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Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field-- -And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Sched ule ·ars itv Debate Work Left Un til fter Frosh Work ls Started T'w deba I :::-- wiII be on the national Pi np1."a Ddta qUt:!-'tion. "Res.loved that e \"ols.t ad Act should Le amended Pt•rmit tht• sale of Light \Yine.:> ncl Reer· 1 So far this yeaL" I ·o::;h have l·ome out. for debate tu nly sopl-5, Althoug-h this a fici nt numbc:r of soph_omores I makt a team, ).Jr. Stone 1s anx- us for a larger tl'presentation alHI J Act'ion Scene in Bobcat- Grizzly Game. :\OVE1IBER 2, lfl2G (Courtesy Butte :\liner) l!F.\l.1'11 SER\"!("!, FREE \ .ll l!N \TION Thl number'· cl<.:(' u, ..;ma 1 b< in thl' l"t)· mab. ... \acdnali1..n of lhl' student hod) seem ild\ is,ahk. :ar t 1., ' lJ.r n1 11(: 1.f the students haH• the <Loi;;e,a:,e, but m::tny ha' t IH t betn n.·<·entl)· \;u:cina "d a.n<l thu hr.uld he 11rotC'cted. ThC' health fun<t wrn the· lC!'"t oi· \accin:1tiun, 1;r<n·idcd the ' ucknt ru "rittcn authori .1ad1 n fr•):-Jl :\lrs. 'h·( ron. Thost '·' l'r hrnc hcen Y3C· ('·r.a• wit 1 1in th<. la"'-l ..,., \en )'<t• lil'l'rf not ur.ply. as they ar J ff hahlv immune. .cnt 7 ANNUAL HOMECOMING DAY.SLATED FOR SATURDAY, TIME B. Y. U. GAME l\;J H }} R d I Dance In Gvmnasium .\fter ll ontana a ea Y Third l'\un;ber of Course By Winter Quarter ' .\!ti <>ugh ",-:;:;- Complete Reno,ation Taking Place on E\ery Floor. ::-iew Distribution of Departments ha\'e ! et:n it• 1tletl u i 11 •• 1 urday w1,J he a ill, lav t 1 ni and cx-:--tude11t:-., \\ .l c builrHn:. ;lr;d althou h t in1 O\emcn .hly aie wdl l roug \\<1 h(•y \\ill be a le (I p1dtlll 111 n The t ... 1i r o( :\ltnt·ma Ilull. no\' eye Jll lo-'" ai. uu1 I a g:hosl. of it. form1 r i::.l•lf will hm t' to say 01 1t -elf 1 a e 1apirlly its m·v. forn .. yean' time. was once the mbh· i:s nc.w 1 The Hobcats 1l1e t l;r1 ur reutt'r 1ntt.-1 e t from this class. :\Jr .. Stnrt: has ar;.1nge.d the 1- ------------ - ---------: =- ------- ---- - -------- 1 ·hedulc so that ull Frosh debate-; J926 M G • A ll A ' 11! he oVH before the holidays. The Emil Rousseau to ontanan wen - merican ormal at Dillon will send a ,am hue to clebatt: time be- R t' l N C [ P A C t t l- 1;r . thl· pre·t'n th;, nh·ciua ti•n i not «nmpuls1 l)ut \\lwn it is t'\ \ n a Jigh! casl' of "ill forn'.' a stu- d<nt to IJt' quarantimd for a nrnnth. it .. C'ms tu t l' ; 1 d- \o1nla i.:c- ( r thi:-. upμortuniiy. This cflcr "ill i.::o into <he-• ·ovcmbcr Hh, ;rnd t• n- tinue until the tnd c.f lhl qua;- te r. ilown to h<.lf its ; :-;j._ . .,, \\ h1k Cnh·er::.ity at tv; ) o· 1oc S ur1 en•ral of!H:('S a!ld roor:-is ll'J afternoon'. in a g'ame that wil 11 k · vccupy the remaining .::.pate ·hat wa history in the Rocky :irnu!rly u:-;e<l for the awlitoriu fhe g-nate:-:t part of the work on tni e-Yet11ng-, nft1..:r .. l ll re H.e second week in December. Appear N ovember 6 a mg n . . . . . on es <lC>finite <latt> has been set for the .ub-Bobkitten dt bate as yet. I D. n. S\\'IN(;LE, Chairm<'!n. Health Committ('e .. Joor is now complc.>ted and thi.: kal numb1;;r of the Artis•':-; L'OU t ;omining is about all that i:-. nelde will be a dante in the g\ i o put tl".e finishing touche ... +., th r,iven by the A"' ria+l•1l t dt n The frL·..;hmen sig'ned up for <le --- ,ate- an: Tattan, Loraiie Co)'., ls Third Number of Yea r 's Con- 1l 1:.n .:\luchow. James IJ,in- cert Course. Star ts at el 1 "ullen. Homer . lol'lon, Bod Lamb. 15 p M u·thur She Id·. n, Hart Rutledge · · · Jenry \\'ayr:t. T. Brown, Loi..:. I --- . . 'obleigh , Adena Rchumacher, Fl ora Emil R?usseau, American Dramatl 1 >a bis ... Beth Sink. The J Tenor, .will re: E. ,J. Oakwood, h.enncth P. gymnasium Satu1daJ e\e1.1ng. No ,h:ssie L. Helm, Ille, I Ycmblr 6, at 8:15 in tbe thir·J "'oster Burk, an<l :\Jargaret Dewe;y. number of the Art1st_s course .. Mr. Although the Yarsity debate !';quad Rouss.eau ha s _had w1<le ob not start ·work until aft er both 1n Amenca and abroad, m Op- ihristmas, agreements have becm era, Oratorio, a_nd on the < acllld for our team to meet Uta it stage. It is with unusual 1ntnest 1 ni\·ersity and Brigham Young Uni- that the musical public is .watrhing tn-sitv down there this veal". James- his advent in the concert field. cwn rolhge of North has in-I Mr. Rousseau gained his early e:x- rrmed .:\Jr. Stone that they expect their team here this year ut no date is yet set. Gredey col- - uf Colorado has asked us for a ual debate this year but as yet r.o I etinite understanding has beEn mad l• ur t"eason that attempts are being I rnde to arrange another debate witt. \ Colorado team in order to make the rip pay. The Ur:iversity of :Montana ha.s sked that a state debating trip be rranged which will provide for de- ates between representatives of 1 ur school and the niversity with J he leading cities of the state. Former "U" Men Killed In Wreck \ cci d ent on Gregson Highway fa tal to B utte N ews pap e Men For many of the M. S. C. faculty nd students who went over to Butte or the big football game, the day 1as greatly saddened by the news 01 he fatal auto mishap in which John IJ.oriarity and Sam \Villiams were ill Ed and \\'illiam Laughrin serious - '/ injured. I The meL, all employees of the I ?lliner, haJ met after finishing 1ork on the night shift and decide<l o drive out toward Gregson Springo. 'hey nearing the springs abou t ighl o'clock in the morning when 3. ire blew out . As .l\Ioriarity, who vas driving, applied the brakes, the:. ar turnEd o,·er killing him almost 1mediately. \Villiam s was s till live whln help m-rivecl but cliea evening. ··wmiam Lau g hrin, third occupant of the car, is ::;uffer- 'lg from injuries rel·eh·ed in the- al'- ide nt. J ohn :;\loriarity was a graduate u! he Univcrsitv of 1\1ontana. of tiw 1.:ar 1 24, and he had, just a short ime ago, be-en pl'omoted to posi- ion of city editor of the ?IJiner. He as well known to many Bozeman EMIL ROUSSEAU perience in concert work throughout the entire United States. He has pur- sued his studies abroad, in Ita ly and France, for a number of years engaging in his preser.t work in concert field in America . He made his first appearance in operatic: roles in l\Iilan and has since been engaged by Gatti-Casazza for heavy roles at the Methopolilan in York . As a recital artist, l\1r. Roussea 1 1 has an unusual charm, delighting his audiences th e richness. war111t'1 and remarkable range of hif- ,·oice . The similarity of his voic.:e in tonal quality to that of Caruso has fre- quEn tl y been co mmented upon. It is, however, for faultless interpre- tation and diction that Rousseau i:.; most not ed. College Judging Team Wins 4th Co nt est He ld at International L iv es tock S how in Portland rooms. Plans are bt n1ade for u u1 The 1926 Mon tanan was awardEd all-American rating in the sixth tional Central ln terSC'ho lastic Prl·ss Association yearbook contest an-i honorable mention in the Arts Craft_,, Guild national competition for 1926 annuals. de,·ised for such purpose:-;. YHH books were enten·tl from t\'erv tion of the United en- I tnes from the Canal Zone and H:t- D waii as wdl. The all-Ameih:an hon- on or rating-:-> were given lo all books The second floor, <ir library section bi,tger Home l'omin{; D. t 1f tht· building, l:as u1derg-01u a com spring. On June 1'7. a1ran 1 n Bennett Chosen 1lete thange. ::\-lo:'t of the partition are under wav to comb1 11e 1 h i 1a\e been removed and nothin;.{ bul Coming day, TL 0. T. l. da), I Jillar:-, scattered here and there, no''- .:\len's and .\\\ H11 h: It has been a pollc:y, establish:...d by the 192;) Montanan, to our col- lege annual in these two contests. The 1925 yearbook recein<l first class Tating in class lllj including collej?es with enrollment from 300 to 699 students, in the C. I. P. A. con- test. The Montanan o( 1926 receiv- ed a11-AnH:rican rating in class fI, including competition from yearbooks in colleges with enrollment from 700 to 1,599 students. Jn 1925, the Mon- tanan received the prize for the gre· atest improvement in the Arts Craft Guild contest in competition with colleges \\;th enrollmert up b 700 students. This award gave us a cup for the greatest impro,·ement of any annual, in class three competi- tion, over the an n ual published at our own college the previous year. In the Arts Craft Guild contesl the 1926 :Montanan was enter€d ir. Cla::.s II , having college enrollment of less than 2,000 but over 700 1 and ir thi' co mpetition an honorable mention award was received. which the most uf their oppor- A tunit;es in the production of their an- S nual:-:;. The all-Ameri<:an is the hiμ;h- Representative ·u\'c:r the floor ::-pace previuu.,,ly gi\'- Its main purJtnsc will be tn t: ·n over to c:lass. ..\lo:-;t of t:1e rize completi•1n of thE hi:! buildi e .iodehi g and plastering is HO\\ campaign at .J.l. S. C' .. \\ell a :::st possible raing- followed by tirst, - ---- d on this :.Joor. but quite d new campus and impro ·enlCnt second, thi rd and 'nath rat- '\'ill ings. A t tend Conference of ,'' "1.cnf1lao1onr>'.nt;,o "b.oerl\.d. kalso111inin ... grounds have all be n s tH t. d .. prepared for spring-. e t The C. I. P. A. contEst had 489 books entered and was judged by the most comprehensiYe score book cYer In class two in this contest five annua18 received all-American ra,- ing-:::;, one of them the ::\lontan an of IU26. This means that ou1 yearbook was clas"' '1£-,I une ot the fh·e best, in elass, in the tional contest. The fi\·e books we1·e gi\ en the same hon- ors and one was nnt aboH the other. H onorable ment' in the Art (l"afts Guild con'"e .. , a n with colleges ha,·in .. !' rnrollmen s u to means that the yearbook fo 1U2G was rated between third and twe lfth in all of the. cullegcs in thi l1nited 8tates. i'l c:lass two. Ther( are se\'en in this eontC:'t anu then· is a first. second Hnd thir(l place awarded in each elass. as we;J as a prize for the gTeate =t impro\'v ment. Th ese books l"l."cciYL cup while the next ten book.;; rc1.:eive hon orable mention. Plans For Annual Girls' Voc atio nal Congress Discussed Speci al Ass embly The first assembly of the Associat- as many visiting delegates. as <lesireu ed \Vomen was held Friday to come. Becam:.e of the difficulty o at 11:15 in the assembly room in the hou::;ing them and also so that th engineering building. high school \\ill apprec;ate tht The purpose of this e as'sembly wa s I honor upon them 'vhcn ch)· to discuss plans for Girls' Vocational sen to come, it has btcn decided t Congress. Frances 'Wylie, chairman allow only two official dcle).!n'.e of Vocational Congress, announced from each high and no visitir('] he-r committees . They are as fol- delegates . Each of.ric:ial dt·kg-at lows: will have to l·redentials fn,1 Secretaries, Ruth ('as'!y' Lillian Iu:r high in order to be Kindschy. · n11tted to ( ongress._ Dl'legate-s I l:Jousing committee. Elva Budd. a .. Shirley Fabrick.. 6G -3 pe1 cem. <ltd\lttl-s, 3,, 1-. Reception cornmittee, l\larv Patten per cent. Student rederation of Amer- 1 " The fff,.,t or ad111inis I fil10r u the will ha\'e r •\\" . t e b1 <l ica Decen1 ber 2 .. 3, and .\lontana Ila! is <:.till in I he ings will be finbhe<I and set k I t ng stag'e. alt,10ul!h the Hl'J:!ll ha:l roads and sic!lwalks mad per an Dnn Bennett was. t: ·)!-', n ar thl last l"tudent Senate mret1 g to resent Montana Stat, (\11le.:e at th i\ational Student Fedeiatii n of lh Gnited State:-; of A meril·a, :.i nual congre . ..;s. to be held at th& [ vcrsity of :\lichigan, Ann ArlH r. u Dt.ccmber :!nd. :Jnl a: ,1 lth. The purpose> of this ni1·1·t"n· students is to t"·xam1ne v:,: o at:- tu·:o. that t·imtribut. to ihe tompkxi of our presf•nt ar adc:nie dents frcm all of the lai .L:"f'l' colle::::e"- \\ill meet he!·e at th1 time to 'ariou . ..; ... among which will bE' i1w!ude•I plan and policie:-; formed on the tits, college athletics. honor lem, student government. IJ£ ins· r tional and the l'Ufl'il·ulum. The of this studer:t ..t"ation of pre., nt day l·an·.pu. prob !ems \vill be out tu pa pr rs o the ,·arious colleges and unht.-• sitie of the country for public:1t:on .;o tha· after the conference is ovu, 'h F.x pcnert will publi"h a repor of the findinc-s of in estJg-ati,in Last year this Student Fed. meeting- was held in ew Yoi k ('; y Xo representati\'e wa:-: t f1,11 here but at that time, G neviev Cooley, a grndunte of t:1e o '25, wa:::. in the city and acted as the ::\lonlana State represcntati\·t. lock is the only familiar in and everything in gen(•rai or1 er \\hat was me ti1e 1.·enter Jl the t·oJ the alumd siJrht-see.n;: tour lege . I Prc:-ident and Pr( \\. I he loWl'l' Uoor 1 whid1 b to Le <L- I Edsall of the Alumni A sor1,1tion 01cd o tr;c i"hy!<. ·:-. C: f81 m nt, \\ill 1 ha..-e appointed th f, llow 11'.:!' o tlqUite (jJite a Ln o. w rk belure n. mittee ·u handle rict.aib of t.10 d , . y,;!11 h hnt \\Olk on lt 1 v.·. F'. Rrewf'r, 1.;.·ha,rman; R. Po\ ::>Ll''-• iity pu hmg iorwatd An. entir den. SPC'r'etary; II. E. 1\lor ne\\ of heating- nn1l :-:;c-C>.t .:\Jr". \\-. D. Ta. Ii um T · .. i.. 11• t...i.Jl d ._ n- u , l, .nm.t-(; nn\\ ls. , l nin 01 i ild1nμ· and oW pipt•s and wires that I her from ('ach cla ·s amon.... t w ·d to arto1 t!w lower floor ar no'\' alumui to \\Ol'k on plane: for eti 1·emO\"ecl . a lan:re number of membe :.; e2: 1 Thl' at thi ea"t end o.f thp class. hack for tl1e reunion. huih •• u,g- ha:s !)(-en tukL·n out and ·b1 1 wnr c given over to offices . .\.L--o. thP cast ent1-ance to the build- rng- is 11ow do!'t:tl up ar.d winclo'1.:- . uilt Ill t, pLHt.' .-\lt"ough a deal of work \\ill be i equi1 e:d before thC' building- will bE:- really for use, Pt·of. Plew. super \ ising arc hi ed. is eonfid nt thr t nc :t qua1·ter all will be (•ompleted in hh next linl: of imprO\"t ment:... Dr. Johnson Wins Chem Fellowship Will Study in Copenhagen For :\ine Months Under Auspices of Rockefeller Foundation ELOISE WRIGHT INJURED Dr . .-\. H . .rohn,oii. \\'ho ha be DO!l\"Q S:.\111\DITNG STUNTS granted lea\e of absem·e f om t :\lcn:ana State College chemi try <1 \Vhile pe1:forming swimmmg fdlowship by the Rocke"'l'lltr F ou Eloi'"'e \Vriglit, the fo1mu· mana·.,. partment, for a yea from next ... .1r editor oi the Exponen:, who i'." will sludy at Co pent 1ge1. Denm rL.. now attending the l'nivcrsity of ld- j may also visit Paris, London, an• aho. was injured two we ks I\ 1enna .. Dr. Johnson receff s t11 ago, acL·or<lmg: to a le ter ncened cpportumty be<:nuse be has be here reccntlv. I grant d the hunor of a t a.i;cll r: T"'ENTY-FOl'R MEMBERS stunts in the pltmi<e at :.lloseow, she datiun .of :-.:c\\' \.·ork, as_ <>ne ··f tu I fell aagrnst the cunC'nt floormg-, a:id vronusmg chem1sb of this FIRST .\RT CLUB l\IEETI:\G, sustained concussion of the b1a1n. country. 1 She was removed tu Spokant-. to The Rockefeller Four:<lnt'on of' r --- I home, where she is rf<-'O\'erint?: rnpid- folluwsHps to in all 1un :\Ieeting Held in Art Exhibit. ly, and is expetted 1 0 return to sd1001 tries. The L. S. usually ge ,; onc- Room of Engineering Build- a short time._ . of and Germany the rn .: Elo1:.-e \\:ln the swnnming" netlal a h1g-hcst number. Lu:-;t )ear tH,. M. S. C'. last spring-, and H<.'1 w re sixty fellowships o. erctl, ing ag ·r of the Swimmmg Club. though the number varie:;. in d Entertainment , Leo nore Suhivan. I Freshmen girJg who wete Publicity, programs and printinh, la st year will ad as pages. Frid.1,' 1 he fir.-:t mc•ejng- uf thl' Art club Thelma Gayl ord. morning the Senior girls will app.<..1 .\'as held cven'1t,1.;, Ot'lobc I '1\7 (Ill yL:irs. Ea1.h who frllowship 1s HllO\\ L'<l to s udy Vt 1 rt - C\ er he wishes, UPing- f1 ," lt'l•d l, t 1...• Foum.lal;on. He nrn.:;t l·hoose Convention Edylhl• in their cap s and gowns. .?H at 7 o'<:loc-k l r OT Burge. I I t · · · · l\Iusit Helen Crozier, I : c c?n a ll) There were t\\<.>ntv four meLih1 St bl .' of girls will be d1:->m1:;sed dur11.g < 11n- n:· .. •ent and_ thl• .. it tf W.A.A. Officers Clara Dugan. -\Jt GalleTy m the Eng111h·nn1.{ builn l Anyone desiring to take gi rls in to Dean IIcnick spoke to the in,!!. )fl::.. Ilai nun cl hi P · 1 --- their homes should see Elva Budd or men women l'OncHning lht;> .·\ttarn tme::; frnm the t lint:. Esth l' \sburv and .Jo o·conner Shirley Fabrick. If anyone has a mcnt Cui) awardl'd to some .Juriio ·t.luui c1nd e. . car to donate 1 Mary Pat ten can fin.I eaeh year. She tol<l of the requirl:- From the1c lh\!v adjourn J o l · 1 l P 101 Pre:'.Sident. Jo use for it in melting congress. dcle- men ts for gaii;ing the t·up and urg·t<d llunnon's apa1 whe1 hu .. rnes La!St Year gates at the trains . Lvery girl to make that her .t:nal to- metting' held and n•f1c hn t'... --- The re are to be some cha nges in war<l which to :strive. \\ fl'e :.-1.;.•1 ved \\ A A. met for the r1.. t 111 the program usually followed this The next \Vomen 1 s A"sl•mbh· will The dub 1-s t:ikm'.Z' up a <l eH· tlu:::; \ear on Fr1Ja\· af;.c1n on Ol·t snn. outs.anJir:g 111 hi p ... rtt u ar Im tJ" work, \\it! whom l' v. 1 c > "tudy. Or. John:,:on ha-: cho 11 Tlr. Sonm:0=on , who 1:-: lo(·ated at ( l ur I a.bora nry, f opt IL nge• [k mark. \\'hile n, whitli w.11 h nnm abm ... s.\en to n;uc monlh, h• is tu work on 1n'•)tl•i11s awl z. 11 .... From ti tze, he goes ti P:u1s t 1 (" eople, ancl well liked by all who llC'W him. Sam was also a formEL' tudent of the Cniversity, and woul.i a\"C grnduate.d from there in '2f) had c gone ahead with his studies. He ·as a 1 e1>orter on the ::\liner st aff. year. Before-, there ha,·e been a c:er- pt·obably be held during nt 1 ·)hase of work th1s year, from an) ::!!! . i"1c lllll'ting- t'O.llt>d to ord1.•1 The college stock judging- team '. ain number of off icial delegates and quarter . the\- ha,·1.; dnrc bc\1n•. Cr:i t in the locker room of the .!!YT won fourth place in competition with -------------------------- ----\ lass.t:s he held e\ery Thuri;tby by .Jo_ O'Connor. Edith Sw!nide T_Ul1 sult '' ith 01.e o th1: direttuts th l"uundat n WhCJ is. to outhn pJ in or the next five or :.:ix mon 1s. l . .Johns' n would like tn ,., it f., I ·1 f for a wr.· c ni:<l possibly g, to \ i nn l to work w (h Pnuli 1 n coi oiLJ.;; Formal pledging- was held at the hi Omega house last week for Ruth anderg. RESULT GR.\ l:\' .I CDG! NG CONTEST WESTERN U NIO:\' A l A E h •b • • C ,·emng 111 thc> depart me r 111 th d1t> nnnu'e,:. ot the la:,;t wh11.: teams from other noi·thw<Stern nnua rt x l ztzon re at es ll/luch states and Canada, at the Pacific In- lt' li 'Yuman·s building, and ar1..' took Ja:-;t 8pring- telore \\·0111- ternational Lh-e Stock sho w held to be allowed to do any l,!nd nf l'n's Day. at Port land last week . The five Interest Among Bozeman A rt Lovers crafts wm·k, such a> etch;, g-. jewelr). The principal object of Frt< ,.,. de :.11 ' f b nual Chrbtmas Bazanr on llet 1'1hf"r inatiori:-: wer.o. a::; than twenty points di ference e- The third annual exhibition of the ing to ha\'C the explaimd thit-d and fourth. This i expc..:tecl Pre iJl'flt EsthP1· \i;;bun·, .To t ween our high and low mt;. Bozeman Chaph:r of the American please notify the Art departmc,nt to be C'\·en more of a than ·he O'l onnor sf> rPt".lry-trC'a"'Ul"H, T'wl 'fhose making the tr!p with Pro- Federation of Arts opened Tuesday Man y of the down town l·lubs and one Jast year it is th ma Gay}( rd. Shirlev Fabric. Fl 1 n · fessor :;\fcChord are Har old Kohls. e,·ening, October 26th. The paintings st udent group!; have- asked to he as- to\\'ll)5.penple ard \\ill J)!· .John:.:on. Harold Barnum , Carl AlbrEcht, Fred l are all loaned by the :\ l etropolitan s igne<l a day on which to \·i:-;it th to do their ('h 1·i!.;t11111:- t' e1 '. ).£aanl2'.' 1-:-; for th<- Long- and Ranald Axtell. :'11useu111 of Art, New York City. ex hibit a1:d have the pidurl'S tx- There will bl. art ohjl·l·b fr?111 a were al o'd; Hifc Sa is a trip that men An informal reception was held OI! plained . m·er the world Japan, (zpcho S - KC'ndall, Edythe Burl!: Tenn;s Tl( l ·n ·101<:> I' n Ill lcS \:ow 1 the tim t pa\ dur.;;.. m.t t0m1 11 ·W 1 t e day after. Hl:T TO JA) ' \t t Inst mee g of th it wa., <itc•1tle1l ;.hat shoul 1 pay t l th Ralp .:\luwC>r <•r to urer, Ke 1( t, Jl.t) f n d1 - re+ wfi1h hash' n h:rn from ye r w ::\"orth Por tl and. Ore. 6 I'. l , 1926 " ' e(.:kl) E:\l>onen t, in agricu l ture in the diffe1·er.t col- the opening e·vening. Music was fur- The exhibits are on dbplay until ,-akin. Itah·, Franee, etc. lt \\ill hl f'r1,ziC'r. :'\Iur. ella Sclneiiler: Swim Jeges look forward to with great ex- nished through the cour t esy of )I r. November 7, and ('an be fJ'"llH an tn obt;:1in u:lUS\. tl minQ' :\lila P Edith .S\\'int:dt:>. pectation. And comp€tition between Orton. Punch was served . There until 12, from 2 until 5, and 7 unti! ts. T:.a will hl' ho th d. Tlikii i;- E.::ther \\.ah Frieda I the different college teams is very a good attendance, and an appreci- nine, and all Sunday afternotin. of the exhibit. Jlen<lril'k.;;on: ·w:n 1 cr sports Rut keen. ative audience. Mr s. Hann on has said that is TherL• lw an exhibit o" el'i Rutledg-c, Dorothy .J.:i.(•J !'on; M :l t'r- 1 The team '\'.ill give a l'l- The College a con- very well plea::;ed with the attcd:H1cc ing that will he wo Lh while abnnt nt-lnrg-e- :\Iarjorie .\rrv f• IS 111 ll J I fl(\\' w IC' )'l•U ·our wa 1 f!' un ,. II a e iin 11 :.r u Bonman, )1 ont. Orego n f irst. :\lont.ana second, ldalio thii-d. Canada fo ur th. T o" - er high. port of the trip upon then· Te tu rn. \ test on the exhibits. For the best so far, but she urges the- students 10 the of lle. -<>mh<'r in thP- depart Belle ::\farkin. I · paper on picture in the gallery I take ad\'antage of the wond.·rful np- ment. Elections "'ill he held within thP Mrs, Earl G 1 · egory was a dinner a prize of ten dollars is offered.'portunity offered them, a" the samt• The nH·lting- adjourned at fl:';O a1 1 l two Wl"' ks an•l al1 mcmhe guest Saturday evening al the O. B. T_here is also a prize- for the will probably not be herl! work will begin in the clas-:-t·s ne t of '\\'-. A. A. who pay their dues at fraternity. J high school paper. Any group Wlsh- agam. Thursday evening. 'the time of election may vote.

