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Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Aug 02, 2020



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Page 1: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 2: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information for the Ph.D. research entitled, "Human Resource management in the Natiodsed banks - A study focusing middle level of supe~sory officers of Coimbatore District".


I Name

: Designation and level of Low I hi~ddle 1 H~gh management

; Age

4 Education < Graduation i Graduation 1 > Graduation

! No, of promotions (Career > I / 2 1 3 1 4 1 > 5 path)

6 Training

SI. So,

. .

Name of the training Month attended

Place of training

Any other institutional training if attended,

mention .-.

Page 3: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix Eshowing the questionnaire Part B used for collection of data on 1 8 dimensions of HRD ISSUES for the Ph.D, research entitled, "Human Resource management in the Nationalised banks - A study focusing middle level of ,upenisory officers of Coimbatore District"

J refers to "I strongly agree" h refers to "I agree"

refers to "Undec~ded" j refers to "1 d~sagree" c refers to "I strongly d~sagree"

(Please "Tick in the appropriate column which you agree)

II. (i) Transparent Performance Appraisal (Guide to the column is given below)


I My self-assessment report has been taken into a b c d / account for Hntlng annual confidentla1 report I

: I Promotions in the banks are based on Annual 1 Confidential Repons

: , Some adverse remarks are e~ther not commun~cated a I at all or wmmun~cated after long delay

: My performance IS properly assessed and it 1s transparent in nature

(ii) Assistance for development and potential appraisal

1 There is scope to discuss with superiors regarding I the strengths and weaknesses of my work and ! conduct 1

There is counselling in my bank to improve myself a b c d e 1 I I I I I

1 Based on my potentials, 1 have been given a b c d 1 assignments and postingr -

a b

My superiors arc giving assistance for my I development in the department (weer 1 development)






c d e

Page 4: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Nhile u ses ing thc work of bank officers it is iesirable to take into account their contribution for

Subordinates are encouraged to acquire knowledge n banks

:iii) Feedback and Performance Helping I There is feedback from superiors to subordinates in ~ a n k s

The feedback from the public, press e tc , are helpful to improve, bank efficiency

We get only discouraging comments from everyone I a

(iv) Training for Scientific Performance

The training given to us by the bank is sufficient for our scientific performance

The present training programmes are adequate to meet professional standards

The 'in-service' Trainlng programmes are ylven to personnel In our bank who w~ll not later use the skills acquired

Our training institutions are inadequately equlpped for updated training - -

The '~n-service' training given IS Inadequate, not per~odlcal and not followed up effectively -~

(v) Career Planning and Development

Each person in the bank is fully developed --- - - - -

There is career planning for each person in the a banks

Page 5: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information


There is neither career planning nor development for individuals in banks a b c d e l


(vi) Employee Welfare and Quality of Worklife

Our living conditions are satisfactory

17 1 Our working conditions are satisfactory \ a / b I c / d / e I

1 am able to achieve my goal 1 aspiration in my official life

I i My present career in this bank is baud on my choice

2 8 1 My salary and increments are adequate a b c d

29 There IS "we" feel~ng among all ranks of the banks a b c d e


30 Our welfare is adequately taken care of by the bank a b

1 (vii) Rewards


a b

promotions and other recognitions in our bank , -

recognition in our bank

d c

33 The present promotion policies include extraneous I considerations eg. political recommendation



recognltlons and merlts

(viii) OD and Systems Development I 1 I /

d e (

1 have a feeling that I belong to service organisation

There is "hero" worship in the bank service

There are communal consideration in appreciating our work or conduct in our systems






a b c d e






Page 6: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Human resources development and other / a management concepts arc not practised in my bank

Bank p ~ o m e l are professionals like Engineers,

(K) Human Rerourecs Information

Adequate information and recording are kept on a personnel management i.e., recruitment, training, posting, promotion, transfer, retirement etc , at station, circle, sub-division, district, range and state levels

The system of 'Time and motion study' on various a functions of banking like file movement, processing of accounts etc , is available

The programme of work at all levels sub-division, a district and stare are adequate and effective

Programme drawn on investigation of cases is a effective (i e , repayment of loan, fraud activity by staff etc )

Adequate records are kept regarding number of a hours worked, leisure given, weekly offs, annual leaves, work-schedules, kept at station, circle, sub- division, d~strict, range and state

(I) Post-Retirement Rehabilitation 1 Bank personnel after retirement are respected by the a banks

Retired bank officers' views are taken into a consideration to improve the image of the banks

Retired bank officers' live long and with a satisfactory health

Retired bank officers are not at all respected by us I a

Retired bank officers are held in high esteem by the a public

Page 7: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information


There is a feeling in the department h t only Branch Managers and upwards think originally, while the lower rungs do not think so l a l b I c

(i) Improved Inter-penonrl Relations

1 am treated as the most important link in the bank system



5 5 Leaders in my department are democratic and not autocratic I a I b I C d I e I



(ii) Erective Task Performance I l l


1 am satisfied with the present grievance redressel procedure in the bank

The most promising among all ranks must be identified and developed as future leaders in my bank a i b i c

There is two-way communlcatlon In the banks - from top to bonom and bottom to top

Inspections and supervision by supervisors are adequate and effective l a l b l c




58 1 There 1s panlclpative management In department - Compulsorily pald holrdays may be glven to all

stress ~nvolved In bank work ranks ~n bank, so as to break the monotony and


like rural urban or different seats dealing wlth bank records and transaction

(iii) Better Quality of Service






6 1





1 have been promoted as per my due datss

Recruitment traning and promotions in my department are done on merits



d e

a b

a b c d e

c d r

Page 8: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

The suggestions of subordinates to improve the quality of service are taken with thanks in my department

improve the image of the banks



, 6 8 1 Usage of HRD pr~nc~ples and management 1 ; 1 I 1 ; 1 1 ; concepts In the bank department alone wtll lmprove our status

69 We may use 'Suggest~on Box' to Improve matters In our bank

The honc4st and efficient officers are d~sappeanng from the miun stream of the banking service


(iv) Improved Status

Modernisat~on of the banks alone will glve us improved status

There is a feeling among us that we have to repon to too many authorities such as Zonal Managers. political people and departmental superiors

e a c




b d


I 7 1 '

1 am sat~sfied w~th non-monetary cons~deratlons wh~ch go to improve our Status (eg Pnor~ty In school admrss~on, not stand~ng in queue to get a txket etc )



(v) More Power

There IS a lot more to be done under modernlsat~on in my bank





r ,

If only we are pa~d h~gh salary compared to other pnvate banks, our real power w~ll Improve

I 74 ,


B d s must be autonomous as recommended by some p p l c so that poltt~cal mnfluence can be avuted



1 have a feeling that the w ~ a y has recogn~sed the bank w ~ c e as M Important profess~on














d e /

d c

Page 9: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

1 (vi) Better Upward Communication I ' ! I l l 1



' 7

, -.



