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APSH Basic Management Plan

Apr 04, 2018



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  • 7/29/2019 APSH Basic Management Plan


    Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery

    Basic Management Plan

    February 20120


  • 7/29/2019 APSH Basic Management Plan


    Table of Contents



    HISTORY OF THE FACILITY.......................................................................................................................................4LOCATION OF THE FACILITY.....................................................................................................................................6CURRENT OWNERSHIP AND OPERATOR....................................................................................................................6

    GOALS 6

    MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................................6OBJECTIVES...............................................................................................................................................................7


    HATCHERY DESIGN....................................................................................................................................................7WATERSYSTEM.........................................................................................................................................................8WASTEWATERTREATMENT SYSTEM........................................................................................................................8TYPE OF FOOD PRODUCTION,HOLDING,SPAWNING, AND REARING SYSTEMS......................................................9

    Algal production system........................................................................................................................................9Broodstock holding system..................................................................................................................................10Broodstock conditioning & spawning system......................................................................................................10

    Larval rearing system..........................................................................................................................................10Intense nursery system.........................................................................................................................................11Long term nursery system....................................................................................................................................11Outside enclosed tank system ..............................................................................................................................11

    SHELLFISH HATCHERY FLOORPLANS ...................................................................................................................11MARINE TECHNICAL CENTERFLOORPLANS........................................................................................................13


    BROODSTOCKACQUISTION ....................................................................................................................................14SEED PRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................17




    APPENDIX 1.ALUTIIQ PRIDE SHELLFISH HATCHERY APPROVED SPECIES LIST .................................................25APPENDIX 2.PACIFIC GEODUCK............................................................................................................................26


    Food....................................................................................................................................................................26Timelines..............................................................................................................................................................26Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................26

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................27APPENDIX 3.PACIFIC OYSTERS..............................................................................................................................28


    Food....................................................................................................................................................................28Timelines..............................................................................................................................................................28Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................28

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................28APPENDIX 4.NUTTALL COCKLE .............................................................................................................................29


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    Food....................................................................................................................................................................29Timelines..............................................................................................................................................................29Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................29

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................29APPENDIX 5.GIANT ROCK-SCALLOP......................................................................................................................30


    Food....................................................................................................................................................................30Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................30

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................30







    Food....................................................................................................................................................................31Timelines..............................................................................................................................................................31Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................31

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................32APPENDIX 7.PACIFIC LITTLENECK........................................................................................................................33


    Food....................................................................................................................................................................33Timelines..............................................................................................................................................................33Survival Goals.....................................................................................................................................................33

    Production Goals ................................................................................................................................................33

    APPENDIX 8.RED SEA CUCUMBERS........................................................................................................................340


    5 AAC 41.27(c) A hatchery operation permit holder shall manage the hatchery in accordance

    with a basic management plan approved by the commissioner. The basic management plan shall

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    be drafted in conjunction with departmental staff and the hatchery permit holder and filed as an

    addendum to the current permit approved by the commissioner and is to be revised whenever

    changes are necessary or at least every five years.

    The purpose of this plan is to outline the goals and operational aspects of the Alutiiq Pride

    Shellfish Hatchery (APSH) in Seward for invertebrates in Alaska. The plan provides a history

    and description of the hatchery, summary of the basic culture techniques and the current vision0

    for management and operation of the hatchery. Since culture practices for invertebrates in

    Alaska are still in development, the plan is meant to be adaptable and should be regularly0


    1.0 Background

    1 History of the Facility

    In 1991, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) requested operating funds

    as part of its annual budget to conduct preliminary research towards the construction of a

    Mariculture Technical Center (MTC) that could support the growing mariculture industry.

    While not approved that year, then-Governor Walter Hickel inserted funds in the capitalbudget to build the MTC. The MTC project was later merged with a shellfish hatchery

    project proposed by the Chugach Regional Resources Commission (CRRC).

    During the legislative appropriation process, these projects were also joined to a site

    selection study for the MTC facility and the construction of a marine nursery facility

    referred to as a Floating Upweller System (FLUPSY) in Halibut Cove Lagoon on the

    lower Kenai Peninsula. A portion of the Exxon settlement money (Section 5 of the

    HSCCSSB 183 [FIN]) was used for funding these projects. Dames and Moore was the

    contracting firm awarded funding for the site selection study. ADF&G managed the

    contracts for all the projects and was responsible for managing both the MTC andshellfish hatchery. Seward was the final choice for a location for the facility among

    several sites considered. Construction of the MTC/SH facility began in 1996, was

    completed in 1997, and the facility began to sell oyster spat grown from eyed-larvae

    purchased from Washington hatcheries in 1998.

    While the shellfish hatchery was always intended to be hired out to a private contractor,

    plans for administering of the MTC changed before construction was completed.

    ADF&G lost annual operating funds in 1996, so they contracted a study to determine

    how best to manage the space within the intent of remaining capitol funding. The

    contractors for this study were the Alaskan Shellfish Growers Association and theUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks Marine Advisory Program under the umbrella of the

    Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District. In coordination with ADF&G and

    other interested parties, the contactors developed a plan to create a private nonprofit

    corporation to oversee the management of the MTC portion of the facility. It would be

    composed of representatives from the City of Seward, industry (Alaskan Shellfish

    Growers Association and Kachemak Shellfish Mariculture Association), ADF&G,

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    operator of the shellfish hatchery, and the University of Alaska. Concurrent with seeking

    a plan to manage the MTC, ADF&G sought a shellfish hatchery contractor, but was

    unsuccessful. With severe cuts in the ADF&G Mariculture Program budget, ADF&G

    decided that the best way to accomplish the intended purpose of the MTC facility was to

    contract the operations to the City of Seward, who had expressed an interest in this

    oversight. Under the City of Sewards sub-contractor, the MTC facility was used

    informally and intermittently by the nearby Alaska SeaLife Center and the University of

    Alaska Fairbanks, Seward Marine Center.

    The shellfish hatchery portion of the facility has been in continuous operation since the

    doors to the facility first opened in 1997. One of the first operators was Qutekcak Native

    Tribe of Seward with administrative support from CRRC. Qutekcak hired an experienced

    shellfish production specialist, Jon Agosti, and business manager, Ron Long, to run the

    facility. The Qutekcak Shellfish Hatchery (the name of the facility back then), focused

    on producing oyster spat from stock furnished by the Oregon State University Molluscan

    Broodstock Program and experimental work with Pacific littleneck, Pacific geoduck, and

    giant rock-scallops. Unfortunately, seed production fluctuated and did not always meet

    the needs of the Alaskan mariculture industry. A series of grants from the legislature kept

    the hatchery afloat along with research grants and enhancement projects from a variety ofsources, such as the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, National Marine

    Fisheries Service, Administration for Native Americans, and the Small Business

    Innovative Research Program.