Archives and Special Collections - MSU Library | Montana ...€¦ · Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field---And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work

Mar 28, 2021



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Page 1: Archives and Special Collections - MSU Library | Montana ...€¦ · Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field---And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work

Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field-- -And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy


Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work Left U n til

-~ fter Frosh Work ls Started

T'w Fre~hman-Sophnnore deba :~ I :::-- w~ar wiII be on the national Pi

np1."a Ddta qUt:!-'tion. "Res.loved that e \"ols.t ad Act should Le amended

Pt•rmit tht• sale of Light \Yine.:> ncl Reer· 1 So far this yeaL" fift~c: I ·o::;h have l·ome out. for debate tu nly ~ix sopl-5, Althoug-h this ye~n

a ~:.J: fici nt numbc:r of soph_omores I makt a team, ).Jr. Stone 1s anx­

us for a larger tl'presentation alHI J Act'ion Scene in Bobcat- Grizzly Game.

:\OVE1IBER 2, lfl2G

(Courtesy Butte :\liner)

l!F.\l.1'11 SER\"!("!, OFFEil~ FREE \ .ll l!N \TION

Thl inc-rl·tsin~ number'· cl<.:('

u, ..;ma 1b< in thl' l"t)· mab. ... \acdnali1..n of lhl' student hod) seem ild\ is,ahk. ~h :ar t 1., ' lJ.r n1 11(: 1.f the students haH• t;t~{'l\ the <Loi;;e,a:,e, but m::tny ha' t IH t betn n.·<·entl)· \;u:cina "d a.n<l thu hr.uld he 11rotC'cted.

ThC' health fun<t wrn p~·~ the· lC!'"t oi· \accin:1tiun, 1;r<n·idcd the ' ucknt ru in·~ "rittcn authori .1ad1 n fr•):-Jl :\lrs. 'h·( ron. Thost '·' l'r hrnc hcen ~·ucn•s!"fulh: Y3C·

('·r.a• ~1 wit 11in th<. la"'-l • ..,., \en )'<t• ~ lil'l'rf not ur.ply. as they ar J ff hahlv immune.

.cnt 7


l\;J H }} R d I Dance In Gvmnasium .\fter ll ontana a ea Y Third l'\un;ber of .\rti~b


By Winter Quarter' .\!ti <>ugh ",-:;:;-

Complete Reno,ation Taking Place on E\ery Floor. ::-iew Distribution of Departments

ha\'e ! et:n it• 1tletl u i 11 yf.~ •• 1 urday w1,J he a ill, lav t 1

ni and cx-:--tude11t:-., \\ .l c builrHn:. ;lr;d althou h t in1 O\emcn ar~

.hly aie wdl l roug \\<1 •

h(•y \\ill be a le (I p1dtlll 111 n The t ... 1i r o( :\ltnt·ma Ilull. no\' i~iiHl's eye Jll lo-'" ai. uu1 I

onl~ a g:hosl. of it. form1 r i::.l•lf will hm t' to say 01 1t -elf 1 a e 1apirlly a~suming its m·v. forn .. \\~a yean' time. was once the a~s· mbh· i:s nc.w 1 The Hobcats 1l1e t l;r1 ur reutt'r 1ntt.-1 e t from this class.

