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April 2011 Bulletin

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin


    Where Contemporary Jews

    Embrace Traditional Judaism

    BulletinBulletinBulletinBulletinBETH AM

    April 2011 Adar II / Nisan 5771

    Adults (member) .........................................$45

    Adults (non-member)..................................$55

    Children (ages 5-12).....................................$25

    Under age 5...............................................FREE

    College students without local family ..........$10

    Active duty military personnel................... FREE

    First Night Seder

    at Beth Am

    led by Rabbi Rick

    MONday, APRIL 18

    Seder begins promptly at6:30 p.m.

    Seating is limited!

    Please R.S.V.P. and pay no later than FRIDAY, APRIL 8:

    through our office (407.862.3505) or

    the secure Payment page on our web site (

    Your payment secures your reservation.

    featuring a sumptuous mealprepared by Beth Am

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin


    - 2 -

    By chance, a slave became the Queen of

    a small country. Her first order was that a

    small hut be built near the royal palace. In

    it, she put her tattered clothing of slavery as

    well as a big mirror. The royal ministers

    asked the Queen to explain her strange

    behavior, reminding her that the Queen

    must guard her dignity, even when she is

    alone. The Queen answered, "Before I

    became the Queen I was a slave. When Iput on the rags of slavery and look at the image of a slave in the

    mirror, I remind myself that I was a slave. By remembering this I

    am able to empathize with those who are not yet free, and it is

    only with this empathy that I can properly understand the

    significance and responsibilities of being the Queen."

    At the Passover Seder, we reciteAvadim Hayee'nu- We were

    slaves - and use the symbols of the Seder as a mirror. We taste

    the bitterness of slavery by eating the maror (onions or

    horseradish), and we witness the tears of those who are enslaved

    when we taste the salt water in which we dip the karpas(parsley,

    celery, carrots or lettuce). By looking into this mirror and re-

    experiencing slavery, we reaffirm that freedom is precious, and

    we protect ourselves against taking that precious possession for


    During the Passover Seder we recite

    B'khol Dor va-Dor: In every generation, we

    must see ourselves as if we personally were

    among those who were brought out o

    Mitzrayim. We tell the story of our


    As a free people, we proclaim the joy o

    freedom as we drink sweet wine (or grape

    juice) and sit in a relaxed atmosphere. Wefill the Cup of Elijah and open our doors as an affirmation that we

    will work to "open doors" that lead to a brighter future. By

    participating in a Passover Seder each year, we renew ou

    commitment to work towards building a world of universa

    freedom, justice and peace. This, to me, is the message o

    Passover. This is our People's most treasured dream.

    Elissa and I wish everyone Hag Same'ah v'Kasher a joyfu

    and meaningful Pesah.

    Rabbi Rick Sherwin

    [email protected]





    We sometimes spend so much time preparing for the Passover Seder that we

    forget that the point of Passover is to be free of the complexities in life. Given

    the priority of food and the social environment created by eating, we focus on

    cleaning everything thoroughly and simplifying our diet. Though not

    necessarily "halakhic," these are some minimal suggestions to create a

    Passover spirit in your home.


    Eat at home or at each other's homes as much as possible

    (leave restaurants for the rest of the year)

    Clean refrigerator, stove (especially the top)

    Put away any appliances specifically designed for bread:



    Put away baking sheets used specifically for breads or cakes.


    Food ingredients should be simple and natural.

    Try to avoid foods with a lot of chemicals/ingredients

    unless specifically certified for Passover use

    Concentrate on simple foods:

    salads, fresh fruits (if canned, then in its own juice),

    meats, eggs, milk, natural juices, unprocessed cheese,

    cottage cheese, natural applesauce, etc.

    Avoid wheat/flour products and snack foods that do not have a specific

    certification for Passover.

    Soft drinks: Diet Coke products are all acceptable for Passover, with or

    without certification. (Regular Coke requires certification).

    Go to

    for a full listing of the Rabbinical Assembly's Passover Standards.

    The key is to live with simplicity... we have the freedom to do exactly that.


    The Yizkor service is a memorial service recited in

    conjunction with the major festivals (which are

    traditionally "family time"):

    The end of Passover


    Yom Kippur

    The end of Sukkot (Sh'mini Atzeret)

    It is a service of memory to recall those who

    have died and whose lives and deaths have given

    our lives meaning and direction.

    The primary responsibility is to recite

    prayers of memory for grandparents an

    parents, spouses, siblings, children an

    grandchildren. Others come to pay respect to

    other relatives and friends, both Jewish and


    The Yizkor service is a way to connect ou

    thoughts to those who have influenced our lives

    and to those whose lives we influence today. It is a

    reminder that the energies of the past flow through

    the present to shape the future.

