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JS*-^ •>- * i^; .•j-rt-^ts,'. fif «$sj^.py.e•* .i"- I-**JSI '-> / «f Bli •.'*.*. gJSHWKf^fc&tf^ •—. «.--~«-s»w r —-i- Last week's p*M ABC'circulstion •Audit Bureau of Circulations -r*r THE CATHOflC IMS- p * r V| •ph ifritli^twmrtl IF 65tli Year ROCHESTER, N, By BISPiOP FULTON J. SHEEN IMI Mik *l* Are Proof 9 That Christ Alone Is Divine \ CHAPTER 1 H ISTORY IS FULL OF 3MEN who said that they came from God, or that they were gods, or that they bore a message from God. Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Christ, Socrates, Lao-tze and thousands of others, including the one who founded a new religion today in Los Angeles — each has a right to be heard for his claims. As the' yardstick* must be outside the cloth, otherwise it cannot measure It, so there must be some tests outside of the "claim- aals „and available to all men? all civilisations and all igeavto decide whether any one ofthem Is right In his claims, These He will teach, the enemies He will make, the prog-ram He will adopt lor the future, and the manner of His death. By His conformity with these announce- ments, we could judge Him. Reason further tells us that if Cjod doejf not do this, then there is nothing to prevent any fool from appearing- In—history and saying;: "I am Jfrom God", or "An tests are two-fold — reason and angel appeared •&i**tyi_ The New York State Cftliotfc Wetfiki*0ra&tt&e todw urged the Legislature to take immediate and etfecfftfb action to protect"the children of the State froin the Hool of ob- scene, indecent and immoral -*> ., o,,:.,:;.,. l;ft;ff «-*» •Jc were born, that you were com- ing?" Other Claimants With this test in mind, line up the claimants. Put in anyone you please, for at the moment Christ Is no bigger than any of them, We now address them: "Socnsrfes; (lid anyone know you were com- ing?" "Gotama, didjmyorie ever preannounce you and your mi- lage, and predict that one day you would sit under the Buddha tree?" "Confucius, was the name of your mother, the place of.your birth recorded, and given to men centuries before, so that when you did come, men would know you were a messenger" tronv Cod?" "Christ, did anyone know of .your comfaigr—the—clrtmmr stances of your life, where would live?" AH are silent—but one, There were no predictions about Buddha, Confucius, Tad, :Mo- hammed, or anyone else — ex- cept Christ. Others Just caune and said: "Here I am, believe me.?* They were, therefore, men among men, and not the Divine in the human, whkh 1s the fcdnd o( leader we want for these hard times'. Christ alone steps out of that line and answers: "My com- ing was foretold even to the smallest detail." He tell»ns to search the writ- ings of the Jewish people anil the correlated history of the 'mr^ ?tyfMkMjifi^^ tar - A DijrSWiaT youth i > t h 4 ^ 1IO^III« the Marian- Year and slated for, Sunday, March 3 In Nawrejh Academy Hochesler,.^Mtecfta sji»*ln* poster are (teft to right): MARGARET WMlJafc'St. Agnes High School; A^Sj* aUWJ^Nauireih Academy; and ELLEN \VARD, Otir tady of Mercy High JV "'School. ^•gP'^ 1 Babylonians, Persians, Greeks the. xnft- writiriia uments, Of ail eWaae«te <• atrtettr^jr cartot etwU say "My coming •:\ -^'Sm^^^^m^lrn'mmiint detail." U^ory.B^-b^u^ •Wry- en* m:p^w0^it}^i^k, ' falth;'|p^^^^ Uvea in it and shouM knoWaoriiie-* thing about it :l Our reason tells ui that If urty of the ctalmants catne itosn Giod, the least thing, that God could do to support his claim would be to prearinouiicChI* eornin|> Automobile mariufacturera tell us wnen to expect a, new,; model.' If God is sending anyone frwh HInweTf with i n m o s t Inripertant message for ali meri, He owes it to ui: to let us know wa*a He is «nnlng, .jrMra Hfe firlJbje born, wfcsr* He will,live, the dsttekss •'il:.',a m^°zi^~ :&Mtt. and gave me this mes:- aage." In auch a case there Is no, e*Jecttve, historical test for such! 