:\Jr .. Stnrt: has ar;.1nge.d the dcbat.~ 1-------------- ---------:=------------- --------1 ·hedulc so that ull Frosh debate-; • J926 M G • A ll A ' 11! he oVH before the holidays. The Emil Rousseau to ontanan wen - merican

~ ormal ~chool at Dillon will send a ,am hue to clebatt: ~ome time be- R t' l N C [ P A C t t

l- 1;r .thl· pre·t'n th;, nh·ciua ti•n i not «nmpuls1 r~. l)ut \\lwn i t is n.·1:1~·rnl1L•rc<l th~! t'\ \ n a Jigh! casl' of ~m:-dlp<1x "ill forn'.' a stu­d<nt to IJt' quarantimd for a nrnnth. it ~ .. C'ms '1c-~t tu t l' ; 1d­\o1nla i.:c- ( r thi:-. upµortuniiy.

This cflcr "ill i.::o into <he-• Thur~day, ·ovcmbcr Hh, ;rnd t• n­tinue until the tnd c.f lhl qua;­te r.

ilown to h<.lf its ; on1~c1· :-;j._ . .,, \\ h1k Cnh·er::.ity at tv; ) o· 1oc S ur1 en•ral of!H:('S a!ld da~s roor:-is ll'J afternoon'. in a g'ame that wil 11 k ·

vccupy the remaining .::.pate ·hat wa history in the Rocky \lount~i :irnu!rly u:-;e<l for the awlitoriu ~. fl~rem·e.

fhe g-nate:-:t part of the work on tni ~aturtlav e-Yet11ng-, nft1..:r .. l ~ ll

re H.e second week in December. Appear November 6 a mg n . . . . . on es ~u <lC>finite <latt> has been set for the .ub-Bobkitten dt bate as yet. I D. n. S\\'IN(;LE,

Chairm<'!n. Health Committ('e

.. Joor is now complc.>ted and thi.: kal numb1;;r of the Artis•':-; L'OU ~t:, t

;omining is about all that i:-. nelde will be a dante in the g\ i o put tl".e finishing touche ... +., th r,iven by the A"' ria+l•1l t dt


The frL·..;hmen sig'ned up for <le ---,ate- an: ~lary Tattan, Loraiie Co)'., ls Third Number of Yea r's Con-1l1:.n .:\luchow. James ~lor11~un, IJ,in- cert Course. Starts at el 1 "ullen. Homer . lol'lon, Bod Lamb. 8· 15 p M u·thur She Id·. n, Hart Rutledge · · · Jenry Ea~Je, \\'ayr:t. T. Brown, Loi..:. I --- . . 'obleigh , Adena Rchumacher, Flora Emil R?usseau, American Dramatl 1

>a bis ... Beth Sink. The ~ophomore~ J Tenor, .will aype:~r ~t ~h~. t·oll e/?:~ re: E. ,J. Oakwood, h.enncth P. gymnasium Satu1daJ e\e1.1ng. No ·opelt~', ,h:ssie L. Helm, ('harle~ Ille, I Ycmblr 6, at 8:15 o'_cl~ck in tbe thir·J "'oster Burk, an<l :\Jargaret Dewe;y. number of the Art1st_s course . . Mr.

Although the Yarsity debate !';quad Rouss.eau has _had w1<le exp~nene~ ob not start ·work until after both 1n Amenca and abroad, m Op­ihristmas, agreements have becm era, Oratorio, a_nd on the _co1~cert < acllld for our team to meet Uta it stage. It is with unusual 1ntnest 1 ni\·ersity and Brigham Young Uni- that the musical public is .watrhing tn-sitv down there this veal". James- his advent in the concert field. cwn rolhge of North D~kota has in-I Mr. Rousseau gained his early e:x­rrmed .:\Jr. Stone that they expect

~end their team here this year ut no date is yet set. Gredey col-

- ~ge uf Colorado has asked us for a ual debate this year but as yet r.o I etinite understanding has beEn mad l• ur t"eason that attempts are being I rnde to arrange another debate witt. \

Colorado team in order to make the rip pay.

The Ur:iversity of :Montana ha.s sked that a state debating trip be rranged which will provide for de­ates between representatives of

1 ur school and the niversity with J

he leading cities of the state.

Former "U" Men Killed In Wreck

\ ccident on Gregson Highway fa ta l to B utte N ewspape r· Men

For many of the M. S. C. faculty nd students who went over to Butte or the big football game, the day 1as greatly saddened by the news 01

he fatal auto mishap in which John IJ.oriarity and Sam \Villiams were ill Ed and \\'illiam Laughrin serious­'/ injured.

I The meL, all employees of the I ~utte ?lliner, haJ met after finishing 1ork on the night shift and decide<l o drive out toward Gregson Springo. 'hey nearing the springs about ighl o'clock in the morning when 3.

ire blew out. As .l\Ioriarity, who vas driving, applied the brakes, the:. ar turnEd o,·er killing him almost 1mediately. \Villiam s was still live whln help m-rivecl but cliea evening. ··wmiam Laug hrin, third occupant of the car, is ::;uffer-

'lg from injuries rel·eh·ed in the- al'­ident.

J ohn :;\loriarity was a graduate u! he Univcrsitv of 1\1ontana. of tiw 1.:ar 124, and he had, just a short

ime ago, be-en pl'omoted to th~ posi­ion of city editor of the ?IJiner. He as well known to many Bozeman


perience in concert work throughout the entire United States. He has pur­sued his studies abroad, in Ita ly and France, for a number of years befo1·~ engaging in his preser.t work in th~ concert field in America . He made his first appearance in operatic: roles in l\Iilan and has since been engaged by Gatti-Casazza for heavy roles a t the Methopolilan in ~ew York .

As a recital artist, l\1r. Roussea 11 has an unusual charm, delighting his audiences ,.,~ith th e richness. war111t'1 and remarkable range of hif- ,·oice. The similarity of his voic.:e in tonal quality to that of Caruso has fre­quEntl y been commented upon. I t is, however, for l~i:; faultless interpre­tation and diction that Rousseau i:.; most not ed.

College Judging Team Wins 4th

Contest H e ld at International L ivestock S how in


rooms. Plans are bt in~ n1ade for u u1 The 1926 Montanan was awardEd all-American rating in the sixth ~a­tional Central ln terSC'holastic Prl·ss Association yearbook contest an-i honorable mention in the Arts Craft_,, Guild national competition for 1926 annuals.

de,·ised for such purpose:-;. YHH books were enten·tl from t\'erv ~H'.-tion of the United State~. ,,·1~h en- I tnes from the Canal Zone and H:t- D waii as wdl. The all-Ameih:an hon- on or rating-:-> were given lo all books

The second floor, <ir library section bi,tger Home l'omin{; D. t

1f tht· building, l:as u1derg-01u a com spring. On June 1'7. a1ran 1 n

Bennett Chosen 1lete thange. ::\-lo:'t of the partition are under wav to comb1 11e 1 h i

1a\e been removed and nothin;.{ bul Coming day, TL 0. T. l . da), I Jillar:-, scattered here and there, no''- .:\len's and \\"vmen'~ .\\\ H11 h:

It has been a pollc:y, establish:...d by the 192;) Montanan, to ent~r our col­lege annual in these two contests. The 1925 yearbook recein<l first class Tating in class lllj including collej?es with enrollment from 300 to 699 students, in the C. I. P. A. con­test. The Montanan o( 1926 receiv­ed a11-AnH:rican rating in class fI, including competition from yearbooks in colleges with enrollment from 700 to 1,599 students. Jn 1925, the Mon­tanan received the prize for the gre·atest improvement in the Arts Craft Guild contest in competition with colleges \\;th enrollmert up b 700 students. This award gave us a cup for the greatest impro,·ement of any annual, in class three competi­tion, over the annual published at our own college the previous year. In the Arts Craft Guild contesl the 1926 :Montanan was enter€d ir. Cla::.s II , having college enrollment of less than 2,000 but over 700 1 and ir thi' competition an honorable mention award was received.

which nrnd~ the most uf their oppor- A tunit;es in the production of their an- S nual:-:;. The all-Ameri<:an is the hiµ;h- Representative

·u\'c:r the floor ::-pace previuu.,,ly gi\'- Its main purJtnsc will be tn t:

·n over to c:lass. room~. ..\lo:-;t of t:1e rize completi•1n of thE hi:! buildi e .iodehi g and plastering is HO\\ campaign at .J.l. S. C' .. '1~ \\ell a

:::st possible raing- followed by tirst, - ---- ~11,.let d on this :.Joor. but quite d new campus and impro ·enlCnt second, thi rd and 'nath cla~s rat- '\'ill ings.

A t tend Conference of ,'' "1.cnf1lao1onr>'.nt;,o "b.oerl\.d. oa1n1·~. kalso111inin ... grounds have all be n s tH t. d .. prepared for spring-. B~ e t

The C. I. P. A. contEst had 489 books entered and was judged by the most comprehensiYe score book cYer

In class two in this contest five annua18 received all-American ra,­ing-:::;, one of them beiq.~ the ::\lontan an of IU26. This means that ou1 yearbook was clas"' '1£-,I a~ une ot the fh·e best, in thi~ elass, in the ~ci tional all-Amerit:~rn contest. The fi\·e books we1·e gi\ en the same hon­ors and one was nnt cla~sNI aboH the other.

H onorable ment' in the Art (l"afts Guild con'"e .. , a 'l,mpe~iti~ n with colleges ha,·in .. !' rnrollmen s u to ~1000 means that the yearbook fo 1U2G was rated between third and twelfth in all of the. cullegcs in thi l1nited 8tates. i'l c:lass two. Ther( a re se\'en da.:>~es in this eontC:'t anu then· is a first. second Hnd thir(l place awarded in each elass. as we;J as a prize for the gTeate =t impro\'v ment. These books l"l."cciYL cup while the next ten book.;; rc1.:eive hon orable mention.

Plans For Annual Girls' Vocational Congress Discussed Special Assembly

The first assembly of the Associat- as many visiting delegates. as <lesireu ed \Vomen Student~ was held Friday to come. Becam:.e of the difficulty o at 11:15 in the assembly room in the hou::;ing them and also so that th engineering building. high school ~irls \\ill apprec;ate tht

The purpose of this e as'sembly was I honor bc~towe<l upon them 'vhcn ch)· to discuss plans for Girls' Vocational sen to come, it has btcn decided t Congress. Frances 'Wylie, chairman allow only two official dcle).!n'.e of Vocational Congress, announced from each high ~chool and no visitir('] he-r committees. They are as fol- delegates. Each of.ric:ial dt·kg-at lows: will have to pre~tnt l·redentials fn,1

Secretaries, Ruth ('as'!y' Lillian 1· Iu:r high :;e~ool in order to be a~-Kindschy. · n11tted to ( ongress._ Dl'legate-s w~ I

l:Jousing committee. Elva Budd. ~~ .~~ose!1. ~n a .bas1~ -~·' .. s~·h,ola:1sh1~ Shirley Fabrick.. 6G - 3 pe1 cem. ~rnd <ltd\lttl-s, 3,, 1-. Reception cornmittee, l\larv Patten per cent.

Student rederation of Amer- 1" The fff,.,t or ad111inis I atiq~ fil10r u the gra~s will ha\'e r •\\" . t e b1 <l ica Decen1 ber 2 .. 3, and .\lontana Ila! is <:.till in I he ings will be finbhe<I and set k I t

ng stag'e. alt,10ul!h the Hl'J:!ll ha:l roads and sic!lwalks mad per an

Dnn Bennett was. t: ·)!-', n ar thl last l"tudent Senate mret1 g to qi~ resent Montana Stat, (\11le.:e at th i\ational Student Fedeiatii n of lh Gnited State:-; of A meril·a, ~-1:r1nc1 :.i

nual congre . ..;s. to be held at th& [ vcrsity of :\lichigan, Ann ArlH r. u Dt.ccmber :!nd. :Jnl a: ,1 lth.

The purpose> of this ni1·1·t"n· students is to t"·xam1ne v:,: o at:-tu·:o. that t·imtribut. to ihe tompkxi of our presf•nt ar adc:nie l~fe. ~tu

dents frcm all of the lai .L:"f'l' colle::::e"­~nd unin·r~ities \\ill meet he!·e at th1 time to di$L·u:-~ 'ariou . ..; que~tinn ... among which will bE' i1w!ude•I plan and policie:-; formed on the i·~,a·erni

tits, college athletics. t~1e honor ~Y lem, student government. IJ£ ins· r tional ~taff. and the l'Ufl'il·ulum. The result~ of this studer:t irwe~ti

..t"ation of pre., nt day l·an·.pu. prob !ems \vill be ~ent out tu t~f pa pr rs o the ,·arious colleges and unht.-• sitie of the country for public:1t:on .;o tha· after the conference is ovu, 'h F.x pcnert will publi"h a l" 1.1mplet~· repor of the findinc-s of ~hi.,; in estJg-ati,in

Last year this Student Fed. ~·nt:o, meeting- was held in ~ ew Yoi k ('; y Xo representati\'e wa:-: ~e~ t f1,11

here but at that time, :\Ji~~ G neviev Cooley, a grndunte of t:1e cias~ o '25, wa:::. in the city and acted as the ::\lonlana State represcntati\·t.

lock is the only familiar it~m in and everything in gen(•rai or1 er \\hat was me ti1e 1.·enter Jl the t·oJ the alumd siJrht-see.n;: tour lege. I Prc:-ident A~kinson and Pr( \\.

I he loWl'l' Uoor 1 whid1 b to Le <L- I Edsall of the Alumni A sor1,1tion 01cd o tr;c i"hy!<. ·:-. C: f81 m nt, \\ill 1 ha..-e appointed th f, llow 11'.:!' o

tlqUite (jJite a Ln o. w rk belure n. mittee ·u handle rict.aib of t.10 d , . y,;!11 h l011lpleted~ hnt \\Olk on lt 1 v.·. F'. Rrewf'r, 1.;.·ha,rman; R. 1~. Po\ ::>Ll''-• iity pu hmg iorwatd An. entir den. SPC'r'etary; II. E. 1\lor ~. ~ ne\\ ::.-~~..:m of heating- nn1l wirm~ :-:;c-C>.t .:\Jr". \\-. D. Ta. Ii um T ·

.. i.. 11• t...i.Jl d ._ n- u , l, .nm.t-(; nn\\ ls. , l nin 01 i

ild1nµ· and oW pipt•s and wires that I her from ('ach cla ·s amon.... t w u~ ·d to arto1 t!w lower floor ar no'\' alumui to \\Ol'k on plane: for eti 1·emO\"ecl. a lan:re number of membe :.; • e2: 1

Thl' ~1..a1rt:a~e at thi ea"t end o.f thp class. hack for tl1e reunion. huih •• u,g- ha:s !)(-en tukL·n out and ·b1 1 wnr c given over to offices. .\.L--o. thP cast ent1-ance to the build­rng- is 11ow do!'t:tl up ar.d winclo'1.:­. uilt Ill t, pLHt.'

.-\lt"ough a ~reat deal of work \\ill

be i equi1 e:d before thC' building- will bE:- really for use, Pt·of. Plew. super \ ising arc hi ed. is eonfid nt thr t h~ nc :t qua1·ter all will be (•ompleted in hh next linl: of imprO\"t ment:...

