Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars.No change is made by sleeping-ca- r lissson

    gers between SAN FRANCTSGu and KAN- -SVS CITY, or SAN DIEGO and LOS ANGELES and CHICAGO.

    The Grand Canyon of the ColoradoHeretofore ina ccsiblc to tourists, can

    easily be reached by this line, via teachSprings, and a ttage ride frt m thorco of buttwentv-thrr- c mi ee. This 'AN YON is theGRANDEST and MOST WONDEKf UL ofNATURK'S WOHK8.

    Stop off at flagstaff,And hunt deer, bear and wild turkey, in themagnificent piue forests of the S in Frauclsouiounuius; or visit tho ancient ruins of the


    D. 13. ROBINSON. W, A. 1HSSELL,Oen. Mauaser, Geu 1:8S. Aft't,

    H. M. 11ACHKLLKK. General Avont.Albutittorquo,N.M

    Arizona Stage CoStages of the Arizona Stagn Comopsny,

    carrying U. S. inll and Weilsl Fargt it Co.'sexpfets, leave Prescott as follows;

    At S:S0 n. ui., via Black Canyon, for Fhenix,Mondays, WedncAdays and trii'.iys, arrivingat Phenix the following days at 12 ui.

    Leave Ph'Milr b:S0 a. tn., via F.Hek Canjvn,arriving at Prescott 13 m following days.

    Leave PrecottS:80 a. ni , daily except Sun-days, for Big Bug; arrive at Big ' ig 1 p. m. ;leave Big Bug 5 a. in.; arrive at Prjscott 12 m

    L?ave for Phonlx, via Vulture, 7 a. in. Tuef-day- s,Thursdays aud Satnrdays; arrive nt

    Fhenix next day at t$ p.m.Leave Pheuix, via NuRurc, for Presrott,

    same days, on same tini, arrive nt 1'iescottsame as at Phcnlx.

    Cotn'ortable eoaches, good toek and qnlcktime at low rts of fare.For rales and further particulnrs apply atGeneral Slae Oflice. Upper Momezuma at.

    E. II. BEGG.S. Agent.J. II. BILLINGS. Superintendent.

    PeckStage LineGREY EAGLE STSBLhS

    Granite Street, rrec(j,tHun stages from Proscott to Alexandria

    and return twice a week, carry in 4passengers and freight,

    Will Leave PresoottEvery Monday and Kridny

    Morninsj at 7 o'clock, rutiirningev vy Tuesday and Satur-


    IfflT, M ui Sili Silkdi7 SHULL St AUSTIN.

    0. W. PSITCHETr.Late of St. Louis. Mo.

    Office and Shop, East of Plaza..

    5 I juDDSJust Arrived,AT--




    Pattern Bonnets, Hats, Feather,Flowers, Ribbons, Jersey s

    Elegantly Embroidered Dress PatternsSilk Embroidered Summer Shawls,

    Fine Hosiery, Shoes, CorsetLadies' Fine underwear.

    All kinds of matorlul for

    fan;cy work.A (ri'itt varlt-t- v t nil klml ol (ln.xls; anil

    price lower than ever.Mlf. R. R. HLINi:'S.

    New Chinese StoreOri'.JOHN SOUG'3 SALOON,

    mm SING, Proprietor.Japanese and Fancy Goods.

    Ladies' Underwear of a I Kinds,Hose, Silk Handkerchiefs, ScarfPins. Cushions, Bamboo wallPockets, Hand EmbroideredRnnuers, Senna Wood and IvoryFans. Chimney Fans, LadiesWrappers and all Latest Novelties. Chinese Lanterns anil IireCrackers for 4th of July. ,e27J'

    Notice to CreditorsBaUto ol William Osenburi:, dereased

    Notl'oishcrebTclven y tlio undersigned,ailminislratrlx of the estate of William Osen-buri:, decoased, to tho credit jrs of and allpersona huvinc claim nt;alnt the said de-ceased, to exhibit them, with the necessaryvouchers, with n lour montus nier mo ursipublication or IMS notice wj mu ot.m r.itunoaenburR at hir reslJeneo in the CI y,tt it., mtmn lialncr the 11 CO tor thetransaction of the buMnosw ef 8 id estaU, insaid county of vnpal

    oskNBUKOAdministratrix of the estate of the late Wil

    liam Osenburi:. defeased.Dated Prescott, this 12th day of August



    Neither have wewriting on

    Our Prices are

    seen the hand.

    Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Blankotsand Quilts, Oiled Clothing, Rubber Goods.

    Now Goods Arriving every Day.


    gold and silver WatchesChains, Fine Gold Jewelry.

    Silverware. Clocks, Spectacles, Etc., Etc.Is Koptat

    George H. Curry's Jewelry Store.Nowhere in Arizona can you get these goods in such variety

    of styles.hi addition to my fine line of Jewelry, I carry tho largest

    stock )f Gun, Pistols, Cartridges, Quartz Glasses and Com-passes, and Sporting Goods generally to be found in Prescott.

    Also, T carry a beautiful line of Plush Goods, Dolls, Wag-ons, Toys, Vases and Fancy Goods generally.

    CFine Watch repairing, clock repairing and jewelry re-pairing done at my store. All work is done under my personalsupervision, and satisfection guaranteed.

    GEO. H. CURRY. Prescott.


    RhiuI for Cntalouo m

    ICR W 1 1ST BA.ER,Portrait and Landscape Photographer,



    Two Doom KaWlinlnimlff anil lift all

    Fresh and


    the wall.

    always Lowest


    & Chart.

    of tint Otiurlot.letnrrt in all IcIdiU of

    Salt Meats,

    Premium Sewing


    Tim cut Is an exact ilJutrallon of tho Sewing Machine t trrcdas a venum wilh one year subs rlu-tlo- n

    to tho Wkkklt JounNAL Minkkfor $22, or wl h Dailt ouuJAt.-'MiiE- Kone year tS. This, sewing bine hadrop-le- af aliln of walntu,

    ltti patent drop-le.t- r support, jrothlcrover vlth veneered oanols. case of twodrawers at eacl) end of table with looks,veiienrd fronts and mcicei piait u. nropring hand cs. The machluo alone iseaual to the best mschlnoA guarsnlto against tho ordinary wearand tear of tho machine for the term oflive years is also given, and if any partgives out by reason o any delect, it jlll

    u reoiaceu ireo 01 cnarati. iuu luiiun.

    rulllor. one sot of plato hemuidrs flvu



    Clioi;e Corned Btwt ami Pork a Specialty.Sausages of Sands.

    Meau d... , P-- ru ol ttto CUli an,, ,rt jJSlS QUART.

    ing attachmnts are furnished free with tho m idlines Oi0 foql h immor, qoo screty arlvor,ono wrench, one oil ran and oil, one gauge, one giuga s.cre.w, orto eira throat nlate. pno ex-t- o

    ..i,....l. ..,i.. nnn nnnb...... f nm.iUf iv hobms ami iio instruction book. Also thefollowing extra a'tUehme Ono tncUer. ouo






    dluercnt wiuilis, one binder ami ono tnreau cnuur.Although our subscription price is ?l p?r year.w.j have placed the price of the Jouiinal

    Minkk and m:Mi no at the flgure off red by papers whose subscription price t ulyfl0 per year. A number of tho machine a.o in use In I'roscott and give couipleto satisfac-tion. Orders Bdnuld be accompanied by the cash in ul . O.dsubicrlbera can nave too ben-'-n- t

    or thU ire.. The machine Is placed on bourd the curs freo at Chicago, and can ba sent toany part of the United States. The freight to Prescott is about 4.

    Address all o ders to J. J. MARTIN, Prescott, Arizona.

    Pioneer Shops.BRECHT & THRONE

    It the Old Staid.

    CArry" a full stock of all kinds of HUcksmlhand wagon material, and are prepared

    to do all.kinds of

    Blacksmith and

    WagonworkOa Short rsiotice,

    Agents for the Shut-tie- rWagons.

    Adams' Self Regulating

    Wind Mills.THE ARIZONA



    PRESCOTT, ARIZONA.Purchased in Any Quantity.

