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Municipality of Sparta &



“ARGONAUTS“ Audio Visual Productions


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celebrating 2010 International Year: of Rapprochement of Cultures – Biodiversity & Youth

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Argonauts Cultural Routes The new Argonauts are…


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On the Old routes

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Mediterranean … “ The Sea in the middle of land ”

among 3 continents, the Mediterranean sea had the pleasure of hosting great and diverse civilisations

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From the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, Persians and Jews,

The Mediterranean has created a unique path in the world civilisation part of it derives from the

Argonauts ‘ voyage : A milestone in water routes

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Through this new Itinerary we are hoping to give once again the opportunity to the people

embracing the Aegean, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Adriatic , along with the lakes and rivers of

the greater area Where the “ Intercultural Euro-Mediterranean

Centre for UNESCO “ activates , creating a new opportunity for the young ECO-

Generation to establish bridges connecting Cultures thru Educational adventures and

collaboration between the different civilizations

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2010 - 2013

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The young people unite To network To converse

To meetTo create

To exchange experiences, innovative ideas and Historical knowledge

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… Because war is created in the minds of people.. ….Arts, Sports and Creativity is all that’s left to remind us that once upon a time...we were humans... While ecological awareness remains the only way we can all help to save our planet.

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With these in mind...

an idea inspired by UNESCO’s respect for cultural Heritage, tangible or intangible, and environmental principles was born

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THE IDEAThe journey of

the New Argonauts the….” Green Argonauts “ sailing over

Ancient routes to meet History on the way…..


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A ship following the Argonaut’s trail , is traveling the

creations of young people, without any discrimination, Artists from all Art forms and expressions, inventors , innovators, young scientists, will voyage through the famous « Argonauts routes» .

The ship anchors in various ports historically linked with the Argonauts myth, and while reviving History, presents as well , original eco – oriented projects connecting youth from different countries in a celebration of Knowledge and respect of Diversity, eco - awareness ideas and novelties promoting Peace, Intercultural Dialogue , Education, through Arts and Innovations and joint Environmental creations

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In a journey from of the “old World” into a combination of the world of Eco - innovative ideas through the Arts, the inventions, the implemented projects, as expressed by 50 Youth representatives from different countries, through a role playing educational game,

With the participation of countries from Europe, Mediterranean, Black Sea, Adriatic, Lybian, North African waters,

Traveling the flame on young creativity, reviving the past while embracing the Idea of Peace , the respect of any form of Diversity

Offering a leading role to cooperation and team work * Giving equal opportunities to all

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The New Argonauts Journey over the Old Argo Routes

The first activity ( National Competitions) Starts in 2010. On the summer of 2011, the ship starts the 1st Circle Sea voyage to meet

History promoting Ancient knowledge and the spirit of Peaceful Cooperation and Intercultural Dialogue, connecting Youth in the chain of

the Promotion of Environmental Culture linked with the rings of the adventurous ancestors.

By the end of the 3 circles of 2011, we proceed for the activities taking place, in 2012 . With a parenthesis of a 2 weeks stay in London during the

Olympic games connecting Culture with the Olympic Spirit! Concluding its first Voyage during the Mediterranean Games of 2013 , where upon completion it will start preparations for the next …Peace voyage giving a leading place on promoting the next Cultural theme!

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Through the Intercultural Dialogue, focused on the ancient knowledge in combination with the New ideas of Modern Argonauts We Celebrate : * Freedom of thought as result of Knowledge, * Hope through faith in Humanity & Solidarity * Equality and respect of diversity * Creativity & Environmental awareness * Philosophical understanding of Human adventures * Beauty of originality and togetherness * Common sense and the Truth of Myths * Formation of a Culture of Co existence of Civilizations, spreading modern Youth jest and creativity and “ Green “ innovation, restoring the

foundations of modern cultural heritage through the motions of traditional cultural Heritage, *promoting the Idea of Peace and collaboration through joint creations which contribute to the promotion of Environmental Intercultural Dialogue

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Through the Intercultural Dialogue,the New Argonauts revive the old Myths and learn the wise lesson of collaboration Redefine

* hope for the planet, * joy of inventing , applying older knowledge, * imaginative creation * hopes of collaboration on innovative Ideas deriving from hereditary Ideals * Eco Values focused on the Environment and Sustainable Development

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Through the Dialogue with the Past,the New Argonauts

Express as well their mystification, fears, doubts towards ideas that seem to have lost their content and essence, exploring the connections between old and new ideas , tendencies, expressions, manifestations, proposals, new creative approaches deriving from Knowledge, and collaborations for joint ventures and common destination,

adopting the demand of the Planet’s salvation

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The New “Argo” ship carries valuable cargo : *The Cultural Heritage of the Argo Routes, * Intercultural dialogue The lost environmental idealismThe unspent, unconstrained dynamism of youthThe freedom of expression in all forms of collaboration in

Arts and innovationsThe respect towards Biodiversity and Sustainable

Development, both issues bothering the Modern World The creative coexistence and exchange of innovative ideasThe Vision of a Green Peaceful Planet

