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Appendix to Chapter 4 179 Appendix to Chapter 4 Hindering factors- intention-male sample Model Summary Model R R 2 Adjusted R 2 Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .230(a) .053 .036 1.05316 a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk ANOVA (b) Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 13.723 4 3.431 3.093 .017(a) Residual 246.233 222 1.109 Total 259.956 226 a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk; b Dependent variable: intention

Appendix to Chapter 4 Hindering factors- intention-male ...978-3-8349-8327-5/1.pdf · Appendix to Chapter 4 Hindering factors- intention-male sample ... Bandulet, F. (2005): Finanzierung

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Appendix to Chapter 4 179

Appendix to Chapter 4

Hindering factors- intention-male sample

Model Summary

Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .230(a) .053 .036 1.05316

a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 13.723 4 3.431 3.093 .017(a)

Residual 246.233 222 1.109

Total 259.956 226

a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk; b Dependent variable: intention

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180 Appendix to Chapter 4

Coefficients (a)

Model Unstandardised Coefficients

Standardised Coefficients T Sig.

B Std. Er-ror Beta

1 (Constant) 2.173 .322 6.747 .000

lack of pre-start up know-how

-.081 .106 -.062 -.759 .448

financial and failure risk

-.093 .100 -.076 -.926 .356

lack of interest and ideas

-.168 .080 -.162 -2.099 .037

social hindrances .080 .078 .073 1.032 .303

a Dependent variable: intention

Hindering factors- intention- female sample

Model summary

Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Esti-mate

1 .277(a) .077 .062 .90792

a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk

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Appendix to Chapter 4 181


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 16.817 4 4.204 5.100 .001(a)

Residual 202.784 246 .824

Total 219.602 250

a Predictors: (Constant), social hindrances, lack of pre-start up know-how, lack of interest and ideas, financial and failure risk; b Dependent variable: intention

Coefficients (a)

Model Unstandardised Coefficients

Standardised Coefficients T Sig.

B Std. Er-ror Beta

1 (Constant) 1.886 .261 7.226 .000

lack of pre-start up know-how

.049 .088 .044 .553 .581

financial and failure risk

-.226 .079 -.225 -2.853


lack of interest and ideas

-.102 .065 -.125 -1.569


social hin-drances

.000 .070 .000 -.003 .998

a Dependent variable: intention

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182 Appendix to Chapter 4

Fostering factors- intention- male sample

Model Summary

Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .301(a) .090 .074 1.02871

a Predictors: (Constant), independence, status, external factors and experience


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regres-sion

23.640 4 5.910 5.585 .000(a)

Residual 238.103 225 1.058

Total 261.743 229

a Predictors: (Constant), independence, status, external factors and experience; b Dependent variable: intention

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Appendix to Chapter 4 183

Coefficients (a)

Model Unstandardised Coef-ficients

Standardise Coefficients T Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -.419 .387 -1.082 .280


.323 .095 .245 3.382 .001

Status .032 .079 .028 .399 .690

External factors

-.006 .078 -.005 -.075 .940

Experience .088 .083 .081 1.051 .294

a Dependent variable: intention

Fostering factors- intention- female sample

Model Summary

Model R R2 Adjusted R2 Std. Error of the Esti-mate

1 .249(a) .062 .047 .91136

a Predictors: (Constant), independence, status, external factors and experience

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184 Appendix to Chapter 4


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regres-sion

13.525 4 3.381 4.071 .003(a)

Residual 205.154 247 .831

Total 218.679 251

a Predictors: (Constant), independence, status, external factors and experience; b Dependent variable: intention

Coefficients (a)


Unstandardised Coeffi-cients

Standardised Coefficients T Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -.400 .365 -1.096 .274


.214 .091 .163 2.341 .020

Status -.025 .074 -.024 -.337 .737

External factors

.040 .066 .044 .611 .542

Experience .128 .081 .118 1.568 .118

b Dependent variable: intention

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Appendix to Chapter 6 185

Appendix to Chapter 6

Business Plan Competition Key Dates

Establishment (n=32)

Year Frequency

1996 3

1997 2

1998 1

1999 3

2001 3

2003 4

2004 2

2005 5

2006 2

2007 5

Spatial catchment area (n=31)

Catchment area Frequency

local 2

regional 10

supra-regional 5

federal-state wide 9

Germany wide 5

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186 Appendix to Chapter 6

Number of participants in the last competition (n=31)

Participants Frequency

0 till 10 4

11 till 20 4

21 till 50 7

51 till 100 4

101 till 150 4

151 till 250 4

251 till 500 3

more than 500 1

Structure of the participants (n=31)

Participants… Percentage

… came from universities 19.7%

… came from universities for applied sciences 20.5%

… came from university research insti-tution 10.3%

… came from other research institu-tions 10.3%

… were established Companies 10.3%

… were start-ups 22.2%

Others 8%

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Appendix to Chapter 6 187

Key Facts of Organised Fairs

Organised fairs (n=30)

Number Frequency

1 21

2 4

3 2

4 1

more than 5 2

Duration (n=26)

Duration Frequency

1 day 21

2 days 3

3 days 2

Exhibitors last fair (n=25)

Number of exhibitors Frequency

0 till 25 8

26 till 50 11

51 till 150 3

151 till 250 3

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188 Appendix to Chapter 6

Visitors last fair (n=18)

Number of visitors Frequency

0 till 100 1

101 till 250 1

251 till 500 7

500 till 1000 2

1001 till 2500 5

more than 2500 2

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