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Page | 1 Dinner Time Rota (No bags in Dining Hall) B Hall Packed Lunch Sitting 1 Year 7 Year 7 M3 and M5 Sitting 2 Year 9 & 8 Year 8 B Hall and M7 Year 9 Social Area D Floor Rotating lunchtime sittings will be for Years 7, 8 and 9 only. Years 10 and 11 have optional sittings. Bags must not be taken into B Hall/The Courtyard Cafe at lunchtime unless you have essential medication (i.e. Epipen or Diabetic equipment). School Nurse Drop-in Session: Tuesday 29 th April – Medical Room No appointments required – they are here to listen not to tell! iPad drop in session: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12.15pm - K3 Independent Learning (click here for the link) April 28 - 2 May B @ilkleygrammar Get Going Mr Milburn! I’m sure you all join me in wishing Mr Milburn the best of luck for 13 th April when he runs in the London Marathon. Mr Milburn has raised nearly £2000 (for the charity Get Kids Going). If you have been able to support Mr Milburn by donating to his Just Giving page…thank you! There’s still time to donate if you haven’t yet done so. The training Mr Milburn has endured over the last months has been nearly as traumatic as wearing the pink tutu for the Sport Relief basketball match! We are behind him all the way on Sunday (well, from the comfort of our sofas!)
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Dinner Time Rota (No bags in Dining Hall)

B Hall Packed Lunch

Sitting 1 Year 7 Year 7 M3 and M5

Sitting 2 Year 9 & 8 Year 8 B Hall and M7

Year 9 Social Area D Floor Rotating lunchtime sittings will be for Years 7, 8 and 9 only. Years 10 and 11 have optional sittings. Bags must not be taken into B Hall/The Courtyard Cafe at lunchtime unless you have essential medication (i.e. Epipen or Diabetic equipment).

School Nurse Drop-in Session: Tuesday 29th April – Medical Room No appointments required – they are here to listen not to tell!

iPad drop in session: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12.15pm - K3

Independent Learning (click here for the link)

April 28 - 2 May

B @ilkleygrammar

Get Going Mr Milburn! I’m sure you all join me in wishing Mr Milburn the best of luck for 13th April when he runs in the London Marathon.

Mr Milburn has raised nearly £2000 (for the charity Get Kids Going). If you have been able to support Mr Milburn by donating to his Just Giving page…thank you! There’s still time to donate if you haven’t yet done so.

The training Mr Milburn has endured over the last months has been nearly as traumatic as wearing the pink tutu for the Sport Relief basketball match!

We are behind him all the way on Sunday (well, from the comfort of our sofas!)

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For many of you the Easter break doesn’t mean 2 weeks’ rest…it signifies the start of your revision in earnest. We know it can be a stressful time, but remember we are here to help and support you. There are some suggested revision websites on Realsmart and some of them can even be used on the go:

Edexcel Past Papers - allows you to download past papers directly to your mobile device, allowing you to revise anywhere at any time.

Giving instant access to all past papers, along with their mark schemes and examiner reports, Edexcel Past Papers allows you to personalise your search so you can access and download the papers you need for revision. These cover all subjects including English, Science and Maths past papers, across the following qualifications – GCSE, A level, AS level, International GCSE, Edexcel Certificate, Diploma, Functional Skills, Advanced Extension Reward and Edexcel Awards.

Khan Academy - allows you to learn almost anything for free. They cover a massive number of topics, including Maths, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and Humanities. So why not spend an afternoon brushing up on statistics or discovering how the Krebs cycle works? Click here to see what else is on Realsmart for revision. Don’t forget, Year 11 can attend the revision sessions being held in the first week of the holidays.

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations The final injection for Year 8 girls is on Friday 2nd May. Year 8 girls need to be in C8 for the injections.

Time Group Time Group Time Group

9.00 8s/En1A 10.15 8g/Sc1A 11.10 8i/Sc1A

9.15 8s/En2 10.30 8g/Sc1B 11.20 8i/Sc1B

9.30 8s/Gy1B 10.40 8g/Sc2 11.30 8i/Sc2

Wet Break Arrangements P Hall is not a wet break area at any time. All students can use B Hall or the

circulation areas in the New Building.

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Sharing Success Well done to Sam McKinnon-Evans (8ADM), Robbie Matthews (7PB) and Beth Morley (7PDH) who all had a fantastic experience as part of the West Yorkshire team at the Sports Hall Athletics UK Championships in Manchester at the weekend. The competition from the eleven participating regional teams was very strong but they all achieved excellent personal performances. Sam was 4th in the vertical jump, only 1cm from a medal. Sam ran strongly in his heat to make the final of the 4 lap race. Robbie achieved 4th position in the speed bounce and had a good run in the obstacle relay. Beth won her heat convincingly in the 6 lap race and also ran well in the obstacle relay team. They should all be very proud of their performances – well done!

Congratulations to Anwen Smith (11ISR) who has been awarded a ‘Community Heroes Award’ from Bradford Council.

Anwen regularly volunteers her help with 2 local groups, working with disabled youngters to achieve their Duke of Edinburgh award. We are very proud of you Anwen: you desserve the recognition!

Well done to Bethany Wheelhouse (11ISR) who is the first Year 11 student to be awarded their Silver Certificate.

Sam McKinnon-Evans Robbie Matthews Beth Morley

Congratulations and good luck to Rachel Scott (7PDH) who as part of the U12 Ben Rhydding Hockey Club won the North of England Championships on Sunday and have qualified for the National U12 finals in May for the second year running.