Dr. Johnson Wins Chem Fellowship

Will Study in Copenhagen For :\ine Months Under Auspices of Rockefeller Foundation

ELOISE WRIGHT INJURED Dr . .-\. H . .rohn,oii. \\'ho ha be DO!l\"Q S:.\111\DITNG STUNTS granted lea\e of absem·e f om t

:\lcn:ana State College chemi try <1

\Vhile pe1:forming ~ome swimmmg fdlowship by the Rocke"'l'lltr F ou

Eloi'"'e \Vriglit, the fo1mu· mana·.,. partment, for a yea from next ... .1r in~ editor oi the Exponen:, who i'." will sludy at Co pent 1ge1. Denm rL.. now attending the l'nivcrsity of ld- j a~d may also visit Paris, London, an• aho. was se~·hmsly injured two we ks I\ 1enna .. Dr. Johnson receff s t11 ago, acL·or<lmg: to a le ter ncened cpportumty be<:nuse be has be here reccntlv. I grant d the hunor of a t a.i;cll r:

T"'ENTY-FOl'R MEMBERS stunts in the pltmi<e at :.lloseow, she datiun .of :-.:c\\' \.·ork, as_ <>ne ··f tu

I fell aagrnst the cunC'nt floormg-, a:id vronusmg youn~ chem1sb of this

FIRST .\RT CLUB l\IEETI:\G, sustained concussion of the b1a1n. country. 1 She was removed tu Spokant-. to h~ The Rockefeller Four:<lnt'on of' r --- I home, where she is rf<-'O\'erint?: rnpid- folluwsHps to :stud~nts in all 1un

:\Ieeting Held in Art Exhibit. ly, and is expetted 10 return to sd1001 tries. The L. S. usually ge ,; onc-Room of Engineering Build- withi~ a short time._ . t~inl of the~e and Germany the rn .:

Elo1:.-e \\:ln the swnnming" netlal a h1g-hcst number. Lu:-;t )ear tH,. M. S. C'. last spring-, and wa~ H<.'1 w re sixty fellowships o. erctl, ing ag ·r of the Swimmmg Club. though the number varie:;. in d

Entertainment, Leo nore Suhivan. I Freshmen girJg who wete delP~ate Publicity, programs and printinh, last year will ad as pages. Frid.1,' 1 he fir.-:t mc•ejng- uf thl' Art club

Thelma Gaylord. morning the Senior girls will app.<..1 .\'as held Thur~da~ cven'1t,1.;, Ot'lobc I '1\7 • • ~ (Ill yL:irs. Ea1.h pt!>r~on who frllowship 1s HllO\\ L'<l to s udy Vt 1 rt -

C\ er he wishes, UPing- f1 ," lt'l•d l, t 1...•

Foum.lal;on. He nrn.:;t l·hoose

Convention arrangement~. Edylhl• in their caps and gowns. .?H at 7 o'<:loc-k l ~OmlnaflOn r OT Burge. I ~JI I t · · · ·

l\Iusit Helen Crozier, !\Iercede~ I : c ~sses c?n ~rn111g a ~HaJOl ll) There were t\\<.>ntv four meLih1 St bl .' of girls will be d1:->m1:;sed dur11.g < 11n- n:· .. •ent and_ thl• g1~iup m~t .. it tf W.A.A. Officers

~~na~~~e, Clara Dugan. ~ re ss. -\Jt GalleTy m the Eng111h·nn1.{ builn l Anyone desiring to take gi rls in to Dean IIcnick spoke to the Fn·~h in,!!. )fl::.. Ilai nun di::-~u:ss cl hi P · 1 ---

their homes should see Elva Budd or men women l'OncHning lht;> .·\ttarn tme::; frnm the ~tan•lllOllll t lint:. Esth l' \sburv and .Jo o·conner Shirley Fabrick. If anyone has a mcnt Cui) awardl'd to some .Juriio ·t.luui c1nd tl.~lhniquc.: e. ~ ~. . car to donate

1 Mary Patten can fin.I eaeh year. She tol<l of the requirl:- From the1c lh\!v adjourn J o l · 1 l P 101 Pre:'.Sident. Jo Prest~

use for it in melting congress. dcle- men ts for gaii;ing the t·up and urg·t<d llunnon's apa1 tm~11l whe1 ~ ~1 hu .. rnes d~nt La!St Year gates at the trains. Lvery girl to make that her .t:nal to- metting' \\~1s held and n•f1c hn t'... ---

There are to be some changes in war<l which to :strive. \\ fl'e :.-1.;.•1 ved \\ A A. met for the r1.. t 111 the program usually followed this The next \Vomen 1s A"sl•mbh· will The dub 1-s t:ikm'.Z' up a <l eH· tlu:::; \ear on Fr1Ja\· af;.c1n on Ol·t

snn. outs.anJir:g 111 hi p ... rtt u ar Im tJ" work, \\it! whom l' v. 1 c >

"tudy. Or. John:,:on ha-: cho 11 Tlr. Sonm:0=on , who 1:-: lo(·ated at ( • ~­l ur I a.bora nry, f opt IL nge• [k

mark. \\'hile th~ n, whitli w.11 h nnm abm ... s.\en to n;uc monlh, h• is tu work on 1n'•)tl•i11s awl ~ z. 11 ....

From ti tze, he goes ti P:u1s t 1 ("

eople, ancl well liked by all who llC'W him.

Sam \\.illiam~ was also a formEL' tudent of the Cniversity, and woul.i a\"C grnduate.d from there in '2f) had c gone ahead with his studies. He ·as a 1 e1>orter on the ::\liner staff.

year. Before-, there ha,·e been a c:er- pt·obably be held during th~ ~\· nt 1 ·)hase of work th1s year, from an) ::!!! . i"1c lllll'ting- w~~ t'O.llt>d to ord1.•1 The college stock judging- team '. ain number of official delegates and quarter. .h~t the\- ha,·1.; dnrc bc\1n•. Cr:i t in the ~irls' locker room of the .!!YT

won fourth place in competition with ------------------------------\ lass.t:s \~ill he held e\ery Thuri;tby by .Jo_ O'Connor. Edith Sw!nide T_Ul1

sult '' ith 01.e o th1: direttuts th l"uundat n WhCJ is. to outhn pJ in

or the next five or :.:ix mon 1s. l . .Johns' n would like tn ,., it f., I ·1 f for a wr.· c ni:<l possibly g, to \ i nn l

to work w (h Pnuli 1 n coi oiLJ.;;

Formal pledging- was held at the hi Omega house last week for Ruth anderg.



A l A E h •b • • C ,·emng 111 thc> depart me r 111 th d1t> nnnu'e,:. ot the la:,;t st·~swn, wh11.: teams from other noi·thw<Stern nnua rt x l ztzon reates ll/luch states and Canada, at the Pacific In- lt'li 'Yuman·s building, and mcrnlwr~ ar1..' took rlar~ Ja:-;t 8pring- telore \\·0111-ternational Lh-e Stock show held to be allowed to do any l,!nd nf l'n's Day. at Port land last week . The five Interest Among Bozeman A rt Lovers crafts wm·k, such a> etch;, g-. jewelr). The principal object of Frt< ,.,.

~~:;~~~r~v~t tl~~e~-:·~o~lic~e~~;Y n~~~~ ••;;;::n:11~c~~11;,~;,·~1~"t.,'"i:,<l,i~1 de :.11 ;;:,~,\ [....'~~~ ~~~1tin~f vc:;:~1in~~;·n ~11 ' f b nual Chrbtmas Bazanr on llet 1'1hf"r inatiori:-: wer.o. a::; fo11~ws:

than twenty points di ference e- The third annual exhibition of the ing to ha\'C the pL:ture~ explaimd thit-d and fourth. This i expc..:tecl Pre iJl'flt EsthP1· \i;;bun·, .To tween our high and low mt;. Bozeman Chaph:r of the American please notify the Art departmc,nt to be C'\·en more of a suc··i·~s than ·he O'l onnor sf> rPt".lry-trC'a"'Ul"H, T'wl

'fhose making the tr!p with Pro- Federation of Arts opened Tuesday Many of the down town l·lubs and one Jast year it is ~llPl'd th ma Gay}( rd. Shirlev Fabric. Fl 1 n · fessor :;\fcChord are Harold Kohls. e,·ening, October 26th. The paintings student group!; have- asked to he as- to\\'ll)5.penple ard ~tucllnts \\ill J)!· • .John:.:on. Harold Barnum , Carl AlbrEcht, Fred l are all loaned by the :\ letropolitan s igne<l a day on which to \·i:-;it th to do their ('h1·i!.;t11111:- :5hoppin~ t' e1 '. ).£aanl2'.' 1-:-; for th<- varil;U~ l'lu~1"l Long- and Ranald Axtell. :'11useu111 of Art, New York City. exhibit a1:d have the pidurl'S tx- There will bl. art ohjl·l·b fr?111 a were al o'd; Hifc Sa

Thi~ is a trip that men re~d~tered An informal reception was held OI! plained . m·er the world Japan, (zpcho S - KC'ndall, Edythe Burl!: Tenn;s Tl( l ·n

~E. ·101<:> ~ff~T I' n Ill lcS

\:ow 1 the tim t pa\ ~ou ~enior dur.;;.. m.t t0m1 11 ·W 1 t e day after. Hl:T TO JA) ' \t t Inst mee g of th ~en it wa., <itc•1tle1l ;.hat ~v··n shoul 1 pay ~.uc t l th Ralp .:\luwC>r <•r to urer, Hi1~ Ke 1( t, Jl.t) ~ f n d1 -re+ wfi1h hash' n h:rn from ye r w

::\"orth Por tl a nd . Ore. 6 I'. ~!. . N o,·. l , 1926

" ' e(.:kl) E:\l>onen t,

in agriculture in the diffe1·er.t col- the opening e·vening. Music was fur- The exhibits are on dbplay until ,-akin. Itah·, Franee, etc. lt \\ill hl f'r1,ziC'r. :'\Iur. ella Sclneiiler: Swim Jeges look forward to with great ex- nished through the courtesy of )I r . November 7, and ('an be ~e.en fJ'"llH ~· an opport~nit:i.· tn obt;:1in u:lUS\. tl minQ' :\lila P 1~kin. Edith .S\\'int:dt:>. pectation. And comp€tition between Orton. Punch was served . There wa ~ until 12, from 2 until 5, and 7 unti! ~if ts. T:.a will hl' ~erved ho th d. ~ Tlikii i;- E.::ther \\.ah fil~lcl, Frieda

I the different college teams is very a good attendance, and an appreci- nine, and all Sunday afternotin. of the exhibit. Jlen<lril'k.;;on: ·w:n1cr sports Rut keen. ative audience. Mrs. Hannon has said that shl~ is TherL• '\~:1 lw an exhibit o" el'i Rutledg-c, Dorothy .J.:i.(•J !'on; M • :l t'r-


The team '\'.ill give a ~letailed l'l- The College i~ ~ponsoring a con- very well plea::;ed with the attcd:H1cc ing that will he wo Lh while abnnt nt-lnrg-e- :\Iarjorie .Spaultlin~. .\rrv

f• IS 111 ll J I

fl(\\' w IC' )'l•U

·our wa 1 f!' un 1~ ,. II a e

iin 11 :.r u

Bonman, )1 ont. Oregon f irst. :\l ont.ana second,

ldali o thii-d. Ca na da fo ur t h. T o" -~ · er high.

port of the trip upon then· Te tu rn. \ test on the exhibits. For the best so far, but she urges the- students 10 the fir~t of lle. -<>mh<'r in thP- depart Belle ::\farkin.

I · paper on an~' picture in the gallery I take ad\'antage of the wond.·rful np- ment. Elections "'ill he held within thP

Mrs, Earl G1·egory was a dinner a prize of ten dollars is offered.'portunity offered them, a" the samt• The nH·lting- adjourned at fl:';O a11 l c<111~r~ two Wl"' ks an•l al1 mcmhe guest Saturday evening al the O. B. T_here is a lso a prize- for the ~est\ pict~1·es will probably not be herl! work will begin in the clas-:-t·s ne t of '\\'-. A. A. who pay their dues at frater nity. J high school paper. Any group Wlsh- agam. Thursday evening. 'the time of election may vote.

Page 2: Archives and Special Collections - MSU Library | Montana ...€¦ · Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field---And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work


The Weekly Exponent Published every Tuesday of the College year by tbe Staff

chosen from the students of Montana State College of the University of :\Iontana, Bozeman, Montana

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided

f or in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, au thorized February 17, 1919

Subscriber to the New Student Intercollegiate News Service covering the happenings of nll American colleges

and universities.



TueRdm·, Xo,·. 2-3 P. ;\!.-Spur i\Iceling. · 7 :30 P. l\I.-Eurodelphian l\Ieeting.

Thursda,· ?\o'" 4-5 P. :II.-College Pan­hellenic meeting in the Assembly in the Engineering building.

Saturday, Nov. 6-2 P. ;\I.-Brigham Young ,.~. ';11. s. c.

.! P. M.-Pi Beta Phi open house for pledges.


Wood Jess I ~''''''''~'''''''-''''''"''''"'-'''~''''"-''-''''~ ~ Sing Russian Folk

in. Gynrna ium On NoYember l'l


Exclia nge ill ai n i a i n ed Wilb

Thirty-Three CoUege and High I You ha\·e all hu.1rd alHJ11t "h.a , School Papers j ka" who wn$- h.•d :\\\,1y 1Mn1 ··I\:H c -

skying'' all da)· by '.hut ·•Il.itsky" mu-The Exponent mnintains 1...•xc!Hlng-t-:-: sic. Just wnit and ~t·(' whi1t ha1


~ \;-.;o w .\ TCH THE31 GROW. BULBS .\ i\'D DISHES

g M. Langohr, Florist ~ HI J<_j. )fain ~

8 P. 111.-Thil'd number Artist's Course, Emil Rousseau. Franch

Editor-in-chief.. ................ Donald Weydemeyer '27 / dramatic tenor.

with thirtv-thrce L·olleJ!e and high pen:::- to you w11t.·n y11u he:ir Grn1

school pap~rs. Ex<·ha11g-c-s arn nvai!- \Yood Ji?ss on :"\o\-r'mb1 r 18, .sir gill"

uble for student~ in the Exponl'nt of- Russian folk song~ in L'C'~tllm .....

fice. room 410 Eng-i1~t'Cring buildin.!!'. Folk .sonp:s are th<.' naturnl un- ' -----------------------------

:\'ext quarter, whun the offict.• .5 :-tudie<l expre,;~ion of thL• L·nmmun ~""''"''''"""'""""""'"'''"'"'-'''"'''"'-''-'''''"'-'-'-'"'''-'-'-''''~

9 :30 P. M.-Associated Students NEWS STAFF I Dance, College gymnasium.