    Please join us on the evening and morning of the

    seventh day of Passover for the very significant

    Yizkor service:

    Sunday evening, April 24 at 7:30 p.m.

    Monday morning, April 25 at 10 a.m.

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    As Pesah approaches, I reflect on the

    many relationships I have formed with

    congregation members over my past year

    as president. Beth Am is truly a unique and

    amazing place, with our membership made

    up of so many distinct personalities and

    capabilities. Our membership is comprised

    of conservatives, liberals, young, old and

    everything in between. In dealing with so

    many types of personalities in my role aspresident, I try to keep in mind a story that my parents told me

    when I was a young boy and remember each day to use the

    message of this story as a guide to living my life. Is this story

    true? As Rabbi Rick so often tell his students, both young and

    old: "It does not matter if it happened or not, it is what you have

    learned from the story." I hope this little story will give you as

    much insight into living each day as it has given me.

    This story takes place thousands of years ago in ancient

    Palestine. A man carried two large pots on the ends of a long

    pole across his back as he returned home after getting water

    from a nearby stream. Unfortunately, one of the pots developed

    a small crack. While the other pot was perfect and consistently

    delivered a full portion of water after the long walk from thestream, the cracked pot leaked, arriving home only half full.

    Working to capacity, the perfect pot was proud of its

    accomplishment; however, the cracked pot was embarrassed by

    its inadequacy and felt unhappy that it accomplished only half of

    what its partner could.

    After years of failure, the cracked pot spoke to the water

    carrier. "I am ashamed of myself. I wan

    to apologize to you." "Why?" asked the

    carrier. "I deliver only half my capacity

    because of the crack in my side. My crack

    makes you work extra hard."

    Feeling sorry for the cracked pot, the

    water carrier wanted to pick up its spirits

    "The next time we go to the stream fo

    water watch the beautiful flowers on the

    roadside."The cracked pot noticed the beautiful flowers on the roadside,

    which made it feel better. But at the end, it still felt bad because

    it had leaked half its water, so again the pot apologized to the

    carrier for its failure.

    The carrier said to the pot, "Did you notice that the flowers

    were only on your side of the path, not on the other side?

    Knowing about your flaw, I planted seeds on your side of the

    path. You watered them every day as we walked back from the

    stream. Without you being the way you are, we could not have

    these beautiful flowers to enjoy."

    While some of us are full of ourselves, each of us has flaws

    We're all like the cracked pot. But it's our flaws that make ou

    lives rewarding. Let us appreciate each person for what they areand look for the good in them.

    Jim Riola





    SIYUM B'KHORIM AT CBAMonday Morning April 18 7:15 a.m.

    It is an ancient and widespread custom for the firstborn to faston Erev Pesah as a statement of thanksgiving that the Angel of

    Death "passed over" the homes of the Israelites during the tenth


    There are different customs associated with this fast. Ancient

    sources teach that every firstborn male or female must fast

    on this day (if there is no firstborn, then the oldest in the house

    must fast).

    BUT This fast is treated with leniency so that if there is a

    meal associated with a mitzva (such as a Siyum which completes

    a section of Talmud) the firstborn may partake of the meal. Once

    the fast is broken for a mitzva, the firstborn may eat during the

    remainder of the day.

    The Siyum B'khorim is a particularly meaningful Parent-Childoccasion for learning and prayer. Breakfast will be served to

    everyone in attendance, even those who are not

    "firstborn"... but only after we study!


    A Passover guide, with information about how to make th

    Seder a memorable experience and how to prepare your home foPassover, is available through a link on the Home page of our

    website. The guide is also being distributed through our weekly

    e-mail message.

    If you don't have e-mail or internet access, printed copies o

    the guide are available at our office.


    For seven weeks from the Second Passover Seder until the

    evening preceding Shavuot we commemorate the measure o

    barley (known as the Omer) that our ancestors brought to the

    Temple in Jerusalem as a thanksgiving offering for the Spring

    harvest. As we begin each new day during this 49-day period, we

    assign a number to it.

    The period of counting is called S'fira, and it creates a bridge

    between Passover and Shavuot. The exodus meant that we were

    physically free from slavery in Egypt; revelation at Sinai (the

    theme of Shavuot) enabled us to be spirituallyfree to study Torah

    and to enhance our lives with depth and meaning. The message

    of S'fira is that physical freedom without spiritual freedom is



    To help those in need on Passover and/or "sell" all your

    leaven, please complete and return the form on Page 12.

