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Approach to Organizational Energetics

May 30, 2018



Druida Andino
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  • 8/9/2019 Approach to Organizational Energetics



    Approach toEnergetica Organizacional

    (Organizational Energetics)

    Spanish Version by Ernesto Molano Devia - 2006

    Translated into English by Santiago Molano Jaramillo - 2009

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    Approach to Energetica Organizacional

    Organizational Energetics


    Organizational Energetics is the result of a personal investigation that pretended to know

    commercial organizations with greater insight, with the purpose of designing transformation

    strategies that provide permanent and consistent development for them, as well as for all of its

    bound members. It was an investigation with humanistic approach.

    During the development of the investigation I had several surprising encounters that drew the

    way that would finally lead me to Organizational Energetics. The first, and most important one,

    was the comprehension that the human organization is a rational living being, for it is

    constituted by human beings that, as a fractal, reproduce an organization similar to every one

    of them, which are at the same time, a fractal organization where its minimum autonomous

    components are the cells.

    This comprehension provided the first horizon to this investigation and for that reason I went

    deeper into the knowledge of human physiology to understand more thoroughly the

    functioning of the human organism and its components: Cells, tissues, organs and systems.

    The second encounter was realizing that the organization, as a living being, carries away the

    same kind of functions and that being so, it requires energy for its survival, operation and

    maintenance: Physiology talks about the workings and interaction of the elements of the

    organism, but does not talk about its energetic process, so other sources were to be consulted,

    the investigation found answers in the Chinese culture and specially in this cultures knowledge

    about energy in the human organism, knowledge coming from ancient texts as the Tao Te Ching

    and the book of changes, also known as the I Ching. From all of these I gathered wide

    comprehension of the flow of energy in natural processes including every living being and by

    extension, human organizations.

    Trying to structure a process of organizational transformation through the creation of models

    that allowed 3D visualization, I stumbled upon the node theory, and rapidly took me into the

    General Theory Of Systems, which in turn gave scientific support to the data obtained from

    eastern bioenergetics and western human physiology. Four basic concepts from the theory of

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    systems enriched the study: Synergy, Entropy, Negentropy, and Feedback. Working from these,

    Organizational Energetics took scientific and consistent form accomplishing clarity on its final

    objectives: authentic generation of value, organizational motivation, and minimization of the

    process of corruption or degeneration of the organization.

    This essay is a brief description of Organizational Energetics where complete and general

    comprehension of the organization as a living rational system, which requires energy for its

    operation, development and achievement of goals and outcomes is offered, being these last

    ones nothing more than transformed energy that will feed other organizations.

    Finally, having described the organization and understood the energy flow within it, its

    development and that of all of the members that are part will be carried one step further with

    the proposal of a Humanistic Strategic Planning that supports an organizational structure

    designed to facilitate such flow to achieve the objectives of the organization guaranteeing

    permanent generation of value, motivation and minimizing degeneration.

    This work is a useful tool for any kind of human organization from the simplest ones as the

    couple or family to the more complex as the city, society and even more, the whole humankind.

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    The Human Organism

    The human organism is a complex organization where the basic element is the cell, which itself

    is practically an autonomous system that has within it all the information of the being it makes

    up. This characteristic is extensive to all multicellular beings where everything works according

    to a magnificent and coordinated interaction between them.

    The first step towards the comprehension of the human organism is to understand the

    functioning of the cell as the basic unit. Every organic process is carried away by cells which

    have formed groups of similar ones to take care of its functions, the tissues, which constitutethe organs that perform the complete activities of the organism which are voluntary, or

    involuntary said metabolic.

    Cells are microsystems that carry out specialized functions, to which they develop accordingly.

    Cells from the heart have enhanced their motor activity while nerve cells or neurons are highly

    irritable. Each cell has special characteristics to serve its function, and to get from these its

    location on the organism. The objective of this document is not to go into detail about the

    ingenious and prodigious process of conformation of the living organism but it is of

    fundamental importance to highlight its impeccable mechanism of creation and formation.

    The cell is a complex factory where all the processes take place at an energetic level, transfer of

    pure energy that allows the cell to communicate, perform tasks, multiply and transform. The

    cellular level is clearly energetic. Information and energy transfers are biochemical, being that

    cellular energy the one that maintains the organism alive.

    Cells degenerate and die. Physiologically, cellular disease is known as Corruption. As for this

    work, this information is of vital importance due to its far fetch reaches of significance within

    institutional degradation. The organisms disease is always at the cellular level, either beingintrinsic, meaning that its origin is in the organism as a consequence of its own wear and tear

    and/or lack of adequate maintenance, or extrinsic, caused by external organisms like virus or

    bacteria, which attack directly the cells.

    The important matter here is to understand that degradation of the organism is at cellular level

    and that cellular corruption implies their creeping destruction, causing a slow failure in the

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    whole organism. This brings a new way to comprehend corruption at a social level and as

    system in the way of the loss of vital energy that leads to the death of the organisms basic


    Cells form tissues to carry away specialized functions, a set of tissue is called an organ. Eachorgan executes particular activities, vital to guarantee optimum synchronized functioning of the

    living organism. Most of the organs are unique, save some exceptions worth considering.

    Within the metabolic organs there is the repetition of lungs and kidneys, this due to the

    importance of blood as vital mean. Lungs provide it with oxygen, the main energetic of human

    organism, kidneys cleanse it to avoid excessive contamination product of cellular waste. Other

    double organs are eyes and ears. Vision is essential to development, same as hearing and

    equilibrium, being the last one located in the ear system.

    Organs that perform complementary functions group in systems such as the digestive system,

    one of the most extensive, conformed by several organs that process food into cell digestible

    micronutrients. The stomach carries out a pre process of food to facilitate further disintegration

    undertaken by the intestines and whose produced result is transported by the blood to each

    and every one of the cells.

    Analyzing the functions of the organisms systems we can say that there are three basics:

    management of energy, permanent review of organic functioning and protection of the

    organism. The organisms fundamental activity is to keep itself alive so it requires Energy that is

    taken from the environment and transformed in such a way that it can be provided to every

    one of its cells. Human organism requires three basic sources of energy to assure its vital state:

    oxygen, nutrients, and sunlight. Because of that there are three energy capture systems:

    respiratory, digestive and cutaneous, all of which act as filters, processors and transducers


    The circulatory system is responsible of distributing collected energy towards every cell, giving

    each one exactly what it requires, a system of distribution and withdrawal of left-over carried

    away by the same medium: blood. It is through it that all energy is delivered: oxygen, nutrients,

    water and all the wastes are picked up, which are then taken into a processing center dedicated

    to that end, the urinary system. Blood being so, is one of the vital elements of the organism and

    quintessential communication media.

    It is clear then that every organs functioning is linked with the energetic process of the

    organism, were one to fail and the whole system would fall and die. Thats why an

    independent, parallel nervous network exists, whose main function is to watch over the correct

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    Human Organization

    Just as the human organism is a gathering of cells whose objective is to assure its self-existence,

    it can be said that human organization is likewise a gathering of human beings to guaranteetheir own life, is a mean to supply their necessities and achieve their objectives.

    Working from whats described in the previous section, the organization must basically have

    three independent systems: One of production, another of control and a third one of

    protection. The production system is in charge of the whole resource generating device and its

    distribution within the organization. Control system verifies its correct functioning and

    protection looks after the integral development of individuals and the organization itself.