Managing Editor ................ Josephine O'Connor '28 ===================== Associate Editor .......................... Edwin Becraft '29


. S

mO\ed back in the- .:\lontan~ hall. tht..>


, peo. ple. Thc.•y an: the !aught-er an.I I - - - - ..- - - ~~-~~~---­Exdrnng-e5 will be placed m a morn tears of thosp who, hundredi.; nf 9

cmwenient rlsc:t .. \nyonc that wisl~1-s 'yea rs aro .. lh·ed and loved a:-- we d 11 t to have an ex1.:hange starte<l w1_111 I now. :Nothmp: else lt·lls us n.w· , 6 T R y ll s F I R s T

Associate Editor . . . _______ .Frank Hunsoher ;2£ a cha net' to. tr,,- this .out on the game next aturday

News Editor ...................................... Roy Kerlee 21 -whv ean t w~ do it and bnng mto camp another other paper:; plt!ase notify the Ed1t- · gm·ely the sort of life a people ll\ed ' -

or~. than their folk song~. 6

Feature Editor.. .............................. Marian Shaw '27 confe;·ence ,·ictory. l'alifornin Tel!h, Pasadena, Calif. 'l'h1o• beautiful folk-~011c-:. of Rus . ..;in. '

Ltuh Clnonidc>, Sall Lake Cit;i,r U. in their minor melodic-s and ~tr::tll..!:l' f flq\Yc-r . Dillon, :\lollt. wil<l rhythms, give us n picture tlf :1 I BUSINESS STAFF

Business l\Ianager ...................... Ernest DeAlton '27 Advertising l\Ianager ........ LaSelle Worthington '29 Circulation l\Ianager.. ............ Russell Anderson '28

Courier Print Ilo21:?man. Mont..llna


J Gonzng-a Bulletin, ~pukane, \\"a::.h. life so grim nntI ~ad tha: its only n-

Th Kittens 1 who have a::; yet a clem1 slate for j E\·ergreen, l'uJlm~rn. \Yash. lief iE: in boi:;;:terous g-ait'ty that ~t 11

the season, wllI nlcet the Uni\'€l'~ity Ct1bt1 next I De1weT Clarion, D~tw~r, Colo. feels the touch of hopPJegsms-s whic L:. of i\ . Sag:t·brush, Reno, NeY~<la. sc-ems lo he inhon1 in the Russia .•

Saturday i.n :.\1i:::,f.t)Ula and wi_ll ha\-C an ?PPOrtunity 1daho 'l'eehr:iral, Pol..'at.dlo1

1daho. soul. To Jie::ir Russian fo1k son\!~ i:-;

of a\·eragmg the defeat of the Yelrs1ty on Oct- Gallatin, Boz~man, :\lont. to know and ur:den~t.nnd the Ru--~·~,.. f ober 23. I Jli-Lifl. Gl'eilt F~ill:s, .:\lonl. chnl'arter. &

Rt~d and J31at·k~ San Lake City l'. Don't mLss he;nin:.:r, Grat~· "'1lnd ' h.onah, l\Iissoula, ?\Jonl. I .Je::;s! A

F'lathead .-\rrl)w. h.ul1~pell, l\Iont. ' ..,.,,..._..._..._..._..._._.._.._.._.._._.._ .... .._..._.._.._..._..._._,._..._.._..._ ........... .._..._ ........ ..._..._.._..._.._..._.,., Stampede, fla,·re, l\Jont. SPEED Hih F, ~

All E<l1tonals WTttten bv the Editor unless ~ ~ I Fergus, L~wis.LL)Wl'l, l\lonl. The speed hike whil h will lw 11 J,l t otherwJSe. ~1gned 1 ~ £ x c H A N G £ s ~ Teen Pep. Portland, Ore. sometime during- No\'emhcr. is tu ii

~ : "lontana Kaimin, }[issoula. conducted in n different 11111n11- r tha




THE SUfiAR BOWL --~~------.._..-~-~,·-----·-

ART EXHIBIT ~ \ ~~~g;;,T~1r:1~,~~~·, Lolo. ~'~11fao;~~~1:rhr~::·.:".3, ;1~1~~;.·~e;'"i,:11i11:c i~-J~:) '., I

Dol·gl11lcl Anderson, Editor • St d t L'l L L't•h • u en

1 e, n~an, i in whiL•h the umdidutt·:..; a.:;~emh1

A nll'e opportunity has. again come to the ~ ~ ;\Jontana Yalon1ed. Butte, }lont. •!-cir own team' of lour; a ure mil n"S..~'~'~~~-..'-'-~'-'-'-''-'~''-'-~''-~'-"'"•~~~~ students of :.\Iontana Slate Jl1 the form of and Art ................. -............................................................................................................. -1. Krote, Billing>. :\lent. I hike, and the supr<mac')' hike o! a

II th th t I 11:ospector, IJelcna, .Mont. I tl11·"" 1111'les. e Exhibit of much greater exec ence an any a T\I O-l!Ol'll LECTCRES "

Shield, "\\'ilsnU Mont. Girls not cnterin~ Ilic• fir't ,, i

has vet been shown here. Such painters as Rea-/ >;potli~ht Darby '>lont fi

born~ and Sul1ev and Rousseau testify as to the Ne" York-Stud1.:nt as:sent has gi,-cn to the pro1M~al to ~locca~in: .L\1~1<.:L'~~in·, l\1o.nt_ nrny not take part in lhC' third

excellence of this display before one seeR it-and do UWa)· with lectuns at Rollins Colleg-e. Florido. The Buffalo Boustc r, Buffalo. :llont I "' Special Prices on All · . .. . . d innovation was Jll'Opn:>ed by President llanulttin Holt, I Centralite. Butte, .:\lonl. SIX \rEEhS GH_\OES ~

after one sees 1t. he is all Jn the more 1mpre.sse . fol'lllCl' t'ditol' of The lndepenJent. I Galt:."'way, Uni\·ersily of Alb~ I ta The week Nn\'ember I lo l is a POUND The price of. a season tic.ket. fo1· this is only fifty Instead of coming to dasse:s ru. r Je.ctures th.e- ~tut.lents Collel.!.:e C'o~«re, C'aldw0IJ, Jdah(l Roundup week Al1 grade::; of f1 L"'h- ~ f _ Gu:st:.1Yian 'Yc.kly. St. Pt•ier, \Im• tnt:'n \\di be reported and onh D. E ~

cents, certamly a sum w1thrn the reach o e\·ery- will attend tu ,tudy. The usual 60 n11nute penod "-111 be Big Sund Buu,Ler, Bil' ~andy, ~\lnnt I and F o:rades of sophomnics and I" .,_

one here. Such a fine chance as this is so1nething ltn~·thelll'd t.a two hours. The students will study in 1 >:l w :Studt·1n, "\cw 't ork. I pl'r dn~smen will be sent m ~ that the students should appreciate and take ad-i classes under _<niidance of the professor nnd in ronstant I "

. _ . _ f' d I co11:-::ultat1011 \\·1th 111111 "the purpose bemg to place al'ade1111e :---------------~ ~ \~antage of for it ts not often that one can 111 a life on a more pradiral bc:sis by plnt•ing attendance I i g " display of this sort here in )fontana. <>n a par with the hours and duties of a business office." '>OTl('E E)es Glasses g ~

A. majorit;i.· of th!? ~tudent:::: were favorably impressed --- I Exammed Fitted ~ Th~· Home Elonomics dub \\Ill -0 ~

With a second conference Yicton· under our with the idea; some -0b,iertions howc,·er, were raised. The mod Tht1rnlai :\tn l nt < l:i rn DR A E SJ£SS I ' hat, we are now looking for our ele\en fighting principal doubts WL"re as follows: Profe~:":ors who have tlw Th\\' \~'011 m', lrnildm;.r. :\fr!'> g • • • ~

not adopted themscJ,·es to the changed i.:ondition and ~--lann.on will l x.pla111 thl' pll tUJ""' OPTOMETRIST f: gridsters to march on to\vard that CO\-eted goal- make use of tl1e two-hour period to doliv('r an extcndl'd


1r the l\letropult(.tn Art Exh1b1t ~ the conference championship-with the same ,~im lecture, outside work rontinuing as before; th<' probl~m of There \'..:vill ht: '1cpo1t of the gt~1t(' 8 and "-

and fighting spirit that enabled them to win from the wol'kino: student and that of the athlete who suffers mei·unQ: held .it Hden,1 g MFG. OPTTCI.\N 9



Hauseman & McCall the Colorado TeacheTS last Saturday. After the from o\·er.<tuffed 'ehedulos; the necessarilr doubled num -


Jg Broken Glasses Promptly I ~ bad luck in Butte nla.lly feared that the teanl bc•r of conflicts. with their attendanr.. inconveniences. as =============== § Replaced ....

"Ivel! as tht> uncomfortable and impradical condiLions of Room 4 Stop· Block ~ might lose its characteristic fight, but it staged a N \\

11 , ~

some ncitation rooms.-Thc 'ew ·c1r l I _ ¢ '

wonderful comeback of real spirit at the last


CIGARETTE ~- __ -___ -·---1 ~'~'-'-~'-'-~~'''"-"'~"'-'~''''~~ ~~

game, to put :Montana State one more game OUR Fl':\:NY ANCESTORS HOLDERS - - --

farther along the road of Conference Yictories. ext Saturday on Homecoming day the team "·ill

meet a real foe in Brigham Young UniYersity and

gh'e the Bozeman fans a chance to better estimate our chances for the season.


.\ gentleman opened <loon for ladies. And at dances wore glo\"es h.·st h1.~ soil his partner's gown . I

And In drrrn·ing rooms juggled top hat, cane, gl(lves,

hread and butter, c:up of ten and conYcrsation.

AnJ in th\:' e;\~ening-s asked her father's permission to :sit in the parlor with daughter.

And at dinner partil!s nlJstaincd frc.)m smoking until the ladies had left the table.

That was hack in the ag-e when, in dancing, the feet were employed.- Goblin.


Winnifred Iiou_l!hland Younges t Gramma r School Graduate

Kleinschmidt & Co.


There has been much inimical criticism of the school spirit displayed on various occasions, dur­

ing the past few >reeks. Despite the fact that it is generally conceded that the school spirit is by

far the best it has been in years, there is still in _Montana f.'Hting glasses is compat'i:i.tive1~· easy;

but to fit thto>m correctJy and acc:urate­ly is another matter. something lacking. This year, as has always been Winnifred Houghland, age ten. i' the youngest stt1dent

the case at l\Iontana State, the spirit has followed attemiini>: Gallatin. Winnifred wos born Jan. 1, Hll6 and

the luck of the players, raising to a high pitch of started tn rnral o:rammar school. Owing to the fact that

enthusiasm when a winning play is made, but all ol' the classes were in the same room, Winnifred easily

falling down to almost nothingness when our team mastered ihc eig:ht grndes in half the time usually taken

begins to lose. by student!'>, She graduated from grammar school last

LESLIE E. fiAGE Jew eler and Optician

spring and i~ the youngest graduate in the slate of i\lon-

iV:hat we need here is a revh'al of spirit to a tana. She entered Galla tin this fall and is easily keeping

sufficient pitch to keep the cheering increasing as up with fellow classrnen whose :iges exceed hers by many

Broke:n Lenses R eplaced the Same Day

20 S. Black A Ye, Phone 925· W /

e: 5¥4 JiI !lt>I the team decrea~es in fight or success on an ever years.

increasing scale so that the enthusiasm of the Donald olnrphy, barn Aui>:. 17, mu takes the red ribbon, ------------

crowd on the stands will electrify the players and being- Gallatin'$ second youn1n•st student. J

put them into a fighting spirit of mind. We haYe Gallatin. Gallatin Co. High School. Third place gc>es to ,June Holst. born Feb. 11, 1914.-The I ~~ REPORTORIAL CANDIDATES I

w A T r H D 0 w N T 0 w N w I N n 0 w s i SHOW MORE INTEREST 1 j (J THAN IN FORMER YEARS




- 1. Thc.•1c> arL thirt) -seven people out I

for posit1on:s us 1 eporter::;. un lhL· 1 Expont>nt This numbe1 is <1bout th1t•e tnnes as many }l~ in tht• 11nst

So far only one has made lht• l ·­

quired thirly-fin inches or material 1' ne .. essary before a pet'son is a full flcdgl'd nH:mbi:r of thl' i:-taff. This I is probably due to the fad tlrnt. thet·P I! I are so many trying out this .rt nr.

Five people are out for circulatio11

11 mnna.Lrc_r, nh~e f?r adv1:•1·lising 111ari-

I agc-1·. e1g-ht foT 1N1h11:C' wiiters, nn.J foui· person:; for busml'ss 1rnt11:i~t· Tlw above mnke up lht• bu:;:int:"ss-



I staff. The reirular ~taff tonsisting"

l:H:Hl<X!itli)<:Hlf!l<:!il<Xlitli)(Hlfl).(Hll!(!-(l(!-Jlef(1!l-i:flca:f<:Hl'll<:Hllli:lii:>l:!U<lH:11l-l;ll"*Q-J:l'll<:,g of _f ou rt een ~)enp le .''~ H s u p po in tcd lo their respective pos1t1ons last spting.




\ '

1t ( jl


TUXEDOS Beautifull,1' Silk Trimmed

-_~_,:ll_n~-in._g, -~·-~-i~-,~-lec_~_i~_,·_J 1', 1· --$~HI ~ol'OL;~L-r30- ;W~A~eclYS and Shoot Metal Work

Phone 300 30 W. Main PHILLIPS BOOK STORE

$1.25 to $19.00 A SET

ii I


• Upon r.reat generatorn \\ hich send out c\irrc::nt to light the homes and carry the burdens of rnilhons, vou \'.ili find the G-Enwnogrllm. Upor -indu<::trhJ n1 t.x~. on tle1,:tric rnilwny tr>J :;:s \". herever quality anJ un­f.1iling pi.:r:ormau...:e arc first essential the G .E; mono­gram \\ill he found .

A series of G-E odvertise­ments showing what cle..:­tricity is doing in ma1')' fields wlll be ~ent on n:qut~t. Ask for booklet GEK-1.

At Forty "At Forty" the housewife in some sections of Europe wears a black bonnet to signify the end of her youth. A quaint custom-you • say-but it usually signifies a fact. Heavy tasks, indoors and out, have made her old­at forty.

Of all the uses of electricity in America, the 1

most important are those which release the t

woman from physical drudgery. Electricity : carries water, washes clothes, cleans carpets, cooks the family's food-better and quicker. than could be done by band.

A trip to tO\vn or an hour's rest in the after- · t noon pays a woman dividends in good heal "at f2!.'ty years." And what is youth but that?.

Men and women who have had the benefit of college training and college life have1 learned to place the proper value upon res and recreation. They appreciate the relie afforded by electricity.

Page 3: Archives and Special Collections - MSU Library | Montana ...€¦ · Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field---And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work


h..>us.e Sunday, (I t-ib r ....... \\" .l L.nadinn lumblr eompany. STl-lJE:\'TS .\TTEXTION: President and l\lrs. ..-\ kir.son Dean and :'\ lrs. Hnmilt n. \ALUMNI NOTES.

estir.g- s.eet inn (,f the ra<un lepm r­m et and Art Yan Xt1\ i~ in tl)e t s~-

'Ycrcl was recei\·ed this mo- th Lroni mg- ~ect1on a'° lhe r.idiu ng-·n e1in_ \\". L. L)'IHlon, '25. T. _.\, \'an ::--:o~, department.

Be our agent at Montana State Col­lege and be inclepeudent. B ig money in pennants, pillows, banners, etc. E v­t~ry ~t udeut buys. A big liu'-" and a

Editor, 1\Iarga re l Booth

.Adr lr;h Hartwig- ~pent the end dsiting in Great Falls.


LcRov Power~, '24, spert. t.he firti of the ~·•eek at tht Amigo hou:-:e.

1'appa. S1gma arnounce.-<i the pledg­ing- tJf Dt!an .Jon-•:-; of Three Forks.