YO The lower level personnel e afra~d to1 a

b 1 c d 1 r 1 ( communicate freely with h e higher-ups



I / (vii) Bettcr Financial Position I I I I I I

The bank personnel must be accountable only to the law

There is a need for upward mmmunication in the bank system from Junior Assistant upto General Manager

'Grapevine' (Whispers, gossips, loose talks e tc) t communication from the subordinates also must be

given due weight by the superiors of the banks

The feedback system in the banks IS only "one- way-traffic" I e from the above to below and never from the below to the above

Better upward communlcatlon 1s apprcc~ated 111 the banks

c d a





81 i The pay and other emoluments paid to the bank 1 staff are the lowest and must be raised upwards 1

84 There should be un~form pay scales throughout a b India and between the different banks




Non-monetary perks like "Admission Professional Colleges of bank oficer's children, scholarships for them, special medicinal care for members of bank officer's family etc., must be

(viii) Bcner Social Commitment




a b





Money may be pa~d towards the medical needs and ch~ldren's education needs etc

The bank personnel must be paid specla1 allowances 11ke " r ~ s k allowances handsomely


! L








The bank personnel do not feel that they have got a responsibility towards the community and society













b c d e

Page 10: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

87 The social role of the banks is often forgotten by us - I and it is almost 'nil' l a i b i c l d l e l




1 am over worked and so there is no time to think of social obligations

The bank officers are accountable to superiors of the department, the judiciary and the revenue

, authorities and also the politicians but not to the society 1 public

The bank officers think that they are the servants of the public
















Page 11: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

C Appendixfihowing the questionnaire Part& used for collection o f data on

45 dunensions of HRD CLIMATE SURVEY for the Ph.D. research entitled. "Human Resource management in the Nationalised banks - A study focusing middle level of supervisory officers of Coimbatore Dismct".

Give your assessment by encircling the appropnate number

5 = Almost always true 4 = Mostly true 3 = Sometimes true

2 = Rarely true I = Not at all true

The top management of bank goes out ~ t s way to ensure that the bank personnel enjoy the~r worh

bank~ng system are extremely Important and they should be treated more humanly

1 G o p i n g subord~nates IS cons~dered 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 I

I important part of their lob by the top management in banks





8 The top executive belleves that the behav~our of bank personnel can be changed and can be helped to develop at any stage In the~r l~ fe


The personnel po l~c~es are helpful to the human 1 5

19 People in b d s u c helpful to u c h o lho

l 10, j





development In banks

The top management IS w ~ l l ~ n g to invest tlme and other resources to ensure the development of the bank personnel

The senior officers gu~de the junlors w~th Interest to help them In the~r jobs In bank system

The personnel lacklng competence are helped to gain competence by the senlor and experienced people

5 4 3 2 1


- 5


r .

Junior bank people are very informal with their superiors



- 7






-.--,- .






4 3 2 1

Page 12: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

11 The jun~or people In banks dlscuss thelr personal 5 problems with the senior officers and seek guidance for solving them

I ? Human relatrons in banks are so good that any 5 personnel wanting to aqulre new knowledge and sklH can do it I

I 13 Seniors guide their juniors to prepare for their 5 higher official responsibilities

14. The top executive scouts (searches for) for talent in the juniors and identify that and develop


17 Good work is always observed and special care is taken to appreciate it

based on objective (practical) and hll information and not based on favouritism

mental impression about each other

/ 20 The bank people are encouraged to experiment !21 1 with new ideas and try outcreatlve methods 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

M~stakes made by the bank officers are corrected 1 and not punished by top management

23 The bank personnel are given feedback for future 5 correction and development

22 The mistakes and weaknesses are comrnun~cated to the junlors by the seniors In a pol~te and non- threatening way


, 1


The personnel In banks take efforts to find out their strengths and weaknesses from the11 supemslng officers and colleagues


Page 13: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

26 The trained personnel are given opportunities to 5 practise their learning


27 Training is imparted based on needs

28 People trua each other in this organization / S 1 4 / 3 1 2 / I / 39 The junior bank personnel are not afraid to discuss

or express their feelings with their superiors

The training is taken seriously by the bank people and they learn from it

- - - -

10 The personnel do express and d~scuss the~r feel~ngs wlth the subordrnates and peers (colleagues)

4 5

The bank personnel are encouraged to take decisions and initiatives in their own sphere

develop handling higher responsibilities is quite common in this organization

When seniors delegate authority to juniors, the 5 juniors consider it as an opponunity for development

3 2





Team spirit is very high in this organization

Problems are discussed frankly and attempted to solve in mutually helpful way

Career development path is shown to the juniors by the seniors

37 The growth avenues of the organization are shown I to the bank personnel and are helped to prepare for 1 individual development





5 The bank personnel are aware of all the welfare 8 schemes and the welfare delivery system IS smooth

and helpful in the banking organizat~on









5 4 3 2 1









Page 14: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

.?o 1 Job enrichment and job enlargement are practised in this organization ('Job enrichment' means motivated job performance 'Job enlargement' enlarging the dimensions of the job)



. .