'a messenger. We have just his •word for it, and he could be suf- fering a delusion. '. . If a visitor came' from a for- eipi country. Jo Washington, and; .a»kf?l!e/was':.; a;' r dlpterna"t, -we •wtouldaisk- fo^bQut-hlj v paTilsport' a n d - h i s ..documents testifying, that he came from a certain eov- and Rotoans, and for mens, to regard their merely- as histori ', ~.wfo%9 ii»Rlie<l wrl ;ei^a,ot,.dhrisj tn~ f^.-reas^/'ann _ . ^Aljotit vtyvo thousand yean* it< ^re I #aa*boriJ",-there appeared jMTman,\j^aHam, as the head of qpcopfew whom '"AD the nations of the earth would be blessed.' , Abojat twa» thousand years beTore Iwas'born.Tit was foretold*, thit He 'Whfl fW0iild -be -oOm vaniong the people-ot Abrahatn, would be also the 'expected of the na< tlorar/ that, i»^of the,qentile» as well u riw^ews.^bout seven hundred* years befor* I was bora It was foretold that I would be born : ,in Wthtehetn; and thst even tlioughfbmi'^l^'ilL-.jiI-' ready H^idf *A ; ^t^U^ir4H;; '":-:* Iies»|s^*ls|i3i)wsJl- *, "KM 6 i ^ Vas^^birthpla'ce foretold, hut about seven turn- died years before*, jit was fore- told, t$fri&$r<^.&mmr it Diocesan liiph schools, colleges and parish youth groups htop« txi; register dose ito GWLstudents for "A Day With Jsj^^flicke^h-wide "rVfurian Year gathering of young peo- p3e at' Nj^r^|,Academy^;Stoch —'*-•- -^- --- - -- - -"-'' ernroent.Hls papers VvoUlff Have to antedate his coming. If w e is>skJ^.such proofs -of.- identity; from . diplomata,, we -certainly' ought to do so'In the allimpor- tant subject.,of religion, asking: ^WbaSdfe^affls there before yoff. Vlrg|*^^l^^]hail, ^rSDft cehreiafla" bring forth-a )ipn;-an9 His tiame shaU becalled tinman' ueL* About seven hundred year* before t^warb^rn-, it waft iort- told that'the Kings of thff East would, ;tefng g|id^ and- ffirtkln- carter, a l l t i i ^ h l n d a y , : ^ w c h S^. The* Iteitp^ijitW' Com^fJiUee,, i^t^a%:^^iipfe^i«h. Mist "K«.py»" W h a m ^ s * rtt NSarch XI st the deadline fotr-aalfe ad registration tsgs. •? ; ^ THE' TTAGS,. serit? ihis -we*k% a3l school Mid parochial sodality groups, cost *5150and"*ntitle stu- d*nt|.to..the fulLactivities . •Mtudy-aBd-devotion 'day- incluf^teg ltaniheon arranged by catertrsirr tfce Nazareth cafeteria. Delegations from ^farishos .to A^ulbyrn. Elmira .am>CorntogjL pau* school group* Wojn.:I>Sales Hligh In <3enevs, Holy 1 Family BOgil of Auburn, Elmira CathoHe knaijhe nursing schools- ^fy'Sk rsatties Hospital, Horr»?U ,andf'%» X^sepK's Hospitalj Kimva aree^j^ p*cfed. Collegians f r i A m M r j t h Golie|e and St. JtohftFisher Cob lege' will attend. '•'•; 5 ~ Opening with Slass'and Holy" -<5onimunlon In the-Academy' -»«udlto«Ium. at ^SSfvSwni., at wlhlch His ^ceBewcy; Mshe»» iHLeafney will g^ee^tte, dele? 'hii^^m;,Kbchtt^:m.. have. reported,. In the ciitfent Coorter Journal lubfKTiptloh Percent Ahead dttffis^fPPPEjPfflgStl^E ga|rK^.lffipir:<eIiittv|pM year»it«fal%f «^QpjubscnH 3 ^ L;,. d#iaS^nvfflana|er^^| ier*«irn.l, foresee, a jr- bringing -Jmotemm tk&i^cv*- : : :'•••'49&miMi the Sev. J. Joseph <y^hfieB, pastor of Holy Cross Char**, Koehester, Who earlier-% -the drlVe reported 800.8abscrlfeliori^ a gain of over 50O.hew aubicii^ tloris, now reports 1>037 or a gain of T78 subscribers over last yeafa 269. Holy Gross; Church; i» adopting the full farnlly cover-- age'plan Jfotf the firs.t tiriii; ,'• Other parishes takjrig- advarir tage of full coverage for the first time include St. Mary's ChttKH, 1 CiuisndaltTia, w > here1hejfe,v>-M* pfonsus I*. Crimhiens, #sfofe. re- ported a total ht- fit >,iub>^ M ' tions, a gain of 623 over year. -- .,-,..- The Sev. 1fidward"K. Sail, pas- tor, of :St» Francis He, Sales Church, Geneva, has enrolled: his parish for iull family cuvesafe •with, 607 subscriber* a. gprtrttKE '218 oyer last year. ."«•'•;* - St-SiW's Church, ltoriielieads, taktet lull coyerag&Mijr w i i n j i tlhie,.has xejp>ied ;; m\ub«»iii4 &* ev, Francis J., Wmmmm <Jf win'wufttej^ l(reort ^^g]^^ij 1 ^a* J j M t -Church, Ithaca, has _.., fifepteni.the laihfly plan.t t^SMiif^'auo^ '*: 0mm^MM. Lon.»a. Church,, •m0!