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    I know it is only April for most of you, but I am often reminded

    by our Congregational President Jim Riola that his term in office is

    winding down. In November, you will elect a new Board of

    Directors which will administer the operation of our synagogue,

    everything from budgets to events. You can help Beth Am

    continue to improve our service to our members and the

    community. You can volunteer for the Nominating Committee

    where you will help identify and recruit members who are willingto serve on the 2012 Board. During these past 15 months, we

    have focused on bringing the daily operations and activities at

    Beth Am into "maintenance mode" no more continually re-

    inventing the wheel. We have reorganized our accounting and

    financial records and membership data base, documented event

    procedures and reviewed and revised our security and

    maintenance. The roles of our Vice Presidents of Religious

    Activities, Education, Membership and Ways & Means are

    organized to support the ongoing activities at Beth Am. The

    leadership of the Men's Club and Sisterhood are part of this

    coordination effort. All Beth Am employees have well defined

    roles and tasks to ensure smooth day-to-day operations.

    Most of you would be amazed at how many "hits" we are

    getting on our website. Our site lets the Greater Orlando

    community know just how diverse and accepting we are. As we

    forge new relationships with both religious and secular

    institutions, it is nice to know that we are being watched. With

    that in mind:

    Watch your thoughts; they become words.

    Watch your words; they become actions.

    Watch your actions; they become habits.

    Watch your habits; they become character.

    Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

    We are working diligently to complete the building addition in

    time for the beginning of the new school year in August. Pleasegive generously to our fundraising campaign since its goal is to

    create a proper environment in which to provide an excellent

    Jewish education to the next generations. An investment in

    knowledge always pays the best interest (attributed to Ben


    Steve Leibowitz



    Affiliated with

    Women's League for

    Conservative/Masorti Judaism

    As I write this, the Purim Carnival is coming up and then ou

    joyful celebration of Purim. I hope you were able to participate in

    one, or both, of these events and most importantly I hope youhad the opportunity to have a homemade Hamantaschen! The

    Baking Day in February was wonderful. Thank you to Norma

    Greenberg, Lillian Tobias, Lisa Alpert, Katie Alpert, Amber

    Goldberg and Nancy Brown for making the dough in the morning

    Thank you to everyone who came to bake. It was a lot of fun

    and the best part was watching the children!

    In February, at the Judaic Needlecraft meeting, there was

    interest in getting a group together to learn more abou

    needlepoint, knitting, cross-stitch and more. Cyndie Elman very

    graciously offered to teach. If you are interested in learning o

    perfecting your skills, or if you would just like to work on you

    project with others, please contact me so we can make

    arrangements for the group to meet. For ideas on projects, besure to check out Crafty Needle either online or on Facebook.

    Thank you to everyone who responded to the quick survey that

    was emailed in March via Survey Monkey. Your responses wil

    enable our CBA Sisterhood to make plans for our future. Many o

    the respondents noted that they hadnt joined Sisterhood because

    they forgot! It is not too late. Join now and you will be a

    member through June 30, 2012!

    On behalf of CBA Sisterhood, I wish all our CBA families a

    happy and joyous Pesah.

    Cathy Swerdlow

    Sisterhood Presiden

    [email protected]



    THIS OPPORTUNITY!Be a part of the team that will make our Seder the talk of

    the town. We need team members to help with food

    preparation and setup at the following times:

    Sunday, April 17 morning and afternoon

    Monday, April 18 morning

    Please contact Sheri Rosenberg (321.356.1529 or

    [email protected]) and let her know when

    you'll help.

    Won't you add yourname

    to the list (Page 11)

    of those who support

    Jewish education at Beth Am?

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    The CBA Book & Movie Club has been very active since the

    beginning of 2011. We began the year by reading and discussing

    Not by the Sword, a book about a KKK Grand Wizard and a

    Jewish religious leader, set in present day Nebraska. In February,

    we enjoyed watching The Infidel, a comedy about a middle-aged

    Muslim man who discovers that he had been born Jewish. By the

    time, you read this, we will have met in March, having read and

    discussed Little Bee. Set in modern times, it is a novel of a young

    Nigerian girl who entered England illegally.

    Our next meeting will be on Thursday April 21. It is movie time

    again and we will view a classic movie, Cast a Giant Shadow. It

    is a real-life account of a Jewish-American officer, Col. David"Mickey" Marcus, who commanded units of the fledgling Israel

    Defense Force during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. He is aware

    that the men under his command do not have proper training or

    weapons but is inspired by their spirit and determination. This

    seems an appropriate time to learn more about the birth of Israel,

    with Israeli Independence Day coming soon.

    We will meet at a member's home at 7 p.m. Please contact me

    to R.S.V.P. and for directions. Sorry, no popcorn during Pesah,

    but holiday appropriate snacks will be available.

    I look forward to seeing you then.