45 The bank personnel feel that a change of top executive will help to improve their lot


The job rotation helps the development of employees ('Job rotation' means changing from one branch to another branch of activities)

Employees do not feel suffocated in t h~s organization

Given an option, the employee will like to rejoin and work in this organization

43 ' The bank personnel feel that all their interests are



5 44




taken care of by the top management

The bank personnel feel that the superiors are not the real hindrance to their progress
























Page 15: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix IV showing the Mean. S.D, and Sum of the scores obtained by 120 respondents on the 18 dimensions identified on HRD ISSUES

,a ance : 603 ra rge I 9 :I I mum \{ax mum 1 i:

- . 2!87

%?ldl - - I .

total --- . w e , 120 Mising I 0

k a n 21 4


a lance j 1 2 2 rrgc 5

!J " I T U ~ 19 'tdximum 24

total 1 5] totam 2;

1636 1777 1600 1850

1 75 3 54

3 0 6 1257

14 10

21 23 1963 21)73 ." "

Page 16: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix V showing the correlation between background variables, age, education, promotion and training with the total scores of 18 dimensions of HRD ISSUES obtained for 120 respondents by Factor Analysis using SPSS package.


P D Ptdal FPh total

o DI total rcrl total

p total . 125 022 035 W2

~3 total \ s total

hhp total 050 1 ,024 1 Q U L total

Zrc. X!!-_-2___ -060 -- 067 1 AGE 070 / EDL 070 I plornot~on 447 I 481 I TRANG 269 104

yph TOTAL1 187 223 ID* total j 238 028

091 102

CP) tOUl EUU total

WR\ tdr l

PA t m ' I l k t d r l

kr) total ,,,J td'l

I S t d a r rp tdr l / n c c t d r l ' QF? total l lL tots1

Page 17: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

AOE EW pcwnotm TRANG TOTALl r? total A w tob l t d r ~ r s (

total .c P rnl E W "

tOtPl I I I .277 total c-rt 206 total r5a.f ' 590 total Ir . . 691 lotal 'I' ' - 411 total O * C ' .684 total R F P ' 685 total a r c ; 602 - ---- AGE ' 162 EDU promotion TRANG TOTAL1 lots1 total total total total total

316 ( l . ta~kd) total total total

total tota:

total total IOMl total total total -----

Page 18: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 19: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

-- -. I AGE 1 EDU I

AGE P e a m Correlat~on 1 (XX) 136 010 1 S g (2-tatled) 140 895 916 h

F DL) Pearson Conelatlon

- - - AGE Pearson Correlat~on

-- N 120 _ EDU 116

992 208 N -_ - _ - - - -.--l~o_--

3 ornollon Peamn Correlat~on 012 SIQ (2-taded) 1 895 992 000 000


000 I

-- 'otal Pearson conelaboh 060 067 583"

513 468 000 --

" Correlatlon a scgnlftcard at the 0 01 level (2-tailed)

S q (2-tailed) 140

N 120

" Correlat~on is s~gnlllcant at the 0 01 level (2-talledl

992 lrn


120 364' MX)

_ -120 - -680"- WO

120 promotion Peanon Correlation i 001

sg (Z-ta~led) 992

-RANG P e a ~ n Conelat~on - 057 116 SIQ (2-tad&) 538 208 N 12%- - 1 2 0 - -. -- - --

'otal Pearson Correlat~or~ 125

N - . . _.L- !20 120-

208 1 m 364" 000 120

1 000

120 - 339"- 000

- 1 ~ 0 - 1 20

172 1 120 -680" wo 120 339' 000

_ _ 120 1kiK


Page 20: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix V1 showing the factor analysis of 18 dimensions on HRD ISSUES, the conelation matrix between background variables, age, education, promotion and h-aining and 18 dimensions on HRD issues.

" Conelat~on IS slgn~tlcant at the 0 01 level (7.talled)

-. - AGF 1 .-- - -- - -&--

AGE Pearson Conelatlon 1 OOO

N L]L ~ e a m n ~orrelatlOn

SQ (2- t r l ld) N


Slp (24a1td) ' 538 N --- - -- ---- 120 I

ola Peancn Conelatlon , % (2-tailed) 1 MM

" N- .- .* -L-.. " Condahon a 8cpnlfmnt at the 0 01 Ievel(2-tailed)

Page 21: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Correlation n sgnlftcant at the 0 01 level (2 tatled)

Correlatlon 16 wgntflcant at the C 05 level (7 latled)

Page 22: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

- . - N EDU P a m CwreYm

Page 23: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 24: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Correlation m rrgnlfiin! at Mc 0 01 Iwel(2~tnlsd)

Page 25: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

--- 7p P e m Cam# &g (2C1led) ,

.-.- N 120 EDU ~a

- Correlrhon m m n t d tM 0 01 lsvel(2.blml c o r n * ~ o o ~ r ~ l c o n t ~ m c O ~ l a v a l ( P - W d l

I w ( 2 a l w - N , t f O m 4 l W l P ~ n ~ n c O n b l l h o n

I 8ip (2-bw

I N -TRANG ~wrwn ~ona*tmn I W (2aW.d)

-- N tohi PIIM ~ w r o ~ l o n

SCo (2*1w)

-.- -- tow12

. . 0 5 7 - " - - 3 5 284

--- 120 -018 837 - l?O

216' 018 120 IW3 370 120


120 .--- A-

- EW

. I36 140 120 ~ Y I O " ~ - . G - . - ~ ~ ~ X . - - Z - ,

120 .ml 991 110 116 2W 120

- O ~ D 8 7 120 L .

140 120 012 895 120

-057 5s 120

. lo3 26(

I N - - . - 1 ? 2 2 * . .

-- p P r n o ( l o n q ~

012 U95 1 M

882 120

1 0#)

120 W* WQ 120 216- 018 120

SJB 120 116 108 120 Jb(" 000 120


120 om 370

- 120

Page 26: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

* Common m * N a r d at Ma 0 05 kval(241Ikd)

" C M e l m n qnlfiunl at the 0 01 level (2.trIld)

Page 27: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

SIg (2-l)1ledl 538

- N EDU PouWicm%Gr - ;: 1 m) a 0 0 1

Sip (2-tallad) 902 208

Page 28: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appendix V11 highli&bing f~ uulysis on tht follt fretors obtliaed by fgtor analysis of 18 d i m on the HRD ISSUES containing four fiiftors hog Eigm values m &ow one with their maximum loading details.

