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Ellyn Barkley Undergraduate Architecture Portfolio

Architecture and Design Portfolio

Jun 23, 2015




Current portfolio of work to date from undergraduate architecture studios at University of Pennsylvania.
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Page 1: Architecture and Design Portfolio

Ellyn BarkleyUndergraduate Architecture Portfolio

Page 2: Architecture and Design Portfolio

1 table of contents table of contents 2

spatial study










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perceiving and depicting surroundings

A setting of a unique and intricate fine arts library allowed for a closer look and awareness of surroundings. The first step in this mission was a critical examination of the space through a photographic lense, resulting in a a set of corresponding photographs that approach the same subject from different angles: moving through the space and then looking up at each space.After discovering the space, drawings helped to reach a higher level of understanding. The technical study examines the support systems and structures, while the figural examination studies the decorative objects. These result in a study of the exisiting elements of the library.The analyzation of an experienced space progresses to a space created using manipulation of photographs, resulting in a composite photograph, and a new space to analyze. The final set of drawings represent an unfolding of this new perceived space, as if it one is walking through it. This series reflects the same technique as the previous drawings, using the constant pattern of the fence to determine layers.

spatial study

3 spatial study spatial study 4

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up 1 up 2 up 3

through 1 through 2 through 3 unfolding 1

composite photograph

unfolding 2 unfolding 3

figural drawingtechnical drawing

5 spatial study spatial study 6

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final model final model, detail

re-cutfinding the potential of one piece of wood

Focusing on exploring and learning fabrication techniques, and creating drawings that accurately represent the fabrication process, the project began simply with one, solid, uniform piece of wood.The drawings focus on the actual process of the fabrication, beginning with a diagram of the wood cuts necessary to create the final product. It shows how the design strives to maximize the available wood and also maintain a subtle continuous curve by cutting from the same lines.The next set of drawing progresses to the final product, after fabrication. The elevation view shows the curves that define the overall program, while the plan view exhibits the hidden thinness. The final perspective view, along with the models, finally demonastrate how the product is viewed after fabrication.

7 re-cut re-cut 8

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wood cut lines

elevation view plan view


9 re-cut re-cut 10

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quarter-scale modelfull-scale model, detailquarter-scale model, detail

panelestablishing a relationship between two people

In a clear progression from the re-cut project, the panel project continues the focus on fabrication techniques and their drawings. Starting with only two requirements - the ability to separate two people and the ability to condense into one-third of it’s original size - the result was a panel that is always utilizing visual and physical barriers.By limiting the control to one person, there is always some element of separation. If the controller opens up the panel, visual access is allowed, but there is a physical barrier. Conversely, a closed panel allows close physical proximity, but no visual access. The different lengths, orientations, materials, and other aspects were tested out through multiple models.The resulting drawings include orthographic views that show the rotaional aspects of the panel and a kinetic series that illustrates the relationship between the owner and the panel.

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front elevation, side elevation showing rotation, and plan view kinetic series

13 panel panel 14

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final model, shade detail final model

biomimicryutilizing a mechanism found in nature

When given the assignment of looking to nature for inspiration for a mechanism, the unique abilities of the hummingbird immediately came to mind. Research explained that the hummingbird’s ability to hover and fly in any direction is due to its ball-and-socket shoulder joint, which allows for full one hundred and eight degree rotation. Hand sketches of the wing motions and bone structure revealed the efficiency of the movements, how the hummingbird has the ability of full rotation but only moves for what is necessary. This discovery led to a hand drawing of the kinetic sequence of the bones during flight.These discoveries led to the core ideas of the prototype, which uses a similar ball-and-socket for the base, but then uses a gear mechanism to allow for limited motion and efficiency. Using laser-cut museum board, the prototype model was able to have small and intricate pieces. The ideas are further

shown in a kinetic series of different orthographic views and overlaping perspective views to show the range of motion.When the project moved from a prototype to creating a product to enhance a site, the prototype lent itself to creating a modular seating area with an adjustable shading device. The detailed drawings and models of the locking mechanism show the kinetic series of how unlimited motion becomes efficient, mirroring the hummingbird.The drawings of the orthographic drawings show how the modular seating can be arranged and how much, or how little space, is taken up depending on the shade’s orientation. The rendering and final models further explain the orientation of the product in the site and the user interaction.

15 biomimicry biomimicry 16

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bone structure

wing movements kinetic sequence perspective views

kinetic seriesprototype models

17 biomimicry biomimicry 18

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final model, locking mechanism

rendering side elevation showing rotational shade variations

locking mechanism

plan view and front elevation view

19 biomimicry biomimicry 20

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habitat models

habitattransforming a habit into a three-dimensional space

My routine of coffee preparation, while originally rigorously tested, has now become a process that can happen completely subconsciously. Without fail, my body quickly responds to a cup of hot black coffee, with each step broken down into smaller steps themselves: sugar, cream, stirring, drinking. The subconsious actions continually elevate the simple cup of coffee from an inanimate object to something that provides a much larger purpose.I have chosen to analyze the effects of these actions based on both the movement and spatial impacts. The movement analysis studies whcih parts of my body are actually performing each individual step, and how these steps relate to each other. The spatial studies focus on the amount of space necessary for these movements to occur, examining where the spaces overlap the most or deviate for certain steps.While progressing from a theoretical two-dimensional study to a physically-inhabitable three-dimensional

space, I realized that it was necessary to expand my program from simply the preparation of coffee to activities that are directly effected by it, resulting first in programatic rules and then a programtic diagram. As with the preparation, this new program also became divided into four distinct spheres: coffee, study, relax, sleep.By realizing and defining the programmatic rules of coffee preparation, and new program is formed. I used these rules to define a three-dimensional space where physical and visual access act to allow and prohibit these interactions in space. The spaces are experienced through a visual and physical walk through and corresponding photographs of the model. For a person inhabiting this space, the rules become clear simply by interacting and living in the structure.

21 habitat habitat 22

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kinetic mapping, movement and spatial

movement mapping, cumulative spatial mapping, cumulative

movement mapping by step exploded axonometric and renderings

programatic diagram

programatic rules

23 habitat habitat 24

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section views

visual and physical walk through of habitat

model, stepping down from sleep modle, looking down in sleep model, top view of study and relax

model, looking at coffee from studymodel, looking out from relaxmodel, top view of coffee

25 habitat habitat 26