    Norma Greenberg

    [email protected]


    I have truly been enjoying being able to watch Chalutzim, the

    Beth Am youth group, as it continues to thrive and grow. In

    March, we participated in a couple of different events for Purim

    We volunteered at the Purim Carnival and then we even had ou

    very own Purim Extravaganza at the end of the month!

    Along with Chalutzim, I also have the privilege of working with

    the Sunday school tutors, all of whom are active participants in

    Chalutzim. On Sundays, we meet and work on different projectfor the Beth Am community. For the past few months, we have

    been putting together a "picture book Siddur" for our first and

    second graders. We have been learning about each prayer tha

    the first and second graders recite in their morning t'fila and

    brainstormed creative ways to depict the prayers in illustrations

    Now, we are putting on the final touches before we compile it

    into the Siddur.

    Whether it's getting involved in the Sunday tutoring program or

    Chalutzim, or even both, I urge you to encourage your 5th-8th

    graders to join us in all of our fun and exciting activities!

    As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments

    please feel free to contact me.

    I wish everyone a very happy Pesah.

    Talia Boxman

    Youth Program Adviso

    [email protected]


    Every member of the congregation is invited to attend

    one of two VITAL meetings with Rabbi Rick in April (athird meeting will be scheduled in May or June). We

    NEED our members to attend either meeting, which will

    focus on the continuity of Congregation Beth Am.

    This is the agenda, in order of priority:

    Flavor and culture of the congregation

    What people think the congregation needs

    to do to service our families' spiritual needs

    The need for leadership

    Funding for the Educational expansion

    Again, this type of meeting with Rabbi Rick is

    absolutely vital to the continuity of the congregation.

    The first meeting is at the home of Erica & Paul

    Karlinsky on Sunday, April 3 at 7 p.m. Please R.S.V.P.

    (407.804.0935 or [email protected]) as soon as

    possible to get their address and directions.

    The second meeting is at the home of Margie & Paul

    Schlesinger on Sunday, April 10 at 4 p.m. Please

    R.S.V.P. (407.951.6371 or [email protected])

    as soon as possible to get their address and directions.

    This meeting is vital to our congregation's future.

    Please call with your YES or NO response, with the hope

    that you will say YES!!!!!!



    AUGUST 2011

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    Support Beth AmAND

    celebrate your special occasion

    with custom invitations and announcements.

    We carry a full line fromRegency, Encore and Checkerboard.

    You can also order a tallit

    for yourself or for your child's Bat/Bar Mitzva.

    Contact Debbie Davids at 407.869.0238.

    CCCCateringateringateringateringBBBByyyyAAAArtisansrtisansrtisansrtisans(Your CBA Caterer)

    Celebrating a simha at Beth Am?

    If you want...

    delicious food

    an impressive presentation

    personal, caring attention

    every last detail taken care of

    unbeatable pricing

    catering profits to benefit Beth Am


    Catering By ArtisansCatering By ArtisansCatering By ArtisansCatering By Artisans is your only choice!

    For information, contact:

    Sheri Rosenberg



    Share the news with members who don't have e-mail

    Share your compassion with recently bereaved members

    Share your time with members who are home alone

    Share your time with members who are in nursing homes

    Share your time with members who are in a hospital

    Join the Care Team

    for additional information, please contact

    Debbie Zelkowitz (407.862.7471)




    [email protected]

    Please direct

    all correspondence to:

    P.O. Box 915756

    Longwood, FL 32791-5756

    We're located at:

    3899 Sand Lake RoadLongwood, FL 32779

    If we have inadvertently omitted a birthday, anniversary

    or yahrtzeit or published incorrect personal information

    about you in this Bulletin, we apologize. Please let us

    know about the error so that we can correct our records.

    Laura Roseanne Myers, daughter of Ernest and Theresa Myers

    and sister of Sarah, will be called to the Torah for the first time as

    a Bat Mitzva on Saturday, April 9. Laura is in the seventh grade

    at Gotha Middle School where she is on the Honor Roll and a

    member of the National Junior Honor Society. Laura enjoy

    playing violin, and plays in the advanced orchestra. Her othe

    hobbies and interests include reading, nature, swimming

    listening to music and playing video games.


    April 9

    5 Nisan


    Jonah Nathan Goldberg, son of Amy and Russell Goldberg and

    brother of Eli and Noah, will be called to the Torah for the first

    time as a Bar Mitzva on Saturday, April 30. Jonah is in the

    seventh grade at Sanford Middle School where he is in the band

    and a member of the Beta Club. He enjoys gaming and playing

    basketball and football.