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Description of events

The New Argos route is divided in 3 phases to start with and upon completion ,continues to the 4th e. t. c

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PHASE A! Argonauts Contest on Land, starts in the participant countries

All participant countries will execute Parallel Contests on

a) Local and National level b) For those creations which will represent their

countries to the next phase once the ship arrives there. c) The theme: “ New Argonauts travel Peace through

Mythical Argo’s Water Routes”

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Following the old routesNew Argo starts this new adventure from Iolkos, Volos, in a festive atmosphere after a 2 day preparation period, receiving all participants from the other countries, making the first stop in the island of Lemnos, just like the original Argo. There the crew stops for 3 days, meets with the visitors and friends coming to join them, gets acquainted with the island’s history, participate in the Educational Seminars, focused on Athletics and Health , Ancient cuisine, theatre, round tables discussing mutual interests and preoccupations, create joint artistic ventures.

They revive the old myths and the stories through different happenings, performances, role playing e. t. c

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1st Port : LEMNOS

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LEMNOS island

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Cybele’s island – Amazon’ s KingdomThe first stop of the “New Argonauts” will revive

the Amazon myth, including war games and various cultural happenings .

The Ancient Theatre of Lemnos, “Hephesteia” revived last August after 2500, will host the performance of Euripide’s “ Philoctetes” tragedy , based on the story of Philoctetes, left there in Lemnos by the Argonauts.

The performance will succeed a special 3 day Seminar dedicated to Euripide’s Tragedy . The participants will be included in the performance.

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“ HEPHESTEIA “ Ancient Theatre

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L view of the Castle Lemnos

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SAMOTHRACE ISLAND 2nd PortThe island of Samothrace is the place where

the “New Argonauts” will be introduced to the Philosophical aspect of this voyage, just as the first travelers did on the Athletics, through the Kaviroi initiations. Here they will exchange opinions on deeper issues.

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SAMOTHRACE SEMINARS & CULTURAL ACTIVITIESThe 3days Seminars given here by professors of

Philosophy focus in revealing deeper subjects, visiting the ruins of the ancient temple, reviving the Kaviroi initiating motions, visit the archeological Museum of the island , offer crops to the blue Rock seeking blessing, visit Tholos, Egyptian Queen Arsinoe’s gift to the island, will be reminded of the wonderful Greek Architecture , visit the place of the Samothrace’s Victory (Niki) .They’ll prepare and participate in the ancient style banquet Symposium , rehearse their participation for the performance given at the Ancient Theatre.

At last they’ll visit by rowing boat the Fengari island in the

moonlight, taking part in a psychedelic Music concertand finally will depart for their 3rd stop .

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Sanctuary of the Old Gods of Samothrace

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3RD STOP :TROY - DARDANELIA HELLESPONT - ABYDOSNext stop is the Canakkale port, which will lead us

to the famous Troy ! The modern Truva. This time the participants from Turkey will guide ARGO. They visit the ruins of the ancient city of Priam, the remains of old walls , the plain where the battles took place, play role the ..memories, watch some modern versions of the Historical tradition, visit the playground with the modern replica of the wooden horse, exchange ideas and creations with other Youths, bring their creations on board, visit the local bazaars, taste the Turkish cuisine and finally work on the Seminar on Greek Drama, participating in the performance of Aeschylus “The Persians” at the Ancient Theatre . After a 3 day stop they’ll proceed to Dardanelia.

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Troy’s ruins map ruinsT

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Persian Wars Xerxes alleged punishment

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Trojan horse replica

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Ancient Theatre of Troy

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Next stop of the New Argonauts is just before entering the Black Sea Region.


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ZEUS and IO’s myth revival in a BALLET performance

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BOSPHORUS HAPPENINGS: “ PROMETHEUS BOUND” On the premises of the Castle a Theatrical

happening based on Homer’s “ ILIAD” will ne given upon conclusion of the Seminars. The participants will be included in the staging of the tragedy.

The 3 days will close their cultural festivities with a

Concert of Contemporary Music dedicated to Youth.

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4th STOP in the BLACK SEA

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Reviving the myth of Sinope, daughter of Asopus and Metops who was abdacted by Apollo and brought to Paphlagomia, as well as the stories of “Tzani” and Laz the New Argonauts learn all the secrets told by Xenophon and Herodotus.

Diogenes is also a great historical personage they will get to know. His philosophy will cover the round table discussions along with the poetry of the comic poet Diphilus

Performance of “ PROMETHEUS BOUND” by Aeschylus

Crafts is another field of interest and a chance for the participants to work with gold, the main element representing the value of the Golden Fleece,

Sinope – Trabzon (Trapezous)

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Reviving Mythridates activitieswill help us see the “other side”of the story and understand thedifferences…..

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Upon arrival in Batumi, the New Argonauts rejoice with the festivities of the celebrations of the end of the A! Phase of the voyage. All 3 days will be full of activities: happenings, music, role playing, round tables, Euripides “ Medea” performed by the representative countries’ performers , giving all a chance to recite in their native language the well known myth.