:\Jr. Thompson <Jf Billings wa:. a aL the 0. D. l oti.~e Sun<lay.

.J.~r. and 11:.:s. W. D Ha.mno:d o Lhingston n:--i.ed their dau)!hte1 }largan::t. Sunday. .Judith Ropes, Editor

I Alice Moody and i\lrs. Stewart, ·----------------'

were dinner gue::;.,s at the Pi Beta ~pcn<l the wtek end with f is son Ed- Phi hnus Thursday cnning:.

Assi tant, Helen Solberg

win at the La~1bda Phi h.ous. while I --tnroutl- from :-;ealtle to hi.~ hm11t! 111 The alumrae of Pi BP a Ph; u1-

1\[ile:;; City. j tertainP.d the pledges at a buffet din-

June Burke and }Iildre<l GiJcl·ri~t

who are teaching- at Tf-.ree Forki: this spent the wt·ek end at the KaJlpa Delta house.

ner Sunday evening-.

P. "'· .Johnson of Forsyth Yisited friends ar.d relati\ es Thursday.

in Boz- man

Glen Bo~·er, '2:l, \\ho is 1.:m.rloy~d

by the General El dr c: tompan:r. ha: been transferred frnm Seh ... nt:'c a<~ to the Kan~as City bntn\·h.

Carl DaYis1 '25, \\as mat.Tied ]1,

Spokane, \Vashington, S pt. 27, l > Dorothv C\·nthia Pn•ston. .)lr. D· -\'is i~ ·witl; the Puc1fil' T1:lelephon.: and Tekgraph comp<lny in Boise, Icb.

President and )lrs. Atkirson. Fl:- 1e Kappa Delta Hnnuu1 ce~ the rledg-- Dixie Lawton, '2-1-, i::; iu Anacon<ln Atkinson, i;Ir. anJ .:\lr . Bahr <.?.nd ing of ~Iargaret Brumfield and \'ii- with the Credit 3len' assndation. TI'

:\lr~. Oonaldson and )Irs. \ \.'f'l"l' 1tinner guests at the hou~e Jast Thursday.

:i.tcC ray Yidan Baker '"'re dinner guc:.;t~ •h ginia :Mills. was a member of Le$ Buuffons an I

Chi O I the A. 0 P1 house '\\'eilr.esda~ eYe- -- Sigma Chi.

nini.:'. , I Ruth Glenn, Alice Smith :rnll \'1r-

--- j' t?inia G1lbert spent the week end at Kenny l\!cIYor, '2{-), i~ working for

Carl A. Beec:raft stopped off t< Drnncr guests at the Sii:rnia Chi Boulder. a grain exchange in Gnat Fallc:. He


Athleti c ::ihoes Includ ing Dr. Meanwell's Athletic

Charle~ Reitsch spent the w(ek-end at tlie horn of his parer.ts in Ruund­up.

KnC>x n. Moore CJf the U1.iversity of ,T,·a:-.J· ·n~on l'hapter of Kappa ~ig-. lH1 wa a dinner guest at the Kappa 'ig:ma house ""Wedn~.~day eveninC'.

~unday dinner .!Hlt:.'~ls c:11. the Delt 1 Tau houge \\-'ere .i'vlr:;. 'Villiam Keith

was prominent in thl aeti\·itie~ on the hill. He \Yas a memher of Le:; Bouf. fons , Looters. and Student'e, was on the football :::quad am! wa I pre-sident of the S. A. E.

Ted Cates, '~~o wa . .; g-raduat ,I\ in Agri{'ulture, 3ntl Ftank C'r1w:1 n. '24, who was g r aduated ;n Entomol­ogy and Zoolo!?y. are with he Slatr• Department of Atr.ricul'urc and ar;., traYeling over l\1ontana.

-~·~~~~-~-o_x_F_o_R_D_s~~A~N--'D~·-_s_P_-o_-R~T-S_H_O~E-S~~~-~~' and her snn \.Yilliam Keith. -- I Dode Carte r , '2.l, is in JHihvauk ('

The .\lnta Gamma Delta house \YOTkin~ for the Mil\\'aukee Elcclnc 1

esident..., .held an old ra~hiunt:d Hal- I Railv,~ay and Light cOmfrnny, in the I loween rarty at, the chapter hou~. Arcl11tcctural dep.a•· mc>nt. He 'l>Vas ~ ! Saturday e\-ening. membt~l' of Bouffon:., Lno;er~. T'h1

Very Special

· Kappa Phi. Phi Alpha Tau, ~md ~

Sigma Chi fraternity held an o·J n A. E.

p house smoker on Saturrl.a\-. Oct. ;:() I ---¢ for t h e members and pledg.:es of K:i.p- Paul .Tni~nson .. '2C. is C'r.c-atrrd i1

I pa Si~ma fraternity in recogn!,!ition the lun!l~er bnsrnc;: at Pnr.t \l~m· of' their ·cc:ent installa .. ion into tlw ens, Bnt1!';h C'olum.:na. He l~ li\'JnQ"

11.ational 1

ou a little island, forty mih!'; from · ___ the Alaskhn coast. 1\'hich has a pop-

Dinner g-ue::;t~· of KapJrn Si.l!ma ulation of t"'O hundr<.>d ir.babitant.:;

.-,6, and \\~. A. Gtaf·am, ·21:. They I WL rE'! g-rnduatecl in de. ti iral engi­m_·m ing and entered th te:-tir:~ <lL·-r artn•t'nt (lf the Genral Ek ric: cQm-1•any :-.onn after. Bill Graham i~ Till\\

in he te:"tirg ~ection Clf tht< illumina­tion engine rim: lahoratr)n·. Lai-rv Lynd.111 -~ a pre~ent v-:nrk ~g in th~

RIALTO n===.n=== NOY E MBER 7 - 8 - 9








Souvenir M. S. C. Compacts Single, Regular $1.00 rnlue

~ow __ 69c _ 95c

.Juring the pasl w<>ek wu·e: Knox if all chickens and dog-s are coun'etl.

Huu:J :-";, ~-\llan Pepple and Philip Sus- He is managin g- a saw-mill for a ! -..,,=============~ tel!o. -

I The eng:agemenl of \Y innifred -I -- i j Double. Regular $1.:>0 Yalue

:\'O\\ Braekott to Frark Grady was an- I F A SH I Q N

1 Jl( urn: d at the Cln 0 house .J.londa~ f

., emng-. --- 11 I ' ln11iation was hol<l at the 0 B I Barber Shop

hous. last week 101, HO\\arrl Dusen- • and I den, Donald Gay . Hu1ifiel<l Olsen I g and Gulliver Quillan. Beauty Shoppe

tm<H:Hl-ll-l:>-!WflXHl-lX>IW<H:f!XXHQ<>(fl)f!XXH:H:>lX!ti~ Delta Tau annour<'es the engag·o J. B. NEIL, P roprietor _ I ment of .lames R. Thompson of L1~th-

1 ~==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==5'f bridi>:e, Canada . to )!iss }lildreil Hale Baths Phone 461-J ll . of Bdgrade. ~-------------~



OFFICERS BOOT FOR COLLEGE WEAR They are going big at all universities


Walk Onr Shoes Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

Thursdav dinni:.i· 1-!Uests at the Al­pha Gamn;a D elta house were Pres­ide-nt ard Mrs. Atkinson, Dean anJ ::.\tr;;. Hamilton, Dean Herrick, ~Ir.


and :\Irs. R . E B1 O\\ n anJ ::\Iiss F alli>;atter.

Mrs. S. G. Scott, ~!rs . Ruth I'< Dmvson, and ::.\Iiss Joy )Joble Ln~....i-

tained the members of Alpha Omi­cron Pi at a tea at :\!rs. Scott's resi­dence Sunday afternoon . T he OCCQ.­

sion was the annount:ement of tht (li­

gagernent of :Nonee:a Noble and N"y, tar Reese of Great Falls.

1$2.75 IMPORTED 1


I SILK BROADCLOTH I I F or Men's $1.95 I Shirts ; special

I Frances Wylie has been appoi1.te<l 1 Ten Snappy Stripe Patterns

I ~ecretary of the As:;:oc.ia~ul Studenb I fer the y<ar 1926-27. She will ke<'p all new-colors guaranteed.

and Sludent :::)enate m('eth1gs. a ll minutes of Associated Student:5 I ilidO'ing· teamc: of th ;s year. ~ to the support. of thr ~to1.:k and grain I - - .-- I












Nov. 7·8·9


There wiJI be a meetm_ 1 I fre~hmer Y. \\'. l. .A. mcrnhl'.;; .F11·

day. :Xovember :-~. at fiv1 n't 1 rk 1

room 206 of the .\.g, build n~.

Always at

Your Service

ig~t r demand. L iber a l proposition. " {' fmance you. \\:rite f or free de.­ail'"' t day.

BR \D FOR!l & COMPANY, Inc. Bt. Jost~ph , 1\Iiehhrnn

Phone 79

!BoZEMAN-~iUANOiiANQUETiiAlll t Banquet Hall fo r Par ties, Suppers, f t and Initiations i I VOUL~~~ B~~~~;;}rops.

1 ~~~~~-~--~~~ ..... -«IPL---~




~ .... -.---..-..-.-.-.-.-.•.J-...... .-.,,. .. -. ...... -...................................................................... -.......... ~--·.-.. -...

~ " 'F'EVEN'S SAKE" ~ ~ USE ~


~ ) I \ AND ~

~ ~


I ~ To be found at better barber •: •, shops-everywhere ~

~ J3y the application or in 50c and 75c bottles . ~ > \ ~ \

~ THE 8UERGER BROS. SUPPLY CO. ~ ~ DENVER. COLO. \ ~ Since 1885 ~

-.-.-.-..-.. -.. ---..-.-.-.-.-.-.-........ -......... -.--------.............. ~ ....... ---. ....... -.. -.-.-.-..-.-..................... -..-.-..

I f:m:mm:::==nm===nn=:==m:nu::n=::nm+-, I

g H'

The student serate vo:etl $101).00 I I I

i 11



I ._.,,,,.....,. .... .,.. .................................. _........._..._. ................. -.. -...-..-.,,. .. .._ ................ ._.._.._.._.._..._.._._,.._..._.._w..-..

g NOTICE fi t ; r :i :! 1

~ College Students H 1

l g I i You r fraternity pin~ will be cleaned and catches ad- g . ~ .iusted free of charge when brought in t o m y new watch and g 1! jewelry repai r shop at 28 Ea~t Main, next door to Main fi · i Cafe. H : li I il i li 1

- I r

i PERRIN g i U 1

,; i Certified \Vatch maker li !! H : Mfg. Jeweler :: I :: ! Perrin for 1·e11airin' !i I ! g

t .. · im::::r.::::m::nm:m::::::::::mm~.:::::..+:::::m:n:::r.:::n:::u::::::::::i::::+.n::u::u

II t I I I 111 11 I I JI I I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I l I 1 11; I I I I I I I I I I I '• I I I I I I~



I ;o


Lunches and Sodas

BUNTES HOMEMADE i • ,, ... ,,.,, .. ,, ,,.,, ... ., .. ,, .. ,,,,,,, .... ,, .. , .. ,., .... ,, ....... ,,.,, .,, .... ,, ,, .,, .. ,, ,,.,, .,, ...... ,,.,, .... , .. ,,.,, .... ,,.,,.,, .... ,, ., . .,..,,.1

The Turk~y Trot - 1926, wou Id cause out• spoken derision. An out,of, d.1te wrist watch m:•y not be openly rid1cukd, bu t people notice it ju.St the san1e . Choo~!! here a Gruen--fur style's sake.

Gn,en. L:J1i:.~· Sf>ort Strap u··,,r-11. )Jn


1j · ;_'

1 Every Wanted j

·: \;/,;; ( ~

~. > -~ ~: { k~.i The new season requires them- for ~ , :~ ~ warmth on the chilly days . We have , \ ;t ,,_ ~ I

I f.~ c~T , \~-11J new patterns, colors and fabrics in all'~:·.·:. I : j .. \ '"" '"' me" ' "' '°""' moo. ,

'! ' 'ii ~ $22.50 TO $42.50 l I! ~ THE MEN'S STORE j1 1 ~

1 ·l McCracken Bros. ~ I ~ J ~ 1 '--.._ ........ .._.._..,._ .. _.._....._ .. _ .. _ ....... _.._....,......_.._ .. ~ ........ ..,._ .. _.........._.._.._ .. _.._.._.._.._.._~- ...............

"." ........ .. '' ... '' .... '.''' .. '' .... '' .... ''''' .. ' .. _I

It E r i c k s o n ' s ;

11 ,-15




Prompt, Reliable Service - Careful. Courteous Drivers

PHONE 3-1-4-W

~I l I l l• f 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I t I 1 1 I I I I l I I 1, I 11 I 11 1< I :.'! I I l I I I I I i. I I I l ii l ll l I Ull l ol l l ll l HI I

I;; ..

THE student t\•ho u ses a Reming-ton Ponable Typewriter ·w ill tell

you he couldn't get along \Vithout it, because it takes the drudgery out of \VTiting up his Jectu.res and prt!parlr ~ his r~poTts anr.l theses. Besides t r­time it saves, the Portable pro\iid neater work thun could possibly t tamed out by hand. Profs ~re hurn"" ·, you know, and they appreciatt: '"' U reward neat and legible work.

You'll find Remington Portable handiest, fastc::.;t, and simple ate of a n porta bl cs. h is th

(8 "!- -~ pou.-ids, net) c compact ponabJe ( -arr) i: case only4 inche hi ,'Hv i h four-row st-indanl ~ybo a.

Can be purchased for $10 down and $5 _

T he Recogn ~ed Leader in Sales and Populurit)'

Gallatin Drug Co .. 4 t East Main S treet, Bozeman, :\lontana


Page 4: Archives and Special Collections - MSU Library | Montana ...€¦ · Cougar Fur All Over Gatton Field---And Then We'll Unseat the Cowboy OLG:.\IE XVIII. Schedule ·arsitv Debate Work





P.rosepd.s look bright for win over the • .uormons ~at.urUa.) fro111 Bngharn 't. oung l..n1v~r::Dty. ..\1-lllougn the 1 caclll'l"s hold a ndor~

0\ er thl m, Lht! .AlUl'lllOD:) art! HlLt'U ll~

Lne one Leam in tne co1iiereuc:t::. lll<.i~

.has lievtloped Hlst. wus 1ur m ~m:

season. 1u l\.OWc, a. ua..:n..1.1e1u <..t.:'-.

tney have tne coJUtHcni.:~ ~p11111.

champ1on anu a man iast.l!1' uL.-t11 t-11'" llasby l etc l:Srown 01 tnt:: .1t'Ul'1l.;t..,, .>i.lllJ t.nat. s say111g a loL.

The coru·e1·ence :>tanwngs rccen·el. some stanong up:sl.:!L.s l.;.:n vatura!l!t. JJICK. Honrney :s L.tan ~~gg'll!S !).liOUK U1-

tne Uopc wu1:n Lnc .ra1ntt:H:> uc1.n ui... :;;trong LJen\'er u. t~am 1-u. ln J.iU\\· kY und l ho mas, l.JtaJ1 nas twu OJ. tut oe:>t ct1111ereuce baths seen 111 )tHH;:..