    In 2005, CRRC assumed management of the hatchery, hiring Jeff Hetrick as hatchery

    manager and renamed the facility, Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery (APSH). One

    significant change in how the facility was run has been to cease spawning oysters at the

    hatchery and to import eyed-larvae or oyster spat from other certified sources. The

    hatchery has continued to produce spat of other species for shellfish farmers while

    significantly increasing involvement in research and development projects. One of themost successful initiatives of APSH has been to put the MTC to work with a king crab

    enhancement project that has accounted for more than half the total revenues into the

    facility. Since management of the shellfish hatchery was transferred to CRRC in late

    2004, revenues from research projects in the MTC have become the hatcherys primary

    source of funding in recent years. Hatchery revenues have remained insufficient to fund

    the facility completely due to continuing struggles between seed demand, seed

    availability, production costs, and seed quality issues.

    Disaster struck the hatchery in October 2006 when torrential rains caused major flooding

    in Seward, including blockage of a stream that backed up and swept tons of mud andrubble through the hatchery. The hatchery incurred about $200,000 in damage and took

    several months to clean up after the floods. Fortunately, there was no structural damage,

    and the staff was able to get the hatchery back up and running within a couple of months.

    In the reconstruction process, the MTC was revamped for the crab project with the

    addition of research and production tanks and a wall clearly separating the research and

    hatchery component of the facility.

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    2 Location of the Facility0

    The facility is located on 101 Railway Road in Seward, Alaska on the north side of

    Resurrection Bay.

    3Current Ownership and Operator:

    The current ownership of the building is complex:

    Component Owner

    MTC/SH building City of Seward (owned by ADF&G until 2004),

    Note: Currently, the MTC/SH Building is leased to

    Chugach Region Resources Commission

    Lot City of Seward

    Tidelands adjacent to MTC/SH City of Seward

    The MTC and shellfish hatchery currently are managed by CRRC under contract to theCity of Seward. CRRC has been involved with the hatchery facility since its conception

    and has the administrative and technical capability to operate the hatchery successfully. ,

    It is very familiar with hatchery operations and its problems. Patty Schwalenberg

    (Executive Director for CRRC) and Mr. Jeff Hetrick comprise the management team for

    the hatchery. Ms Schwalenberg has overall responsibility for the shellfish hatchery and

    MTC. Her primary duties are to assure that the facility has adequate administrative

    support, funding, and oversight. As hatchery director, Mr. Hetrick, is the primary contact

    and CRRC representative for the facility. He is responsible for the day-to-day operations

    as well as planning and budgeting.

    2.0 Goals

    2.01 Mission Statement

    To operate the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery as a non-profit business in an open and

    transparent manner, that encourages technical excellence and is dedicated to meeting its

    customers' needs as efficiently and inexpensively as possible. Recognizing that all facets

    of the Alaska mariculture industry share the same future, the hatchery should establish a

    close working relationship with all industry participants to ensure that the ultimate

    customer is provided with the highest quality product at the lowest possible cost.

    2.02 Objectives

    Become a self-sustaining business. Promote additional staff education and training to ensure that the hatchery

    maintains a high level of technical competence.

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    Seek out technical expertise from consultants, other hatcheries, universities,

    etc in order to ensure productive and efficient culture techniques. Develop an easy and effective communications system with customers. Work with commercial nurseries and growers to develop techniques and

    procedures that will help make the Alaskan mariculture industry more

    competitive. Continue to look for additional species to culture including species other than

    bivalve mollusks. Any species development work done in the hatchery must

    pay its own way. Establish production and percentage survival goals and once established meet

    or exceed performance standard survival assumptions.

    3.0 Facility Description

    3.01 Hatchery Design

    The hatchery building was constructed as a shared facility with 7,660 ft allocated to the

    shellfish hatchery, 1,550 ft to the Marine Technical Center, and 1,171 ft as shared spaces

    including mechanical facilities, laboratory space, and a shop (Figure 2). A detailedbreakdown of the space allocation in the facility is provided in Table 1.

    The facility structure can withstand the constant flow of salt water inside and Sewards

    harsh weather conditions outside. The quality of construction was demonstrated by the

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    Table 1. Hatchery Use Specifications (in ft.2)

    Hatchery Tank Room 6,330Mariculture Technical Center 1,550

    Shared SpaceMechanical Room 840Offices. Restrooms, Hall 810Shop 520

    Algae Culture Lab 520Dry Lab 200Electrical Room 150

    Figure 1. Hatchery

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    lack of structural damage from the 2006 flood. While the boiler was damaged by the

    flood and there was minor damage inside, the physical plant emerged relatively intact.

    The facility provides sound, reliable water supply and drain systems for anticipated

    activities of both the hatchery and MTC. Seawater pumps through an 8-inch HDPE

    underwater pipeline extended to a depth of 250 feet just off the Seward Marine Center

    dock. The water treatment used a system of sand filters and UV radiation, and both

    ambient and heated seawater are distributed throughout the facility through oversized

    header pipes. As required by research projects approved by ADF&G, the MTC intake

    water can be separated and be further treated beyond hatchery specifications. Processed

    water draining from shellfish culture tanks is collected in floor trenches and is routed

    through a heat recovery system. All effluent is treated with chlorine to eliminate the

    potential for disease organisms leaving the facility. The building provides flexible space

    that can be converted to a variety of configurations without major modifications.

    3.02 Water System

    Between April and November, in the Resurrect Bay near APSH become stratified with

    surface salinity at 23-29 practical salinity units (psu) and temperatures up to 14 C.During the winter months, there is much more mixing of the water column; surface

    salinity is approximately 31 psu and temperature is 3-4 C. Primary productivity here is

    typical of Alaskan fjords, with 1776 mg C/m/day in summer and 8 mg C/m/day in

    winter. Analysis of the deep-water intake at the Institute of Marine Science (located next

    to the MTC/SH building), detected no unusual levels of trace metals, pollutants, or

    primary constituents.

    The shellfish hatchery now has four sources of salt water. Those sources include an 8-

    inch pipeline extending to a depth of 250 feet; a saltwater well; a connection to the

    primary intake line for the neighboring University of Alaskas Marine Science Center;and a backup line from the hatchery. The primary source of water into the MTC is the

    connection to the university intake line that can be transferred to one of the hatchery

    sources as needed.

    Intake water is treated by a series of filters (sand, bag and cartridge) to remove particles

    greater than 1 micron in diameter and ultraviolet ray (UV) system (Figures 2 and 3).




    All effluent water

    from culture and


    holding tanks is

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    Figure 2. Sand Filters

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    treated with chlorine (2 ppm) to prevent the possibility of disease causing organisms

    leaving the hatchery. Effluent water is captured in floor trenches covered by steel grates.