    April 30

    26 Nisan


  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin


    - 7 -

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri t b #t b #t b #t b #




    1 7:25

    7:00 PMFamily



    9:00 AMMitzva Class

    10:00 AM


    Sunset: 7:44


    9:30 AMReligious School

    7:00 PMCBA Meeting atMember's Home

    4 5

    5:00 PMReligious School(Winter Springs)


    4:15 PMReligious School(Longwood)

    7:15 PMAdult Education 3

    7 8 7:29

    8:00 PMKabbalat Shabbat

    Bat MitzvaLaura Myers


    9:00 AMMitzva Class

    10:00 AMM'tzora

    Bat MitzvaLaura Myers

    Sunset: 7:48


    Men's ClubKashers Kitchen

    For Passover9:00 AM

    Bloodmobile9:30 AMReligious School

    10:00 AMAdult Education 111:00 AMAdult Education 24:00 PM

    CBA Meeting atMember's Home

    11 12

    5:00 PMReligious School(Winter Springs)

    6:00 PMPoker


    Manor)7:30 PMBoard Meeting


    4:00 PMRaffle Drawing

    4:15 PMReligious School(Longwood)

    7:15 PMAdult Education 3

    14 15 7:33

    8:00 PMKabbalat Shabbat


    9:00 AMMitzva Class

    10:00 AMAharay Mot

    Sunset: 7:52


    No Religious School

    NIGHT:Search for hamaytz


    7:15 AMSiyum B'khorim6:30 PM

    First NightCongregational




    No Religious School10:00 AMFestival MorningService

    Evening:Second NightSeder (at home)



    No Religious School9:00 AMFestival MorningService(COS)


    7:00 PMBook &

    Movie Club(Member's


    22 7:37


    At HomeWith Your

    Family(No evening service)


    No Mitzva Class

    10:00 AMHol Ha-moed

    Sunset: 7:56


    No Religious School

    7:30 PMFestival EveningService &Yizkor



    10:00 AMFestival MorningService &Yizkor

    Israel PassoverEnds AtSunset



    No Religious School9:00 AMFestival MorningService(COS)

    Passover EndsAt Sunset


    4:15 PMReligious School(Longwood)

    28 29 7:41

    8:00 PMKabbalat Shabbat

    Bar MitzvaJonah Goldberg


    9:00 AMMitzva Class

    10:00 AMK'doshim

    Bar MitzvaJonah Goldberg

    Sunset: 8:00



    April 2011 Congregation Beth Am Adar II / Nisan 5771

    Adult Ed. 1: 101 Questions Adult Ed. 2: Siddur Skills and ABM Adult Ed. 3: Reading the Bible "Between the Lines"

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    Do you have:

    A gift or gift certificate that you can't use?

    A piece of artwork that used to hang in your

    house but no longer fits in?

    New or gently used non-clothing items?

    Designer clothing or accessories?

    Jewelry that you no longer wear?

    An impulse buy that you don't use?

    If so, please donate the items to us it's a win-win situation.

    You support Beth Am and get the tax deduction we sell the

    items on eBay and other venues and use the proceeds to fund

    operations, activities and programming at Beth Am.

    We thank the people who have given us items to sell and we

    thank Herb Weissman, through whose efforts we are raising

    almost $300 each month. He has sold electronics, smal

    appliances, artwork, menoras, candlesticks, etc. So please think

    of CBA when you think of disposing of gently used items you no

    longer need.

    Please call Herb (407.774.9695) if you have any questions or to

    arrange for pickup of your unused treasures.
































    Enter the CBA rafflefor a $1,000 gift card!

    Drawing:April 13, 2011at Congregation Beth Am

    $10 / TICKET

    Ticket sales limited to 1000 tickets

    Just cut out andfill in the ticket stubs.

    Then, drop off or mail stubsand payment to our office.

    Sure, you're a full-blooded American.

    But would it be such a problem

    if you were one pint short?

    Sunday, April 10

    9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

    Mark this date the Bloodmobile fromFlorida's Blood Centers will be coming to CBA.

    Since the donation cycle is 56 days, if you wish togive blood when the Bloodmobile comes to CBA,please do not give blood after February 11.


    Imagine for a moment, children with not enough food to eat.

    Now, imagine parents having to choose between paying the rent

    or buying food. Too many families in our community are faced

    with this difficult choice every day.

    To help individuals and families in need, Congregation Beth Am

    is teaming with Jewish Family Services (JFS) to collect non-

    perishable items (such as peanut butter, pasta, childrens lunch-

    box snacks, and baby products, etc.) and canned goods

    (vegetables, fruit, tuna fish, soup, etc.) for the Pearlman Food


    From April 3 15, please drop off your food donation in our

    collection bin. It's a great way to empty your pantry in

    preparation for Passover and do a mitzva at the same time!

