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Medicare Presenta-on

APPRISE Medicare Presentation

Jan 18, 2017



Carrie Recker
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Medicare  Presenta-on    


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What  is    Medicare?  


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 What  is  Medicare?

Medicare  is  the  federal  government  program  that  provides  health  care  coverage  for  individuals  that  are  65  or  older,  or  have  a  disability.  

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 What  is  Medicare?

Medicare  is  run  by    U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services    through  its  regional  Centers  for  Medicare  and  Medicaid  Services  (CMS).  

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How does Medicare



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   How  Does  Medicare  Work?  

Originally,  Medicare  was  intended  to  provide  basic  medical  coverage  for  the  treatment  of  illness  and  injury  for  eligible  individuals—    It  was  modeled  a@er  the  Blue  Cross/Blue  Shield  insurance  system  that  was  in  existence  at  that  Bme  (1965)    


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   How  Does  Medicare  Work?  

• Fee  for  Service  payment  system  

• Use  Red,  White  &  Blue  Medicare  Card  as  actual    insurance  card  

• May  go  to  any  provider  that  accepts  Medicare  

• Referrals  are  not  necessary  

• DeducBbles  &  Coinsurances  Apply  • beneficiaries  purchase  supplemental    insurance  to  cover  these  costs  

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     What  is  Medicare?  

Medicare  has  mulBple  parts,  each  of  which  offers  coverage  for  different  health  care  areas.    

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 The  Current  Parts  of    The  Medicare  System  

 Part  A:  Hospital  Care    

• Covers  in-­‐paBent  care/services    

Part  B:  Medical  Care      

• Covers  out-­‐paBent  care/services    Parts  A  and  B  are  usually  referred  to  as  “TradiBonal”  or  “Original”  Medicare  

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 Medicare  Coverage  Basics

Part A

n  Inpatient Hospital Care n  Skilled Nursing Care n  Some Home Health Care n  Hospice Care

Part B

n  Doctors’ Services and Outpatient Care n  Preventive Services n  Diagnostic Tests n  Outpatient Therapies n  Durable Medical Equipment

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Medicare  Coverage  Op-ons  

Basic  Medicare  (Parts  A  and  B)  

as  primary  coverage  


Supplement    (Medigap)    


Part  D  Drug  Plan  


Medicare  Part  C  (Managed  Care  Plan)  as  primary  coverage  


Can  include  Part  D  coverage  

Op-on  1   Op-on  2  

Access  to  Part  C    requires  enrollment  in  

 Basic  Medicare  

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Enrollment in “Basic”



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Medicare  Eligibility    



§   65  years  of  age  and  older                                            OR  §   Under  65  years  and        receiving  disability  benefits  from  SSA  or  RRB        must  receive  these  benefits  for  24  months        before  eligibility  for  Medicare  (ALS  excepBon)                                            OR                      §   Under  65  years  and        diagnosed  with  End  Stage  Renal  Disease  

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Enrollment  into  Medicare    

Enrollment  in  is  handled  2  ways:  §   AutomaBc  §   By  applicaBon  

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Enrollment  into  Medicare    


       If  already  receiving:  § Social  Security  Benefits  § Social  Security  Disability  § Railroad  ReBrement  Benefits      beneficiary  will  receive  Medicare  card  3  months  BEFORE  benefits  are  to  begin.    


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Enrollment  into  Medicare    



If  not  already  receiving  benefits  –    beneficiary  applies  through  Social  Security  AdministraBon:  

§ 3  months  before  turning  65  § The  month  beneficiary  turns  65  § 3  months  a@er  turning  65    This  is  called  the  Initial Enrollment Period


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Enrollment  into  Medicare    


May  delay  enrolling  into  Medicare  if:  Individual  (or  spouse)  is  acBvely  employed                                        AND  Is  covered  under  group  health      insurance  policy  based  on  acBve  employment    


This  is  called  Delayed Enrollment

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Enrollment  into  Medicare    

May  later  enroll  in  Medicare  when:    Employer  Group  Health  Insurance  ends      You  have  Eight  Months  to  enroll.    This  Eight  Month  period  is  called  the  