$m£mymxi { *. Red« .a|jr|ikaM*ddpung the-full cov- erage, reported 395 subscriptions, Ah'cttnelifppah new to the' pl|nrSt :irMg»t's Church, Roch- ester, ^ported: iS3,subscriptions, »|«ain?p^\-*ccotdlng to ithej fiff^§hft ; |ite v Sr|ialdTp. firen-; | sto^,^g|f3atho. 1 ^t^tSi*^*li*:1lteie,of' 1 ,Ayi,V:s a«e incluBer ihe SfcJtov;M" 1 iL 3>a^. POL,'-'vWS;;\If lllost Preeious " W o « i - l » sui)- scriptiofsj the'-Rev, RaySiiira J; E p p i n g ^ Theodore's ^ M * - 326- subi^iptlons^ the ^VV^ X«o C. Mooriey, Sr,^r*** ; ; ; (1i»aTch - 6 0 6 stir^riptIoi»ffheil«V.:lLei V, Smith* Qur JLady./'el Geod Co«nseI Church — 450 subscrip tlons. "#• '• 'i v .-4 Other j pastdra who*thi« !i ««)««k Aloysluj Farlsh, Aubuni — "315 subscripiions; the Kit., fJoha J. Nacca, St. Francis of AaAhLIBM' lih, Auburn —785 subscriptions] , Rev. Hubert A. Braky, SS Peter and Paul Parish, £lmtra- 49T subscriptions; the Rev, Dan- M R, Sullivan, St. Charles. K w rohaeo farlsh^ £lmlrs Hel{1|ts-' ! l^',SUM<3eipflitHris? . -•••*'.*. '^ 5 "' ^eJRe^-^itiiuii^-toljihV-Si. Bernard ; Wrlshf Sdpte- :Ceir»f"'' -S2 stt)&ff&^,o.r)S^^pl*alia 19 ,s»bscriptlo^lp^^iilsti tenoa — 45T slibiseiipfol/ij- the Kev. Peter T. Jartkbiivskk 8f, JIary Parish, Gene)rfeo--18r-<^ub Hagerty, St. Joseph Parish, Uv onta—128 subscriptions; 4f\<* feev. Bernard C. Hanna, if.- Paiarkk Diocesan Iiinagiijatldi)v-j'n- 3tfove^' ^mntywnAKama.' o: J. : Joseph Ci'Cohnepj/Saiior of Holy Cross Church, fcn "Mary^ Guides the Parish"; the ftev, Henry A. Atw v elJ of St. John'! t , "6reece, on "At Mass with Mary"; c^the. .the RevA3*Jbert-J»-SHamon of St '""'"'" #ndrew^«K^errd^aryi- on" ^The Greatest ^Vornan, Who Evetf Lived"; and the Rev. Edward K Stelhkirchner of St. Boniface Church, o n ^ W i y j A 'Year' for l^liUlwautte^ftfC)—"Last Cres- eS|do", last novel written by the :Br|flsh author, Father Owen Frahpis Dudley, before his death „,.,.....-_„ „,—-.-..-ttv. „> .f*heCatholic trterary Foundation, ^ilesf the dtoyV*s*dhjeiule wllfcf ^Suhtitled : *'The Story of ^aul include two geM|»l;flfeniblle«•">&&%» thetibojcmarks the final o n the theme ot "MaryjS Xear,' ata open-forum and a'series of •lecilves arranged so that each student ntoy alfend &$. *»all- ^roup dlscussloiis v o**fjecl i al aoplcs that interest Wnt^ . , The luftcheon periodrwin be divided Into one sitting for Collegians, Seniors, «nd-Niir»es-> auid tile other for Jniilors, Sophonrkre and FreshmeflvThe "JPfoptehrwltt «I«SefaH^gW. - -The4iev^iyfih*rir)libdheyf S.Jsfi"T? natidnal drrectorbf-Sotlailups of r>ur Lady anaT- well-Jkn^wn atuthqr aaid retreat- master, ..heads the 'raster of parish p^ieitS'iiid-feacrF ea-s schedule* to speakxpft; doc- trines an^ aevotipn^-*|issocratett vs?Jth o t e » B l o ^ e d - M o # f e f 4 — - AMONd TtfE iGwiy&mm oai the twelve ele^ilvk^ubjectf offered dutiitf tHftiMary Daiyi-th'et. Rev. Charles? B. Gorinell o f ^ifaJS* aa-eth AcadernQf' wilt bifheard* on salary in the Pages-, c-i .'Hlstoryf'. aoid "Consecration" Meansf: Mary, For'-Life*." r«on. professor _„,., Nazareth College) will ta%^| M , tfeeology of the Slessed^othgj. to "The Church Pays Trittt|fe'-*f Mary." Assisted by aqjsiiMfe^ pwmel of Nazareth co«e| tiMim ahe? 'afifemboh session'l^ifef Shahn6r?s topic \v,iU. bfe n WtJ? Moderit Youth t o - « o l # •> - . "Ms" nse&s:; A-^asdent panel- from.. JSJ&0: •i.. (Continued on Page I) te'nlal-Movies*! ... r mm <«--Sas" ••'•E=^-.»'^ Mi&« -M t"T^ Havel your precious § set tat a new mounting, at iafhotne^s!, ¥BWiami S^^JhS vrew«ler. S18 J»Sln St, Kast^ S|Sl,-Adv, '(. 'Masterful Monk's" V4 ance Ji ftctjonal appe«Shce of the "Mas terlul Mprik," the famous char- acter created by Father Dudley. Tije book illustrates the dlsas- trotls rcsultisf of modern mail's denial of God and the impossibitl. ty?of compromise between athe- istici. Communism and Christfr anlty. - N His Holiness Ptfpe PiUs 3(U expressed gratitude this * week for a message of congratulation sent to him on his 78th birthday (Mar, 2 ) in the name of-th*131d- ceseofBochesterr": ' In a birthday message to. the ailing Pontiff, Bishop Kearney asaiurcd him of the>. continued- prayers of the Diocese for"' hi* health. •The Pope's appreciation ^«| expressed In a ca"ble from M6nj- signor J. B. Montinl, Vatican- Prosccretary of State, who also conveyed the Holy Father's. Blessing to the Bishop, clergy; religious, and