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Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry Duane Moore Wesley Parker Ed Staley John Wheeler Minister Terry Alan Jones Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards Associate Minister Phil Dunn Youth Minister Scott Wilson Counselor Ann Vander Linden 886-3089 Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado Costa Rica Allan Lopez Panama Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class 10:00 AM Bible Class 6:30 PM Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville. com April 3, 2016 April 3, 2016 April 3, 2016 April 3, 2016

April 3, 2016April 3, 2016 - · Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services ...

Sep 08, 2018



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Page 1: April 3, 2016April 3, 2016 - · Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services ...

Elders Scott Cowan Pete Harry

Duane Moore Wesley Parker

Ed Staley John Wheeler


Terry Alan Jones

Associate Minister Walter B. Edwards

Associate Minister Phil Dunn

Youth Minister Scott Wilson


Ann Vander Linden 886-3089

Missionaries Ricardo Alvarado

Costa Rica

Allan Lopez Panama

Dorian Flynn Africa

Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM

Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship

5:00 PM

Wednesday Services Ladies’ Bible Class

10:00 AM

Bible Class 6:30 PM

Internet Home Page www.southsidehopkinsville.


Apri l 3 , 2016Apri l 3 , 2016Apri l 3 , 2016Apri l 3 , 2016

Page 2: April 3, 2016April 3, 2016 - · Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services ...

S o u t h s i d e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t Page 2

Special Needs Spaghe� Dinner

Friday, April 8th, from 5:30—7:30 PM

We need dona�ons of the following for

our next event: Iceberg salad mix, dark

greens (Romaine), loaves of French

bread and bu er, boxes of spaghe",

cookies and brownies. We also need

helpers! Sign up sheet is on the bulle�n board in the

Welcome Center.

Tonight following our evening service

The Acceptable A�tude

Did you ever ask yourself of what kind of a"tude

does God approve? That’s a pre y important ques�on don’t

you think?

First, go with me to the book of Isaiah.

“For this is what the high and lo�y One says—he

who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and

holy place, and also with him who is contrite and lowly in

spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart

of the contrite.’” 57:15

“This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and con-

trite in spirit and trembles at my word.” 66:2b

Now turn with me to the New Testament book of

Ma hew.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the king-

dom of heaven.” 5:3

Interes�ng, yes?

Jesus didn’t say that it had anything to do with one’s

level of educa�on or one’s monetary worth, whether you

are young or you are elderly, whether you are a man or a

woman, whether your skin is white or dark. The important

thing is what kind of a"tude do you have? Everyone can

control this. Walter

Thank you so much for the beau�ful

flowers sent to my dad’s funeral. It

has been a rough couple of months

losing both parents so close togeth-

er. Pleas keep us in your prayers.

tammy cowan

Page 3: April 3, 2016April 3, 2016 - · Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services ...

S o u t h s i d e C h u r c h o f C h r i s t Page 3

Richard Grogan is now at home and recovering from

back surgery. Tim Bridges will have surgery on Mon-

day. Angelea Doss is now at home following a brief

hospitaliza�on last weekend. Barbara Lassiter will be

consul�ng with doctors concerning treatment op�ons.

Lindah Winstead began back injec�ons last week.

Con�nue to remember Kenda Jones, Kim Wheeler and

Jan Morrow in their recoveries. Remember these al-

so: Granville Adams, Paul Arvin, Denny Audas, Violet

Berkley, Perry Boren, John Burman, Frances Cheno-

weth, G.A. Church, Elvadean Dunn, Rosie East, Nancy

Farmer, Mike Finley, John David Foster, Joel Gardner,

Raleigh Garre0, David Graham, Todd Hayes, Liz Hern-

don, Ricky Hunt, Marsha Kelly Kingrey, Tara King,

Mary Lou Laster, Jean Likens, Russell Mar3n, Veachel

Mar3n, Be0y McLerran, Doris Medeiros, Ed & Barba-

ra Moore, David & Jan Morrow, Dorothy Newcomb,

Charles & Do�e O’Nan, Junie Peterson, Be0y Brame

Richardson, Ken & Geraldine Simmons, Sco0 Su0on,

Nina Tuggle, June Ubelhor, and Earl Webb.

This week’s schedule:

April 4—1 Samuel 18-20

April 5—1 Samuel 21-24

April 6—1 Samuel 25-27

April 7—1 Samuel 28-31

April 8—2 Samuel 1-3

April 9—2 Samuel 4-7

April 10—2 Samuel 8-11

April 3—Jesus Heals the Soldier’s Servant

April memory verse: "Our Lord is great and very powerful. There is

no limit to what he knows..” Psalm 147:5

Please begin working on the Quarterly Goal of memorizing the 12

apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Phillip, Bartholomew,

Thomas, Ma hew, James, Thaddeus, Simon & Judas.