Page 29: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

143 158 756 742 7 M E 4 2 - 1 s 428 5 1 W m lea 682 4740E.02 871 241 2 WbE01 873 135 8 4 0 ~ 0 1 875 .314 7889E-02 m 173 128 w -203 ~ I ~ E Q J 804 6341842 3826.542

-040 55WE-02 tlSWE42 - 703 332 158

314 811 165 .U)4 554 56024E-02

231 7 M -256 720 480 - 2 2 j M a

1 1 -258 1435E.02 4DQ 103 -83SE-02

.B80 - 128 3 877E42

.928 137 -2 575E-03 8 6 3 , ..- 140, 2831t g7

rod Pnnc~pl Comwnenl A n D l V

wm edrlchd

Page 30: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appmdix Vlll showing the uniwiate -is (ANOVA) of paccpaon on 18 dimensions of HRD ISSUES with Wgmund variables, age, education, pmmoti~n md hlining far the four fictors obbiaed in the Factor Andysis.

Tm Ill Sum of S w r n dl M@an 6pwq F Slp

cotroctad ~ o d e l 1 IM 455.1 2 1 82227 1 1529 1 22 1

119 1 I a R Square3 = 025 (Adjurted R Squared = 008)

Tnlr ol Eoh*rrn$ub)rclr C W

Dcpmanl VahlMe FACI

Typr Ill Sum of Squwm

Terb d EoWew-SuWtl E W

Depndent VanrMe FAC 1

Intercap EDU Error T o l ~ l Conedcd Total

CwnadModcl I 90 4 9 9 1 1 I SQ495 1 1878 1 198 dl

a R Squared 5 014 (Adlt~sled R Squared : WI

2237355 295 1 90 495 1

6365 297 1 :;: 4167281 WO

F Mamn Squara 811

6455 792 119 ,

2237355 295 90 495 53 943

41478 139 1678

000 198

Page 31: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information


Vulabls FACI

lyp 111 Sum of S q w dl MemQQtut~ F Sa

c m r d d w o b e ~ I a 184'1 2 I i j m 2 I 8% I 411

intercept RANG Error Total CorrWd total

8 R SqullOd 1 064 ( M l u $ l ~ d R Squared * M8)

121045 512 110 588 1626 878

631328 000 1737 467

1 / 121045512 8705214 3 977 2

117 120 119

lXKl 021 55 794

13 905

Page 32: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

I . R Squared : 000 (4djwl.d R Squared a . 00gl

Torb of 8.kmn-SubJ.cb Elhcl l

b p n d e n l Varlsblc HRI

~ y p e III sum of $querm Uf Moan $quota F Sb

7 3M11 2 1 3678 I 1 302 1 278

Page 33: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

D e p m t Varuble HRI

Error Total Corrected Total

a R Squared = 422 i~d~med R squares = 6121

195 398 39146 000

337 967

117 120 119

1670 1

Page 34: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

T r b of -ubJKb Elhetl

k p W n t V 8 f W : FAC4

0. R Gqwrrd = ,021 (Adlurtad R Squared v OM)

Sourcr ? ~ t d I d MOdd I M r r ~ d EDU Error Tol l1

Mean Square 1 446


T y p Ill Sum of Squara

1 446' 86364 646

,~amdad TOW 537 582 119

r R W u r r d * 003 (Mjmtld R SQu0nd -. OC6)

1 446 536 146

161651 000

dl 1 1

F 318

19007 938

SIP 574 WO

1 118 1 3

1 446 4 544

318 574

Page 35: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Twin d k h r m d u b j u a C m e b

Dmpmndent V m W I F A U

Page 36: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 37: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

2 S ; 2 5 :

~~ I '= ! 0075 i ~ 7 5 j KT75 '"I L


M - 120 0

5683 SOW ' 50

19 30

372 51

- 190


- ma




m75 -

120 0

5313 5000


321 03



915 5024

43n 4


l o o 75 1w

6375 1 5775 5660

120 0

4813 so.w



- 141


120 a

4875 woo

1 4 0




a V 2 5 m 3 v n v 2 s : 120 0

4675 wrn

S O ! W 5 0 S O 5 0





1 P 0

SZ.01) w.w













Page 38: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 39: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 40: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Appeadix X Bbowiog the comlatim rmJlix moag tbe bnckgmmd 251 wiabla md 45 dimcnsim idmtified for HRD CLIMATE SURVEY &mined by Factor dyds .




029 358 401 057 W1 473 W l 324 273 410 Mn 494 053 008 000 201 022 000 000 030 031 000 359 000 301 455 255 024 WB 005 171 298 433 000 Wtl 743 107 018 016 om OSB 001 DM am 711

Page 41: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

000 001 000

OM 000 000 000 081 133

m i m 095 012 001 OM)

107 OM 475 1JB 128 070 O#r 341 170 003 m 054 M 454 WO 01 0 421 1 0 -a8 OU 1 1 m -

mi r)l om ~ t 2 rw ms W O a m 0 0 0 235 Do0 018 037 096 Kt2 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 WO 036 000 294 143 237 001 m 1 0#)

010 076 #)(I 035 000 000 m D o 0 o m

om 000 018 WO OM) 000 W O W O W O W O O ( K 1 W O 172 737 344 W O O M ) W O O ( X 1 O M ) m m m m 142 W6 076 350 MC 471 WO 087 000 DM 055 001 001 003 004 091 oQ2 nj 455 059 055 007 492 001 OM ma 257 014 297 051 093 227 132 Z$4 106 172 003 462 o m 0 0 1 D 5 5 m m m m m 2 m 109 431 113 132 073 X# 007 Do0 m 038 457 #W mo loo 082 249 om a?a 1(D OD7 OW 001 O S 015 Zrs aa la

.*?e..-4-%- @Q-

Page 42: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

WO sol mi om M3 I 1 3m 203 001 312 401 m ssp 007 031 1 1 m3 02P 00J 167 107 038 001 091 om osl OM Otz am as ms 054 D53 017 001 1311 m 004 001 WO

279 W(I on am 008 223 173

148 149 472 0% 003 017 322 a3 001 448 175 ZM 101 118 #Y) WS 017 495 248 322 020 Otz

B s 591 099 000 003 111 231 c62 Gs 1 s ZW 477 4 1 ml 010 1 1 357 4 L - 0 7 6

Page 43: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

- - -*-

175 275


014 121 OX)