    The effluent water goes out into Resurrection Bay after being treated with metered


    3.04Type of Food Production, Broodstock Holding and Spawning, and Larvae

    Rearing and Nursery Systems

    The production facilities include systems that provide food or meet the environmental

    requirements of the shellfish at the various stages of development and growth. The

    following is a brief description of each of these systems.

    3.04.1 Algal production system

    This system is the resource for producing food for broodstock and juvenile

    shellfish seed through their various stages of production. The steps involved

    include starting a 250 ml culture in an axenic 500 ml flask for four days, using the

    flask culture to inoculate a 20-liter carboy that is cultured for five days and using

    the carboy culture to inoculate a 20,000-liter fiberglass tank containing 22 Cseawater. The alga is then cultured for 4 to 6 days to reach 1 billion cells per liter

    before being fed to the shellfish. The hatchery also has a continuous "bag culture

    system" that produces a mix of high-density dinoflagellates. See Figures 4-6


    Feeding involves diluting the cell concentration by two-thirds by pumping 10,000

    liters from the algae tank to a 30,000-liter tank containing 20,000 liters ofseawater heated to between 16 C and 20 C, depending on the species of

    shellfish. This is then sent to the various systems containing the rearing shellfish

    and fed via a drip system at various rates depending on the life stage. A 30,000-

    liter tank of the diluted algae lasts about one day. Toward the end of the workday,

    the tank is replenished with about 10,000 liters of heated seawater to ensure that it

    lasts throughout the night. Feed can also be pumped from the algae tanks directly

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    Figure 5. Bag culture ofdinoflagellates

    Figure 4. Carboys in the wet lab

    Figure 6. 180-liter cylindricalcontainers used for diatom

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    to the rearing shellfish as opposed to the drip feed. Known as "pulse feeding" this

    method can be a more convenient method of feeding under certain configurations,

    but it is wasteful because the shellfish cannot consume all the algae at high

    concentrations and a significant portion ends up going down the drain.

    3.04.2 Broodstock holding system

    This is the system for inactive maintenance and isolation of the various species of

    broodstock in the hatchery. It consists of 1,000 liter fiberglass tanks that contain

    the tray setup for holding brood animals, and a system for supplying unheated,

    untreated seawater (except UV radiation) at 1 to 4 liters per minute. The animals

    are typically pulse fed at varied times and amounts.

    3.04.3Broodstock conditioning & spawning system

    This is the system for ripening broodstock and spawning them. It has the same

    components as described for the broodstock holding system plus, including UV

    light and 1 micron filtering and heated seawater (10 C) to induce spawning. The

    purpose of this system is to produce a "controlled spawn." This involves spawningequal numbers of each sex to ensure genetic diversity and keeping the sexes

    separate as spawning is induced. The process involves close monitoring. As the

    animals spawn, the gametes are removed and placed in a fertilization bucket in a

    set egg to sperm ratio to help ensure a successful fertilization. After several cell

    divisions, the eggs are inspected to estimate the fertilization rate. Fertilized eggs

    are removed from the fertilization buckets and placed in larval rearing tanks.

    3.04.4 Larval rearing system

    This is the system for rearing larvae from spawn to the pediveliger stage. Itinvolves UV light treatment, 1 micron filtration and heated water (16 C, 20 C

    for oysters) enough saltwater to fill a 30,000 liter fiberglass tank. Hatched larvae

    are then placed in the tank and fed. Approximately every 2.5 days the tank is

    drained and larvae are collected in a screen placed underneath the drain cock.

    Growth, health and survival data are gathered before the larvae are transferred to

    another 30,000-liter tank, prepared and operated in the same manner as described

    above. These steps are repeated until the larvae reach the pediveliger stage, which

    differs with species and temperature but is usually complete within three to five


    3.04.5 Intense nursery system

    This is the system for taking shellfish larvae from the pediveliger stage to 2-

    millimeter seed. A single unit consists of an 80 cm x 2.5 m x 80 cm fiberglass

    tank within which three fiberglass upwelling trays 60 cm in diameter and 70 cm

    tall with plastic screened bottoms are placed with the bottoms about 10 cm off the

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    bottom of the trough. The shellfish are located in the trays, which may be

    supplied with an artificial substrate to promote settlement. UV treated, 1 micron

    filtered and heated (to about 16 C, or 24 C for oysters) seawater flows into the

    tank and out a screened port. After the pediveligers have set (metamorphosed into

    tiny bivalves), an airlift system is initiated to circulate water and food efficiently.

    The system typically downwells (water/food in the top and out the bottom) until

    the animals reach about 1.2 mm in size at which time the system is reversed to up

    well mode (water/food in the bottom and out through a screened standpipe). In

    the case of trays with substrate, the water flows across the substrate.0

    3.04.6 Long term nursery system

    This is the outdoor system for taking 2 mm seed to 6 mm to 9 mm depending on

    the species. This system is similar to the larval settlement system except each

    trough is much larger (3.3 m x 1.6 m x 0.8m) and holds 10 upwelling trays instead

    of three. The algae for the system will come from the outside enclosed tank


    3.04.7 Outside enclosed tank system

    The outdoor nursery system consist of: 1) a series of upwelling and downwelling

    tanks (6), with the capacity of 12 rearing rings per tank, for growing and holding

    of shellfish; and 2) 50' diameter outside tanks for culturing algae from natural

    blooms from Resurrection Bay. The upwelling and downwelling tanks can be fed

    from any combination of ambient saltwater from Resurrection Bay, cultured algae

    and water from the hatchery or algae raised in the outside tanks.

    3.05 Shellfish Hatchery Floor Plans

    The layout of the hatchery portion of the building is almost identical to the original floor

    plans (Figure 2).

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    The location of production and holding tanks are the same as shown in the copy of

    construction drawings by project architect KCM on next page. Table 2 summarizes the

    various types of tanks at the hatchery. Photos of the shellfish and algae culture tanks on

    the hatchery floor are provided in Figures 3-6.

    Table 2. Descriptions of shellfish and algae c lture tanks on the hatchery floor.

    Type of Tank Number Volume(liters)

    Size Uses

    Reservoir Tanks 6 30,000 Water and food tanks for all seed andbroodstock

    Larval tanks for large spawns ofshellfish.

    Larval RearingTanks

    2 3,800 Larval rearing and some algae culture


    2 604 8x2x16 Holding and conditioning seacucumbers or other shellfish.

    S Tanks 7 3,894 11x5x30 Oyster/geoduck culture


    2 566 20x1x1 Geoduck spat nursery with capacity tohandle up to 1 million seed per trough.