faithful of the Dio- cese. . j MONSIGNOK MONTINl'S cable reads: l-aeleetfoft -&l BI»lrop Kearneyr Rochester, N". If. "The Sovereign Pontiff ex« presses his warrn gratitude for your devoted message of con- gratulations and prayers. He cordially Imparts to your Ex- cellency, the clergy, the re- Unions, and the faithful of the ' Diocese His paternal and Apos< tollc messing." Montini, Proeecretary, 5cene, indecert| and immoral comic books, pocket books and others publications which now engulf the newsstands. j., Charles J, Tobin, Secretary, ;speaking fpr the Committee, ie-4-eglslatiye Com- mlttee investigating Comic Books for its complete and frank exposure of the* present deplorable situation and urged that the Legislature accept the recommendations of its Commit- %tee and implement the present law to prevent the sale and dis- tribution of indecent and im- moral publications. MR. TOBIN said that it was not too late thii, year' for the legislature to act because there t are a number of worthwhile bills pending before it which would help to eliminate the evils which SfloW exist. * .-He urged the passage of a bill sponsored by Senator DcOptatls jaitd. Assemblyman FitzPatrick 'which would make it a crime to sell such publications to minors, as- well as bills by other legisla •tora to protect newsdealers against tie-in sales, to strength en enforcement and to increase .penaljdes. The •Conlrtiittee pointed out that .many persons experienced ;in the Held of youth .work be- lieve that the incjease in, Juven- ile delinquency ln-recent years is Meetly rejatetl fd the greatly in- ereased T«le-;tb ininotf o3T*pB- Fr. Lochren, Requiem ; i 'JiUi, 'mm sv-l scene, indejce"nfc' *hd Immoral publications ar>d publications de- voted to cxtme-ahdi vlolehce. He saltt thit;Jt was the duty of the Legislature to act prompt- ly in an is#pffc,j.tb pn>yeht Apt sale of. theses obrioj«lotis publica- tions to |he youwi pf'tjte'^State, _<-thut L iwtth$utLb- ahjs^JSJaylJhlr^jgN Ing wpBh pit rigitta-pf |egi,tl mate publishers .pf newspapers «tti»iif«tt«iL-._J_ . J~*. •"- ' r ''•'"4 ' ' '•'•;Ji*i> --.Vv-l . "* Catholic ^organizations in a .BEyi'fiio^: 1 ] • '^lerort^^uhfral-I^aaa'flil be offered S^tjurdaf morihlffOalw 13)' at- Jb^clbac &'-$tfi$frf* of the Lake CKu^if OStalW N % for ^fe;;«fe^orha|f||«|n^^ Church 1 «lh©» ? J^HTh*^""""'' wl .oM!prteir'dW'tei^'«yi«i" •morrdni, ••ilar, l O T i S ^ . , . ._..„ Gary's Ho^IUl, Roch^tw,* fol- i> ^iriecM^&^jall^ar^Il mlra L ij^uator-th?: »oJy Mmt &5$^$SJ8^ SocieUe|^^ u C^.ctl ? M-«.a^ ^ S r ^ ^ m § tte Rc^hea^^Holy/Narjie-TJrtiofl. aJsi* ^co'in1ine|iaedl|tfe|^ls^i^ ish units cx»fti|uct 'caro^igijjjl to remove indecent literature : ahd books from nelghborh^ »»ws- stands. This program '•aefloa! co- operation -of-store-xnanateipl: %&.2Z^ ^ V <1 3,000 Red Spies "orkIn Canada, .<•' stjjueiW **f (ko>.=~ Tifcerefr' I n ' jnore' ^haiir 'SJM§\ communist spies Working in various placet fn Canada;. Premier. Naarice .Puplessis eJiarged to* the; QIKI- ' See I^gfelatare. ^ e t«M li« had oWaihed his Information front a former British arid Canadian intelligence' -officer. -.>>.;-•" : "The communist agent has i « vi-ai no Dettef frienas,'' the Premier said, "than those who Uiigh st, the danger he Is and carrles/i '$*i .. Mr. bifplessis said that not^ only In Canada but also in the* United States and Europe there are irrefutable signs of com- manlst spies' sctivitlefieVeri' day. He expressed pride in the fact that Canada was tlie first country in North American t$ outlaw communism and Its gents. r Eastman School Alumnus S^i : ^ s : ... -;-' -rrr . .. _-- i ' fvC __ Cfmveri^r^miM To Be Ordaimd Priest Roitte— (NO • concert pianist WifeTy known hoth at home andto:FSuropc wUl ne.