044 234 000 073 a73 257 W l 120 mi 005 D(A

010 000 248 m5 003 WO 321 019 000 104 322 283 216 ooa

OW 000 218 m 000 000 000 001 418 , 474

Page 44: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

n "---- AGE

( I 4 Em

? 1 TRANG v1

V2 V3 V4 Y5 uB

i ::

v a om 219


271 in 051 100 W 403 053 1 M 020

1 002 W1 168 048 450 165 262 214 v10 OW 010 421 1 Q 3 9 044 125 005 ~ 1 1 007 039 008 an 1~ 001 ~ 2 0 lee

V13 OW 004 082 OW 015 136 030

vu 3ag


## ia W 131 397 trio 134 1M 233

- --. -. vlg v41 w v u

) 1 V15

I vie V17 I vld

1 V1B ' VM ' V21

Vn V23 v14 V25

, VZCl ~ 2 7

3 2 474


018 OW 018 022 OW 019 UB 000 0%

OW OW is OW OW 000 040 233

036 000 003 184 XT)

0 061

018 230 104 2*


109 OX! 200

474 038 WO WO aos 067 a0 357

195 W1 450 121 008 089 314 472 072 04CI 112 237 491 087

1 "30 V31 V32 V33

~ 3 6 m v37 vJ( 'm VIO

vu V~


2e4 1 Y


## 323 131 Yi 1 000 325 045 470

M7 W3 i 031 021 OIiO 478 OW 003 3M 052 bBO 101 W7

458 3~11 m2 1

ma 012 1~10

025 w

V 4 1 2 0 4 ~

m ~7 121

ofa lB1


051) ni 132 071 U5 ma 105 Ml OBB

273 W3 460 300 114 181 082 MB 001 337 139



185 1 s 381 W

014 117 474 a


v ( l 0 0 3 a 5 O d 0 ~ 001 am ,112

110 lm 015

001 3sz U# 247 077 mi 202 a# Jsa

201 012


00J 07s 46 1TO 011 w 158 127 WO

W 013 m 010 001 001 M4 W4 005 111 477 441 314 054

012 m 000 00(

W3 1 1 211


427 za 007

OP1 MO 210 001 #IZ 000

031 000 321 001 010 141 O S

000 w i 300 om

~ U m ~ w s D o s ~

OM 291

3 4

s31 310 43U

rJd 000 KK)

213 003 367 C4U la 005 003 145 357 440 PB

087 oio Sso 007

032 mi 3M

y s 2 M t Q J W 7 PZS

0 3 0 W O 4 7 Y ~ rm

m m f S O _ O ? O

112 1% 41s OW 017 132 085 200 137 3(1(1

478 1 076 300 124

014 w I ? 21s

011 147 s4


a33 rn

no -.


= 057

M 7 sca W2


.3lo P) MO

285 ia 405 457

240 oio nS 128 112 007 4 s 339 070 3 8 ~

Page 45: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

A ~ i x XI rhowing hc corn-! mrtlix misting of IS frctm 256 MOT analysis MI WRD CLIMATE SURVEY rmdc on 120

-b W n g the bwkground wirblcs 4 45 d i m i o n s identified for &study.

la .253

170 4m 1 w 901 1311 425 12a

.X)8 -3M

4 451E42 320 34 1

Q WE42 159 838 618 602 571 w9 330 519 518 484 472 359

.28r - 125 223 436

6 b13E-02 WIB 189

9 S14EQ2 1 1

8 9071-02 35 1

5m.02 lea 1 to 179 ZJO 121

-149 712

dm-02 167


Page 46: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

coinpmult Mlr. 257

- . - . * - , - -- 0 10 11 12 13

180 8245F03 43951r-03 -3 161E-02 4 708t 07 j 5 8 8 7 ~ 0 2 -1 838~-02 188 i aixm swe~m 9 4x1~ 02 : 837%-02 4905E-02 3841t-W 44SBL42 4 b O n 0 7 133

195 123 2 ni l t -02 5354EU3 143 9 833E-m 4 s s a 4 ~ 4 ~ 4 2 i n ~ - m 3 ~ ~ - ( l l 11s 1 2 5 3 E a 9 W Q E 4 7429E-W 4 3 m - 0 2 . I49 . 173

1 3 112 1 418EU2 4 2WE-02 . 102 ' 1013E-02 - 114 3 D68&o2 J014E-02 - 1%

4767E02 4 776E-02 - a 7 -118 -7 70BE-02 3 4UE.01 145 -7 182E-02 860BE-03 153 -9 W E 4 3 -3 W E 4 2 " 142 -1 052E-03 -5 735E42 -3 283E-02 6 W E 4 2 - 187

125 4MOE-02 118 -80171.02 110 ; - 2 ~ 2 8 4 1 7 ~ ~ ~ N ~ E - O Z -1 103~m ne

153 - @ W E 4 2 -239 8SSOE.02 6WWO? 27D / -287 -7 BOeE.02 B(lbOE42 250 -1 DllE-02 293 1 -350

: v l l 5 2 6 x 4 3 j 7089€42 jV34 120 ! V33 - 137

/ V43 7431E02 - '1% . 107 149 309BE-02 .203 , 210 260 897KU2 6 014E.0;) 4 662E-02


181 137 -5439E-02 237 .~stt;~m

'85 1 - 174 260 74W€Q2 174

t VlS l M l .*$a 4%3E42 921 69


~ u a h o 6 . R n s * ~ A N y r

- 144 197

5 0 4 2 E M 112

957BE-03 -439

4 2511E-02 -242

6 5 8 5 E M 341

1 - 3 6 7 8 ~ 4 2 141

341ZE42 188

- 215 8 929tr-02

146 - 3 6 1 - I @

* V41

130 2815E-02

- 320 -280

2 l l l E Q 2 lm

.2761F.01 180

4 2 1 E - 0 2 3 335E42

-267 127

-0 163E-02 -1 tss~-02 -1 863E-02

- 188 115 263

-2-E-01 - O W 4 2

329 336 3 4 171 134

' ~ 4 0 1 113 1 b32 I . l@

EDU 333 VZi ; 122 V27 ! 139

* V j l I 10s ' v14 , 131

V23 : 406K-02

1DB .3 18X-02

. I29 5 963E57

.162 .7 009E.01

110 1 ea

9422642 378

2 WlE-02 d794E-01 8slar-02

176 3429F-02

-9 D05F 02 .410 - 126

.7A08E-Q2 ,

.3427E42 232

-2480E-03 8 645Ed2

.1W 28ME-02

214 210

7WE-02 - 107 6 603E-02 7303E-02

172 1 6pE-03

.1563E-02 177 191

6 012(.-02 . I55

143 -2 318k 02 1

165 i .3 770E 07 ' ,2 199f-03 ' -2 938E.02

.I50 1 -237 :