    Itites on or.' can bo obUlnod by applica-tion in person or by mall, to tho oflice of the

    boye works, in Prescott.Shipments made direct to tin: buieltlng com

    if desired. J. M. W. MOOUK.Ucntrsl Manager,

    P. O. Box 25. Present!, A r' sons.

    Pioneer Hotel,fi. Schnerman hai,

    ttatxM4a. j4, Dun Hals, 8. MnnlauniaI'lfiroU,

    Board and Lodging ( ) 10

    Board by the day $1

    Large and Airy RoomsStable and Bakory Attached

    Fresh Bread Delivered to

    any part of town

    City Feed Yard.

    Most convenient an 1 tlrleat Oorrai;tn town.O tod accommodations for stotilt and best of

    car takou of It. Kasy of AcoeiB with lanrrteam.Terms reaannabln and satisfaction cuaran

    teed. Patron Hire anlleltetl.aui JOHN K. MAriON, Proprietor.


    7v7"-.-"r .Boss

    DKALf--U IN

    Drugs, Medicines

    Soaps, Combs, Brushes, Trusses

    S'nn;.rs.rol3t Arte. Etc.iptlon Depf-non- t It cunt pleto

    Ax r Dr. Fislir.n tn's Alkttllne I.Uor llor .04 and CaUl?.till continue to an.l as low as the v


    Chop HouseMONTEZUMA STltUET,

    Next DMr to Cub Web Saloon,

    Open Highi.

    Meals Served at All HoursFresh Ovxtera and Oatno In .?nson, and ov

    rX htuKtlw mnrkl nflTtnlsu JOK All JBW. Proprietor.

    second-han- d

    Furniture, Stoves,CARPETS,

    And all other?Klndio?

    GOODSbought ana sold



    West Presottboy aNOTIGE !

    All accounts due tho under-signed must bo paid at once tosettle up busiuesss payable to

    C. R. Martindell, collector, Pre?,' 'cott, A. T. Beaumont Coxe.

    Fire tho Marshal Too.Whatever m.vy be ihe meriti of the

    telega in sen: to Aiturncy General Mil-ler b) the late grand jury this morning,reccouitncndinK that the Whan robberycase be heard before another judge thanthe present incumbent of the bench ofthe first judicial dittiict, it is the en-er- ally

    extiessed regrets by many goodrepublican, that Marsha! Mead wasnot likewise included therein. It is acommon report that before the last general electiun Marshal Meade openly andrepeatedly stated that he would nothold office under a republican adminis.(ration, and further that the man wasnot a good democrat who would do so.The plea thut the exigencies in theWham robbery case demand his retention is not a valid ground upon which tokeep him in. Bob Paul or W. H. Griffithand what's the matter with Geo. Brown

    Ed.has had more experience in handlingthe criminal element in one week thanthe present marshal has had in his lifetime. But aside from this, with Hon. H.R. Jeffords, as United 8tates attorneythe interests of the government are safe,we care not who may be marshal, moreparticularly so", if that marshal be a republican. Meade's time is out and it isa reflection on the republicann party tokeep him longer in office. Personallyas gentleman we like him, but politically the republicans have no use forhim. Citizen.

    A Big Kick.Tha Journal Miner, on behalf of the

    poople of Prescott, aa will as on ita owabehalf, bwreby ealls the attaatioa of tkesuperintendent of the railway mail ser-vice of this part of the country, to thefact that our western mails aro re-ceived very irregularly. Where thefault liea we are unable to state, but aninvestigation by that official wouldprobably result in placing the blamewhere it belongs. It is not iu thofailure of trains to connect at PrescottJunction, as the express arrives regu-larly. To day's train brought in ex-press from the west, including SanFraacisco papers of October 2d, bnt nomail. This makes the third time withinthe past ten days that this has occur-red, and tho only plausible explana-tion of it is the carelessness or negli-gence of the Atlantic A Pacifie postalclerks. The east bound train carryingtho mail arrives there at aa early hourin tho morning 6:30 a. m. and itmay be just possible that the averagepostal clerk does not arise that early.At any rate this missing of westernmail has been occurring of late withsuch uaplcasant frequency that theproper authorities will gaia tho goodwill of this community by having itlooked iuto aud corrected.