|Mainted id* We*• priesthood heM|-jtt the age efifcC He is Ash- |eiy Pettis, California-born found- A r" arid former "dJfectof of the tgOmppsers' Forums iitNew York ^•'^ISan Francis*o,'and one time An American time lie could devote to the pi-, Through hist Coiiiposers 1 ano, Father Pettis did play while j- Forum* at Columbia „»%&• he was at, thjeVBeda, and'a hurfi* fler -at hfr recitals were heard over the Vatican Radio. .dfean, qf the .San Francisco Con-, The RC*. Dr. William ft |hk|f| ^ ^ t o t y ^f.iMusfe >n. professor ahd 4 ch^lain. of: _ , „ - _ „ THE SOX of a Presbyterian SKiMster, Mr. "Pettis ehtered the Church in 1348 after taking' in- I'tructlphs from the Faulifit Fa- candfdate fOB the priesthood by •B^shSfMrbhri^ ktet Mussio of |5|eUhfnvlBel X&1< And enroHed Oielr cltaplain, Revv -RichArdrfor^ th « Bh «%ft/ 0,1 «» ? or late v< " naey, when he. discusses, rnf pm^t uper> t p ; lifeadjhlgj oatiqns-^ifl Rome; ;* 'AAfier his ordination'irt the Ba Aiiicav~0« S t 4l8h«r:l|StiBfan -oh following day at ifae shfine' of §& iFrancis of Asslsi. . . ' WHILE HIS studies cut down considerably on the amount of Army Chaplains Cited By Army Washington- fNC£ Three shy—which he directed for 15 years Mr. Pettis became known by hundreds of rising young musicians. He himself Studied at the. Eastman School of MUsic of t|ie University of Rochester, and while his <•*• Catholic ^A*nty clirplatns* were f '-'•*?** *as been mostly ht t h r anaong^thoe-'cited here by tlrer field ,of, muslc^as a eOtaiijert De^r^eriForthB" Army. Thdy, jpblnud> pniposer and teacher are ttsHher (JMajor) 6llver r>uf4-*Hie .•served- in the~U,, S. Sla- resne Kehrlein, S.J., of Los ATT- rine. Corps for 18 months fit geles, Fattier (Capt.) Charles J. World War 1 stud wajUgr I^IQM Richard of OgdehsbUrg, N. Y.> planner dttrlnsV World War...ll^ m* pMlJUiMS^W^S^^ Jfc^idwthat-#h.ou^-4e l^lstlof^oifimmo^ s t a fwjB>s "admitea" the^hUKfcl lift A tommehdatioh ribbon was' was* not drawh to |t jlfltit he awatded,4o JFather Faistl and a came to realise that' lfa l e r mahy commendation ribbon Oak L*af phases of h|s t caree^'^left him! 'Cluster to Fathe-r Kehrlein, with % $ense oi'ihcojmpfeMess!; father Richard received a Bronze and futility, ntf matter 'how ,! 'tlie? 'Star. .-.', world regarded, them^bint the* stahdpom^of^u^s^; M'^,.' JfW Special—For St. Patricks JDay s#4#- n *J°iSQineiliing. sIBtaristal^Wfttlm* versfdtf "- I * Ir - jqae Bali with a philodendroh senj, j V 1st, M XakeT Avenue, BAki * m 1M Ini^aBitipetns'l srsfdri cahie^HrcaUgri^ ConJJI ^^sJS wM m >l J.f, .$:$. •••ry;. , *..-/, '•- '; -..-.i;.a •>;? :."• -fe: .;', ' C' - - j . ,'l ; .,;.i •>• ;•'-•- .r&i ' .'.v>; !\v- ' .•: "'-.'. -.v .q::-w TV- ••* , v •> ^3 ^^i «*.. . . a - ' - * , . -•$?. .^ >J0 .,. ,wid fe^Sfict" - ^" •lf|K>'ljfniati r -- £ " xA ' ^:|WjiMsn^i^p|^ , x _^ -piim* atacjr .On September 3tT; p«ary ol tin*-'£•**/ held a i*cepti6tflathii._. to hbrioifrFather Loeh|ii.. completlbn of 25 yearayaa-- of the^Ohtarte^jiiiilifO _ t waipaMon ti, e occasion tc Wa devotion to the:. "pcdpliafcioM,, parish for 25 yearfe"' '-^Ml^ deared .hlnwelit riot'-ohlj^p; parishioners r but t o alf '"""'""' of the' cbiiimuril^* a i. , tv .saidr. >: f$ ^4-'iMMM*\xM ,. A NATIVB of, •&$&&&•.£& W Y . father' ; Ix>chJe'#-^iiiB»..'''^ late ; Frank. and,EUen C3^i£isf& -Hi.We attended&terltt^aalhl ._,>hodi .arid.-?- J > t ^ « A ^ : ^^Wr ; ' -priesthood' at' "the 'd$&$$i&i& -- naries of - St. Ano^fe^pm^fc.'; •BerftaXd. Se^-^tebr^aiiM|m3«h% •• prlsts-ood *njh%4o;^^||fiie- ^ormer St. 3Sm&&WS^S^&' Rochester. ' ; ;: 'MM§vSm-' .\ ^Mowhsg^^pBiinMbS*^" atS-iHe. .... . pointed aisistfint;.pa1t|r|il|i Faintly Church, J&BBfflffi ^ ^urei^^toi-^Bt|SKiiittii SSA €^» Aiigusf &W&$R&lm--i' named pastor of StpMi»§^rr the Lake i»5©hi « W J f ® ^ 1 ®" hiNeaihthWm»iI Si* survivors inell Lochre#^^Qch'e«ll 4er, Mlss-fi%TerlK$r 1"?- Foreigners In :-W-: •m ^fing^ay^ir*oriif ; »irai ^„ ,\ .*v *^fim ai-e rh6re"itli«in four times «s m&aJmi arles In India, it- cortllng tb'statljtica reledbH hfl|s> %%M^# 1,1,C ^hofsB-Qsiils, Kprie«t'» and huW now total-16,115 rorelgrt wtlilg *"Tn'ese';i»tlstlcs ;M«ifh( "iarg«**#rTe Chui iy hh- { hops Bi«* •*i»- *.j,^fS, •*•-#.-.. . -.w* * : 4 . % J»\* **r\ + <fc--^ e. HJ* ^*-v«.**^^^^ * * ^*,-W-* , -ia v SIR «-# -tpsfc. -WrV^-^ ^-A^f ^ •.'--«*s-.^sj. - .-a-* -*^-r^ --^" - *gf » *• *T* *\ £" "? "** " **•"'-'* '**^a^frsrwt*«»* SS**^ 1 ** " * " f * («*--»•* ,#ffei •*r+—*,-# ftf*«T^ £ "rf* W ». I»i V I Li --^asea '4« m m