236 i lO83E-W

2W - 135 1 3 5QlE-02 i .2 WOt 03 2431C U3 , 1038E. 0:d 6 0785 02

191 ,

Page 47: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 48: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

258 Appendix XI1 lowing the total vuiancc explaining ~ I C I5 frcton; obtained

on factor uulysis of HRD CLIMATE SURVEY including 45 facton on IIRI) with background variables.


Page 49: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Univarlate Analysis of Varlance + \ q ~ CLIMATE 260

r .- A tpc&J Dl k '


Univarlate Analysis of Variance

40 Errs TO^ COmctOd f0hl

Tub d Blkmn-8- E M

Dependent Vanable F1

a R squared r 015 ( ~ j u d o d R squared = 007)

a R Squared = ,032 (Mluded R murod = 016)

81537495 2429191.671 4mn75a.w 2510729.167

Univarlate Analysts of Variance Tosb d ~ S u ~ E(hctr

Cepmaent Vanable F1

2 117 120 119

Univariate Analysis of Varlance


4071748 10762322



F 26 103


MeanSquan 387323470


8wrw ConeUed Model InlerorM


Slp 000 000

Tm III Sum of SQLUIU 774648 MI*


df 2 1

Page 50: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information
Page 51: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

-2 r 3 Turn of E n a s Dep.ndnt V W k OUTPUT2

S o w Type )ti di Mern F Sun Of &UM


In(erCOpt ls2aO665. 116260855. 1351.312 411 41 1

AOE 855a9.W 2 42781.022 3.7M Emrl9213015.1 117 11263.215

40 ToW17mim. 120

000 Comc(dl*Oo(ID.7 110

Total W a R Squsnd - .mi (Adjutad R Squud .. .045)

T-to of S D I M W W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ En- w e n t VulebC: OUT PUT2

S a m Type Ill df M u n F Sun of Sq-

Qq- Corrotd 0070.278 1 BOTB.276 ,788


EDU 8079278 19079.270 ,786 Error 13W700.5 118 11845.682


Comad1-.7 118 Total 92

R S q W = .DOB (4- R Sqrvrd - a.002)

T ~ t n of B~~ En- Dapuldm v u l w : OUTPUT2

scuw Type 111 df M e a n F Svnof S p w e

Page 52: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Tesb of Between-Subjects Effeclr Daperdenl VarkMe: OUTPUT2

Sourw Type Ill dl Mwn F Sig Swn of Sqwm

Squarw C o ~ l m d 33808.534 2 lBBOj.267 1.432 ,243

- . .

TRANQ 33808.530 216803287 1.432 ,243 Emr1373263.2 117 11737.293

58 Tola167081 875. 120

000 Cofracled 1406689.7 119

Total 02 a R Squared r ,024 (Adjusld R Squared - ,007)

Page 53: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

a R Squared 8 040 (Adjrnted R Squared = .0291

~ e ~ b of Betwmn-$ubjrta Enwtr

Dependent Var~able EDU

a R Squafad = 221 (Adjusled R Squared = 1651

Source Corrected Modal ~n~ercept TOTAL Error Total Corrected Total

Type Ill Sum of Squaros dl Mean Square F SIP

1 $61'1 0 / 155 1 511 1 846

Type 1 1 1 Sum of Square8

3 534' 798 683

3 534 12 457

1213 000 15 992

Intercept TOTAL Enac Tohl C O f r W Total

dl B 1 8

111 120 119

r R S p w r N t 036 (Adlustad R Spwrd a 054)

458 095 1 561

42 364 779 000

43 925

Mean Square 442

798683 442 112


8 111

120 l l B

F 3 936

7116513 3 936

Slp 000 OW 000

458 895 195 382

1202 562


OW 846

Page 54: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

HPD ~ l \ m & T-b d b t m n b U b J . c t l E m ,, pd .s

C~~pondrnnt Var~oMo TRANG

a R Squared 048 IMjurled R Squared - 021 1

Page 55: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

a R Squared = 015 (Adjusted R Squartd .OlOl

Wr*u of V m r

Testa of BetwnnSubjrotr Eflrob

Dependent VarlaMc EDU

U~(VYUI AMIYUS of V u ( m r

Testr of BehmnSubjnetr EIIwU

Dependent Var~aM* promotion

Sip w3 OM)


r R Squared = 11 1 (Adjuttd R Squwed = 088)

F 4 842

6007 070 4 842

Source c o m c ~ ~ o d e l Intercepl TOTAL Error Total Conadd Total

dl 3 1

3 116 120 119

Type 111 Sum olSguam

r 780' 735 966

1 780 14 212

1213 000 15 882

Maan Square 593

735 966 593 133

Page 56: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information d R.Nmn-S"b).cb E W b L- 4 Depndont Varuble TRANG

Typa Ill Sum of Luarm

Intercept TOTAL Error Total Corrected Total

2OB3'1 3 [ 698 1 2 507 1 061 dl

a R Squared = Cbl (Adjusted R Sguarsd a 0371

8lB4W 2 093 32 274

1408 000 )s 367

Mean Sam F

120 119

WO 062


Page 57: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Test8 of BehmnSubJrch Ethctr

Dcpenclrnl Var~able EDU

Source C o n e d d Model Intercept OUTPUT5 Error T o l ~ l Corfectd Tot11 r R Squarrd = 023 IAdjWed R Squared = .W2l