    Cash donations are appreciated and a great way to increase

    your support. For every $1 received, JFS can purchase $6 worth

    of food at the Second Harvest Food Bank. Please mail your cash

    donation directly to:


    The George Wolly Center

    2100 Lee Road

    Winter Park, FL 32789

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin

    10/14- 10 -

    email: [email protected]

    Lucille Belnick, M.D., P.A.

    Internal Medicine and Women's Health

    Providing modern medical care

    with an old-fashioned touch

    Located in Casselberry/Winter Park area

    5474 Lake Howell Road

    Winter Park, FL 32792

    Currently accepting new patients

    Phone: (407) 679-3400

    Fax: (407) 679-3412

    E-mail: [email protected]

    We encourage you to support our advertisers who support us withtheir ads in the Bulletin, Membership Directory and on our web site

    Under supervision of the

    Vaad Hakashrut of Pinellas County

    Full service butcher shop

    Fresh cut meat and poultry

    Prepared kosher foods of all kinds

    Mon: 9 - 3

    Tues - Thur: 9 - 5

    Fri: 9 - 4 Sun: 9 - 1


    Fax: 727.327.0682

    2619 23rd Avenue N

    St. Petersburg FL 33713

    Randy Ames CRS, GRIRealtor

    Watson Realty Corp.

    [email protected]

    Randy "Ames" for RESULTS

    EMAIL: [email protected]

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin

    11/14- 11 -

    Paul & Cheryl Allen

    Allergy & Asthma Associates

    Greg Alman

    Eric & Lisa Alpert

    Myron & Allyson Ascher

    Jules & Elyse Baclar

    Michael & Roxanne Baron

    Steven & Nikki Botwinik

    Ken & Wendy Bowman

    Paul & Susan Brodersen

    Alan & Anne Brown

    Michael & Lauri Cayado

    Rich & Lori Citrenbaum

    Dilly Clarke

    Baruch & Shlomith Cohen

    Jeff Cohen & Luci Belnick

    Mike & Joanna Cohen

    Dan & Caryn Coultoff

    Eric & Lisa Coultoff

    Joe & Bernice Davids

    Mark & Debbie Davids

    Brian & Amy Dorman

    Jerry & Sima Feldberg

    Eva Gaber

    Rick & Donna Gardner

    Phil & Fran Gelfand

    Ira & Holly Gordon

    Hank & Norma Greenberg

    Mike & Sandi Groberg

    Alan & Sandra Hammer

    Millie Harris

    Lori Helman

    Mark Israel

    Steve & Denise Jaffe

    Daniel Kaprow

    Marissa Kaprow

    Phil & Sara Kaprow

    Shaina Kaprow

    Paul & Erica Karlinsky

    Matt & Kristi Klein

    Steve & Mary Kutner

    Lloyd & Mary Lavin

    Rose Lazoritz

    Elliot & Barbara Leavitt

    Jack & Jeri Leavitt

    Steve & Linda Leibowitz

    Norm & Marlene Levin

    Jon & Gail Lewis

    Ira & Doris Locks

    Jay & Robin Mackler

    Tom & Joanie Mayer

    Simon & Nancy Mendel

    Lane & Suzanne Mercer

    Barry Miller

    Sondra Oscher

    Thom & Beth Oxborough

    Albion & Susette Percy

    Jeff & Shelby Poiley

    David & Shari Pudles

    Dan & Kris Rashy

    Morris & Sheila Rashy

    Seth & Debbie Reichelson

    Jim & Jill Riola

    Steve & Ceil Rosenberg

    Steve Sable & Susan Shapiro

    Steve & Lucy Seidler

    Bernice Shapiro

    Joseph & Sheila Shapiro

    Sam & Rachel Shapiro

    Marc & Nancy Sharfman

    Rabbi Rick & Elissa Sherwin

    Marc & Diane Siegel

    Neal & Bernadette Silverstein

    Moishe & Ruth Sniad

    Joan Somers

    Ron & Nancy Stern

    Michael & Joy Stricker

    David & Cathy Swerdlow

    Lillian Tobias

    Jason & Kristina Tollefson

    Sherwood & Susan Weisman

    Herb & Shelley Weissman

    Dan & Sherry Williams

    Louis & Nance Wilson

    Anne Zahary

    Justin & Alisa Zinovoy


    We thank the following supporters of Jewish education at Beth Am who have provided funds for the

    expansion of our education facility:

    Whether or not you have children enrolled in our school, NOW is the time to meet your responsibility

    to educate current and future generations by supporting this addition with a generous contribution to

    our "Dor-To-Dor" Campaign.

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin

    12/14- 12 -


    Our tradition teaches us the importance of tz'daka. What a

    wonderful and lasting way to commemorate a birthday,

    anniversary, yahrtzeit, recovery from illness or hardship, Bat or

    Bar Mitzva, wedding, new baby or other occasion! Or give just

    because... !