    The fundamental basis of this approach is the establishment of an organization aware of itself,and so of all of the individuals that make part of it, is thereby a totally humanistic approach

    focused on personal development that ensures organizational development. To support said

    evolution, the organization must build a clear and consistent Strategic Planning, based on

    honest principles, solid and real from which a structure with enough flexibility is developed to

    face external changes while maintaining control of its own operation.

    The organization must have an effective production system, capable of generating tangible

    value real to itself and to all of its members, including clients, providers, owners, investors,

    employees and partners.

    Likewise, the control system must ensure an efficient organization; this is to keep an eye on

    optimum functioning including rational management of resources, permanent update of

    processes and ongoing measurement of management of each and every one of the members of

    the organization.

    Finally the protection system must guarantee permanent development on both individual and

    organizational level through the implementation of long term strategies to both internal and

    external levels founded on the broad and complete program of institutional motivation that

    assures general and particular well being.

    Human organization is a rational living being, it has similar characteristics to those of the people

    that conforms it and their natural way to organize must be carried away following that same

    natural way where the evolution of its composing members is promoted, for it guarantees its

    own evolution.

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    When referring to the human organism, it was mentioned that corruption is the cellular disease

    that can ultimately lead to death to the organism, same thing happens to the organization;

    corruption is a hint of disease in it. Corruption is net energy loss. Just like cancer cells steal

    energy from the organism, likewise is the corrupt effect in organizations.

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    The Western Concept of Energy

    Every living being requires energy from its moment of birth to guarantee its development,

    maintenance and later creation. A living being, anyone is above all a creator, a transformer of

    its environment and itself, for it requires all kinds of resources that finally sum up in a single

    word: Energy.

    The Word comes from the Greek En: inside and Ergon: Action, labor, meaning the internal

    capacity to conduct the action. In Latin energy is synonym of Virtus which means courage,virtue, and qualities proper to the condition of man, additionally to talent. Merit. These

    connotations of the term offer new possibilities beyond the meaning given by physics, which

    nonetheless is defined by that science as the capacity to develop a work.

    Wikipedia on the webpage defines that Energy is

    an abstract physical magnitude, linked to the dynamic state of a closed system and that remains

    unchanged over time. Also the energy of open systems can be defined, that is, non- isolated parts among

    them from a greater closed system. Later in that same page it is found thatAll bodies possess energy due

    to their motion, to their chemical composition, their position, their temperature, their mass, and some

    other properties. The diverse branches of physics and science, give various definitions of energy, of

    course all of them coherent and complementary, all of them always related to the concept of work.

    A relevant characteristic is that it is an abstract physical magnitude, which means that is an

    external quality to the body, and nevertheless interacts with it, allows its transformation, its

    change, its movement. It is also important to understand that in physics the term is

    synonymous with work and heat. The fact of Energy being abstract has made that at human

    level, in western thought and science, to lose importance, being an external quality it was left

    aside, having made use of it but forgotten that it is part of the living organism.

    The human organism is a conglomerate of living individuals called cells that bind together

    functionally in tissues which in turn form organs and those again make part of one or several

    systems. In every biological process there is a continuous flow of energy that allows the set to


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    Human organism is an end and at the same time is the means. End as creation of itself. Every

    human being owes him to himself, the way everyone has created and built his organism is

    related with his vision of life and personal mission. The construction of the body has some

    dependence with genetics and other factors as hereditary and environmental. Genetics are

    changeable upon the needs of the individual, the basis of the evolution of mankind itself.Hereditary and environmental factors are selected by everyone as structural backbones of their


    The objective of the human being is to create, to transform the raw material he receives in his

    master work, for he has been gifted with all the tools and elements necessary to carry it out.

    His first creation is his own body. The zygote is already an independent and autonomous being

    with all his creative capacity. The relationship with his mother is nutritional, his mother acts like

    a source of energy and protection. During this initial process, the being is extremely vulnerable

    and fragile, only in the most sacred, innermost and dark place of the mother will he be


    The way the being builds his body, forms the foundation of its own organization, under the

    rules he himself disposes, dictates and defines, creating the medium to accomplish his creation,

    which will be none but himself, this implies permanent checkup of the processes, continuous

    improvement, perennial evolution. Creating a body and its correct administration afterwards is

    the totally personal unintrustable main responsibility.

    The body as a machine must be correctly operated and maintained, implying to know it

    rightfully and deeply, to its core elements. That was the analysis done in the section before,

    however is responsibility of everyone to deepen its learning towards total comprehension.

    Knowing the mechanism brings the comprehension that for its correct functioning permanent

    supply of energy is needed, because creation is nothing more than transformed energy, which

    for, the body requires different forms of energy that are consumed on its various vital and

    creative processes. A good part of the energy is used for the correct functioning of the

    organism, the other is employed on the intellectual, creative and movement processes

    Human being is matter, elements from the earth that are imbibed of energy that transforms

    them, in a process known as evolution, now that finally both mater and energy are the same, as

    established by Einstein. The individual mission of every being is nothing but to reveal itself and

    comprehend such truth.

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    Energy is only one but there are multiple manifestations of it. The human body, composed of

    many elements, needs diverse forms of energy to guarantee its functioning. This way, oxygen is

    an example of an energetic that facilitates the whole cellular metabolism. Nutrients are

    chemical compounds that strengthen different parts of the cell for its correct functioning.

    The organism requires energy for its survival also takes it to transform it, such process of

    change happens equally on itself and on the energy. One example is the oxygen which is turned

    into carbon dioxide by the animals, and then the inverse process made by vegetables. The

    movement of energy is clear and permanent.

    Movement, including metabolism, is the flow of energy. In this process, energy is captured,

    modified, distributed, assimilated or transformed. If energy flows freely, the organism will work

    correctly and creation will be eased and incentivized. On the contrary, blocks of energy will

    manifest as losses of effectiveness of the energetic resources use, which in the body will

    manifest as cellular weakness and finally the origin of disease.

    Human organism is an organization in itself that carries away four processes independent to

    each other: vital, control, protector and creative.

    The vital process is constituted by metabolic activities, voluntary and involuntary, as carried out

    by the organism. Every function of the organism from respiration, nutrition, circulation,

    digestion, excretion, and secretion are vital. The central axis of this process is the circulatory

    system and its main player is the heart. This unstoppable organ woks with passion, knows it is

    beginning and ending of a process which means life, keeping a permanent movement circuit,

    sending energized blood and receiving it worn off. On its course, blood visits each and every

    one of the cells, delivering and receiving information, its the messenger, receives and grants.

    Blood is the one in charge of keeping the organism alive.

    There is a parallel process of control, which does a permanent monitor to the vital process.

    Every organic and vital activity is checked, analyzed and modified, as required. This process is

    executed by the nervous system, designed to be aware and watch over all the vital processes,

    knowing the functioning of the cells and organs, knowledge that allows it to verify its operation,

    when the organism conducts a deficient operation or needs to execute an action demanding

    extraordinary energy levels, the nervous system has all the procedures to undertake any

    corrective or emergency action, being supported by the endocrine system. Its main organ is the

    brain, which in its silent crypt, cold and quiet controls the vital processes.