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    Fi ure 4. Broodstock Conditionin Tanks

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    3.06 Marine Technical Center Floor Plans

    As shown on the MTC floor plan in Figure 7, the MTC main floor is equipped with tanks

    for holding broodstock and a variety of other research purposes. These include tanks for

    holding broodstock during spawning events, tanks for larval production, and juvenile

    rearing tanks. A wall is erected to provide isolation of MTC activities from the shellfish


    MTC Module 1 has nine larval rearing tanks and MTC Module 2 has 16 conical larval

    rearing tanks set up (Figures 8 and 9)

    The layout of the MTC changes dramatically from project to project, or can change even

    between different stages of the same project. The following is a description of the MTC

    floor design for years one and two of the king crab enhancement project.

    The king crab enhancement project also will be utilizing the large outdoor tanks at the

    hatchery complex for nursery experiments. The tanks are supplied with seawater from the

    University of Alaskas Marine Center.

    4.0 Shellfish Hatchery Operational Plans

    Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Basic Management Plan Page 13

    Figure 6. SS Tanks

    Figure 8. MTC Module 1 LarvalRearing Tanks

    Figure 9. MTC Module 1 Conical Larval RearingTanks

    Figure 7. MTC Floor Plan

    Figure 5. Reservoir Tanks

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    The Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery (APSH) is a state-of-the-art shellfish hatchery with a

    mandate to operate as a private business, and operations must be responsive to market demand.

    The Alaska shellfish farming industry has been developing at a much slower pace than

    envisioned at the time the hatchery complex was constructed. As a result, the operation and

    development schedule will vary with the demand. Details on the broodstock acquisitions and

    seed production are provided in sections below.

    4.01 Broodstock Acquisition

    The APSH has acquired broodstock for several species since 2000, including Pacific

    oysters, Nuttall cockles, Pacific geoducks, Pacific razor clams, Pacific littleneck, and

    giant rock-scallops. A history of each species used for broodstock and culture details

    appears in Appendices 2-8.

    Over the last ten years, maximum number for shellfish broodstock acquired for any one

    year ranged from 30 to 356 (Table 3). Projected acquisition for future hatchery spawning

    needs range from 200 to 300 depending on the species. The actual broodstock

    acquisitions will ultimately depend on the demand for seed.

    Table 3. Alutiiq Pride Broodstock Acquisition Projections for 2011-2015

    2000-2010 2011-2015

    Species RegionMaximum Number

    Acquired For Any OneYear

    ProjectedAcquisition Needs

    Pacific oyster Out-of-State 200 None

    SC 365 200

    SE 250 200

    SC 0 None

    SE 248 200

    SC 40 300SE 0 -

    SC 0 200

    SE 221 200

    Giant rock- SC 30 None

    scallops SE 48 200

    The current hatchery operation permit for APSH has special conditions pertaining to

    breeding practices that requires APSH to use a minimum of 200 broodstock (100 pairs -

    100 females and 100 males) with at least 50% replacement of broodstock on an annual

    basis for all indigenous shellfish bivalves approved on the permit to avoid inbreeding

    depression. This benchmark maybe lowered upon approval by the department, based onthe broodstock size and good culture practices at the hatchery, the hatchery capacity, or

    the industry needs. The projected broodstock needed by the hatchery meets the minimum

    number requirement.

    Broodstock collection will be from source locations with an established disease history

    and the department will approve acquisitions. Broodstock from different larval drift

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    zones, as such zones are defined in 5 ACC 41.295(d), will be kept separate in the

    hatchery when spawning to avoid pooling of progeny. For the same reasons, broodstocks

    from different geographical areas that are found to be genetically distinct will be kept

    separated in the hatchery.

    In 2005, spawning of Pacific oysters ceased and APSH began acquisitions of eyed-larvae

    from certified out-of-state sources. Table 5 summarizes the juvenile Pacific oyster (seed

    and juveniles) acquired by APSH from 2000 to 2010. The projected acquisition for

    APSH for 2011-2015 ranges from 1 to 3 million each year and depends on the demand.

    During periods of seed supply shortages, APSH is ready can ramp up Pacific oyster

    acquisitions and can rear them until they are marketable seed size for Alaska nurseries

    and/or farmers.

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    Table 4. Alutiiq Pride Broodstock Acquisitions History for 2000-2010

    20 0 2001 20 2 20 3 20 4 20 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 2009 20 0

    Species Region Permitte



































    Out-of- 1000 200 1000 0 1000 72


    Basket SC 500 ? 950 10 950 0 200 60 200 150 200 356 300 180 300 100Cockle SE 500 250 500 90 500 0 500 40 650 100 0 200 200 200 76 200 42 300 0

    Pacific SC

    geoduck SE 250 91 250 36 250 63 250 0 50 52 100 100 300 248 200 145 200 80 300 121

    SC 250 0 180 40 180 0 300 0 300 0 300 0

    SE 30 0

    Pacific SC 800 0 800 0 800 265 200 62 200 86 300 100

    littleneck SE 1,600 200 800 150 1,600 0 1,600 0 800 0 200 200 200 221 300 0 300 220

    SC 12 20 200 30

    SE 150 48 150 24 150 0 150 0 150 0 200 28 200 0 400 0

    SC 300 0


    Table 5. Alutiiq Pride Stock Acquisitions History from 2003 -2009 and Projections for 2011-2015 Pacific oysters (seed andjuveniles only)

    2 03 2004 2005 2006 2 07 20 8 2 09 2 102011-201
































    Coast Oyster CompanyQuilcene Hatchery (eyed-

    larvae) 65 26.4 100 33 100 50.6

    0 36.75 100 0 1-3

    Coast Oyster CompanyKona Coast Hatchery 5 5 5 2.099 5 2 5 1 5 1 0

    Eagle ShellfishAquatic Farm 0.3

    notreported 0

    OSU HatfieldMolluscan Broodstock

    Program 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0005 0.1 0.0005 0Qutekcak Shellfish

    HatcheryProduction 1.5

    notreported 33 0 0 0

    Aluttiq Pride ShellfishHatchery

    Production newoperator


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    4.02 Production

    Appendix 1 lists the approved species on the APSH hatchery operation permit. The most

    important species produced by APSH have been Pacific oyster, Pacific geoducks, and Pacific

    littleneck. Pacific oysters are the only species that can be imported from out-of state certified

    sources. All other species must be produced in the state using indigenous species.

    Currently, APSH is the only hatchery that is permitted to produce indigenous species for use in

    nurseries and aquatic farming in Alaska. Table 6 summarizes the seed production recorded for

    2008 and 2009 for all species by management area and statewide. The percentage of seed

    produced from APSH and sold to aquatic farmers and nurseries is also shown. Only 7% of the

    Pacific oysters were sold by APSH from all the certified seed sources. With seed shortages In

    Washington, APSH can help fill the gap and meet the permit holders needs for Pacific oysters.