    We maintain various funds, donations to which are used to

    support our many activities and to make Beth Am the Synagogue

    we want it to be. Please show that you care make a

    contribution to the fund of your choice. All contributions are tax




    The Kirschenbaum Family, to celebrate their granddaughter,

    Leah Avery Falkner, receiving the title of a Hebrew name

    Anita & Bernardo Perelmuter, to celebrate their grandson

    Ethan becoming a Bar Mitzva

    Renee & Steven Perelmuter, to celebrate their son Ethan

    becoming a Bar Mitzva

    Jill & Jim Riola, in appreciation of the Board of Directors

    Nancy & Marc Sharfman, to celebrate their 12th wedding


    Lori & Todd Sitrin, to celebrate Alex and Jamie becoming

    B'nai MitzvaSuzanne & Eric Weinstein, to celebrate their daughter Emily

    becoming a Bat Mitzva


    Anne & Alan Brown, to honor the memory of Alan's father,

    Sidney Brown

    Jo Ann & Stuart Farb, to honor the memory of Ceil Rosenberg's

    father, Louis Schiff

    Kim & Howard Finkelstein, to honor the memory of Howard's

    father, Lee Finkelstein

    Rivka & Yerach Lazarovitz, in appreciation of being called to

    the Torah for an aliya

    Miriam Levy, to honor the memory of Ivor's mother, Leah Levy

    Miriam Levy, to honor the memory of Ivor's sister,

    Betty Silverne

    Gloria Schwartz, to honor the memory of Bea Finkelstein,

    mother, grandmother and dear friend

    Bernie Siegel, to honor the memory of his mother, Anny Siegel

    Diane & Marc Siegel, to honor the memory of Diane's

    grandmother, Erna Stern

    Helen Tishman, to honor the memory of her first husband,

    Leon Tishman

    Lillian Tobias, to honor the memory of her sister, Selma Pensky

    Lillian Tobias, to celebrate the birthday of Edith Zwick

    Rachel Weiner, to honor Judith Smith



    Sandy & Alan Hammer, to honor their granddaughters,Lily and Maddie Feinman

    Erica & Paul Karlinsky, in appreciation of Rabbi Rick's kindness

    Bernice Shapiro, to honor the memory of her husband,

    William "Bill" Shapiro

    Sheila & Joseph Shapiro, to honor Rachel, Sam, Lindsey and


    Ruth & Moishe Sniad, to honor the memory of Ruth's father,

    Carl Liebeskind


    Frances & Fred Brown, to honor the memory of Fred's father,

    Sidney Brown


    Ruth & Moishe Sniad, in appreciation of Rabbi Rick and to

    honor Kedron Morgenstern


    It is an ancient custom to make a special solicitation of funds before Pesah to help those in need. While charity is a mitzva at all

    times, it was felt that on Pesah particularly, no one should go hungry. We continue this custom today by contributing money that

    will enable others to celebrate Passover in a manner befitting one who is no longer a slave.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RETURNTOCONGREGATION BETH AM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Dear Rabbi Rick,

    ___ I/We enclose my/our contribution to the Matza Fund.

    ___ I/We hereby authorize you, as the agent ofCongregation Beth Am, to use a portion of the enclosed contribution to

    symbolically "sell" all leaven in my/our possession. The remainder of the contribution is to be set aside for the mitzva of Maot


    Signature _______________________________________ Printed name _________________________________________

    Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    Date ________________________________

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin


    - 13 -


    1 Regina Katz*

    Rose Lily Leibovitz, grandmother ofSteve Leibowitz

    Bessie Lipnick, grandmother ofSherril Bracco

    Mace Morris, father ofLester Morris

    2 Sidney Heller, father ofFaith Brotman

    3 Samuel Gottenburg, great-grandfather ofStacy Gotlib

    4 Ruth Greenwald, mother ofSherril Bracco

    Sylvan Lefkovits, father ofEdith Schulman;grandfather ofJanet Kaplan and Mark Schulman

    Samuel Levine, grandfather ofJackie Arndt

    Lillian Schanz, mother ofBarbara Sokolov

    5 Henrietta Roher, mother ofHelen Tishman

    Morris Shapiro, grandfather ofSusan Shapiro

    6 Milton Forrest, father ofBrett Forrest

    Mildred Gardner, mother ofRick Gardner

    7 Joseph S. Cohen, father ofJeff Cohen

    Julia Elman*, mother ofAl Elman and Hilda Frishman

    Ida Fischer, mother ofCal Fisher

    Joseph Goodman, father ofFlorence Kuppe;