 Special Enrollment Period    

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Enrollment  into  Medicare    


If  you  do  not  enroll  during  the  Initial or Delayed Enrollment periods,    

Then  you  can  enroll:  § January  1st  –  March  31st  of  each  year  § Coverage  begins  July  1st  § Penalty  is  assessed  on  Part  B  premiums      This  is  called  General Enrollment


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Prescrip-on  Drug  Coverage  



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 Medicare  Part  D  


§ Available  since  January  1,  2006  § Voluntary  PrescripBon  Drug  Benefit  § Provides  assistance  with  prescripBon  drug  costs  

§ Available  for  Medicare  Beneficiaries  enrolled  in      “Basic”  Medicare  (Part  A  or  Part  B)  

§ Plans  provided  by  private  insurance  companies  

§ Plans  must  meet  or  exceed  Medicare  Guidelines  and      all  plans  are  CMS  approved  

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MEDICARE  PART  D        Two  versions  of  coverage:  


§  Stand-­‐alone  PrescripBon  Drug  Plans      (PDP)  

§ Medicare  Advantage  plans  with  Rx  benefit  (MA-­‐PD)    

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Medicare Prescription Drug Plan

Plan Pays 95%

Beneficiary Pays 5%

Plan Pays 75%

Beneficiary pays 25%

Coverage Gap

No Coverage “DOUGHNUT


Catastrophic Coverage

out  of  pocket  limit  $4750    

 Ini-al  coverage  limit    $2970  

Partial Coverage

Plan  Deduc-ble  (if  any)  

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(2013)  Coverage  Through  the    “Donut  Hole”  


•  52.5%  discount  on  brand-­‐name  plan  covered  drugs  (less  small  pharmacy  dispensing  fee).    •  Paid  by  manufacture  (50%)  and  plan  (2.5%)  •  Counts  toward  TrOOP  

•  21%  discount  on  plan  covered  generic  drugs  •  Paid  by  federal  government.                                            •  Does  NOT  count  toward  TrOOP  

•  Discounts  will  increase  each  year  unBl  2020  


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Formulary •  A  list  of  prescripBon  drugs  covered  by  the  plan  •  Plans  have  “Bers”  that  cost  different  amounts  

Example  of  Tiers  (Plans  can  form  -ers  in  different  ways)    


You  Pay  PrescripBon    

Drugs  Covered  1   Lowest  copayment   Most  generics    2   Medium  copayment   Preferred,  brand-­‐name    3   Highest  copayment   Non-­‐preferred,  brand-­‐name    

Specialty   Highest  copayment  or  coinsurance  

Unique,  very  high-­‐cost      

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When  you  can  Join  or  Switch  Medicare  Prescrip-on  Drug  Plans  

Ini-al  Enrollment  Period  (IEP)  

§  7  month  period  §  Starts  3  months  before  month  of  eligibility  

Annual  Enrollment  Period  

October  15  –  December  7  each  year    These  are  new  dates  

Annual  Medicare  Advantage  Disenrollment  Period  

§  Between  January  1–  February  14,  you  can  leave  an  MA  plan  and  switch  to  Original  Medicare.  If  you  make  this  change,  you  may  also  join  a  Part  D  plan  to  add  drug  coverage.  Coverage  begins  the  first  of  the  month  a@er  the  plan  gets  the  enrollment  form.    

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Joining  or  Switching  Drug  Plans  Special  Enrollment  Periods  (SEP)      

§  Examples  of  when  you  get  an  SEP  include  §  You  permanently  move  out  of  your  plan’s  service  area  

§  You  lose  other  creditable  Rx  coverage  §  You  weren’t  adequately  informed  your  other  coverage  was  not  creditable  or  was  reduced  and  is  no  longer  creditable  

§  You  enter,  live  in  or  leave  a  long-­‐term  care  facility  

§  You  have  a  conBnuous  SEP  if  you  qualify  for  Extra  Help  

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MEDICAID  •  Health  Benefit  program  for  individuals  with  low  income/resources  

•  Funded  by  Federal  and  State  resources  

•  Administered  by  the  State          In  Pennsylvania  by  DPW  –  County  Assistance  Office    

•  Also  know  as:                Medical  Assistance                  Medical  Welfare          