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    Eastern Concept of Energy

    To understand Energy from the point of view of this study, it was necessary to dig deeper into

    the culture whose conception of life has been based in that process of energetictransformation. Said culture has ancient registers about energy, its influence in natural

    processes, in the development of human life, on his medicine, his spatial conception, martial

    arts, and summing up to all of mans activities, that is the Chinese culture.

    It is widely known that ancient American traditions are also holders of that ancestral knowledge

    about Energy, but unfortunately there are no written registers that could facilitate the required

    investigation for the development of this work from that approach. From China it was possible

    to obtain such information from written sources, especially from the Tao Te Ching and the I

    Ching, texts that can be considered as complete treaties on Energy.

    Energy in the Chinese lifestyle holds a leading role in every activity of the human being.

    Medicine, geodesy, nutrition, arts, all of them spin in China around the same concept of Energy

    that imbibes the human being and his creative activity completely.

    Lao Tzus texts: the Tao Te Ching and the Hua Hu Ching are complete treatises on Energy in the

    process of development of the human being, based upon its statements a complete

    comprehensive world view has been built complemented by the I Ching, document of unknown

    origin and integral part of the culture of the easts great country.

    On the second volume of Richard Wilhelms version of the I Ching, the most popular version of

    the book in the western world, it is clearly described the flow of energy through the

    interpretation of the trigrams shown on two octagonal figures called in the text as the cycles of

    the earlier and later heaven. The first disposition corresponds to the energetic organization

    before the process of creation. Second one describes the process of energy in the actual reality.

    This disposition of the later heaven is known on the Chinese tradition as Pa-Kua.

    Pa-Kua, which means the way, is the basis for medicine, martial arts and geodesy. In the I Ching

    it is shown how everything is in permanent change being fundamental to remain in equilibrium

    facing the movement.

    Likewise the book of the Tao explains that Energy Is always flowing, the way we manifest the

    equilibrium will allow us to acquire handling, control and increase of such Energy. Thats the

    reason why martial arts are intimately related to Pa-Kua, being that power lies in the handling

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    of energy. Chinese medicine is a profound knowledge of the way energy flows within the

    human body, Chinese talk about prevention before treatment; prevention is to understand how

    to handle energy.

    Pa-Kua is also the fundamental instrument of an exclusive science from the eastern countrycalled Feng Shui whose objective is to know and handle energy in the spaces where human

    activity takes place, such as rooms in the house, working places, cities, and every other space

    used up by human beings. This is the starting point for this investigation that in time found its

    name: Organizational Energetics.

    Before going into further detail of the energy flow inside the organizations it is fundamental to

    expose the energetic cycle described in the I Ching which is a description of what is called the

    cycle of nature: Reborn in spring, production in summer, harvest in autumn and withdrawal in

    winter. The cycle goes on uninterrupted.

    All beings arise and are manifested in the sign of the Arousing. Reaches its fullness in the sign

    of Soft. Wholeness means that all beings become pure and full. The Clinging is clarity in the

    midst of which all beings perceive each other with their eyes. The Receptive Earth means. She

    sees that all beings are nourished by, it is said: He, who makes them serve each other in the sign

    of the Receptive. What is the full autumn that pleases all beings. Therefore it is said, He rejoices

    in the sign of the Calmness. Combat is the sign of the Creative. It means that here the Dark and

    Shining excite each other. The Abysmal Water means. The sign of the eagerness, towards which

    all beings are attracted. So it is said: He is busy at the sign of the Abysmal. The stilling is the sign

    where it is consumed the beginning and end of all beings. So it is said: He's consumed in the sign

    of settling.

    This verse form the I Ching is the description of the Pa-Kua where its shown how the energy

    flow of every created being is, the natural flow of the process of a being, an idea or

    organization, which in other words states the following:

    First comes the conception of the being with all its strength,

    Then comes the gestation stage where the being is created and given form purely and


    Afterwards comes the birth through which the being develops his own strength and vision

    capable of leading his own creation,

    To attain he requires protection, mutual support and the care taken not only of himself but

    of all of those who love him.

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    This way comes the stage of accomplishments, of production, development of projects that

    bring tranquility and joy.

    Follows the moment of retrospection to generate fine tuned creation as a result of the

    movement of polarities.

    Requires then all the development of potentialities found deep inside the self, its themoment of the laborious work on oneself.

    This prepares for the last moment, the deep review, the rendering of accounts, the moment

    of transformation, to start the cycle again.

    This cyclic process is illustrated in figure 1.

    Figure 1. Energetic cycle of the Being.









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    Nowadays the General Theory Of Systems is used in nearly all areas of human knowledge:

    Biology, Biochemistry, Physics, Thermodynamics, Informatics, Cybernetics, Ecology, Social

    Psychology, Administration, and many more where its used because of the comprehension

    that offers about the system in terms of its generality and functioning.

    In his book: General Theory Of Systems, Bertalanffy defines system as a complex of interacting

    elements. Interaction means that P elements are in R relationships, so the behavior of P in R is

    different from behavior in another relationship R.

    Here lies the sense of system, a joint of elements that establish relationships among them. This

    definition is pretty general and enclosures all kinds of elements, either animate or not. Whats

    fundamental on this definition is the term relationship, being that these relationships are what

    identify the system.

    Basically a system has two components one that can be considered physical made up of the

    elements it groups: people and objects, the other, subtle component is formed by relationships

    and bonds among such physical elements, whats to say the way they rally and give its identity.

    There are theoretically two kinds of systems, open and closed, however the closed system

    cannot exist in this reality for if all the systems are interdependent, every system contains

    another, the cell is a system contained in a greater one called organism contained in another

    called Earth which is again contained in the solar system and so on, the Universe would be the

    system containing the totality, and this would be considered as the only closed system.

    System interdependence is the resource exchange between each other, which is nothing but

    energy transference. Systems are but constitutive parts of its perennial movement.

    The studies of phenomena taken care by physics and chemistry, where laws and postulates

    have been derived are in theory studied upon closed systems, nevertheless theres always the

    consideration of the presence of stimuli generating the phenomenon and that stimulus is

    external therefore yet in that case they can t be considered as closed systems.

    An open system is defined as that which exchanges matter with the surrounding medium, and

    exhibits imports and exports, constitution and degradation of its material components. It is clear

    in this definition from Bertalanffy that he might consider Energy as that exchange matter.

    Einstein, almost simultaneously posed his famous equation E=mc2

    where the relationship

    between mass and energy is established, being c, the speed of light, a constant.

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    To be able to exist, an open system requires the exchange of energy and this applies to all of

    them, either organisms or organizations. The coexistence of open systems is that permanent

    energy exchange.

    Within the organism, according to its physiology, many systems that interact with each other

    are found, for example the respiratory system which captures oxygen, coming from another

    greater system that contains the organism in it, and transfers said oxygen to the blood to be

    distributed to the remaining systems for their functioning. The entire organism depends on this

    process of permanent transference.

    Open systems are interdependent to each other and require that permanent transference to

    guarantee their subsistence as a system. The basic elements of an open system are the


    The entry currents, thats to say the energetic resources required by the system to work,

    These are the elements the system imports to transform.

    Conversion process, constituted by all the elements and procedures that the system creates

    and uses to transform imported resources.

    The exit currents, all the elements that are exported, being products, information or energy


    A system will be viable if it survives, it means that with its exports it is capable of supplying its

    import needs, being these last ones the requirements to keep active the conversion process

    carried in its interior.