    A Stranio Vision.A curious case of reversed vision

    comes from Newbury township, Yorkcounty, Pennsylvania. Katie Aughin-ba- uh

    was troiu infancy a very brightchild, but annoyed her parents andfriends constantly by her inability to seeas did other people. Her eyes werebright, clear and straight, and no pecu-liarity could be noticed, but she seemedto get matters entirely reversed. A ves-sel must be inverted before she wouldtry to put anything in it. When shelearned to read she held the printedpage upside down before her. Sheconstantly attempted to walk up a de-scending flight of stairs, receiving manysevere falls, and assured her parentsthat they vere walking with their feetupwards, and while she could not seeanything strange in this could never un-derstand why articles she placed onwhat looked like the safe side of theshelf should insist on falling to theground. "They wdldrop up," she wouldsay. In school, as Katie grew up sheeasily kept the pace set by the bestpupils, learning rapidly and remembering perfectly, but she always kept herbook inverted. She has now grown upto be a healthy, handsome young miss,hut the strange optical defect still exists,and she has overcome its annoyance 3ya pair ot pecu'i.uly constructed glasseswhich restore thing? to their proper or-der, but which cannot be discarded for

    a moment, or the strange effect of"dropping up" instantly rcurs. Ex.

    A Sohomo to Oarry a Volumo orWater Forty-Fiv- e Miles,

    Donald W. Campbell, the well,known civil engineer, returned to Den-ve-n

    Saturday from Puenix, Arizona, atwhich plaon he put in some days look-ing into the possibility of oonstruetingan enormous canal. As now proposed,it is to carry 1,250 cubic feet of waterper second, which it is thought will bosufficient to water lOoOQQ acres ef land.The "nqua pura" is to come from theGila river, and is to be carried for adistanceof tifty-fiv- o miles. A corps ofengineers is now estiiaating the workand expense, and if it is thought to bereasonable thu Buoltaye Qanal Com-pany is said to haye suffioient capitalback of. it to put the ditch throughwith a ruBh,

    Mr. Campbell says that Phonix isone of the most enterprising citios inthe west. He declares that from themiddle of September to tho middle ofMay its climate eannot be excelledanywhere ou tho earth. Ou the 12thof September, however, the thermome-ter registered 101 degrees in tho shade.

    Denver Republican.

    Buoklen's Arnica SalveTho Best Sulvo in tho world for Cuts

    Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Klioum,Fever Sores, Chapped Handflj ChilblainsCorns, and an Skin Eruption, ami poslively cures Piles or no pay required. Itis gurnntcod to eivo perfect eatiufictiouor money refunded. Price 2. conts perbox. for Hale by Boauniont Coxe.

    Cura fer Rheumatism.Tho following, takon from an ex-

    change, is give for what it u worth.Ita simplicity and cheapness is cur--taialy a recommendation for a trial ofit by those who aro suffering tho pangsof rheumatism :

    "A Brooklyn gentleman who had suf-fered from rhoumatisiu for four years,and what tirao he was out of bed wasobliged to uso crutches, and who wascured by the following eimplo moanc,bags those who suffer similarly totry it:

    " It costs only a few cents," said he,and will euro the worst aae of rheumatism that can bo imagined. Let, thoaffected part bo exposed to tho heat ofa stove, until tho skin begins to reddenand smart. Then rub with tho handuntil the heat ia distributed over alarge surface. Continue to do this forfive minutes, and bearing as muchheat as possible without blistering, j

    iiar imwj ui ii tuu u misturs uum- -poaed of one toaapoonf ul of finoly pul-verized table suit, thoroughly bus twith one tenspoonfnl of molassecgolden syrup. Apply this mixture aia salve to tho affected part after t!ieskia has been well reddened and rub--I

    ed with, the baud. No mattor howleag tka inflammatory rheumatismmay have existed, almost instant relief will be felt. Continue the treat-ment every day. and at the end of aweek a permanent cure will bo effectedMeanwhile the patient should, take, internally, four times a day, a mixturecomposed ef two drams of wine of col-chicu-

    two drams iodide of potashand oae pint of water. The dose isone teaspoonful bofore moals aud ougoing to bed. It is not absolutelyessential that the internal remedyshould be taken, but it helps."