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•  Medicare  is  a  Federal  Insurance  Program  with  eligibility  criteria  based  on  Age  or  Health  Status  

•  Medicaid  is  a  joint  State  and  Federal  Benefit  Program  with  eligibility  criteria  based  on  Income  and  Resources  

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Medicaid  Eligibility  

•  Not  all  people  with  low  income/resources        are  eligible  

•  Must  be  a  member  of  a  “group”  

•  Rules  for  counBng  income  and  resources  vary  from  “group”    to  “group”  


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Examples  of    Medicaid  Eligibility  Groups  

•  Eligibility  based  on  cash  assistance  programs      •  Supplemental  Security  Income  (SSI)  •  Aid  to  Families  with  Dependent  Children  (AFDC)    

•  Eligibility  based  on  non-­‐financial  categorical  requirements                                                                                              •  Pregnant  Women  •  Children    •  Aged,  blind,  or  disabled  



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Guidelines for Medicaid Eligibility (Aged or Disabled)

Single Married

(100% FPL)

INCOME: <$931 month

ASSETS: <$2,000

INCOME: <$1,261 month

ASSETS: <$3,000

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•  People  may  be  eligible  for  both  programs  

     For  Medicare  covered  services:  • Medicare  pays  first  • Medicaid  pays  second  

 People  in  this  situaBon  are  called  

“Dual  Eligibles”  

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• Basic Medicare (red, white & blue card) is Primary Coverage

• ACCESS card is secondary coverage to Medicare & will also cover things Medicare does not – i.e. dental and eye care

• Medicare Part D PDP is drug coverage, use Plan ID card at pharmacy

• Can change Part D Plans at any time/multiple times

• ACCESS card can cover drugs in classes that are excluded from Part D (benzos, barbs, some OTC medications)

   Accessing  Care:  Dual  Eligible      


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• Can go to any doctor or other health care provider that takes Medicare • Must show both Medicare and ACCESS card when getting health care services • Provider who does not take ACCESS card can refuse to treat individual, or can treat the person & just accept what Medicare pays – they cannot bill the individual for Medicare cost-sharing – (Balance Billing)

   Accessing  Care:  Dual  Eligible      


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•  “Special” Medicare Advantage Plans

•  “Special” because they limit their enrollment to certain Medicare beneficiaries. Examples: Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible, nursing home residents, or persons with certain chronic conditions

• Must use in-network providers

•  Includes Part D drug coverage

Special  Needs  Plans  (SNPs)

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• SNP Medicare Advantage Plan (e.g. Gateway Medicare Assured, UPMC for Life Specialty Plan), is primary coverage – Must go to doctors & other providers in plan’s network • Can change Plans at any time of the year/multiple times • ACCESS card covers things Medicare/Advantage Plan does not cover (e.g. dental and eye) • Medicare Managed Care Plan can provide Part D coverage

ACCESS card can cover drugs in classes that are excluded from Part D (benzos, barbs, some OTC medications)

Accessing  Care:    Dual  Eligible  using  SNP  

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Supplemental Security Income



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SSI makes monthly payments to individuals who have low income, few resources and are:

• Age 65 or older • Blind • Disabled (determined by SSA)



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SSI Income Eligibility Limits:

• Individual $698 • Married Couple $1,048    


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SSI Resource Eligibility Limits

• Individual $2,000 • Married Couple $3,000    


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SSI Recipients

• Anyone eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits automatically qualifies for MA • No application for MA required – automatic eligibility when SSI approved • Receive full MA benefits including Rx & dental

• Persons on SSI receive help with their Medicare Part A and B premiums

• State will pay Part B premium for these individuals • If Part A is not free, state will pay Part A premium

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Medical  Assistance    for  Workers  with  


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MAWD  •  Can  be  individual’s  only  insurance  

or  •  Can  be  secondary  insurance  if:  

• Individual  is  enrolled  in  Medicare    • Individual  has  some  coverage  through  employment  

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Individuals  Enrolled  in  MAWD  