    For the human being this is having the capacity to generate a product or service such that with

    its sale he can supply his needs to continue the cycle. If hes incapable of doing it, he possibly

    will succumb in the process of life at an early stage.

    From this analysis several fundamental characteristics of the systems arise :

    There is a binding component that allows that elements and relationships fuse in a

    particular way for every system and make it possible to be, this component is denominated


    Open systems require permanently the external supply of resources, the difference

    between imported resources and those exported is the internal consumption for

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    In the GTS, Bertalanffy talks about Gestalt, German Word meaning configuration, structure or

    creation. The interpretation of the term given in the GTS is that a system has a tendency toorganization, that is, to conduct organized processes that allow its growth.

    This basic concept is fundamental, an open system tends to be organized and that tendency to

    structure is inherent in it. That tendency to merge components and relationships with the

    purpose of organizing is the synergy, which is an inherent characteristic to open systems that

    impels them into the definition of their structures in the quest of internal equilibrium. The

    equilibrium is between the input resources, the output and those consumed in the process of

    conversion. As there is loss of resources in the last one, the system must foresee permanently

    its necessities so it will not succumb and stop being viable.

    Synergy is the binding component that leads and directs the permanent development of the

    open system to organize itself. Its a proper characteristic but its dependent of the elements

    that compose it, it is required an alignment of all of them to make the organization a reality. A

    characteristic of organized systems is that it is more than the sum of its components; this

    happens thanks to the synergy that exists in the system, without it, a system wouldnt be more

    than a group of elements incapable of interaction.

    It is clear by the definition of synergy that this is the same vision of the organization, being thisone the element capable of rallying its components to the achievement of a common goal. A

    system without synergy will not be able to organize itself, just like a group of people without

    common vision will be incapable of forming an organization that evolves within time.

    Synergy permits identity of the system as an independent entity among a set of interacting

    systems. Human organism has its own synergy, which makes everyone an autonomous entity

    that keeps all its subsystems bound and working at the unison towards the objective proposed

    by that being in particular. That Synergy is the one that enables coordinated work of cells,

    organs and systems and voids that cells attack among them.

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    Entropy and Negentropy

    The process of conversion of resources carried away by the system is subject to energy losses

    caused by inner disorder. That disorder is called Entropy, which is a measurement of thequantity of disorder within the system. Systems tend to disorder which is bigger as system

    grows. That will be the systems Entropy.

    The increase of information and the quality of its flow within the organization is denominated

    Negentropy. This term refers to the capacity of the organization to maintain itself in order, to

    say, avoid the loss of resources in its processes.

    Open systems are capable of diminishing their Entropy levels by retaining institutional order

    and flow of information. Nonetheless Entropy will never have a zero value because suchsituation would indicate lack of mobility inside the system, this means the system would

    paralyze and as such would stop being.

    Human organizations as open systems are exposed to the forces of Entropy. Its because of it

    that complete entities disappear, due to the loss of resources in wasteful processes for the


    Entropy is a measurable quantity in the systems, is in fact an important variable for the design

    of systems in informatics and in thermodynamic systems. In a human organization themeasurement of Entropy will be done through the detailed analysis of the loss of resources on

    the processes executed by the organization. As it is a measure of organizational disorder, it is

    important to analyze the drawdown of resources in those processes that dont generate

    anything to the entity, an example is long term maintenance of obsolete inventory for the

    organization, and in this case there is dedication of resources to the maintenance of goods no

    longer beneficial.

    All those processes that generate expenses of resources and dont report any benefit to the

    productive chain can be defined as entropic and therefore are susceptible to improvement oreradicated in order to diminish dead weight that burden the system.

    According to GTS Negentropy is the contrary of Entropy for the latter is a measure of the

    systems disorder that causes definitive resource disappearance and the first is a sample of the

    capacity to gain order by itself.

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    They are really two different processes, logically opposed. Entropy is generated in the

    disorganized growth of the system while Negentropy crops up as an ordering answer to the

    level of entropy, thats why reflection and learning proper to living rational organisms are a

    result. Negentropy can be defined as the positive use of experience, from the information

    generated by the system and used for its own development.

    A system can extend its permanence by diminishing its entropy, with a minimization of the

    dead weight; this is the loss of resources on unproductive processes. Negentropy reduces that

    loss by the transformation of processes that refine the functioning and produce essential

    changes in the system. With such changes the system is capable of giving qualitative leaps on its

    development and structure that guarantee their permanence for longer time.

    The concepts of Entropy and Negentropy are associated with those of efficiency and efficacy.

    The greater the Entropy, more inefficient is the system, as it requires more energy to perform

    its duty, and the greater the systems Negentropy the greater its efficacy will be, as it will carry

    out smarter processes of development whose results are better with minimum resources.

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    Entropy is the most critical variable to control in an open system, being that its increase con

    lead to the systems destruction due to resource deployment. Higher entropy levels are like asink where the resources drain away, it is essential to establish ways to measure and maintain

    the entropy under control. Such process of measure and control is nothing more than a real

    feedback within the production circuit.

    Likewise when the Negentropy level increases its indication that the quality of information is

    greater within the system, that information is a product of the system that remains in it. This

    product has the characteristic that even though it is of exportation, its something that remains

    in the system. It is part of the energy that has been transformed that stays there. The greater

    the self-generated information belonging to a system, higher its Negentropy will be, and inturn, indicates the entropy levels decrease.

    There are two different kinds of feedback, the first one that tends to diminish entropy and the

    second one that increases Negentropy, a system must possess both kinds of feedback for an

    organization incapable of generating information will show up high entropy levels, as an

    organization that is focused on the development of information will be able to produce such

    high levels, being that Negentropy is contrary to entropy.

    Two kinds of feedback exist in an open system, these are positive and negative feedback. The

    negative is focused on the reduction of entropy levels, this by the detection of resource loss in

    unproductive processes within the system, this feedback will generate a reduction in the

    entropy improving the performance of the system, making this one more efficient for there will

    be less requirement of resources to generate the same export products.

    The other way is positive feedback. The capacity to generate information is one of the main

    characteristics of open systems, and the better the information is, so is systems efficiency.

    When such information is used to improve a process within the system the feedback is positive

    and shows a truthful development for itself. The system is now more efficient, less resources to

    generate better export products.

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    Throughout the sections beforehand a path with different visions of human organization has

    been sighted, from which the following can be concluded:

    Human organization is a rational living being whose main components are human beings,

    living organisms formed likewise by systems of cells

    Human organism and organization are open systems.

    Living organisms require energy for their functioning.

    Synergy is the element that brings identity to the system.

    Systems tend to permanent decay.

    Systems have the capacity to reorder according to appropriate use of information

    generated by them.

    There is an energetic cycle which is applicable to every living being or idea that permits

    understanding of its process and development.

    The objective of Organizational Energetics is to provide the tools that allow the design or

    transformation of organizations in such a way that they can become real promoters of

    evolution for the human being and by extension to the whole mankind.

    Preceding sections have served as a preamble to enter the body of this work. Human

    organizations are diseased, from the couple and the family to the society in general passing by

    governmental institutions, service, educational, religious, commercial corporations, , all of them

    show symptoms of bad functioning

    The disease, established in the Organizational Physiology section, happens at the cellular level,

    thats to say that when an organ or system show the disease it means that many of the

    individuals conforming it already suffer from the disease. Organizational Energetics is focused

    on the health of the individual being this one the basis of the organization, of all organizations.