Finale celebrations Announcement of B! phase voyage and the

renewing of the promise….of this United Youth project of :

“ Youth travels Peace through water routes”

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Local Contests

Will be addressed to youth 18- 30 years old on the common

subject connecting all through social networking, following on the virtual map the voyage as it progresses

Giving Youth the opportunity of applying Historical Knowledge through Cross - Cultural exchange while expressing at the same time the need for joint creativity of the young environmentalists

Will provide the freedom of expression through various forms of art (painting, graphic design, music, theater, sculpture, poetry, literature, new media, cinema, video art , 3 D animation, video clips, etc) and other scientific innovative ideas

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a) The Judging Committees – Local and National – of each

region as well asb) The voting through the website of “the New Argo’s

Journey” and their BlogsOf course, all participants will have the opportunity to

present again their creations during the Third Phase of the program

The winners deriving from :

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2nd Phase of the Argonauts’ Journey ---------------------- The second phase is marked by the embarking of the ship with the creations of the New Argonauts, destined to travel their ideas, and projects, connecting the participants representing their countries, working at the same time on joint projects and creations. This phase starts on Thames during the 2012 Olympic Games

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After the OLYMPICS the New Argonauts start their return voyage.Crossing the West route they pass through PORTUGAL, GIBRALTAR , enter the Mediterranean heading east , stop in SPAIN, MARSEILLES, NICE, WEST ITALY, NAPOLI, SICILY, and South, cross the Adriatic , Patras, Corinth Isthmus, Attica. In each country they pass many activities will take place….

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the New “Argo” shipWill host the creations and projects of the participants

from the various countriesAt the same time allowing the interactive collaboration

between the participants on the creation of new projects that will be included in the Third Phase of the program

Finally all Prizes will be included at the end of all phases in the new “ Euro Mediterranean Youth Art Museum ”

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the Young Argonauts built a “community” that

Shares ideas and experiencesCo-createsConverses and establishes new bridges over common

“ Water Routes”Exchange cultural and innovative eco products Redefines the Ideals of our era

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In every port * Each country participating in the program will present the

winners of their local contests leading to the decisive National Young Argonauts representing them

Also, each country will organize exhibitions , round tables and eco cultural events for the week that Argo will be anchored in the port concluding in a “ Youth Green Fiesta ” ending with the planting of an Olive Tree ,while through the organized exhibitions they will be able to introduce their creations and projects helping to know each other better and respect their diversities.

The Argonauts on board will work along with the artists of each country ‘s docks, creating new Eco-projects during their stay in every port.

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Before “ Argo” embarks from each port

The artistic creations (Music, Art, Literature, e .t .c .) and innovations that will derive from the National contests of each country, will be taken on board the Argo and the ship will continue the journey with the initial crew.

The common projects – as well - will be loaded on board the ship and will continue it’s journey.

The works created with the interactive , joint activity of artists and environmentalists will be presented in the Third Phase of the program

Before leaving they will plant an Olive tree, symbol of Peace and productivity.

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Green Youth Grand Festival of the 1st New Argonauts trip

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Parallel activities Documentaries & Concerts * A series of documentaries that will record the journey

from start to finish as well as the activities of the Third Phase, will be created

* Footage from these documentaries will be available for anyone on the website of the project as well as the websites of the partners

A series of Concerts in each city will give the audience the chance to choose its representatives and present their music to be voted on the website, as well as the results of the round tables .

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The New Argo

Will carry in the framework of the Intercultural Eco Dialogue, the soul and spirit of the people that will form our future society

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The “ New Argonauts”

Built the principles and foundations of the society they want to live in

Re-define moral/ ethic/ environmental rules Work together in the framework of the “Intercultural Eco


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The 3rd Phase By the end of the Olympic Games in 2012 and the

Mediterranean Games of 2013, the Green Youth Grand Fiesta of the trip, we enter the 3rd phase of the project’s implementation:

We board on the ‘Argo” all the Art works , and innovations created through interactive method , research expressions, and prepare for the next trip !

The creations will be traveling next year following a new route , including a new set of participants coming from the other countries they meet on the way, adding each time a new creative bunch aiming to cultivate the cultural eco dialogue exchanges and create new fruits deriving from collaboration.

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Finale of 1st trip Festival “ Argo of Peace 2013”The first trip of the new Argo Route will close in

the Mediterranean Games of 2013 , and at the same time will start on the new Journey from the country elected to host the Mediterranean Games of 2017. Maybe this time they’ll choose to follow the rivers

And the Art products deriving from the 2nd trip will board the “ Argo ” , and sail on a new voyage of the next “ Young Argonauts trip ” targeted on “ Lakes ” ?

And….so on…

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Initial Partners of the program International Scientific and Intercultural Center Intercultural Euro-Mediterranean Center for UNESCO“White Village Fund” NGOArgonauts S.A. In collaboration with

Copyright @ 2008