• Receive  full  Medicaid  Assistance      

• Pay  a  monthly  premium  of  5%  of  countable  income    

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MAWD  –  Eligibility  Criteria  •  Age  16  -­‐  64  •  Illness  or  condiBon  that  meets  Social  Security’s  definiBon  of  disability  •  Be  a  recipient  of  SSDI  or;  •  Provide  documentaBon  to  DPW  that  demonstrates  disability  status  

•  Working  &  earning  compensaBon  from  work                      (no  minimum  work  requirement)  

•  Countable  income  <250%  FPL    •  $2,325/month  single  individual  –  2012  •  $3,150/month  married  couple  –  2012  

•  Countable  assets  less  than  $10,000  

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MAWD  –  Work  Requirement        No  minimum  requirements  for:  

•  Number  of  hours  worked  

•  Amount  individual  earns  however  

•  Individual  must  be  reasonably  compensated  for  work  

•  Must  provide  wripen  verificaBon  of  work  and  compensaBon  to  DPW  


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MAWD  –  Disability  

To  demonstrate  disability  for  MAWD  individual  must:  

•  Receive  SSDI  benefits  or;    •  Submit  documentaBon  which  can  include:  

•  Employability  assessment  form  •  Health  sustaining  medicaBon  form  •  Leper  from  physician  •  Medical  records  


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MAWD  –  Disability    

Individuals  who  are:    

• On  SSDI,  employed  &  in  Medicare  

• On  SSDI,  employed  &  waiBng  to  receive  Medicare  

•  Employed,  not  receiving  SSDI  but  meets  definiBon  of  disability  

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The  PDA    Aging  Waiver    Program  

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Home & Community Based Services

(HCBS) provides assistance

to the aged & disabled to permit them to live independently

in homes & communities

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HCBS  Eligible  Individuals  Receive:    

• Medicaid  Benefits      

• AddiBonal  in-­‐home  Medical  Services    • In-­‐home  Non-­‐medical  Services    



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Aging Waiver – Eligibility Requirements

•  Resident of Pennsylvania • U.S. Citizen or qualified non-citizen • Age 60 years or older •  Requires a level of care provided by

SNF • Monthly income limit < 300% of the

federal benefit limit for SSI •  Asset limit - $8,000


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Aging Waiver/ Health Care Benefits

•  Some Waiver enrollees are already receiving Medicaid benefits prior to entering the Aging Waiver Program. They already meet the income & asset guidelines for Medicaid eligibility.


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Aging Waiver/ Health Care Benefits

• Other enrollees would not otherwise qualify for Medicaid (do not meet the income & asset guidelines).

However, enrollment in the Aging Waiver Program, makes them eligible for full benefits under Medicaid.

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Aging Waiver / Medicaid ACCESS Card

•  Aging Waiver enrollees will receive an ACCESS Card that covers Medicare Part A and Part B Cost Sharing (the deductibles, co-payments, and co-insurance that the beneficiary is normally responsible for in the Medicare system)

•  The ACCESS card also provides services that Medicare does not cover: dental, vision, and medical transportation.


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Aging Waiver / Medicaid Access Card

•  Some Aging Waiver enrollees will already have an ACCESS card, because they are already enrolled in the Medicaid program prior to entering the Waiver program.

In either case….


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Aging Waiver / Medicaid ACCESS Card


•  For Aging Waiver enrollees the ACCESS Card can be an effective way to cover their cost sharing under Medicare Part A and Part B. As a result they can drop their existing Medicare Supplement (Medigap policy) or Medicare Advantage Plan (HMOs and PPOs) and rely on the ACCESS card instead.



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Things to consider when deciding whether or not to drop Medigap or Medicare Advantage Plans after

receiving the Access Card:

1. Will enrollee’s current medical care providers (physicians, clinics, medical facilities, etc.) accept the Access card as secondary insurance?

2. Dropping the Medicare Advantage Plan may also eliminate their current Part D drug coverage. Part D coverage is necessary to utilize the LIS-Extra Help benefit. As a result, the person will need to enroll in a new stand-alone Part D Plan.

3. The Access Card represents enrollment in Medicaid which will result in termination of enrollment in the PACE/PACE NET program.


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 Medicare  Savings  Programs  


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Medicare Savings Programs – Help from Medicaid paying Medicare Part B premium. For individuals with limited income and resources.