    Undoubtedly illnesses are processes that affect the flow of energy in the organism. On one side

    there is needed much resources to fight against it, resources that on a normal state could be

    employed for other ends. Theres the case for tumoral diseases in which theres energy theft

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    from the tumor which is acting as an alien individual living within the organism, extracting

    resources that he requires for living.

    This diversion of resources causes general erosion of the system that may lead to total paralysis

    and death of the individual or bankruptcy in case of the organizations. When illnesses becomechronic, the organism must generate enough energy to maintain its vital state and also to

    supply the energetic requirements of the disease, critical situation that in time deteriorates and

    the cost is paid by the sane organs of the organism.

    A sick organism becomes incapable of creating, of carrying out voluntary acts. If the disease

    persists for a long time, each time it will be harder for the organism to carry away such creative

    activities, and movement. By and by the system becomes unproductive and expensive


    This brief introduction about the disease to enter the analysis of the weakened organization.

    Its clear that on such state the productive apparatus is affected, locomotion declines and

    disorder can be increased, deteriorating to a much further extent the situation.

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    Symptoms of a weakened organization

    According to the General Theory of Systems, Entropy is a measure of disorder within the

    organism, an over-cost that must be paid in order for the system to work properly, such over-cost tends to increase with time, meaning that the systems require more energy every time to

    achieve its commitment. Higher entropy is long term lower production capacity.

    The first symptoms of organizational weakness are seen on its productive apparatus: the

    generation of resources for itself. When the organization notices that production decreases as

    much as in quantity as in quality theres a serious symptom that must be revised with

    promptitude and opportunity. Generally low productivity is related to another symptom that

    is slightly harder to notice and that is individual or collective lack of motivation, this symptom is

    directly related to those individuals that feel that the organization doesnt fulfill their personalneeds, of one kind are another. An individual who is not motivated will no produce.

    Other aspect related to low productivity is high costs. Productivity is the difference between

    incomes and expenses. If expenses rise, utility is less which means the same for productivity. An

    increase in the expenses can be an indicator of an increase of organizational disorder or a

    resource theft, or even both, generally one leads to the other.

    Productivity is also affected, apparently, by the surroundings when it is incapable of responding

    to the environment and its needs. This symptom is related to lack of foresight, the scarcity oflong term planning, it is simply that the organization can become aware that it has been

    excluded from the system it belonged and now has stopped receiving resources from the

    system. Critical situation for an organization. These symptoms of organizational weakness show

    the problems of their production systems, of control, of prevention, and in many cases of

    general directioning.

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    Energy on the organization

    Energy in the organization is represented in every material, informatics, financial and human

    resources that it generates and requires for its optimal functioning. Only for analysis effects inthis section, human beings will be considered as a resource, being that for Organizational

    Energetics these are the organization itself, not a resource.

    Material resources are all of those elements required for the organization to carry away its

    activities such as raw material, equipment, tools, gear, and physical assets. They represent

    energy because the lack of them may signify a block in the production and therefore the

    generation of other resources thus stopping or hindering the energy flow, besides constituting

    elements to be transformed or to transform others, which finally are the products of the

    organization that likewise represent energy.

    Informatics and communication resources, that may include networks and transmission

    equipment, and storage of information, constitute an energy resource for they possess the

    knowledge, experience and process of the organization. Information is energy itself and the

    communication the medium by which the whole process of organizational development is

    carried away.

    Clearly financial resources constitute the oxygen of organizations. Money is essential for its

    development because it is the vehicle employed to satisfy its own needs and of its conformingmembers.

    The human energetic resource is also fundamental for the organization, without it simply it

    loses its capacity of doing, to create, develop and exist. All of these capacities of the

    organization depend on the capacities of its members and their Energy.

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    Energetic flow in the Organization.

    In the Bioenergetics section the energetic cycle of the being according tho the Pa-Kua was

    shown in Figure 1. On organizational terms the cycle is the following:

    The organization is conceived from a strong idea capable of designing a structure able to

    create itself.

    On its first stage the organization is formed thanks to the strength of this initial idea

    becoming stronger with the aid of Energy, meaning resources which come from the


    Afterwards it defines its vision for it brings clarity of the achievement to obtain and the

    strength to bind together the members of the organization.

    The organization protects itself thanks to the joined and cooperative work that providestability on the long term

    All the organization enjoys the success of its projects, conceived with its according flow of

    resources to guarantee its own prosperity.

    Opposing forces gain understanding and cohesion in such a way that they permit a space of

    acceptance that promotes creativity and leadership.

    The organization hastily looks after the achievement of its objectives through coordinated

    work, continuous and with effort, thanks to the acceptance and commitment of all its


    The organization self-controls and gives permanent feedback to itself, leaving aside any

    process that withdraw energy from it, that generate disorder and forfeiture, promoting

    permanent transformation, that means a rebirth, restarting the cycle.

    The owners are those who concieve the idea, they shape it and give it vision facilitating its birth,

    from there on the organization comes into possesion of enough infrastructure for its

    permanent development easing the cycle. Said infrastructure must focus on the consecution of

    resources to guarantee its top condition existance, being efficatious and efficient, thats to say

    supported on an optimal management and protecting itself with clear vision and knowledge of

    itself and its surrounding environment. In other terms the organization must be seen as shownon Figure 2.

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    Figura 2. La Organizacin bsica.

    This kind of organization has solid direction with direct channels of communication with its

    three fundamental systems: production, control and protection. Likewise there is

    interdependance among the three systems with direct communication channels.

    To assure progress of the organization its very important to understand the flow of energy

    itself. There are different kinds of energy feeding the entity, money is one of them, but not the

    only one, Financial resources are to the organization as oxygen is to the human organism.

    By analogy it is understood that the organization requires other energetic resources for its

    development. In the human being there is a self-realizing force that pushes him into the

    achievement of his goals. In the same way, that force exists in the organization, constituted by

    the synergy, or corporate mystic, this envelopes all the commitment, values and principles that

    allow the entity to conform, transform and linger on throughout time.

    Other energetic resource in the human being are conformed by nutrients, they could be the

    material resources necessary to carry away the processes. And it is not the money; it is the way

    it is invested in the organization. The digestive system carries out an analytical process of foods






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    and absorbs only what it needs, just like the resource flow within organizations must be


    The Sun is other important source of energy for the organism, represents a contact with the

    outer world and works directly with the nervous system, the control entity. This means thatcontact with the outer world is fundamental for the organization, feedback coming from

    outside and with direct contact with the control entity will permit the strengthening or the

    organization, the maintenance of the inner temperature and permanent reanimation.

    Energy must flow rapidly in the organization just like oxygen is taken and distributed without

    any delay throughout the whole organism. Energy blocks must be attended at the right time, as

    any responsible being does when noticing the symptoms that affect its organism and the

    organization must remain alert of external changes to act with haste in front of them, thats to

    say to have a quick capacity of response to change, remaining flexible.

    There are two fundamental elements that may determine the quality and degree of

    organizational development: communication and information. Communication is the way how

    information flows, being this last one a source of energy itself. Because of this a good part of

    organizational development is focused on establishing and caring after the links between

    systems, organs and individuals. The quality and clarity of such links determine the capacity of

    the organization to generate its own development.