    Table 6. Seed Production by APSH and Other Certified Seed Sources by Management Area in 20082009


    Number of Seed Producedepar men o

    Fish & Game

    2008 2009

    Management Area All CSS* APSH^ % APSH All CSS* APSH^ % APSH

    Northern Southeast

    Pacific geoduck - - - 1,500 1,500 100%

    Pacific oyster 108,874 - 0% 42,000 - 0%

    Pacific littleneck - - - - - 0%

    Southern Southeast

    Cockle - - - 100,000 100,000 100%

    Pacific geoduck 75,000 75,000 100% 128,000 128,000 100%

    Pacific oyster 2,707,636 1,200,000 44% 8,218,550 600,000 7%

    Pacific littleneck - - - 200,000 200,000 100%

    Cook Inlet

    Pacific oyster 1,245,000 - 0% 2,325,000 - 0%

    Pacific littleneck - - - - - 0%


    Pacific geoduck 75,000 - 100% 129,500 129,500 100%

    Pacific oyster 4,839,510 - 44% 11,985,550 600,000 7%

    Pacific littleneck - - - 200,000 200,000 100%

    * CSS: Certified Seed Source. In 2008 and 2009, ther were 5 Certified eed Sources.

    ^ APSH: Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hat hery

    Cook Inlet Includes Kachemak Ba .

    Pacific littlenecks are cultured using suspended gearonly in Kachemak Bay.

    Table 7 presents the estimated seed projections by management areas for the years, 2011-2013,

    for each species based on the aquatic farm operation development plan schedules. The projected

    minimum numbers are within the range of the preliminary hatchery production goals in Table 9provided by APSH.


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    Table7. Projected Seed Production* by Management Area for 2011-2013


    (*Based on

    Projected Seed Production Numbers

    Aquatic Farm Operation & Development Plans Data)

    Fish & Game

    2011 2012 2013

    Management AreaMinimum Minimum Minimum

    Northern Southeast

    Pacific geoduck 80,000 - -

    Pacific oyster 330,000, ,

    10 000

    Pacific littleneck 200,000,-


    Southern Southeast

    Nuttall cocklePacific geoduck 300,000 131,000 250,000

    Pacific oyster,

    8 252 001,

    7 927 001,

    8 417 001

    Pacific littleneck

    , ,150,000

    , ,131,000

    , ,250,000

    Prince William Sound

    Pacific oysters 700,001 800,001 800,001

    Cook Inlet

    Pacific oysters 2 675 000 3 050 000 3 350 000

    Pacific littleneck, ,2,000

    , ,-

    , ,-


    Nuttall cocklePacific geoduck




    Pacific oystersPacific littleneck




    * CSS: Certified Seed Source. In 2008 and 2009, there were 5 Certified Seed Sources.

    ^ APSH: Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery

    Cook Inlet Includes Kachem k Bay. Pacific littlenecks are cultured using suspended gear only in Kachemak ay.

    Table 8 presents the history of production between 2000 and 2010 and the approximate value of

    this production. The sales of hatchery-produced seed have increased from $15,122 in 2000 to

    $69,270 in 2007, but fell in subsequent years for a number of reasons. Production is expected to

    increase in the next few years. While several species of shellfish show great potential, there are

    only commercial in-state spat markets for Pacific geoducks and Pacific oysters only. Aquatic

    farmers are interested in purchasing Pacific littleneck spat to help sustain their permitted beaches

    and farmers and nurseries are working with APSH to produce spat for the coming years.

    The shellfish hatchery has been in operation for over ten years and has not, to date, codified

    production goals or established percentage survival goals for the various life history stages of

    shellfish propagated and cultured in the hatchery. Table 9 shows the typical hatchery seed

    survival and production goals. All of the species raised are new to the Alaskan shellfish culture

    industry with the exception of the Pacific oyster. Although the techniques are not novel, feeding

    regimes, culture techniques and setting strategies are unique to each species. The size of shellfish

    seed to be sold is expected to be in the ranges of3 to 5 mm. At this time, APSH plans to produce

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    enough Pacific geoducks and Pacific oyster spat to respond to market demand. Production of

    other species, such as giant rock-scallops, Nuttall cockles, Pacific littleneck, Pacific razor clams

    and sea cucumbers, will continue on experimental levels to help the industry continue to work on

    research and development projects.0

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    Table 8. Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Seed Production by Species from 2000 through 2010


    n2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006* 2007 2008 2009 2010

    Basket Number 0

    50,000 0 0 0

    38,500 60,000 0 52000 0

    CockleValue $308 $1,080


    Pacific Number 0 0

    47,400 31,500 53,080 187,800 150,000 660,000 75,000 162,400 71,100geo uc

    Value $11,850 $6,300 $10,482 $21,283 $18,750 $59,320 $7,500 $28,550 $6,500

    Littleneck Number

    45,000 2,875,000 547,000 410,000 110,000 501,100 0 0 50000 0 50,000c am

    Value $0 $22,432 $4,535 $3,715 $917 $4,009 $2,000 $0


    1,969,000 2,959,000 3,108,000 1,728,000 2,359,800 5,253,000 1,750,000 2,579,500 1,200,000 600,000 540,000

    Value $15,122 $18,338 $20,264 $11,000 $12,174 $28,742 $7,875 $9,950 $5,400 $3,300 $2,430

    Pacific Number 0 0 0 0 0

    150,000 0 0 0 0azor c am

    Value $10,000Purple-Hinged Number

    3,250 0 0 0 0 0

    8,000 0 0 0

    RockScallop Value $0 $1,600

    Total Salesby Year $15,122 $40,770 $36,649 $21,015 $23,573 $64,342 $29,305 $69,270 $44,900 $31,850 $8,930

    * In 2006,of-state cer

    PSH cetified sou

    sed spaces.

    ning oy ters at the hatche y and st rted importing e ed-larvae or oyste spat from out-

    Table 9. Preliminary Shellfish Seed Survival and Production Goals

    Species Survival Goals Annual Production Goals Seed Size To Be Sold

    Basket CockleSetting 30%,

    To 2 mm 50%, To 6 mm 35%0 10,000,000 3-5 mm

    Pacific geoduck250 screen min. or larger 25%,

    Approx. 1mm 15-20%,8 mm 30%

    500,000 2,000,000 4-6 mm

    Littleneck clamSet 25%,

    1 mm 25%, 3 mm 75%0 1,000,000 3 mm

    Pacific oysterSetting 10%,

    710 micron screening 30% 2,000,000

    10,000,000 3-5 mm

    Pacific Razor clam250 screen min. or larger 25%,

    Approx. 1mm 15-25, 8 mm seed size 50%0 1,000,000 3 mm

    Purple- Hinged RockScallop

    Larvae 10%, Setting 10%,To 1 mm 10%

    0 1,000,000 3 mm

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    5.0 Marine Technical Center Operational Plans

    The MTC is the focal point of early research by the Alaska King Crab Research,

    Rehabilitation and Biology program (AKCRRAB), which is a joint research project

    involving scientists with the APSH, National Marine Fisheries Service and University of

    Alaska. The project is directed by a steering committee involving the three researchgroups and representatives from the crab industry and coastal communities.