Tied Utah Aggies ED COOPER,




I• [ ::.t.1.n:; t:> .s~mt. ~;g-uin~t. tLt..• BoLkitten".

l.mnlle ot B1llln,..:.s \\ tll probably l':.111 th~ :.ig-1·ttl.$ \\'ith. llumblt, fonu1..•r

I ! 1 Iun~i1\.e:: Hamilton fullbm:k. lillin:,r that. pos1thm. ..\t hnh·t,>s tht.' fmnou-.



Ekrgtt. ... n bl'othe1·:-; llf Tlarlt.'lll and R:l'C, formerly <if \\'hittfr·•h, UH' ea(ly to :.-<bt t.

I .Althouc-h Fon,um and Kt nned, !10th tl1..·p1..r.dabl1..· liiwstrwn have het'O Will Ha,·e Chance To Tes t 1

Streng th Against Team Which I (By Fr•nk Heikkila J l --------

Next Saturday Lhc Brigham Yonn:...1 • Cougars iilYadc ·the lair nf lhl' Bob·

I ! hurt in 1l'cent ~,·rimmn~1... lhey will unch>nbtcclh- he in top-nott:l1 shapt•

I for the J(itten iray. Caru::>ll, bk ------+ tackle from F'nrk county, \dll ~tut~

cat to do battle with a ronu,,eful foe B b t UJ"a/k Over Colorado anxious to E"Yf!ll the dt>feat hand<"' 0 ca s Yt' ~

termined to win. Teachers For 9 to 6 Victory

1 BOBKITTENS PLAY CUBS IN MISSOULA I them lust year .. The game will be

the bi.g- c>\•ent of the lfom.~l·oming-1 Day exercises <111d both side-~ are dt­

Brigham Young- Cniversity ha~' \\'1 11 Invade Enenn· Territor)

swamped Colorado :\lines, !'u:"frred p \ ~s;n\"G \N l\L-\NY LUCl-Y · defeat at the hands of C. '!'. (., whurn GAJ\IE FEATURED BY l\IUCH '•' 1 ' · D ~ For Gmnc on Saturday

the Bobcats trimmed last saturd:i~·: BHE.\J~<:; ON BOTH f'IDES. GAME WON I 1 No,·ember (i and tied one game with t.:tah .\ LA~T QlJARTER

=~din'\';~~11t~:~~fe~~~~~cl:t'll~.iny~ 11(~~·f;~:l: This Saturrl~l\" tht' BoLkitteus m

hC'ld lowo, stronJr Bi~ Ten tea111. t11 ~By ,Tim Looney) sht)Wl~d they had ~omC' rcmnr\rnhk> j their 0111.;· bi.ct t~~l nr tht: !;4.:'rL~on w .t'

a low scorC'. Thu:;. the comin~ g-ame Tht> Bobcat..; :>-tag-ed u great com"'· b:Jt:kfield men while Lhe Bob(·at lir they journey ll) Jlis~oula o llC'• 1 th

will be far from en.s:r. lf the Bt'h buck la:-<t ~aturday when they de- proYed its superiority over the Teal·h- strong- Cni1·l'r;:il~· l~e:;hm 11 a.e: 1

cats win this g-am0 there nnrnin' :\at d. tht! ~tronJ;!' ·Colorado Teacher-"' ers' forward wall. .. Pete'' Brown. g-ation in their nnnual h· 1 ' k. \J

only "~yoming- to t.le~1l with ii on.lei by a n to li s~·o~·e in a hard fouJ,tht the Teachers' star lmlf-back. uph~l i though the Kittu1:' of a YL~:.r a'> l

to l·ave a clean slate. while lTtah .\..g~ g~me which was full of action from his reputation by his lilh_' plul\.l!l' lll.\:t'.d the .annual . game in . flyi11

p;it's and l'tah Cni,-ersity. th. o!lw::-1 !'t3l'l lO fi1 i:'h. Both tto0n1$ mad<.> i.. and his lightning-like da~he~ aroun fash10n. this Yl'nr" sll 1ty int!.!1'11 IH

und1:.'(entul teams. will met..•t t.1 de- lom:hdL'wn :n rhe fi1~t hull an1I both Lhe ends. He hatl a good r1.1rni11 Uifferent.

termine the champion. :\lontana, f<Hkd lo ldtk ~oal aftnwards. Dur- mate in EYHJl:'i, who put up a gnod ilh Rohkit t"l~ :llt' f:ir fr,,m h n•

State nuw i,.?,"el a charn.:t.' at l•ither L)f in_c,· the- third C)UartC>r and the ~rl·~Ht.>r' I brnnd of football. Tenney Buh1:1 11.: the.> powl'rful :-.nirirg 111d1 tl•at la~

thest"' tea;n~. purt t)f tlw lasl b\.lth team:-. fought was the outstandin.~ man in thi.: Bu:1- yrni·'f; P?·osh We'll' <llld :1 thl•U1.rh thL·

The l'oug-ars ha\·t a n·ry fonuid.ahl fiern_•ly for au adnlnta_!!(" but it· cat backfield. lfo madL' a\mn:,; l U- · JiaYl;' 1wt Io-sL a ).!am1 th .;ea,,.1.111

in that posithm. and Blnckf()nl. a Deer Lodg·e hoy i~ 11laylrg- the o h r tal·klc? job. Ryan. :1h~o l)f Powell t•11unty. is fiIIin..r th1.. ph·ot position, with llu)!ht?~ and T1ipett ~11 id twt t.l' fill lhe gu:1rd pl:u.:es.


Bobcat-Teacher Game

I Thanks to 'l'wildc"s toe. the Htolwu 'I arc stdl in thl runnin!! f~ir t 111f~1-

Cllt't' h(lnors.. 01 ]\ l ta A'.!':!it.·~.

L tah l"niYLrsit~. :'\'t( nt~n:i State u1l· lt'ge. and \\"yomin·~ rem::in 1111l•fea1-1;.•d in thL· R1Kk~ .ilti'l11Hrdn clln eren l'

1\nny B: bt: lk " <:.ti uu :o:t1Jntli·l'-!

..;tar nnd re.i:u1ul \rJ n1:in.' Im p!urt.:l'S f(~r ~O d ~ !lrtlti,t;.t'. al...:o Wurk I

ill!! lllilj.!lllfilCllljy Ill d re l~l.'. . . crew with such mC>n as ThornL". Knud- :->l't lllt.:d as thoui.;h it \\en• going- ti· of the Bobcat ~-.artrngt' nrd .Q.t1 I in most of the gnmes h;.n ,, ht•t·11 1 ) 11

:->on, Dixon :rnd l'ollin::.;. Cuptain he another tie .rranH-' until T\\'ihlc.1s~me tackles the Tl•ac:h~rs.' ba,·kfi£lll'parath·cly easy. Gr1:;•nt. nFll" ll'•"'.'h Th1.:' y;.tury ~arnr:.1r \\':' t!H~ c<

Dkk 'rhorne. l'entcr, ha~ built arou1·d sub::;titut~ for Gregory, mudt:> a d~·o 1l w1Jl rem~mber for somc- time. Glynn was nn p,a.:.y g-ame, lntL'l')Hlun Ril· ond c_onhrenn.• ndury, al·o the ~H

him a line that hasn't bet'n ~ucc1:.•:::_-:.- kick froi:i1 the Teachlrs l·l-ya1~l 111:.:. played .ht::;. usual gooocl gun~e. tc1k1n·.:: ! was C'i'en Jes-; diffi,·ult, and fr nn al (ind time tha~ a .-:.u! 1...:t1t.utt.• pla~.l"r .h:t'-

Colorudo Aggw:> hopls for unotne1 ..:onttlt.:ncc ..:.namp101:isn1p were ruuu.i, snatLercu lust ;::.Ht.uruny "ncn L L<IH u, the surprise eJc,:en oi tJ\e cou..1.t:r­E:nce, beat rJ1em 1U·lJ. lne. L LLs,

}.118) mg ~tnugnt .footoall, used tntH neav11:r lrnc to good am·ama.t;"e ~-m •• smotl1eret1 tne Lolorado ..t•nnners, Uh.

L.01on1doans exceJlmg uniy at tfle

pass1ng game.

full.r penetratl•d thi~ ylar "·h1le the Th~· f1r.-;t quarter (l;1t"nd with a 1 care of most of the passm!!' . out- re-p0 i·t:-; a hu:--k,· youi :.!' bullC'h «11 made th<' -..nnrtn:.!;' porn·~. \\ ell1nu:-

ba ... kfield ha~ four :::printers who ranl\ b~ng- wht'n "Pete" Brown. th·." punting the Tt.:ac:her:s anLI doing- ::.;nml! Frosh ~hould J;avl: 11 (1 1Jiffi uh,- ii It n substitutt:<l for Grady :.ind mar!(

high in the eonf.uer:ce with Ta~·k1r 'f<'twher~· ::;tnr back. rnn tht.-' Bobe.~: excellent deftn::;h-e work, while Gnni- \J'(iuncinl! up 011 a team madt• 1;p t}f th~· \vinning- lou~·hdtJw11 ugainst L1Jlr.

l\nud$on. at rullb:h·k, a line plun.l!ing- kic.·koff had< 50 yard::::. FaiJin,!!' to iner was on the rer:ei\"ing- tmd of mo;:t-- old alun;ni stlt'h a:: thP ~hL·1·id~ 1 n nut- rndo l~. and Saturday T\\ildt" ~uh..;t•

ball toter. Dixon l1f b:1sketball fame. g-ain lhroug-h :lw BobL·at line, \\.ille! of thC' µasses and ·ilso tunud in :'Oln1.:' fit wa~. Thu'.'= far this Y('nr, t'ieY tutin~ for Captai· "rnp·· <..11• g-01·

a tl·iple thrl'ut nrnn 0f no mum nbil- trit.,,,I for a field goc1l but the ball fdl good runs. h<i•t• L'on:::i.,.tcntl:i, Ji:wked th:. powt·! ,u who tli~lnvatl·d hi~ ~hould('r. bn l'J .

lncidentally 1 that pas::; rc:spon!:abk ity. Collins at haltbal'k and Dixon short. Gm·dincr intenC'ptcd a pa~s. .--\ larg't' crowd witne~~ d the c·aoll ~coring- puriclt that chnr:lcterizi;d last wmn ng fieltl g-oal.

for cne lNH:ners toUL'Hd.OWn ;::,acurua~ at quarter run the ent!& and arc usu- the11 the Bob<:at::; canilo;'d the ball I and there should bE' t'Y('n a bi_!.{g-N year's Frosh llevcn. In nn~it~

was a gut. 1ne tloDi:uts n~ivt- Dt:l.!1' ally good for Y•Hd~. Rowe, <:onfer- down ~o the Teac~1ers· one ~"':rd linr, Ont~ at next Sa~un.lay·-~ goalllt'. wlw11 tlte)· <lo not <:(·l'm tn rl~::: It is fr~rred that ··Pffp" Gr1:'~nr,·

t110rougn1y ~cnoulelt 111 a p.1::0.s ue- l'llC. l·hamp ir the ~print~. assist~ but failed to put lt ai:ro~:s. <..olor~hl1) the Bobl·ats tar.;.:. '\1th Bn.l.!ha:u play thC' nE'tl' :'Ind L'~sent.a will hl" out of the g-aml' rlP" s 1111 (1

It:nse out. at the moment :;;~emt!u them. ln thL> line are D. Curbltt. G. puntNI back to Glynn who pa:-::.:::<d ·;u/Youngo University A \ll'Wry o\·t gpirit thnt is a pl'rn!!atht l•f t-\'E:l•·· inw ~illd possibly fol' tht: lt>~t of tJ ~

stunned. 1ne 1em:hers unll!a::::nt.d ~1 Corbett. Thorne. :\Ierrill. Simmon:-=, ~·ards to Gardiner fvr the first C(lllll· B. Y. LT. will put the Bobcats within Bob<.:at ancl oBhkitten t· ,1111 . Th st·ason.

tern11c pb:iS aLtal.'.k wnich wa.::> goou Alexander <"tnd \rorthing-t0n. ter. The:' Tend1ers lil'd the sL·ort rcneh of the con'\>rrn.t' champil•11 Yearlinl!s of · ~n rou.e-ht wit\~ 3 Yin

1ur yaroage LO an alarmmg t'XL~u:. The Bobcats hnYe been playir g whl'll they c1.llTled Lhc ball dvwn tlw shjl) this year. af'(1 spirit th:it !d:tddcnC'cl tlw heart The Jim~ alltnv .. d , ·r~ •· 1: ynril·

but rn tlle secontt hail tnc .bobcaL.., good ball although snnH. Pt'oplt are fi€1d with a se1·ies of e-rd nm~ anJ The line-up :-i11d sumniary of Y\hen thf"Y hlnckl'd. thl' nlnyp1· w·1"' a~e nagin~t l i•lin~id\) T nr •l'l ~ b L

must have gotten :;ome ~t~H>u~ 111- un:mtisfil'd, e~pecting wonders ot <t rn~.~"'s whkh resulted in a toui:h-1 game. bk.c·kecl to. ::;.ta~. \Yhtn thl'\: ta ·Id·· 1 Sa:urdu~ and frt•qul·ntl. pi\ d th.

struction 101· the 'l~acher~ pass~~ g~·een team .• s1~- o~· .se._vcn·"·Soµhon1,~r;:"~ t.1.nwn. D~ni~1g· the lotter part of .the :\1.. S. C. tD) <.. olo. Teat:hers (Ii I t~q: ;"tayed lat•ldC'd, ~111.d wh n. ·Jic:> Tench us· fol"wnrd wall 0

,.. the t)f-

we1:e pretty eUt!c:tively s.motlwrell. f1om last :.e:u s Fto.~h ttam phi.) mg. i1rst half Colorado rcsurtcll entire- GJ~,nn l E Schltissl:r Jn a man he usuallv ...:t:lYed down fensl'.

• • • * ar<l it is a big change fl om Frush to lly to passes in an effort to break I Olsen l T Ballang-et• EYen the Y:1l'""it\· of la...:t · H'tir ('an

.Montana Stah, litah Uni\'ersit.:i1 \·arsity football. In th1.: East a tenm the tie but WLre unsuL'<:e.-.~fuL Ario LC Lanl·a.,.U'l' te$tifr to the ht:ut:ll as.-.ault~ oi Hl Browr. 1\achers' haF an ca'1tain.

Utah Aggies anti Wyoming remaiu with four or fin: young-Hers plnyin: During- the third quarter thP Bob- "Wilson (' Flint Frosh. Tf thi~ YP:ll .. !' tt·am 1-!t.-..ts tb t almost duplicatul hh feut" of tw

the 1our undeieateU teams oi tne con- i~ .t'ot~si?e1·:c1. a green team at~l~ P~~L'.- ~·ut:'< outplay.ed. th~ 1'en(.'h"•rs, keep· Vogt RG Gikhri:-.t ..;anw fh:rht the~: ~llnuld win o,·cr _the weeks a~o when h• picked up thL

ference. \\'yoming hasn't won .a t1LallJ rneli_l?'tble to tn.'t \el) f:.u. mg the ball 111 thc11· territory mosl of Dobeu~ RT llob:--1111 flashy Cuh tlen•n C'f the rl'i\'er:::.1t\· opening kickof:' and return d it ;..:!

game yet either, 1rnving two tlt--s : 1 Football i.n the \'re_:.l i:- al11111~t <1.,_ fa~t thu time. Gly1:11 tried two drnp 1 Keye.s HE J1uguen1.:" Th~ Cub~ iwesent this Ybll Olll· ; .. yards to lie dropjlt>d by Pt.:nfil•ld. wh.