    Comprehension and study of the handling of information is essential to comprehend the

    entropic process, for it is the main generator of energy loss. Organizations must strive to

    understand and if its the case to improve the interoperational links with the purpose to

    minimize entropy.

    The basic structure illustrated in Figure 2 shows the minimal interdependent systems

    fundamental in the organization. Top Management or General Direction has the responsibility

    over the organizations synergy, vision, leadership and strategic lining. The production system

    has the responsibility of generating and distributing the resources. The measurement and

    control is in charge of the control of processes, and the protection systme must look after

    human and organizational development to guarantee its permanence.

    Every system has its esential and fundamental function, thus general management is

    responsible as much as for strategich planning as for the organizational structure; the

    production system of the generation of value: the control is responsible of the reduction of

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    entropy and the protection one is incharge of general and individual motivation. This way the

    organization flows correctly and can guarantee its long term permanence.

    Organizational Energetics, based upon the General Theory of Systems, Organizational

    Phisyology, and Bioenergetics permits the implementation of a structure of the organizationsupprted on a solid Strategic Humanistic Planning, focused on human development, real

    generation of value, permanent motivation and a control system and of effective management,

    these are the subjects developed on the next five sections.

    The energetic study of the organization provides a comprehensive vision of it, showing those

    elements relevant for their development favorable of the evolution of the human beings

    comforming it, who rightfully stimulated and motivated will make the organization stay in

    permanent evolution.

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    Objective of the Strategic Planning

    For Organizational Energetics Strategic Planning is the main utility to guarantee the

    development and permanence of the organization whatever the ambit it operates in. The

    energetic flow of the organization has two fundamental elements: the first one is constituted

    by an organizational structure designed to permit the efficient and effective performance, this

    is to guarantee the resources for the whole organization to perform correctly minimizing their

    loss; the second one is Strategic Planning which serves as guide for said organization to achieve

    its objectives.

    Before heading deep into the matter it is important to clarify the term humanistic that is

    employed in Organizational Energetics. According to what was stated in the previous sections

    human organization is a conglomerate of living rational beings becoming itself a living organism

    with the same characteristics. The organizations objective is to tend towards the evolution of

    its members and for that reason it must focus its resources and processes to its development

    and protection. Strategic planning, correctly designed and implemented, will guarantee the

    fulfillment of that objective.

    Strategic planning is a process that begins from the very conception of the idea and is of

    permanent character as a way to adjust the organization to the external and internal changes

    that arise. From the Organizational Energetics it is considered as an integral process because it

    must promote global development of all its conforming systems in a synchronized and balanced

    way. Clarity in the definition of objectives, vision, permits the definition of the way the

    development will be carried away, the mission, from which the definition of the structure

    capable of generating the necessary resources for its survival shows up, with efficient and

    efficacious management, the control system and a clear politics of development, the protection


    Strategic directioning is the leading process of all organizational processes and the one capable

    of guaranteeing its development and permanence in the field it performs. Without strategic

    directioning the organization is doomed to failure.

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    Strategic Planning and the Energy Flow

    Energy flow is intimately tied to Strategic Planning. Every element of the latter are defined in

    the energetic cycle described in the previous sections in the following way:

    Conception of the Idea.

    Gestation of the Idea.

    Birth of the Idea.

    Upbringing of the Idea.

    Realization of the Idea.

    Devaluation of the Idea.

    Weakening of the Idea.

    Transformation or Death of the Idea

    This is the energy flow of an idea, a project, a being or an organization described in the I Ching,

    actively maintained from three thousand years ago. The fundamental elements from the Pa-

    Kua, and that are a part of Strategic Planning are the following:

    The Idea as generating force, base of the project, seed of the vision and the organization.

    The background that originates it, such as the environment, the managers and the

    budgeted objectives.

    The gestation period is an intense planning process and of basic formation of the inner

    systems that will give consistency to the project promoting the basic approach, the

    principles and values that will sway over the organization.

    The development of the structure. With the frame perfectly designed the structure takes

    form and becomes real, ready for its birth.

    The vision as binding force. When the organization is born it acquires several faculties it

    didnt have before: it breathes by itself, it means it provides its own resources. The

    dependency to its progenitors is over and it acquires Vision as the capacity to unite, guide

    and lead the development process.

    The self-protection mechanism. The organization promotes its own protection, as to say the

    permanence maintenance of its forming parts leaded and guided by its managers (founders)

    The creative realization of the project. The organization executes its projects which in turn

    constitute its resources generation.

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    The control mechanism. Permanent check up of the processes, measurement of

    management and its results that permit the verification of the correct organizational


    The field of action: Mission, Values and principles. Even though these are defined since the

    period of the gestation, the Mission must be checked when the control mechanism turns onits alarms indicating problems at the interior of the organization. These problems indicate

    dangerous build up of entropy that means loss of energy and therefore crisis within the

    organizational process.

    Permanent transformation or Death of the project. The process of self-reflection generated

    by internal or external crisis promote changes in the organization that may take it to its

    transformation or its death depending on how deep the reflection goes and the capacity of

    the organization to respond in the time of crisis.

    The cycle restarts here now that the transformation must generate an idea that must beconceived, restating the vision, the structure and the organization. The main element in this

    new stage of the process is the Negentropy, the capacity to make use of the acquired

    knowledge to apply it on itself redesigning the internal processes to minimize entropy to the

    maximum. High levels of Synergy are required in this stance because at this point, the

    organization faces disintegration.

    Here it can be seen clearly how the general theory of systems applies totally in human

    organizations: The emergence of entropy is the trigger, the feedback is the process to review

    and in the Negentropy the answer, all of them carried away by a powerful synergy that can take

    the organization into a successful transformation.

    As it will be noticed further, these three elements are related with the capacity to generate

    value, minimize degradation and maintain motivation, the three main objectives of the

    organization and primordial functions of the production systems, the control and protection

    systems respectively. Synergy, i.e. the binding force, is linked with Vision and therefore of the

    high management of the organizations business. The cycle of the energetic flow describes the

    organizational process plus equally showing clearly the need of the process of strategic

    planning and the understanding of the organization as a system as well as a living organism.

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    Figure 4. Energetic Cycle

    The organization, as the being remains in the center, keeping itself in permanent equilibrium

    facing the forces that affect it. To achieve that equilibrium the organization must be revised

    continuously, analyzing and rearticulating before its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and


    The process of strategic planning permits the execution of that revision and permanent

    transformation, thats why it is an activity that must be carried out at every moment and be

    frequently checked. The whole process is build up upon a clear vision that allows the definition

    of a consistent mission. The Vision is the objective while the Mission is the mean to achieve it,

    from them the organization is designed and done as described in the following:


    Protection andDevelopment


    Measurementand Control

    Revising of theMission




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    The Energy of the organization is the Vision/Synergy in action. The movement originated by the

    Vision is the Energy generated by itself, after birth, i.e. the formulation of the vision; the

    organization will focus on the strengthening of that emerging Energy that is the objective of the

    Mission. Vision brings empowering and this empowerment brings identity. Power is thecapacity to define and realize oneself. With a clear Vision, the organization will know how to

    embark on track.

    The formulation of the vision is not an easy process. It must above all contain the essence of

    the original idea, the one that motivated the conception and the gestation. The Vision must be

    defined in simple terms, where possible it will be a short, assertive phrase.

    To formulate it, it is fundamental to make a profound and detailed analysis of the original idea.