Tyw III sum of Squarer

365' 729 510


$19 093 OGQ 043

a R Spusrd = 0% (Adptw R Spurrce = 0291

Source Comdsd Modal Intmp OUTPUT5 Enoc Toml CamUrd T d

of 3 1


d l 3 I

3 116 120 119

~ype 111 Sum of Squarm

2 352 437 913

2 352 41 573

779 000 43 925

Moan Sguar* F $10 122 903 142

000 442

135 15627 , 116

Mean Square 784

437 B13 784 358

1213 W O 15 892

F 2 188

1221 9C6 2 188

120 119

Page 58: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Typa Ill Sum of Sguafn d Mnan Spuafe

lntlwerpt OUTPUTS Enor Total Cwreded Total

287' 1 3 1 9M1E-02 I 326 I 806 F SIP

I R Spunred = 008 (Adjuded R QusrM = .0171

831 325 287

34 079 1408 DM]

34 367


3 116

120 119

831 3 3 1 , 21129693 9 58tE.02 3 3

29.1 I I I

, WO 806

Page 59: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

!Jnkwhm Wits d V r i r r e C ~ M h r f

Tab d ~hnmnBubJmds Cnlcb

Dopndont V8nPble: AGE

Typa Ill Sum of Squaroa

Waim W y * s Of VYWC.

TOIU of Eo(wnn4ubjoeM Cfhcta

Dependenl V8r11blc EDU

Interecpl OUTPUTS Error T O M Cometd Tolal

1 2tv I s I 2% I ers I 500 dl

8 R Squared = 037 (Adjusted R S q u a r ~ = .0051

172 096 1 270

33 055 1361 000

34 325

S I ~ Mean Square

1 5

114 120 11s


172 096 254 280

593 528 876

000 500

Page 60: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

T u b of B.huunSub).cb Emsb

D.p.ndent VarteMe: TRANG

Type III sum of Spuares

Intercepl OUTPUT6 Error Total ComoWd Totel

1 271' 1 5 1 254 1 676 I 500 SIP dl

a R Squered 9 037 (Adjurted R Squared = - 005)

181 558 1271

33 098 1408 000

34 587

Mean Sguare

1 5

114 120 119


181 558 254 290

G25 389 876


000 500

Page 61: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Oepmdcnt Varlrbh AGE

a R Squared = 004 (Adjusted R Squared = ,0041

Dependent Var~able EDU

Typo Ill Sum of Squrres

Dependent Variable promotion

Intercep OUTPUT? Error Total Corraded Total

3 7 ' 1 1 I 2 6 7 1 2 0 0 1 1 160 dl

a R Squared = 017 (Adjustbd R Squared = 008)

1075 267 287

15 725 1213 000

15 992


Mean Spurre

Intercap OUTPUT7 Error Tobl Cornded Tohl

1 1

118 120 119

Type Ill Sum of 5quares


150'1 1 I 150 1 404 1 526 df

I R Squared = ,003 (Mpd R Squrrd = - 005)

646 817 150

43 775 779.000

4 3 3


1075 267 267 133

Slg Mean Square F

1 1

118 120

8068 774 2 001

000 160

646 817 150 37 1

1743 561 4 0 4

000 526

Page 62: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

T n b 01 DahvwnSubjoob Elhcb

M&l lnterwpt OLITPCIT7 E m Total

Type Ill 6um of Squara

204' 1210 504

.Corr.ctrd TOMI 34 387 119 a R Squared = 006 (Adjusted R Squared = .002)

204 34 162


df 1 1 1

118 120

Slp. 403 OW

Mean Square 204

1210.504 204 290

F 706

4181 178 705 403

Page 63: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

W r u ~ o ( V U b I M

f e s a d Iklwnn-sub).cm e w t a

Dependent Vanabla AGE

Tasb) of Ikhu*.nlubJutr e n u m

Dependent Variable EDU

SWIM Conectnl Modal I-@ dClTPVT8 ER# T oml Conedd Total

Corrected Total 1 15992 1 119 1 I a R Squared = 063 (Nlustcd R Squared = 0531

a R Squarad = 057 lAd)ur\sd R Spuarcd = 0151

Type Ill Sum of % ~ l l @ S

1 WP 145.514

1.948 32.378

1381.000 34.325

Source Cofmctd Model lntercep OUTPUT8 Error TOW

Testa of L l w r m - S u b J ~ b E n ~ h

Dependent Variable prornot~on

5f 5 1 5

114 120 119

of Sguarn .

1 488' 150 M 3

1 488 14 504

1213 000

Source Conec!ed Model lntercep OUTPUT8 Error TOM

Conectad Total

Mean Square 3W

145.514 ,390 .2(U

df 5 1 5

114 120

4 R Squared a 028 (Adju~td R Squ81d - 015)

W r u r ~ d V * I Y I U

rype III sum of Squares

1 223' 78 959

1 223 42 702

779 MX, 43 925

F 1 373

512.380 1.373

Mean Square 29b

150 &I3 298 127

Sg 240 ,000 ,240

dl 5 1 5

114 r 20 119

F 2 338

1184 024 2 338

SM 046 000 046

Mean Square 245

78959 245 375

F 653

210 793 853

SIP 680 000 660

Page 64: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Demndant Variable: TRANG

T y p 111 Sum of Squatm

Intercept OUTPUT8 Error Total Corrected Total

2 1 l . I 5 1 437 1 154B 1 180 dl Mean Square F Su

a R Squared = 064 (Adjusted R Squared : 023

160 756 2 186

32 180 1408 000

34 367

1 5


120 119

180 281


Page 65: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Univariate Analysis of Variance

a R SquareU = ,027 (Adjusted R Squared 8 010)

Univarlate Analysls of Varlance

a. R Squared = 001 (MJusted R Squared = - 008)

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Unlvariate Analysis of Variance

Page 66: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Tub d BdwanSubjecb E M

Page 67: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Tesb al [ k h m n - s u q ~ b Dwpondmnt Vanable. AGE

Temb d k h m n l u b j r b En-

Depmdmt Variable EDU

Testr of B.twwnSubjcctr Ef iu t r

Dependenl Var~able TRANG

T y p Ill Sum of Squares

Intercept OUTPUT 10 Error Total Corrected Total

669' 1 3 1 223 I 1689 I 173 Maan Squara dl

I R Squared m 042 (AdjuQsd R Squared = 017)

324 134 669

15 322 1213 000

15 992


Source Conedad Modal lntarcep OUfPUTlO Enor Total Corrected Tolal


1 3

116 120 119

a R Squared = 020 tAdjuslad R Squard =. 0-351

S I ~ 498 000 498

Type Ill Sum of Squafe~

694' 387 442

694 33 672

1408 000 34 367

I Mean Square F .