§ QMB (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary)

§ SLMB (Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary)

§ QI-1 (Qualified Individual)


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MSP  Eligibility  

To  qualify  for    Medicare  Savings  Program:      

 • An  Individual  must  be  enBtled  to    Medicare  Part  B    

                                               and  • Have  Income  and  Assets  within  the    program’s  allowable  limits  


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Guidelines for Medicare Savings Program

Single Married

QMB (100% FPL)

INCOME: <$931 month

ASSETS: <$7,080

INCOME: <$1,261 month

ASSETS: <$10,620

SLMB (120% FPL)

INCOME: <$1,117 month

ASSETS: <$7,080

INCOME: <$1,513 month

ASSETS: <$10,620

QI-1 (135% FPL)

INCOME: <$1,257 month

ASSETS: <$7,080

INCOME: <$1,703month

ASSETS: <$10,620

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Medicare Savings Program


(100% FPL)

Payment of Medicare Part B premiums;

Payment of Medicare Part A and Part B Cost Sharing,

Eligible for LIS (Prescription Drug benefits)

SLMB (120% FPL)

Payment of Medicare Part B premiums,

Eligible for LIS (Prescription Drug benefits)

QI-1 (135% FPL)

Payment of Medicare Part B premiums,

Eligible for LIS (Prescription Drug benefits.

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• Those approved for QMB receive payment of Part B premium and receive an ACCESS card to cover their Medicare Part A & B deductibles & co-pays (also qualified for SNP Advantage Plan) • Those approved for SLMB & QI1 only receive payment of the Part B premium

 MSP  Benefits  

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• Once person is approved for MSP, the state transmits data to Social Security to arrange for Part B payments (usually takes 2 – 3 months) • The state then begins paying the Part B premium each month & the person’s Social Security or Railroad Retirement check increases • SSA will also reimburse the person for the Part B premiums already paid retroactive to the date MSP was approved

 MSP  Benefits  

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MSP recipients who are entitled to Medicare Part B but not yet enrolled will: • Be enrolled into Part B & receive coverage beginning the month MSP starts (regardless of Medicare Part B enrollment period) and • Not be subjected to a penalty (if any) for late enrollment into Part B

 MSP  Benefits  

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• Automatically entitled to a full Low Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) that will cover most of the costs of their Part D Prescription Plan • Will be enrolled in a Part D plan by CMS if they have not yet joined a plan on their own • Have an ongoing Special Enrollment Period to change their Medicare prescription plan or Medicare Advantage plan at any time during the year or enroll in Part D

 MSP  Benefits  

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(LIS  or  ‘EXTRA  HELP’)  


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The  Medicare  Low  Income  Subsidy  

(LIS  /  Extra  Help) •  Provides  extra  help  with  the                                                      

costs  of  PrescripBon  MedicaBons                                      for  individuals  enrolled  in  Medicare            that  have  limited  income  and  assets  


•  Funded  by  the  Federal  Government  

•  Administered  by  the  Social  Security  AdministraBon  

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§ Income § 150% Federal poverty level

§ $1,396 per month for an individual or § $1,891 per month for a married couple § Based on family size

§ Resources § Up to $13,070 (individual) § Up to $26,120 (married couple)

Low  Income  Subsidy

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§ Full  LIS  Benefit:  §  Pay  no  premiums  or  deducBbles  § Have  no  “donut  hole”  § Have  small  co-­‐payments  –          (Beneficiaries  with  Full  LIS  in  LTC  faciliBes  or  enrolled  in        the  PDA  Aging  Waiver  have  zero  drug  co-­‐payments)  

 § Par-al  LIS  Benefit:  

§ Have  a  reduced  premium  and  deducBble  § Have  no  “donut  hole”  §  Pay  slightly  larger  co-­‐payments  than  full  LIS  beneficiaries      


 Low  Income  Subsidy      

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Income Guidelines for Low Income Subsidy (LIS)

Single Married

Full LIS

INCOME: <$1,257 month ASSETS: <$8,440

INCOME: <$1,703 month ASSETS: <$13,410

Partial LIS

INCOME: $1,257 to $1,396 month ASSETS: $8,440 to $13,070

INCOME: $1,703 to $1,891 month ASSETS: $13,410 to $26,120

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Low Income Subsidy (LIS)