) i · J I B b k le astt$ ~qunc"' n "0~1t l a11\ was playir:~ safl'ty

will probably 1:.'Ufier defeat when tn.: I r,nc1p es ~PP J· . .,,.. ~ Bolwat~ carriul the ball to the two- a coc TIB Bnn-..n Adam.::;. ha.::. )et d('vc>lopC'd al tt1e l" * * • * two schools meet in thLir annual fh€' Bobcats ,...1.eatcst need i:-. a yard line after Dobeus l·ecvYered a Gardiner llB Ilmrnm~ AHhou~h no! hc:l\\ thr> httt•l..;fil•l Colorado Teachlr:-< beat Bdc-harn

Wll .\ 1' 'IO.XT_\'.\ .\ ATlll ETE· J

. \RE DO!:\"{; I

(Bl."ing thD ~ of ri :-:t>rlcs I tellin~ what illN1tai u athktt;: 1H

doing or have dont'. in t\tlw1· ~l·hul and makine- t:t.>rtain th~ rt•:1Hta­irn11 nf th" fod that :\h1· Lnna "'l hol)]:<; L'ould he on pnr. athl t . it:ally_ with any in the eountr\'-1•1 viding- ::\lontuna athll'tt·~ ~t;1) in Jlortnna s~hoob).

IH'l'P .\l ontann \ih h't~~ in 'Iontann

\\'nlter Kirs1..·ht·n. no" playin .. H' cbr "1ti1 G 'a1ga un I 1atc J onP of tlH ir .. tt" Jin:! pt:rt"ormt 1 ~ I~ a fUT.lh'l' \!1 SI ula bt)y, •

ht't'p '\lontann A1h!e1l' .. in 'lontnna

Ch1H k l l('1111l-r~1111. a r nntt,

Bate lH)y, math.· :11 1:mi. i,lt• n· 1-

tntion at Chic:l).!'(.l LnivErsi~\! playini:r tal·kle and wa<: C'aplain ,· tlw team la:->t ylar. his ::--eni\)J' y1,;•

E .. ·L·p 'I' ntana \ thlt·t~~ in 'lontana

.Tin ~ci\ly. Pink1'y Co1)plr. Hrui O'Donnell, nnd Bowman. all ft1r ­

mer Hilli11g:s hii;:h school ~t·p·~. ha,· iln1w wo1·d1;.•riuil" WL•ll a J1t:m L'l' l~ <>' Ud \ ll\·: 8Ul}Wol lh1

f r l hf' Pion~l'r-... ()'Dn11 lJ t .1ptaln 111 hi.:; St n orycar.

l\:t·t·p '\lontal'a .\1 hlt'tt·~ in ,, l <; n tnna

nlls play for thdr hnint• l,_'Ollllnl.! d t ne;.;t Saturday aid cl \'ktot \' uV

them would J~a' t• unly \\'yon;:n~ b tween :\lontana St ... tl' l't1lleg u:-d L'lt:an e-onlt:'rence :'<late.

... \ Brhrham Youn~ "l'~ul w:i~ Pll

:-:idelint-!' takin~'S on the B1>tc plny.

'" :11 h01wr ('f tht?ir l'hnut:rlmE', ~hngarl~l I.:ellogi!'. Sunday from three till fin•.


Champion Shoe Shop GffES

10% Discount TO ALL STl'DENTS

Opposite Woolworth's

its credit. One of the Utah teamj as that In the East and the ~•Hntc kicks hut fail~d in both. Later th·· Pe:nfteld QB \\".Jlett ltl f . t l· th t 1; ·I R

Thanksgiving day battle, leadn.; quarterbatk an.d field ge1 en1~ an,~ Colorado fumble but. wer~ unable to Gregor:r l''B Enms will h:l\ a 1111,t of ra~t ~rnd hea1h Young- l'niYersit~·, whom thi:> Bob-

1\lontana and ·wyoming to fight 1 B~bcat fans wtll not be. surpn~~·1! 1' make the nC'cessary yardage for tht: Subsbtltutiors )funlana: T'\ild • --------~=========== out as to the best team. It is en- \\inner starts at the p1vot pu~1t1 1m touchdown. In the last period th~ for Gregory; Colo. Teachl'rs: Kinzit

ti.rely possible that \Vyoming wlll "Pop:s" injury m.~Y cause som~ tha'1- Bc1bcats again completed several pn~- for Ballang-ee, :.\lashburn tor Schln:5- \

suffer defeat befort! m€etmg tL~ j!es 1n the. buckiie:lrl. Oth~rw1st' Ott scs. carrying the baJl dm,,1 to tho $er, Glidden for Huggins.

Bobcats. They dt-ieated Colorad\, Romney will Slart pract1caUy the 16-rard line but were to make Yal·tlage from scrimmag-e-~lon

Uni,·ersity las.a Saturday in good s~~le Iir.e~up as last Saturda.y. "Rip .. ya1:dage so Twilde was sent bal'k to tana State lflti; Colo. Tench1.:rs 1G·~.

fashion, making thc:m anything but Wi!son w1ll be at t•enter. \ og-t antl dropkick. The ball :::::ail!."t! strni_ght Ya1· on passes-i\!ontana Sun

easy pickings fo-: the flashy Wyoni· 4 1\J·io at guards, Dobeus aiul Olc:;en ~1 between the bars for the winninµ 68; Colo. TE-athers G5.

ing team. tackles, and Glynn and Keyes 1t points. P..i.sscs t'OlliJ)it'ted ~lurt:.n:t !::'tau~ ends. Pe11field may lall signa!~ Although the game was featul'ed i; Colo. Teacher~ 4. * • * *

11.linois staged a great comeback when the Illini defeated tht;! dtcep· tive eleven from Pennsylvania 3-0. Frosty Peters, a former l\lontan<l State Collt-ge star, kic:ked the win­ning marker.

agnin, and Gardiner and Bnb(·oek with passes. -which were responsible :\kGlone. rt;fHee; Channer. um-

will be at halres. It is doubtiul if for both touchdowns, both teams pire; Chase. hPad lintsman. "Pep'' Gn·g;on• will be abk to play. Twilde will most likely start at that position.

The game wi1 help toward the l'Oll-

• * * * ference and boost our av('rage consid-

Sheridan Hi Alumni Goes Down Before

Onslaught of Bobkittens, Score 30 to 0



rrhe big upset on the Pacific coa~i: erably or else spoil things in general.

was Stanford's startling defoat of If the Bobcats come througb us they

tha po\verful Southern California ha\·e thus far thfa S(ason, and which

eleven1 doped as conference contend- \\'L~ have e\·ery reason to expect they

el's along with Oregon Aggies. 1!1- will, there will be· Coug-ar fur nll ore1

cidentally Lhe Aggie:s. barely squceze-J Gallon field. Howevu·, e,·en the

a nan-ow ,·ictol"y from G. of !dab, .. most optimi'lic must admit that tie WARD WALL STOPS PLAYS ON SCRIJ\ll\IAGE LINE

our oppoillnts early in the season iu Cougar fur \\ill haYe a few seatlt•red I a 0-0 battle, wii,ning 3-U. Ida110 tufts of Bobcat hide to ket:p it com· Coal'h Schube1·t Dvl'he's ::\I l 1l'11·1 da.v" Al'huu!.!h Renn 11la\.·e,I a m:w. showed surprising strength aguinst panv. Anyway it will be a l!'l'e'\t · · - t

1 c

1 ' _. i:-

tran~e. one· par.ailel with the Col;iratf:) 8tatc ~reshn~en journeyt!d to Sheri- 11ifil.l'nt gamt! at ernl ancl was re~pou the coming c..'Onf;r:n~e •champs. game jf not better. dan. "~o ... .snturda~- a!1d took the siblc for Ol1l' fil·id goal a?1.! !net•

Michigan's wondH team, doped t\1 The probable lir.eup will be-: stronJ! Shenda11 Alm~rn1 team into point:-; ail i· wuchdow:· h1..• :--::he11 .. 11

· b B v u '! t ,


camp to the tun~ of ;;O to 0 The snorts writer ~a)·:;. ··JLtd h" 1Rt•irn1 w1n t e iBg Ten, lost what was to · 1 · · ~1 on ana .;:,tnti.: , . . . · · ,, .... '

haYe been a 1Yolve:rine victory. when Gl;i.·nn L-E Worthinl!tnn Yearlmgs had thmgs all their O\.\'f, been on his toes fur mun• pa~st.>:;.

the mid!ihipmen from Annapoli~ took Olsen LT D Corb~t' I way al1 tluu the game and nt n,1 there would hnvp ben1 mo1 e touch

them into camp. Ario LG G'. Corbett! did they haye diffitulty in stop- ~°'n~s. He ,:ntitt.<l for tlwm tll fall

* * * * "\"\'Uson c Thorne I pmg the offL•J1~1H~ thru~ts of the in h1:"; an11s. 1

The College of IJaho is neg-otiat- Vogt RG ::\Itnill Alumni ho:;ls. The Frosh ba.ckfi:ld Coach Dyt'lw u~e-<I .1nthinu but I ing with the State Colle~e to brin'.J' Dobeus RT IL Si11101 ~~ ran, passed. and bucked tht! lrne !or ~trnig-ht football all throu~d1 the fir..-;l

the Bobcats io Id:iho for a special Keyes RI•~ .-\ll'\:3ndt'r gains almost at will, although at half and it was not until the Sl'COHJ

Turkey Day game. At this date ar- Pe~field QB Taylor ti~i~s the 8 heridan linl i:'tiffei~e~ at period that he instructt·<l hi:-: l'Ltr 't'S

rangements have not. been completed Gardiner LIIB Collins cnliral moments to hold the vi-:.itor!" ;!'es to unlensh the bewildt·rin_~ pa:;.~ nnd nothing is definHe-ly settil'd. Twilde PB Knudson when a. touchdown sC'emed imminl'llt. ath\l'k that fLatui·ed thl' game. Ev-

------- Substitute~, B. Y. tJ.:llarri.:;on,, Eikrcin, :'.\kFarlantl, Ridrnrrls, Rh·· en· m~1n on the team play1;.d sui.wr

ln<'kle-; Cohin. balfba•·k; Clar~. 1 er~. and Horner were ttnned by th nall, with Eikrem and J.kF:irlanP ft>a

The pledges of Alpl~a Omitron Pi 1 "'1•rd; F\11ler, end; Ru\\e, ha!fbat·k; I 8heridan papers '"the nack l'rosh- tuxing the bucl<field wot·k :ind [\ ,11 ,.

entertalnl'd the r>h:dgc:s of thl oth~r and Buys, halfbal'k. men bac.:kfit'ld,' 1 and acetnding to the Pnlo, Bc!:-;r ;rnd Preston tht• titw.

groups at their third annual pledgtJ newspnper:> the )luntana. St:o1l<.1 Col·

dance at the chapter house Saturday I The . .\mig"o dub nnnoum·es the }(ge Frosh are a mi!!ht)· firl tenm

aft:;1oon. pledging of Leonard ""ini.:. H<l\ re. Th" line preforn1etl in ~ood fa~hiun and held the vi:teran alumni fonv:!lrd wall to small gains. rrhe Frosh }.rut

~~---- .......... .-.~_......_...........,.._.l".WJ".-...._.._............,. ... ~ }lJ'aL·lit•e in uJI kinds Of d~fen:-;l. fol'

~ ~ the Sheridan outfit untorktd ;J sur­

BASKETBALL SHOES ~ nrising- varit>ty of plays.

' The feattne of llle A'tlllk wa-s n fin ~ ynrrl compll'letl pass from Ri!.!hard:i ~ to Renn. On a delayed pas:-:, with •, tht~ hall on :\Iontana's 25-Yard line ~ Rithard~ ran far baek t~ward hi~ ) own goal llnc- and hurkd the pig-skin

Tht.: lineup and ~ummar)·:

Shtridan Alumni '.\1. S. Fro~h I \Vulk(•r LE J\1h 'Yartpn~leben Ul' ~("11l1u::::,L'11 Taylor LG Da\\ Pear~011 (' Prt>~~on

Donohue RG Dl'~

Eastt:!rbrnnk R'I' Bet(Uett

Barbu· I~ Rl·n•1 Lvnch QB n· I l D~vis LHB


~ 1


.:\ : I Blnckl~in• RHB EikH·m Sweurgeu FB Jl1~Farlan

~ 50 yards into the waitin,e: nrm~ nf

"'"ith plain. crepe and suction soles-only a few Renn, Frosh enr!. Suhstitution:o;- Kittens: ~nblc. I\·t-

~ pairs left. Sizes G, Gt:.!, 91

91 :! and lO. - \ I She1·iibn ten1ied -tht· ~Iuntan·1 ~:;nS1~1~.7~\~~~~1 gi:~,:~~~.~~~t~ldS. \\':.~~Y~~: \ ~ hall Lntt>rs the· ''fastb~t hall cnrrie1·s Adams. ,June, Haniso11. ,Jenkin~. ,J.

\ R 1 S3 \~\ ltl-.:-•t_h_"_"•_h_,_~_"_~_·"_''_11_h_0 •_·c_· _it_1 _n_1_a•_•;_· _a--:E=·=st=c=1'b~1-·o_o_k_,_n_1_"'_"_·n_.~'=l=cl='-•l_v_y_. __ _ \ egu ar ' .50 Shoes. now $2.00 ,

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~ Regular Sl.50 Shoes. now 89 ~ 1 c o LL EGE INN ~ l Bo<omeot Dop,,·tm'"t . ' ! ~ SUND.W .<ND PARTY ))INNERS i ~ @.MBERS-FISHER©· ~ ~ A


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.. -.\ . \\ .. ,. i.



I ~~

e stag at eve THIS fellow missed out on a hea,·y date tonight

by the close margin of one phone-call. But

don't waste pity on him. He has his jimmy·

pipe and a tidy red tin of Prince Albert • • •

gr, nd little pals in time of stress.

When that cool, comfor,:. :; sn.oke comes

curling up the pipe-stem. troubles e ·anesce with

every puff. For P. A. is The N. tional Jor

Smoke in fact as well as phrase. Cool ilS o

money-lender. Sweet as a check from home.

Fragrant as a pine-grove on a damp morning.

You'll like Pri1 c Albert better than any

other tobacco you ever packed into a pipe.

You'll like d:~e friendly way it treats your tongue

and throat. You'll like the way it helps vou over

the rough spots. Ruy a tidy red tin today and see!

R ALB -no othe» tobacco is like it!

P. A- it 101J r:•·c,,.,.,.hcr~ itt l1Jl r.:J 1;,. •• ('01md ,mJ h11.lf­f C1u f1 .: ti11 liumidnrt, dnJ t•ound cn•t4l-glJH lumridors • il/i ~f'C1,,gc•moi,tc11c:r top. .t 11d Jhl'J) J » itil c, ~·q· bit <>/ flitc ,ind p.1rd1 'cmtnt•J by the f>ririco: .l.lbcrt proc1:s1.