The Preschool Department is preparing for the Spring Quarter and

needs some items for Learning Centers. For the Doctor Cen-

ter: baby dolls, toy doctor kits, band aids, doctor dress-up clothes,

and stethoscope. For the Kitchen Play: kitchen, toy food and dish-

es, toy cell phones and old cell phones. If you would like to help or

have ques�ons, please see David Howell.

Camp Reedy Family Retreat Weekend—April 15-17

Ladies Day at Southside—April 30

Camp Can Do—June 6-10

Youth Week at Camp Reedy—June 26-30

VBS 2016—the week of July 17th

Southside plans to print a new

cookbook! Our first cookbook was

a huge success and sold out quick-

ly. We would like submissions of

recipes for breads, appe�zers,

breakfast, soups and salads, main

dish entrees, side dishes and vegetables and desserts.

Please submit recipes to the church office by email or

give them to any of our office staff by April 30th. If

you have any ques�ons, please contact the church


We are also considering a reprint of the original cook-

book but have to have a minimum of 100 for an order.

If you are interested, please let the church office


Valen�ne Banquet pictures are

ready and can be picked up in the

Educa�on Bldg. hallway from the

bulle�n board.

Page 4: April 3, 2016April 3, 2016 - · Dorian Flynn Africa Sunday Services Bible School 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Evening Worship 5:00 PM Wednesday Services ...

Greeters for Today

Door 1 Bill & Wendy Duvall

and John

Door 2 Phil & Betsy Dunn

Door 3 Frank & Marilyn Forbis

Door 4 Marsha Garnett and Kenneth &

Erica Kington, Bailey, Kali, and Macy

Van Drivers Sunday, April 10—Chris Gary—


Sunday, April 17—Freddie Sweeney—


If you need a ride, please call the

church office.

Southside Church of Christ

529 Country Club Lane

Hopkinsville KY 42240

Sunday Morning Worship

April 3, 2016

Song Director ............ .......... Paul Hos�lo

Prayer ....................... .......... Tom Rogers

Prayer ........................ .......... John Wheeler

Scripture Reader ....... .......... Carey Laster

Joshua 1:7-9

Speaker ..................... .......... Phil Dunn

Sermon ..................... .......... Farewell

Announcements ........ .......... Pete Harry

Dismissal Prayer ........ .......... Brian Oa s

Teaching Children’s Worship – Bruce & Devon


Helpers – Ethan Noel and Hope Jones

Communion to Shut-Ins

Terry Dodson and Sco and Blake Cowan

Sunday Evening Service The Deacons will be conduc�ng our evening

worship service

Canaan’s Kids — Gerame & Tressy Wells

Nursery—Mary Ann Moore

Wednesday Evening Prayer—4/6

Mark Burman

Sunday Morning Worship

April 10, 2016

Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos�lo

Prayer ....................... .......... Roy Staley

Prayer ........................ .......... Mike Medeiros

Scripture Reader ........ .......... Carey Laster

Speaker ...................... ..........

Sermon .....................

Announcements ........ .......... Pete Harry

Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Tim Arvin

Teaching Children’s Worship – Bruce & Devon


Helpers—Ben Laster and Reaqgan Burgess

Communion to Shut-Ins

David Lassiter and Duane Moore

Sunday Evening Service Song Director ............. .......... Paul Hos�lo

Opening Prayer .......... .......... Wes Parker

Speaker ...................... ..........

Sermon Topic …………

Dismissal Prayer......... .......... Gary Logan

Canaan’s Kids — Gerame & Tressy Wells

Nursery—Mary Ann Moore

Wednesday Evening Prayer—4/13

Houston Ray

Phone: 270-885-8392

Fax: 270-885-7615

Email: [email protected]



I have never qualified for anything that would compare to the Olympic Games. Through the


If you are visi�ng with us today please feel free to par�cipate. We will sing and pray to the Lord and express our

adora�on and thanksgiving for all the blessings He freely gives. We will have an offering this morning and we do not

want our visitors to feel obligated in any way. There is an infant nursery located through the double doors located to

the leS of the pulpit. The toddler nursery is located up the stairs in the foyer. A children’s worship is provided for

children ages 18 months through 4 on the second floor which will be announced during our service. Please turn your

cell phone ringers off during our service.

Birthdays Ansley Cook April 6

Tim Noel April 6

Ethan Noel April 7

Dana Staley April 7

Sharon Lancaster April 8

Amanda Perry April 8

Jean Trapp April 9

David Whisenant April 11

Anniversaries Granville & Cookie Adams—April 5

Ushers for April Foyer—John Bruce, Brad Dougherty and Chris Gary

Side Door Greeters—Blake Cowan and Houston Ray

Subs3tutes: Robert Jones and Logan Sco

Serve Communion in April

Preside John Lancaster Terry Dodson Skip Aldridge

Jessie Howell Bill Duvall

Tommy Brooks Fred Myers

Peyton Crump Wayne Gray

Subs3tutes: Greg Perry and Tom Doss

Nursery A0endants: Carol King and Dana Staley

Baby Nursery A0endants: April Grace and Cathy Knight