Full LIS

No monthly Premium (guaranteed only with LIS benchmark plans);

No Deductible; Co-payments: $1.10 generic / $3.20 brand

Partial LIS

Monthly Premium (sliding scale based on income);

$63 Deductible;

15% coinsurance till total drug costs exceed $4750 TrOOP total, then Co-payments of $2.50 generic / $6.30 brand

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§ Some individuals automatically qualify for full LIS

§ People with Medicare who

§ Receive full Medicaid benefits (includes SSI, MAWD, and Aging Waiver)

§ Receive help paying Medicare Part B premiums (QMB, SLMB, and QI-1)

§ Others must apply to Social Security Administration and be found eligible for full or partial LIS

Eligibility  for  LIS

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Applying for LIS  

   • By  mail  (must  be  original  LIS  paper                                      applicaBon  SSA  -­‐1020)    • On-­‐line  

• By  phone  1-­‐800-­‐772-­‐1213  

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§ Duel Eligibles – Have both Medicare and Medicaid benefits

§ CMS Notification §  (Purple Notice) person is deemed eligible for full LIS §  (Yellow Notice) auto-enrollment notice

§ Beneficiary Action § Beneficiary’s enrollment in a Part D plan will off-set


§  If no action taken by beneficiary, CMS will auto-enroll into a Part D Plan

LIS  No-fica-ons

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§ Enrolled in the Medicare Savings Program (State pays the Medicare Part B Premium)

§ CMS Notification §  (Purple Notice) person is deemed eligible for full LIS §  (Green Notice) auto-enrollment notice

§ Beneficiary Action § Enrollment in a Part D plan will off-set auto-enrollment

§  If no action is taken by beneficiary, CMS will auto-enroll the beneficiary into a Part D plan

LIS  No-fica-ons

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§ Point-­‐of-­‐Sale  Facilitated  Process  for  pharmacists      (LI  NET  Program)    §  Pharmacist  can  call  the  LI  NET  Pharmacy  Line      at  1-­‐800-­‐783-­‐1307      

§ DPW  “Extraordinary  Coverage”  § DPW  will  approve  only  as  a  last  resort  

§  Pharmacists  calls  800-­‐558-­‐4477,  opBon  1  during  normal  DPW  business  hours  


“Safety  Nets”  for  LIS  eligible  

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•  PACE  and  PACENET  offer  comprehensive  prescripBon  coverage  to  older  Pennsylvanians  

•  Covers  most  prescripBon  medicaBons  including  insulin,  syringes,  and  insulin  needles  

•  Do  not  cover  over-­‐the-­‐counter  medicines,  medical  equipment  or  doctor,  hospital,  dental  or  vision  services    

•  Funded  by  the  PA  Lopery  System    

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PACE § Cannot  be  eligible  for  full  Medicaid  benefits    

§ Can  choose  to  partner  with  Part  D  plan    

§ PACE  alone  is  creditable  coverage  §  Income  is  based  on  previous  year  

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PACE ELIGIBILITY § Must  be  65  years  or  older    

§ PA  resident  for  at  least  90  days  

§  Income  guidelines:          Single  –  at  or  below  $14,50      Married  –  at  or  below  $17,700    

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PACE BENEFITS •  No  monthly  premium    

– Partner  plan  – PACE  only  

•  Helps  to  lower  cost  of  co-­‐pays  – $6  generic    – $9  brand  

•  No  annual  deducBble  

•  No  “donut  hole”  

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PACENET ELIGIBILITY § Must  be  65  years  or  older  

§ PA  resident  for  at  least  90  days    

§  Income  guidelines:                                                    Single  –  between  $14,500  -­‐  $23,500        Married  –  between  $17,700  -­‐  $31,500  

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PACENET BENEFITS •  Helps  to  lower  cost  of  co-­‐pays  

– $8  generic    – $15  brand  

•  No  annual  deducBble  

•  No  “donut  hole”  

•  Does  not  pay  Part  D  premium  

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1-­‐800-­‐225-­‐7223  or  or