    As the project matures, the focus of research may shift to different arenas, but APSH is

    likely to continue to use the MTC to refine hatchery techniques and nursery technology

    until at least 2012. When the research into king crab culture is complete, the MTC will

    likely attract additional research projects. As research projects cycle through the MTC,

    the configuration of the facility is likely to change as well.

    AKCRRAB develops detailed study plans for ADF&G on an annual basis to obtain fish

    resource permits and has a long-range strategic research plan. A copy of the strategicplan has been provided to ADF&G Division of Commercial Fisheries.0

    6.0 Genetics Management

    The hatchery has implemented several procedures to support the States genetics policy in

    its attempt to protect the genetic integrities of wild populations. One focus is on the

    selection of broodstock and the distribution of spat and juveniles. In the absence of

    suitable information about genetic population structure for many species, Alaska

    Regulation, 5 AAC 41.295, identifies six distinct larval drift zones across the state and

    restricts the movement of aquatic farm stocks to within the zone from which broodstockwere collected. In other words, the hatchery can only sell Southeast farmers spat that are

    produced from Southeast broodstock. The intent of this policy is to prevent the

    introduction of new genetic strains into wild populations.

    This regulation requires that the hatchery maintain separate stocks for broodstock

    originated from each larval drift zone. The implicit assumption is that only one genetic

    population for each shellfish species is present within each zone. However, additional

    genetic structure may be present within a larval drift zone, and research on the genetic

    population structure within zones is needed to confirm the assumption of genetic

    homogeneity within a drift zone.

    A second related focus is on the maintenance of genetic diversity among and within

    broodstocks. The first issue is addressed by separating in the hatchery broodstocks from

    different regions. The mixing of broodstocks from different areas may lead to out

    breeding depression so that offspring are mal-adapted to any one area. A conservative

    best practice is to spawn individuals that have been collected from one location.

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    To address the second issue, spat for release must be produced from large effective

    population broodstock sizes, so that genetic diversity is not lost by culture practices.

    High fecundities and high larval mortalities in most invertebrate species can lead to a

    rapid shift in genetic architecture and the release of domesticated individuals can

    potentially affect wild populations. While the use of only a few parents can produce large

    numbers of spat for outplanting, the use of a small number of individuals may lead to

    inbreeding (and inbreeding depression), the loss of genetic diversity or domestication

    selection. Several steps can be taken to maintain large effective population sizes in a


    While aquaculture generally benefits from selective broodstock programs for traits

    conducive to shellfish husbandry, Alaskas requirements for genetic diversity effectively

    preclude selective breeding programs. To conform to this strategy, APSH has adopted an

    acquisition program involving the annual renewal of all broodstock from approved wild

    stock sources. The use of new broodstock also helps to maintain genetic diversity in

    outplanted individuals.

    APSH typically collects wild individuals for broodstock and holds them in the hatchery

    for spawning. Since the cost of ripening and conditioning these individuals in a hatcheryenvironment is high, APSH attempts to time broodstock collections when the target wild

    stocks are most likely to spawn. The cost of holding brood animals beyond their

    spawning window is prohibitive, so broodstock are destroyed after spawning goals are

    met or when it appears reproductive periods have passed. The turnover of broodstock

    also helps to increase the effective population size in the hatchery.

    7.0 Pathology and Disease Management

    The State of Alaska, with a comprehensive fisheries pathology management program,

    closely regulates the movement and culture of shellfish stocks. Alaska prohibits theimportation of shellfish stocks into the state, with the exception of Pacific oyster spat less

    than 20 mm in length. Those out-of-state hatchery-produced stocks must come from

    sources that are certified by ADF&G Pathology staff.

    Years of pathology screening by ADF&G, coupled with tight regulation of the hatchery

    industry, have shown that cultured Alaskan bivalves and other shellfish, as a rule, are

    relatively free of harmful pathogens or parasites. There have been no reported outbreaks

    of disease at any aquaculture facility in the state. Copies of pathology reports on APSH

    broodstock and spat are available upon request from either the hatchery or Alaska

    Department of Fish and Game.

    APSH is required to follow ADF&G pathology guidelines, and other generally accepted

    good disease management practices of shellfish and finfish hatcheries:

    Pathology Screening. APSH annually renews its broodstock for all species.

    These adult shellfish come from wild stocks that have been previously screened

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    for pathogens by the ADF&G pathology lab. These transports of broodstock are

    authorized under ADF&G broodstock acquisition permits that are reviewed by

    ADF&G staff. After receiving approval to acquire broodstock, APSH provides

    the necessary specimens to the ADF&G lab for disease screening. If there are any

    pathology issues of transport significance, special conditions are attached to the

    permits. If progeny of these disease-screened broodstocks are to be taken outside

    of the hatchery facility, the seed stock must again be certified by the ADF&G

    pathology section and a Shellfish Transport Permit must be approved.

    Holding Conditions. All stocks are held in isolation from other shellfish, both by

    physical isolation and with separate water supplies. Stocks are never

    commingled. Water discharged from each tank is plumbed to drain into a covered

    center trough where the wastewater is treated with chlorine to kill all potential

    pathogens. All tanks are checked periodically for the presence of harmful levels

    ofVibrio sp. and other pathogens.

    APSH is working towards receiving an Animal Plant Health Inspection Service of the

    U.S.D.A. (A.P.H.I.S.) High Health Certification, rating. This official recognition,

    developed by noted aquatic pathologist Dr. Ralph Elston, would be necessary for APSHto export seed outside of Alaska. ADF&G protocols meet or exceed the requirements for

    the High Health Certification.