324 134 223 132

df 3 1 3

116 120 119

231 387 442

231 290

797 1334 728


2453 925 1689

OW 173

Page 68: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Error 42 172 116 Total 779 000 120 , CO~~OCIW 10ta1 43 925 119

a R Squared = 040 l AdlUded R Squared = 0151

Y4 I

Page 69: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Intereepl 74921 041 74921 041 513 471 1 240 931 1 : , I 1 2 0 4 6 5 1 ..I $ 1 AGE Error 17071 569 145 91 1 Tolal 332500 000 Correded Total 17312 500 119

a R Squared = 014 (Adjusted R Squared - W3I

dl Mean Square

un~vu*le M y 8 1 8 ol VUWO

T n b of BmWeenSubjl~tl EHocta

Dcpndenl Varlablc OUTPUT! l

2 1 120465 I 826 1 44 1 F

Intercept 178863 568 178883 568 1245 264 I 363 568 ll:i 3 6 3 5 6 6 1 2 5 3 1 ': Error 16948 932 143 635 Total 332500 000 120 Corracted Total 17312 500 119

a R Squared = 021 (Adlusled R Squarad = 0131


irnrvvina W y d l Ol vulvre

Tasb of BeIw.mbubjuU EfluU

Depndenl Var~ablc OUTPUT1 1

F dl

a R Squornd r 018 (AdjMed R Squared OQll

1 1 363 568 1 2 531 I Mean Squara

Page 70: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Tmmtr d w n b u b h t s Emb

Dependent Var~rMe. OUTPUT11

Swnn CON&^^ M ~ d d 1- TRANG Enor Total Corrected Total

Typa Ill Sum of aumrr

la3 928' 69684 289

193 926

a R Squared. 011 (Adlustod R Squared = - Od61

17118 574 332500 OW


df 2 1 2

117 120 119

r46 313

Sa 517 OM, 517

Mean Squuo 96 1 3

69684 209 96 %3

F 663

476 270 663

Page 71: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

T r b 01 8aIwamSubJ.Sb E b c b

a. R Squared = G€4 (Adjmted R Squared = - 011)

a R Squared = 000 IAdjusted R Squared OOOl

Page 72: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

a. R Wuarsd r 011 (Adju6ted R Squared = .0061

Page 73: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Toab of BoWmnSubjecb Eff lcb

Dependent Var~able OUTPUT13

Sour= Corroded Modal Inlercept AGE Error Total Corrected Total

a R Squared = 003 (Adlusted R Squared = .0141

T y p Ill Sum of Sawre8

74 307' 83536 630

74 307 21675 693

352500 000 21750 000

Un~vuldr M y u s ol V w w r

Toab of BotwoonSubJoctr Effocta

Dependant Variable OUTPUT 13


Intercept EDU Error Total Corrected Total

df 2 1 2

117 120 119

31 657' 1 1 1 31 657 1 172 679

Type Ill Sum of $4uare6 Mean Square df

a R Squared = 001 (Adjusted R Squared = .007)

173094 157 31 657

21718 343 352500 000

21750 000

Mean Square 37 154

83538630 37 154

185 262



1 118 120 119

F 201

450910 201

SIQ 810 000 810


173094 157 31 657

11)4 054

940 454 172

000 679

Page 74: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

dl Mean Square I F 1 SQ 2 1 608462 1 3 467 1 034

Intercept 63038 586 1 63038 586 TRANG 1216 924 2 608 462 Error 20533 076 117 175 496 Total 3525M) 000 120 Corrrctod Total 21750 000 119

a R Spuared + 056 (Adjusled R Squares 040)

359 202 3 467

000 034

Page 75: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

a R Squared = 057 IMjumted R Squared = 041)

Wwh bndyr 01 uwlncr

T n b O( B o h m n l u b j l c b L l h c b

Dt#neml Varlabla OUTPUT14

8 R Sguared - GO7 (Adjusted R Squared a . 0 0 1 I

T n t l of BatwnnSubjub Enact8

D a p M t n t Var~aMt OUTPUT 14

a. R Bquard = 018 (Mjuctd R Squard W l I

Page 76: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

dl Mean Square

ItWcep4 PROMOTIO Error Total CorrectMl Total

2 1 462728 1 2531 ( 0 F SIQ

a R Squared = 041 (Ad)uatad R Squarcd : 0251

284996 145 BX 457

21387 043 675000 000 22312 500

1 2

117 120 119

284998 145 462 ne 182 705

1558 100 2 531

000 OM

Page 77: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

Univariate Analysis of Variance

Intercept 114345.248 1 114345.248 202 616 ,000 AGE 1259.192 2 829596 1611 204 Error 45719.975 117 390,768 Total 547500.000 120 Correctad T h l 46979.187 119

a R Squared = 027 (AdjMed R Squared = .010)

Twtr of B.(WI.n4ubJ.C(1 ERacb

Depclndmt Vanable. FlS

a. R Squared = 001 ( M j W R Squared = ..WE)

Intercept 185029.34 1 1 185029.341 479380 000 PROM 1619~DOB 2 800.953 2358 009 EflOf 45158.31 117 365 977 Totll 547500.00(1 120 CmwW T&l 4M79.187 110 a. R Sgurnd .OJO (AdW R SquIrod = ,4221

Page 78: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

r w r k c w m - s u m E-

Dependent VarlaMc FIS

Page 79: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

mdix XI11 showing the communrlities on factor analysis of HRD 290

CLIMATE SURVEY made on 120 nspondmts using 45 dimensions and the background wiablcs.

Page 80: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information

APPENDLX XIV rhowing the traininp offered by RBI during the ymrr 1998-

99 and 1999-2000

S. Nuedlbetnhirg Nad Na d Wad Na d Na p n p r u a pvtkipuu p r g u u a o put*lpmu

trrhi*L 1999-1600 kwlloed L 1-99 k#ll(ed 1991.1999

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Colkge, Mumbai

Page 81: Appendix - · Appendix 1 showing the questionnaire Pan A used for collection of data on background information