    Our contemporary contains a tele-gram from Washington stating that aninvestigation has been ordered ofcharges prefered against Judge J. H.WrighL The charges stated in the telegram are "for overriding laws of theterritory in imposing penalties pre-scribed in the statutes." This wouldcertainly not be a serious charge, asjudges are expected to impose penaltiesprescribed by the statute?. There-is- ,however, a strong probability that eitherthe telegraph, or the compositor omittedthe word "not" and "imposing penaltiesnot prescribed in the statutes," wouldhe the more reasonable view of thecharges, and probably refers to the ex-ile of two citizens from Apache countyat the April terra ot court 18S7.The proceedings were commented 'onat the time as being without precedent.What view may be taken by the author-ities at Washington remains yet to ibt- -

    sceu. j-- ?

    On September 1st the French governsnent took forcible possession of thetelephone system throughout France,and thenceforth it became attached tothe postal and telegraph departments.When the charter was granted to iheSociete Generate des Telephones by theminister of industry in 1SS4 a clause wasinserted in the instrument whereby thegovernment is authorized to acquire thetelephone property by paying to thestockholders the value of the plant, saidvalue to be determined by mutual agree-ment, or, in case of dispute, by oxperts.Last month the government notified thecompany that it needed the plant andwas ready to pay for it. The companyprotested violently, but in the end thegovernment made the seizuer as statedand now controls the service.

    In the death of Colonel John AMartin, rnor of Kansas, thatstate loses one of its be&t friends. Colonel Martin has been the editor audproprietor of the Atchison Championfor over a quarter of a century, the onlyperiod during the entire time, which hehas not given it his personal supervision,being during the war of the rebellion,when he was serving his country at thefront, in command of a regiment, andalso during the period that he was gov-ernor of the state, for two terms. TheChampion, under his editorial manage-ment, has always been an able advo-cate of every measure calculated to pro-mote the best interests and prosperityof the state.

    An exchange says that women arerapidly coming to the front in almosteverything. At present America hasa woman steamboat pilot, Mrs. CalbeL. French, a Cincinnati woman, who: islicensed to pilot from Vicksburg toNew Orleans and the Atchafalaya riverand its tributaries. Although huttwenty-eig- ht yeaTS old, Mrs, French isan expert swimmer and has acted as apilot on the Missippi nver for twelveyears. Her husband, a captain, 'who ha thorough waterman, has -- been "herteacher and introduced her to thx mys-teries of the river. . ;

    The Tucson grand jury telecraphcdAttorney General Miller tht anotherjudge try the cases of the parties in-dicted by the grand jury, inasmuch asJudge Barnes by remtrks tn open courthad tended to iiitimid.itc the witnessesfor the government. The judge.; indischaiging the jury stated that in cruis-ing the court's language they had com-mitted contempt.

    The largest fig orchard in the UnitedStates, says the Lis Angeles Champion,is about to, be set in Pomona valleybetween Pomona and Ontario." Theorchard will consist of ti.oco whiteadtiatic flg trees and 5,000 Smyrna figtrees, planted eietity to the acre, on200 acres.


    Ex-Govern- John A. Mani,. jKansi. f,I October ad. T

    Qi-t- n Mitalte has returned t$ -- feltnative u-'-- again. if ,

    A ?ss?J front Havana witV yetteirfever av A arrived in Ne. Y-M-t

    A. L Mormon has beea AN,tdLregister ,.r. the Santa Fe land office

    Wumart ?ugVn,e and prohibt.fiwrvol!(i down m W$hingtortTer3trjt

    -- George Wiihain CurKs, tHHwisip, .3does H;v bkc the Ufesent HmitMltaisTja. j

    Chi-o- o courts have been invoked tosqueeze the grease out of a coVaifpork. f

    Republicans won thetkj StfisW;rrencn elections held o SGnfkyj'Jtembexf-32d- i z 5

    oven 'water-conrsnJiorri- s'fijori 3t j Kamas, n ihc hanksthe K ntrer.

    Ahes n, the St Ljuis soger, whokil!ei --uujj Jackn, has befn Iveld'or iuy-- vr Without hail.