Are Proof That Christ Alone Is · JS*-^ • •>- * i^; .•j-rt-^ts,' . fif «$sj^.py.e•* .i"- I-**JSI

Oct 23, 2020



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  • JS*-^ • •>- * i ^ ; .•j-rt-^ts,'. fif «$sĵ .py.e•* .i"- I-**JSI '-> / « f Bli •.'*.*.

    gJSHWKf^fc&tf^ •—. «.--~«-s»w


    — - i -

    Last week's p*M ABC'circulstion

    •Audit Bureau of Circulations - r*r


    IMS-p * r V| •ph

    ifritli^twmrtl IF 65tli Year ROCHESTER, N,



    M i k


    Are Proof 9

    That Christ Alone Is Divine



    HISTORY IS FULL OF 3MEN who said that they came from God, or that they were gods, or that they bore a message from God. Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Christ, Socrates, Lao-tze and thousands o f others, including the one who founded a new religion today in Los Angeles — each has a right to be heard for his claims. As the' yardstick* must be outside the cloth, otherwise it cannot measure It, so there must be some tests outside of the "claim-aals „and available to all men? all civilisations and all igeavto decide whether any one ofthem Is right In his claims, These

    He will teach, the enemies He will make, the prog-ram He will adopt lor the future, and the manner of His death. By His conformity with these announce-ments, we could judge Him.

    Reason further tells us that if Cjod doejf not do this, then there is nothing to prevent any fool from appearing- In—history and saying;: "I am Jfrom God", or "An

    tests are two-fold — reason and angel appeared


    The New York State Cftliotfc Wetfiki*0ra&tt&e todw urged the Legislature to take immediate and etfecfftfb action to protect"the children of the State froin the Hool of ob-scene, indecent and immoral -*> ., o,,:.,:;.,. l;ft;ff «-*»


    were born, that you were com-ing?"

    Other Claimants With this test in mind, line up

    the claimants. Put in anyone you please, for at the moment Christ Is no bigger than any of them, We now address them: "Socnsrfes; (lid anyone know you were com-ing?" "Gotama, didjmyorie ever preannounce you and your m i -lage, and predict that one day you would sit under the Buddha tree?" "Confucius, was the name of your mother, the place of.your birth recorded, and given to men centuries before, so that when you did come, men would know you were a messenger" tronv Cod?" "Christ, did anyone know of .your comfaigr—the—clrtmmr stances of your life, where would live?"

    AH are silent—but one, There w e r e no predictions about Buddha, Confucius, Tad, :Mo-hammed, or anyone else — ex-cept Christ. Others Just caune and said: "Here I am, believe me.?* They were, therefore, men among men, and not the Divine in the human, whkh 1s the fcdnd o( leader we want for these hard times'. Christ alone steps out of that line and answers: "My com-ing was foretold even to the smallest detail."