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    Appendix 1. Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Approved Species List

    Shellfish Seed Produced For Use at Aquatic Farms or Nursery Sites

    Pacific geoduck(Panopea generosa)

    Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas)

    Nuttall cockle (Clinocardium nuttallii)

    Also referred to by the hatchery as basket cockles

    Giant rock-scallop (Crassodoma gigantea)

    Also referred to as purple-hinged rock scallop

    Pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula)

    Production for Research Purposes Only and Potential Enhancement Projects

    Giant red sea cucumber (Parastichopus californicus)

    Added in amendment with special conditions

    Red king crab (Parastichopus californicus)

    Added in amendment with special conditions

    Blue king crab (Parastichopus californicus)Added in amendment with special conditions

    Blue mussel (Mytilus trossolus)

    Added in amendment with special conditions

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    Appendix 2. Pacific Geoduck (Panopea generosa)

    Geoducks are the worlds largest burrowing clams and are

    prized in China for texture and taste of their neck meat. The

    APSH is one of the few hatcheries in the world to produce

    geoduck spat. Demand for geoduck spat is high, despite seed

    pricing far above other shellfish species. Culture methods are

    similar to most other bivalve clams. The broodstock is placed

    in shallow tanks in heated seawater. Larvae are transferred to the 22,000-liter tanks and

    fed algae until they are large enough to be filtered by a 250-micron screen. The larvae set

    within three weeks while being continuously fed algae diets. The small seed (1.5 mm)

    are then transferred to a shallow tank lined with 3-6 inches of sand. The spat are fed

    algae continuously until the shellfish reach 4-6 mm.

    Broodstock Broodstock are obtained annually from wild geoduck beds by

    professional divers. Broodstock acquisition permits must be

    applied for annually.

    Temperatures Broodstock are heldin seawater no warmer than11C.Spawning is induced by raising water temperatures to 13 C.

    Larval production requires a constant 14 C., while temperatures

    during the nursery stage for seed system I should be maintained

    within a 14-16 C range and for seed system II should be

    maintained at 12-14 C range for best growth or a couple of

    degrees cooler if energy savings is a factor and slower growth is


    Food Seed System I - Continuously feed 25,000 cells per ml using a mixof species. This works best if a reservoir tank is used and food is

    added to that tank to achieve 25,000 cells per ml with the reservoir

    tank changed daily to maintain cleanliness.

    Seed System II - Continuously feed 25,000 cells per ml using a

    mix of species. A reservoir can be used for quality control as in the

    setting system but higher total flow rates to this system may make

    this impractical. A good rule of thumb can be used: If the algae

    density is 1 x 106 then to get 25,000 cells per ml, seawater will be

    40 parts to 1-part algae. Mix of species used is as follows:Tahitianisochrysis,Pavlovalutherii, Thalliosara, Chaetoceros

    calcitrans, Chaetoceros muelleri.

    Timelines Spawning 21 days; Larval 28-42 days; Nursery 70-84 days

    Survival Goals Larvae Larval Age 2 to setting size

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    (250 screen min. or larger) 25%

    Seed System I Setting size to post-set (approx. 1mm) 15-20%

    Seed System II Post-set (1 mm) to 8 mm seed size 30%

    The actual survival will vary considerably from one group to

    another but these figures derived from experience with geoducks

    can be used for management and general planning purposes.

    Production Goals 500,000 to 2 million 2-6 mm spat annually0

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    Appendix 3. Pacific Oysters (Crassostrea gigas)

    Virtually every Alaskan aquatic farm-selling business0

    in 2007 sold oysters. Alaskans have been planting

    oyster seed since the 1930s, and Pacific oysters are

    likely to remain the primary seed required by the

    industry for at least another decade. Pacific oysters

    also are farmed throughout the world and hatchery

    culture practices are well understood. At this time,

    APSH does not intend to spawn adult oysters to

    produce spat for Alaska farmers in the near future.

    Since Alaska shellfish nursery operators have the ability to purchase oyster spat from

    hatcheries outside Alaska and APSH cannot compete with these producers on a cost per

    unit basis, it makes little sense for the hatchery to focus on this market. The cost of

    heating ambient water from 68 C to 20 C at the Seward hatchery is an obvious

    problem when the competition has incoming water at the right temperature.

    Nevertheless, it is important that APSH continue to produce oyster spat to ensure Alaska

    farmers always have a source of spat and the hatchery continues to have local demand for

    oyster spat. Consequently, APSH intends to provide nursery customers 35 mm oysterspat produced from 1 mm spat purchased from an Outside hatchery. This strategy will

    minimize the losses from oyster production. If problems develop with oyster spat

    availability for Alaska nursery systems in the future, APSH will increase production.

    Culture methods are simple: the small spat is placed in a shallow tank filled with

    seawater heated to 10 C and the shellfish are continuously fed diets of algae.

    Broodstock None.

    Temperatures Ambient or heated to 22 C.

    Food Chaetoceros mulleri, Thalassiosira pseudonana,Pavlova lutherii,

    andIsochrysis galbana.

    Timelines 30 days larvae, 1 month to 710 micron screen

    Survival Goals 10% set, 30% to 710 micron screening

    Production Goals 210 million 35 mm spat annually

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    Oyster larvae from 2006 spawn

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    Appendix 4. Nuttall Cockle

    (Clinocardium nuttallii)

    A recent study of culturing Nuttall

    cockles in Alaska concluded that they

    hold promise as a potential shellfish

    crop for Alaska growers, but more

    R&D is needed before the species can

    be commercialized. APSH plans to

    continue to produce cockle spat to

    support R&D work and to supply

    potential enhancement projects. Culture methods for Nuttall cockles are similar to those

    for other cold-water bivalves. broodstock are placed in shallow tanks in heated seawater.

    Larvae are transferred to the 22,000-liter tanks and fed algae until they are large to be

    filtered by a 250-micron screen. The larvae set within three weeks while being

    continuously fed algae diets. The small seed (1.5 mm) are then transferred to a shallow

    tank lined with 36 inches of sand. The spat are fed algae continuously until the shellfish

    reach 46 mm.

    Broodstock Broodstock is obtained annually from Southeast and Southcentral

    shellfish growers in the early spring. Broodstock acquisition

    permits must be applied for annually.

    Temperatures Broodstock is heldin seawater no warmer than 11C. Spawning isinduced by raising water temperatures to 13 C.

    Larval production requires a constant 14 C., while temperatures

    during the larval phase should be maintained at 1416 C.

    Food Flagellates

    Timelines 2months to 2mm from spawning

    Survival Goals 30% to setting, 50 % to 2mm, 25% to 6mm.

    Production Goals 010 million 35 mm spat annually

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    Appendix 5. Giant Rock-scallop (Crassodoma


    The only known source of giant rock-scallops

    available to commercial markets is a small

    operation where divers harvest adult scallops from

    the legs of oil platforms in the Santa Barbara

    Channel. However, there has been a great industry

    interest in the species and there have been sporadic

    attempts to grow the bivalves in California,

    Washington and Alaska. Growth experiments in Alaska were encouraging, but the

    project ran out of funds before it was concluded and no efforts have been made to

    commercialize the species. Giant rock-scallops continue to be of high interest to Alaska

    growers and APSH intends to respond to R&D projects by producing additional spat as

    needed. Culture methods are similar to other cold-water bivalves. Broodstock are placed

    in shallow tanks filled with 17 C seawater to induce spawning. Fertilized larvae are

    transferred to the 22,000-liter tanks and fed continuous algal diets. After the larvae set,

    the 1 mm shellfish are transferred to shallow tanks lined with Astroturf where they are

    fed continuous diets of algae until they reach 35 mm.