    grandfather ofDebbie Zelkowitz

    10 George Baron, father ofMichael Baron

    Rabbi Gedaliah Kaprow, father ofRabbi Moe Kaprow

    Steven Kobrin*

    Vivian Mercer, mother ofMarissa Kaprow

    Beth Schwartz*

    11 Sophie Newrick*, mother ofRose Lazoritz

    13 Barry Grutman, brother ofJeri Leavitt

    Peter Kucaba*, husband ofNancy Kucaba; father of

    Michelle Kucaba

    14 Pearl Berkan*

    15 Larry Grutman, father ofJeri Leavitt

    Rabbi Aryeh Leeb Robbins*Isaac Silverstein*, father ofNeal Silverstein

    16 Alex Gelfand Deliallisi*, grandson ofFran & Phil


    Max Evans, grandfather ofHerb Weissman

    Joseph Rutkowsky, grandfather ofMichael Baron

    17 Sylvia Feldman-Livingston, mother ofMary Lavin

    Sylvia Belle Henner*

    18 Rose Chubin, step-mother ofSima Feldberg

    20 Samuel Berenson, father-in-law ofVera Berenson

    Sada Bitton, mother ofDenise Reback

    Jack Dorman, grandfather ofBrian Dorman

    21 Geraldine Kaprow, mother ofRabbi Moe Kaprow

    Richard Williams, father ofDan Williams

    22 Anna Grossman*

    Bernard Grunberg, brother ofElly Soski and uncle of

    Ruthie Rubin


    1 Luci Belnick

    1 Steve Jaffe

    1 Carol Kirschenbaum

    1 Ethan Perelmuter

    2 Lloyd Werk

    3 Jonathan Eichenholz

    3 Sydney Forrest

    3 Jonathan Katz

    3 Lindsey Shapiro

    3 Lucas Zick

    4 Jonah Goldberg

    4 Marc Greenstein

    4 Jacob Karlinsky

    6 Nathan Altidor

    6 Sheila Rashy

    6 Aileen Schaked

    6 Lisa Shenkman

    6 Logan Sheplan

    6 Larry Silver

    7 Craig Golub

    7 SuzAnne Kaltbaum

    8 Michael Baron

    9 Rich Gair

    9 Laura Myers

    9 Joan Somers

    10 Sue Brodersen

    11 Jackie Arndt

    11 Mike Berren

    11 Paul Brodersen

    11 Hailey Perlstein

    11 Lilly Robbins

    12 Alan Applebaum

    12 Abby Arace

    12 Lori Helman

    12 Ceil Rosenberg

    14 Ed Sheplan

    15 Linda Bernstein

    15 Sue Bobele

    15 Arielle Cooper

    15 Sari Greenstein

    16 Pam Bellet

    16 Karen Klein

    16 Hannah Sabulsky

    16 Hannah Woociker

    17 Rich Altman

    17 Russell Goldberg

    17 Renee Moss

    17 Michael Steinfeld

    18 Robyn Eichenholz

    18 Nancy Mendel

    18 Gabrielle Perlstein

    18 Aubrey Stern

    21 Sherwood Weisman

    21 Mike Zelkowitz

    22 Caryn Coultoff

    22 Theresa Myers

    23 Warren Moss

    23 Steve Seidler

    23 Jason Tollefson

    24 Jeff Green

    24 Rebecca Katz

    24 Thom Oxborough

    25 Becky Goldstein

    25 Millie Harris

    25 Morgan Ulch

    26 Anna Karasik

    26 Maxine Morris

    27 Marissa Kaprow

    27 Ed Pollack

    27 Susan Shapiro

    28 Serena Martin

    28 Steve Sable

    28 Sam Shapiro

    28 Heidi Ulch

    28 Ronni Wortman

    29 Elizabeth Barnes

    29 Erica Karlinsky

    29 Tobey Smith

    30 Sasha Klein

    * Denotes plaque on Memorial Board in our Sanctuary. Please call our office to memorialize your loved ones with a plaque.

    WELCOME!My)bh MykwrbMy)bh MykwrbMy)bh MykwrbMy)bh Mykwrb

    We welcome the following members to the Beth Am family:Karen & Harry Lipkind

    Barbara & Sherwin Sokolov


    1 Tammy & Bruce Weinstein

    1 Nance & Louis Wilson

    3 Leah & Eric Smith4 Jessica & Josh Kane

    5 Jo Ann & Sam Woociker

    8 Heddy & Michael Bernstein

    8 Robyn & Kevin Colley

    8 Robin & Jay Mackler

    8 Nancy & Ron Stern

    9 Marlene & Michael Steinfeld13 Stacey & Sheldon Weiss

    14 Krissy & Evan Gardner

    16 Lilly & Doug Robbins

    16 Edith & Charles Schulman

  • 8/4/2019 April 2011 Bulletin


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