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A Summer Training Report On “CUSTOMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR TOWARDS AMUL-ICECREAM” Submitted in !"ti!# $u#$i##ment %$ t&e "e'ui"ement( $%" t&e de)"e B!*&e#%" %$ Bu(ine(( Admini(t"!ti%n +BBA, u"u.(&et"! Uni/e"(it01 u"u.(&et"! Unde" T&e Guid!n*e %$2 SUBMITTED BY2 MRS3 An!mi.! A4RA5ITA B3B3A 6t& (em3 De!"tment %$ M!n!)ement Studie( u"u.(&et"! In(titute %$ Te*&n%#%)0 7 M!n!)ement 4e&%8! R%!d1 B&%" (!id!n u"u(&et"!-9:;99<

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Nov 03, 2015



Bhawna Chopra

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ASummer Training Report


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Under The Guidance of: SUBMITTED BY:


B.B.A 5th sem.Department of Management Studies

Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management

Pehowa Road, Bhor saidan



Certified that this project entitled CUSTOMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR MOTIVES TOWARDS AMUL-ICECREAM is a record of project done independently by Aprajita Sharma under my guidance and supervision and that it has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, fellowship or associate ship to her.

Date: 5th June, 2013 15th July 2013


I hereby declare that this report entitled Consumer Buying Behavior of Amul ice creams Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Business Administration to Kurukshetra Institute of Technology and Management Kurukshetra is a record of independent research work carried out by me.

I also declare that this report is a result of my own efforts and has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or any other University.

APRAJITA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThere is always a sense of gratitude which one express to other for the helpful and ready service they render during all work at life. I gratefully acknowledge the inspiration encouragement, guidance, help and valuable suggestions receipt from the following well-wishers:

I express my sincere thanks to the Management of AMUL Ghaziabad (UP)

Unit for giving me an opportunity to do the Summer Internship from their esteemed organization.

We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude and appreciation to our project guides Mr.Mudgal & Mr.Shantanu Shukla for their assistance, motivation and being a continual source of encouragement for us.

We are also thankful to Mr. B.S. Aggarwal {Distributor) for his support and continuous guidance.

This project would not have been possible without the continuous supervision of our faculty members. Their Technical know-how helped me to overcome the various snags I faced during my project report.

I would also like to thank my family, friends and all members of AMUL without whose motivation and cooperation I would never be able to complete this project.


PrefaceFor a deep inclination into the managed concepts, practical training is an important task. Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. Theoretical knowledge gives us the fundamental concepts of management and practical training teaches us those tacts and skills which are successfully employed to capture todays competitive market. Theoretical lectures must be correlated with practical training to make learning process more effective and to provide a plate form to judge and apply theoretical knowledge to practical situation. Practical training thus plays an important role in developing and sharpening ones skills in the field of business management and administration. I prepared this report for my two year course in Bachelor of Business Administration.

In accordance with the requirement of BBA course. I have done my dissertation on the topic Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Amul Ice- cream.

Table of ContentsChapters Title Page No.







1.1 Introduction to Topic 2-7

1.2 Industry Profile8-12

1.3 Company Profile 13-29

1.4Objective of study30


3.Data Analysis and Interpretation35-45






Marketing Management by Phillip KotlarC.R KOTHARI, Reasearch Methodology

Consumer Behaviour by S.L Gupta

Consumer Behaviour by Shiffman.

Marketing Management by V.S RamaswamySearch Engine Used:

Websites used:

www.amul.comwww.managementparadise.comOther Reference used:

Annual Report of Amul 2009-2010.Newspapers:Times of India.

Hindustan Times.ANNEXURE

QUESTIONNAIREPersonal Profile:

a.Name: -----------------------------------------------b.Address: ---------------------------------------------c.Sex: [Male] [Female]

d.Age: -------------------------------------------------e.Occupation: [Self-Employed] [Professional] [Student] [Housewife]

Q.1Do you know about fruity nutty pack of Amul ice-cream?

a.Yes b.No

Q.2What is your opinion about this offer?

a.Outstanding b.excellent

c. good d. Average

Q.3What is the most important factor while buying an Amul product?

a. Quality b. Price c. Service.

Q. 4 How did you come to know about the Amul product?

a.By friends/family b. Direct mailers

c. Press Ads d.T.V ads

Q.5 What Ice-cream flavors do you like?

a. Vanilla b. Butterscotch.

c. strawberry d. other.

Q.6. Can you recall AMUL ice-cream advertisement?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.7. Are you satisfied with the quality of the product? a.Yes b.No

Q.8. How often do you buy Amul ice cream?

a. Daily b. Monthly c. Weekly d. OccasionallyQ9. Any Suggestion? --------------------------------------------

Thanks for your co-operation