    As the word states it, the Vision is the visualization of the organization in a given period of time.

    It is a definition of the perception at the end of a period of time. The reach of the definition of

    the Vision limits the time in which it will be carried away. A lazy Vision may determine a very

    short life span.

    The forcefulness of the Vision gives the strength the organization requires for its development,

    or to say the capacity to generate permanent Synergy to execute whats proposed by the


    The Vision marcs the direction of the organization, therefore it must be established by the

    managing (founders, promoters) associates and be accepted unanimously. That unity permits

    coordinated work, it eases the formulation and development of the Mission.

    On an emerging organization, the first labor of the managing associates is the formulation of

    the Vision and the strengthening of synergy, elements that bring the initial energy for the entity

    to overcome the first stages of its development.

    In the case of an organizational transformation, which is preformed in an existing organization,

    it is important to review and redefine the vision, now that it surely is worn out or achieved. The

    process of reformulation of the Vision must then include all the forming members of the entity,

    as Organizational Energetics sees the organization as the mean to self-realization for all of its

    members and the vision must be in for all.

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    This process of reformulation must begin from the top to the bottom, thats to say first the Top

    management, formed by the associates and the general direction, following next with the

    second level managers and afterwards with the rest of the organization.

    The diffusion of the Vision is directly tied to the process of information within the organization.On an emerging entity the way that the Vision is divulged is fundamental to the healthy

    development of the Vision, having into account that it is the initial source of Energy, if said

    diffusion is not efficient, the organization will begin to lose resources, generate disorder, thus

    Entropy is starting to generate.

    In the case of a restatement of the Vision on an already constituted organization, the process of

    divulgation is far more important, due to the realignment that must be taken and the following

    organizational transformation that must be generated.

    While the vision establishes the end of the road, the achievement, the objective, the Mission

    defines the way it must be reached. When the Vision is clear, the formulation and the

    development of the Mission can happen in an almost spontaneous way as this defines the work

    that must be done, its the What of the organization and from it its importance within the

    process of Strategic Planning. Its the object and the form to execute.

    The Mission establishes and gives form to the corporate identity. Defines the specific

    objectives, establishes differences with other entities and the way how it will carry away its

    objectives and constitutes itself into the manifestation of the Energy spawned in the Vision.

    Manifestation that signifies the form, the body itself, in other words from the Mission the

    organizational structure is defined that will permit the achievement of the Vision.

    In an emerging organization the design of the organizational structure must be a simple, clear

    process, having into account the ease of the flow of information and the minimization of losses.

    Basically an organization must be designed and carried out that holds the three fundamental

    systems and that the links between them and with the high management be clear, direct and


    The formulation of the Mission implies the design of the structure and therefore the definition

    of functions and objectives at cellular, organic and systemic levels. This is the hardest job of the

    strategic planning process and directly related with the values and principles of the

    organization, as this define the ethical frame of the organization.

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    When it happens that its a reformulation of the mission within existent organizations, the

    process implies revising of the whole structure, measurement of the losses because of Entropy,

    revising and restatement of the links between all the components of the entity. A detailed

    diagnosis of the organization must be carried and based upon it and the new vision, a detailed

    plan of transformation in the structure must be done.

    The formulation of the mission implies an excellent comprehension of the Vision and is one of

    the most important works in Strategic Planning, as it defines the objectives of the organization

    and the structure that will develop them, in other words, it defines in itself the whole entity and

    its identity.

    During the first stage of Planning, the formulation of the vision, the manager participated and in

    the case or a reorganization, at the least second level managers. In that first stage the planning

    entity must have been consolidated or at least a committee being named, seed of said system.

    The second stage, the formulation of the Mission will be carried away in at least two stages, the

    first one being the definition of general objectives of the organization and the basic structure.

    The second one is the job at systemic level, thats to say the establishment of objectives and

    structure in the different systems conforming the organization.

    The formulation and revision of the Mission, as all of the Strategic Planning, is a permanent

    process due to the permanent information received from the control entity and in such a case

    will take necessary measures for its reformulation and modification of the organizational

    structure, which can be as simple and basic as the restatement of the functions to the change

    of structures and objectives. The structure must, in the possible be kept in a level that

    generates low Entropy, meaning that its able to be kept in a size where communication and

    information flows rapidly and efficiently.

    The objectives of the organization are its general and specific directives; these must be clear,

    direct and constitute the base for the definition of the politics and programs that will be

    developed by the entity.

    Initially the corporate objectives are defined, which will help to achieve the Vision and build the

    structure. From these objectives the general politics will be worked upon to achieve them.

    Later the specific objectives will be formulated for every conforming system of the organization

    and the way this systems will develop the general politics, from which the respective programs

    will be designed.

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    In the process of Strategic Planning the formulation of objectives is permanent and must be

    revised in front of external and internal changes, this may imply changes in politics and

    programs. When the organization is understood as a whole, the formulation of the specific

    objectives of the different systems will be aligned with the general objectives of the


    The Vision gives the strength of the Organization; the Mission establishes the structure to

    develop that Vision. The principles, values and politics constitute the frame where the Mission

    of the entity will be taken care. The definition of these elements is essential for the

    development of the organization and the individuals that give form to it or those related with it

    and the surrounding where it carries away its activity.

    The main objective of the Organizational Energetics is to contribute in the construction of

    organizations that promote human evolution. For that reason it pretends to develop businesses

    with conscience, which are aware of themselves and their basic component: the individual.

    For that organization where the human being is respected at all levels are posed, likewise the

    respect goes towards all the manifestations and existing organizations, within an environment

    of promotion and individual and group development that really present alternatives of healthy

    evolution for the whole mankind and therefore global development.

    Any activity that tries to harm the human being and any living organism whatsoever, in a

    physical, moral o spiritual way, goes against the personal or group process of evolution, and will

    not have any place in the conception of new structure within Organizational Energetics.

    Work upon the principles and values imply a self-study of all of the individuals that constitute

    the organization and the Organizational Ethics is directly related with all the people related to

    it. Organizational Energetics poses the development of a consciousness of the enterprise

    promoting authentic personal evolution. Likewise it poses important questionings for society

    and organizations in the way to carry away this promotion of personal evolution.

    The main subject on this corporate consciousness arousal has to deal with Corruption. In the

    second part of this work, Organizational Physiology, under the part of the Cell Corruption is

    defined as any activity that breaks the Heart. This organ is the source of Energy of the organism,

    if this source is destroyed, the being lies without strength or hope. An organization that

    promotes human evolution cannot allow this destruction of its components.

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    Its simple and complete ethics. The organization must defend the lives of its individual

    components, as these constitute its own life and sanity.

    Based upon whats said, the formulation of principles and values will become a simple and

    logical activity. Nonetheless the process implies personal comprehension at all levels of theown responsibility towards life and respect for the whole process of global evolution.

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    Long term Strategic Planning

    It is important to know the interaction of the organization with the external world for the

    development of the Mission and the organizational structure, the systems with which it

    interacts. A useful instrument to analyze internal and external conditions is the design and

    implementation of the WOST matrix.

    WOST matrix is a job performed by all the organization, where weaknesses, opportunities,

    strengths and threats are detailed to clarify them afterwards in such a way they allow to see

    the actual state of the organization, which elements need to be improved, what opportunities

    are available, and which others can be left behind to be able to redesign the Strategic Planning

    every time and transform the organizational structure according to the needs that become

    explicit with this work.