    Dtkou st'ehoodw" J5? rePipncan;iity.;fHl -

    !...? . .



    t jiuuci (imposes lowruea nmmj fof the rfhellion. Such a wotk wodhj !prove t.y interesting reading. y J J

    Dr. p.-,el- who Villed Edkcc Stveth, 'at K.v.uw.odf California, has; btt'a ?ev--ctenced 1 1 ten years in the pemteittiitTv

    A K urns City girl shot her lafthkwc clovsr rutting him in tne arm, whm hewaltzed up and married hercording to contract.

    Iu one of the counties of Gwgia, it )is said, there is a town of 1,606 inhhjj;jjtants, of whom less thaa a' score aty-subscribe- rs

    to any newspaper. ' 'Congres?man Ben lutterwofiV mm

    returned from Europe as ardent a peeteotionist as ever. He praises Euro-pean workmen for their industry.

    James H. Barry, editor of the SaaFrancisco Star, has been sentenced m Hfive days imprisonment and to .pay hfine of $530 for criticising JuUge Lawwr.

    Latest news from the election m the jfour new states ot the northwest mdiQ . .cate that the republicans have carries! '.all except Montana and probably thealso, v . !

    The National Silver convealkm .has "

    been called to meet at St. Lottta eavTuesday, November 26th. ArUraa heebeen allowed a representation of tweatydelegates. . -

    Peter Hanson, aged 50 yean, woosurrounded"-b- y brush Sre near Sat,Dtc$0, and becoming insane rushedinto the burning brush, where he. wasliterally roasted alive.

    The drouth on the Magdalen is.524has bee-- 1 so severe this season that, inthe abwucc of iter, farmers have had .to give their cattle milk to drink. Totthe crops, are good.

    Railroad nicknames arc commea,' histthe newest is "the Katy," applied bythe Fort Worth Gazette to the Miseowi,Kansas and Texas road, usually spokesof in railway circles as the M,t K. 4

    The Shalam colonv, started by DriTanner a few years since, near LatCruces, New Mextc.i, is Importing chil-dren from San Francisco, to be broughtup in the peculiar religion of the"Faithtsts."

    The New York World wantsCleveland to fill a seat in con-

    gress made vacant by S. S. Cox. Hecould probably fill the seat all right,but not the position. His head is notbuilt the right shape.

    A Washington telegram of the 23d saythat the Charleston will undoubtedly beaccepted, but according to the contractthe bidders will lose $20,000 oaac-cou- nt

    of its failure to develop the re-qui- redhorse power.

    Dr. J C Shorb, prominent both as aphysician and democratic politician, wisfound dead in his bed in Saa Fraaciecewith a chloroformed handkerchief overhis face. It is not known whether hisdeath was accidental or suicidal

    The Florence Enterprise, after gettingon both sides of the political issues iathe territory, praises itself tor being astrictly independent paper. If indepen-dence consists in the above tactics,the claim of the Enterprise is welltaken.

    Governor Hill got the whip hand ofGrover Cleveland in the New Yorkdemocratic convention and is now masterof the situation tbeie. If he succeeds iamaintaining the grip he has taken hewill be able to control the delegation inthe national convention in 1S92. Thereis no mistaking the fact that David B.Hill is in the race for president in 1892.

    A Nogales telegram of September30th says: "R. J. Tallier, the leader ofthe gang who robbed a train on theSonora railroad last May, and killedConductor Atkinson aud FiremanForbes, and who wa subsequently con-victed of the crime, and sentenced todeath, was shot early this morning bythe Mexican authorities at Guaymas,Tallier . was notified Saturday by thedistrict judge a. G mymas to prepare fordeath, as the sentence of the court must,according to law. be carried out withinseventy-two'hou- rs after that notification.When ." informed of his doom Tallier.staggered hack .tgainst the wall and turned:ashy pale; h'e had hoped that hts sentencewould be' citnmuicd to imprisonment,for life, ' .The only American, witness, of,the execution was Ira Hay, the express-messcrtge'- ij

    Who.vva, seriously., woundedby the -- a'lig at' the time of thei:robbery,. .v-':-:'- -




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