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Well done to out Year7/iLeader Maths support class who all completed their Khan Academy sessions this week. Who knew giving up your lunch time for maths could be so rewarding…?

…or was it the promise of an early Easter egg? Alongside the certificates and gift vouchers, Mr Washington also handed out cream eggs as an extra well done!

Congratulations to Isaac Herrington (8JRW) who is the first Year 8 student to be awarded their Gold Certificate.

Well done to Tom Harvey in (11SMS) who has secured a business apprenticeship with ALTP, a local company who deal with office machinery. Congratulations also go to Chris Stokes (11KPC) who has secured his electrical apprenticeship with the operations sector of Bradford Metropolitan District Council. Good luck to both of you with your career pathway on leaving IGS.

Tom Harvey Chris Stokes

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Goal! Some of our Year 10 French Exchange Students enjoyed a France vs. England Zorb football match over the weekend, where there’s a person inside the giant ball! True to form…France won!

Coutances 2014

Au Revoir Nos Amis! On Wednesday evening we said goodbye to our french visitors from Coutances. The week has flown by with visits to Saltaire, the Bronte Parsonage and the National Media Museum to mention just a few of the delights they have experienced while in Yorkshire. As always these visits are only the success they are because of the staff, students and families who take part, so, thank you!

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Question Time at IGS

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Come Along and Join In! Our local choir Cantores Olicanae are holding a music workshop on Saturday 10th May in B Hall. The afternoon of singing jazz will run from 1.30 – 4pm…all you need is enthusiasm, no musical training required! If this is for you, then please contact Hilary on 01535 609209 and book you place…it’s free!

On Tuesday 17th June IGS are holding a swimming gala, competing against St Mary's and Prince Henry's. We need swimmers from all year groups to take part in this exciting event that will be held at Ilkley Pool between 4pm and 6pm. Swimmers of all the four strokes are needed; it would be great to get a large number of students taking part and showcase all the brilliant swimming talent we have at the school. If you would like to compete you can email Miss Smith (in English) at [email protected]. Let her know your preferred stroke/ strokes, year group and form.

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Available daily…

There is also a range of cold meals, sandwiches and pizzas available every day and remember the meal deal is still only £2.15. This includes a hot meal and a pudding or drink. The same price covers a choice from the cold selection and a juice and a small dessert.

Watch this space for detail on the new menu cycle

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GCSE Overview

Career of the Week: Childcare Worker The Work: nursery nurses work with babies and young children from birth to five years in childcare settings such as: schools, private nurseries, and play-schemes. As a nursery nurse you would:

Plan and supervise activities like arts and crafts, music and cooking

Help children to learn numeracy skills through activities like counting games

Read stories and provide activities to develop the children’s language skills.

Take children on outings.

Feed and change babies.

Make sure the children are safe and well at all times (safeguarding) and report any concerns to your manager such as signs of abuse.

Entry Requirements: you will need a warm and positive approach, lots of creative ideas and a willingness to work as part of a team. A good standard of general education such as GCSEs including English and Maths would be helpful. After GCSEs to become a qualified childcare worker you will need a recognised Level 2 or 3 childcare qualification offered by many colleges or take a Level 2 (Intermediate) or Level 3 (Advanced) Apprenticeship – see For all childcare related jobs you will need to have background checks carried out by the Disclosure and Barring Service (CRB checks).

Use a Tree…Plant a Tree So far, since installing the new printers and photocopiers, we have used nearly 5 trees worth of paper. Please think before you hit print!

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Training: once you are employed as a nursery worker your manager would support you in taking further short courses and workshops as part of your professional development. With further experience you could study towards a higher education qualification in early years or child development. With a higher education qualification you may be able to apply for Early Years Initial Teacher Training. Pay: starting salaries for junior or trainee nursery workers is from £10,000 to £14,000 a year depending on age. Qualified and experienced nursery workers can earn between £15,000 and £22,000, Nursery Teachers can earn £22,000 to £32,000 per year. Further Information: For an electronic copy of this see Mrs Mitchell, Careers Coordinator in KS4 Hub or Mr Cole, Independent Careers Adviser.

What’s on at Leeds College of Building…? Summer School - 21st July for 1 week, 9am until 4pm Are you interested in a career in construction or would you like to learn some new DIY and home improvement skills? Then why not come along to our Summer School. Summer School is ideal for those considering a course at the College or those who want to pick up some basic DIY skills. You will spend one day in the classroom doing Health & Safety and drawing, the remaining four days will be spent doing one of the options below.

Brickwork - Stourton site Carpentry & Joinery - North Street site Plastering - North Street site Plumbing - North Street site Wall & Floor Tiling - North Street site

As well as picking up some useful skills you could also gain a qualification, the BTEC Level 1 Award in Construction.

Other Information

Summer School is free for anyone aged 16 – 18 and only £60 for 19+

You must be aged 16 or over before September 2014

No formal qualifications are necessary for entry

If you have attended Easter or Summer School in previous years and achieved the BTEC Level 1 Award in Construction you are not eligible to attend again

The course runs Monday to Friday 9am until 4pm

Safety boots are provided, however you can wear your own boots and we advise you to wear old clothing

To reserve your place, call Student Services on 0113 222 6002

Click here for new college videos focussing on 3 of our current students from 3 faculty areas.

Could you get by on just £1 a day for five days for all your food and drink?

That’s the challenge Save the Children are setting from 28 April – 2 May 2014 (Save the Children Week), as part of the Live Below the Line challenge. Click here to see more. 1.4 billion people around the world who face the daily reality of surviving on just £1 a day - the equivalent of the extreme poverty line.

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