    H e tell»ns to search the writ-ings of the Jewish people anil the correlated history of the

    'mr^ ? t y f M k M j i f i ^ ^ tar - A DijrSWiaT youth i > t h 4 ^ 1 I O ^ I I I « the Marian- Year and slated for, Sunday, March 3 In Nawrejh Academy Hochesler,.^Mtecfta sji»*ln* poster are (teft to right): MARGARET WMlJafc'St. Agnes High School; A^Sj* aUWJ^Nauireih Academy; and ELLEN \VARD, Otir tady of Mercy High

    JV "'School.

    ^ • g P ' ^ 1

    Babylonians, Persians, Greeks the. xnft-writiriia uments,

    Of ail eWaae«te Automobile mariufacturera tell us wnen to expect a, new,; model.' If God i s sending anyone frwh HInweTf with i n m o s t Inripertant message for ali meri, He owes it to ui: to let us know wa*a He is «nnlng, .jrMra Hfe firlJbje born, wfcsr* He will,live, the dsttekss

    •'il:.',a m^°zi^~

    :&Mtt. and gave me this mes:-aage." In auch a case there Is no, e*Jecttve, historical test for such! 'a messenger. We have just his •word for it, and he could be suf-fering a delusion. '. . If a visitor came' from a for-eipi country. Jo Washington, and; .a»kf?l!e/was':.; a;'rdlpterna"t, -we •wtouldaisk- fo^bQut-hljvpaTilsport' and-h i s ..documents testifying, that he came from a certain eov-

    and Rotoans, and for mens, to regard their merely- as histori

    ', ~.wfo%9 ii»RlieskJ^.such proofs -of.- identity; from . diplomata,, we -certainly' ought to do so'In the allimpor-tant subject.,of religion, asking: ^WbaSdfe^affls there before yoff.

    V l r g | * ^ ^ l ^ ^ ] h a i l , r̂SDft cehreiafla" bring forth-a )ipn;-an9 His tiame shaU becalled tinman' ueL* About seven hundred year* before t^warb^rn-, it waft iort-told that'the Kings of thff East would, ;tefng g|id^ and- ffirtkln-

    carter, a l l t i i^hlnday, : ^wch S .̂ The* Iteitp^ijitW' Com f̂JiUee,,

    i ^ t ^ a % : ^ ^ i i p f e ^ i « h .

    Mist "K«.py»" W h a m ^ s * rtt NSarch XI st the deadline fotr-aalfe ad registration tsgs. •? ; ^

    THE' TTAGS,. serit? ihis -we*k% a3l school Mid parochial sodality groups, cost *5150and"*ntitle stu-d*nt|.to..the fulLactivities . •Mtudy-aBd-devotion 'day- incluf^teg ltaniheon arranged by catertrsirr tfce Nazareth cafeteria.

    Delegations from ^farishos .to A^ulbyrn. Elmira .am>CorntogjL pau* school group* Wojn.:I>Sales Hligh In here1hejfe,v>-M* pfonsus I*. Crimhiens, #sfofe. re-ported a total ht- fit >,iub>^M' tions, a gain of 623 over year. -- . , - , . . -

    The Sev. 1fidward"K. Sail, pas-tor, of :St» Francis He, Sales Church, Geneva, has enrolled: his parish for iull family cuvesafe •with, 607 subscriber* a. gprtrttKE '218 oyer last year. ."«•'•;*

    - St-SiW's Church, ltoriielieads, taktet lull coyerag&Mijr w i i n j i tlhie,.has xejp>ied ; ;m\ub«»iii4


    ev, Francis J.,

    Wmmmm .f*heCatholic trterary Foundation, ^ilesf the dtoyV*s*dhjeiule wllfcf ^Suhtitled :*'The Story of ^aul include two geM|»l;flfeniblle«•">&&%» the tibojc marks the final o n the theme ot "MaryjS Xear,' ata open-forum and a'series of •lecilves arranged so that each student ntoy alfend &$. *»all-^roup dlscussloiis vo**fjeclial aoplcs that interest Wnt̂ . ,

    The luftcheon periodrwin be divided Into one sitting for Collegians, Seniors, «nd-Niir»es-> auid tile other for Jniilors, Sophonrkre and FreshmeflvThe "JP foptehrwltt «I«SefaH^gW. -

    -The4iev^iyfih*rir)libdheyf S.Jsfi"T? natidnal drrectorbf-Sotlailups o f r>ur Lady anaT- well-Jkn^wn atuthqr aaid retreat- master, ..heads the 'raster of parish p^ieitS'iiid-feacrF ea-s schedule* to speakxpft; doc-trines an^ aevotipn^-*|issocratett vs?Jth o te»Blo^ed-Mo#fe f4—-

    AMONd TtfE iGwiy&mm oai the twelve ele^ilvk^ubjectf offered dutiitf tHftiMary Daiyi-th'et. Rev. Charles? B. Gorinell o f ̂ ifaJS* aa-eth AcadernQf' wilt bifheard* on salary in the Pages-, c-i .'Hlstoryf'. aoid "Consecration" Meansf: T « Mary, For'-Life*."

    r«on. professor _„, . , Nazareth College) will ta%^| M , tfeeology of the Slessed^othgj. to "The Church Pays Trittt|fe'-*f Mary." Assisted by aqjsiiMfe^ pwmel o f Nazareth c o « e | t i M i m ahe? 'afifemboh s e s s i o n ' l ^ i f e f Shahn6r?s topic \v,iU. bfenWtJ?