    Broodstock Broodstock is obtained annually from Southeast growers in the

    spring. Southcentral broodstock comes from periodic natural sets

    in oyster gear and is not always available. Broodstock acquisition

    permits must be applied for annually.

    Temperatures Broodstock is heldin 8-12 C seawater. Spawning is induced byraising water temperatures to 17 C. Larval production requires a

    constant 14 C., while temperatures during the nursery phase

    should be maintained at 812 C.

    Food Pavlova sp, Tahitianisochrysis,

    Timelines 6 weeks to set, 3 months of setting, 1mm after 2


    Survival Goals 10% larvae, 10% set, 10% to 1mm

    Production Goals 01 million 3 mm spat annually

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    Appendix 6. Pacific Razor Clam

    (Siliqua patula)

    The only commercial source of wild

    Pacific razor clams are those

    harvested on the western shore of

    Cook Inlet, but Prince William Sound

    beaches once supported a huge

    commercial fishery. These stocks

    were heavily harvested prior to the

    1964 earthquake, but show little sign

    of recovery since that event. Interest

    in Pacific razor clams is strong, but

    culture of the species and hatchery

    production of spat had been limited to China until 2006 when APSH produced spat and

    seeded beaches near Cordova. APSH plans to continue its efforts to produce spat to

    support enhancement projects in Southcentral and Southeast Alaska. While no Alaskan

    growers have yet attempted to farm this species, successful enhancement projects could

    spur interest. Culture methods for Pacific razor clams are similar to other cold-waterclams. Adult are placed in a shallow tank or trough filled with 12-14 C seawater. Larvae

    are collected and transferred to one of the 22,000-liter tanks at densities of 1 per ml or 22

    million to a tank. The larvae are continuously fed a diet of algae until they weigh about 4

    grams. The larvae set on screens with about inch of sand. When the shellfish reach 1

    1.5 mm, they are transferred to a nursery tank with up to 6 inches of sand on the bottom.

    The clams are continuously fed an algal diet throughout the nursery process.

    Broodstock Broodstock has been obtained with the assistance of Eyak

    residents. The shells of Pacific razor clams are fragile and great

    care must be taken during shipments. Work with Southeast stockshad not been initiated at the time of this report. Broodstock

    acquisition permits must be applied for annually.

    Temperatures Broodstock is heldin 10 C seawater. Spawning is induced byraising water temperatures to 1214 C Larval production require a

    constant 14 C, while temperatures during the nursery phase

    should be maintained at 1214 C.

    Food Tahitianisochrysis,Pavlovalutherii, Thalliosara, Chaetoceros

    calcitrans and Chaetoceros muelleri

    Timelines 21 day larvae at 12 C, 2 months in sand to 2 mm

    Survival Goals Larvae Age 2 to setting size (250 screen or larger) 25%

    Seed System I - Setting size to post-set (approx. 1 mm) 25%

    Seed System II - Post-set (1mm) to 8 mm seed size 50%

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    1 mm razor clam spat

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    Production Goals 01 million 3 mm spat annually

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    Appendix 7. Pacific Littleneck

    (Protothaca staminea)

    Local growers have viewed Pacific littleneck as Alaskas answer to the manila clam, but

    littlenecks are attractive only to buyers in the state. Virtually all of the Pacific littlenecks

    produced by Alaska farmers are ranched stocks coming from natural sets. APSH has

    been producing littleneck clam seed since the facility opened, but markets for the seedhave never materialized. One major problem is that the species grows slowly during its

    early life stages and the spat need twice the nursery time as oysters. Survival of littleneck

    spat less than 10 mm has proven to be low. Consequently, the high cost of production

    prices littleneck spat out of the reach of growers. Enhancement projects face the same

    problem. APSH will continue to support R&D projects in the hopes of developing a

    market for littleneck spat, but may have to re-evaluate that decision in the face of rising

    energy costs. Hatchery culture methods for Pacific littleneck are similar to those of other

    cold-water bivalves. Broodstock is collected in late spring presumably in a reproductive

    condition. Spawning is initiated by warm water and high algal concentrations.

    Fertilization is allowed to take place in the tanks since an individual female has onlyabout 200,000 eggs. Fertilization takes after about two hours; eggs are rinsed and held in

    tanks. Larvae take approximately 30 days to set.

    Broodstock Broodstock is obtained annually from Southeast growers in the

    spring. Southcentral broodstock generally comes from Native

    village subsistence clam diggers. Broodstock acquisition permits

    must be applied for annually.

    Temperatures 12 C

    Food Chaetoceros mulleri, Thalassiosira pseudonana,Pavlova lutherii,

    andIsochrysis galbana.

    Timelines 30 days to set 60 days to 1mm.

    Survival Goals 25% to set, 25% 1 mm, 75% to 3 mm.

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    Production Goals 01 million 3 mm spat annually

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    Appendix 8. Red Sea Cucumbers (Parastichopus californicus)

    Red sea cucumbers support one of Southeast

    Alaskas most valuable fisheries, and some

    divers are interested in exploring the

    potential of enhancing commercial beds to

    increase harvests in favorable diving areas.

    At least two delegations of Alaska seafood

    experts have visited sea cucumber hatcheries

    in China, but little was learned about the

    culture process. Research on the

    reproduction of red sea cucumbers by

    Alaskan scientists has revealed challenges in

    duplicating the Chinese success, at least

    using the local species. Early work on this

    species was successful and hundreds of thousands of sea cucumber larvae were

    swimming in tanks at the MTC in early August 2008. Longer-term research goals had

    not been developed at the time this document was developed.

    Broodstock Broodstock are obtained annually from wild populations in

    southeastern Alaska by divers.

    Temperatures Broodstock is held in seawater at 1012 C. Spawning is induced

    by raising water temperatures to 13 C. Water temperature during

    the larval phase is maintained at 11.513 C.

    Food Chaetoceros mulleri, Thalassiosira pseudonana,Pavlova lutherii,

    Isochrysis galbana, Navicula pelliculosa, and macroalgae.

    Timelines Unknown at this early stage.

    Survival Goals Unknown at this early stage.

    Productions Goals Unknown at this early stage.

    Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Basic Management Plan Page 35

  • 7/29/2019 APSH Basic Management Plan




    The Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery Basic Management Plan is hereby approved.

    _______________________________________ _________________

    David Bedford Date

    Deputy Commissioner

    ADF&G, Juneau