    Weaknesses are the organizational deficiencies, those elements where the organization suffers

    the loss of resources that delay the development of the objectives and get in the way of the

    progress of the entity. The weakness can be a symptom of lack of Vision and undoubtedly is an

    incapability to achieve the Mission. Showing a lack of strength is symptom of disease.

    Opportunities are the options present in the market that havent been currently explored by

    the organization and that pose an option to generate new resources and progress. The

    opportunity may generate Energy movements.

    Strength is an expression of clarity of Vision, it shows empowerment, correct handling of

    resources and reflects growth and immunity. Strengths are those areas and elements where the

    organization is really strong and correctly sustained will generate a better development of the

    organization. Some may need further strengthening, in other cases these will be genuine

    columns for organizational progress.

    Threats are those external and internal situations that endanger the development and even

    worse the existence of the organization. WOST analysis permits to know them and to takeaction according with the degree of threat they represent.

    This is a work that must be leaded by Top Management and directed to the lower levels of the

    organization. It involves a complete study of the internal and external relationships, including

    clients and suppliers. The formulation will begin with a general listing of weaknesses, strengths,

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    Later then each quadrant is averaged, which will result in a score for every one of them. That

    quadrant with the highest score will determine the path to follow in Strategic Planning.









    Subsistence: The organization is in intensive care; it doesnt have enough resources and

    must take a time out to strengthen.

    Reorganization: The organization has structural weaknesses that dont permit it to carry

    away its mission and must be totally replanted.

    Protection: The organization has enough strength but the threats are capable of putting it in

    danger, it must strengthen more.

    Offensive: The organization is in an excellent moment and must go ahead in the conquest of

    all the opportunities.

    The WOST analysis allows to have a radiograph of the organization in the moment that it is

    carried out and therefore is becomes a tool to develop and support the process of Strategic

    Planning, which must be permanent within the organization.

    Strategic Planning is additionally fundamental to maintain the corporate Vision up to date,

    thats why it is one of the fundamental elements of the organization and of its structure, with

    the same importance of the production system and the system of control.

    The importance of Strategic Planning consists on its faculty to protect and keep the

    organization alive; its the system that guarantees its realization.

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    Development of the Organizational Structure

    The organizational development is the set of activities and processes which permit the entity to

    be formed, developed and maintained in its active life, full of realization and it spans as much

    as the structure as well as the necessary resources to carry away fully its objective.

    From the structures point of view, the organizational development comprehends the design

    and materialization, in such a way it produces the proposed goods and services, which will

    eventually guarantee the progress of the organization.

    The structure must be designed in such a way that said production is efficient and efficacious,

    with an optimal resource management. This implies that the operational infrastructure on its

    own is enough, requires additionally of the control organism, which looks after the processes in

    such a way that said degrees of efficiency and efficacy can be determined. As those goods and

    services are focused on the exterior, towards other systems, called clients, the organization

    must seek for its own protection or long term survival, strengthening itself to face external

    changes; this is the protection entity that includes three important areas of the organization:

    the organizational development itself, the development of human talent and the strategic


    The production system is in charge of generating the resources through the goods and services,

    also distributing the required resources for the operation of the whole organization. The

    control system checks and supervises the processes to guarantee the correct usage of the

    resources. The protection system maintains the organization to withstand successfully the

    external changes that affect it directly.

    With the initial Strategic Planning the achievement, the objectives, the development frame and

    the general mediums for the organization are established. With the Organizational

    development the form is established and modified according to said planning.

    The Organizational Development includes, specially, the formulation, realization, launch and

    evaluation of the systems and programs that permit the consecution of objectives. Likewise, all

    the creation of a corporate culture that identifies and strengthens Synergy is part of the

    organizational development.

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    From Organizational Energetics point of view, the development of the organization is intimately

    tied with the comprehension of the flow of energy and resources, for which it looks after the

    maintenance of the information and communication channels for these are the fundamental

    elements of the entity.

    The structure constitutes the medium for the realization of the objectives of the organization,

    not the end in itself, and as such it will be subject to changes in a permanent way as it will be

    required. It must be strong, capable of developing the mission it was conceived and generated

    for. It will be efficient; this means it will require the minimum use of resources to perform

    optimally. It will be efficacious; it means it will generate the best actions in the least amount of

    time and with the least usage of resources. It will be flexible in such a way that it can move and

    adapt to internal and external changes. It will have the capacity of self-reflection and


    The effectiveness of the structure depends in the quality of the ties that keep it together, such

    ties are the inter-organic relationships and the clarity of the definitions of the functions of the

    organs. In the living organism, each element from which it is made of serves to at least one

    specific function. Cells, organs, and systems work coordinately to achieve the objectives of the

    body and the being. In the same way, it is fundamental that in the organization the functions be

    well defined, established and controlled.

    Likewise, in the organism, systems and organism interact permanently; it is not possible to

    conceive a heart that doesnt communicate with the brain or a liver that doesnt speak to the

    stomach. The ties are clearly established and the metabolic process develops permanently. The

    communication is established through the circulatory system, being the blood the mean to do

    it. Arteriosclerosis is a sample of the deficiencies of communication on the interior of the

    organism, the increase of Entropy that would lead the organism to its destruction. The ties in

    the organization act in the same way and communication channels must remain free from

    obstacles to avoid strokes.

    Systems in the organism are groupings of organs that carry out vital functions, there are

    dependencies among them, the digestive system for instance consists of several organs, all of

    them with the same importance and dependent of each other, esophagus, stomach and

    intestines interact to provide the nutrients to the organism, they are interdependent. In the

    same way it happens in the organization, for instance in the production system of a business

    the commercial department depends on the production to sell the products thus generating the

    required resources.

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    The functions will be individual when they are distinctive of each specific member of the

    organization; function is organic when they compete to an activity carried away by a group, for

    example the accounting functions are from the dependency called Accountant; Function is

    Systemic when they correspond to a complete area of the organization.

    The relationships and ties are of dependency within the same system and of support when they

    are carried out between systems. The quality of the communication channels, of the

    relationships and ties is the basis of success of the organizational structure; they represent the

    arteries of the organization.

    Every organization, according to the definition of systems, is a set of functional elements that

    establish links between them. The basic organizational structure has a top direction, a

    production system, one system of control and other of protection. Each of them has its own

    functions also known as systemic and others of a relational kind in a way that they allow the

    action of the others on each of them. The protection system generates and distributes the

    resources to the whole organization, the control is in charge of verifying the functioning of all

    organs and systems, the protection will look after the correct development of all the members

    of the organization while the top direction is in charge of binding together and leading all the

    organizational process.

    The Top Direction is the holder of the corporate Vision and therefore the fundamental motor,

    creator, motivator and leader of the organization, its the clarifying force, binding and

    managing. It is composed by three organs: The board of members, the presidency and the

    general management, which constitute the essential elements of the organization. The basic

    function of Top management is to establish the corporate objectives according to the

    consented vision of the members and investors that allow the sane development of all the

    people linked to the organization.

    The board of members will actively work in the formulation of the Vision, Mission, the

    corporate values and the politics of the organization with the purpose of building a solid,

    efficient, innovative and leading organization in the medium it performs. The reasons of their

    association must be clear and transparent so as to allow the conception of a dynamic

    organization, congruent to an hone