    Moderit Youth t o - « o l # •> - . "Ms" nse&s:;

    A-^asdent panel- from.. JSJ&0:

    •i. . (Continued on Page I)

    te'nlal-Movies*! ... r

    mm n. professor ahd4ch^lain. of: _ , „ - _ „

    THE SOX of a Presbyterian SKiMster, Mr. "Pettis ehtered the Church in 1348 after taking' in-I'tructlphs from the Faulifit Fa-

    candfdate fOB the priesthood by •B ŝhSfMrbhrî ktet Mussio of |5|eUhf nvlBel X&1< And enroHed

    Oielr cltaplain, Revv -RichArdrf or^ t h« B h « % f t / 0 , 1 « » ? o r l a t e v pniposer and teacher are ttsHher (JMajor) 6llver r>uf4-*Hie .•served- in the~U,, S. Sla-resne Kehrlein, S.J., of Los ATT- rine. Corps for 18 months fit geles, Fattier (Capt.) Charles J. World War 1 stud wajUgr I^IQM Richard of OgdehsbUrg, N. Y.> planner dttrlnsV World War...ll^

    m* pMlJUiMS^W^S^^ Jfc^idwthat-#h.ou^-4e l ^ l s t l o f ^ o i f i m m o ^ st afwjB>s "admitea" the^hUKfcl lift

    A tommehdatioh ribbon was' was* not drawh to |t jlfltit he awatded,4o JFather Faistl and a came to realise that' lfaler mahy commendation ribbon Oak L*af phases of h|s t caree^'^left him! 'Cluster to Fathe -r Kehrlein, with % $ense oi'ihcojmpfeMess!; father Richard received a Bronze and futility, ntf matter 'how,!'tlie? 'Star. . - . ' , world regarded, them^bint the*

    s t a h d p o m ^ o f ^ u ^ s ^ ; M'^,.' JfW Special—For St. Patricks JDay

    s # 4 # - n * J ° i S Q i n e i l i i n g . sIBtaristal^Wfttlm* versfdtf "- I * I r - j q a e B a l i with a philodendroh senj, j


    1st, M XakeT Avenue, BAki

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    1M Ini^aBitipetns'l srsfdri cahiê HrcaUgrî


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    •lf|K>'ljfniati r --£"xA' ^: |WjiMsn^i^p|^

    ,x_^ • -piim* atacjr

    .On September 3tT; p«ary ol tin*-'£•**/ held a i*cepti6tflathii._. to hbrioifrFather Loeh|ii.. completlbn of 25 yearayaa--o f the^Ohtarte^jiiiilifO „ _ t waipaMon ti,e occasion tc Wa

    devotion to the:. "pcdpliafcioM,, parish for 25 yearfe"' ' - ^ M l ^ deared .hlnwelit riot'-ohlj^p; parishioners rbut to alf '"""'""' of the' cbiiimuril^* a i. , tv .saidr. >: f$ ^4-'iMMM*\xM ,. A NATIVB of, •&$&&&•.£& W Y . father' ; Ix>chJe'#-^i i iB». . ' ' '^

    late;Frank. and,EUen C 3 ^ i £ i s f & -Hi.We attended&terltt^aalhl ._,>hodi .arid.-?- J > t ^ « A ^ : ^ ^ W r ; ' -priesthood' at' "the 'd$&$$i&i& --naries of - St. Ano^fe^pm^fc. ' ; •BerftaXd. Se^-^tebr^aiiM|m3«h% •• prlsts-ood *njh%4o;^^||fiie-^ormer St. 3Sm&&WS^S^&' Rochester. • '; ;:'MM§vSm-' .\ ^ M o w h s g ^ ^ p B i i n M b S * ^ "

    atS-iHe. .... .

    pointed aisistfint;.pa1t|r|il|i Faintly Church, J&BBfflffi

    ^ ^urei^^toi-^Bt|SKiiittii SSA €^» Aiigusf &W&$R&lm--i' • named pastor of S t p M i » § ^ r r the Lake i»5©hi « W J f ® ^ 1 ® " h i N e a i h t h W m » i I

    Si* survivors inell

    L o c h r e # ^ ^ Q c h ' e « l l 4er, Mlss-fi%TerlK$r


    Foreigners In




    ^„ ,\ .*v *^fim

    ai-e rh6re"itli«in four times « s

    m&aJmi arles In India, i t -cortllng tb'statljtica reledbH hfl|s>

    % % M ^ # 1 , 1 , C ^hofsB-Qsii ls ,

    Kprie«t'» and huW now total-16,115 rorelgrt w t l i l g


    ;M«ifh( "iarg«**#rTe

    Chui iy




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